The End Times - Jesus Christ and Mahdi

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Imam Mahdi - The Last Savior


Syed Abidi
“Surely, they think it (Zahoor) to be
far off, and We see it (Zahoor) near.”
[Dua e Ahad]

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1

From Author’s Desk
“Signs and Symbols rule the World, not Words nor Laws.”

By the grace of Almighty Allah and 14 Masoomeen, I have completed the most difficult work of
my life on which I have been working for the last many years.

It is an established and agreed fact that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is very near. Our Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and all 12 Imams made prophecies about the conditions of the world before
His Zahoor and gave clear indications how to see the coming events of the future and prepare
ourselves for His Final Zahoor.

Nobody is allowed to fix the date and time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) except the 14
Masoomeen of Allah who are the Faces and Tongues of Allah.

They already told that the date would 10th, the month would be Muharram, the day would be
Friday, and the year would be Odd year. The only thing missing is the Century and the exact year.

The Year and the Century was also indicated by 14 Masoomeen of Allah in the name of “Mahdi”.
This is the way how the 14 Masoomeen of Allah explained this secret to their followers. Now it is

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2

our duty to carefully examine their Ahadith and seek the hidden aspects of 14 Masoomeen of

So you would be delighted to read this interesting book. Maybe you would find lot of things which
you don’t agree or don’t know about it. So be patient unless you finish the book.

Thanks and enjoy the book,

Syed Abidi

“Words are Numbers and Numbers are Words”

“Prophecy is history, written in advance.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 3

I do not claim that I am fixing any Year and Century of the Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS).
No one can claim or fix the Date of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) but only Our
Masoomeen (AS) and Allah knows the Exact Date, Year and Century. The time has 6
elements i.e. Date, Day, Time, Month, Year and Century. Our Masoomeen already told
about the Date i.e. 10th, Month i.e. Muharram, Time i.e. Asr (Afternoon), Day i.e. Juma
(Friday). Now the only missing things are Year and Century. They also indicated the Signs,
Symbols and Symptoms of that Century and about the Year which would be 'Taaq" i.e.
Odd year. Now if we analyze the Ahadith and Sayings of our Masoomeen with the help of
Holy Quran, we can see that the Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS) is very near.

Our 14 Masoomeen and the Holy Quran are indicating Signs, Symbols and Symptoms of
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and if their Ahadith and Sayings clearly indicate some Year
or Century and the Scholars and the Visionaries of the Divine Scriptures all over the world
also come to the same conclusion then we have to analyze that time frame very carefully.

The whole purpose of this research work is that the Ahadith and Sayings of our 14
Masoomeen (AS) supported by the Holy Quran clearly indicate that the Zahoor of our
Imam Mahdi (AS) is going to be in the Year 28th July, 2023 AD i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445

How their Ahadith and Sayings are indicating? That is we have to explore in this research
work. Also the Scholars and the Visionaries of other religions like Christians, Jews, Hindus,
Mayans, Chinese, etc are also writing hundreds of articles and books which also indicate
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ or the Coming of Messiah or the Establishment of the
Divine Kingdom.

For centuries the humans especially the Momineen who believe in 12 Imams and 14
Masoomeen waited for their Imam Mahdi (AS) and now we all are witnessing the Major
Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). Even the ordinary Momin is convinced that we
are living in End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and His Zahoor can take
place at any time. Now the Sayings of Masoomeen would give us the wisdom to come to
the Year which fulfills all the Signs, Symbols and Symptoms of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

There are more than 1400 Ahadith and Sayings of our Masoomeen (AS) in this research
work about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). We all pray for our Imam's Zahoor. Amin

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 4

Prophecy of the World Visionaries
All the Nations are Saying -------------2023 AD
1. Old Testament – The Book of Daniel (Ch – 8 and 12) 2023 AD
2. Saint Malachy in 1139 AD [Second coming after 112th Pope] 2023 AD
3. Famous - Nostradamus in 1555 AD [ 4 months before 2023] 2023 AD
4. Paracelsus in 1550 AD - who discovered Zinc 2023 AD
5. Ian Gurney in 1999 AD in his book “The Casandra Prophecy” 2023 AD
6. Naemat Shah Wali in 1175 AD [End of Times after 1998 AD] 2023 AD
7. Prince Handley in his Book – Prophetic Calendar 2023 AD
8. Robert Singer in his research papers 2023 AD
9. Wayne L. Atchison in his book, “120 Jubilees” 2023 AD
10. Hindus Scholars -- 2023 AD
11. The famous Documentary, “The Arrivals” Ep. 26 2023 AD
12. The Book – “2023 – The New Beginning” by Dan Dewolf 2023 AD
13. The Book – “2023 – The Fall of an Empire” by Abel Cain 2023 AD
14. Bassam Jarrar – - 2023 AD
15. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi of Turkey 2023 AD
16. The Website --- 2023 AD
17. 100 Astrologers predicted in 1974 AD in South Korea 2023 AD
18. Biblical Prophecies about End Times 2023 AD
19. Encoded in the Abjad of the Name of Imam - “Mahdi” - 59 2023 AD
20. Mayans Scholars in their prophecies 2023 AD
21. Latest Movies and Documentaries of End Times 2023 AD
22. Islamic Prophecies indicating the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi 2023 AD
23. Signs and Prophecies in the World today 2023 AD

The visionaries, scholars, intellectuals, writers, philosophers, thinkers, etc of all the
religions of the world cannot be wrong at the same time. They are coming up with
the same result of 2023 AD as the second coming of Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi,
which would be the Start of the Divine Kingdom.

The End of Days------Second Coming of Jesus and Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 5
World Events Before and After the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
“And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, and hunger, loss of life and loss of crops by
drought. And give glad tidings to the steadfast.” (Surah -2, Verse – 155)

7 Years ---- Tribulation Period (28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD)

2016 AD: Worldwide--- Wars & Conflicts, Economic Tribulation and Disturbances.
2017 AD: Wars and International Conflicts would pick its momentum when Western powers
would start colliding with the Eastern powers.
2018 AD: The World would see Trade Wars, Currency Wars and Psycho Wars.
2019 AD: Political and Economic turmoils all over the world. The Wars would further escalate.
2020 AD: Major Economic Collapse in the World and the World would go in Great Depression.
2021 AD: Global Drought and Diseases. Worldwide Drought and Diseases, Global political
instability. World War - 3 would officially start in the Middle East.

2022 AD: 1/3rd population of the world would die in 3rd World War Destruction. “Red Death”
would occur in the World as told by Jesus Christ & Prophet (PBUH). 1/3rd - More population
would die by Global Drought and Diseases. “White Death” would occur in the World as told
by Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Dajjal (Anti Christ) would appear and New
World Order would be in effect. The Last Suffiani named, “Usman” would emerge from the
Middle East in early 2023 AD in the month of Rajab.

2023 AD: Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)
 14th April, 2023 AD __ 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday) – Kharooj from Yemen
 28th July, 2023 AD ---- 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday) – Zahoor from Mecca

2024 AD: War of Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ against the enemies of Humanity and God.
Punishment of all major criminals of Humanity in the History by Imam Mahdi (AS).

2025 AD: The Establishment of the Divine Kingdom and the Rule of Law and Justice. World
would be divided into 313 Provinces under 313 Governors appointed by Imam Mahdi.
2026 AD: The period of peace and prosperity under Imam Mahdi's rule would start.
2026 AD onwards: Imam Mahdi would rule the Whole World for 7 years and each year would
be like 70 Worldly years, so a total of 490 years of Divine Kingdom. Then our 12 Imams would
rule in the World known as ‘Rajaat’ for the next 84,000 years, each Imam ruling the world for
7,000 years. The Big Judgment Day i.e. Qiyamat would occur on 23 rd Ramazan, Friday at Asr
time as told by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 6
Research Work on the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
With the grace of Almighty Allah and help of 14 Masoomeen of Allah, I am proudly
presenting the Research Work on the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). In this research
work, I have taken the help and support from the following sources which also
prove its authentication and they are:

 The Holy Quran

 Sayings of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
 Sayings of Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS)
 The Holy Bible (New Testament)
 The Old Testament
 Sayings of our Imams (AS)
 Nostradamus – Most Famous person who made prophecies about future
 Paracelsus – Who Discovered the metal ‘Zinc’
 Naemat Shah Wali----Most Famous person in Indo-Pak who made prophecies
 Baba Venga
 Ian Gurney --- Author of “Casandra Prophecy” published in 1999
 Bassam Jarrar ----
 Hindu Scholars -- From their website ---
 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi of Turkey
 The Website ---
 Prince Handley in his Book – Prophetic Calendar
 Wayne L. Atchison in his book, “120 Jubilees”
 Mayans --- Books
 Saint Malachy in 1139 AD who made prophecy about the Last Pope - 112 th
 Christians, Jewish, Muslim Scholars, Philosophers and Writers
 End Times Prophecies
 The Books available on Internet
 Mathematics (Pure Science)
 Ilm e Jaffar (Knowledge of Numbers)
 Ilm e Adad (Knowledge of Arabic Alphabets)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 7
 Geography
 Numerology
 History
 Statistics
 Political Science
 Cycles ---- History, Wars, Economic, etc
 Geo – Political situation in the World especially Middle East
 Trend Analysts
 Space science
 Hollywood Movies
 Albert Pike --- Famous letter to Italian Leader
 The End Time Signs by Kurt B. Bakley
 The famous documentary --- The Arrivals --- available on You Tube
 Climate changes, etc

Last but not the least, the precious Gift from my Imam i.e. the understanding and
interpretation of the Quranic verses and the Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and the sacred sayings of our Imams.

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

“Knowledge is a point, only ignorant people spread it.”

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Events before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in 2023 AD

We have to go through all the major world events as predicted by our Prophet and
Imams before we see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor would
not take place unless all the major predictions and prophecies of our Prophet and
Imams would not take place. So please watch the world events carefully which
would happen in the same sequence as described below before accepting or
rejecting this document.

o 1998 AD to 2015 AD ------ The whole world would remain under different kinds of
attacks and wars since 1998 AD whether they are economic, political or social.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 9

9-11 terrorist events happened in USA. 7-7 terrorist events happened in UK. 26 - 11
terrorist events happened in India. Then there were wars and foreign invasions in
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Ukraine, etc and the list goes on.
o The stocks and insurance markets fell in 2008 in USA and since then the whole world has
been experiencing a continuous recession, depression, social riots in Europe, USA, protests
in Thailand, Egypt, Ukraine, and so on. The Euro and Dollar is still in crisis. The Gold and
Silver markets are totally unpredictable.
o The trend analysts are forecasting a big war in Middle East. The currency and trade wars
are ON between West and China and Russia. The world is watching the Ukraine Crisis
which is converting into Civil War of Ukraine. The West along with USA is in full
confrontation with Russia on the issues of Ukraine, Syria and Iran. Recently Russia and
China made a deal of $400 Billion dollars Gas deal which is also not in the favor of West.
The Cold War is now converting into Hot War and finally it would convert into a Big Third
World War by the 2019.
o 2016 AD to 2020 AD –: India would attack Pakistan by the year 2019 AD. Their planning
of war and intentions was quoted by the Chief of the Army Staff of India in his recent
speech on where he mentioned that India might be engaged with Pakistan and China at
the same time and they are preparing for two wars at the same time.
It is very interesting to note that the top 3 Weapons buyers countries in the World are
1. India
2. China
3. Pakistan

These weapons of mass destruction would be used in the coming War among these 3
Countries in 2021 AD. The whole world have seen continuous drastic economic changes
and challenges in 2015. The Euro region destablized. The gold, silver and oil prices became
unstable. The years 2015 - 2018 became the “Economic & Political upheaval” years in the
whole World. The Stocks markets all over the world also became unstable and investors
lost lot of money.
o 2021 AD would be the last year of the International Hajj event. There would be no
international fligts for Hajj because of the spread of World War – 3 on and after 2021 AD.
o The Big Third World War in Middle East as predicted by Ahadith and also in Biblical
prophecies was started in July 2014 exactly after 100 years when World War 1 was
started on 28th July, 1914 AD. The wars in different regions would kept on increasing in
2015 AD - 2021 AD. This Big Final War would be officially released in 2022 AD. The
regional wars are already underway in Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Egypt,
North Korea, Pakistan, Mali, Somalia, etc and they would convert to Third World War once

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 10

the attack on Iran would begin. The Ukraine Crisis is unfolding and the NATO buildup is
going in fast pace at the borders of Russia, China and Iran. The attack on either Ukraine or
Iran would convert the regional wars into World War 3 as explained by political experts all
over the world.
o Prophet Muhammad said: “ Sindh (Modern Pakistan) would be destroyed by Hind(Modern
India) and Hind (India) would be destroyed by Seen (Modern China).” In 2022 AD, we
would see the wars between Pakistan and India and India and China attacking each other
and destroying people and property.
o Iran could come under attack in the year 2022 AD. This war with Khurasan (modern Iran)
was fully described in the speeches of Imam Ali and Prophet Muhammad. The turmoil in
the Middle East would continue with fall of one country after another. Third world War
would erupt in the Middle East as the regional wars in Middle East would escalate to the
last and the final War i.e. 3rd World War.
o China would attack Taiwan and India, North Korea could attack South Korea and World
War – III would be publicly seen in the year – 2022 AD. More than 100 books have been
written and can be found on if someone is interested in the titles and
all books mentioned the year – 2013 as the start year of World War – III but would spread
in 2022 AD.
o One third population of the world would die in the World War as mentioned in the
Ahadith. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The Red Death in the world would occur. One
third population of the world would die in this war.” The political trend analysts already
predicted that World War 3 would officially reach its peak in 2022 in Middle East and the
nuclear weapons would be used in this last World War killing billions of people. Even in
June, 2013, Hollywood released movie – “World War Z” and Z is the last alphabet of
English meaning the Last World War.
o There would be wars between China and Japan, China and India, North Korea and South
Korea, NATO and Russia, Israel and Iran, Pakistan and India, etc in the Third and Last World
War fought with Thermo-Nuclear Weapons.
o Death of the last King of Saudi Arabia as named as “Abdullah” in Ahadith and sayings of
Imams. Imam Baqir (SA) said: “Give me the death news of Abdullah who would be the last
king of Hijaz e Muqadas, I would give the good news of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.” King
Abdullah died on 23rd January, 2015 and King Salman became the new King of Saudi Arabia
but now his Successors would conflict on his appointment of future successors. There
would be 15 Sultans or Kings of Saudi Arabia one after another before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 11

o 2021 to 2023 AD: Dajjal – “Satanic Power Elite of the World” would completely take
over the world with their plan - New World Order in 2022 AD with one currency, with one
police, with one economic system, with one social system, with one leadership and
enslaving all the humanity with Master and Slave concept.
o One third population of the world would die after this Big World War due to Diseases and
Drought. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The White Death in the world would occur.
One third population of the world would die after the war because of Diseases and
Drought.” In another Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): “Five (5) people would die
out of Seven (7) before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).” Now we know that the
population of the world reached 7 Billion on 31st October, 2011. So 5 Billion people would
die before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) during the period 2018 to 2023 AD. Once Imam
Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said: “The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would not occur until two third
population of the earth would not die.” So Imam Mahdi is not coming to rescue the
humanity unless we see the deaths of two third population of the earth. Then there is
another Hadith that: “When Imam Mahdi would Zahoor, the ratio of population of women
to men would be 50 to 1.” It means that there would be 2 billion women and only 40
million men in the world when Imam Mahdi would Zahoor.
o Suffiani – The Last Suffiani named “Usman” would come into power 6 months before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. in January, 2023 AD. He would kill people indiscriminately
and would send his army to demolish Holy Kaaba near the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
o There would be an announcement of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 23rd Ramadhan which
would be Friday by Hazrat Ali (AS). And only one nation (Shias of Ali) would understand
the announcement of Hazrat Ali (AS) as mentioned in the Quranic Verses of Surah – Qaf in
Ayat – 41 and 42. 23rd Ramadhan is coming on 14th April, 2023 (Friday) and so be ready to
hear the announcement of Hazrat Ali (AS) on this particular date.
o 14th April to 28th July, 2023 AD -----------The announcement about the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi on 14th April, 2023 AD and the Zahoor of Jesus Christ would occur on 28 th July, 2023
AD in Syria near the tomb of John The Baptist i.e. Hazrat Yahya (AS) at 04:45 am and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would occur on the same day in Mecca, Saudi Arabia at
14:45pm on the roof of Holy Kaaba, Mecca.
o The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would occur on the roof of Holy Kaaba, Saudi Arabia at
the Asr time on the 10th Muharram, Friday which would be odd year. 28 July, 2023 AD
occurs on 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri – Friday and both the Islamic and Gregorian
calendars years are odd year. Be prepare yourself for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on
this particular date, time and year.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 12

o Four Prophets – Jesus Christ, Hazrat Idrees, Hazrat Ilyas and Hazrat Khizar would come to
join Imam Mahdi (AS). Imam Mahdi (AS) would assemble his army. He would take the
revenge of Karbala first and then defeat the Evil forces of the world. Then he would divide
the world in 313 provinces and would appoint 313 Governors. His Commander in Chief
would be Hazrat Abbas (AS) and Hazrat Abbas would also be the Governor of Iran.
o 2023 AD – 2026 AD--------- Imam Mahdi would fight and defeat Dajjal and the forces
against Islam in the first 8 months. It was also mentioned by Nostradamus that the third
world war would start in 1999 AD and would last for 27 years by 2026 AD.

ً ‫ِإنﱠ ُه ْم َي َر ْونَهُ َب ِعيدا ً َونَ َرا ُه قَ ِريبا‬

“Surely, they think it (Zahoor) to be
far off, and We see it (Zahoor) near.”
[Dua e Ahad – Imam Mahdi (AS)]

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 13

Signs of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1. The dark of night will not be deemed necessary for the commitment of
2. Extravagant mansions will be constructed.
3. Singers will be considered respectable.
4. Wars shall be prevalent.
5. Gambling will be prevalent.
6. People will fear living in their own houses.
7. Dajjal shall come and shall have one eye.
8. Land shall be turned into deserts.
9. Earthquakes and Volcanoes and other natural disasters shall be common.
10. Good deeds will be few and far between.
11. False guides will mislead the multitudes.
12. Posts will be many, but practical teachers a few.
13. Mosques will be decorated profusely but urge towards adoration will be
14. The rate of accidental deaths will be on the rise.
15. The rich will become godless and the devout will become sinful.
16. Leaders of opinion will be corrupt and overbearing.
17. False witnesses will be accepted and true ones rejected
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 14
18. The Quran will be considered as an old ancient book
19. A person spending money on sinful purposes will not be criticized.
20. People will thrust their personal opinions in the religion.
21. Usury (Interest) will be considered lawful.
22. The virtuous will be despised for their faith in God.
23. Human beings will be followers of selfish desires.
24. Pride will be taken for oppressive tendencies.
25. Good people will observe silence due to fear of wicked person’s foul
26. Tale bearing and backbiting will be considered as good and will be
27. A wealthy person will command more respect than a pious person.
28. Children will curse their parents and will pray for their early death.
29. Payments will be taken for rendering religious services in Mosques.
30. There will be two eclipses in the Month of Ramadan.
31. Recitation of the Holy Quran will be considered as a burden
32. Homosexuality will be prevalent
33. The land will crumble and sink thrice in the East, the west and Arabian

Before we start discussing in detail about the events and indications before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), it is important to understand the Arabic Alphabets and
the Numerical values known as ‘Abjad’ attached to each of the 28 Arabic Alphabets.

I have used the Abjad of the Arabic Alphabets through out the research book, so it is
important to know them at the start.

"Signs are Enough for the Wise."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 15
World Events Before and After the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
“And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, and hunger, loss of life and loss of crops by
drought. And give glad tidings to the steadfast.” (Surah -2, Verse – 155)

7 Years ---- Tribulation Period (28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD)

2016 AD: Worldwide--- Wars & Conflicts, Economic Tribulation and Disturbances.
2017 AD: Wars and International Conflicts would pick its momentum when Western powers
would start colliding with the Eastern powers.
2018 AD: The World would see Trade Wars, Currency Wars and Psycho Wars.
2019 AD: Political and Economic turmoils all over the world. The Wars would further escalate.
2020 AD: Major Economic Collapse in the World and the World would go in Great Depression.
2021 AD: Global Drought and Diseases. Worldwide Drought and Diseases, Global political
instability. World War - 3 would officially start in the Middle East.

2022 AD: 1/3rd population of the world would die in 3rd World War Destruction. “Red Death”
would occur in the World as told by Jesus Christ & Prophet (PBUH). 1/3rd - More population
would die by Global Drought and Diseases. “White Death” would occur in the World as told
by Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Dajjal (Anti Christ) would appear and New
World Order would be in effect. The Last Suffiani named, “Usman” would emerge from the
Middle East in early 2023 AD in the month of Rajab.

2023 AD: Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)
 14th April, 2023 AD __ 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday) – Kharooj from Yemen
 28th July, 2023 AD ---- 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday) – Zahoor from Mecca

2024 AD: War of Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ against the enemies of Humanity and God.
Punishment of all major criminals of Humanity in the History by Imam Mahdi (AS).

2025 AD: The Establishment of the Divine Kingdom and the Rule of Law and Justice. World
would be divided into 313 Provinces under 313 Governors appointed by Imam Mahdi.
2026 AD: The period of peace and prosperity under Imam Mahdi's rule would start.
2026 AD onwards: Imam Mahdi would rule the Whole World for 7 years and each year would
be like 70 Worldly years, so a total of 490 years of Divine Kingdom. Then our 12 Imams would
rule in the World known as ‘Rajaat’ for the next 84,000 years, each Imam ruling the world for
7,000 years. The Big Judgment Day i.e. Qiyamat would occur on 23 rd Ramazan, Friday at Asr
time as told by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 16
28 Arabic Alphabets & their Numerical values

Origin & History of Arabic Alphabets and their Numeric Values

Almighty Allah taught Hazrat Idress (AS) 70 different languages and one of the
languages was Arabic. With the teaching of the Arabic Alphabets, Allah has given
the Numeric values of every Arabic Alphabet.

Arabic Language is a Perfect language and contains 28 Alphabets and the Number –
28 is the 2nd Perfect Number in Mathematics.

Arabic Alphabets ………………………….28

28…………………….2nd Perfect Number in Mathematics

The first Alphabet – Alif is the Foundation and the Root of all other 27 Arabic
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 17
Alif is the mother of all 27 Arabic Alphabets

Alif + 27 Alphabets = 28 Alphabets

Once Maula Ali said: “There are 378,025 Arabic Alphabets in the Holy

378,025…………………3 + 7 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 25 = 19 + 6

19 x 6 = 114 ……Total Suras of Quran

Table of 28 – Arabic Alphabets and their Numeric Values

28 Arabic letters = 14 + 14

14………………”Zahir” of Arabic language alphabets

14……………..”Batin” of Arabic language alphabets
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 18
14 (Zahir) + 14 (Batin) of Arabic letters = 28
14 – “Haroof – e – Muqataad” in the Holy Quran
14………….Masoomeen of Allah

The sum of all the Abjad of 28 Arabic alphabets is ------------- 5995

5995…………. 5 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28………………..28 total Arabic
The reverse number of 59 is 95. The Abjad of “Mahdi” is also 59.

The book available on the subject of the topic of Abjad --- The Science of Abjad
One can download this book from the link given below to understand the hidden
meanings of Arabic Alphabets:

The Science of Abjad:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 19

Prophecies and Predictions about the Arrival of
the Last Reformer of the World – Imam Mahdi
2015 AD to 2023 AD

There are so many prophecies and predictions about the arrival of the Last
Reformer of the World since centuries in all cultures and all religions of the world

But in the recent past, all the famous astrologers and pandits predicted about the
arrival of the last reformer of the world in the very near future (2014 to 2023 AD).

Let us examine a few of the predictions and prophecies of the most famous people
of the world in the field of astrology and future predictions:

1. Every knowledegable person in this world knows the name of Nostrodamus.

Michel de Nostredame (14 or 21 December 1503 – 2 July 1566), usually Latinised to

Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published collections
of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best known for his
book Les Propheties (The Prophecies), the first edition of which appeared in 1555.
Since the publication of this book, which has rarely been out of print since his
death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with the popular press,
credits him with predicting many major world events.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 20

He predicted that in his book that a major and long war would be fought that would
affect the whole world and it would start in 1995 and continue for 27 years and
then a reformer of the world would appear and fill the earth with peace and justice.

So according to his prophecy, a major world war would start by 1995 and would
continue till 2023 for 27 years and then ultimate peace and justice would be
restored in the world by the hands of the reformer and saviour of the world.

2. In 1974, around 100 Astrologers gathered in South Korea, Seoul to find the
nearest time of the appearance of the Last reformer of the World as mentioned in
all the cultures and the relgions of the world and they unanimously agreed that the
Last reformer of the World would appear after the end of the Third World War by
2020.So they agreed that the arrival of the last reformer of the world is expected by

3. Approximately 40% of the Christians of the world are expecting the arrival of
the Christ soon in the coming years.

4. According to Mayan culture, the world would enter into its 5th and the last
phase on 21st December, 2012 AD and the world would see major changes all over
including earth quakes, tsunamis, world wars, drought and then a final saviour
would come to save the earth and put this world in order

5. All the Shia and Sunni ulemas of the Islamic world are also predicting and
claiming that the Zahoor and the arrival of Imam Mahdi is very near in the coming
years. They agreed that the World War has already started in 2001 by the attacks in
USA, then entered its second phase when USA entered Afghanistan and attacked
Iraq in 2003. Then the financial collapse of international markets in 2008 was the
next episode in that war. Now the World War has entered in its next stage and we
are seeing mass protests and color revolutions in the Arab world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 21

All these events would eventually lead the world into offical opening of the Third
World War by the collapse of USA Dollar, the collapse of Euro by 2016. The War
would continue till 2019 and then the world would see severe drought and deaths
after the end of the world. Then our Imam Mahdi would Zahoor on His Due Date of

Now we would see what our Imams and Prophet Muhammad mentioned about the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in the light of Ahadith and Quranic Verses.

Hijri to Gregorian Calender Conversion:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 22

World Events just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in the light of Quran

“And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, and hunger, loss of life and loss of
crops by drought. And give glad tidings to the steadfast.”
(Surah -2 – Surah – e- Al – Baqarah, Verse – 155)

Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq explained this Ayat and mentioned that the following events
would occur one by one just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi as:

1. Fear (1998-2003 AD)………….Fear means fear of diseases like bird flu virus,
AIDS, Swine Flu, SARS, etc. We have witnessed so many diseases in the past decade
which are either spread intentionally or by virus but they have affected all the
population of the world.

2. Poverty (2003 – 2008 AD)…………..Poverty means that the prices of all

commodities would be sky rocketed. We are witnessing that the inflation and
deflation is present everywhere in the world and the prices of all the items and
commodities are increasing every day.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 23
3. Hunger (2008 – 2013 AD)…………..Hunger means that most of the people
of the world would not get sufficient food for their survival. Today 30 billion tons of
food is required for all the people of the world and the Food Cartels stopped at 15
billion tons of food supply all over the world. So there is a shortage of 15 billion
tons of food in the world and people are hungry in most parts of the world. These
reports are confirmed by UNO – Food Program.

4. Loss of life (2013 – 2022 AD)……………Loss of life means that 1/3rd

Population of the earth would die because of wars all over the world meaning Third
World War which is expected in 2021 AD. Imam Jaffar called it “Red Death”.

5. Drought and Diseases (2022 – 2023 AD)……………..Then there would

be a severe drought after the Big War and 1/3rd more population would die because
of that severe drought in the world. This drought is expected in 2022 AD and would
continue till 2023. Imam Jaffar called it as “White Death”.

After these 5 tests of humanity and the world, our Savior – Imam Mahdi would
Zahoor along with Jesus Christ on 28th July, 2023.

“Numbers don’t Lie.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 24

Analysis of the Discussion whether the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) is Sudden or after the Appearance of the Major
Signs of Zahoor on a Definite Date and Time

There is a lot of discussion during all the years of the Ghaibat e Imam e Mahdi (AS)
that whether His Zahoor would be Sudden on any date and time or whether His
Zahoor is linked with the Signs mentioned by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
12 Imams (AS).

Zahoor is Sudden at any Date and Time:

There are some Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and sayings of our Imams
that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be sudden at any Date and Time. What
would be reasons and wisdom behind those Ahadith and Sayings of our Imams that
His Zahoor would be at any Date and Time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 25

Reasons behind the Sayings and Ahadith regarding the Sudden

There are various reasons behind the Sayings and Ahadith regarding the Sudden
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). Let us discuss some of the important reasons:

 The Morale of the Momineen would remain up as the Ghaibat of our Imam
Mahdi (AS) would be long as mentioned by our Imams.
 The Morale of the Kafirs and Munafiqeen should go down as the Zahoor could
be sudden and at any Date and Time.
 The Momineen should remain in touch with Imam Mahdi (AS) with Prayers
for His Zahoor and expect His Zahoor and presence at any time and place.
 The Kafirs and Munafiqeen should be afraid of Imam Mahdi (AS) as His
Zahoor can take place at any time and Date.
 These Ahadith boost the confidence of Momineen in their Imam Mahdi (AS)
and keep them in touch through prayers for His Zahoor.
 These Sayings of our Imams protect the Momineen from the Wrath of Kafirs
and Munafiqeen that the Imam Mahdi (AS) can appear at any time and date.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 26

 If our Imams (AS) had told about the Exact Year and Century, then
Momineen's morale would go down and the enemies of Islam i.e. Kafirs and
Munafiqeen would take advantage of the time of Ghaibat e Imam by more
killings of Shias and the followers of Imam Mahdi (AS)

So there are lot of benefits for the Momineen for their safety and for their
regular prayers and communication with thier Imam Mahdi (AS) in His
Ghaibat e Kubra.

But these kind of Ahadith and the Sayings are very few or one can say 10 % of
the Ahadith and the Sayings of Imams suggest that the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) would be Sudden and at any Date and Time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 27

Reasons behind the Sayings and Ahadith regarding the Definite Zahoor
on a Definite Date, Time and Place:

It is narrated from Kulaini from Hussain bin Muhammad from Ja'far bin Muhammad
from Qasim bin Ismail from Hassan bin Ali from Ibrahim bin Muzhim from Imam
Jafar Sadiq (AS) that when we mentioned the Bani Abbas regime, he said:

"People perished, because they hastened this matter (Deliverance). Allah does not
become hasty just because people urge for their matters to be achieved. This matter
(the appearance of Imam Mahdi) has a precise time that it must reach. If it
reaches its time, it will occur neither an hour sooner nor an hour later."

90% of the Ahadith and the Sayings of our Imams (AS) mention the Major and
Minor Signs before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and mention specific Date, Time
and Place.

There are various reasons behind the Sayings and Ahadith regarding the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS). Let us discuss some of the important reasons:

 There are many Ahadith of Masoomeen (AS) in many authentic Islamic books
that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place on 'Juma" i.e. Friday
 There are many Ahadith of Masoomeen (AS) that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) would be in the Islamic Month of 'Muharram'
 There are many Ahadith of our Imams (AS) that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) would be on the '10th' Muharram.
 There are many Ahadith of our Imams (AS) that the Zahoor time would be at
the time of "Asr" i.e. After noon
 There are many Ahadith of our Imams (AS) that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) would be at the 'Roof top of Holy Kaaba'
 There are many Sayings of our Imams (AS) that the Announcement of the
Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be on '23rd' Ramazan
 There are many Sayings of our Imams that Hazrat Ali (AS) would announce
the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the month of 'Ramazan'.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 28

 There are many Sayings of our Imams that the Announcement of the Kharooj
e Imam Mahdi (AS) would be on ''Juma" i.e. Friday on 23rd Ramazan
 Then there is a Saying of Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) that the Zahoor year would
be "Taaq" i.e. Odd Year

So from the above Sayings and Indications regarding the Definite Date, Time, Place,
Month, Day clearly shows the significance of the Definiteness of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) on a Definite Date, Day and Time.

Now two things are still Hidden i.e. Definite Year and Definite Century. To give the
indications regarding the particular Century and the Year, our Imams and Prophet
(PBUH) mentioned so many Signs and Symbols in their Sayings before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS). The Zahoor Signs are political, economical, cultural, religious,
social, geographical, naming famous political persons, naming countries and
important events including Major Wars and Destruction in Middle Eastern

There are Major Signs of the Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) and then there are Minor
Signs of the Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS). These Zahoor Signs are the clear indication
that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would occur after the fulfillment of these Signs
and Symbols.

All are Masoomeen are "Sadeqeen" i.e. Righteous and Truthful. Now it is upon the
Islamic Scholar and the Islamic Philosopher how to analyze the Sayings and Ahadith
of our Masoomeen keeping in mind with all the wisdom of our Imams regarding the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

So there are no contradictions regarding the Sudden Zahoor or the Definite

Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS). There is Wisdom in all Sayings as the Ghaibat is
long and all Momineen have to remain in touch with their Imam in His Ghaibat and
pray for His Early Zahoor as suggested by His Sayings.

So even if the Zahoor is Definite, all Momineen should pray for His Early Zahoor and
ask Allah for His Zahoor in our life times. Amin

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 29

Questions to be answered by the readers before they
read this Research work

Once Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State, USA said:

"If you can't hear the drums of war, you must be deaf."
One has to answer these questions before they read this research document. If they
answer - YES, then they go ahead and enjoy the research. Because if you are
satisfied with the current political and economic situation in the World, then you
are deceiving yourself.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 30

Here are the Questions:
 Are the scholars of all religions are indicating that we are living in End Times?
 Do you think that the Cruelty of the Powerful nations in the World is keep on
 Are you witnessing the Signs and Symbols of the End Times mentioned by the
Prophets and our Imams in our time?
 Is Terrorism and Wars are increasing day by day in the World?
 Are you witnessing the Global Warming in the World?
 Are you witnessing the increase in Earthquakes in the World?
 Are you witnessing the increase in floods in the World?
 Are you witnessing the increase in Gays and Lesbian culture in the World?
 Do you think the poverty is increasing in the World?
 Do you think the gap between rich and poor is increasing in the World?
 Do you think the crimes are increasing in the World?
 Do you think that there is a possibility of a Third World War in the near future
in the World?
 Do you think that more sins are being committed by the people in the world
as compared to the past?

If the answers to these questions are - YES, then you should read this
research document and you would find your answers in this research work

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 31

Objections and Reservations regarding the
Year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi - 2023 AD

There are many observations and reservations regarding the Date of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) either from the people who are ignorant about the facts and signs
and symbols before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) or they don't want to accept
the reality of the End Times in which we are living these days before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS).

Some of the Common Objections and Reservations are as follows:

 Only Allah knows the Time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
 The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is like Qiyamat and only Allah knows it
 No one can fix the Date of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
 Imam Mahdi (AS) even does not know the Date of His Zahoor (Astaghfar)
 How do we know that the last King of Saudi Arabia is the same Abdullah
which is mentioned in the Sayings of Masoomeen ?
 Those who fix the date of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) are Liars (Kazibs)
 The people from the other religions are not Muslims or Momins and their
research work or Sayings are not authentic or not acceptable
 Ilm e Najoom i.e. Astrology is prohibited in Islam.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 32

Hazrat Ali (AS) once said:

"Don't see Who is Saying; See What is Saying."

Once a non believer came to Hazrat Ali (AS) and said that he does not
believe in Qiyamat. Hazrat Ali (AS) said that there are 2 situations in this

"In first situation, if Qiyamat does not happen as per your belief, then you
and me are the same. In second situation, if Qiyamat happens as per our
belief, then I would benefit from my belief and you would be in loss for
So our first Imam, Maula Ali (AS) gave a formula in these kind of situations. Suppose
the people who are refusing to accept the Signs, Symbols, Symptoms, Facts, Figures,
Sayings of Masoomeen regarding the Date of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as per
their beliefs or confusion from the other Sayings of Masoomeen that reflect
different meanings regarding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the Zahoor of our
Imam Mahdi (AS) does not happen in 2023 AD then what is the loss in faith in that
case. We all prepared mentally and spiritually for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

In second case, if the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) happens in 2023 AD, then only
those people who are mentally and spiritually prepared for the End Times before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in better position to save their faith and
lives than those who were sleeping and not making any preparations for the Arrival
of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Now regarding the Fixing of the Year and the Century, I have already made clear
that the research work is indicating the Signs, Symbols, Symptoms, Facts and
Figures from the Holy Quran, Sayings of Masoomeen and Ahadith of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 33

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 34
No one is forcing anyone to accept the Date and Timings of the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS). The purpose of the research work is to indicate the End Times before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in which we are living and the Zahoor is very close.

I just say with the help of Sayings of our Imams and Prophet (PBUH):

Read the History before it Happens

There is no reference of any Astrology or any use of "Ilm e Najoom" in the research
work. It is very unfortunate in the history of mankind that when scholars and
scientists present their research work or discoveries, they were refused by majority
of the people because they conflict with their existing beliefs.

For example when Galileo showed the peple that Earth is round, he was hanged
because his research work conflicted with the teachings of Bible or the teachings of
Priests of that time.

Similarly when Prophets of Allah presented the Religion of Allah before their
nations, the people rejected the beliefs of the Prophet because they are conflicting
with their beliefs.

Now I am not the scientist and nor the Saint of God. I am just a reseach student
who is presenting the facts, figures, signs, symbols, sayings, symptoms, research,
numbers, books, references, quotations, history, geography, etc before the people
who wants to know about the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
and the possibility of His Zahoor in 2023 AD.

So please don't take this research work as I am fixing any date or year. I am just
putting the research work of scholars, visionaries, saints, etc from most of the
major religions of the world regarding the End Times.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 35

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

"Every thing would come at its Time."

So the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place at its Specific time known to
Allah and 14 Masoomeen.

But our Prophet (PBUH) and Imams also gave several Signs, Symbols, Names,
Political situations, geography, facts and figures before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Now if go through these Signs and Symbols carefully with the help of the Sayings of
our Masoomeen, then we can reach precisely the time frame in which the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 36

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 41
Now to understand the whole picture of the End Times Events before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS), we have to join all the pieces of the puzzle together meaning to
understand all the Signs, Symbols, Facts and Figures at the same time rather than
discussing one Sign at a time and discussing another Fact at different time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 42

The Knowledge of 14 things is necessary for any
solution and conclusion

The Knowledge of 14 things are necessary to reach any conclusion or find any
solution and they are:

1. Creator & Creations

2. Mathematics & Numbers
3. Geography
4. History & Cultures
5. Religions
6. Prophets & Imams
7. Holy Scriptures
8. Scholars & Saints
9. Signs & Symbols
10. Languages
11. Laws of God
12. Laws of Nature
13. Physical Sciences
14. Metaphysics

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 43

Difference between Astrologers, Astrologers,
Visionaries, Magicians and Saints

If we don't know the definitions of the Astrologers, Astronomers, Visionaries,

Magicians and Saints then we mix these people with each other and can't recognize
their efforts and personalities.

Astrology and Astrologers:

"Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects
i.e. Stars as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial

"Astrologer is anyone who studies astrology and uses it to tell people how they
believe it will affect their lives."

Astrology is strictly prohibited in Islam and our Imams rejected the use of this
knowledge to predict the future of any person. Because Fate is in the hands of Allah
and decided according to the His Will and Wish and not according to the Stars.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 44

Magic and Magicians:
"Magic (sometimes referred to as stage or street magic to distinguish it
from paranormal or ritual magic) is one of the oldest performing arts in the world in
which audiences are entertained by staged tricks or illusions of seemingly
impossible or supernatural feats using natural means. These feats are called magic
tricks, effects, or illusions."

"A Magician is an entertainer who is skilled in producing illusion by hand or

deceptive devices or by mouth."


sorcerer, sorceress, witch, wizard, warlock, enchanter, enchantress, etc

According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

"The person who performs magic would go to Hell."

Magic is prohibited and Haram in Islam. There are several occassions when our
Imams gave punishment to Magicians. One of the famous incidents when one of the
Magicians was trying to joke with Imam Raza (AS) in the presence of the King
Mamoon and his companions and our Imam gave punishment to that magician by
showing His miracle and making the picture of a lion as an actual lion and ordered
the lion to kill that magician and that lion took that magician in his mouth and ate

Astronomy and Astronomers:

"Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It
applies mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in an effort to explain the origin of
those objects and phenomena and their evolution. "

"Astronomers usually fit into two types: observational and theoretical.

Observational astronomers make direct observations of planets, stars and galaxies,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 45

and analyze the data. In contrast, theoretical astronomers create and investigate
models of things that cannot be observed."

Astronomy is a subject of Science and not prohibited in the teachings of Islam. Even
in early history of Islam, lot of people from the Islamic world became famous
Astronomers and made scienitific observatories and laboratories to study stars,
planets, etc.

"The people who received Visions about the Future and they showed to the people
in their writings or sayings."

Also known as Seers, Mystics, Diviners, Psychics, illusionists, dreamers, etc

The Famous Visionaries in the History of Mankind are:

 Nostradamus
 Edgar Cayce
 Baba Venga

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 46

"These are the people who pray and meditate and become spiritually purfied and
receive visions and guidance from the Almighty God."

There are many famous Saints in Islamic History. One of the famous who made
prophecies about the future is Hazrat Naemat Shah Wali.

Hazrat Naemat Shah Wali made prophecies for the next 800 years and his
prophecies proved correct in time. I have included his prophecies in the research

True Prophets:
"The people who receive Revelations from the Almighty Allah and then they pass
those teachings to the people. They also make prophecies and predictions about
future so that the future generations would recognize them as true Prophets once
they see those events and prophecies coming true in front of them."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 47

Knowledge of "Ghaib" - Hidden Knowledge

It is mentioned in the Holy Quran that the Knowledge of "Ghaib" i.e. Hidden
Knowledge is only known to Allah.

There are two groups of people among Shia Muslims, one believes that Muhammad
and Aal e Muhammad (PBUH) don't know "Ilm e Ghaib" i.e. Hidden Knowledge but
other groups believe that they do know "Ilm e Ghaib"

When asked from Imam e Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) whether you know "Ilm e Ghaib" or

He replied --- NO

The person then said that we believed that you know "Ilm e Ghaib".

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) replied, "What do you understand from Ilm e Ghaib?"

He said that the Hidden knowledge is "Ilm e Ghaib".

Then Imam smiled and said that "Nothing is Hidden from us."

From this we can say that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His 12 Caliphs or Imams
know 'Ilm e Ghaib' and this is the matter of Irfan of Muhammad and Aal e
Muhammad (PBUH).

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Signs preceeding His Zahoor are all the
knowledge of "Ilm e Ghaib" and they told hundreds of Signs of His Zahoor and
prophecies which already fulfilled and we are witnessing them in our lives every
day, which also proves that they are True Prophets of Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 48

The Life of Ummah of Prophet Muhammad
The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“The life of this Ummah (the nation of last Prophet s.a.w) will exceed
1000, yet will be limited to 1500 years.”

(Shaikh Muhammad ibn `Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji (d.1103 AH), Al-Isha`ah li Ashrat as-
Sa`ah, p. 299)

"The life span of my Ummah (the nation of last Prophet of God) will not
extend much past 1500 years.”

(Suyuti, Al-Kashf ‘an Mujawazat Hadhihi al-Ummah al-Alf, ‘Al-Hawi lil-Fatawi’,

Suyuti. 2/248, (Arabic) 4/262, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-`Ilal, P. 89).

The Total Lifespan of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Ummah is less than 1500 years.

The Hijri year starts from 622 AD when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) migrated from
Mecca to Medina.

Total Lifespan of Muslim Ummah is less than 1500 years.

First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)...................... 2 55 Hijri

The Century of His First Zahoor was 3rd Century Hijri and the year of Imam
Mahdi's Zahoor was 55.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 49

If we subtract the Year of His 1st Zahoor i.e. 55 from the total lifespan
of the Muslim Ummah is 1500 years, we would get the Exact year of His Second

1500 - 55 = 1445 Hijri

Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) ..................... 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 50

4 Signs of Zahoor Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Signs of the Zahoor Imam Mahdi (AS) are divided into 4 categories.

1. Special signs of Zahoor for Imam Mahdi (AS)

2. Common signs of Zahoor for the people
3. Definite signs of Zahoor Imam Mahdi (AS)
4. Not definite signs of Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)

1. Special Signs of Zahoor for Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are some special signs of Zahoor from Allah for Imam Mahdi (AS) such as:

 The Sword of Imam, “Zulfiqar” would speak to Imam Mahdi (AS) to exit from
 The horse of Imam, “Zuljinah” would come from heaven so that Imam Mahdi
(AS) can ride on it.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 51

 Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) who is head of all angels would announce the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) on the Zahoor day
 Hazrat Ali (AS) would announce the “Kharooj” of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 23 rd
Ramazan on Friday which all the world would hear in their own languages but
only one nation would understand and that would be ‘Shias’.

2. Common Signs of Zahoor for the people

There are lots of common signs of Zahoor for the people of the world like increase
in floods, earthquakes, wars, famines, deaths, diseases, fear, etc before the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS)

3. 10 Definite Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

10 Definite Signs and 10 Years --- 2013 to 2023 AD

Hold your breath and Count to Ten

There are 10 definite signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) which are as follows:

1. Kharooj e Suffiani from Syria and Iraq ………….ISIS is emerged from Syria and Iraq
and the Last Suffiani would emerge 6 months before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in
2023 in the month of Rajab…………… (2023 AD)

2. One third population of the world would die in war which is mentioned as Red
Death according to our Imams. (2021 to 2022 AD)

3. The Kharooj of Dajjal ………………..The Exit of Dajjal – the Evil Forces in the World.
The emergence of ONE WORLD ORDER in 2021 – 2023 AD is basically the Exit of
Dajjal in the world. (2021 – 2023 AD)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 52
4. One third population of the world would die with diseases and famine before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) which is mentioned as White Death according to our
Imams. So 5 out of 7 people would die before Zahoor. There are 7 billion people in
the world today and 5 billion would die before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

One third population would die in Red death because of War and one third
population would die in White death because of diseases and famine.
(2022 – 2023 AD)

5. Kharooj e Yamani from Yemen………………..The forces of Yamani who would

emerge 6 months before in the month of Rajab from Yemen to help Imam Mahdi
(AS) upon His Zahoor in the month of Muharram.

6. The Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia as mentioned by our Imams and his
death would be announced at the Hajj occasion. Even Imam Baqir (AS) said that
“Give me the news of the death of Abdullah and I would give the good news of the
Zahoor of Mahdi.”
7. The Announcement of Kharooj e Imam Mahdi (AS) on 23rd Ramazan, Friday by
Hazrat Ali (AS) ……..which is mentioned in the Surah Qaf, Verses 41 and 42. (14th
April, 2023 AD)

8. The murder of Nafs e Zakia whose name is Syed Hassani who is from Iran and
would declare the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi and would be murdered just 15 days
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi. (July 2023 AD)

9. The army of Suffiani, 12,000 soldiers would be buried alive at “Muqam e Baida”
near Mecca by Imam Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor. (2023 AD)

10. The Cry of Hazrat Jabreel (AS) from the sky for the announcement of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on the day of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 10 th
Muharram also on Friday. (28th July, 2023 AD)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 53
4. Not Definite Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
There are lots of signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) which can be fulfilled or
cannot be fulfilled as per the wish of Allah.


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 54

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 55
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
28th July, 2023 AD - Friday – 10th Muharram,
1445 Hijri

Date of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri or 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday

Important Notes to Read before you read this document:

A. Prophet Muhammad said:
“There are ten parts of knowledge, nine parts belong to mathematics and one part
belongs to other knowledge.”

In another Hadith, he said:

“The knowledge of Numbers is Greatest of all knowledge.”

Hazrat Ali introduced the “Ilm e Jafar” – Knowledge of the Arabic Alphabets and the
numbers associated with them and one can interpret the conclusions if he knows
“Ilm e Jafar”. So I used some knowledge of “Ilm e Jafar” gifted by my “Maula” and
sharing it with all “Momeneen” to interpret results and conclusions.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 56
B. Secondly, there is a famous saying of our Imam:
“Whosoever fixes the date of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is a Kazib (Liar).”

So nobody is allowed to fix the date of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi but 14

Masoomeen of Allah can tell the exact date, day, time and year of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) as they say:

“Nahnu Ilm Allah”……………….We are the Knowledge of Allah

As we know the most Ahadith and Sayings of our Imams and Prophet Muhammad
mentioned and fixed the following date and time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi as:

 10th Muharram would be the day of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi as mentioned in

many authentic Ahadith of our Prophet and Sayings of our Imams
 Friday would be the day of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
 Asr would the time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
 The year of Zahoor would be “Taqq” i.e. Odd year (Ending with a Odd number
like 1, 3, 5, )

Now the only remaining thing would be the exact year and century of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi.

There are Six Dimension of Time:

1. Month

2. Day of the Month

3. Day of the Week

4. Time of the Day

5. Year

6. Century

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 57

Our Imams have mentioned and fixed the following 4 Dimensions of Time of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi, i.e.

1. Month of the Zahoor e Mahdi ………………..Muharram (1st Month of the Islamic

Hijri Calendar)

2. Day of the Month……………………………………10th Muharram (Surah e Fajar)

3. Day of the Week………………………………………Friday (Surah e Juma)

4. Time of the Day……………………………………….Asr (Surah e Asr)

5. Year……….Odd Year (Taaq Year) ending with Odd number and mentioned in His
name, “MAHDI”

6. Century…………………………………………...........Mentioned in His name, “MAHDI”

Now we also know that Imam’s most famous “Laqab” is “Mahdi”. Most of the
Ahadith mentioned his name as “MAHDI”. Is there any secret hidden in his most
famous name?

So we would have to analyze His sacred name, “MAHDI” to decode the exact Year
and Century of His Zahoor

Our Imams have also mentioned the exact year and century of the Zahoor by
mentioning the Imam’s most famous name, “MAHDI”

So we would look into this name and other Ahadith and Sayings of our Prophet and
Imams, how they have indicated and mentioned the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in his
sacred name, “Mahdi”

Whenever they mentioned about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi, our Imams and
Prophet Muhammad mentioned the word, “WHEN” the 12th Imam “MAHDI” would
Zahoor. So the next question arises: “WHEN” our 12th Imam MAHDI would arrive.

And it would be interesting that our Imams have mentioned about “WHEN” in his
sacred name, “MAHDI”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 58

Let us see the secret and encoded message of our Imams and Prophet Muhammad
about the exact year and Century of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in His sacred name,
“MAHDI” in this document.

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq once mentioned:

“Pray for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as much as possible. However
the time of Zahoor e Imam Mahdi is definite and fixed.”

What is the definite and fixed time of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 59

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 60
Why our Prophet and Imams had not told about the Exact
Century and Year about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)?

There are several reasons why our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imams had not
told about the exact Century and Year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). Some of
the reasons are as follows:

 The first reason is the security of Shias of Ali. The Ghaibat period was long
and had they told about the exact century and year, the enemies of Islam and
particularly the enemies of Shias would have taken advantage and killed
them knowingly that their Imam would come late.
 The second reason which our Imams mentioned that all the Bastards and
enemies of Maula Ali would have to born before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) and all the Momineen would have to be born from Kafir and Munafiq
families before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).
 The third reason is the test of Momineen to see whether they remain Shias of
Ali in the Ghaibat period or leave their faith in this period of Ghaibat e Imam.
 The fourth reason is to give time to Satan till “Waqt e Maloom” i.e. the Time
till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as promised by Allah to Satan.
 The fifth reason that our Imam is the Imam of all humans in the world. In
previous centuries the humans have not come closer. Now the World has
become a Global Village and Imam Mahdi (AS) can easily become the Global

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 61

Leader of the whole world and His messages and miracles can be easily
understood in this age of Science and Technology.
 The sixth reason according to our Imams that all forms of Governments and
Systems would rule the world and fail in establishing the peace and justice in
the World before the Rule of Imam Mahdi (AS) who would finally establish
Global Peace and Justice with NEW WORLD ORDER OF ALLAH

These are some of the reasons why our Imams had not told the exact time of
Century and Year. Now most of the reasons have reached their conculsions
and that is why Allah and 14 Masoomeen are giving clear indications of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the coming Blessed Year – 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 62

0. Judgement Days ------- Hashar and Qiyamat

There are two (2) Judgement Days of Allah:

1. Qiyamat e Sughra………..also known as “Hashar”

2. Qiyamat e Kubra………….also known as “Qiyama”

Both the Judgement Days are associated with the Zahoor and Ghaibat of our
12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS).

A. Qiyamat e Sughra is mentioned in Surah e Hashar (Chapter – 59) of the

Holy Quran. The Abjad of our Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is also 59. This Surah
has 24 Verses.

 The Surah e Hashar is 59th Surah of the Holy Quran

 The Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is also 59

59…………………..5 + 9 = 14………………..14th Masoom of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 63

The “Hashar” meaning the Mustering is mentioning about the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) and the accountability of all Big Criminals in the History of
Mankind by the Hands of our Imam Mahdi (AS) as per the orders of Allah.

Our Imams said about the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

“You would hear the loud voice near by your homes mentioning about the
Kharooj of Imam Mahdi. Only one nation would understand and other
nations would wonder about that voice. This voice would come on 23rd
Ramazan on Friday.”

23rd Ramazan ………………..Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) from Ghaibat

23rd Ramazan and Friday………………………Day of Qiyamat e Sughra

B. Qiyamat e Kubra (Day of Resurrection) is mentioned in the Surah e

Qiyama (Chapter – 75) of the Holy Quran. This Surah has 40 Verses.

 The Surah e Hashar is 75 Surah of the Holy Quran.
 75……………………7 + 5 = 12
 Our Imam is the 12th Imam

Qiyamat e Kubra would be established after a long period of “Rajaat” in

which all our 12 Imams would rule the World as the “Caliphs of Allah” for
84,000 years.
According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

“The Qiyamat e Kubra would be on 23rd Ramazan on Friday at Asr time.”

Our 12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS) would be the Caliph of Allah at that time
and He would go again back to “Ghaibat” and the Day of Judgement would be
established by the Order of Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 64

23rd Ramazan and Friday…………………….Qiyamat e Kubra
On this day, all the humans and Jins would be brought into the Court of Allah
so that their actions and their beliefs in the world would be judged by Allah
and they would either be rewarded or punished accordingly.

The Exact Year is unknown to the humans as mentioned by Allah in Surah e

Araf (Chapter – 7) of the Holy Quran, Verse – 187 as:

“They ask you about the HOUR, when will be its taking place? Say: The
knowledge of it is only with my Lord; none but He shall manifest it at its time;
it will be momentous in the heavens and the earth; it will not come on you but
of a sudden. They ask you as if you were solicitous about it. Say: its
knowledge is only with Allah, but most people do not know.”

In another Surah e Bani Israel, Verse – 51, Allah mentions about Qiyamat e
Kubra as:

“They will shake their heads at you and say: When will it be? Say: Maybe it
has drawn near.”

But it is clear from different Ahadith of our Masoomeen that both Qiyamats
i.e. both Judgement Days would be on 23rd Ramazan on Fridays (Jumas) and
are linked with our 12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

 Qiyamat e Sughra (Hashar)………….Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

 Qiyamat e Kubra (Qiyamat)………..Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

23rd Ramazan (9th Islamic Month) and Juma (Friday)

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Relationship between Imam’s name ‘Mahdi’ and the Hijri year – 1445

1. Analyze the most famous name of Imam – ‘Mahdi’ – the

numerical value of the Arabic letters in the name and its
correspondence with the Hijri year – 1445.

It is a great mystery that our 12th Imam and 14th Masoom – Imam is popularly
known as Imam ‘Mahdi’ in all the sects, factions and groups of Islam. His actual
name is on the name of Prophet, which is not allowed to say in his disappearance.
Now we see is there any link between his most popular name ‘Mahdi’ and the Hijri
year – 1445.

In the year 1445, the first two numbers – 14 corresponds to the century and the last
two numbers – 45 corresponds to the year.

14 ------- Century
45 ------- Year
Now the name ‘Mahdi’ comprised of 4 Arabic letters. If we add the numerical value
of first two Arabic letters in the name of ‘Mahdi’, we see that:
The numerical value of ‘Meem’ is 40 and ‘Ha’ is 5. Now adding the values of first
two Arabic letters,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 67

Meem + Ha ------ 40 + 5 = 45……….corresponds to the year of his Zahoor

Now adding the numerical values of the last two Arabic letters in the name ‘Mahdi’,
we see that:

The numerical value of ‘Da’ is 4 and ‘Ye’ is 10. Now adding the values of the last two
Arabic letters,

Da + Ye ………. 4 + 10 = 14…………corresponds to the century of his Zahoor

So Meem + Ha = 45……….year of His Zahoor and Da + Ye = 14……..century of

His Zahoor

Mahdi ------- 14 + 45 ……the numbers are corresponding to Hijri year –

“If Faith reconciles with Figures, it becomes a Fact.”

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2. What is the Origin of Imam’s most popular name, ‘Mahdi’?

If we diagnose His name, “Mahdi” carefully, we would notice that His name
comprised of 4 Sacred Arabic Alphabets.

First two Arabic Alphabets in his name, Mahdi are, “Mem and Ha”
Third Arabic Alphabet in his name is “Dal”
Fourth Arabic Alphabet in his name is “Ye”

As we know that Imam Mahdi is the 11th Son of Bibi Fatima, 12th Son and Caliph
of Prophet Muhammad and 11th Son of Imam Ali. Also Imam Mahdi is the 12th
and the last Imam. He is also the last Masoom among 14 Masoomeen.

If we look carefully, we would notice that the last two Arabic Alphabets in Bibi
Fatima’s name are also: “Mem and Ha”

The last Arabic Alphabet in Prophet Muhammad’s name is “Dal”

The last Arabic Alphabet in Imam Ali’s name is “Ye”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 70

So if we take the last two Arabic Alphabets from “Fatima” name, last Arabic
Alphabet from “Muhammad” name and the last Arabic Alphabet from “Ali”
name, we would get:

Ma (Last two Arabic Alphabets from “Fatima”) + Di (Last Arabic
Alphabets from Muhammad and Ali’s name

MAH ……..The Abjad of “Mah” is 45………….which tells the ‘Zahoor Year’

Di………….The Abjad of “Di” is 14………………which tells the ‘Zahoor Century’

Mahdi’s Zahoor……………………………….14 45 Hijri

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3. Analysis of Imam's Name - "Mahdi"

As we have seen that the year of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is hidden in His most
famous name – “Mahdi”.

To find the time, we want to know the exact HOUR and exact MINUTES.

The Hour of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is hidden in the last two Arabic letters of
“Mahdi” i.e. the sum of the Abjad of “Da” and “Ye” is 14.

So the Hour of His Zahoor is 14 i.e. 2pm --------------Asr time

The Minute of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is hidden in the first two Arabic letters of
“Mahdi” i.e. the sum of the Abjad of “Meem” and “Ha” is 45.

So the Minute of His Zahoor is 45 i.e.45 Minutes

The exact time of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor then would be: 14 Hours 45 Minutes

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 73

14 + 45 = 59 ……….Abjad of His most famous name, “Mahdi”

14: 45…….2.45pm …………at Asr time …………..His Zahoor would take place

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4. Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said: “Qaim would appear on 10th
Muharram on Friday on the roof of Kaaba at the time of Asr”

 28th July, 2023 AD is Friday and 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi was born on 29th July, 869 AD, i.e. 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri on Friday.

The day is same as “Friday”, The month is same, i.e. July – 7th Month, and the year,

869 AD………….8 + 6 + 9 = 23………………………..2023 AD…………….The year of his birth

i.e. 869 indicates the number – 23 which is the year of 2023 AD.

Secondly, Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam and 11th Son of Imam Ali. Adding both
numbers of 12 and 11, we get:

12th Imam + 11th Son of Ali = 23………………..869……………….2023

The year of the birth or first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is:

29th July, 869 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 76
If we write this year in numbers, we would get:

29 – 7 – 869
Now if we add all the numbers of this year, we would get an amazing result:

We have already calculated the sum of 869………………8 + 6 +9 = 23

29 + 7 + 23 = 59…………..Abjad of Imam’s name – “Mahdi”

29 + 7 + 23 = 59……..5 + 9 = 14………14th Masoom ----Imam Mahdi

29 + 7 + 23 = 59……………………Abjad of “Mahdi”
Furthermore, if we add the last two numbers of these two years, we would see:



45 + 23 = 68…………..6 + 8 = 14…………14 Masoom – Imam Mahdi
Friday is known as “Juma” in the Arabic language. There is one Surah on the name
“Al – Juma” – It is 62nd Surah in the Holy Quran and has 11 verses.

The Arabic word “Jumah” consists of three Arabic Alphabets:

‫ﺟﻤﻌـ ـ ــﻪ‬
Jem ----------------------stands for “Jali” in this word “Jumah”
Mem------------------stands for “Muhammad” in this word “Jumah”
Aen---------------------stands for “Ali” in this word “Jumah”
He -------------------stands for "Hadi" in the word, "Jumah"
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 77
“Jumah” stands for--------------Jali + Muhammad + Ali + Hadi

The Abjad of this Arabic word “Jumah” is 118

‫ﺟﻤﻌـ ـ ــﻪ‬
Imam Mahdi is the son of Imam Hassan Askari (AS). The Abjad of name, “Hassan”
is 118 and the Abjad of name “Mahdi” is 59.

Abjad of “Hassan” = 118 = 59 + 59 ………….and 59 is the Abjad of “Mahdi”.

118 = 59 + 59……………….= Mahdi + Mahdi
Hassan (118) = Mahdi (59) + Mahdi (59)

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5. International Books written on the Year – 2023 AD
There are so many books written recently on the Year – 2023 AD. They are
available on Now the philosophers and intellectuals of the
World come to the conclusion that the Year – 2023 is the Year of the Second
Coming of the Jesus Christ.

Some of the photos of the titles of the books written on the Year – 2023 AD are
as follows:

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Titles of the Books written on the Year – 2023

 2023 – The New Beginning by:Dan Dewolf

 Civilized War – 2023 by: Slate Raven
 2023 – The Fall of an Empire by: Abel Cain
 120 Jubilees: Why 2023 may be the End of Days
By: Wayne L. Atchison
 Special Survive: 2023 by: Christine Rochon
 Lizard Apocalypse 2023 by: Lizardio Four
 Prophetic Calendar for Israel and the Nations: The Next
Decade: Last Days News Events 2014 Thru 2023
By: Prince Handley
 2023 by: Andrew Jennings
 2023 by: Luigui Jovoune
 2023 by: Britney Mitchell
 Year – 2023 & 2029: Destruction and Death of Many
By: John Ceryes

All these amazing books are available on And many more
are being written as people are awakening and realizing the fact that the
World is changing at a fast pace towards the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and
the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ – A New and Bright Era for the whole

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 82

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6. 120 Jubilees – Why 2023 may be the End of Days

It is a book written by “Wayne L Atchison” in 2010 and predicting that 2023 AD

would be the End of Days. One can go to his website: for
detail and one can also purchase his book from

The main features of the book are:

 The Jubilee Cycle is the never-ending pattern of counting seven-sevens of

 The cycle started at Creation, and just keeps counting.
 This book reconstructs the Creation Jubilee Cycle used throughout history
by ancient scribes and historians from Europe to Asia Minor.
 Historical records which cannot be dated with 100% certainty are not even
mentioned in this book.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 84

The author mentions in this book that:

2023 AD ----- The End of Adam’s Punishment

The End of 121 Jubilee Cycles of Misrule.

What is Jubilee Cycle?

‘The Jubilee Cycle is the never ending pattern of counting seven – seven of years.
Included are the dates for Creation, the Flood, the Exodus, the destruction of
Solomon’s Temple, the rebuilding of the Second Temple, and many other
historical events that were dated relative to the Jubilee Cycle.

There are enough historical records to demonstrate that this Timeline cannot be
shifted in either direction, not even by one year. This Creation Jubilee Timeline
becomes the backbone for reconstructing all of historical chronology.

Revealed in this book is that we are indeed living in the last days.
Lost in the traditional translations of the Bible is that Genesis 6:3 and Daniel 9:24
are prophecies referring to the Jubilee Cycles. This book provides the evidence
that both prophecies will end in September 2023. All of the end time prophecies
will be fulfilled in the next few years.”

Tuesday – 26th Sept, 2023 Tishri (10th Day)…..Starts the 122nd Jubilee Cycle

‘This day ends the 121st Jubilee Cycle since Creation. In this time Adam’s children
have had full reign outside of YHWH’s Garden and Kingdom – rule for (49
times 121) = 5929 Years.

Both of the timelines of Daniel 9:24 and Genesis 6:3 end here.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 85

Some readers may be familiar with the theory of “Biblical Numerology” and
“Biblical Theomatics”. Essentially this is the concept that numbers have
theological meanings. There are no definitive definitions for the meanings of
numbers. However, it should be pointed out that the number 121 is the value 11
times 11. In some Numerologies the value 11 means “Chaos”. Come the
end of the 121st Jubilee, it will certainly be the end of “Chaos-squared”.

YHWH (Almighty God) is Sovereign, and may decide to fulfill His end time
prophecies in ways people just do not except. The warning of this timeline is that
the reader be dutiful and watchful, looking for the promised events that are

The 122nd Jubilee Cycle Will Begin the Rest of History ………….2023 AD

If you want the details, go to his website:

2023 AD………..The End Time of Adam’s Punishment and

Beginning of God’s Kingdom

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 86

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7. Prophetic Calendar for Israel and the Nations: The
Next Decade – Last Days News Events 2014 THRU 2023

Book Features:

Prophetic events for the decade 2014 - 2023. Intel and info to help you

Specific events to watch for if you are Jewish and if you live in Israel. If you are
NOT Jewish, and you do not live in Israel, then you better for sure read this!

These events are actually “signs” prerecorded in the Hebrew Scriptures to alert

1. To let you know how and by what mean your enemies will deceive you;

2. To prepare you for the coming of the Messiah to Israel to establish His

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8. The Lord’s Voice cries to the City – Micah 6:9
By: Iris Nasreen

Book Features:
“This is my humble prayer that this book will not save tens or thousands, but millions of souls.
Amen. The Lord Jesus Christ revealed Himself in a dream to appoint me His servant in 1997.
The Lord later revealed my calling for His purpose in 2007 with a dream. This dream was a
warning and a revelation of global disasters that the whole world has already experienced
and will undergo with more severity in the future, if people don't repent with humility. God
revealed the reason for His judgments.
Mankind is doing whatever they want to do, while not thinking about the will of God. This is
not the only wall-an immeasurable wall of water in my dream symbolizing disasters. There are
several walls like this that are held with God's Strength. If this world continues to live with the
same pattern- living in sin-these walls will start to collapse, one after the other.
This book is God's message given to all the nations of the whole world, including prophecies
for year 2012 and year 2023 and prophecies of wars, famines, and natural disasters.
• What is God's will?
• Why God loves you?
• Why God will judge mankind?
God called me to be His witness before the whole world to testify His will & declare the
warning signs of future catastrophe, sequential to the birth pains of a woman in labor before
the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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9. His Dream Interpreters by Phantom Prophet

Extract from the Book – Page - 317

Years of our Lord – 2016 to 2023 AD - “Seven Years Famine”

The years of Lord 2016 AD to 2023 AD are interpreted to be the prophetic “Seven
Years Tribulation” on earth and the simultaneous fulfillment of the Lord’s first
wedding week to his Chruch bride in heaven.

The Scriptural justification for this interpretation is revealed in both the Old and
New Testament’s. This includes Jacob’s marriage to Leah, the Book of Daniel, the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 92

Book of Revelation, and other scriptural justifications revealed in “His Dream

The End Time prophetic interpretation for the years of our Lord 2016 AD to 2023
AD centers on the people of Israel and the unbelieving Gentile inhabitants of the

It has been interpreted that the “Seven Year Great Church Harvest” will be
completed at the time of the Rapture in the prophetic year of 2016 AD. The
“Seven Year Tribulation” will begin immediately after the Church Rapture in the
year 2016 AD. The next “seven years” on earth will be subjected to the wrath of
God. This Tribulation period will last seven years from the year 2016 AD until the
year 2023 AD.”

2016 AD to 2023 AD ……………..SEVEN YEARS ---- GREAT TRIBULATION


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 93

2023 AD…………………The Return of Christ

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 94

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10. End Time Signs by: Kurt B. Bakley

Extract from the book, End Time Signs – Page – 134

“The Book The Mayans Prophecies by Adrian G. Gilbert and Maurice M.

Cotterell pages 130- 134 predict that in 1507 AD, the Mayans went up to their
Temple to plead with the devil not to destroy the world for the next 52 or 520
years. They may have done this well in 1503 AD. When adding 520 years to that
year, it comes to 2023 AD. Subtract seven years from then and we came to the
year 2016 AD.”

End of the Modern World by 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 96

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11. The Jonah Prophecies by Fred Paul Dello

Extract from the book – page – 290:

“Author’s note Notice how the seventy years = [138] prophecy keeps reappearing
because the seventy years prophecy is involved with the sign of Jonah = [138]
prophecy. So it appears that both Babylon, the western world and Japan will
topple approximately at the same year, approximately seventy years after the
term of Nebuchadnezzar’s [or on the Key of David language Harry S. Truman.]
term in office. Truman started his presidency on April 1945 and ended it 1953, if
you add seventy years the years 2015 to 2023 pop up as the End of
Babylon, the capitalist west.”

End of Babylon, the Capitalist West……………… 2023 AD

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12. The Bible – Old Testament
The Book of Daniel – Chapter – 8 and Chapter – 12

The Book of Daniel - Chapter – 8: (9 – 14)

9. And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward
the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.

10. And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and
of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.

11. Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him
the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down.

12. And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and
it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.

13. Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which
spake, How long shall be the visionconcerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression
of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 100
14. And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days;
then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

1. Daniel 8: 9 – 14 (Verses)
2. Daniel 8: 9………….B.C 277 (277 Years before Christ)
3. B.C. 277…………Macedonia Kingdom’s starting year

Dan 8: 14 (2300 days = 2300 years)

B.C. 277 + 2300 years = 2023 AD

The Book of Daniel - Chapter – 12: (7 – 13)

7. And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he
held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever
that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished
to scatter the power of the holy people, all thesethings shall be finished.
8. And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, whatshall be the end of
these things?
9. And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of
the end.
10. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but thewicked shall do wickedly: and
none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.
11. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
12. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and
thirty days.
13. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, andstand in thy lot at the end of
the days.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 101

688 AD ---- Omar Temple Establishment

688 + 1355 = 2023 AD [Daniel 12: 7-13]

 688 AD ……Omar Temple Establishment

 688 AD + 1260 = 1948 AD…………..Establishment of Israel
 688 AD + 1290 = 1978 AD…………..Campdavid Agreement

688 AD + 1355 = 2023 AD…………Second Coming of Jesus Christ

For details see:

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13. The Cassandara Prophecy – Armageddon Approaches

(With the courtesy from:

The Book of Daniel – Old Testament – The World will End in 2023 AD

Research for this section came from a book by Ian Gurney, the Cassandra
Prophesy, published in 1999.

Biblical scholar Ian Gurney wrote The Cassandra Prophecy: Armageddon

Approaches in 1999. He claims that Judgement Day will come in “less than 25
years”. He comes to this conclusion through interpretations of the book of
Revelation and of the Daniel story and some other Biblical prophesies.

The Second Coming of Christ is generally considered the End-of-the-World as we

know it.

Note: Christians incorrectly believe Mark 13:32 is a commandment by God that

no one is allowed to know something that even the angels in heaven don’t

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 104

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the
Son, but only the Father.”

God didn’t say you can’t know the year, and in fact, Daniel in chapter 12, verses
11& 12 says Jesus will cometh back in 1335 days.

“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the
abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be 1290 days. Dan 12, v11
Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days. Dan 12, v12”

In order to calculate the date of the 2nd Coming of the Messiah and the End-of-
the World, we need to identify the abomination that maketh desolate.

There are three stumbling blocks that have kept mankind and scholars from fully
understanding the book of Revelation and the event that ranks as one of the
most important in the history of the Jews, Christians and Muslims: “The
abomination of the desolation”.

1. Believers and Biblical scholars spend their time interpreting and

reinterpreting the scriptures to convince themselves they either (a) get the
blessings promised to Israel or (b) will be raptured right before the
2. The year of the 2nd Coming could not be verified until the latter half of the
twentieth century.
3. An “error” made in the seventeenth century.

“And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of
strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the
abomination that maketh desolate Dan 11:31”

James Hastings, M.A., D.D. in the seventeenth century published a dictionary of

the Bible that analyzes the different interpretations of Daniel 11:31. He
concludes the verse refers to “The setting up by Antiochus Epiphanies of a small

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 105

idol/altar on the altar of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 167 BC” and the
Maccabean revolution.

Jesus contradicts this interpretation in the gospels,

“When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel

the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand).
Mathew 24:15

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand). Mark

The two verses refer to a conversation between Jesus, Peter, James and Andrew
on the Mount of Olives. Before he mentions the abomination Jesus says the
following to his disciples admiring the grandeur of the temple.

“Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone upon
another, that shall not be thrown down Mark 13:2”

Here Jesus is prophesying an event that is to take place within the lifetime of the
disciples. August 29th in 70 A.D. (the exact same day the Babylonians burned
down Solomon's temple 657 years earlier) the Roman army razed Herod's
Temple to the ground.

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As Jesus places the event of the abomination after the destruction of the temple
in 70 A.D. and uses the words “when ye shall see” (Mark 13:14), he places the
event in the future.

It is impossible the abomination spoken of by Jesus could have taken place prior
to 70 AD and therefore any exegesis that identifies the abomination, as 167 B.C.
is the “error” made over 1400 years ago.

Jesus predicts the location of the abomination will be somewhere that is not
only a “holy place”, but also a place that under normal circumstances would be
Within the Jewish faith the biblical term “holy place” can only mean The Holy
Temple in Jerusalem. After its destruction in 70 A.D. leaving only the Western or
Wailing Wall, the Holy Temple was never rebuilt. The ground where the Temple
stood, the Temple Mount, and the Wailing Wall is to the Jews “the most holy
place” in Jerusalem.

Construction begins on the abomination of desolation in 688 A.D.

On the death of Abu Bakr, Omar ibn al Khattab, advisor to Mohammed became
the second caliph and ordered that a magnificent golden domed mosque, Islam’s
third holiest shrine, be built… directly over “the most holy place” in Jerusalem.
The Mosque of Omar, The Dome of the Rock is the correct identification of the
abomination of desolation.

Applying the date of 688 A.D. to Daniel

Biblical scholars acknowledge the words of Ezekiel who wrote 30 years before
Daniel. “I have appointed thee each day for a year”. Using each day for a year,

“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the
abomination that maketh desolate set up in 688 A.D., there shall be 1290 years.
Daniel 12:11

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 107

Blessed is he that waiteth for the Messiah and cometh to the 1335 years or 2023.
Daniel 12:12

Revelation Chapter 11, verse 2&3 confirms this date.

But the court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not; for it is
given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and
two months (1279 days). And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they
shall prophesy a 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth. Revelation 11:2&3

These two verses appear to be talking about the same time scale and the same
event. But only if we assume an average month is thirty days - then forty-two
months = 1260 days. An “average month” does not account for the extra day for
a leap year. Using the reckonings from the Julian calendar and the extra day, the
period of forty-two months is 1279 not 1260 days.

We also know verse 1 refers to the area outside the temple as being in the hands
of the Gentiles (non Jews) as well as the holy city of Jerusalem for 1279 years
(“each day for a year”.); and in verse 2 the two witnesses of God the Jewish
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 108
people, the Houses of Judah and Israel, will prophesy or preach for a similar 1260
years “clothed in sackcloth”. Sackcloth is symbolic of regret, repentance and

What these two verses are saying is that the Jewish people will lose their place
of worship including the city of Jerusalem; it will be given over to non Jewish
people until the first few hours of the six-day war in 1967 (688 A.D. + 1279)
when for the first time since the capture of Jerusalem and destruction of the
temple by Titus in 70 A.D. the Jewish people not only had their own state May
14th 1948 (688 A.D. + 1260) they once again controlled “the most holy place” in

So now the Bible has correctly given us the three most important dates in the
history of the Jewish people in this century; 1948, 1967 and 1978 (688 A.D. +
1290 The Camp David Peace accord).

The last date recorded in Daniel, the Second Coming of Christ and the End-of-
the-World as we know it can now be calculated.

Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days. Dan 12, v12

Notice Daniel uses the term “Blessed.” Blessed is found throughout the Bible and
is a word which is always a description of a state of grace that each individual
can attain. A oneness with God, a state of redemption and can be better
understood by the following verse from Revelation:

Blessed is he that hath part in the first resurrection, Rev 20, v6

In this verse the first resurrection refers to an apocalyptic event in our future, an
event described in the preceding verse of Revelation.

And I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto
them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 109

and for the word of God,, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his
image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands:
and they lived and reigned with Christ a 1000 years. But the rest of the dead
lived not again until the 1000 years were finished: this is the first resurrection.
Rev 20, v4&5

These two verses reveal the enormity of the message given in the last verse of
the book Daniel. Within the verse he is telling us that those who reach the 1335
days being blessed, have passed through Judgment Day, or as it is described in
the Koran, “the day of resurrection”. Once again we must obey the instruction
laid down by Ezekiel and count those days as years and again the starting point
of our calculation is the abomination.

688 AD + 1335 years = 2023

Having been given this final dating Daniel is then told, in the last verse of his
But go thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end
of the days. Dan 12, v13

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 110

He finality of this last verse is unequivocal and relates directly to the
penultimate verse stating as it does that those who reach the 1335 days [years]
are not only blessed but will have reach the “end of the days”

2023 AD…………………2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

For Details: please visit the website:

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14. Nostradamus – Prediction and Prophecy about 2023 AD

Michel de Nostredame (14 December 1503 – 2 July 1566), usually Latinised as

Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed seer who published
collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He is best
known for his book Les Propheties, the first edition of which appeared in 1555.
Since the publication of this book, which has rarely been out of print since his
death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that, along with much of the
popular press, credits him with predicting many major world events.

Unless you are living under a rock you have heard about Nostradamas, the man
who, 500 years ago, made an estimated 6,338 predictions/prophecies. Followers
claim he predicted everything from Hitler to 9/11, the death of Princess Diana,
along with the assassination of just about every important person in history.

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Nostradamus: the World will End 4 months before 2023

The following quatrains of Nostradamus arithmetically predict the End-of-the-

World and a frightening scenario of the future at the end of 2022.

“Jupiter and Saturn joined in Aries, Eternal God what changes. When after a long
century the bad times will return In France and Italy what turmoil. Century 1.
Quatrain 51”
The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aries is very rare. The astronomical
conjunction occurred almost two hundred years ago and then again on
September 2, 1995.

The long century brings this quatrain into the present time; as Nostradamus
refers to the 20th century as the long century. The bad times in France and Italy
have been going on during the 20th and 21st century.

“Fire from the heavens will strike the West, and the Muslim (Midy) world will
rush upon Israel (au Levant), People will die of hunger without finding a root to
feed on. This is the third world war, the fury of the Gods of war, the
revolutionaries (Escarboucles) will light their flaming fires, the war of revolution
and at the finish will be famine. Sixain 27”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 114

Nostradamus uses the word “midy,” or people of the south, to denote the world
of Islam. Some people have claimed the word “Levant” applies to the Isle de
Levant, a small island off the coast of France close to Hyeres. Others have
claimed it signifies Japan, as in “soleil levant” or the rising sun. However, in
Nostradamus’ time, it would have been understood as the Levant coast,
stretching from Syria through Lebanon and Israel, to the Egyptian border in the
eastern Mediterranean. The word “Escarboucles” means carbuncle or garnet,
which is poppy or blood red, and signifies revolution. The famine mentioned at
the end of the Sixain is of world wide proportions.

We have September 2, 1995 as the starting point; now we need to find the
duration of these troubles.

“The third antichrist is soon annihilated; His bloody war will have lasted 27
years. The heretics/unbelievers are dead, captured, exiled. The blood of human
bodies will redden the whole earth. Century 8. Quatrain 77”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 115

We can assume the third antichrist will be the last one in history.

“Long awaited he will never return in Europe, in Asia he will appear. One of the
leaguer issued from the great Hermes, and he will have power above all the
kings of the East. Century 10. Quatrain 75”

In Hermetic terms the God Hermes stands for Mercury, with Jupiter indicating
Islam. Therefore, Nostradamus states the problems the Antichrist starts will last
for 27 years.

September 2, 1995 + 27 years = September 2, 2022

Nostradamus: the World will End 4 months before 2023

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15. Paracelsus – The World will End in 2023

According to Paracelsus, (born: 17 December 1493 – 24 September 1541) a

German-Swiss, Renaissance physician, alchemist, astrologer, and general
occultist, the world will end in 2023.

He founded the discipline of toxicology. He is also known as a revolutionary for

insisting upon using observations of nature, rather than looking to ancient texts,
in open and radical defiance of medical practice of his day.He is also credited for
giving zinc its name, calling it zincum. Modern psychology often also credits him
for being the first to note that some diseases are rooted in psychological illness.

Paracelsus, in the Twenty Ninth figure of his prognostications, shows a lamb

with a bishop’s mitre on its head feeding beneath a tree, and is accompanied by
the following:

“Thus shall it come to pass that each one will be led into its own pasture. For
feeding in strange pasture causeth distress, contention, and misery in this world.
As soon as each one cometh into its own stall there shall be unity. For the mouth

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 118

becometh depraved, feeding according to its lust as it pleaseth the jaws; all the
cometh of going into strange pastures. How blessed shall be the hour, and the
poverty, that will come and shall ordain each one to its meadow, not far from
the year XX XX III. Paracelsus. Figure 29”

Most of the prognostications of Paracelsus concern countries, institutions,

establishments and monarchies. Figure 29 seems to refer to the individual and,
in particular, to a state of change that each individual can reach.

This corresponds to the great change that is forecast in the Bible: a total
renewal, a resurrection. The date given at the end is confusing since there is no
such Roman numeral. At first glance it could be 43, but in Roman numerals this
would be XLIII, in other words 50 minus ten plus 3. The fact that Paracelsus tells
us this is a year is the clue to the correct interpretation of the figure.

XX (20) XX (20) III (3) = 2023

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16. Baba Vanga and Prophecy about the Year – 2023 AD

Baba Vanga was a blind Bulgarian woman (born 1911, died 1996) who was a
herbalist and alleged mystic who made many predictions for the future. She
became incredibly popular due to her so-called mystical powers. When she died
huge crowds attended her funeral.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 121

She predicted correctly about World War – II, 9 – 11 terrorist attacks in USA, etc.

Closer to our own time she predicted a change in the Earth’s orbit in 2023.
Curiously she predicted the beginning of World War III in 2010 AD and her
followers say the Syria War, Sudan War, Libya War, Ukraine Crisis, etc are all
leading to the predicted Big World War by 2018 AD.

2023 AD……………..Change in the Earth’s Orbit

There is a famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that:

“The Sun would Rise from the West instead of East on the arrival of Imam
Mahdi.”…………………………Change in the Earth’s Orbit

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17. Bibilical Prophecies of Second Coming of Jesus Christ

It is also the Biblical Prophecies that the 7 years before the Second coming of
Jesus Christ is “The Great Tribulation” and then the era of “The Millinium”
starts after the Second coming of Jesus Christ when there would be peace and
prosperity for the whole mankind.

So according to the calculations, the period from 2nd September, 2016 AD till
28th July, 2023 AD is the 7 years period of “The Great Tribulation” and 1000
years after the Second coming of Jesus Christ would be known as “The

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 123

The Seven Seals
The Seven Seals Prophetic Events as mentioned in Holy Bible

 First Seal False Prophets

 Second Seal War
 Third Seal Famine
 Fourth Seal Pestilence
 Fifth Seal Tibulation
 Sixth Seal Heavenly Signs
 Seventh Seal Seven Trumpets

1st Trees Injured

2nd Sea Injured
3rd Rivers Injured
4th Heavenly catastrophes
5th First Woe
6th Second Woe
7th Third Woe (The 7 Last Plagues)

7 Years Period of “Great Tribulation” ….2nd September, 2016

till 28th July, 2023 AD……………….2520 Days

2nd September, 2016 AD………………………Friday

28th July, 2023 AD………………………………..Friday

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 124

Then: The Return of Jesus Christ on 28th July, 2023 AD

Hazrat Ali (AS) said for the times of Confusion and Wars:

“During Fitna (civil disturbance, disobedience and confusion),

be like an adolescent camel, which has neither a back strong
enough for riding nor udders for milking.”

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18. The Great Tribulation of 2520 Days before the Second
Coming of Jesus Christ

It is said that the Great Tribulation would be about 7 years just before the Second
Coming of Jesus Christ or to be precise about 2520 days.

The Number – 2520 is the smallest number in Mathematics which is completely

divided by all the numbers from 1 to 10 with out leaving any remainder.

The Great Tribulation would start on 2nd September, 2016 AD on Friday and
continue till the Second coming of Jesus Christ on 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday.

 Start of Great Tribulation………..2nd September, 2016 AD (Friday)

 End of Great Tribulation…………28th July, 2023 AD (Friday)

2520 days = 360 Weeks x 7 Days

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 127

2520 days= 360 Fridays with in this period of time
There are 360 Fridays in this Great Tribulation time, starting from 2 nd September,
2016 AD on Friday and ending on 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday.

 2520 Days……………..2nd September, 2016 till 27th July, 2023 AD (Thursday)

 28th July, 2023 AD is the 2521st Day and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

360 is the Abjad of Allah’s name, “Rafee” meaning the Highest

7 is the 7 Repeated Verses or 7 repeated names of 14 Masoomeen of Allah

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19. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ at the Tomb of John – The
Baptist at 04:45 am in Damascus, Syria
All Christians and Muslims of our World are waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ to save the world and humanity from the Anti-Christ and the injustices of the
world. And all the scholars and learned people of both the religions are saying that
His Second Coming is very near in the future.

Most of the calculations done in the past indicate the year – 2023 as the expected
year of His re-appearance. Number – 7 is considered the lucky number in most
faiths of the world especially in the Christian and Islamic faiths. July is the 7th
Month. Now the dates could be multiples of Number – 7 as: 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th –
all these four dates can be divided by Number -7, which is considered as the luckiest
number. The numbers in the year – 2023 also sum up to 7 as:

2023------------ 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7
If we take the year of Jesus Christ Second Coming as – 2023

Expected Month of the year – 2023 – July – 7th Month

The date of the 7th Month of the year – 2023 would be 28……. 7 x 4 = 28 th July

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 130

2023 7 28……….. Year – Month – Date
If we divide this number by 19, we would get an amazing result:

2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512
4. Year of Second Coming of Jesus Christ – 2023--------- 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7
5. Month of Second Coming of Jesus Christ – 7 (July)

6. Date of Second Coming of Jesus Christ – 28th July – 7 x 4 = 28th July

The Number – 23 is also considered as the ‘Cosmic Number’ in Numerology and the
most mystic number among the numbers. There is a movie named ‘Number – 23’
and one can see that movie if he or she is looking for the importance of Number –

So the date, month and year of Jesus Christ’s Second Coming is also divisible by
Number – 19 is:

28th July, 2023…………………..2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512

 The year, month and date numbers if written as a single number is divisible
by Number – 19
 All the numbers in the year, month and date are linked with Number – 7,
which is considered as the luckiest number.
 The year – 2023 -------has Number – 23, which is considered as the ‘Cosmic
Number’ in Numerology

19 x 106512 = 2023728

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20. 900 - Year Old Prophecy Says Next Pope Will
Oversee End of Days- 112th Pope – Last Pope – Before
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

In 1139 A.D. the Catholic Saint Malachy was said to have experienced visions
during a trip to Rome. He subsequently put these visions to paper and penned
a document containing 112 short phrases purporting to describe all future
popes that would head the Catholic Church. Though not a part of official
Catholic dogma or church teachings, this Prophecy of the Popes is well known
by Vatican officials and church scholars because it has been remarkably
accurate about naming the last 111 heads of one of the world’s oldest and
most widespread religions.

According to researchers, theologians and evangelical scholars, the phrases

Malachy scribed in his writings offer up the “nature, name, destiny or coat of

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 133

arms” of every pope in succession and culminate with the naming of the 112th

Pope Benedict XVI announced recently that he would be retiring. Jokingly

referred to as “God’s Rottweiler” in some circles, the German born 111th
Pontiff as described in Malachy’s prophecy is called the Gloria Olivae, or ”glory
of the olive,” which some supporters of the prophecy suggest is a reference to
the Benedictine Order of monks from whom Benedict got his namesake. The
monks are also known as the Olivetans, and are represented by an olive
branch, leaving many to believe that Saint Malachy was, once again, right.

Now, according to prophecy, the 112th Pope will step up to head

the Church, and he will be named Petrus Romanus, or Peter the
Whether you’re Catholic, Christian or not a religious person at all, the fact
that a 900 year old prophecy is coming to a close is intriguing. And one way or
the other, whether its predictions turn out to be true or not, the prophecy
concludes with the next Pope.

Eerily, the prophecy describes the Catholic Church’s last Pontiff as overseeing
a new era, and one that will be met with great difficulty and destruction:

“In extreme persecution the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied
by Peter the Roman…”
“Who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations and when these things are
finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible or fearsome
judge will judge his people.
The End.”
Prophecy of the Popes – Attributed to St. Malachy circa 1139 A.D.

Within the Book of Revelation, also known as The Apocalypse of John, are
references to the destruction of the City of Seven Hills (Rome) and to the
many trials that will be faced by mankind ahead of the final judgement – the
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 134
rapture, the rise of the anti-christ, seven years of tribulations, and the end of
days.Suffice it to say, if the prophecy is accurate, then the world will soon be
engulfed in a battle between good and evil.

The idea by some Catholics that the next pope on St. Malachy’s list heralds
the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” sets the
stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-
Catholics agree with. This will give rise to the false prophet, who according to
the book of Revelation leads the world’s religious communities into embracing
a political leader known as Antichrist.

Throughout history, many Catholic priests—some deceased now—have been

surprisingly outspoken on what they have seen as this inevitable danger rising
from within the ranks of Catholicism as a result of secret satanic “Illuminati-
Masonic” influences. These priests claim secret knowledge of an multinational
power elite and occult hierarchy operating behind supranatural and global
political machinations. Among this secret society are sinister false Catholic
infiltrators who understand that, as the Roman Catholic Church represents
one-sixth of the world’s population and over half of all Christians, it is
indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and
state and the fulfillment of a diabolical plan called “Alta Vendita,” which
assumes control of the papacy and helps the False Prophet deceive the world’s
faithful (including Catholics) into worshipping Antichrist.

As stated by Dr. Michael Lake on the front cover of this unprecedented report,
Catholic and evangelical scholars have dreaded this moment for centuries.
Unfortunately – as you will discover in the next 90 days – time for avoiding
Peter the Roman just ran out.

The prophecy begins in 1143 with the election of Pope Celestine II, who is
described in Latin as “Ex caſtro Tiberis,” or “From a castle of the Tiber.”
Celestine II was born in central Italy in a city that sits on the banks of the Tiber

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 135

Pope John Paul II is referred to as “De labore folis,” or “from the labour of the
sun,” and is the only pope to have been born on the day of an eclipse and
entombed on one as well.

There are scores of similar parallels between prophecy and pope, adding all
the more credence to its legitimacy.

In its last prediction, though the prophecy refers to Petrus Romanus as the
shepherd that will pasture his sheep, it may not necessarily mean the Pope
will be on the side of the people, or even God. According to Thomas Horn, the
author of Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, the last pope is not the
anti-christ, but he may well be the false prophet who ushers him in - a chilling
thought for the billions of Catholics and Christians around the world:

The important fact is this. The very next Pope, following Pope Benedict the
XVI who, according to a lot of news coming out of Rome right now – his days
are numbered. He’s getting older, he’s getting feeble, he may retire……

The next Pope is the final one on a 900 year old prophecy.
So, imagine how historical this moment is with regard to end time’s bible
prophecy. By the way, the prophecy tells us that he will be the false prophet
of biblical fame who will help give rise to the anti-christ.

Whether coincidence, self fulfilling through the machinations of man, or

otherworldly, Malachy’s writings have certainly held the attention of the
highest levels at the Vatican for centuries, and perhaps even influenced its
Now, with Benedict the XVI stepping down, we enter its final phase, and we’ll
soon learn how accurate it really

With courtesy from Mac Slavo

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 136

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 137
21. Hindus Predictions about 2023 AD and Arrival of 14 Purest

With the courtesy of website:

While describing the world events from 2014 to 2023, they mentioned that from
2021 to 2023 the following events would occur:

2021 – 2023 AD:

“In 2021, the establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind will begin . In
2023, there will be arrival of particles from Satyalok, the subtlest and purest of the 14
main subtle-regions to help with the positive work taking place towards establishment
of the Divine Kingdom.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 138

While mentioning the World War 3 events before 2023 AD, they mentioned:

2015 – 2023 AD:

“The fact that the intensity of the battle will increase up to 70 units in 2019 gives us
an indication of the severity of the battle. It will then rapidly come down to zero by

“Only a fraction of Armageddon will be experienced on Earth. But this fraction itself will be
catastrophic and the cause of mass destruction. We will physically witness this fraction of
Armageddon in the form of the unleashing of forces of nature and World War 3 where
weapons of mass destruction will be used. The rise in natural disasters such as floods,
earthquakes and volcanoes will be primarily due to the rise in Raja and Tama fuelled by
unrighteousness on Earth. The people who precipitate the World War 3 will be under the
control of higher level negative energies known as subtle sorcerers or māntriks”

World War – 3 - 2015 – 2023 AD

“The Third World War will gradually take its momentum in 2015 AD and continue for about 9
years till 2023 AD. The wars that will be fought within that period will all be linked. However it
may not be readily apparent to the world. Towards the end of this period, weapons of mass
destruction will be used. There will be an unprecedented loss of life where approximately
1/3rd of the population will perish and 1/3rd will experience suffering. Some
countries will be affected more than others. Needless to say in a highly interconnected world
all countries will be affected. The Third World War will be triggered mainly due to religious
fanaticism. Higher level negative energies will use this vulnerability in humans to push them
over the edge and instigate nations to go to war with each other.
In all the three world wars (i.e., from World War 1 to World War 3) powerful negative energies
from progressively higher regions of Hell have been the actual root cause instigating countries
to go to war with each other. The following points elaborate on which subtle negative forces
from the regions of Hell were responsible for instigating the World Wars.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 139

2020 – 2022 AD – Preparation of the Divine Kingdom

“The tide of the battle of good versus evil at a physical level begins to change and the forces of
good start to win. The Governance of the Divine Kingdom.”

2023 AD:

Establishment of the Sattva predominant (Divine) Kingdom

So even different religions are predicting the Establishment of Divine Kingdom

by 2023 AD and the Arrival of the 14th Purest in 2023 AD.

 The Abjad of This Arabic Sentence:

“Zahoor e Aakhir Aala” i.e. Zahoor of the Last Great Person is 2023.

“Zahoor (1111) e Aakhir (801) Aala (111)” i.e. Zahoor of the Last Great
Person is in 2023.

1111 + 801 + 111 = 2023

2023……… the Abjad of “ Zahoor e Aakhir Aala”

2023 AD ………………………Zahoor of Aakhir Zaman i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

So the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would be in the Year – 2023 AD.

 The Abjad of This Arabic Sentence:

“Jalil e Zahir Awaal O Aakhir” is 2023.

“Jalil (73) e Zahir (1106) Awaal (37) O (6) Aakhir (801)” is 2023.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 140
73 + 1106 + 37 + 6 + 801 = 2023

2023 AD ………………………Zahoor of Jalil e Zahir Awaal O Aakhir i.e. Imam

Mahdi (AS)

So the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would be in the Year – 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 141

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 142
22. The concept of "Badaa" and the Promise of Allah
regarding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

One person came to ask questions from our 9th Imam, Imam e Taqi (AS)
regarding Imam Mahdi (AS).

He asked many questions regarding the Signs of the End Times and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). Then he asked Imam Taqi (AS) that is it possible
for Allah to change the Signs and they don't appear.

Imam Taqi (AS) replied that 'Yes'. Allah can change any Sign of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) because Allah is 'Qadir e Mutliq'. This concept is known as

Then the person asked that Can Allah apply the concept of "Badaa' on the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. Allah don't appear Imam Mahdi (AS) in End
Times and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) don't take place.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 143

Then Imam Taqi (AS) replied that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is the
"Ehad" of Allah and Allah always fulfills His Promises. So the Concept of
"Badaa" would Not apply on Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Ehad" is 79

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Zahoor" is 1111

If we add the Abjad of "Ehad" and "Zahoor", we would get the number of
years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

The Abjad of "Ehad e Zahoor" i.e. The Promise of Zahoor by Allah is

79 + 1111 = 1190

The total Number of years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS) is also 1190 years.

The 1st Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in 255 Hijri. The "Ehad e Zahoor" i.e.
Promise of Zahoor by Allah would be after 1190 years in the year:

255 Hijri + 1190 (Ehad e Zahoor) = 1445

255 + 1190 (Total years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi) = 1445

1445 Hijri...................Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 144

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 145
23. Albert Pike and the Three World Wars
With the courtesy of

Albert Pike

Introduction to Albert Pike

“Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to
Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike. He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General
in the Confederate Army.

Pike was said to be a genius, able to read and write in different languages. At various stages of his
life he was a poet, philosopher, frontiersman, soldier, humanitarian and philanthropist.
Between 1859 and 1871, Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various
revolutions throughout the world.

Pike's Letter to Mazzini

Albert Pike received a vision, which he described in a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated
August 15, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as
necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has
predicted events that have already taken place.

The letter was written on August which is the 8th month and the date was 15th and the year
was 1871.

If we write the date as:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 146

1871 15 8 and then divide the number by 19, we would see the number is completely divided
by number - 19.

1871158/19 = 98482

Following are apparently extracts of the letter, showing how Three World Wars have been
planned for many generations.

First World War:

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow
the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic
Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the
British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war,
Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to
weaken the religions."

Second World War:

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between
the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is
destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of
Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become
strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in
check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over
weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and
Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of
the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into

(Readers who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should
remember that the Secret Society invented both these movements. In addition, Communism
as an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution.)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 147

Third World War

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the
"agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.
The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political
Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once
more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical,
moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists,
and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to
the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of
revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without
compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration,
will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer,
brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general
reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both
conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East,
show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is
completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their
allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is
not far off.”

With the courtesy of

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 148

Albert Pike wrote the letter on 15th August, 1871 AD about 3 World Wars. The
World War 3 would be in full swing by 2021 AD between West and Russia and

So there are 150 years from 1871 AD till 2021 AD till the completion of His Evil
plan to wage 3 World Wars in the World to destroy the humanity.

150 years ............... 1871 AD till 2021 AD

150 years/3 World Wars = 50 years of each World War

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 149

24. Wars in 110 Years ---- 1914 to 2024 AD

“History repeats or rhymes itself.”

Those who argue that Third World War is impossible or not in our near future,
they should see this list of Wars in the link given below in the last 100 years and
then decide whether the next Big War is impossible?

More than 100 wars have already been fought in the world in the last 100 years
including World War – 1 and World War – 2.

Now the World War – 3 is in making and would finally release in 2021 AD.

That would be a very swift and most destructive war fought mostly by modern
Nuclear weapons in Middle East region. It would officially end in 2022 AD, when
the World elite would announce the ONE World Order i.e. New World Order by
placing Pope as the Head of the ONE WORLD Government.

It is now becoming a historical fact that the next Third World War would be
fought in the Middle East. So we should know a little about Middle East, existing
conflicts and wars in the Middle East and the Definition of the World War.

Definition of World War – According to Military Encylopedia

World War – A War would be known as World War if more than 2 continents
are directly involved and more than 20 countries are involved in the war.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 150

Middle East and the Making of Third World War in that region:

The Middle East is a region that ncompasses a majority of Western Asia. The
term is used as a synonym for Near East, in opposition to Far East.

There are traditionally 16 countries in the Middle East region. The list of the
countries and the existing conflicts are as follows:

1. Bahrain – The conflict and the riots are in full swing between the Kingdom
and the Shia demonstrators since 2 years. Saudi Arabia intervened and there
has been lot of human rights violations in the last few years.
2. Saudi Arabia – The most popular country in the Middle East and the head
quarters of all Muslims because of Mecca and Madina. It has been playing a
major role in the World politics especially in relations with Iran, Syria and
Lebanon. It has supported many radical Muslim groups in the past and has
been blamed for many political interventions in the Muslim world.
3. Iran – The West has put lot of economic sanctions against Iran because of its
nuclear enrichment program. Most Sunni states in the Middle Eastern
countries are against Iran and in favor of sanctions. They are afraid of Shia
revolution in their own countries against the Kingdoms.
4. Iraq – The USA invaded Iraq in 2003 and now the Government of Iraq is in the
hands of Shias. Iraq has been a trouble spot in the Middle East since 1990
under Saddam Hussain regime and now the extremist Sunni groups are
fighting against Shia Government in Iraq. Lot of terrorist attacks happen in
Iraq every year in Shia majority areas.
5. Palestine – The region is a famous place and many political groups in
Palestine are against Israel and the fighting is still on against Israel and the
region is fighting for stability and its existence.
6. Israel – It is a known place in the world and most people in the world know
about Israel. Its neigbours are Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. There
have been so many wars between Israel and the Arab Muslim states.
7. Jordon – It is a small country and King Abdullah is its ruler. It favors Saudi
Arabia and a Sunni state.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 151

8. Syria – The Syrian conflict is a famous conflict in the world politics since
March 2011 and the world was almost at the verge of war in August, 2013
when US placed the Red Line on Syria over the use of Chemical weapons. But
Russia played a role in solving the crisis and the world powers agreed on the
condition that Syria would abolish all its chemical weapons by 2014. The
conflict is still in place and the world powers military ships are in
Mediterranean Sea.
9. Lebanon – It is a small country but known as mountain resort of Middle East.
It is a neighbor of Israel. Israel went to war with Lebanon in 2006. The Shias
are in majority but the Government is divided and the terrorist activities
happen on and off in the major areas of Lebanon.
10. Kuwait – Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. It is a rich oil country and rule by the
King. The Shias are in majority but the Kingdom is in the hands of Sunnis.
11. Oman – Oman is a small country in the Middle East and also a Sunni state.
12. Qatar – Qatar is a small but rich country in the Middle East. It is also known
as the head quarters of US military in the Middle East.
13. UAE – United Arab Emirates – It is a famous Middle East country known for
its trade, tourism and real estate all over the world. Most of the air lines stop
over in Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
14.Turkey – It is one of the largest economies in the Middle East. It borders Syria,
Iran, Iraq and Germany. It is involved in the Middle East politics because of its
geo political situation. It also borders the Europe and that is why its political
importance increases in the region. It is directly or indirectly involved and
affected by Syrian crisis, Iran crisis, Iraq crisis and European economic crisis.
15. Yemen – There are lots of drone attacks in Yemen by USA. The terrorist
activities are still in peak in Yemen. The country is divided in many political
and religious issues. It borders Saudi Arabia and governed by Sunni rulers.
On 25th March, 2015, Saudi Arabia along with its Arab and Western Allies
started attack on Yemen and hence a new major conflict started which would
lead to 3rd World War finally.
16. Egypt – Egypt comes in the African continent but considered a part of Middle
East. The political turmoil and conflict is still active since 2011. The regime of
President Husni Mubarak is toppled by Egypt populace movement. Then

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 152

Muslim brotherhood came into power in 2012. Then the military took power
in 2013 by throwing Muslim brotherhood Morsi government. Egypt is still in
crisis and there are no signs showing that it would be settled any where in the
near future.
So these 16 countries make the Middle East region. Now after going through the
conflicts in these countries one should realize that it is a matter of time when the
fire would spread all across the Middle East region and the Big Third World War
would begin when the major continents – North America, Asia and Europe would
struggle for their dominance in those countries.

As per the definition of World War, more than 2 continents and 20 countries are
involved in the military conflict and riots in the Middle East countries. As NATO
comprises of 28 countries and the Military presence of NATA and US forces in the
Middle East along with the Russian Military presence in Syria and Iran and Chinese
economic interests in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries are the strong
indicators of the coming Big War in the Middle East some time in 2018 AD.

World War – 1 …………War of Kings (Modern Pharohs)……………..fought in Europe

(Result of “Takabur” meaning Pride of Kings)

World War - 2…………War of Ideologists (Modern Hamans) ………fought in Europe

(Result of “Hasad” meaning Jealousy of Scholars)

World War – 3……….War of Capitalists (Modern Qaruns)……….fought in Middle East

(Result of “Hirs” meaning to Desire to become wealthy and powerful like others )

World War – 3 would be the Last World War and that is why the Holly wood
released the movie – World War Z, as the Alphabet “Z” is the Last Alphabet of
English language.

World War – 3 ------- 2021-2022 AD ---- Third World War

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 153

In Third World War almost 1/3rd population would die mostly in Middle Eastern
region but all the World would be affected by the consequences of its
destruction and the usage of modern nuclear weapons in the world.
Period from the Start of World War – 1 to the End of World War – 3

It is very interesting to note that the total time from the Start of World War – 1
which was started on 28th July, 1914 AD till the end of the World War – 3 by 28th
July, 2022 AD would be 108 years.

110……………… the Abjad of Maula's name, “Ali”

Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor would be deliver “Haq” and Justice to the whole world
which is absent from the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 154

World War – 3 – The Final War - 2021 - 2022 AD
The World would see the Final War known as WW3 (World War – 3) between
the following countries commencing from 2020 AD in full scale.

NATO (28 Countries) Vs Russia and China

India Vs China

USA & South Korea Vs North Korea

Israel Vs Iran and Syria

USA Vs Russia

USA Vs China

Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Jordan Vs Iran and Syria

India Vs Pakistan

USA Vs Venezula and Cuba

NATO, USA, EU, Israel – Allies VS Russia, China - Allies

1/3rd Population of the World would die in this Thermo-Nuclear War.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 155

1. Ego Wars
2. Tribal Wars
3. Wars for Women
4. Wars for Land
5. Ideology Wars
6. Debt Wars
7. Food Wars
8. Currency Wars
9. Oil Wars
10. Psycho Wars
11. Trade Wars
12. Divide and Rule Wars
13. Germ Warfare
14. War by Rebels
15. Wars on Terrorism
16. Wars of Terrorism
17. Sanctions War
18. Cyber Wars
19. Guerrilla Wars
20. War of Thinktanks
21. Chemical Wars
22. Wars with Vaccines
23. Thermo-Nuclear Wars
24. Water Wars
25. War of Banks
26. Regional Wars
27. Wars for Independence
28. Civil Wars
29. Cold Wars
30. Biological Wars

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 156

31. War for Natural Resources
32. Expansion Wars
33. Wars of Succession
34. Wars for Democracy
35. Religion based wars
36. Wars of Freedom
37. Deceptive Wars
38. Drug Wars
39. Ideology Wars
40. Preemptive Wars
41. Proxy Wars
42. Islamic Wars
43. Church Wars
44. Ethnic Conflicts
45. Defensive War
46. War by Economic and Military Sanctions
47. Secret Wars
48. Guerrilla Wars
49. Slavery Wars
50. Colonial Wars
51. Corporate Wars
52. Wars for Oppression
53. Wars for Possession
54. Asymetric Wars
55. Aerial Wars
56. Succession Wars
57. Village Wars
58. Opium Wars
59. Elite Wars
60. Wars for Power and Wealth
61. Wars with Micro Air Vehicles and Drones
62. Space Wars
63. Wars for Color/Caste/Creed

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 157

64. Wars of Industry
65. Wars of Science & Technology
66. Wars for Ethnic Cleansing
67. Solar Weapons War
68. Wars of Criminals
69. Gas Wars
70. War by Robots
71. State Terrorism Wars
72. Genetic Reengineering through forced sterlizations
73. Drought Wars
74. Sea Wars
75. Land Wars
76. Air Wars
77. War Games
78. Undeclared Wars
79. Wars for Containment
80. Wars with Riots
81. Wars of Kings
82. Wars of Dictators
83. War of Words
84. Sex Wars
85. Spying Wars
86. Wars for Justice
87. Wars against Children (Child Labor, Child Pornography, etc)
88. Fourth Generation Wars
89. Human Trafficking Wars
90. Agenda Wars
91. Geo-Political Wars
92. Drone Wars
93. Mosquito Wars (By spreading Malaria in Underdeveloped countries)
94. AIDS wars (By spreading AIDS in the World)
95. Media Wars
96. Petro Dollar Wars

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 158

97. Hi-Tech Wars
98. Communication War
99. Satanic Wars
100. People’s Wars
101. Coalition Wars
102. Profiting Wars
103. Global Wars
104. Info Wars
105. False Prophets Wars
106. EMP Wars
107. Naval Wars and finally
108. Dajjal War
109. 3 World Wars (1914 till 2022 AD)
110. Mahdi's War against Dajjal, Suffiani and Satan

“War is Terrorism with a Bigger Budget”

110 Years of Wars in the World---- 1914 to 2024 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 159

70 % Population of the World in 28 Countries

As we know that almost 70 % of the population would die before the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS). So let us see which countries make up the 70 %
population of the world and interesting to note that the same 28 countries out
of 196 Countries or 243 Countries and Territories are directly or indirectly
involved in international and local geo-political conflicts and wars these days.

The total population of the World exceeded more than 7 billion

people on 31st October, 2011 AD.

By the end of year - 2019 AD, the world population would reach by
7.7 billion people

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 160

28 Countries of the World % of Population in the World

1. China 19.03
2. India 17.40
3. USA 4.44
4. Indonesia 3.50
5. Brazil 2.81
6. Pakistan 2.60
7. Bangladesh 2.13
8. Nigeria 2.43
9. Russia 2.01
10. Japan 1.78
11. Egypt 1.20
12. Germany 1.13
13. Iran 1.08
14. Turkey 1.07
15. Thailand 0.92
16. France 0.92
17. UK 0.89
18. South Korea 0.70
19. Ukraine 0.64
20. Sudan 0.53
21. Iraq 0.48
22. Saudi Arabia 0.42
23. Venezula 0.40
24. Nepal 0.37
25. Afghanistan 0.36
26. North Korea 0.35
27. Syria 0.31
28. Israel 0.11

Total % Population = 70.01 % of the total Population

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 161

If you are aware of the modern current events and news then you should be aware
of that all the major conflicts and wars in the world are occurring in the above 28
countries of the World out of 196 Countries.
So if the conflicts and regional wars convert to a Big Hot Third World War, then one
can image that 70 % of the Population of the World would be affected and could be
killed in that War.

Agenda 21 of World Elite in 3 D’s – 2021 AD

To Kill 4 to 5 Billion Humans by 2021 AD through 3 D’s

1. Destruction by Wars
2. Drought by Wars, Weather modifications, Food control, etc
3. Diseases by after effects of Wars, Drought and damaging Technology

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 162

Quotable Quotes on War
1. War ends nothing.
2. Don't fight even if you are right.
3. War is terrorism with a bigger budget.
4. When you kill a person is called a murder, When you kill thousands is called a War.
5. War is sweet to those who have not experienced it.
6. Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
7. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first
and then seek to win them.
8. What a cruel thing war is....... to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our
9. You have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity.
10. War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is , the sooner it will be
11. The best way to win the next World War is to prevent it.
12. War is the greatest plague that can affect humanity. It destroys religion, it destroys states,
it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it.
13. You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.
14. People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.
15. I don't believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb.
Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the earth will be killed.
16. The object of war is not to die for your country but to make your enemy die for his.
17. To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.
18. I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be
fought with sticks and stones.
19. In time of war, truth is always replaced by propoganda.
20. In war, whatever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners but all losers.
21. In war, winners are losers and losers are murdered.
22. An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war.
23. War should never be entered upon while every agency of peace has failed.
24. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
25. War is the most profitable business.
26. The war againt terrorism is a war against those who engage to torture.
27. We make war that we may live in peace.
28. There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.
29. Great is the guilt of an unnecessary war.
30. Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified is not a crime.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 163

25. Jewish Year – 5783 and the Year – 2023 AD

The Jewish year – 5783 would start on their first month – Tishri, on 26 th September,
2022 and would continue till September 16th, 2023

26th September and the Number 26…………….is the 14th Even Number……14th

Jewish Year………………….5783……………………….in the year 2023 AD

5783……………….5 + 7 + 8 + 3 = 23………………..corresponds to 2023 AD

The Jewish year – 5783 ends with the numbers – 83 and the number – 83 is the 23 rd
Prime Number.
5783………………….83 is the 23 Prime Number…………..corresponds to 2023 AD
Also: In the year 1445 Hijri, the number – 45 is the 23 Odd Number in

The years – 2023 AD and the Hijri year – 1445 are corresponding in above

5783…………57 + 83 = 140………….The Abjad of “Ilm” meaning Knowledge is also 140

5783…………….. 57 + 83…..140……..14 x 10…………….14 corresponds to 14 th Masoom


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 164

5783……………………759th Prime Number
759…………..7 and 59…………….59 is the Abjad of His name “Mahdi” and 7
corresponds to the 7 constant names of 14 Masoomeen.

759………………7 + 5 + 9 = 21………………..Bismillah…………786….7 + 8 + 6 = 21
759………….75 + 9 = 84……………….8 + 4 = 12………..corresponds to 12 th Imam – Mahdi

759……………7 + 59 = 66………………….The Abjad of name “Allah” is also 66

Now if we analyze the year – 2023 as a number:

2023 = (1 x 7) x (17) x (17)

The Abjad of His name “Mahdi” is 59 and 59 is the 17th Prime Number

Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59……………….17th Prime Number

Now the year – 2023 in number - 17 = (1x7) x (17) x (17) =

And Number – 17……….7 Prime Number…………7 Constant names of 14


1451 is the 230th Prime Number

1451…………..(230th) Prime Number
Surah e Hashar is the 59th Surah of the Holy Quran. The Abjad of the name of Imam
‘Mahdi’ is also 59.

Surah e Hashar contains 24 Verses.

59th Surah……………….Al Hashar…………………..24 Verses

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 165

24……….The reverse number of 24 is 42. Adding both numbers, we would get:
24 + 42 = 66…………….Abjad of Arabic word “Allah”

The Abjad of the Surah’s name “Al Hashar” is 539

539…………………….5 + 3 + 9 = 17………………59 is the 17th Prime Number.

17…………..1 + 7 = 8………..Number of “Divinity” and

Prophet’s name “Muhammad” appears 4 times in the Holy Quran the Arabic word
“Ali” appears 13 times in the Holy Quran.

Muhammad ----------------- 4 times in the Holy Quran

Ali---------------------13 time in the Holy Quran……………… 1 + 3 = 4 (same as

Adding both the names:

Muhammad + Ali ----------------------- 4 + 13 = 17

Muhammad Ali -----------------------------17

The Abjad of the Arabic words “Ali Jali” is 110 + 43 = 153

Abjad of “Ali Jali” is 153…………………………153 = 17 x 9

Therefore there are 17 Rakats in the 5 Wajib Prayers daily

 There are “17 Qiyam” in 5 Prayers

 There are “17 Ruku” in 5 Prayers
 There are “ 17 + 17 = 34 Sajood” in 5 Prayers

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 166

 There are 51 Rakat in all the “Wajib and Sunat” Prayers in the whole day

51 Rakat-------------------------------------- 17 x 3 = 51
5 Prayers = 17 Qiyam + 17 Ruku + (17 + 17) Sajood = 68

 5 Prayers ------------------68………………6 + 8 = 14…………….14 Masoomeen

 5 Prayers…………………5 (Panjetan)……………..68………6 + 8 = 14………14

5 Prayers and 68 positions in 5 prayers are referring to 5 Panjetan and 14

It is interesting to note here that all the “Perfect Numbers” in Mathematics end
either with number - 6 or number – 8. For example, the perfect numbers are: 6, 28,
496, 8128, …..

6 + 8 = 14………..14 Masoomeen -----------14th Masoom i.e. Imam

Imam Mahdi is 9th Son of Imam Hussain and the total Constant names of 14
Masoomeen are 7.

The Abjad of name “Hussain” is 128

128 ………………… 1 + 2 + 8 = 11………….Abjad of Allah’s name – “Hu”

11……………1 + 1 = 2

128 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 ……7 Times multiplied by Number - 2

Also if we add the first 17 numbers, we would get the amazing result:

1 + 2 + 3 +……………+ 15 + 16 + 17 = 153 = 110 + 43 = Ali + Jali

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 167
26. The Hybernation of Sun and Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Holy Quran says:

“The Earth would glow from the Light of your Rab’s Noor.”

Our Imams mentioned in the description of this verse of the Holy Quran that
when Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor would take place, His Noor would cover the whole
Earth and the light of Sun and Moon would not reach the Earth.

There would be no time zones, the time would be same everywhere on the
earth. The temperature of the Earth would also be constant everywhere because
the Earth would take the Noor of Imam Mahdi and the sun and moon light
would not reach the Earth.

Now even before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the Earth is experiencing the
Hibernation of our star – Sun.

Here is the detailed report from NASA’s Website:

Quiet Sun Means Cooling of Earth’s upper atmosphere:

“New measurements from a NASA satellite show a dramatic cooling in the upper atmosphere
that correlates with the declining phase of the current solar cycle. For the first time,
researchers can show a timely link between the Sun and the climate of Earth’s thermosphere,
the region above 100 km, an essential step in making accurate predictions of climate change in
the high atmosphere.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 168
Scientists from NASA's Langley Research Center and Hampton University in Hampton, Va., and
the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., presented these results at the
fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco from Dec. 14 to 18.

Earth's thermosphere and mesosphere have been the least explored regions of the
atmosphere. The NASA Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics
(TIMED) mission was developed to explore the Earth’s atmosphere above 60 km altitude and
was launched in December 2001. One of four instruments on the TIMED mission, the Sounding
of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument, was
specifically designed to measure the energy budget of the mesosphere and lower
thermosphere. The SABER dataset now covers eight years of data and has already provided
some basic insight into the heat budget of the thermosphere on a variety of timescales.

The extent of current solar minimum conditions has created a unique situation for recent
SABER datasets, explains Stan Solomon, acting director of the High Altitude Observatory,
National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. The end of solar cycle 23 has
offered an opportunity to study the radiative cooling in the thermosphere under exceptionally
quiescent conditions.

"The Sun is in a very unusual period," said Marty Mlynczak, SABER associate principal
investigator and senior research scientist at NASA Langley. "The Earth’s thermosphere is
responding remarkably — up to an order of magnitude decrease in infrared emission/radiative
cooling by some molecules."

The TIMED measurements show a decrease in the amount of ultraviolet radiation emitted by
the Sun. In addition, the amount of infrared radiation emitted from the upper atmosphere by
nitric oxide molecules has decreased by nearly a factor of 10 since early 2002. These
observations imply that the upper atmosphere has cooled substantially since then. The
research team expects the atmosphere to heat up again as solar activity starts to pick up in
the next year.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 169

New Ice Age or Preparation of Humanity before Zahoor

A sunspot of cycle 23 (equator) and first sunspot of cycle 24 (top)…….. (4th Jan 08)

Prof. Dr. Cees de Jager is a prominent astronomer and solar expert and former head of the
Utrecht University Observatory "Zonneberg" - The Netherlands.

He claims (and has been doing so for a long time already) that we are bound for a long period
of very low solar activity. He and his colleagues think we are headed for a "long Grand
Minimum" - either a Gleisberg or a Maunder Minimum - "not shorter than a century."

This means, but is not explicitly expressed by Dr. de Jager, that we are bound for a grand

The Sun’s solar activity

"The last solar minimum should have ended last year, but something peculiar has been
happening," says Phil Berardelli in an article published today in Science. "Although solar

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 170

minimums normally last about 16 months, the current one has stretched over 26 months—the
longest in a century."
According to a paper submitted to the International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 273,
the magnetic field strength of sunspots appears to be waning.

"This trend would lead to only half the number of spots in Cycle 24 compared to Cycle 23," say
the paper's authors Matthew Penn and William Livingston. It would also imply "virtually no
sunspots in Cycle 25."

If the trend continues, the sun's face may become spotless by 2016 and remain that way for
decades, says Berardelli. A similar dearth of sunspots in the 17th century coincided with a
prolonged period of cooling on Earth known as the Little Ice Age.

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27. The Birth of Last Yazidi or Munafiq before the Zahoor

It was mentioned in many sayings of our Imams that:

“The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would not take place until the last Munafiq’s
birth would take place.”

So by 28th July, 2023 AD, the births of all Munafiqs would take place and then
the Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor would occur.

Who is Munafiq?

“Munafiq is a person who believes in Allah and Prophet Muhamad (PBUH) but
denies Hazrat Ali (AS) and other Imams either as Imams or their powers.”

There are 73 groups in Islam and 72 groups are “Munafiqs” in Islam and
would go Hell as described by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 173

Why Allah is waiting for the Last Munafiq?

In History when Hazrat Moses crossed the River Nile, the Pharoh and his army
chased Hazrat Moses and 12 Tribes of Israel.

Allah’s wrath did not come in River Nile unless and until the last person of
Pharoh’s army entered into the River Nile and then the wrath of Allah’s came
and the River Nile drowned all the army including Pharoh.

So Allah is waiting for the last Munafiq to be born and then His final Wrath
would come or His Zahoor would take place. So by July, 2023 AD, all the
Munafiqs birth would take place and then our Imam would come. Inshah

The Exodus of Moses from Egypt through Nile……….1497 BC

(Please refer to page – 32 of the Book – “120 Jubilees” by Wayne L. Atchison)

B.C., which stands for "Before Christ," is used to date events before the birth
of Jesus. A.D. is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase anno Domini, which
means "in the year of our Lord," and is used for dates after Jesus's birth. This
system of dating has been used for many years by Western archaeologists.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 174

Today, however, with a growing understanding that not all archaeologists are
Christians, some archaeologists prefer to use the terms: Before the Common
Era (B.C.E.) and the Common Era (C.E.), which are exactly the same as B.C.
and A.D. but have nothing to do with Christianity.

 The Year of Exodus…….1497 BC

 The Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) ………..2023 AD

The total Number of Years from Exodus to the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1497 BC + 2023 AD = 3520 Years

3520 = 110 x 32
3520 = 110 x (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x2)

 110………….is the Abjad of name, “Ali”

32 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 ………….Multiply Five 2’s and 32 would come.

3520…………………35 + 20 = 55

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 175

The reverse number of 55 is again 55. Adding both the numbers – 55 and 55,
we would get:

55 + 55 = 110………………The Abjad of name, “Ali”

So it took 3520 years from the Exodus of Hazrat Moses from Egypt through
Nile till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the year – 2023 AD.


3520 = 352 x 10

3520 = (176 + 176) x 10

176 = 110 + 66………….110 is the Abjad of name, “Ali” and 66 is the Abjad of
name, “Allah”

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28. Prediction of Hazrat Naemat Shah Wali – 850 Years Ago

Hazrat Naemat Shah Wali is a known person in the Sub continent (India and
Pakistan). He made predictions around 1160 – 1175 AD or 570 Hijri around 850
years ago and his predictions came true.

He predicted that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would be very near after 1420 Hijri
or 2000 AD. That is 25 years from 1420 Hijri.

1420 + 25 Years = 1445 Hijri

25 Years………5 Phases on Earth as described by Imam Jaffar e Sadiq in the

Tafseer of Ayat – 155 of Surah e Baqra (2nd Surah) that all humanity would go
through 5 phases before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1. First Phase (5 Years)……………Spread of Diseases in the world and the fear of

Kings would spread. (1998-2003 AD)

2. Second Phase (5 Years)………….Increase of prices of all things all over the world
(2003 – 2008 AD)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 178
3. Third Phase (5 Years)………….Increase in Food Prices all over the world
(2008 – 2013 AD)

4. Fourth Phase (5 Years)…………Spread of War and death of 1/3 rd Population

(2013 – 2018 AD)

5. Fifth and Last Phase (5 Years)……….Drought and Diseases – Death of another

1/3rd Population of the world
(2018 – 2023 AD)

Then Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)………………1420 + (5 x 5 Phases) = 1445 Hijri

He predicted the events which would occur before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.
If we notice the year – 1420 Hijri

1420 …………………….14 (15th Century Hijri)………….20 (21st Century – Gregorian)

So the Zahoor of Imam would be in:

 15th Century Hijri ………….(114…………….1 + 14 = 15)
 21st Century – Gregorian (786………….7 + 8 + 6 = 21)

1420………………..14 (14th Masoom)………………….20 (Abjad of name, “Hadi”)

Since 2000 AD the events on the map of the world are quickly changing and the
world is going through drastic changes. All the prophecies are coming true and
sooner we would see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in 2023 AD or 1445 Hijri.

1998 – 2003 AD……………Spread of Diseases like Bird flu, SARS, Mad cow, etc and
after 9 – 11 incident in USA, the kings and tyrants of the world suppress the
freedom and liberty of the people all over the world by introducing different
laws and regulations and fear spread among the nations.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 179

2003 – 2008 AD……………Crash of Stocks and Home markets in USA, Economic
slow down all over the world. Global recession and depression came in world.

2008 – 2013 AD………….. Increase in the Food Prices all over the world

2013 – 2021 AD ………….World War – 3 which has already been started in Middle
East and would spread to the rest of the world and 1/3 rd people would die by the
end of this Big War.

2021 – 2023 AD ………….World wide Drought and Diseases after the World War
and 1/3rd people would die with drought and diseases.

2023 AD or 1445 Hijri……………………..Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

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29. Scientific Predictions before the Zahoor of Imam

 Imam Ali once said:

“In the End Age, a glass would appear on which the people of East would talk to
the people of West.”

Now the invention of “Mobile Phones” in our current age is the prophecy
fulfilled as “Cellular Mobile Phone” is just a glass with all technology involving
from internet to computer to video conferencing to MP3. But the main function
of Cell phone is to talk.

And people sitting in Eastern countries are talking to their friends, family and
relations in West.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 182

 Then Imam Ali said in one of the speeches to Hazrat Kumail:

“The Eye of Satin - Antenna (Evil Antenna) would be placed on the top of the

The word, “Antenna” is a French word but it is used in all the languages in the
world as “Antenna”. The entire world had seen this ‘Antenna’ on the top of the
roofs of their houses and buildings to see the World TV channels and News.

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30. The Blacks would come in Power in the End
Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) predicted 1400 years ago that:

“Blacks would come into world power before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

Now in recent years, we have witnessed so many Blacks and Africans who came
into World Power on most powerful positions in the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 185

Some of them are:

1. Barack Hussain Obama ----- First Black African President of United States
serving as current President since January, 2009. Also won Nobel Peace Prize
in 2009.

2. Condoleezza Rice ………First Black African Female – US Secretary of State

who served from Jan, 2005 till Jan, 2009.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 186

3. Colin Powell………….First Black African Male --- US Secretary of State who
served from Jan, 2001 till Jan, 2005.

4. Kofi Atta Annan………First Black African ---- Secretary General of United

Nations who served 2 terms from Jan, 1997 till 31st Dec, 2006. Also won Noble
Peace Prize in 2001.

So the above examples clearly fulfill the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
and the Black Africans came to power before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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31. Women would come to Power before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) predicted 1400 years ago that:

“The women would become the Qibla (direction) of men.”

Now in recent years, we have witnessed so many women who came into World
Power on most powerful positions as presidents, head of states and prime
ministers in the World. The women have become the cover photos of most
magazines and newspapers these days.

Some of them are:

 Angela Merkel ------------ Chancellor….. Germany
 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf…….President…….Liberia
 Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner……President…….Argentina
 Sheikh Hasina Wajed……..Prime Minister…….Bangladesh
 Dalia Grybauskaite…….President……Lithuania
 Laura Chinchilla Miranda…….President……Costa Rica

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 189

 Kamla Parsad-Bissessar……Prime Minister…….Trinidad and Tobago
 Dilma Rouseff………..President……….Brazil
 Atifete Jahjaga…….President…….Kosovo
 Yingluck Shinawatra…………Prime Minister….Thailand
 Helle Thorning-Schmidt…………Prime Minister……..Denmark
 Portia Simpson-Miller…..Prime Minister…..Jamaica
 Joyce Banda……….President………..Malawi
 Park Geun-Hye……President…………..South Korea
 Alenka Bratusek……….Prime Minister……….Slovenia
 Erna Solberg…………Prime Minister………..Norway
(As of December, 2013)
So the above examples clearly fulfill the Prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
and the women in so many countries came to power before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS).

The Queen of England is also a Woman.

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32. The Destruction of Jannatul Baqi in Madina, Saudi
Arabia on 1st May, 1925 AD

On 1 May 1925, the Mausoleums in Jannatul Baqi were destroyed by King Ibn
Saud. In the same year, he also demolished the tombs of Holy persons at Janat
Mualla Cemetery in Mecca where Muhammad's first wife Khadijah, his
grandfather and other ancestors are buried. This happened despite protests by
the international Islamic community.

Jannatul Baqi Before Demolition

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 192
The Tombs and the Mausoleums of Very Important Personalities of Islam were
built there and sadly it was destroyed the King of Saudi Arabia.

Some of the Important Personalities who were buried there are:

 Bibi Fatima (AS) ---- One and Only Daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
 Imam Hassan (AS) ----- Son of Imam Ali (AS) and 2nd Imam
 Imam Ali Zain Ul Abideen (AS) ---- Son of Imam Hussain (AS) and 4 th Imam
 Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) ------ 5th Imam
 Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) ------------ 6th Imam

Jannatul Baqi after the Destruction

Even today the Shias mark the Day to remember the demolition of Jannatul Baqi
and condemn the act.

Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is taking place after 98 years of the Demolition of Jannatul
2023 AD – 1925 AD ……………………98 Years

98 = 14 x 7

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 193

98 = 14 (14th Masoom of Allah) x 7 (7 Repeated Names of 14 Masoomeen)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 194

33. The Destruction of AL - Askari Mosque in Samarra,
Iraq on 22nd Feb, 2006 AD

The 2006 al-Askari Mosque bombing occurred at the Al-Askari Mosque in

the Iraqi city of Samarra, on February 22, 2006, at about 6:44 a.m. local time
effectively destroying its Golden Dome and severly damaging the Mosque.

The Holy Shrine was the Rozas of Imam Mahdi (AS) father i.e. Imam Hassan
Askari (AS) and His Grand Father, Imam Naqi (AS). His Mother, Bibi Nargis (AS)
was also buried there and His aunty, Bibi Hakeema Khatoon (AS) was also buried
there. Bibi Hakeema Khatoon (AS) was the sister of Imam Naqi (AS).

So it caused severe pain and agony to all Shias of the World and Imam Mahdi
(AS) would definitely be affected by this sorrow attack on His direct family.

The Scholars of Islam consider this attack as the most important Signs of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 195

 The attack date was ------ 22nd Feb, 2006 AD

 His Zahoor date would be -------28th July, 2023 AD

The period from the Attack on the Shrine to His Zahoor is:

17 Years and 5 Months or 209 Months

209 Months before His Zahoor……………..11 x 19 = 209 Months

 11…………………Abjad of Allah’s name, “HU”

 19……………….Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid”

28th July, 2023 AD is also the 209th Day of the year – 2023 AD.

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34. War in Iraq before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are lot of speeches of Hazrat Ali (AS) on the war and destruction of Iraq
and especially the destruction of Baghdad, Basra and Kufa.

Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

“The conditions of Iraq would remain unstable till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 198

So Iraq would remain under war conditions before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

Then in another occasion, Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

“The name of the Commander in chief of the army who would enter into Iraq
from West would end with the Arabic Alphabet “Sheen”.”

And we know that in both Iraq Wars in 1990 and 2003, the Commanders in Chief
of US Army were:

1. Senior Bush
2. Junior Bush

And their names end with the Arabic Alphabet, “Sheen”.

In another speech, Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

“Baghdad would be destroyed by the attack.”

We have seen that the Baghdad city was destroyed in both wars – 1990 and 2003
AD. Even today, the city sees lot of terrorist attacks in its suburbs and the
infrastructure of the city is totally collapsed. Again in 2014, Obama order to
attack Iraqi cities to liberate them from ISIS – a new Wahabi Militant Group.

Iraq was attacked 4 times by USA in the last 25 years and still under attack.

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35. Our Imams have given so many Geo – Political indications
which would appear just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Some of the famous Geo – Political indications which are either fulfilled in the
recent past or some events are just in pipe line.

Here are some indications described:

 “There would be a severe clash between the different factions and groups
in Syria before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.” Imam Ali

Now we seeing from our eyes the clashes and riots in Syria among different groups
and factions and hundreds of people have died so far in 2011.

 “The people of Egypt would kill their ruler before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi.” Imam Jaffar e Sadiq

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 201

We have witnessed the people revolution in Egypt in 2011 and the people of Egypt
have practically killed their ruler – Hosni Mubarak who was their absolute monarch
for the last 30 years. They have killed him – politically, socially, economically,
morally, ethically, etc i.e. killed him in all aspects of life

 “The last ruler of Hijaz e Muqadas (Saudi Arabia) whose name would be
Abdullah before the Zahoor of Qaim.” (Imam Ali)

Now we all know the name of the ruler of Saudi Arabia i.e. King Abdullah

 “The area Jordan would be last ruled by a young man named Abdullah and
he would be from the family of Abbas before the Zahoor of Mahdi.”
(Imam Ali)

The King of Jordan is King Abdullah……………….we all know this thing

 “Five people would die out of seven in War and Drought just before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.” (Imam Jaffar e Sadiq)

Now we know that the population of Earth has reached 7 Billion on 31st October,
2011 this year.

All nations are going through a very tough Economic Depression which is followed a
Deep Recession since 2008. The think tanks of the world are expecting a Third
World War by 2021 AD which would eliminate atleast one third population of the
world by the end of 2021 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 202

Chart of Intensity of World War – 3 (2015 to 2023)

With the courtesy of:

“2021 – 2023: In 2021, the establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind will
begin. In 2023, there will be arrival of particles from Satyalok, the subtlest and
purest of the 14 main subtle-regions to help with the positive work taking place towards
establishment of the Divine Kingdom.”

The website mentions that 14 purest would arrive i.e. Zahoor in 2023 AD and that is
what we are expecting the Zahoor of 14th Masoom of Allah i.e. Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi in 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 203

They are not Muslims and nor Shias. They are Hindus and they are expecting the
Divine Kingdom and the arrival of 14 purest in 2023 AD. So we have to heed wisdom
from them.

From 2020 to 2023, the world would face severe Drought followed by Diseases and
one third population would die from this Drought as mentioned by our Imams.

Two third population or Five people out of Seven would die before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi in 2023 AD.

 “Black would rule the world before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

We all know that so many Black people are in the important positions of the world
including the President of USA- who is also Black.

 The Abjad of Arabic word, “Ghaibat” is 1412 and the Abjad of Arabic word,
“Zahoor” is 1111

Now if we deduct the Abjad of ‘Zahoor’ from the Abjad of ‘Ghaibat’, we would get
the following amazing result:

Abjad of word, ‘Ghaibat’ (1412) – Abjad of word, ‘Zahoor’ (1111) = 301

301 = 7 x 43
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 204
7……………………represents the ‘Seven’ repeated Verses as mentioned in the Holy
Quran i.e. 7 + 7 = 14 Masoomeen

43……………..14th Prime Number in Mathematics………4 + 3 = 7 (Again 7) and 43 is the

Abjad of Allah’s name, “Jali”. So Allah’s name, “Jali” is repeated 7 times in 301.

The Abjad of His names, “Mahdi Maoud” is 185

185………………1 + 8 + 5 = 14………………….14 th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

185……………….18 + 5 = 23………………….20 23………….Year of His Zahoor

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36. Hazrat Ali mentioned about the events that would occur
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

“When the Comet (Star with a tail) would appear, there would be a series of
unending strange events would occur on the Earth until the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi.” (Hazrat Ali)

Close Appearance of Asteroid – 2012 – DA14 in the year - 2013

The Asteroid which was detected on 22nd Feb, 2012 and named as 2012 – DA14
passed through the Earth on 15th Feb, 2013 very closely approximately at a distance
of 27,700 Km. A meteor seen flying over Russia on Feb. 15 at 3:20: 26 UTC impacted
Chelyabinsk. Preliminary information is that this object was unrelated to asteroid
2012 DA14, which made a safe pass by Earth on Jan - 15.

The Meteorites which fall on Central Russia on the same day of 15th Feb, 2013
injured more than 1100 people which were reported on International Media.

According to NASA scientists, the trajectory of the Russia meteor was significantly
different than the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, making it a completely
unrelated object. Information is still being collected about the Russia meteor and
analysis is preliminary at this point.

In videos of the meteor, it is seen to pass from left to right in front of the rising sun,
which means it was traveling from north to south. Asteroid DA14′s trajectory is in
the opposite direction, from south to north.”

This close movement of Asteroid along with Meteorites on the same day which fell
on Earth was not only noticed but felt by so many people who were injured by
fallen debris of Meteroites.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 207

The Name given to the Asteroid by NASA is recognized by these numbers:

2012 – DA – 14
20 …………………….The Abjad of word, “Hadi”
12……………………….The total Number of “Imams”
14……………………..The total Number of “Masoomeen”
It was first reported on 22nd Feb, 2012 by NASA

22 – 2 – 2013
If we write the date in one number and divide by 19 (Wahid), we would see the following result:

2222013/19 = 116948

So the prediction of Hazrat Ali is fulfilled and it is before the Zahoor.

It is the same month when in the function of Oscars – 2013, Adele sung the song of
Skyfall movie and in the lyrics of “Skyfall” movie, it was said:

“This is the End. Hold your breathe and count to Ten”

Count to Ten means “Count 2013 to 2023” and you would come to End.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 208

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 209
37. Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015 AD before Zahoor

The Holy Bible predicts::

“The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the
great and the terrible day of the LORD comes,” [Joel 2:31].

According to NASA, a highly unusual ‘Tetrad’ – four successive total ‘blood-red’

lunar eclipses each followed by six full moons – will, indeed, start a week today
and finish on September 28 this year i.e. 2015 AD.

The incredible
ible alignment has only happened a handful of times in the last two
thousand years but, remarkably, on each of the last three occasions it has
coincided with a globally significant religious event.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 210

NASA has confirmed that the Tetrad has only happened three times in more than
500 years – and that it’s going to happen now.

Pastor and author John Hagee, from San Antonio, Texas, has written a book on
the phenomenon, “Four Blood Moons”.

Mr Hagee explains: “According to the Biblical prophecy, world history is about to

change dramatically.

“To get four blood moons you need something absolutely extraordinary in
astrological terms.

“The really significant fact is that between these four blood moons there will be
a total solar eclipse.

“Even Jesus himself, in the Book of Luke, states there ‘will be signs in the sun,
moon and stars’ and to ‘lift up your heads for redemption draws nigh’.

“There’s a sequence of prophetic events that the Bible says will happen. It does
not, ever, give a timeline.

“It just says ‘when you see these signs’ – and four blood moons is a very
significant one – ‘the end of this age is coming.”

Even Christians are now seeing the Biblical prophecies coming true regarding the
Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Muslims believe that Jesus Christ would
come with Imam Mahdi to assist in the Establishment of Justice and Peace in the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 211

Now if we note that the last and the 4th Blood Moon would occur on:

28th September, 2015 AD

Some research scholars say that Hazrat Ali (AS) was born in Holy Kaaba, Mecca

28th September, 600 AD

2015 – 600 = 1415 Years

There are 4 Blood Moons and Number- 4 is the Number of Zahoor i.e.

1111……………………1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4

1415………………….14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor would take

place in 15th Century Hijri.

14 + 15 = 29

The Reverse of Number – 29 is 92, which is the Abjad of Prophet’s name,


29 + 92 = 121………… This is the Secret of “Muhammad” and “Ali”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 212

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 213
38. Beautiful Mosques in the World with no Islam

It is a famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that:

“Before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi, the mosques of Allah would be elegant and
beautiful with no spirit of Islam. The Quran would be recited like songs.”

Now if we see the architecture and the construction of the mosques in the
world, we would come across the same situation that mosques are elegant and
beautiful but there is no Islam in them.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 214

We don’t see this type of construction of mosques before 1960’s. It is a recent
development in all Muslim countries to construct elegant and beautiful mosques
all over. This prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has also been fulfilled.

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 216
39. Increase in Earthquakes in the World before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are so many Sayings of our Imams that before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) the earthquakes in the world would increase.

Increase in Earthquakes as shown in graph

The worldwide earthquake data indicates an increase in the magnitude and a

significant increase in the frequency (magnitude 5.5+) of earthquakes. Current
graphs clearly show an alarming worldwide trend of increasing earthquake
strength and frequency.

These results are in agreement with the USGS statistics page, which shows an
increase in the frequency of stronger earthquakes (M 5.0+). These trends also
show that the depth of earthquakes has diminished, they occur closer to the
Earth’s surface. Shallow earthquakes occur along fault lines and are due to the
accumulation of stress.

Earthquake waves can also propagate far enough to trigger other earthquakes;
this may explain the noted increase in earthquakes. Certain scientists have
stated that the increased frequency of earthquakes is due to the increased
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 217
number of detection instruments installed worldwide. This would cause more
sensitive earthquakes to be measured.

However, these graphs show an increase in stronger earthquakes; it is also

important to note that the earthquake Richter scale is base-10 logarithmic. The
fact that the world’s population has increased doesn’t help, more people are
affected by these events. There is increased media availability and attention.
However, due to recent events, it is now easy to convince even the average
person, that there are more and more strong earthquakes occurring worldwide.

Earthquakes in Costa Rica:

According to the Costa Rican Volcanology and Seismology Observatory

(OVSICORI), after the magnitude 7.6 earthquake which occurred on September
5th, 2012, the country registered the highest level of earthquake activity it has
seen in 62 years.

The strongest earthquakes in Costa Rican history occurred in 1950 in Nicoya,

with a 7.8 magnitude quake, followed by the 2012 earthquake that occurred in
the same area, of a 7.6 magnitude. After the September 5th earthquake,
OVSICORI reported 75 earthquakes that were felt by residents during the 4
months after the main event.

2010 saw a total of 6,245 earthquakes, in 2011 there were 5,483, and in 2012 the
total was 11,049.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 218

Earthquakes in Japan:

Japan shaking more: Japan had experienced a little over 3,000 noticeable
earthquakes in 2012, nearly 60 percent of them aftershocks from last year’s
massive tremor that devastated the country’s northeast, Japanese media
reported on Monday.

Quoting the Japan Meteorological Agency, the NHK broadcaster reported that a
total of 3,134 quakes had been felt across Japan until Sunday (December 30)
which is about 1,000 more than the annual average from 2001 to 2010. An
analysis of seismic waves indicates that there were more than 10,000 noticeable
quakes in 2011. While the number of quakes decreased from that of last year,
seismologists continue to monitor frequent seismic activity.

They urged people to be on the alert for possible strong quakes with a
magnitude of at least 7 or those triggering tsunami. The March 11, 2011 quake
and the tsunami it triggered had left more than 15,000 people dead or missing
besides wreaking havoc in Japan’s northeast, including the meltdown at the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that leaked radiation forcing the
evacuation of more than 160,000 residents.

Earthquakes in Mexico:

Over 5,000 quakes shake Mexico: In 2012, 5,043 earthquakes, including more
than 1,484 with their epicenter in Chiapas, shook Mexico, according to the State
Civil Protection System, local media reported. That number is likely to increase
before the year’s end.

In fact, two four-magnitude earthquakes in the Richter scale were reported

some 67 kilometers southwest of Ciudad Hidalgo on Friday, but there was no
visible damage. The State Civil Protection System noted that seismic activity is
caused by the convergence of three tectonic plates in North America, Cocos and
the Caribbean. Coincidently, at the onset of 2013, a 4.5 magnitude earthquake
struck off the coast of Oaxaca Mexico.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 219
Earthquakes in Korea:

Koreas report increase in quakes: A study has found that, including

North Korea and the seas, our country experienced twice as many earthquakes
this year as in the past. According to the Korea Meterological Association on the
27th, there were 56 earthquakes on the Korean Peninsula this year through last
month, twice the average since record-keeping began in 1978.

The highest number, 60, was recorded in 2009. It’s also over ten more than the
average of 43.6 recorded each year since digital detection methods were begun
in 1999. There were nine which reached at least 3.0 on the Richter scale and four
which were strong enough to be felt by people. Other than in the seas the
largest number, 11, were in the Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do area, followed by
four in Jeollabuk-do and two each in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do.

In North Korea seven earthquakes were recorded, and there were none in the
capital region of Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon. There were 12 in the West
Sea, nine in the Sea of Japan (East Sea), and seven in the South Sea. The
strongest earthquake of the year so far occurred on May 11th at 12:46 pm, five
kilometers east-northeast of Muju-gun in Jeollabuk-do, registering a 3.9 on the
Richter scale. Houses and windows shook in Muju and Namwon, at an intensity
level of IV.

In Daegu and Daejeon the intensity was of level II but there was no damage. The
increased number of earthquakes in recent years is likely due to the effects of
the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2010, the KMA said. In this country there
were 42 earthquakes in 2010, 52 last year, and 56 as of Christmas of this year.
Kim Yeong-shin of the KMA said that “around the world in recent years there
have been an increasing number of earthquakes… since the Great East Japan
Earthquake there has been a slight decrease as energy levels seem to have been

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 220

Earthquakes in Peru:

Fivefold increase in Peru: Peru has been shocked by a total of 225 sensitive
earthquakes, during 2012, Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) reported Monday.
Hernando Tavera, head of IGP’s Seismology said in statements to Andina news
agency that the highest percentage of earthquakes, probably 70 percent, was
centered off the coast of Peru. He noted that mostly the cities of Arequipa, Ica
and Lima, in Peru’s central region and southern Peruvian coast, were the most
affected by the several earthquakes.

Tavera added that recent earthquakes occurring off the coast, from Tumbes to
Tacna, which is the area of highest risk to be affected by a major earthquake and
where the subsurface tectonic plates are constantly moving. “It happens that
offshore is exactly where the Nazca plate colliding head-on with the South
American plate, and there is the problem,” he told Andina news agency. The IGP
only reports the tremors sensitive to the population, but the not sensitive are
usually two to three daily. According to Lima Easy, only 45 seismic events were
listed for all of 2011.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 221

40. Increase in Floods and Storms in the World before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in Intensity & Frequency

The climate scientists are predicting more storms and floods all over the world
due to several reasons. They are highlighting the link between global climate
change and increasingly frequent floods and other extreme weather events.
They warn of even greater risks in the future.

While impacts like temperature spikes and sea level rise may come to mind first
when considering climate change, altering precipitation patterns and
intensifying rainfall can have equally devastating consequences. Katharine
Hayhoe, climate scientist at Texas Tech University, explained during a press
conference held by advocacy group Union of Concerned Scientists, “Climate
change is about more than warming. What we’re really seeing is global
‘weirding.’ For many places around the world, what we are likely to see could be
feast or famine—more frequency of weather at the extremes, from intense
storms to prolonged droughts.”

The “robust conclusion” of increased weather extremes was underscored in a

recent National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on the current state of climate
science. The report noted the historical record of growing total worldwide
precipitation as well as a rising fraction that falls in heavy downpours. As one
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 222
indication, the NAS reported, “the heaviest one percent of rain events increased
by about 20 percent over the past century in the United States.” The report
adds, “The climate models project that these trends, which create challenges for
flood control and storm and sewer management, are very likely to continue.”

Consistent with the growing fraction of rainfall coming in heavy storms, the
frequency of droughts has also risen is some areas, although declining in others.
In the United States, the Midwest and Great Plains have experienced more
rainfall whereas the Southeast and West have seen increased drought over the
past 50 years.

The increasingly extreme weather, in particular heavy storms and flooding, is

severely affecting the living standards of millions globally. In the past year alone,
mega floods inundated one-fifth of the total land area in Pakistan and vast
stretches in Queensland and Victoria in Australia; now the overflowing
Mississippi River is returning devastating high waters to the lower Midwest and
the southern states of Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana, a cruel
sequel to last year’s “1000-year” floods in Tennessee and neighboring states.

All told, these floods cost the lives of tens of thousands and brought destruction
on the scale of tens of billions of dollars. Since 1970, storms and floods were
responsible for more than 90 percent of the economic costs of extreme weather-
related events worldwide, according to the think-tank Resources for the Future.

Insurance companies, positioning themselves for profit, have closely tracked the
economic impact over the years. Nikhil da Victoria Lobo at the international

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 223

reinsurance firm Swiss Re explained the rising tide of costs associated with the
extreme weather during the UCS press conference.

“Economic losses from natural disasters have soared from a global average of
$25 billion annually during the 1980s to $130 billion a year during the decade
ending in 2010,” he remarked.

Although it’s not possible to say exactly how much is due to climate change—a
significant portion is also attributable to increasing development in flood-prone
areas—there is little doubt that climate was a major factor, he explained.

Four of the five wettest years recorded in the UK have occurred from the year
2000 onwards. Over that same period, we have also had the seven warmest

That is not a coincidence. There is an increasing body of evidence that extreme

daily rainfall rates are becoming more intense, in line with what is expected
from fundamental physics, as the Met Office, UK pointed out earlier this week.

The increase in earthquakes, flooding, storms, etc is not a coincidence. It was

mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that they would happen just before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). So are we preparing ourselves for the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) in 1445 Hijri?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 224

41. Prediction of Agha Taqi Bahjat about Zahoor of Mahdi

Agha Mohammad Taqi Bahjat Foumani (1913 – 17 May 2009) was an

Iranian Shia Scholar and Cleric. He was a student of the famous mystic and Agha
Ali Tabatabaei, and also a student of Abulhasan Isfahani and Mirza Naini. Agha
Bahjat was among one of the most revered Shia clerics, whose religious decrees
were followed by many Shia Muslims.

Mohammad Taqi Bahjat was born in Fouman, Gilan Province, Iran. At the age of
14, he moved to Karbala, Iraq to continue his religious studies. Four years later,
he moved to Najaf to complete his studies under Agha Taleghani and Agha
Naeini. He taught in the Seminary of Qom, Iran.

Even the leader of Iranian Revolution, Agha Khomeni prayed Namaz behind him
in Qom, Iran and accepts his authority in spirituality.

Once he was asked about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), he replied:

“The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is before your imagination and not only our
children but our old people would see His Zahoor. Inshah Allah.”

So even the top Shia Scholars and Clerics agree and it is in their spiritual
knowledge that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in the very near future.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 225

42. The Solar Cycle and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The solar cycle is the periodic change in the Sun's activity including changes in
the levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material and appearance visible
in changes in the number of sunspots, flares, and other visible manifestations.

Solar cycles have an average duration of about 11 years. They have been
observed by changes in the sun's appearance and by changes seen on Earth, such
as auroras for hundreds of years.

Solar variation causes changes in space weather, weather, and climate on Earth.
It causes a periodic change in the amount of irradiation from the Sun that is
experienced on Earth.

Throughout the history, the Sun has been worshipped in many religions. Sun
worship was prevalent in ancient Egyptian religion.

Very important political events happened on every solar cycle. For example,

1990 AD: The New World Order was introduced by the US President, George
H.W. Bush on 11 September, 1990

2001 AD: USA came under attack by terrorists on 11 September, 2001 AD exactly
after 11 years. The Wars against Terrorism started in Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Lebanon, Iraq, etc.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 226

2012 AD: The African Countries came under attack like Libya, Sudan, CAR, etc

2023 AD: Now on the next Solar Cycle after 11 years, it is believed that the
Second Coming of the Jesus Christ and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is expected.

So even from the Solar Cycle, the Year – 2023 AD is the next important year for
any Big Change in the World.

Interesting Islamic Story about Paradise and Hell:

Once a Jew came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and asked the following

 Whether Paradise and Hell exists in our Universe now?

 What is the distance of Paradise and Hell from our Earth and where they are

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied:

 “Yes, Paradise and Hell exists in our Universe now.”

 “The distance of Paradise from our Earth is 30,000 Light Years and it
exits Up from our Earth. The Hell is at a distance of 7 Earths and it
exists Down from our Earth.”

The Jew accepted Islam and he knew the answers from the previous Scriptures of
Allah and the Prophet answers were correct.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 227

43. When asked from Imam Jaffar – e – Sadiq (AS) about the
reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS), he replied, “Mahdi would
appear on the year which ends on odd number like 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
etc.” (Bihar ul Anwaar)

The year 2023 AD ends with number - 3 which is an odd number and similarly the

Hijri year 1445 ends with number – 5, which is also an odd number.

If we multiply the numbers – 3 and 5, we would get 15 and

15…………corresponds to 15 Century Hijri (1445 Hijri year)
Also the 21st Century AD (2023 AD) contains two numbers – 2 and 1. If we add these
2 numbers, we would get:

2 + 1 = 3…………….corresponds to the ending number in the year – 202 3 AD

The number – 21 in the 21st Century AD also corresponds to 786 of ‘Bismillah’ as the
sum total of three numbers of 786 is 21:
786……………… 7 + 8 + 6 = 21
We also know that 4 Prophets of Allah would come to help Imam Mahdi in his
Zahoor time and the names of those Prophets of Allah are:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 228

1. Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ)
2. Hazrat Khizar
3. Hazrat Idrees
4. Hazrat Ilyas
So there would be One (1) Imam Mahdi and Four (4) Prophets of Allah at the time of
Zahoor and we may write as:

1 (Imam) – 4 (Prophets) of Allah

1 – 4 …………….14………………….corresponds to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi

14……….. 1 + 4 = 5………………..Imam Mahdi – 9th Son of 5th Panjetan – Imam Hussain

5……………also corresponds to the last number in the Hijri year – 1445

Also, The name of Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ) is mentioned 25 times in the Holy
Quran. The name of Hazrat Idrees is mentioned 2 times and the name of Hazrat
Ilyas is also mentioned 2 times in the Holy Quran. The name of Hazrat Khizer is
mentioned 1 time in the Holy Quran.

Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ) --------------- 25 times in the Holy Quran

Hazrat Idrees ------------ 2 times in the Holy Quran

Hazrat Ilyas--------------- 2 times in the Holy Quran

Hazrat Khizer------------- 1 time in the Holy Quran

Adding all the above numbers, we see:

25 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 30…………………….19th Composite Number

30………………………….19th Composite Number and 19 is the Abjad of name “Wahid”

Imam Mahdi and His Companions – Prophets of Almighty God and Number – 12:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 229

Imam Mahdi -----------------12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Muhammad

Hazrat Eisa (Jesus Christ) ----------- 12th Caliph and Wasi” of Prophet Moses

Hazrat Ilyas--------------- 12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Abraham

Hazrat Khizer------------- 12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Noah

Hazrat Idrees ------------ 12th Caliph and “Wasi” of Prophet Adam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 230

44. Imam Jaffar – e – Sadiq said: “Every body on the earth
would hear the message of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi in
the month of Ramadan on the day of Shab – e – Qadr and that
day would be a Friday.” (Bihar ul Anwaar)

We know that Shab – e – Qadar is on the night of 23rd Ramadan and in the year
2023 AD, 23rd Ramadan is on 14th April, 2023 and that day is Friday.

14th April, 2023 ………….Friday……………23rd Ramadan

The announcement of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is done by Hazrat Ali and is mentioned
in the Holy Quran in Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verse – 41, 42 as:

“And listen on the day when the crier (Hazrat Ali) crieth from a near place. The day
when they will hear the Cry (of Hazrat Ali) in truth. That would be the day of
Kharooj (Imam Mahdi).”

Holy Quran – Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verses – 41, 42

If we analyze the numbers assigned to the Sura and the verses, we reach to the
amazing conclusions as:

Sura – Chapter – 50
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 231
1st Verse about the announcement and the announcer – Verse – 41

If we add the Sura number – 50 and the Verse number – 41, we would get:

Sura Number + Verse Number = 50 + 41 = 91

The reverse number of 91 is 19. Adding these two numbers, we would get:

91 + 19 = 110………….numeric value of the Arabic name – “ALI”—

110 ------Ali --------who will make announcement of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Now the verse number mentioning the ‘Kharooj’ or Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is Verse
– 42. Adding the Sura number – 50 and the verse number – 42, we would get:

Sura Number + Verse Number = 50 + 42 = 92

92…………Numeric value of the Arabic name, “Muhammad” ---

92……… Muhammad -----Actual Name of Imam Mahdi whose Zahoor is mentioned

So all the Quranic verses and Suras are mathematically encoded and encrypted
which can be decoded and decrypted.

Also If we add the above two numbers – 91 and 92, we would get:

91 + 92 = 183……. 1 + 8 + 3 = 12…………Corresponds to 12th Imam – Mahdi

Also if we add the numbers of these two verses, i.e. 41 and 42, we would get:

41 + 42 = 83…………………Number – 83 is the 23rd Prime Number

83…………………23rd Prime Number………………….2023 AD….. Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Surah – e- ‘Qaf’ is 50th Surah and has 45 Verses in which the announcement of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is mentioned.

Surah – e – Qaf …………………45 Verses………………14 45 Hijri------“Zahoor”

Surah – e – Qaf is 50th Surah and has 45 Verses. Adding the number of Surah e Qaf
and its verses, we would see:
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 232
50 + 45 = 95…………………..19 x 5……………..95..............Wahid (19) x Panjetan (5)

The reverse number of 95 is 59……………59 is the Abjad of his name “Mahdi”

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Qadar” is 304

304……………………19 x 16 = 304
304 is the multiple of Number – 19 which was explained earlier.

 Imam Mahdi was born on 29th July, 869 AD on Friday, i.e. 15th Shahban, 255
Hijri. If we analyze the day – 29th July

29………………..10th Prime Number

The reverse number of 29 is 92, which is the Abjad of name of Prophet

“Muhammad” i.e. 92. His name is also “Muhammad” and the Abjad is 92.

If we add the two numbers – 29 + 92 = 121, which is same as:

110 + 011 = 121…………The reverse number of 110 (Ali) is 011 (Hu). Adding both
numbers, we would get the same number – 121

29 + 92 = 121 = 110 + 011

Muhammad = Ali

The year – 2023……………….2023………The Abjad of the Allah’s name “Rab” is


92 + 110 = 202 = Rab

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 233

Furthermore, the reappearance of Imam Mahdi is in the year – 1445 Hijri. If we

analyze the year – 14 45 Hijri, and the number – 45 associated with it, we see:

 Adding the first ten numbers from 0 to 9, we would get the resulting number
– 45 as:

0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45
 Also, the Numbers in the Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59. If we multiply the number –
5 with number – 9, we would again get number – 45 as:

59………………………5 x 9 = 45
 Also, the smallest number in Mathematics which is equally divisible by all the
numbers from 1 to 10 is 2520.

2520…………………….25 + 20 = 45

The Surah – 59 of the Holy Quran – Surah e Hashar has 24 Verses in


The Abjad of “Mahdi” is also 59. This Surah e Hashar is directly

related to Imam Mahdi.

Hashar = Qiyamat e Sughra

59 + 24 = 83

59 – 24 = 35
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 234
Adding both the resulting numbers, we would get:

83 + 35 = 118………The Abjad of name, “Hassan” – Father of “Mahdi”

14th April, 2023…………….104th Day of the year – 2023

104………….is the Abjad of Arabic word, “Adal” meaning Justice

14th April to 28th July………………….104 Days between the Day of

Announcement by Imam Ali and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

104………….Abjad of ‘Adal’ and Imam Mahdi would fill the Earth with
“Adal” as it was filled with injustices, cruelty and crimes before his


1st January, 2023………………………….Sunday

The day Sunday is known in Arabic as “Ahad” and is related to Imam

Ali’s day--------------- “Ahad”

One of Imam Ali’s name is also, “Ahad” ……………… “Sunday” in English

The Day of Announcement would be on 14th and the month would be 4th
i.e. April. If we write both the numbers – 14 and 4 together, we would
see another amazing result:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 235

14 (Day)………4 (Month – April)…………144
144 = 12 x 12……………………12 is representing the Announcement of
12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 236

45. We know that Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom. Now what
is the relation of the dates and the number - 14?

The Reappearance of 14th Masoom would be announced on 14th April. His Zahoor
would be on 28th July, 2023. The number – 28 is equal to 14 + 14 = 28. There are 28
Arabic letters in Arabic language. The number 28 is also 2 nd Perfect number in
Mathematics. If we add the first two numbers with the last two numbers of the
year 2023, such as 20 + 23 = 43 and the number 43 is the 14 th Prime Number in
mathematics. Also there are 28 letters in Arabic language – language of Holy Quran.

2023………..20 + 23 = 43…………………..14th Prime Number………….14th

Masoom….Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 237

His Zahoor is on the 28th day in the 7th Month of July.
Now if we place the two numbers – 28 and 7 side by side, we would get another
number as – 287

287 = 7 x 41
7……………….7 Constant Names of 14 Masoomeen
41………………..The Abjad of “Maa” meaning The Water….from which everything is
created as described in the Holy Quran. And Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) once said:
“That Water was 14 Masoomeen who created the Universe on the order of
Almighty Allah.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 238

46. The numerical or gematrical total of the 4 Arabic alphabets
in the word of ‘Mahdi’ is 59.
The Arabic name – ‘Mahdi’ consists of 4 – Arabic letters – “Mim, Hey, Dal, Ye”. The
numerical or gematrical values of these 4 – Arabic letters are as follows:

Mahdi – Mem + Ha + Dal + Ye

Mem – 40
Ha – 5
Dal – 4
Ye – 10
Mahdi = Mem + Ha + Dal + Ye = 40 + 5 + 4 + 10 = 59

The sum total of 59 is also 14 as: 5 + 9 = 14 which corresponds to 14 th Masoom.

Secondly the Quranic Sura – 59 is Sura – e – Hashr, and the word – Hashr means –
Qiyamat – e – Sughra which corresponds to number – 59 of Imam Mahdi who would
bring Qiyamat – e – Sughra for Munafiqeen, Kufar and Mushraqeen by severely
punishing them on his re – appearance.

Third, Imam Mahdi is also Imam – e – Zamana. The Arabic name ‘Imam – e –
Zamana’ contains 8 Arabic alphabets and the numeric or gematrical value of the
name ‘Imam – e – Zamana’ is 185.

Imam - e – Zamana – 8 Arabic letters – Numeric value = 185

If we add the numbers of 185, we see:

185…………. 1 + 8 + 5 = 14………………corresponds to the 14th Masoom i.e. Imam

Mahdi (AS).

Fourth, Imam Mahdi is also our ‘Maula’. The Arabic word ‘Maula’ has 4 Arabic
alphabets and its gemetric or numeric value is 77.

Maula has 4 Arabic letters and its numeric value is 77.

If we add the numbers of ‘Maula’, we see:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 239

77…………… 7 + 7 = 14……………corresponds to 14th Masoom or 14 Masoomeen who
are all our ‘Maula’.

The numeric or gematrical value of the Arabic name ‘Maula Ali’ is 187

‘Maula Ali’ …………….. 187

The numeric or gematrical value of the Arabic name ‘Maula Muhammad’ is 169

‘Maula Muhammad’ ………….169

As we know that all 14 Masoomeen are both ‘Muhammad’ and ‘Ali’. So if we add
these numbers of ‘Maula Ali’ and ‘Maula Muhammad’, we see:

‘Maula Ali’ + ‘Maula Muhammad’ = 187 + 169 = 356………… 3 + 5 + 6 = 14…….14

Masoomeen are both ‘Muhammad’ and ‘Ali’ as well as ‘Maula’.

Fifth, our Imam Mahdi is in ‘Ghaibat’. The Arabic word ‘Ghaibat’ has 4 Arabic
alphabets and the numeric or gematrical value of ‘Ghaibat’ is 1412.

‘Ghaibat’ has 4 Arabic alphabets and its numeric value is 1412. If we analyze the
number – 1412, we see:

The number – 1412 contain two numbers as 14 and 12, where 14 stand for 14 th
Masoom and 12 stands for 12th Imam, who is in ‘Ghaibat’

Also if we add 14 and 12, we get …………14 + 12 = 26 and the number – 26 is the 14 th
Even number in mathematics.
Sixth, Imam Mahdi is the son of both Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali who are
the true representatives of Allah.

If we add the numeric values of the names of ‘Allah and Muhammad’ and ‘Allah and
Ali’, we see:
Allah …………………… 66
Muhammad ………….92
Ali ……………..……… 110
Allah + Muhammad = 66 + 92 = 158……….. 1 + 5 + 8 = 14……….All 14 Masoomeen are
‘Muhammad’ sent from Allah and 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi is also ‘Muhammad’.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 240
Allah + Ali = 66 + 110 = 176……………………. 1 + 7 + 6 = 14……. All 14 Masoomeen are
‘Ali’ sent from Allah and 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi is also ‘Ali’.

The Abjad of the name of Allah ‘Wahid’ is 19. The 14 Masoomeen are “Noor – e –
Wahid”. The total Arabic letters in the 5 Names of Panjetan are also 19. Now the
date of Birth of Imam Mahdi is 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri. Now we explore the date of
Birth and its link with the Number – 19.

 255 Hijri……………….. 25 + 5 = 30………………….30 is the 19th Composite Number.

 255……………. 2 + 55 = 57…………….19 x 3 = 57……………. 5 + 7 = 12……….12 th
 255…………… 2 + 5 + 5 ……………..12……12 is the 7th Even Number………12 + 7 =
 255…………. 2 x 55 = 110…………Abjad of Name “Ali”
 255……………….25 x 5 = 125……………..63rd Odd Number…………….63 + 36 = 99
Names of Allah
 19…………..8th Prime Number and 15th Shahban…………….15……….8th Odd
 15………8th Odd Number……………….. 15 + 8 = 23……………….9 th Prime
Number……….9th Son of Imam Hussain and 23 is also indicating the year of His
Reappearance ………..2023
 15………8th Odd Number and Shahban………….8th Islamic Month
 255…………………128th Odd Number……………..12 + 8 = 20……Abjad of His name
 255……………..128th Odd Number……….. 1 + 28 = 29. The reverse of 29 is 92,
which is the Abjad of His and Prophet name “Muhammad” …92
 255…………….128th Odd Number ………….1 + 2 + 8 = 11……….Abjad of Allah’s
name “Hu”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 241

Once Maula Ali said:

“Knowledge is a Nuqta (Point or Dot), Ignorant (Jahil) people spread it.”

And we know that:

Nuqta e Bismillah is Imam Ali and Ilm e Illahi (Knowledge of Allah) is also
Maula Ali, so now rephrase the above statement of Imam Ali as:

“Knowledge (Ali) is a Nuqta (Ali), Ignorant (Jahil) people spread it (Ali).”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 242

47. When asked from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about the total number of
revealed books and booklets from Allah, he replied: “The total numbers of
revealed books from Allah are 114. Hazrat Sheas received 50 holy booklets,
Hazrat Idrees received 40 holy booklets, Hazrat Ibrahim received 20 holy
booklets, and 4 Holy Books – Zabur, Torah, Injeel (Bible) and the Holy Quran.”

The total booklets from the Almighty Allah are 110 and 4 Holy Books. 110 is the
Abjad of name, “Ali”.

Total Holy booklets…………..110…………….Abjad of name, “Ali”

 The Abjad of name of Hazrat “Sheas” is 810

 The Abjad of name of Prophet Hazrat “Idrees” is 275
 The Abjad of name of Prophet Hazrat “Ibrahim” is 259

Adding the Abjad of all 3 names of Prophets with the total number of Holy booklets
received by them would be:

Sheas (810) + Idrees (275) + Ibrahim (259) + 110 (Total Holy booklets received by
them) = 1454

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 243

1454…………………..1 + 4 + 5 + 4 = 14……………….corresponds to 14 Masoomeen

1454………….14 + 54 = 68……………6 + 8 = 14……corresponds to 14 Masoomeen

The total holy books and booklets from Allah are 114.

114……………….19 x 6 = 114
There are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran and every Surah represents one Holy
Scripture or Holy Book.

Surah e Fateh, which is the First and considered as the Brain of the Holy Quran
represents the whole Holy Quran.

11 4 ……………1 (Represents Allah) and 14 …..Corresponds to the 14 th Masoomeen of

Allah or our 14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 244

48. We now know that the numerical or gematrical total of the Arabic
letters in the name – Mahdi is 59. Now we carefully analyze the
number – 59 and the numbers 5 and 9 in the number – 59

We know that Imam Mahdi is the 9th Son of the 5th Panjetan – Imam Hussain. So 5 –
corresponds to Imam Hussain and 9 – corresponds to his relationship with Imam
Hussain as 9th son.

59…………………..5 + 9 = 14……….Imam Mahdi is 14th Masoom of Allah

59………….. 5 x 9 = 45……………………… Zahoor……..1445 Hijri

If we add the first 10 numbers from 0 to 9, we would get the result as:

0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45

The numbers are also telling us the indication of the year of his Zahoor………14 45

277………….59th Prime Number

The value of 1 degree in a perfect and complete circle of 360 degrees is:

1/360° = 0.00277………….
And 277……………………59th Prime Number

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 245

49. The numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic word –
‘Adal’ is also 104 and the Arabic world – ‘Ilm’ is 140

We know that Imam Mahdi would fill the earth with ‘Adal’ as it was filled with
‘Zulm’. So the number – 104 also relate with the reappearance of Imam Mahdi and
the number of days between his announcement and his final Reappearance are also
104. The numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic word – ‘Ilm’ meaning
knowledge is 140. If we add the first two numbers with the last number, we see:

140------ 14 + 0 = 14 ……corresponds to 14 Masomeen and also 14th Masooom –

Imam Mahdi who once said: “There are 27 words of Ilm (knowledge). At the time of
my Reappearance only 2 words of ilm would be known to the world. I would give
the world the rest of 25 words of Ilm (knowledge).”

The Abjad of the Arabic word “Aalim” is 141. The Abjad of Arabic words “Imam
Mahdi” is also 141.

Abjad of “Aalim” = 141 = Abjad of “Imam Mahdi”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 246

Imam Mahdi was born in the 8th Islamic month of “Shahban” and would re-appear
on the 1st Islamic Month of “Muharram”

8…….Shahban…………..Month of Birth ----First Zahoor

1…….Muharram………….Month of Zahoor ----Last Zahoor

8…1…............8 + 1 = 9………………9th Son of Imam Hussain is Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 247

50. The Formula of Number - 17 for the Zahoor and
Ghaibat years of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There is a special formula of Number - 17 with the Zahoor and Ghaibat years of
Imam Mahdi (AS).

We all know that the 1st Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in 255 Hijri or 869 AD.
The Ghaibat e Kubra of Imam Mahdi (AS) started in 329 Hijri or 941 AD.
The next Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD.

Now we also know that:

The Abjad of Imam's name, "Mahdi" is 59 and the 59 is the 17th Prime Number.
There are 17 Wajib Rakats for the Muslims in the whole day.
The Abjad of Arabic words, "Aal e Muhammad" is 123
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spoke 17 sentences for Imam Mahdi (AS) in His Last
Sermon after the Hajj at the sacred place of Ghadeer.
Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam and 14th Masoom of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 248

Now we see the application of Number - 17 in the years of His Zahoor and

Imam Mahdi's 1st Zahoor was in the year - 255 Hijri or 869 AD

255 = (1 x 17) x (1 x 3 x 5) .................... 135.................Abjad of name, "Fatima"

869 = (17 x 51) + (1 x 2)...........................12..................12th Imam

Ghaibat e Kubra of Imam Mahdi was in the year - 329 Hijri or 941 AD

329 = (17 x 19) + (1 x 2 x 3).................123 is the Abjad of "Aal e Muhammad

941 = (17 x 51) + (1 x 2 x 3)..................123

Imam Mahdi's 2nd Zahoor would be in the year - 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD

1445 = (17 x 17) x (5).......................Son of 5th Panjetan

2023 = (17 x 17) x (7)........................... 7 Repeated Verses

The pattern of Number - 17 and its repetition in the Zahoor and the Ghaibat
years of Imam Mahdi (AS) proves the Significance of the Years of His Zahoor and

Keeping in view the above facts, we use the same numbers to reach the
year of His Zahoor in 2023 AD or 1445 Hijri.

(118 x 17) + 17 = 2023...........................2023 AD

(59 x 17) + (59 x 17) + (1 x 17) = 2023...................2023 AD
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 249
100 % Proof that the Last Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is in
1445 Hijri with the formula of Number - 17

Now we see whether the Zahoor is 100% in the year - 1445 Hijri or not? We
know that 255 Hijri was the 1st Zahoor of Maula Imam Mahdi (AS).

Now we add the Zahoor years of Imam Mahdi, 1st Zahoor - 255 Hijri and Final
Zahoor in 1445 Hijri.

255 + 1445 = 1700

1700 = 17 x 100
17 x 100 = 255...........(1st Zahoor) + 1445..............(Last Zahoor)

17 x 100 = 255 + 1445

100 % Proof with the Number - 17 that Imam Mahdi (AS) Last and Final

Zahoor would be in the year - 1445 Hijri - 28th July, 2023 AD

 The Abjad of " ‫ "و ﻫــﻮ‬is also 17

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 250

The Abjad of the Surah’s name “Al Hashar” is 539

539…………………….5 + 3 + 9 = 17………………59 is the 17th Prime Number.

17………..1 + 7 = 8………..Number of “Divinity” and “Infinity”
Prophet’s name “Muhammad” appears 4 times in the Holy Quran the Arabic word
“Ali” appears 13 times in the Holy Quran.

Muhammad ----------------- 4 times in the Holy Quran

Ali---------------------13 time in the Holy Quran……………… 1 + 3 = 4 (same as

Adding both the names:

Muhammad + Ali ----------------------- 4 + 13 = 17

Muhammad Ali -----------------------------17
The Abjad of the Arabic words “Ali Jali” is 110 + 43 = 153

Abjad of “Ali Jali” is 153…………………………153 = 17 x 9

Therefore there are 17 Rakats in the 5 Wajib Prayers daily

 There are “17 Qiyam” in 5 Prayers

 There are “17 Ruku” in 5 Prayers
 There are “ 17 + 17 = 34 Sajood” in 5 Prayers
 There are 51 Rakat in all the “Wajib and Sunat” Prayers in the whole day

51 Rakat-------------------------------------- 17 x 3 = 51

5 Prayers = 17 Qiyam + 17 Ruku + (17 + 17) Sajood = 68

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 251

17 x 7 x 10 = 1190..................1190 Years........Total Ghaibat

From 255 Hijri till 1445 Hijri = 1190 years

59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics

The Sum of the Abjad of 5 Panjetan is 583 as Muhammad

(92) + Ali (110) + Fatima (135) + Hassan (118) + Hussain
(128) = 583

(17 x 17 x 2) + 5 (Panjetan) = 583

The difference between these 2 numbers – 2023 and 1445 is 578

2023 – 1445 = 578

578 = (17 x 17) + (17 x 17)
578 = 17 x 17 x 2

Imam Hussain (AS) was martyred in the year - 680 AD

680 = 17 x 40
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 252
The Abjad of “Baqit Ullah” is 578

1445 + Baqit Ullah (578) = 2023 AD

If we add the Numbers from 1 to 59, we would get the following result:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ……………+ 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 + 59 = 1770

1770……………..Now if we multiply the first two numbers i.e. 17 with the last
two numbers, we would get the amazing result:

17 x 70 = 1190
The Number of years of the “Ghaibat” of Imam Mahdi is also 1190

Now if we add the number of His First Zahoor in 255 Hijri, we would get the
exact year of His Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 253

First Zahoor (255) + Years of Ghaibat e Imam Mahdi (1190) =

1445………Year of His Zahoor

255 + 1190 = 1445
If we subtract the total years of “Ghaibat e Imam Mahdi” i.e. 1190 years from
the Abjad of word, “Ghaibat” i.e. 1412, we would get another amazing result as:

Ghaibat (1412) – 1190 (Total Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi) = 222

222………….is the Abjad of name, “Haider” --------Imam Ali’s name

222 = 111 + 111………………Aala + Aala ………..The most sacred name of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 254

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned Imam Mahdi
17 times in His Last Hajj Sermon

As mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), "

"5 people would die out of 7 before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) because of Wars, Drought and Diseases."

 So if we multiply the Number - 5, who would die before the Zahoor

of Imam Mahdi with the Magical Number - 17, we would get the
Zahoor year in Hijri year - 1445 Hijri
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 255
 Similarly if we multiply the Number - 7, which is mentioned as the
total number of people from which 5 people would die with the
Magical Number - 17, we would get the Zahoor year in the
Georgean year - 2023 AD

The Number - 17 is the 7th Prime Number and 5 people would have to
die out of total Number - 7

 17 x 17 x 5 = 1445....................................1445 Hijri
 17 x 17 x 7 = 2023..................................... 2023 AD

 (59 x 17) + (59 x 17) + (1 x 17) = 2023..............2023 AD
 (59 x 12) + (59 x 12) + (12 + 17) = 1445...........1445 Hijri

As Imam Mahdi is also the Last and the 12th Imam

In addition, our Prophet (PBUH) said that:

"Our every Hadith has 70 - Zahir and 70 - Batin meanings."

So Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned 17 Sentences about Imam Mahdi

(AS) in His Last Sermon at Ghadir e Khum.

(17 Ahadith on Imam Mahdi) x (70 - Zahir/Batin)

17 x 70 = 1190
We know that the 1st Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in 255 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 256

To know about His 2nd Zahoor, if we add 1190 with the Hijri year of His 1st Zahoor,
we would get the year of His 2nd Zahoor as:

255 Hijri + 1190 = 1445 .......................1445 Hijri...............2nd Zahoor of Imam

255 + 1190 = 1445............1445 Hijri...............Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Also the Abjad of Arabic word , “Aleen” is 170. "Aleen" is the plural of the
name, "Ali" i.e. 3 or more Ali or 14 Ali on the "Arsh e Ilahi"

170 = 17 x 10

The gematrical values of the three Arabic letters in Bismillah are as


Be – 2
Seen – 60
Meem – 40
If we add the values of first three Arabic letters as:

Be + Seen + Mim = 2 + 60 + 40 = 102

17 x 6 = 102
Be: We know that Hazrat Ali is the dot in ‘Be’ and the letter ‘Be’ is only written with
the 12 dots with the first dot known as “Nuqta Bismillah”. So ‘Be’ represents 12

Seen: The Arabic letter ‘Seen’ in Bismillah is the ‘Seen’ of ‘Syeda’ – Fatima who is
also the center of ‘Ismat’ and that’s why ‘Seen’ is in between ‘Be’ and ‘Meem’.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 257
Meem: The Arabic letter ‘Meem’ in Bismillah is the ‘Meem’ of ‘Muhammad’ (PBUH)
who is the last Prophet.

 Be ---- 12 Imams with Ali (AS) as ‘Nuqta’ in Be and Father of 11 Imams

 Seen – Syeda Fatima (AS)
 Meem – Muhammad (PBUH)

Total – 14 Masomeen

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Ilah Allah” meaning “God Allah” is also 36 + 66 = 102

Be + Seen + Meem = 102 = Ilah Allah

102 = 17 x 6

Also if we add the numbers of Centuries in the Zahoor–1445 Hijri and 2023
AD, we would get:

14 + 20 = 34

17 x 2 = 34
Also if we add the numbers of Years in the Zahoor–14 45 and 2023 AD, we
would get:

45 + 23 = 68

17 x 4 = 68

All the equations from the Number - 17 are proving the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) in 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD.............Inshahallah
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 258
14 Masoomeen’s Names and Ism e Azam of Allah
We now know that the names of 14 Masoomen are basically 7 Constant names.
There are 4 names of Muhammad, 4 names of Ali, 2 names of Hassan and 4
different names – Fatima, Hussain, Musa and Jafar in the 14 names of

If we calculate the Abjad of all 14 names of Masoomeen, we would see the

following results:

Abjad of names of 14 Masoomeen

 Muhammad (92) x 4 Times in 14 Masoomeen = 368
 Ali (110) x 4 Times in 14 Masoomeen = 440
 Hassan (118) x 2 Times in 14 Masoomeen = 236
 Fatima = 135
 Hussain = 128
 Jafar = 353
 Musa = 116
Adding the Abjad of all 14 Names of Masoomeen = 368 + 440 + 236 + 135 + 128 +
353 + 116 = 1776

Total Abjad of all 14 Names of Masoomeen = 1776

1776 = 111 x 16
1776 = Aala(111) x 16
Do you know that the USA – Year of Independence was also 1776 AD?

1776 = 111 + 666 + 999

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 259
1776 = Ism e Azam (111) + Ism e Azam ul Azam (666) + Ism e Azam ul Azam ul
Azam (999)

1776 --------------- 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 21 = 7 + 8 + 6 ---------------786


1776…………………….1 + 776 = 777 ……………………. 111 x 7

1776……………..17 + 76 = 93……………….. 9 + 3 = 12……………12 Imams

1776………………76 – 17 = 59……………………..59 is the Abjad of


1776………………….17 x 76 = 1292………….. 12 + 92 = 104……….Abjad of “Adal” and

total Holy Books and Scriptures sent by Almighty Allah

Adding the Abjad of name of Allah (66) with the total Abjad of 14 names of
Masoomeen, we see:

Allah (66) + 1776 = 1842……18 + 42 = 60………….Abjad of Arabic Alphabet


6 (Dimensions) x 60 (Seen) = 360……………Abjad of Allah’s name “Rafee”

meaning Highest
The Abjad of Arabic words “Kamil” meaning Complete and Allah’s name “Malik” is

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 260

Abjad of “Kamil” = 91 = Abjad of Allah’s name “Malik”
The reverse number of 91 is 19 (Abjad of Wahid). Adding both the numbers, we

91 (Kamil or Malik) + 19 (Wahid) = 110 (Ali)

1776 = 111 + 666 + 999

 111 = 3 x 37
 666 = 18 x 37
 999 = 27 x 37
 1776 = 48 x 37

1776 = 111 + 666 + 999

(3 x 37) + (18 x 37) + (27 x 37) = (48 x 37)
3 is the Abjad of Arabic Alphabet ‘Jeem”…………which we put on Allah’s name

37 is the Abjad of Allah’s name “Awaal” meaning The First

18 is the Abjad of Allah’s name “Haee” meaning the Giver and Possessor of Life

27 are the total Arabic Alphabets of 7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen

48 is the Abjad of Allah’s name “Majid”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 261

Now Allah name is also “Aala” which is mentioned in Surah – 87, Sura e “Aala”

If we add the sum of the Abjad of all 14 Masoomeen with the Greatest name of
Allah, i.e. “Aala”, so we would get:

1776 + 111 (Abjad of name of Allah -“Aala”)

1887 = 111 x 17
1887 = 37 x 51
1887………….where 18 is the Abjad of “Haee” meaning The Giver of Life and the
Number – 87 refers to Surah – e Aala in the Holy Quran. The Abjad of

1887………………1 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 24

1887 = 111 + 666 + 999 + 111

The Abjad of Allah's name and Maula's Laqab - "Momin" is 136

136 = 17 x 8
If we add the Abjad of Maula's Laqab or Allah's Name, "Momin" i.e. 136
with 1887 (111 x 17), we would get the Year of the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) as:

1887 + 136 = 2023

(111 x 17) + (17 x 8) = 2023..........2023 AD........Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

2023 = 17 x 17 x (1x7)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 262
We also know that there are 17 Rakats in 5 Prayers of Muslims from Fajar
to Isha Prayer.

Also we know that 14 Masoomeen are the "Salat" or Prayer of


Now if we multiply the Numbers - 17 Rakats of 5 Prayers with the

Number - 14 of Masoomeen, we would get:

(17 x 5) x 14 = 1190
The total number of Years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS) from 255 Hijri
till 1445 Hijri are 1190 years.

1190..........................1190 Years of Total Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Now if we add the Year of His First Zahoor in 255 Hijri with 1190 years,
we would get the Year of His Second Zahoor as 1445 Hijri.

1190 + 255 Hijri = 1445......................1445 Hijri...........Zahoor of Imam

Also we know that the name of Maula Ali (AS) in One Arabic Alphabet is

‫ع‬ ---- whose Abjad is 70. Now if we multiply the Abjad of ‫ع‬ - 70 with
the Number - 17, we would get:

70 x 17 = 1190...................Total years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1190 + 255 = 1445..................1445 Hijri.............Zahoor of Imam (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 263

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 264
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 265
51. The Major Occultation (Ghaibat e Kubra) of Imam Mahdi
started in 329 Hijri. The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would take
place after the humanity would go through 5 phases as
mentioned in Surah - 2, Verse - 155 (Holy Quran)

Ghaibat e Sughra --------------which lasted 69 according to most Ahadith

from 260 Hijri till 329 Hijri

Ghaibat e Kubra……………..which started in 329 Hijri

Imam Mahdi’s first Ghaibat started in 260 Hijri and if we add the 69 years of
Ghaibat e Sughra in the year 260 Hijri, we would reach the year – 329 Hijri

Start of 1st – Ghaibat e Sughra……….260 Hijri

Total Years of Ghaibat e Sughra …..69 Years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 266

260 Hijri + 69 Years of Ghaibat e Sughra = 329 Hijri

69 is the Abjad of Bibi’s name, “Zainab” ----- And Imam Mahdi (AS) would
take the revenge of Karbala i.e. Revenge of Imam Hussain (AS) and Bibi Zainab.

Now we all are waiting for the “Zahoor” of Imam Mahdi. Now Imam Jaffar e
Sadiq told us that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would take place after the whole
humanity would pass through 5 phases of fear, poverty, hunger, loss of life and
drought. So if we add 5 phases with the Abjad of Arabic word, “Zahoor” - 1111 in
the Year – 329 Hijri, we would get the final year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi, i.e.

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Zahoor” is 1111

“And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, and hunger, loss of life and loss
of crops by drought. And give glad tidings to the steadfast.”
(Surah -2 – Surah – e- Al – Baqarah, Verse – 155)

Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq explained this Ayat and mentioned that the humanity
would go through 5 phases of Fear, Poverty, Hunger, Loss of Life and Drought
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

5 Phases of Humanity before Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1. Fear
2. Poverty
3. Hunger
4. Loss of Life (1/3rd humans would die in Big War)
5. Drought (1/3rd humans would die in Drought)

329 Hijri + 1111 - Zahoor + 5 Phases= 1445...............1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 267

329 + 1111 + 5 = 1445 Hijri……………Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

 Total Years of Ghaibat e Kubra of Imam Mahdi = 1116

329 Hijri (Start of Ghaibat e Kubra) + 1111 Years (Zahoor of

Imam) + 5 (After 5 Phases on humanity) = 1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri……Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi


 329 Hijri indicates the Century of Zahoor. How?

329................. 3 + 2 + 9 = 14...........................14 (Century of Zahoor)

 The Abjad of 'Zahoor' - 1111 indicates the Decade of Zahoor.


1111................. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4...................... 4 (Decade of Zahoor)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 268
 The 5 phases on humanity indicates the year of Zahoor. How?

5 phases on humanity...........................5 (Year of Zahoor)

Now combine all the Numbers of Century (14) with the Number of Decade (4)
and the Number of Year (5) of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), we would get:

14 (Century).......................4 (Decade).................5 (Year) .........Zahoor of Mahdi

14.....4......5..................1445 Hijri............Zahoor of Imam Mahdi(AS)

1445 Hijri.......................Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 269

52. We know the Panjetan are 5 and Masoomeen are 14.
Now we analyze the Hijri year – 1445.

If we add the numbers in the Hijri year – 1445, we see:

1445 ---- 1 + 4 + 4 + 5 = 14……. Corresponds to 14 Masoomeen and 14th Masoom

Also 14---- 1 + 4 = 5……..Corresponds to 5 Panjetan and Imam Mahdi is the 9 th Son of
5th Panjetan – Imam Hussain.

Also, the Abjad of the name “Mahdi” is 59.

If we add the two numbers – 5 and 9, we would get:

59…………………….5 + 9 = 14
If we multiply the two numbers – 5 and 9, we would get:

59…………………….5 x 9 = 45
If we place the two numbers 14 and 45 together, we would get the year of his
reappearance, which is hidden in the Abjad of “Mahdi”

14 (5 + 9) ----- 45 (5 x 9)……………..14 45 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 270
53. Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq (AS) said: “There would be two deaths before
the re – appearance of Imam Mahdi. The first death would be ‘Red death’ –
the death by War and destruction in which one third of the human
population would die and the second death would be ‘White death’ – the
death by Drought and diseases spread after war and one third of the human
population would die. The remaining population of the Earth would be left
one third after the war and drought before the re –appearance of Mahdi.”
(Bihar ul Anwaar)

The educated people of the world are now aware that we are at the verge of Third
World War and more than 100 books have already been written and in the market
indicating the full break through of the WW – III by 2021 AD. One may see the list of
books on on WW – III. The third world war would be from 2021
to 2022 AD and 1/3rd population of the Earth would die from this destructive war.
From 2020 to 2023 – almost 3 years, the people of the Earth would face lack of rains
and severe drought and so 1/3rd population would die from drought, diseases, after
effects of war. Upon the re – appearance date of Imam Mahdi i.e. 28th July, 2023,
only 1/3rd population would be alive by that time on our planet known as ‘Earth’
fulfilling the prophecy of Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 271

54. Rule of Dajjal in 3 Stages

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: “The Dajjal would rule the world first
for one year from one place, then for one month from another place and then
lastly for one week from another place and then Mahdi would re – appear.”

There is a famous Video series known by the name – ‘The Arrivals’ prepared by a
UK – Muslim and there are 51 episodes of that Series. The link of Episode 26 is
available here:
He described in that video that British ruled the world for almost 1000 years from
919 AD till 1919 AD – end of First World War. So we take 1000 years rule of British
equivalent to 1 year as per the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad. If 1000 years is
equivalent to 1 year, then one month would be 1000 years divided by 12 and it
would be 83 years. The USA ruled the world from 1919 to 2002 AD for 83 years till
the event 9 – 11 happened in USA in 2001 AD. Then 1 week would be 1000 years
divided by 12 months and then further divided by 4 i.e. 21 years. The world knows
that the actual policy and decision making power of the world was shifted from
USA to Israel in 2002 AD, with the New World Order and New Doctrine introduced
by the then US president – George W. Bush and Israel now would rule the world
from 2002 to 2023 AD until the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi on 28th July, 2023
(Friday – 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 272

Timings of the Rule of Dajjal
1. 1 Heavenly Year = 1000 Worldly years
So Dajjal ruled from 919 AD to 1919 AD (till the End of World War – 1)

British ruled the World from 919 AD till 1919 AD when USA took the power as
World Power after the World War – 1.

 British Empire ……………………1000 Years.........919 AD till 1919 AD

2. 1 Heavenly Month = 1000/12 = 83 Worldly Years

USA ruled the world from 1919 till 2002 AD. After the 911 terrorist attacks in
New York, USA in 2001 AD, there is a shift of world power from USA to Israel.

 USA……………………………….83 Years...............1919 AD till 2002 AD

3. 1 Heavenly Week = 1000/(12 x 4) = 21 Years

Israel would rule the World from 2002 till 2023 AD as a World Power and in
2023 AD, Imam Mahdi’s (AS) Zahoor would took place on 28th July, 2023 AD.

 Israel…………………………..21 Years..............2002 AD till 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 273

55. Analyzing the last two numbers in the years – 2023 AD and
1445 Hijri i.e. numbers – 23 and 45.

The number – 45 is the 23rd Odd number and corresponds to the year – 2023 in
which the century is represented by 20 and the year is represented by 23 and 45 is
the 23rd odd number.

Second, if we add the two numbers as:

23 + 45 = 68……. 6 + 8 = 14…………corresponds to the re –appearance of 14th


In mathematics, all perfect numbers either end with number 6 or number – 8 and
the sum of numbers 6 and 8 are 14………………..14 Masomeen and 14th Masoom

Third, the numerical value of the Imam’s name – ‘Mahdi’ is 59. If we multiply 5 with
9, we would get:

5 x 9 = 45 …….corresponds to the year – 1445 in which the 14 represents

century and 45 represents the Hijri year.

Also if we add the two numbers of 45 as:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 274

4 + 5 = 9……… corresponds to the number of Bibi Fatima (AS) as the gematrical value
of her name – “Fatima” is 135. If we add the numbers as: 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 and Imam
Mahdi is the son of Bibi Fatima. Also Imam Mahdi is the 9th son of Imam Hussain.

If we multiply last two numbers of the Hijri year – 1445 and 2023 AD, we see:

45 x 23 = 1035…………..We see the numbers – 1, 3 and 5 in the resulting number. If

we add the numbers of 1035, we would get:

1035………..1 + 0 + 3 + 5 = 9……….9th Son of Imam Hussain i.e. Imam Mahdi

Also the number – 23 is the 9th Prime Number and 9 – corresponds to 9th son of
Imam Hussain i.e. Imam Mahdi. If we add the numbers of 23, we see:

2 + 3 = 5…..Imam Mahdi(AS) - son of 5th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain

Fourth, if we add the two years as:

2023 + 1445 = 3468……Now add the first two numbers with the last two
numbers we would get: 3468……… 34 + 68 = 102 ---- which is the numerical value of
first three Arabic letters of Bismillah – ‘Be – Seen and Meem’

The gematrical values of the three Arabic letters are as follows:

Be – 2
Seen – 60
Meem – 40
If we add the values of first three Arabic letters as:
Be + Seen + Mim = 2 + 60 + 40 = 102
Be: We know that Hazrat Ali is the dot in ‘Be’ and the letter ‘Be’ is only written with
the 12 dots with the first dot known as “Nuqta Bismillah”. So ‘Be’ represents 12

Seen: The Arabic letter ‘Seen’ in Bismillah is the ‘Seen’ of ‘Syeda’ – Fatima who is
also the center of ‘Ismat’ and that’s why ‘Seen’ is in between ‘Be’ and ‘Meem’.

Meem: The Arabic letter ‘Meem’ in Bismillah is the ‘Meem’ of ‘Muhammad’ (PBUH)
who is the last Prophet.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 275
Be ---- 12 Imams with Ali (AS) as ‘Nuqta’ in Be and Father of 11 Imams
Seen – Syeda Fatima (AS)
Meem – Muhammad (PBUH)

Total – 14 Masomeen

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Ilah Allah” meaning “God Allah” is also 36 + 66 = 102
Be + Seen + Meem = 102 = Ilah Allah
Fifth, if we add the first two numbers of Hijri year – 1445 and 2023 AD, we would
14 + 20 = 34
The reverse number of 34 is 43. Now add 34 with its reverse number, we see:

34 + 43 = 77………… Adding 7 + 7 = 14…………corresponds to 14 th Masoom or 14


Sixth, if we multiply the numbers of the Hijri year – 1445 Hijri as:
1445…………. 14 x 45 = 630
The reverse number of 630 is 036. Now add the numbers – 630 and 036, we would

630 + 036 = 666………… 111 x 6 and the number – 666 is the most amazing
number in all the regions and the religions of the world. In addition to that the
Number – 666 is also the Number of Bibi Fatima as:

The Arabic name ‘Fatima’ has a numerical or gematrical value of 135. The reverse
number of 135 is 531. If we add these two numbers we see:

135 + 531 = 666………………Number of Bibi Fatima -----Mother of Imam Mahdi

who is to appear in the Hijri year – 1445.

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 277
56. Analyze the years 2023 AD and 1445 Hijri for the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS)

If we multiply the two years as:

1445 x 2023 = 2923235. Now add the numbers of resulting number as:
2923235 ----- 2 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 26…… The number – 26 is the 14 th even
number corresponding to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi (AS)
If we multiply the numbers of Number – 26 as:

26….. 2 x 6 = 12……corresponds to 12th Imam – Mahdi

Also we know that Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam and 14th Masoom. If we add 12 by
14, we see:

12 + 14 = 26………12th Imam + 14th Masoom ---- 26………14th Even Number in

We know that there are 114 Suras in the Holy Quran, the number - 1 in 114 basically
represents ‘Wahid’ Allah and 14 represents – 14 Masoomeen.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 278

Now if we multiply, 12 by 14, we would see:

12 x 14 = 168…….. 1 represents ‘Masoom and Imam from Wahid – Allah’ and the
number – 68 means ----- 6 + 8 = 14………. 14th Masoom or 14 Masoomeen in total.

So 114……………168 …………12 x 14………….three different ways to write the same

Imam Mahdi was born on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri. If we add the numbers of 255
Hijri, we see:
255…….. 2 + 5 + 5 = 12……..corresponds to the 12th Imam

If we add the numbers of Number – 26 as:

26 ….. 2 + 6 = 8 ……. And number – 8 is the number of Divinity, Infinity, 8 – Sifat – e –

Sabootia, 8 – doors of Heaven, etc and Imam Mahdi is the true representative of
Divinity i.e. Allah. Interestingly the Arabic word –‘Imam’ is also mentioned 8 times
in the Holy Quran. Similarly the Arabic word –‘Shia’ is also mentioned 8 times in the
Holy Quran.

Imam Mahdi was born on 15th Shahban. The number 15 is also the 8th Odd number.
We know the numerical or gematrical value of the name ‘Fatima’ is 135 and Imam
Mahdi is the 11th son of Bibi ‘Fatima’ (AS). Imam Hasan (AS), 1st son of Bibi Fatima
was also born on 15th Ramadan. So his 1st son and 11th son (last son) was born on
15th day of Ramadan and Shahban respectively.
Now, we may write the number – 15 as:

15 = 1 x 3 x 5………And all these numbers 1,3 and 5 are coming in the name of
‘Fatima’ which shows his relationship with Bibi Fatima (AS).

Also the momineen have to pray ‘Wahid’ (1) at 3 times of the day (Fajr, Zohrain,
Maghrabain) with 5 Namaz. ( 1 – 3 – 5 )
Also we now know that the numerical value of the name ‘Mahdi’ is 59. The number
– 59 is the 17th prime number.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 279

If we add the numbers of 17, we get:
17….. 1 + 7 = 8
That’s why all Momineen have to pray 17 Rakat of 5 Namaz every day.

We discussed earlier the Imam Hassan (AS) was born on 15th Ramadan and
Ramadan is the 9th Islamic month and Imam Mahdi (AS) was born on 15th Shahban
and Shahban is the 8th Islamic month.

15th Ramadan ----- 9th Islamic Month

15th Shahban ------ 8th Islamic Month

If we add 9 with 8, we would get: 9 + 8 = 17………corresponds to 59 as number –

59 is the 17th Prime Number.

There are 17 Rakat in 5 Prayers

17……………..1 + 7 = 8…………….represents “Divinity” and “Infinity”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 280

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 281
57. We know that our 11th Imam Hassan Askari (AS) departed on 8th Rabi ul
Awal, 260 Hijri from this world and Imam Mahdi became Imam in the Hijri
year – 260 on 9th Rabi ul Awal. The total years of his Imamat from 9th Rabi
ul Awal, 260 Hijri to the re – appearance on the 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri
are 1184 years and 9 months. Now we analyze this number - 1184.

If we add the numbers of 1184 years as:

1184 ----- 1 + 1 + 8 + 4 = 14….corresponds to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi.

Also if we add the first two numbers with the last two numbers in 1184, we would

1184 ------ 11 + 84 = 95……. 9 + 5 = 14…………corresponds to 14 th Masoom.

Also the number – 95 is the reverse number of 59, which is the numerical value of
the name of Imam – ‘Mahdi’.
If we add both numbers, we would get:
59 + 95 = 154…………Now again add first two numbers with the last number, we
would get:
154……… 15 + 4 = 19…………..corresponds to 19 ‘Kuniyat" of Imam Mahdi

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 283
58. There are 14 Fridays in between the day of his
announcement of his Reappearance on 14th April, 2023 and his
day of re – appearance or Zahoor on 28th July, 2023 which are
also Fridays.

It is interesting to note that there are 14 Fridays in between the two dates, i.e.
14th April, 2023 and 28th July, 2023 which are also Fridays and Imam Mahdi is the
14th Masoom of Allah.

The announcement of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is done by Hazrat Ali and is mentioned
in the Holy Quran in Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verse – 40, 41 as:

“And listen on the day when the crier (Hazrat Ali) crieth from a near place. The day
when they will hear the Cry (of Hazrat Ali) in truth. That would be the day of
Kharooj (Imam Mahdi).”

(Holy Quran – Chapter – 50, Sura – ‘Qaf’, Verses – 40, 41)

Imam Mahdi was also born on the day of “Friday” on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 284

Announcement Day of his re- appearance -- 14th April, 2023-- Friday

1. 21st April, 2023 --- 1st Friday

2. 28th April, 2023 --- 2nd Friday
3. 5th May, 2023 --- 3rd Friday
4. 12th May, 2023 --- 4th Friday
5. 19th May, 2023 --- 5th Friday
6. 26th May, 2023 --- 6th Friday
7. 2nd June, 2023 --- 7th Friday
8. 9th June, 2023 --- 8th Friday
9. 16th June, 2023 --- 9th Friday
10. 23rd June, 2023 --- 10th Friday
11. 30th June, 2023 --- 11th Friday
12. 7th July, 2023 --- 12th Friday
13. 14th July, 2023 --- 13th Friday
14. 21st July, 2023 --- 14th Friday

Day of his Zahoor or Re – appearance -- 28th July, 2023 -- Friday

So there are 14 Fridays in between these two important dates and 14 Fridays
corresponds to the Zahoor of 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi

14 Fridays……………corresponds to the 14th Masoom ---- Imam Mahdi

Furthermore, Imam Mahdi was born on Friday in the month of July, which is the 7 th
day in the Islamic calendar and is to reappear or Zahoor on Friday again in the
month of July, which is the 7th Month in the AD Calendar

Once, a man came to our 10th Imam, Imam Ali Naqi (AS) and asked Imam about the
Hadith, that:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 285

“If you become enemies with the days, the days would become enemy with you.”

He asked that how the days of the week can do enemity with a person. Imam Ali
Naqi (AS) smiled and told him that he misunderstood the Hadith.

Then he explained that in this Hadith, the days are basically the Prophet
Muhammad, Bibi Fatima and the 12 Imams and the days of the week are related to
them as:

Saturday is related to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Bibi Fatima (AS)

Sunday is related to Imam Ali (AS)
Monday is related to Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain (AS)
Tuesday is related to Imam Zain ul Abedeen, Imam Muhammad Baqir, Imam Sadiq
Wednesday is related to Imam Moosa Kazim, Imam Raza, Imam Taqi, Imam Ali Naqi
Thursday is related to Imam Hassan Askari
Friday is related to Imam Mahdi (AS)
So, the day of Friday is related to our 12th Imam and 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi

There is a Surah in the Holy Quran, named – Surah Al Juma. The number of the
Surah Al Juma is 62 and the verses in the Surah are 11. Now we know that “Juma”
meaning “Friday” is related to Imam Mahdi and He is also known as “Juma” in the
Holy Quran by the Almighty Allah.

We see how the Surah Al Juma is telling us about Imam Mahdi in the 9 th verse of
Surah Al Juma:

“O – ye who believe! When the call (from Imam Mahdi) is heard (on the day of His
Zahoor) for the Prayer (to gather around him in Mecca) from the day of Friday
(Imam Mahdi), haste unto remembrance of Allah (run towards the Imam Mahdi on
his call) and leave trading. That is better for you (i.e. Imam Mahdi) if ye did you
(Surah Al – Juma, Verse – 9, Holy Quran)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 286
It is misinterpreted by our Scholars that this is the verse for the Prayer of Juma
(Friday), because we are told in many Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad, that when
going to the mosque, go slowly and gracefully and not hastily or running towards
the mosque for the prayers.

And we also know by the Hadith and explanation by our 10th Imam that the days of
the week are related to 14 Masoomeen and the name “Jumah” is also the name of
our Imam Mahdi.

The Abjad of “Jumah” is 118……….59 + 59 = 118………The Abjad of

"Mahdi" is 59 and the Abjad of "Hassan" is 118

The Abjad of “Azan” is 752 (7 + 5 + 2 = 14) and Once Maula Ali said:

“I am the Moazin of Allah in Qiyamat (Day of Judgement)”

The Abjad of “Jehan” is also 59 and Imam Mahdi is the Imam of “Jehan”
whose name, “Mahdi” Abjad is also 59

 Imam Mahdi is also known as “Fajar” as described by Imam Jaffar e

Sadiq in the explanation of the Verses of Surah e Fajar, Holy Quran.

The Arabic word, “Fajar” consists of 3 Arabic letters:

1. Fe…….stands here for Fatima……..Imam Mahdi is the 11th Son and

Waris of Bibi Fatima (AS)
2. Jeem …..stands here for Jali…….Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam and
Caliph of Allah who is Jali
3. Re……….stands here for Rasool…….Imam Mahdi is the 12th Wasi and
Wazir of Rasool e Arabi i.e. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 288
59. The year – 2023 AD contains very strong and mysterious number i.e.
Number – 23. Now we would see the significance of Number – 23 under
the light of sayings of Prophet Muhammad and Imams.

First, Prophet Muhammad once mentioned to his companions that, “Qiyamat – e –

Kubra would occur on the day of 23rd Ramadan and that day would be ‘Friday’.
Interestingly, Ramadan is the 9th Holy month of Islam and Number – 23 is the 9th
Prime Number. The announcement of the appearance of Imam Mahdi would also
be done on 23rd Ramadan and that day would also be Friday, i.e. 14th April, 2023 AD.
The appearance of Imam Mahdi is considered as “Qiyamat – e – Sughra” or ‘Hashar’
in Islam.
Second, the year – 1445 Hijri contains number – 45 and the Number – 45 is the 23 rd
Odd number in mathematics. Similarly if we multiply the numbers – 4 and 5, we
would get – Number – 20 and interestingly, the numerical value of Arabic word
‘Hadi’ is 20 and Imam Mahdi is also ‘Hadi’ of the Universe. And if we add the
numbers – 4 and 5, we would number – 9, and Imam Mahdi is the 9th son of Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 289

Third, the number – 23 is the 12th Odd number and 9th Prime number in
Mathematics. Imam Mahdi is the 12th Imam and 9th son of Imam Hussain.
Fourth, if we add the numbers of 2 and 3, we would get Number – 5 and Imam
Mahdi is the son of 5th Panjetan, i.e. Imam Hussain.
Fifth, if we multiply the numbers – 2 and 3, we would get Number – 6 and 6 is the
first and the smallest Perfect number in Mathematics and number – 6 is the 4 th Even
Number. 10th Muharam is the day of appearance of Imam Mahdi and Number – 10
is the 6th Even Number.

So Number – 6 --------------- 1st Perfect Number - 4th Even Number------------- 1 – 4 ----

- 14
And Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom in order.

Mathematical Definition of Knowledge:

The Abjad of “Ilm” meaning Knowledge is 140……………….14 x 10

And Imam Jaffar e Sadiq once said:

“Our Knowledge has 70 Secrets.”

And Secret means “Batin”

Definition of Ilm (Knowledge):

The knowledge of Ilm (Knowledge) in the language of mathematics using the above
facts is:

“The Ilm (Knowledge) of Allah and 14 Masoomeen has 70 ‘Zahir” and 70 “Batin”,
total of 70 (Zahir) + 70 (Batin) = 140 which is the Abjad of Ilm (Knowledge).”

Ilm e Illahi (Knowledge of Allah) = 70 (Zahir) + 70 (Batin) = 140 Open and Hidden
Abjad of “Ilm” = 140
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 290
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 291
60. Imam Mahdi’s first Zahoor was on 15th Shahban, 255 AH or 29th July,
869 AD on Friday. One can check this date on any calendar conversion
software or website.

1. The date of first Zahoor is 29th July and the date of second Zahoor is 28th July.
2. His first Zahoor is on Friday and the date of second Zahoor is also on Friday
3. The year 869 CE …………. 8 + 6 + 9 = 23 and the year of Reappearance is 2023
4. The Islamic month is 255 AH……2 + 5 + 5 = 12…………….12 Imam is Imam
5. Imam Mahdi’s first Zahoor was on 29th July. The reverse number of 29 is 92,
which is the Abjad or numeric value of ‘Muhammad’ name. Adding both
the numbers, we would get:
29 + 92 =121.
6. Imam Mahdi is the son of Imam Ali. The Abjad or numerical value of ‘Ali’ is
110. The reverse number of 110 is 11. Adding both the numbers, we would
get the number –

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 292

121 as: 110 + 011 = 121
7. The Abjad of Prophet ‘Muhammad’ name is 92. The reverse of 92 is 29.
Adding both the numbers we see:
29 + 92 = 121 = 110 + 011
8. The Abjad or numeric value of the name of Allah ‘Hu’ is also 11.
9. The date of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi is 28 th July. The reverse number of
28 is 82. Adding both the numbers, we would get:
28 + 82 = 110
…………..Abjad or Numeric value of name ‘Ali’
 The Abjad or Numeric value of the Arabic word ‘Imam’ is also 82.

The Abjad of Allah's name, ‘Hakim

‘Hakim’ meaning The Ruler is 69.. If we add the Abjad of
“Hakim” (69) with the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” (59), we would get the Abjad
of name, “Hussain”

Hakim (69) + Mahdi (59) = 128……………..Abjad of name, “Hussain”

Allah would make Mahdi, the Hakim of the World and He would take
revenge of Karbala and blood of Imam Hussain

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Noodi” meaning “To Call” is 69.

This Arabic word is used in Surah e Juma, “Noodi us Salat min Yaum al Juma” –
Verse – 9, Surah - 62

Noodi…………………………………….is “Hakim”
Salat………………………………………is “Wilayat e Ali”
Juma………………………………………is “Imam Mahdi”
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 293
The interpretation of this verse in Marefat is:

“When Hakim (Allah) calls for Wilayat e Ali towards Imam Mahdi”

The Abjaf of name, “Abu Talib” is 51. If we add the Abjad of “Abu Talib” (51) with
the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” (59), we would get the Abjad of name, “Ali”

Abu Talib (51) + Mahdi (59) = 110……………..Abjad of name, “Ali”

Abu Talib is the Great Father from Ali to Mahdi – All 12 Imams are Ali
The Abjaf of Allah’s smallest name, “Hu” is 11. If we add the Abjad of “Hu” (11) with
the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” (59), we would get the Abjad of name, “Ya
Seen” ……Laqab of Prophet Muhammad

Hu (11) + Mahdi (59) = 70……………..Abjad of name, “Ya Seen”

Mahdi is the Mazhar of ‘Hu” and also “Aal e Ya Seen”

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Shaheed e Karbala” is 572

572…………………5 + 7 + 2 = 14…………………14th Masoom will take the revenge of

Shaheed e Karbala.

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Taqadum” meaning the first Priority is 514

514…………………………5 (Panjetan) ……………..14 (14 Masoomeen)

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Qadam” meaning the Steps is 144

144…………..12 x 12 = 144……………12……represents 12 Imam. That we have to follow

the foot steps of 12 Imams.

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 295
61. The Abjad of the name of Mahdi and the Zahoor

The Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is 59

Combinations of Number – 059

 059
 095
 590
 950
 905
 509
The sum of the 6 combinations of Number – 059 is:

059 + 095 + 590 + 950 + 905 + 509 = 3108

3108 = 111 x 28
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 296
The Abjad of Allah’s Name, “Aala” meaning The Highest is 111

28………………..2nd Perfect Number in Mathematics

28…………………The total Arabic Alphabets
28………………..28 July, 2023……………….Day of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 297

62. Imam Mahdi has 19 famous ‘Alqabat’. He would re-appear in the
month of Muharram. The first day of the Muharram of the year of his
Reappearance would also be 19th July – 1st Muharram, 1445 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi ------ 19 Famous Alqabat

Imam Mahdi ------ 19th July, 2023 AD ----- 1st Day of Muharram, 1445 Hijri
(Month of his Reappearance)

We know that most Persian region celebrate ‘Naurooz’ or beginning of the New
Year on 21st March. According to Ahadith, God - Allah finished making the Earth on
21st March on Friday. The first Astrological month ‘Aries’ also starts from 21st March
every year.

From 21st March to 19th July ……… Total days would be 121 days.

21st March to 31st March……………….. 11 days

1st April to 30th April…………………….30 days

1st May to 31st May………………………31 days

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 298

1st June to 30th June………………………30 days

1st July to 19th July--------------------------- 19 days

Total Days from 21st March (Naurooz – New Year) to his Zahoor Month
(Muharram) = 121

92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011

121 = 121

Muhammad = Ali
92 is the Abjad or Numeric value of name ‘Muhammad’ and 110 is the Abjad or
Numeric value of name ‘Ali’. If we add the numbers -92 and 110 with their reverse
numbers, we would get the same result, i.e. 121.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 299

63. One of the main and most important Missions of Imam Mahdi is to
take revenge of Martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his companions who
sacrificed their lives for the sake of Islam.

The event of Karbala happened on 10th Muharam, 61 Hijri or 10th October, 680 AD.
The date and year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is 10th Muharam, 1445 Hijri or 28th
July, 2023 AD.
Interestingly, the spiritual date of Karbala is to be noted:

680 AD…………………..6 + 8 + 0 ……………14…………Sacrifice of 14 Masomeen

10th …………Date………………October……….10th Month

10 – 10 – 680
1st …………………. Month ………………10th Muharam…………….Date

If we write the numbers of month and date side by side, we see:

1 (Month)………..10 (Date)…………………….110……………..Abjad of “Ali”

110…………………..Sacrifice of Ali and His family in Karbala

61 Hijri………………Year

If we add 61 and 110, we see:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 300
61 + 110 = 171…………………………09 x 19 = 171
171…………….1 + 7 + 1 = 9………….Number of Bibi Fatima

Now we analyze the dates of Karbala and Imam Mahdi’s year of Zahoor.

Event of Karbala --- 680 AD and Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor – 2023 AD

The difference of the years is:

2023 – 680 = 1343 years from the year of Karbala

1343………………13 and 43…………13 is the 6th Prime Number and 43 is the 14th Prime

13………….6th Prime Number

43…………14th Prime Number……………14th Masoom is Imam Mahdi

Adding the Numbers – 6 and 14, we would get – 20………..Abjad of “Hadi”. Imam
Mahdi is also Hadi i.e. the guide of the Humanity.

Event of Karbala --- 61 Hijri and Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor – 1445 Hijri
The difference of the years is:

1445 – 61 = 1384 years from the year of Karbala

1384………………13 and 84…………13 is the 6th Prime Number and 84 is the 43rd Even

13………….6th Prime Number

84…………43rd Even Number……………..Also 8 + 4 = 12………….Imam Mahdi is 12 th


Adding the Numbers – 6 and 43, we would get – 49.

49…………..7 x 7 ………………..7 Constant Names of 14 Masoomeen

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 301

Now if we add the difference of both Hijri and AD years, we see:

1384 + 1343 = 2727

The total Arabic letters in the seven (7) constant names of 14 Masoomeen are 27.

Imam Mahdi also said that there are 27 letters of all Knowledge in the World.

27…………. 2 + 7 = 9……………Number of Bibi Fatima and highest number in digits.

27…………..2 x 7 = 14…………….Number of Masomeen and Imam Mahdi is 14 th


Also if we know that the Day of Ghadeer was on 18th Zil Hajj. If we add the first 18
numbers, we would get amazing result:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +…………………+ 16 + 17 + 18 = 171

171 = 09 x 19

313 --- Companions of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 302

Relationship between “Muhammad and Ali” in our Imams
In 14 Masoomeen of Allah, there are 4 Masoomeen whose names are
“Muhammad” and 4 Masoomeen whose names are “Ali”. Our Last Imam’s real
name is also “Muhammad”.

4 Muhammad ……………………4 Ali

Now we see the relationship of father and son with the names of “Muhammad and
Ali” among our 12 Imams.

Just remember that the Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is 59.

There are 2 Imams whose names are “Muhammad” and whose father’s name is

 Our 5th Imam i.e. Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) name is “Muhammad” and his
father’s name is “Ali” Zain ul Abedeen (AS).
 Our 9th Imam i.e. Imam Muhammad Taqi (AS) name is “Muhammad” and his
father’s name is “Ali” Raza (AS).

2 Imam’s………………………….Muhammad Ibn e Ali

So 5th and 9th Imam’s names are “Muhammad” and their father’s name is “Ali”

And the Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59………………….5 + 9 = 14………14 th Masoom of Allah

Now there is only One Imam i.e. Imam Ali Naqi (AS) our 10th Imam whose name is
“Ali” Naqi (AS) and his father’s name is “Muhammad” Taqi (AS).

10th Imam …………………Ali ibn e Muhammad

1 Imam……………………Ali Ibn e Muhammad

So there are two numbers, 59 and 10. If we add these numbers, we would get:

59 + 10 = 69…………………Abjad of name, “Zainab”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 303

64. If we analyze the numbers of the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi,
we see the amazing secrets hidden in these numbers:

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi-------------------28 – 7 - 2023

28……………..2nd Perfect Number and the total number of Arabic Alphabets in which
the Holy Book – Quran was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad

7………………Total names of 14 Masomeen …………7 + 7 = 14……..14 Masomeen

20…………….Abjad of Arabic word “Hadi”…………….and Imam Mahdi is also “Hadi”

23…………………..9th Prime Number, Cosmic Number, Holy Quran was revealed in 23

years and the sum of 23 is ………2 + 3 = 5………Panjetan

Also …………. 2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512…………………19 is the Abjad of name of Allah


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 304

65. What is the relationship between 14 and 45 in the Zahoor
year – 1445 Hijri?

If we take the factorial of Number – 14 as:

14! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11 x 12 x 13 x 14 =
87,178,291,200……Now if we add all the numbers individually, we
would get an amazing result as:

87,178,291,200……..8 + 7 + 1 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 45

Factorial of 14!............ 87,178,291,200………….45

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 305
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 306
66. The Muslim Era is computed from the starting point of the year of
the emigration (Hijri); that is, from the year in which Muhammad, the
Prophet of Islam, emigrated from Mecca to Medina, AD 622. The first
day of the month Muharram which is the beginning of the year was set

1st Muharram, 1st Hijri = July 16, 622 AD


1st Muharram, 1445th Hijri = July 19, 2023 AD

The upside down of Number – 16 is Number – 19

16 --------- 19

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 307

Also if we multiply the numbers in the year – 2023 excluding “0” and the
numbers in the Hijri year - 1445

2023…………..2 x 2 x 3 = 12……………..12th Imam

1445………….1 x 4 x 4 x 5 = 80

Now add both the resulting numbers, we see: 12 + 80 = 92……….Abjad of name


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 308

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 309
67. Imam Mahdi’s date of Birth is 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri or 29th July,
869 AD.

The most date, month and year of Mahdi’s Reappearance is also divisible by
Number – 19 is:

28th July, 2023…………………..2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512

His first Zahoor is on 29th July - Friday

His last Zahoor is on 28th July - Friday

The cycle of His Zahoor started on 29th July and completed on 28th July on
the same day of ‘Friday”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 310

Zahoor Cycle:
29th July (Friday) to 28th July (Friday)

365 Days ------ 3 + 6 + 5 = 14………14th Masoom…..Imam


365…….183rd Odd Number …….1 + 8 + 3 = 12……12 th Imam


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 311

68. The year of His Reappearance and the relationship with his name

The Year of Imam Mahdi’s Reappearance is 1445 Hijri and the Abjad of His name
“Mahdi” is 59.

1445………………….14 + 45 = 59……………..Abjad of His name ‘Mahdi’

If we reverse the number 59 as 95 and then add both the numbers, we see:

59 + 95 = 154

We know that the Abjad of name of Bibi Fatima is 135 and the Abjad of the name of
name of Allah “Wahid” is 19. If we add both the numbers, we see:

135 + 19 = 154
The Abjad of the name “Allah Hu” is 77. The reverse of number – 77 is also 77.
Adding both the numbers, we see:

77 + 77 = 154
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 312
The Abjad of the name “Allah Hu” is 77…………….7 + 7 = 14………….14th Masoom
If we Multiply the number of 14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi with the Abjad of name
of Allah, “Hu” which is 11, we see:

14 x 11 = 154
The Abjad of the Arabic word “Maula” is also 77…………….7 + 7 = 14………….14th

The time from his date of Birth, i.e. 869 AD and his Zahoor in 2023 AD is 1154 years

2023 – 869 = 1154 years

1154 Years of his life till final Zahoor……………………….1 154 years

If we analyze the number – 154, we see:

154………………….15 + 4 = 19…………………Abjad of the name “Wahid”

If we add the number – 19 with its reverse number – 91, we see:

19 + 91 = 110……………..Abjad of name ‘Ali’…………………Grand Father of Imam Mahdi

154……………………1 + 54 = 55

If we add the number – 55 with its reverse number – 55, we see:

55 + 55 = 110………………….Abjad of name “Ali”

If we multiply the numbers in 154, we see:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 313

154…………….1 x 5 x 4 = 20……………………Abjad of His name “Hadi”
If we analyze the years – 2023 AD and 1445 Hijri, we see the following results:

Take the first two numbers of both years, i.e. 20 and 14

20 + 14 = 34……….The reverse of this number is 43. Adding both numbers – 34 + 43 =


The reverse of number – 77 is also 77. Then again add the numbers – 77 and 77, we

77 + 77 = 154
Now take the last two numbers of both years, i.e. 23 and 45

23 + 45 = 68……….The reverse of this number is 86. Adding both numbers – 68 + 86 =

The sum of the numbers of 68 and 86 are also 14, i.e.

68………….6 + 8 = 14……………..14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi

86………….8 + 6 = 14……………..14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi

68 + 86 = 154
Also, the Abjad of Allah’s name “Hakam” and “Muhyee” is also 68. The Abjad of
another Allah’s name “Badi” is 86.

68 (Hakam) + 86 (Badi) = 154

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 314

If we take the two numbers of the year – 2023 as 20 and 23 and then add these
numbers, we see:

20 + 23 = 43……….The reverse of this number is 34. Adding both numbers – 43 + 34 =


The reverse of number – 77 is also 77. Then again add the numbers – 77 and 77, we

77 + 77 = 154

If we take the two numbers of the year – 1445 as 14 and 45 and then add these
numbers, we see:
14 + 45 = 59……….The reverse of this number is 95. Adding both numbers – 59 + 95 =

59 + 95 = 154

The Abjad of Allah’s names “Alaa Jali” is 154

The Abjad of Allah’s name “Alaa” is 111 and the Abjad of Allah’s name “Jali” is 43.
Adding the Abjad of both names, we would get:

Alaa (111) + Jali (43) = 154

Also, the year – 1445 contain the 3 numbers – 154 as:

1445……………………………….1 4 45

The names of five – 5 “Panjetan” contains 19 Arabic letters. If we multiply 5 with 19,
we would get:
5 (Panjetan) x 19 = 95
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 315
The reverse number of 95 is 59, which is the Abjad of “Mahdi”.

The sum of all the Abjad numbers of 28 Arabic letters in the Arabic language is

Sum of all 28 Arabic letters (Abjad values) = 5995

5995………………5 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28………..Total Arabic letters

5995……………………..59…95……………….(5 + 9) …(9 + 5)………….14…..14

5995…………..2998th Odd Number

2998…………………….2 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 28…………..Total Arabic letters

The name of Imam Mahdi’s sacred mother was “Nargis”. We also know that 313
people would assist Imam Mahdi upon his Re – appearance.

The Abjad of Imam mother’s name “Nargis” is also 313.

Abjad of “Nargis”----------------------313----------------Followers and Governors of Imam

If we analyze the number – 313:

313………………31 + 3 = 34……….…The reverse number of 34 is 43. Adding both the

numbers 34 and 43, we would get:

34 + 43 = 77………………….7 + 7 = 14th Masoom. The reverse number of 77 is also 77.

Adding both the numbers, 77 and 77, we would get:

77 + 77 = 154
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 316
313………………….3 + 13 = 16…………The reverse number of 16 is 61. Adding both the
numbers 16 and 61, we would get:

16 + 61 = 77…………………….7 + 7 = 14th Masoom. The reverse number of 77 is again

77. Adding both the numbers, 77 and 77, we would get:

77 + 77 = 154

The Abjad of Imam Hussain’s brother and the commander in chief of his forces was
“Abbas”. The Abjad of name “Abbas” is 133.

The Abjad of name “Abbas” --------------133……………The number contains all the

numbers of 313.

Hazrat Abbas would also be the Commander In Chief of Imam Mahdi’s armed

313…………………3 + 1 + 3 = 7…………….7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen.

The sum of Abjad of “Abbas” i.e. 133 and “Zainab” i.e. 69 is 202

The Abjad of Allah’s name “Rab” is 202 = “Abbas” (133) + “Zainab” (69)

Important Note:
The Abjad of the Kalima “La Ilah Ila Allah” is 165
If we add the numbers of 165, we see:

165………………1 + 6 + 5 = 12…………………….12 Imams or 12 th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi

The Abjad of the Kalima “La Ilah Ila Hu” is also 110…………..Abjad of name
Imam Mahdi is also “Wali Ilahi”. The Abjad of the Arabic word “Wali” is 46 and the
Abjad of the Arabic word “Ilahi” is also 46
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 317
Abjad of the Arabic Words “Wali Ilahi” ----------------- 46 + 46 = 92

Abjad of “Wali Ilahi” …………….92……………..Abjad of the Prophet’s name


Imam Mahdi’s name is also “Muhammad” but forbidden to say.

Mahdi’s name = Muhammad --------Abjad of “Muhammad” is 92-----“Wali

The reverse of number – 46 is 64. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

46 + 64 = 110………………..Abjad of name “Ali”……………..Imam Mahdi is “Ali’s 11 th


The Abjad of the Arabic word “Deen” meaning religion is 64.

Imam is also “Wali Deen”. The Abjad of “Wali” is 46 and the Abjad of “Deen” is 64.
Adding both the numbers, we see:

Abjad of “Wali Deen”--------------46 + 64 = 110…………..Abjad of name “Ali”

Imam Mahdi --------------Wali Deen----------------110………..Ali’s 11 th Son

The Abjad of “Baqit Allah” is 578. The sum of the numbers, 5, 7 and 8 is 20 and 20 is
the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Hadi”

The Abjad of “Saar Allah” is 767. The sum of the numbers, 7, 6 and 7 is also 20 and
20 is the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Hadi”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 318

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 319
69. Analysis of the Cycle of His Zahoor:

His first Zahoor (Year of His Birth) is 29th July, 869 AD on Friday

His last Zahoor is 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday

The years between his last Zahoor and his first Zahoor is:

2023 – 869 = 1154

The Abjad of the Arabic word “Zahoor” is 1111 and the Abjad of the Allah’s name
“Jali” is 43.

Imam Mahdi is the “Mazhar” of Allah’s “Jalal”.

Abjad of “Zahoor” is -------------------- 1111

Abjad of Allah’s name “Jali” is--------43

So the Abjad of the Arabic words “Zahoor Jali” is:

Zahoor (1111) + Jali (43) = Zahoor Jali (1154)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 320

Zahoor Jali ------------------------------------ 1154
Zahoor Mahdi after 1154 years on 28th July, 2023 on Friday from his first
Zahoor or birth on 29th July, 869 AD on Friday

Zahoor Mahdi---------------------------1154 years after his first

Zahoor in 869 AD

Now Imam Mahdi is the son of both Prophet Muhammad and his actual name is
also “Muhammad”, which is forbidden in “Ghaibat” to say, whose Abjad is 92 and
he is also the 11th Son of Imam Ali, the Abjad of name “Ali” is 110.

Now his Zahoor is actually the Zahoor of Prophet Muhammad and the Zahoor of
Imam Ali

We calculate the Abjad of “Zahoor Muhammad” and “Zahoor Ali” and add those
numbers to see the amazing results.

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Zahoor Muhammad” is:

(Zahoor) 1111 + (Muhammad) 92 = 1203

The Abjad of “Zahoor Muhammad”--------------------------1203

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Zahoor Ali” is:

(Zahoor) 1111 + (Ali) 110 = 1221

The Abjad of “Zahoor Ali”--------------------------1221

Adding both the numbers of “Zahoor Muhammad” and “Zahoor Ali” , we would get:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 321

1203 + 1221 = 2424

Now we know that the Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59 and the Surah – e – Al Hashar is also
59th Sura mentioning the “Qiyamat – e- Sughra” referring the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi and his revenge from the enemies of the Almighty Allah.

Surah – e- Al Hashar ------------59 Surah-------------------------24 Verses

2424…………………….24 Verses of Surah – e- Al Hashar referring the Zahoor of Mahdi

2424…………………2 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 12……………….12th Imam………….Imam


The reverse of Number – 24 is 42. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

24 + 42 = 66…………………..Abjad of name “Allah”

The Abjad of Arabic words “Zahoor Haq” is 1219

Abjad of “Zahoor Haq”……………….1111 + 108 = 1219

1219………………………..12…..12th Imam and 19…………….Abjad of word “Wahid”

I219……………….12th Imam is “Noor e Wahid” i.e. 19

1154……………….11 + 54 = 65…………6 + 5 = 11…………Abjad of Allah’s name “Hu”

The reverse number of 65 is 56. Adding both numbers, we would get:

65 + 56 = 121……………………92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011 = Muhammad = Ali

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 322
Number – 65 is the 33rd Odd Number
65………………….33rd Odd Number in mathematics

The reverse number of 33 is also 33. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

33 + 33 = 66………………..Abjad of the name “Allah”

Imam Mahdi is also the “Mazhar” of Allah. The Abjad of the Arabic word “Mazhar”
is 1145

1145………………..11 + 45 = 56

The reverse of the number – 56 is 65 and adding both numbers, we would again get
– 121

1154………….The difference of 54 and 11 is:

54 – 11 = 43………………Abjad of Allah’s name “Jali’ and 43 is the 14th Prime


25……………….Prophet Muhammad has mentioned “25 Sentences about Imam

Mahdi” in his last “Khutba tul Widah” at the place of “Ghadir”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 323

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 324
70. The RED and WHITE Death before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) in which 2/3rd population of the World would
die........... Predicted by Prophets and Imams

Imam Jafar e Sadiq (AS) said: “Five (5) people out of Seven (7) would die
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi because of war, drought and

Now if we analyze His statement that “FIVE (5) people would die out of SEVEN (7)”
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi. Why He has chosen these two numbers? Why
not other numbers?

If we see the current population of the world today, the UNO Statistics show that
the population of the world has reached the figure – 7 Billion People on 31 st
October, 2011.

World Population by 31st October, 2011 -------------7 Billion People in the

whole World

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 325

Now the Number – Seven (7) is appearing in the current World Population Statistics.

So according to the Statement of Imam Jafar e Sadiq, FIVE (5) people would die out
of SEVEN (7) people in the world. It seems that FIVE BILLION people would die out
of SEVEN BILLION people before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

So taking the Percentage ………………5/7 x 100 = 71.428% would


Around 72 % of all People of the World would die from Destruction, Drought and
Diseases and only 28% would survive before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

Even if we divide the Year - 1445 Hijri with the Year - 2023 AD, we would get the
same ratio:

1445/2023 x 100 = 71.428%

Imam Mahdi would Zahoor on the 28 of July, 1445 Hijri and 72 is the number of
total Sects or groups in Islam who would go to Hell as per the authentic Hadith of
Hazrat Muhammad out of 73 groups or Sects. So 72% of the World Population
would go to the Hell i.e. they die by War, Diseases and Drought.

Only 2 Billion People would be alive on the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

7 Billion People (Current Population of the World) – 5 Billion People (Who would
= 2 Billion People (Remaining Population on the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi)

Choosing the two numbers – 5 and 7 are so amazing by the Imam and these
numbers are matching with the current Statistics of World Population.

 The main mission of Imam Mahdi is to take the revenge of the Karbala.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 326
We also know that the Abjad of Mahdi is 59.

Mahdi……………5 9……………9th Son of 5th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain

The Abjad of the Arabic word, “Karbala” is 253

253 = 11 x 23

11…………….5 Prime Number in Mathematics

23…………….9 Prime Number in Mathematics

253…….11 x 23 ……………5 Prime No. x 9th Prime Number

5th Prime Number x 9th Prime Number …..….5 x 9….5.9……..Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 327

Also the current population of the World in 2019 is 7.7 billion people. As per the
World Population statistics, the World Population would reach 8 Billion by
2024 AD.

So the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place before 2024 AD as most of the
predictions and signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) has already been fulfilled
and only few major signs has to come yet i.e. 3rd World War and World drought.

Also the Hidden Agenda of the World Elite is to reduce the population of the World
to 3 Billion by 2021. This is known as Agenda - 21. For more details, one can search
the details of the Agenda 21 on the internet.

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)...............................2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 328

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 329
71. The Reappearance of Imam Mahdi is in the year – 1445 Hijri or 2023
AD. Now let us see the amazing mathematical formulas and relationship
between these two years with Imam Mahdi

1445 Hijri and 2023 AD

1445 = 17 x 17 x 5
2023 = 17 x 17 x 7
Now if we add the Numbers – 5 and 7 from these two years, we would get:

5 + 7 = 12……………………………12th Imam --- Mahdi

Now there are two 17’s in the mathematical formula of 1445 and there are two 17’s
in the mathematical formula of 2023. If we take these four 17’s from the above
formulas, we see:

(17 + 17) + (17 + 17) = 68………..6 + 8 = 14………….14 th Masoom ----


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 330

The difference between these 2 numbers – 2023 and 1445 is 578

2023 – 1445 = 578

578 = (17 x 17) + (17 x 17)

578 = 17 x 17 x 2

The Abjad of “Baqit Ullah” is 578

1445 + Baqit Ullah (578) = 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 331

Also, if we add the numbers of the Years – 2023 AD and 1445 Hijri, we would again
see an amazing result:

2023 + 1445 = 3468

3468 = 17 x 17 x 12
Now we analyze – two 17’s and one 12 in the above equation:

The Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is 59

59……………………..Number – 59 is 17th Prime Number

33……………....……Number – 33 is the 17th Odd Number

Adding both the Numbers – 59 and 33, we would get:

59 + 33 = 92……………………….Abjad of name “Muhammad”

12…………………………..12 Corresponds to 12th Imam

3468………..17 x 17 x 12………Imam whose name is “Muhammad” is 12th

Now we analyze the number – 3468:

34………The reverse of 34 is 43. Adding both the numbers – 34 and 43, we

would get:

34 + 43 = 77………………7 + 7 = 14…………….14th Masoom – Imam


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 332

68……………6 + 8 = 14……………………..14th Masoom – Imam
So from the above equations of 1445 and 2023, it is clearly evident that there is a
mysterious and amazing relationship between these two years – 1445 Hijri and
2023 AD

 There are two important Days of Allah, i.e.

Qiyamat e Sughra or mentioned in Quran as “Saat” i.e The Hour – Zahoor of Mahdi

Qiyamat e Kubra ………….Day of Judgment

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Saat” meaning The Hour is 531

531 = 59 x 9..............The Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is also 59

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Qiyamat” meaning the Day of Judgment is 551

551 = 19 x 29…………..The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid” is also 19

Now if we add the Abjad of these two most Important Days of Allah, i.e.

Saat (531) + Qiyamat (551) = 1082

Now divide the number – 1082 by 2 as these are two Days of Allah, the result would
1082/2 = 541 + 541
541………………….100th Prime Number
The reverse number of 541 is 145………………14 – Masoomeen and 5…Panjetan

541 + 145 = 686…….6 + 8 = 14 and 8 + 6 = 14……Days of 14 Masoomeen

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 333

72. It is believed by most Ulema that the total verses related to Imam
Mahdi in the Holy Quran are 1121

Total Verses in the Holy Quran related to Imam Mahdi = 1121

1121 Verses related to Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran = 59 x 19

1121 = 59 x 19
59…………….The Abjad of name “Mahdi”
19…………….The Abjad of name “Wahid”

1121………………………… Mahdi (59) from Wahid (19)

1121………….11 + 21 = 32………….The reverse of 32 is 23………….Year 20 23
32 + 23 = 55……… 55 + 55 = 110……..Abjad of “Ali”
1 – 121……………… 92 + 29 = 121 = 110 + 011
1…………..stands for Allah and 121 ………….stands for

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 334

32……………..17th Even Number
(Mahdi) 59……………..17th Prime Number
17………………….17 Rakat in 5 prayers

If we add the following numbers,we would get the Year of Zahoor:

19………..Abjad of Allah’s name “Wahid”

59……….Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi”……..12th Caliph of Allah
20……….Abjad of Imam’s name, “Hadi”………..14th Masoom of Allah

110………………….Abjad of name, “Ali”……………….Father of Imam Mahdi

135…………………. Abjad of name, “Fatima”…………..Mother of Imam Mahdi

19 (Wahid) x 59 (Mahdi) = 1121……..Link with Allah

20 (Hadi) + 110 (Ali) = 130………Link with Ali

59 (Mahdi) + 135 (Fatima) = 194…………Link with Fatima

(19 x 59) + (20 + 110) + (59 + 135) = (1121) + (130) + (194) = 1445

1445………………….1445 Hijri………………..Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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73. Analyze the relationship between 15th Century Hijri
(year – 1445 Hijri) and 21st Century AD (year – 2023 AD)

15th Century Hijri -------------------- 1445 Hijri

21st Century AD ---------------------- 2023 AD
The number 15 can be written as 15 = 1 + 14, where 1 ---- corresponds to ‘Wahid’
Allah and 14 corresponds to 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi or 14 Masoomeen

We also know that the numerical or gematrical value of 19 Arabic letters of

‘Bismillah’ is 786. The sum total of 786 is ……… 7 + 8 + 6 = 21

Now 21st Century AD is corresponding to 21 of ‘Bismillah’ containing 19 Arabic

words and Imam Mahdi has 19 ‘Alqabat’ and the century of his Zahoor i.e. 21 st
century AD is corresponding to 21 of 786 of ‘Bismillah’

21……………… 7 + 8 + 6 ……………….. 786 -------numeric value of 19 Arabic letters of


Also if we add the number of 15th Century Hijri with the number of 21st Century AD,
we see:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 337

15 + 21 = 36………. 3 + 6 = 9……….corresponds to the 9th Son of Imam Hussain
Also the heart of the Holy Quran is Sura – ‘Yaseen’ which is 36th Sura of the Holy
The reverse number of 36 is 63. Adding both numbers, we see:
36 + 63 = 99………….. corresponds to 99 names of Allah.

We also know that the numeric value of the name ‘Allah’ is 66. If we upside down
66, we would get 99 and similarly if we upside down 99, we would get 66:

Where 66……………..Numeric value of the name ‘Allah’

66……… 6 + 6 = 12………….corresponds to the 12th Imam – Imam Mahdi or 12 Imams

of Allah
Also if we multiply the numbers of 15th Century Hijri and the 21st Century AD, we
15 x 21 = 315
Adding the numbers ---- 3 + 1 + 5 = 9……..again corresponds to the 9 th Son of Imam
Hussain – Imam Mahdi.
The number – 315 also contain the same three numbers - 135 of ‘Bibi Fatima’

The reverse of Number – 135 of Bibi Fatima is 531. If we add the two numbers – 135
and 531, we would see an amazing number and result:

135 + 531 = 666………………111 x 6………………Ism e Azam in 6


Furthermore, the Total Arabic Alphabets in the 5 names of Panjetan are 19 as

mentioned above. The remaining 2 names – Jaffar and Moosa contain 4 Arabic
Alphabets each. There are 8 Arabic Alphabets in the 2 remaining names of Jaffar

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 338

and Moosa. So the total Arabic Alphabets in 7 Constant Names of 14 Masoomeen
are 27.

5 Panjetan – 19 Arabic Letters------------------- 5 x 19 = 95

2 Masoomeen - 8 Arabic letters---------------- 2 x 4 = 16

Now if we add the results of these two equations, i.e. 95 and 16, we would get:

95 + 16 =111………………….The Abjad of Allah’s name “Aala” which also appears in

Surah – 87, Surah e – Aala”

111 ---- Abjad of Allah’s Greatest Name – “Ism e Azam” --


Surah “Aala” is 87th Surah, i.e 86 Suras below this Surah and 27 Suras after this

86 Suras before Surah “Aala” ----------- 86………..8 + 6 = 14…………..14 Masoomeen

27 Suras after Surah “Aala” ------- 27---------------27 Arabic letters of 7 Repeated

names of 14 Masoomeen

86……..8 + 6 = 14 Masoomeen ---------27 Arabic letters of their 7 Repeated


The date of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is on 28th July. July 28 is the 209th day
of the year (210th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 156
days remaining until the end of the year.

July 28th ………………209th Day of the normal year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 339
209 = 19 x 11
19 is the Abjad of “Wahid” and 11 is the Abjad of “Hu”

Also, the Abjad of the name of Allah, “Muqsit” meaning “The Equitable”
is also 209.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 340

74. There is another amazing way to reach the exact Year of
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

If we add the Year of Imam Mahdi’s First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri into the Abjad of
words – “Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi”, we would get the Year of His Zahoor.

Year of Imam Mahdi’s – First Zahoor – 255 Hijri

Abjad of Arabic Words: “Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi” are:

The Abjad of word, “Zahoor” is 1111

The Abjad of His name, “Hadi” is 20
The Abjad of His name, “Mahdi” is 59”

The Abjad of Arabic Words: “Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi” ---- 1111 + 20 + 59 = 1190

Year of His First Zahoor (255) Hijri + Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi (1190) = 1445 Hijri

255 + 1190 = 1445……………….1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 341
1445 – 255 = 1190
The Number of Years of Imam Mahdi’s Ghaibat would also be

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75. There is a famous Dua related with Imam Mahdi and the
name of that Dua is “Dua e Ehad”

The Arabic word, “Ehad” means “Promise”

If we add the Year of Imam Mahdi’s First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri into the Abjad of
words – “Ehad e Zahoor”, meaning “Promise of Zahoor” we would get the Year of
His Zahoor.

Year of Imam Mahdi’s – First Zahoor – 255 Hijri

Abjad of Arabic Words: “Ehad e Zahoor” is:

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Ehad” meaning promise is 79

The Abjad of word, “Zahoor” is 1111

The Abjad of Arabic Words: “Ehad e Zahoor” ---- 79 + 1111 = 1190

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 344

Year of His First Zahoor (255) Hijri + Ehad e Zahoor (1190) = 1445 Hijri

255 + 1190 = 1445……………….1445 Hijri

1445 – 255 = 1190

The Number of Years of Imam Mahdi’s Ghaibat would also be
In this Dua, we say that we know that His Zahoor is “Qareeba” meaning,
“Near”. The Abjad of Arabic word, “Qareeba” is 313 and the total companions
of Imam Mahdi would also be 313.

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 346
76. The numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic name –
‘Hadi’ is 20

One of the ‘Alqabat’ of Imam Mahdi is also ‘Hadi’ and its numerical value is 20. The
first two numbers in the year 2023 are also 20 which corresponds to the
reappearance of ‘Hadi’.

Also the numerical value of the name ‘Hussain’ is 128 and Imam Mahdi is the 9 th son
of Imam Hussain and both are Hadis. Now if we add the first two numbers with the
last number of 128 as:

12 + 8 = 20………corresponds to the name ‘Hadi’ and ‘laqab’ of Imam


The Abjad of Allah’s name “Wadood” is also 20

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77. When asked from Imam Jafar – e – Sadiq about the exact date of birth of
Hazrat Eisa (AS), he replied: “Hazrat Esa (AS) was born on 21st July and you may
see the pictures of Hazrat made by Christians with half cloth on his body. If he
was born in the month of December, then Hazrat Marium (AS) would cover his
body to protect him from cold.”

Hazrat Eisa (AS) would also reappear along with Imam Mahdi in the month of July,
28th July, 2023 which is also a month of his birth – July.

Correlation between 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD:

As we know that Imam Mahdi’s first Zahoor in the world is in the year – 255 Hijri
and his final Zahoor is in the year – 1445 Hijri.
The difference between the Last Zahoor – 1445 Hijri and First Zahoor – 255 Hijri is:

1445 – 255 = 1190

1445 Hijri…………..14 x 45 = 630 (Multiplying the numbers of century and

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 349

The reverse of the number – 630 is 036. Adding both the numbers – 630 and 036,
we see:

630 + 036 = 666

2023 AD…………..20 x 23 = 460(Multiplying the numbers of century and
The reverse of the number – 460 is 064. Adding both the numbers – 460 and 064,
we see:

460 + 064 = 524

Adding both the numbers – 666 and 524, we would get the amazing result again:

666 + 524 = 1190

114 = 19 x 6

114…………….1 (Allah) ….14 (14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi)

 The Abjad of the name of Imam Mahdi, “Qaim bil Haq” is 292

The total sentences used by Prophet Muhammad in His Sermon on Hajj tul Widah
were also 292

292……………………. 73 x 4 and the Abjad of Allah’s name, “Jalil” is 73.

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78. There are so many Quranic Verses which mention about
“Saat” i.e. “The Hour”.

Whenever there is a word, “Saat” used in the Holy Quran, it means the “Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi” or ‘Qiyamat e Sughra” or ‘Hashar”

The Abjad of this Arabic word, “Saat” is 531

531 = 59 x 9
The Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is 59 who is the 9 th Son of Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 352

The reverse number of 531 is 135 and the Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135

Adding both the Numbers, we would get:

531 (Saat) + 135 (Fatima) = 666

So the Abjad of Arabic words, “Saat e Fatima” is 666…………Ism e Azam

Now we read one of the Quranic verses mentioning about, “Saat” i.e. The Hour

“Nay, but they deny the coming of the Hour (Zahoor e Imam Mahdi), and for
those who deny the coming of the Hour (Zahoor e Imam Mahdi), We have
prepared a flame.”
(Surah e Furqan, Verse – 11)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 353

79. The Abjad of “Zahoor” is 1111 and the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi is in the year – 1445 Hijri.

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Zahoor” is 1111

Now we see different combinations of “Zahoor” with the sacred names of Allah
and the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as:

The Abjad of:

1. Zahoor (1111) e Noor (256) O Hakeem (78) = 1445

2. Zahoor (1111) e Muneem (200) O Samad (134) = 1445
3. Zahoor (1111) e Hussain (128) e Jabbar (206) = 1445
4. Zahoor (1111) e Nafi’e (201) e Abbas (133) = 1445
5. Zahoor (1111) e Jama’e (114) Tahira (220) = 1445
6. Zahoor (1111) e Wajah (14) e Hassan (118) O Zainab (69) O Abbas (133) =
7. Zahoor (1111) e Musa (116) O Ali (110) O Haq (108) = 1445
8. Zahoor (1111) e Wahab (20) O Rab (202) O Hassan (118) = 1445
9. Zahoor (1111) e Walee (46) e Muhammad (92) O Aleem (150) O Ahad (13) O
Wajid (14) O Wahid (19) = 1445
10. Zahoor (1111) e Bari (213) Ya (11) Ali (110) = 1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 354

11. Zahoor (1111) e Eiman (102) e Kabeer (232) = 1445
12. Zahoor (1111) e Kabeer (232) e Be Seen Meem (102) = 1445
13. Zahoor (1111) e Haq (108) e Baqi (113) O Wali (47) O Muhyee (68) = 1445
14. Zahoor (1111) e Muhammad (92) Ya (11) Ali (110) Ya (11) Ali (110) = 1445
15. Zahoor (1111) e Awaal (37) O Majeed (57) O Wajah Ullah (14 + 66) O Yad
Ullah (14 + 66) O Hijab Ullah (14 + 66) = 1445
16. Zahoor (1111) e Wasse’e (137) O Syed (74) e Aal e Muhammad (123) = 1445
17. Zahoor (1111) e Momin (136) O Hadi (20) O Majeed (57) O Ya Ali (121) =
18. Zahoor (1111) e Aqaa (102) e Kabeer (232) = 1445
19. Zahoor (1111) e Imaan (102) e Kabeer (232) = 1445
20. Zahoor (1111) e Imam (82) e Zamana (98) e Jali (43) e Aala (111) = 1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 355

80. Once Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) was asked about when the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place?

He replied:

“The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would take place in the Taqq

(Odd) year, for example 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.”

Now we have to look at the Saying of Imam Jaffar e Sadiq very carefully. He
mentioned five Odd Numbers in his Saying. Why? The followers of Imam Jaffar e
Sadiq (AS) knew about the Odd numbers. Why our Imam mentioned these 5 odd

Let us try to seek the wisdom and secret hidden in these numbers which are
related to the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The 5 odd numbers are:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 356
If we multiply these 5 odd numbers, we would get:

1 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 9 = 945………(1)

Also first 3 numbers (135……….Abjad of name “Fatima” – Mother of Imam Mahdi

The last 2 numbers (79 is the sum of 20 + 59 and 20 is the Abjad of name, “Hadi”
and 59 is the Abjad of name, “Mahdi”.)

Now we know the first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) took place in 255 Hijri (15 th
Shahban, Friday)

255 Hijri – First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi………(2)

Third we also know that Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Sacred son on Maula Ali and
Bibi Fatima (AS).

If we add the Abjad of names of Ali and Fatima, we would get:

Ali (110) + Fatima (135) = 245…….(3)

Also we know that there are 51 Rakats of all Namaz in a day.

If we multiply 51 with the number of Panjetan – 5 as Imam Mahdi (AS) is the son
of 5th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain (AS), we would get the year of First Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS).

51 x 5 = 255 …………………..First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 357

Now if we have to know the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi, just add the results of the
above 3 equations and we would get the Odd Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AS)

945 (1 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 9) + 255 (First Zahoor) + 245 (110 + 135) = 1445

945 (1 x 3 x 5 x 7 x 9) + 255 (51 x 5) + 245 (110 + 135) = 1445

945 + 255 + 245 = 1445 Hijri

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place in 1445 Hijri.
Also if write the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 as One Number ---- 13579

The first 3 numbers are the Abjad of name, “Fatima (135)” and 79 is the sum of
Abjad of names, “Mahdi (59) and Hadi (20).

13579………………………135 (Fatima) 79 (Mahdi + Hadi)

The reverse number of 13579 is 97531. Adding both the numbers, we would get:

13579 + 97531 = 111,110

111,110…………….111 (Aala), 110 (Ali)

 The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Aala” is 111

 The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Ali” is 110

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81. We know that the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is 59.

If we add the Numbers from 1 to 59, we would get the following result:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ……………+ 55 + 56 + 57 + 58 + 59 = 1770

1770……………..Now if we multiply the first two numbers i.e. 17 with the last
two numbers, we would get the amazing result:

17 x 70 = 1190
The Number of years of the “Ghaibat” of Imam Mahdi is also 1190

Now if we add the number of His First Zahoor in 255 Hijri, we would get the
exact year of His Zahoor

First Zahoor (255) + Years of Ghaibat e Imam Mahdi (1190) =

1445………Year of His Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 360
255 + 1190 = 1445
If we subtract the total years of “Ghaibat e Imam Mahdi” i.e. 1190 years from
the Abjad of word, “Ghaibat” i.e. 1412, we would get another amazing result as:

Ghaibat (1412) – 1190 (Total Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi) = 222

222………….is the Abjad of name, “Haider” --------Imam Ali’s name

222 = 111 + 111………………Aala + Aala ………..The most sacred name of Allah

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82. One of the names of Imam Mahdi is “Muntazir” meaning
the Awaited One

The Abjad of “Muntazir” is 1590

1590 = 159 x 10

159 x 10 ………………………1 (Allah)………………59 (Mahdi)………….10 (Universe)

1 (Allah) is also waiting for 59 (Mahdi’s Zahoor) including all Universe (10).

 “Ghaib” and its hidden meaning

There is a famous Ayat in the Quran:

“No body knows Ghaib. Only Allah knows Ghaib.”

The Abjad of the Arabic word, “Ghaib” is 1012

Now one of the names of Imam Mahdi (AS) is “Ghaib”

So the meaning of the Ayat Quran is:

No body knows Imam Mahdi. Only Allah knows Imam Mahdi.

Imam Mahdi is our 12th Imam and the whole Universe is created by Allah.

The Abjad of the Arabic words used in the first Surah of Holy Quran – Al Fateh, “Al
Sarat al Mustaqeem” meaning the Right Path is also 1012
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 363
Now we have to examine the Number – 1012 of “Gaib”

10………………… representing all “Aalemeen” i.e. “All Creation”

12………………… representing 12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi

So Only Allah knows about Imam Mahdi in the whole Universe.

 The Abjad of His name, “Mahdi” is 59 because Imam Mahdi is the 9th Son
of 5th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain (AS)

59……………………5th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain’s …….9th Son i.e. Imam Mahdi

Now we know that in 2023 AD, the year would be 23 and in the Hijri year – 1445,
the year would be 45

23………………………..2 + 3 = 5…………………..5 th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain

45………………………..4 + 5 = 9………………….9th Son of Imam Hussain i.e. Imam Mahdi

59………………………..Imam Mahdi

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83. Year – 2023 AD and Death of 2/3rd population

Once Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

“Five out of seven people would die before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)”

So if the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in the year – 2023 AD, then 5 out of 7
people would have to die before his Zahoor.

We also know that 1445 Hijri is in the year – 2023 AD.

Now 5 out of 7 people would be dead by 2023 AD. So if we multiply 2023 by the
ratio of 5 and 7, we would see amazing result:

2023 x 5/7 = 1445

2023 AD x (5/7) People would die = 1445……….1445 Hijri
2023 AD………………1445 Hijri (Zahoor of Imam Mahdi)

We have seen that by 2023 AD, five out of seven people would die and the Hijri
Year would be 1445 Hijri.

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84. We know the time of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is at ASR

Now what is the exact time of ASR when Imam Mahdi would Zahoor?

We know that Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 11th son of Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima

The time of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor at ASR is hidden in the Abjad values of Imam
Ali and Bibi Fatima’s names.

The Abjad of name, “ALI” is 110

The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135

If we add the Abjad of “Ali” and “Fatima”, we would get:

Ali + Fatima = 110 + 135 = 245

The time of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is at 2:45 pm at ASR time on the roof of Holy

Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor at ASR time is at: 2:45pm

The Abjad of the leader of all Angels, “Gabrael” is also 245
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 368
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85. The 10 Signs that shows that the Jesus is coming
soon according to Bible

I am presenting an article with the courtesy from the website:

"When you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is
near." - Luke 21:31

No one can tell us with certainty what tomorrow's weather will be except the one
who causes it - God - but by listening to the weather report or looking at the sky,
people use their eyes and their brains to at least make an educated guess about
tomorrow's weather. Likewise, no one can tell us with certainly when the exact
timing of Jesus' return will be except the one who will cause it to happen, God the
Father (Mt. 12:36), but by listening to the right information sources, people can
use their eyes and their brains to at least make an educated guess about how
close we are to the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that when you see certain
things begin to happen, "Look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption
draws near," and "when you see them happen the kingdom of God is near" (Luke
21:28,31). Jesus and Paul both taught that the proper way to wait for His return
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 370
is to therefore be watchful, ready and sober (Matthew 24:42-44,25:13; 1 Th.

The apostle John wrote that when Jesus appears, we who believe in Him shall
become like him, and everyone having this hope in Him purifies himself (1 John
3:2,3). He also wrote that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy
(Revelation 19:10). So two benefits of studying Bible prophecy and comparing it
to world events are personal purification and a better understanding of Jesus.
Besides, in 1 Th. 4:18, Christians are commanded to encourage each other with
words about the return of Christ. Hebrews 10:24,25 also says that as we should
regularly meet to encourage one another, especially as we see the Day of Jesus'
return approaching.

Although we cannot say with certainty how today's events are related to Bible
prophecy, it is unwise to ignore them. Following are 10 for your consideration.
The first seven are already happening. The last three are in preparatory stages:

Signs that are already Happening

1. Wars and rumors of wars
"And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled;
for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."(Matthew 24:6,7a) Since World
War II, many countries have been building up massive arsenals of conventional
and nuclear weapons. The potential for war grows day by day. In addition to
potential nuclear war, we have war on terror, water wars, weather wars, Albert
Pike's Three World Wars, angel wars, andtranshuman wars. (See also Wars and
Rumors of Wars.)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 371

2. Famines, Pestilence, Earthquakes

"And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All
these are the beginning of sorrows." (Matthew 24:7b,8). Due to flooding and
droughts, world food supplies are running very low. Many people are expecting
a global food shortage and famines in many places.

In 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning that infectious
diseases are emerging more quickly and spreading faster around the globe than
ever before, and they are becoming increasingly difficult to treat. The UN said in
its 2007 annual world health report that an outbreak or epidemic in one part of
the world can easily threaten billions of people in other parts due to large
numbers of modern day air travelers.

Regarding earthquakes, scientific data does show that we have been seeing a large
increase in seismic activity. According to a number of scientists, another star or
large planet is affecting the sun's magnetic field, which is also affecting the earth's
magnetic field - both the core and the ionosphere. The north pole is shifting at an
accelerated pace, and the earth seems to be expanding. Thus, we should see a

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 372

continual increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity in coming years. Stan
Deyo follows earth changes very closely. He's a scientist and has written a lot on
the subject. His web site covers numerous topics related to changes in the world

3. Deceivers who claim to follow Jesus

And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you for
many will come in My name saying that I am the Christ and will deceive
many." Mt. 24:4,5

Although the Bible teaches that Jesus is the promised Jewish Messiah (seeproof)
and is "the only begotten Son of God" (see John 3:18), who created the world and
everything in it (see Col. 1:16), at the end of the Church Age many people will be
teaching these truths, yet they will have other teachings that that are not
consistent with the Bible and will deceive many. Perhaps the majority of
professing Christian teachers in the world today fall into this camp, as most have
fallen away from sound Biblical teachings and instead place traditions of men
and/or the goal of increasing church attendance figures above the authority of the
Bible. Some are subtle, and some are blatant. Sincere followers of Jesus should
come out of these wayward institutional churches and seek to fellowship with
people who follow and teach what Jesus and His apostles did. If you are unsure
about your current church or fellowship, see Should I stay in my church or leave?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 373

(If you are wondering why three additional commas were not included in the
Scripture above, see Note on commas in the text of Mt. 24:4,5.)

4. People of Israel return to their land

"Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that ... I will bring again captivity of my
people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they
shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens,
and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no
more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy
God." (Amos 9:13-15)

"Thus says the Lord GOD: 'Surely I will take the children of Israel from among
the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and
bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, on
the mountains of Israel.'" (Ezekiel 37:21,22)

 During the last 130 years Jews from 108 nations have migrated to the land
of Israel.
 In 1882 the first wave of modern immigration to Israel started as Jews fled
persecution, or followed the Socialist Zionist ideas of Moses Hess. From

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 374

1882 to 1919 around 75,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine, mostly from
Russia. They bought land from Ottoman and individual Arab landholders
and established agricultural settlements. During this period the Hebrews
language was revived, newspapers and literature were published in Hebrew
and political parties and workers organizations were established.
 In 1917 during World War I, the British government in its Balfour
Declaration supported plans for a ?national home? for the Jews in their
promised land. Later, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) lost control of the
Middle East. This made it possible for hundreds of thousands more
immigrants to arrive from Europe. Anti-Semitism drove most there. Many
more would have come had it not been for Arab protest and resulting
British restrictions on immigration.
 During World War II, the Nazis killed around 6 million Jews in the
Holocaust, so it became clear to the Jews that they needed a homeland.
Many Holocaust survivors immigrated illegally to Palestine. When the
British pulled out of Palestine in May 1948, the state of Israel formally
declared its independence. It was immediately recognized by the USA,
followed by Guatemala, Nicaragua and Uruguay. A few days later, the Soviet
Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and South Africa did the same.
No Arab states have ever recognized Israel, but several have attacked them.
However, Israel has successfully defended itself against numerous Arab
attacks. As a result, Jews throughout the Middle East have also been forced
to immigrate to Israel, and the nation has grown strong. It has turned a
desert into an agricultural success, and it?s technology industry exports
cutting edge innovations.
 Today, Israel's population is over 7 million. In 2018, Israel will celebrate it's
70th anniversary, but some of its neighbors hate it and want to "wipe it off
the map". It is still mostly a secular state, but it has a growing percentage of
Orthodox Jews and Christians. Today, the Aliyah immigration movement
continues to embrace Jewish newcomers, help them become a part of
communities and help them learn Hebrew.
 See also Israel and Prophecy and The Sign of the 4 Blood Moons

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 375

5. Increased wickedness & loss of love

"And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow
cold."(Matthew 24:12) Today, more and more people are living primarily for
themselves and their own happiness. The idea of denying themselves, taking up
their crosses daily and following Jesus (Luke 9:23) is a foreign concept. What TV
and movies show as "normal" has affected the values of those who indulge in
them. At the same time, couples are divorcing, and children are growing up with
deep unmet needs as a result. Many couples are not even marrying but living
together in fornication (any form of sex not sanctioned by God). The result has
been the blood sacrifice (murder) of hundreds of millions of innocent, helpless
children through abortion and the birthing of even more children who lack a
healthy home where they can receive love and training from their own father and

6. Reemergence of Demigods
Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son
of man." (Matthew 24:37, Luke 17:26). From Genesis 6, we see that not only that
"the wickedness of man was great on the earth" (Genesis 6:5), but we see another

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 376

interesting phenomenon, demigods, i.e., powerful hybrid offspring of gods (fallen
angels) and humans:

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons
of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the
same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)

Some Bible translations use the word "Nephilim" instead of "giants", because in
Hebrew the word is ‫( נָפִ יל‬nĕphiyl). This word occurs three times in the Bible, once
in Genesis 6:4 and twice in Numbers 13:33:

And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and
we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
(Numbers 13:33)

Some scholars believe that the Nephilim were most likely a group of fallen angels
who came to earth to corrupt mankind, since nephiyl comes from the
word naphal, which means 'to fall'. However, other scholars believe that the the
Nephilim were giants, since Numbers 13:33 seems to clarify their identity. In
either case, Genesis 6:1,2 and 1 Enoch 6-7 both tell of the sons of God, aka angels
or supernatural messengers or "watchers" coming to earth to marry human wives,
who bore powerful children.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 377
After the flood, there were additional giants in the land of Canaan (See
Deuteronomy 3:11, 12:10-12; Joshua 4:15, 13:12, 1 Samuel 17:4-7; 2 Samuel 17:16-
22.) The Bible mentions some of their tribal names: the Emim, the Anakim, the
Horim, and Zamsummim. Ancient texts and pictures from Egyptian, Greek and
other cultures also talk of giants or demigods who were the offspring of
supernatural beings, so it's not a far stretch to see that this was a common
occurrence in antiquity. Archaeological evidence shows that these beings were
sometimes over 30 feet tall and strength to move massive stones that machinery
cannot even move, e.g., Baalbek. Before the flood, angels and their hybrid
offspring corrupted the whole earth. After the flood, they were perhaps not as
large, but still powerful and evil in their influence. Some were even cannibalistic.
That is why God commanded Israel to totally wipe out all the nations of Canaan.

Today, the phenomenon seems to be reoccurring. Women have told of alien

abductions in which they were impregnated. There are also accounts of alien
beings and/or humans doing genetic experiments in underground laboratories to
breed various types of hybrid creatures including grey aliens, chimeras and other
monsters. (See UFOs, Aliens and Alien Abductions And How to Overcome Their
Evil Influence and Aliens and Fallen Angels (MS PowerPoint).) Even Hollywood is
preparing the minds of the masses with movies about hybrid supermen and
superwomen. Although the Bible says they and their angelic fathers are evil,
Hollywood is trying to get people to think that not all are bad. Other researchers
have written that some of the global elite actually have DNA that has an extra
parasitic strand due to angelic parentage. (See Life as An Investigator Is Like a
Box of Chocolates.) Some researchers provide other types of evidence. (See Seed
of Satan: They Walk Amongst Us.)

For further study, see Nephilim and Giants.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 378

7. Strong delusion
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe
the lie. (2 Th. 2:11 NKJV)

The primary focus of the deception is use of the controlled corporate media by the
Prince of the Power of the Air. TV, radio, Internet, cell phones, PDAs, etc. keep
people completely preoccupied and oblivious to the fate that awaits unbelievers.
The goal is also to prevent people from hearing the Gospel of Jesus, and if they do
hear it to forget about it and be entertained constantly. Most people in developed
countries are now in a fog due to the impact of these media that lull them into a
false sense of security and into a false sense of right and wrong. This delusion can
be seen in three areas:

 Spirituality, the Emerging Church has become so pervasive that most

churches in developed countries will tolerate abortion (murder), fornication
(premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality) and almost any other violation of
God's law. Just think: how many churches will excommunicate a person for
involvement in these sins?
 Finance, many people are unaware that an international government /
banking cartel partnership is stealing their wealth and using the funds to
control the world. (See How Some Rich Bankers Tricked the American
People and Gained Control of the World's Economic, Political, Legal and
Educational Systems and 19 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is At the
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 379
Heart of Our Economic Problems, 20 Questions To Ask Anyone Foolish
Enough To Believe The Economic Crisis Is Over.). The stealing is done
through the printing of fiat money (money not based on gold or silver but
on debt), through interest on money that does not exist (due to fractional
reserve banking laws) and through the saw tooth effect of markets that
draws people into bad investments over a long period of time and then
makes them lose large portions of their life savings when markets drop.
(See 200 Year Dow/Gold Ratio, and note how it became much more
dramatic after the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913. See
also Financial News Updates on this website.)
 Politics, most people are also unaware that the international banking
cartel has taken over all national governments and is quietly re-organizing
borders and power centers throughout the world. Evidence of this can be
seen in the 911 deception. Most Americans and those sympathetic to the US
government think that airplanes caused three steel-frame buildings to fall
down into their footprints at almost freefall speed, when this has never
happened in all of known history. People who objectively study the facts
realize it was a very successful psychological operation (psyop), since jet fuel
is not hot enough to do the job, and even a pancake effect had happened it
would have been much slower. It had to be done by controlled demolitions.
This was part of a plan to cause a second Pearl Harbor and justify the US
military getting a foothold in the Middle East and justify the US government
in taking away many constitutional rights of the US people.

(For more information, see Question 911, 911 and

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 380

Signs that are still in preparatory
8. One world government
"And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in
pieces and shatters everything: and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will
break in pieces and crush all the others. (Daniel 2:40 NKJV)

See also Revelation 13 and New World Order

9. One world ruler and an assistant emerge

I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on
his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast
which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his
mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon [Satan, or the devil] gave him his
power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had
been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world
marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave
authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the
beast? Who is able to make war with him?"(Revelation 13:1-4)

It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And
authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on
the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of
Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.(Revelation 13:7,8)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 381

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the
falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. The
coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power,
signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who
perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be
saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should
believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but
had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4,9-12)

Most religions expect a savior or a man who will bring world peace, justice and
unity. Here are three examples:

 Muslims are waiting for the Mahdi or the 12th Imam. Iran's president,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated that his mandate is to pave the way for
the coming of this Islamic messiah. An Islamic film has been produced
about this: The Coming Is Upon Us. An interview with Ken
Timmerman about this in April 2011 explains the current hope of many
 Buddhists are waiting for the Buddha of compassion, Maitreya, or a world
teacher and unifier, the 5th and coming Buddha of the present era. See
also, Maitreya Rising
 Hindus are waiting for their completer and savior, Kalki, the name of
Vishnu in his tenth and last avatar. According to the Usborne Encyclopedia
of World Religions, "The tenth and last avatar has not yet appeared. It is
said that at the end of the present age, Vishnu will come to Earth as Kalki,
riding a white horse, to destroy the wicked and re-establish order."

A false prophet emerges to assist the world ruler and savior.

"Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like
a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first
beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 382

the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so
that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was
granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to
make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was
granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the
beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of
the beast to be killed."(Revelation 13:11-15)

Muslims are waiting for Isa Bin Maryam (i.e., Jesus, the son of the virgin Mary) to
appear with the Mahdi, praying behind him

Jews are still waiting for their Messiah, Emmanuel.

Christians are waiting for the second coming of Jesus, but most no longer believe
in the literal interpretation of the Bible, so many will be deceived.

Recently, the Roman Church has elected a new pope whom some people say will
be the last pope and may be the beast out of the earth described in Rev. 13:11-15.
See Has the Beast from the Earth Officially Arisen?

10. Technology to control the world

"He [the second beast] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no
one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate
the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is
666."(Revelation 13:16-18)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 383

Today, smart cards are popular, but they can be lost or stolen. It is likely that the
eventual solution will be an implantable RFID chip or some form of high tech
tatoo on the right hand or forehead. Already, 99% of commercial transactions in
many countries are done without cash. Most paper money is not even backed by
gold or silver anymore, so it's value is purely psychological. When the current
monetary system crashes, technology is available to redefine currency and
commerce in a seamless way that people will want as a solution to their need for
quick spending. For example, see Citi Economist Says It Might Be Time to Abolish
Cash to Save World Economy

The Utah Data Center became fully operational on May 30, 2013. This was set up
to intercept and store all the world's information. This center may play a huge role
in the coming 666 Surveillance System. For a long list of links related to the Mark
of the Beast, see Technology to Control the World."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 384

As muslims, we don't have to agree with all the facts presented in the above article
but the point is that the Christians are also preparing to see Jesus Christ soon. And
that is our main goal to see what they are thinking about the Second return of the
Jesus Christ from their beliefs and understanding.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 385

86. We know that our Imam is in “Ghaibat”. The Abjad of
this Arabic word is 1412

The Abjad of word, “Ghaibat” is 1412

Now we see that there are different combinations of names which comes to the
number – 1445 i.e. the Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

1. Ghaibat (1412) e Hijab (14) e Wahid (19) ………..1412 + 14 + 19 = 1445

2. Ghaibat (1412) e Wajah (14) e Wahid (19) …………1412 + 14 + 19 = 1445

3. Ghaibat (1412) e Yad (14) e Wahid (19) …………..1412 + 14 + 19 = 1445

4. Ghaibat (1412) e Wahab (14) e Wahid (19) …………1412 + 14 + 19 = 1445

5. Ghaibat (1412) e Taha (14) O Wahid (19) ………..1412 + 14 + 19 = 1445

6. Ghaibat (1412) e Wajid (14) e Wahid (19) …………1412 + 14 + 19 = 1445

7. Ghaibat (1412) e Hadi (20) e Ahad (13)……………..1412 + 20 + 13 = 1445

All the above names with the word “Ghaibat” brings the Year – 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 386

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 387
87. There are two important Verses in the Holy Quran in two different
Surahs. One Verse tells the events in that Century in which Imam
Mahdi would Zahoor and One Verse tells about the day of the Year
in which Imam Mahdi would Zahoor.

The secret lies in the Verse Numbers of those Verses. Let us examine those two
important Verses of the Holy Quran.

The First Verse tells the events of that Century which would occur just before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi as mentioned by Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS):

Surah e Al – Baqarah - 2, Verse – 155

“And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, hunger, loss of life and loss
of crops by drought. And give glad tidings to the steadfast.”
(Surah -2 – Surah – e- Al – Baqarah, Verse – 155)

The Verse Number is 155

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 388

155……………..15 + 5 = 20…………….tells the Century of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

The Second Verse tells the Day of the Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi:

Surah e Al – Inam - 6, Verse – 158

“On the day (Day of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi), when one of the portents from
thy Lord cometh, its belief (Belief in the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi) availeth naught
a soul which theretofore believed not, nor in its belief earned good (Belief in the
Wilayat of Imam Ali and His 11 Sons as Imams and Caliphs of Allah). Say (O!
Prophet Muhammad): Wait ye! We (too) are waiting. (Waiting for the Day of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi)"
(Surah e Al Inam, Verse – 158)

The Verse Number is 158

158………………..15 + 8 = 23………………tells the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi


158……………… 1 + 5 + 8 = 14…………..Zahoor of 14th Masoom – Imam Mahdi

Faith means to have faith in and accept the “Wilayat of Imam Ali and His 11
Sons as true Imams and Caliphs of Allah along with the faith in One and Only
Almighty Allah and the Last Prophet of Allah – Hazrat Muhammad. In addition,
to wait for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi and to hate and deny the enemies of Allah
and 14 Masoomeen.

Now if we combine the Numbers of Century and the Year of the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi as coded in the Holy Quran, we would come to this Year and Century as:

20 23………2023 AD……….Year and Century of Zahoor of Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 389

In Addition, the Surah – 2 (Surah e Al – Baqarah) mentions the events of the
Century in which Zahoor of Mahdi would take place and Surah – 6 (Surah e Al –
Inam) mentions the Day of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

Surah – 2 (Al – Baqarah) and Surah – 6 (Al – Inam)

If we write the two numbers together, we would get:

2 6…………………26 is the 14th Even Number……….14th Masoom is Imam Mahdi

26…………………….12 + 14 = 26………..12th Imam and 14th Masoom = Imam Mahdi

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88. The Spiritual Date of Mahdi’s Zahoor and 19

All Christians and Muslims of our World are waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi to save the world and humanity from the
Anti-Christ and the injustices of the world. And all the scholars and learned people
of both the religions are saying that Mahdi and Jesus Christ’s Second Coming are
very near in the future.

Most of the calculations done in the past indicate the year – 2023 as the year of His
Reappearance. Number – 7 is considered the lucky number in most faiths of the
world especially in the Christian and Islamic faiths. July is the 7th Month. Now the
dates could be multiples of Number – 7 as: 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th – all these four
dates can be divided by Number -7, which is considered as the luckiest number. The
numbers in the year – 2023 also sum up to 7 as:

2023------------ 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7

If we take the year of His Zahoor as – 2023

Month of the year – 2023 – July – 7th Month

There are only 12 months in a year. If we look for the 19 th Month, how can we find
it? It is simple. The Number – 12 is the 7th Even Number. Adding 12 and 7, we would

12 + 7 = 19

The 12th Month is December. So adding 7 in the 12th Month would be:
12 + 7 = 19………… December + 7 Months ------------- July of the next year

19th Month ---------------- July

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 392

Date of the 7th Month of the year – 2023 taken as 28……. 7 x 4 = 28th July
2023 7 28……….. Year – Month – Date

If we divide this number by 19, we would get an amazing result:

2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512

Year of His Zahoor– 2023--------- 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7

Month of His Zahoor – 7th (July)
Date of His Zahoor – 28th July – 7 x 4 = 28th July

The Number – 23 is also considered as the ‘Cosmic Number’ in Numerology and the
most mystic number among the numbers. There is a movie named ‘Number – 23’
and one can see that movie if he or she is looking for the importance of Number –

So the most date, month and year of Mahdi’s Zahoor which is also divisible by
Number – 19 is:

28th July, 2023…………………..2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512


 The year, month and date numbers if written as a single number is divisible
by Number – 19
 All the numbers in the year, month and date are linked with Number – 7,
which is considered as the luckiest number.
 The year – 2023 -------has Number – 23, which is considered as the ‘Cosmic
Number’ in Numerology

19 x 106512 = 2023728
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 393
Now we see whether the Hijri year, month and date would also be completely
divided by this spiritual and mystical number – 19

Hijri Year ………………………….1445 Hijri

Hijri Date…………………………..10th Muharram

Hijri Month………………………..01st – Muharram is the 1st Month in Hijri Calendar

1445 10 01……….. Year – Date – Month

If we divide this number by 19, we would get an amazing result:

1445 10 01 = 19 x 760579

Islamic Year of His Zahoor– 1445--------- 1 + 4 + 4 + 5 = 14

Islamic Date of His Zahoor – 10th Muharram
Islamic Month of His Zahoor – 01 (Muharram)

So the most date, month and year of Mahdi’s Zahoor which is also divisible by
Number – 19 is:

10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri………..1445 10 01 = 19 x 760579

1001………is the Abjad of name of 8th Imam, Imam Raza (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 394

Now we have two equations in two different calendars, one is Gregorian Calendar
and one is Hijri – Islamic Calendar, which are:

 Year, date and month of His Zahoor in Gregorian Calendar is equally divided
by 19:

2023 7 28 = 19 x 106512…….A

 Year, date and month of His Zahoor in Hijri Calendar is equally divided by 19:

1445 10 01 = 19 x 760579………B
If we add the numbers in the Gregorian and Hijri Calendars, we would get:

2023 7 28 + 1445 10 01 = 16 47 47 29

16 47 47 29……………………..16 + 47 + 47 + 29 = 123

123 is the Abjad value of words, “Aal e Muhammad” and Imam Mahdi is “Aal e
Muhammad” and 12th Son and Wasi of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


The year 1445 Hijri contains two repeated numbers i.e. 44

The year 2023 AD contains also two repeated numbers i.e. 22

If we add 44 with 22, we would get – 66

66 is the Abjad of name, “ALLAH”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 395

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89. 14th Masoom of Allah and the Universe

We know that the entire Universe is awaiting the Zahoor of our Imam who is the
14th Masoom of Allah.

In Irfan, the highest number or “Ashra” of “Makan or Zaman” i.e. Place and Time is
Number - 10

And the highest number or “Ashra” of “La Makan or La Zaman” i.e. Where no place
and time exists is Number – 7

Now the entire Universe i.e. “Makan and Zaman” is waiting for 14 th Masoom. The
whole “Zaman and Makan” is demanding or “Talib” of the Zahoor of 14 th Masoom –
The Last Saviour of the Mankind.

Consider if there are 14 powers and 10 wants those powers, then we have to divide
14 by 10.

So if we divide the Availability of our 14th Masoom to all the “Makan and Zaman”
number i.e. 10, we would get:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 397

14/10 …………………..14 is available to all Universe, i.e. all “Zaman or Makan” by
dividing 14 with the Ashra of “Makan or Zaman”

Now we know that 14 Masoom would be available to the Universe i.e. “Makan or
Zaman” in 1445 Hijri.

So if we multiply 1445 Hijri with 14/10, we would see amazing result:

1445 Hijri x (14/10) = 2023 AD …………….Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

1445 x 14/10 = 2023 ……………………….14 Masoom’s Zahoor for all “Makan or Zaman”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 398

90. Relationship between 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD

The Hijri and Gregorian Calendars are two different calendars. One is linked with
the Islam and other is accepted all over the world. Now we see is there any
mystery hidden in the two different Calendars Years i.e. 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD.

First we analyze the Year – 1445 Hijri.

1445 Hijri (Islamic Year)

There are 12 different combinations of Number – 1445 and Imam Mahdi is our
12th Imam.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 399

The 12 different combinations of Number – 1445 are as follows:

1. 1445
2. 1544
3. 1454
4. 5144
5. 5414
6. 5441
7. 4145
8. 4415
9. 4451
10. 4154
11. 4514
12. 4541

If we add these 12 different numbers, we would come to a number – 46662

46662 = 1445 + 1544 + 1454 + 5144 + 5414 + 5441 + 4145 + 4415 + 4451 + 4154 + 4514 + 4541
Now we analyze the Year – 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 400

2023 AD (Gregorian Calendar)

Similary there are 12 different combinations of Number – 2023 and Imam Mahdi
is our 12th Imam.

The 12 different combinations of Number – 2023 are as follows:

1. 2023
2. 2203
3. 2302
4. 2032
5. 2230
6. 2320
7. 3202
8. 3022
9. 3220
10. 0223
11. 0322
12. 0232

If we add these 12 different numbers, we would come to a number – 23331

23331 = 2023 + 2203 + 2302 + 2032 + 2230 + 2320 + 3202 + 3022 + 3220 + 0223 + 0322 + 0232

Now we see the link between two numbers – 23331 and 46662

46662 = 2 x 23331
The Sum of 12 different combinations of 1445 = 2 x (12 different combinations of 2023)
The sum of 12 different combinations of 1445 is 46662.
The sum of 12 different combinations of 2023 is 23331

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 401

23331 + 23331 = 46662

So there the numbers are different, the Calendars are different but the Numbers
of the Year of Zahoor has a mathematical and spiritual link with another and we
have seen the link between the numbers – 1445 and 2023

46662…………..46 + 66 + 2 = 114

The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Jamaee” is also 114

There are 114 Surah’s in the Holy Quran

114……………..1(Allah)………..14…………………..14th Masoom of Allah (Imam Mahdi)

114 = 57 + 57


23331 ………………………….23 + 33 + 1 = 57

The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Majeed” is also 57

57……………….5 + 7 = 12……………………..12th Imam of Allah (Imam Mahdi)

57 = 114/2

Also if we add the numbers – 23331 and 46661, we would get another amazing
number related to the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 402

Remember that the Abjad of Arabic word, “Zahoor” is 1111.

23331 + 46662 = 69993

69993 = 9 x 7777

There are 7777 brincks of Gold used on the Tomb of Imam Ali (AS) in Najaf, Iraq.

69993 = (7 x 9) x 1111

69993 = (7 x 9) x Zahoor (1111)

69993 = 63 x 1111 (Zahoor)

At the age of 63, both Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS) went to
Ghaibat i.e. Shaheed

69993 = 63 x 11 x 101

69993 = 63 x 11 (Hu) x 101 (Ism)

69993 ……………..6 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 3 = 36………….The reverse of Number – 63


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 403

23331 = (7 x 1111) + (7 x 1111) + (7 x 1111)

We know that there are only 7 (Seven) Constant names of 14 Masoomeen (AS)

1. Muhammad
2. Ali
3. Fatima
4. Hassan
5. Hussain
6. Jaffar
7. Musa

All these names are repeated in other Masoomeen. And the Abjad of “Zahoor” is

So the “Zahoor” of 7 repeated names i.e. 14 Masoomeen would occur in 2023


46662 = (14 x 1111) + (14 x 1111) + (14 x 1111)

So again – 14 are the 14 Masoomeen of Allah or our 14th Masoom i.e. Imam
Mahdi would “Zahoor” in 1445 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 404

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91. The Holy months – Shaaban, Ramadhan and Shawaal and
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The Holy month of Shaaban would always have 29 days and the Holy month of
Ramadhan would always have 30 days.”

Also the Month of Shaaban is the 8th Month and the Month of Ramadhan is the
9th Month.

Shaaban (8) + Ramadhan (9) = 17

And 59 is the 17th Prime Number and 59 is the Abjad of name, “Mahdi”

Also there are 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Prayers in a day. Also 17 is the 7 th Prime
Number in Mathematics. And there are only 7 repeated names of Muhammad
and Aal e Muhammad.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 406

The Number of Days in the Holy month of Shaaban…………… 29 Days
The Number of Days in the Holy month of Ramadhan ……….30 Days

If we add the days of the two Holy months which come one after another, the
total would be:

Shaaban (29 days) + Ramadhan (30 days) = 59 Days

59……………………………….is the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi”

Now the first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) took place in the Holy month of
Shaaban i.e. 15th Shaaban, 255 Hijri and His final Zahoor announcement would
be in the Holy month of Ramadhan i.e. on the 23rd day of Ramadhan.

Now focus on His first Zahoor date ……………….15th Shaaban

 The 14 days before His Zahoor date i.e. 15th Shaaban is 1st Shahban i.e. the
Zahoor of Bibi Zainab (AS) – Eid of Panjetan ( AS)
 The 45 days from His Zahoor date i.e. 15th Shaaban is 1st Shawaal i.e. Eid of
Muslims after the month of Ramadhan.

 1st Shahban………….Eid of Panjetan …………14 days before His Zahoor

 1st Shawaal………….Eid of Muslims…………..45 days after His Zahoor

Both the months start with the Arabic letter – “Sheen”. The Abjad of “Sheen” is
300. So adding 300 + 300 = 600………………The Zahoor Year of Imam Ali (AS) i.e.
600 AD in the Holy Kaaba

14 (1st Shaaban to 14th Shaaban)……45 (15th Shaaban to 1st Shawaal)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 407
1445……………………Year of His Final Zahoor

 The Abjad of This Arabic Sentence:

“Imam e Waali Saahib Aakhir Uz Zaman Adrikni” is 1445.

“Imam (82) e Waali (47) Saahib (101) Aaakhir uz Zaman (930)

Adrikni (285)” is 1445.

82 + 47 + 101 + 930 + 285 = 1445

1445 Hijri………………………Zahoor of Aakhir Zaman i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

So the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would be in the Year – 1445 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 408

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 409
92. The Holy months – Ramadhan and Muharram and Zahoor

As we know that the announcement of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be
in the Holy month of Ramadhan and His final Zahoor would take place in the
Holy month of Muharram.

Also we know the Abjad of Arabic word, “Zahoor” is 1111

If we add all the Ones in the Abjad of “Zahoor” it would come to Number – 4

1111……………………1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4……………..The sum total of “1111”

4…………………………1111 (Zahoor)

So Number – 4 is the Root number of Zahoor i.e. 1111.

The Abjad of the Holy Month, “AL – Muharram” is 319

The Abjad of the Holy Month, “AL – Ramadhan” is 1122

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 410

Now if we add the Abjad’s of two Holy months and then add with the Number of
“Zahoor” i.e. 4, we would get:

AL – Muharram (319) + AL – Ramadhan

n (1122) + Zahoor
Number (4)

319 + 1122 + 4 = 1445…………………..Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1445 Hijri ……………………Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as encoded in the Abjad’s of

Holy months i.e. Muharram and Ramadhan.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 411

93. Relationship between 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD

Once Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

“Five people would die out of seven before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi”.

Now if we want to know the ratio of people who would die before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi, we have to divide 5 with 7.

The Ratio of people who die before the Zahoor of Imam = 5/7 x 100

5/7 x 100 = 0.714285714 x 100

Now we see the same amazing result with the years – 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD

As we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) would Zahoor in the year 1445 Hijri or 2023
AD and according to Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS), five people would have to die out
of seven.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 412

We take the ratio of 1445 and 2023 and see the results:

1445/2023 x 100 = 0.714285714 x 100

Amazingly the results are the same. We can also write the above equation as:

(17 x 17 x 5)/(17 x 17 x 7) x 100 = 0.714285714 x 100

1445 = 17 x 17 x 5
2023 = 17 x 17 x 7

5 + 7 = 12………………….Zahoor of 12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 413

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 414
94. Surah – Taha of the Holy Quran and Mahdi

Surah “Taha” is the 20th Surah of the Holy Quran

20 is the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Hadi”

The Abjad of his name, “Mahdi” is 59

The Abjad of first Arabic Alphabet of Surah “Tahah” is ‘Ta’ and is 9

The Abjad of second Arabic Alphabet of Surah “Tahah” is ‘Ha’ and is 5

So we can write – “Tahah” and write the numbers – 5 and 9 below, we would

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 415

5 9……………………….. Mahdi

So Imam Mahdi (59) is also “Hadi” which is the Surah number – 20.

If we multiply 59 with Number – 20, we would get:

59 x 20 = 1180 ………………….118 x 10

118………is the Abjad of 11th Imam’s name, “Hassan” and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the
son of Imam Hassan Askari (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 416

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 417
95. Abjad of “Mahdi” and Zahoor – Century and Year

We know that the Abjad of His name, “Mahdi” is 59. We don’t know about:

 The Century of His Zahoor and

 The Year of His Zahoor

Now if we analyze the Number – 59, the first Number – 5 gives you the exact
Century of His Zahoor and the Number – 9 would give you the exact Year of His
Zahoor. How? Let us see

59……………………….5 and 9
Number – 5
If we add the First - 5 Numbers, we would get the Century of His Zahoor

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15…………………15 Century Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 418

Number – 9

If we add the First – 9 Numbers, we would get the Year of His Zahoor.

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45………………..45 Year of 15 Century Hijri

th th

Now if we write the Year of His Zahoor i.e. 45 and the Century of His Zahoor i.e. 15 th
Century Hijri in normal format, we would write as:

1445 Hijri………..45th Year of 15th Century Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 419

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 420
96. 15th Shahban of 2023 AD - Last Jashan e Zahoor e Imam

In 2023 AD, 15th Shahban – the day of Jashan e Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) will be
coming on 7th March, 2023 AD.

15th Shahban, 1444 Hijri…………………..7th March, 2023 AD

Now if we write the numbers of 7th March, 2023 AD and divide by number – 19,
the result would be:

7 (Day) 2023 (Year) 3 (Month)…………….7 2023 3

720233/ 19 = 37907

The total number of days from 7th March, 2023 AD to 28th July, 2023 including
both 7th March and 28th July are 144 Days.

7th March, 2023 AD to 28th July, 2023 AD………………144 Days

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 421

144 ………………12 x 12 = 144

I2……………..Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam.

14…..4……………………14 relates to 14th Masoom and 4 is the number of Zahoor i.e.

1111…………………1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4

144…………………..14(Masoom) ……………………4 (Zahoor)

15th Shahban…………….and Shahban is the 8th Islamic month.

15(Day) and 8 (Month)……………..15….8…………1 + 5 + 8 = 14…….14 th Masoom

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 423
97. Abjad of Mahdi and Zahoor Years

We now know that the Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is 59.

Also we know that Imam Mahdi is 12th Imam and 14th Masoom of Allah.

Now we see what is the relationship of Number 12 with Number 5 in 59 and

what is the relationship of Number 14 with Number -9 in 59.

12th Imam and Relationship of Number – 12 with Number – 5

The Number – 12 contains two numbers – 1 and 2

 If we multiply 1 with 2, we would get: 1 x 2 = 2

 If we add 1 with 2, we would get: 1 + 2 = 3

Now add the results --- 2 and 3, we would get ------- Number – 5
Also if we write the results 2 and 3 in order, we would get – 23…. Which is the
Zahoor year…………………………2023

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 424

14th Masoom and Relationship of Number – 14 with Number – 9

The Number – 14 contains two numbers – 1 and 4

 If we multiply 1 with 4, we would get: 1 x 4 = 4

 If we add 1 with 4, we would get: 1 + 4 = 5

Now add the results --- 4 and 5, we would get ------- Number – 9
Also if we write the results 4 and 5 in order, we would get – 45…. Which is the
Zahoor year…………………………1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 425

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 426
98. 5 – Panjetan and the Zahoor of Mahdi

We all know that there are 5 – Panjetan Pak of Allah i.e.

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2. Hazrat Ali (AS)
3. Hazrat Bibi Fatima (AS)
4. Hazrat Imam Hassan (AS)
5. Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)

So what is the link of Number – 5 with the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are also 14 Masoomeen of Allah and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14 th Masoom of
14th Masoom …………..1 + 4 = 5

Now we see the Mathematical properties of Number – 5

Number – 5………………………….3rd Prime Number in mathematics

Number – 5………………………….3rd Odd Number in mathematics

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 427

If we add the first 5 numbers, we would get:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15
15………………… the Century of Zahoor i.e. 15 Century Hijri

Now if we multiply the Number – 15 with the Special property of Number – 5 i.e. 3 rd
Odd Number or 3rd Prime Number, we would get:

15 x 3 = 45…………………gives the Year of Zahoor i.e. 45

14 45 ……..Hijri Year
Also see the amazing results of Number – 5

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15

1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 120

Adding both the results i.e. 15 and 120, we would get:

15 + 120 = 135………………….Abjad of name, “Fatima”

Now how to find the Zahoor Year in Gregorian Calendar

Number – 15…………………..8th Odd Number

If we add 15 with Number – 8, we would get the Year of Zahoor

15 + 8 = 23………………………….23………………..Year of Zahoor

Imam Mahdi is 14th Masoom of Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 428

14……………………………..1 + 4 = 5

Now add the Number – 5 to Number – 15

5 + 15 = 20………………..20………………………..Century of Zahoor

2023……………..Year and Century of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 429

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99. Relationship between 1445 Hijri and 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi is 14th Masoom and last Imam.

Now what is the relationship between the two different calendar years with
respect to the Zahoor of 14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS).

If we multiply the year, 1445 Hijri with the number – 14, we would reach our
conclusion that these two different years are related to the Zahoor of 14 th

 10 is the “Ashra” or Number of Universe or “Zaman and Makan”

1445 Hijri x 14th Masoom Zahoor= 20230 = 2023 x 10

1445 Hijri x 14th Masoom Zahoor = 2023 AD x 10

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 431

1445 Hijri x 14 = 2023 AD x 10

2023 (Year of Zahoor) x 10 (in Universe)

Zahoor of 14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi:

1445 Hijri………14th Masoom’s Zahoor ….2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 432

100. Analysis of Hijri year – 1445 and Gregorian year – 2023 AD

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place in the Hijri year – 1445 or in
Gregorian year – 2023 AD

The reverse number of Hijri year – 1445 is 5441.

Adding both the numbers, we would get:

1445 + 5441 = 6886

6886…………………….68 ……………………..Abjad of name, “Hakam” is also 68

68………….6 + 8 = 14
86………….8 + 6 = 14

14 + 14 = 28…………………….28 is the date of month of July when Imam’s Zahoor

would take place. There are also 28 Arabic alphabets. 28 is also the 2 nd Perfect
number in Mathematics.

The reverse number of Gregorian year – 2023 is 3202.

Adding both the numbers, we would get:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 433
2023 + 3202 = 5225

52………….5 + 2 = 7
25………….2 + 5 = 7

7 + 7 = 14 ……………………. 14th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi

7 represents the month of July, which is the 7th month.
Adding both the results, we would get:

6886 + 5225 = 12,111

12,111………………………12 (represents the 12th Imam) and 111 ( is the Abjad of

name, “Aala”)

 Also the writings or special written instructions of Imam Mahdi (AS) are
known as, “Tauqeeh”

The Abjad of this Arabic word, “Tauqeeh” is 586

586…………………………..5 + 8 + 6 = 19…………………Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid”

We all know the significance of Number – 19 as discussed in this book.

 Also there is a famous Dua in relation to Imam Mahdi (AS) known as “Dua e
Aal e Yaseen”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 434

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Sahib e Aal e Yaseen” is 202

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Sahib” meaning person is 101

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Aal e Yaseen” is 101

101 + 10 1 = 202………………….The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Rab” is also 202

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 435

101. Imam Mahdi’s Name – Muhammad and Zahoor

We know that the real name of Imam Mahdi is “Muhammad”.

The Abjad of name, “Muhammad” is 92

We also know that Imam Mahdi is 11th Son of Hazrat Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS).

The Abjad of “Aal e Muhammad” is 123

Now Imam Mahdi (AS) is 11th and the Last “Aal e Muhammad” in the Family of
Hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatima (AS)

Muhammad (92) + [Aal e Muhammad (123) x 11]

92 + (123 x 11) = 1445…………………..Year of His Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 436


One of His names is “Baqi”

The Abjad of “Baqi” is 113.

The Abjad of His another name, “Aala” is 111

He is the 12th and the last Imam of Allah

113 + (111 x 12th Imam) = 1445……………………Year of His Zahoor


One of His names is “Abid”. The Abjad of “Abid” is 77

Now there are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12 th Imam.

77 (Abid) + (114 Surahs x 12th Imam)

77 + (114 x 12) = 1445……………………..Year of His Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 437


One of His names is “Haq”. The Abjad of “Haq” is 108

He is the 11th Son of Bibi Fatima.

He is hiding in the Hijab of Bibi Fatima (AS).

The Abjad of words, “Hijab e Fatima” is 149

Imam Mahdi (AS) is also the last and the 12th Imam and Caliph of Allah
149 (Hijab e Fatima) + [108 (Haq) x 12th Imam]

149 x (108 x 12) = 1445………………….Year of His Zahoor


His famous name is “Mahdi” and the Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59

The Abjad of name, “Allah” is 66

The Abjad of ‘Bismilla” is 786…………..7 + 8 + 6 = 21

59 (Mahdi) + [Allah (66) x 21]

59 + (66 x 21) = 1445…………………………Year of His Zahoor


Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 9th Son of Imam Hussain (AS).

The Abjad of name, “Hussain” is 128

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 438

One of Allah’s names is “Awaal”. The Abjad of “Awaal” is 37

Imam Mahdi is the 11th and the last Aal e Muhammad because He is the 11th Son of
Hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatima (AS)

37 (Awaal) + [Hussain (128) x 11th Son of Ali and Fatima]

37 + (128 x 11) = 1445…………………..Year of His Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 439

102. Number – 23 and Number – 45…….Years of Zahoor

As we know that Abjad of Imam’s name “Mahdi” is 59. The Number – 59

contains two numbers – 5 and 9. Now we see the relationship of 23 and 45 with 5
and 9.

If we add the numbers of 23, we would get: 2 + 3 = 5………………….. 5 of


If we add the numbers of 45, we would get: 4 + 5 = 9…………………..9 of


5 9
23 ( ) and 45( )………..2023 AD and 1445 Hijri………..Zahoor of Imam

Mahdi( 59)
As we know from the famous Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad that:

“I (Muhammad) am the City of Knowledge and Ali is the Bab (Gate) of Knowledge.”
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 440

“I (Muhammad) am the House of Hikmat (Wisdom) and Ali is the Bab (Gate) of
Hikmat (Wisdom).”

The Abjad of the Arabic word, “Bab” meaning “Gate” or “Door” is 5

Abjad of word, “Bab” is 5

Panjentan are 5 and 14 Masoomeen ………..1 + 4 = 5………….all are “Bab” of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 441

103. One Year --- Before Imam’s Zahoor i.e. 2022 AD

If we analyze – Exact 1 Year before Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor, we would get amazing
We know that Imam Mahdi’s First Zahoor was on 29th July, 869 AD i.e. 15th
Shahban, 255 Hijri on Friday.

29th July, 2022 AD……………..1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri……Friday

Same date …………. 29th

Same day ………..Friday
Same Month………..July
And the interesting thing that his Zahoor Date is the beginning of New Hijri Year,
i.e. 1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri

We know that Muharram is the 1st Islamic month and the date is also 1st, so if we
write the month, date, year and century in Hijri year, we write as:

1st– 1(Muharram) – 1444 (Hijri)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 442


111 – 444
111……………The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Aala”
444…………….222 + 222 = 444
222………….The Abjad of Ali’s name, “Haider”

We also know that there are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran.

114 = 19 x 6

19…………Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid”

6………….Abjad of Arabic letter, “Wau” and also the 1st and the smallest Perfect
Number in Mathematics

1444 Hijri …………………..76 x 19 = 1444 AD

76…………………..Abjad of Arabic word, “Abd” meaning “The Obedient”

2022 AD……………………….337 x 6 = 2022 AD

76…………………..7 + 6 = 13…………1 + 3 = 4

337………………….3 + 3 + 7 = 13………..1 + 3 = 4

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 443

The Abjad of “Zahoor” is 1111

1111 …………….1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4……………Number of Zahoor

Adding both the years – 1444 Hijri and 2022 AD, we would get:
1444 + 2022 = 3466

3466……………3 + 4 + 6 + 6 = 19
3466…………….34 + 66 = 100……………..Perfection/Completion

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 444

104. The relationship between His First Zahoor in 255 Hijri and
His Second Zahoor in 1445 Hijri

We all know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) took place on 15 th
Shahban, 255 Hijri on the morning of Juma tul Mubarak i.e. Friday.

15th Day……………………gives an indication of 15th Century Hijri.

The Day of Juma (Friday) contains 3 Arabic Alphabets.

If we multiply the Number – 15 with the Number – 3, we would get:

15 x 3 = 45…………………gives an indication of 45th Year of 15th Century Hijri

15th Shahban and Juma…………………..1445 …………..Year of His Second Zahoor

So 15th Century Hijri is the Zahoor Hijri. The number – 15 is also very important.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 445

The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135.

If we multiply the 3 numbers in 135, we would get:

135…………1 x 3 x 5 = 15……………………….15 th Century Hijri………Zahoor Century

Now to calculate – 2023 AD from the Number – 15:

If we add the first 5 numbers, we would get Number – 15 as:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15

Adding the Number – 5 with Number – 15, we would get the Century AD

5 + 15 = 20……………………………….21st Century AD

Now the Month of Shahban is the 8th Hijri month. Adding the Number – 15 as
Imam Mahdi was born on 15th Shahban with Number – 8, we would get the Year

15 (Day) + 8 (Shahban) = 23………………………….Year

2023 AD……………………..Year and Century of His Second Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 446

The Abjad of This Arabic Sentence:

“Hukam e Zahoor e Awal O Aakhir” i.e. Order of Zahoor of the First and
the Last is 2023.

“Hukam (68) e Zahoor (1111) e Awal (37) O (6) Aakhir (801)” i.e.
Order of Zahoor of the First and the Last is 2023.

68 + 1111 + 37 + 6 + 801 = 2023

2023 ……… the Abjad of “Hukam e Zahoor e Awal O Aakhir”

2023 AD ………………………Zahoor of Awal O Aakhir i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

So the Order of Allah for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would be in the Year – 2023

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 447

105. Why – 28 July is the Day of Zahoor e Imam?

 We know that Arabic language has only 28 Alphabets.

 Imam Ali (AS) had a family of 28 sons and daughters.
 Number – 28 is the 2nd Perfect Number in Mathematics
 There are 7777 Gold Bricks on the Tomb of Shrine of Hazrat Ali (AS)

7777……………7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28

If we add the first 28 Numbers, we would get:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ……………..+ 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 = 406

 The Abjad of Imam’s name, “Hadi” is 20

 The Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is 59
 The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Hu” is 11
 The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Aala” is 111
 The Abjad of Prophet’s name, “Muhammad” is 92

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 448

 The Abjad of name, “Ali” is 110
 The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135
 The Abjad of name, “Hassan” is 118
 The Abjad of name, “Hussain” is 128

Also Imam’s First Zahoor took place in 255 Hijri

Now if we add the Abjad of above names with the Number- 406, we would get the
Year of Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri.

406 + (Hu + Aala) + (Muhammad + Ali + Fatima + Hassan + Hussain) + (Hadi +

Mahdi) + (Imam’s First Zahoor)

406 + (11 + 111) + (92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128) + (20 +59) + 255 = 1445….Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 449

106. Relationship of 14 Masoomeen with Number – 45

There are so many Important Names in Islam whose Abjad is Number –14 as:

 The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahab” is 14

 The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wajid” is 14
 The Abjad of Arabic word, “Wajah” meaning Face is also 14
 The Abjad of Arabic word, “Hijab” meaning Veil is also 14
 The Abjad of Arabic word, “Yad” meaning Hand is also 14
 The Abjad of 9th Imam’s name, “Jawad” is also 14

Now in Arabic language, if we have to designate some thing particular to a person

or a thing, we write with AL as:

 Al – Wahab……………The Abjad of “Al – Wahab” is 45

 Al – Wajid……………..The Abjad of “Al – Wajid” is 45
 Al – Wajah…………….The Abjad of “Al – Wajah” is 45
 Al – Hijab……………….The Abjad of “Al – Hijab” is 45
 Al – Yad…………………The Abjad of “Al – Yad” is 45
 Al – Jawad……………..The Abjad of “Al – Jawad” is 45

The Abjad of Arabic word, “AL” is 31

So the Specific or Special 14 is written with AL and the Abjad of “AL – (Arabic
words) 14” is 45.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 450

Now the Zahoor year is 1445 Hijri.

So our Special 14th Imam’s Zahoor is taking place in the Year – 45 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 451

107. Month of Shahban and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

We know that 15th Shahban is the first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

This is the only month in Islamic Calendar that there is no Shahdat of any
Masoom and Ahale bait.

We celebrate the Zahoor of 7 most important personalities of Islam in

Shahban. They are:

 1st Shahban……………………Zahoor – Bibi Zainab (AS) [Daughter of Bibi

 3rd Shahban………………….Zahoor – Imam Hussain (AS) [3rd Imam]
 4th Shahban………………….Zahoor – Hazrat Abbas (AS) [Son of Hazrat Ali]
 5th Shahban………………….Zahoor – Imam Ali Zain ul Abedeen (4th Imam)
 7th Shahban…………………Zahoor – Hazrat Qasim (Son of Imam Hassan)
 11th Shahban……………….Zahoor – Hazrat Ali Akbar (Son of Imam Hussain)
 15th Shahban………………Zahoor – Imam Mahdi (12th Imam)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 452

Now if we add the dates of the Zahoor in Shahban, we would get:

1 (Bibi Zainab) + 3 (Imam Hussain) + 4 (Hazrat Abbas) + 5 (Imam Zain ul Abedeen)

+ 7 (Hazrat Qasim) + 11 (Hazrat Ali Akbar) + 15 (Imam Mahdi) ……Zahoor

1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 15 = 46

The Abjad of the name, “Wali” is 46

They all are “Wali” of Allah

46 + 46 = 92………….The Abjad of name, “Muhammad”

They all are “Muhammad”

The reverse number of 46 is 64.

The Abjad of the word, “Deen” is 64. Deen means Religion

Adding both the numbers – 46 and 64, we would get:

46 + 64 = 110…………………..The Abjad of “Ali”

They all are “Ali”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 453

108. The Underground Government of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi (AS) has 503 selected and appointed people since His Ghaibat
e Kubra who work under the supreme guidance of Imam Mahdi (AS). When they
die, Imam Mahdi (AS) select and appoint another person as the Servant of His
Underground Government. They regularly meet Imam Mahdi (AS) to get His
orders and instructions. They are known as:
 Kutb
 Abdal
 Auliya, etc

They live among the people as ordinary persons but follow the commands of
Imam Mahdi (AS).

503 people…………………………Underground Government of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are 95 Prime Numbers before 503.

95…………………..9 + 5 = 14…………..14th Masoom is always before 503

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 454

503…………….is the 96th Prime Number in Mathematics

96………………..9 + 6 = 15…………………1 + 14 = 15

1 (Allah) + 14 (14th Masoom of Allah) = 15

15……………….1 + 5 = 6………………….1st and smallest Perfect Number in Maths

Now we know that:

 The Abjad of name, “Ali” is 110………………The Grand father of Imam Mahdi

 The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135…….The Grand mother of Imam Mahdi
 Imam’s First Zahoor is in the year……………..255 Hijri
 The Abjad of word, “Imam” is 82
 The Abjad of his name, “Hadi” is 20
 The Abjad of his name, “Mahdi” is 59
 The Abjad of his name, “Wali” is 46
 The Abjad of his name, “Wahab” meaning Face is 14
 The Abjad of name, “Muhammad O Aale Muhammad” is 221

Now if we add the Number – 503 with the above Numbers, we would get:

(Servants of Imam – 503) + (Ali-110 + Fatima-135) + (Zahoor Imam-255) +

(Imam-82 + Hadi-20 + Mahdi-59 + Wali-46 + Wahab-14) + (Muhammad O
Aale Muhammad-221)

503 + (110 + 135) + 255 + (82 + 20 + 59 +46 + 14) + 221 = 1445……Zahoor

The reverse number of 503 is 305. Adding both the numbers – 503 + 305, we would
503 + 305 = 808

Now if we add the following Abjad, we would get the same result:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 455

808 + (Muhammad O Aale Muhammad – 221) + (Imam-82 + Hadi – 20 + Mahdi – 59)
+ (Zahoor e Imam – 255 Hijri)

808 + 221 + (82 + 20 + 59) + 255 = 1445……………Zahoor e Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 456

109. 600 - Names (Alqaab) of Imam Mahdi and Zahoor

It is mentioned in different Islamic books that Imam Mahdi is known by 600

different names and Alqabat.

Imam Ali (AS) – first Zahoor was in 600 AD

 6 is the Abjad of Arabic Alphabet……….. “Wau” …..which is alphabet of

 60 is the Abjad of Arabic Alphabet………… “Seen”

Imam Ali (AS) once said:

“I am the Batin and Secret of ‘Seen’.

Now we also know that:

 The Abjad of name, “Muhammad” is 92

 The Abjad of name, “Ali Wali” is 110 + 46 = 156
 The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 457

 The Abjad of name, “Hadi” is 20
 The Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is 59
 The Abjad of word, “Imam” is 82
 The Abjad of word, “Wali” is 46
 The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi………….255 Hijri

Adding the Number – 600 with the above Abjad of names, we would get:

600 + (Muhammad-92 + Ali Wali – 156 + Fatima – 135) + (Imam – 82 +

Hadi-20 + Mahdi – 59 + Wali – 46) + Zahoor Mahdi – 255 Hijri

600 + (92 + 156 +135) + (82 + 20 + 59 + 46) + 255 = 1445………..Zahoor Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 458

110. The Life (Zahoor) of 14 Masoomeen of Allah in Years

If we calculate the Number of Years of Life of 14 Masoomeen of Allah, we would

see the following results:

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)………………….63 Years

 Bibi Fatima (AS)……………………………………...18 Years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 459

12 Imams

Imam Ali (AS)……………………………..63 Years

Imam Hassan (AS)………………………47 Years
Imam Hussain (AS)…………………… 57 Years
Imam Ali Zain ul Abedeen (AS)…. 56 Years
Imam Baqir (AS)………………………..57 Years
Imam Jaffar (AS)……………………….65 Years
Imam Musa Kazim (AS)…………….55 Years
Imam Ali Raza (AS)…………………..55 Years
Imam Muhammad Taqi (AS)…….25 Years
Imam Ali Naqi (AS)…………………..42 Years
Imam Hassan Askari (AS)………….28 Years
Imam Mahdi (AS)…………………… 1190 Years (From 255 Hijri till His Zahoor in

The total number of the Life of 14 Masoomeen of Allah till the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) would be:

63 + 18 + (63 + 47 + 57 + 56 + 57 + 65 + 55 + 55 + 25 + 42 + 28) + 1190 = 1821 Years

1821 is the total Number of Years of the Life of 14 Masoomeen till the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi in 1445 Hijri.

1821……………………1 + 8 + 2 + 1 = 39……………….3 + 9 = 12…….12 th Imam (Mahdi)

12th Imam………………………….Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 460

111. 28 Rajab – Journey of Imam Hussain (AS) to
Karbala from Madina and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Hussain (AS) left Madina on 28th Rajab, 60 Hijri.

Now consider why Imam Hussain choose 28th Rajab as the Date of Departure
from Madina.

 28th is the Day……………………..There are 28 Alphabets of Arabic

language which is the language of the Last Holy Book ---- Holy Quran

 Rajab is the 7 Islamic Month………………..7 Repeated Verses i.e. 7
Names of 14 Masoomeen of Allah.

 60 Hijri……………… the Abjad of Arabic Alphabet, “Seen” and Imam Ali

(AS) once said: “I am the Batin and Secret of ‘Seen’.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 461

Now the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would also be on:

28th ……………………Day
7th Month……………..July
So Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is also on 28th Day and the Month is also 7th i.e. July.


In Gregorian Calendar, Imam Hussain departed from Madina, Saudi Arabia on:

 2nd May, 680 AD (Wednesday)………..28th Rajab, 60 Hijri

He was martyred along with his companions and family in Karbala, Iraq on:

 10th October, 680 AD (Wednesday)………………10th Muharram, 61 Hijri

The total number of Days from Imam Hussain’s departure from Madina to His
Martyrdom in Karbala, Iraq is:

2nd May, 680 AD to 10th October, 680 AD……………162 Days

The Day of Departure was Wednesday and the Day of His Martyrdom was also
According to Hazrat Ali (AS):

“Wednesday is the day of our Enemies.”

He delivered a full speech on this particular day i.e. Wednesday. According to

him, all the major troubles and pains on all Prophets of Allah came on

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 462

112. War in Syria and the Suffiani Rule before the Zahoor

There are so many Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Speeches of
Hazrat Ali (AS) on the war and crisis in Syria before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 463

The Civil War was started in Syria in March, 2011 and up till now millions of
people in Syria have either internally displaced or become refugees in Jordan,
Turkey, Iraq and neighbouring countries.

Hundreds and thousands of people died in this Civil War and more than 18
countries are involved in this crisis. There is a lot of international pressure on the
President of Syria to resign from the Government.

The ISIS and other terrorist organizations are currently involved in creating chaos
and unrest in Syria. They also moved to Iraq in recent days and captured many
cities in Iraq including Mosul.

Just 9 months before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), Suffiani would be plotted
in Syria and he would kill thousands of Shia Muslims and his opponents in Syria
and the neighbouring regions.

His army would be finally punished by Imam Mahdi (AS) when that army would
be marching towards Mecca to destroy Holy Kaaba.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 464

113. The Arrival of Hazrat Adam (AS) till the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD and the Day of Judgement after 84,000
years of Divine Kingdom by 12 Caliphs of Allah

It is said that Hazrat Adam (AS) who is the father of all men and women in the
world arrived on Earth from Paradise about 4476 years before the Arrival of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in 570 AD.

Arrival of Hazrat Adam (AS) before the Arrival of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is:

 4476 Years……………………Time from 1st Prophet - Hazrat Adam

to Last Prophet of Allah - Hazrat Muhammad in 570 AD

Now the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the year – 2023 AD

 Time from 570 AD till 2023 AD ............................ 1453 Years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 465

So add the years, we would get:

4476 + 1453 = 5929 Years = (7 x 7) x (11 x 11) Years

5929 Years = 77 x 77

The Abjad of Allah's and Our Imam's Laqab, "Maula" is also 77

5929 = 77 (Maula) x 77 (Maula)

5929..................... 59 (Abjad of Mahdi)...........29 (Reverse Number of

92....Which is the Abjad of His name, "Muhammad"

5929......................59 + 29 = 88...................11 x 8 = 88

5929 Years……………….are the Exact Number of Years from the Arrival of

Hazrat Adam (AS) till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

One Jubilee year is considered as 49 years. So 121 Jubilees of 49 years would the
total time from the Arrival of Hazrat Adam on this Earth till the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD

5929 Years……………….49 years x 121 Jubilees

If we see the Number - 5929 carefully, the 1st and the last Numbers
are 5 and 9 and the middle numbers are 9 and 2.

 59....................The Abjad of Imam's Laqab, "Mahdi"

 92................... The Abjad of Imam's Name, "Muhammad"
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 466
Allah created the Earth in 6 days as mentioned in the Holy Quran and the other
Holy Scriptures like the Bible. And His One Day is our 1000 years.

So 6 days of Allah is 6000 years of Humans

So Adam's test is approximately 6000 years i.e. 6 Days of Allah

Then Imam Mahdi (AS) would fight against Suffiani forces, false Shias and against
Dajjal forces. It would took another few years to establish His Divine Kingdom in
the World after defeating all the Enemies of Allah and Prophets.

Now the Divine Kingdom of Imam Mahdi would be established by 2025 AD.
The Rule of Imam Mahdi (AS) would start from 2026 AD onwards.

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said about the period of rule of our Imam Mahdi (AS)

“Imam Mahdi would rule for 7 years and each year would be like yours 70
years on the world.”

So to get the exact number of Rule of our Imam Mahdi (AS), we would multiply 7
with 70 years, and we would get:

7 years x 70 (Feel like) = 490 years of Rule

Imam Mahdi (AS) would rule the world for 490 Years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 467

Period of Rajaat --- Divine Kingdom of 12 Caliphs of Allah

Then He would be martyred and then the Period of “Rajaat” i.e. the Ruling
Period of 12 Imams would start and according to Sayings of Imams, that period
would last for about 84,000 years.

Then the Final Day of Judgement would be on Friday i.e. 23rd Ramadhan when
Imam Mahdi (AS) was the Last Imam and Ruler of the World at that time
according to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Period of ‘Rajaat’ is: 84,000 Years

 84,000 years divided by 12 Imams/Caliphs of Allah

84,000/12 = 7,000 Years for each Imam

84 x 1000 years................84 Days of Allah

The Day of Judgement would be on Friday i.e. 23rd Ramadhan

at Asr time i.e. 14:45 or 2:45 pm as told by our Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) after the Divine Kingdom of 12 Imams.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 468

114. Surah – e –Hood (11), Verse – 86 and Imam Mahdi (AS)

In the Holy Quran, Surah Hood (Chapter – 11), Verse -86, Hazrat Shoaib told their
people that:

“What remains with Allah (Imam Madhi) is better for you if you are believers,
and I am not a keeper over you.”

Now the Surah is …………………….11…………..The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Hu”

Verse is ……………………..86………………8 + 6 = 14……14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi

If we write the Surah number and the Verse Number as One Number, we would
write as:

11 (Surah) 86 (Verse)…………………….1186

Now the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi was in the year – 255 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 469

Imam Mahdi’s – Ghaibat e Sughra started after 4 years of His Zahoor in 260
Now if we add the Number – 1186 with His Zahoor Year – 255 plus 4 Years after
He went for Ghaibat e Sughra, we would get:

1186 + 255 (Zahoor) + 4 (After 4 years went for Ghaibat) =


1445 Hijri……………………….Zahoor Year when He would come out of Ghaibat

(Both Ghaibat e Sughra and Ghaibat e Kubra)

The total period of His Ghaibat e Sughra + Ghaibat e Kubra = 1186


Total Ghaibat (Sughra + Kubra) of Imam Mahdi (AS) = 1186 Years

Zahoor………255 + 4 years = 259……….259 Hijri year

Ghaibat……..1186 Hijri years

259 + 1186 = 1445 ……………Zahoor Hijri Year

The Last 2 Numbers in both the Numbers – 259 and 1186 sum to Number – 14 as:

59…………………5 + 9 = 14………………………14 th Masoom of Allah

86………………..8 + 6 = 14………………………..14th Masoom of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 470

Also in Surah e Hud, there are 123 Verses in total

123………………is the Abjad of “Aal e Muhammad”

And Imam Mahdi (AS) is the last of all “Aal e Muhammad”

Imam Mahdi (AS) real name is “Muhammad” whose Abjad is 92

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 11th Son of Hazrat Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS). This
Surah is also the 11th Surah of the Holy Quran.

Now if we add the Abjad of His name, “Muhammad” i.e. 92 and multiply the
Abjad of “Aal e Muhammad” i.e. 123 with the Number – 11, we would get:

Muhammad (92) + (Aal e Muhammad (123) x 11(Imam Mahdi is 11th Son of Ali)

92 + (123 x 11) = 1445…………………1445…….Zahoor Year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 471
1445…………Zahoor Year of “Muhammad” who is the 11th Aal e Muhammad (123)

The Abjad of the Arabic word, “Talqeen” which is recited on the death of Shia
Muslims in his or her grave is 590

590………………5 + 9 + 0 = 14…………..14 Masoomeen …… ‘Talqeen’ of 14

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 472

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 473
115. Bible Signs of the End Times

With the Courtesy of:

'So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at
the doors.' ... And we are certainly now seeing "ALL these things".
Matthew 24:33

Our Generation is the FIRST generation to fulfill ALL the biblical signs. So we will show you from
the many following signs on this and other pages that without doubt we are living in the final
years that the Bible prophesied were to come. We are here only to warn the world that the
second coming of Christ Jesus is NEAR, even "at the door".

"After seeing ALL the signs, even the scoffers will struggle to argue!"

If you take into consideration all the signs, there is no mistaking that our generation is living in
the last days, nearing the second coming of Jesus. The truth being that WE ARE living in the
end times.

"The beginning of sorrows" started nearly 2000 years ago with the
persecution of the early church and the destruction of
Jerusalem. We are living at the end of time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 474

Historical Evidence - Daniel 2
'Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image .. This image's head
was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His
legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out
without hands, which smote the image upon his feet ... Thou art this head of gold ... And
after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of
brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as
iron ... And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron,
the kingdom shall be divided ... Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of
the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the
silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass

Daniel 2:31-45

More than being a "sign" of the times, this is an historical FACT of where we stand in earth's history.
The vision that God gave King Nebuchadnezzar as shown in the Bible verses above, and
subsequently the interpretation to the prophet Daniel, consisted of an image of a man which
depicted all the "ages" and ruling kingdoms from the time of Babylon until the second coming of
Christ Jesus (the destroying Rock, which is the eternal kingdom of God).

By the way, if you are not convinced that the Bible is any sort of authority, then
study this prophecy of Daniel 2. It perfectly foretold the future kingdoms of this
world up until the end of time. And history confirms it as ACCURATE.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 475

As you can see from the picture, the different parts of the man represented the different "ages" and
ruling kingdoms of this world. And what is the last "age"? It's the feet of the image. And when did
the last age start? It started in the year 476 AD. when Rome fell and split into the ten kingdoms of
Europe. Which means this world has been in the "last age" for over 1500 YEARS! So add that to the
amazing signs of the last days that you will see throughout this site, and you are left with no doubt
that we are living right at the end of the toes on the image and right at the end of time, soon to see
the second coming of Christ Jesus.

End Time Signs - Bible

 Increase of Knowledge

Daniel 12:4 ...'even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge
shall be increased.'

 Ability to Enforce the Mark

Revelation 13:17 ...'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or
the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'

 Violence and Sexual Immorality

Luke 17:28-30 ...'Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank,
they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out
of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus
shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.'

In 2008, 1 in 3 Americans had a Sexually Transmitted Infection! (source)

 Mass Animal Deaths

Hosea 4:3 ...'Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall
languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of
the sea also shall be taken away.'

 Increase in Natural Disasters

Luke 21:25-26 ...'and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and
the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those
things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.'

 Earthquakes in diverse places

Matthew 24:7 ...'and earthquakes in divers places.'

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 476

As of 16th April 2014, there were around 3,500 earthquakes happening a

 Unsealed Prophecy

Daniel 12:4 ...'But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the
time of the end.'

God tells Daniel to seal the book. In other words, to seal the prophecies contained within it. And that
at the "time of the end", the prophecies would be unsealed and we would know what they mean.

God has now revealed the truth about the prophecies of Daniel to His end time church and we now
know the meaning of these prophecies, showing that we are in the "time of the end". The
prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7 have been UNSEALED. Daniel's 70 week prophecy has been
UNSEALED. And the 2300 day prophecy has also been UNSEALED. So this alone confirms that we
are living in the end times. But taking all the other signs together will show us how close we are to
the second coming of Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God, and the end of the world.

 False Christs and Prophets

Matthew 24:4-5,11 ...'many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ ... and many
false prophets shall arise and deceive many.'

 Increase in War

Matthew 24:6-7 ...'And ye shall hear of wars ... For nation shall rise against nation and
kingdom against kingdom.'

 Increase in Sin

Matthew 24:12 ...'And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.'

 World wide Famine

Matthew 24:7 ...'and there shall be famine.'

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 477

Idolatry, Adultery, Violence, Lust, Greed, Disrespect, Homosexuality, Theft, Lying, Aggression,
Selfishness. Is this Biblical sign fulfilled in our day? Absolutely! Just go back 50 years and you
would not see half the sin and wickedness that we see in people today. Look at what is portrayed on
our TV screens and in the movies and video games! Violence, lust and all manner of evil. This is
one of the major end of time signs. Our world today is aching under the burden of sin and I'm sure
God will not allow it to continue for much longer.

And do you know the worst thing about "sin" today? It is made into
"ENTERTAINMENT"! Through movies, television programs, radio, magazines,
comics, you name it! The majority of people in this world today are happily
entertained by the very thing that put the Son of God on the cross!

 Christians Turn Away from Truth

2 Timothy 4:3-4 ...'For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.'

 God Destroy those who Destroy Earth

Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of
the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy
servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great;
and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

 Gospel preached to the World

Matthew 24:14 ...'And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for
a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.'


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 478

Time to Get Ready for Jesus Christ
We are in the last hour, the day of the Lord is at hand, and it is time to get ready. The final
calls are going out to the world. God is preparing to pour out His Spirit onto His people and
we must be ernest in praying for that Spirit to fall upon us. We must depart from sin,
humble our hearts and fall before the One who can save us, our Lord, Saviour and soon
coming King, Christ Jesus. So many professing Christians do not know the urgency of the
situation. The whole theme of the Bible is of urgency to turn to God and turn away from
sin, especially in these end times we live in.

"All who profess to be the children of God need now to realize that we are
living in perilous times. The end of all things is near at hand. The signs
are rapidly fulfilling, yet it would seem that but few realize that the day of
the Lord is coming swiftly, silently as a thief in the night. Many are saying
"peace and safety". Unless they are watching for their Lord, they will be
taken as in a snare." (E.G.White, Last Day Events, P.18)

“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is
near in the valley of decision."(Joel 3:14)

From the above discussion, it is now clear that even the Christians
believe that the End Times is very near and the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ is in the near future.

Are we ready to welcome Jesus Christ – Our Prophet in 2023 AD

after a Big World War and World wide Famine?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 479

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 480
116. Biblical Signs of the End of the World – Moral Signs

Timothy 3:1-5 ...'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For
men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false
accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded,
lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the
power thereof: from such turn away.'

 Perilous Times
 Lovers of pleasure more than God
 People will be covetous
 People will be boasters and proud
 Children disobedient to parents
 People will be unthankful
 People will be unholy
 People without natural affection
 Despisers of those that are good
 People will be lovers of themselves

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 481

Are we Living in the Last Days?
There is no doubt whatsoever, that the signs of the end of the world in the Bible are pointing to our
generation. Anyone can see the great moral degeneration that has happened over the past 50+
years. The moral depravation of this world has reached such a point that we are now like Sodom
and Gomorrha just before God destroyed that city with fire ... 2 Peter 2:6 ...'And turning the cities of
Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes, condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example
unto those that after should live ungodly.'

So, Is the world going to end in the next couple of years?


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117. Zahoor e Hadi e Mahdi On Waqt al Maaloom

 The Abjad of Arabic word, “Zahoor” meaning Emergence is 1111

 The Abjad of Imam Mahdi’s name, “Hadi” is 20

 The Abjad of Imam Mahdi’s name, “Mahdi” is 59

 The Abjad of Arabic word, “Ala” meaning ON is 110. It is written as ‘Ali’ but
with ‘Zabar’ it is read as “Ala”.

 The Abjad of Arabic words, “Waqt al Maloom” meaning The Known Time is
723. The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is also known as “Waqt al Maloom”.

Now if we write an Arabic sentence as:

“Zahoor e Hadi e Mahdi Ala Waqt al Maloom”

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The Emergence of Imam Mahdi on the known time

The Abjad of the above Arabic sentence is 2023.

Zahoor e Hadi e Mahdi Ala Waqt al Maloom ……………. 2023

2023 AD…………………The Known Time or the Second Zahoor of Imam

Mahdi from Ghaibat e Kubra


 We know that Imam’s First Zahoor took place on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri.

We also know that Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS) are the Grand Father and
Grand Mother of Imam Mahdi (AS).

 The Abjad of name, “Ali” is 110

 The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135

Both Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS) are “Aala” meaning “The Great and the
Highest” in the eyes of Allah

 The Abjad of name, “Aala” is 111

 The Abjad of Arabic words, “Waqt al Maloom” meaning the Known

Time or the Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is 723.

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Now adding the above words, we would get:

First Zahoor (255) + Son of “Ali Aala” (221) + Son of “Fatima Aala”
(246) + ‘Waqt al Maloom’ (723) = 1445

255 + 221 + 246 + 723 = 1445 ………1445 Hijri (Zahoor of Imam Mahdi)

1445 Hijri………………Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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118. Year of His Zahoor and their significance

The Year of Imam Mahdi’s (AS) Zahoor is:

1445 Hijri or 2023 AD

Years ----- 45 or 23

Significance of Zahoor - Year – 45

 The Abjad of “Adam” is 45

 The Abjad of “Malak” meaning Angel is 90 i.e. 45 x 2
 The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135 i.e. 45 x 3
 The Abjad of “Mualim” meaning The Teacher is 180 i.e. 45 x 4
 The Abjad of “Rafee” meaning The Highest is 360 i.e. 45 x 8

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Significance of Zahoor - Year – 23

 The Abjad of “Wali” is 46 i.e. 23 x 2

 The Abjad of name, “Zainab” is 69 i.e. 23 x 3
 The Abjad of name, “Muhammad” is 92 i.e. 23 x 4

We know that:

 The Abjad of ‘Zahoor’ is 1111

 The Abjad of “Ghaibat’ is 1412

The last two numbers in the words, “Zahoor and Ghaibat” are 11 and 12. Adding
both the numbers, we would get:

11 + 12 = 23……………Year of His Zahoor

The Abjad of “Zahoor” is 1111

Adding the first two numbers i.e. 11 with the last two numbers – 11, we would get:

11 + 11 = 22

Now add 22 with the number – 23, we would get:

22 + 23 = 45…………………..Year of His Zahoor


45………………Multiply the numbers – 4 x 5 = 20

Just place this number – 20 before the Number – 23, we would get both
Century and the Year of His Zahoor i.e.

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20 23………………………….Year and Century of Imam’s Zahoor

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119. Waqt al Maloom and the Zahoor e Imam Mahdi

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Waqt al Maloom” meaning the Known Time is 723.

723……………….7 + 2 + 3 = 12………………….12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

“Waqt al Maloom” is the Known Time for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) who
is also the 12th and the Last Imam.

When the “Satan” requested Allah to give him time till the Day of Judgement,
Allah denied and only gave time till, “Waqt al Maloom” to “Satan” i.e. Till the
Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) which is also known as “Waqt al Maloom”
i.e. the Known Time for the Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

The Abjad of the Arabic word, “Maloom” meaning ‘In the Knowledge of” is 186

186……………….1 (Allah)…………….86……8 + 6 = 14 (Masoomeen of Allah)

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Only 1 (Allah) and His 14 (Masoomeen) Know Everything and the rest of the
Creation needs 14 Masoomeen of Allah for their Knowledge.

That is why the Abjad of the Arabic word, “Ilm” meaning ‘Knowledge’ is 140

140………….14 x 10………….14 (Masoomeen of Allah) x 10 (All Creation)

So All Creation of Allah i.e. All “Mukhlooq” need 14 Masoomeen for “Ilm” or

Imam Mahdi (AS) Zahoor is also known as “Qiyamat e Sughra” i.e. Small Day of
Judgement or “Hashar” or “Mahshar”. There is also one Surah in the Holy Quran
named as, “Surah e Hashar” and the Surah Number is also 59, which is the Abjad
of Imam’s name, “Mahdi”

 We know that Imam’s First Zahoor was on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri.

 Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Grand son of Hazrat Abu Talib (AS). The Abjad of
name, “Abu Talib” is 51.

 Imam Mahdi (AS) is also the Grand son of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). The
Abjad of name, “Muhammad” is 92.

 Imam Mahdi (AS) is also the Grand son of Hazrat Ali (AS). The Abjad of
name, “Ali” is 110.

 Imam Mahdi (AS) is also the Grand son of Hazrat Fatima (AS). The Abjad of
name, “Fatima” is 92.
 The Abjad of His names, “Hadi” is 20 and “Mahdi” is 59

 The Abjad of the Arabic words, “Waqt al Maloom” meaning the Known
Time or Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is 723.

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Now adding the above numbers, we would get:

His names, “Hadi + Mahdi” (20 + 59) + First Zahoor (255) + Grand son of Abu Talib +
Muhammad + Ali + Fatima (51 + 92 + 110 + 135) + Second Zahoor, “Waqt al
Maloom” (723) = 1445

(20 + 59) + 255 + (51 + 92 + 110 + 135) + 723 = 1445 ………….1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri……………………..Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (Waqt al Maloom)

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120. Satan and Waqt e Maloom – 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD

When the Satan asked his life till the Big Judgement Day, Allah replied which is
mentioned in Surah Al- Hajr (15), Verses – 36 to 38 as:

“He (Satan) said: My Lord! Then respite me till the time when they are raised.
He (Allah) said: So surely you are of the respited ones.
Till the period of the TIME MADE KNOWN.”

In the interpretation of these Verses, Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

“The Satan would be given time till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi. Mahdi would kill
Satan and his forces with the order of Allah.”

Now if we add the Number of Verses, 36, 37 and 38, we would get:

36 + 37 + 38 = 111………………The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Aala”….. The Highest

 Now we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam and

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 One of His names is “Baqi”
 The Abjad of “Baqi” is 113

Now if we multiply the Number – 111 (36 + 37 + 38) with the Number – 12 (12 th
Imam), and add the Number – 113 (His name, ‘Baqi’), we would get:

111 x 12th Imam = 1332

1332 + 113 (Baqi) = 1445…………………………..Year of His Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri

Also if we multiply the Number – 111 with the Abjad of Allah’s name, “Ahad” and
add Number – 2 of ‘Muhammad’ or ‘Ali’ in it, we would get:

111 x 13 = 1443
1443 + 2 = 1445…………………….Year of His Zahoor and Waqt e Maloom

Why the Number – 2 belongs to “Muhammad and Ali”?

The Abjad of name, “Muhammad” is 92

92……………..9 + 2 = 11
11………………1 + 1 = 2……………………..2 is the Number of ‘Muhammad’.

The Abjad of name, “Ali” is 110

110………………..1 + 1 + 0 = 2…………………..2 is the Number of ‘Ali’.

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 The Surah e Hajar is Number – 15 and the Number of Verses are 3 i.e. 36, 37
and 38. Now if we add the Surah Number with Number of Verses i.e. 3, we
would get:

15 (Surah Number) + 3 (Number of Verses) = 18

Multiply the Number – 18 with the Number – 111, we would get:

111 x 18 = 1998…………………………25 Years before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Interpertation of Surah – 2, Verse – 155, Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) mentioned
that the humanity would have to pass through 5 difficult phases and each phase
would be of 5 years.

5 Phases before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi x 5 years = 25 Years

1998 + 25 = 2023 …………………………….Year of His Zahoor i.e. 2023 AD

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121. Surah ‘Qaf’ and Day of Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Surah ‘Qaf’, Verses – 41 and 42 states:

“And Listen on the Day when the Crier (Hazrat Ali) shall Cry from a near place.
The Day when they shall hear the Cry (of Hazrat Ali) in truth; That is the DAY of
Kharooj (Imam Mahdi).”

So Quran used the Arabic words, “Yaum al Kharooj” for the Appearance of Imam
Mahdi (AS). And Hazrat Ali (AS) would announce his Day of Zahoor on 23 rd
Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri i.e. 14th April, 2023 AD on Friday and everyone in this
world would hear the voice and message of Hazrat Ali (AS) in their language
from the near place of their house. But only 1 Nation i.e. Shias of Ali would
understand this message of Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor.

Now the Abjad of the Arabic word, “Yaum al Kharooj” is 896.

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896………………8 + 9 + 6 = 23……………..The Year of His Zahoor is also 2023 AD.

We also know that Imam Mahdi’s first Zahoor took place in 869 AD, i.e. 15 th
Shahban, 255 Hijri. The numbers – 869 and 896 contains the same 3 numbers but
in different order.

Now if we multiply the numbers in 896 as:

896………………….8 x 9 x 6 = 432

The reverse of the Number – 432 is 234. Adding both the Numbers, we would

432 + 234 = 666……………Abjad of “Ism e Azam ul Azam”

The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135.

The revers of the number – 135 is 531. Adding both the numbers, we would get
the same result as:

135 + 531 = 666……………..Abjad of “Ism e Azam ul Azam”

The name of Bibi “Fatima” is “Ism e Azam ul Azam”

The upside down of the Number – 666 is 999


And all Momineen in the Islamic world wear the ring of 999

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23rd Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri ………14th April, 2023 AD

Is the Day of Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) announced by Hazrat Ali (AS)

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122. World Drought and International Food Crisis before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Baqir (AS) said:

“There would be world drought before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

In recent years, all of us are witnessing the conditions of Drought every where in
the World including major players in food market as USA, India, China, etc.

According to UN report, 2 billion people are facing food shortages out of 7 billion
people in the world today.

Some of the recent instances of the World Drought are as follows:

 The 1997-2009 Millenium Drought in Australia led to a water supply crisis

across much of the country. As a result many desalination plants were built
for the first time.
 In 2006, Sichuan Province China experienced its worst drought in modern
times with nearly 8 million people and over 7 million cattle facing water
 12-year drought that was devastating southwest Western Australia,
southeast South Australia, Victoria and northern Tasmania was "very severe
and without historical precedent".
 In 2005, parts of the Amazon basin experienced the worst drought in 100

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 In 2014, USA and India are officially under the Drought conditions according
to UN reports.
 In 2012, a severe drought struck the western Sahel. The Methodist Relief &
Development Fund (MRDF) reported that more than 10 million people in the
region were at risk of famine due to a month long heat wave that was
hovering over Niger, Mali, Mauritania and Burkina Faso.
 The Middle East drought in recent years sparks higher food prices.

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Global Drought Index

World Hunger and High Food Prices

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that nearly 870
million people of the 7.1 billion people in the world, or one in eight, were
suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012. Almost all the hungry
people, 852 million, live in developing countries, representing 15 percent of the
population of developing counties. There are 16 million people undernourished
in developed countries (FAO 2012).

Developed regions also saw the number of hungry rise, from 13 million in 2004-
2006 to 16 million in 2010-2012, reversing a steady decrease in previous years
from 20 million in 1990-1992 (FAO 2012). The principal problem is that many
people in the world do not have sufficient land to grow, or income to purchase,
enough food.

1/3rd people in the world would die from Global drought from 2018 to 2023 AD
as per the prophecies of our Imams i.e. 5 years from the Zahoor of Mahdi (AS).
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123. Global Diseases and the Death of 1/3rd Population

Hazrat Imam Jaffar e Sadiq once (AS) said:

“One third population of the world would die after the Big War by Diseases and

Even now before the Big World War, we are witnessing many Global diseases
which are taking the lives of millions of people in the world every year.

The list of the Global Diseases is as follows:

 Ebola --- Global Epidemic and Virus in 2014 AD

 Cancer
 Malaria
 Polio
 Bird Flu

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 Hepatitis
 Diabetes
 Tumors
 Allergies
 Asthma/Sinus
 Heart Diseases
 Obesity
 Blood Pressure (High/Low)

Thousands of people die everyday because of the diseases which are common
in the world. But from 2018 till 2023 AD, the rate would increase many times.

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124. Political Situation in Arab and Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
By: Mr. Aurya Jan Maqbool – A Sunni Scholar

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He mentioned different Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) and the political situation in the Arab world.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

 “Arab world would not be destroyed unless Egypt would be destroyed and
there would not be a Big War unless Kufa would be destroyed.” (Al- Fitan)
 “In the future, you would find armies in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.”

Hazrat Abdullah asked the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

“Then what is the order for me?”

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) replied:

 “You would not be safe when the War would erupt in Syria.”
 “The Day of Judgement (Zahoor of Imam Mahdi) would not occur unless the
good people of Iraq would shift to Syria and the evil people of Syria would
not shift from Syria to Iraq.”
 “You keep on holding Syria.” (Masnad Ahmad Bin Hambal)

So from the above Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), every thing has
happened so far. There is a Civil War going in Syria and Iraq and militants
from Syria known as ISIS have moved from Syria to Iraq and captured many
cities in Iraq and killed thousands of people in Iraq.

This crisis in Iraq and Syria is rapidly becoming an International Conflict in Big
Powers in the region and then by 2018 AD, the Big World War would occur
on the Battle ground of Middle East and many Middle Eastern countries
would be razed to ground in that war and millions of people would die in
that region before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD.

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125. What is the difference between ‘Yaum e Kharooj and
Yaum e Zahoor” of Imam Mahdi

The “Yaum e Kharooj” i.e. The Day of Exit of Imam Mahdi (AS) from Gaibat
would be announced by Hazrat Ali (AS) on 14th April, 2023 AD.

 That is 23rd Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri on Friday

Yaum e Kharooj…………………23rd Ramadhan (Friday)

The “Yaum e Zahoor” i.e. The Day of Zahoor on the Holy Kaaba, Mecca would be
on 28th July, 2023 AD.
 That is 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri on Friday

Yaum e Zahoor………………….10th Muharram (Friday)

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126. Qiyamat – e – Sughra (Small Judgement Day) and
Qiyamat – e – Kubra (Big Judgement Day) –
23rd Ramadhan - Friday

Both Qiyamats are related to Imam Mahdi (AS). Both Great days in the history of
Mankind would appear on 23rd Ramadhan and on the day of Friday at the Time
of Asr (14:45).

 The Qiyamat – e – Sughra (Small Doomsday) would occour on 23 rd

Ramadhan, Friday when Hazrat Ali (AS) would announce that Imam
Mahdi’s Kharooj has taken place.

Qiyamat – e – Sughra (Small Doomsday)……………..23rd Ramadhan, Friday

(Imam Mahdi’s Kharooj – Day)

 The Qiyamat – e – Kubra (Big Doomsday) would also occour on 23 rd

Ramadhan, Friday when Imam Mahdi’s Ghaibat would take place as

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 514

mentioned by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when Imam Mahdi (AS)
would complete his Government time in Rajaat.

Qiyamat – e – Sughra (Small Doomsday)……………..23rd Ramadhan, Friday

(Imam Mahdi’s Ghaibat – Day)

 Common Month of Qiyamat……………..Ramadhan……9th Month

 Common Date of Qiyamat………….23 ……….23 is the 9th Prime Number

 Common Day of Qiyamat…………Friday…………7th Day of the Islamic Week

 Common – Imam of Qiyamat …………..Imam Mahdi ---- 12th Imam

Imam Mahdi’s famous name is, “Al – Qaim”

“Qaim” means to Establish or to Stand.

He is known as “Al – Qaim” because he would Establish “Qiyamat” whether it

is “Small Qiyamat” i.e. Small Judgement Day or “Big Qiyamat” i.e. Big Judgement

He is also known as “Al – Qaim” because he would also establish “Justice” on

Judgement Days.

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127. Zahoor is very near ---- Dua e Ahad

ً ‫ِإنﱠ ُه ْم يَ َر ْونَهُ بَ ِعيدا ً َونَ َراهُ قَ ِريبا‬

“Surely, they think it (Zahoor) to be
far off, and We see it (Zahoor) near.”
[Dua e Ahad – Imam Mahdi (AS)]

The Abjad of the above Dua is 944

The Abjad of the Arabic words, “Noor e Ali e Fatima” i.e. Imam Mahdi is 501

Adding the Abjad of the Dua and the Abjad of “Noor e Ali O Fatima”, we would

944 + 501 = 1445………………….Year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

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Zahoor of ‘Noor e Ali O Fatima” i.e. Imam Mahdi is very near…….1445 Hijri

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128. Crack in the Wall of Majid e Kufa – Imam Ali (AS) Mosque

28th July, 2013 --- 10 Years before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

On the morning of 19th Ramadhan, 1434 Hijri i.e. 28th July, 2013 AD – Sunday, the
crack appeared in the wall of Masjid e Kufa (Imam Ali Mosque) in Kufa, Iraq.

All the Muslim scholars are saying that it is a clear indication of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS).

But the Question is why the crack appeareared on this particular date?

 19th Ramadhan is the same day when Imam Ali was assassinated in the same
mosque by Ibn e Muljim in the same city at the same mosque.
 Sunday is known as “Ahad” in Arabic language and is related to Imam Ali (AS).
 28th July…………… the same day when Imam Mahdi (AS) Zahoor would take

28th July, 2013…………………….28th July, 2023……………..10 Years

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 1434………………………14 + 34 = 48…………….4 + 8 =12…………12 th Imam

19th Ramadhan………..The reversal number of 19 is 91

If we add 19 with 91, we would get:

19 + 91 = 110……………………….Abjad of name, “Ali”

2013……………………..20 + 13 = 33

The reversal number of 33 is 33, adding both numbers we would get:

33 + 33 = 66……………………..Abjad of name, “Allah”

28th July, 2013……………….Crack in the Mosque of Imam Ali is giving clear indication
of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

We should not forget that when Hazrat Ali (AS) first Zahoor in the Holy Kaaba took
place on 13th Rajab, 23 BH. His mother entered from the opposite wall of the Holy
Kaaba and the crack appeared and she entered into the Holy Kaaba. This crack is
still on the Wall of Holy Kaaba

Crack in the Wall of the Holy Kaaba – Still today

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129. World of Sins ------- Rise of Sins in the last 40 years

In the last 40 years, the world has witnessed a rapid increase in all kinds of
sins and the people are doing them as “ENTERTAINMENT”.

This is a small list of more than 150 sins of humans in alphabetical order:

1. Anger
2. Adultery
3. Allegations on others
4. Abuse of Self and Others
5. Agree on the crimes of people in the past, present and future
6. Backbiting
7. Banqueting – Party with drinks and women without proper clothes
8. Being Angry with One’s Brothers, Sisters, Family and Friends
9. Bitterness
10. Blasphemy
11. Blaming Innocent man and woman
12. Boasting
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13. Beating others
14. Brawling
15. Burying our talents and gifts of God
16. Brother going to Law against Brother, Sister or Family
17. Cheating
18. Calling One’s Brother a Fool --- Ridiculing others
19. Chambering – Unmarried people living and sleeping together
20. Clamor
21. Canabalism --- Eating Human body parts after killing them
22. Complaining
23. Contentious – Quarrelsome
24. Corruption
25. Covenant Breakers --- Lightly breaking a solemn or legal pact
26. Covetousness
27. Child Abuse -- - Child Labor
28. Craftiness --- Cunningness
29. Characterless --- Having no morals
30. Debate without purpose and knowledge
31. Disobedience of Allah
32. Disobedience of Prophets
33. Disobedience of 14 Masoomeen of Allah
34. Deceit
35. Defiling the Body
36. Defraud
37. Denying God
38. Denying Prophets
39. Denying the Last Prophet ---- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
40. Denying the First and Last Imam ---- Imam Ali and Imam Mahdi
41. Denying the 12 Imams
42. Denying the Holy Books
43. Dodging others
44. Denying the 14 Masoomeen of Allah
45. Desiring the Praise of others ---- Doing things to gain praise

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46. Despiteful
47. Dishonesty
48. Disobedience to Parents
49. Divisions ---- Forming groups or sects or splitting the community
50. Divorce --- Without proper reason
51. Double Tongued ---- Making insincere and false statements
52. Drunkenness
53. Drugs ----- Taking harmful and Illegal Drugs
54. Effiminate ---- Unmanly or womanish man
55. Envy
56. Evil Concupiscence ---- Desire for forbidden things
57. Evil Eye ---- Having Selfish Motives
58. Evil Thoughts ---- Injurious thoughts or Evil Mind
59. Extortion
60. Eating Pork ----- Illegal in some religions
61. Enjoying the company of sinners
62. Fearful ---- Discouraged or Faithless
63. Filthiness
64. Filthy Lucre----- Receiving personal gain through unrighteousness
65. Finding faults with others
66. Foolishness
67. Foolish talking --- Silliness
68. False Witness --- Giving False Witnesses
69. Greediness
70. Guile
71. Gambling
72. Hatred
73. Having Evil treasures in the Heart
74. Hearing the Sayings of Prophets and Imams and not following them
75. Heresies ---- Religious opinion different from Holy Quran and Prophet
76. Highmindedness – Arrogant
77. Hypocrisy
78. Homosexuality ---- Ban and Illegal in most religions of the world

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79. Handling others in wrong way
80. Idle Words ---- Words of no Value
81. Illegal human trafficking
82. Idolatry ---- Loving someone or something more than God
83. Injustice to self and others
84. Implacable ---- Refusing to be appeased
85. Incordinate Affection ---- Passion, Lust
86. Inventors of Evil Things ---- Contrive Evil ways to satisfy carnal lusts
87. Jesting ---- Talking to make others laugh
88. Judging others
89. Jealousy
90. Knowing to do Good, but Doing it Not!
91. Killing others
92. Kidnapping children, girls, woman
93. Lust
94. Lasciviousness ----- Lustful, wanton , Exciting Lust
95. Laying up treasures on Earth --- Pursing material success at the
expense of spiritual things
96. Loving another person or thing more than God
97. Lovers of Self
98. Lusting after a woman
99. Lying
100. Lovers of material things
101. Maliciousness
102. Malignity --- Being harmful or dangerous or Bad Character
103. Murder
104. Mockery
105. Music ---- Listening Evil and Sexy Songs
106. Murmering ---- Grumbling or secretly complaining
107. Oppression
108. Presumptious
109. Pornography --- Seeing or making porn photos
110. Pollution

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 524

111. Putting people in prisons without crimes
112. Pride --- Self Esteem
113. Puffed up ---- Overestimating one’s ability or knowledge
114. Rioting
115. Railing ---- Slander
116. Revellings ---- Overindulgence at feasts, merrymaking
117. Seditions ---- Stirring up opposition against the Right Person
118. Self Will ---- Arrogant
119. Speaking against the God and Prophets
120. Sorcery ---- Practicing Magic with aid from Magic spririts
121. Spreading Evil of Dignities ---- Speaking ill of those to be honoured
122. Stealing
123. Sex trade
124. Sex with Animals
125. Slavery
126. Selling Human organs and parts illegally
127. Stiff Necked ---- Arrogant and Proud
128. Striker ---- Always ready to fight and quarrel
129. Swearing ---- always swearing on all issues
130. Teaching for Doctrine ---- the Commandments of Men --- Neglecting
the God’s Commandments over the Manmade laws
131. Strife ---- Quarreling, seeking superiority
132. Satanic worship
133. Terrorism
134. Traitors
135. Tyranny
136. Taking Interest on Money and Loans
137. Trusting in Riches
138. Unbelief ---- Lack of Faith
139. Uncleanness
140. Unforgiving Heart
141. Unrighteousness ----- Moral Wrongfulness
142. Unthankfulsness

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 525

143. Vain Jangling ---- Babbling
144. Variance ---- Strife
145. Voluntary Humility ----- False Humility
146. Wantonness --- Lustful, Morally unrestrained
147. Whisperers ---- Secretly spreading false or slanderous information
148. Whoremongers --- One who associates with whores
149. Witchcraft
150. Wickedness --- Evil Practices or Crime
151. Wars --- Crime against humanity [100 Types of different Wars]
152. Womanisation ---- indulge in illegal relationship with woman

This is a small list of more than 150 Sins and Crimes of Humans against their
brothers, sisters, family, friends and their community. The people were
involved in all these sins and crimes since the dawn of humanity but in the
last 40 years we have all witnessed a rise in these crimes in all shapes and
have reached to their highest levels.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 526

130. The Islamic Revolution in Iran and the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS)

In one of the speeches of Hazrat Ali (AS) in Bihar ul Anwar, he said:

“Black flags would emerge from Iran. These Black flags would move to Iraq to
kill Suffiani.”

The revolution of Iran was predicted by our Imams in many Ahadith and

The people of Iran and the army of Iran would be the friends and helpers of
Imam Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor.

Imam Mahdi (AS) would appoint Hazrat Abbas (AS) as the Governor of Iran
and He would also be the Commander In Chief of the Army of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 527

131. The Time after 1180 Hijri and before the Zahoor

So from the above Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Hadith, it is clear that the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place after 1200 Hijri.

Now we analyze the Hijri years – 1180 and 1200 Hijri.

We know that the Abjad of name, “Ali” is 110

And the Abjad of name, “Fatima” is 135.

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the last and 11th son of both Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi
Fatima (AS). Ali and Fatima are the spiritual parents of our beloved Imam
Mahdi (AS).

Adding both the Abjad of “Ali” and “Fatima”, we would get:

Ali (110) + Fatima (135) = 245

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 528

Now if we add the Abjad of “Ali and Fatima” i.e. 245 into the year – 1200
Hijri, we would get the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AS).

1200 + 245 = 1445……………….1445 Hijri…………….Year of Zahoor

Also Hazrat Jabraeel would announce the Zahoor on 10th Muharram, 1445

The Abjad of name, “Jabraeel” is also 245

Adding the Abjad of “Jabraeel” into the Hijri year – 1200, we would get the
Zahoor year as:

1200 + 245 = 1445……………….1445 Hijri……………..Year of Zahoor

Also Imam Mahdi (AS) is the son of Imam Hussain (AS) from father side i.e.
Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS) and son of Imam Hassan (AS) from mother side
i.e. Fatima daughter of Imam Hassan (AS).

Hijri Year – 1180 and The Zahoor Year – 1445 Hijri

Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) are Noor e Wahid and known as
sons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Abjad of “Wahid” is 19

The Abjad of name, “Hassan” is 118
The Abjad of name, “Hussain” is 128

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 529

Adding the Abjad of “Wahid, Hassan and Hussain”, we would get:

19 + 118 + 128 = 265

Adding the Hijri year – 1180 with the Number – 265, we would get:

1180 + 265 = 1445 ……………1445 Hijri………….Year of Zahoor

So both the Hijri years – 1180 and 1200 are indicating the Zahoor year – 1445
Hijri year as the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 530

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 531
132. 5 Confirmed Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) once said:

There are five (5) confirmed signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

1. The Khurooj (Exit) of Suffiani

2. The Khurooj (Exit) of Yamani
3. Noice from the Sky (Hazrat Ali Voice)
4. The murder of Nafs e Zakia (After Hajj in the same year of Zahoor)
5. The army of Suffiani would be eaten by the Land near Baida

These signs would occur just 1 – 12 months before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) in 2022 and 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 532

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 533
133. The Construction of High Rise Buildings in Kufa and
Baghdad --- as predicted by Hazrat Ali (AS)

Hazrat Ali (AS) predicted 1400 years ago to Hazrat Kumail that:

“There would be construction of high rise buildings in Kufa and Baghdad. And
the Eye of Satan – Antenna would be on the top of the buildings.”

So this prophecy has also been fulfilled. One can see lots of high rise buildings
in Kufa and Baghdad, Iraq these days.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 534

134. Riots in Bahrain against the Ruler… predicted before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

It was mentioned by our Imams that:

“The people of Bahrain would protest against their ruler in Bahrain and many
would be killed by the Government.”

We saw the Bahrain protest since 2012 and many Shias had died in those riots
and protests.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 535

135. The Suffiani Group is ISIS (Iraq and Syria)

ISIS is the current topic of the World News everywhere. They are the radical
Wahabi extremist Group of Muslims who have recently captured most of the
North Western towns of Iraq and Eastern towns of Syria. They are funded by
many countries who have the vested interest in keeping them in that area.

ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Sham (Syria) formerly
known as ISIL which stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Levant. Now
they changed their name to IS – Islamic State recently.

It was previously known as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, Al-Qaeda in the

Islamic State of Iraq. Currently, ISIS strongholds extend from Raqqa in
northern Syria all the way down to the outskirts of Baghdad – a stretch of
more than 500 km, though the group doesn’t have comprehensive oversight
of the roads and settlements between them.

Al-Qaeda has been the touchstone for the Western understanding of

terrorism ever since 9/11, but ISIS differs from it philosophically,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 536

organizationally, and even officially, as it has declared itself an entirely
separate body. If anything the two organizations – though both espousing
Sunni Islam – are currently more rivals than allies.

While Al-Qaeda, in its most well-known forms, is a terrorist organization,

with sleeper cells, training camps and terrorist attacks, ISIS as of now is more
a militia and a rogue territory with its own infrastructure, more similar to
Boko Haram and other localized fiefdoms that have spawned in lawless or
failed African states.

Al-Qaeda has become more conscious of avoiding acts of indiscriminate or

counter-productive brutality since the demise of Osama Bin Laden, but ISIS
revels in it, espousing a religious philosophy so uncompromising it appears
almost nihilistic.
The areas it has secured have been kept under control by an endless stream
of floggings, mutilations, beheadings and crucifixions. The targets can be well-
chosen or arbitrary, but no one is spared – Shia opponents, Sunni rivals,
captured soldiers or “immoral” women.

ISIS operates as a half-mafia-style commercial enterprise, half pious

international charity, looking for wealthy donors in the Gulf States and
throughout the globe. It is certainly not lacking in opportunism in
commercializing its military activities. In 2012 ISIS – or ISI as it was then –
took over oil fields in Syria, reaping profits from selling the oil at discounted
prices to anyone willing to pay. It has traded in the raw materials in areas it
has captured, and even dabbled in selling antiques from monuments under
its control.

On June 10, less than a thousand of ISIS militants on soft-shelled pickup

trucks occupied the northern Iraqi city of Mosul with a population of 1.8
million people.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 537

The city was supposed to be under the protection of the US-trained Iraqi
military force of about 30,000 stationed in the region. It was equipped with
sophisticated US-made military equipment – part of the weaponry and
hardware supplied by Washington to Baghdad, which has been estimated to
cost billions of US dollars.

However, Mosul fell with no apparent resistance as scores of Iraqi troops fled
dropping their uniforms and leaving the precious hardware behind. The
militants celebrated getting US-made Humvees and tanks – some of which
have since headed to Syria to be used against the government forces – and
even allegedly captured at least one Black Hawk helicopter.
General lack of morale and cohesion in the Iraqi army has been named the
cause for the humiliating loss of this and other cities – including the strategic
city of Tal Afar close to the Syrian border and Saddam Hussein’s birthplace

Aiding this parade of ISIS victories has been the allegedly sweeping support of
the local Sunni population, who previously supported the Sunni regime of
Saddam Hussein overthrown by the US-led forces.

However, one also has to realize that ISIS is no bunch of poorly-trained

extremist thugs. With years of experience on the Syrian battlefield, the group
boasts training camps producing well-prepared fighters, and it has been
joined by scores of professionally trained overseas mercenaries.

ISIS spokesman Shaykh Muhammad Adnani has explained the group’s current
success by the will of God, saying that “the [Islamic] State has not prevailed
by numbers, nor equipment, nor weapons, nor wealth, rather it prevails by
Allah’s bounty alone, through its creed” in a recent statement posted on

It remains unclear for how long the brutal and repressive policies of ISIS will
guarantee their support on the ground in Iraq, while they are trying to win

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 538

the locals’ hearts with religious propaganda and dreams of a huge cross-
border caliphate.

The ISIS would make grounds for the Suffiani army which is predicted in
Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and in the speeches of our Imams
that the Suffiani group would be able to capture the Government of Syria and
would kill thousands of people including Shias, Syeds and its opponents.

Then Suffiani would attack Madina in Saudi Arabia and desecrate the Mosque
of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and then when they would be marching
towards the city of Mecca to demolish the Holy Kaaba, their army would
vanish in the “Land of Baida” near Mecca by the order of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 539

Different Names of groups who would become “Suffiani”

7. ISIL ----- Islamic State in Iraq and Levant

8. ISIS ----- Islamic State in Iraq and Al- Sham (Syria)
9. IS ---- Islamic State
10.ISO ---- Islamic State Organization
11.Daeesh Group
12.Al – Shabab

Some political pundits say that the abbreviation of “ISIS” stands for:

ISIS ------------Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 540

136. Destruction of Hazrat Younas (AS) Holy Tomb by ISIS

On July 24th, 2014 the Holy Tomb of Hazrat Younas (AS) - 800 BC was
completely destroyed by ISIS in Mosul, Iraq.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 541

Muslims know the tomb as the shrine of Younis (Jonah), whereas Christians
refer to it as the tomb of Jonas.

Jonas is renowned for having been swallowed by a fish or a whale in the

Bible’s Old Testament, with a similar story being present in the Koran. The
site upon which the mosque had been built dated back to the eighth century

This extremist group has no regard for the sacred sites of Muslims and
Christians and this is the same group which is claiming that it would attack
Saudi Arabia and would destroy the Holy Kaaba.

By 2022 AD, the Suffiani would control whole Syria and major parts of Iraq
and would attack Saudi Arabia and destroy the mosque of Madina. When
their army is marching towards Holy Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Imam
Mahdi (AS) would destroy their army in 2023 AD.

So the Suffiani group which would emerge from Syria after the Great War in
the Middle East as per the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our

There is also a famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about Suffiani


“Suffiani would kill thousands of innocent people in Iraq and Syria.”

Now the world is witnessing that ISIS which would lay foundations for the
Infamous Suffiani group and would kill thousands of innocent people
including Non Muslims all across Iraq and Syria. So this prophecy of Prophet
would also be fulfilled about Suffiani just after the Big War in Middle East.

More than 30 Rozas and Shrines have been demolished by ISIS in Syria and
Iraq so far.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 542
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 543
137. Wars between Pakistan vs India and India vs China in
2021 - 2022 AD

Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Sindh (Modern Pakistan) would be destroyed by Hindh (Modern India) and

Hindh (India) would be destroyed by Seen (Modern China).”

In History, Pakistan and India had fought 3 wars and there was also a major
war between India and China in 1964-65.

In 2012, the Chief of the Army Staff of India said officially that:

“We would have to fight 2 wars at the same time with Pakistan and China.”

So our Prophet (PBUH) said 1400 years ago that there would be 2 wars at the
same time between Pakistan and India and India and China.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 544

The geo-political situation in that region is worsening day by day and we are
heading towards those wars in 2021 - 2022 AD.

The sweeping majority of biased Hindus led by Mr. Moodi has came into
power in the last elections and since then the tensions between Pakistan and
India has been growing.

Similarly China has place 45,000 army troops on the borders of India where
the last war was fought between India and China.

Now the stage is being set for the future wars between India and Pakistan
and India and China.

The Destruction of Pakistan by India and destruction of India by the hands of

China is predicted by our Prophet (PBUH) in the coming future wars.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 545

138. Why the plotted leader in Syria would be known as
SUFFIANI? Why ISIS is foundation of Suffiani group?

Suffian is a famous Character in the History of Islam. Let us know who is


Abu Suffian was the leader of one of the Tribes at the time of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and faught 3 famous battles against Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). His tribe was known as “Bani Ummiyah”. They ruled for about 110
years on Muslims.

13. The First battle in the History of Islam was Battle of Badr.
14. The Second battle in the History of Islam was Battle of Ahud.
15. The Third battle in the History of Islam was Battle of Khandaq.

All these battles were led by Abu Suffian who was the Number – ONE enemy
of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 546

Abu Suffian’s close family members were killed in the battle of Badr and His
wife – Hinda (LA) took oath to kill Hazrat Ali Hamza (SA). She was the
famous prostitute of that time. She hired a black slave to kill Hazrat Ali Hamza
(SA) in the battle of Ahud. When Hazrat Ali Hamza (SA) was martyred in that
battle, she took the liver of Hazrat Ali Hamza (SA) in her hand and chewed it.

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) mourned the sad death of Hazrat Ali Hamza (SA)
and he was called “Syed us Shuhada” i.e. Leader of all Martyrs

Then his son, Mawayyiah who became the ruler of Syria faught many battles
against the 4th Caliph of Muslims and brother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
i.e. Hazrat Ali (AS)

The famous battle was Battle of Siffian which was faught at the border of
modern Syria and Iraq.

He was blamed for the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (AS) and Imam Hassan (AS) by
many groups of Islam and even condemned by Allama Abul Ala Maudodi –
famous Islamic Scholar of Jamat e Islami.

The grand son of Abu Suffian – Yazid (LA) became the ruler and waged a war
against the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (AS).

He asked Imam Hussain for Oath but Imam Hussain (AS) rejected that Oath.
Yazid asked the Governor of Madina to kill Imam Hussain (AS) in Madina.
Imam Hussain (AS) left Madina to Mecca and from Mecca, he departed to Iraq
on the request of Iraqis.

He and his family were martyred in the Battle of Karbala by the Yazidi army
and the Ahle Bait became prisoners of Yazid and he kept them in the Prison of
Syria for about 1 year and later released on the pressure of his people.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 547

His other crimes were the destruction of Holy Kaaba and damage of the
Prophet’s mosque in Madina.

He is unanimously condemned by all muslims in the world except by the

Wahabi and Takfiri groups who praise him for his extra ordinary crimes agains
the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (AS).

Now one can understand, why the leader of Syria is known as “SUFFIANI”? by
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Imams because he would lead the
mission of all the 3 main enemies of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

1. Abu Suffian (Father)……. Battles against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2. Mawayyiah (Son)…………Battles aginst Hazrat Ali (AS)
3. Yazid (Grand Son)……….Battle against Imam Hussain (AS)

There is a famous Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about Suffiani that:

“Suffiani would emerge from Syria and he would a Jew and he would come as
a Muslim leader and he would kill thousands of people in Syria and around

Now recently former American Intelligence contractor, Mr. Edward Snowden

has mentioned about the real identity of the leader of ISIS – Abu Bakr Al
Baghdadi that he is a Jew and he was trained by the Secret intelligent
agencies and now he is heading as a Caliph and leader of ISIS in Iraq and
Syria. Similarly the Last Suffiani - Usman would also emerge from Syria 6
months in the month of Rajab before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

He would be accompanied and helped by Jews to kill muslims in Syria and


“Prophecy is history, written in advance.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 548

Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi – Leader of ISIS

So the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is also correct in the

identification of foundation of Suffiani group i.e. ISIS leader – Abu Bakr Al
Baghdadi that he is a Jew and came as a Muslim Rebel Leader in Syria and
Iraq. The last Suffiani would be known as Usman in the Islamic Tradions and
he would also emerge from Syria in the month of Rajab few months before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

In the coming years, he would capture the rest of Syria and would kill
thousands of people and destroy the Holy Shrines and Tombs of Prophets,
friends of Prophets and the Family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 549

As told by our Imams, the Suffiani Group would kill the people with the

 Muhammad
 Ali
 Fatima
 Hassan
 Hussain
 Jaffar
 Musa
 Zainab
 Kadija
 Ruqqiah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 550

139. The Revolution in Egypt --- as predicted

In one of the speeches of Hazrat Ali (AS), he said:

“The people of Egypt would kill their ruler.”

The whole world had witnessed the Egypt Revolution in 2011. The President
of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak was removed from the Government after serving
more than 30 years on Egypt.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 551

Since 2011 AD, the Egypt has seen lot of political changes. The Muslim
Brotherhood President, Mr. Morsi was also removed and he is in the prison
these days.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 552

140. 18 Flags of different Countries would gather
around Syria – as told by our Imams

Our Imams told in different Sayings before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS),
the flags of 18 different countries would gather around Syria.

Now anyone listening any media would confirm that opposition army of Syria
contain soldiers of 18 different countries.

So 18 different countries are playing a major role in the politics and the civil
war in Syria.

This prophecy also came true and the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS) is coming
closer day by day.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 553

141. Battle of Karbala is still ON --- Bibi Sakina’s and Bibi
Zainab’s Shrines Bombed

Bibi Sakina’s Shrine – Bombed

Bibi Sakina (AS) was the young daughter of Imam Hussain (AS). Her name was
Bibi Fatima Sughra (AS) but known as Bibi Sakina (AS) in the history of Islam.
She was in Karbala with Imam Hussain (AS) and Shimr (LA) tortured her all the
way to Syria.

She was martyred in the Prison of Syria when the whole family of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) was kept in that prison by the orders of Yazid (LA). She
was only 4 years old when she departed from this world to Heaven.

Her Shrine is in Damascus, Syria and millions of people visit this sacred Shrine
every year. Last year in 2013 AD, this Shrine was bombed by Syrian Yazidi
Rebel forces and you can see from the picture how it was damaged.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 554

Bibi Zainab’s Shire – Damaged by bombs and rockets

Bibi Zainab (SA) was the daughter of Hazrat Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (SA) and
the sister of Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS). She was with Imam
Hussain (AS) in Karbala, Iraq when the event of Karbala happened.

She was tortured by Yazidi army all the way to Syria. She was then prisoned
along with all the family of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

She was martyred in Damascus, Syria and her Shrine is in Damascus, Syria.
Millions of people all around the world visit her Shrine every year. It was also
bombed and rocketed by the Syrian Yazidi Rebel forces and damaged.

The tombs and shrines of the friends of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
Hazrat Ali (AS) were also bombed and completely destroyed by the Sryrian
Yazidi Rebel forces in Syria and Iraq recently.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 555

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 556
142. The Battle of Siffian is still ON ---The Tomb of Hazrat
Owais e Karni (RA) and Hazrat Ammar e Yasir (RA) ---
Completely Destroyed

Hazrat Owais e Karni (RA) and Hazrat Ammar e Yasir were the beloved friend
of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (AS).

Hazrat Owais e Karni (RA) cut all his teeth when he learnt the news that the
sacred teeth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) were damaged in the war of

On this incident, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said about Hazrat Owais e Karni
(RA) that:

“I am smelling friend from Yemen. If anyone’s prayer is not accepted, ask

Owais for prayer because his all prayers are accepted by Allah.”

So one can understand the respect and love of Hazrat Owais e Karni (RA) in
the eyes of our Prophet Muhammad (PHUH) and his shrine was completely
destroyed by the Yazidi forces in Syria.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 557

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said about Hazrat Ammar e Yasir (RA) that:

“A rebel group of Muslims would kill Ammar.”

Hazrat Ammar e Yasir (RA) was martyred in the battle of Siffeen when he was
in the army of Hazrat Ali (AS). The army of Mawayyiah who was the ruler of
Syria at that time and son of Abu Suffian who faught 3 battles with Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH) killed Hazrat Ammar e Yasir in the battle of Siffian.

Their Tombs and Shrine are at the same place in Riqqa, Iraq and recently
completely destroyed by the Sryian Yazidi Rebel forces.

Tomb of Hazrat Hujr Bin Adi (RA) --- Destroyed

Another Tomb of Hazrat Hujr bin Adi (RA) was also completely destroyed the
same Yazidi Rebel forces. He was the friend of Hazrat Ali (AS) and Bibi Zainab
(SA) called him “Uncle”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 558

He was also martyred by the army of Mawayyiah son of Abu Suffian who was
the ruler of Syria at that time.

His grave was desecrated and his sacred body was taken away the Syrian
Yazidi rebel forces and later recovered.

Body of Hazrat Hujr Bin Adi (RA)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 559

So the battles of Siffian and Karbala are still ON and the forces of Yazid and
Mawayyiah are still trying to damage the family and friends of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (AS).

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Waris (Heir) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Hazrat
Ali (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) and he would take the revenge soon starting
from 28th July, 2023 from these Suffiani and Yazidi forces.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 560

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 561
143. Prediction of Important Names of Rulers

Prophet Muhammad and other Imams predicted the important names of the
Rulers of important countries in the World before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Abdullah of Hijaz e Muqaddas (Saudi Arabia)

Imam Baqir (AS) once said about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS):

“Give me the news of the death of the Abdullah, the ruler of Hijaz e Muqadas
and I would give the good news of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

In one of the speeches of Hazrat Ali (AS), he said:

“Abdullah would be the last ruler of Saudi Arabia and after his death, the conflict
would arise in the King’s family on the succession.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 562

So he is predicted as the Last Ruler of Saudi Arabia and after him the other
people in Ibn Saud family would strive to become the rulers of Saudi Arabia but
their tenure of Government would be short and temporary.

After the death of King Abdullah, our Imam Ali (AS) mentioned that:

“There would be fifteen (15) Sultans of Najd and Hijaz after King Abdullah who
would rule for very short time one after another before the Zahoor of Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 563

144. King Abdullah of Jordan and the Zahoor

In one of the speeches of Hazrat Ali (AS), he said:

“A young man from Banu Abbas would come as the ruler of Jordan and his name
would be Abdullah before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).”

So his name is also predicted in different Ahadith and Sayings of Imams and he is
described as the Young Person who would took the kingdom of Jordan and
would be the Last Ruler before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 564

145.The Last Alphabet of the Commander in Chief of the
Armed Forces who would enter Iraq – “Sheen”

Presidents of USA – Senior and Junior Bush

Imam Ali (AS) mentioned the Last Alphabet of the Commander in Chief of the
Armed Forces who would enter Iraq in a speech in Kufa, Iraq was described as
“Sheen” and the Name of the President and the Commander in Chief the US
Armed Forces when US military entered Iraq in 1990 and in 2003 was:

 Senior Bush (1990)……………………ending in “Sheen”

 Junior Bush (2003)……………………ending in “Sheen”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 565

146. The Shoes would talk to Humans before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as predicted by Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 566

Google shows off a talking Shoe

The tech giant, Google unveiled a pair of talking shoes at SXSW. The experiment
was designed to highlight its new advertising platform called Art, Copy and Code.

Google hacked a pair of Adidas sneakers to show "how you can use objects to tell
stories on the web today," Aman Govil, head of the advertising team told ABC.

The shoes can tell the person wearing them what they are doing (or aren't doing)
and can relay that information to their smartphone via a speaker in the tongue of
the shoe.

The sneakers also house a small computer, accelerometer, pressure sensor, a

gyroscope and Bluetooth.

The experiment is meant to work the way many other fitness gadgets do, relaying
information about your activity and berating you when you're not being active

"If you put what the shoe knows through an algorithmic logic engine, it can
translate it into copy," Govil said. "Now if you give that copy to an interesting copy
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 567
writer, you could give the shoe personality. One shoe could be the trash-talking

It's a novel idea but given that it needs a phone to function, there's probably no
need for your shoes to be the gadgets that do the talking. All Google really
demonstrated was that the sneakers could do what a smartphone is already
capable of.

So this prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has also been fulfilled in 2013 that
the Shoes would talk to humans before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 568

147. The Last International Hajj – 2021 AD

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said about the events before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) as:

“The routes to Hajj would be stopped.”

So as we are witnessing the geo – political events in the Middle East, it is

predicted by political pundits that on and after 2021 AD, the war in Middle
East would be at that stage that the International flights to Hajj would be

So 2021 AD would be the Last International Hajj before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 569

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 570
148. The Prediction of “Daeesh Group” by Hazrat Ali (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 571

1400 years ago, Hazrat Ali (AS) predicted about the Group – ISIS or “Daeesh”
having the following characteristics:

 They would have black flags

 They would have Iron hearts
 They would possess Government
 They don’t keep any promises
 They invite towards “Haq” but don’t follow “Haq” i.e. Right Path
 The differences would appear in that group

Hazrat Ali (AS) guided all the Muslims not to follow this particular group. He
had asked the Muslims not to help this group in any way. Because this group
would be a “Kharaji” group in the Muslims.

Now we are seeing the same characteristics in ISIS or “Daeesh” group in Iraq
and Syria.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 572

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149. Islamic Manuscripts - 3664/Al-Medina Al
Munawara - Suleymaniye Library, Turkey: Count 2 or 3
Decades after 1400 Hijri……Mahdi would Zahoor

1400 Hijri + 2 or 3 Decades after………………….1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri is within the period prophesied in the following Islamic prophecy
about End of the Time:

"Count two or three decades after 1400 Hijri. At that time, the Mahdi will
emerge... "

(Qalda bin Zayd bin Baraka, Asma Masalik Li Ayyam Al-Mahdi: Malik Li Kul Al-
Dunya Bi Amr Allah El-Malik, p. 216)

The source of this narration, is a rare hand-written book (manuscript), dated

around 300 years after the Hijra and is found today, in Istanbul, Turkey, in the
Süleymaniye Library, under the section listed as "Islamic Manuscripts 3664/
Al-Medina Al-Munawara".

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 574

The Abjad of the Arabic sentence:

“Asalam O Alakum Ya Qaim e Aal e Muhammad” i s 619

The Abjad of the Kalema is also 619

So the Abjad of the Kalema and the above Arabic sentence is the same.

619………………6 (Batin of Ali)…………..19 (Abjad of “Wahid”)

619, 196 and 169 have special Abjads.

 619………………Abjad of Kalima Tayyab

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 575

 169……………….Abjad of “Ya Ali Madad”

The entire Muslim world knows that the Abjad of “Bismillah” is 786

Abjad of “Bismillah”……………………786

The Abjad of the following Arabic sentence:

“Noor e Ali o Fatima Ya Qaim e Aal e Muhammad” is also 786

Bimillah = 786 = “Noor e Ali o Fatima Ya Qaim e Aal e Muhammad”

 Abjad of “Noor” is 256

 Abjad of “Ali” is 110
 Abjad of “Fatima” is 135
 Abjad of “Ya Qaim e Aal e Muhammad” is 285

256 + 110 + 135 + 285 = 786

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 576

150. Day of Ghadeer and the Day of Zahoor e Imam

Eid e Ghadeer is the Biggest Eid of Momineen. On 18th Zil Hajj, 10th Hijri at Asr
time, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announced the “Wilayat of Maula Ali” at
“Ghadeer e Khum” near Mecca after His First and the Last Hajj.

Now analyze the date first:

The Abjad of “Ghadir” is 1214

1214…………….means on the Day of Ghadir, it was announced by Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) there are 12 Imams and 14 Masoomeen.

The Abjad of “Khum” is 640

The Abjad of “Ghadir e Khum” is 1214 + 640 = 1854

1854…………………1 + 8 + 5 + 4 = 18…………………..18th Zil Hajj

The Abjad of “Ya Ali Madad” is 169

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 577
Now the Abjad of “Ghadir e Khum Ya Ali Madad” is 2023

1854 + 169 = 2023…………………Year of the Zahoor of 12th Imam – Mahdi (AS)

The Abjad of “Al – Ghadir” is 1245

1245………………12th Imam is the rescue for 45 (Adam)

 The Abjad of “Qasam” meaning to swear is 200

 The Abjad of “Aqal” meaning Brain is also 200

The Abjad of “Al Ghadir” + “Qasam” is 1245 + 200 = 1445………Year of Zahoor

The Abjad of “Qasam Al – Ghadir” meaning “To Swear Al – Ghadir” is 1445

The Abjad of “Al Ghadir” + “Aqal” is 1245 + 200 = 1445…………Year of Zahoor

The Abjad of “Aqal Al Ghadir” meaning “The Brain of Al Ghadir” is 1445

1445………………1445 Hijri is the Year of Zahoor i.e. 2023 AD in Gregorian


“Ghadir e Khum Ya Ali Madad” = 2023………..Year of Zahoor e Mahdi

It is said that “Yaum e Ghadir” was on Nau Roaz i.e. on 21st March, 632 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 578

151. Different Names of “Mahdi” in the Holy Bible

There are several End Times prophecies about the Mahdi in the Bible. The
following are three of these prophecies:

1. The Mahdi is prophesied in Daniel 12 of the Bible and is referred to

as Michael:

“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise.
There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning
of nations until then.” (Daniel 12: 1) (Source: )

2. The following is a biblical End of Time prophecy about the Mahdi in Isaiah
19: 20:

“It will be a sign and witness to the LORD Almighty in the land of Egypt. When
they cry out to the LORD because of their oppressors, he will send them a
savior and defender, and he will rescue them.” (Isaiah 19: 20)
(Source: )

3. Genesis 49: 10 of the Old Testament of the Bible is an End Times prophesy
about the arrival of an important person who could be the Mahdi :

“The scepter will not depart from Judah ... until he comes to whom it belongs
and the obedience of the nations is his.” (Genesis 49: 10)
(Source: )

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 579

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152. A book – “The Fall of Israel in 2022” by Bassam Jarrar

“The Fall of Israel in 2022”, written by a Palestinian, Sunni Islamic

scholar, named Bassam Jarrar. He wrote the first draft of this book in Arabic
language in Lebanon, after being deported by Israel in 1993.

The translation of Bassam Jarrar's book in English is available at:

He mentioned in his book that by the end of year – 2022 AD, the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ is expected along with the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.

It is a very informative book with lots of narrations from Ahadith of Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) and the End time analysis with the help of Quranic verses and
he also quoted Bible in various instances.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 581

This book presents a unique Islamic numerical approach and perspective to the End
of Time (End of Days or Last Days) and End of the World
Apocalypse Eschatology, the future of Christianity and the role of Islam in the End of
Time, making specific End Times predictions, based on our numerical analysis of
Islamic sources (Quran verses and Hadith prophecies), Arabic words, and historical
events. It does not use astrology (horoscope, zodiac, etc.) in the research or

This End of Time book (including its predictions) is beneficial not just for Muslims,
but also for Christians (Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Mormons, Jehovah's
Witnesses, etc.), Jews (including Kabbalists), and people who follow other religious/
philosophical/ occult beliefs and practices (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,
Confucianism, Shintoism, Scientology, Paganism, Satanism, Sorcery, Gnosticism,
etc.), as well as atheists, agnostics, and people who do not follow any religion.

For example, the book is very useful for Jews and Christians whose perception of
the End Times is limited to the Torah (Tanakh)/ Talmud/ Zohar or to Biblical (Bible)/
Messianic/ Christian prophecies, predictions, apparitions (visions), and dreams.Its
research seems to indicate that, most probably, the first phase of the End of Time
will start when the first evil person (False Elijah/Elias, Messiah son of Joseph, etc.)
arrives. This will trigger the Imam Mahdi (Mehdi) to appear, in-sha-Allah (if God is

The last evil person (Dajjal / Anti-Christ, False Messiah son of David, etc.) will come
(or return) in year 2022 AD. In response, Prophet Jesus Christ son of Mary will come
down from Heaven to Earth and end Kingdom of the Dajjal (AntiChrist), in-sha-
Allah (if God is willing). Thus, the first phase of the End Times will end in 2022 (1444

The Jews are expecting two Messiahs to arise in the End of Days (End of Time): the
first one is Messiah son of Joseph and the second one is Messiah son of David.

The Christians are expecting two witnesses to come before Jesus Christ. The
Christians believe one of the witnesses is going to be Prophet Elijah (Elias). The first
evil person (Araj or Dajjal) who will probably come in 2014 AD may falsely claim to
be Messiah son of Joseph and one of the witnesses expected by Christians. The last
evil person (Dajjal or Anti-Christ) who will appear (or return) in 2022 AD is likely to
falsely claim to be Messiah son of David of the Jews and Jesus Christ of the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 582

153. Predictions of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi of Turkey about
the End of Israel and the Arrival of Hazrat Esa (AS)

Said Nursî (1877 – 23 March 1960), commonly known as Bediüzzaman (Badi'

al-Zaman), was a Sunni Muslim theologian. He wrote the Risale-i Nur
Collection, a body of Qur'anic commentary exceeding six thousand
pages. Believing that modern science and logic was the way of the future, he
advocated teaching religious sciences in secular schools and modern sciences
in religious schools.

Nursi inspired a faith movement that has played a vital role in the revival of
Islam in Turkey and now numbers several millions of followers world
wide. His followers, often known as the "Nurcu" movement or the "Nur
cemaat", often call him by the venerating mononymic Üstad ("the Master").

Harun Yahya – A famous Muslim Turkish Scholar, in his book – “The Time of
Struggle of Imam Mahdi” mentioned the predictions of Said Nursi.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 583

He said, according to Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Imam Mahdi will perform three
great duties together and across the world. No one can perform these three
duties together.

These duties are:

1) Intellectual struggle to correct belief of people,

2) The establishment of the Islamic Union
3) The restoration of the moral values of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our
last Prophet (S.A.W.).

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi said Imam Mahdi will start his first duty at start of
15th Islamic century i.e. 1979.

The 10th Muharram, 1400 Hijri was on 30th November, 1979 AD. It was also

The next 10th Muharram on Friday would be on 28th July, 2023 AD or 1445
Other Hadith says age of Muslim Ummah will be 1.5 days or 1500 years. Every
century has three parts start, middle and end.

Middle period will be around 1445 Hijri. So he should be among us in this

period. Because Middle path is the best path according to Holy Quran.

So if we add 45 years in 1400 Hijri, we would get:

1400 + 45 years= 1445 Hijri

28th July, 2023 AD would also be 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri and Friday.

So 10th Muharram, 1400 Hijri was Friday on 30th Nov, 1979 AD and similarly
10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri was also Friday on 28th July, 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 584

154. The World is waiting for Justice i.e. “Adal” and
Justice "Adal" is waiting for Imam e Adal - Mahdi

Our 12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi would Zahoor to establish Justice i.e. Adal in
the whole world.

The famous names of our Imam are:

Hadi………………The Abjad of “Hadi” is 20

Mahdi………….. The Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59
Adal ……………..The Abjad of “Adal” is 104
Qaim…………….. The Abjad of “Qaim” is 151

Now if we calculate the Abjad of the following Arabic sentence, we would

come to know the Zahoor year and century i.e.

“Zahoor e Hadi e Mahdi Qaim e Adal”

The Abjad of “Zahoor” is 1111

Now adding the Abjad of the words in the above Arabic sentence:

1111 + 20 + 59 + 151 + 104 = 1445…………………..Zahoor Year and Century

So the Zahoor of Hadi and Mahdi who would Qaim i.e. Establish Justice
meaning “Adal” would take place in 1445 Hijri i.e. 2023 AD

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Kalma e Adal” is 194.

194………………..1 + 9 + 4 = 14…………………14th Masoom of Allah i.e. Mahdi is

the “Kalma e Adal” of Allah.

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155. Musical Instruments would be common – Prophecy of
our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imams

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said about the End-times that:

“The musical instruments would be common. The people would carry them in
their pockets and place them on their heads.”

It is an astonishing Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Before 1960, the

head phones, the walkmans, the wireless phones, etc were not in the market.

Now the people are using these gadgets and one can see in our societies that
the young generation is carrying these musical gadgets in their pockets and
the head phones on their heads all the times.

It is our Modern Culture all across the world whether you are living in East or
West. Now all the musical instruments and the music are all in one gadget
which is known as “Cell Phone”. You don’t need all the musical instrumens or
DVDs or cassettes to listen music.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 587

156. Interest (Ribba) would be Common in the World
………Prophecy of our Prophet (PBUH) and Imams

Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The Interest would be common in the world.”

Now we see banking corporations, finance corporations, leasing corporations,

etc all are involved in the Interest one way or another.

The whole world is under the strong grip of bankers. The Banking Institutions
are the Real Rulers of the Modern World if one understands the modern
economics and politics of the Globe.

IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, Bank of International Settlements,

European Bank, Asian Development Bank, etc are the real players of the

These institutions are giving loans to the Governments of the World on

Interest and the whole nations are under the Debt of these institutions.
When the nations come under pressure, they dictate their terms and
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 588
conditions and place their favorable persons in the respective Government

So whatever wars, injustice and crimes we are observing in our world are the
gifts of these Banking Institutions and the real cause is “INTEREST”.

John Perkins in his book, “The Economic Hit Man” clearly states that these
institutions fund the wars, chaos, revolutions, and civil wars in the countries
and then bring their agents in the Government positions.

So practically this “Interest” is playing the main role in all wars, disturbances,
migrations, imbalances, etc in our modern world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 589

157. Sex would be Common in the World ---- Prophecy

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said:

“The Sex would be common in the world in the End Times.”

At other occasion, He said:

“The woman would rely on woman (Lesbians) and men would rely on men
(Gays). The women would dress like men and men would dress like women.”

Now one can witness the sex industry is at boom all across the world. There is
no concept of chastity and integrity in the world. The people of the world are
involved in form of sex or another.

The following are the list of different types of Sex in our world:

 Lesbians (Sex of woman with woman)

 Gays (Sex of man with man)
 Common Law (Sex of man with woman without marriage)
 Sex with Animals
 Nude dances in clubs and bars
 Strip Clubs
 Child pornography (Nude photos of children)
 Pornography on internet (Nude photos of people on internet)
 Group Sex (Different men and women doing sex with each other)
 Sex in film industry (Sex in media, on stage, music, etc)

The wrath of the Almighty Allah is a must in the form of Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS). The sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Imams about
the spread of sexuality in the world are completely fulfilled in the modern
world which is full of sex and indescent behavior all across the globe.

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158. High Rise Buildings in Mecca --- Prophecy

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said:

“The high rise buildings would be constructed in Mecca and they would
surpass the top of the highest mountains in Mecca. Once you see that sign,
you should be sure that the TIME is near.”

In the last few years especially in the last decade there are lot of high rise
buildings and hotels constructed in Mecca.

The Clock Tower of Mecca is the highest building in Mecca and even its
shadow casts upon the Holy Kaaba. It has surpassed the top of the highest
mountains in Mecca.

This prophecy has also been fulfilled recently and now according to Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) that the “TIME” is very near. So one can now believe that
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is very near because when the other
prophecies of our Prophet (PBUH) are fulfilled exactly then the prophecy
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 592
about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would also be fulfilled accordingly
without any doubt. Inshah Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 593

159. Rise in the Meteor Shower from the Sky ---- Prophecy

A meteor shower is a celestial event in which a number of meteors are

observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky.

These meteors are caused by streams of cosmic debris

called meteoroids entering Earth's atmosphere at extremely high speeds on
parallel trajectories. Most meteors are smaller than a grain of sand, so almost
all of them disintegrate and never hit the Earth's surface. Intense or unusual
meteor showers are known as meteor outbursts andmeteor storms, which
may produce greater than 1,000 meteors an hour. The Meteor Data Center
lists about 600 suspected meteor showers of which about 100 are well

There are numerous prophecies in the Holy Bible, Old Testament and also
from our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imams that there would be rise in
Earthquakes, floods, famines, volcanoes, etc in the End times and before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Similarly it was also mentioned that there would be rise in the Meteor
shower from the sky in the End Time before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 594

All the space scientists across the world have witnessed the rise of Meteor
shower from the sky significantly in the recent years.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 595

160. Round Holes (Tunnels) in Mountains of Mecca…….Prophecy

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said about the End times:

“The round holes would be made in the mountains of Mecca.”

Now we can see lot of Round holes i.e. Tunnels in the mountains of Mecca. It
is impossible to perceive 1400 years ago that the roads would be constructed
in the mountains with the construction of tunnels. There is a huge
construction of highways and tunnels in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in the recent
years as we are heading towards the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) quickly.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 596

161. Children would become arrogant, rude and got power
in End Times

According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the children would arrogant,

indisciplined and disobedient in the End times.

Now we see the culture of indiscipline, arrogance and disobedience among

the children all across the world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 597

Even the schools are not teaching obedience and proper discipline at school
or at home. The children are literally become the “BOSSES” of their parents.

They dictate their terms at home. They force their parents to fulfill their
wishes and desires at all costs and most of the parents see their duty to fulfill
the desires of their children as their prime responsibility.

In the name of “Children Rights” the countries are giving unnecessary rights
and making the children more indisciplined and arrogant.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 598

162. Jerusalem before the Zahoor

The Last Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“If you live to see the seat of Caliphate in Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), then
earthquakes, disasters and great calamities are imminent. The Hour will be
closer to people than this hand of mine to your heart.”
(Al – Haakim)

The name of Jerusalem is mentioned as “Eelya” - A Hebrew word which is

known as “Ali” in Arabic.

Hazrat Ali once said:

“A man will come out from the East before the Mahdi, from His Household
(family), carrying a sword for eight (8) months, killing and maiming people.
He heads towards Jerusalem and dies once he reaches here.”

(Kitab Al – Fitan)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 599

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said:

“Armies carrying black flags will come from Khorasan. No power will be able
to stop them and they will finally reach Eelya (Jerusalem) where they will
erect their flags.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 600

163. Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) would announce the Zahoor

Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) who is also the Head of all Angels would announce the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 28th July, 2023 AD or 10th Muharram, 1445

The Abjad of the name, “Jabraeel” is 245

245 is the sum of the Abjad of names, “Ali” i.e. 110 and “Fatima” i.e. 135

245 = 110 + 135

The time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is at ASR which would be 2:45 pm

That is why the Head of all the Angels, Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) would announce
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) at 2:45 pm or 14:45 in 24 hour clock.

 Also the Abjad of Arabic word, “Rafee Ud Darjaat e Aala” is 1110

 The Abjad of Imam’s name, “Al Mahdi” is 31 + 59 = 90

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 601

Now Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) would announce the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on
28th July, 2023 AD or 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri.

 The Abjad of name, “Jabraeel” is 245.

Adding the Abjad of “Jabraeel”, “Rafee ud Darjaat e Aala” and the Abjad of
His name, “Al Mahdi” as:

Jabraeel (245) + Rafee ud Darjaat e Aala (1110) + Al Mahdi

(90) = 1445

1445………………..1445 Hijri………..Year of Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)


The Abjad of Arabic Words – “Allah O Akbar” is 289

The Abjad of Arabic Words - “Aal e Muhammad” is 123
The Abjad of Arabic Word – “Zahoor” is 1111
The Abjad of Arabic name – “Jabraeel” is 245
Imam’s First Zahoor took place in 255 Hijri.

Now if we add the following Abjad’s with the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi
(AS), we would get the next Zahoor Year of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

255 (First Zahoor) + Zahoor (1111) e Aal e Muhammad (123) by Jabraeel (245)
– Allah O Akbar (289) = 2023………………….2023 AD…….Year of Zahoor

255 + 1111 + 123 + 245 + 289 = 2023………….2023 AD ----- Zahoor e Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 602


The Abjad of Arabic word, “Ser” meaning Secret is 260

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Zahoor” is 1111
The Abjad of Arabic word, “Aalan” meaning Announcement is 152
The Abjad of Arabic name, “Jabraeel” is 245

The First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year – 255 Hijri

Adding the Abjad’s of the above with the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) would give the Year of His Second Zahoor Year i.e.

255 (First Zahoor) + Ser (260) e Zahoor (1111) + Aalan (152) e

Jabraeel (245) = 2023……………..2023 AD…………….Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AD)

255 + 260 + 1111 + 152 + 245 = 2023…………………2023 AD…..Zahoor e Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 603

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 604
164. All forms of Government before the Zahoor of Imam

It is said in the Sayings of our Imams that all forms of Governments and
Systems would rule the world and all kinds of people would come into power
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) so that they cannot say that if they
were given a chance for the Government, they could have established peace
and justice in the world.

Now we see that till today, all forms of Governments and World Systems
have come into power. For example:

 Kingdoms
 Dictatorships
 Democracy
 Capitalism
 Communism
 Socialism
 Islamic rule
 Western rule
 Women rule
 Black rule
 Military rule
 Bankers rule
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 605
All the forms of Governments and people have failed so far to establish peace
and justice in the world.

Now the world population is anxiously waiting for some savior to give them
ultimate peace and justice which can be only given by our last Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 606

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 607
165. The Muslims would sell their children for food and
safety before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The Muslims would sell their children on roads for food and safety in the End

Now if someone is following the war in Syria, he would see how poor people
of Syria are selling their daughters to rich Arabs for food and safety because
the rebel groups especially ISIS are either raping the women or selling them
to Arabs and human traffickers or forcing them in marriages with their

 Rape
 Forced Marriage
 Selling to Arabs and Human traffickers

This prophecy has also come true and it is telling that we are in the End times
just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 608

This is the international photo of an ISIS militant marrying a very young girl
with force.

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166. Iron Birds whose speed is more than Sound – Prophecy
by Hazrat Ali (AS) in End Times

Hazrat Ali (AS) once said:

“The Iron birds would fly above you and you would hear their sound once they
pass over you.”

Now we can see lots of fighter jets and even passenger planes like Concord
whose speed is more than the Speed of Sound which is 1235 Km/Hour or 767
Miles/Hour or 343 meters/Second.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 611

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167. 3 Abduls would rule Iraq in succession

Abdul Salam Arif Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman Arif

(1963-1966) (1966) (1966- 1968)

It is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that Three (3) Abduls would rule
Iraq in Succession and then the Most Cruel among the humans would come to
rule Iraq who was the Only One………………….Saddam Hussain

Saddam Hussain (Late President of Iraq)

(1979 – 2003)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 613

Then Imam Ali (AS) mentioned in His speech:

“Then this most cruel man in the humans would be removed by another cruel
of the world. When this would happen, Hope for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

Now all the Prophecies about Three – Abduls who came in succession as the
Rulers of Iraq and then Saddam Hussain came in Iraq and became the Most
Cruel Ruler of Iraq and then finally removed from the office in 2003 after the
invasion of Iraq by US forces.

Shahid Allama Baqir Us Sadar once mentioned about Saddam Hussain as:

“Saddam is the Yazid of our times and Yazid was Saddam of his time.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 614

Saddam Hussain was responsible for Iran – Iraq war in which millions of
people died especially Shias of Iran and Iraq. Then he invaded Kuwait in 1989
and then US attacked Iraq in 1990 and millions of Iraqis killed after that
invasion and economic sanctions by the West and USA because of Saddam’s
military operations n the Middle East.

Then USA again attacked Iraq in 2003 and removed Saddam Hussain from his
office. He was then hanged in Iraq.

Millions of people have died in Iraq, Iran and Syria because of wars, invasions
and military operations since 1979.

The birth of many groups like ISIS is the result of these wars and invasions.

That is why Imam Ali (AS) said:

“Iraq would remain unstable and unsafe till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

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168. Last 7 Years – The Great Tribulation Period

The last 7 years which extend from 28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD is the
period which has been prophecised by Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible as the
“Period of Great Tribulation”.

Period of Great Tribulation ---- 28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD

In this period, the whole world would see Great and Final War, Depressions,
Drought, Diseases and Global Disturbance all over the world.

In these last 7 years, 5 people out of 7 would die in War, Drought and

As we know that 5 out of 7 people would be dead by 28 th July, 2023 AD i.e.

1445 Hijri. Let us calculate it mathematically,

By the Year – 2023 x (5/7) people would be dead = 1445 Hijri…Year of Zahoor

2023 x (5/7) = 1445 ……………..1445 Hijri

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169. The Distance from Karbala to Syria was 1445 Miles

Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS) along with the family of Ahle Bait (AS) travelled
1445 Miles from Karbala to Syria.

The total spiritual distance travelled after the big incident of Karbala was also
1445 Miles.

1445 Miles…………….Total distance from Karbala to Syria

The revenge of Karbala would be taken by Imam Mahdi (AS) as mentioned by

our Imams.

That is why His Zahoor is in the Year ………………..1445 Hijri

Distance from Karbala to Syria…………………………..1445 Miles

Revenge of Karbala………………………………………………..1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 620

170. The Zahoor year – 1445 Hijri and our Beliefs

We believe that:

“Mahdi Hujjat Allah”
The Abjad of our Kalima is:

 La Ila Illa Allah = 165

 Muhammad Rasul Allah = 45454
 Ali Wali Allah = 222
 Mahdi Hujjat Allah = 536
The Abjad of “Mahdi Hujjat Allah” is 59 + 411 + 66 = 536

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Hukam” meaning Order is 68

68.. It is the 'Hukam' of Allah
and 14 Masoomeen to recite this Kalima to become real Shia Muslim.

The Abjad of the following Kalima of all Shias in the world:

Hukam (68) e “La ila Illa Allah (165), Muhammad Rasul Allah (454), Ali Wali
Allah (222),, Mahdi Hujjat Allah (536)” = 1445….1445 Hijri …....Year of Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 621

Also the Abjad of the following sentences is 222 as:

 Ali Wali Allah = 222

 Hu Ism Ali = 222

 Aba Saleh ul Mahdi = 222

111 + 111 = 222

The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Aala” meaning The Highest is 111

There are 600 Alqabat of Imam Mahdi and 19 Kuniyats of our Imam.

600 (Alqabat) + 19 (Kuniyats) = 619

619…………………………114th Prime Number in Mathematics

There are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran.

1 (Allah) and 14 (Masoomeen of Allah)………………..114 Surahs of Quran

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 622

171. World is awakening for Peace and Justice

The world is awakening and demanding peace and justice all across the globe.
We see protests, processions, occupy movements, civil rights movements,
disturbances, etc all over the world including US, Europe, Middle East, South
Asia, etc.

The injustices and cruelty of the Elite and Powerful have reached to its
heights and because of inequalities in incomes, prosperity and insecurities,
people have eventually come to roads for their genuine demand of Peace and

But there is no Justice in this modern World.

NO Justice…………………..ONLY…………….JUST US (Elite and Powerful)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 623

99% People of the world are demanding Justice from 1% of the Elite and

They would not deliver peace and justice to 99% and they can only deliver
wars, droughts and diseases as a gift to the populations of the world.

Now the interference from the Almighty Allah would come and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ would take place on
28th July, 2023 AD.

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172. Saudi Arabia and Imam Mahdi (AS)

It was mentioned in the sayings of our Prophet (PBUH) that:

“The Bilal mosque would be demolished near the Holy Kaaba and the palace of the
ruler would be built on mountain and the name of the ruler would be on the animal
and he would be enemy of my family.”

Now that Historical Bilal Mosque has been abolished in the period of King Fahad of
Saudi Arabia.

The translation of “Fahad” is ‘Tiger’ which is animal. So this prophecy of Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) is also fulfilled.

There is a big awakening in Saudi Arabia in the recent years after this fulfillment of
the prophecy. Hundreds of books have been written in Saudi Arabia and are
available in the libraries all over Saudi Arabia.

There are 119 gates in the Holy Kaaba, Mecca and one of the names of the gates of
Holy Kaaba is known as “Bab e Mahdi”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 626

There is another gate which is on the name of Imam Mahdi in the Madina Mosque
which is known as, “Bab ul Haee Al Mahdi” which means the ‘Gate of Mahdi who
gives Life”

It is also mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that when the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi would take place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, all people in Mecca would come
and obey Imam Mahdi (AS) and there would be no bloodshed in Mecca upon the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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173. Coming Economic Collapse in the World by 2020 -21 AD

The world have seen the economic collapse of housing market, banks, insurance
companies, car industries, etc in USA in 2008 – 2009 AD. Since then the world
entered into global recession and depression. We are experiencing a lot of
economic riots all over the world including Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and

Many analysts and economists are predicting a worse economic and market
collapse by 2020-21 AD. They are warning people by writing books and articles both
on main stream and alternate media.

Some of the books available on are:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 629

In his book, “The Mystery of Shemitah”, the author Mr. Jonathan Cahn
explained that there is a mysterious Economic Crisis cycle of 7 years and 2015
would be the 7th year after 2008 AD and 2021 AD would be the next 7th
year after 2015 AD – Economic, Housing, Currency Crisis in the world and USA
and the rest of the world.

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The Global Economic Crash is expected after March, 2021 AD according
to the History of 7 Year Cycles.

The fourth and the last blood moon was in the month of September, 2015 on
28th September as the blood moons reminds us important events in History of

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 632

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174. and the End Times – 2023 AD

In their website:, the research scholars mentioned

that the Year – 2023 AD is the most expected year of the Second Coming of
the Jesus Christ.

Here are some of the excerpts from their website:

“As a human being, a creation of God, you should know about God’s wrath that is about to
come on the world. But you don’t know – because you have not sought God to learn “what is
to come” (Jn 16). There is a strong chance that time is very short. The idea that no one
knows is a lie. Based on the Bible, God’s wrathful judgments – His end-time plagues –
could conclude by the year 2023.

The Present to 2016: The Seals

God’s end judgments involve seals, trumpets, and bowls; and the seals come first. If
2023 is correct, God’s seals would start right away. The seals involve the four
horses (Rev 6) and will include cataclysmic events such as:

 famine and pestilence

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 634

 earthquakes and other disasters
 economic turmoil and shortages
 great spiritual deception and delusion
 wars, rumors of wars, and possibly a major nuclear conflict

These horrific seal events are “birth pangs” (Mt 24) that you will see occur more
rapidly as time passes. They are from God, not so-called mother nature, and have
nothing to do with the Mayan 2012 hoax. When the world doesn’t end in 2012,
people will likely be saying “peace and safety,” but be on the alert – destruction is
right around the corner…

The major event of this time period is likely a nuclear conflict at the sixth seal. There could be
nuclear warfare as never seen before, among prominent nations. The sky will be “split apart
like a scroll when it is rolled up,” and people will try to seek shelter in bunkers and caves,
hiding in the “mountains” and “rocks” (Rev 6). So great will be the devastation, that people
will assume it’s the end of the world – but Armageddon is still years away.

How destructive are God’s seals? By the end of them, a fourth of the world’s population will
have died – approximately 1.5 billion people!

2016 to 2023: Trumpets and Bowls

From 2016 to 2023, approximately, God would release His trumpet and bowl
plagues. With the first four trumpets/bowls, God will bring destruction and wreak
havoc on:

 the earth, grass, and trees,

 then on the seas,
 then on the rivers, lakes, and springs,
 and then on the sun, moon, and stars.

People will be overcome with fear because of the calamity happening in the world.

With the last three trumpets/bowls of Revelation, the world will see massive carnage,
warfare, and death. Yet people will still refuse to repent. At this time, the “antichrist”
will arise and…

 deceive the world for 3½ years

 be the leader of a new world empire
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 635
 be worshiped by the whole world
 deceive the whole world with signs and false wonders
 and will even claim to be God and Christ.

At the sixth trumpet, a third of the world will die (another 1.5 billion people). Then, at the
battle of Armageddon, the “antichrist” and his army will be defeated by the Lord Himself,
who will return to earth at the seventh and last trumpet to judge the nations by the sword
of His mouth. At the Lord’s coming, He will gather His “few” to Himself. A great number
will be judged and destroyed immediately. Many others will be allowed to live on
(entering the millennium) and have a further chance to seek God.

You have been warned

There is a strong chance that the 2023 scenario is correct. Even if it isn’t, God’s wrathful
judgment is coming, and God is making judgments about people right now.

“Behold, I have told you in advance.” (Matt. 24:25)

If you have any care about God at all, or about other people at all, or for your own soul,
you should be concerned with what’s coming. Many, many people, possibly, are about to
die (earthly, first death). What’s worse, during all of this earthly death, billions of people
will be killed spiritually by the utterly worthless teachings of men’s churches,
synagogues, temples, mosques, and religions.

In Scripture, God never says to go to church, synagogue, or religion to find Him. Instead,
God calls people to Himself, to be taught by Him alone. Therefore, in the midst of all this
calamity, God will be trying to get people to repent and go to Him. He wants people to
seek Him to understand the end, be alert in the face of it, and respond properly.

He must be your One Teacher. If He has not opened His Book to you, what makes you
think He will open His kingdom to you? If you do not know the Word of God, you do not
know Him. He is the Word of God. That is His Name.”

Scriptures are taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), which this site would
recommend, along with the King James Version (KJV).”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 636

You may download – 2023 Timeline from their website if interested.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 637

175. Increase in Natural Catastrophes all over the World

The world has witnessed an increase in Natural catastrophes in the last few
years and they are increasing year by year.

Here is the World Chart of Natural Catastrophes of 2012:

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176. Bibi Zainab (AS) and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Bibi Zainab (AS) was the real savior of “Karbala” and Imam Hussain. She was
the daughter of Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS) and sister of Imam Hassan
(AS), Imam Hussain (AS), Hazrat Ume Kulsoom (AS) and Hazrat Abbas (AS).
She was martyred in Damascus, Syria and her shrine is in Damascus, Syria.
Millions of Muslims go to Damascus, Syria every year to pay tribute to her.

One of the foremost and big missions of our Imam Mahdi (AS) is to take
revenge of the blood of all the “Shaheeds of Karbala”. That is why our Imam
said that if you want my Zahoor, pray to Allah with the name of Bibi Zainab

 The Abjad of Bibi’s name, “Zainab” is 69

 The first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year – 255 Hijri.
 The total verses related to Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran are 1121.
 There are 19 “Kuniyats” of Imam Mahdi (AS) meaning the Names of the
Relationships like “Abul Qasim” which is also the ‘Kuniyat’ of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) as our Imam Mahdi (AS) has the same name as our
Prophet i.e. “Muhammad”
 The Abjad of his ‘Laqab’ - Mahdi is 59

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 640

Total Verses in the Holy Quran related to Imam Mahdi = 1121
1121 Verses related to Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran = 59 x 19

1121 = 59 x 19
59…………….The Abjad of name “Mahdi”
19…………….Kuniyats of Imam Mahdi

1121………………………… Mahdi (59) having (19) Kuniyats

Now adding the numbers of His first Zahoor – 255 Hijri, the Abjad of Bibi
Zainab’s name – 69 and the number – 1121, we would get:

255 (First Zahoor of Mahdi) + 69 (Zainab) + 1121 = 1445

255 + 69 + 1121 = 1445…………….Year of Imam’s Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 641

177. Zahoor of Maula Ali and Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Zahoor of our first Imam, Hazrat Ali (AS) took place in the Holy Kaaba on
13th Rajab. The Gregorian date was 28th September, 600 AD

Zahoor of Hazrat Ali ……………………..28th September, 600 AD

 Date ………..28
 Month………9 (September)
 Year………………600 AD

If we write the Date and Month together, we would get a number:

28 ….9…………………………….289

289 = 17 x 17
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 642
Now if we multiply this amazing number with the Number of Panjetan i.e. 5,
we would get the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi in Hijri Calendar i.e.

289 x 5 = 1445………………..1445 Hijri………….Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Again if we multiply the same number – 289 with the number – 7, which is
mentioned in the Holy Quran as “Seven repeated Verses”, we would get the
Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi in Gregorian Calendar i.e.

289 x 7 = 2023……………2023 AD…………….Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

In 2015, the 4th and the last Blood Moon is coming also on 28th September,
2015 AD.

28 is the 2nd Perfect Number. Imam Ali (AS) had 28 children and 9 is the
Number of Bibi Fatima (AS) – Wife of Maula Ali (AS).

Also there are 28 Arabic Alphabets in the Arabic language.

Regarding 600 AD, if we multiply this number with 2 and add the Abjad value
of the names, “Ali and Fatima” which are 110 + 135 = 245, we would again get
the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e.

(600 x 2) + (110 + 135) = 1445………………..1445 Hijri ……Year of Zahoor

The Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59. The Number – 59 is the 17th Prime Number in
Mathematics. There are 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Daily Prayers.

289 = 17 x 17
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 643
 17 x 17 x 5 = 1445…………………….1445 Hijri……..Zahoor Year

 17 x 17 x 7 = 2023…………………….2023 AD………….Zahoor Year

289 + 289 = 578………………….Abjad of name, “Baqit Allah”

The Abjad of these famous Islamic Words is also ---- 289

Allah O Akbar ……………………….289 = 17 x 17


The years between 2023 AD and 600 AD would be:

2023 – 600 = 1423 Years


14………….Hijri Century…………………. 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 644
23…………….Year of Zahoor in ………………20 23 AD

1423…………………..14 + 23 = 37

37…………………….Abjad of Allah’s name, “Awaal” meaning The First

The reverse of this number – 37 would be 73. Adding both the numbers, we
would get:

37 + 73 = 110…………………….Abjad of name, “Ali”

Also if we deduct 1423 from the Zahoor Hijri year – 1445 Hijri, we would get:

1445 – 1423 = 22………………………….11 + 11

11………………….Abjad of Allah’s smallest name, “HU”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 645


If we deduct the First Zahoor date of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. 869 AD from the
Zahoor year of Imam Ali (AS) i.e. 600 AD, the difference of years from the
Zahoor of 1st Imam to the Zahoor of the Last Imam, we would get the
following number:

869 AD – 600 AD = 269 Years (From 1st Imam to 12th Imam – Zahoor)

269……………….The Abjad of “Ali” is 110 and the Abjad of “Nuqt” meaning

Point/Dot is 159.
Adding the Abjad of “Ali” and “Nuqt”, we would get:

110 + 159 = 269………………..Total Number of Years from 1st Imam to 12th Imam

269……………2 + 6 + 9 = 17………………….17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Prayers

The Abjad of “Allah” is 66. The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Aala” is 111.
Now if we add the following numbers, we would get the Zahoor year as:

269 + 66 + (111 x 10) = 1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 646

178. Surah e Hud
d and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

"What remains with Allah is better for you if you are believers, and I am not a keeper over you."

[Holy Quran, Surah Hud, Verse 11:86]

One of the famous Laqab of our Imam is “Baqit Allah”

This Laqab of our Imam is mentioned in the Holy Quran, Surah – 11 (Hud), Verse –

If we put the Surah Number – 11 and the Verse Number – 86 together, we would
get amazing number – 1186

11………..Surah Number………………86……………..Verse Number

11…………………Abjad of Allah’s smallest name – “HU” and Imam Mahdi (AS) is
the Mazhar of ‘HU’
86………………… 8 + 6 = 14………………………….14 th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam
Mahdi (AS)

Now we know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year – 255
Hijri on 15th Shahban, Friday

255 Hijri…………………..First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Also we know that after 4 years of His Zahoor, His father and our 11 th Imam,
Hassan Al Askari died in 260 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 647

Now if we add the 4 Years into 255 Hijri, we would get 259 Hijri.

Adding 1186 into 259 Hijri, we would get the Second Zahoor Year of our Imam

255 Hijri (First Zahoor) + 4 Years (With Imam Hassan Al Askari) + 1186 Years of
Ghaibat = 1445 ………………………1445 Hijri ……..Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

255 + 4 + 1186 = 1445……………..1445 Hijri……………Zahoor of Imam Mahdi


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179. The Time would fly before the Zahoor e Imam

It is mentioned in the sayings of our Imams that:

“There would be no ‘Barkat’ in time before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

Now we all notice that time flies in front of our eyes. The years pass quickly.
We usually say that:

‘See, Muharram is again coming next month. How quickly the year passes!’

So there is no ‘Barkat’ in our time now as we are quickly approaching the

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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180. Fitna e Khawarij and Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)

Our first Imam, Hazrat Ali (AS) fought with “Kawarij” in Battle of Neharwan.
The “Khawarij” are the people who say that both ‘Ali’ and ‘Mawayih’ were
wrong and they made a group who were basically funded by ‘Mawayih’ to
fight against Hazrat Ali (AS).

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) warned the Islamic Ummah about the “Fitna e
Khawarij” by saying:

“They would have long beards and long hairs on their shoulders. They would
recite Quran with beautiful voice but no spirit in it. They would fast in the day
and would pray during the night. But they are the Dogs of Hell as they would
fight against Ali and His followers. They would kill Shias of Ali where ever
they found them. It is my will if you found them, Kill them.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 652

Hazrat Ali (AS) once said to Hazrat Kumail (RA) in the Battle of Nahrwan that:

“The same Khawarij would appear before the Zahoor of Mahdi.

Their names would be their Kuniyats and they put the names of
cities in their names.”

See the name – “Abu Bakar AL Baghdadi” – Head of ISIS

Abu Bakar -------------Kuniyat

AL Baghdadi -------------- City

Now we see the same signs of “Khawarij” in different Islamic militant groups

 Al – Qaida
 Al – Nusra
 Al – Shahab
 Al - Khorasani
 ISIS – Islamic State Group led by Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 653

There are different signs of Khawarij explained by our Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and they are explained as:

It was mentioned in the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that the Last
Khawarij would emerge with Dajjal. Now we see the emergence of Khawarij
in the form of ISIS with the help of Dajjal – Satanic World Government.

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181. Kharooj e Dajjal near Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)

When asked from Hazrat Ali (AS) about Dajjal, Maula replied to his dedicated
followers that:

“Dajjal is a satanic system which would emerge before the Zahoor of Imam

Now we Dajjal – A Satanic Socio – Political System, which has all the
characteristics mentioned by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imams.

The main characteristics of Dajjal are:

 Injustice
 Poverty
 Wars
 Drought
 Diseases

The Dajjal – Satanic System is everywhere in our World in all forms.

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182. Satanic Worship ----- on 28 th July – Every Year

“Anybody can be President of the United States, but very few can ever have any hope of
becoming President of the Bohemian Club.” – President Richard Nixon, 1972

Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian

Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club
known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week,
three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.

Extract taken from ---

“They secretly meet for seventeen days each July in a remote “sacred grove” of ancient
redwood trees in the deep forests surrounding San Francisco. Some 1,500 in number, their
membership roll is kept secret, but includes the super-rich, blood dynasty member families
of the Illuminati; heavy-hitting corporate chieftains and high government officials.
Mingling among them are a number of Hollywood movie stars, Broadway producers,
famous entertainers, musicians, authors, painters and poets. Great statesmen and – so
we’re told – gentlemen.

So what is this ultra-elite club with the bizarre Druid customs? They are the Bohemians,
formally known as the Bohemian Club. They practically own their own county north of San
Francisco, a 2,700-acre summer camp they call the Bohemian Grove. Since the 1890s, the
“Grovers” (as they are known to intimates) have gathered amongst these redwood trees

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 658

to “get away from it all,” have a little summer vacation fun, and avoid business dealings
altogether for two weeks. At least, that’s the official story.
Then, there are the other stories…some of them too strange to believe. Tales of world
leaders plotting the world’s destiny there in secret “war rooms,” hand-picking Presidents
and future leaders from the Bohemian Grove. Reports of occult rituals being conducted by
these same powerful men, clad only in hooded red, black and white robes, offering an
effigy of a human being to be sacrificed by fire to a towering 45-foot stone owl God, the
“Great Owl of Bohemia” in a ceremony called “The Cremation of Care.” Sometimes, they
discard the robes, don women’s clothing and parade around onstage in theatrical
productions or – if the spirit so moves them – they wear no clothes at all!

Things get even stranger still. Stories have come out of the Grove about wild homosexual
orgies, male and female prostitutes being engaged in what can only be described as
extreme sexual games, young children being exploited in unspeakable ways, up to and
including cold-blooded ritual murder. There are stories involving actual human sacrifice on
the “altar” of the owl God statue. Understandably, it’s all very hard to believe.

But is any of it true? Does the Bohemian Grove emulate the ancient mystery cults of
Babylon, Rome, and Greece? Do its members celebrate the old Gods such as Molech,
Ishtar, Lilith, Attis, Mithra, Apollo, Zoroaster, and others? Or is it a western secret society
like the freemasons and Yale’s exclusive Skull and Bones? Are they just having “good clean
fun” at the Grove? Or are they covertly plotting to take over the world? Why do our world
leaders meet here to share a fascination with the arts and all things Bohemian? Why the
obsession with the occult and ancient Babylon? This book proposes to answer many of the
most frequently asked questions about Bohemian Grove, investigate the rumors, fully
document what is known to be true, and hopefully destroy a few misconceptions.

Closed to the public, sealed off by helicopters, a private security force, and armed guards,
there can be no doubt that without the prying eyes of the public upon them, the power
elite may engage in whatever activities they wish at the Grove. Whether it’s crafting policy
matters in secret, dancing around in drag, cheating on their wives with prostitutes, taking
drugs, practicing black magic, or even committing murder, the pristine isolation of the
Bohemian Grove provides a convenient cover for any immoral, illegal, or “un-gentlemanly”
behavior one desires.

For most the club’s long history, the public could only speculate as to what these men
were doing in there. Books and news articles about the Bohemian Grove have been scarce;
we could only rely on a little “leaked” information from insiders and the tireless work of a
few dedicated researchers and activists.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 659

Now the truth can finally be revealed. Mike Hanson is a first-hand eyewitness who has
been inside the Bohemian Grove. In the summer of 2000, Mike secretly “infiltrated” the
Grove with radio talk show host Alex Jones. They filmed several hours of footage,
including the entire “Cremation of Care” ritual, which will be published in full here for the
first time. He peers behind the deep, green foliage and twisted vines, and the moss-
covered brown limbs and trunks of ancient, gnarled trees to discover what really goes on
at the Bohemian Grove.”

Satanic Worship on ------------ Last Week of July

 So they do Satanic Worship for 17 Days and in the month of July.

59 is the 17th Prime Number and there are 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Daily Prayers.
Number – 17 is the 7th Prime Number and there are only 7 Repeated names of
14 Masoomeen of Allah. And the main Satanic rituals are on 28 th July every

July is also the 7th Month of the Year. So ‘Satan’ is basically the enemy of
Allah and 7 Repeated Verses or 7 Repeated Names of 14 Masoomeen.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 660
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 661
183. The Emergence of Black Flags of Syed Hashmi Khorasani
from Iran and Shoaib ibn Saleh from Samarkand –

Shoaib ibn Saleh would emerge from Samarkand, which is the 2 nd largest city
of Modern Uzbekistan.

Khorasan was basically a big province of Iran also known as Persia. Along
with Bukhara, Samarkand is one of the oldest inhabited cities in Central Asia,
prospering from its location on the trade route between China and the
Mediterranean (Silk Road). At times Samarkand has been one of the greatest
cities of Central Asia. Uzbekistan in the past became the part of Russia and
now it is a separate country.

According to Imam Zain ul Abedeen (AS), Shoaib ibn Saleh would emerge
from Samarkand.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 662

The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said:

“The Sufyani and the bearers of the black banners will confront each other
while among the latter there will be a young man from the Bani Hashim in
the palm of whose left hand would be a black mole. He would be in front of
his soldiers and would be from the tribe of Bani Tamim. His name is Shu‘ayb
ibn Salih.”

Hasan al-Basri said:

“In the land of Rey a person named Shu‘ayb ibn Salih will appear having
broad shoulders, a dark complexion, and beardless. There will be an army of
four thousand men under his command whose garments will be white and
their banners will be black. They will constitute the vanguard of the Mahdi’s

Ammar ibn Yasir said:

“Shu‘ayb ibn Salih is the standard-bearer of Hadrat al-Mahdi.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 663

Shablanji said:

“The commander of the advance forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) will be a

man from the tribe of Bani Tamim with a slight beard and who will be called,
Shu‘ayb ibn Salih.”

Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah said:

“An army will set out from Khurasan that will wear black belts and white
shirts. One of the army’s vanguards will be the commander called Shu‘ayb ibn
Salih or Salih ibn Shu‘ayb who is from the tribe of Bani Tamim. They will
defeat the soldiers of the Sufyani and drive them away; they will arrive in
Bayt al-Muqaddas and pave the ground for the government of Hadrat al-

Syed Hashmi Khorasani

Syed Hashmi Khorasani would also emerge from Rey, which is modern Iran.
He would go along with his forces carrying Black Flags and fight with Suffiani
forces which are currently ISIS – Islamic State. The creators of ISIS knew that
‘Suffiani’ forces would be destroyed by Syed Khorasani who would carry Black
flags, that is why they made the flags of ISIS also Black to confuse the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 664

innocent public of the world. So much so, they also call their group as
“Khorasani” to further confuse the Muslims particularly.
The author of 'Eqdud-Durar' in chapter five narrates from Hafiz Abu Abdullah
Na'eem - ibn -Hemaad who narrates from Sa'eed-ibn- Musayyeb that the
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

'A person from Bani-Abbass shall emerge from the East and whatever Allah
Wishes will be established accordingly. Afterwards, men with small black
flags will rise and will battle out with the offsprings of Abu Sufyan. They will
prepare the ground for the obedience and submission of Mahdi.’

In the same chapter of the afore-said book, its author narrates from Na'eem-
ibn-Hemaad (from his book 'Fatan') that Muhammad-ibn-Hanafiya said:

'The people of the flag will emerge from Khorasan. Afterwards people of
another flag with white will rise. A man from Bani-Tamim called as Tamim-
ibn-Saleh will face them.... it will be then that people would seek and desire
for Mahdi.’

Again, in the same chapter of the same book, its author narrates from
Na'eem-ibn-Hemaad and he from Shareey-ibn-Abdullah Rashid-ibn-Sa'ad and
Hamza-ibn-Habib as such:

'The people of the East will swear allegiance to a person from Bani-Hashim
who shall emerge with the army of Khorasan. A man from Bani-Tamim will
face them.... If mountains confront him, he will destroy them. Later he will
encounter the army of Sufyani and will defeat them. Fierce battle will take
place with them and he will kill them. He will expel them from one place to
another until he will defeat them in Iraq. Thereafter an incident shall occur
between them as a result of which Sufyani will gain victory and the Hashimi
man will escape towards Mecca and Tamim-ibn-Saleh (who is one of the
leaders of the army of Hashimi) will escape towards Baitul-Muqaddas.
When Mahdi shall reappear, the Hashimi man too will emerge.’

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 665

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 666
184. Kharooj e Yamani from Yemen before the Zahoor

It is mentioned in the sayings of our Imams that a sacred person known as

“Yamani” would ‘Kharooj’ meaning Exit from Yemen to help Imam Mahdi

Now the world is witnessing a revolution in Yemen since 2004 AD. The war
between the Federal Government of Yemen and the Houthi clans began in
June, 2004 AD. It has been characterized by continuous fighting of varying
intensity, punctuated by multiple ceasefires and meditation attempts.

The Houthi rebellion in Northern Yemen is perhaps the largest War, the Arab
world has seen in a Decade. Most of the Houthis are ‘Zaidis’.

The Houthis share the same enemy as America: Radical Salafi Sunni Islam,
which helped instigate their emergence as rebel movement in the first place.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 667

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 668
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 669
185. Nafs e Zakia –15 Days before the Zahoor of Imam
14th July, 2023 AD ------ Martyred near Kaaba

It is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that a man from Iran who is
known as “Nafs e Zakia” would come to Mecca, Saudi Arabia on Hajj and
would announce the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Nafs e Zakia would come from Iran and he would be killed by the police at the
place near “Rukun and Muqam” in Holy Kaaba.

This incident would occur just 15 days before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
which would occur on 14th July, 2023 AD on Friday.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 670

Martyrdom of Nafs e Zakia ……………14th July, 2023 AD (Friday)

14 – 7 – 2023 (Friday)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 671

186. Distance between Imam Hussain (AS) shrine and Hazrat
Abbas (AS) shrine is same as the distance between Safaa
and Marwa i.e. 378 Meters

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 672

The total distance between Safaa and Marwa = 378 Meters
The total distance between Imam Hussain (AS) and Hazrat Abbas Shrine = 378 Meters
 Now we know that Imam Hussain is the 5 Panjetan.
 Also the Abjad of name, “Abbas” is 133

If we multiply this amazing number – 378 with the Number – 5 of 5th Panjetan and
then add the Abjad of “Abbas” - 133, we would get:

(378 x 5) + 133 = 2023

2023………………..2023 AD……………….Year of Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

 378 x 5 = 1890……………………………1

If we multiply the Abjad of “Fatima” – 135 with the Number of 14

Masoomeen, we would get:

 135 x 14 = 1890…………………………2

378 x 5 = 1890 = 135 x 14

1890……………………18 + 90 = 108…………….Abjad of “Haq”

Haq …………………….108……………………..14 Masoomeen are “Haq”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 673


378…………..If we multiply the numbers – 3 with 7 and then with number – 8,

we would get:

3 x 7 x 8 = 168…………………..Abjad of “Bism Allah”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 674

Now if we multiply the Number – 168 with the Number – 12 as our Imam
Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam of Allah and add the last 7 years of Tribulation or
Number – 7 of the repeated Verses of the Holy Quran.

(168 x 12th Imam) + 7 (Repeated Verses of the Holy Quran) = 2023

(168 x 12) + 7 = 2023…………………….2023 AD……Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Abjad of word, “Ism” meaning Name is 101. The number of Divinity is 8.

Now if we multiply the Number – 168 with the Number of Divinity – 8 and
add the Abjad of “Ism” – 101, we would get:

(168 x 8) + 101 = 1445……………………1445 Hijri….Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 675


If we multiply the Distance Number – 378 meters between the two Rozas
with Number – 3 and add the Abjad of “Allah + Ali + Fatima” as 66 + 110 +
135, we would get the Zahoor year as:

(378 x 3) + 66 + 110 + 135 = 1445……………………1445 Hijri ….Zahoor Year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 676

187. Right of Bibi Fatima (AS) and Imam Mahdi (AS)

Bibi Fatima (AS) was the Only Daugher of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
the wife of our First Imam – Hazrat Ali (AS). She was the mother of Imam
Hassan (AS), Imam Hussain (AS), Bibi Zainab (AS) and Bibi Kulsoom (AS).

After the departure of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from this world, muslims
choose Abu Bakar as the first Caliphate of Muslims and upon become a
Caliph, he ordered to arrest Hazrat Ali (AS) and denied Bibi Fatima (AS) her
rights on the Property of “Bagh e Fidaq” i.e. Garden of Fidaq which was not a
small garden but comprises of different fertile regions in more than 10 Arab
Countries at the present time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 677

Bibi Fatima (AS) came to appeal in the court to get her property but Abu
Bakar and Umar did not take any notice for 4 hours and then they denied the
rights of Bibi Fatima (AS) on the “Bagh e Fidaq”.
This is a most quoted incident in the History of Islam and written in most
authentic Sunni and Shia books. No one can deny this fact.

After few days, Umar took 4000 people from Madina to Bibi Fatima’s (AS)
house to arrest Hazrat Ali (AS) to ask him to take Oath of Abu Bakar.

But Bibi Fatima (AS) refused to open the door of her house. Umar shouted
that he would burn the door and then would arrest Hazrat Ali (AS). Bibi
Fatima (AS) again refused to hand over Hazrat Ali (AS) to Umar and his

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 678

Upon her refusal, Umar ordered to bring the woods and then he put the
wooden door of Bibi Fatima (AS) on fire. This is the same door where Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) always comes 9 times a day to salute Bibi Fatima (AS)
and to praise her.

When the door started burning, Umar hit the door and the burning door fall
on Bibi Fatima (AS) and she was severly hurt by the nail in the door and Her
3rd Son i.e. Hazrat Mohsin (AS) was martyred at that moment.

Umar arrested Hazrat Ali (AS) with the ropes and took him to the mosque to
take His oath for Abu Bakar.

When Bibi Fatima (AS) became conscious, she walked to the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) Grave and started praying.

The atmosphere in Madina suddenly changed, the walls of Madina lifted and
people realized that if they don’t release Hazrat Ali (AS), they can come under
the severe punishment of Allah.

On that day, Hazrat Bibi Fatima (AS) said to Umar:

“O! Umar, when my 11th Son, Mahdi would Zahoor, he would take my
revenge from you. I am going to my Allah totally displeased with you and
your partner (Abu Bakar).”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 679

Surah e Sajdah (32), Verse – 22, Holy Quran

“And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the Verses of His Lord,
then he turns away from them. Surely We will give punishment to the

The Abjad of part of the Verse: “Surely We will give punishment to

the Criminals.” is 1202

The 11th Son of Maula Ali i.e. Mahdi and Hadi w

ould take revenge from the
Criminals of Islam.

Adding the Abjad of the part of the above verse i.e. 1202 with the Surah
number – 32 and Verse number -22 22 and then add the Abjad of “Ali + Mahdi +
Hadi”, we would get the Zahoor year i.e. 1445 Hijri.

1202 + 32 (Surah) + 22 (Verse) + 110 (Ali) + 59 (Mahdi) + 20 (Hadi) = 1445

1445…………………………1445 Hijri…………………Zahoor Year (Year of Punishment)

1445 Hijri………………………….Year of Punishment of Criminals

The Abjad of the names of 3 Caliphs of Muslims are:

 Abu Bakar…………………231
 Umar…………………………310
 Usman………………………..

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 680

The Abjad of:

 Nifaq…………………..231……………………meaning ‘Hypocrisy’
 Munkir…………………310…………………….meaning “Kafir”
 Khaeen………………..661……………………..meaning “Dishonest”

Adding the Abjad of 3 Caliphs of Muslims, we would get:

231 + 310 + 661 = 1202

 The Abjad of “Haq e Fatima” is 243 i.e. ‘The Right of Fatima”

Now we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) would take revenge of Bibi Fatima (AS)
from her enemies, so if we add the Abjad of 3 Caliphs of Muslims and the
Abjad of “Haq e Fatima”, we would get the year and century of the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) when he would take revenge as:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 681

1202 + 243 = 1445…………..Zahoor Year
 The Abjad of “Aqa Imam Mahdi” meaning “Master Imam Mahdi” is
243. Adding the Abjad of “Aqa Imam Mahdi” into 1202, we would again
get the Zahoor year – 1445

“Aqa Imam Mahdi” -------------------243

1202 + 243 (Aqa Imam Mahdi) = 1445……………………1445 Hijri (Zahoor Year)

Also the Abjad of “Ali and Abbas” is 110 + 133 = 243

Hazrat Abbas (AS) would be the Commander in Chief of the Army of Imam
Mahdi (AS) and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 11th Son of Hazrat Ali (AS).

Adding 243 of the Abjad of “Ali + Abbas” with the Number – 1202 of the
Abjad of 3 Caliphs, we would again get the Zahoor year as:

1202 + 243 (Ali + Abbas) = 1445……..Zahoor Year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 682
 The Abjad of “Aalim Imam Hadi” meaning “The Scholar Imam Hadi” is
243. Adding the Abjad of “Aalim Imam Hadi” into 1202, we would again
get the Zahoor year – 1445

“Aalim Imam Hadi” -------------------243

1202 + 243 (Aalim Imam Hadi) = 1445……………………1445 Hijri (Zahoor Year)

Also the Abjad of:

Imam Hadi (82 + 20 = 102)

Imam Mahdi (82 + 59 = 141)

Imam Hadi + Imam Mahdi = 102 + 141 = 243

Again adding the Abjad of “Imam Hadi + Imam Mahdi” with the Abjad of
1202, we would get:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 683

1202 + 243 (Imam Hadi + Imam Mahdi) = 1445…………….Zahoor Year

Recently on 5th March, 2015 AD on Thursday, the Tomb of Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) turned Red on the Shahdat day of Bibi Fatima (AS) i.e.
15 Jamadi Ul Awwal, 1436 Hijri.

It shows How sad is our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on her Shahdat and it
also shows that the Year of Zahoor of our Imam is very near i.e. 1445 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 684

188. Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) ---- Hijri Centuries and Years

 Imam Mahdi’s first Zahoor took place in 255 Hijri.

 Imam Mahdi’s second Zahoor would take place in 1445 Hijri.

First Zahoor Second Zahoor

255 Hijri 1445 Hijri

2 (Century) 55 (Year) 14 (Century) 45 (Year)

The reverse number of 2 is 2. The reverse number of 55 is also 55.

The reverse number of 14 is 41. The reverse number of 45 is 54.

Hijri year – 255

 Adding 2 with 2, we would get -- Number – 4
 Adding 55 with 55, we would get – Number – 110

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 685

Hijri year - 1445
 Adding 14 with 41, we would get --- Number – 55
 Adding 45 with 54, we would get --- Number – 99

Now if we add the resulting numbers of Zahoor years, we would get:

110 + 99 = 209………………………28th July, 2023 is the 209th Day

Similarly if we add the resulting numbers of Zahoor centuries, we would get:

4 + 55 = 59…………………………….Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi”

59 (Mahdi)…………..Zahoor would take place on 209th Day of the year i.e. 28th
July, 2023 AD (10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri)

1st Jan……………………………1st Day of the Year

14th April………………………104th Day of the Year
28th July………………………209th Day of the Year
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 686
14th April, 2023 would be 23rd Ramazan when Imam Ali (AS) would announce
the “Day of Kharooj of Imam Mahdi” mentioned in the Holy Quran, Surah –
Qaf, Verses – 41 and 42.

Also the Abjad of Allah’s name, “Al Adal” is 104 which means “Justice”

209 = 19 x 11…………………..Where 19 is the Abjad of Allah’s name “Wahid”

and 11 is the Abjad of Allah’s name, “Hu”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 687

189. 313 Companions of Imam Mahdi

There would be 313 Companions of Imam Mahdi (AS). He would divide the
whole world into 313 provinces and appoint these 313 Chosen people as
Governors of these provinces.

1 (Imam Mahdi) + 313 Governors = 314

314…………………. Divine Government of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 688

Some of the important persons from the History of Islam would join Imam
Mahdi (AS) as their 313 Companions. Among them are:

 Ashab e Kahf --------------------7 People who slept 309 years and then
awake with the order of Allah. One of the Surah in the Holy Quran is in
their name…………Surah e Kahf
 Hazrat Abbas (AS)………….He would be the commander in chief of the
army of Imam Mahdi (AS) and Governor of Iran
 Hazrat Salman e Muhammadi (RA)
 Hazrat Malik e Ashtar…………….He would be the Governor of Egypt and
among the 313 people

“Prophecy is history, written in advance.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 689

190. People from Boston, Massachusetts, USA would
join Imam Mahdi

Most of the Sayings of our Imams indicate that lot of people from Europe and
USA would join Imam Mahdi.

Even the name, “Bostan” is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that 3 to
30 people would come from “Bostan” to join Imam Mahdi.

Now the place “Bostan” in USA is the famous place, “BOSTON” which is in
Massachusetts State.

Boston is known in US History for many important intellectual and

technological institutions and universities like MIT and Boston University.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 690

As the magicians and the intellectuals in the Pharoah’s palace surrendered
before Hazrat Musa (AS) when he showed his miracle from his wooden stick
when it became a large snake and swollen all the snakes of those magicians.

This story is mentioned in Surah e Qasas, Para – 20 in the Holy Quran when
they said after seeing the Miracle of Hazrat Musa (AS) that we now believe in
Almighty God of Hazrat Musa and Hazrat Haroon (AS) and Pharoah kicked all
of them out of his palace saying them “Rafazee” of Hazrat Musa and Hazrat

Similarly the intellectuals of the Western World would join Imam Mahdi (AS)
after seeing His Miracle in the field of Knowledge.

In US History, “Boston Tea Party” is the famous Historical event when the
Americans threw the Tea from the loaded British Ships into the Atlantic

The learned scholars from the Western World would be first ones to join the
forces of Imam Mahdi when they would see the miracles of Imam in the field
of Knowledge.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 691

191. War of Modern Qaruns (Bankers)

“Qarun” is a famous historical character during the times of Egyptian Pharoah. He

was the wealthiest person and also knows the skill to make Gold. He opposed
Hazrat Moses (AS) and was later punished by Allah when he and his wealth were
swallowed by land.

The modern ‘Qaruns’ of our times are the Banks. They are controlled by few elite
families in the world and they control all the Governments of the world by
influencing them and funding their elections.

The last War or Armageaddon or Third World War would be the War of Qaruns i.e.
War of Bankers and the credit of destroying the world and its population would go
to them.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 692

192. Bermuda Mystery --- Place of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Bermuda Triangle is a Big Mystery in the World. Lots of Airplanes and ships
disappeared while travelling on the Bermuda Triangle.

One of the places like Bermuda Triangle is known as “Khizra Island”

mentioned in the book “Basir ul Darjaat” which was written 1000 years ago in
the period of Shaikh Mufeed.

This place was known as the “Place of Imam Mahdi” where His chosen people
live there in peace and prosperity.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 693

There has been lot of research on this Bermuda Triangle in the recent history
but no one knows the reality of this Bermuda Triangle which is located near
USA, Bahamas and Cuba. So there are lots of hidden places on the Earth
where the people are living under the protection of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 694

193. New World Order by Imam Mahdi (AS)

New World Order is the most popular term used in the modern World
politics. The World Elite has been working to bring this New World Order for
more than 150 years.

Satan has given them a false hope that the New World Order is for them but
the Satan knows since beginning that Imam Mahdi (AS) would establish New
World Order for all the people living on this Earth.

So Imam Mahdi (AS) would bring a New World Order by bringing Justice in all
forms. He would divide the Earth into 313 provinces and appoint 313
Governors as His subordinates to serve the people.

There would be ONE Army, ONE Police, ONE World System for all the people
of the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 695

So the New World Order or ONE World Order is the Order of Imam Mahdi
(AS) and not the Satanic World Order as dreamed by the World Elite.



Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 696

194. Miracles of Imam Mahdi (AS) after Zahoor
After the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), different people would ask him for the
miracles. Here are some of the miracles mentioned below:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 697

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 698
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 699
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 700
195. World Government of Imam Mahdi

Head of the World……………………………Imam Mahdi

Governors of the Provinces in the World………………….313 Governors in 313

Provinces in the World as the whole world would be divided in 313 Provinces

70,000 Most Truthful and Chosen Shias …………………..Helpers of Imam Mahdi

1 Million Shias in the world…………………Army of Imam Mahdi

So Imam Mahdi would rule the world as the Caliph and Imam of Allah. He
would have 313 chosen people from all times who would function as the
Governors on 313 Provinces in the whole World.

Then 70,000 Chosen Shias of all times would be His helpers who would assist
him in the Government.
His Army would comprise of 1 Million dedicated Shia soldiers.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 701

Then He would establish “Peace and Justice” in the whole world and the
world would become, “Paradise” under His rule.

Even the people would be able to talk to angels in His time as the angels
would be walking among the people.

Also we know that the Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59 and the Number – 59 is the 17 th
Prime Number in Mathematics.

59………………………17th Prime Number

There are also 17 Rakats in 5 Wajib Prayers in whole day

Now we see the link of Number – 59 and Number – 17 with the Year of
Zahoor e Imam as:

[(59 + 59) x 17] + 17 = 1445…………….1445 Hijri…….Year of Zahoor

Also: 59 + 59 = 118…………Abjad of name, “Hassan” as Imam Mahdi (AS) is the

son of Imam Hassan e Askari (AS)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 702
196. 70,000 Shias would help Imam Mahdi (AS)

It is said that there are only 70,000 Shias of 14 Masoomeen of Allah and the
rest of the other ‘Momineen’ are “Muhibeen” of 14 Masoomeen of Allah.

Once Imam Ali (AS) said:

“Seventy thousand (70,000) Siddique (Truthful) would rise from the back of
Masjid e Kufa after the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and would become
helpers of Imam Mahdi
ahdi (AS).”

Allah has mentioned Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) as Shia in the Holy Quran in Surah
Safat (37), Verse 83 as:

Surah: Saffat (37)

So 70,000 Shias of the status of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) would become the
helpers of Imam Mahdi (AS) on his Zahoor.

70,000 means a lot of people

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 703
197. Apparent Age of our Imam Mahdi (AS) --- 45 Years

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

“One of the biggest troubles is that Imam Mahdi (AS) would Zahoor
in the Age of Youth when the people thought him to be old.”

So Our Imam would be young and healthy when His Zahoor would take place.

What is the Age of our Imam Mahdi (AS)?

If we take his actual age from his first Zahoor in 255 Hijri to his second Zahoor
in 1445 Hijri, then his age is 1190 years

Age of Imam Mahdi = 1190 Years (From 255 Hijri till 1445 Hijri)

But according to Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS), he would look young and healthy.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 704

So how would He look like?

He would look like 45 years of age.

There are 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran. If we deduct the year of His birth or
Zahoor from 114, we would get his apparent age.

Now Imam Mahdi (AS) was born in the Year – 869 AD. The year of His birth is
69. Now deduct 69 from 114, we would reach the apparent age of our Imam
Mahdi (AS) i.e.

114 – 69 = 45……………………Apparent Age of our Imam ---- 45 Years

69………………..Abjad of name “Hakim” meaning The Ruler is also 69

114………………Abjad of Allah’s name, “Jamai” meaning Complete is 114

He is also the 14th Masoom of Allah.

Now if we put his age after His designation, we would again reach the Year of
His Zahoor, i.e.
14 (Masoom of Allah)... 45 (Age of Imam)………..1445…….Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 705

14th Masoom of Allah looks like 45 years of Age

14 45……………..Zahoor Year (Hijri)

Why – 45 Years?

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the son of Bibi Fatima. The Abjad of name, “Fatima” is

Now if you multiply 45 with number – 3, we would get:

45 x 3 = 135………………….Abjad of name, “Fatima”

Also he is the 3rd Muhammad in 12 Imams. There are 4 Ali and 3 Muhammad
in our 12 Imams. 4th Muhammad is our Prophet (PBUH).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 706

So 3rd Muhammad x 45 = 135……………….Abjad of name, “Fatima”

There are 3 Kalimat in our complete “Kalima” i.e.

1. There is no God except Allah

2. Muhammad (PBUH) is the Prophet of Allah
3. Ali (AS) is the Wali of Allah

3 Kalimat x 45 = 135…………………………Abjadof name, “Fatima”

 4 x 5 = 20……………Abjad of His name, “Hadi”

 4 + 5 = 9………………….Number of Bibi Fatima as 135………1 + 3 + 5 = 9

20 + 9 = 29 which is the reverse number of 92…………Abjad of name,


29 + 92 = 121……………….. (Zahir and Batin of Ali and Muhammad)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 707
Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 11th Son of Bibi Fatima (AS) and the Abjad of name,
“Fatima” is 135.

The ‘Ashra’ of our Universe is 10.

The Abjad of word, “Imam” is 82 and the Abjad of name, “Ahad” is 13.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of “Fatima” with number – 10 and add the
Abjad of “Imam e Ahad”, we would get:

(135 x 10) + 82 (Imam) e 13 (Ahad) = 1445……….1445 Hijri…..Zahoor e Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 708

198. Actual Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
14th December, 2014 AD

Late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

 King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died on 14 December, 2014 AD on

 King Abdullah’s death was announced after 40 days on 23
January, 2015 AD on Friday.

According to our Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS):

“When Abdullah of Najd and Hijaz would die, his successors would hide his
death for 40 days.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 709

His half brother, King Salman became the King of Saudi Arabia.

King Salman --- Half Brother of King Abdullah

After the death of King Abdullah, our Imam Ali (AS) mentioned that:

“There would be fifteen (15) Sultans of Najd and Hijaz after King Abdullah who
would rule for very short time one after another before the Zahoor of Imam

 The Date of Abdullah’s Death is 14th

 The Month of His Death is 12th
 The Year of His Death is 14th

Now we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14th Masoom of Allah and the 12th

If we put the Date and the Month of His Death together, it becomes:

14(Date) 12 (Month)…………………………..1412

1412…………………….is the Abjad of Arabic word, “Ghaibat”

That is why His death remained hidden or in “Ghaibat” for 40 days till the
announcement on 23rd January, 2015 AD.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 710
14 (Date) + 12 (Month - December) + 14 (Year – 2014)

14 + 12 + 14 = 40……………………….40 Days…….Death before Announcement

The people in Saudi Arabia knew that their King had died in the month of
December but because of the appointment of New King and the selection of
Crown Prince, the death of Late King Abdullah was kept hidden.

It became a tradition in Arab World to hide the deaths of their Kings. For

 The Death of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia was kept hidden for some days
and then announced.
 The Death of Shaikh Zaid of UAE was kept hidden for a week and then it
was announced.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 711

 The Death of Palestine leader - Yasir Arafat was kept hidden in France for
some days

The Kingdom of Al Saud started on 1922 AD and if we count the number of years
from the start of their Kingdom till the Death of King Abdullah:

1922 till 2014………………………………92 Years

 92 is the Abjad of our Prophet Name, “Muhammad”

His death was the major Prophecy of Islam and especially our Imams.

In the famous Shia book of Allama Majlasi, “Baharul Anwar”, Imam Jaffar e
Sadiq (AS) said:

“When Adbullah dies, people will not agree on no one, and this issue will be kept
alive till the rise of Imam Mahdi (AS). An age of a hundred year reign comes to
an end and an age of lasting Kingdom would arrive.”

If one analyzes this very important Hadith of our Imam, it was mentioned that
the reign of “Saudis” would last for only ‘ONE HUNDRED YEARS’.
Ibn Saud reconquered his family’s ancestral home city of Riyadh in 1902 AD,
touching off three decades of conquests that left him the ruler of nearly all
Central Arabia. He consolidated his control over Najd (Modern Saudi Arabia) in
the year – 1922 AD. His name was Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Rehman Al Saud.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 712

100 Years of Reign of Al Saud ----- 1922 to 2022 AD

So when their 100 years of Reign would finish in 2022 AD, Imam Mahdi’s(AS)
Zahoor would take place in 2023 AD. So as per the Hadith of our Imam Jaffar
e Sadiq (AS):

 100 years of Reign of Al Saud………………..would end in 2022 AD

 Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)…………………would take place in 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 713

A Shia Scholar in Qom, Iran said before the death of King Abdullah:

“Currently, there is a possibility of a power struggle in Saudi Arabia, as King

Abdullah tried to make up the new post of deputy Crown prince. Actually with
regard to this, if Prince Salman becomes the King and Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz
named the Crown Prince, the next Deputy Crown Prince will be Mutaib ibn
Abdullah, so we can expect tensions between King Abdullah’s sons and
Salman’s brothers to escalate after Abdullah passes away.”
The period between the King Abudullah’s death and the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) is:

o Death of King Abdullah………………………..14th December, 2014 AD

o Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)………………..28th July, 2023 AD

Total Time between the Death of King Abudullah and the Zahoor of Imam is:

8 Years, 7 Months and 14 Days

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 714

There would be 15 Kings or Sultans of Saudi Arabia in between this short
period of 8 years, 7 months and 14 days before the Final Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 715

199. King Fahd before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was the King of Saudi Arabia from 1982 to
2005. He was born on 16th March, 1921 AD and died on 1st August, 2005 AD

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

“A ruler of Hijaz whose name would be the animal’s name would rule before
Abdullah becomes the King.”

 The meaning of “Fahd” in Arabic is “Tiger” or “Leapord”

So this prophecy of our Imam also came true when Fahd became the King of
Saudi Arabia in 1982 before Abdullah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 716

200. Conflict regarding the Succession of future Kings
after the Death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

According to Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) mentioned in Bahar Al Anwar:

“Whoever comes to me with the news of the death of King Abdullah, I

guarantee him the news of the Emergence of Imam Mahdi (AS), for when
Abdullah dies, the people will not agree upon a ruler after him and it will not
end without the appearance of Mahdi, Inshah Allah. The King of the Years will
be gone and the King of the Months and Days will come. It will not be long
after that Mahdi emerges.”

Then Imam Ali (AS) said in one of his speeches in Kufa:

“There would be 15 rulers of Najd and Hijaz after Abdullah and they rule
would be very short in months and days.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 717

Family of Al Saud – Saudi Arabia

So it is quite clear from Imam’s Hadith that the next 15 Kings of Saudi Arabia
would rule only for months and days and not for years until we all would see
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 718

201. The International Hajj Routes would be
abandoned by 2020 AD

In one of the famous speeches of Hazrat Ali (AS) regarding the End Times
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) given in Kufa, he mentioned:

“The routes to Mecca for Hajj would be abandoned before the Zahoor of

If we look at the current political and geographical situation of Saudi Arabia,

we see that Saudi Arabia is fighting on many military fronts with the help of
its Allies and Saudi Arabia recently launched a full scale War with Yemen. It is
also involved in Syria and Iraq Wars in helping the groups like ISIS, ISIL, Al-
Qaeda, Al Daesh, etc.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 719

Now it has openly staged a War against Iran by attacking all its opponents. It
has also helped Bahrain by sending its military to crush Shia uprising in

Saudi Arabia spends approximately 80 Billion Dollars on military purposes

and spends around 70 Billion Dollars to spread “Wahabism” its Radical Islamic
Philosophy to be propogated all over the World.

The military analysts are predicting that if the current situation worsens, then
2020 AD would be the Last International Hajj because Saudi Arabia might
involve itself with the direct military confrontration with Iran.

Western countries are behind Saudi Arabia if such military action would take
place and thus the prophecy of Hazrat Ali (AS) would be fulfilled when the
International routes to Mecca for Hajj would be abandoned.

Last International Hajj Event in Mecca------------------------- 2020 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 720

202. Real and Complete Quran would be introduced
by Imam Mahdi (AS)

The real and complete Holy Quran is safe and sound in the hands of “Qaim e
Aal e Muhammad” i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS).

The above Hadith of Imam Baqir (AS) is the solid proof of the fact that the
Holy Quran in our hands is not that Quran which is revealed to the Holy
Prophet (PBUH).

Then our First Imam, Hazrat Ali encrypted the Holy Quran by saying that:

“The Holy Quran contains 378,025 Arabic Alphabets.”

The current Holy Quran contains 324,732 Arabic Alphabets with 77,878 Arabic

So the difference is: 378,025 – 324,732 = 53,293 Arabic Alphabets

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 721

Bismillah contains 19 Arabic Alphabets and it is a complete Verse or Ayat.

So if we divide 53,293 with Number – 19, we are missing 2804 Ayats like
Bismillah in the Holy Quran.

Or if we take the average of the current Holy Quran, there are approximately
51 Alphabets in 1 Ayat (Quranic Sentence) on average i.e.

324732 divided by Number of Ayats i.e. 6346, we would get:

324732/6346 = 51 (Approx)

So there are 1045 Ayats missing in the Holy Quran with the current average.

1045 (Approx) missing Ayats (Quranic sentences) in the current Holy Quran

The Middle of the Current Quran comes in the 19th Verse of 15th Para in Sura –
18 (Surah e Kahaf).

The Middle Word of the Current Quran is “Le Yatlaf” meaning “To Speak

The Middle Word of the Complete Quran would be 378,025/2 = 189013

189013………………18 + 90 + 13 = 121

The Zahir and Batin of both “Muhammad” and “Ali” is also 121

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 722

Muhammad (92)……….Zahir
Muhammad (29)………Batin ……………..The reverse number of 92 is 29

92 (Zahir) + 29 (Batin) = 121

Ali (110)…………….Zahir
Ali (011)…………….Batin…………………………The Reverse number of 110 is 011

11……………is also the Abjad of Allah’s smallest name, “HU”

110 (Zahir) + 011 (Batin) = 121

Muhammad (Zahir + Batin) = 121 = Ali (Zahir + Batin)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 723

The total Abjad of all the current Holy Quran is:

Abjad of the Current Holy Quran = 23,466,310

The research scholars of the Holy Quran know this fact that the present Holy
Quran has following characteristics in it.

 The Arrangement of the Ayats (Sentences of the Holy Quran) is not

according to the Nazool of the Holy Quran upon the Holy Prophet.
 The total Arabic Alphabets in the complete Holy Quran should be
378,025 according to Hazrat Ali but there are only 324,732 Arabic
Alphabets in the current Holy Quran which means there are 53,293
Arabic Alphabets missing in the Holy Quran
 According to the missing Arabic Alphabets, 5 more Paras would be
added in the current Quran. The current Quran has 30 Paras and with
the addition of 5 Paras, they would become 35 Paras.
 So if the Arabic Alphabets are missing so many Ayats (Sentences) are
missing from the current Holy Quran which may contain the “Fazilat”
i.e. the Superiority of the family of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or
some orders which the Ummah (Muslims) do not want to follow.
 The Aaraaf or the Pronounciation of some of the Holy Ayats (sentences)
is wrong.
 The Names of some of the chapters of the Holy Quran has been
 Even in Dua e “Saname Quresh”, Imam Ali (AS) said that there are
changes made in the Holy Quran. Similarly in “Ziyarat e Jamiah”, Imam
said: “There are changes made in the Holy Quran.”

So wait for the Real and Complete Holy Quran which is completely safe in
the hands of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 724

Read the last line of “Ziyrat e Jame Masoomeen” printed in Iran. It clearly
states “Haraft al Quran” meaning the changes made in the Holy Quran.

The Actual Abjad of the Holy Quran would be:

Alphabets of the Holy Quran = 378,025

Multiply by Number - 70 (The Abjad of Arabic Letter - "Aeen")

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 725

Abjad of the Holy Quran = 378,025 x 70 = 26,461,750

Read the second last line of “Dua Saname Quresh” which is a famous Dua
and prohibited in Saudi Arabia to read or to carry. It is a Dua of Imam Ali
(AS) in which He said about the Changes made in the Holy Quran. He made
88 allegations on the renowned criminals of Islam.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 726

203. Army of Suffiani would be killed by Imam Mahdi

It is mentioned in the sayings of our Imams that:

“The army of Suffiani would be killed at Muqam e Baida near Mecca by Imam
Mahdi when they are advancing towards Mecca to destroy Kaaba.”

There would be approximately 12,000 people in the Army of Suffiani who

would be marching towards Mecca to destroy Kaaba when Imam Mahdi (AS)
would bury the whole army at “Muqam e Baida” near Mecca and would send
four (4) people of Suffiani army by turning their faces around back to Suffiani
to deliver the message of Imam.

Recently ISIS – the renowned terrorist group which is basically the foundation
stone of “Suffiani” group has planned to attack and destroy Holy Kaaba. That
is why Saudi Arabia place army on the borders of Syria and Saudi Arabia.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 727

The name of the Last Suffiani just before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
would be “USMAN”. He would emerge in the month of Rajab before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. Rajab, 1444 Hijri which would start on 23rd
January, 2023 AD. It was also mentioned that on the same day in the month
of Rajab before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the other two (2) persons -
Syed Yamani from South Yemen and Syed Kharasani would also emerge to
help Imam Mahdi (AS) before and after His Zahoor.

1st Rajab, 1444 Hijri ...............23rd January, 2023 AD

23 - 1 - 2023..............Rajab, 1441 Hijri

23rd Day of the year - 23rd year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 728

204. Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) after 46th Generation
of Naqvi Al Bukhari Sadaat

It is well known among the Shia Scholars that the 46th Generation of Naqvi
Sadaat would see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

A book written by Syed Wilayat Shah Shirazi in 2006 AD, “Brief History of my
Respected Forefathers (Sadaat Shirazi/Bukhari) also available on compiled the list of all his Naqvi Al Bukari Sadaat
forefathers starting from Prophet Muhammad to the author’s generation
who is the 46th Generation.

One can download the book from the website listed below:

Now the children of the author, Syed Wilayat Shah who belong to the 46 th
Generation of Naqvi Al Bukhari Sadaat starting from Prophet Muhammad

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 729

List of the 46 Generations of Naqvi Al Bukhari Sadaat from Prophet
(Genealogy – Shajara e Tayyiba of Naqvi Sadaat)

With due respect and courtesy from the author, we are taking the names of
his forefathers to validate that the 46th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat are the
living generation and they would see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) + Bibi Khadija (SA)

2. Bibi Fatima (SA) + Imam Ali (SA)
3. Imam Hussain (SA)
4. Imam Ali Zain ul Abedeen (SA)
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir (SA)
6. Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (SA)
7. Imam Musa e Kazim (SA)
8. Imam Ali Raza (SA)
9. Imam Muhammad Taqi (SA)
10. Imam Ali Naqi (SA)
11. Abu Ali Jafar e Sani Askari (RA) ----- Brother of Imam Hasan Askari (SA)
12. Abu Abdullah Ali Asghar Al Ashtar (RA) ---- Cousin of Imam Mahdi (SA)
13. Abu Ahmad Shahabuddin Abdullah
14. Jalaluddin Ahmad Qatal Bukhari

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 730

15. Abu Muhammad Nasiruddin Mahmood Asghar Mukhtarullah
16. Abu Al Fateh Safiuddin Muhammad
17. Syed Abu Ali Jafar
18. Syed Ali Al Moeed
19. Syed Jalaluddin Abu Al-Barakat Hassan Mir Surkh Bukhari
20. Syed Sultan Ahmad Kabir
21. Syed Jalaluddin Hussain
22. Syed Nasirud – Din Mahmood
23. Syed Nizamuddin Shah
24. Syed Niamat Wali Shah
25. Syed Rahmat Wali Shah
26. Syed Ahmad Shah
27. Syed Abbas Shah
28. Syed Mahr Wali Shah
29. Syed Omar Wali Shah
30. Syed Mubarak Wali Shah
31. Syed Niamat Wali Shah
32. Syed Rahmat Wali Shah
33. Syed Sher Muhammad Wali Shah
34. Syed Muhammad Ibrahim Shah
35. Syed Hassan Shah
36. Syed Haroon Shah
37. Syed Muhammad Ahmad Shah
38. Syed Pir Sadaat Shah
39. Syed Maazud – Din Shah
40. Syed Mahboob Shah
41. Syed Amir Asif Shah
42. Syed Rahmat Wali Shah
43. Syed Muhammad Shafiullah Shah
44. Syed Haroon Shah
45. Syed Wilayat Shah Shirazi …………author of the book
46. Syed Haider Shah, Syed Shahid Shah, and other sons and daughters

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 731

The 45th and 46th Living Generations of Naqvi Sadaat are witnessing the signs
of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

45th Living Generation of Naqvi Sadaat:

14th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS) would see the 45th Generation of
Naqvi Sadaat.

14th Masoom……………45th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat

14…………….45……………………….1445 Hijri……………….The Zahoor Year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 732

46th Living Generation of Naqvi Sadaat:

The Abjad of “Wali” is 46. Imam Mahdi (AS) is the ‘Wali’ of Allah.

46th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat would see the “Wali” of Allah i.e.
Imam Mahdi (AS)

The reverse number of 46 is 64. The Abjad of “Deen” meaning Religion is 64.

Adding both the Numbers – 46 + 64 = 110

46 (Wali) + 64 (Deen) = 110 (Ali)

Wali e Deen = Ali (110)

Imam Mahdi (AS) is also “Wali e Deen” and 11th Son of Imam Ali (110)

That is why the 46th Generation of Naqvi Sadaat would see the Zahoor of
“Wali e Deen” i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS). Inshah Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 733

205. War of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the Year – 2024 AD

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

“Imam Mahdi would wage war against the enemies of Allah from the month
of Safar for full one year till next Safar.”

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place on 10th Muharram, 1445
Hijri i.e 28th July, 2023 AD.

1st Safar, 1445 Hijri would be on 18th August, 2023 AD – Friday.

War of Imam Mahdi (AS) would start on 18th August, 2023 AD, Friday i.e. 1st
Safar, 1445 Hijri

1st Safar, 1445 Hijri……………………1(Day) – 2 (Month) – 1445 (Year)

18th August, 2023 AD……………………………..18 (Day) – 8(Month) – 2023 (Year)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 734
The war of Imam Mahdi (AS) would continue till next year and would finish in
the same month of Safar, 1446 Hijri i.e. 28th Safar, 1446 Hijri

Duration of War of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1st Safar, 1445 Hijri -----to-------28th Safar, 1446 Hijri

28th Safar, 1446 Hijri…………………………..2nd September, 2024 AD (Monday)

1446 Hijri……………………….2024 AD

There are also 24 Verses in the Surah e Hashr (Qiyamat e Sughra) - Chapter -
59 in the Holy Quran. 59 is also the Abjad of name,

 "Mahdi" (59)..............5 + 9 = 14..................14th Masoom of Allah

 Surah e Hashr.....................59th Surah

 Verses in Surah e Hashr................. 24 Verses

The Hijri Year would be 46th of 15th Century Hijri

If we multiply the Number – 46 with Number – 44, we would get:

46 x 44 = 2024…………………………Year --- 2024 AD

46 is the Abjad of name, “Wali” and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the “Wali” of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 735

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 736
206. Punishment of Major Criminals by Imam Mahdi
(AS) in the Year – 2025 AD

The Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is 59

If we multiply the numbers – 5 and 9, we would get:

59…………………….5 x 9 = 45

45 is the Abjad of name, “ADAM”

Now if we multiply the number – 45 again with number – 45, we would get:

45 x 45 = 2025………………………Year – 2025 AD

45 (ADAM) x 45 (ADAM) = 2025………….............Year – 2025 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 737

Imam Mahdi (AS) would take revenge by punishing Evil Adam and rewarding
Good Adam.

So the year – 2025 is the Year of Punishment of Criminals of Humanity by the

Hands of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 738

207. Establishment & Start of Divine Kingdom by
Imam Mahdi (AS) in the Year – 2026 AD

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14th Masoom of Allah.

If we multiply 14 again with the Number – 14, we would get:

14 x 14 = 196
Now add the result --- 196 in the Year – 2026 AD, we would get:

196 + 2026 = 2222

2222 = 1111 + 1111

The Abjad of word, “Zahoor” is 1111

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 739

2222 = 1111 (Zahoor e Zaat) + 1111 (Zahoor e Sifat)

1111…………………Zahoor e Zaat

1111…………………Zahoor e Sifat

So in the Year – 2026 AD, both the Zahoor of Zaat and Zahoor of Sifat e Ilahi
would take place and the Establishment of the Divine Kingdom would take

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the “Mazhar e Hu”. Other Imams were the “Mazhar

11 x 101 = 1111

The Abjad of Allah’s name, “HU” is 11

The Abjad of name, “Ism” meaning name is 101

11 (HU) x 101 (Ism) = 1111 (Zahoor e Ism e Hu)

(11 x 101) + (11 x 101) = 2222

2026 AD…………………Establishment of Divine Kingdom

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 740

208. Imam Mahdi (AS) is ‘Mazhar e Hu’

The Abjad of Allah’s smallest name, “HU” is 11

The Abjad of Imam’s famous name, “Mahdi is 59

Imam Mahdi (AS) is “Mazhar e Hu”

59 (Mahdi) x 11 (Hu) = 649

The Abjad of the names of Panjetan are:

1. Muhammad ………………………92
2. Ali………………………………………110
3. Fatima………………………………..135
4. Hasan………………………………….118
5. Hussain……………………………….128

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 741

Adding the Abjad of Panjetan’s names, we would get:

92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 583

Adding the Abjad of Allah’s name, “Allah” i.e 66 with the Panjetan Number – 583,
we would get:

Allah (66) + Panjetan (583) = 649

Allah (66) + Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) + Fatima (135) + Hasan (118) + Hussain (128) = 649

59 (Mahdi) x 11 (Hu) = 649

Imam Mahdi (AS) is “Mazhar e Hu”

649………………6 + 4 + 9 = 19

19……………………..The Abjad of name of Allah, “Wahid”

All 14 Masoomeen are “Noor e Wahid”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 742

The Special Number – 649:
If we multiply the numbers of 649, we would get another amazing number –
216, which is the cube of Number – 6 and Number – 6 is the 1 st Perfect
Number in Mathematics.

649……………………….6 x 4 x 9 = 216

216…………………………6 x 6 x 6

Number 6 is the 1st Perfect Number in Mathematics as when we add the

divisors of Number – 6, it would give the resulting number as 6.


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 743

 The Abjad of Arabic words, “Aal e Muhammad” is also 123

The total number of Sects in all the Three – 3 Abrahamic religions i.e. Islam,
Judaism, Christianity is also 216.

 Islam -- 73 Sects
 Christianity -- 72 Sects
 Judaism -- 71 Sects

73 + 72 + 71 = 216 Sects of Abrahamic religions


If we multiply the Abjad of “HU” 3 times and add the Number – 114, which
are also the Total Number of Surahs in the Holy Quran, we would get the
Zahoor year of “Mazhar e HU” i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

(11 x 11 x 11) + 114 = 1445……………………1445 Hijri…………Zahoor e Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 744

209. Imam Mahdi (AS) would kill first False Shias and
False Scholars of Islam

It is a famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad:

“Jews were divided into 71 Sects, 70 Sects would go to Hell and One (1) would go to
Paradise. Christians were also divided into 72 Sects, 71 Sects would go to Hell and
One (1) would go to Paradise. My Ummah would also divide into 73 Sects. 72 Sects
would go to Hell and One (1) would go to Paradise.”

This Hadith is also verified from the Holy Quran. There is a complete Surah in the
Holy Quran on Sects or Groups, known as Surah e Ahzab (Surah Number – 33)

The Arabic word “Ahzab” means Groups. There are 73 Verses in that Surah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 745

Once Imam Ali described the same Hadith of Prophet Muhammad and further

“Among the 73 Sects, there would be 13 Sects who would accept my “Wilayat” and
acknowledge my love. But 12 would go to Hell and only 1 would go to Paradise.”

This is a famous Saying of Hazrat Ali (AS) and can be found in the famous
book “Kitab e Sulaem bin Qais Halali”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 746

Now we list down the names of these 13 Sects among the Shia Muslims.

13 Sects among the Shia Muslims

12 Sects would go to Hell and 1 would go to Paradise

1. Alawi – The Sect who say that Imam Ali is Allah

2. Zaidia – The Sect who only accepts 5 Imams till Imam Baqir and then accept
Hazrat Zaid as their Imam, who was the son of Imam Baqir and martyred.
3. Ismaeli – The Sect who only accepts 6 Imams till Imam Jaffar e Sadiq and not
accepts Imam Moosa e Kazim (AS) as their Imam.
4. Waqifi – The Sect who only accepts 7 Imams till Imam Moosa e Kazim and
not accepts Imam Raza (AS) as their Imam.
5. Taqavi – The Sect who only accepts 10 Imams till Imam Muhammad Taqi
(AS) and not accepts Imam Ali Naqi (AS) as their Imam.
6. Nuqtavi – The Sect who says that every thing in the Universe is “Nuqta”.
Allah is also ‘Nuqta”
7. Nazari – The Sect known as “Bhore” and accept Imams till Imam Jaffar e
8. Darooz – The Sect known as “Khoje” and accept Imams till Imam Jaffar e
9. Ahle Haq- Also claim them as Shia Muslims
10. Sulemani and Kasyani– Also claim them as Shia Muslims
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 747
11. Jaroodi – Also claim them as Shia Muslims
12. Muqasir – Who believe in 12 Imams but their beliefs for 14
Masoomeen are not correct -
13. Shia, Arif and Momin – The Sect who believe in 12 Imams
and their belief for 14 Masoomeen are correct.

Once Hazrat Ali said:

“A nation would doom to fall if they place “Furoaat e Deen” before “Asool e Deen”
i.e. Fundamentals of Deen and put people of less ‘Fazelat’ before people of high

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 748

Main Groups among Muslim Ummah

All the Muslim Ummah is also categorized in 4 Main Groups as:

1. Ghali --- The people who say any one of our 14 Masoomeen as Allah. The 14
Masoomeen are Imam, Hadi and Hujjat from Allah and they strictly prohibited
anyone to say them “Allah”. They are the Mazhar, Hujjat and Dalil of “Allah” .

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 749

2. Nasbi --- The people who hate the Momineen or Shia e Ali and want to kill
them or hurt them in any way.
The Abjad of Arabic word, “Had” meaning the Limit is 12
So any one not accepting 12 Imams of Allah or exceeding 12 Imams are Nasbi and
they are the enemies of real Shias.

3. Muqasir------ The people who say and believe the “Batin” of 14 Masoomeen
as their Zahir. The people who are jealous with Hazrat Muhammad and Ale
Muhammad’s “Fazelats” and “Miracles” and deny the words and Miracles of
Muhammad and Ahle Bait. They consider Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and His family
are like other “Creations” of Almighty Allah and alike them. They don’t consider 14
Masoomeen as “Mazhar” of Allah.

4. Arif -----------The people who believe in all the words and miracles of Hazrat
Muhammad and Ale Muhammad. They consider 14 Masoomeen as the “Mazhar of
Allah” and not His Creation because Creation cannot become the “REAL MAZHAR”
of Allah’s Knowledge and “Sifat”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 750

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 751
Once Imam Baqir (AS) said:

“Allah is Shams (Sun) e Tauheed, We (14 Masoomeen) are the Shua (Rays of Sun)
and you (Shias) are linked with our Shuas (Rays of Sun) that is why you are called

So the Rays of Sun are neither born nor die. They emit from Sun in the morning
which is known as “Zahoor” of Sun Rays and they go back to their origin i.e. Sun at
night which is “Ghaibat” of Sun rays. So in the Ghaibat of Sun rays, we can not say
that the Rays exist. We only say “SUN”.

Similarly when 14 Masoomeen go back to their origin which is the “Zaat e Tauheed”
i.e. Allah, we don’t have to search them in their “Batin”. We just have to Say that
“Allah exists with His powers i.e. 14 Masoomeen”

So 14 Masoomeen are the Powers of Allah, Rays of Allah, and everything of Allah
but NOT ALLAH. This should be the real concept of Real Islam and the Real faith.

Imam Mahdi (AS) would kill 70,000 Munafiqeen (Meaning lots of False Shias) and
mostly of them would be Munafiqeen Shias.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 752

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210. The last 110 Years from the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

If we notice that in the last 110 years from 1913 AD to 2023 AD – Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS), 99% of all the Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our
Imams have been fulfilled.

1913 AD tol 2023 AD……………….110 Years…………….99% Prophecies fulfilled

If we just go through the major prophecies about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS),
we would see that all the important prophecies have been completed.

Now we are in the count down stage. Some of the prophecies have to be fulfilled
before the Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD and they are:

 Death of 1/3rd people of the World in War

 Death of further 1/3rd people of the World by International Drought and
 Kharooj e Yamani from Yemen

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 755

 Kharooj e Syed Khorasani from Iran
 Kharooj e Shoaib ibn Saleh from Samarkand
 Face on the Moon in the Month of Rajab
 Kharooj e Nafs e Zakia
 The Cry of Hazrat Ali (AS) on 23rd Ramazan, Friday about the Kharooj of Imam
Mahdi (AS)
 The Cry of Hazrat Jabreel (AS) on the day of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
on 10th Muharram, Friday
 The destruction of Suffiani forces by Imam Mahdi (AS) on Muqam e Baida
 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ in Damascus, Syria from the 4 th Sky
 Revenge and War by Imam Mahdi (AS) on Satanic forces
 Defeat of Satan and his forces all over the World.
 Establishment of Divine Kingdom by Imam Mahdi (AS)

Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) is the Father of all 12 Imams. Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Grand
Son of Hazrat Abu Talib (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 756

 The Abjad of name, “Abu Talib” is 51
 The Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is 59
Now if we add the Abjad of “Abu Talib” and “Mahdi”, we would get:

51 (Abu Talib) + 59 (Mahdi) = 110 (Ali)

110……………………………Abjad of name, “Ali”

From Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) to Imam Mahdi (AS), all our Imams are “Ali” and Hazrat
Abu Talib (AS) whose real name was “Imran” was the father of all “Ali’s”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 757

211. Salvation of Adam and Eve by Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in the Year – 1445 Hijri.

He is the 14th Masoom of Allah and would come for the final salvation of Adam and
Eve all over the world.

 The Abjad of name, “Adam” is 45

 The Abjad of name, “Huaa” meaning Eve is 15

The Zahoor year and century is also hidden in the Abjad of “Adam” and “Huaa”.

The Year of Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) is 45

The Century of Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS) is 15th Century Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 758

The Zahoor Year – 1445 Hijri

14……….......15th Century Hijri……………….15 is the Abjad of “Huaa”

45……………..Year of Zahoor…………………45 is the Abjad of “Adam”

The Arrival of Last Adam is 6215 years before the 1st Hijri Year.

6215 + 1445 Hijri = 7660 Years

The Salvation of Adam and Eve would be done after 7660 years of their Arrival.

The Zahoor Year – 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 759

The Islamic year in which the girls are considered “Baligh” meaning religiously
responsible is 9 Years

For boys, the year is considered as 14 Years in which they are considered “Baligh”.

Islamic – Baligh Age for Boys and Girls…………………..14 (Boys) + 9 (Girls)

14 + 9 = 23…………………Year of Zahoor ……………23

They need “Hadi” for their “Hidayat”

The Abjad of “Hadi” is 20………………….which is the Number of Century of Zahoor e


20 23………………………20 (Hadi)…………….for Baligh boys and girls- 23 (14 + 9 = 23)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 760

212. Wilayat and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

 The Abjad of Arabic word, “Wilayat” is 447. The “Wilayat” of Allah is

same as the ‘Wilayat’ of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and same as the
“Wilayat” of Ali

So there are 3 Wilayats:

1. Wilayat e Allah
2. Wilayat e Muhammad
3. Wilayat e Ali

That is why, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said on the Day of Ghadeer on 18 th Zil

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 761

Now if we multiply the Abjad of Wilayat – 447 by Number – 3 and add the Abjad of
Allah’s name, “Al – Adal” i.e. 104, we would get the Year of Zahoor of Imam as:

(447 x 3) + 104 = 1445………..1445 Hijri………….Zahoor Year of Imam

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Maula” written with Alphabet ‘Alif’ is 77 and the Day of
Wilayat is 18th Zil Hajj.

If we multiply the Abjad of “Maula” i.e. 77 by the Day of Wilayat i.e. 18 and add the
Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” i.e. 59, we would get the Zahoor year as:

(77 x 18) + 59 = 1445………….1445 Hijri……….Year of Zahoor e Wilayat e Mahdi

 The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wali” is 46

This famous verse of Surah e Rehman (Chapter – 55) is repeated 31 times in

this Surah.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of “Wali” i.e. 46 with the Number 31 and add the
Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid” i.e. 19, we would get the Zahoor year – 1445 Hijri

(46 x 31) + 19 = 1445……………1445 Hijri ………….Zahoor Year of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 762

 The Abjad of first and most famous verse of the Holy Quran, i.e. “Bismillah” is

786……………………7 + 8 + 6 = 21

The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Allah” is 66.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of “Allah” i.e. 66 with the Number – 21 and add the
Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” i.e. 59, we would get the Zahoor year as:

(66 x 21) + 59 = 1445………………1445 Hijri………………….Zahoor Year of Imam

 Our Imam is the 11th Son of Imam Ali (AS) and Bibi Fatima (AS).

The Abjad of ‘Ali’ is 110 and the Abjad of ‘Fatima’ is 135. Adding the Abjad of both
‘Ali + Fatima’ is 110 + 135 = 245

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Wafa e Abbas” is 220

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 763

Now if we multiply the Abjad of “Ali and Fatima” i.e. 245 with the Number of
Panjetan i.e. 5 and add the Abjad of “Wafa e Abbas” i.e. 220, we would get the
Zahoor year as:

(245 x 5) + 220 = 1445……………1445 Hijri………….Year of Zahoor e Imam Mahdi

 The First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year – 255 Hijri and there are
only 7 names of 14 Masoomeen of Allah.

If we multiply the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi i.e. 255 with the Number – 7 and add
the Abjad of names, “Ali” i.e. 110 and “Hussain” i.e. 128, we would get the Second
Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

(255 x 7) + 110 + 128 = 2023………………….2023 AD……Zahoor Year of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 764

213. Abjad of Maula and Zahoor e Mahdi

 The Abjad of first and most famous verse of the Holy Quran, i.e. “Bismillah” is

786……………………7 + 8 + 6 = 21

 The Abjad of name, “Maula” is 77

Now we know that our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam and 14th Masoom of
Allah. Now multiply the Abjad of Maula i.e. 77 with the numbers – 12 and 14 and
add into the sum of 786 i.e. 21, we would get the year of Imam’s Zahoor.

(77 x 12) + (77 x 14) + 21 = 2023………….2023 AD…….Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)

(Maula x 12th Imam) + (Maula x 14th Masoom) + 21st Century AD = 2023

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 765

214. Last words of ‘Dua e Ahad’ and the Zahoor of Imam

The Last Words of the Dua which has to be recited 3 times while striking your thigh
with your hands and saying:

“Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulaya Ya Sahib uz Zaman”

The Abjad of the above last words of the Dua is 607

Now we know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) took place in 255 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 766

Also the sum of the Abjad of Five Panjetan i.e. Muhammad (PBUH), Ali (AS), Fatima
(AS), Hassan (AS) and Hussain is 583 as:

 Muhammad (PBUH) ---- 92

 Ali (AS) ---- 110
 Fatima ---- 135
 Hassan --- 118
 Hussain --- 128

92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 583

Adding the Abjad of the last words of Dua e Ahad with the Abjad of Panjetan i.e.
583 and the Year of His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we would get the Year of Imam
Mahdi’s Second Zahoor i.e.

607 + 583 + 255 = 1445……………………1445 Hijri……………..Year of His Second Zahoor

1445 Hijri………………………………..Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 767

Also we have to recite these last words – 3 times. Now if we multiply the Abjad of
these words with the Number – 3 and Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12 th Caliph of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and 11th son of Imam Ali, so adding the Abjad of “Muhammad
(92) and Ali (110)” i.e. 202, we would get the Year of Imam’s Zahoor in Gregorian
Calendar as:

(607 x 3) + 202 = 2023 ………………….2023 AD…….Year of Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 768

215. False Mahdi Claimants in History

People claiming to be the Mahdi have appeared across the Muslim world – in South
Asia, Africa and the Middle East – and throughout history.

A claimant Mahdi can wield great temporal, as well as spiritual, power: claimant -
Mahdis have founded states (e.g. the late 19th-century Mahdiyah in Sudan), as well
as religions and sects (e.g. Bábism, or the Ahmadiyya movement). The continued
relevance of the Mahdi doctrine in the Muslim world was most recently emphasised
during the 1979 seizing of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, by at least 200
militants led by Juhayman al-Otaibi, who had declared his brother-in-law,
Muhammad bin abd Allah al-Qahtani, the Mahdi.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 769

List of the Names of Mahdi Claimants
The following is the brief list of the names of all Mahdi claimants in the history:

1. Salih ibn Tarif, the second king of the Berghouata 8th Century AD
2. Abdullah ibn Muawiya 8th Century AD
3. Abdullah Al Mahdi Billah, the first caliph of Fatimid 10th Century AD
4. Ibn Tumart, the Morrocan 12th Century AD
5. Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri, India 15th Century AD
6. Ahmad ibn Ali Mahalli, Morroco 17th Century, AD
7. Mahamati Prannath, India 17th Century, AD
8. Diponegoro, Prince of Yogyakarta, Java 19th Century, AD
9. Ali Muhammad Shirazi, founder of Babism 19th Century, AD
10. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, founder of Ahmadiyya 19th Century, AD
11. Muhammad Ahmad, Sudan 19th Century, AD
12. Muhammad bin Abd Allah Al Qahtani 20th Century, AD
13. Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi 20th Century, AD
14. Ariffin Mohammad 20th Century, AD
15. Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim, Iraq 21st Century, AD

There were also other false claimants to be Mahdis through out the history of Islam.
Some people were also considered Mahdi by their supporters or followers but they
never claim to be Mahdi.

So one can see how important is the “Concept of Mahdi” in Islam and its
importance was laid by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Imams in their
teachings of Islam throughout their lives. That is why so many people in Islam tried
to claim as “Mahdi” or some of the people were considered Mahdi by their
followers even they never claimed to be Mahdi.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 770

216. 1st Century Hijri – 622 AD and the Year – 2022 AD

 We know that our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14 Masoom of Allah.

 Also His First Zahoor took place on 29th July, 869 AD i.e. 15th Shahban, 255
Hijri. So His Zahoor Month was July.

 The first month of the Islamic Calendar is Muharram.

Now we analyze that what was the First Date of the First Day of Our Islamic Hijri

1st Muharram, 1 Hijri was on 16th July, 622 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 771

Now 29th July, 2022 AD would be 1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri, which would be 1 Year
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

2022 AD – 622 AD = 1400 Years

14 x 100 = 1400……………………… 14 (14th Masoom) x 100 (Yemen--- Kharooj)

Imam Mahdi’s Kharooj would be from “Yemen” which is on the south of Saudi
Arabic in the same Hijri year i.e. on 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri also on Friday.

The Abjad of the name, “Yemen” is 100

The Month is also the same i.e. July and 29th July is the same day of the First Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi in 869 AD. The 1st Muharram, 1st Hijri was on Friday and similarly 1st
Muharram, 1444 Hijri would also be Friday i.e. 29th July, 2022 AD

29th July, 2022 AD………………………..1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri

1444 Hijri…………………………..Year of Imam’s Kharooj on 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri i.e.

14th April, 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 772

We know that the “Kharooj” of Imam Mahdi would take place 104 days before His
Final Zahoor on 28th July, 2023 i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri.

So after 1400 years, the signs and symbols on Earth and Sky would start appearing
and the world would see the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ in the Next year i.e. 2023 AD in the same month of July i.e. 28 th July and
the same Islamic month i.e. Muharram – 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

Karooj e Mahdi …………………..23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday)

Exit of Imam Mahdi from Yemen……………14th April, 2023 AD (Friday)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 773

217. War in Yemen and the Zahoor of Mahdi

Saudi Arabian forces, joined by nine other countries, have launched a military
operation in Yemen against Shiite Houthi rebels. The offensive, which started with
airstrikes, will also involve other military assets.

The military operation in Yemen started at 7 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT) on 25 th March,
2015 AD.

US has authorized the provision of logistical and intelligence support to the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC)-led military operations in Yemen, the White House said
in a statement, confirming that Washington had close communication with Hadi,
the Saudis and other GCC states prior to the launch of the military operation.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 774

“While US forces are not taking direct military action in Yemen in support of this
effort, we are establishing a Joint Planning Cell with Saudi Arabia to coordinate US
military and intelligence support,” the statement said.

Saudi Arabia is planning to commit 100 warplanes and 150,000 soldiers to the
Yemen offensive, according to Al Arabiya. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain,
Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan are also willing to contribute aircrafts, while Egypt,
Pakistan, Jordan, and Sudan want to contribute to ground operations.

Egypt is providing political and military support for the operation, the country’s
state media said. Cairo is prepared to take part in air, naval and ground operations
if necessary, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry has announced. Media reports said that
Jordan, Sudan, Morocco and Pakistan are also part of the coalition and have offered
their support for military operation in Yemen.

In August 2014, Houthi rebels moved in from the north and demanded economic
and political reforms. In September, they seized key state installations in Sanaa.

As Houthis took command of the capital last month, the US embassy closed its
operations in Sanaa, while the two rival governments in the north and south have
continued to compete for power. Last weekend, Shiite rebels seized Yemen’s third
largest city Taiz.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 775

Now the war has erupted in Yemen as mentioned by our Imams before the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS). The wars in Middle Eastern would spread to other countries
and we would see 2018 AD as the last year of International Hajj.

Yemen is in the South of Saudi Arabia as you can see in the map.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 776

Now one can see that all the Big Scholars of Islam are also 100% convinced that we
are living in the Age of the Coming of Imam Mahdi (AS). Ayatollah Taqi Bahjat of
Qum, Iran died in 2010 and he also prophecised about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) in the very near future.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 777

218. The Arabic word – Shia and the Zahoor e Imam

The Abjad of the Arabic word, “Shia” meaning Follower is 385.

The word, “Shia” comprises of four (4) Arabic Alphabets:

1. Sheen………………..Abjad – 300
2. Ye……………………. Abjad – 10
3. Aeen…………………Abjad – 70
4. Ha......................Abjad - 5

Sheen………………….stands for “Shahdat” meaning to take Oath

Ye……………………….stands for “Yaqeen” meaning with Faith
Aeen…………………..stands for “Ali” meaning Hazrat Ali
Ha.........................stands for "Hadi" meaning Right Guide

So “Shia” means a person who takes ‘Shahdat’ of ‘Ali’ with ‘Yaqeen’ as his 'Hadi'
and as his Imam and Wali of Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 778

Now there are 3 Shahdats in our Kalima Tayyabba, i.e.

1. Shahdat of Allah
2. Shahdat of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
3. Shahdat of Imam Ali (AS)

Now if we multiply the Abjad of ‘Shia’ i.e. 385 with the Number – 3 as there are 3
Shahdats, the result would be:

385 x 3 = 1155 = 11 x 105

1155.................11 + 55 = 66..............The Abjad of name, "Allah" is also 66

Now in the above number – 1155, if we add the Abjad of ‘Mahdi’ i.e. 59, the Abjad
of ‘Haq’ i.e. 108 and the Abjad of ‘Aal e Muhammad' i.e. 123 as our Imam Mahdi
(AS) is Haq and 'Aal e Muhammad', the result would the year of Zahoor e Imam, i.e.

1155 + 59 + 108 + 123 = 1445…………….1445 Hijri ……………Zahoor e Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 779


 The Abjad of Arabic words, “Shian e Ali” is 541. The Number - 541 is the 100th
Prime Number in Mathematics.
 Now if we add the Abjad of 5 Panjetan i.e. Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) +
Fatima (135) + Hassan (118) + Hussain (128) = 583 with the Abjad of "Shian e
Ali" i.e. 541 with the Abjad of name, "Allah" and the year of the 1st Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) which is 255 Hijri, we would get the Year of the Final
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

583 + 541 + 66 + 255 = 1445…………………1445 Hijri…………..Zahoor of Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 780

219. Zahoor and Kharooj e Mahdi

The Abjad of Allah's name, "Malak" meaning The Ruler is 90

We also know that the total number of years from 1st Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in 255
Hijri till 1445 Hijri are 1190 years

Also we know that the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi is from Yemen on 23rd Ramazan,
Friday and His Zahoor would be 104 days after on 10th Muharram, Friday from

 The Abjad of name, “Yemen” is 100

 The Abjad of name, “Mecca” is 65
Now if we add the Abjad of “Yemen” and “Mecca” and multiply with the Abjad of
name, "Malak" i.e. 90 and the total Number of Years in between the Zahoors of
Imam Mahdi i.e. 1190 years, we would get the Year of His Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri as:

Yemen (100) + Mecca (65) + 1190 years + 90

(100 + 65) + 1190 + 90 = 1445………….1445 Hijri………..Zahoor e Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 781
220. Face on Moon in the Month of Rajab before Zahoor

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said:

“The year in which the Cry (of Hazrat Jabraeel regarding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi)
would be heard, the month of Rajab before there is a Sign. I asked, what would be
the Sign? Imam said: A clear face on the moon would be seen.”

Now the month of Rajab is related to the Zahoor of Imam Ali (AS) on 13 th Rajab.
Rajab is the 7th Islamic month.

The Rajab before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the month of January
and February, 2023 AD.

13th Rajab, 1444 Hijri would be on 5th Feb, 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 782

All the people in the world would see a clear Face on Moon in the month of Rajab
especially on 13th and 14th Rajab as the moon would be Full and Clear.

Even today, if you see the full moon closely, you would notice the name of “Ali” is
written on the Moon clearly.

There is another famous miracle related to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding

the breaking of Moon into 2 equal parts and then joining again. One cannot do
magic on sky and the planets and its satellites. So it was a clear Miracle of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) at his time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 783

221. Nida (Announcement) of Hazrat Ali on 23 rd
Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri at Fajr --- 14th April, 2023 AD

It is mentioned in the Sayings of our Imams that the Nida (Announcement) of Hazrat
Ali (AS) would come at the time of Fajr and He would announce the “Kharooj of
Imam Mahdi” on 23rd Ramadhan on Friday.

14th April, 2023 is 23rd Ramadhan, Friday, 1444 Hijri. It is also mentioned in the Holy
Quran in Surah e Qaf (50), Verses – 41 – 42 as:

“And listen on the day when the Crier shall cry from a near place. The day when
they shall hear the cry in truth, that is the day of Exit.” (Surah – Qaf, Verses 41, 42)

Hazrat Ali (AS) would start by saying:

“Haq is with Ali and His Shias.”

It was mentioned by our Imams that only One Nation would understand Imam Ali
(AS) announcement and that would be only Shias of Maula Ali (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 784

On the same day i.e. 23rd Ramadhan, Friday, Satan would announce at the time of
Maghrib as:

“Haq is with Usman and his followers.”

Usman is the name of “Suffiani” who would be ruling in major parts of Middle East
especially Syria, Iraq, Palestine.

So on 14th April, 2023 AD on Friday, the people in the World would hear two voices,
One from Hazrat Ali (AS) at the time of Fajr and the Second Voice from Satan at the
time of Maghrib on 23rd Ramadhan, Friday.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 785

222. Zahoor of Imam Mahdi --- 255 Hijri and 1445 Hijri

The Abjad of “Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad” is 221

We know that the first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi was in the year – 255 Hijri

The Number of Divinity is – 8.

“Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad” are the Mazhar of Divinity i.e. Almighty Allah. So
if we multiply the Abjad of “Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad” i.e. 221 with the
Number of Divinity i.e. 8 and add in the Year of Imam Mahdi’s first Zahoor i.e. 255
Hijri, we would get Imam Mahdi’s Second Zahoor year i.e. 2023 AD as:

(Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad) 221 x (Divinity) 8 + (First Zahoor) 255 Hijri

(221 x 8) + 255 = 2023…………….2023 AD………………Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 786

223. First Zahoor and the Final Zahoor of Imam

We know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri
i.e. 29th July, 869 AD on Friday.

First Zahoor……………29th July, 869 AD (Friday)……………….9th Century AD

We also now know that the Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be on 10 th
Muharram, 1445 Hijri i.e. 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday.

Final Zahoor…………..28th July, 2023 AD (Friday)…………….21st Century AD

The Centuries in between His First and the Final Zahoors would be:

21st Century – 9th Century = 12 Centuries

Our Imam is the 12 and the Last Imam and Caliph of Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 787

224. Zahoor e Imam and the Human Body

There are 208 bones in the Human body.

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi will be on 28th July, 2023. There are 208 days before 28th
July, 2023 AD i.e. from 1st January, 2023 to 27th July 2023 AD, there are 208 days
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 28th July, 2023 on 209th Day.

Now the Human body is created by the Almighty Creator on “Adal” i.e. Justice. If we
divide the Number – 208 by 2, we would get the Number – 104.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 788

The Abjad of “Adal” i.e. Justice is also 104.

The announcement of Imam Mahdi’s Kharooj and Zahoor would be on 14th April,
2023 AD by Hazrat Ali (AS) which is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah – 50,
Verses – 41, 42.

There are 104 Days from 1st January to 13th April, 2023 AD before the
Announcement of Imam’s Zahoor and Kharooj on 14th April, 2023 AD and also there
are 104 days from 15th April to 28th July, 2023 AD i.e. The Day of Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) on 28th July, 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 789


The Abjad of “Labaek Mahdi” is 121. If we multiply the Abjad of “Labaek Mahdi” i.e.
121 with the current Hijri Century i.e. 15th Century Hijri and add into the Number of
Days in 2023 AD before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. 208 Days before 28 th
July, 2023 AD, we would get the Zahoor year of our Imam i.e. 2023 AD

(Labaek Mahdi – 121) x (Current Hijri century – 15th) + 208 Days = 2023

(121 x 15) + 208 = 2023……………………..2023 AD……………Zahoor e Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 790

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225. End of Ottaman Caliphate in 1923 & Establishment of
Allah’s Caliphate by Imam Mahdi (AS) as 12th Caliph

The Ottoman Caliphate, under the Ottoman dynasty of the Ottoman Empire, was
the last Sunni Islamic caliphate of the late medieval and the early modern era.
During the period of Ottoman growth, Ottoman rulers claimed caliphal authority
since Murad I's conquest of Edirne in 1362. Later Selim I, through conquering and
unification of Muslim lands, became the defender of the Holy Cities
of Mecca and Medina which further strengthened the Ottoman claim to caliphate in
the Muslim world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 792

The demise of the Ottoman Caliphate took place because of a slow erosion of
power in relation to Western Europe, and because of the end of the Ottoman state
in consequence of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire by the League of Nations
mandate.Abdülmecid II, the last Ottoman caliph, held his caliphal position for a
couple of years after the partitioning, but with Mustafa Kemal's secular reforms and
the subsequent exile of the royal Osmanoğlu family from the Republic of Turkey in
1924, the caliphal position was abolished.

The Turkish national movement, as the details explained in Turkish War of

Independence, formed a Turkish Grand National Assembly, and secured formal
recognition of the nation's independence and new borders on July 24, 1923
through the Treaty of Lausanne. The National Assembly declared Turkey
a republic on October 29, 1923, and proclaimed Ankara its new capital. After nearly
700 years, the Ottoman Empire had officially ceased to exist.

End of Ottaman Caliphate……………..July 24th, 1923 AD

Start of Allah’s Caliphate by Imam Mahdi (AS)……………July 28 th, 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 793

100 Years……………….From the End of Ottaman’s Caliphate to Allah’s Caliphate

July ----- 1923 to July---2023 = 100 Years

The last Ottaman Caliph -- Abdülmecid II

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 794

226. Mass Animals Deaths ---- Sign of End Times

The animals dying all over the world today in huge numbers, due to the polluted
state of the sea and air. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and
dolphins are washing ashore dead. Birds are falling dead out of the sky, and millions
of poultry are dying from avian flu.

The animals of the land like cattle are also dying in large numbers from disease.
Although animals and fish have been dying all throughout history, we have not seen
the massive consistant numbers that we are seeing today. Please remember! This is
just one of the MANY signs of the last days.

In many of these events people from all walks of life are saying that they
have "never seen anything like this before".

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 795

Mass Dead Cattle

Mass Dead Fish

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 796

227. The Breakup of the Moon and the Judgement Day

(Surah – 54, Verse – 1, Holy Quran)

“The Hour has come near and the moon has split (in two).”

The 1st Verse of Surah e Qamar of the Holy Quran says that the Hour, meaning the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) has come near as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) split the
moon into two by miracle.

The Abjad of name, “Mujeeb” meaning the ONE who Answers the Prayers is 55
The Abjad of “Al Saat” meaning the Hour is 562.

 The Abjad of “Mujeeb

Mujeeb Al Saat” meaning the One who responds to the Hour is

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 797

The Abjad of ‫ا ْلقَ َم ُر‬ ‫ق‬ َ ‫ساعَةُ َوان‬
‫ش ﱠ‬ ‫ ال ﱠ‬is 1390

Adding the Abjad of “Mujeeb” + Abjad of ‫ا ْلقَ َم ُر‬ ‫ق‬ َ ‫ساعَةُ َوان‬
‫ش ﱠ‬ ‫ ال ﱠ‬is 1445
= 55 + 1390 = 1445

55 + 1390 = 1445…………….1445 Hijri…………Zahoor of the Master of Hour

Also if we add the Year of the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. 2 55 Hijri with
1390, we would get the Year of His Second Zahoor as:

55 (Year of His 1st Zahoor) + 1390 = 1445...............1445 Hijri

So Imam Mahdi (AS) would be the Only ONE who would respond in the Hour in
1445 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 798

228. Surah e Hashar (59) and the Zahoor of Mahdi

Surah e Hashar is the 59th Surah of the Holy Quran. It has 24 Verses.

This Surah mentions about Qiyamat e Sughra i.e. the Arrival and Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) and the punishment of the Big Criminals in the History of Mankind.

Now we know that the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is also 59

59……………………….5 + 9 = 14……………….14 th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

Also the actual name of our Imam is “Muhammad”.

The Abjad of “Muhammad” is 92. The Batin of ‘Muhammad’ is the reverse number
of 92 i.e. 29.

 Zahir of ‘Muhammad’ -------------------92

 Batin of ‘Muhammad’ -------------------29

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 799

Now the Surah e Hashar is 59th Surah and has 24 Verses. If we multiply the Surah
Number i.e. 59 with the total Verses i.e. 24 and add the Batin of “Muhammad”, we
would get the Zahoor year of our Imam i.e. 1445 Hijri as:

(59th Surah) x (24 Verses) + (29 – Batin of Muhammad)

(59 x 24) + 29 = 1445……………1445 Hijri……………..Zahoor of Mahdi

1416 + 29 = 1445………………..1445 Hijri…………..Qiyamat e Sughra


The Number – 59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics.

If we multiply the Number – 59 with Number – 17 twice and then add the same
Prime Number – 17, we would get the Zahoor year – 2023 AD as:

(59 x 17) + (59 x 17) + 17 = 2023………….2023 AD…………Zahoor e Mahdi

1003 + 1003 + 17 = 2023………………..2023 AD………..Qiyamat e Sughra

 59………………….5 + 9 = 14……………….14th Masoom of Allah

 17………………….1 + 7 = 8………………….8 Number represents the Divinity

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 800

229. The Books written on The End Times

There are lots of books available in the market on the popular subject, “The End

Most of them are available on

Here are some of the important titles:

 End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of the Messiah's Return
by Joel Richardson and Philip Anthony
 The End Time by Neil Ostroff
 End Time by John McDonald
 The Time of the End by Tim Warner
 At the Time of the End by John Carswell Hull
 End Times: Apocalypse by Donald Grant
 End Times: Are there Biblical signs that show us that Jesus will return? By Glenn Pease
 End Times by Anna Schumacher
 Ebola, Plagues and the End Times by Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley
 Living in the End Times by Slavoj Zizek
 The End: A Complete overview of the Bible Prophecy and the End of Days by Mark

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 801

 The End Times: Are we seeing any of the signs yet? By Michael J. Oldham
 The End Times in Chronological Order: A Complete Overview to Understanding Bible
Prophecy by Ron Rhodes
 Are we living in the Time of the End? By United Church of God
 End Times to 2019: The End of the Mayan Calendar and the Countdown to Judgment Day
by David Montaigne
 At the End of Time: Prophecy and Revelation: A Spiritual Paradigm by Robin Robertson
 World at the End of Time by Fredrik Pohl
 The Apocalypse Code: Find Out What the Bible REALLY Says About the End Times... and Why
It Matters Today by Hank Hanegraaff
 Signs of the End Times in Surat Al-Kahf

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 802

The End Times ----- Books

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 803

230. Websites dedicated to End Times Prophecies

There are several people in this world belonging to different religions who are
working on the End Times.

Some of them also put their work, books, magazines, documentaries, videos, etc on
their websites. Some of the important websites are as follows:


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 804


These are some of the websites on which you can find details about the End Times
prophecies to enlighten yourself.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 805

231. Videos dedicated to End Times Prophecies

There are so many videos available on the End Times and the Prophecies of the End
Times before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
available on internet.

Some of the interesting videos on youtube are as follows:


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 806


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232. The Zahoor Year- 2023 AD ----- Summary of Events

 5th Feb, 2023 AD on Sunday i.e. 13th Rajab, 1444 Hijri, a face would appear on
the Moon and everybody would see that miracle. 13th Rajab is the most
famous date in Shia Calendar i.e. the Zahoor of our 1st Imam i.e. Maula Ali in
the Holy Kaaba, Mecca and Sunday which is known as “Ahad” in Arabic is also
related to Maula Ali and His Ziarat is recited on Sundays.
 8th March, 2023 AD on Wednesday i.e. 15th Shahban, 1444 Hijri, a hand would
appear on the Sky and it would be another miracle before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS). 15th Shahban is the remembered in Shias as the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) every year.
 14th April, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 23rd Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri, Hazrat Ali (AS)
would make ‘Nida” i.e. announce the “Kharooj of Imam Mahdi” i.e. The Exit
of Imam Mahdi (AS) from Ghaibat e Kubra at Fajr time. On the same day, the
Satan would announce that “Haq is with Usman and the followers of Usman”.
 14th July, 2023 AD on Friday, i.e. 26th Zil Hajj, 1444 Hijri, Nafs e Zakia would
announce the program of Imam Mahdi (AS) in Mecca and he would be
murdered at Rukn and Mukam in front of Holy Kaaba.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 808

 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri, Hazrat Isa (AS) i.e.
Jesus Christ Zahoor would take place at Fajr time at 04:45 am in Masjid e Bani
Ummiyah in Damascus, Syria.
 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri, Imam Mahdi (AS)
Zahoor would take place on the roof of Holy Kaaba at Asr time at 14:45 pm in
Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
 28th July, 2023 AD ------ 313 Companions of Imam Mahdi (AS) would join Imam
Mahdi (AS)
 18th August, 2023 AD………….War of Imam Mahdi (AS) would begin against the
enemies of Allah and Imam i.e. on 1st Safar, 1445 Hijri, Friday.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 809

Imam Mahdi’s Kharooj (Exit)
104 Days before His Zahoor

Month of His Kharooj ………..Ramazan (9th Islamic Month)

Day of the Month of His Kharooj………….23rd Ramazan(14th April)

Day of the Week of His Kharooj…………………Friday

…………………Friday (Juma)

Time of the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi………….0

4: 45 am (Fajr)

Year of the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi…………..1444(2023 AD)

4 2023 AD)
Century of the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi…………..1444(

Place of the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi……Karaa, Yemen 04:45am

Imam Mahdi would meet His followers ……..

Madina, Saudi
Arabia ----- 14:45 pm (Asr time) – Same day

And Listen on the Day when the Crier shall cry from a near place. The Day when they shall
hear the cry in truth; That is the Day of coming forth (Kharooj).”
(Surah e Qaf, Verses – 41, 42)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 810

Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor
Month of His Zahoor ………..Muharram (1st Islamic Month)

Day of the Month of His Zahoor………….10th Muharram(28th July)

Day of the Week of His Zahoor…………………Friday (Juma)

Time of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi………….14: 45 pm (Asr)

Year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi…………..1445(2023 AD)

Century of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi…………..1445(2023 AD)

Place of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi…………Roof of the Holy Kaaba

in Mecca, Saudi Arabia facing Najaf (Iraq)

“The World is waiting for Justice and

The Justice is waiting for Imam Mahdi”

Imam Mahdi is Justice

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 811

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233. Jerusalem and the End Times

Jerusalem is located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the

Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is
considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. Israelis and Palestinians both claim Jerusalem as their capital, as Israel
maintains its primary governmental institutions there and the State of Palestine
ultimately foresees it as its seat of power; however, neither claim is widely
recognized internationally.

During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23
times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The oldest part of
the city was settled in the 4th millennium BCE. In 1538, walls were built around
Jerusalem under Suleiman the Magnificent. Today those walls define the Old City,
which has been traditionally divided into four quarters—known since the early 19th
century as the Armenian, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Quarters. The Old City

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 813

became a World Heritage site in 1981, and is on the List of World Heritage in
Danger. Modern Jerusalem has grown far beyond the Old City's boundaries.

According to the Biblical tradition, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites
and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King
Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple.

These foundational events, straddling the dawn of the 1st millennium BCE, assumed
central symbolic importance for the Jewish people. The sobriquet of holy city, was
probably attached to Jerusalem in post-exilic times. The holiness of Jerusalem in
Christianity, conserved in the Septuagint which Christians adopted as their own
authority, was reinforced by the New Testament account of Jesus's crucifixion
there. In Islam, Jerusalem is the third-holiest city, after Mecca and Medina. In
Islamic tradition in 610 CE it became the first Qibla, the focal point for Muslim
prayer, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made his Night Journey there ten years
later, ascending to heaven where he speaks to God, according to the Holy Quran.

As a result, despite having an area of only 0.9 square kilometres (0.35 sq mi), the
Old City is home to many sites of seminal religious importance, among them the
Temple Mount and its Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of
the Rock, the Garden Tomb and al-Aqsa Mosque.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 814

Today, the status of Jerusalem remains one of the core issues in the Israeli–
Palestinian conflict. During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, West Jerusalem was among
the areas captured and later annexed by Israel while East Jerusalem, including the
Old City, was captured and later annexed by Jordan. Israel captured East Jerusalem
from Jordan during the 1967 Six-Day War and subsequently annexed it. Israel's 1980
Basic Law the Jerusalem Law refers to Jerusalem as the country's undivided capital.
The international community rejected the annexation as illegal and treats East
Jerusalem as Palestinian territory occupied by Israel. The international community
does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and the city hosts no foreign

In 2011, Jerusalem had a population of 801,000, of which Jews comprised

497,000 (62%), Muslims 281,000 (35%), Christians 14,000 (around 2%)
and 9,000 (1%) were not classified by religion.

Many Prophets are buried here like Hazrat Yaqub (AS), Hazrat Abrahim (AS), Hazrat
Daud (AS), Hazrat Lot (AS), Hazrat Yousaf (AS), etc

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 815

Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The people would wish at the End times that they would be at Jerusalem.”

Jerusalem is basically the Heart of all Nations. That is why all the 3 Major
Abrahamic religions are contesting to get hold of this city.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 816

234. The Greater Israel and the Great War in Middle East

The State of Israel was created in 1948 AD on the principles of Zionism. The
founding father of Zionism was Theodore Herzl. Since then, Israel kept on increasing
its land area by pushing the Palestines farther away from their mother land –

Israel has fought many wars with the Middle Eastern Countries mostly Muslim
countries and attacked Gaza and people in Palestine several times during this
period and destroyed their homes, mosques, buildings, etc.

The conflict between Israel and the Muslim world is a long conflict and now Israel
has become a New World Power and it has launched its dream of Greater Israel
since 2001 AD after the September 11 attacks in New York, USA.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 817

The Middle East is in War since 1979 after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 AD
when Iraq attacked Iran. Then in 1990 Iraq attacked Kuwait and then USA with its
allies attacked Iraq. Again in 2003 AD, USA attacked Iraq and removed Saddam
Hussain from power. Then in 2006 Israel attacked Lebanon its neighbouring
country. In 2013 AD, Hosani Mubarak was removed from power by popular uprising
in Egypt. Then in 2013 AD, Syrian War started and it is still going on between Syrian
Government and the ISIS, the ISIL, etc.

Israel helped in the creation of ISIS and ISIL known as Daesh and it has captured
major parts in Syria and Iraq. Now the western countries are attacking ISIS to
contain them. Then in March, 2015 AD, Saudi Arabia with 10 other Middle Eastern
Countries attacked Yemen. So the whole Middle East is in a complete mess and in a
Big War since 1979 AD. This War would further escalate in 2021 AD when Saudi
Arabia with the backing of Israel would attack Iran and then 1/3rd population of the
world would die in that Great War in 2021 AD as mentioned in the prophecies of
the End Times.

The Prophecy of the return of Jews in Jerusalem as mentioned in the Holy Quran in
Surah e Bani Israel, Verse – 104 was fulfilled in 1948 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 818

Israel was established on 14th May, 1948 AD on Friday i.e. 5th Rajab, 1367 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi’s Kharooj would be on 14th April, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 23rd Ramazan,
1444 Hijri

14th is the Day and May is the 5th Month. So we can write the day and month as:

14 – 5…………………145

The reverse of the number – 145 is 541. The Number – 541 is the 100 th Prime
Number in Mathematics.

That is why the Israel flag has 541 small circles on its Country’s flag.

The Number of years in between the creation of Israel and the Kharooj of Imam
Mahdi (AS) from His Ghaibat e Kubra are:

2023 – 1948 = 75 Years (In Gregorian Calendar)

75…………………..7 + 5 = 12……………………12 Imam Zahoor

1444 – 1367 = 77 Years (In Hijri Calendar)

77…………………. 7 + 7 = 14………………..14 Masoom of Allah

Israel is the God’s clock of End Times

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 819

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235. Destruction of Gog and Magog by Imam Mahdi

In Islam, they are known as Ya'juj and Ma'juj (or Ajuj and Majuj). The Bible in
English refers to them as Gog and MaGog. The emergence of the mighty Ya'juj and
Ma'juj is also a major sign of Qiyamah (Day of Resurrection).

Allah says in the Qur'an, "When

When Ya'juj and Ma'juj are let loose (from their Barrier)
and they swiftly swarm from every mound..." (Surah Al-Anbiya 21: 96)

Allah says in the Qur'an, "(Zul

"(Zul-Qarnain) said, 'This (barrier) is a mercy from my Lord,
but when the promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it (the barrier) down to the
ground. And the promise of my Lord is ever true." (Surah Al-Kahf Kahf 18: 98)

Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog & MaGog) and Zul-Qarnain

Thousands of years ago, the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj were imprisoned
behind an iron wall built by Zul
Qarnain. Referred to in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Kahf,
Qarnain was a pious and just king. He believed in Allah as the one and only god.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 821

Allah provided him with all forms of strength through which he was able to carry his
conquests. He is a mysterious figure. Zul-Qarnain seems to be just a title which has
two meanings in Arabic: (a) the one who has two horns, (b) the one who affects two
Ages. It is unknown who he is or the period in history in which he actually lived and
ruled. Many scholars have suggested that he could be Alexander the Great because
Alexander the Great is known in Arabic as Alexander Zul-Qarnain. However, many
modern Muslim scholars disagree with this conclusion because Alexander the Great
was not a monotheistic believer in God.

Once Zul-Qarnain carried out a expeditions in three directions, the far West, far
East, and then in a northerly direction. Travelling first in the westerly direction, Zul-
Qarnain conquered the lands he passed through establishing the laws of Allah
therein until he reached the setting of the sun. There, Zul-Qarnain met people that
didn't believe in Allah. Given a choice of punishing them for their Kufr (Disbelief) or
being lenient by inviting them first to Islam; he chose the latter and addressed
them, ''Those evil-doers who do injustice to themselves by rejecting Allah will be
punished by death in this World and in the hereafter, the fire of Hell is their abode.
As for those who accept the invitation and believe in Allah, they will be treated
leniently and in the hereafter Paradise is their place of rest.''

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 822

After the expedition towards the West, Zul-Qarnain made preparation for the
expedition towards the East. Conquering the lands he passed through, establishing
he laws of Allah therein. Zul-Qarnain continued travelling in an easterly direction
until he reached the rising of the sun. In this area of the East, he saw a nation
receiving the sunshine without any obstruction. He dealt with them in the same
manner he dealt with the people in the West.

After the expedition to the East, Zul-Qarnain started his northern expedition. He
kept on travelling until he reached the midst of two mountains; it was here that Zul-
Qarnain came across a tribe who complained to him about the tribes of Ya'juj and
Ma'juj. Ya'juj and Ma'juj inhabited the land behind the mountains, plundered them,
committed bloodshed, and then ran away. Observing Zul-Qarnain's power, they
asked to set a barrier in return for a tribute for their protection from the atrocities
and bloodshed, which they often bore at the hands of Ya'juj Ma'juj. Refusing to
accept any tribute, he built an iron wall (or barrier) with their help which Ya'juj
Ma'juj could not cross or pierce. (Qurtubi, Ibn-Kathir)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 823

The Wall of Zul-Qarnain

Many different opinions have been expressed as to the location of the iron wall of
Zul-Qarnain, such as:
1) The Great Wall of China which was built by the Chinese King Fagfor about 3460
years after Prophet Adam ‫ الس ﻼم علي ه‬was descended to the Earth.
2) The wall in Central Asia near Bukhara and Tirmiz in a place called Derbent.
3) The wall in Dagestan, Russia also known as Derbent near the Caspian Sea.
4) The wall which is in the westerly direction to the third in the region of the

But in reality, all the above are myths and the actual wall is hidden from the eyes of
all humans. When Imam Mahdi (AS) would come, He would destroy the “Yajoj and
Majoj’ when they come out of this hidden Wall built by Zulqarnain.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 824

236. The Residence of Imam Mahdi (AS) after Zahoor

The Official Residence of Imam Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor would be “Masjid e
Sehla”. This Masjid is in Kufa, Iraq near Najaf where the “Roza e Ali” is located.

According to our Imams, all the Prophets of Allah prayed here and there are specific
locations in this Masjid where are recognized as “Muqam e Ibrahim”, “Muqam e
Idrees”, etc

Even one of the 4 Wazirs of Imam Mahdi (AS), Hazrat Idrees (AS) resided in this
Now Hazrat Idrees (AS) is waiting on the 6th Sky for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).
The Abjad of “Sehla” is 95.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 825
95 ………………..9 + 5 = 14…………………..14th Masoom of Allah

The Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59 and the reverse number of 59 is 95.

95 = 19 x 5
19…………….is the Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid”


Panjetan are “Noor e Wahid”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 826

237. Labaek Mahdi and the Year of Zahoor

The Abjad of “Labaek Mahdi” is 121.

We know that the smallest name of Allah is “HU” whose Abjad is 11.

121 = 11 x 11

Now Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Mazhar of “HU” i.e. Allah.

We also know that there are 114 Surahs (Chapters) in the Holy Quran.

Now if we multiply the Abjad of “Labaek Mahdi” with the Abjad of “HU” i.e. 11 and
add into the Number – 114 i.e. Total Surahs in the Holy Quran, we would get the
Zahoor year i.e. 1445 Hijri as:

(121 x 11) + 114 = 1445………………………1445 Hijri………………Zahoor of Imam

(11 x 11 x 11) + 114 = 1445…………………….1445 Hijri……..Zahoor e Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 827


In Surah e Hajj (Chapter – 22), Verse – 47:

“And they ask you to hasten on the punishment, and Allah will by no means fail in
His promise, and surely a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 828

Now we know that the total years of Ghaibat e Imam e Mahdi (AS) would be 1190
years i.e.

1445 Hijri (Final Zahoor) - 255 Hijri (First Zahoor) = 1190 Years

In the above Verse – 47 of Surah – 22 (Surah e Hajj), Allah mentions that His
punishment would be after 1 day which would be after 1000 years.

Now adding the Verse – Number – 47 with the Surah Number – 22, we would get:

Surah Number – 22 + Verse Number – 47 = 69

The Abjad of name, "Hakim" meaning The Ruler is 69

The Abjad of “Labaek Hakim Mahdi” i.e. 190, we would get:

121 + 69 = 190

Now add this number – 190 with the Day of Allah i.e. 1000 Years, we would get:

1000 + 190 = 1190…………………….1190………Total Years of Ghaibat e Mahdi

Adding the Years of Imam’s Ghaibat i.e. 1190 with His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we
would get the Year of His Final Zahoor i.e. 1445 Hijri

255 Hijri + 1190 (Total Years of Imam's Ghaibat) = 1445 Hijri ……Final Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 829

Also the Abjad of “Ya Ali” is also 121

“Labaek Mahdi” = 121 = “Ya Ali”

(YA ALI x 11) + 114 Surahs = 1445…………………..1445 Hijri ……..Zahoor e Mahdi

(121 x 11) + 114 = 1445………………………..1445 Hijri……………Final Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 830

238. The End of Time and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
by Dr. Shahid Masood

In 2004 AD, Dr. Shahid Masood, who is a famous Television Anchor of Pakistan
made 4 excellent documentaries on the End Times – The Hidden Truth. These videos
are available on Internet. Then his book was published with the name, “The End

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 831

Documentaries of Dr. Shahid Masood ---- The End Times

The videos are available on internet about the documentaries of Dr. Shahid Masood
about the End Times and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on

The following are links available for these 4 documentaries as:


Now in this year – 2015 AD, he is conducting other episodes about the End Times
with the name: “The Lost Chapters – The End Time”

The Videos are available on with the links as:

Chapter -1:

Chapter – 2:

Chapter – 3:

Chapter – 4:

Chapter – 5:

Chapter – 6:

Chapter – 7:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 832

239. The City of Qom – Iran and the Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Qom, also known as Qum or Ghom; is the 8th largest city in Iran. It lies 125
kilometres by road southwest of Tehran and is the capital of Qom Province. At the
2011 census its population was 1,074,036, comprising 545,704 men and 528,332
women. It is situated on the banks of the Qom River.

Qom is considered holy by Shia Islam, as it is the site of the shrine of Bibi Fatima
known as Masooma e Qum, sister of Imam Ali ibn Musa Reza (789–816 AD). The city
is the largest center for Shia scholarship in the world, and is a significant destination
of pilgrimage.

The Hawzah (a short form of al-Hawzah al-`Ilmīyah), which presently consists of

over 200 education and research centres and organisations, catering for over 40,000
scholars and students from over 80 countries of the world. The modern Qom hawza
was revitalized by Abdul Karim Haeri Yazdi and Grand Ayatollah Borujerdi and is

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 833

barely a century old. There are nearly three hundred thousand clerics in Iran’s
seminaries. At present Hossein Vahid Khorasani heads Hawza 'Ilmiyya Qom.

Shrine of Bibi Fatima – Masooma e Qum - Iran

There are sayings of our Imams that near the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the
Hawza Ilmiyya would shift from Najaf, Iraq to Qum, Iran.

Now we have seen that in the period of Saddam Hussain, the Hawza of Najaf has
practically shifted to Qum, Iran and now Qum has become a center of Islamic
knowledge. So this prophecy of our Imams has also been fulfilled.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 834

240. Current Wars towards the Final Armageddon

Armageddon (from Ancient Greek: Ἁρμαγεδών Harmagedōn, Late

Latin: Armagedōn) will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site of gathering
of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal
or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of
the world scenario. The word "Armageddon" appears only once in the Greek New
Testament, in Revelation 16:16.

The current wars in the world clearly indicate that we are heading towards a major
Armageaddon by 2021 AD. This major War which would be known as Third World
War would be fought mostly in the Middle Eastern countries and the other regional
super powers would also be affected with the loss of life and property. Then there
are other wars such as Economic Wars going on in all the World where IMF and
World Bank have imposed Economic Sanctions and the people are protesting all
over the world against the austerity measures taken by their governments.

As we all know that the major current wars in the world are as follows:

 War in Ukraine War between USA and Russia

 War in Syria War between West and Syria and Iran
 War in Iraq War between Iraq and Saudi Extremists - ISIS

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 835

 War in Libya War between ISIS Extremists and Libya
 War in Yemen War between Saudi Extremists and Yemen
 War in Afghanistan War between NATO and Taliban
 War in Pakistan War between Taliban and Pakistan
 War in Israel War between Israel and Palestine
 War in Kenya War between Kenya and Taliban
 War in Egypt War between Egypt Govt. and people
 War in Bahrain War between Bahrain Govt. and people
 War of Iran War between Iran and Israel

So we see lots of major conflicts and mostly in the Middle Eastern countries
which are either backed by Russia or Israel or USA or NATO which are heading
towards a major Thermo Nuclear War in 2021 AD when 1/3rd population of
the world would die in that war as predicted by all major religions of the

After that Armageaddon, 1/3rd more population of the World would die from
diseases and drought thus fulfilling the Prophecy of our Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) that 2/3rd Population would die before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 836

241. Solar Weapons to be used in the Next Big War i.e. 3 rd
World War ------------------- Predicted by Maula Ali

Once Hazrat Ali said about the Wars in the End Times:

“The Sun rays would be used in the wars and when they would be used,
all the people in the buildings would melt from the heat of Sun rays.”

Now one can imagine the truth in the sayings of our Prophet (PBUH) and our
Imams. Almost 1400 years ago, Maula Ali mentioned about the Modern Warfare
equipment which would be used in the next Big War in the World known as
Armagedon or the Third World War.

In recent years, the scientists are developing ‘Weather Weapons’ to be used against
their enemies when and where required.

There are more than 10 deadly ‘Solar Weapons’ are already been developed by
USA, Russia, Europe, China and other developed nations and they would use these
deadly weapons in the coming war in 2021 AD.

For your information, the list of 10 Solar weapons are listed below, so that you can
imagine the power and intensity of these weapons in the quick destruction of

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 837

List of 10 Deadly --- Solar Weapons

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 838

Like any other technical achievement, the space mirror could also be employed
for military purposes and, furthermore, it would be a most horrible weapon, far
surpassing all previous weapons. It is well known that fairly significant
temperatures can be generated by concentrating the sun's rays using a concave
mirror (in a manner similar to using a so-called "burning glass"). Even when a mirror
has only the size of the human hand, it is possible to ignite a handheld piece of
paper or even wood shavings very simply in its focus

Imagine that the diameter of a mirror of this type is not just 10 cm, but rather
several hundreds or even thousands of meters, as would be the case for a space
mirror. Then, even steel would have to melt and refractory materials would hardly
be able to withstand the heat over longer periods of time, if they were exposed to
solar radiation of such an enormous concentration.

Now, if we visualize that the observer in the space station using his powerful
telescope can see the entire combat area spread out before him like a giant plan
showing even the smallest details, including the staging areas and the enemy's
hinterland with all his access routes by land and sea, then we can envision what a

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 839

tremendous weapon a space mirror of this type, controlled by the observer in orbit,
would be!

It would be easy to detonate the enemy's munitions dumps, to ignite his war
material storage area, to melt cannons, tank turrets, iron bridges, the tracks of
important train stations, and similar metal objects. Moving trains, important war
factories, entire industrial areas and large cities could be set ablaze. Marching
troops or ones in camp would simply be charred when the beams of this
concentrated solar light were passed over them. And nothing would be able to
protect the enemy's ships from being destroyed or burned out, like bugs are
exterminated in their hiding place with a torch, regardless of how powerful the
ships may be, even if they sought refuge in the strongest sea fortifications.

They would really be death rays! And yet they are no different from this lifegiving
radiation that we welcome everyday from the sun; only a little "too much of a good
thing." However, all of these horrible things may never happen, because a power
would hardly dare to start a war with a country that controls weapons of this
dreadful nature.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 840

Miracles by Maula Ali ------- Control of Sun

It is written in most authentic Islamic books that Hazrat Ali (AS) ordered the Sun 15
times to come back by miracle, when the sunsets and the time of ‘Maghrib’ started.

So our Imams are the Imams of the whole Universe and complete control over the
celestial bodies like Sun and Moon.

As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) broke the Moon into two pieces and then joined
again to show the miracle to the people.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 841

242. Weather Weapons and the Destruction of Humanity

What is HAARP?

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is

an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy,
the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA).

Designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT), its purpose is to

analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric
enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance. The HAARP

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 842

program operates a major sub-arctic facility, named the HAARP Research Station,
on an Air Force-owned site near Gakona, Alaska.

The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research
Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in
the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of
the ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF radar,
a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde (an ionospheric sounding device), and an
induction magnetometer, are used to study the physical processes that occur in the
excited region.

For the last 60 years, the military scientists are working on “Weather Weapons”, so
that they can deploy and use them at their discretion with minimum cost and
prominence against their enemies.

So the creation of clouds, rains, hurricanes, thunder storms, igniting the active
earthquake belts to generate earthquakes, formation of tornadoes, etc are some of
the few ‘Weather weapons’ developed in the recent past.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 843

HAARP – Location – Alaska, USA

A research paper produced for the United States Air Force written in 1996
speculates about the future use of nanotechnology to produce "artificial
weather", clouds of microscopic computer particle all communicating with each
other to form an intelligent fog that could be used for various purposes.

Weather Modification ---- Modern Weapon

Weather modification is the act of intentionally manipulating or altering the

weather. The most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding to
increase rain or snow, usually for the purpose of increasing the local water supply.
Weather modification can also have the goal of preventing damaging weather, such
as hail or hurricanes, from occurring; or of provoking damaging weather against an
enemy or rival, as a tactic of military or economic warfare.

Humans have long sought to purposefully alter such atmospheric phenomena as

clouds, rain, snow, hail, lightning, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and
cyclones. Magical and religious practices to control the weather are attested in a
variety of cultures, thousands of years before the modern era.

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243. Micro Air Vehicles ---- Modern Drone Warfare

A micro air vehicle (MAV), or micro aerial vehicle, is a class of Miniature UAVs that
has a size restriction and may be autonomous. Modern craft can be as small as 15
centimetres. Development is driven by commercial, research, government, and
military purposes; with insect-sized aircraft reportedly expected in the future. The
small craft allows remote observation of hazardous environments inaccessible to
ground vehicles. MAVs have been built for hobby purposes, such as aerial robotics
contests and aerial photography.

The purpose of these craft is to understand insect flight and to provide practical
uses, such as flying through cracks in concrete to search for earthquake victims or
exploring radioactivity-contaminated buildings. Spy agencies and the military also
see potential for such small vehicles as spies and scouts.

Robert Wood at Harvard University developed an even smaller ornithopter, at just

3 centimeters, but this craft is not autonomous in that it gets its power through a
wire. In 2013 the group has achieved controlled flight inside a motion tracking

In early 2008 the United States Company, Honeywell received FAA approval to
operate its MAV, designated as gMAV in the national airspace on an experimental
basis. The gMAV is the fourth MAV to receive such approval. The Honeywell gMAV
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 846
uses ducted thrust for lift, allowing it to takeoff and land vertically and to hover. It
is also capable of "high-speed" forward flight, according to the company, but no
performance figures have been released. The company also states that the machine
is light enough to be carried by a man. It was originally developed as part of
a DARPA program, and its initial application is expected to be with the police
department of Miami-Dade County, Florida.

In 2012, the British Army deployed the sixteen gram Black Hornet Nano Unmanned
Air Vehicle to Afghanistan to support infantry operations. In 2013 the first
commercial micro micro air vehicle have been launched on the consumer market.

The latest Hollywood movie, “The Antman” is featured on the same concept of
Micro Air Vehicles to be used as a weapon in the warfare against the enemies.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 847

So the MAV‘s in the shape of mosquitoes, spiders, insects, etc would be used in the
modern Drone warfare in the current wars in the world.

That is why in our Holy Quran, there are 2 Chapters on the name of insects, known
as “Surah e Namal” i.e. Ant and “Surah e Ankaboot” i.e. Spider.

Allah also mentioned about, ‘Mosquito’ in the Holy Quran, as an example of one of
His Creations.

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244. The Woman who would poison Imam Mahdi – Maliha

According to different sayings of our Imams, the name of the woman who would
poison Imam Mahdi (AS) would be, “Maliha”.

She would be a Jew and according to Late Ayat Ullah Taqi Bahjat of Qum, Iran, that
girl was already born a few years ago. Late Ayat Ullah Taqi Bahjat was a great
scholar of Islam and a visionary.

He had a lot of work regarding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). Imam Mahdi (AS)
would rule the world for 490 years and then this woman would kill our Imam by
poisoning him. Then Hazrat Ali (AS) would Zahoor and bury Imam Mahdi (AS) and
that time, the period of ‘Rajaat’ would start. That period would last for 84,000 years
and the final and great battle against the Satan would be fought at that time and
Satan would be killed by Maula Ali (AS) and his forces would be finally defeated by
the ‘Haq’ forces of all Prophets and Imams.

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245. Armageddon in the Years---- 2017 to 2022 AD

The Biblical Age of Great Tribulation of 7 years before the Second Arrival of Jesus
Christ started on 2nd September, 2016 AD.

In 2021 AD, Saudi Arabia with the support of Israel and USA would attack Iran and
the full scale Third World War would begin in between the major Super powers i.e.
Russia, China and Iran Vs Saudi Arabia, Israel and USA.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 852

It is mentioned in some Ahadith that before the ‘Kharooj’ of Dajjal, there would be
a major war and world wide drought and diseases would spread and more than one
third population would die.

7 Years - Period of Deception and Destruction

28th July, 2016 AD till 28th July, 2023 AD

In the latest movie, “Terminator Genisys”, the date for nuclear armageddon is
shown on 10th October.

So the year – 2022 AD would be the “Climax of Armageddon”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 853

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246. Armagedoon --- Final Big War in World

Armageddon will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site of

gathering of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as
either a literal or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to
refer to any end of the world scenario.

The word "Armageddon" appears only once in the Greek New Testament,
in Revelation 16:16. The word is translated to Greek from Hebrew har
məgiddô (‫)מגידו הר‬, har - Strong H2022 - meaning "a mountain or range of
hills (sometimes used figuratively): - hill (country), mount (-ain), X promotion."
This is a shortened form of Harar - Strong H2042 - "to loom up; a mountain; -
hill, mount". Megiddo - Strong ‫ ְמגִ דּוֹן‬H4023 /meg-id-do'/ "Megiddon or
Megiddo, a place of crowds."). H2022 is indicating a year - 2022 AD
for Armagedoon.

"Mount" Tel Megiddo is not actually a mountain, but a tell (a hill created by
many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot) on which
ancient forts were built to guard the Via Maris, an ancient trade route linking
Egypt with the northern empires of Syria, Anatolia and Mesopotamia.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 855

Megiddo was the location of various ancient battles, including one in the 15th
century BC and one in 609 BC. Modern Megiddo is a town approximately 25
miles (40 km) west-southwest of the southern tip of the Sea of Galilee in the
Kishon River area.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 856

The famous battle of Armageddon or the Third World War or the War between
Gog and Magog would be fought in the year 2022 AD and the major World
powers would collide using all kinds of weapons of Mass Destruction like
Thermo Nuclear weapons, solar weapons, chemical weapons, electro-magnetic
weapons, etc.

In the coming War of Armageddon, USA, Israel, Western Europe, India and the
Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait would fight against
Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, etc.

The whole world especially the Middle East would be affected and 1/3rd
population of the world would die in this coming war of Armageddon as
prophecies were made by all the Prophets of God and especially mentioned in
Bible and mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Imams in their
different sayings.

War of Armageddon ------------------- 2022 AD

The 1/3rd Population of the world would die especially in Middle East, India,
China and Pakistan.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 857

247. Are countries preparing for Apocalypse?

What is Apocalypse?

An apocalypse, translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e.,

a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of
something hidden. In the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New
Testament, the revelation which John receives is that of the ultimate victory of
good over evil and the end of the present age, and that is the primary meaning
of the term, one that dates to 1175 AD. Today, it is commonly used in reference
to any prophetic revelation or so-called End Time scenario or to the end of the
world in general.

In the Book of Revelation, the author writes about the revelation of Jesus Christ
as Messiah, and about present tribulations leading to the ending of this age and
the coming of God's Kingdom. Hence the term 'apocalypse' has come to be
used, very loosely, for the end of the world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 858

After September 11, 2001 incident in America, major players in the World
especially USA, UK, Israel, Russia, China, India and other European countries
started preparing for the coming Apocalypse in the years 2021 - 2022 AD.

Some of the preparations of the Apocalypse are as follows:

1. FEMA Camps
2. Nuclear Bunkers for the powerful
3. Concentration Camps
4. War Games in Middle East
5. Dollar and Economic Collapse
6. World War scenario preparation
7. Disposable Coffins
8. Secret Prisons
9. Formation of Allies and Enemies
10. Secret Hideouts, etc

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248. Solomon’s Temple – Temple Mount in
Jerusalem, Israel and the End Times

According to the Bible, Solomon's Temple, also known as the First Temple, was
the Holy Temple in ancient Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount (also known as
Mount Zion), before its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar II after the Siege of
Jerusalem of 587 BCE. There is no archaeological evidence for the existence of
Solomon's Temple.

The Hebrew Bible states that the temple was constructed under Solomon, King of
the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah and that during the kingdom of Judah,
the temple was dedicated to Yahweh, and is said to have housed the Ark of the
Covenant. Josephus claims that "the temple was burnt four hundred and seventy
years, six months, and ten days after it was built," (Jew. Ant. 10.8.5), though
Rabbinic sources state that the First Temple stood for 410 years and, based on
the 2nd-century work Seder Olam Rabbah, place construction in 832 BCE and
destruction in 422 BCE, 165 years later than secular estimates.

Because of the religious sensitivities involved, and the politically volatile situation
in Jerusalem, only limited archaeological surveys of the Temple Mount have been
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 861
conducted. No excavations have been allowed on the Temple Mount during
modern times. An Ivory pomegranate mentions priests in the house of YHWH,
and an inscription recording the Temple's restoration under Jehoash have
appeared on the antiquities market.

The only source of information on the First Temple is the Hebrew Bible (or Old
Testament). According to the biblical sources, the temple was constructed under
King Solomon during the united monarchy of Israel and Judah. This puts the date
of its construction in the mid-10th century BCE. Some scholars have speculated
that a Jebusite sanctuary may have previously occupied the site. During the
kingdom of Judah, the temple was dedicated to Yahweh, the god of Israel, and is
said to have housed the Ark of the Covenant. Rabbinic sources state that the First
Temple stood for 410 years and, based on the 2nd-century work Seder Olam
Rabbah, place construction in 832 BCE and destruction in 422 BCE, 165 years later
than secular estimates.

The exact location of the Temple is unknown: it is believed to have been situated
upon the hill which forms the site of the 1st century Second Temple and present-
day Temple Mount, where the Dome of the Rock is situated. However, two other,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 862

slightly different sites have been proposed on this same hill: one places the stone
altar at the location of the rock which is now beneath the gilded dome, with the
rest of the temple to the west. The other theory places the Holy of Holies atop
this rock.

The Temple also figures in the account of King Hezekiah, who turned Judah away
from idols; when later in the same century Hezekiah is confronted with a siege by
the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 18:23, 19:1 and the Taylor prism),
Hezekiah "instead of plundering the temple treasuries... now uses the temple the
way it is designed to be—as a house of prayer" (2 Kings 19:1–14).

According to the Hebrew Bible, the Temple was plundered by the Babylonian king
Nebuchadnezzar when the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem during the brief reign
of Jehoiachin c. 598 (2 Kings 24:13), Josiah's grandson. A decade later,
Nebuchadnezzar again besieged Jerusalem and after 30 months finally breached
the city walls in 587 BCE, subsequently burning the Temple, along with most of
the city (2 Kings 25). According to Jewish tradition, the Temple was destroyed on
Tisha B'Av, the 9th day of Av (Hebrew calendar).

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249. Who is Dajjal?

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is after the coming and control of Dajjal of our
World. So who is Dajjal and how we recognize the Dajjal?

We have to ask from our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Maula Ali about

Now it is a famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is accepted by

all sects of Islam that:

“Dajjal has ONE EYE on its face.”

And when asked from Hazrat Ali about Dajjal, he said:
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 866
“Dajjal is the SYSTEM and ORDER of SATAN which would be enforced
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi.”

Now Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has mentioned two words in the description
of Dajjal and that are –

We have to understand both words – ONE and EYE to understand the face of

Then we would understand the ORDER of SATAN from these two words – ONE
and EYE

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 867

What is ONE ?
ONE – stands for – OUR NEW EMPIRE

In recent years, you would have noticed a lot of things, places and companies
associated with word – ONE.

3. ONE Channel
5. ONE Direction
6. ONE Path
7. ONE World Action
8. ONE World Kids
9. ONE Ocean
10. Survivor – ONE WORLD
11. ONE World Day
13. Xbox ONE
14. Dubai ONE
15. Toronto ONE
16. ONE World Trade Center
17. ONE World Week
18. ONE World Web
19. ONE World – Many Voices
20. ONE World Rope

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 868

21. ONE World Community
22. ONE World Award
23. Air Force ONE
25. ONE Show
26. ONE Day
27. A ONE
28. ONE Prize
29. Capital ONE
30. ONE Drive
31. Entertainment One
32. Hydro One

Now we would go through some pictures and photos of ONE

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 869

What is EYE?

E – Everyone
Y – Yields to
E – Evil

Now we would go through the word – EYE and you would also be seeing the
symbol EYE everywhere in the world. The symbol of EYE is one of the oldest
and the most famous among all signs and symbols in the World. EYE is the
oldest Egyptian symbol of “Horus Eye”.

We would look into many photos and pictures of EYE in our media, culture
and almost everywhere in the world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 870

ONE EYE – stands for this motto:


EYE – Everyone Yields to Evil

ONE EYE – OUR NEW EMPIRE – Everyone Yields to Evil


Destruction of Humanity by 3 D’s

1. Destruction by War
2. Drought after War
3. Diseases after War

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 871

The Power elite (Military + Bankers + Politicians) of the World are making stage for
World War 3 by introducing different kinds of wars in all its forms and shapes.

They are leading the World into Big Hot World War- 3 in 6 Stages

1. Debt
2. Recession
3. Depression
4. Trade Wars
5. Currency Wars
6. Regional Wars

Finally ---------------------- World War - 3

Let us see what kind of Wars are people of the world fighting in our current world?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 872

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 873
250. 7 International Organizations controlling the
Entire World
There are 7 Continents in the world and there are 7 International
Organizations that are controlling the whole World’s resources, money and
programs. They are:

1. Bank of International Settlements

2. World Bank
3. International Monetary Fund
4. Federal Reserve Bank
5. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
6. Asian Development Bank
7. African Development Bank

The top 15 largest Banks in the World as per Total Assets in 2012 are:

1. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

3. Deutsche Bank
4. Credit Agricole
5. BNP Paribas
6. Mitsibishi UFJ Financial Group
7. Barclays
8. JP Morgan Chase
9. China Construction Bank
10. Japan Post Bank
11. Agricultural Bank of China
12. Bank of America
13. Bank of China
14. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
15. Citigroup
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 874
Two very important institutions of USA were established in the year – 1913 AD.

They are:

1. Federal Reserve (USA) established in 1913 AD

2. IRS – Internal Revenue Services (USA) established in 1913 AD

Now we know the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would be in the year – 2023 AD. The time
period from 1913 AD till 2023 AD would be 110 years

110 …………… the Abjad of name, “Ali”…………….Grand Father of Imam Mahdi

1913 AD till 2023 AD …………………….110 Years

Only Ali’s Son i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS) can deliver Justice and Peace to the whole

Distribution of World Wealth in the World

 There are 85 Individuals in the World who owns 50% of the World
Wealth. They are making half a million every hour.
 There are 143 World Corporations that own 40% Wealth of the World.

3 – Main Goals of New World Order

1. ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT…………….New Pharaohs

2. ONE WORLD RELIGION…………………….New Hamans
3. ONE WORLD CURRENCY…………………..New Qaruns

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 875

Gifted minds think alike
Modern Dajjal = Zionism
Order out of Chaos

 World Order out of World Chaos

 New World Order out of New World Chaos

New World Order = One World Government

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 876

ONE World Government – New Pharohs

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 877

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 878
251. Names of Satan – Enemy of Jesus & Mahdi

There are different names of Satan mentioned in the Holy Books, Scriptures and
some are renowned in our societies to call Satan as Devil or Evil. The list of His
names is as follows:

1. Jin
2. Harris
3. Enemy
4. Iblees
5. Khabees
6. Shaitan
7. Devil
8. Evil
9. Satan
10. Serpent
11. Antichrist
12. Abaddon
13. Accuser
14. Adversary
15. Author of all sins
16. Awful monster
17. Beelzebub
18. Chief of the demons
19. Deceiver
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 879
20. Demon
21. Destroyer
22. Devourer
23. Dragon
24. Enemy
25. Enemy of Righteousness
26. Evil spirit
27. Fallen Angel
28. Father of all lies
29. Father of contention
30. Founder of murder
31. Great Antichrist
32. Liar from the Beginning
33. Mutakabir
34. Hasid
35. Lucifer
36. Mammon
37. Murderer from the beginning
38. Old Serpent
39. Perdition
40. Prince of Darkness
41. Enemy of Vilayat
42. Enemy of Ali
43. Prince of Devils
44. Prince of the Power of the Air
45. Illuminati
46. Prince of this world
47. Wicked One
48. Son of the Morning
49. Spoiler
50. Tempter
51. Enemy of Adam
52. Dajjal…………………………………..And the list can go on……….

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 880

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 881
252. The Total Rule of Dajjal --- 1104 Years before Zahoor

“And they ask you to hasten on the punishment, and Allah will by no means fail in
His promise, and surely a day with your Lord is as a thousand years of what you
number.” (Holy Quran, Chapter – 22, Verse – 47)

Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Dajjal would rule 40 days and His One day would be like yours 1000 years, the
other day would be like 1 month and another day would be like 1 week and the rest
37 days would be like the same days as yours.”

1 Day of Dajjal (1000 years) 1000/1 = 1000 Years

1 Day of Dajjal (1000/12 months) 1000/12 = 83 Years (Approx.)
1 Day of Dajjal (1000/ (12 months x 4 weeks) 1000/(12 x 4) = 21 Years (Approx.)

37 Days of Dajjal 37 Days

Total 40 Days of Dajjal = 1000 Years + 83 Years + 21 Years + 37 Days

40 Days of Dajjal = 1104 Years (Approx.)

40 Days of Dajjal ----------------------1104 Years of Dajjal Rule

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 882

Now we know that Imam’s Zahoor is in the Year – 2023 AD. Now if we deduct 1104
years from His Zahoor Year, we would come to the year when Dajjal rule started i.e.

2023 - 1104 = 919 ……………………..919 AD……………..The Start of Dajjal Rule

Imam’s first Zahoor was in the year – 869 AD i.e. 255 Hijri. So after 50 years of
Imam’s first Zahoor, Dajjal started His rule in 919 AD ---- the period of our Imam’s
Ghaibat e Sughara which was 307 Hijri.

28th July, 919 AD = 28th Safar, 307 Hijri

We know that 28th July would be the Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in 2023 AD

28th Safar is the Day of Shahdat of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Second
Imam Hassan (AS).

So the First Day of the Rule of Dajjal started on 28th July, 919 AD (Wednesday) on
the Shahdat Day of our Last Prophet (PBUH) and our beloved Imam Hassan (AS) and
would end on 28th July, 2023 AD ---- 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

 First Day of Dajjal Rule……………………28th July, 919 AD

 Last Day of Dajjal Rule……………………28th July, 2023 AD

 28th Safar is the Shahdat day of 1st Panjetan i.e. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
 10th Muharram is the Shahdat day of 5th Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain (AS)

Total Rule of Dajjal = 1104 Years

104 is the Abjad of “Adal” i.e. Justice and if we add the Abjad of “Adal” into the
Year – Millinium (1000 years), we would get the total years of Dajjal Rule

1000 (Millinium) + 104 (Adal) = 1104 …………………Total Dajjal Rule

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 883

So there are 3 Phases of Dajjal Rule in this World:

 1st Phase ---- 1000 Years = 919 AD till 1919 AD

 2nd Phase ------ 83 Years = 1919 AD till 2002 AD

 3rd Phase------- 21 Years = 2002 AD till 2023 AD

1st Phase of Dajjal Rule -----------------919 AD till 1919 AD

(British Rule)…………………..Fall of British Empire

British ruled the most part of the World from 919 AD till 1919 AD, when the 1 st
World World War ended in 1918 AD and the USA took the role as a World power.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 884

2nd Phase of Dajjal Rule…………………………1919 AD till 2002 AD
(American Rule)………………………………Fall of American Empire

USA ruled the world as a major Super Power from 1919 AD after the end of the 1 st
World War and remained in power till 2002 AD until the 9 -11 incident occurred in
2001 AD.

3rd Phase of Dajjal Rule ………………………………2002 AD till 2023 AD

(Israel Rule)………………………..Fall of Zionist Emprire

Israel ruled the world as a major regional and super power and dictates its policies
all over the world through its influence in most of the middle eastern countries and
the Western Europe

Dajjal Rule …………………919 AD till 2023 AD --------1104 Years of Rule

Hazrat Ali (AS) once described Dajjal to his close friends as:

“Dajjal would be the satanic system imposed on the world by Satan. It would
have two hands. It would give favours to those who would join it and would kill
those who who would oppose it. Its head would reach the sky and its legs would
reach the bottom of seas.”

Now we see the AID as favours to nations who has joined the ONE WORLD ORDER
and WARS as destruction of countries and nations which are opposing this NEW

They have developed Satellites and rockets to reach space and have Submarines
which can reach the bottom of seas and travel long distances inside the seas. So the
Dajjal System is all before us………………………….ONE WORLD ORDER.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 885

253. Dajjal and the Aal e Usman - Family of Usman

According to various Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the sayings of our
Imams, it was mentioned that the “Aal e Usman” among the Muslim nation would
join the Dajjal forces against Imam Mahdi (AS).

Now who are “Aal e Usman”? They are the worldly, materialistic, capitalist minded
people among the Muslim Ummah especially the elite class of the Muslim countries
including the rulers, bureaucrats, high ranking army offices, rich and elite class of
the Muslims.

We are witnessing that the rulers of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, UAE, Qatar,
Bahrain, Kuwait, etc have joined the Western Capitalist System in all forms. There
are 57 Muslim countries in the World and mostly are following the ONE WORLD
GOVERNMENT Agenda i.e. Dajjal.

They are attacking and destroying each other and in the last 5 years, seven Muslim
countries are completely destroyed which includes Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya,
Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Pakistan.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 886

254. Dajjal as Order of Illuminati --- The Secret Society

The Secret Society – The Illuminati was established in 1776 AD – The same year in
which the USA came into the map of the world. Since 1776 AD, The Illuminati is
ruling the world through Secret Societies in USA, Europe and Asia.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 887

There is so much written on Illuminati, Masons and secret societies especially in the
West. So if someone is interested in reading the material on that particular subject,
then please download the books and articles on those subjects from internet.

We would just show some pictures, photos and images of the Illuminati and
Masons for your view.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 888

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 890
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 891
255. The Secret Number – 322 of The Skull and Bones
Society and its relationship with the Zahoor in 2023

The origin of the Skull and Bones Society, once known as The Brotherhood of Death,
in the U.S. begins at Yale in 1832 AD, when a group of men established an
organization for the purpose of drug smuggling. The society's alumni organization,
which owns its properties and oversees all the organization's activity, is known as
the Russell Trust Association (R.T.A.), and is named after one of Bones' founding

It still exists today only at Yale University and has evolved into more an
organization dedicated to the success of it's members after leaving the collegiate
world. The shape of that success can only be left to speculation. The Skull & Bones
Society has been described as the most secretive organization in the world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 892

Establishment of Skull and Bones in USA ………………..18 32 AD

So in the Secret Number – 322 of the Society, the first two Number -32 is taken
from the Year of its Establishment in 18 32 AD.

Now what is the Significance of last Number – 2 in the Secret Number – 322.

Number – 2 represents – “THE ORDER of File and Claw” ----- The Order
of the World

2……………….The Order of the New World

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 893

We can write the Number – 2 as 02

So actually the Number – 322 can be written as:

32 (Year of Establishment) – 02 (The Order)

Now if we reverse the Number – 3202, we would get the Secret of this Number and
the Number would be:

The reverse Number of 3202 is 2023.


3202………………….2023…………………..2023 AD is the Zahoor Year of Mahdi

So the Secret Society knows the Secret of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and that’s
why it has kept the secret as a reverse Number in the Logo of its Society.


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 894

"America's Secret Establishment", by Antony C. Sutton, 1986, page 5-6, states:

"Those on the inside know it as The Order. Others have known it for more than 150
years as Chapter 322 of a German secret society. More formally, for legal purposes,
The Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856. It was also once known as
the "Brotherhood of Death". Those who make light of it, or want to make fun of it,
call it 'Skull & Bones', or just plain 'Bones'.

The American chapter of this German order was founded in 1832 at Yale University
by General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft who, in 1876, became
Secretary of War in the Grant Administration. Alphonso Taft was the father of
William Howard Taft, the only man to be both President and Chief Justice of the
United States.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 895

Chapter 322 is a secret society whose members are sworn to silence. It only
exists on the Yale campus (that we know about). It has rules. It has ceremonial rites.
It is not at all happy with prying, probing citizens - known among initiates as
'outsiders' or 'vandals'. Its members always deny membership (or are supposed to
deny membership) and in checking hundreds of autobiographical listings for
members we found only half a dozen who cited an affiliation with Skull & Bones.

The rest were silent. An interesting point is whether the many members in various
Administrations or who hold government positions have declared their members in
the biographical data supplied for FBI 'background checks'.

Above all, The Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful. If the reader will persist
and examine the evidence to be presented - which is overwhelming - there is no
doubt his view of the world will suddenly come sharply into focus, with almost
frightening clarity.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 896

Now the Number of years from 1832 to 2023 AD would be 191 Years

2023 AD – 1832 AD = 191 Years

If we add the first two numbers – 19 with the last two numbers i.e. 91, we would
get the Number – 110, which is the Abjad of “ALI”.

191…………………………….19 + 91 = 110…………………The Abjad of “Ali”

The reverse number of 19 is 91. Adding both the numbers, we would get the
Number – 110, which is the Abjad of “Ali”

Now one can see how these secret societies know the significance of the Numbers
and the Events associated with them.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 897

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 898
256. 100 Years of Petro Dollar Rule -- 1923 AD till 2023 AD

The United States one-dollar bill ($1) is a denomination of United States currency.
The first U.S. President (1789–97), George Washington, painted by Gilbert Stuart, is
currently featured on the obverse, while the Great Seal of the United States is
featured on the reverse (back). The one-dollar bill has the oldest design of all U.S.
currency currently being produced.

In 1923 AD, both the one-dollar United States Note and Silver Certificate were
redesigned. Both notes featured the same reverse and an almost identical obverse
with the same border design and portrait of George Washington. The only
difference between the two notes was the color of ink used for the numeral 1
crossed by the word DOLLAR, treasury seal, and serial numbers along with the
wording of the obligations. These dollar bills were the first and only large-size notes
with a standardized design for different types of notes of the same denomination;
this same concept would later be used on small-size notes.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 899
Since 1923 AD till todate, all the efforts have been made to keep the US dollar as
the major reserve currency of the world so that USA can rule the world. The US
dollar is printed by Federal Reserve, USA --- A Big Private Bank who prints the US
notes for US government and gives these notes as a loan to US government and
takes interest on the loans and that is why it asks US government to impose taxes
on US citizens to repay its loan with the interest.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 900

According to most of the Economic and Political analysts and professors, US dollar is
at the verge of collapse and it may collapse in 2018 AD when the Federal Reserve,
USA has already printed AMERO --- A new American Currency for USA, Canada and
Mexico. It would replace the current US dollar.

100 Years ………………….1923 till 2023 AD

So US dollar ruled the world as a major world currency for 100 years from 1923 AD
till 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 901

257. Wars and the Month of March

Article from: Global Research by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

“Is it a coincidence?
In recent history, from the Vietnam War to the present, the month of March has
been chosen by Pentagon and NATO military planners as the “best month” to go to

With the exception of the War on Afghanistan (October 2001), all major US-NATO
led military operations over a period of almost half a century –since the invasion of
Vietnam by US ground forces on March 8, 1965– have been initiated in the month of

The Ides of March (Idus Martiae) is a day in the Roman calendar which broadly
corresponds to March 15. The Ides of March is also known as the date on which
Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 902

Lest we forget, the month of March (in the Roman Calendar) is dedicated to Mars
(Martius), the Roman God of War.

For the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked “the time to start new
military campaigns.”

As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the US Department of Defense has a

mandate to plan and implement a precise “timeline” of military operations.

Does the month of March –identified by the Romans as a “good time” to initiate
new military undertakings–, have a bearing on contemporary military doctrine?

Throughout history, seasons including the transition from Winter to Spring have
played a strategic role in the timing of military operations.

Do Pentagon military planners favor the month of March? Do they also –in some
mysterious fashion– “idolize” Mars, the Roman God of War?

March 23 (which coincides with the beginning of Spring) was the day “Romans
celebrated the start of the military campaign and war fighting season.”

“Homage was paid to Mars the god of war with festivals and feasting. … For the
Romans March 23 was a huge celebration known as Tubilustrium”.

Under these festivities which celebrated the Roman god of war, a large part of the
month of March “was dedicated to military celebration and preparedness.”
Timeline of March Military Interventions (1965- 2011)

Recent history confirms that with the exception of Afghanistan (October 2001), all
major US-NATO led military operations over a period of almost half a century –since
the invasion of Vietnam by US ground forces on March 8, 1965– have been initiated
in the month of March.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 903

The Vietnam War
The US Congress adopted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized President
Lyndon Johnson to dispatch ground forces to Vietnam on March 8, 1965.

On 8 March 1965, 3,500 U.S. Marines were dispatched to South Vietnam marking
the beginning of “America’s ground war”.

NATO’s War on Yugoslavia

NATO’s war on Yugoslavia was launched on March 24, 1999.
The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia code-named by the US Operation “Noble Anvil”
started on March 24, 1999 and lasted until June 10, 1999.

The Iraq War

The War on Iraq was launched on March 20, 2003. (Baghdad time)
The US-NATO led invasion of Iraq started on 20 March 2003 on the pretext that Iraq
possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

The 1991 Gulf War on Iraq began on 17th January. However, after the 28th February
ceasefire was agreed and signed – following the Basra Road massacre of
withdrawing soldiers and fleeing civilians on 26th/27th February – the US 24th
Mechanised Infantry Division slaughtered thousands on 2nd March.“

The Covert War on Syria

The US-NATO Covert War on Syria was initiated on March 15, 2011 with the
incursion of Islamist mercenaries and death squads in the southern city of Daraa on
the border with Jordan. The terrorists were involved in acts of arson as well as the
killings of civilians. This incursion of terrorists was from the very outset supported
covertly by the US, NATO and its Persian Gulf allies: Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

NATO’s “Humanitarian” R2P War on Libya

NATO commenced its bombing of Libya on March 19, 2011. The United Nations
Security Council passed an initial resolution on 26 February 2011 (UNSC Resolution
1970), (adopted unanimously).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 904

A subsequent United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 was adopted on 17
March 2011. It authorized the establishment of “a no-fly zone” over Libya, and the
use “all necessary measures” “to protect the lives of civilians”. Libya was bombed
relentlessly by NATO warplanes starting on March 19, 2011 for a period of
approximately seven months.

The US and its NATO allies, not to mention Israel, are on a war footing.
Several military operations are currently on the drawing board of Pentagon.”

War of Saudi Arabia with Yemen

Saudi Arabia started attacking Yemen on 25th March, 2015 AD. Thousands of people
have died in Yemen so far due to the brutal attack of Saudi Arabia on its
neighbouring country.

Expected War of Saudi Arabia and Iran in 2021 AD…….Final Chapter in Third World

It is expected that Saudi Arabia would start a full scale war with Iran in 2021 AD
and the USA, Israel and the western countries would back those attacks and hence
the world would enter into the Third World scenario with the involvement of all
major powers of the world including Russia and China as both countries would favor
and back Iran in that war.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 905

If we reverse --- M in MAR, we would get -----W as WAR.

21st March is celebrated as “Nau Rooz” in the Islamic world especially in Iran and
Central Asian states.

21st March is also the beginning of Astrology stars. Aries is the 1 st Month in

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 906

258. Vision – 2020 and the Kharooj e Dajjal

Dajjal has ONE EYE on its face. And the accurate Vision of Eye is considered as

So the Vision – 2020 AD is set by Dajjal to announce His goals and objectives by
2020 AD before His followers and Dajjal would announce the NEW WORLD
agenda and plans in March, 2020 AD before His top followers.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 907

The Kharooj of Dajjal would be secretly before His worshippers with its NEW
WORLD ORDER on 20th March, 2020 AD i.e. 24th Rajab, 1441 Hijri on Friday with the
announcement of its 3 major goals and objectives as:

1. ONE World Government

2. ONE World Religion
3. ONE World Currency

Dajjal………………….20th March, 2020 AD (24th Rajab, 1441 Hijri)

Kharooj of Dajjal………………….

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 908

259. The Public Announcement of “ONE WORLD ORDER” by
Dajjal in 2022 AD


The ‘ONE WORLD ORDER’ would be announced publically in 2022 AD and headed by
the Last Pope i.e. Pope Francis from Vatican, Rome in which there would be a
concept of ONE Currency, ONE Government, ONE Religion for all the people of the
World as the only solution after the Third World War.

The secular and aethist people of the World would accept the invitation and other
people would reject this concept and pray for “Messiah” for their salvation from the
cruelty of the World Governments.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 909

260. The Last 3 Years of Dajjal Kharooj on Earth

The Final Kharooj of Dajjal would be in 2022 AD

If we see the Hijri year ---- 1441 Hijri carefully. Our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14th
Masoom of Allah. The reverse of Number – 14 is 41 and in this Hijri year, both the
numbers – 14 and 41 are written as -------------- 1441 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 910

Significance of Day, Date, Month and Year – 24th Rajab, 1441 Hijri

 The Rajab is the 7th Islamic Hijri month.

 There are 7 days in a week.
 Friday is the 7th day of the Islamic week.
 Rajab is one of the Holy months in which two (2) Muhammad’s and two (2)
Ali’s Zahoor took place i.e. Imam Muhammad Baqir Zahoor, Imam
Muhammad Taqi Zahoor, Imam Ali Zahoor and Imam Ali Naqi Zahoor
 24th would be the Date. There are 24 hours in a day
 1441 Hijri would be the Islamic year.
 14 represent the 14th Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi and 41 is the reverse
number of 41. Adding both the numbers, we would get: 14 + 41 = 55. The
reverse number of 55 is also 55. Adding again 55 with 55, we would get: 55 +
55 = 110………….The Abjad of name, “Ali” and Satan is the enemy of Ali
 14 is the Century i.e. 15th Century Hijri
 41 is the Hijir year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 911

24 – 7 – 1441…………………..24th Rajab, 1441 Hijri

24 (Date) + 7 (Month) + 14 (Century) + 41 (Year) = 86

86………………8 + 6 = 14……………….14 Masoom of Allah i.e. Imam Mahdi

So basically Satan would launch the final war against our Imam i.e Imam Mahdi on
24th Rajab, 1441 Hijri on Friday i.e. 20th March, 2020 AD

20th March, 2020 AD

 Date would be 20th and 20 is the Abjad of name, “Hadi”
 Day would be Friday (Juma) and one of the names of our Imam is “Juma”
 March is the 1st Month in Astrology as Aries is the 1st Star and some nations
also celebrate ‘Nau Rooz’ in the month of March especially Iran and Central
Asian states.
 The first 20 in 2020 AD represent the 21st Century AD. The sum of 786 i.e. 7 +
8 + 6 = 21
 The last 20 in 2020 AD represent the year.

The Last 3 years of Dajjal would be:

20th March, 2020 till 14th April, 2023 AD

 20th March, 2020 AD………………..…..Kharooj e Dajjal (Friday)

 14th April, 2023 AD……………………….Kharooj e Mahdi (Friday)

The total number of days between the Kharooj e Dajjal and the Kharooj e Mahdi
would be 1126 Days.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 912

24th Rajab, 1441 Hijri till 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri

 24th Rajab, 1441 Hijri..……………..…..Kharooj e Dajjal (Friday)

 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri……………….Kharooj e Mahdi (Friday)

Rajab is the 7th Hijri month and Ramazan is the 9th Hijri month

7 (Rajab) 9 (Ramazan)………………79

 If we multiply 7 with number 9, we would get ---- 63

 If we add number – 7 with number – 9, we would get……16

Adding both the numbers, we would ---- 63 + 17 = 79

79 = 59 + 20…………………59 is the Abjad of “Mahdi” and 20 is the Abjad of “Hadi”

59 (Mahdi) + 20 (Hadi) = 79 (Mahdi + Hadi)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 913

261. The Year – 2025 AD and the Start of Divine Kingdom

According to the Hindus Mythology, the “Kali Yuga” would end in 2025 AD.

Kali Yuga (Devanāgarī: किलयुग [kəli juɡə], lit. "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of
vice") is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of
yugas described in the Sanskrit scriptures, within the present Mahayuga. The other
ages are called Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, and Dvapara Yuga.

Kali Yuga is associated with the apocalyptic demon Kali (who is not to be confused
with the goddess Kālī. The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord", "quarrel" or

Now we know the Abjad of Imam’s name, “Mahdi” is 59. The Surah e Hashar is also
the 59th Surah of the Holy Quran.

Now if we multiply the Numbers – 5 and 9 in the Number – 59 as:

(5 x 9) x (5 x 9) = 2025…………..2025 AD………….Start of Mahdi’s Kingdom

(45) x (45) = 2025………………2025……………Start of Divine Kingdom

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 914

The Abjad of the name of First Prophet and First Human is “ADAM” and the Abjad
of “Adam” is also 45.

The punishment of Adam would finish by 2025 AD and the Divine Kingdom of
Almighty God would start in 2025 AD by our Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 915

262. Areeza to Imam Mahdi and the Zahoor e Imam

Every year, all the Shias in the world send their “Areeza” to Imam Mahdi (AS) by
putting their Duas and requests before Him.

This special day is the Zahoor Day of our Imam i.e. 15th Shahban. The first Zahoor of
our Imam was on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri and He is the 11th Son of Imam Ali (AS) and
Bibi Fatima (AS).

15th Shahban is the only day in 365 days of the year when the Shias send their
requests in the form of “Areeza” to Imam.

 The Abjad of this Arabic word, “Areeza” is 1080

 The First Zahoor Year of our Imam is 255 Hijri
 The Abjad of the name of “Ali” is 110

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 916

Adding the numbers above, we would get:

Areeza (1080) + Zahoor Year (255) + Ali (110) = 1445

1080 + 255 + 110 = 1445……………….1445 Hijri…………..Second Zahoor of Imam


15th Shahban is the only day or the 365th Day in whole year when the Shias submit
their “Areeza” to Imam.

Adding the Abjad of “Areeza” and the number – 365, we would get:

Areeza (1080) + 365th Day = 1445………………1445 Hijri…………Zahoor Year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 917

263. Prediction about ‘Saddam Hussain’ by Maula Ali

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said in one of his speeches about the End Times before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) that:

“One person would rule Iraq who would be the cruelest person among the people.
Allah would remove this cruel person from another Cruel. Then consider the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi is near.”

So that Prophecy has already been fulfilled as Saddam Hussain ruled Iraq as the
cruelest ruler and is responsible for killing more than 7 million people in Iraq and

He was removed from the Government with the attack of USA army in 2003 AD and
finally hanged on 30th December, 2006 AD i.e. 10th Zil Hajj (Saturday), 1427 Hijri.

10th Zil Hajj is the Eid Day of the Muslims all over the world after performing Hajj in

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 918

Zil Hajj is also the last and the 12th Islamic month. So if we calculate the exact time
from the death of Saddam Hussain and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 10th
Muharram, 1445 Hijri, we would get:

Death of Saddam to Zahoor of Mahdi ---------17 years and 1 Month

The Abjad of “Mahdi” is 59 and the Number – 59 is the 17th Prime Number in

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 919

264. Leading Israeli Rabbi – Chaim Kanievsky says the
Arrival of the Messiah is imminent

“I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries where
you are scattered with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with wrath
poured with.” (Ezekiel – 20:34)

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism,

has been giving clear and unequivocal messages recently that the coming of
Messiah is imminent. He is urging Jews to make “Aliyah” a Hebrew word meaning
“to Go Up” and refers to migrating to Israel from other countries.

So the Jews scholars and their Rabbis are also preparing for the “Messiah” for their
salvation in Israel.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 920

265. Prediction about the conflict among Saudi Princes
after the death of King Abdullah by Maula Ali

After the announcement of the death of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on 23 rd

January, 2015 AD, King Salman became the King and he removed most the princes
appointed by King Abdullah and replaced them with his sons or close relatives.

He also removed the longest serving Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Prince Al –
Faisal on 19th April, 2015 AD. Three sons of Late King Abdullah escaped to Egypt to
save their lives from the wrath of the present King Salman and some daughters and
wives of Late King Abdullah is also in the custody and remained captives in their

Recently there was a firing incident in the meeting of the Saudi Princes and the Ex-
Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Prince Al- Faisal along with 2 other Saudi Princes
were shot dead and 7 more princes were injured in that incident.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 921

Prince Al - Faisal served as the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia for more than 40
years and known as the longest serving Foreign Minister of any country.

The prophecy of Maula Ali (AS) came true as the Princes of the Saudi Arabia are
now fighting with each other for the power and positions.

It has been said that 15 more rulers would come after the death of King Abdullah
but their tenure of rule would be months and days and not years as described by
our 6th Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS).

So from the death of King Abdullah on the 14th of December, 2014 AD till the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 28th July, 2023 AD, there would be 15 more rulers of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

15 Rulers of Saudi Arabia -------- 14th Dec, 2014 AD till 28th July, 2023 AD
20th Safar, 1436 Hijri till 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

Zahoor from 20th Safar, 1436 Hijri-----8 Years, 10 Months, 10 Days

20th Safar ---------------Chehlum of Imam Hussain (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 922

266. Gays and Lesbians Relationships--- All Legal and
Official in the World and the End Times

Gays and Lesbian Marriages - Legal in USA - 26th June, 2015 AD

The President of USA - Mr. Obama announced on 26th June, 2015 (Friday) in White
House that Gays and Lesbian marriages are legal throughout the USA.

If we look carefully the date and day, we would be surprised that:

26................14th Even Number in Mathematics

6........................1st Perfect Number in Mathematics

Friday .........................6th Day in Arabic Calendar

If we write the day and month as One number i.e. 26(Day) and 6 (Month) as:

266 = 19 x 14
The Average pregnancy days are 266 Days.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 923

 Now we know that 14th Masoom of Allah is Imam Mahdi (AS)
 The Number - 6 relates to Maula Ali (AS)
 The Abjad of name of Allah, "Wahid" is 19
 Friday is the most sacred day of the the week.

So basically the Satan waged another kind of War against Adam and Eve by
spreading the Gays and Lesbian culture by destroying the proper marriage and
family structure in the world.

Satan does not want children of Adam and Eve so he is promoting the unnatural
and immoral way of relationships between the humans which is condemned in all
the major religions of the world especially Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Bhuddism
and Hinduism.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 924

267. Questions and Answers about Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 925

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 927
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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 929
268. Twenty Three years of Prophethood and Year – 2023

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announced at the age of 40 that he is the Prophet of

Allah and for the next 23 years till his departure from this world, he delivered the
messages of Almighty Allah to the people.

So 23 years of Prophethood and our Imam Mahdi (AS), whose name is also the
same as the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would Zahoor in the Year – 2023.

The Number – 23 is the 9th Prime Number and Number – 9 is the Number of Bibi

If we add the numbers – 2 and 3, we would get the Number of Panjetan i.e. 5

Adding 5 with number – 9, we would get – Number – 14, which is the Number of 14
Masoomeen or our 14th Masoom i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

23 Years of Prophethood…………………….2023 AD….Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 930

269. Help of Angels to Imam Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 931

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 932
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 933
270. Wilayat e Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 934

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 935
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 936
Wilayat e Ali = Wilalyat e Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 937

271. 3 Years of World wide Drought --- 2020 till 2023 AD

In Europe, drought conditions continued to impact the majority of the continent,

including all around the Mediterranean. One impact of this is the hop harvest in the
Czech Republic is expected to drop 34 percent, to 4,100 metric tons, due to drought.

In Asia, drought continues to be focused in the Southeast, extending up through

Mongolia and into eastern Russia. India is seeing a drying out of its East Coast.
India received some small rains, but not enough to help the corn crop. Some areas
in the southern part of the country are currently too dry to plow.

In Africa, drought remains entrenched in the equatorial region and in the

North. The challenges of growing maize amid dry years prompted many Tanzanian
farmers to plant drought-tolerant sweet potatoes instead. Farmers in Uganda and
the Nyanza region of Kenya were also making the switch.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 938

In North America, the monsoon brought some relief to the southwestern US
while conditions in the western part of the continent intensified overall. More acres
have burned since the start of the 2015 Western fire season than in any other year
on record. Nearly 600,000 acres burned in California, a record 990,000 acres burned
in Washington and nearly 1 million acres burned in Oregon. Across the nation, more
than 7 million acres have burned since the start of the year, with about 5 million of
those acres belonging to Alaska.

In South America, drought remains entrenched in Brazil and around the

equator while the southern part of the continent received a little relief this month.
After seven years of relatively little rain, Chilean wine grape growers were seeking
vines that tolerate dry weather and saltiness, while others were lengthening the
time between irrigation cycles to better mimic natural rainfall.

In Australia, drought indicators point to a slight intensification of drought

conditions, particularly in the Southeast. Twenty-four people in the drought-
stricken Chimbu Province of Papua New Guinea died in August from a lack of food
and poisoned water.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 939

272. Birth Control all over the World before Zahoor

It is mentioned in Ahadith that before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the people
all over the world would stop and control the birth of their children.

Now we have been seeing this trend since early 1970’s that the Governments of the
World are encouraging the Birth Control in their countries and putting incentives for
fewer children in the families especially in China and India.

The Western countries including USA and Europe are also motivating their people
and discouraging them to have more children. In the last 50 years in USA, the
people in United States have killed their own 5 million children by abortion and
other birth control techniques and millions more births were not conceived because
of the fear and greed in the World.

Japan has a One Kit family structure and other countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh,
etc are also encouraging their citizens to go for the Birth Control.

The population of the world is about 7.3 Billion people but the growth in the
population is deterioriating year by year.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 940

273. Search for ‘Mahdi’ by Intelligence and Secret
Agencies of the World

It has been reported by the people of Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Saudi Arabia that the
people in the Secret agencies and Intelligence are asking about the whereabouts of
‘Mahdi’ from the local people and whether they know his place of residence or

So the military and the secret intelligence services of various countries have the
data and knowledge that the Arrival and the Zahoor of “Mahdi” is from the Middle
Eastern countries and they are looking to find any clue of his location or place in
case if he is hiding somewhere.

So their intellectuals agree that the Arrival of Mahdi is very NEAR and it is from
Yemen or Syria or Saudi Arabia or Iraq.

That is why they launched Wars in these countries since 1990 AD and the Wars in
the Middle East have increased and spread all across the region.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 941

274. Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) from “Karaa – Yemen”

It is mentioned in the Ahadith of our Masoomeen that the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 942

Kara in the region of Muḩāfaz̧at Ma’rib is a place located in Yemen - some
78 mi (or 125 km) East of Sanaa, the country's capital.

His Kharooj would take place on 23rd Ramazan, Friday which would be on 14th April,
2023 AD.

14th April, 2023 AD……………………23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday)

 The Abjad of ‘Kara’ is 290

 The Abjad of ‘Yemen’ is 100

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 943

275. Prophecy of Hazrat Ali (AS) about Land of America

In the famous Islamic Book, "Al - Jafar Al Azam", there are various traditions
attributed to the Commander of the Belivers, Hazrat Ali Ibn Abu Talib (AS), which
speaks about the End Times.

There is a video uploaded on "You Tube" which describes in detail about the
ecies of Hazrat Ali (AS) in which He mentions the name of America as "The
Land of America".

The link of the Video is as follows:


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 944

Hazrat Ali (AS) mentions about the Land of America as:

"And Bilal appears from Tahnaf, in Fifty Stars, and they are not in
the Sky but rather in the Great Land."

"But the Star of Bani Israel (The Children of Israel), which is drawn
in the lines of the shield, shall swallow them all."

"A time which promises the end for them, during which they do
wrong to all the faces of the Arabs."

"And the nation which disobeyed its Prophet and turned off its lamp
with its own hand, shall cry."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 945

"And he shall enter in a deceptive way, and will decorate the fifty
partitionsd with the ornaments of the worldly life."

"And he will tie the fifty cities to the rope of Bani Israel (The
Children of Israel) which comes from Mount Zion."

"He wants Corruption in Earth, and he wants oppressors to have a

high status."

"They call it "The Land of the Americ". Their leader will be from the
children of Isaac and the children of Israel."

"He will gather the people upon their language, and he will call
them by their call. And the Land of Americ will complete the Fitna."

"After the blessings spread the wings of its genorisity on them and
after the World gave them its pleasures, and after Iblis (Satan)
walked in its cities and alleys."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 946

"After he violated its sancitities. And the religion of Iblis (Satan) will
appear with them: desires, arrogance and thirst for the worldly

"And they will become drowned in amenities and blessings amused

with its goodness of its livelihood, happy with their sciences."

"Thier matters settled for them in the shadows of an evil ruler, and
their condition ended with a losing side."

"Their world is only wants, wants without reaching anywhere. They

are rulers on the Ends of the Earth, they know everything that takes
place in it."

"And they will have eyes that would spy behind the clouds, and
things like flags in the seas in which they store fire in the form of

"It angers the Ones who are oppressed in the Earth, the non
muslims and the truly muslim. And Allah will establish His proof
upon the lands of the Americ."
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 947
"So He will curse them by what they disobeyed and transgressed

"And the Mahdi will come down in the lands of the Americ from
above the clouds."

"In some domes of sunlight. It has light in the darkness, like the
moon and the stars."

"And Allah will destroy the lands of the America and collapse their
earth, and the earth will eat up its depths, and its waves will eat up
its countries and people."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 948

" New is a name used a lot by them. And there will remain from
them new and new, and new, and new, to those who make lies and

"And their efforts and exhaustion will all be wasted like dust with
the permission of Allah."

"And if it was not for the promise of Allah, their end would have
been like Qaroun (Who was given punishement by Hazrat Musa
with the orders of Allah."

"Until He Says!"

"And have glad tidings of a rapid victory by Allah, and a victory of

an opening; A Just Imam, by which Allah would please your eyes snd
move away your sadness."

"And He will distinguish by Him (Imam Mahdi) between the

supporters of Allahd and His enemies.

Regarding Dajjal, Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

"The Dajjal will come from the mountain of Sanam, and shall
bewitch the people, with him shall be a Mountain of Fire and a
Mountain of Food."

"He shall come and call: Come to me, my supporters. I am your

Greater Lord."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 949

And it is not hidden from anyone that America entered into Iraq from Kuwait
through the direction of Mountain of Sanam, which is present in Safwan. And
it is not hidden that the Mountain of Fire is the massive American War
Machinery and it is not hidden that the Mountain of Food is the giant
American Economy and the American Dollar.

And it is not hidden that America is calling today: "Come to me, My

supporters and opposes the rulership of Allah and legislates and passes laws
and wants to impose its laws upon the inhabitants of the world.

For it claims that it is your Greater Lord and it does not see except with ONE
EYE, which is the Eye of the Devilish Interest of the America. And these Dajjals
claim that they represent Jesus Chrish (PBUH) despite all that which they are
in of corruption and perversion. So America is the Anti - Christ and it
conquered the Earth in order to fill it with corruption and America is the ONE
- EYED Dajjal.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 950

276. Surah - e - Taha and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Our Imam's Zahoor is in the Year - 2023 AD

20 represents the 21st Century and 23 is the Year.

Now if we see the Surah - 20 (Taha) of the Holy Quran and its Verse - 23,
we get this verse:

"Then We would show you Our Greater Signs."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 951

Then in Hijri Year, the Kharooj of our Imam is in the year - 1444 Hijri and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is in the Year - 1445 Hijri.

If we see the Surah - 14 and Verse - 44 and Verse - 45, we would see:

Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) ----------1444

1444 Hijri
Surah - 14 and Verse- 44

"And, [O Muhammad], warn the people of a Day when the punishment

will come to them and those who did wrong will say, "Our Lord, delay us for
a short term; we will answer Your call and follow the messengers." [But it
will be said], "Had you not sworn, before, that for you there would be no

In this Verse of the Holy Quran, Allah is warning us of A DAY, which would be
the Kharooj Day of our Imam Mahdi (AS) in the Year - 1444 Hijri.

Kharooj Day of our Imam Mahdi (AS).........14th April, 2023 AD

23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri ..................Kharooj of Imam Mahdi from Yemen

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 952

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) ----------1445 Hijri
Surah - 14 and Verse- 45

"And you lived among the dwellings of those who wronged themselves, and it
had become clear to you how We dealt with them. And We presented for
you many examples."

In this Verse of the Holy Quran, Allah is mentioning HOW HE Dealt with the
Criminals in the past and HE would deal in the same way when our Imam
Mahdi (AS) would finally Zahoor in the year - 1445 Hijri and took revenge from
the cruel people of the world.

Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)...............28th July, 2023 AD

10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri .......................Zahoor of Imam Mahdi from Mecca

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 953

277. Revenge of Karbala from Mukhtar to Mahdi (AS)

Hazrat Imam Zaynul Abidin (AS) said:

“May Allah give best reward to Mukhtar (r.a)”

(Ref:Tazkirah-e-Mukhtar, famous and authentic work of Syedah Bint-ul-Huda..)

Hamdawayh said: He narrated to me from Ya`qub from Ibn Abi `Umayr from
Hisham b. al-Muthanna from Sadir from Abu Ja`far. He said:

"Do not insult al-Mukhtar for verily he killed our killers and sought our
revenge. And he got our widows married and divided the property amongst us
upon destitution."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 954

Hazrat Mukhtar e Kufi took revenge of Imam Hussain (AS) and His companions
who were martyred in Karbala in 61 Hijri on 10th Muharram i.e. 680 AD.

On 14th Rabi Ul Awal, 66 Hijri, i.e. 686 AD, Hazrat Muktar got power in Kufa
and killed more than 383,000 people who took part in the Martyrdom of Imam
Hussain (AS) and His family in Karbala. He ruled only 18 months in Kufa and
was able to take revenge for the blood of Imam Hussain (AS)

The Revenge of Hazrat Mukhtar is called, "Intiqam e Asghar" i.e. Small Revenge
of Allah.

Imam Mahdi (AS) is also waiting to take the revenge of the sacred blood of
Imam Hussain (AS) and His companions.

The Revenge of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be called, "Intiqam e Kabeer" i.e.
Great Revenge of Allah.

On the Day of Judgement, Allah would take the revenge of the blood of Imam
Hussain (AS) from the enemies and criminals who martyred the family of Imam
Hussain (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 955

The Revenge of Allah would be called, "Intiqam e Akbar" i.e. Greatest Revenge
of Allah.

 The Abjad of the name, "Mukhtar" is 1241

The family of Bibi Fatima (AS) was martyred in the battle of Karbala.

 The Abjad of the name, "Fatima" is 135

Bibi Zainab (AS) was the main character of Karbala. She travelled from Karbala
to Syria and tolerated all the tortures and crimes of Bani Ummiyah and Yazid
(LA). She led all the companions of Imam Hussain (AS) after His Shahdat. She
was the sister of Imam Hussain (AS) and daughter of Hazrat Ali (AS) and Bibi
Fatima (AS).

 The Abjad of the name, "Zainab" is 69.

Now if we add the Abjad of the name of "Mukhtar + Fatima + Zainab", we

would get the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), who would take Great
Revenge from the killers of Imam Hussain (AS) and His companions.

Mukhtar (1241) + Fatima (135) + Zainab (69) = 1445...........1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri ..........................Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)

If we add the Abjad of "Zainab" i.e. 69 with the Abjad of "Allah" i.e. 66, we get
the Number - 135, which is the Abjad of "Fatima".

Allah (66) + Zainab (69) = 135 (Fatima)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 956

278. Chinese Armed Forces landed in Syria in Oct, 2015 AD
----- Prophecy by our Imams

It is mentioned in the Ahadith of the Masoomeen of Allah (AS) that:

"When you see the Chinese people with round noses landed in Syria for
fighting, the Zahoor of Mahdi is very near."

Now on 30th September, Russia started its military operation against ISIS in
Syria and its military planes have landed on Syrian soil.

In October, 2015, the Chinese military advisors have come to Syria to help
Russian Military forces.

According to media reports, the Chinese military presence would increase in

the coming months and would help Russian military along with Iran and Syria.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 957

The Military experts all across the world have gave their judgement that World
War - 3 has already started in Syria in September, 2013. Now the war is just
esclating and would convert into full scale Nuclear World War in 2018 AD.

The World would see the Chinese Military operation in Syria against ISIS.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 958

279. Hollywood Film - "Terminator - Genisys" and
Indication of Nuclear Holocaust in October

In the recent film of Terminator series, "TERMINATOR - GENISYS", it was

mentioned that the Nuclear holocaust in the World would occur in October,
and for that reason, they send 'Terminator' to stop that War.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 959

So the Elite of the World already knows where the World Politics is heading
and where would we end up if it goes in the same direction.

The World is watching the Wars in Middle Eastern Countries like Syria, Iraq,
Yemen, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, etc. The political tensions are high in North
Korea and South Korea, India and Pakistan, India and China, Ukraine and
Russia, China and Japan, NATO and Russia, NATO and China, etc

All these wars in the Middle East, Unrest in Africa, Refugee Crisis in Europe,
Economic instablity in the World, EAST and WEST tensions, North Korea and
South Korea tension, political instablity in Thailand and Burma, proxy wars
between Saudi Arabia and Iran, proxy war in Pakistan and India, ISIS war in
Syria and Iraq, Taliban issue in Afghanistan would finally reach its climax in
October 2021 AD and in 2022 AD, the world would see the dangers of Nuclear

2/3rd Population of the World would die in this Big Nuclear War by the end of
2022 AD and by Drought and Diseases after the War as predicted in Bible and
as prophecised by many Prophets including our Last Prophet (PBUH) and
Masoomeen of Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 960

280. Russia Air Attacks in Syria on ISIS Targets with the
help of Chinese and Iran--- Progress in WW3

Russia started its bombing campaign in Syria on 30th September with a goal to
provide air support to the Syrian government troops fighting against various
terrorist groups, primarily Islamic State (ISIS). This allowed Damascus to go on
the offensive in Hama province on Friday.

The Chinese Military advisors also started arriving in Syria to help Russian
Military. Once the air bombing mission would accomplish their primary goals,
the Iranian Army is expected to go for Land operations by putting their ground
troops in Syria and Iraq.

Israel has given a serious warning by saying that it would not tolerate Iranian
military at its borders i.e. Syrian border. Mean while Saudi Arabia also warned
that it would attack Syria to remove the Syrian President - Bashar Al Asad.

Now Europe is also supporting the Russian air attacks on ISIS by saying that
USA should not dictate their policies in Europe. There is a lot of refugees influx

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 961

in Europe in the last few months and the European Governments are very
tense over this new development.

So now the World Powers are seriously clashing with each other. Only a critical
event in the Middle East would engage the World Powers into a Major War,
which would be World War - 3 reaching its climax in 2022 AD.

This Big War in the World has been predicted in Bible and by our Masoomeen
in many sayings. 1/3rd population of the world would die in this World War.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 962

281. Eid e Mubahalah - Last Eid and the Eid e Zahoor
Mahdi (AS) in 1445 Hijri

‘Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our
souls and your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down Allah’s curse
upon the liars’. (Qur'an 3:61)

This verse refers to the famous event of 'al-Mubahala ' which took place in the
year 10 A.H on 24th Zil Hajj, between the Prophet (S) and the Christians of
Najran and which is mentioned in all well-known books of traditions, tafsir
(exegesis) and history by Muslim scholars.

The last Eid of Shia Muslims is on 24th Zil Hajj, which is the last and 12th
Month of Hijri Calendar.

 The Islamic Month --- Zil Hajj ---12th Month

 The Eid e Mubahala Date -------- 24th Day

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 963

Now if we put the Number of Month i.e. 12 and the Day i.e. 24 together, we
would get the Number - 1224

12 (Month)....24(Date).............1224
The Abjad of "Muhammad O Aale Muhammad"is 221.

Adding the Abjad - 221 with the number - 1224, we would get:

1224 + 221 = 1445..........Final Eid e Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)

The Final Eid of 'Muhammad O Aale Muhammad "would be in the Hijri Year of

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 964

282. Panjetan and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Adding the Abjad of the names of "Allah"and "Panjetan", we would get:

 The Abjad of name,"Allah" is 66

 The Abjad of name, "Muhammad" is 92
 The Abjad of name,"Ali" is 110
 The Abjad of name, "Fatima" is 135
 The Abjad of name,"Hassan" is 118
 The Abjad of name, "Hussain" is 128

66 + 92 + 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 649

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 965

Now we see what is the "Masheaat e Ilahi"meaning the Intention of Allah in
regards to the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi(AS).

 The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Masheaat" meaning the Intention is 750
 The Abjad of the Arabic name, "Ilahi"is 46

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Masheaat e Ilahi" is 796.

Adding the Abjad of the Arabic word, "Masheaat e Ilahi"with the Number - 649
of the sum of Abjad of the names of Allah and Panjetan, we would get:

796 + 649 = 1445...........1445..........Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The "Masheaat e Ilahi" and of Panjetan Pak is in the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) in the Hijri year - 1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 966

283.Allah O Akbar in Aarsh O Farsh about Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Arabic words, "Allah O Akbar" are the most popular Arabic words among
the Muslims. All their prayers start with this spiritual word.

The Abjad of "Allah O Akbar" is 289

The Rule of Allah is from "Aarsh (Highest Sky) to Farsh (Earth)" and "Allah O
Akbar" is from "Aarsh to Farsh"

The Abjad of Arabic words, "Aarsh O Farsh" is 1156

Now if we add the Abjad of "Allah O Akbar" with the Abjad of "Aarsh O Farsh",
we would get the Year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Allah O Akbar (289) + Aarsh O Farsh (1156) = 1445............1445 Hijri (Zahoor)

289 + 1156 = 1445.............1445 Hijri.............Zahoor Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 967

284. Zahoor Mahdi and Zahoor Syeda Fatima (AS)

It was mentioned by our Masoomeen (AS) that Imam Mahdi (AS) would first
take the revenge of Hazrat Mohsin (AS), the martyred son of Bibi Fatima (AS).

So along with the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the Zahoor of All Ahal e Bait
(AS) would take place.

Bibi Syeda Fatima (AS), the mother of 11 Imams and wife of Maula Ali (AS) and
daughter of the Last Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) would also
come to see the revenge by the hands of his 11th son, Imam Mahdi (AS).

 The Abjad of Her Laqab, "Syeda" is 79.

 The Abjad of "Zahoor" is 1111
We know that the first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year - 255 Hijri.

Now if we add the Numbers - 255 with the Abjad of "Zahoor" and "Syeda", we
would get:

255 (Zahoor of Mahdi) + 1111 (Zahoor) + 79 (Syeda) = 1445

Zahoor e Mahdi (255 Hijri) + Zahoor (1111) e Syeda (79) = 1445

255 + 1111 + 79 = 1445..................1445 Hijri........Zahoor Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 968

285. Zahoor Mahdi and Zahoor Hussain (AS)

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 9th son of Imam Hussain (AS), who was the 5th
Panjetan and 3rd Imam of Shias.

Imam Mahdi (AS) would also take the revenge of Imam Hussain (AS) and His
family who were martyred in Karbala by the Army of Yazid (LA).

Imam Hussain (AS) Zahoor would also take place along with the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) to take the revenge from the Evil Army of Yazid (LA).

The Adal i.e. Justice would take place upon the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). All
Masoomeen of Allah are waiting for Imam Mahdi (AS) to take their revenge
from the enemies of Islam and Allah.

 The Abjad of the name, "Hussain" is 128

 The Abjad of "Zahoor" is 1111
 The Abjad of "Adal" i.e. Justice is 104

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 969

We know that the Battle of Karbala took place in the year - 680 AD.

We also know that the "Adal" i.e. Justice in the World would take place in the
year - 2023 AD.

If we add the Abjad of "Zahoor" + "Hussain" + "Adal" with the year - 680 AD,
we would get the Year of Zahoor Mahdi (AS) i.e. 2023 AD as:

680 AD (Year of War of Karbala) + Zahoor (1111) + Hussain (128) +

Adal (104) = 2023

680 + 1111 + 128 + 104 = 2023 .................2023 AD......Zahoor Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 970

286. Hollywood Film - "The Fifth Wave" and the
Coming of the Last and the 5th Phase as mentioned by
Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) before the Zahoor of Mahdi

Fifth Wave ----- White Death ---- Drought and Diseases

While describing the Verse - 155 of Surah - 2 of the Holy Quran, Imam Jaffar e
Sadiq (AS) mentioned about the five (5) phases of the test of humanity before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Five Phases or Five Waves of Test of Humanity are:

1. Fear of Kings ------------- 1998 till 2003 (Five years)
2. Loss of Wealth----------- 2003 till 2008 (Five years)
3. Increase in Food prices ---- 2008 till 2013 (Five years)
4. Loss of Life (1/3rd population would die)-----------2013 till 2018 (5 years)
5. Loss of Agriculture (1/3rd more population would die) -- 2018 till 2023

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 971

So the Fifth Wave or 5th Phase of the test of all humanity is the Loss of Food and
Agriculture and is known as "White Death" in which 1/3rd more population would
die making it total of 2/3rd death of population of the world before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS).

Now in the incoming movie of the Hollywood, "The Fifth Wave", it is clearly
mentioned that the world is entering the Fifth (5th) Wave after the attack of Alliens
on Earth where all humanity have faced destruction and death.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 972

287. Refugee Crisis in the World and the End Time

Since 2014 AD, Europe has been experiencing refugee crisis and thousands of
refugees from the war torn countries like Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen,
Afghanistan, Eastern Africa, etc are flooding the European continent.

As announced by the head of the European Union Commission, more than 3

million refugees would come to Europe from all parts of Africa and Middle

Most of the European countries are experiencing severe economic crisis even
before the flood of the refugees. Now adding fuel to the fire, the refugee crisis
is becoming more burden on their fragile economies and most would go in
deep financial, economic and social crisis.

To avoid the riots and the economic crisis, the World powers would prefer to
go for more wars in the region by 2017 and in 2018 AD, the world would see
the Big War in the whole region in 2019 AD destroying countries and the
people in those regions.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 973

288. Increase in Divorce Rate throughout the
World before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

It is mentioned in many sayings of our Masoomeen (AS) that the Divorce rates
would increase all over the world before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Now we can see from the statistics of Divorce rates in most countries of the
world and it is quite evident from the facts that the Divorce rates have risen to
extreme limits.

Some of the graphs are shown below as:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 974

The Current Divorce Rates in Japan is as follows:

The Children affected by the Divorces in the United States are increasing every
year and the following is the statistics of the Children affected from the
Divorces in USA.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 975

The social fabric of the society all over the world is so much affected by the
Satanic Social Environment that the family life is affected in all ways. That is
why the Divorce rates have risen all over the world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 976

It has been narrated by different sayings of our Imams and Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) that the divorces would increase before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

If we see the stats of Divorce to Marriage ratio in the world, the

approximate average is 30%. That is for 100 marriages in the world,
the divorces would be 30.

All the doctors and the psychologists agree that the divorce has worst
impact on the couple and their children if they have any irrespective
when they take divorce. We are not discussing the reasons of divorces
but whatever the cause of the divorce, the fact is that the ratio of
divorces has increased and increasing every year.

For details, one can consult this website:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 977

289. The God's Prophetic Time Clock till the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There is Almighty God's Prophetic Clock till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and
the Jesus Christ (AS).

The God's Prophetic Clock about Jesus Christ is prophecised in the Bible and
the God's Prophetic Clock about Imam Mahdi (AS) was prophecised by our
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Imams (AS).

As per Bible, the Last 7 years before the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ, the
humanity would pass through difficult and tough times as mentioned in the

1/3rd Bible comprised of Prophecies made by the Almighty God. The Last 360
weeks before the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ would be severe on all the
humanity and 2/3rd population of the world would die before His Second
Coming as described in the Bible and explained by the Bible Scholars.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 978

Last Seven Years ------ 2016 AD till 2023 AD
Similarly in the Holy Quran, the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) is mentioned in many verses.

The Verse - 155 of the Surah - 2 of the Holy Quran clearly mentions that the
Humanity would pass through 5 difficult phases before the Final Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) as explained by Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS).

Now the whole humanity is entering into the most difficult phase of the End
Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming of the
Jesus Christ (AS) i.e. 2016 AD when the Last and the Final 7 year period of
Tribulation and Severity of Death, Destruction and Drought would start.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 979

290. 119 Gates of Holy Kaaba and One Gate is in
the name of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are 119 Gates of Grand Mosque of Holy Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Recently
the Saudi Government named One of the Gates in the name of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

"Bab e Mahdi" --------------------Door of Mahdi (AS)

In the Holy Mosque of Madina, there is already One Gate dedicated in the name of
Imam Mahdi (AS) named as:

"Bab e Hae Al Mahdi".................Door of the Life Giver, The Mahdi (AS)

As the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place in the Grand Holy Mosque of
Kaaba and there are 119 Gates of Holy Kaaba, Mecca.

Now the Number - 119 is very important in relation with the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 980

The Abjad of "Haq Hu" is 108 + 11 = 119
Another perspective of Number - 119 is as follows:

 If we add the Year of Imam Mahdi’s First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri into the Abjad
of words – “Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi”, we would get the Year of His Zahoor.

Year of Imam Mahdi’s – First Zahoor – 255 Hijri

Abjad of Arabic Words: “Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi” are:

The Abjad of word, “Zahoor” is 1111

The Abjad of His name, “Hadi” is 20
The Abjad of His name, “Mahdi” is 59”

The Abjad of Arabic Words: “Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi” ---- 1111 + 20 + 59 = 1190

Year of His First Zahoor (255) Hijri + Zahoor e Hadi Mahdi (1190) = 1445 Hijri

255 + 1190 = 1445……………….1445 Hijri

1445 – 255 = 1190

The Number of Years of Imam Mahdi’s Ghaibat would also be

119 x 10 = 1190

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 981

291. The Message of Islam is all over the World
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Now we see that the words, "Islam" and "Muslims" have spread to all parts of
the world including the remote areas of the World. After 9-11 incident, the
introduction of Islam and Muslims has been done by the main stream media
whether in good form or bad.

Now no one can say that we have not heard about the religion Islam and the
Muslims. The world is shrinking day by day with the help of media and

Now we are living in a small Global village. No one can imagine just 25 years
ago that the humans would come so close to each other.

This is basically the platform which Allah needs before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) so that the message of Islam and Imam Mahdi (AS) would be heard
and understood by all humans of the world.

This is ONE of the major indications of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as we
are witnessing the wars against Muslims and the religion Islam all over the
world by the major players of the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 982

292. Recitation of Surah e Ashab e Kahf by the
Head of Imam Hussain (AS) and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS)

As we all know that after the battle of Karbala, the head of Imam Hussain (AS)
was reciting the Surah e Ashab e Kahf (Chapter - 18) of the Holy Quran, which
contains 110 Verses.

Imam Hussain (AS) is the 5th Panjetan and also 5th Masoom of Allah.

We also know that Imam Hussain's 9th Son, i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS) would take
Imam Hussain's revenge of Karbala and Syria from the enemies. This Verse is
also the 9th Verse of the Surah.

Also we know that the first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) took place in 255 Hijri.

Now we see the link of the Surah "Ashab al Kahf" and the 5th Panjetan i.e.
Imam Hussain (AS) and the final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 983

We also know that "Ashab al Kahf" would be among 313 Companions of Imam
Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor in 1445 Hijri

 The Abjad of "Ashab al Kahf" is 238

 Imam Hussain (AS) is the 5th Panjetan
If we multiply the Abjad of "Ashab al Kahf" i.e. 238 with the number - 5 of the 5th
Panjetan i.e. Imam Hussain (AS), we would get:

Ashab al Kahf (238) x 5th Panjetan (5) = 1190

Adding the Number - 1190 with the Year of First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) i.e. 255, we would get the Final year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) i.e.

1190 + 255 (First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi - 255 Hijri) = 1445

1190 + 255 = 1445..............1445 Hijri ......Final Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 984

293. Miracle of Number - 17 with the Zahoor and
Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

We know that the most famous 'Laqab' of our Imam is "Mahdi".

 The Abjad of the name, "Mahdi" is 59.

The Number - 59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics
Now we see the link of Number - 17 with the Zahoor and Ghaibat of our Imam
Mahdi (AS).

We all know that the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year - 255 Hijri.

255 = 17 x 15

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 985

The Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the year - 1445 Hijri

1445 = 17 x 17 x 5
Also the year - 1445 Hijri is coming in 2023 AD.

2023 = 17 x 17 x 7
The Total years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS) are 1190 years as:

1445 - 255 = 1190 years

1190 = 17 x 70
The Abjad of Allah's names, "Haq Hu" is 119 as the Abjad of "Haq" is 108 and the
Abjad of Allah's name, "Hu" is 11. So 108 + 11 = 119

119 = 17 x 7
The year of the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) - 255 Hijri was in the year -- 869 AD
Our Imam Mahdi (AS) would establish the Divine Kingdom on the Earth by 2025 AD
The total number of years from his First Zahoor in 869 AD till the Establishment of
the Divine Kingdom in 2025 AD are 1156 years
1156 = 17 x 68
The Rule of Allah is from "Aarsh (Highest Sky) to Farsh (Earth)" and "Allah O
Akbar" is from "Aarsh to Farsh"

The Abjad of Arabic words, "Aarsh O Farsh" is 1156

The Divine Kingdom of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be after 1156 years from His First
Zahoor in 869 AD and would finally establish in 2025 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 986

The number - 68.....................6 + 8 = 14...............14th Masoom of Allah

Now we have seen the role of Number - 17 in the Zahoor and the Ghaibat of Imam
Mahdi (AS).
The Number - 17 is the 7th Prime Number in Mathematics and the Number - 7 is
treated as the Lucky Number in most cultures and religions of the World.
There are also 17 Rakats in the total 5 Wajib Namaz in the whole day. There are
total 51 Rakats
kats in all the prayers during the day.

51 = 17 x 3

The Abjad of "Allah O Akbar" is 289

289 = 17 x 17
In Surah - 17 of the Holy Quran, Verse - 71 (The Number - 71 is the reverse
number of Number - 17 in Mathematics), it is mentioned that all human beings
would be called on the Day of Judgement with their Imams.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 987

294. Global Economic Crisis & the Fall of Currencies from
2020 to 2021 AD

The Economists and Financial Experts are predicting the Global Economic Collapse
by the Start of 2021 AD. They are continuously writing books and articles in both
main stream media and alternate media and websites.

The World is experiencing the Fall in the Value of their currencies with respect to
USA Dollar. The Gold prices are also down. The Oil Prices have touched below $40
per barrel. They are not the good indicators in the Finance and Economy of the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 988

An article on the coming Economic Collapse is shared with the courtesy of:

"Financial markets are currently in a frenzy – and a global market crash could be
just minutes away. Earlier last week, China allowed its currency to fall in value,
prompting its highest one-day decline in over two decades. Today, data shows that
China’s factories have contracted at their fastest pace since the most recent
financial crisis. Market panic is quickly gaining pace as China’s economy shows
clear signs of further deterioration.

The US stock market has experienced its largest decline in 18 months, European
shares have experienced their biggest weekly fall this year, and the FTSE fell to its
lowest point this year. John Ficenec of the Telegraph believes things are only going
to get worse, and he gives us 8 convincing reasons why.

1. China Slowdown
When the financial crisis struck in 2008, it was central banks that essentially
stepped in and provided the finance to keep the world’s major economies afloat.
Indeed, a significant stimulus package was put together for China.

(Here at Positive Money we have previously noted that China has progressively
lowered its benchmark interest rates since 2011 and has lowered reserve ratios a
number of times in the past years. Accordingly, Chinese private sector debt has
quadrupled in the last 7 years, and we noted that soaring Chinese debt levels are
one of three of the biggest threats to global financial stability.)

The Chinese stimulus prompted a housing and infrastructure bubble, absorbing

many of the World’s commodities. Ficenec, therefore begins his article by
suggesting that:

“China was the great saviour of the world economy in 2008. The
launching of an unprecedented stimulus package sparked an
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 989
infrastructure investment boom. The voracious demand for commodities
to fuel its construction boom dragged along oil
oil- and resource-rich
emerging markets.”

However, Chinese demand has begun to slow:

“Economic growth has dipped below 7pc for the first time in a quarter of a
century, according to official data. That probably means the real economy
is far weaker… Data for exports showe
showedd an 8.9pc slump in July from the
same period a year before. Analysts expected exports to fall only 0.3pc,
so this was a huge miss. The Chinese housing market is also in a perilous
state. House prices have fallen sharply after decades of steady growth. For
the millions who stored their wealth in property, it makes for unsettling

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 990

2. Commodity Collapse
Prices of commodities are very good indicators of global economic activity. Thus,
when demand for important raw materials (i.e. copper, iron ore, aluminium, zinc,
nickel, lumber etc.) plummets and prices drop, we are given a good idea of what to
expect from our economies.

It is thus no surprise, that Ficenec suggests as China’s economy activity continues

to decline, demand for commodities will simil
arly continue to fall. Indeed, the
massive slowdown in China’s economy has almost single handily prompted a
collapse in the commodity markets:

“The Bloomberg Global Commodity index, which tracks the prices of 22

commodity prices, fell to levels last seen at the beginning of this century.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 991

3. Resource Sector Credit Crisis
Numerous loans worth billions of dollars were used to finance exploration and
excavation of raw materials and oil. Thus, with the continued collapse in prices for
these goods:

“Many off these projects are now loss

making. The loans raised to back
the projects are now under water and investors may never see any
returns… As more debt needs refinancing in future years, there is a risk
the contagion will spread rapidly.”

4. Dominos Begin to Fall

Many of the emerging economies, with export
oriented economies are dependent
on the returns from high commodity prices. Accordingly, they use the profits from
their exports to purchase imports from Western economies. Thus, there is a clear
domino effect from China, to emerging economies, to the West.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 992

“The great props to the world economy are now beginning to fall. China is
going into reverse. And the emerging markets that consumed so many of
our products are crippled by currency devaluation. The famed Brics of
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, to whom the West was
supposed to pass on the torch of economic growth, are in varying states
of disarray.”

According to Ficenec, there are three primary knock-on effects that this will have
for the West. 1) The profits that many Western companies have been dependent on
for the last 6-7 years will no longer be available. 2) The prices of the shares of
these companies are presently over-valued based on their current earnings. 3)
Thus, as the profits of these companies decline, their share price will decline even
more abruptly.

The author consequently suggests that:

“The central banks are rapidly losing control. The Chinese stock market
has already crashed and disaster was only averted by the government
buying billions of shares. Stock markets in Greece are in turmoil as the
economy grinds to a halt and the country flirts with ejection from the

Earlier this year, investors flocked to the safe-haven currency of the Swiss
franc but as a €1.1 trillion quantitative easing programme devalued the
euro, the Swiss central bank was forced to abandon its four-year peg to
the euro.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 993

5. Credit Markets Roll Over
Next, Ficenec suggests that:

“As central banks run out of silver bullets then, credit markets are
desperately seeking to reprice risk. The London Interbank Offered Rate
(Libor), a guide to how worried UK banks are about lending to each other,
has been steadily rising during the past 12 months.”

The author makes a good point that this is actually q

uite a natural process and may
in fact be a ‘ healthy return to normal pricing’ after a number of years of
unprecedented monetary stimulus by a various central banks. But more
importantly, Ficenec points out that:

“As the essential transmission systems of llending

ending between banks begin to
take the strain, it is quite possible that six years of reliance on central
banks for funds has left the credit system unable to cope.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 994

6. Interest Rate Shock
Another reason to believe that things are going to worse from here is the potential
for an interest rate shock.

“Interest rates have been held at emergency lows in the UK and US for
around six years. The US is expected to move first, with rates starting to
rise from today’s 0pc-0.25pc around the end of the year. Investors have
already starting buying dollars in anticipation of a strengthening US
currency. UK rate rises are expected to follow shortly after”.

This will be particularly problematic for many emerging economies which have in
recent years taken out massive loans in U.S. dollars and U.K. sterling. As the dollar
and pound begin to strengthen in value (appreciate), many of the emerging
economies who depend on a devalued currency in order export more, will struggle
to pay back their loans – as paying back those loans will require a lot more of their
respective domestic currencies than originally intended.

7. Bull Market Third Longest on Record

Ficenec then puts forward something that Positive Money has been stating for a
long time, prices on the UK stock market have been increasing primarily due to
Quantitative Easing programmes.

“The UK stock market is in its 77th month of a bull market, which began
in March 2009. On only two other occasions in history has the market
risen for longer. One is in the lead-up to the Great Crash in 1929 and the
other before the bursting of the dotcom bubble in the early 2000s… UK
markets have been a beneficiary of the huge balance-sheet expansion in
the US. US monetary base, a measure of notes and coins in circulation
plus reserves held at the central bank, has more than quadrupled from
around $800m to more than $4 trillion since 2008. The stock market has
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 995
been a direct beneficiary of this money and will struggle now that QE3 has

8. Overvalued US Market
Low interest rates and Quantitative Easing programmes have most likely had the
same effect on the US stock Market. Ficenic thus suggests:

“In the US, Professor Robert Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price earnings
ratio – or Shiller CAPE – for the S&P 500 stands at 27.2, some 64pc above
its historic average of 16.6. On only three occasions since 1882 has it
been higher – in 1929, 2000 and 2007.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 996

295. Hollywood Film - "Spectre" - James Bond 24th Movie
Song Lyrics by - San Smith
"Writing's on the Wall"

Sam Smith "Writing's On The Wall"

Lyrics of the Song
I've been here before
But always hit the floor
I've spent a lifetime running
And I always get away
But with you I'm feeling something
That makes me want to stay

I'm prepared for this

I never shoot to miss
But I feel like a storm is coming
If I'm gonna make it through the day
Then there's no more use in running
This is something I gotta face

If I risk it all
Could you break my fall?
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 997
How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall

A million shards of glass

That haunt me from my past
As the stars begin to gather
And the light begins to fade
When all hope begins to shatter
Know that I won't be afraid

If I risk it all
Could you break my fall?

How do I live? How do I breathe?

When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood

Tell me is this where I give it all up?

For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall

The writing's on the wall

How do I live? How do I breathe?

When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you're not here I'm suffocating
I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 998

For you I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall

The whole message in the song, "The Writings on the Wall" of the film, "Spectre" is
the Appeal of the Elite of the World to the Satan to Save them after the Skyfall,
which was the previous movie of the James Bond, "Skyfall".

In the previous movie, "Skyfall", the Satan announced that the Skyfall is near and
the humans have to count to 10.

The Pharoah's of Egypt who are basically running since the Moses time and have
established their Kingdoms in France, Britain and USA in different forms are actually
the followers of Satan and they are the main political players in the World for the
last many centuries.

They are playing in the hands of Satan and have waged wars, depressions,
recessions, revolutions for the last centuries.

They are seeing the Return of Jesus Christ and Mahdi and now they are worried
about that storm. So they are appealing to Satan to save them after the Skyfall and
in the Storm.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 999

296. Shaikh Hamza Yusuf --- About the End Times and the
Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Hamza Yusuf is an American Islamic scholar, and is co-founder of Zaytuna College.

He is a proponent of classical learning in Islam and has promoted Islamic sciences
and classical teaching methodologies throughout the world.

He has given many lectures on the End Times and the Arrival of Jesus Christ.

Some of his Videos on the End Times which are available on the Youtube are listed


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1000

In his lectures, he is clearly mentioning that we are living in End Times and the
events and trends in the World are the same prophecies mentioned in the Sayings
of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The main points, he mentioned in his lectures and interviews are:

 The ISIS
 The Hour is coming
 Dajjal
 The Return of Jesus
 The Hajj
 Condition of Saudi Arabia - Mecca and Medina
 Buildings in Mecca
 Economic conditions in the World

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1001

297. Man from the City of Qom before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Revolution in Iran in 1979 was seen by most scholars in Shia Islam as the Time
near to the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Syed Khomeni from Qum, Iran was the main leader in the Iraninan Revolution. He
was quoted as the Man from Qum, who would unite His nation against the
oppressors and opponents of Iran.

And the above Saying of Maula Ali (AS) is usually referred to mention the Iranian
Revolution in 1979 by Syed Khomeni from Qum, Iran.

So all the prophecies of our Imams have come true. Similarly this Prophecy of
Iranian Revolution also came true in 1979 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1002

This prohecy can be related to Syed Khorasani who would emerge from Samarkand,
Uzbekistan which was considered as part of Khorasan.

Some scholars of Shia Islam relate this saying to Syed Khomeni from Qum, Iran who
brought the Iraninan Revolution in 1979 AD against the Shah of Iran.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1003

298. Hungry people all over the World waiting for the
Justice in the World ------ Imam Mahdi (AS)

Hunger Statistics in the World

Sharing the Article from the World Food Program - website:

"Every year, authors, journalists, teachers, researchers, schoolchildren and students ask us
for statistics about hunger and malnutrition. To help answer these questions, we've
compiled a list of useful facts and figures on world hunger.

Some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy
active life. That's about one in nine people on earth.

The vast majority of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where
12.9 percent of the population is undernourished.

Asia is the continent with the most hungry people - two thirds of the total. The
percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has
increased slightly.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1004

Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest prevalence (percentage of
population) of hunger. One person in four there is undernourished.

Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five - 3.1 million
children each year.

One out of six children -- roughly 100 million -- in developing countries

is underweight.

One in four of the world's children are stunted. In developing countries the
proportion can rise to one in three.

If women farmers had the same access to resources as men, the number of hungry in
the world could be reduced by up to 150 million.

66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing
world, with 23 million in Africa alone.

WFP calculates that US$3.2 billion is needed per year to reach all 66 million hungry
school-age children.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1005

299. Global Terrorism is rising in the World----- Living
in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

The Global Terrorism Index and figures are presented to have a bird's eye view that
this is the most important issue in the lives of all humans in the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1006

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1008
Sharing the excellent article from website:

"Almost 18,000 people were killed in terrorist attacks in 2013, a 61 percent increase
from the 2012. Four terrorist groups, the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and
Boko Haram were responsible for two thirds of all such deaths around the globe.

The Global Terrorism Index, produced by the London-based Institute for Economics
and Peace, also found that 80 percent of terrorist attack fatalities occurred in only
five countries; Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria.

Worryingly, the 63 percent increase from 11,133 terrorist deaths in 2012 to 17,958
in 2013 is the biggest year-on-year escalation since records began in 2000. Since the
turn of the millennium, the number of deaths due to terrorist activates has
increased fivefold, which also coincided with US military campaigns in Afghanistan
and Iraq.

There has also been a sharp increase in the number of terrorist attacks, with almost
10,000 occurring in 2013. However, the report also showed that around 50 percent
of terrorist attacks did not claim any lives.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1009

Since 2000, the Taliban has been responsible for the most deaths, 8763, from terror
attacks, closely followed by Al-Qaeda with 8585. The Islamic State (IS, formerly
known as ISIS/ISIL) and Boko Haram both became more active in 2009, which was
the first year that either group killed over 300 people. Based on data up to the end
of 2013, these two groups have killed in excess of 3,000 people in four years, half of
which was in 2013 alone.

However, things could get even worse next year, as the publication does not include
the mass killings carried out by the militant IS, which have been taking place in Iraq
and Syria since the summer.

"There is no doubt it is a growing problem. The causes are complex but the four
groups responsible for most of the deaths all have their roots in fundamentalist
Islam," said the Institute for Economics and Peace founder Steve Killelea.

"They are particularly angry about the spread of Western education. That makes
any attempt at the kind of social mobilizing you need to stop them particularly
difficult - it can just antagonize them more," he said.

The report states that, “The rise in terrorist activity coincided with the US invasion
of Iraq. This created large power vacuums in the country allowing different factions
to surface and become violent.”

However, despite the US spending tens of billions of dollars on counterterrorism

operations, figures produced by the Rand Corporation shows that only seven
percent of terrorist groups have been quelled due to military action. The
organization says that policing and negotiations are the most successful way of
countering terrorist groups, with the two having a combined success rate of 83

“The majority of terrorist groups ended by joining the political process, or were
destroyed by policing and intelligence agencies breaking up the group and either
arresting or killing key members. Military force in of itself was rarely responsible for
ending terrorist groups,” the report, published in the General Terrorism Index (GTI),

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1010

However, terrorist groups are now targeting police and security forces with even
greater frequency, thus making it much harder to try and manage the problem,
according to Killelea. He added that this can lead to rights abuses against the
civilian population, which can sometimes inflame an already-volatile situation even

Terrorist incidents have increased significantly in Iraq during 2013 with the number
of deaths rising by 162 percent from 2012. Bombings are the tactics almost
exclusively used by terrorist groups, with this method accounting for 87 percent of
deaths and 97 percent of injuries. Suicide attacks also continue to be used, with a
very high cost to human life - an average of over seven deaths per suicide attack.

Since the civil war in Syria started in 2011, there has been a massive increase in
terror activity. From 1998 to 2010 there were a combined total of just 27 deaths.
However, since the start of unrest to try and topple President Bashar Assad, that
number has already jumped to well over a thousand by the end of 2013.

Since 2000, suicide attacks have accounted for 5 percent of deaths in terror
activities, while the tactic is most favored by militant group Hamas. The Palestinian
organization has carried out 195 attacks, 24 percent of which have been suicide
missions. However, their last suicide attack was in 2008, according to data in the
report, which also stated that 60 percent of attacks involved explosives, 20 percent
firearms and 10 percent through other actions, such as arson or attacks with motor

Both Syria and Iraq have witnessed religious struggles between Sunni and Shia
Muslims, which has led to an increase in terrorist activity.

“Religion as a driving ideology for terrorism has dramatically increased since 2000.
Prior to 2000 nationalist separatist agendas were the biggest drivers of terrorist
organizations,” the report adds.

The report also showed that the number of countries which experienced deaths as a
result of terrorist attacks had reached a new high of 24 in 2013, up from the
previous record of 19 nations in 2008.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1011

Over the past 14 years, five percent of all terrorist deaths have taken place in
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The
data excludes the September 11 terrorist attacks, but shows that Turkey and Israel
have experienced the highest number of deaths.

Although not as frequent as in the Middle East and Africa, OECD countries have
experienced some of the heaviest-casualty terrorist attacks, such as the London
bombings in July 2005 and the Madrid train bombings in March 2004.

“Terrorism as a tactic of sustained mass destruction on a large scale is mostly

ineffective. However, large scale explosions and mass deaths cause large,
unpredictable and unintended consequences, whereas individual deaths have much
smaller flow-on effects,” the report added.

Although terrorist attacks are constantly in the news, figures show that 40 times
more people are murdered around the globe every year, in comparison to those
losing their lives as a consequence of terrorist activities."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1012

300. Zahoor of Adam as Imam Mahdi (AS) is the
Waris (Descendent) of Hazrat Adam and also the son
of Adam --- Allah O Akbar

Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first Prophet of Allah and our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Last
Imam of Allah.

Hazrat Adam (AS)...............................First Prophet of Allah

Hazrat Mahdi (AS).............................. Last Imam of Allah

So there should be some relationship between Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Mahdi

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Waris (Descendent) of Hazrat Adam (AS) and the son of
Hazrat Adam (AS).

Imam Mahdi's Zahoor is for the salvation of the sons and daughters of Adam and
Eve from the Evil and the Devil -- The Satanic forces in the world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1013

The Abjad of name, "Adam" is 45

Our Imam is the 14th Masoom of Allah.

If we say that the Zahoor of 14th Masoom of Allah is for the salvation of Adam (45).

14 (Masoom) 45 (Adam)..........................1445..........1445 Hijri ........Year of Zahoor

Also the Abjad of "Zahoor" is 1111

The Abjad of Arabic words, "Allah O Akbar" is 289

The Abjad of name, "Adam" is 45

The Abjad of the following Arabic words: "Zahoor e Adam! Allah O Akbar" is 1445

Zahoor (1111) e Adam (45) + Allah O Akbar (289) .................1445

1111 + 45 + 289 = 1445...............1445 Hijri.............Zahoor Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1014

301. The 3rd World War in 3 Major Continents and
1/3rd Population of the world would die in this Big
War - Red Death before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

It is very interesting to note that Number - 3 is repeating in different forms in the

3rd World War. Let us see from the stats of the World War - 3.

Climax of World War - 3 -----------------2021 AD

 World War - 3 ----------------- 3 x 1 = 3rd World War
 This War would last for 9 years (2015 AD till 2023 AD)------ 3 x 3 = 9 Years War
 World War - 3 started with the start of Russian attacks on ISIS in Syria on 30th
Sept, 2015................................3 x 10 = 30th September
 World War - 3 started in the month of September, which is the 9th month
3 x 3 = 9th Month (September)
 3 Continents would be directly involved in the 3rd World War i.e. Asia, Africa
and Europe ------------------ 3x 1 = 3 Continents
 There are 153 Countries in the 3 Continents of Asia (48), Africa (54) and
Europe (51)........... 3 x 51 = 153 Countries of 3 Continents

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1015

 One Third (1/3rd) population of the world would die i.e. Red Death as
predicted in Bible and Islamic prophecies ------ 1 x 1/3 = 1/3rd would die
 The population of the World is 7,386,000,000 (Approx). Now if we divide
7,386,000,000 divide by 1/3rd = 2,462,000,000 people would die in war
 Now some would say that it is a World War and all the world would be
directly or indirectly involved in this War. So there are 6 inhabitable
continents in the World -------------- 3 x 2 = 6 Continents
 There are 195 Countries in the whole world and as all the world would be
involved in this war............... 3 x 65 = 195 Countries
 Some military analysts say that the World is going through World War - 3
since 1998 when NATO started the War in Serbia.
3 x 666 = 1998 AD (As per the Military Analysts of the World)
666...................Famous Number
3 x 3 x 3 x 74 = 1998 AD
 As per famous Nostradamus, this War would last for 27 years and would
finally reach its conclusion in 2025 AD (1998 AD till 2025 AD --- 27 years)
3 x 3 x 3 = 27 Years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1016

302. Order out of Chaos ---- New World Order out of
New World Chaos
World Order of Dajjal----Before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS)

The below photos and images are self explanatory for the informed and
educated people in the World.

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1021
Sharing the article from the Website on Order out of Chaos ---

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by
maniacs for manical ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for
expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”

John Lennon

Will the Brotherhood actually play the fake alien invasion card? No one knows for
sure what the future will bring, but based on their history, the elites doubtless hope
to continue their process of “Order out of Chaos,” to further centralize and globalize
their control.

This term Order out of Chaos, in Latin Ordo ab Chao, is the slogan of the
33rd degree of Freemasonry.
“Secret Societies have a great motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ meaning ‘Order Out of Chaos’.
Agendas are formulated designed to give the powerful more power. Chaos is
created, and media blitzed. Then cries go out for solution. Laws are passed which
could never have been passed without the chaos. The order, has reigned through
deception of the masses, and the agenda is accomplished.”

–James Arthur, “Mushrooms and Mankind” (38)

“The Latin inscription on the banner around the Judaic eagle's head (below the Star
of David) E Pluribus Unum ("From the Many – the One") In other words, first they
combined all the ancient stellar cults, now they’re going to combine the world’s
governments, militaries, currencies, banks.”

Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”

The New World Order can and will be defeated through a world wide awakening.
Once the world’s population understands the information presented in this book,
secret society rule will by necessity be phased out.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1022

As the populations awaken, the Brotherhood and their conspiratorial control
mechanisms that have worked to enslave mankind for thousands of years will quickly

We must shun secret societies and shame on their members. Shun the world’s
“royalty,” their knights and vassals, shame on their spineless lapdogs. It is
high time for free humanity to make a stand. Support smaller government. Don’t
buy their pharmaceuticals, don’t drink their fluoridated water, and don’t take their

Don’t eat their junk, genetically modified, nutrient starved food. Buy from local
businesses and not from huge corporations and department stores. Don’t watch
their “programs” or tune into their “channels.” Don’t buy into their “news,” their
magazines, or expert opinions. Don’t be scared of their bogeymen, fall for their
patsies, or accept their problem-reaction-solutions.

Refuse RFID chips and the big brother surveillance society. As they phase from fiat
currency to their cashless credit based system, we phase into precious metals and
old-fashioned trade with locals. The key to overcoming the conspiratorial,
oppressive world system is by focusing on and improving your own local systems.

We’ve given our responsibility away and it’s time to reclaim it.

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being
governed by your inferiors.”
--- Plato

The biggest obstacle in overcoming the conspiracy is information.

The most important thing to do is continue educating yourself and start

awakening others to the global conspiracy. Educate your friends, family,
neighbors and coworkers. Send this book to everyone you can. Print your own
copies (I hereby give permission) and give them to everyone you know!

Don’t be silent or scared. It is now or never if free humanity is going to overthrow

the global elite and their world governance systems. Speak up, speak out, be active

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1023

and creative. Write articles, post on internet message boards, speak at community

Question authority. Question consensus reality."

There is another very good article from the courtsey of the website:

“From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky
(Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman
(United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for
the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious
malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a
modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in
the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive
movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of
extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and
America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have
become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”

- Winston Churchill, February 1920, in an article that appeared in the Illustrated

Sunday Herald

The concept of conspiracy frightens some people, so much so that they are willing
to overlook any and all evidence that world events are for the most part directed,
rather than chaotic and coincidental. For those who are uneducated and unaware,
explanations for the terrible tides of politics and war generally revolve around a
false understanding of Occam’s razor. They argue that the theory states that the
“simplest explanation” is usually the correct one for any particular problem or
crisis. But Occam’s razor actually states that the simplest explanation according to
the evidence at hand is usually the correct answer for any given problem. That is to
say, the simplest explanation must conform to the evidence, or it is likely not

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1024

Unfortunately, “skeptics” of directed conspiracy often turn a blind eye to evidence
that is contrary to their simple explanations, while arguing that simplification is its
own vindication. In other words, they don’t feel the need to defend their simplistic
world view because, in their minds, simplicity stands on its own as self-evident.
There was a time when men believed that the planets revolved around each other
because they were tied together by long glass strings, and this was evident to them
because it was the simplest explanation they could come up with. The thinking of
skeptics of the New World Order and concerted globalization is much like this.

The most common argument they tend to exploit is that the world is far too
“chaotic” and that if the elites are actually seeking a fully centralized one-world
system, they are “failing miserably” because so many cultures are so clearly divided.
For anyone who holds this argument as logical or practical, first I would suggest
they look beyond the surface of the various conflicts at the similarities between
these so called “enemies.”

For example, what about the United States versus Russia? These two nations have a
long history of opposing ideologies and have come close to war time and time
again. Certainly, average Americans see themselves as individualists and Russians as
socialist or communist. Average Russians see Americans as capitalist imperialists
and see themselves as humanists. But what about their respective governments?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1025

What about their respective financiers and oligarchs? Do they really see each other
as enemies?

If that were so, then why did American Wall Street tycoons and the U.S. military aid
the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917?

A false paradigm was created when internationalists supported the Bolshevik

Revolution and allowed Russia to become a communist-held country. The eventual
Cold War that resulted created the rationale used by the military-industrial complex
to build a massive standing army (which is not part of the U.S. Constitution), an
army which could then be sent around the world to subdue various nations and
even possibly be used to oppress the American people.

Even today, the false East/West paradigm continues, with America painted as the
bumbling villain and Russia painted as the stalwart and reasonable objector. Yet
Russia’s top government officials and our top government officials work closely
with and answer to the same international financiers and elites, like the
International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements, as I
outlined in great detail in False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global
Currency and Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too.

Even closer to current events, the U.S. has now entered into military operations
against ISIS insurgents moving rapidly through Iraq’s northern regions toward
Baghdad. However, if ISIS is the enemy, why did the U.S. and our ally, Saudi Arabia,
support and train ISIS agents in Syria as well as Iraq?

Is it just irony that our government helped birth ISIS and now the White House is at
war with the group? Or is it possible that maybe, just maybe, a greater plan is

As the sinister Rahm Emanuel famously said: “You never want a serious crisis to go
to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you
could not do before.”

If a crisis of opportunity does not present itself in the time frame you need, why not
ENGINEER a crisis to fit your goals? This is a tactic that has been used by elites for
generations, and it is called the Hegelian dialectic.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s work was the very foundation of the
collectivist/socialist ideology, and it inspired Karl Marx during his writing of The

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1026

Communist Manifesto. Hegel was an avid statist who believed that the collective
must be ruled and directed by centralized governance and that all individualism
should be sacrificed for the greater good.

Hegel wrote that the state “has supreme right against the individual, whose
supreme duty is to be a member of the State… for the right of the world spirit is
above all special privileges.”

In his dialectic theory, Hegel conjured a strategy by which the establishment elites
could control the masses through deliberately created division. To define the
Hegelian dialectic method simply, the ruling body must first trigger a problem or
crisis that causes the citizenry to react with fear and demand a solution. The rulers
then offer a solution, which they had already predetermined before they had
started the crisis; this solution would usually entail more power for the elites and
less freedom for the citizens.

The world appears divided and chaotic exactly because it has been MADE that way
by a select few in the globalist establishment. In fact, if you were to name any war
in the past 100 years, any competent alternative analyst would easily produce
undeniable evidence of the involvement of international banks and think tanks
pulling strings on both sides.

If you don’t understand the concept of “order out of chaos,” then you’ll never
understand a thing.

Engineered chaos serves several purposes. It provides distraction and cover for the
elites to implement other plans that they would rather not have noticed.

It also provides a scapegoat for the masses, who are now divided against each
other. When violent changes are implemented that produce destructive
consequences, the people must be placated with an easily identifiable villain.
Certain changes globalists wish to make in the way the world functions require the
careful exploitation of scapegoats.

For example, the globalists at the IMF have been discussing the establishment of a
global basket currency for years to replace the U.S. dollar.

Russia and the East have also, conveniently, been calling for the IMF to replace the
dollar with their Special Drawing Rights basket.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1027

And finally, as well as conveniently, the elites in the U.S. government have launched
a controlled coup in Ukraine and initiated direct economic confrontation with
Russia, thereby giving the East the perfect excuse to dump the U.S. dollar as world
reserve and replace it with a basket currency system under the IMF. Despite claims
that Vladimir Putin is “anti-globalist,” the Russian is in fact an avid supporter of the
IMF, and has stated his goal is to continue Russia’s IMF membership in a larger

"In the BRICS case we see a whole set of coinciding strategic interests. First of all,
this is the common intention to reform the international monetary and financial
system. In the present form it is unjust to the BRICS countries and to new economies
in general. We should take a more active part in the IMF and the World Bank’s
decision-making system. The international monetary system itself depends a lot on
the US dollar, or, to be precise, on the monetary and financial policy of the US
authorities. The BRICS countries want to change this."

Yes, Vladimir, and so do the manipulative social engineers at the IMF...

Hopefully, you have the sense to see how this works: problem, reaction, solution.
Economic or physical war is launched between East and West, while the dollar is
killed in the process. The masses react by demanding a fair and balanced
replacement for the dollar as world reserve so that economic stability can return.
The Americans blame Russia and the East for their fiscal misfortune. The East
blames the hubris of the West for its own downfall. Neither side blames the
banksters, who started the whole calamity to begin with. And the elites swoop in as
saviors with a new Bretton Woods-style agreement to appease all sides and cement
their global currency system, the system they had always wanted. And with a global
economic currency and authority in place, global governance is not far behind —
order out of chaos.

This process is more psychological than political in its goals. One could argue that if
the elites already have control of all central banks and governments, then why do
they need a global government? The answer is that these men do not want secret
global governance, they wantopen global governance. They want us to ACCEPT the
idea as a fact of existence, for only when we agree to participate in the lie will they
then have truly won.

The end result of World War I was the creation of the League of Nations and the
argument that sovereignty leads to disunion and catastrophe. World War II led to
the creation of the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. I believe
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1028
that a third world war is nearly upon us, one that may involve weapons of
monetary destruction more so than weapons of mass destruction. Each supposed
disintegration of global unity has eventually led to greater centralization, and this is
something the skeptics seem to forget. The progression of crises suggests that the
next war will lead to total globalization under the dominance of a minority of
elitists posing as "wise men" who only wish to bring peace and harmony to the
masses. In the meantime, the skeptics will continue to mindlessly debate in the face
of all reason that the whole thing was a fluke, an act of random mathematical
chance, leading coincidentally to the one thing the establishment rulers crave: total
global totalitarian micromanagement."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1029

303. Satan and 13 Ruling Families or Bloodlines in the
World and of the Illuminati against the Rule of 14th
Masoom of Allah - Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1030

There are 13 Top Bloodlines of the Illuminati:
1. The Astor
2. The Bundy
3. The Collins
4. The Dupont
5. The Freeman
6. The Kennedy
7. The Li
8. The Onassis
9. The Reynolds
10. The Rockfeller
11. The Rothschild
12. The Russel
13. The Van Duyn

Sharing the Article from the website on these 13 Top Bloodlines:

"Thirteen families or bloodlines are at the top, and five of these families are the
inside core of these thirteen. Prior to Be Wise As Serpents, the existence of thirteen
top families was not known by very many people. The existence of the 13 families
had come out in Berry Smith’s book Final Notice in the 1980s, but the names were
still unknown. Berry Smith of Australia wrote in his book Final Notice p. 9, “There
are 13 families or groups heading up the World Government plan. These families
are portrayed as the 13 layers of blocks found on the strange seal on the reverse
side of the U.S. $1 bill.” In a little read article, one SRA victim recently wrote that
Satanism was controlled by a few families. Recently, one of the Du Ponts was on a
television show because the DuPonts were trying to kidnap him because they didn’t
like his support for the book Dope. Inc. I was able to get a copy of the book, and
was overjoyed to find such an excellent book. My sources have been telling me that
the top Illuminati families were behind the drug trade. Yes, Satan’s top followers
are also the kingpins in destroying humanity for profit through drug trafficking.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1031

The following families (besides others) or individuals from these families are
mentioned in Dope Inc. as involved in some aspect of the drug trade: the Astors,
Bundys, DuPonts, Freemans, Kennedy’s, Li’s, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Russells.
It is no coincidence that nine of the Top 13 families would get there names in a
book which revealed the big names behind the world’s illegal narcotics trade. It
should be mentioned that some other prominent Illuminati families also play key
roles in the drug trade such as the Bronfmans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins,
Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and Oppenheimers. Where have we seen such names
before? There are names in Dope Inc. that people would do well to know the
danger of such as Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Robert Vesco, Francois Genoud of
Switzerland, Ivan Slavkov of Bulgaria, the Duke of Kent – Master of the Grand
Mother Lodge of the Scottish Rite, and Jardine Matheson to mention a few. All our
favorite secret fraternal groups appear in Dope, Inc. too. For instance, the Triads, P2
Masonry, regular Freemasonry, the CIA, the Order of St. John, and the Jesuits.

The Universal Christian Gnostic Church’s which practices black magic has a whole
chapter showing its connection to the drug trade. Britain’s assassination bureau
Permindex which has been mentioned previously in this newsletter also gets a
chapter in the book. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, I examine in detail only the
Rothschilds and the Russells. I did not present much to back up my statements
about the 13 families. Further, One of the unthinkable items that most people do
not want to consider is that their leaders who they have idolized may be utterly
corrupt. There was nothing to do but sit down and give the nitty-gritty details if the
threat from the Illuminati was to be properly understood. The facts would speak for
themselves. The ideal solution for both writer and reader was for me to write up my
research and for you to read it as a series of articles. There is only so much a person
can assimilate at once, and these articles give lots of details. In January of this year I
began a series of articles on the top 13 families – families which the top experts said
nobody knew about. I did this with the hope of stimulating others to notice these
families, and to alert a wider sector of the Body of Christ. The young colleague
David J. Smith, who wrote part of the Jan. 1 article on the Illuminati, was led to
carry out further research in addition to what the Jan. 1 article had. Most of this
article’s information on the Astors then is a result of David’s research."

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Introduction of Mr. Jacob Rothschild ---- One of the Elite who Rules the World

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Sharing one of the beautiful articles from the Website on the 13 Ruling Families:

The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced
agenda of total control over mankind and our planet's resources. David Icke coined
it the "Totalitarian Tip-Toe," because "they" are making very small steps towards
our complete and definitive enslavement.

As a result, the masses remain relatively unaware of the fact that their liberties are
being gradually taken away, while the power of the NWO octopus grows steadily.

The shadow forces behind the NWO agenda

Somewhere near the very top of the pyramid, an extremely elitist organisation
known as the Council of the 13 families orchestrates all of the major world events.
As the name suggests, the Council consists of the top 13 most influential families on

An increasingly number of people is becoming aware that 99% of the Earth's

population is controlled by an "elite" 1%, but the Council of the 13 families consists
of less than 1% of the 1% "elite" and nobody on Earth can apply for membership.

In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the
direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal. These
families are:

1. Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)

2. Bruce
3. Cavendish (Kennedy)
4. De Medici
5. Hanover
6. Hapsburg
7. Krupp

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1034

8. Plantagenet
9. Rockefeller
10. Romanov
11. Sinclair (St. Clair)
12. Warburg (del Banco)
13. Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

(Personally, I suspect that this may not be the complete list and some very powerful
lineages are still unknown to us).

The Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful - visible - bloodline on

Earth and their estimated wealth is around $500 trillions!

They exercise their power through the world banking empire, which is almost
entirely owned by them.

The most important institutions that work hard to establish the NWO and
completely enslave our species, are:

1. The City of London (finance, controlled by the Rothschilds) - NOT part of the

2. The US Federal Reserve (finance - private bank, owned by the Rothschilds) -

NOT part of the USA

3. The Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and scare tactics) - NOT part of

4. Washington D.C. (military, mind programming, brainwashing and

depopulation) - NOT part of the USA

All of the above institutions function as individual states, operating under their own
laws, hence there is no court of law on Earth that could ever prosecute them.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1035

The multitude of Secret Societies in existence today, operate as branches of a mega
corporation, which is owned by the Council of the 13 families.

Even though they have been handsomely rewarded for their work, the members of
these secret societies are not members of the "elite" bloodlines, they don't know
who their masters are and they have no idea what the real agenda is.

The brainwashing
Another mass-enslavement tool that they are using against us, is the so
called educational system. Schools are no longer what they used to be and children
are learning to memorize without thinkingand obey without questioning.

In fact, this established educational system is extremely expensive to keep

operational and obsoletein the age of the internet.

"Why obsolete?" you may ask. Because the internet gives us free access to almost
infinite amounts of information.

So why are we still paying huge amounts of money for governmental education?
Because the world's "elite" require that our children learn conformity and inside-
the-box thinking.

What can we do about it?

Mankind's faith is hanging in the balance right now, as the control of the NWO
octopus spreads. On the one hand, we are very close to our complete enslavement,
while on the other hand, we could easily crumble to the ground their pyramid of
power, by simply uniting against their deception in apeaceful revolution of minds,
hearts and souls.

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I've asked myself for years what is their greatest weapon of enslavement. Is it poor
education combined with constant indoctrination? Is it the fear generated by
religion? Is it the fear of being punished (jailed or killed) by the system, or is it the
invisible enslavement of the monetary system?

In my opinion, all of the above combined had a huge impact on our society and the
way we think, buttheir biggest weapon is hands-down the financial system!

Currency slaves
The financial system has stealthily enslaved our species and now we are being used
as currency slaves. We work from 9 to 5 every day, in boring and depressing
environments, not stimulated by anything creative or constructive.

In most cases, the sole motivation for going to work, is the next paycheck — and no
matter how hard we work, we never seem to have enough money.

Have you ever wondered why mega-corporations (reaping $billions/year in profits)

pay dozens of millions to their CEOs and as close as possible to the minimum wage
to the rest of the employees?

This has been carefully designed, because a person that is constantly "on the edge,"
will never have time for self-education, introspection and — eventually — spiritual

Isn't this our main purpose on Earth? To become spiritual beings (and by spiritual, I
obviously don't mean religious) and complete the incarnation cycle?

"They" don't need educated people, who are capable of critical thinking and have
spiritual goals. No, this kind of people are dangerous to the establishment!

"They" want obedient "robots," just intelligent enough to operate the machines
and keep the system running, but stupid enough never to ask questions.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1037
Money is the eye of the "devil"

All of the world's biggest problems have their roots deeply embedded in the
financial plague: wars are profitable, diseases are profitable, Earth's plundering is
profitable, human slavery and inhumane working conditions are profitable.

Our leaders have been corrupted by money and mankind's collective mission on
Earth has been hijacked by money. So why do we need the financial system, in the
first place? Actually, we don't need it (at least, not anymore). The planet doesn't
charge us a cent for using its natural resources and we have the technology to
extract them without physically working a day.

The solution

More to the point, there are brilliant minds "out there" discussing the concept of
a resource based economy for decades. One example is mister Jacque Fresco, a
brilliant industrial designer and social engineer, who spent most of his life designing
the future.

The cities proposed by Mr. Jacque Fresco will be built by autonomous construction
robots and will be eco-friendly & self-sustainable, earthquake & fire proof. Learn
more here.

Other people are already discussing the transition plan towards the economy of the
future, where money are no longer required and all individuals will be offered the
best conditions to reach their highest potentials — all for the benefit of our species,
as a whole.

So, my question is: are we ready to embrace the future and escape the control of
the "elite" in a world without money, or are we going to allow the New World
Order to happen?"

By Alexander Light,

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304. The 2 Eclipses (Solar/Lunar) in the Islamic month
of Ramadhan before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

“There would be 2 eclipses in the same month of Ramadhan before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi. The Solar Eclipse on the 15th of Ramadhan and the Lunar Eclipse
on the 25th of Ramadthan and it has never been happenned in the history of
mankind the Knowledge of Astrologers would fail.”

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS)

There would be 2 Eclipses (One Solar and One Lunar Eclipse) in the Year - 2023
AD as mentioned in the Hadith of our Imam, which never happenned in the
history of mankind as told by our Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS)

The Month of Ramadhan before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would start on
24th March, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 1st Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri. So Solar Eclipse on
the 15th Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri and the Lunar Eclipse on the 25th Ramadhan,
1444 Hijri

 15th Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri (Thursday).....................6th April, 2023 AD

 25rd Ramadhan, 1444 Hijri (Sunday)...................... 16th April, 2023 AD
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305. 313 Rasool of Allah and 313 Companions of
Imam Mahdi (AS)

As we know that there are 124,000 Prophets of Allah and there are 313 Rasool of

What is the difference between Nabi and Rasool?

A chosen person of Allah who sets a noble example with his sayings and actions
among the people how to live a life according to the principles of Islam. He may
deliver the message of Allah through his words or actions. He follows the booklets
and Books sent by Allah and follows. His predessor Nabis and Rasools.

He does not make any changes in the "Shariat" and follows the "Shariat" of the Last
Rasool of Allah. He also receives Revelations of Allah through Angels of Allah. He is
the Chosen Servant of Allah

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A Rasool is a Nabi but he can make one or more changes in "Shariat" of the
previous Rasool. There are

Allah may choose His Angels to be Rasool as Hazrat Jabraeel introduced himself to
Bibi Marium (AS) as the Rasool of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Similarly angels introduced themselves as "Rasool" of Allah before many Prophets

of Allah as described in the Holy Quran.

But it is the Belief of all Muslims (Shias and Sunnis) that Prophet Muhammad


 PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)....................313th ROSOOL OF ALLAH
 PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)....................124,000th NABI OF ALLAH

Whether Bibi Fatima (AS) and our 12 Imams are part of the
"Risalat" of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or not?

We all know that Shias believe that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the Last Prophet
(Nabi and Rasool) of Allah but whether Bibi Fatima (AS) and 12 Imams are part of
the Risalat of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or Not?

According to the famous Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

"Fatima is my part. Whosoever gives her grief, gives me grief. Whosoever pleases
her, pleases me."

So we know that Bibi Fatima (AS) is the "Part of the Risalat of Muhammad"

The Risalat of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not complete without Bibi

Fatima (AS).

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Why because she sets the example to all the women of the world as how
to live a pious life as a woman because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was
male and cannot show his life as a model to women as a Male technically
and practically.
So Bibi Fatima (AS) is also the Masoom Hidden of Allah.

Similarly for our Imams, there are many Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as:

 "I am from Ali and Ali is from me."

 "I am from Hussain and Hussain is from me."
As only Prophets and Rasools of Allah can receive Revelations of Allah through
Angels and the Shias believe that whenever Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received
any Revelations of Allah, Hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatima (AS) also got the same
Revelations at the same time from Hazrat Jabraeel (AS).

So these Ahadith shows that the Risalat of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not
complete without 12 Imams as they are the Integral part of the Risalat of
Muhammad (PBUH).

Also in the Ziarat of our Masoomeen, we say them as: "Madan e Risalat" i.e. the
Mine of Risalat.

The door of "Nabuwat and Risalat" is now closed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),
so it is not correct to name any of our Imams as "Rasool" or "Nabi".

The position of Imam is superior than Nabi and Rasool. When Prophet Abrahim (AS)
gave the 'Qurbani' of His Nabi son, Hazrat Ismael (AS), then Allah raised the position
of Hazrat Abrahim (AS) to Imam. Prior to the position of Imam of all Humans, He
was the Nabi and Rasool of Allah.

Similarly Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was also the Imam of all 12 Imams. He is
known as "Imam Ul Ayammah" i.e. Imam of all Imams.

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As the position of Imam is superior than Rasool and the position of Rasool is
superior than Nabi. So we call our Imams as Imams and not Rasools because they
already are the part of "Risalat" before ''Imamat" in their positions.

So our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Last Rasool [Part of the Risalat of Muhammad
(PBUH)] and the Last Imam.

 Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Wasi and Kalifa of 313th Rasool of
Allah i.e. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
 Imam Mahdi (AS) has................................313 Companions and
Governors of 313 Provinces under His Divine Kingdom
That is why Imam Mahdi (AS) has 313 Companions as He is also the Wasi, Wazir and
Caliph of the 313th Rasool of Allah.

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306. The First Day of Imamat of Imam Mahdi (AS) on
9th Rabi Al Awaal and the Zahoor of Imam

The Shahdat of our 11th Imam i.e. Imam Hassan Askari (AS) was on 8th Rabi Al
Awaal, 260 Hijri.

So the First Day of the official Imamat of our 12th Imam i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)
started on 9th Rabi Al Awaal.

9th Rabi Al Awaal is also the Eid e Zehra. All Shias finish their grief of the Shahdat of
Imam Hussain (AS) on this particular day of 9th Rabi Al Awaal every year.

Rabi Al Awaal is the 3rd Islamic month in the Hijri Calendar after Muharram and

1st Day of the Imamat of Imam Mahdi (AS).............9th Rabi Al Awaal

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There are 72 different names for this particular day of 9th Rabi Al Awaal.

If we write the Month and Day of 9th Rabi Al Awaal as One Number, we would
write as:

Rabi Al Awaal (3rd Month)...................9th Day

3 + 9 = 12......................12th Imam (Imam Mahdi)
Now we know that the name of our Imam is "Muhammad" whose Abjad is 92.

The Batin or the Reverse number of 92 is 29.

The Abjad of His famous Laqab, "Mahdi" i s 59

Now if we multiply the Number - 39 with the Batin of 92 i.e. 29 and add the Abjad
of "Mahdi" i.e. 59, we would get the exact years from His First Zahoor till his Final
Zahoor i.e. 1190 years.

First Zahoor ...................255 Hijri

Final Zahoor ...................1445 Hijri

Total Number of Years from 255 Hijri till 1445 Hijri are:

1445 - 255 = 1190 Years

(39 x 29) + 59 = 1190

So the Total Years in between the Zahoors of Imam Mahdi are 1190 Years.

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307. The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the role of
Suffiani before and after the Zahoor

The Last Signs Heralding His Reappearance. According to the book, The Twelfth
Imam, by Murtaza Lakha (1993):

"There is a Hadith from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s) that for three or seven
consecutive days, one will see reddish yellow fire raging in the East, which is a sure
sign that the advent of the Imam (a.s) will be imminent. Some commentators have
interpreted this Hadith to suggest nuclear explosions. Indeed as much of the world
as its two-thirds will have been destroyed. Yet one finds that the lust for blood will
not have been quenched and two more wars will follow as a matter of course, one
after the other.

The signs described by the Ahlulbayt (a.s.) are that these two wars are almost a
necessary pre-requisite to the arrival of the Imam (a.s). First, the emergence of the
Sufyani occurs. As far as the Sufyani is concerned, we know for sure from the Hadith
of Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) as well as other Imam as reported in Qiyamat-e-
Sugra by Syed Muhammad Abbas Qamar Zaidi. The Sufyani army emerges in
Palestine (Jordan regions today), where he will start a revolt in the month of Rajab.
He will be a ruthless rebel and his rule will last for eight consecutive months. That is

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1048

to say, that it will start in Rajab and it will stretch into Safar of the ensuing year. The
narration is that after he starts the revolt in Palestine, he will march towards North
Africa, conquer, and rule Egypt for four consecutive months. He will then move
further west. He will conquer Tunisia, Algeria and go as far as Morocco. His greed
will then make him come back east to Palestine, conquer Jordan, and from Jordan
get to Syria. He will cause tremendous destruction and chaos in Syria but he will
find it a suitable shelter and will make Damascus his headquarters.

Imam Ali (a.s.) has said that Sufyani's hatred of the devotees of the Ahlulbayt (a.s.)
will be such that any person named Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussain, Zainab, Ruqqaiya
will be arrested and beheaded straight away without further investigations. In fact
he will cause so much havoc that people will be living in terror. Whilst a good
number of us perhaps today merely recite prayers on Mohammad and his holy
household, the people in those times will be wholeheartedly praying for the
emergence of Imam Mahdi (a.s.).

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Indeed the order of the day will be that there will be a general command from the
administration that any person detected to be a follower of Ahlulbayt (a.s.) should
immediately be reported to the authorities. There will be guards moving around
watching for any sign that would indicate that the person is a devotee of Ahlulbayt.
Indeed, neighbors will be commanded to report neighbors, and the situation will
become so awful, so atrocious, that fathers will report their children, brothers will
report their brothers, and neighbors will find no safety from their neighbors, each
reporting the other only to obtain sufficient rewards from the administration to
survive in those difficult days of hardship. However, apart from these torture and
oppression that will prevail, the Jewish soldiers acting for Sufyani, over seventy
thousands of them, will be so ruthless that there will be no woman whose chastity
nor no man whose neck will be safe.

Traditions reveal quite clearly that almost all of the seventy thousand in the army of
Sufyani are illegitimate children. They will be ruthless and will cause chaos, they will
not only attack chastity, they will also attack humanity and there will be open
daylight robbery.

Indeed, in those days to find sustenance will be difficult that traditions go so far as
to say that a father will be prepared to give away a young beautiful daughter only
to obtain a loaf of bread for his sustenance. Such will be the intensity of suffering
that will be imposed upon the public by the Sufyani. The Sufyani terrors will not end
there. From Syria, he will march into Iraq and he will cause untold horror there. He
will reach the Mosque of Kufa, and destroy its walls but then somehow he will
become frightened. What exactly will scare him away is not clear from the
traditions but he will flee back to Syria. One would have thought the oppression of
Sufyani would cool off, but that will not be so. He will then embark upon attacking

Hadiths say that the tortures and destruction caused by Muslim bin Aqaba in the
history we already know of will be insignificant compared to the destruction and
chaos that Sufyani will cause in Medina, so much so that the pulpit of the Holy

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Prophet (saws) will be ripped. The Holy House of the Holy Prophet (saws) which
contains his grave will be pulled down and used as a stable where horses will be
used in that Holy place.

Not content with all that, Sufyani then decide to attack Mecca. Moreover, his
purpose in attacking Mecca will be two-fold, firstly to demolish of the Holy Kaaba
and secondly, ruthlessly to kill the entire population of Mecca.

Sufyani’s army sets out via Baghdad, as Allah would have it, once they are between
Medina and Mecca, the desert of Baida, suddenly one night a voice is heard from
the sky saying, "O Baida eat up the entire army of Sufyani". It is said that the earth,
except for two, will swallow up the entire army numbering almost 100,000 persons.
In addition, those two who are spared will narrate to the rest of the army that they
were swallowed in such a way that there would not even be a trace of a single man
of the army. Their vehicles, their weapons and all materials will be buried along
with them in one full swoop.

We have just discussed the details of the tortures of which he will be the cause, the
murders and massacres that he will mastermind and ultimately answer for. Indeed,
he will prepare himself to attack the Imam (ajtfs) but will not have the courage. It is
said that the Imam will then move from Mecca and go to Medina. Once in Medina
he will decide to go after Sufyani to allay the fears of the people. Despite losing, the
whole army swallowed up by the land, his lust to kill and loot will not be averted.
People will be beseeching Imam Mahdi (ajtfs) who would have already reappeared
to come to their salvation.

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Imam Mahdi (ajtfs) will march to Syria. At this point, the traditions differ; one says
that the Imam (ajfs) will catch the Sufyani in Syria and kill him in Damascus. The
other tradition says that Sufyani realizing the Imam is in hot pursuit will escape to
Palestine where the Imam (ajtfs) will eventually catch him in Jerusalem. There will
be a direct confrontation at Baitul Muqaddas and Sufyani will be killed at the holy
hands of the Imam (ajtfs).

If the Imam (ajtfs)reappears in Muharram, it will be a full month from then until the
Sufyani will be killed. The Imams (a.s.) have repeatedly forewarned us about
Sufyani army, simply because of his intense hatred for the devotees of the
Ahlulbayt (a.s.). Perhaps the persecution of the followers of Ahlulbayt (a.s.) in the
days of the Omayyad and Abbasside rulers was less intense than what awaits at the
hands of Sufyani.

However, whilst there will be such terror and tyranny here will be another army of
hope, mercy and salvation. It is said that a Sayed descendant of Imam Hassan (a.s.)
known as Sayed Al-Hassani, will star a revolution immediately join him in great
numbers and his slogan will be Amr bill Maaruf wa Nahy anil Munkar. We have
already seen how in those days Amr bil Maaruf wa Nahy anil Munkar will be
impossible. How many of us see our friends doing wrong done publicly and are not

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1052

able to redress them? Nevertheless, in those days, the situation will be beyond
control and yet this Sayed Hassani will embark on such a mission.

Propagating his mission, he will move right down to Kerman and up to Multan. He
will then decide to get into Iraq and see how he can confront the Sufyani and how
he can put right the wrongs of the day. He will decide to travel by sea and so he will
get into the Gulf and eventually land in Basra. He will influence the region around
Basra. News will reach him that the Imam (ajtfs) has appeared. At this stage, he will
concentrate on how to meet the Imam (ajtfs).

Imam Jaafar As-Sadiq (a.s.) reports quite categorically that when this news will
reach Sayed Al-Hassani he will be convinced that the claim is of the true Imam
Mahdi (ajtfs) and not of an impostor. However, to satisfy his army he will make
investigations. He will receive a word that the Imam has already left to proceed
from Kufa.

Therefore, Sayed Al-Hassani with his entire army will dive this journey form Basra
to Kufa, where he will have audience with the Imam (ajtfs). However, Shaitan will
still be alive on that day to cause chaos. A number of people in the army of Sayed
Al-Hassani will challenge the authenticity of the Imam (ajtfs) so Sayed Al-Hassani
will ask for proof.

It is said in traditions, the Imam (ajtfs) will prove it by hitting the ground and
immediately a tree will grow and in split seconds will sprout branches and leaves
and blossom into fruits. The speed at which this will happen will be unnatural and
unheard of. Even that will not satisfy the Sayed's army. They will ask for further
proof. The Imam (ajtfs) then embarks upon providing proof of his own. He will
produce the Standard, The flag that will have been unfolded. It is said that the
Standard has been used only twice. In the war at Badr and in the war of Jamal. They
will ask the Imam (ajtfs) for proof that this is the same Standard. The Imam will
instruct the Standard: "Disclose your identity". It is said that the flag will become
vocal and will say, "I am now being held by the rightful descendant of the Prophet,
the true Mahdi (ajtfs) of the day." The Imam (ajtfs) will provide more proofs until

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most of his army denies such signs but Sayed Hassani gets convinced. Two signs are
inevitable. It is only after the arrogance of Sayed Hassani and Sufyani's armies that
the Imam’s (ajtfs) arrival can be expected. But the hadiths are clear, with these
three events, the emergence of Sufyani in Palestine (Eastern regions i.e. Jordan),
the emergence of Sayed Al-Hassani from Iran and the emergence of the Imam (ajtfs)
will take place during the same period of twelve months. That will be the crucial
time point.

Thus, the position at that stage will be one chaos caused by Sufyani on the one
hand and the attempt by Sayed Hassani to bring people back to religion on the
other. In between these two, the Imam (ajtfs) will reappear and will kill all the
enemies to bring about justice and equity in the world. Apart from these, there are
two other smaller events will happen. A revolution will take place in Yemen and the
fighters will go right up to Mecca but will eventually be pushed back. Another
person will rise in Kuwait causing great dissension; propagating his ideology, he will
move right up to Syria, where eventually the Sufyani kills him, perhaps.

The last eight months before the arrival will have very clear signs, in fact we can
even start with about 11 months before the arrival.

Imam Jaafar al Sadiq (a.s.) has said to Jabir-Jufi that in the month of Safar preceding
the emergence of the Imam (ajtfs) there will appear a comet, known as Al Qarb
Zushifa. The Imam (a.s.) says that this comet was seen when the Abbasid Khalifa
visited Khorasan. It had become visible just before the destruction of the followers
of Nabi Nuh. It emerged when Ibrahim (a.s.) was being thrown into the fire by
Nimrud. It was visible before destruction of the Pharaoh in the time of Musa (a.s.)
and it rose when Yahya ibne Zakaria, was murdered in Damascus.

So the appearance of this comet has always been accompanied by dire events:
when Ibrahim was to be killed, when a complete Ummah of Nuh was to be wiped
out, when Nafsul Zakia (pure sol), or Yahya ibn Zakaria was to be killed, this comet
will again appear in the month of Safar before the arrival.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1054

It is also recorded that a two-tailed star will appear in the sky before the advent of
Imam Mahdi (ajtfs) and it will be so bright that it shines like a full moon. That will
also be in the month of Safar.

Then we do not know much of what is to follow for a few months but when we
come to the eighth month before the arrival, the month of Jamadi Al-thani, it is said
that from the 16th of Jamadi Al-Thani to the 10th of Rajab there will be incessant
and torrential rain, which will cause great damage. In a way it will be welcome
because for three years preceding that period there will be have been famine and
drought. There will not have been a drop of rain in the whole world for three years
before that; this is why people will be prepared to give away their daughters in
living for a loaf of bread.

The rains will last up to the 10th of Rajab when Sufyani emerges, one calamity will
be followed by another (like rose beads). Rajab will see another sign. In that month,
numerous other miracles will begin to appear in the skies. In the succeeding month,
the holy month of Ramadhan, there will be a lunar eclipse at the end of the month
and a solar eclipse in the middle of the month. The ordinary position will be
reversed as usually lunar eclipses occur in the middle of the month and solar
eclipses at the end. It will shock the people. It is said that this will be a positive sign
and that it will be the last holy month before the emergence of the Imam (ajtfs).

Something even more remarkable will happen in that holy month. The Holy Prophet
(saws) has said that soon after the middle of that month which Imam Jaafar, As-
Sadiq (a.s.) had elucidated as 23rd of the month of Ramadhan, believers should
spend the whole of that night in prayer. It will not only be a lailatul Jumah (Friday
eve) but also Lailatul Qadr and the next morning they should lock themselves in
their houses. In fact, every effort should be made to keep away from glass. Doors
should be bolted that nothing should penetrate through them, because the Holy
Prophet (saws) and the Imam (ajtfs) have warned that at about mid-day, a shriek
will be heard from the sky and it will be so powerful that it spread over the world
and so strong that it will cause untold horrors and destruction.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1055

The Holy Prophet (saws) has taught us, "When that period comes, prostrate and
recite, SUBUHON QUDUS, RABBUNAL QUDDUS" and he said that those who would
continue with this recitation would be spared any harm from that shriek. The hadith
states that at least three loud voices will be heard in that month.

What will follow in Shawwal will be great upheavals. The month of Zilqaad will see
rifts everywhere and in Zilhajj, caravans of Hujjaj will be looted, and the road to
pilgrimage will be blocked. What will happen during Zilhajj will be horrible, but the
horrors that will occur in Muharram are absolutely beyond description and it is said
that it is in that month of Muharram that there will be the final emergence of the
Imam (ajtfs). These briefly will be the signs that will portray with certainty the
arrival of the Imam (ajtfs).

However, at far as it was possible for the Imams (a.s.) to guide us, this pattern has
been unfolded. As was apparent from our discussion the happenings of early days
are more speculative concerning the emergence of the Imam. Yet, as we progress
nearer to the time of arrival, we are able to tell with exactitude from the signs of
the emergence of the Imam (ajtfs).

Hazrat Ali (a.s.) has said that nine definite signs will precede the emergence of
Hazrat Mahdi A.S. First, he says, Dajaal will emerge. Secondly, a loud voice will be
heard from the sky. Thirdly, Sufyani will appear and wage a fierce war. Fourthly, the
army of Sufyani will be swallowed by a sudden opening of the land between Mecca
and Medina in the desert of Baida. Fifthly, a revered wise saint will be murdered in
Mecca (Al-Yamani). Traditions have it that this will happen on the 23rd of Zilhajj
and that this Nafse Zakia will be a Hashimite descent. Sixth, a Sayed descendant of
Imam Hassan (a.s.) will emerge with his army, the army of Sayed al-Hassani. We
have seen how this will happen in the month of Shaban. There will be two eclipses
in the holy month of Ramadhan contrary to the normal order and calculation and
the eclipse of the moon. The last is that on three occasions a loud voice from the
sky will be heard in the holy month of Ramadhan.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1056

According to Imam Ali (a.s.) these signs are absolute pre-requisite to the re-
emergence of the Imam (ajtfs). Finally, Imam Jaafar As-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked,
"When such will be the chaos and the insufferable calamities of the time, how do
we spare ourselves from going astray?" He said to recite a small dua’a, "YA ALLAH,
Indeed hadith say that at that time living the life of a believer will be like treading
on the edge of a sharp knife. The Imam (a.s.) was asked how one could come
through the turmoil patiently and bear the sufferings until the emergence of the
Imam (ajtfs) and he revealed to us the power of dua (supplications). Therefore, this
is a message for us to remove cowardice from our hearts and start embarking on
the path of victory to meet our Imam (ajtfs) without fear, God willing."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1057

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1058
308. World Leaders declaring World War Three (3) in
2015 AD and 1/3rd Population of the World would be
dying in this Big War before the Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

All the World Leaders including UN declared World War 3 in different occassions
and in thier different speeches.

The chairman of the Security Councils of the United Nations, Raimonda

Murmokaite, officially declared from New York in December, 2015 that after World
War II ended, several countries have declared against the forces called itself Islamic
State or ISIS.

An association of countries was held includes: The U.S, Russia, Germany, France,
Iran and Iraq. All member had agreement together to destroy ISIS after they
attacked France and Lebanon.

According to the Security Councils of the UN, the war which involves five countries
or more is considered a World War.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1059

Similarly, the president of Security Councils of the UN announced that ISIS will be
attacked in next hours and will not stop until Supreme Commander of ISIS, Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi, surrenders.

The President of the U.S Barack Obama spoke at that this force ( ISIS) is “ the face of
evils”. He said that he felt pressured by criticism that he didn’t act enough to beat
them, specially after the attack at Paris recently.

“We have a President over there worried about Climate Change instead of worrying
about Nuclear Weapons coming into the middle of our cities. We are being run by
stupid people,” the Presidential Candidate from Republican Party, Mr. Trump said
in an exclusive interview with host Stephen K. Bannon on Sirius XM’s Breitbart
News Daily.

World War 3 may have already begun in a piecemeal fashion according to Pope
Francis, and now Ron Paul is warning that the U.S. Congress essentially declared
war on Vladimir Putin with the recently passed Resolution 758, which calls for
President Barack Obama to significantly escalate the actions of the United States in
regards to the Ukraine war by providing lethal aid.

Resolution 758 also mentions the conditions of war and U.S. obligations under
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which states that an “armed attack against
one or more” of the treaty signatories “shall be considered an attack against them
all.” According to the NATO website, “Article 5 has been invoked once – in response
to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States.” But back in September, Putin
allegedly threatened Europe by saying, “If I wanted, in two days I could have
Russian troops not only in Kiev, but also in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw, and

Ron Paul responded to the passing of Resolution 758 by claiming that a “reckless”
U.S. House essentially declared war on Russia. Paul derides the legislation as “war
propaganda that should have made even neocons blush,” and scolds the House for
provoking World War 3 “with Russia that could result in total destruction.” It’s
claimed that no evidence of a Russian invasion of Ukraine has been offered, and
instead highlights “the tapes of state department officials plotting with the U.S.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1060
Ambassador in Ukraine to overthrow the government, which includes “U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland bragging that the U.S. spent $5 billion
on regime change in Ukraine.”

Pope Francis said that the spate of conflicts around the globe today were
effectively a “piecemeal” Third World War, condemning the arms trade and
“plotters of terrorism” sowing death and destruction.

“Humanity needs to weep and this is the time to weep,” Francis said in the homily
of a Mass during a visit to Italy’s largest war memorial, a large, Fascist-era
monument where more than 100,000 soldiers who died in World War One are

“War is madness,” he said in his homily before the massive, sloping granite
memorial, made of 22 steps on the side of hill with three crosses at the top.

“Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak
of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction,” he said.

In the past few months, Francis has made repeated appeals for an end to conflicts in
Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Gaza and parts of Africa.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1061

“War is irrational; its only plan is to bring destruction: it seeks to grow by
destroying,” he said. “Greed, intolerance, the lust for power. These motives
underlie the decision to go to war and they are too often justified by an ideology
…,” he said.

Last month the pope, who has often condemned the concept of war in God’s name,
said it would be legitimate for the international community to use force to stop
“unjust aggression” by Islamic State militants who have killed or displaced
thousands of people in Iraq and Syria, many of them Christians.

As NATO expands eastward fulfilling the organizations plans for the encirclement of
Russia, a number of high-profile opposition voices have pointed out the obvious –
that this alone is an overt act of war. Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich warns
about the House’s reckless adoption of the HR 758:

“NATO encirclement, the US-backed coup in Ukraine, an attempt to use an

agreement with the European Union to bring NATO into Ukraine at the Russian
border, a US nuclear first-strike policy, are all policies which attempt to substitute
force for diplomacy,” (Truthdig).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1062

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian military forces to prepare for
World War III, after warning Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu to prepare for Syria
to become the central battleground between NATO-Western allied countries and

And to the effect of President Putin’s order to his top military commanders to turn
Syria into “Obama’s graveyard”, this report continues, was the immediate
deployment to this war zone of advanced Russian fighter aircraft, the movement of
Federation Aerospace Forces aircraft and ground troops to al-Shayrat air base, near
the central city of Homs, and, most crucially, the deployment throughout Syria
ofelectromagnetic weapons designed to turn this war zone into a virtual “electronic
ghost world”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1063

309. The Signs of Qiyamat e Sughara i.e. Time before Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1064

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1067
310. G20 means Global and New World Order by
2020 AD --- As Predicted before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS)

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule, the law of the vital
few, and the principle of factor sparsity states that, for many events, roughly 80%
of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

Now there are almost 195 Countries in the World and they are members of the
United Nations.

The existence of G20 means --- Great 20 Countries or Nations who are deciding the
fate of the rest 80% countries or nations of the World.

This is major agenda of Globalization. By 2020, this New Order of Globalization

would be announced officially and implemented on the whole world by the Major
Power in the World i.e. Dajjal.

The appearance of Dajjal in its full glory and power before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) is a definite sign of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1068

311. The Book, "The ISIS Apocalypse" by William
McCants of The Brookings Institution and the End

The Book, "The ISIS Apocalypse" by William McCants of Brookings Institute was
recently published in September, 2015 in USA.

William McCants directs the project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World at the
Brookings Institution. He is adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins University and a former
U.S. State Department senior adviser for countering violent extremism. McCants
has a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University and lives in the
Washington, D.C. area.

If you focus on the Word ---DoomsDay Vision, the author acknowledges that the
Appearance of ISIS as Suffiani is the DoomsDay Vision of the Muslims before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1069

312. The Books on ISIS - Infamous Suffiani by
Western authors and the prophecy made by our
Imams regarding 'Suffiani'

There are so many books available in the market on the subject of "ISIS" and the
Middle East politics and the prophecies made for them by our Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and our Imams (AS).

The Western Authors are continuously writing books on End Times, Biblical
Prophecies and on the Infamous topic of ISIS as Suffiani.

The Kharooj of Suffiani (ISIS) is also the definite sign of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS). The political events and the war of ISIS in the region of Middle East is proving
the fact that we are on the verge of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1070

313. The famous Hollywood movie, "Purge Anarchy"
and the Last Purge in 2023 AD

The Hollywood movie, "The Purge Anarchy" shows that the Last Purge would
happen in 2023 AD.

Why 2023 AD?

What do they know about 2023 AD? This is not a strange fact that the intellectuals,
writers, scholars and the movie directors, all are speaking, writing and directing
movies and books on the year - 2023 AD. Why?

They know from their Scriptures, Prophecies and Signs that the Year - 2023 AD
would bring the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the War of Anti Christ against
the Christ.

We are just adding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the year 2023 AD along with
the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Final Battle of Right and Wrong or Imam
Mahdi's forces against the Evil forces of Suffiani and Dajjal before the Final
Establishment of the Divine Kingdom in 2025 - 2026 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1071

314. The famous Hollywood movie, "X - Men: The
Days of the Future Past" and the Extinction of all
Humanity by 2023 AD

The latest Hollywood Movie of X - Men, "The Days of the Future Past" clearly shows
the Destruction of Humanity and the Extinction of Humans by 2023 AD.

They shows to avoid the Destruction in 2023 AD, the heros of the movie sent their
chosen one 50 years ago to change the course of history so that the humans should
not go to the point of Destruction and Extinction.

Why 2023 AD?

It should be clear by now that the Intelligentia of the World knows about 2023 AD.
The people with the psychology of "Normalcy Bias" believe that nothing would
happen and everything would go as ususal.

The normalcy bias is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes
people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster and its possible effects.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1072

315. First War of Imam Mahdi against Hypocrites
(Munafiqeen) --- Suffiani Group in Kufa - ISIS

Before the advent of Al Mahdi, Sufyani will emerge from the center
of Damascus and be followed, for the most part, by the tribe of Kalb, and will have
fought with anyone daring to oppose him. Injustice will rule the day and his
disregard for life will reach the point where defenseless women will be ripped open
and innocent children slain unmercifully. The tribe of Kays will rise up against him,
however, they will not succeed, and he will slaughter all of them.

As-Sufyani's army will go to Kufa and from there he will launch an attack against
the people of Khurasan. At the Gate of Istakhr, Shuayb, the son of Salih and Al
Hashimi under theBlack Banners (please see any video of the flags Syrian rebels are
using), will join forces and engage the army of As-Sufyani. The battle will be
extremely fierce with a tremendous loss of life and the army of As-Sufyani will
suffer a temporary defeat. It is at this time that a yearning for Al Mahdi's
appearance is on the lips of everyone.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1073

The army of As-Sufyani will march from the direction of Iraq to seize Al Mahdi,
however, when they reach the desert near Dhi Hulayfah the ground will swallow
them up. However, two will escape to convey the news but even when he learns of
the occurrence he will not be deterred. There will be some people from the Koraysh
who manage to escape from him to Constantinople, which will be at that time
under the control of the Romans . When As-Sufyani asks for their return they will be
returned whereupon not only the escapees' throats will be slit but those like them.

Al Mahdi's Army, Troops and Battles: After receiving the pledges of

allegiance, Al Mahdi, together with his warriors will leave Mecca to fight against As-
Sufyani in Syria. People will be on the verge of rebuking the Syrians, but the
Prophet, may praise and peace be upon him, warned just to rebuke the evil people
among them because in their midst are the Abdal and their followers who will join
forces with Al Mahdi.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1074

When news of Al Mahdi's appearance spreads people from the east and west will
join him. Shuayb, the son of Salih from Tamin will learn of the coming of Al Mahdi
and march to join him from Khurasan under three banners, under which will be five
thousand warriors ready to pledge their allegiance to Al Mahdi. Muslims from
Talakaan, Kufa, Yemen and Tunisia will also march to join him and Al Hashimi will
join him from forces from Ar-Ray.

As for the remaining armies they will gather together in Tiberias to pledge
their allegiance. Shortly after the pledging, As-Sufyani will launch another attack
but this will be the final battle between them and him and his army are defeated.
As-Sufyani will be captured and put to death under a tree, the branches of which
grow in the direction of Lake Tiberias and the tribe of Kalb will suffer the same fate.
This battle will become known as "The Battle of Kalb" and the spoils of war will
be distributed fairly by Al Mahdi.

After the defeat of As-Sufyani, Al Mahdi will dispatch his forces in different
directions then go to Antioch to rest. One of the Prophet's companions commented
upon the lushness of Antioch saying that he had never seen a place that had so
much rain, whereupon the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, told him that it
was because the Torah, Staff of Moses, Tablets and the Table of Solomon, the son

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1075

of David are concealed within its caves and that not one single cloud comes to it
from any direction that does not pour its blessing upon that valley.

The Appearance of the Anti-Christ:

After his rest in Antioch, Al Mahdi will lead his followers to Constantinople and
surround it. Then Allah will open it for him and the spoils of war will be distributed
amongst them. Whilst the spoils of war are being distributed a herald will arrive
with news that the false messiah, the anti-Christ has appeared and is among their
families, so Al Mahdi and his army will leave Constantinople for Jerusalem.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1076

316. The Travel routes would become unsafe before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

In the recent years, the world has witnessed the increase in the deadliest attacks on
the airports.

The 6 deadliest airport attacks in the 21st Century at the International Airports are
as follows:

"LOCATION: Istanbul Ataturk International Airport, Turkey

DATE: June 28, 2016
CASUALTIES: At least 42 dead, 238 injured

Istanbul Ataturk Airport is the largest airport in Turkey, and the third busiest in
Europe after London’s Heathrow and Paris’s Charles de Gaulle. Its total passenger
traffic was some 61 million people in 2015.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1077

The explosions occurred in the airport’s international arrivals terminal. The attacks
on the airport involved three suicide bombers. An investigation has revealed that all
three opened fire before detonating their explosive devices. The victims included at
least 10 foreign nationals and three people with dual citizenship, authorities said.

LOCATION: Brussels Zaventem International Airport, Belgium

DATE: March 22, 2016
CASUALTIES: 14 dead, over 200 injured

The departure hall of the airport was the target of Islamic State-linked terrorists,
when Brussels was hit by twin suicide bombings at Zaventem Airport and the
Maelbeek metro station.

The hall was rocked by two explosions carried out by suicide bombers, later
identified as Ibrahim El Bakraoui and Najim Laachraoui. In 2015, passenger traffic at
the airport was 23 million people.

LOCATION: Moscow’s Domodedovo International Airport, Russia

DATE: January 24, 2011
CASUALTIES: 37 dead, 170 injured

A suicide bomber targeted the international departure hall at Moscow’s busiest

airport. Citizens of 13 countries, including Russia, were among the victims. Russia
later identified the bomber as a 20-year-old from the North Caucasus. Later a group
of Caucasus Emirate led by Doku Umarov claimed responsibility for the attack.

Domodedovo was the 12th busiest airport with 30 million passengers a year, 2015
statistics show.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1078

LOCATION: Jinnah International Airport, Karachi, Pakistan
DATE: June 8, 2014
CASUALTIES: 26 dead, 18 injured

The attack took place when a Taliban group disguised as security guards stormed
the airport in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city.

The militants launched grenades and opened fire as they entered Jinnah
International Airport. At least three blasts were heard and an airport emergency
declared, leading to flight operations being suspended.

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), an Islamic terrorist group, later claimed

responsibility for the attack.

LOCATION: Kandahar International Airport, Afghanistan

DATE: December 8, 2015
CASUALTIES: 50+ deaths, 35 injured

Taliban militants wearing army uniforms armed with AK-47s, rocket launchers and
some wearing suicide vests took control of a school near the airport buildings. The
gunmen then proceeded to target apartment buildings of government employees
and the joint Afghan-NATO military base at the airport.

Hours of intense fighting resulted in dozens of deaths, most of them civilians.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the Kandahar attack, boasting on its website
that “a number of martyrdom seekers armed with heavy and light weapons entered
Kandahar airbase undetected and have begun engaging the large number of
foreign invaders and their hirelings inside.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1079

LOCATION: Aden Adde International Airport, Mogadishu, Somalia
DATE: September 17, 2009
CASUALTIES: 21 deaths, 40 injured

Twin suicide bombings rocked the airport which hosted the African Union Mission
in Somalia (AMISOM) in the capital of Mogadishu. The attackers managed to get
into the airport by using two stolen UN cars. They targeted a meeting between the
AMISOM servicemen and the Transitional Federal Government."

Source with the courtesy of:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1080

Then there are several other terrorist attacks on other airports which includes:

 2007 Glassgow Airport Attack

 2009 Suicide Air raid on Colombo
 2006 Madrid - Barajas Airport Bombing
 2015 Sabiha Gokcen Airport Bombing
 2013 Beijing Capital International Airport Bombing
 2012 Bacha Khan International Airport attack
 2013 Wichita bomb attempt
 2007 John F. Kennedy International Airport attack plot

Then there are various terrorist attacks on different airlines since 2000 AD.

2001 - September attacks on 4 different US Airlines in America.

The September 11 attacks in 2001 killed nearly 3,000 people, including 67
Britons. Nineteen terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners, crashing two
of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York. Another
was flown into the Pentagon while the fourth crashed into a field in
Pennsylvania. The US responded by launching a "war on terror" and invading

American Airlines Flight 63 The "shoe bomb", a failed al-Qaeda PETN bombing
attempt in December 2001.

China Northern Flight 6136, a 2002 flight brought down by a passenger who
had purchased life insurance, who set a fire in flight with gasoline.

2004 Russian aircraft bombings, Islamist terrorist attacks on two domestic

Russian passenger aircraft flying from Moscow. The bombs were triggered by
two female Chechen suicide bombers. Shamil Salmanovich Basayev militant
leader of the Chechen terrorist movement claimed credit.

2006 transatlantic aircraft plot, al-Qaeeda terrorist plot to detonate liquid

explosives carried on board at least 10 airliners travelling from the United

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1081

Kingdom to the United States and Canada. It followed the same general plan
as the Bojinka plot.

Northwest Airlines Flight 253, the target of a failed al-Qaeda PETN bombing
attempt in December 2009.

Cargo planes bomb plot, failed al-Qaeeda PETN bombing attempt on two
planes in October 2010.

Metrojet Flight 9268, a Russian charter flight from Egypt carrying 224 people
was bombed by ISIL over the Sinai Peninsula on 31 October 2015, killing all on

Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 - MH370 was disappeared on 8th March, 2014
and the terrorism experts in the Aviation believe that it was an act of

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) was a scheduled international

passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpurthat was shot down on 17
July 2014, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board in Ukraine. It was
also an act of war and terrorism.

Metrojet Flight 9268 was an international chartered passenger flight,

operated by Russian airline Kogalymavia (branded as Metrojet). On 31
October an Airbus A321-231 operating the flight disintegrated above the
northern Sinai following its departure from Sharm el-Sheikh International
Airport, Egypt, en route to Pulkovo Airport, Saint Petersburg, Russia. All 217
passengers and seven crew members who were on board were killed.

Of those aboard, mostly tourists, there were 219 Russians, four Ukrainians,
and one Belarusian. The possibility that a bomb was put on the aircraft at
Sharm el-Sheikh led several countries to suspend flights to that airport. With
its death toll of 224 people, Flight 9268 is the deadliest air disaster both in the
history of Russian aviation and within Egyptian territory. It is also the
deadliest air disaster involving an aircraft from the Airbus A320 family, and
the deadliest air disaster of 2015.

Shortly after the crash, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)'s Sinai
Branch, previously known as Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, claimed responsibility for
the incident, which occurred in the vicinity of the Sinai insurgency. ISIL
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1082
claimed responsibility on Twitter, on video, and in a statement by Abu Osama
al-Masri, the leader of the group's Sinai branch. ISIL posted pictures of what it
said was the bomb in Dabiq, its online magazine.

Now one can see the increase in the terrorism attacks on airlines and airports to
disrupt the travelling of the passengers all over the world.

The travelling in the World is becoming unsafe day by day. As we are near the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS), the travelling would become more dangerous with
more terrorist attacks on airports and airlines.

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317. Surah - e - Qadar and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Surah e Qadar is the 97th Chapter of the Holy Quran containing 5 Verses.

According to the explanations of our Masoomeen, "Lail tul Qadar" means Bibi
Fatima (AS), the Only Daughter of our Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Bibi Fatima (AS) after the incident of Fadak told one of Her enemies that my 11th
Son, Mahdi (AS) would take my revenge from you.

The 3rd Verse of this Surah mentions:

"Laila tul Qadar is better than 1000 months."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1085

1000 months is equivalent to 83 years and 3 months i.e.

1000 months/12 = 83.3 years

Now we know that our 12th Imam first Zahoor was on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri.

All Momineen are waiting to see the 'Zahir' of Imam Mahdi (AS). The Abjad of this
Arabic Word, "Zahir" is 1106

Zahir .........................................1106

Now if we add the Abjad of "Zahir" into the year of the First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) and then add 83 years of the Greatest Night (Laila tul Qadar)

255 (First Zahoor) + 1106 (Zahir) + 83 (Duration of Greatest Night) = 1444

1444 Hijri......................Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS)

We know that the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be 14th April, 2023 AD i.e.
23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1086

83.33 years
0.33 years = 3 months and 15 days approximately
Now if we add the remaining 3 months into the total time, we would get:

23rd Ramzan, 1444 Hijri + 3 Months and 15 days = 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri ....................Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS)

So the Greatest Night i.e. equivalent to 1000 months or 83 years and 3 months and
15 days is giving indication towards the Zahoor of our Last and 12th Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1087

318. Prophecy of Naemat Ullah Shah Wali about Zahoor e Mahdi

Hazrat Naemat Shah Wali made remarkable prophecies almost 850 years ago and
all Shia and Sunni agree on the truth of his prophecies which he made in his poetry.

He also made prophecy about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in his poetry. Some
of the pages we have taken as a courtesy from the above book for you to view his

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1088

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Analysis of His Poetry and Its Last Verses about the Zahoor e
Mahdi (AS)

‫کن ت ک نزا مخفى ا‬

He mentioned “Kunta Kanzan” in his last poetic verse.

 The Abjad of “Kunta Kanzan” is 548.

He also mentioned his name, “Naemat” in the same verse.

 The Abjad of “Naemat” is 560

We know that the First Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year – 255 Hijri.

Also the Abjad of the Arabic word, “Imam” is 82.

The first Zahoor of Imam Mahdi was in 255 Hijri.

Now adding the Abjad of “Kunta Kanzan” + “Naemat” + 255 Hijri + “Imam”, we
would get:

548 (Kunta Kanzan) + 560 (Naemat) + 82 (Imam) + 255 (Hijri – Zahoor) = 1445

548 + 560 + 82 + 255 = 1445…………….1445 Hijri ……………….Zahoor e Mahdi


The Abjad of “Kunta Kanzan” is 548

The Abjad of “Ali” is 110
The Abjad of “Fatima” is 135
Our Imam would establish “Adal” meaning Justice in the world. The Abjad of “Adal”
meaning Justice is 104.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1095

Adding the Abjad of “Kunta Kanzan” with “Ali” and “Fatima” with the Abjad of
“Adal”, we would get:

(Kunta Kanzan + Ali) + (Kunta Kanzan + Fatima) + (Adal)

(548 + 110) + (548 + 135) + 104 = 1445………………1445 Hijri…..Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)


The Abjad of full verse, “Kunta Kanzan Maghfee” is 1279

The Abjad of Arabic words, “Imam e Deen e Hadi” is (82 + 64 + 20) = 166

Kunta Kanzan Maghfee (1279) + Imam e Deen e Hadi (166) = 1445

1279 + 166 = 1445…………………..1445 Hijri…………………..Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)


The Abjad of full verse, “Kunta Kanzan Maghfee” is 1279

The Abjad of 5 Panjetan names:
“Muhammad + Ali + Fatima + Hassan + Hussain” = 583
The Abjad of Arabic words, “Imam e Hadi O Mahdi” (82 + 20 + 59) = 161

1279 + 583 + 161 = 2023…………………………2023 AD…..Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1096

The Abjad of ‫ا‬ ‫کن ت ک نزا مخفى‬ is 1279

 The Abjad of “Hadi Mahdi” is 79…………..Hadi (20) + Mahdi (59)
 Our Imam is the 12th Imam and 12th Caliph of Allah

12 (Imam)……………….79 (Hadi Mahdi)


1279…………………..1 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 19…………..Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid”

All 14 Masoomeen are “Noor e Wahid”


1279…………………12 + 79 = 91…………..Abjad of Allah’s name, “Malik”

The reverse number of 91 is 19, and adding both the numbers, we would get:

19 (Wahid) + 91 (Malik) = 110………………Abjad of Allah’s name, “Ali”

Malik e Wahid………………………..Ali (110)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1097

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The Abjad of Arabic words, “Kana Zahuqa” is 190

255 + 950 (190 x 5) + 92 + 128 + 20 = 1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1099

319. Web of Confusion created by Islamic Scholars on the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There is a lot of confusion created deliberately by the scholars of Islam these days
regarding the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) to further confuse innocent Shias. Some
of the arguments presented by these Muqasir or Nasbi Islamic scholars are:

 Imam Mahdi (AS) does not know the time of His Zahoor.
 There are lot of Islamic traditions and the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and Imams ragrading the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) which are not
clear or differ from each other. So which to trust and which not to trust.
 Imam Mahdi (AS) can appear any time. So we don't have to rely on the
traditions or sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1100

320. The Sun would rise from the West before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Now this is a scientific phenomenon i.e. the Sun would rise from West instead of
East. How is it possible? Let us see what the scientists are saying about the coming

This is an article with the courtesy from:

Earth’s magnetic field could flip within our lifetime – but

don’t worry, we should be OK
This summer, the European Space Agency published data that suggested that the Earth’s
magnetic field could flip — as in, the magnetic north pole becomes the magnetic south pole — in “a
few thousand years.” At the time, I figured there was no rush to write it up — after all, we might not
even be living on Earth in a few thousand years. Now, however, new research published this week
shows that the magnetic field might flip within our lifetime — so it’s probably something that we
ought to talk about.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1101

The Earth’s magnetic field can flip…?

As you probably remember from high school, the Earth is a giant bar magnet — a magnetic dipole
with the north pole in the north, and the south pole in the south. If you imagine that there’sreally a
massive bar magnet in the middle of the Earth, it’s tilted by about 10 degrees from the planet’s axis,
which is why the magnetic north pole — currently in the upper northern tracts of Canada — is a few
hundred miles away from geographic/true north.

For now, magnetic north is close enough to true north that it doesn’t really matter (unless you’re
trying to navigate using a compass in arctic or antarctic regions, in which case you’re in trouble). But
the Earth’s magnetic field is shifting. New satellite data from the ESA shows that the Earth’s
magnetic field is weakening 10 times faster than we previously thought — an indicator that scientists
believe is a precursor to a geomagnetic reversal. At the time, there was nothing to worry about —
previous geological records suggested that a geomagnetic reversal occurs over thousands of years.
Now, however, a new study has analyzed rocks from the previous flip — the Matuyama-Brunhes
786,000 years ago — and found that the process completed in
magnetic reversal of
under 100 years. [doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu287]

What causes a geomagnetic reversal?

The Earth’s magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in its outer core, through
what’s known as the dynamo theory. We won’t know for sure until we actually get down there and do
some investigating, but as far as scientific theories go it’s pretty well grounded.

Due to reasons we don’t fully understand, something causes the movement of the molten core to
change — and thus the north and south poles switch. The most likely reason for the reversal
is simply the general interaction and chaos of the massive dynamic forces at play — but there are
some other hypothesized triggers, such as massive impacts, or significant plate tectonic shifts. The
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1102
fact that there’s no evidence that a reversal occurred after the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
event — the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs — suggests that impact events probably
aren’t the cause, though.

In any case, these geomagnetic reversals occur irregularly, averaging around 450,000 years
between each switch. The last reversal — the Matuyama-Brunhes reversal — occurred about
780,000 years ago, so it’s high time for another one to occur.

Are we all going to die horrible, fiery deaths?

At this point, scientists are pretty certain that a geomagnetic reversal is about to happen —
they’re just not sure exactly when it will occur. Obviously, when you’re dealing with a mass
of molten iron that is best measured in quintillions of tons, and your nearest seismological
probes are thousands of miles away from the action, there’s a fair bit of guesswork involved.

If the ESA’s satellite data and the new paleomagnetic data (literally, the study of Earth’s
magnetic fields by looking at rocks) are both accurate, then the Earth’s next geomagnetic
reversal might have already begun. By the time we die — or at least when our children die
— the north pole might be in the south.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1103

Sadly, we can only guess at what actually happens to Earth — and all the lovely organisms that live
on its surface — during a geomagnetic reversal. Most hypotheses and simulations suggest that
there’ll be a fairly long period during the reversal where the poles are all messed up — so at the very
least, you can forget using your compass to navigate. Organisms that use magnetoception to
navigate — birds, bacteria, bees — might themselves similarly confused.

During this period, there won’t be a north or south pole at all, which might impact some computers
and navigational systems — but in most cases, I would’ve thought software updates, plus GPS
satellites, will have us covered.

There is also the possibility that our magnetic field will be significantly weakened during the reversal
process, which would leave us — and more importantly, our atmosphere — vulnerable to the
eroding effects of highly charged solar particles (solar wind). This possibility has led some scientists
to suggest that a geomagnetic reversal would cause an extinction event — but so far, there are no
fossil records that suggest that previous reversals were followed by mass extinctions.
Likewise, considering many of the species currently on Earth lived through the last geomagnetic
reversal, it would seem they already have some mechanism for coping with shifts in the magnetic

So, to answer the question: No, the impending geomagnetic reversal probably won’t cause some
kind of apocalypse — but we may have to live through a few decades of pigeons getting lost,
bacteria behaving weirdly, and other semi-serious problems. There is certainly a possibility that
something nasty and world-ending will be triggered by a geomagnetic reversal — but we should
have plenty of warning (months, years) if that’s the case."

Now we have seen that even the Scientists are admitting that we are experiencing
the Change in the Earth's Magnetic Poles and the North Pole would become the
South Pole and Vice Versa at any time because this they are experiencing the
phenomenon for the last 100 years and as per the facts the last change and shift
took only 100 years to take place.

Even the famous, "Baba Venga" told in her prophecies that the Axis of the Earth
would change in the year - 2023 AD.

The Sun would rise from the West in the year - 2023 AD before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1104

321. Poison Ideology in Islam - Wahabism and the
Rise of Terrorism in the whole world and the Final
War of Imam Mahdi (AS) against these people

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” – George Orwell

The following article is written by a Sunni brother, Mr. Bilge Dogan

From: (Bilge Dogan)

"The founder of Wahhabism was Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab of Banu Tamim
tribe. He was born in Uyaina village near Huraimila town in the Najd Desert in 1111
and died 1206(1792). Formerly, with the idea of travelling and trading, he went to
Basra , Baghdad, Iran, India and Damascus, where he won the name "Shaikh an-
Najdi”because of his clever and defeatist attitude.

He saw and learnt a great deal at these places and set his heart on the idea of
becoming a chief. He had thought it proper a to found a new religious reformation
and movement to reach his goal , and, in preparation for this goal, attended the
lectures of the Hanbali ‘ulama’ in the blessed city of Medina and later in Damascus
for some time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1105

When he went back to the Najid, he wrote pamphlets on religious subjects for
villagers. His harmful, heretical ideas which he took from Mu’tazila and other bid’a-
groups and introduced in these small books deceived many ignorant villagers,
particularly the inhabitants of Dar’iyya and their ignorant chief, Muhammad ibn
Sa’ud (grand grand father of saudi royal family) as a tool to disseminate his
reformation which he named Wahhabism.

He introduced himself as the Qadi and Muhammad ibn Saud as the Hakim. He had it
declared that both would be succeeded only by their children In 1306 when the
book Mirat al-Haramain was written, the amir of the Najd, ‘Abdullah ibn Faisal, was
a descendant of Muhammad ibn Sa’ud, and the qadi, that is, the head of religious
affairs, was a descendant of Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab.Mumammed ibn ‘Abd
al-Wahhab’s father , ‘‘Abd al-Wahhab, who was a pious pure alim in Medina, his
brother Sulaiman ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab and his masters had apprehended from his
statements, behaviour and heretical ideas, which he frequently had put forward as
questions to them when he was a student in Medina, that he would harm Islam
from inside in future.

They advised him to correct his ideas and the Muslims to avoid him. But they
encountered the very thing they were afraid of very untimely, and he started
disseminating his heretical ideas openly under the name of Wahhabism.

To deceive the ignorant, stupid people, he came forward with reformism and
innovations much impetuous to deem as kafirs the true Muslims who followed the
Ahl as-Sunnat wa’l-Jamaa. He regarded it polytheism to ask Allahu taala for
something through the mediation of the Prophet or other Prophets or awliya and to
visit their graves.

According to Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab, the person who talks to the dead,
when praying near a grave becomes a mushrik (Fat’h al-majid , p208) He asserted
that attributing an action or effect to someone or something beside Allah, for
example , saying "(such and such) medicine cured”or “I obtained whatI asked
through our master Rasulullah”was polytheism, and the Muslim who said so would
become polytheist.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1106

Although the false documents Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab made up to support his
statements were nothing but all lies and slanders, the ignorant people who couldn’t
distinguish right from wrong, the unemployed , opportunists and the hard-hearted
soon accepted his ideas and took part of his side and regarded the pious Muslims of
the rightpath as kafirs.

When Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab applied to the rulers of Dar’iyya with the view of
disseminating his heresies easily through them, they willingly cooperated with him
with the hope of extending their territories and increasing their power. THey strove
with all their might to disseminate his ideas everywhere.

They declared war against those who refused and opposed another in joining the
army of Muhammad ibn Sa’ud when it was said that it is halal to plunder and kill
non-Wahhabis. In 1143, Muhammad ibn Sa’ud and Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab
hand in arrived at the conclusion, that those who wouldn’t accept Wahhabism were
kafirs and mushriks and it was halal to kill them and confiscate their possessions,
and publicly announced their declaration seven years later. Then Ibn ‘Abd al-
Wahhab started fabricating ijtihad when he was thirty-two years old and
announced his false ijtihads at his forty.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1107

As-Sayyid Ahmad ibn Zaini Dahlan, Mufti of the blessed city of Mecca, described
under the topic "Al-fitnat al-Wahhabiyya”the heretical tenest of Wahhabism and
the tortures of the Wahhabis inflicted upon Muslims (Al-futuhat al-Islamiyya, v2,
p228-233, Cairo 1968) Hw wrote: “To deceive the Ahl as-Sunna ‘ulama’ in Mecca
and Medina , the Wahhabis sent their men to cities, but these men could not
answer the questions of ulama. It became evident that they were ignorant heretics.
A verdict about their being disbleivers was written and issued everywhere. Sharif
Mas’ud ibn Sa’id , Amir of Mecca, ordered that the Wahhabis shall be imprisoned.
Some Wahhabis fled to Dari’yya and told what had happened to them.

The ulama of Hijaz belonging to all the four madhhabs, including Muhammad ibn
‘Abd al-Wahhab’s brother Shaikh Sulaiman and also his masters who trained him
studied Muhammad’s books, prepared answers to his disunioninst writings, which
were distructive to Islam, and wrote, to call the attention of Muslims, well-
documented books in refutation to his heretical writings and proclaimed Wahhabite
tenets to be heretical and harmful."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1108

Sharing another good article written by Catherine Shakdam with the courtesy of the
following website:

"It is again in history we must look to understand how this evil – Wahhabism, came
to be in the first place; and under whose influence it first sparked into life. There
too, the shadow of imperialism lurks …

It is crucial to understand though that ISIS, terror’s modern manifestation and

expression, carries no tie with Islam. NONE!

Actually both Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali warned us against this black

In Kitab Al Fitan – a compilation of hadiths (Islamic tradition) relating to the end of

times put together by prominent scholar Nuyam bin Hammad in 229 AH – Imam Ali
recalled the Prophet saying,

“If you see the black flags, then hold your ground and do not move your hands or
your feet. A people will come forth who are weak and have no capability, their
hearts are like blocks of iron. They are the people of the State (literally the people of
Al Dawla), they do not keep a promise or a treaty. They call to the truth but they are
not its people. Their names are (nicknames like Abu Mohammed) and their last
names (are the names of town and cities, like Al Halabi) and their hair is loose like
women’s hair. (Leave them) until they fight among themselves, then Allah will bring
the truth from whoever He wills.”

In another reference to a period of intense religious, political and social confusion

Imam Ali warned,

“If you are against a group of Muslims and the kuffar (unbelievers) are against
them too, then know that you have aligned yourself with the kuffar against your
own brothers. And know that if that is the case, then there is definitely something
wrong with your view. If you want to know where the most righteous of Muslims
are then look to where the arrows of the kuffar are pointing.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1109

In this extract, Imam Ali clearly refers to a time when Muslims will cross swords
with other Muslims while in alliance with non-Muslims. And because western
powers are undeniably colluding with those radicals they claim to want to destroy –
training them and funding them in plain view, one can legitimately ponder.

Looking at events currently unfolding in the Middle East such warnings have found
a deep echo within the Muslim community and religious leaders, among whom
most prominently Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Both have
mapped their decisions within such religious parameters. And whether one agrees
with those men or not is not the point – understanding where they are coming from
and where they stand however, is.

And if we can agree that not all is as it seems, then could it not be that those
enemies we have imagined are indeed – not?

If ISIS has certainly been sold as an Islamic movement, everything it professes and
teaches stands against Islam and its teachings. This divide actually goes beyond
Islam’s great schism – which schism it needs to be noted remains part of this myth
Saudi Arabia has been so eager on selling the world.

If indeed religious disagreements have occurred over the centuries and if Muslims
have in truth fought and argue over the legitimacy, legality and religious superiority
of their schools of thoughts and judicial principles, scholars did so in the knowledge
and express belief that while men are flawed, Islam is perfect.

Islam’s disagreements came about out from a desire to walk better on God’s path,
not to obliterate people with an implacable and merciless truth.

Looking back at the long line of prophets, from Adam to Noah, Ibrahim, Jesus, Yehia
and Muhammad, all shared in the Oneness which is God’s ultimate command, God’s
boundless mercy onto His creation and His injunction of peace. And if those holy
messengers came at different times and places in our history, the essence of their
message has been as permanent and immovable as God’s will. From Adam’s first
cries of remorse and calls for forgiveness, to Prophet Muhammad’s last breath,
God’s message onto us has always been Islam – as Islam means submission. In

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1110

truth, the only real freedom which was ever given to us is that to submit, body and
soul to The Creator of All things.

Islam did not start at Prophet Muhammad, rather it was reborn with him and
through him; a last call before the sunset, a last mercy and guidance for us to follow
– or not – a last ray of hope before evil can get its fill and the last chapter of our fate
written down.

Islam was on the first day as it will be on the last day – it is us which have called it
many things in our need to possess and label the divine. It is us again which have
strayed and plotted, coveted and perverted to serve very earthly ambitions.

Wahhabism is no more than an engineered perversion, a division, an abomination

which has but spread like a cancer onto the Islamic world and now threatens to
destroy all religions.

Wahhabism and its legions: Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, are but the manifestations
of a reactionary atheist movement which seeks the death of all faiths.

Wahhabism is not of Islam and Islam will never be of Wahhabism – it is a folly to

conceive that Islam would ever sanction murder, looting and atrocious barbarism.
Islam opposes despotism, injustice, infamy , deceits, greed, extremism, asceticism –
everything which is not balanced and good, fair and merciful, kind and

If anything, Wahhabism is the very negation of Islam. As many have called it before
– Islam is not Wahhabism. Wahhabism is merely the misguided expression of one
man’s political ambition – Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, a man who was
recruited by Empire Britain to erode at the fabric of Islam and crack the unity of its
ummah (community).

As Wahhabism began its land and mind grab in Hijaz – now known as Saudi Arabia –
one family, Al Saud saw in this violent and reactionary school of thought a grand
opportunity to claim and retain power. This unholy alliance has blotted the skies of
Arabia for centuries, darkening the horizon with its miasms.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1111

Wahhabism has now given birth to a monstrous abomination – extreme radicalism;
a beast which has sprung and fed from Salafis and Wahhabis poison, fueled by the
billions of Al Saud’s petrodollars; a weapon exploited by neo-imperialists to justify
military interventions in those wealthiest corners of the world.

But though those powers which thought themselves cunning by weaving a network
of fear around the world to better assert and enslave are losing control over their
brain-child, ISIS and its sisters in hate and fury, as they all have gone nuclear, no
longer bound by the chains their fathers shackled them with.

ISIS’s obscene savagery epitomises the violence which is inherent and central to
Wahhabism and Salafism – its other deviance. And though the world knows now
the source of all terror, no power has yet dared speak against it, instead the world
has chosen to hate its designated victim – Islam.

In July 2013, the European Parliament identified Wahhabism as the main source of
global terrorism, and yet the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, condemning ISIS in the
strongest terms, has insisted that “the ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism
do not belong to Islam in any way”. But then again the Grand Mufti might remain
oblivious to the history of Wahhabism or what Wahhabism actually professes.

Wahhabism 101
During the 18th century, revivalist movements sprang up in many parts of the
Islamic world as the Muslim imperial powers began to lose control of peripheral
territories. In the west at this time, governments were beginning to separate church
from state, but this secular ideal was a radical innovation: as revolutionary as the
commercial economy that Europe was concurrently devising. No other culture
regarded religion as a purely private activity, separate from such worldly pursuits as
politics, so for Muslims the political fragmentation of society was also a religious
problem. Because the Quran had given Muslims a sacred mission – to build a just
economy in which everybody is treated with equity and respect – the political well-
being of the ummah was always a matter of sacred import. If the poor were
oppressed, the vulnerable exploited or state institutions corrupt, Muslims were
obliged to make every effort to put society back on track.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1112

If 18th-century reformers were convinced that should Muslims ever regain lost
power and prestige, they would have to return to the fundamentals of their faith,
ensuring that God – rather than materialism or worldly ambition – dominated the
political order, Wahhabism would come to pervert such desires.

There was nothing militant about this “fundamentalism”; not yet, rather, it was a
grassroots attempt to reorient society and did not involve jihad.

Only, if the idea of going back to the root of Islam at a time when society had
strayed from the path was indeed laudable, Wahhabism would work to betray such
ideal by twisting on its head Islam’s most sacred pillars, perverting Islamic law and
the interpretation of its Scriptures to serve the mighty and enslave the weak.

Under Wahhabism’s interpretation of Islam, women reverted to being objectified.

Those many great women Islam saw rise under the strict protection of the Quran,
those models Muslim women came to look up to and aspire to become – Maryam,
Khadijah, Fatimah, Zaynab; Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahhab would have had locked
up in chains in their home.

When Islam gave women their rightful place within society, Wahhabism denied
them everything.

And for those of you who continue to live under the premise that Islam is
profoundly unfair against women, do remember it is not Islam but rather men’s
interpretations of it which is the source of your ire.

Islam secured women’ status according to God’s will. Islam poses both men and
women on equal footing in terms of their faith – it is only in their duties and
responsibilities which they differ, not worthiness. Islam calls on men to provide for
women and offer them security, both financial and physical. Under Islam women
are free to marry, divorce and work. Under Islam women cannot be bought,
bartered or oppressed. Under Islam women enjoy more freedom than most
western women have been given. It is society and cultural deviations which have
denied them those rights, not Islam.

Women rights are forever imprinted in the Quran – this reality will never change, no
matter how men chose to interpret it and falsify it.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1113
Like Martin Luther, ibn Wahhab claimed he wanted to return to the earliest
teachings of Islam and eject all later medieval accretions. To achieve such ambitions
he opposed Sufism and Shia Islam, labelling them as heretical innovations (bidah) as
both opposed tyranny in faith. He went on to urge all Muslims to reject the learned
exegesis developed over the centuries by the ulema (scholars) and interpret the
texts for themselves, or rather under his guidance.

This naturally incensed the clergy and threatened local rulers, who believed that
interfering with these popular devotions would cause social unrest. Eventually,
however, ibn Wahhab found a patron in Mohammed Ibn Saud, a chieftain of Najd
who adopted his ideas. Ibn Saud quickly used Wahhabism to support his military
campaigns for plunder and territory, insisting such violence was all in the name of
the greater good.

To this day Al Saud’s house is following in such bloody footsteps.

Although the scriptures were so central to ibn Wahhab’s ideology, by insisting that
his version of Islam alone had validity, he distorted the Quranic message in the
most violent way. The Quran firmly states that “There must be no coercion in
matters of faith” – Quran 2:256.

It rules that Muslims must believe in the revelations of all the great prophets (3:84)
and that religious pluralism was God’s will (5:48). Until Wahhabism came knocking,
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1114
Muslims remained traditionally wary of takfir, the practice of declaring a fellow
Muslim to be an unbeliever (kafir). Hitherto Sufism, which had developed an
outstanding appreciation of other faith traditions, had been the most popular form
of Islam and had played an important role in both social and religious life. “Do not
praise your own faith so exclusively that you disbelieve all the rest,” urged the great
mystic Ibn al-Arabi (d.1240). “God the omniscient and omnipresent cannot be
confined to any one creed.” It was common for a Sufi to claim that he was a neither
a Jew nor a Christian, nor even a Muslim, because once you glimpsed the divine,
you left these man-made distinctions behind.

After ibn Wahhab’s death, Wahhabism became more violent, an instrument of state
terror. As Al Saud sought to establish an independent kingdom, Abd al-Aziz Ibn
Muhammad, Ibn Saud’s son and successor, used takfir to justify the wholesale
slaughter of resistant populations. In 1801, his army sacked the holy Shia city of
Karbala in what is now Iraq, plundered the tomb of Imam Hussain, and slaughtered
thousands of Shias, including women and children. A few years later, in 1803, in
fear and panic, the holy city of Mecca surrendered to the Saudi leader, wary of that
his army would do to the population.

Little do we remember the sacking of the holy city of Medina, when Al Saud’s
legions ransacked mosques, schools and homes. Al Saud’s army murdered hundreds
of men, women and children, deaf to their screams. As imams pleaded for the most
sacred relics of Islam to be protected, Al Saud’s men pillaged and looted, setting fire
to Medina’s library. Al Saud made an example out of Medina, the very city which
proved so welcoming to Islam. On the ground which saw rise the first mosque of
Islam, Al Saud soaked the earth red with blood.

Where the footsteps of the last Prophet of God still echo, Al Saud filled the air with
ghastly cries of horrors.

But such terror has been erased from history books. Such tales of blood and savage
betrayals have been swallowed whole by Al Saud as this house attempted to re-
write history and claim lineage to the house of the prophet.

Eventually, in 1815, the Ottomans despatched Muhammad Ali Pasha, governor of

Egypt, to crush the Wahhabi forces and destroy their capital. But Wahhabism
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1115
became a political force once again during the First World War when the Saudi
chieftain – another Abd al-Aziz – made a new push for statehood and began to
carve out a large kingdom for himself in the Middle East with his devout Bedouin
army, known as the Ikhwan, the “Brotherhood”.

In the Ikhwan we see the roots of ISIS. To break up the tribes and wean them from
the nomadic life which was deemed incompatible with Islam, the Wahhabi clergy
had settled the Bedouin in oases, where they learned farming and the crafts of
sedentary life and were indoctrinated in Wahhabi Islam. Once they exchanged the
time-honoured ghazu raid, which typically resulted in the plunder of livestock, for
the Wahhabi-style jihad, these Bedouin fighters became more violent and extreme,
covering their faces when they encountered Europeans and non-Saudi Arabs and
fighting with lances and swords because they disdained weaponry not used by the
Prophet. In the old ghazu raids, the Bedouin had always kept casualties to a
minimum and did not attack non-combatants. Now the Ikhwan routinely massacred
“apostate” unarmed villagers in their thousands, thought nothing of slaughtering
women and children, and routinely slit the throats of all male captives.

In 1915, Abd Al-Aziz planned to conquer Hijaz (an area in the west of present-day
Saudi Arabia that includes the cities of Mecca and Medina), the Persian Gulf to the
east of Najd, and the land that is now Syria and Jordan in the north, but during the
1920s he tempered his ambitions in order to acquire diplomatic standing as a nation
state with Britain and the United States. The Ikhwan, however, continued to raid
the British protectorates of Iraq, Transjordan and Kuwait, insisting that no limits
could be placed on jihad. Regarding all modernisation as bidah, the Ikhwan also
attacked Abd al-Aziz for permitting telephones, cars, the telegraph, music and
smoking – indeed, anything unknown in Muhammad’s time – until finally Abd Al-
Aziz quashed their rebellion in 1930.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1116

After the defeat of the Ikhwan, the official Wahhabism of the Saudi kingdom
abandoned militant jihad and became a religiously conservative movement.

But the Ikhwan spirit and its dream of territorial expansion did not die, instead it
gained new ground in the 1970s, when the Kingdom became central to western
foreign policy in the region. Washington welcomed the Saudis’ opposition to
Nasserism (the pan-Arab socialist ideology of Egypt’s second president, Gamal
Abdel Nasser) and to Soviet influence. After the Iranian Revolution, in 1979 it gave
tacit support to the Saudis’ project of countering Shia Islam by Wahhabizing the
entire Muslim world.

Just as Nasserism posed a threat to both the Saudis and the US in that it entailed
independence and a supranational sense of belonging and solidarity, in opposition
to colonialism and feudalism, Iran Shia democratic movement presented too much
of a pull for countries in the region to follow to be allowed to shine forth.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1117

And so the wheels of propaganda were set in motion and Iran became western
powers and its allies’ designated enemy. Right alongside Soviet Russia, Iran became
the source of all evil, while all the while Saudi Arabia was left to industrialize
radicalism on a mass scale.

The soaring oil price created by the 1973 embargo – when Arab petroleum
producers cut off supplies to the U.S. to protest against the Americans’ military
support for Israel – gave the Kingdom all the petrodollars it needed to export its
idiosyncratic form of Islam.

The old military jihad to spread the faith was now replaced by a cultural offensive.
The Saudi-based Muslim World League opened offices in every region inhabited by
Muslims, and the Saudi ministry of religion printed and distributed Wahhabi
translations of the Quran, Wahhabi doctrinal texts and the writings of modern
thinkers whom the Saudis found congenial, such as Sayyids Abul-A’la Maududi and
Qutb, to Muslim communities throughout the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia, the
United States and Europe. In all these places, they funded the building of Saudi-
style mosques with Wahhabi preachers and established madrasas that provided
free education for the poor, with, of course, a Wahhabi curriculum.

Slowly Muslims’ understanding of Islam became polluted by Wahhabism and Sunni

Muslims began to think and breath Wahhabism, no longer in tune with its own
religious tradition, cut off from free-thinking Islam, moderate Islam, compassionate
Islam and non-violent Islam.

At the same time, young men from the poorer Muslim countries, such as Egypt and
Pakistan, who had felt compelled to find work in the Gulf to support their families,
associated their relative affluence with Wahhabism and brought this faith back
home with them, living in new neighbourhoods with Saudi mosques and shopping
malls that segregated the sexes. The Saudis demanded religious conformity in
return for their munificence, so Wahhabi rejection of all other forms of Islam as well
as other faiths would reach as deeply into Bradford, England, and Buffalo, New
York, as into Pakistan, Jordan or Syria: everywhere gravely undermining Islam’s
traditional pluralism."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1118

322. The Emergence of Suffiani Groups (ISIS/Daesh/Taliban) and
the Support of Wahabi/Salafi- Group before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS)

Sharing the article of Alastair Crooke - historical analysis of the roots of ISIS and its
impact on the future of the Middle East with the courtsy of the website:

"The dramatic arrival of Da’ish (ISIS) on the stage of Iraq has shocked many in the
West. Many have been perplexed — and horrified — by its violence and its evident
magnetism for Sunni youth. But more than this, they find Saudi Arabia’s
ambivalence in the face of this manifestation both troubling and inexplicable,
wondering, “Don’t the Saudis understand that ISIS threatens them, too?”

It appears — even now — that Saudi Arabia’s ruling elite is divided. Some applaud
that ISIS is fighting Iranian Shiite “fire” with Sunni “fire”; that a new Sunni state is

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1119

taking shape at the very heart of what they regard as a historical Sunni patrimony;
and they are drawn by Da’ish’s strict Salafist ideology.

Other Saudis are more fearful, and recall the history of the revolt against Abd-al
Aziz by the Wahhabist Ikhwan (Disclaimer: this Ikhwan has nothing to do with the
Muslim Brotherhood Ikhwan — please note, all further references hereafter are to
the Wahhabist Ikhwan, and not to the Muslim Brotherhood Ikhwan), but which
nearly imploded Wahhabism and the al-Saud in the late 1920s.

Many Saudis are deeply disturbed by the radical doctrines of Da’ish (ISIS) — and are
beginning to question some aspects of Saudi Arabia’s direction and discourse.


Saudi Arabia’s internal discord and tensions over ISIS can only be understood by
grasping the inherent (and persisting) duality that lies at the core of the Kingdom’s
doctrinal makeup and its historical origins.

One dominant strand to the Saudi identity pertains directly to Muhammad ibn
ʿAbd al-Wahhab (the founder of Wahhabism), and the use to which his
radical, exclusionist puritanism was put by Ibn Saud. (The latter was then no more
than a minor leader — amongst many — of continually sparring and raiding
Bedouin tribes in the baking and desperately poor deserts of the Nejd.)

The second strand to this perplexing duality, relates precisely to King Abd-al Aziz’s
subsequent shift towards statehood in the 1920s: his curbing of Ikhwani violence (in
order to have diplomatic standing as a nation-state with Britain and America); his
institutionalization of the original Wahhabist impulse — and the subsequent seizing
of the opportunely surging petrodollar spigot in the 1970s, to channel the volatile
Ikhwani current away from home towards export — by diffusing a cultural
revolution, rather than violent revolution throughout the Muslim world.

But this “cultural revolution” was no docile reformism. It was a revolution based on
Abd al-Wahhab’s Jacobin-like hatred for the putrescence and deviationism that he
perceived all about him — hence his call to purge Islam of all its heresies and

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1120

The American author and journalist, Steven Coll, has written how this austere and
censorious disciple of the 14th century scholar Ibn Taymiyyah, Abd al-Wahhab,
despised “the decorous, arty, tobacco smoking, hashish imbibing, drum pounding
Egyptian and Ottoman nobility who travelled across Arabia to pray at Mecca.”

In Abd al-Wahhab’s view, these were not Muslims; they were imposters
masquerading as Muslims. Nor, indeed, did he find the behavior of local Bedouin
Arabs much better. They aggravated Abd al-Wahhab by their honoring of saints, by
their erecting of tombstones, and their “superstition” (e.g. revering graves or places
that were deemed particularly imbued with the divine).

All this behavior, Abd al-Wahhab denounced as bida — forbidden by God.

Like Taymiyyah before him, Abd al-Wahhab believed that the period of the Prophet
Muhammad’s stay in Medina was the ideal of Muslim society (the “best of times”),
to which all Muslims should aspire to emulate (this, essentially, is Salafism).

Taymiyyah had declared war on Shi’ism, Sufism and Greek philosophy. He spoke
out, too against visiting the grave of the prophet and the celebration of his
birthday, declaring that all such behavior represented mere imitation of the
Christian worship of Jesus as God (i.e. idolatry). Abd al-Wahhab assimilated all this
earlier teaching, stating that “any doubt or hesitation” on the part of a believer in
respect to his or her acknowledging this particular interpretation of Islam
should “deprive a man of immunity of his property and his life.”

One of the main tenets of Abd al-Wahhab’s doctrine has become the key idea of
Takfir. Under the takfiri doctrine, Abd al-Wahhab and his followers could deem
fellow Muslims infidels should they engage in activities that in any way could be
said to encroach on the sovereignty of the absolute Authority (that is, the King).
Abd al-Wahhab denounced all Muslims who honored the dead, saints, or angels. He
held that such sentiments detracted from the complete subservience one must feel
towards God, and only God. Wahhabi Islam thus bans any prayer to saints and dead
loved ones, pilgrimages to tombs and special mosques, religious festivals

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1121

celebrating saints, the honoring of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, and
even prohibits the use of gravestones when burying the dead.

Those who would not conform to this view should be killed, their wives and
daughters violated, and their possessions confiscated, he wrote.

Abd al-Wahhab demanded conformity — a conformity that was to be demonstrated

in physical and tangible ways. He argued that all Muslims must individually pledge
their allegiance to a single Muslim leader (a Caliph, if there were one). Those who
would not conform to this view should be killed, their wives and daughters violated,
and their possessions confiscated, he wrote. The list of apostates meriting death
included the Shiite, Sufis and other Muslim denominations, whom Abd al-Wahhab
did not consider to be Muslim at all.

There is nothing here that separates Wahhabism from ISIS. The rift would emerge
only later: from the subsequent institutionalization of Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-
Wahhab’s doctrine of “One Ruler, One Authority, One Mosque” — these three
pillars being taken respectively to refer to the Saudi king, the absolute authority of
official Wahhabism, and its control of “the word” (i.e. the mosque).

It is this rift — the ISIS denial of these three pillars on which the whole of Sunni
authority presently rests — makes ISIS, which in all other respects conforms to
Wahhabism, a deep threat to Saudi Arabia.

BRIEF HISTORY 1741- 1818

Abd al-Wahhab’s advocacy of these ultra radical views inevitably led to his
expulsion from his own town — and in 1741, after some wanderings, he found
refuge under the protection of Ibn Saud and his tribe. What Ibn Saud perceived in
Abd al-Wahhab’s novel teaching was the means to overturn Arab tradition and
convention. It was a path to seizing power.

Their strategy — like that of ISIS today — was to bring the peoples whom they
conquered into submission. They aimed to instill fear.

Ibn Saud’s clan, seizing on Abd al-Wahhab’s doctrine, now could do what they
always did, which was raiding neighboring villages and robbing them of their
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1122
possessions. Only now they were doing it not within the ambit of Arab tradition,
but rather under the banner of jihad. Ibn Saud and Abd al-Wahhab also
reintroduced the idea of martyrdom in the name of jihad, as it granted those
martyred immediate entry into paradise.

In the beginning, they conquered a few local communities and imposed their rule
over them. (The conquered inhabitants were given a limited choice: conversion to
Wahhabism or death.) By 1790, the Alliance controlled most of the Arabian
Peninsula and repeatedly raided Medina, Syria and Iraq.

Their strategy — like that of ISIS today — was to bring the peoples whom they
conquered into submission. They aimed to instill fear. In 1801, the Allies attacked
the Holy City of Karbala in Iraq. They massacred thousands of Shiites, including
women and children. Many Shiite shrines were destroyed, including the shrine of
Imam Hussein, the murdered grandson of Prophet Muhammad.

A British official, Lieutenant Francis Warden, observing the situation at the time,
wrote: “They pillaged the whole of it [Karbala], and plundered the Tomb of
Hussein... slaying in the course of the day, with circumstances of peculiar cruelty,
above five thousand of the inhabitants ...”

Osman Ibn Bishr Najdi, the historian of the first Saudi state, wrote that Ibn Saud
committed a massacre in Karbala in 1801. He proudly documented that massacre
saying, “we took Karbala and slaughtered and took its people (as slaves), then
praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and we do not apologize for that and say:
‘And to the unbelievers: the same treatment.’”

In 1803, Abdul Aziz then entered the Holy City of Mecca, which surrendered under
the impact of terror and panic (the same fate was to befall Medina, too). Abd al-
Wahhab’s followers demolished historical monuments and all the tombs and
shrines in their midst. By the end, they had destroyed centuries of Islamic
architecture near the Grand Mosque.

But in November of 1803, a Shiite assassin killed King Abdul Aziz (taking revenge for
the massacre at Karbala). His son, Saud bin Abd al Aziz, succeeded him and
continued the conquest of Arabia. Ottoman rulers, however, could no longer just sit

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1123

back and watch as their empire was devoured piece by piece. In 1812, the Ottoman
army, composed of Egyptians, pushed the Alliance out from Medina, Jeddah and
Mecca. In 1814, Saud bin Abd al Aziz died of fever. His unfortunate son Abdullah bin
Saud, however, was taken by the Ottomans to Istanbul, where he was gruesomely
executed (a visitor to Istanbul reported seeing him having been humiliated in the
streets of Istanbul for three days, then hanged and beheaded, his severed head
fired from a canon, and his heart cut out and impaled on his body).

In 1815, Wahhabi forces were crushed by the Egyptians (acting on the Ottoman’s
behalf) in a decisive battle. In 1818, the Ottomans captured and destroyed the
Wahhabi capital of Dariyah. The first Saudi state was no more. The few remaining
Wahhabis withdrew into the desert to regroup, and there they remained, quiescent
for most of the 19th century.


It is not hard to understand how the founding of the Islamic State by ISIS in
contemporary Iraq might resonate amongst those who recall this history. Indeed,
the ethos of 18th century Wahhabism did not just wither in Nejd, but it roared back
into life when the Ottoman Empire collapsed amongst the chaos of World War I.

The Al Saud — in this 20th century renaissance — were led by the laconic and
politically astute Abd-al Aziz, who, on uniting the fractious Bedouin tribes, launched
the Saudi “Ikhwan” in the spirit of Abd-al Wahhab’s and Ibn Saud’s earlier fighting

The Ikhwan was a reincarnation of the early, fierce, semi-independent vanguard

movement of committed armed Wahhabist “moralists” who almost had succeeded
in seizing Arabia by the early 1800s. In the same manner as earlier, the Ikhwan
again succeeded in capturing Mecca, Medina and Jeddah between 1914 and 1926.
Abd-al Aziz, however, began to feel his wider interests to be threatened by the
revolutionary “Jacobinism” exhibited by the Ikhwan. The Ikhwan revolted —
leading to a civil war that lasted until the 1930s, when the King had them put down:
he machine-gunned them.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1124

For this king, (Abd-al Aziz), the simple verities of previous decades were eroding. Oil
was being discovered in the peninsular. Britain and America were courting Abd-al
Aziz, but still were inclined to support Sharif Husain as the only legitimate ruler of
Arabia. The Saudis needed to develop a more sophisticated diplomatic posture.

So Wahhabism was forcefully changed from a movement of revolutionary jihad and

theological takfiri purification, to a movement of conservative social, political,
theological, and religious da’wa (Islamic call) and to justifying the institution that
upholds loyalty to the royal Saudi family and the King’s absolute power.


With the advent of the oil bonanza — as the French scholar, Giles Kepel writes,
Saudi goals were to “reach out and spread Wahhabism across the Muslim world ...
to “Wahhabise” Islam, thereby reducing the “multitude of voices within the
religion” to a “single creed” — a movement which would transcend national

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1125

divisions. Billions of dollars were — and continue to be — invested in this
manifestation of soft power.

It was this heady mix of billion dollar soft power projection — and the Saudi
willingness to manage Sunni Islam both to further America’s interests, as it
concomitantly embedded Wahhabism educationally, socially and culturally
throughout the lands of Islam — that brought into being a western policy
dependency on Saudi Arabia, a dependency that has endured since Abd-al Aziz’s
meeting with Roosevelt on a U.S. warship (returning the president from the Yalta
Conference) until today.

Westerners looked at the Kingdom and their gaze was taken by the wealth; by the
apparent modernization; by the professed leadership of the Islamic world. They
chose to presume that the Kingdom was bending to the imperatives of modern life
— and that the management of Sunni Islam would bend the Kingdom, too, to
modern life.

On the one hand, ISIS is deeply Wahhabist. On the other hand, it is ultra radical in a
different way. It could be seen essentially as a corrective movement to
contemporary Wahhabism.

But the Saudi Ikhwan approach to Islam did not die in the 1930s. It retreated, but it
maintained its hold over parts of the system — hence the duality that we observe
today in the Saudi attitude towards ISIS.

On the one hand, ISIS is deeply Wahhabist. On the other hand, it is ultra radical in a
different way. It could be seen essentially as a corrective movement to
contemporary Wahhabism.

ISIS is a “post-Medina” movement: it looks to the actions of the first two Caliphs,
rather than the Prophet Muhammad himself, as a source of emulation, and it
forcefully denies the Saudis’ claim of authority to rule.

As the Saudi monarchy blossomed in the oil age into an ever more inflated
institution, the appeal of the Ikhwan message gained ground (despite King Faisal’s
modernization campaign). The “Ikhwan approach” enjoyed — and still enjoys — the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1126

support of many prominent men and women and sheikhs. In a sense, Osama bin
Laden was precisely the representative of a late flowering of this Ikhwani approach.

Today, ISIS’ undermining of the legitimacy of the King’s legitimacy is not seen to be
problematic, but rather a return to the true origins of the Saudi-Wahhab project.

In the collaborative management of the region by the Saudis and the West in
pursuit of the many western projects (countering socialism, Ba’athism, Nasserism,
Soviet and Iranian influence), western politicians have highlighted their chosen
reading of Saudi Arabia (wealth, modernization and influence), but they chose to
ignore the Wahhabist impulse.

After all, the more radical Islamist movements were perceived by Western
intelligence services as being more effective in toppling the USSR in Afghanistan —
and in combatting out-of-favor Middle Eastern leaders and states.

Why should we be surprised then, that from Prince Bandar’s Saudi-Western

mandate to manage the insurgency in Syria against President Assad should have
emerged a neo-Ikhwan type of violent, fear-inducing vanguard movement: ISIS?
And why should we be surprised — knowing a little about Wahhabism — that
“moderate” insurgents in Syria would become rarer than a mythical unicorn? Why
should we have imagined that radical Wahhabism would create moderates? Or why
could we imagine that a doctrine of “One leader, One authority, One mosque:
submit to it, or be killed” could ever ultimately lead to moderation or tolerance?

Or, perhaps, we never imagined.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1127

ISIS is indeed a veritable time bomb inserted into the heart of the Middle East. But
its destructive power is not as commonly understood. It is not with the “March of
the Beheaders”; it is not with the killings; the seizure of towns and villages; the
harshest of “justice” — terrible though they are — that its true explosive power lies.
It is yet more potent than its exponential pull on young Muslims, its huge arsenal of
weapons and its hundreds of millions of dollars.

“We should understand that there is really almost nothing that the West can now
do about it but sit and watch.”

Its real potential for destruction lies elsewhere — in the implosion of Saudi Arabia
as a foundation stone of the modern Middle East. We should understand that there
is really almost nothing that the West can now do about it but sit and watch.

The clue to its truly explosive potential, as Saudi scholar Fouad Ibrahim has pointed
out (but which has passed, almost wholly overlooked, or its significance has gone
unnoticed), is ISIS’ deliberate and intentional use in its doctrine — of the language
of Abd-al Wahhab, the 18th century founder, together with Ibn Saud, of
Wahhabism and the Saudi project:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1128

Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the first “prince of the faithful” in the Islamic State of Iraq,
in 2006 formulated, for instance, the principles of his prospective state ... Among its
goals is disseminating monotheism “which is the purpose [for which humans were
created] and [for which purpose they must be called] to Islam...” This language
replicates exactly Abd-al Wahhab’s formulation. And, not surprisingly, the latter’s
writings and Wahhabi commentaries on his works are widely distributed in the
areas under ISIS’ control and are made the subject of study sessions. Baghdadi
subsequently was to note approvingly, “a generation of young men [have been]
trained based on the forgotten doctrine of loyalty and disavowal.”

And what is this “forgotten” tradition of “loyalty and disavowal?” It is Abd al-
Wahhab’s doctrine that belief in a sole (for him an anthropomorphic) God — who
was alone worthy of worship — was in itself insufficient to render man or woman a

He or she could be no true believer, unless additionally, he or she actively denied

(and destroyed) any other subject of worship. The list of such potential subjects of
idolatrous worship, which al-Wahhab condemned as idolatry, was so extensive that
almost all Muslims were at risk of falling under his definition of “unbelievers.” They
therefore faced a choice: Either they convert to al-Wahhab’s vision of Islam — or be
killed, and their wives, their children and physical property taken as the spoils of
Jihad. Even to express doubts about this doctrine, al-Wahhab said, should occasion

“Through its intentional adoption of this Wahhabist language, ISIS is knowingly

lighting the fuse to a bigger regional explosion — one that has a very real possibility
of being ignited, and if it should succeed, will change the Middle East decisively.”

The point Fuad Ibrahim is making, I believe, is not merely to reemphasize the
extreme reductionism of al-Wahhab’s vision, but to hint at something entirely
different: That through its intentional adoption of this Wahhabist language, ISIS is
knowingly lighting the fuse to a bigger regional explosion — one that has a very real
possibility of being ignited, and if it should succeed, will change the Middle East

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1129

For it was precisely this idealistic, puritan, proselytizing formulation by al-Wahhab
that was “father” to the entire Saudi “project” (one that was violently suppressed
by the Ottomans in 1818, but spectacularly resurrected in the 1920s, to become the
Saudi Kingdom that we know today). But since its renaissance in the 1920s, the
Saudi project has always carried within it, the “gene” of its own self-destruction.


Paradoxically, it was a maverick British official, who helped embed the gene into
the new state. The British official attached to Aziz, was one Harry St. John
Philby (the father of the MI6 officer who spied for the Soviet KGB, Kim Philby). He
was to become King Abd al-Aziz’s close adviser, having resigned as a British official,
and was until his death, a key member of the Ruler’s Court. He, was an Arabist. He
was also a convert to Wahhabi Islam and known as Sheikh Abdullah.

St. John Philby was a man on the make: he had determined to make his friend, Abd
al-Aziz, the ruler of Arabia. Indeed, it is clear that in furthering this ambition he was
not acting on official instructions. When, for example, he encouraged King Aziz to
expand in northern Nejd, he was ordered to desist. But (as American author,
Stephen Schwartz notes), Aziz was well aware that Britain had pledged repeatedly
that the defeat of the Ottomans would produce an Arab state, and this no doubt,
encouraged Philby and Aziz to aspire to the latter becoming its new ruler.

It is not clear exactly what passed between Philby and the Ruler (the details seem
somehow to have been suppressed), but it would appear that Philby’s vision was
not confined to state-building in the conventional way, but rather was one of
transforming the wider Islamic ummah (or community of believers) into a
Wahhabist instrument that would entrench the al-Saud as Arabia’s leaders. And for
this to happen, Aziz needed to win British acquiescence (and much later, American
endorsement). “This was the gambit that Abd al-Aziz made his own, with advice
from Philby,” notes Schwartz.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1130


In a sense, Philby may be said to be “godfather” to this momentous pact by which

the Saudi leadership would use its clout to “manage” Sunni Islam on behalf of
western objectives (containing socialism, Ba’athism, Nasserism, Soviet influence,
Iran, etc.) — and in return, the West would acquiesce to Saudi Arabia’s soft-power
Wahhabisation of the Islamic ummah (with its concomitant destruction of Islam’s
intellectual traditions and diversity and its sowing of deep divisions within the
Muslim world).

“In political and financial terms, the Saud-Philby strategy has been an astonishing
success. But it was always rooted in British and American intellectual obtuseness:
the refusal to see the dangerous ‘gene’ within the Wahhabist project, its latent
potential to mutate, at any time, back into its original a bloody, puritan strain. In
any event, this has just happened: ISIS is it.”

As a result — from then until now — British and American policy has been bound to
Saudi aims (as tightly as to their own ones), and has been heavily dependent on
Saudi Arabia for direction in pursuing its course in the Middle East.

In political and financial terms, the Saud-Philby strategy has been an astonishing
success (if taken on its own, cynical, self-serving terms). But it was always rooted in
British and American intellectual obtuseness: the refusal to see the dangerous
“gene” within the Wahhabist project, its latent potential to mutate, at any time,
back into its original a bloody, puritan strain. In any event, this has just
happened: ISIS is it.

Winning western endorsement (and continued western endorsement), however,

required a change of mode: the “project” had to change from being an armed,
proselytizing Islamic vanguard movement into something resembling statecraft.
This was never going to be easy because of the inherent contradictions involved
(puritan morality versus realpolitik and money) — and as time has progressed, the
problems of accommodating the “modernity” that statehood requires, has caused
“the gene” to become more active, rather than become more inert.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1131

Even Abd al-Aziz himself faced an allergic reaction: in the form of a serious rebellion
from his own Wahhabi militia, the Saudi Ikhwan. When the expansion of control by
the Ikhwan reached the border of territories controlled by Britain, Abd al-Aziz tried
to restrain his militia (Philby was urging him to seek British patronage), but
the Ikwhan, already critical of his use of modern technology (the telephone,
telegraph and the machine gun), “were outraged by the abandonment of jihad for
reasons of worldly realpolitik ... They refused to lay down their weapons; and
instead rebelled against their king ... After a series of bloody clashes, they were
crushed in 1929. Ikhwan members who had remained loyal, were later absorbed
into the [Saudi] National Guard.”

King Aziz’s son and heir, Saud, faced a different form of reaction (less bloody, but
more effective). Aziz’s son was deposed from the throne by the religious
establishment — in favor of his brother Faisal — because of his ostentatious and
extravagant conduct. His lavish, ostentatious style, offended the religious
establishment who expected the “Imam of Muslims,” to pursue a pious,
proselytizing lifestyle.

King Faisal, Saud’s successor, in his turn, was shot by his nephew in 1975, who had
appeared at Court ostensibly to make his oath of allegiance, but who instead,
pulled out a pistol and shot the king in his head. The nephew had been perturbed
by the encroachment of western beliefs and innovation into Wahhabi society, to
the detriment of the original ideals of the Wahhabist project.


Far more serious, however, was the revived Ikhwan of Juhayman al-Otaybi, which
culminated in the seizure of the Grand Mosque by some 400-500 armed men and
women in 1979. Juhayman was from the influential Otaybi tribe from the Nejd,
which had led and been a principal element in the original Ikhwan of the 1920s.

Juhayman and his followers, many of whom came from the Medina seminary, had
the tacit support, amongst other clerics, of Sheikh Abdel-Aziz Bin Baz, the former
Mufti of Saudi Arabia. Juhayman stated that Sheikh Bin Baz never objected to his
Ikhwan teachings (which were also critical of ulema laxity towards “disbelief”), but

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1132

that bin Baz had blamed him mostly for harking on that “the ruling al-Saud dynasty
had lost its legitimacy because it was corrupt, ostentatious and had destroyed Saudi
culture by an aggressive policy of westernisation.”

Significantly, Juhayman’s followers preached their Ikhwani message in a number of

mosques in Saudi Arabia initially without being arrested, but when Juhayman and a
number of the Ikhwan finally were held for questioning in 1978. Members of
theulema (including bin Baz) cross-examined them for heresy, but then ordered
their release because they saw them as being no more than traditionalists
harkening back to the Ikhwan— like Juhayman grandfather — and therefore not a

Even when the mosque seizure was defeated and over, a certain level of
forbearance by the ulema for the rebels remained. When the government asked for
a fatwa allowing for armed force to be used in the mosque, the language of bin Baz
and other senior ulema was curiously restrained. The scholars did not declare
Juhayman and his followers non-Muslims, despite their violation of the sanctity of
the Grand Mosque, but only termed them al-jamaah al-musallahah (the armed

The group that Juhayman led was far from marginalized from important sources of
power and wealth. In a sense, it swam in friendly, receptive waters. Juhayman’s
grandfather had been one of the leaders of the the original Ikhwan, and after the
rebellion against Abdel Aziz, many of his grandfather’s comrades in arms were
absorbed into the National Guard — indeed Juhayman himself had served within
the Guard — thus Juhayman was able to obtain weapons and military expertise
from sympathizers in the National Guard, and the necessary arms and food to
sustain the siege were pre-positioned, and hidden, within the Grand Mosque.
Juhayman was also able to call on wealthy individuals to fund the enterprise.


The point of rehearsing this history is to underline how uneasy the Saudi leadership
must be at the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Previous Ikhwani manifestations were
suppressed — but these all occurred inside the kingdom.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1133

ISIS however, is a neo-Ikhwani rejectionist protest that is taking place outside the
kingdom — and which, moreover, follows the Juhayman dissidence in its trenchant
criticism of the al-Saud ruling family.

This is the deep schism we see today in Saudi Arabia, between the modernizing
current of which King Abdullah is a part, and the “Juhayman” orientation of which
bin Laden, and the Saudi supporters of ISIS and the Saudi religious establishment
are a part. It is also a schism that exists within the Saudi royal family itself.

According to the Saudi-owned Al-Hayat newspaper, in July 2014 “an opinion poll of
Saudis [was] released on social networking sites, claiming that 92 percent of the
target group believes that ‘IS conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law.’” The
leading Saudi commentator, Jamal Khashoggi, recently warned of ISIS’ Saudi
supporters who “watch from the shadows.”

There are angry youths with a skewed mentality and understanding of life and
sharia, and they are canceling a heritage of centuries and the supposed gains of a
modernization that hasn’t been completed. They turned into rebels, emirs and a
caliph invading a vast area of our land. They are hijacking our children’s minds and
canceling borders. They reject all rules and legislations, throwing it [a]way ... for
their vision of politics, governance, life, society and economy. [For] the citizens of
the self-declared “commander of the faithful,” or Caliph, you have no other choice
... They don’t care if you stand out among your people and if you are an educated
man, or a lecturer, or a tribe leader, or a religious leader, or an active politician or
even a judge ... You must obey the commander of the faithful and pledge the oath
of allegiance to him. When their policies are questioned, Abu Obedia al-Jazrawi
yells, saying: “Shut up. Our reference is the book and the Sunnah and that’s it.”

“What did we do wrong?” Khashoggi asks. With 3,000-4,000 Saudi fighters in the
Islamic State today, he advises of the need to “look inward to explain ISIS’ rise”.
Maybe it is time, he says, to admit “our political mistakes,” to “correct the mistakes
of our predecessors.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1134


The present Saudi king, Salman, paradoxically is all the more vulnerable precisely
because he has been a modernizer. The King has curbed the influence of the
religious institutions and the religious police — and importantly has permitted the
four Sunni schools of jurisprudence to be used, by those who adhere to them (al-
Wahhab, by contrast, objected to all other schools of jurisprudence other than his

“The key political question is whether the simple fact of ISIS’ successes, and the full
manifestation (flowering) of all the original pieties and vanguardism of the
archetypal impulse, will stimulate and activate the dissenter ‘gene’ — within the
Saudi kingdom. If it does, and Saudi Arabia is engulfed by the ISIS fervor, the Gulf
will never be the same again. Saudi Arabia will deconstruct and the Middle East will
be unrecognizable.”

It is even possible too for Shiite residents of eastern Saudi Arabia to invoke Ja’afri
jurisprudence and to turn to Ja’afari Shiite clerics for rulings. (In clear contrast, al-
Wahhab held a particular animosity towards the Shiite and held them to be
apostates. As recently as the 1990s, clerics such as bin Baz — the former Mufti —
and Abdullah Jibrin reiterated the customary view that the Shiite were infidels).

Some contemporary Saudi ulema would regard such reforms as constituting almost
a provocation against Wahhabist doctrines, or at the very least, another example of
westernization. ISIS, for example, regards any who seek jurisdiction other than that
offered by the Islamic State itself to be guilty of disbelief — since all such “other”
jurisdictions embody innovation or “borrowings” from other cultures in its view.

The key political question is whether the simple fact of ISIS’ successes, and the full
manifestation (flowering) of all the original pieties and vanguardism of the
archetypal impulse, will stimulate and activate the dissenter ‘gene’ — within the
Saudi kingdom.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1135

If it does, and Saudi Arabia is engulfed by the ISIS fervor, the Gulf will never be the
same again. Saudi Arabia will deconstruct and the Middle East will be

“They hold up a mirror to Saudi society that seems to reflect back to them an image
of ‘purity’ lost”

In short, this is the nature of the time bomb tossed into the Middle East. The ISIS
allusions to Abd al-Wahhab and Juhayman (whose dissident writings are circulated
within ISIS) present a powerful provocation: they hold up a mirror to Saudi society
that seems to reflect back to them an image of “purity” lost and early beliefs and
certainties displaced by shows of wealth and indulgence.

This is the ISIS “bomb” hurled into Saudi society. King Abdullah — and his reforms
— are popular, and perhaps he can contain a new outbreak of Ikwhani dissidence.
But will that option remain a possibility after his death?

And here is the difficulty with evolving U.S. policy, which seems to be one of
“leading from behind” again — and looking to Sunni states and communities to
coalesce in the fight against ISIS (as in Iraq with the Awakening Councils).

It is a strategy that seems highly implausible. Who would want to insert themselves
into this sensitive intra-Saudi rift? And would concerted Sunni attacks on ISIS make
King Abdullah’s situation better, or might it inflame and anger domestic Saudi
dissidence even further? So whom precisely does ISIS threaten? It could not be
clearer. It does not directly threaten the West (though westerners should remain
wary, and not tread on this particular scorpion).

The Saudi Ikhwani history is plain: As Ibn Saud and Abd al-Wahhab made it such in
the 18th century; and as the Saudi Ikhwan made it such in the 20th century. ISIS’
real target must be the Hijaz — the seizure of Mecca and Medina — and the
legitimacy that this will confer on ISIS as the new Emirs of Arabia.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1136

323. The Young people would become extremely rich
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as predicted
by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

For the last 30 years, the world is witnessing the rise of very young entrepreneurs
who have become billionaires and the richest people on the face of the earth which
was predicted by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1400 years ago that the young
people would rich before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned to one of His companion, Hazrat

Abdullah Ibn Masood that the young people would have massive wealth at the End
Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1137

Sharing the Article with the courtesy from the Website:

"Thanks to family inheritances, family businesses and technology startups, there

seem to be more young billionaires today than at any point in history. The youngest
billionaire in the world comes in at just over 24 years old, with the 10th youngest
being 31 years old.

1. Evan Spiegel
Evan Spiegel is the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of Snapchat, a
photo messaging service that delivers temporary photos between friends. Snapchat
was valued at $10 billion in 2014, and it has been reported that the company has
received offers in 2015 that value it at $19 billion.

Spiegel studied product design at Stanford University, where he met his co-founder
and fellow billionaire, Bobby Murphy. Evan Spiegel is 24 and has a net worth of $1.5

2. Bobby Murphy
Bobby Murphy is the second half of the co-founding pair that brought Snapchat to the
marketplace. It is estimated that Murphy has a 15% stake in Snapchat.

Murphy is two years older than his fellow co-founder Spiegel and studied
mathematics and computational science at Stanford University. Murphy is 26 years
old and has a net worth estimated at $1.5 billion.

3. Julio Mario Santo Domingo III

Julio Mario Santo Domingo III is a New York City DJ and is one of the four heirs to
his grandfather's Colombian beer fortune. Santo Domingo's grandfather, Julio Mario
Santo Domingo, was the owner of Bavaria Brewery; he sold it in 2005 for a 15%
stake in SABMiller. Upon his death in 2011, he left a reported one-sixth of his stake
to his grandson.

Julio Mario Santo Domingo III lives in a $4 million apartment in New York City and
throws electronic music parties in Manhattan. His father died in 2009 and left him the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1138

world's largest collection of opium pipes and over 50,000 books, posters and other
memorabilia. His father's collections are currently on loan to Harvard University.
Santo Domingo is 29 years old and has an estimated net worth of $2.2 billion.

4. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is the well-known co-founder and CEO of Facebook. A billionaire

for many years, he has guided his company to great success, with 58%
in revenue growth in 2014 alone. An estimated 1.4 billion people use Facebook
around the world, and users watch an estimated 3 billion videos on the website daily.

It has been reported that Zuckerberg recently purchased 700 acres on Kauai's North
Shore for $100 million. He is also active on the philanthropic front and has taken the
Giving Pledge to donate half of his net worth to social good. Zuckerberg is 30 years
old and has a net worth of $33.4 billion.

5. Dustin Moskovitz
Dustin Moskovitz was Facebook's third employee and helped Zuckerberg launch the
website out of their shared Harvard dorm room. He dropped out of school and joined
his college roommate in Palo Alto to continue to help develop Facebook. He left the
company in 2008 to start a software firm called Asana, which has become very
successful in its own right.

Moskovitz, like Zuckerberg, has also taken the Giving Pledge. He is 30 years old and
has a net worth of $7.9 billion.

6. Tom Persson
Tom Persson is Europe's youngest billionaire and is the son of Sweden's richest
man. His father is the chairman of H&M, and his brother is CEO of the company. His
grandfather founded the company in 1947.

Tom Persson is 30 years old and an heir to the H&M fortune. His net worth is
estimated at $3 billion.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1139
7. Anton Kathrein, Jr.
Anton Kathrein, Jr. is the CEO of Kathrein-Werke, a company that makes the cables,
antennas and receivers that allow cellphone signals to travel across the world.
Kathrein inherited leadership duties of the company from his grandfather, who died in

Kathrein, who became CEO at the age of 28, is now 30 years old. He has a net
worth of $1.7 billion.

8. Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes is the youngest self-made woman billionaire. She dropped out of
college to start Theranos in 2003. Her company tests blood at a fraction of the price
of traditional labs. Holmes has raised $400 million from venture capitalists, and her
company is valued at $9 billion.

Holmes still owns 50% of Theranos, bringing her net worth to $4.5 billion. She is 31
years old.

9. Tatiana Casiraghi
Tatiana Casiraghi is a member of Monaco's royal family and is married to Andrea
Casiraghi, second in line to the throne. Prior to marrying into royalty, Casiraghi was
already the wealthy heiress to one-sixth of Bavaria Brewery, which her grandfather
traded for a 15% stake in SABMiller.

Casiraghi married her husband in 2013 and has shown up in the European tabloids
ever since. She is 31 years old and is worth an estimated $2.2 billion.

10. Nathan Blecharczyk

Nathan Blecharczyk is the co-founder and chief technology officer (CTO) of Airbnb, a
company that lists over 1 million homes for rental stays. The company was valued at
$10 billion in 2014 and has increased to $13 billion after an employee share sale.

Blecharczyk is 31 years old. His net worth is estimated at $1.9 billion."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1140

324. Explanation about these kind of Ahadith and the
Sayings of our Imams about the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS)

The above Hadith of our Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) mentioned that:

"Don't think that our Son (Imam Mahdi) would only appear when the
Signs of His Zahoor would complete. But His example is like Hazrat Musa
(AS) who appeared as Nabi within One Night."

There are more than 12,000 Ahadith and Sayings of our Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) and Masoomeen (AS) about the Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
and the End Times before His Final Appearance.

Then what is the reason of that Hadith that we don't have to wait for the Signs of
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) to be completed before His Final Zahoor?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1141

There are many reasons in which the context of this Hadith can be understood.

 Our Imam wanted to keep the Hope of Momineen till the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS)
 Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) wanted to discourage the Enemies of Islam and the
Enemies of our Imam Mahdi (AS) that He can appear at any time.
 In some Ahadith, our Masoomeen told that the Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
would be long. So all Momineen have to wait till the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS). So our Imam wanted to increase the Hope and wanted the Momineen to
remain attach with the 12th Imam and pray for His Zahoor.

In 3rd Surah of the Holy Quran, Verse - 54, Allah said:

"And they planned and Allah also planned and Allah is the best

We know that our Imams are also "Quran e Natiq" i.e. Speaking Quran. So their
Sayings and Ahadith should be studied thoroughly rather superficially.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1142

We cannot deduce any conclusion without understanding the pattern of the
Ahadith, context of Ahadith, why they said so, who asked the question, where the
question was asked from Imams, why that particular Hadith is giving totally
different reflection from other Hadith?, And whether the Hadith is according to
the Holy Quran teachings or not?

So it is not easy to conclude from one particular Hadith. If we read at least 1000
Ahadith which are mentioned in this document, then we can understand the
pattern of the Ahadith about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the fulfillment of
those Ahadith in the past and the recent years.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1143

325. The Sign on the Moon in the Month of Rajab
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) said that:

"There is a Sign in the Month of Rajab in the Year when you would hear the Cry
from the Sky. I asked what would be that? He replied: There would be a Clear Face
on the Moon."

On 3rd Feb, 2023 i.e. 13th Rajab, 1444 Hijri, the humans would see the Face on

13th Rajab, 1444 Hijri .......Friday................Face on the Moon

13th Rajab is the Zahoor Day of our 1st Imam --- Maula Ali (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1144

Maula Ali (AS) would give the clear indication about the Zahoor of His 11th son i.e.
Imam Mahdi (AS) on His Zahoor Day about the Arrival of Mahdi (AS) in the same

Shias already witness the name of Maula Ali (AS) on the Moon.

Recently the Shias witness, "Ya Hussain" on 10th Muharram, 1438 Hijri i.e. in the
year - 2016 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1145

Now if you look at the date and the month, it would further astonish us i.e.

 2nd is the Month i.e. February, 2023 AD

 3rd is the Day i.e. 3rd Feb, 2023 AD

2 (Month).............3(Day)........................23

Year -------------- 2023

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1146

326. The Signs before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
which are also known as "Alamat e Zahoor e Mahdi"

We all are witnessing the different signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). Let us
see how the signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) are described in different
sayings of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and our Imams (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1147

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1152
327. Teodrose Fikre's Book - Serendipity's Trace
mentioning the Coming Nuclear Armageddon in the
near future

Teodrose Fikre is a visionary author who is passionate about justice for all
irrespective of our differences. Teodorse is named after and is the grandson five
generations of Emperor Atse Teodrose II—the greatest king and visionary leader of
Ethiopia. Teodrose writes of the hope possible in unity while addressing the very
issues that lead to the scale of inequity that is pervasive in our society. Born in
Ethiopia the same year Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown in 1974, Teodrose
Fikre is a prolific writer whose speech idea was incorporated into Barack Obama's
South Carolina primary victory speech in 2008. A lot has changed in the
intervening years, a transformation caused by the most unlikely circumstances
which led to Teodrose's education of our common bonds and humanity's struggles
without regard to the barriers that are erected to separate us. Teodrose's pen is
poignant, writing of love and loss, injustice and resilience. Most important,
Teodrose's writing is a critique of our time and a much needed focus on the issues
that divide us and the core of our collective struggle that often gets blurred by
manufactured outrages and stoked grievances. A must read for those who hope to
one day overcome injustice with a common purpose. Serendipity's Trace is a
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1153
collection of poetry and observations that express hope through struggle and
traces the experiences that have shaped Teodrose's past and present. Powerful,
emotion, and raw in its eloquence, Teodrose's writing is one that speaks to our
collective conscience.

There is an approaching storm

We are at the precipice of war
Evil preparing to unleash mayhem
Illuminating their diabolical darkness
Mass majority distracted by nonsense
The powerful deceiving the masses
Politics used to manipulate and obfuscate
News morphed into propaganda of the state
All the while we are close to the unthinkable
As world powers practice for nuclear Armageddon
Patriotism and nationalism blinding us
Leading us to a coming cataclysm
This is the dangers of power unchecked
Of electing the devil’s mignons
Who promise change and dreams
Pretending they are fighting for us
Democracy a tool to hide true intentions
And camouflage the hands of the powerful
Factions both Democrats and Republicans
Escaping accountability by blaming the other
Preventing us from realizing the coming horror
The sensationalism and outrage is on purpose
They throw us red meat to divert attention
Trump and Hillary both sideshows
They collude to further the reality drama
In reality the powerful plan perniciously
This coming war that nears out doorsteps

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1154

This shadow that palls upon humanity
Will be loosened to create order from chaos
This is a plan generations in the making
The notion of governments ended ages ago
Wars fought over nationalism thus a farce
Sovereignty lost to those who control sovereign wealth
World leaders in one accord
Their belligerence a sham and fiction
Their rhetoric nothing more than theatrics
Shaking hands with secret grips
Two-faced pricks pretending to be kings
Satan’s pawns beaming audaciously with devilish smiles
Embracing in pugnacious consent
The minute the cameras are silent
Religion hijacked by false prophets
Society’s elite bamboozling the masses
Disseminating hatred and anger
Stoking grievances to shaft us
But we are too diverted by outrage
False indignation and selfies
To realize our self-endangerment
Caught up in football and irrelevance
Once again it’s bread and circus
This is why demagogues are given megaphones
Why agitators and firebrands are promulgated
Liberal and conservative opinion leaders
Ethnic activists acting to fracture us
They don’t care about justice
For they are getting paid
By the very injustice they rage against
This world can sustain tens of billions
But the powerful lie in order to further injustice
What they fear is not world shortage

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1155

Or the deficiency of nourishment
For God’s green earth can provide for all
The truth is that they fear the people
It’s hard to sustain oppression
And for a few to keep purveying injustice
Against 8 billion people ad infinitum
Instead they plan to eliminate the problem
The carbon footprint they keep worrying about
Is the footprint of humanity
The media is aware of this paradigm
But paychecks and fame
Makes slaves out of many men
Thus they refuse to tell the truth
Spreading yellow journalism instead
Each day we get closer
Russia mobilizing nuclear launchers
USA practicing with nuclear warheads
Yet we ignore these developments
Maybe the truth too hard to comprehend
These leaders are following scripts
They were told to follow by the powerful
We are in a time more dangerous
Than the Cuban Missile Crisis
Yet the news is leading with Brad Pitt
And the idiocy of outrage and politics
How are we not up in arms as a people
We are being led to our collective final solution
God be with humanity
I pray for our children
To soldiers and warriors
I beg that you refuse immoral orders
And depose those who bleed humanity
Stand with humanity, the rest of us

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1156

Disobey the chains of command
Instead listen to the God in your hearts
For the rest of us I hope to God
That we shed hatred
And stop letting a few conquer us
Through the playbook of dividing us
It has been said throughout the ages
Unite or perish
This adage is speaking prophecy
For we near our collective extinction
If we don’t let love rule the day
Leaders empowered by malevolence
Will finally bestow equality
In our collective graves
Our willful ignorance
Is leading us right into prophecy
But if the world is set on fire
We cannot blame God
Because the answer was always before us
Love each other
Stop being divided
Stop worshiping the rich and powerful
Or else what comes next
Is our final chapter

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ferocious wolves." ~ Matthew 7:15

["Serendipity's Trace" observations through poetry and prose of humanity's

connective injustice and collective hopes. Link directs to Amazon's page for
"Serendipity's Trace"]

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1157

328. The Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the
Establishment of Justice

The world is waiting for the Justice. The Arabic word of "Justice" is "Adal" . The
Abjad of the Arabic word, "Adal" is 104.

We also know that only Imam Mahdi (AS) would establish Justice i.e. "Adal" in the

The Abjad of His name, "Mahdi" is 59.

The world is also waiting for His Arrival. The word Arrival is called,"Aamad"

The words, "Aamad e Mahdi" means the Arrival of Mahdi (AS).

We also know that our Imam Mahdi is 14th Masoom of Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1158

‫آمد مهـ ــدى‬
14 (Masoom of Allah).............45 (Abjad of Aamad)

1445...............1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri is the "Aamad e Mahdi" i.e. 2023 AD

Now if we add the Abjad of Name, "Mahdi" i.e. 59 and the Abjad of "Aamad" i.e.
45, we would get:

Mahdi (59) + Aamad (45) = 104..................Abjad of "Adal" meaning of Justice

59 + 45 = 104
Imam Mahdi (AS) is the son of Imam Hassan Askari (AS).
The Abjad of the Name, "Hassan"is 118

Now if we add 14 as Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 14th Masoom of Allah in 104, we
would get 118.

104 (Adal) + 14 (Masoom) = 118.................Abjad of name, "Hassan

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1159

329. The Woman (USA) sitting on the donkey attacking
Khorasan (Modern Iran and Afghanistan) – Prophecy of
Maula Ali (AS)

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said in a speech about the events before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS):

“I feel sympathy for the people of Khurasan (Modern Iran and

Afghanistan). I am seeing that thousands of people would be killed in
that war. I see a Woman would attack Khurasan (Modern Iran and
Afghanistan) sitting on the back of Donkey.”

The USA represented by the Statue of Liberty - A Masonic Goddess from Top to
Bottom. The BabylonianIshtar, Imperial Rome's goddess Libertas was Papal
the template for America's Statue of Liberty.

We know that USA started the Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria,
Iran etc. America also imposed severe economic sanctions against these
countries which includes Medical Sanctions as a result of its policies, hundreds of
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1160
people lost their lives. And hundreds of people are forced to migrate from Africa
and Middle East to Europe because of the hardships they had to face in ther

Now the word 'Donkey' is also symbolic in the Saying of Maula Ali and we know
 Donkey is also one of the Symbol of USA – Democratic Party and

 And Modern Fighter Planes also represent a Donkey

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1161

The Woman- USA would Ride the Beast and start Wars

Woman ------------------- USA

Donkey -------------------- Fighter Planes

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1162

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330. The most Notorious Lady in Islam would be
punished upon the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The knowledgeable people in Islam the name of that woman who played a very
dirty role in the life of Panjetan (AS).

She tortured Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Bibi Fatima (AS) in their lives and
wage a war against Hazrat Ali (AS) in which thousands of innocent muslims lost
their lives.

She is the same lady who came sitiing on donkey and threw arrows on the dead
body of Imam Hassan (AS) in His funeral.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1164

Imam Mahdi (AS) would punish this lady upon His Zahoor and take the revenge
of Panjetan (AS) from her.

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331. The Ghaibat e Kubra of Imam Mahdi (AS) and
His Zahoor in 2023 AD

The Ghaibat e Kubra of our Imam Mahdi (AS) started on 10th Shawaal, 329 Hijri i.e.
7th July, 941 AD.

Ghaibat e Kubra started on 10th Shawaal, 329 Hijri. Shawaal is the 10th Islamic
Month. His Zahoor would also be on the 10th Muharram.

If we analyze the dates of Ghaibat e Kubra of Imam Mahdi (AS), they also gave
many hidden meanings like:

 7th July..................July is also the 7th Month

 7th July..................Friday
 29th July................ First Zahoor on 29th July, 869 AD of our Imam Mahdi (AS)
 29th July.................Friday
 28th July.................Final Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi in 2023 AD
 28th July.................Friday

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1167

Now from 7th July, 941 AD till 7th July, 2023 AD, there are 1082 years.

 941 AD................. 9 + 4 + 1 = 14...............14th Masoom of Allah

In 1082 years, there are 812 years of 365 days and 270 years of 366 days.

Now we calculate the total number of His Days in Ghaibat e Kubra till His Zahoor on
28th July, 2023 AD.

From 7th July, 941 AD till 7th July, 2023 AD

1082 years = 812 years of 365 days + 270 years of 366 days
 812 Years x 365 days = 296,380 days
 270 Years x 366 days = 98,820 days

812 + 270 = 1082 Years = (296,380 + 98,820) = 395,200 days

Now from 7th July, 2023 AD till His Zahoor on 28th July, there are 22 more days. So
adding these 22 days into 395, 200 days, we would get:

395,200 + 22 = 395,222 ...............Total Days of Ghaibat e Kubra of Imam Mahdi

395,222 Days .....................Total Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

If we add the numbers of 395,222 individually, we would get the Year of Zahoor i.e.
2023 AD

395,222.................3 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 23................2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1168


If we add the two numbers, we would get:

395,222...............39 + 52 +22 = 113

Also if we add the first 3 numbers with the last 3 numbers of 395,222, we would

395 + 222 = 617................ 6 + 1 + 7 = 14................14th Masoom of Allah

The Abjad of His names, "Baqi" is also 113

113.................11 + 3 = 14 = 1 + 13

Our Imam is the 14th Masoom of Allah.

The last 3 numbers of His Ghaibat e Kubra are 222. The Abjad of the name, "Haider"
is also 222.

222........................Abajd of name, "Haider" is 222

From 7th July, 941 AD till 14th April, 2023 AD

Now we also know that His Kharooj is on 14th April, 2023 AD i.e. 104 Days from
28th July, 2023 AD

If we substract 104 days from 395,222, we would get:

395,222 - 104 = 395,118 Days till His Kharooj on 14th April, 2023 AD

395,118 Days...................From His Ghaibat till His Kharooj from Ghaibat

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1169

 If we add the two numbers of 395, 118, we would get the following result:

395,118................ 39 + 51 + 18 = 108.............Abjad of name, "Haq".

The Abjad of name, "Haq" is 108

 The last 3 numbers in the Number - 395,118 are 118.The Abjad of Imam
Mahdi's father name, "Hassan" is also 118
 The middle two numbers in 395118 is 51. There are total 51 Rakats in total
Namaz during the day i.e. 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Prayers and 34 Rakats in Nafal
 The last two numbers in 395118 is 18. The Villayat e Ali (AS) was announced
on 18th Zil Hajj. 18th is the Ghadir Day.
 The first two numbers in 395118 is 39. Adding these two numbers i.e. 3 + 9 =
12. And our Imam is the 12th Imam.
 If we add the first 3 numbers with the last 3 numbers of 395,118, we would

395 + 118 = 513............... 5 + 1 + 3 = 9.............Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 9th Son of

Imam Hussain (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1170

332. The Last Great World War in 2022 AD and 1/3rd
Humanity onn Extinction before the Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)
Quotes & Books on World War - 3 (In Photos)

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333. The House of Rothschild - Number One of the 13
Ruling Families of the World & the War of Satanic
Elite against the people of the World before Zahoor

With the courtesy of:

By: Dean Henderson

"The Rothschild family combined with the Dutch House of Orange to found Bank of
Amsterdam in the early 1600’s as the world’s first private central bank. Prince
William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James II’s
daughter Mary as his bride. The Orange Order Brotherhood, which more recently
fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William III on the English
throne where he ruled both Holland and Britain. In 1694 William III teamed up with
the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England.

The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street- as the Bank of England is known- is

surrounded by thirty foot walls. Three floors beneath it the third largest stock of
gold bullion in the world is stored. The biggest hoard lies beneath the Rothschild-
controlled Federal Reserve Bank of New York. According to the excellent movie The
Money Masters, much of this gold was confiscated from now-empty vaults at Fort
Knox as collateral on US debt obligations to the Eight Families Federal Reserve
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1176
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This financial mafia further consolidated its control over the world’s gold stock
when 200 million ounces of the stuff belonging to the Bank of Nova Scotia was
recovered from beneath the carnage of the World Trade Center. One day after its
November 1, 2001 recovery, New York Mayor Rudy Guliani laid off hundreds of
rescue workers at Ground Zero. A short time later he was knighted by Queen
Elizabeth and named Time magazine’s “Man of the Year”.

The daily London gold “fixing” occurs at the N. M. Rothschild Bank in the City of
London. Here, five of the Eight Families-linked banks unilaterally decide what the
price of gold will be each morning. Kleinwort Benson’s Sharps Pixley subsidiary is
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1179
one of five firms. Another is Mocatta Metals. It is majority-owned by Standard
Chartered- the Cecil Rhodes-founded bank whose Dubai branch wired Mohammed
Atta the funds he needed to carry out the 911 operation.

According to British MP Michael Meacher in an article for The Guardian, Omar

Saeed Sheikh- the man who beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002- was a
British MI-6 agent. He says it was Sheikh who- at the behest of Pakistani ISI General
Mahmood Ahmed- wired the $100,000 to Mohammed Atta from Standard
Chartered’s Dubai branch before 911. Meacher’s claim has been corroborated by
Dennis Lomel- director of FBI’s financial crimes unit- and by an October 11, 2001
article in The Times of India. Mocatta Metals is also a favorite conduit for Israeli
Mossad financing.

Midland Bank subsidiary Samuel Montagu is a third London gold “fixer”. In 1999
Midland, headquartered in cocaine-money infested Panama, was bought by the
British oligarchy-controlled HSBC- the old Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation
opium laundry and now the world’s second largest bank. Midland is partially
owned by the Kuwaiti al-Sabah monarchy. The other two gold fixers are Johnson
Matthey and N. M. Rothschild, both of which have interlocking boards with Anglo-
American and HSBC.

Anglo-American is the world’s third largest mining company. It is controlled by the

Rothschilds and South Africa’s Oppenheimer family. It owns both Engelhardt-
which enjoys a near monopoly in global gold refining- and the DeBeers diamond
monopoly. The current De Beers chairman is Nicky Oppenheimer. De Beers was
indicted in 1994 for price-fixing by the US Justice Department. To this day company
officials do not set foot on US soil for fear they may be nabbed by US authorities.

The Rothschilds also control BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, the two biggest global
miners, as well as Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Bank of America. As Bank of England
Deputy Governor George Blunden put it, “Fear is what makes the bank’s powers so
acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people are dependent on
us and fear losing their privileges or when they are frightened.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1180

Mayer Amschel Rothschild sold the British government German Hessian
mercenaries to fight against American Revolutionaries, diverting the proceeds to his
brother Nathan in London, where N.M. (Nathan and Mayer) Rothschild & Sons was
established. Mayer was a serious student of Cabala and launched his fortune on
money embezzled from William IX- royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region
and a prominent Freemason.

Rothschild-controlled Barings bankrolled the Chinese opium and African slave

trades. It financed the Louisiana Purchase. When several states defaulted on its
loans, Barings bribed Daniel Webster to make speeches stressing the virtues of loan
repayment. The states held their ground, so the House of Rothschild cut off the
money spigot in 1842, plunging the US into a deep depression. It was often said
that the wealth of the Rothschilds depended on the bankruptcy of nations. Mayer
Amschel Rothschild once said, “I care not who controls a nation’s political affairs, so
long as I control her currency”.

War also enhanced the family fortune. The House of Rothschild financed the
Prussian War, the Crimean War and the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from
the French. Nathan Rothschild made a huge financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle
of Waterloo, while also funding the Duke of Wellington’s peninsular
campaign against Napoleon. Both the Mexican War and the Civil War were
goldmines for the family.

A Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an “international

banking syndicate” decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a
“divide and conquer” strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated,
“The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long
before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States…would
upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds

Rothschild biographer Derek Wilson says the family was the official European
banker to the US government via the Federal Reserve-precursor Bank of the United
States. Family biographer Niall Ferguson notes a “substantial and unexplained gap”
in Rothschild correspondence from 1854-1860. He says all copies of outgoing letters

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1181

written by the London Rothschilds during this Civil War period “were destroyed at
the orders of successive partners”.

French and British troops had, at the height of the Civil War, encircled the US. The
British sent 11,000 troops to Crown-controlled Canada, which gave safe harbor to
Confederate agents. France’s Napoleon III installed Austrian Hapsburg family
member Archduke Maximilian as his puppet emperor in Mexico, where French
troops massed on the Texas border. Only an 11th-hour deployment of two Russian
warship fleets by US ally Czar Alexander II in 1863 saved the United States from re-
colonization. That same year the Chicago Tribune blasted, “Belmont (August
Belmont was a US Rothschild agent and had a Triple Crown horse race named in his
honor) and the Rothschilds…who have been buying up Confederate war bonds.”

President Abraham Lincoln- now aware of the Eight Families-controlled Bank of the
United States plot- countered by issuing Greenbacks from the US Treasury. The
London bankers were fuming. Salmon Rothschild stated derisively of President
Lincoln, “He rejects all forms of compromise. He has the appearance of a peasant
and can only tell barroom stories.”

Lincoln was soon assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, who was whisked away from
Ford Theatre by members of a secret society known as Knights of the Golden Circle.
Booth’s granddaughter later wrote This One Mad Act, in which she details Booth’s
contacts with “mysterious Europeans” just before the Lincoln assassination.

Baron Jacob Rothschild was equally flattering towards the US citizenry. He once
commented to US Minister to Belgium Henry Sanford on the over half a million
Americans who died during the Civil War, “When your patient is desperately sick,
you try desperate measures, even to bloodletting.”

Salmon and Jacob were merely carrying forth a family tradition. A few generations
earlier Mayer Amschel Rothschild bragged of his investment strategy, “When the
streets of Paris are running in blood, I buy”.

Mayer Rothschild’s sons were known as the Frankfurt Five. Amschel ran the
family’s Frankfurt bank with his father, while Nathan ran London operations.
Youngest son Jacob set up shop in Paris, while Salomon ran the Vienna branch and

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1182

Karl the branch in Naples. Author Frederick Morton estimates that by 1850 the
Rothschilds were worth over $10 billion. The old axiom “money begets more
money” certainly holds true. Researchers believe that the Rothschild fortune today
exceeds $100 trillion.

The Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Goldman Sachs, Schiffs and Rothschilds have
intermarried into one big happy banking family. The Warburg family- which
controls Deutsche Bank and Banque Paribas- tied up with the Rothschilds in 1814 in
Hamburg, while Kuhn Loeb powerhouse Jacob Schiff shared quarters with
Rothschilds in 1785. Schiff immigrated to America in 1865. He joined forces with
Abraham Kuhn and married Solomon Loeb’s daughter. Loeb and Kuhn married each
others sisters and the Kuhn Loeb dynasty was consummated. Felix Warburg
married Jacob Schiff’s daughter. Two Goldman daughters married two sons of the
Sachs family, creating Goldman Sachs. In 1806 Nathan Rothschild married the
oldest daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, a leading financier in London. The Cohen
family was now part of the club.

Today the Rothschild’s control a far-flung financial empire, which includes majority
stakes in nearly all the world’s central banks. The Edmond de Rothschild clan owns
the Banque Privee SA in Lugano, Switzerland and the Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich.
The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan.
They are members of the exclusive Club of the Isles, which provides capital for
George Soros’ Quantum Fund NV. Quantum made a killing in 1998-1999 destroying

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1183

the currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and Russia. Soros was a major shareholder in
George W. Bush’s Harken Energy.

Quantum NV handles $11-14 billion in assets and operates from the Dutch island of
Curacao, in the shadow of massive Royal Dutch/Shell and Exxon Mobil refineries.
Curacao was recently cited by an OECD Task Force on Money Laundering as a major
drug money laundering nation. The Club of Isles group which funds Quantum is led
by the Rothschilds and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European
aristocrats and Black Nobility. Fugitive Swiss financier and Mossad cutout Marc
Rich, whose business interests were recently taken over by the Russian mafia Alfa
Group, is also part of the Soros network. Rich was pardoned by President Clinton as
he exited the White House.

Ties to drug money are nothing new to the Rothschilds. N. M. Rothschild & Sons
was at the epicenter of the BCCI scandal, but escaped the limelight when a
warehouse full of documents conveniently burned to the ground around the time
the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England shut BCCI down. The Rothschild’s Bank
of America provided the seed money to launch BCCI.

Perhaps the largest repository for Rothschild wealth today is Rothschilds

Continuation Holdings AG- a secretive Swiss bank holding company. By the late
1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1184
Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain. Evelyn is
chairman of the Economist.

If we wish we make the world a better place and to usher in a new consciousness;
we must study, discuss and expose the source of global warfare, depopulation
schemes, oil-addiction, drug addiction, poverty and environmental degradation.
The head of the serpent is the House of Rothschild."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1185

334. The Death of Money and the Economic
Tribulation before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
Books, Quotes & Images of Fall of Economy

The Federal Reserve and the US Dollar

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1186

New World Currency by 2020 as predicted by The Economist in 1988 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1187

The Symbols of New World Currency

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US - Purchasing Power during the 20th Century

The Sinking Currencies of the World

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335. First Rajaat of Imam Hussain (AS) after the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The first Masoom of Allah who would reappear along with Imam Mahdi (AS) would
be Imam Hussain (AS) because Imam Mahdi (AS) would take the revenge of War of
Karbala and the Innocent Blood of Imam Hussain (AS).

All the companions of Imam Hussain (AS) including Hazrat Abbas (AS) would come
again with Imam Mahdi (AS) to take punishment from their enemies. So the
enemies and the soldiers of Yazid would also reappear so that the Imam Mahdi (AS)
would take the revenge from them after His Zahoor.

Hazrat Abbas (AS) would become the Commander In Chief of the Army of Imam
Mahdi (AS) and finally would be appointed the Governor of Iran.

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346. The Book, "The End of the World" by 2023
or the Angus Penninfberg's Quasi-Apocalyptic
Vision: 2017-2023 AD

It is a novel about The end of the world by the year 2023. The book also deals with
the end of tax evasion, a detector of ugliness, the destruction of the Sun, high-tech -
fission of silicon, in order to form oxygen, and carbon.

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347. The Books on the Year - 2023 AD

"Israel 2023: Closing the Circle"

by Naava Mashiah

The Book, "Chronicle - 2023" by Andrew Woodmaker

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1194

Book: The Last Enemy By: Luca Luchesini


(Japanese) by: Tankobon Hardcover

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1195

2023 - Firsat mi? Tuzak mi? (Turkish) Paperback – 2011

by Serhat Ahmet Tan (Author)

2023 - The Global Control: SCIENCE FICTION-ROMAN (Trilogy 1) (German

Edition) Kindle Edition
by ATILLA Gökdemir (Author)
2023 - The global control"
"Technological progress is unstoppable: There are inventions that serve
humanity. There are inventions that can eradicate mankind. We have to deal with this
issue. "

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1196

2023 Turkiye Yol Haritasi (Turkish) Paperback – 2007
by Mehmet Ogutcu (Author)

2023 Kader Mizragi (Turkish) Paperback – 2014

by M. Selcuk Balkan (Author)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1197

2023 Anadolu Birlesik Devletleri (Turkish) Paperback – 2011
by Alper Altintas (Author)

Diario 2023: Desperté y el mundo había cambiado (Spanish Edition) Kindle


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1198

Wolf Ram 2023: A near future Sci-Fi epic with the planet Earth at its
core Kindle Edition

Dolgosrochnyy lunnyy kalendar rabot v sadu i ogorode. 2017-

2026 (Russian)Paperback – 2016
by Kizima G.A. (Author)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1199

Lunnyi kalendar v povsednevnoi zhizni dlia vyzhivaniia i protcvetaniia.
2016-2025 (Russian) Paperback – 2015

Hyakushiki eitango saisoku inputto 2023 (Japanese) Tankobon


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1200

Space 2023 Paperback – Jul 2010
by Pat Murphy (Author)

Kavganin Yuzu 2023 (Turkish) Paperback – 2013

by Dogancan Oktay (Author)

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Year 2023 & 2029: Destruction and Death of ManyKindle Edition
by john ceryes (Author)

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348. Surah Al - Inam, Verse - 158 and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS)

In the 6th Chapter, Surah Al Inam, Verse - 158 of the Holy Quran, it is clearly
mentioned about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as the clear sign from the Allah
that after His Zahoor, there is no time to apologize to Allah and those people would
suffer from the punishment of Imam Mahdi (AS) as His punishment is the
punishment of Allah.

The Verse is 158...................... 1+ 5 + 8 = 14...............Refers to 14th Masoom

This Surah has 165 Verses.

165..................... 1 + 6 + 5 = 12..................................Refers to 12th Imam

The Surah is 6th Chapter of the Holy Quran and Number - 6 is the Number of
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349. World Climate Change --- Global Warming and
the Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Climate Change in the World ------ In Photos and Facts

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Every coming year till 2023 AD would be more hot than the previous year as you
can see the trend in the increase in global temperature since 2000 AD

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350. The Ongoing Conflicts, Wars and Crisis in the
World and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are 195 Countries in the World today. Now according to the Military
Encyclopedia, the definition of World War is that when more than 20 countries are
involved in the war and more than 2 continents are involved in those wars, then it is
a World War by all standards and definitions.

Now we see how many wars and armed conflicts are going in the world taking the
statistics from Wikipedia and

1. Syrian Civil War (Rebels, ISIS, Russia, NATO, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc)
2. Iraq War (ISIS War)
3. Afghanistan War (Taliban War)
4. Boko Haram War (Nigeria, Niger, Cameron, Chad)
5. Somali Civil War
6. Kurdish - Turkish Conflict
7. War in North West Pakistan
8. Mexican Drug War

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9. Libyan Civil War
10. Yemen War with Saudi Arabia
11. Sinai Insurgency (Egypt)
12. South Kordofan Conflict (Sudan)
13. South Sudanese Civil War
14. Ukraine War
15. Kashmir Conflict (India Vs Pakistan)
16. Balochistan Conflict (Pakistan)
17. Mynmar Conflict (Mynmar)
18. South Thailand Insurgency
19. Insurgency in North East India
20. Israeli - Palestinian Conflict
21. Colombian Conflict
22. Moro Conflict (Phillippines)
23. Turkey - ISIL Conflict
24. North Korea - South Korea Conflict
25. India vs Pakistan Conflict
26. India vs China Conflict
27. NATO vs Russia War and Conflict and
28. World War - 3

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351. The One World Islamic Government of Mahdi (AS)

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352. The Jehad of Imam Mahdi (AS) against the enemies

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353. The First Revenge of Imam Mahdi (AS) is for the
Innocent Blood of Hazrat Mohsin (AS), the 3rd Son of Bibi
Fatima (AS)

The First Revenge Imam Mahdi (AS) would take is from the killers and murderers of
Hazrat Mohsin (AS), the 3rd Son of Bibi Fatima (AS) and Hazrat Ali (AS).

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354. The Signs, Symbols and the Terminology of the
Dajjal - Zionism and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are many Signs, Symbols and the Terminology of Dajjal - Zionism and some of
the important are as follows:

1. ONE
2. All Seeing Eye
3. 666
4. Pentagram
5. Lightning Bolt
6. Snakes
7. Minerval Owl
8. Baphomet
9. Eagle
10. Pyramid
11. Bones and Skulls
12. Worship of Sun
13. Ouroboros
14. Distorted Cross
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1226
15. ROC Sign or Pyramid Sign
16. El Diablo
17. Hidden Eye
18. Sign of Hermetism --- As Above As Below
19. V - Sign (Victory Sign)
20. Hidden Hand
21. Nazi Salute
22. Checkered Floor
23. Birdcage
24. Rainbow
25. Monarch Mind Control
26. Mirror
27. Umbrella
28. Butterfly
29. Scarlet Woman
30. Subliminals
31. The Matrix
32. 33
33. 9/11
34. Bavarian Illuminati
35. Bohemian Grove
36. Eye of Horus
37. Fire
38. Dragon
39. Pillars
40. Devil's Horns
41. Double Cross
42. Columbia
43. Freemasonary
44. Knights of Templer
45. Masonic Apron
46. Red Shield
47. UNOCAL 76 Logo

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48. Eternal Flame
49. 322
50. Blazing Star
51. Smirnoff Double Headed Eagle
52. Saturn
53. 6 - Six
54. 21
55. The Letter - G
56. Alfa Romeo Logo - Snake Eating Man
57. Siren
58. Broken Cross
59. Chevron
60. Reptilian Eye ........ For Complete List

Zionist Signs and Symbols in Corporate Logos

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9/11 - Predictions in Cartoons

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There are different Organizations and Groups of people in the Secret Societies
who carry these above signs, symbols and terminology. Some of them are as

 Crown --- British Queen

 Council of 13........13 Ruling Families
 Committee of 300
 Trilateral Commission
 CFR - Council on Foreign Relations
 Bilderburg Group
 United Nations
 Royal Institute of International Affairs
 Club of Rome
 Bank of International Settlements
 World Bank
 Central Banks
 Tax Revenue Organizations
 Stock Exchanges
 Multi Nationals
 Visa/Master/Discover/American Express/Union Pay ---- Credit Cards
 World Corporations

Total Control ----- Agenda - 21 of the Zionists

World Government Control
World Resource Control
World Capital Control
World Religion Control
World Population Control

Now one can understand why the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is so near to abolish
the Cruel System of Dajjal and Zionists.

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355. The Total Years of Ghaibat and the Rule of Imam
Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor

 255 Hijri ..............First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

 1190 Years of Ghaibat from 255 Hijri till his Zahoor in 1445 Hijri
 490 Years of Rule of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1190 + 490 = 1680 Years

168 x 10 = 1680

1 (Allah) ............ 68.......(6 + 8 = 14.........14th Masoom of Allah)

10...............Represents the Creation of Allah

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356. The official start of World War - 3 in 2017 AD
and the Destruction of Humanity in 2021 - 2022 AD
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are lot of Prophecies regarding the start of World War - 3 in October, 2017.
There are many reasons why October is the month the Elite and the Hidden Hands
of the Secret Societies have chosen for the World War - 3. Some of the Prophecies
and the reasons are listed below.

 The last movie of Terminator, "Terminator Genisys" indicated that the

Terminator was sent to save the World from the Nuclear War which was
scheduled to hit the populations of the Globe in October.
 The latest book by the Retired Commander of NATO, Sir Richard Sheriff on
the War with Russia, "War with Russia".

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1233

 The 100 years of Communism, which started in Russia on 31st Oct, 1917 AD
known as October Revolution or Bolshevik Revolution by Vladimir Lenin.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1234

 500 year of Protestantism, which started on 31st October, 1517 AD

 Friday, the 13th especially in October is regarded as the Horror Day. The
Knights of Templer were burned to death in Europe by their opponents on
October 13 and that was Friday.

Friday, the 13th 1307 was the day Pope Clement V and King Phillip IV of
France had the Knights Templar massacred.The Knights Templar was a Holy
Order dedicated to protecting the treasures of the Church. It was believed
that the Knights had accumulated a vast treasure that included a number of
sacred objects including the Holy Grail.

The Grail is believed by many Christians to be the cup from which Jesus Christ
drank from the night before his crucifixion. The Knights Templar also used
their enormous wealth to act as a bank for the crowned heads of Europe
during the Middle Ages. To finance a war with England Philip borrowed
money from the knights.

Financial backing from the Knights did not help Philip who was a weak king
and no military commander. England defeated France leaving the country and
its king in poverty. Philip, in league with Pope Clement came up with a plan to
accuse the Knights Templar of heinous acts against the Church including
heresy and worshipping false gods. On Friday Oct. 13th 1307 all of the Knights

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1235

Templar were rounded up and imprisoned. They were charged with Satanism
and a number of other "unnatural" practices.

1307 AD till 2017 AD.................................710 Years

If we reverse the number - 710, we would get ..................017
Now place this number before our 21st Century, we would get.................20..............17

2017 AD....................The Year of Revenge

Read the Message in the Picture carefully:

"They were Warned.......They are Doomed.........And on Friday

the 13th, nothing will save them."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1236

 October 31st is remembered as Halloween Day in Western
 Nostradamus predicted the start of World War - 3 in 2017 AD

 Simpson's Cartoon predicted the start of World War - 3 under the

Trump presidency

 To implement New World Order, World War - 3 is necessary in

between 2017 to 2021 AD and eliminating 1/3rd population of the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1237

 There are already 116,000 army officers of USA in more than 9
countries bordering Russia along with the forces of NATO.

 The Movie, "The Hunt for Red October" on the Novel by Tom Clancy

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1238

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 The Vision Of Pope Leo XIII on October 13, 1884:

A Possible Date of World War III

October 13 through 15 2017

"Exactly 33 years to the day prior to the great Miracle of the Sun in Fatima,
that is, on October 13, 1884, Pope Leo the 13th had a remarkable vision.
When the aged Pontiff had finished celebrating Mass in his private Vatican
Chapel, attended by a few Cardinals and members of the Vatican staff, he
suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar. He stood there for about 10
minutes, as if in a trance, his face ashen white."

Then, going immediately from the Chapel to his office, he composed the
prayer to St. Michael, with instructions that it be said after all Low Masses

When asked what had happened, he explained that, as he was about to leave
the foot of the altar, he suddenly heard voices - two voices, one kind and
gentle, the other guttural and harsh. They seemed to come from near the
tabernacle. As he listened, he heard the following conversation:

The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to Our Lord: "I can
destroy your Church."

The gentle voice of Our Lord: "You can? Then go ahead and do so."

Satan: "To do so, I need more time and more power."

Our Lord: "How much time? How much power?

Satan: "75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give
themselves over to my service."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1240

Our Lord: "You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what
you will."

Editor's Comment: The Bolshevik Revolution started on October 25, 1917,

twelve days after the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima on October 13th. Could it
be that the 100 year period requested by Satan began in October 1917 and will
end in October 2017? Communism is the essence of evil. "I will put enmities
between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy
head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." Genesis 3:15 Could it be that
Our Lady will crush Satan's head in 2017? "

Courtsey from the website:

 Albert Pike, the Army Commander of USA wrote a letter to the PM of Italy in
1871 AD mentioning about the 3 World Wars. Here is the Extract of his letter
about World War - 3:

Albert Pike wrote this letter in 1871 AD. If we reverse the year of 1871 AD, we would
would get: 71....17

20 17 AD...........Start of World War - 3

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1241
 The Hindu Scholars also mentioned in their Website - that World War - 3 would start in
2015 AD and would reach its climax in 2021 AD and Middle Eastern
Countries would raze to the ground.


October is a unique month. In the west, October is a transitional month, autumn
sliding relentlessly towards winter. It also boasts the only holiday where people are
encouraged to dress up, scare each other and extort candy with threats of mischief.
October has a special place in finance, known as the October effect, and is one of
the most feared months in the financial calendar. In this article we'll look at
whether there's any merit behind this fear.

The events that have given October a bad name span 80 years. They are:

 The Panic of 1907 (October 1907)

A financial panic threatened to engulf Wall Street, mostly owing to threats of
legislative action against trusts and shrinking credit. There were multiple bank
runs and heavy panic selling at the stock exchange. All that stood between the
U.S. and a serious crash was a J.P. Morgan led consortium that did the work
of the Fed before the Fed existed.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1242

 Black Tuesday, Thursday and Monday (October 1929)
The Crash of 1929 was bloodletting on an unprecedented scale because so
many more people were involved in the market. It left several "black" days in
the history books, each with their own record breaking slides.
 Black Monday (October 1987)
Nothing says Monday like a financial meltdown. In 1987, automatic stop-loss
orders and financial contagion gave the market a thorough throttling as a
domino effect echoed across the world. The Fed and other central banks
intervened and the Dow recovered from the 22% drop quite rapidly.

United Korea is predicted after the Korean War

Nostradamus also predicted that the King of North Korea would flee to Russia
and Korea would become One Korea after the War. Now every one is witnessing
the political environment of Korean peninsula is getting worse and the world
powers would soon be engaged in the Korean War.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1243

Hollywood Movie - Skyfall and the Fall of 2021 AD

The James Bond Movie, "Skyfall" was released on November 9th, 2012 AD.
Adele was the Singer of the Song of this movie. She also sang the song on the Oscars
Award Ceremony in 2013 AD. Both the Song and the Singer, Adele was selected and
nominated for Oscar Winners.

 Date of the Release of Movie - Skyfall 11/9

The 45th President of USA, Donald Trump was also declared winner on 9th
November, 2016 AD 11/9

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1244

11/9 is the opposite of 9/11

 9/11 Attacks on World Trade Centers in USA was the Headline news for many

 The Fall Season in 2021 AD would start in September, 2021 AD.

The World War 3 would start in September, 2021 AD and the Fall of the Population
in the World
d by two third due to World War 3 and World Drought would reach by
2022 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1245

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1246
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1247
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1248
Start of 3rd World War --- 31st October,, 2017
201 AD
Climax of 3rd World War ---- September, 2022 AD

2021 - 2022 AD
Are You Ready?
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1249
357. The Prophecies of famous Mystic, Mitar Tarabic
about World War - 3 before the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ

The following article is taken with the courtesy from the website:
"Mitar Tarabich (1829–1899), an illiterate peasant from the small Serbian village of Kremna,
experienced occasional prophetic visions. Being a religious person and having a local Serbian
orthodox priest for a godfather, he told this priest about his episodes of "seeing into the future".

The priest, Zaharije Zaharich (1836–1918), wrote down everything in a small notebook, which was
damaged by fire in 1943 when his family home was destroyed by the occupying Bulgarian Army.
This text is now in the possession of the family of Zaharich’s great-grandson, Mr Dejan
Malenkovich. Tarabich’s prophecies were literally very straightforward, unlike the prophecies
of Nostradamus (1503–1566) that seem to be encrypted with the latest 1,024-bit encryption

Tarabich’s best-known prophecy has to do with a series of political events in 19th-century Serbia.
He predicted a sequence of events, spanning a course of decades, that eventually led to the
removal of the ruling Obrenovich family from the Serbian royal throne. This prophecy came to be

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1250

known in the Balkan region as "the Black Prophecy", and it played out as predicted.
You should note that Tarabich’s words are translated from Serbo-Croatian and that the translation
is not necessarily in its final form. You may notice that some of the phrasing in the quotes is
awkward and rough; this is an accurate reflection of his rural accent.

Tarabich’s words come from conversations with his godfather Zaharich, so you should be aware
that any references to "you" or "your descendants" relate to Zaharich (the priest) specifically. When
Tarabich says "us" he means the Serbs, but he does not distinguish between Croats, Serbs,
Slovenians, etc. To him, anyone who spoke his language was a Serb.

Perhaps it is also important to note that we don’t really know how much of Tarabich’s prophecies
was influenced by his own opinion. Some of the adjectives used to describe the people and events
he saw could be a reflection of his "peasant-like" interpretation of those events (examples:
intelligent, brave, honest, horrible, calamity, etc.).

Predictions and Events up to the End of World War I (1903–1918)

1. "After the assassination of the king and queen [Alexander and Draga Obrenovich], the
Karageorgevichs will come to power. Then we will again start a war with the Turks. Four
Christian states will attack Turkey, and our border will be on the River Lim. Then we shall
finally conquer and avenge Kosovo."

Historical Facts:

• 1903 – Alexander and Draga Obrenovich were assassinated by their own guards, and
Petar Karageorgevich became the ruler of Serbia.

• 1912 – The First Balkan War erupted between the Balkan Alliance (Serbia, Greece,
Bulgaria and Montenegro) and Turkey (Ottoman Empire). The Balkan Alliance won, and
Serbia moved its border up to the River Lim. Serbia gained Kosovo from the Turks.

2. "Soon after this war, another war will start...the Big War in which a lot of blood will be spilled.
If that blood were a river, a huge stone of 300 kilograms would roll in its current easily. A
mighty army from across a river, three times bigger than ours, will attack us... They will
destroy everything on their way. They penetrate deep into our land... Hard times will come
upon us... Our army will almost give up, but than suddenly an intelligent man on a black
stallion will take command and cry out, ’Forward to victory, my people! Forward, brother
Serbs!’ Our army springs to life. Its fighting spirit wakes up and the enemy is chased away
across the river..."

Historical Facts:

• 1914 – The Austro-Hungarian Empire started a war against Serbia after a Serb nationalist,
Gavrilo Princip, assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand,
and his wife in Sarajevo. This regional war soon developed into World War I (with 32
nations involved). In the beginning, Austria conquered the northern and central parts of
Serbia easily but when General Alexandar Mishich—the man on a black stallion—took
command, the Serbian armies were able to repel the Austrian invaders back across the
River Drina until October 1915.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1251

3. "Then an even greater army will come from the north and run over us. Our land will be
devastated. We will be dying of hunger and sickness in great numbers. For three years,
Serbia will live in total darkness. During that time, our wounded army will be abroad. They
will stay in a place surrounded by the sea and will be fed and nursed by friends from over
the seas. Then, their wounds healed, they will come back home in ships. They will free
Serbia and all of the territories where our brothers live."

Historical Facts:
• The Germans started their attack from the north and by December 1915 had defeated the
Serbs. The Serbian Army and Government fled to the Greek island of Kérkira (Corfu) in
1916. There they regrouped, and after a full recovery they sailed for Salonika where they
formed a new front with other allied armies. After much heavy fighting, Serbia was finally
free and reunited with the other southern Slav nations (Croats and Slovenians), whose
territories had been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During the German occupation, a
large number of people in Serbia died of hunger and sickness.

4. "I will tell you one more thing, father: the invading army will come to Kremna exactly on your
baptismal day, stay for three years and go away on the same day they came—St Luke’s
Day. But you will not see the end of the war. In the last year of the world’s big carnage, you
will die. Both these wars, the one with the Turks and the big one when the whole world will
be at war, will take away two of your grandchildren—one before, and the other after your

Historical Facts:

• The Germans entered Kremna on St Luke’s Day, and the village was liberated on exactly
the same date three years later. Zaharije Zaharich died in 1918, the last year of World War
I, which also took the lives of two of his grandchildren—one before, and one after his death.

Predictions and Events up to the End of World War II (1918–1945)

1. "Listen to me, my good father: after the first Big War, Austria will disappear and Serbia will
be as big as a real kingdom. We will live together with our northern brothers."

Historical Facts:
• 1918 – The Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved. In December 1918 a new State,
officially titled the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, was proclaimed. It was
constantly riddled with economic, social and political problems caused mostly by conflicts
between various nationalistic political parties.

2. "For some years we shall live in peace, love and prosperity. But it will not last for long. A
venomous hatred will come into our people... Blood is spilled...horrible! I do not know when
or why, but it is probably because of this hatred."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1252

Historical Facts:
• Serbian domination of the government and a multiplicity of political parties, and denial of
autonomy to the Croats, Slovenes and other minority groups, engendered intense political
strife in the kingdom. Under the guidance of Stjepan Radich, the Croats and their allies
systematically struggled against the centralist system and leadership. The first phase of the
struggle ended when, in June 1928, a Montenegrin deputy in the national Parliament fatally
shot Radich and two of his parliamentary colleagues. In retaliation, the Croats withdrew
from the Parliament and organised a separatist regime, with headquarters in Zagreb. Civil
war seemed imminent, but in January 1929 King Alexander (the Serbian king) suspended
the 1921 constitution, dissolved Parliament and all political parties and assumed dictatorial
control of the government. The king, thus hoping to impose national unity, subsequently
abolished the traditional provinces and changed the name of the State to the Kingdom of
Yugoslavia ("Land of the South Slavs").

3. "Then the one who sits on the throne of our kingdom is killed. He will leave behind a widow
and orphans. A relative of his will replace him on the throne, and he will try to rule justly and
take good care of his cousin’s children. But people do not love him, and he is accused of
being an unjust ruler. He is dethroned and imprisoned by his army. His life will be saved by
England’s king and queen. Then, on the empty throne, our killed king’s boy sits. But he will
rule only for a few days. He will be taken by his soldiers over the seas because our kingdom
is again invaded by a foreign, evil army. All of Europe is under the rule of the crooked anti-

Historical Facts:
• On 9 October 1934, a Macedonian terrorist connected with Croatian separatist groups
assassinated King Alexander, then in France on a diplomatic mission. The king’s son, still a
youth, succeeded to the throne of Yugoslavia as Petar II. Control of the government was
vested in a tripartite Regency Council headed by Prince Pavle Karageorgevich, a cousin of
the late king. Because of his growing unpopularity, Pavle was ousted by his army and exiled
to England. World War II started in 1939. The German Army invaded Yugoslavia in April
1941, but young King Petar fled Yugoslavia with the government ahead of the invading Nazi
hordes. Most of Europe fell under Nazi occupation.

4. "In the beginning, Russia will not wage war; but when attacked by the evil army, they will
fight back. There is a red czar on the Russian throne."

Historical Facts:
• When Nazi Germany started World War II, the USSR (Russia) remained neutral. On 22
June 1941, more than three million German troops invaded the USSR. Under Communist
Party leader Joseph Stalin, the USSR fought back.

5. "Here, men with stars on their foreheads will appear. They will rule Uzice and this region for
exactly 73 days, and then fleeing their enemies they will go over the River Drina. These are
times of hunger and great evil... Serbs will fight and butcher each other. The invading
enemy looks upon Serbian evil hatred and laughs at us. A man with blue eyes on a white
horse appears among our people. A star shines on his forehead. The evil enemy will hunt
him all over our country, in the woods, over rivers and upon the sea, but in vain. The man
will gather a mighty army and free occupied Belgrade. He will chase away the enemy from
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1253
our country, and our kingdom will be bigger than ever. Russia will make an alliance with
other great kingdoms over the seas, and they will burn down the crooked anti-cross and
free all the enslaved people of Europe."

Historical Facts:
• In Yugoslavia the Communist Party, led by Croatian communist Josip Broz Tito—the man
with blue eyes on a white horse—started the resistance against the Germans and Italians
as well as against the Serb and Croat nationalist extremists who were waging war against
each other. The symbol of Tito’s Communist Party was a red star, which they wore on their
• The first territory liberated by Tito and his army was the region around the city of Uzice.
They held it against German and Italian forces for exactly 73 days, and then Tito and his
army were forced to flee over the River Drina to Bosnia. Guerrilla war was fought all over
• By May 1945, the Germans were defeated by the alliance of the USSR, USA, UK and
France, and by the end of the year Yugoslavia was united. Tito entered Belgrade on a white
horse and made the Royal Palace his residence. Communist Yugoslavia was formed, and
gained more territories from the neighbouring state of Italy.

Predictions and Events following the End of World War II (1946

to present)
[Editor’s note: Unlike the previous writings, the priest Zaharich is now speaking directly in his diary
about his conversations with Mitar Tarabich.]

1. "Mitar told me that the man with blue eyes and the star upon his forehead would break the
long-lasting love with our Christian Orthodox brothers, the Russians. He would not be
grateful to them for the fact that he was sitting on our throne because they had put him
there in the first place. A great hatred would erupt between us and the Russians. Blood
would be spilled among our people. These wounds would be quickly healed and we would
again be friends with the Russians, but never sincerely, only formally, pretending for the
sake of others not to understand how we cheat and lie to each other."

Historical Facts:
• In 1948, Tito refused to accept orders from USSR leader Joseph Stalin—the man who
formed him politically in the early 1920s and sent him back to Yugoslavia to organise a
communist party. The USSR denounced Tito, accusing him of major deviations from
orthodox communist policy. Tito purged and executed members of his party who opposed
this decision. Cordial relations with communist USSR resumed after Stalin’s death in 1953.
Yugoslavia’s relationship with the democratic capitalist countries caused mistrust with the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1254

2. "After the Great War, peace will reign all over the world. Many new states will,
white, red and yellow. An international court is formed, which does not allow countries to
fight each other. This court will be above all kings. Where a war starts, the court will judge
justly, trying to transform hatred and butchery into love and peace. The lucky ones who live
to see these times will be more than happy."

Historical Facts:
• In December 1945, the United Nations (UN) was established. Articles 33–38 of the charter
authorize the Security Council to encourage disputing nations to settle their differences
through peaceful means including negotiations, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration
and judicial settlement.
• From 1946 to 1970, dozens of countries from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and South
America achieved independence.

3. "After a while some great kings, as well as some small ones, will start to fake their respect
for the court while doing whatever they please... Many small wars will begin because of
this... Thousands upon thousands will die, but there will be no big wars."

Historical Facts:
• Korean War (1950–1953), Vietnam War (1959–1975), Afghanistan War (1979–1988),
Nicaragua and the Iran–Contra scandal (1979–1989), etc.

4. "There will be a few wars around the kingdom of Israel, but sooner or later the peace will
come even there. In these wars, brothers fight brothers; then they make peace and kiss
each other, but their hatred remains... All these small wars are initiated by the great
kingdoms because of their wickedness and malice; those who fight and butcher each other
do it because of their blind stupidity."

Historical Facts:

• In 1947, the State of Israel was founded in the Middle East. In 1967, a war—known as the
Six-Day War—broke out between Israel and its Arab neighbours. In 1975, civil war broke
out in Lebanon, with involvement of the Iranians, Syrians, Palestinians and Israelis.
• Other wars included the Iraq–Iran War (1980–1988), the Iraq–Kuwait War (1991), etc.

5. "In our country, the time of peace and prosperity will last for a long time. Many a generation
will be born to live and die in peace, knowing about war only through wise books, words and
different strange apparitions."

Historical Facts:
• In 1965 and 1966, economic reforms in Yugoslavia produced what has been called an
economic revolution. Total industrial production in 1957 increased by 70 per cent over that
of 1953, and by 1966 it was more than double the 1957 figure. By 1967, prices had been
stabilized, savings were increasing steadily and labour productivity had risen by about
seven per cent.
• TV and radio enjoyed a great boom in the 1950s and 1960s.

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6. "Our kingdom will be strong and well loved and respected by everybody. People will eat only
white bread and whole wheat just when they want to. Everybody will ride around in carts
with no oxen. People will travel in the sky, looking down upon our land as if they had
climbed on the doubled Tara Mountain."

Historical Facts:
• There was economic prosperity, coupled with the introduction of the car, bus, van and air
transportation (Yugoslavia started its own airline company).

7. "Serbia will prosper best while the man with blue eyes on a white horse governs, one who
will come to Serbia bringing some kind of new religion. He will ascend our throne, and will
be strong and healthy, living a long life close to one hundred years. He will very much like to
hunt, and one time while hunting he will accidentally fall from his white horse and thus lose
his leg. From this wound he will die, not because of his great age."

Historical Facts:
• Tito’s leadership brought economic prosperity and communism to Yugoslavia. Tito lived
until 87 years of age (1892–1980). He did not have a hunting accident but he enjoyed
horse-riding and hunting. The real cause of his death was diabetes, which caused his leg to
be amputated.

8. "After him our land will be governed by some kind of commission, but it will never be as it
was. Even though the people in our kingdom will forget about misery and hunger and will
live in great wealth, brother will start to hate and think evil of brother."

Historical Facts:
• After Tito’s death, Yugoslavia was ruled by "collective presidency" until 1991. In the
1980s, tensions ran high in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo, which had become
autonomous in 1968 after riots protesting against Serbian control. Seeking more
independence and calling for a separate republic, the majority population of ethnic
Albanians clashed with Serbians and Montenegrins throughout the decade.

9. "On our borders and over them a new nation will appear. They will grow like grass after a
deluge. They will be good and honest, and they will answer our hatred with reason. They
will take care of each other like brothers. And we, because of our madness, shall think that
we know everything and that we can do anything, and we shall baptize them with some new
fate of ours, but all that will be in vain because they will believe only in themselves and in
nobody else. Big trouble will come of it, because this nation will be brave."

Historical Facts:

• After the parliaments of Croatia and Slovenia passed declarations of independence on 25

June 1991, the Yugoslavian Federal Government ordered the Serb-dominated army to
suppress the secessionists. A 10-day war was fought in Slovenia, but ended with a Serb
defeat. The war in Croatia lasted seven months, ending in January 1992. These secessions
and the declaration of independence by the Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in September
1991 marked the end of the de facto existence of Yugoslavia. The similar declaration by

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1256

Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 1992, and the ensuing fighting, marked the outbreak of
the Bosnian–Croatian–Serbian War.

10. "Many summers this trouble will last, and nobody will be able to stop it, because that nation
will grow like grass. One who will be born many summers after you will be honest and
intelligent; he will deal with them in peace. We shall live in peace—they there, us here and

Historical Facts:
• The Bosnian–Croatian–Serbian War lasted for five years (1991–1995). One of the major
aspects of the conflict was international involvement, both diplomatic and military (by
NATO). The international community took a series of limited measures including peace
initiatives and peace plans. "They there, us here and there": after the war, ethnic Croatians
lived only in Croatia while ethnic Serbs lived in both Serbia and Croatia.

11. "You see, my godfather, when the world starts to live in peace and abundance after the
Second Big War, all of that will be just a bitter illusion because many will forget God and
they will worship only their own human intelligence... And do you know, my godfather, what
is human intelligence compared to God’s will and knowledge? Not even a single drop in the

Historical Facts:
• With the increase in scientific knowledge and the consequent scientific explanation of
phenomena formerly considered supernatural, atheism became a more natural and less
despised philosophical trend.

12. "Men will build a box and within will be some kind of gadget with images, but they will not be
able to communicate with me already dead, even though this image gadget will be as close
to this other world as hairs on the human scalp are close to each other. With the help of this
image gadget, man will be able to see everything that is happening all over the world."

Historical Facts:
• Invention of television and the computer.
• Influence of the Internet, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Fox News, CCTV, etc.
• Searching Google with the search words "Ghost" and "Detector" takes us to this entry:
1. "EMF Detectors. EMF detectors were designed to detect electromagnetic emissions
from microwave ovens and high-tension electrical wires. EMF detectors alert
investigators to the presence of ghosts by measuring electromagnetic distortion in
the two to seven milligauss range. The models that come most highly recommended
by paranormal investigators are the TriField EMF Detector and the TriField Natural

13. "People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed
and power, and the Earth will shed tears of sorrow because there will be much more gold
and light on its surface than in its interior. The Earth will suffer because of these open
wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong
places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, ’Come on,
take me; don’t you see that I am here, all around you?’ Only after many a summer, people

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1257

will remember this real power, and then they will realize how stupid it was to dig all those

Historical Facts:
• Oil (petroleum), also known as "black gold", powers the car, electric generator, plane, etc.
Exploration to find oilfields is an economically risky task, but in the 1980s the oil exploration
technique was perfected, although the risks of discovering economically non-viable oilfields
still existed. Oil experts have estimated that by 2050, world oil reserves will run dry.

14. "This power will also be present in people, but it will take a long time before they discover it
and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will
be many learned men who will think, through their books, that they know and can do
everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization (self-knowledge), but once
men get this knowledge then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened
to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn’t discover it
before, because this knowledge is so simple.

"People will do many stupid things, thinking that they know and can do everything, not
knowing anything. Wise men will appear in the Orient, and their wisdom will cross all seas
and frontiers, but people will not trust this wisdom for a long time, and this real truth they will
proclaim for a lie. Their souls will not be possessed by the Devil, but by something much
worse. They will believe that their illusion is the real truth, although there will be no truth in
their heads.

"Here at home it will be the same as all over the world. People will start to hate clean air
and this divine freshness and all divine beauty, and will hide in rankness. Nobody will force
them to do that, but they will do it of their own free will. Here in Kremna, many a field will
become a meadow and many a home will be abandoned, but then those who have left will
come back to heal themselves by breathing fresh air. In Serbia, it will not be possible to
distinguish a man from a woman. Everybody will dress the same. This calamity will come to
us from abroad, but it will stay with us the longest. A groom will take a bride, but nobody will
know who is who. People will be lost and more and more senseless day by day. Men will be
born not knowing who was their grandfather and great-grandfather. People will think that
they know everything, but not a thing they will know."

Historical Facts:

• As has been happening all over the world, people are leaving rural areas to seek jobs in
the big cities. More women are having their hair cut short and are wearing trousers, as
compared to the time of Tarabich. Children born out of wedlock has become commonplace.

15. "The Serbs will separate from each other and they will say, ’I am not a Serb; I am not a
Serb’. The unholy one will infiltrate this nation and bed with Serbian sisters, mothers and
wives. He will sire such children that among the Serbs, since the beginning of the world,
these will be the worst of offspring. Only weaklings will be born, and nobody will be strong
enough to give birth to a real hero."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1258

Historical Facts:
• After the split of Yugoslavia into Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, UN peacekeeping
forces were stationed in the Balkan states. Most of them were male, so there was the
possibility of their bedding Serbian females. Or this may refer to the widespread, systematic
rapes during the Balkan War.
• The Serbs view those peacekeeping forces as foreign invaders that sided with Croatian,
Bosnian and Albanian Muslims in Kosovo.

16. "At one time we shall disappear from this land of ours. We shall go to the north, and then
realising our stupid deed we shall return. When we come back, we shall wise up and chase
away the unholy one, not to see him, in God’s name, ever again."

Historical Facts:
• By the time the Balkan War ended in 1995, the Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian economies
were ruined and there was widespread unemployment. Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian
people have to go to Germany, Denmark, Belgium, etc. in the north to work. In Kosovo,
Serbs have become refugees.
• As of June 2004, there were 200,000 Serb refugees from Kosovo, and only 80,000 Serbs
remained in Kosovo. As of March 2004, KFOR in Kosovo had 19,000 troops from a peak of
50,000; and as of June 2004, SFOR in Bosnia had 7,000 troops from the peak of 60,000.
• As of June 2004, there was news from Kosovo that ethnic Albanians were chasing ethnic
Serbs from Kosovo, using mob riots to destroy churches and houses belonging to the
Serbs, while KFOR troops were behaving like lame ducks.

17. "The whole world will be plagued by a strange disease and nobody will be able to find a
cure; everybody will say, ’I know, I know, because I am learned and smart’, but nobody will
know anything. People will think and think, but they will not be able to find the right cure,
which will be with God’s help, all around them and in themselves.

18. "Man will travel to other worlds to find lifeless deserts there, and still, God forgive him, he
will think that he knows better than God himself. There, except for the eternal peace of God,
he will see nothing, but he will sense with his heart and soul all of God’s beauty and power.
People will drive in rigs upon the Moon and stars. They will look for life, but life similar to
ours they will not find. It will be there, but they will not be able to understand it and see that
it is life. One who goes there, God forgive him, not believing in God as it is proper for an
honourable and decent person, when he comes back he will say, ’Oh, you people who
mention God’s name with doubt, go there where I was; then you will see what is God’s mind
and power’.

19. "The more people will know, the less they will love and care for each other. Hatred will be
so great between them that they will care more for their different gadgets than for their
relatives. Man will trust his gadget more than his first neighbour...

20. "Among people of a nation far in the north, a little man will appear who will teach men about
love and compassion, but there will be many hypocrites around him so that he will have
many ups and downs. Not one of these hypocrites will want to know what is real human
grace, but his wise books will remain and all the words he will say, and then people will see
how self-deceived they were.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1259

21. "Those who will read and write different books with numbers will think that they know the
most. These learned men will let their lives be led by their calculations, and they will do and
live exactly how these numbers tell them. Among these learned men there will be good and
evil men. The evil ones will do evil deeds. They will poison air and water and spread
pestilence over the seas, rivers and earth, and people will start to die suddenly of various
ailments. Those good and wise will see that all this effort and hard work is not worth a
penny and that it leads to the destruction of the world, and instead of looking for wisdom in
numbers they will start to seek it in meditation."

Predictions and Events during World War III [ 2017 ----- 2023 AD]

1. "When they start to meditate more, they will be closer to God’s wisdom, but it will be too late
because the evil ones will already ravage the whole Earth and men will start to die in great
numbers. Then people will run away from cities to the country and look for the mountains
with three crosses, and there, inside, they will be able to breathe and drink water. Those
who will escape will save themselves and their families, but not for long, because a great
famine will appear. There will be plenty of food in towns and villages, but it will be poisoned.
Many will eat because of hunger and die immediately. Those who will fast to the end will
survive, because the Holy Ghost will save them and they will be close to God.

2. "The greatest and the angriest [USA] will strike against the mightiest [CHINA] and the most
furious! [RUSSIA]. When this horrible war starts, woe to those armies that fly over skies;
better off will be those who fight on ground and water.

3. "People waging this war will have their scientists who will invent different and strange
cannonballs. When they explode, these cannonballs instead of killing will cast a spell over
all that lives—people, armies and livestock. This spell will make them sleep, and sleep they
will instead of fighting, and after this they will come back to their senses.

4. "We will not fight in this war, but others will do battle over our heads. Burning people will fall
from the sky over Pozega [a town in Serbia]. Only one country at the end of the world,
surrounded by great seas [ATLANTIC OCEAN, PACIFIC OCEAN, ARCTIC OCEAN], as big
as our Europe [Canada], will live in peace, without any troubles... Upon it or over it, not a
single cannonball will explode! Those who will run and hide in the mountains with three
crosses will find shelter and will be saved to live after in abundance, happiness and love,
because there will be no more wars [AFTER 2023 AD]..."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1260

Prophecy of Mitar
ar Tarabic
Tarabich about Canada in 3rd World War:

He mentioned that Only One Country at the end of the world, surrounded by great
seas as big as Europe will live in peace in the last World War.
As he has not told about the name of the Country. So we analyze the features of the Country
which would fit the prophecy of Mitar Tarabich.

Let us assume, Canada is that Country who would fit the features of the Prophecy. Now we

analyze Canada:

The world's second largest country in total area. Situated in northern North
America (constituting 41% of the continent's area), Canada spans a vast, diverse territory
between the North Pacific Ocean to the west and the North Atlantic Ocean to the east and
the Arctic Ocean to the north (hence the country's motto "From sea to sea"), with
the United States to the south (contiguous United States) and northwest (Alaska). Greenland is to

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1261

the northeast; off the southern coast of Newfoundland lies Saint-Pierre and Miquelon,
an overseas collectivity of France. Since 1925, Canada has claimed the portion of
the Arctic between 60°W and 141°W longitude to the North Pole; While the magnetic North
Pole lies within the Canadian Arctic territorial claim as of 2011, recent measurements indicate it
is moving towards Siberia.

Three Oceans/Seas around Canada:

1. Atlantic Ocean (Eastern Canada)

2. Arctic Ocean (Northern Canada)
3. Pacific Ocean (Western Canada)

At the End of the World:

Canada's Northern part touches the North Pole ---- End of the World (North Side)

As Big as Europe:

Europe --- Europe is a continent that comprises of many countries, the westernmost part of
Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and
the Mediterranean Sea to the south. Europe's total geographical area is 10,288,305 km²

Total Area of Europe = 10.18 Million Square Kilometers

Three Oceans and Seas surround Europe like Canada:

1. Arctic Ocean (North of Europe)

2. Atlantic Ocean (West of Europe)
3. Mediterranean Sea (South of Europe)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1262

Europe --- Map

Total Area of Canada:

Covering 9,984,670 km2 (land: 9,093,507 km2; freshwater: 891,163 km2), Canada is slightly smaller
than Europe.

Total Area of Canada = 9.98 Million Square Kilometers

 Europe Area = 10.18 Million Sq. Km

 Canada Area = 9.98 Million Sq. Km

So Only One Country in the World i.e. Canada fulfill the features mentioned in the
Prophecy of Mitar Tarabich, which would remain in peace in the coming Last
Armageddon i.e. 3rd World War

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1263

Political Position of Canada in Modern Conflicts and Wars
Canada is a peaceful country under the leadership of PM- Justin Trudeau who is a
charismatic person among the political leaders in the World. He is very humble and
popular among all leaders in the Globe. He always speaks of peace and wants to live
in peace in the World. So politically and geographically, we can say that Canada
would avoid the 3rd World War scenario which would occur mostly in Middle East,
Europe, Asia, USA and Australia.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1264

358. The Prophecies of Edgar Cayce about World War
- 3 before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

With the courtesy from the website:

"Edgar Cayce (pronounced Kay-Cee, 1877-1945) has been called the "sleeping
prophet," the "father of holistic medicine," and the most documented psychic of the
20th century. For more than 40 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic "readings"
to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses and
revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come. But who, exactly, was
Edgar Cayce?

Cayce was born on a farm in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1877, and his psychic
abilities began to appear as early as his childhood. He was able to see and talk to his
late grandfather's spirit, and often played with "imaginary friends" whom he said
were spirits on the other side. He also displayed an uncanny ability to memorize the
pages of a book simply by sleeping on it. These gifts labeled the young Cayce as
strange, but all Cayce really wanted was to help others, especially children.

Later in life, Cayce would find that he had the ability to put himself into a sleep-like
state by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1265

stomach. In this state of relaxation and meditation, he was able to place his mind in
contact with all time and space — the universal consciousness, also known as the
super-conscious mind. From there, he could respond to questions as broad as,
"What are the secrets of the universe?" and "What is my purpose in life?" to as
specific as, "What can I do to help my arthritis?" and "How were the pyramids of
Egypt built? His responses to these questions came to be called "readings," and
their insights offer practical help and advice to individuals even today.

Many people are surprised to learn that Edgar Cayce was a devoted churchgoer and
Sunday school teacher. At a young age, Cayce vowed to read the Bible for every
year of his life, and at the time of his death in 1945, he had accomplished this task.
Perhaps the readings said it best, when asked how to become psychic, Cayce’s
advice was to become more spiritual.

Although Cayce died more than 60 years ago, the timeliness of the material in the
readings — with subjects like discovering your mission in life, developing your
intuition, exploring ancient mysteries, and taking responsibility for your health — is
evidenced by the hundreds of books that have been written on the various aspects
of this work as well as the dozen or so titles focusing on Cayce's life itself. Together,
these books contain information so valuable that even Edgar Cayce himself might
have hesitated to predict their impact on the contemporary world. In 1945, the year
of his passing, who could have known that terms such as "meditation," "Akashic
records," "spiritual growth," "auras," "soul mates," and "holistic health" would
become household words to millions?

The majority of Edgar Cayce's readings deal with holistic health and the treatment
of illness. As it was at the time Cayce was giving readings, still today, individuals
from all walks of life and belief receive physical relief from illnesses or ailments
through information given in the readings — some readings were given as far back
as 100 years ago! Yet, although best known for this material, the sleeping Cayce did
not seem to be limited to concerns about the physical body. In fact, in their
entirety, the readings discuss an astonishing 10,000 different topics. This vast array
of subject matter can be narrowed down into a smaller group of topics that, when
compiled together, deal with the following five categories: (1) Health-Related
Information; (2) Philosophy and Reincarnation; (3) Dreams and Dream
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1266
Interpretation; (4) ESP and Psychic Phenomena; and (5) Spiritual Growth,
Meditation, and Prayer.

Further details of Cayce's life and work are explored in the classic book, There Is a
River (1942), by Thomas Sugrue, available in hardback, paperback, or audio book

Members of Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), the
nonprofit founded by Cayce in 1931, have access to the entire set of 14,306 readings
in a database residing in the member-only section of our Web site. The readings can
also be found in their entirety in our on-site library, located at our headquarters in
Virginia Beach and open to the public daily. For more information on A.R.E., please
visit our About A.R.E. page."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1267

Edgar Cayce Predicted World War III would start in the Area
Tunis, Egypt, Lybia
According to other sources the real war is going to start in Libya and Syria in
weeks. Upon first hearing this news, this long term military intelligence officer
told us “I’m really shaken, today, I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to
do.” He believes this is the start of WWIII. According to this source, there are a
number of factions in the military, some of which are concerned that they would be
operating without the consent of Congress and that it could precipitate a
constitutional crisis about the ligitimacy of this kind of order from the Chief
Executive without the express approval of Congress who have been considering
legislation to eliminate funding for any actions in Libya.

On the other side are groups in the military that “never saw a bomb they didn’t
want to drop”, the source said. The source continued “we don’t have the
manpower because the entire continent of Africa is going to come unglued. You
jump Libya and Syria, you jumped Iran. You’re going to find out real soon whether
or not Iran’s got nukes because they aren’t going to care at that point, it’s an
existential threat to them.” Military analysts have noted the vast size of the African
continent and the difficulties of waging war in that region. The U.S. military
created AFRICOM to coordinate the various military bases and branches in Africa.

“There will be clues coming through the news over the next few weeks, but all the
assets, the aircraft carriers, submarines and so on are already in place for this kind
of operation” he added. He is also deeply concerned that if this comes to pass, the
Chinese and Russians will be forced to jump in as well (on the other side).

World War - 3..................2017 to 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1268

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359. The Invention of Aeroplanes and Aircraft before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made a prophecy about the modern Aeroplanes
and aircraft 1400 years ago before the people who could not apprehend the
modern inventions and discoveries.

Now in the 21st Century, even the children are flying the aeroplanes and aircraft in
different shapes and forms.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1270

360. The 10 remaining Definite Signs before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) from 2020 till 2023 AD

The list of the Definite Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi are as follows:

1. The 1/3rd death of human population by big World War. (2020 - 2021)
2. Kharooj e Dajjal. (2020 - 2023)
3. 1/3rd death of human population by drought and diseases after big World
War - 3 (2021 - 2023)
4. Kharooj e Suffiani in the month of Rajab (2023)
5. Kharooj e Yamani in the same month of Rajab ( 2023)
6. Kharooj e Kharasani in the same month of Rajab. (2023)
7. Face on the Sky in the month of Rajab. (2023)
8. Rising of Sun from the West and the shifting of Magnetic poles. (2023)
9. Cry of Maula Ali from the Sky regarding the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi on
23rd Ramazan, Friday. (14th April, 2023 AD)
10. Murder of Nafs Zakia 15 days ago before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
on 10th Muharram, Friday at Asr time. (July, 2023)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1271
361.The New World Order by Illuminati - Dajjal and
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

As we know that New World Order is the dream of the Elite and the Leaders of the
World and they have been working to implement for the last 150 years.

The New World Order Cards of the Illuminati would show how they are
implementing their Global plan to achieve their goals very swiftly in the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1272

13 New World Order Cards

There are 13 Ruling Families in the Elite World. So the New World Order Cards are
also 13. Let us discuss them one by one:

Card - 1: Terrorist Nuke

Achieved in Sept, 2001 --- Twin Towers, WTC

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1273
Card - 2: Bigger Business

The Financial Crisis - 2008 --- Too Big to Fail (US Big Banks)
Card - 3: Energy Crisis

Energy Prices have gone up since 2008

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1274

Card - 4: Fear and Loathing

Divide and Rule through ---- Fear and Discrimination since 2001
Card - 5: Law and Order

To Make World a Police State

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1275

Card - 6: Gun Control

To Confiscate all Weapons from the Citizens

Card - 7: Interesting Times (2001 till 2020 AD)

Time of Global Wars, Chaos, Confusion, Migration and Depression

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1276

Card - 8: World War Three (2021-2022 AD)

World War Three in 2021-2022 AD - 1/3rd World Population would die

Card - 9: World Hunger (2020 till 2023 AD)

World Drought and Diseases -- 1/3rd World Population would die

(2020 AD till 2023 AD)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1277
Card - 10: Don't Forget to Smash the State

The Concept of National States in the World would finish by 2022 AD

Card - 11: Peace in Our Time

Announcement of New World Order in March, 2022 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1278

Card - 12: End of the World

End of the World as 2/3rd Population of the World would be Dead by 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1279

Card - 13: Messiah --- Anti Christ/Dajjal in 20 23 AD

--- Unique Card--23

All People in the World would be looking for Messiah/Mahdi/Jesus
This is the time when Imam Mahdi (AS) and Hazrat Isa (AS) would appear to save humanity in
2023 AD when 2/3rd World population would already be dead by Wars and Drought by that

Mass Murder till 2023

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6 C's of New World Order
There are 6 C's to understand the New World Order which are leading all the
humanity to the current situation in the whole world

1. Corruption
2. Confusion
3. Crimes
4. Crisis
5. Chaos
6. Collapse

Order out of Chaos

New World Order out of New World Chaos

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1285
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362. The Last President of USA before the New World
Order and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

President Donald Trump is the 45th President of the USA

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is in the year ---- 14 45 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1287
Donald Trump was already mentioned in the Simpsons Cartoon as the President of
the USA in 2000 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1288

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1289
The Famous Nostradamus also predicted about the start of Third Word War in 2017
and would reach its climax in 2021 AD. The Second World War started in 1939 AD
and after 80 years in 2019 AD, the Third World War would start between major
players of the World.

From 2nd World War to 3rd World War ------ 1939 to 2019 AD = 80 years
2019 - 2021 AD ------- Start of 3rd World War and Climax in 2021 AD

In the Divided and Crippled America, the President Donald Trump wrote the book,
"Crippled America".

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The above picture about the Christian Belief about Life, Death, Paradise and Hell

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1307
The Trump Card is the Last Card played in the Card Game --

Trump Card

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1308

Now the underworld and Shadow Governments who are running the Show of the
World already predicted the Assassination of President Donald Trump in their
Illuminati - Cards:

He would rule and lead America during the Third World War also shown in the
Simpsons Cartoon and then he would be assassinated before the Launch of New
World Order by Globalists and the Illuminati as indicated in their cards.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1309

The 19th Century famous Writer, Mr. Ingersoll Lockwood wrote a book, "1900 or
The Last President" in 1896 and mentioned the names, "Trump and Pense" in His
book and mentioned Trump as the Last President of USA - Amazing Prophecy. He
even mentioned 3rd November in His book and the next 59th US Presidential
Elections would be on 3rd Nov, 2020 AD --- Remarkable Prophecy and Donald
Trump would again win next time as the President of USA.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1310

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1311
363. The Arabic Word, "Nuqta" and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Abjad of the most famous Arabic Word, ‫ﻧﻘﻄ ـ ـ ـ ــﺔ‬, meaning Point or Dot is
It consists of 4 Arabic Alphabets, "Noon (50) + Qaf (100) + Toe (9) + He (5)" = 164

Maula Ali (AS) is known as "Nuqta e Bae Bismillah" meaning the Dot under the
Bismillah of the Holy Quran.

 Also Maula Ali (AS) is buried in "Najaf", Iraq. The Abjad of the word,
"Najaf" is 133.
 The Abjad of the Arabic name, "Abbas" is also 133.

Now we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) is the son of Maula Ali (AS) and the
Commander in Chief of His Army after His Zahoor would be Maula Abbas (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1312

If we multiply the Abjad of the Arabic Word, "Nuqta" i.e. 164 with the Number of
Divinity i.e. 8 and add the Abjad of Arabic Word, "Najaf" or "Abbas" i.e. 133, we
would get the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

(164 x 8) + 133 = 1445...................1445 Hijri...........Zahoor Year

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1313

364. The Sunni perspective of the Arrival of Imam
Mahdi and the Great War before the Zahoor

Sharing the article of Dr. Mohammad Nauman Shad MD from the website as a
courtesy to show the Sunni perspective of the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the
Great War before His Arrival and the Government of Dajjal and Wars of Suffiani in
the Arab world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1314

The Countdown to Malhama (Armageddon, World
War 3) & After
“And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or
punish it with a severe punishment. That has ever been in the Register inscribed.”
(Holy Quran 17: 58)


 A war in which 99 out of every 100 combatants will be killed.

 A war which shall bring about so much destruction that World War 1 and World War
2 will seem like a war over peanuts as compared to this one.

 More details on this disastrous conflict surprisingly being expected to occur in the near
future by Muslims, Christians & the Jews
Kindly read this fresh blog about the major signs before and after Malhama & the
Chronological Sequence in which they have/expected to occur:
A Most Destructive War
Quoted above is the verse from the Holy Quran very indicative of wide spread
destruction of cities most likely brought about by a Great War or Malhama or
Armageddon, otherwise the now much anticipated world war 3. Such a vast
amount of destruction can probably only be brought about by a nuclear war which
is also very likely expected once world war 3 is triggered.

A nuclear war is also indicated from the following verse from Holy Quran and
saying of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about ‘Smoke’ being one of the Signs of the
end of times:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1315

“Then watch for the Day when the sky will bring a visible smoke. Covering the
people; this is a painful torment.
(Holy Quran 44: 10,11)

Narrated by Hazrat Huzaifah (RA) that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) stated that:

“Qiyamah will not come till you see ten signs, which are: Smoke which spreads
throughout the East and West for forty days….” (Sahih Muslim)
Short glimpses of nuclear smoke have been seen in Hiroshima, Nagasaki,
Chernobyl and Bhopal, so Allah knows, it maybe this 3rd World Nuclear War may
bring about a much longer Smoke of 40 days.
A nuclear war may also be indicated in the following verse of Surah tul Kahf (a
chapter of the Holy Quran with importance to end times):

“And indeed, We will make that which is upon it [into] a

barren ground.” (18:8)
‘Barren ground’ is the most likely scenario after a nuclear holocaust.

The Zionists and Illuminati are trying their very best to trigger a nuclear war and
bring on the Armageddon as soon as possible so that they can prepare the world
for the coming of the Anti-Christ (Dajjal) and setting up ‘The New World Order’.

Dajjal (Anti-Christ) in Chains

The Hadith in Sahih Muslim narrated by Hazrat Fatima bint Qais (RA) on the
subject of Hazrat Tamim al-Dari (RA) indicating that he and his companions saw
Dajjal in the form of a human being who was in chains:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1316

“…..Then we hurriedly went on till we came to that monastery and found a well-
built person there with his hands tied to his neck and having iron shackles
between his two legs up to the ankles…….”

Dajjal was in chains then the implication would be that he had not as yet been
released by Allah Most High.

The Hadith narrated by Hazrat Fatima bint Qais confirmed such when Dajjal
declared that he would soon be released:

“……..I am going to tell you about myself and I am Dajjal and would be soon
permitted to get out………”

The opinion is that we human beings cannot actually see Dajjal in the form of a
human being (in contrast to seeing him in a dream or vision) unless and until his
day is like our day, hence when he is in our world of space and time.

Release of Dajjal
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

“The false Messiah (Dajjal) would live on earth for 40 days (i.e., after his release
from his chains) in which one day would be like a year, one day would be like a
month, one day would be like a week, and all (the rest of) his days would be like
your days.” (Sahih Muslim)

Pax Judaica:
1 Day like a year – Pax Britannica

1 Day like a month – Pax Americana

1 Day like a week – Pax Judaica

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Remaining (37 Days) like all our days – Pax Satanica (Dajjalian Rule or NEW

The days that will be like our days will be when Dajjal emerges in human form in
Israel and humans will be able to see him.
According to Islam, one heavenly day is like a 1000 human years
as mentioned in the Holy Quran:
(He arranges [each] matter from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a
Day, the extent of which is a thousand years of those which you count (Holy Quran: 32:
and as such we can understand that the Dajjal ruled from Britain for 1000 years.

By no coincidence the British monarchy dates back to the year 900

So if a day like a year (as mentioned in the Hadith) is 1000 human years
(as mentioned in the Holy Quran, then
900+1000 = 1900 approximately (depending on Hijri or Gregorian calendar)

In 1917 America officially enters the World War, and by the end of world war 1 in
1918, USA became a powerhouse and established itself as the new global Super
Power with the American dollar taking over from the British pound as the
leading world currency.

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The dajjal then rules from there in a “day like a month”.

A month would be 1000/12 which equals 83 years.

1918 + 83 = the year 2001

And we saw from 1918 to 2001 the US was calling the shots and policing the
world, whilst dominating the economy and all media outlets
Then the dajjal will rule from Israel for a “day like a week”. This also saw 9/11 and
the numerous wars that followed (Afghanistan, Iraq, Arab springs, etc)
culminating in the transfer of power from USA to Israel.

We can clearly see that Israel is now the ruling power of the world; it even
controls USA & its congress and all NATO countries, in fact Israel controls the
United Nations, hence the new ruling power.

And Electronic money has largely replaced the American dollar which is
slowly getting ‘demonetized’
Following the same formula, “a day like a week”, should be 83 years divided by 4,
which equals almost 21 years, which brings us to the years 2020-2023
(depending if they were lunar or solar years). By then, the illuminati is expected to
move and secure the rule of the world (New World Order) through Armageddon

Second Opinion

 Some believe that Pax Judaica is still yet to come near or after Malhama, as change in
ruling status occurs after great wars.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1319

 And Pax Judaica will end with the conquest of Constantinople after which Dajjal will
physically appear to complete his 40 days.
And Allah knows best….

The Coming of the World War 3 Armageddon or Malhama

Malhama or Armageddon, a mighty war prophesized in all major world

religions including Islam, Christianity & Judaism
And amazingly scholars of ALL these three major religions are expecting
this big war and the coming of Jesus Christ (Isa AS) or a Messiah who will
‘save’ them very soon. Muslims & Christians are also expecting an Anti-
Christ or Dajjal as Muslims call him, a false imposter of the Christ.
It was narrated that Mu’adh bin Jabal (RA) said: Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said,
“Jerusalem will flourish (Pax Judaica) when Yathrib is in ruins, and Yathrib will be
in ruins when the Great War (‘Mal’hama’) occurs. The Great War will occur when
Constantinople is conquered, and Constantinople will be conquered when the
‘Dajjal’ appears.” Then, with his hand, he struck the thigh, or shoulder of the one
to whom he was speaking, and said, “This is as true as you are here, or, as you
are sitting here (meaning Mu’adh bin Jabal, RA).”

According to a Hadith reported by Hazrat Hudhayfa (RA) in which Allah’s

Messenger (PBUH) talking about the last hour said:

“It will not come until you see ten signs beforehand” and (in this connection) he
mentioned them as follows:

“It (Last Hour) will not come until you see ten signs before and (in this
connection) he made a mention of the smoke, Dajjal, the beast, the rising of
the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus son of Mary (AS), the Gog and
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1320
Magog, and landslidings/sinking of the earth (due to Earthquakes?) in three
places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end of
which fire would burn forth from the Yemen, and would drive people to the
place of their assembly.”
(Sahih Muslim, Chapter 13, Book 041, No 6391)

From these two Ahadiths we can conclude that Arabs will be destroyed for all the
evil they committed on the land. There is no doubt that the Arabs lead by Saudi
Arabia have done more harm to the Muslim Ummah than any other Muslim
country. Their unprovoked attack on Yemen is believed to be the fire burning from
Yemen mentioned in the Hadith by many scholars and is expected to lead to their
down fall and ultimate destruction of Saudi Arabia

Hazrat Zainab bint Jahsh (RA) reported that Allah’s apostle (PBUH), got up from
sleep with a flushed red face and said:

“Woe be to the Arabs for the great evil that is approaching (them); the barrier of
Gog and Magog has opened so much’. And Sufyan (RA) made a sign of ten with
the help of his hand (in order to indicate the width of the gap) and I said: ‘Allah’s
Messenger, would we be perished in spite of the fact that there would be good
people amongst us’? Thereupon he said: ‘Of course, but only when the evil
predominates’.” (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)

Concerning the landslidings/sinking of the earth mentioned in the hadith

above, the recent earthquakes in Nepal accompanied by sinking of the
Himalayas, may just have been the sinking at the east! However some refer
to the Tsunami in East Asia as the ‘eastern’ landslide and the massive
earthquake in Haiti as the ‘western’ landslide or the sinking of the Earth

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1321

during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA. And the third
landslide/earthquake is expected to take place near the advent of Imam al-
Mahdi in Saudi Arabia.
Important Role of Russia
“The Byzantines have been defeated

In the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome

Within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and AFTER.
And that day the believers will rejoice”

(Holy Quran Surah Rum 2-4)

Russia is now home of the Orthodox Christians, and they are said by some
Scholars to be the Romans (Byzantines) who will be victorious AFTER as
mentioned in verse 4 of this Sura named after the Romans

Support from Hadith:

“You will make peace with the Romans (i.e. Christians / ‘Rum’) in a secure
truce/alliance, and you and they will fight an enemy who is behind you, and you
will be victorious”

(Hadith No. 4292, Book of the Great Battles, Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 4)

Black Sea and Crimea separate Rum (Russia) from Constantinople (now Istanbul
& a historical center of Byzantine Empire). Russia has now taken back Crimea
bringing them closer to Constantinople. Constantinople was the former capital of
the Romans & Orthodox Christianity. This will be opposed by the Zionists who
desperately want Crimea back from Russia and may ultimately lead to the start of

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World War III (Mal’hama, Armageddon) and fulfillment of the divine prophecy of
the conquest of Constantinople mentioned in the Holy Quran and Hadith

This most likely means a major military pact/truce (maybe of convenience)

between a strategic Muslim country or countries and Russia is most likely
to take place before or near the Malhama OR Russia will earn such a major
victory which will make Muslims happy
Also read:

Triggers for World War 3

This is most likely to be brought about by:

1. Imminent Collapse of the Dollar

This is also expected any time soon especially after Russia, China & a few others
launched BRICs to challenge the supremacy of the US Dollar and many countries
bypassing the petrodollar accord

2. Martial Law Imposed on USA after or just before the collapse of dollar

Martial Law most likely will be imposed before US elections next year by Mr.
Obama who may become another false messiah before Dajjal. This explains his
Muslim middle name of Hussein and also explains why many people believe he is
acting and behaving like he is with the Muslims (so many people from the Muslim
Brotherhood working closely with him)

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3. Turkish invasion of Syria: this would bring in Russia and hence lead to World
War 3

4. A nuclear false flag on USA or NATO country and blamed on Iran or Pakistan

Any of these will lead to extremely high inflation in all parts of the world which
could lead to chaos/riots in many parts of the world including USA and Muslim
countries like Pakistan which is probably what Zionists wanted anyways

USA & NATO will retaliate and Russia & probably also China will intervene
triggering a massive nuclear war.

USA/NATO breaking a Truce:

“Tribulations – ‫ كت اب الفت ن‬It was narrated from ‘Awf bin Malik Al-Ashja’i that the
Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “There will be a treaty between you and Banu Asfar,
but they will betray you and will march against you with eighty banners, under
each of which there will be twelve thousand troops.” Reference: 4095 English
reference: Vol. 1, Book 36, Hadith 4095 Arabic reference: Book 36, Hadith 4234
In-book reference: Book 36, Hadith 169 Grade: Sahih”

This Hadith (saying of the Holy Prophet PBUH) is most likely about the
NATO Rome (which is under Judeo-Christian/Zionist) control. There are
probably around 80 NATO nations along with their allies at the moment.
This Hadith may indicate break of truce of United Nations and possibly a start to
the Malhama.

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This may be started by Hillary Clinton after getting elected as US president:
(same can be said about president Trump now-all puppets of the global elite)

Sea of Galilee
The Sea of Galilee also known as Lake Tiberias and in Arabic Buhera Tibria is an
important historical geographical feature that lies in the present day Israel. It is
situated in the North of Israel at the junction of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel.
There are two Ahadith regarding Sea of Galilee:

 In the first tradition it is said that when the forces of Gog and Magog will arrive at the
lake their forefront members will start consuming it and by the time their latter
members arrive, the lake would have dried up
 Hadith narrated by Hazrat Nawwas ibn Sam’aan (R.A.) the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is
reported to have said:
 “Then Ya’jooj and Majooj (Gog and Magog) will emerge and surge forth in all their
fury. When those from among them who constitute the first part of their army pass the
lake of Tiberias (Sea of Galilee), they will drink up all the water of that lake and by the
time those that constitute the latter part of that same army pass the lake, they will say,
“There used to be water here (long ago)”

 In the second tradition which is an extraordinary Hadeeth by Tameem ad Dari, it has

been narrated that the drying up of the lake of Galilee will herald the release of the
anti-Christ (known as Dajjal among Muslims) in the public sphere. (Hadeeth of Tamim
Al Dari can be referenced from various sources)

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 For now the lake is a few years away from drying up falling by 13% in last 2

 The Sea of Galilee (also called lake of Kinnaret) is the water clock for
Muslims. Keep checking for the water level of Sea of Galilee ….(Google it)

The Malhama
It will be a nuclear world war. Many countries in the world will be destroyed and
the war will probably bring many humans back to stone age with horses, donkeys
etc and probably no air force left. Maybe that is why Dajjal will come riding on a
donkey (or a really fast donkey could refer to an airplane). 99/100 humans will die
as stated in one Hadith:
“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “The time is near when the River
Euphrates will uncover a treasure of gold. Whosoever may be alive at that time,
should not take anything of it.” Another narration states: “The Hour will not come
to pass before the River Euphrates dries up to unveil a mountain of gold, for
which people will fight. Ninety-nine out of one hundred will die (in the fighting) and
every man amongst them will say: ‘Perhaps I may be the only one to remain alive
(and thus possess the gold).’”

[Sahih Muslim]

Russia and Israel will ‘survive’ the Armageddon along with Muslims from various
countries including Pakistan, Iran, Arabian countries and India

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After the Malhama

Conquest of Constantinople
This may occur during the course of Malhama Word War 3 or after it. Russia with
help of Muslims will conquer Constantinople

Physical Emergence of Dajjal

This as mentioned in a Hadith above will occur after the conquest of

It is only then that ‘a day like a week’ will end and days like our days will start and
so Dajjāl will appear in person

Emergence of Imam Mehdi

Indications are that he has to come after the emergence of the false Messiah
(Dajjal), so as to nullify him. However he may appear just before the Malhama
After the death of a Khalifah (most likely a King of Saudi Arabia) there shall be
intense dispute and difference of opinion in whom should become the next
Khalifah (very likely as there are more than a 1000 princes waiting in line).
Fearing he may get caught up in the dispute and made the Khalifah, Imam Mahdi
will flee from Madinah to Makkah. However, to his surprise on reaching Makkah,
some Makkans will bring him out of his house against his will and take him to Al-
Masjid Al-Haram as has been mentioned in the hadith reported by Imam Hakim in
Al-Mustadrak will force him to accept their Bayat between the Rukn (corner of the
Ka’aba containing the black stone) and the place of Ibrahim.

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The news of his allegiance will quickly spread and thus an army from Sham
(Syria) will be sent to fight him. This may be the army of ISIS (Daesh) or a
faction from the Shias. However no harm will come to Imam Mahdi nor his
followers who will be supported by ALLAH (swt). The earth will swallow up this
army before it can get near to the Imam in a place called Baidah (a flat piece of
land between Makkah and Madinah). When this Earthquake Sinking happens this
will be the last of the prophesized earthquake sinking’s to happen. One
earthquake sinking in the East, one earthquake sinking in the West and one
earthquake sinking in Saudi Arabia. The earthquake sinking which happens in
Saudi Arabia is the last of the 3 major earthquake sinkings.
After seeing and hearing about this extraordinary event and sign, the Awliya
(pious saints) of Syria and Iraq will come to Imam Mahdi and swear allegiance to
him between the black stone and the Maqam (the place of Ibrahim which is near
the Ka’aba). (The above content can be found in the Hadith of Umm Salama and
Abu Daud).

Descent of Hazrat Isa Jesus (RA)

Hazrat Isa (RA) will descend from the Heavens and help Imam Mehdi kill the Anti-
Christ Dajjal on his last (40th) day.
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “In the meantime, while the Dajjal (Anti-Christ)
will be busy doing this and this, Allah will send down the Messiah son of Mary (Jesus
AS). He will descend in the eastern part of Damascus, near the white minaret (tower),
dressed in the two yellowish garments, with his hands resting on the arms of two
angels. When he will bend down his head, water drops will appear trickling down, and
when he will raise it, it will appear as though pearl-like drops are rolling down. Any
disbeliever whom the air of his breath reaches, and it will reach up to the last limit of his
sight, will fall dead. Then, the son of Mary will go in pursuit of the Dajjal, and will

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1328

overtake him at the gate of Lud (a city 13 miles east of Tel Aviv, Israel), and will kill
him.” -Sahih Muslim

Ghazwa Hind/Khurasan
The Ghazwa Hind will most likely happen after the Malhama with army (people)
from Afghanistan, Pakistan (may include or may not include members of present
Pakistan army, Allah know best), Muslims from India and parts of Iran defeating
the Hindus of India.

After they defeat Hindus they will join Hazrat Isa in Syria

Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA), the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said :
“One of your Battalion will fight in Hind (India), Allah will give success to them to
the level that they (Mujahideen) will enchain their (Hindu) rulers with clutches, and
Allah will forgive sins of these warriors and when they return they will find Hazrat
Eesa (AS) in Damascus.” (Naeem bin Hammad quoted this Hadees in his book
‘Kitab Al Fitan’, Ishaq bin Rahuya(R) also quoted this Hadees in his ‘Masnad’)
‘Forgive sins of these warriors’ in this Ahadith: we do know soldiers in Pakistan
army may have done many wrongs…?

Holy Prophet (PBUH) Told Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA):

“From the Ummat (Followers of Islam currently) there will be a rise of Battalions
from Sindh (Indus) and Hind (Sub-continent). If I got opportunity to be part of such
a movement and if I martyred then it is good, if I returned alive I will be like free
Abu Huraira who is freed from Hell by Allah”. (Masnad Imam Ahmad, Imam Nisai,
Imam Behqi, Ibn Kaseer’s Bidayah wa Nihayah)
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Told Hazrat Suban (RA):
“Two groups in my Ummah will be freed by Allah from hell fire, One which will

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1329

conquer India and the other which will be with Hazrat Esa (AS).” (Masnad Imam
Ahmad, Imam Nisai, Imam Behqi, Ibn Kaseer’s Bidayah wa Nihayah)

Slightly Different Version:

It is stated by Sheikh Imran Hosein that Pax Judaica is still to come, starting
after or around Malhama. Difference only being Pax Judaica coming before or
after the Malhama. Remaining events are the same:
After Pax Judaica, Dajjal will appear followed by Hazrat Isa (AS)

Conquest of Constantinople will occur after Malhama, via a truce of Muslims with
the Russians.

Note 1: There may be slight differences in dates as according to Gregorian and

Hijri Calendar. For example 1000 years Hijri calendar is about 970 years
Gregorian calendar

Note 2: Recommended to be read with my other blog: Political Messages of the

Chapter of the Cave (Surah-tul-Kahf) :-

Above Article by Dr. Mohammad Nauman Shad MD

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365. The Poetry on Imam Mahdi (AS) by different

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366. Imam Mahdi (AS) was mentioned 17 times in
the famous Speech of Ghadir i.e. on 18th Zil Hajj,
10th Hijri

 The Abjad of His name, "Mahdi" is 59

 The Number - 59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics
 There are 17 Rakats in 5 Wajib Prayers
 Imam Mahdi is also 12th and the Last Imam of Muslims.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1371

 17 x 17 x 5 = 1445....................................1445 Hijri
 17 x 17 x 7 = 2023..................................... 2023 AD

 (59 x 17) + (59 x 17) + (1 x 17) = 2023..............2023 AD
 (59 x 12) + (59 x 12) + (12 + 17) = 1445...........1445 Hijri

As mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), "

"5 people would die out of 7 before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) because of Wars, Drought and Diseases."

 So if we multiply the Number - 5, who would die before the Zahoor

of Imam Mahdi with the Magical Number - 17, we would get the
Zahoor year in Hijri year - 1445 Hijri

 Similarly if we multiply the Number - 7, which is mentioned as the

total number of people from which 5 people would die with the
Magical Number - 17, we would get the Zahoor year in the
Georgean year - 2023 AD

The Number - 17 is the 7th Prime Number and 5 people would have to
die out of total Number - 7

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1372

367. The Different Names of Imam Mahdi (AS) in
Different Religions of the World

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368. The Arabic Letter - Kaf + Fe + Re on the Face of
Dajjal as narrated by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

 The Abjad of the Arabic Name - Dajjal is 38

 The Abjad of the Arabic Alphabets - Kaf + Fe + Re = 20 + 80 + 200 = 300
 The Abjad of the Arabic Word, "Zahir" is 1106

Adding the Abjad of "Zahir + Dajjal + Kaf + Fe + Re" = 1106 + 38 + 300 = 1444
We know that the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be from Karra Valley in
Yemen in 1444 Hijri i.e. on 14th April, 2023 AD on 23rd Ramazan as mentioned
in the Surah Qaf, Verses - 41 - 42.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1375

The Rule of Dajjal would finish on that particular day i.e. 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri.

Until that date, the Dajjal would remain "Zahir" i.e. Present in the World following
the Satanic instructions of Evil i.e. Iblees or Shaitan.

Satanic Alliance of Dajjal and Suffiani before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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369. Hindus concept of End of Ages - End of Kali Yuga
in 2025 AD and the Start of New Era

Sharing the article with the courtesy from the website by the author - Bibhu Dev

The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling

the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle

About the author: Bibhu Dev Misra is a graduate of the Indian Institute of
Technology and the Indian Institute of Management and has been working as an
Information Technology consultant for more than 14 years. He is also an
independent researcher and writer on topics related to ancient civilizations,
myths, symbols, science and religion. His research has taken him to many
places of historical interest across the globe. His articles have appeared in
different journals, magazines, and websites including the New Dawn, Science to
Sage, Comsomath, Graham Hancock Forum, Esamskriti, Viewzone and others.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1378

Part 1: Unraveling the Yuga Cycle Timeline

The Yuga Cycle doctrine tells us that we are now living in the Kali Yuga; the age
of darkness, when moral virtue and mental capabilities reach their lowest point
in the cycle. The Indian epic The Mahabharata describes the Kali Yuga as the
period when the “World Soul” is Black in hue; only one quarter of virtue
remains, which slowly dwindles to zero at the end of the Kali Yuga. Men turn to
wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear of
scarcity dominate. Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse.
All creatures degenerate. Change passes over all things, without exception.

The Kali Yuga (Iron Age) was preceded by three others Yugas: Satya or Krita
Yuga (Golden Age), Treta Yuga (Silver Age) and the Dwapara Yuga (Bronze
Age). In the Mahabharata, Hanuman gives the following description of the Yuga
Cycle to the Pandava prince Bhima:

"The Krita Yuga was so named because there was but one religion, and all
men were saintly: therefore they were not required to perform religious
ceremonies… Men neither bought nor sold; there were no poor and no
rich; there was no need to labour, because all that men required was
obtained by the power of will…The Krita Yuga was without disease; there
was no lessening with the years; there was no hatred, or vanity, or evil
thought whatsoever; no sorrow, no fear. All mankind could attain to
supreme blessedness. The universal soul was White… the identification of
self with the universal soul was the whole religion of the Perfect Age. In
the Treta Yuga sacrifices began, and the World Soul became Red; virtue
lessened a quarter. Mankind sought truth and performed religious
ceremonies; they obtained what they desired by giving and by doing. In
the Dwapara Yuga the aspect of the World Soul was Yellow: religion
lessened one-half. The Veda was divided into four parts, and although
some had knowledge of the four Vedas, others knew but three or one.
Mind lessened, Truth declined, and there came desire and diseases and
calamities; because of these men had to undergo penances. It was a
decadent Age by reason of the prevalence of sin.”[1]

And now we are living in the dark times of the Kali Yuga, when goodness and
virtue has all but disappeared from the world. But when did the Kali Yuga begin?
And when does it end? In spite of the elaborate theological framework which

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1379

describes the characteristics of this age, the start and end dates of the Kali Yuga
remain shrouded in mystery. The popularly accepted date for the beginning of
the Kali Yuga is 3102 BC, thirty-five years after the conclusion of the great
battle of the Mahabharata. This is remarkably close to the proposed beginning of
the current “Great Cycle” of the Mayan Long Count Calendar in 3114 BC. It is of
interest to note that in both of these cases the beginning dates of the respective
cycles were calculated retrospectively. The Mayans had recomputed their
ancient calendars sometime between 400 BC to 50 CE, at the ceremonial center
of Izapa in Mexico, and fixed the starting date of the current Great Cycle of their
Long Count Calendar. And in India, sometime around 500 CE, a major review of
the Indian calendric systems had taken place. It was during this time that the
renowned astronomer Aryabhatta had identified the beginning date of the Kali
Yuga as 3102 BC. Why was it suddenly necessary for two ancient civilizations to
re-calculate dates that should have been an integral part of their calendric
systems? How did such important time-markers slip out of their collective
memory? We will revisit these questions later.

It is generally believed that Aryabhatta had calculated the start date of the Kali
Yuga on the basis of the information in the Sanskrit astronomical treatise,
the Surya Siddhanta, according to which the five “geocentric planets” (i.e. the
planets visible to the naked eye) – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn –
were aligned to 0 of Aries (near the star zeta Piscium) at the beginning of the
Kali Yuga. He, thus, arrived at the date of 17/18 February, 3102 BC as the
starting point of the Kali Yuga. However, modern simulations carried out by
Richard Thompson show that on 17/18 February, 3102 BC, the five geocentric
planets occupied an arc of roughly 42 in the sky and were scattered over three
zodiacal signs – Aries, Pisces and Aquarius. This cannot be considered as a
conjunction by any means. Far more spectacular ‘alignment’ of planets has
occurred in the preceding and succeeding centuries. In other words, the
conjunction of geocentric planets at 0 of Aries that was supposedly targeted by
Aryabhatta did not take place in 3102 BC.

Does this mean Aryabhatta made an error in his back calculations? Not really.
For, the Surya Siddhanta does not ever specify that such an alignment of
planets took place at the beginning of the Kali Yuga. On the contrary, the Surya
Siddhanta explicitly states that this conjunction of planets at 0 of Aries takes
place at the end of the Golden Age (Satya / Krita Yuga). The text states: “Now,

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at the end of the Golden Age (Krita Yuga), all the planets, by their mean motion
– excepting however their nodes and apsides – are in conjunction in the first of
Aries”[2] Unfortunately, however, this simple statement was misrepresented by
some of the early commentators, in their eagerness to find an astronomical
rationale for the 3102 BC date, and it has subsequently been promulgated as a

The general understanding in ancient Hindu astronomy was that at the

beginning of the present order of things, all the planets commenced their
movement together at 0 of Aries; and all the planets return to the same
position in the heavens, at certain fixed intervals, resulting in a universal
conjunction. The Surya Siddhanta states that this conjunction takes place at the
end of the Golden Age. However, there is also a prevailing belief in Hindu
astronomy that this conjunction takes place at the beginning of a Day and Night
of Brahma, comprising of a 1000 Yuga Cycles.

Similar information regarding the conjunction of planets is also present in the

ancient Greek texts. In the Timaeus, Plato refers to a “Perfect Year” which
elapses at that moment when the sun, moon and the planets all return to the
same relative position despite all their intervening reversals.[3] This idea was
echoed by the 3rd century Roman writer Censorinus, who said that the orbits of
the sun, moon and the five wandering planets complete one “Great Year of
Heraclitus”, when they are brought back together at the same time to the same
sign where once they were.[4] This “Great Year” which is known by various
other names – “Perfect Year”, “Platonic Year”, “Supreme Year of Aristotle” etc. –
was variously represented as being of 12,954 years (Cicero) or 10,800 years
(Heraclitus) duration.

There can be no doubt that the 3102 BC date for the Kali Yuga was not based
on any information in the Surya Siddhanta or any other Sanskrit text. The date
virtually pops out of nowhere. Before 500 CE, this date was not mentioned in
any Sanskrit text. From where, then, did Aryabhatta obtain this date? There
seems to be no indication that Aryabhatta had computed this date himself.
There is a single, stray reference to this date in the Sanskrit
text Aryabhatiya, where Aryabhatta mentions that the text was composed 3,600
years into the Kali Yuga, when he was 23 years old. Since the Aryabhatiya was
composed in 499 CE, the beginning of the Kali Yuga can be traced back to 3102
BC. The statement, by itself, does not reveal any information about the

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astronomical basis on which the date was calculated, or whether the calculation
was performed by Aryabhatta himself. It is possible that this date was adopted
by Aryabhatta from some other source. The vagueness surrounding the origin of
this date makes its validity highly suspect.

The task of figuring out this date from the ancient Sanskrit texts, however, is
fraught with difficulties, since a number of inaccuracies have crept into the Yuga
Cycle information contained within them. As pointed out by Sri Yukteswar, in
many Sanskrit texts the 12,000 year duration of the Yuga Cycle was artificially
inflated to an abnormally high value of 4,320,000 years by introducing a
multiplication factor of “360”, which was represented as the number of “human
years” which constitutes a “divine year”. However, certain texts, such as
the Mahabharata and the Laws of Manu, still retain the original value of the
Yuga Cycle as 12,000 years. Many other ancient cultures – the Chaldeans,
Zoroastrians and Greeks – also believed in a 12,000 year Cycle of the Ages. The
renowned Sanskrit scholar and nationalist leader of India, B.G.Tilak had
mentioned in his book, The Arctic Home in the Vedas (1903), that:

“The writers of the Puranas, many of which appear to have been written
during the first few centuries of the Christian, era, were naturally unwilling
to believe that the Kali Yuga had passed away…An attempt was, therefore,
made to extend the duration of the Kali Yuga by converting 1000 (or
1200) ordinary human years thereof into as many divine years, a single
divine year, or a year of the gods, being equal to 360 human years…this
solution of the difficulty was universally adopted, and a Kali of 1200
ordinary years was at once changed, by this ingenious artifice, into a
magnificent cycle of as many divine, or 360 × 1200 = 432,000 ordinary

Yukteswar also clarified in the book The Holy Science (1894), that a complete
Yuga Cycle takes 24,000 years, and is comprised of an ascending cycle of
12,000 years when virtue gradually increases and a descending cycle of another
12,000 years, in which virtue gradually decreases. Hence, after we complete a
12,000 year descending cycle from Satya Yuga -> Kali Yuga, the sequence
reverses itself, and an ascending cycle of 12,000 years begins which goes from
Kali Yuga -> Satya Yuga. Yukteswar states that, “Each of these periods of
12,000 years brings a complete change, both externally in the material world,
and internally in the intellectual or electric world, and is called one of the Daiva

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Yugas or Electric Couple.”[6] The 24,000 year duration of the complete Yuga
Cycle closely approximates the Precessional Year of 25,765 years, which is the
time taken by the sun to “precess” i.e. move backwards, through the 12 zodiac
constellations. Interestingly, the Surya Siddhanta specifies a value of 54 arc
seconds per year for precession, as against the current value of 50.29 arc
seconds per year. This translates into a Precessional Year of exactly 24,000
years! This raises the possibility that the current observed value of precession
may simply be a temporary deviation from the mean.

The concept of an ascending and descending cycle of Yugas is not a proposition

that Yukteswar conjured out of thin air. This idea is still prevalent among the
Jains of India, who are one of the oldest religious sects of the country. The Jains
believe that a complete Time Cycle (Kalachakra) has a progressive and a
regressive half. During the progressive half of the cycle (Utsarpini), there is a
gradual increase in knowledge, happiness, health, ethics, and spirituality, while
during the regressive half of the cycle (Avasarpini) there is a gradual reduction
in these qualities. Each half cycle is comprised of six smaller periods, and
together these two half cycles constitute a complete Time Cycle. These two half
cycles follow each other in an unbroken succession for eternity, just like the
cycles of day and night or the waxing and waning of the moon. It is possible
that Yukteswar may have been influenced by the belief system of the ancient
Jains; or he may have based his ideas on ancient oral traditions that are not a
part of the mainstream documented knowledge.

The idea of an ascending and descending Cycle of Ages was also prevalent in
Greek myths. The Greek poet Hesiod (c. 750 BC – 650 BC) had given an
account of the World Ages in the Works and Days, in which he had inserted a
fifth age called the “Age of Heroes”, between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
In Hesiod’s Cosmos, Jenny Strauss Clay writes:

“Drawing on the myth in Plato’s Statesman, Vernant also claimed that the
temporal framework of Hesiodic myth, that is, the succession of races, is
not linear but cyclical; at the end of the age of iron, which he divides into
two, the cycle of races starts again with a new golden age or, more likely,
a new age of heroes, as the sequence reverses itself…Vernant himself
offers a solution when he remarks that ‘there is not in reality one age of
iron but two types of human existence.’ ”[7]

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This is highly interesting. Jean-Pierre Vernant, who is a highly acclaimed
specialist in ancient Greek culture, clearly believes that the Cycle of the Ages
reverses itself as per Hesiod’s account. Not only that, he states that the Iron
Age has two parts, which corresponds exactly to Yukteswar’s interpretation in
which the descending Kali Yuga is followed by the ascending Kali Yuga. We can
surmise, in this context, that the “Age of Heroes”, which immediately followed
the Bronze Age in Hesiod’s account, must be the name ascribed by Hesiod to
the descending Kali Yuga.

The evidence from different sources supports the notion of a complete Yuga
Cycle of 24,000 years, comprised of an ascending and descending cycle of
12,000 years each. This brings us to the question of the relative durations of the
different Yugas in the Yuga Cycle, and the transitional periods, which occur at
the beginning and end of each Yuga, and are known as Sandhya (dawn)
and Sandhyansa (twilight) respectively. The following values are provided in the
Sanskrit texts for the duration of the Yugas and their respective dawns and

 Satya Yuga (Golden Age): 4000 years + 400 years dawn + 400 years twilight
=4800 years

 Treta Yuga (Silver Age): 3000 years + 300 years dawn + 300 years twilight
=3600 years

 Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age): 2000 years + 200 years dawn + 200 years
twilight = 2400 years

 Kali Yuga (Iron Age): 1000 years + 100 years dawn + 100 years twilight
= 1200 years

Since so many inaccuracies have crept into the Yuga Cycle doctrine, as pointed
out by Yukteswar and Tilak, we also need to question the accuracy of the
relative durations of the Yugas mentioned in the Sanskrit texts. Although the
Yuga Cycle is mentioned in the mythic accounts of around thirty ancient
cultures, as described by Giorgio de Santillana, professor of the history of
science at MIT, in the book Hamlet’s Mill (1969), we find very little information
regarding the relative durations of the different ages within this cycle. This is
quite surprising. Nearly all the accounts tell us that virtue and righteousness
decreases as we move from the Golden Age to the subsequent ages. Some of
them specifically mention that virtue decreases by a quarter in every age.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1384
However, there appears to be scant mention of the durations of the ages
themselves. If the duration of each Yuga decreased from one Yuga to the next,
shouldn’t this important point also have been mentioned in these accounts?

In the few accounts where the durations of the Yuga are specified, we find that
each age in the Yuga Cycle is of the same duration. For instance, the
Zoroastrians believe that the world lasts for 12,000 years, which is divided into
four equal ages of 3,000 years each. A Mexican source known as the Codex
Rios (also referred to as Codex 3738 and Codex Vaticanus A) states that each
age lasts for 4008, 4010, 4801 and 5042 years respectively for a total of 17,861
years. We can see that in this case also the duration of each age is nearly the

Therefore, the durations of the four Yugas mentioned in the Sanskrit texts (i.e.
4800, 3600, 2400, and 1200 years) deviate from the norm. The duration of
each Yuga, in this sequence, decreases by 1200 years from the previous one.
This is an arithmetic progression which is rarely, if ever, found in natural cycles.
This seemingly unnatural sequence raises the question whether the Yuga
durations were deliberately altered at some point in the past, in order to give
the impression that the duration of each Yuga decreases in tandem with the
decrease in virtue from one Yuga to the next. It is important to note that the
ratio’s of the durations of the four Yugas in this sequence is 4:3:2:1. This gives
the superficial impression that the duration of each Yuga is reducing by a
quarter from one to the next. But that is actually not the case. They are
decreasing by a fixed number of years i.e. 1200 years.

Here is the most startling fact: Two of the most famous astronomers of ancient
India, Aryabhatta and Paulisa, both believed that the Yuga Cycle is comprised of
Yugas of equal duration! In the 11th century, the medieval scholar Al-Beruni had
travelled across India for 13 years, questioning and conversing with learned
men, reading the Sanskrit texts, observing the religious rites and customs, and
had compiled a comprehensive commentary on Indian philosophy, sciences and
culture. In Alberuni’s India, Al-Beruni mentions that the Yuga Cycle doctrine was
based on the derivations of the Indian astronomer Brahmagupta, who in turn
derived his knowledge from the Sanskrit Smriti texts. He makes an interesting
statement in this regard:

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“Further, Brahmagupta says that “Aryabhatta considers the four yugas as
the four equal parts of the caturyuga (Yuga Cycle). Thus he differs from
the doctrine of the book Smriti, just mentioned, and he who differs from
us is an opponent”.[8]

The fact that Aryabhatta believed the four yugas to be of equal duration is
extremely pertinent! Al-Beruni reasserts this in no uncertain terms: “Therefore,
according to Aryabhatta, the Kali Yuga has 3000 divya years….each two yugas
has 6000 divya years…each three years has 9000 divya years.” Why would
Aryabhatta subscribe to such a belief? Did he have access to sources of
information that are lost to us now?

Surprisingly, it was not only Aryabhatta, who held this point of view. Another
celebrated astronomer of ancient India was Paulisa, who had apparently earned
Brahmagupta’s favor by supporting the 4:3:2:1 ratio for the duration of the
yugas. According to Al-Beruni, however, “it is possible that Paulisa simply
mentions this method as one among others, and that it is not that one in
particular which he himself adopted.”[9] This is evident from Paulisa’s belief
regarding the caturyuga, as documented by Al-Beruni: “Of the
current caturyuga (Yuga Cycle), there have elapsed three yugas i.e. according
to him 3,240,000 years i.e. 9000 divya-years. The latter number represents
three-fourths of the years of a caturyuga.”[10] This indicates that Paulisa
believed that each Yuga was of 3000 divine years’ duration. He uses the same
method while presenting his calculations for the duration of a kalpa where “he
(Pulisa) has not changed the caturyugas into exact yugas, but simply changed
them into fourth parts, and multiplied these fourth parts by the number of years
of a single fourth part.”[11]

This clearly indicates that two of the most respected astronomers of ancient
India, Aryabhatta and Paulisa, believed in a Yuga Cycle that comprised of 4
Yugas of equal duration of 3,000 divine-years each. However, their opinion was
overshadowed by the contradictory view held by Brahmagupta. He railed against
Aryabhatta and the other astronomers who held differing opinions, and even
abused them. Al-Beruni says about Brahmagupta:

“He is rude enough to compare Aryabhatta to a worm which, eating the

wood, by chance describes certain characters in it without understanding
them and without intending to draw them. “He, however, who knows

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these things thoroughly, stands opposed to Aryabhatta, Srishena, and
Vishnucandra like the lion against gazelles. They are not capable of letting
him see their faces. ” In such offensive terms he attacks Aryabhatta and
maltreats him.”[12]

We can now understand why Brahmagupta’s opinion finally prevailed over that
of the other astronomers of his time, and it certainly did not have anything to
do with the inherent soundness of his logic, or the authenticity of his sources.

It is time for us to stop standing in opposition to Aryabhatta, Paulisa, Srishena,

Vishnucandra and others like the “lion against gazelles”, and instead take
cognizance of the very real possibility that the Yugas in the Yuga Cycle are of
equal duration, and the 4:3:2:1 sequence of the Yugas may have been a
mathematical manipulation that crept into the Yuga Cycle doctrine sometime
prior to 500 CE. It is possible that this manipulation was introduced because
people were inclined to believe that the duration of a Yuga should decrease in
tandem with the decrease in virtue and human longetivity from one Yuga to the
next. A neat formula was devised in which the total duration of the Yugas added
up to 12,000 years. However, there was one problem. If the Kali Yuga is of
1,200 years duration, then it should have been completed many times over,
since its proposed beginning in 3102 BC. In order to circumvent this potentially
embarrassing situation, another complexity was introduced. Each “year” of the
Yuga Cycle became a “divine year” comprised of 360 human years. The Yuga
Cycle became inflated to 4,320,000 years (12,000*360) and the Kali Yuga
became equal to 432,000 years (1,200*360). Humanity became consigned to
an interminable duration of darkness.

The original Yuga Cycle doctrine appears to have been very simple: A Yuga
Cycle duration of 12,000 years, with each Yuga lasting for 3,000 years. This
cycle is encoded in the “Saptarsi Calendar” which has been used in India for
thousands of years. It was used extensively during the Maurya period in the
4th century BC, and is still in use in some parts of India. The term “Saptarsi”
refers to the “Seven Rishis” or the “Seven Sages” representing the seven stars
of the Great Bear constellation (Ursa Major). They are regarded as the
enlightened rishis who appear at the beginning of every Yuga to spread the laws
of civilization. The Saptarsi Calendar used in India had a cycle of 2,700 years; it
is said that the Great Bear constellation stays for 100 years in each of the 27

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“Nakshatras” (lunar asterisms) which adds up to a cycle of 2,700 years.[13] The
2,700 year cycle was also referred to as a “Saptarsi Era” or a “Saptarsi Yuga”.

Fig 1: The Great Bear constellation (Ursa Major) is clearly visible in the northern sky throughout the year. The seven
prominent stars represent the Seven Sages (Saptarshi). The Great Bear constellation figures prominently in the mythology
of many cultures.

If the 2,700 year cycle of the Saptarsi Calendar represents the actual duration
of a Yuga, then the remaining 300 years out of the total Yuga duration of 3,000
years (representing 1/10th of the Yuga duration), automatically represents the
“transitional period”, before the qualities of the subsequent Yuga are fully
manifested. In accordance with the current convention, this intervening period
can be broken up into two separate periods of 150 years each, one occurring at
the beginning of the Yuga, known as Sandhya (i.e. dawn), and the other at its
termination, known as Sandhyansa (i.e. twilight). The total duration of the Yuga
Cycle, excluding the transitional periods, is equal to (2700*4) i.e. 10,800 years,
which is same as the duration of the “Great Year of Heraclitus” in the Hellenic

It is agreed by historians that the Saptarsi Calendar that was in use during the
Maurya period in the 4th century BC, started in 6676 BC. In the book,
“Traditions of the Seven Rsis”, Dr.J.E. Mitchiner confirms this: “We may
conclude that the older and original version of the Era of the Seven Rsis
commenced with the Seven Rsis in Krttika in 6676 BC…This version was in use
in northern India from at least the 4 th century BC, as witnessed by the

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statements of Greek and Roman writers; it was also the version used by Vrddha
Garga, at around the start of the Christian era.”[14]

In fact, the recorded choronology of Indian kings goes back further than 6676
BC as documented by the Greek and Roman historians Pliny and Arrian. Pliny
states that, “From Father Liber [Roman Bacchus or Greek Dionysus] to
Alexander the Great (d. 323 BC), Indians reckon 154 kings, and they reckon
(the time as) 6451 years and 3 months.”[15] Arrian puts 153 kings and 6462
years between Dionysus and Sandrokottos (Chandragupta Maurya), to whose
court a Greek embassy was sent in 314 BC.[16] Both indications add up to a
date of roughly c.6776 BC, which is a 100 years prior to the beginning of the
Saptarsi Calendar in 6676 BC.

It is obvious from the accounts of Pliny and Arrian that they must have
identified a specific king in the Indian kings list, who corresponded to the Greek
Dionysus or Roman Bacchus, and whose reign had ended at around c.6776 BC.
Who could that have been? According to the renowned scholar and Orientalist
Sir William Jones, Dionysus or Bacchus was none other than the Indian monarch
Rama. In his essay “On the Gods of Greece, Italy and India” (1784), Sir William
Jones “deems Rama to be the same as the Grecian Dionysos, who is said to
have conquered India with an army of satyrs, commanded by Pan; and Rama
was also a mighty conqueror, and had an army of large monkeys or satyrs,
commanded by Maruty (Hanuman), son of Pavan. Rama is also found, in other
points, to resemble the Indian Bacchus.”[17] Sir William Jones also points out
that, “Meros is said by the Greeks to have been a mountain of India, on which
their Dionysus was born, and that Meru is also a mountain near the city of
Naishada, or Nysa, called by the Grecian geographers Dionysopolis, and
universally celebrated in the Sanskrit poems.”[18]

Both Pliny and Arrian were aware of these associations. Pliny had placed the
Dionysian satyrs “in the tropical mountains of India”, while “we learn from
Arrian (Hist.Ind. p 318, 321) that the worship of Bacchus, or Dionysus, was
common in India and that his votaries observed a number of rites similar to
those of Greece…On this account, when Alexander entered India, the natives
considered the Greeks as belonging to the same family with themselves; and
when the people of Nysa sent the principal person of their city to solicit their
freedom of the Grecian conqueror, they conjured him by the well-known name
of Dionysus, as the most effectual means of obtaining their purpose. ‘O King,

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the Nyssaeans entreat thee to allow them to enjoy their liberties and their laws,
out of respect to Dionysus .’”[19]

The identification of Dionysus with Rama provides us with fresh perspectives.

According to the Indian tradition, Rama had lived towards the end of the Treta
Yuga (Silver Age), and the Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age) had started soon after
his demise. This implies that the 6676 BC date for the beginning of the Saptarsi
Calendar, which is a 100 years after Dionysus i.e. Rama, indicates the beginning
of the Dwapara Yuga in the descending cycle.

A later Saptarsi Calendar, still in use in India, began from 3076 BC. But, as Dr.
Subhash Kak points out, “the new count that goes back to 3076 BC was started
later to make it as close to the start of the Kali era as possible”[20]. This
modification can be easily identified, since in 3076 BC, the Great Bear were in
the “Magha” nakshatra (lunar asterism) as mentioned by Varahamihira
in Brihat-Samhita (Brs. 13-3). But Subhash Kak points out that, “By the time of
the Greeks, the naksatras were listed starting with Asvin (Surya Siddhanta 8.9).
As Magha is the tenth naksatra in a count beginning with Asvin, one needs to
add 900 years to find the epoch for the beginning of the cycle. This takes one to
3976 BC. One more complete Saptarsi Cycle of 2,700 years before that brings
us to 6676 BC.”[21] Since the Dwapara Yuga immediately precedes the Kali
Yuga, we are once again led to the conclusion that the Saptarsi Calendar with a
start date of 6676 BC was counting time from the Dwapara Yuga.

Fig 2: The List of the 27 Nakshatras. The Great Bear was in Magha in 3076 BC and in Ashvini in 3976 BC / 6676 BC

We also know that the Saptarsi Calendar used during the Mauryan period was
used for tracking the genealogical records of the Mahabharata war kings. Since
the Mahabharata describes events that transpired in the Dwapara Yuga, there
cannot be any doubt that the Saptarsi Cycle beginning 6676 BC marks the
beginning of the descending Dwapara Yuga. If we use this date as the anchor
point, and the Saptarsi Calendar as the basis for the Yuga Cycle durations (i.e.
Yuga duration of 2,700 years, with transitional periods of 300 years), then the
entire timeline of the Yuga Cycle gets unraveled:

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Fig 3: Yuga Cycle Timeline.

This Yuga Cycle timeline takes the beginning of the Golden Age to 12676 BC,
more than 14,500 years before present, when the Great Bear was in the
“Shravana” nakshatra (the Great Bear will advance by 3 nakshtras in every
Yuga because of the 300 year transitional period). This agrees very well with the
Indian tradition, since the Mahabharata mentions that in the ancient tradition
the Shravana nakshatra was given the first place in the Nakshatra cycle. The
timeline also indicates that the ascending Kali Yuga, which is the current epoch
in which we are living, will end in 2025 CE. The full manifestation of the next
Yuga – the ascending Dwapara – will take place in 2325 CE, after a transitional
period of 300 years. The ascending Dwapara Yuga will then be followed by two
more Yugas: the ascending Treta Yuga and the ascending Satya Yuga, which will
complete the 12,000 year ascending cycle. The Sanskrit text Brahma-vaivarta
Purana describes a dialogue between Lord Krishna and the Goddess Ganges.
Here, Krishna says that after 5,000 years of Kali Yuga there will be a dawn of a
new Golden Age which will last for 10,000 years (Text 50, 59). This can be
immediately understood in the context of the Yuga Cycle timeline described
here. We are now ending the Kali Yuga, nearly 5,700 years since its beginning
in 3676 BC. And the end of the Kali Yuga will be followed by three more Yugas
spanning 9,000 years, before the ascending cycle ends.

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Part 2: The archaeological and historical evidence

According to the Yuga Cycle doctrine, the transitional periods between Yugas
are always associated with a worldwide collapse of civilizations and severe
environmental catastrophes, which wipe out virtually every trace of any human
civilization. The new civilization that emerges in the new Yuga is guided by a
few survivors of the cataclysm, who carry with them the technical and spiritual
knowledge of the previous epoch. Many ancient sources tell us of the enigmatic
group of “Seven Sages” (“Saptarsi”) who are said to appear at the beginning of
every Yuga and promulgate the arts of civilization. We find them in myths from
across the world – in Sumeria, India, Polynesia, South America and North
America. They possessed infinite wisdom and power, could travel over land and
water, and took on various forms at will. Were they the survivors of the
previous Yuga or visitors from outer space? Opinions differ on this point, but
surely neither option can be discarded without proper scrutiny. In any case, the
main point is that the transitional periods between Yugas must necessarily
correlate with the severe cataclysmic events that regularly impact our planet, as
reflected in the archeological records. As we shall see, the Yuga Cycle timeline
proposed here correlates with these catastrophic events with a stunning
accuracy. In addition, the transitional periods can also be correlated with dates
recorded in various ancient calendars and traditions.

The first transitional period in the 12,000 year descending Yuga Cycle is the 300
year period at the end of the Golden Age from 9976 BC – 9676 BC. This is the
time when the last Ice Age came to a sudden end; the climate became very
warm quite abruptly, and several large mammalian species such as the woolly
mammoth became extinct. A number of scientific studies show that a
devastating global flood occurred at around 9600 BC.[22] This is in accordance
with many ancient traditions and legends. In the Timaeus, Plato talks of the
mythical island of Atlantis, which was swallowed up by the sea in a “single day
and night of misfortune” in c.9600 BC. This event has also been recorded in the
flood myths of many ancient cultures, which almost uniformly talk of enormous
walls of water that submerged the entire land to the highest mountain tops,
accompanied by heavy rain, fireballs from the sky, intense cold and long periods
of darkness. In the Indian tradition, this flood took place at the end of the Satya
Yuga (Golden Age). The survivor of this great deluge was Manu, the progenitor
of mankind, who is placed at the head of the genealogy of Indian kings.

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What could have led to this sudden worldwide deluge? Archaeologist Bruce
Masse of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico had examined a
sample of 175 flood myths from different cultures around the world and
concluded that the environmental aspects described in these events, which is
also consistent with the archaeological and geophysical data, could have only
been precipitated by a destructive, deep-water, oceanic comet impact.[23] In
2008, a team of Danish geologists from the Niels Bohr Institute (NBI) in
Copenhagen studied the ice core data from Greenland, and concluded that the
ice age ended exactly in 9703 BC. Researcher Jorgen Peder Steffensen said
that, “in the transition from the ice age to our current warm, interglacial period
the climate shift is so sudden that it is as if a button was pressed”[24]. More
recently, in 2012, an international team of scientists concluded that the earth
was bombarded by a meteorite storm nearly 12,000 years ago, which effectively
ended the ice age, and led to the end of a prehistoric civilization and the
extinction of many animal species.[25] It is interesting to note that the 9703 BC
date for the sudden climate shift falls within the 300 year transitional period at
the end of the Golden Age from 9976 BC – 9676 BC, and as such, it provides
the first important validation of the Yuga Cycle timeline identified here.

The 300 year transitional period between the Treta Yuga (Silver Age) and the
Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age) from 6976 BC – 6676 BC also coincides with a
significant environmental event – the Black Sea Catastrophe which has recently
been dated to 6700 BC. The Black Sea once used to be a freshwater lake. That
is, until the Mediterranean Sea, swollen with melted glacial waters, breached a
natural dam, and cut through the narrow Bosphorous Strait, catastrophically
flooding the Black Sea. This raised the water levels of the Black Sea by several
hundred feet, flooded more than 60,000 square miles of land, and significantly
expanded the Black Sea shoreline (by around 30%).[26] This event
fundamentally changed the course of civilization in Southeastern Europe and
western Anatolia. Geologists Bill Ryan and Walter Pitman of Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory in New York, who had first proposed the Black Sea
Catastrophe hypothesis, have gone to the extent of comparing it to Noah’s

Similar major flooding events were taking place in many parts of the world, as
massive glacial lakes, swelled by the waters of the melting ice, breached their
ice barriers, and rushed into the surrounding areas. In the book Underworld,

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Graham Hancock has described some of the terrible events that ravaged the
planet during that time. Sometime between 6900 BC – 6200 BC the Laurentide
ice-sheet disintegrated in the Hudson Bay and an enormous quantity of glacial
waters from the inland Lake Agassiz/Ojibway discharged into the Labrador Sea.
This was possibly the “single largest flood of the Quarternary Period”, which
may have single-handedly raised global sea-level by half a metre.[27] The
period between 7000 BC – 6000 BC was also characterized by the occurrences
of gigantic earthquakes in Europe. In northern Sweden, some of these
earthquakes caused “waves on the ground”, 10 metres high, referred to as
“rock tsunamis”. It is possible that the global chain of cataclysmic events during
this transitional period may have been triggered by a single underlying cause,
which we are yet to find out.

Fig 5: The Black Sea catastrophe, before and after. The water from the Mediterranean (Aegean) Sea, cut through a narrow
Gorge (now known as the Bosphorous Strait), and plunged into the Black Sea (whose water level was 80 m below sea
level) creating a gigantic waterfall. Every day for two years, 42 cubic km of sea water cut through the narrow channel and
plunged into the lake — more than 200 times the flow over Niagara Falls. Source: NASA

The transitional period between the Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga, from 3976 BC
– 3676 BC was again marked by a series of environmental cataclysms, whose
exact nature remains a mystery. It is referred to in geology as the 5.9 kiloyear
event, and it is considered as one of the most intense aridification events during

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1394

the Holocene period. It occurred around 3900 BC, ending the Neolithic
Subpluvial and initiated the most recent desiccation of the Sahara desert. At the
same time, between 4000 BC – 3500 BC, the coastal plains of Sumer
experienced severe flooding, which “was the local effect of a worldwide episode
of rapid, relatively short-term flooding known as the Flandrian transgression –
which had a significant impact not only along the shores of the Gulf but in many
other parts of Asia as well.”[28] This catastrophic flooding event led to the end
of the Ubaid period in Mesopotemia, and triggered a worldwide migration to
river valleys.

This transitional period between the Yugas is recorded in many ancient

calendars, as we find a clustering of important dates around this epoch. For a
very long time, there was a prevalent belief in the western world that the world
was created in 4004 BC. This date comes to us from the genealogies of the Old
Testament. This date is just 28 years prior to the end of the Dwapara and the
beginning of the transitional period. A Saptarsi Calendar, still in use in India,
counted time in the Kali Yuga starting from 3976 BC, which coincides with the
beginning of the transitional period. The year of world creation in the Jewish
religious calendar is 3761 BC, which is in the middle of the transitional period.

The famous Mahabharata War of the Indian subcontinent, which took place
during the transitional period between Yugas, 35 years prior to the beginning of
the Kali Yuga, can now be dated to 3711 BC. The Mahabharata mentions that
the Dwapara Yuga ended and the Kali Yuga started as soon as Krishna left this
world; and then the seas swelled up and submerged the island-city of Dwarka,
which was located off the coast of western India. In 2002, the National Institute
of Ocean Technology (NIO), India, discovered two cities submerged in the Gulf
of Cambay, at a depth of 120 feet. These mysterious submerged cities were laid
out in a grid, had towering walls, massive geometrical buildings and huge
engineering works such as dams, and they stood entirely above water around
7,000 years ago. Nearly 2,000 man-made artifacts were recovered from the
sites, some of which have been carbon dated to 6500 BC – 7500 BC, indicating
their existence in the Dwapara Yuga.

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Fig 6: The underwater ruins of the fabled city of Dwarka, off the coast of western India, at a
depth of 170 feet below the Arabian Sea.
Source: The Lost City of Dvaraka – By S.R. Rao

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1396

As per the ancient traditions, the descending Kali Yuga, which was referred to
by Hesiod as the “Age of Heroes”, came to an end with the battle fought on the
plains of Troy. The Yuga Cycle timeline indicates that the 300 year intervening
period between the descending and ascending Kali Yuga extended from 976 BC
– 676 BC; and very interestingly, this overlaps with the 300 year period from
1100 BC to 800 BC which is referred to by historians as the Greek Dark Ages!
The archaeological evidence shows that tremendous destruction visited the
Greek isles at this time. The great Mycenaean cities and palaces collapsed.
Villages and towns were burnt, destroyed and abandoned. The population of the
cities reduced drastically, there was widespread famine and people lived in
isolated, small settlements. Such was the magnitude of the cataclysms that
ancient Greeks entirely forgot the art of writing which they had to re-learn from
the Phoenicians in the 8th century! The ancient trade networks were disrupted
and came to a grinding halt.

However, this was not just a collapse of the ancient Greek civilization; there was
a worldwide collapse of civilizations during this period. The Hittites suffered
serious disruption and cities from Troy to Gaza were destroyed. Egypt too lost
control over its kingdom. The period from 1070 BC – 664 BC is known as the
“Third Intermediate Period” of Egypt, during which time Egypt was run over and
ruled by foreign rulers, and there was political and social disintegration and
chaos. Egypt was increasingly beset by a series of droughts, below-normal
flooding of the Nile, and famine. In India, the Indus Valley civilization finally
ended at around 1000 BC. Catastrophe also struck the ancient Olmec civilization
of Mesoamerica at this time. The first Olmec center, San Lorenzo, was
abandoned at around 900 BC. A wholesale destruction of many San Lorenzo
monuments also occurred in c.950 BC, and scholars believe that drastic
environmental changes may have been responsible for this shift in Olmec
centers, with certain important rivers changing course.

Once again we don’t know what may have triggered this calamitous turn of
events across the world. Historians speculate about a combination of
catastrophic climatic events. Egyptian accounts tell us that, “something in the
air prevented much sunlight from reaching the ground and also arrested global
tree growth for almost two full decades until 1140 BC.”[29] One proposed cause
is the Hekla 3 eruption of the Hekla volcano in Iceland, but the dating of that
event remains in dispute. However, since the descending and ascending Kali

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1397

Yuga are not so different in terms of their qualitative aspects, the level of
devastation during this transitional period was perhaps not as severe as the
previous one, as a result of which some aspects of civilization survived.

When the ascending Kali Yuga began in 676 BC, much of the knowledge,
traditions and skills from the descending Kali Yuga were lost. In Greece, the
construction of monumental architecture ceased. The cavalry was replaced by
foot soldiers. Pottery styles were simplified. In India, the use of Sanskrit as the
means of communication was replaced by the language of the common masses
– Pali and Prakrit. Knowledge of the ancient scriptures, sciences and arts had
been all but forgotten. Possibly in response to this grave social crisis, a number
of philosophers and prophets appeared at this time, trying to re-discover the
lost wisdom, and spread it amongst the ignorant masses. Among them were
Buddha (623 BC), Pythagoras (570 BC), Zoroaster (600 BC), and Mahavir Jain
(599 BC).

People were so perturbed by the calamities of the previous centuries that they
began a vigorous attempt to finally document the ancient scriptures, which were
till then being transmitted in a purely oral fashion. It was in this grave social
and cultural milieu that the Mayans re-calculated and re-calibrated their
calendric system at Izapa sometime after 400 BC. And a few centuries later
Aryabhatta and others attempted to fix the beginnings of the Kali Yuga. Such an
effort would have been quite un-necessary if the cataclysms of the previous
centuries had not disrupted the flow of the rich oral traditions. However, much
of the knowledge from the previous epoch was irretrievably lost. For instance,
the original Vedas were comprised of 1,180 sakhas (i.e. branches), of which
only 7 or 8 sakhas (less than 1 %) are remembered now. As a result, it is only
natural to expect that even within the texts that were finally documented,
various errors and omissions had crept in. The mistakes in the Yuga Cycle
doctrine were some of them.

The Yuga Cycle timelines proposed here accurately mirrors the worldwide
environmental catastrophes that accompanies the transitional periods between
Yugas. The four key transitional periods, since the end of the Golden Age, have
been summarized here:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1398

Fig 7: The Transitional Periods between Yugas

This recurrent pattern of devastation is clearly discernible in the archaeological

records. Every 2,700 years our planet is impacted by a series of cataclysmic
events for a period of a few hundred years, which brings about a total or near
total collapse of civilizations across the world. In all the cases, however, we find
that civilization restarts immediately after the period of destruction.

In recent years, many independent historians and researchers have realized

that the concept of a Yuga Cycle is a far better descriptor of ancient history,
than the model of linear progress favored by mainstream historians.
Egyptologist John Anthony West, whose seminal work on the dating of the
Sphinx has won him worldwide acclaim, mentions in his article “Consider the
Kali Yuga” that:

“Since Egypt’s Old Kingdom, up until very recently…civilization has been

going down, not up; simple as that. We can follow that degenerative
process physically in Egypt; it is written into the stones and it is
unmistakable. The same tale is told in the mythologies and legends of
virtually all other societies and civilizations the world over…Progress does
not go in a straight line from primitive ancestors to smart old us with our
bobblehead dolls and weapons of mass destruction; our traffic jams and
our polluted seas, skies and lands. There is another, and far more
realistic, way to view history. Plato talked about a cycle of Ages: Golden,
Silver, Bronze and Iron (or Dark) Age; a cycle, a wave form – not a
straight line. A similar understanding is reflected by virtually all other

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1399

ancient accounts. The best known, and by far the most elaborately
developed of these systems, is the Hindu, with its Yuga Cycle, which
corresponds to the Platonic idea of four definable Ages.”[30]

It is evident that the original Yuga Cycle was based on the Saptarsi Calendar. It
was of 12,000 years duration, comprised of four Yugas of equal duration of
2,700 years each, separated by transitional periods of 300 years. The complete
Yuga Cycle of 24,000 years was comprised of an ascending and descending
Yuga cycle, which followed each other for eternity like the cycles of day and
night. For the past 2,700 years we have been evolving through the ascending
Kali Yuga, and this Yuga is coming to an end in 2025. The end of the Yuga will
inevitably be followed by cataclysmic earth changes and civilization collapses, as
is characteristic of the transitional periods. The Dwapara Yuga is fundamentally
different from the Kali in its spiritual and material dimensions, as can be
gleaned from the ancient texts. Hence, we may anticipate far-reaching changes
in our environment, and possibly in our cosmic neighborhood, as we transition
to this period of enhanced consciousness. The current upswing in tectonic
activities and the increased incidence of extreme weather phenomena may be
indicative of the fact that we are slowly entering into a period of volatile earth
changes. We need to be aware of these greater cycles of time that govern
human civilization, and the changes that are looming in the horizon.


1. The Mahabharata, Book 3: Vana Parva, Tirtha-yatra Parva, SECTION CXLVIII, Kisari
Mohan Ganguli, tr.[1883-1896], from
2. Sûrya-Siddhânta: a text-book of Hindu astronomy, Ebenezer Burgess, Phanindralal
Gangooly, Chapter 1, p 41
3. Timaeus 39d
4. De die natali 18.11
5. Lokamanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak, The Arctic Home in the Vedas, Messrs. TILAK BROS,
Gaikwar Wada, Poona City,1903
6. Sri Yukteswar, The Holy Science, 1894, p xi
7. Jenny Strauss Clay, Hesiod’s Cosmos, Cambridge University Press, 2003, p 83
8. Alberuni’s India, Chapter XLII
9. Alberuni’s India, Chapter XLII, p 375

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1400

10.Alberuni’s India, Chapter XLII, p 376
11.Alberuni’s India, Chapter XLII, p 375
12.Alberuni’s India, Chapter XLII, p 376
13.Subhash Kak, On the Chronological Framework for Indian Culture, Indian Council of
Philosophical Research, 2000, p 1-24.
14.J.E. Mitchiner, Traditions of the Seven Rishis, Motilal B, Delhi 1982, p. 163.
15.Pliny, Naturalis Historia, 6.59-60
16.Arrian,Indica, 9.9
17.Encyclopaedia Londinensis, Vol 21, 1826, p 677
18.Sir William Jones, On the Gods of Greece, Italy and India, 1784
19.The Edinburgh encyclopaedia, Volume 3, 1830, p 174
20.Subhash Kak, On the Chronological Framework for Indian Culture, Indian Council of
Philosophical Research. 2000, pp. 1-24.
21.Subhash Kak, On the Chronological Framework for Indian Culture, Indian Council of
Philosophical Research. 2000, pp. 1-24.
22.Graham Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, Three Rivers
Press, p 74
23.Luigi Piccardi and Bruce Masse, Myth and Geology, Geological Society of London Special
Publication 273, 2007
24.Danish Arctic research dates Ice Age,, 11 Dec 2008,
meteorite-storm-hit-Earth-13-000-years-ago-killed-prehistoric-civilisation.html, Daily
Mail, 12 June 2012
26.Geologists Link Black Sea Deluge To Farming’s Rise, New York Times, December 17,
27.Graham Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, Three Rivers
Press, p 82-83
28.Graham Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, Three Rivers
Press, p 31
29.Frank J. Yurco, “End of the Late Bronze Age and Other Crisis Periods: A Volcanic Cause”
in Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente, ed: Emily
Teeter & John Larson, (SAOC 58) 1999, pp.456-458, taken from wikipedia
30.John Anthony West, Consider the Kali Yuga, March 2008,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1401

So even with the Hindus concept of the Time and Ages, the New Era is beginning in
2025 AD i.e. the Establishment of the Divine Kingdom by Imam Mahdi (AS)


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1402

As per the above article, the 4 Ages totals - 12,000 years and ending in 2025 AD.

We also know from the Sayings of our Masoomeen (AS) that the Rajaat of
Masoomeen of Allah would be 84,000 years as mentioned in the famous book -
Bihar Al Anwar

If we divide, 84,000 years by 12,000, we would get --- Number - 7

12,000 x 7 = 84,000 Years of Rajaat of Masoomeen of Allah

So Before the Big Day of Judgement, the time would go through another 7 phases of
12,000 years in which our 12 Imams or Caliphs of Allah would rule.

 84,000 divide by 12 Imams = 7,000 years of Rule of each Imam

12 Imams x 7,000 years of Rule = 84,000 Years of Rajaat of 12 Imams

Total Period of Rajaat of Masoomeen of Allah = 84,000 Years

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370. The Last Message in the Last Sermon of the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for all the Humanity

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in His Last Sermon on 18th Zil Hajj, 10 Hijri at
the Khum e Ghadir told all the people of the World that He is leaving 2 precious

1. Holy Quran
2. Ahl Al Bayt (Imams)
There are 12 Imams and Caliphs mentioned by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from
Hazrat Ali (AS) to our last Imam, "Imam e Muntazir" i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS).

As all the Muslims are waiting for the Quran which is promised by Hazrat Ali (AS)
that His 11th Son i.e. Imam Mahdi would bring with Him.

And all the Muslims are "Muntazir" for "Imam e Muntazir" i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS).

 The Abjad of the Arabic Word, "Quran" is 351

 The Abjad of the Arabic Words, "Imam e Muntazir" is " 82 + 1590 = 1672
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1405
2 Precious Things left by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for us:

Quran e Samit + 12 Imams

 Quran e Natiq ................ Imam Mahdi
 Imam e Muntazir ..............Imam Mahdi

Quran (351) + Imam e Muntazir (1672) = 2023

2023.......................Indicates the Year in which the whole world would
get the Complete Holy Quran from the 12th Imam e Muntazir i.e. Imam

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371. The Top Post Apocalyptic Films of all Times
mentioning the Crisis after the Apocalypse i.e. Third
World War ---- Movies are also indicating the Crisis

There are lot of movies made in the recent history which films the Post Apocalyptic
scenarios in different ways. Here is the list:

 The 5th Wave

 Left Behind
 Knowing
 Pandemic
 10 Cloverfiled Lane
 The Worthy
 Dust
 Train to Busan
 World War Z
 Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1408

 Transformers: The Last Knight
 Hostile
 Cargo
 The Hunger Games
 Terminator: Genisys
 X - Men: Apocalypse
 State of Emergency
 Into the Forest
 Z for Zachariah
 The Survialist
 Satanic Last Days
 Age of Extinction
 Orion
 Hidden
 Extinction
 12 Monkeys
 Mad Max: Fury Road
 The Road Warrior
 28 Weeks Later
 Akira
 Dawn of the Dead
 Apocalypse
 The Day after Tomorrow
 Zombieland
 X - Men: Days of the Future Past
 Day of the Dead
 The Time Machine
 Snowpiercer
 The Last Man on the Earth
 Dredd
 I am Legend
 Cloud Atlas
 The Road

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1409

 On the Beach
 Night of the Comet
 The Omega Man
 Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
 A Boy and His Dog
 Wizards
 Stephen King's The Stand
 The Book of Eli
 Oblivion
 Monsters
 The Quiet Earth
 Things to Come
 The Day After
 Hardware
 Titan A.E.
 The War Game
 Fist of the North Star
 Black Moon
 Reign of Fire
 Warm Bodies
 After Earth

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372. The Holy Quran - Chapter - 20 (Taha), Verse - 23
(20:23) with reference to the year - 2023

‫ِلنُ ِريَ َك ِﻣ ْﻦ آيَاتِنَا ْل ُك ْب َرا ى‬

"That We show you of Our Greater Signs." (20:23)

In this Surah Taha (20), Verse - 23 of the Holy Quran, the Almighty Allah is telling
the humanity that He would show us His Greater Signs.

These Greater Signs are the clear indication about the Signs which appear in the
Year - 2023 on and after the Kharooj (Exit) and Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

2023...................Year of Greater Signs of Allah

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373. The total Ghaibat period of all Prophets is the
Total Ghaibat of our Imam Mahdi (AS)

‫ق‬ َ ‫ط َبقًا َﻋﻦ‬

ٍ ‫ط َب‬ َ ‫ﻟَﺘ َ ْﺮ َﻛبُ ﱠﻦ‬
"That you shall invariably pass on from one stage to another." (84:19)

 1045
The total Abjad of the Verse - 19 of the Surah - 84 (Al-Inshiqaq) is
 We know that the First Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS) took place in 255
 The Abjad of the Alqabat of Imam Mahdi (AS), "Maula Mahdi" is 145

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1414

If we add the Abjad of the Verse - 19 of Surah - 84 of the Holy Quran i.e. 1045 with
the Year of His First Zahoor i.e. 255 and the Abjad of "Maula Mahdi" i.e. 145, we
would get:

1045 + 255 + 145 = 1445................1445 (Year of the 2nd Zahoor of Imam)

Also we know that the Abjad of name, "Allah" is 66

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Zahoor" is 1111

If we add the Abjad of the Verse - 19, Chapter - 84 i.e. 1045 with the Abjad of the
name of Allah i.e. 66, we would get the Abjad of "Zahoor".

1045 + 66 = 1111 (Zahoor)............ Zahoor of Imam Mahdi on the Order of Allah

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374. The Prophecy of Television screen by Maula Ali
and the End Times

Once Hazrat Ali (AS) said:

"The glasses would appear in the End Times and they would be in every house. It
would show the news and events of close and distant places."

Hazrat Ali (AS) predicted the invention of Televions 1400 years ago and also
predicted the availability of this device in every house and its purpose to show
news and events of near and far off places.

He also predicted about the Invention of "Shutan Antenna". Antenna is a french

word but this word has become international and called Antenna in all the

But the Invention of Television is at the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) as indicated by Maula Ali (AS).

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375. Prophecies of Scientific Discoveries, Inventions and
Modern Developments in the End Times before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) by our Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (AS)

There are several prophecies and predictions of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
and Imams (AS) regarding modern scientific discoveries, inventions and
developments in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). The
emphasis of those prophecies and predictions of the scientific discoveries is on the
End Times rather than on inventions and discoveries.

It is very important to note that all these scientific developments emerge

prominently and globally since 1980's i.e. in the End Times before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1419

Out of many scientific discoveries, inventions and modern developments
mentioned in the Sayings our Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (AS), 14 most popular
discoveries and inventions which have a global impact in the End Times are:

1. Antenna..................mentioned as "Shuttan Antenna" by Hazrat Ali

2. Tunnels in Mecca Mountains.............mentioned as "Round Holes in

Mecca mountains by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

3. High Rise Buildings in Kufa and Mecca ..............mentioned by Hazrat

Ali (AS)

4. Satellites......................mentioned as "Head of Dajjal would be above the sky"

by Hazrat Ali (AS)

5. Sub Marines.................mentioned as "Foot of Dajjal would be under the seas"

by Hazrat Ali (AS)

6. Cell Phones.................mentioned as "Mirrors in which the Momin in the West

would talk to the Momin in the East" by Hazrat Ali (AS).

7. Televisions..................mentioned as "Glasses would be in all houses in which

people would see the near and distant things" by Hazrat Ali (AS)

8. Media News...................mentioned as "Dajjal Voice would be heard every

where in all houses" i.e. Modern Media News by Hazrat Ali (AS)

9. Solar Weapons...............mentioned as "Solar rays would be used to destroy

buildings in the war" mentioned by Hazrat Ali (AS)

10. Talking Shoes..............mentioned as "The men would talk to the shoes" by

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

11. Musical Instruments in pockets..............mentioned as "The people

would take the musical instruments in their pockets" mentioned by Prophet (PBUH)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1420

12. Aeroplanes......................mentioned as "Iron Birds" by Prophet (PBUH)

13. Cars.......................mentioned as "Fast Vehicles carrying Momineen to

Mosques" by Hazrat Ali (AS)

14. Missiles.................mentioned as "Long spears reaching far off places

destroying enemy" by Hazrat Ali (AS)

All the humanity is using these scientific discoveries and inventions in their day to
day lives. This is a very strong explanation of the End Times in which we all are
living, witnessing and using these things before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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376. The Holy Quran - Chapter - 14 (Abraham), Verse
- 44 (14:44) with reference to the Kharooj year of
Imam Mahdi - 1444 Hijri

"And, [O Muhammad], warn the people of a Day when the

punishment will come to them and those who did wrong will
say, "Our Lord, delay us for a short term; we will answer Your call
and follow the messengers." [But it will be said], "Had you not
sworn, before, that for you there would be no cessation?"
(Holy Quran - 14:44)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1423

The Surah Arahim (14) in its Verse - 44 mentions about a Specific Day of Punishment
when it will come, it would be removed on the request of people by Almighty Allah.

There are 2 Qiyamats as described earlier.

1. Qiyamat e Sughra ............................23rd Ramazan on Friday.........Kharooj

Day of Imam Mahdi (AS) from Ghaibat e Kubra to give punishment to all criminals of
the mankind of all times.

2. Qiyamat e Kubra.....................23rd Ramazan on Friday..........Judgement Day

So whether this Ayat - 44 of Surah Abrahim relates to Qiyamat e Sughra i.e. Kharooj
Day of Imam Mahdi (AS) on 23rd Ramazan, Friday in 1444 Hijri or to Qiyamat e
Kubra i.e. Judgement Day on 23rd Ramazan, Friday after 84,000 years of Rajaat
period when all 12 Imams would finish their rule on the Earth in the Last and the
5th Age of the Earth, it mentions about the punishment of the criminals by Almighty
Allah and no forgiveness to them.

Holy Quran (14:44)...........relates to 1444 Hijri...............Kharooj of Imam

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377. The Sino - India War in the Near Future

Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"Sindh (Modern Pakistan) would be destroyed by Hindh (Modern India)

and Hindh (India) would be destroyed by Seen (Modern China)."

In the last few months, the world is witnessing rising military tensions
between China and India and India and Pakistan. All the countries have
placed hundreds of army soldiers on their borders to confront any
military situation in the future.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1425

Chinese and Indian troops face off in Bhutan
border dispute

With the courtesy from:

"Regional rivalry escalates as forces mobilise near borderland that China claims
but India says is in Bhutan.

China has demanded the withdrawal of Indian troops from a scrap of disputed
territory to end an escalating border row between the two Asian powers that has
drawn in tiny Bhutan.

Beijing claims the Indian troops are occupying its soil, but both Bhutan and India
maintain the area in question is Bhutanese territory.

Analysts maintain that armed conflict between the two Asian powers is unlikely,
but say the harsh language and scale of the mobilisation in the remote but
strategically important area, where the borders of China, India and Bhutan
intersect, is unprecedented in recent years.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1426

One former Indian foreign secretary said the impasse, now in its third week, also
marked the first time India and China had squared off on the soil of a third country,
an overt display of the escalating regional rivalry between the pair.

The current standoff began on 16 June when a column of Chinese troops

accompanied by construction vehicles and road-building equipment began moving
south into what Bhutan considers its territory.

Bhutan, a small Himalayan kingdom with close military and economic ties to India,
requested assistance from Delhi, which sent forces to resist the Chinese advance.

To avoid escalation, frontline troops in the area do not generally carry weapons,
and the Chinese and Indian troops reportedly clashed by “jostling”: bumping chests,
without punching or kicking, in order to force the other side backwards.

At the heart of the dispute are different interpretations of where the “trijunction” –
the point where the three countries’ borders meet – precisely lies. China argues its
territory extends south to an area called Gamochen, while India says Chinese
control ends at Batanga La, further to the north.

About 3,000 troops from both countries are reportedly stationed near Doka La , an
area initial media reports said was about 15km from Gamochen, but which satellite
imagery shows could be as close as two to three kilometres away.

In support of its claim, China points to an 1890 treaty signed with the British Raj,
and seemingly endorsed by India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, in a letter
to his Chinese counterpart. India says the letter does not accurately capture Nehru’s
position and that China cannot unilaterally alter the territorial status quo.

It is the longest standoff between the two armies since 1962, when tensions over
Tibet and elsewhere along the border sparked a brief war from which China
emerged victorious.

China still claims a section of the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh and was
angered in April when the Dalai Lama, whom Beijing regards as an “anti-China
separatist”, conducted a tour of the state.

Though India says its troops in Bhutan are in “non-combative mode”, the rhetoric
on both sides is growing increasingly pugilistic. India’s army chief, Bipin Rawat, has

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1427

said that India is ready to fight a “two and half front war” – referring to Pakistan,
China and against the country’s various internal insurgencies.

On Tuesday, an editorial in the Global Times, a Chinese state-run newspaper, called

for Delhi to be taught “a bitter lesson”, warning in a second conflict it would suffer
greater losses than in 1962.

Srikanth Kondapalli, a professor of Chinese Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University

in Delhi, said he believed the standoff would “die down in a little while”, arguing
neither country wanted to fight a full-blown war.

“No one is willing to rock the boat, despite all that we have seen,” he said. Rather,
as it does in the south China sea, he said Beijing was employing a “salami-slicing”
strategy, patiently absorbing small swaths of territory it considers to be its own.

Global attention is usually focused on China’s expansion into east Asia, but the
burgeoning superpower is increasingly also muscling into south Asia, forging links
with countries India considers to be firmly within its sphere of influence.

“For the past six years China has been attempting to hem India in and take away its
strategic space in South Asia,” said Ashok Malik, a fellow at the Delhi-based
Observer Research Foundation.

India was especially sensitive to China’s encroachment near its Bhutanese border,
he said, because it brought Chinese troops uncomfortably close to a section of
Indian territory called the “chicken’s neck”, a thin corridor which, if broached, could
cut Delhi off from its northeastern states.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1428

“This is in fact a provocative gesture which makes the defence of Doklam virtually
the defence of India,” Malik said. “I don’t expect a conflict, but I expect both sides
to stay put as long as Chinese supply and logistical lines will allow.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1429

378. The climax of World War - 3 from September,
2019 till September, 2022 AD ----- Destruction of
1/3rd Humanity --- All over the World

The World War - 3 big events i.e. the use of Nuclear and other major weapons
would probably be in the year, 2022 AD between major Super powers i.e. USA and
its allies and their opponent countries i.e. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Turkey

This World War 3 would officially end in September, 2022 AD.

So the total duration in between 1st World War till the end of the 3rd World War
are 104 years.

1st World War (Start).........................3rd World War (End)

1914 AD till 2022 AD..........................108 Years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1430

108 is the Abjad of the Arabic word, "Haq" i.e. Right. There was no Right and
Justice in the World as witnessed by everyone on this planet during this period of 3
Big Wars.

There are lot of Ahadith and sayings of our Imams (AS) that:

"Five people would die out of Seven before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi."

"One third people would die from Red Death because of War and another One third
people would die from White Death because of Drought and Diseases before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)."

Now if we take the Numbers - Five (5) and Seven (7) from the Hadith of our Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) that this number of people would die because of the War and
put into the Equation as:

17 x 17 x 5 = 1445.........................1445 Hijri.........Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

17 x 17 x 5 = 1445 Hijri
17 x 17 x 7 = 2023..........................2023 AD......Zahoor Year of Imam Mahdi

17 x 17 x 7 = 2023 AD

The Abjad of the name of our Imam, "Mahdi" is 59

The Number - 59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics

 59.......................17th Prime Number

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1431

There are 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Wajib Prayers

 17 Wajib Rakats
There are total 51 Rakats in the whole day

 17 x 3 = 51

 The Number - 17 is the 7th Prime Number in Mathematics.

A point to be noted that the Year is also 2017 in which the major events in the
World would start which would lead the World towards World War - 3 in 2019 AD.

Start of the Major Events of Word War - 3...................20 17 AD

Climax of World War - 3 .................20 21 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1432

The current World Population in 2017 AD is 7.5 billion people.
According to the Hadith and the Sayings of our Imams (AS), two third population of
the World would die before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

So if we deduct 2/3rd population from the current population, then approximately,

5.5 billion people would die and only 2 billion people would be on the Earth upon
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

7.5 billion people x (2/3rd) = 5.5 billion people (Approx) would die

Total Death ------------- 5.5 Billion people

Now if we go through some facts on the population of the World during the last 100
years, we found that:

 1923 AD................................2 Billion people (World population)

 1987 AD................................ 5 Billion people (World Population)
 2012 AD.................................7 Billion people (World Population)

In 2023 AD, the Zahoor year of Imam Mahdi (AD), the World population would
reduce to 2 Billion people from 7.5 Billion people in 2017 AD after the death of
approximately 5.5 billion people in 6 years.

 2 Billion people ........................... 1923 AD

 2 Billion people.............................2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1433

1923 AD till 2023 AD............100 Years period

The World population would reduce back to 2 Billion people as of 1923 AD

i.e. the humanity would go back 100 years.

1923 AD...................2 Billion People .................2023 AD

Loss of 5.5 Billion people in a period of 6 years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1434

379. The Famous Personalities in the World are
predicting the coming Economic Collapse in 2021 AD

There are lot of famous personalities in the political circles, education field, media
and other spheres of life who are predicting the coming Economic collapse and the
World War - 3 starting from the month ---October 13th, 2017 AD and continuing in
the years - 2018 to 2021 AD and ending in the year - 2022 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1435

Some of the few famous names are:

 Noam Chomsky .... Professor of MIT

 Gerald Celente....... Trend Analyst & the
 Max Keiser........ Anchor and Host of Keiser
 Peter Lavelle -------------Anchor and Host of the Cross Talk on RT Channel
 Thom Hartmann ......Anchor & Host of the Big Picture on RT Channel
 David Vaughan Icke.....Writer and Public
 Alex Jones.............Anchor & Host of Info
 James Rickards......American Lawyer & Commentator
 George Friedman.....U.S. geopolitical forecaster & Strategist
 John Perkins.......Author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"
 Julian Assange.....Founder of Wikileaks....Famous Whistleblower
 Syed Zaid Hamid......Military Strategist
 Imran N. Hosein......Scholar, Author &
 Hamza Yusuf.....American Islamic
 Shahid Masood.....Journalist,
 Mehdi Hasan..........British Political Journalist & Author
 Bassam Jarrar.......Author and
 Paul Craig Robert.....American Economist, Journalist & Blogger
 Jim Rogers......American Businessman, Investor, Commentator
 Ron Paul......American Politician, Author and former U.S. Representative
 Karen Hudes.....Whistle blower and
 Peter Schiff......American Investor, Author and Commentator
 Steve Quayle.....American Financial
 Robert Kiyosaki.....Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"
 Hary Dent.............Author of "The Great Depression Ahead"
 David Quintieri........Author of books and financial commentator
 Edward Rickards......Author of book, "The Death of Money"
 Albert Redfield.......Author of book, "The World War - 3"

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1436

380. The Time would fly in the End Times before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

As everyone has noticed that time is flying. The years, months, and weeks pass
quickly. Why? Sharing a good article by Jim Tetlow with Christian perspective

The Quickening: Is Time Accelerating?

Article by Jim Tetlow – Author of 101 Last Days Prophecies: www.eternal-

Many have noted that time seems to be accelerating. The hours, days, seasons, and
years appear to fly by faster than ever before. An hour no longer feels like 60
minutes (unless you’re waiting in line!). One week seems to run into the next. It’s as
if we’re watching the blur of a speeding train pass by. Science and Scripture The
pace of life has certainly increased, but is time speeding up?

Recently, scientists have been shocked to discover that their measurements

indicate the expansion of the universe is actually increasing. Rather than slowing
down, as their Big Bang theory postulates, astronomers have been stunned to learn
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1437
that the expansion of the universe appears to be accelerating. 1 CNN reports
“Scientists are scratching their heads over a finding that indicates the universe,
rather than slowing down, is being expanded by a mysterious force at an
accelerating rate.” 2 God’s Word states simply: “(God) alone spreads out the
heavens…” (Job 9:8). Therefore this “mysterious force” is no mystery to a Bible
believer. It is God Himself who stretches out the heavens at the pace He sees fit.

However, it is interesting that secular scientists have determined that the universe
– which is comprised of time, space, matter, and energy – is expanding at an
increasing rate. Would this affect the dimension we call time? We on earth do not
understand time well enough to draw any conclusions; however, the Creator
certainly knows the answer. If an acceleration of time is occurring, is it anticipated
in the Bible? When describing the Great Tribulation period, Jesus stated: “And
unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake
those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:22).

Jesus said that if He did not cut those days short, man would destroy all flesh. 3 Of
course, the context of Matthew 24:22 refers to Jesus coming back to earth to rescue
His people from the intense trials which will come upon the earth during the
Tribulation. Yet, as is often true of other Bible prophecies, could this perceived
speeding of time foreshadow that which will be fully realized during the Great
Tribulation? Creation Birth Pangs Do other Scriptures indicate a speed-up of time in
the last days? While there is no single Scripture that specifically states that time will
speed up, several passages imply a quickening during earth’s final days. Jesus
likened the last days’ signs to birth pangs (Matthew 24:8).

The Greek word odin, often translated as sorrows in Matthew 24:8, literally means
birth pangs. In addition, the apostle Paul reminded us that “the creation itself also
will be delivered from the bondage

This, in itself, is an amazing prophecy. Consider that when the Lord made this
declaration the armaments of His day were swords and spears. But today, with

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1438

nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, it is possible to wipe out all flesh on
planet earth. of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we
know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until
now” (Romans 8:21-22).

As the time of delivery draws near, birth pangs always increase in both intensity
and frequency. Therefore, the creation itself would travail with increased frequency
as the time of delivery draws near. Interestingly, Scripture teaches that time is a
physical property and is therefore part of God’s creation (Genesis 1:1; 2 Timothy
1:9). Therefore the dimension we call time would also travail, and perhaps increase,
as earth’s final days climax.

Time Changes Jesus explained that at the very end of this age, “Immediately after
the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give
its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be
shaken” (Matthew 24:29). We are told that God created “lights” (the sun, moon,
and stars) in the heavens “for signs and seasons, and for days and years” (Genesis

For instance, a year is the time required for the earth to travel once around the sun.
The seasons are caused by the changing position of the earth in relation to the sun.
And the moon’s phases follow one another in clock-like precision – constituting the
lunar calendar. If these lights – the sun, moon, and stars – are affected in the last
days, and the very “powers of heaven” shaken, does this indicate a significant
disruption in how the dimension of time will pass?

In the Book of Amos we are informed: “And it shall come to pass in that day [the
Tribulation], says the Lord GOD, that I will make the sun go down at noon, and I will
darken the earth in broad daylight” (Amos 8:9). Certainly God Himself “changes the
times and the seasons” (Daniel 2:21) as He sees fit.

He is the one and only Sovereign God. He alone determines kings and nations and
ordinances and times and seasons. So it is no surprise that His Word anticipates this
time dilation, and perhaps acceleration. Interestingly, Scripture even informs us
that the Antichrist “shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall
persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law…”
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1439
(Daniel 7:25). More Scriptures that Suggest Acceleration Other Scriptures that imply
this quickening of life include Daniel 12:4: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and
seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge
shall increase.” Today we are witnessing an explosion of available knowledge.

With the advent of the computer, and now the Internet, it is estimated that our
cumulative knowledge is doubling every five years. And since the Industrial
Revolution, multitudes are running to and fro just as the Bible prophesied. This
exponential increase in available knowledge, and the ability to travel conveniently
at accelerated speeds, is beyond what anyone could have imagined!

Interestingly, as an aside, evolution teaches that the cosmos evolved by random

chance, yet the Bible agrees with the observable evidence: God created “lights” (the
sun, moon, and stars) in the heavens “for signs and seasons, and for days and
years” (Genesis 1:14-16). Another Scripture that may anticipate this perceived
increase in the passing of time is found in the Book of Revelation.

During the tribulation period, which is described in Revelation chapters 6-19, we

read that the judgments will follow in rapid succession. Once the Tribulation begins,
these events will transpire very rapidly: “The second woe is past. Behold, the third
woe is coming quickly” (Revelation 11:14). Read Revelation chapters 6 through 19
for yourself and see how many global cataclysmic events are compressed into less
than 7 years of history. Coupled with Jesus’ and Paul’s birth pangs warnings, these
Scriptures indicate that as we draw closer to these climaxing events, we should
expect the last days’ signs to also occur with increased rapidity.

Furthermore, Jesus declared in the final book of the Bible: “Behold, I am coming
quickly!” (Revelation 3:11). In fact, Jesus reiterates three times in the last chapter of
the Bible that He is coming quickly (Revelation 22:7, 12, 20). Some commentators
note that the Lord is not only declaring that His return is imminent, but that this
phrase also indicates that once these events begin to occur they will follow in rapid-
fire succession.

One more Scripture concerning the last days that we will quote states concisely,
“The great day of the LORD is near; it is near and hastens quickly…” (Zephaniah
1:14). Last Days Bible Prophecies Those who study the Bible know that we are living
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1440
in the last days and the times of these prophesied birth pangs are currently ramping
up. Every major last days’ trend anticipated in the Bible is being positioned in place.
Like a tsunami that sweeps the globe, developments in Bible prophecy are
overwhelming and irrefutable. During the Olivet Discourse, Jesus listed several last
days’ signs and then summarized: “So you also, when you see all these things, know
that it is near – at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no
means pass away till all these things take place” (Matthew 24:33-34).

In other words, once we see all the signs coming into focus, we should expect the
climax of these events within one generation. 5 Here is a list of some of the major
Biblical last days’ trends – all of which are in place today:

1) Wide-spread deception in Christ’s name (Matthew 24:4-5; 11; 24-26; 2

Thessalonians 2; 2 Peter 2:1-3; etc.)

2) Global communications foreseen (Revelation 11:9-10; 17:8).

3) A global cry for peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

4) Chaotic weather prevalent (Luke 21:25-26).

5) A move toward a global government (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:23; Revelation 13:7-8).

6) Technology capable of tracking the world’s population (Revelation 13:16-17).

7) Israel regathered into their nation after being dispersed for nearly two millennia
(Isaiah 11:11-12; 43:5-6; 66:8; Jeremiah 31:7-10; Ezekiel 37:21-22; 38:8).

8) Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all nations (Zechariah 12:2-3).

9) Israel prospering economically (Ezekiel 38:12-13). 5 Many differ in their opinion

on what is meant by a generation (40 or 70 or 120 years have been proposed), and
what exactly is the trigger point (the rebirth of Israel in 1948, or the regaining of the
control of Jerusalem in 1967, or when all signs are in place). However, the clear
exhortation given by Jesus repeatedly is that we should be awake and looking up
eagerly expecting our Lord’s return at any moment.

10) Preparations to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem (Daniel 9:27; 12:11; Mark
13:14; Revelation 11:1-2).
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1441
11) Russia, Iran and other countries rising as military powers and preparing a
surprise attack on Israel (Ezekiel 38).

12) Anti-Semitism worldwide increasing (Deuteronomy 28:37; Jeremiah 29:18;


13) Homosexuality flaunted (Luke 17:28-30; Genesis 19; Jude 1:7).

14) A move toward a global religion (Revelation 13:8; Revelation 17).

15) Lawlessness abounding (Matthew 24:12; Revelation 9:21).

16) Babylon reemerging on the world scene (Zechariah 5:11; Isaiah 13; Revelation

17) Increased interest in the occult, witchcraft, and sorceries (Revelation 9:21;
18:23; 21:8; Isaiah 47:9-15; Micah 5:10-15).

18) The kings of the East rising (Revelation 9:14-16; 16:12). There are many more
last days’ signs that appear to be culminating before our very eyes.

Therefore, all indications are that delivery must also be fast approaching. Whether
time is actually speeding up, or whether our perception is the result of these birth
pangs increasing, we cannot be certain. One thing is for sure, the Bible is true and
the Lord’s return is near. The Gospel Yes, events are climaxing. Time is short.

Therefore, the most important question for each of us to answer is “Do we know
the Lord?” “Are we prepared to meet our Creator?” The Bible states that sin has
separated us from God (Isaiah 59:2). A quick review of the Ten Commandments
(Exodus 20) should prove this fact. One lie makes us liars in God’s holy eyes. Placing
our interests or any created thing before our Creator or His Word is idolatry.

Lust is adultery according to Jesus (Matthew 5:27-28). Saying “Oh my God” casually
is taking His name in vain – also known as blasphemy – and this commandment is
even listed before “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:7-13). The truth is we have all
sinned against our Creator.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1442

The penalty for any sin is death – physical death and spiritual separation in hell
(Romans 6:23; Revelation 21:8). “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great
love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive
together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)” (Ephesians 2:4-5).

The wonderful news is that our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, became a man and
died for our sins. Jesus never sinned yet He willingly and in love died in our place.
He paid for all our sins on the cross and then rose from the grave, defeating death!
All who repent (turn) from their sins and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior will be
saved. Time is short. Please do not wait.

Place your trust in Jesus Christ as Creator, Lord and Savior today! “Whereas you do
not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that
appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14). “Behold, now is the
accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). “For by Him
(Jesus Christ) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.

All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in
Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the
beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the
preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and
by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things
in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.

And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet
now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy,
and blameless, and above reproach in His sight” (Colossians 1:16-22).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1443

381. The Famous Mystic - Horacio Villegas who
predicted the Donald Trump's presidency claims
World War - 3 is about to start on 13th Oct, 2017

With the courtesy, Presenting an article published in the The Star:

"Self-proclaimed "messenger of God" Horacio Villegas warns that nuclear

warfare will erupt later this year.
MYSTIC who says he foresaw Donald Trump's presidency has now predicted the
EXACT date World War 3 will start.
The self-proclaimed "messenger of God", Horacio Villegas, thinks nuclear warfare will erupt
later this year - on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1444

Catholic Horacio, from Texas, USA, predicted Trump's election win as far back as 2015,
he told the Daily Star.
He also labelled the US President the "Illuminati king" who would "bring the world into
Chillingly, one of his prophecies - that Trump would attack Syria - has already come true.
The billionaire businessman launched a huge air strike on an airbase in Homs earlier this
The clairvoyant said that this move would bring Russia, North Korea and China into the
His latest vision came to him in the form of a dream, in April, in which Horacio says he "saw
balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth".
“People everywhere were running around trying to hide from this destruction,” he added.
Horacio claims D-Day will fall on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of
Fatima, the Virgin Mary, which started on May 13, 1917.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1445

It was on that day, according to Catholic belief, Jesus' mother visited a village in Portugal
and warned that if they did not convert Russia to the faith, God would wreak havoc on the
Her sixth and final visit was said to be on October 13, 1917 - and the 100th anniversary of
this date is approaching in just two months time.
Horacio told the Daily Star: “The main message that people need to know in order be
prepared is that between May 13 and October 13 2017, this war will occur and be over with
much devastation, shock and death.”
The warning comes after Trump reportedly launched supersonic B-1B bombers from Guam
airbase and warned America would respond to threats with “fire and fury” as North Korea
warned of plans to attack the US naval outpost."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1446

Another article on His prophecies was published in
Presenting that article with the courtesy and the link of that article is:

"Third world war has been feared to be the end of the world for decades now.
However, ever since Donald Trump was elected as the President of United States,
there have been increased rumours of World War III becoming a possibility. And
these rumours are now increasing as Clairvoyant Horacio Villegas has predicted that
the third world war will begin on 13th May 2017. With the unique and invasive
methods of President Donald Trump which has openly challenged and ridiculed
various countries, the tension in the world has been rising and to add to this, the
‘Messenger of God’ has claimed that the world is heading for a nuclear war and he
also claimed that President Donald Trump will be the one to initiate the third World
War. The mystic who predicted Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential
elections claims that he had a vision about this catastrophic event. Third World War

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1447

will begin on 13th May? Agra astrologers conduct special shanti yagna to
prevent World War 3.
Horacio Villegas has made various predictions to date revolving around the United
States President Donald Trump and had prophesied that Trump would attack Syria.
Villegas says that World War III will begin on the 100th anniversary of the ciitation of
Our Lady of Fatima on 13th May 2017 and his prediction does not end there. The
clairvoyant who had the vision in a dream revealed that he saw ‘balls of fire falling
from the sky and hitting the Earth.’ Villegas claimed that President Trump will be
named as the ‘Illuminati King’ and will begin the third world war. The self-proclaimed
supernatural being claimed that North Korea would be the next target for the United
States of America. North Korea warns United States, says ‘we are ready for war’.
The tension between the US and North Korea are extremely high as the countries as
pitting against each other. The recent attack on Syria which was planned and
executed caused a lot of distress between North Korea, China and Russia. North
Korea had already warned the US to stay away from them when they tried to
pressure around the Nuclear weapons in North Korea. North Korean leader Kim
Jong Un recently warned that they have a super-mighty pre-emptive strike planned.
President Donald Trump is not taking this warning lightly and has warned of a
possibility of a “major conflict”. The United States President said that if the diplomatic
way fails, the matters will deteriorate quickly. In this time, the North Korean forces
have turned to ASEAN for support and help in putting an end to the fear of “nuclear
holocaust.” China has already called back its people from North Korea and the world
is full of hints that the Third World War is just about to begin.
Horacio Villegas’ vision causes a lot of tension as people contemplate the possibility
of another world war, and this time a nuclear one. The exact date being predicted by
the self-proclaimed seer marks the 100th anniversary of the Visitation of Virgin Mary.
According to beliefs, the Virgin Mary has visited Fatima in Portugal on six different
occasions, and the last visit was marked on May 13, 1917. Our Lady had announced
the end of World War during this visit and asked the soldiers to return home soon.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1448

The clairvoyant has made various other prophecies and has claimed to have visions
in the past as well. Horacio Villegas claimed that he was kept single by the almighty
above with no children so that he can focus on delivering God’s messages to his
people. According to him, “The main message that people need to know in order be
prepared is that between May 13th and October 13, 2017, this war will occur and be
over with much devastation, shock and death!”

 Start of Third World War ---- 13th Oct, 2017 AD

 Expected End of Third World War ----- 28th July, 2022 AD

 Start of First World War ----- 28th July, 1914 AD

Total Duration of all 3 World Wars ----- 108 Years

Start Date of First World War = 28th July = End Date of Third World War

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1449

382. The List of 100 Most Notorious Enemies of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Imams (AS) & Ahal e
Bait (AS) and Imam Mahdi (AS) would take revenge

There are so many enemies of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the family of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in His life and after His Shahdat.

Following is the list of Most Prominent Enemies of our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) and
Imams (AS) in their lives. Not listing those people who are born after the Ghaibat of
Imam Mahdi (AS) because there are so many to list them in a short list.

1. Umar Ibn e Khatab -- Killed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) & Bibi Fatima
2. Abu Bakar Ibn e Kahafa - Killed Prophet (PBUH) & Bibi Fatima
3. Ayesha binte Abu Bakar - Poisoned & Killed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
4. Hafza binte Umar Ibn e Khatab' --- Enemy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
5. Usman Ibn e Uffan -- Belongs to Bani Ummiyah --- Enemy of Maula Ali
6. Abu Lahab -- Uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
7. Abu Sufiyan -- Biggest Enemy and Head of Bani Ummiyah
8. Abu Jahal -- Uncle of Umar Ibne Khatab

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1450

9. Ka`b bin al-Ashraf - Enemy of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
10. Hind bint Utbah - Wife of Abu Sufiyan
11. Muawiyah Ibn e Abu Sufiyan
12. Umm e Jamil - Sister of Mawayia
13. Yazeed bin Muawiyah -- Killed Imam Hussain (AS)
14. Marjana -- Mother of Yazeed bin Muawiyah
15. Marwaan -- Who was exiled by the order of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
16. Asma binte Marwan
17. Utba ibn Rabi'ah --- Killed by Hazrat Amir Hamza in the Battle of Badr
18. Walid ibn Utba --- Killed by Hazrat Ali in the Battle of Badr
19. Shaybah ibn Rabi'ah --- Killed by Hazrat Ali in the Battle of Badr
20. Umar ibn Wahb --- Known Hypocrite and favoured Bani Ummiyah
21. Uqbah ibn Abu Mu'ayt --- Killed by Hazrat Ali
22. Abd Allah ibn Ubayy --- Chief of Khazraj tribe and the Enemy of Prophet
23. Marhab - Who was killed by Hazrat Ali in the Battle of Khyber
24. Antar -- Who was killed by Hazrat Ali in the Battle of Khyber
25. Harris -- Who was killed by Hazrat Ali in the Battle of Khyber
26. Khalid bin Waleed -- Enemy of Imam Ali and His Family
27. Umar Ibn e Abdawad --- Attacked in Battle of Khandaq
28. Musalimah bin Habib --- Who claimed false Prophethood
29. Ibne Muljim --- Killed Maula Ali (AS)
30. Johda - Wife of Imam Hassan --- Poisoned Imam Hassan (AS)
31. Shimr ibn Ziljushan --- Killed Imam Hussain (AS)
32. Ibne Ziyad -- Killed Hazrat Ameer Muslim (AS)
33. Umar Ibn e Saad -- Killed Imam Hussain (AS)
34. Hurmala --- Killed Hazrat Ali Asghar (AS)
35. Haseen bin Numair -- Killed Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS)
36. Harris Ibne Nofal -- Who tortured Bibi Zainab (AS) from Karbala to Syria
37. Waleed bin Abd Malik --- Killed Imam Zain Al Abeedeen(AS)
38. Hisham bin Abd Malik --- Killed Imam Baqir (AS)
39. Dawanaqi --- Killed Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS)
40. Haroon Rasheed --- Killed Imam Moosa e Kazim (AS)
41. Mamun Rasheed --- Killed Imam Reza (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1451

42. Muatassimbillah -- Killed Imam Taqi (AS)
43. Ome Al Fazl - Daughter of Mamun Rasheed - Poisoned Imam Taqi (AS)
44. Mu'tazz Billah --- Killed Imam Naqi (AS)
45. Mutamid ---- Killed Imam Hassan Askari (AS)
46. Talha --- Who played role in the Battle of Jaml against Hazrat Ali
47. Zubair --- Who played role in the Battle of Jaml against Hazrat Ali
48. Abu Huraira -- Who narrated so many false Ahadith
49. Amar Ibne Aas --- Advisor of Mawaiya
50. Harris ibne Noman -- Who asked for the punishment of Allah on Ghadir
51. Sanan bin Anas ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
52. Maaqal ---- Killed Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel in Kufa
53. Rasheed --- Killed Hazrat Hani --- Shaheed e Karbala
54. Sheesh bin Rabee ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
55. Muhammad bin Ashas ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
56. Mazoor bin Rabia ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
57. Abdullah --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
58. Malik bin Bashir --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
59. Naqee bin Malik --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
60. Haris bin Bashir --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
61. Harris bin Nofal --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
62. Kholi bin Yazeed ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
63. Amaar ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
64. Usman bin Khalid --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
65. Bashir bin Soat ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
66. Zayad bin Malik --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
67. Ubaid bin Aswad ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
68. Mara bin Manqaz Abadi --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
69. Hakeem bin Tufail --- Killed Hazrat Abbas e Alamdar (AS) in Karbala
70. Ishaq bin Ashas --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
71. Abul Khaleeq --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
72. Taees bin Khasas Shaebani --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
73. Umar bin Sabeeh Saedari --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
74. Malik bin Haesham Badani --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1452

75. Hamal bin Malik Maharbi --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
76. Bajool bin Saleem Kalbi ---- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
77. Umar bin Khalid --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
78. Raqad bin Malik --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
79. Abdur Rehman --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
80. Abdur Rehman bin Qaees Khulani--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
81. Asma bin Kharja Qazari --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
82. Qazi Sharih Kufi --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
83. Akhtas bin Murshid --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
84. Haseen bin Sameem--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
85. Bahrain bin Kaab--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
86. Ishaq bin Joevaeria--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
87. Razi bin Manqaz --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
88. Salim bin Khashmir --- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
89. Saleh bin Joofy--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
90. Abdullah bin Salghat--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
91. Abdullah bin Wahab Hamdani--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
92. Muhajir bin Ous Tamimi--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
93. Nofal bin Tufail--- Killed Hazrat Ali Akbar (AS) in Karbala
94. Wahita bin Naem--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
95. Hani bi Shabas Khazarmi--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
96. Abdur Rehman bin Salkhat--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
97. Khaus bin Umar Saad--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
98. Abdul Malik bin Marwan --- Son of Marwan and King of Bani Ummiyah
99. Khooli Asbahi--- Killed Shaheed e Karbala
100. Hajaj bin Yousuf -- Strong Enemy of the Family of Prophet Muhammad

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1453

‫‪The List of the Cursed Criminals of Islam and Family of Prophet‬‬
‫‪Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Mahdi (AS) would take revenge‬‬
‫‪from them after His Zahoor‬‬

‫ﺑـــــــــﺮاﺑؤﺑكﺮ ﻟﻌﻨـــــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋثﻤــــــان ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮمﻌاويـــــه ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋﻤﺮوﻋــــاص ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋايﺸــــــه ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ ﺑﺮﺣﻔﺼـــــــــه‬
‫ﺑــــﺮام ﺣكــــم ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاﺑوســــــــــﻔيان ﻟﻌﻨــــــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاﺑوﻟهـــــــب ﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاﺑوجهــــــل ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋــــــامﺮﺑن طﻔيــــــل ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ ﺑﺮاســــــودﺑن ﻋبــــــديغوث ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﺣــــارث ﺑــــن ط طلــــه ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاســــــودﺑن مطلــــــب ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮازيــــــدﺑن قيــــــس ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــﺮام جﻤيــــل ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــــــﺮمﻌﻤﺮﺑن يﺰيــــــــدﻟﻌﻨﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋتبـــــه ﺑـــــن اﺑـــــي ﻟهـــــب ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮن ــــــ ﺑن ﺣــــــارث ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫اﺑوهـــــﺮيﺮه ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖﺑــــﺮ‬
‫ﺑﺮقﻨﻔــــــــﺬ ﻟﻌﻨــــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮمغــــــيﺮه ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮخاﻟـــــــــدﺑن وﻟيـــــــــدﻟﻌﻨﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮوﻟيـــــــد ﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋــــاص ﺑــــن وائــــل ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫‪Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior‬‬ ‫‪Page 1454‬‬
‫ﺑﺮﺣــــارث ﺑــــن وﻟيــــد ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮســــﻌد ﺑــــن اﺑــــي وقــــاص ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋبـــــــد ﺑـــــــن ﻋﻤﺮﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮطلﺤـــــه ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮمﺮﺣــــب ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑـــــــﺮﻋﻤﺮﺑن ﻋبـــــــدودﻟﻌﻨﺖ ﺑـــــــﺮاﺑوجﺮول ﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــﺮانس ﺑــــن ماﻟــــك ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮزيــــــدﺑن ارقــــــم ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮيﺰيــــــدﺑن وديﻌــــــه ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋبـــــداﻟﺮﺣﻤن مـــــدﻟج ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮشــــــبيب ﺑــــــن ﺑجــــــﺮه ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑـــــﺮوردان ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــﺮاﺑن ملجــــم مــــﺮادي ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮقطـــــام ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاشـــــﻌث ﺑـــــن قيـــــس ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮجﻌــــده ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮيﺰيــــــد ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑـــــــﺮاﺑن زيادﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮشـــــﻤﺮ ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋﻤﺮســـــﻌد ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﺣﺮملـــــه ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑـــــﺮخوﻟي ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮســــــﻨان ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮشـــــبث ﺑـــــن رﺑﻌـــــي ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ا ــــ ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖﺑﺮ ـــــــــ يح ق‬
‫ﺑــــــﺮﺑكﺮﺑن ﻋﻤــــــﺮان ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋبـــــدﷲ ﺑـــــن ﺣـــــوزه ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــــﺮﺣكيم ﺑــــــن طﻔيــــــل ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮنوفــــــل ا ــــــ زرق ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬

‫‪Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior‬‬ ‫‪Page 1455‬‬

‫ﺑــــﺮﻋﻤﺮوﺑن ﺣجــــاج ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاﻋورســــــلﻤي ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑـــــﺮاﺑجﺮ ﺑـــــن كﻌـــــب ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮصــــاﻟح ﺑــــن وهــــب اﻟﻤــــﺰني ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﺣﺼــــــين ﺑــــــن ﺗﻤيــــــم ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــــﺮاﺑوايوب غﻨــــــوي ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮزرﻋـــــة ﺑـــــن ـــــ يك ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــــﺮاخﻨس ﺑــــــن مﺮثــــــدﻟﻌﻨﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاســــــــودﺑن خاﻟــــــــدﻟﻌﻨﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﺑﺤــــــدل ﺑــــــن ســــــليم ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑـــــﺮقيس ﺑـــــن اشـــــﻌث ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮجــــــاﺑﺮﺑن يــــــﺰدازدي ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮاســــﺤاق ﺑــــن ﺣبــــوه ﺣ ــــ مي ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮماﻟـــــك ﺑـــــن ي ـــــ ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑـــــﺮجﻤيع ﺑـــــن اﻟخلـــــق اودي ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮف ــــــــ فس نهﺸــــــــلي ﻟﻌﻨــــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﺣﻤيــــــدﺑن مﺴــــــلم ﻟﻌﻨــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮيﺤـــــــيي ﺑـــــــن ﺣكـــــــم ﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ ﺑﺮﻋبـــــــدﷲ ﺑـــــــن زﺑيﺮﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮمﺼـــــــﻌب ﺑـــــــن زﺑيﺮﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑــــن ﻋﻘبــــه ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ ﺑﺮمﺸـــــــــلم‬
‫ﺑــــﺮمﺮوان ﺣكــــم ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﻋبـــــداﻟﻤلك ﺑـــــن مـــــﺮوان ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮهﺸـــــام ﻟﻌﻨـــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮﺣجــــاج ﺑــــن يوســــف ﻟﻌﻨــــﺖ‬
‫ﺑﺮســـــــﻔاح ﻟﻌﻨـــــــﺖ‬

‫‪Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior‬‬ ‫‪Page 1456‬‬

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1457
383. The Most Famous People in Islamic History and
they would help Imam Mahdi (AS) after His Zahoor

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2. Hazrat Maula Ali (AS)
3. Hazrat Bibi Fatima (AS)
4. Imam Hassan (AS)
5. Imam Hussain (AS)
6. Imam Zain Al Abedeen (AS)
7. Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS)
8. Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS)
9. Imam Musa e Kazim (AS)
10. Imam Ali Reza (AS)
11. Imam Muhammad Taqi (AS)
12. Imam Ali Naqi (AS)
13. Imam Hassan Askari (AS)
14. Imam Mahdi (AS)
15. Hazrat Bibi Zainab (AS) --- Daughter of Maula Ali (AS)
16. Hazrat Bibi Ume Kulsoom (AS) -- Daugher of Maula Ali (AS)
17. Hazrat Bibi Sakina (AS) --- Daughter of Imam Hussain (AS)
18. Hazrat Abbas e Alamdar (AS) --- Son of Maula Ali (AS)
19. Harzat Ali Akbar (AS) --- Son of Imam Hussain (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1458

20. Hazrat Ali Asghar (AS) --- Son of Imam Hussain (AS)
21. Hazrat Qasim (AS) --- Son of Imam Hassan (AS)
22. Hazrat Aun ibn e Abdullah (AS)
23. Hazrat Muhammad ibn e Abdullah (AS)
24. Hazrat Abdul Mutalib (AS) --- Father of Hazrat Abu Talib (AS)
25. Hazrat Abdullah (AS) --- Father of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
26. Hazrat Abu Talib (AS)--- Father of Maula Ali (AS)
27. Hazrat Bibi Amina (AS) --- Mother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
28. Hazrat Bibi Fatima Bint e Asad (AS) --- Mother of Maula Ali (AS)
29. Hazrat Bibi Khadija (AS) -- Wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
30. Hazrat Talib (AS) --- Brother of Maula Ali (AS)
31. Hazrat Jaffar e Tayyar (AS) --- Brother of Maula Ali (AS)
32. Hazrat Aqeel (AS) --- Brother of Maula Ali (AS)
33. Hazrat Bibi Nargis (AS) --- Mother of Imam Mahdi (AS)
34. Hazrat Bibi Ume Laila (AS) ---- Mother of Maula Ali Akbar (AS)
35. Hazrat Bibi Ume Farwa (AS) ---- Mother of Hazrat Qasim (AS)
36. Hazrat Bibi Shehar Banoo (AS) --- Mother of Imam Zain Al Abedeen (AS)
37. Hazrat Bibi Rabab (AS) -- Wife of Imam Hussain (AS)
38. Hazrat Bibi Ruqqiya (AS) Bibi Pak Daman---- Daughter of Maula Ali (AS)
39. Hazrat Bibi Ume Salma (AS) -- Wife of Prophet Muhammad (AS)
40. Hazrat Bibi Umal Baneen (AS) --- Wife of Maula Ali (AS)
41. Hazrat Bibi Masooma e Qum (AS) --- Daughter of Imam Musa e Kazim (AS)
42. Hazrat Bibi Samana (AS) - Mother of Imam Naqi (AS)
43. Hazrat Bibi Fatima binte Imam Hassan (AS) --- Wife of 4th Imam (AS)
44. Hazrat Ameer Muslim (AS) --- Son of Hazrat Aqeel (AS)
45. Hazrat Shah Balad (AS) --- Son of Imam Naqi (AS)
46. Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi (SA) ----- Great Grandson of Bibi Fatima Sughra
47. Hazrat Shams Tabraeez (SA) ------ Great Grandson of Maula Ali (AS)
48. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Jaffar e Tayyar
49. Hazrat Asma bint e Umaes
50. Hazrat Muhammad bin Abe Bakar
51. Hazrat Bibi Fatima Sughra
52. Hazrat Bibi Fatima Kubra

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1459

53. 3 Brothers of Hazrat Abbas - Shaheed e Karbala
54. Hazrat Hur - Shaheed e Karbala
55. Hazrat Habib ibn e Mazahir - Shaheed e Karbala
56. 4 Sons of Maula Abbas
57. Hazrat Zuhair - Shaheed e Karbala
58. Hazrat Umm e Farwah - Mother of Imam Jaffar e Sadiq
59. Hazrat Muhammad bin Hazrat Muslim
60. Hazrat Ibrahim bin Hazrat Muslim
61. Hazrat Bibi Hamida - Mother of Imam Musa e Kazim
62. Hazrat Bibi Takhtum (Najma Khatoon) - Mother of Imam Raza
63. Hazrat Bibi Sabika - Mother of Imam Taqi
64. Hazrat Bibi Haditha - Mother of Imam Hassan Askari
65. Hazrat Bibi Hakima Khatoon
66. Hazrat Ameer Hamza - Uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
67. Hazrat Salman e Muhammadi
68. Hazrat Qambar
69. Hazrat Zaid ibn e Imam Baqir
70. Hazrat Awais e Qarni
71. Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari
72. Hazrat Malik e Ashtar
73. Hazrat Abu Hanfia ibn Maula Ali
74. Hazrat Khadija bint e Maula Ali
75. Hazrat Bilal
76. Hazrat Shahbaz Lal Qalandar
77. Shaheed e Karbala - 72 persons
78. Hazrat Bibi Fizza
79. Hazrat Maesam e Tammar
80. Hazrat Rasheed Hajri

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384. The Severe Conflict among Arabs would arise
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as told by
Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS)

Hazrat Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) once said:

"Give me the news of the death of Abdullah and I would give you the good news of
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). After his death, the years of their government
would gone. The rulers would come for days and months. Even the ruler in the
morning would be replaced in the evening by another ruler. There would be severe
conflict in the family of rulers."

As the world is witnessing the current politics in the family of Sauds of Saudi Arabia
after the death of King Abdullah in 2015. King Salman replaced King Abdullah but he
is very ill and practically his son, Muhammad known as MBS (Muhammad Bin
Salman) is ruling Saudi Arabia.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1462

Saudi Purge in 2017

There would be 15 rulers after the death of King Abdullah before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) but their rule is very short for months and days as predicted by
our Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS).

Let us examine what is happening in Saudi Arabia by analyzing the situation in


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1463

With the courtesy of the following website, presenting the article of Zeeshan Aleem
of the motives of MBS - Muhammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia in the arrest of his

"Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s decision to arrest scores of the
country’s most prominent officials and business elites under the banner of an anti-
corruption purge last week was a remarkable power play, an unprecedented move
designed to concentrate all authority in the Gulf state in one man’s hands.

But the radical shake-up was also about something else: preparing for life after oil.

MBS, as the 32-year-old heir to the throne is widely known, has not just been
detaining people — he’s also been seizing billions of dollars of their money. And he’s
using this crackdown to make the case to the world that Saudi Arabia is a reformed
nation cleansed of graft, and worthy of a big boost of foreign investment.

In other words, the purge is more than just a way of eliminating his rivals and
consolidating power. Experts say that MBS sees it as an opportunity to refill his
country’s coffers while he works to modernize the stagnating Saudi economy and
wean it off its near-total reliance on oil.

MBS’s anti-corruption committee, which he formed just hours before the arrests
began on November 4, has pledged to take “whatever measures are deemed
necessary” to confiscate the assets of corrupt officials and businessmen.

Saudi authorities have detained more than 200 people and frozen thousands of
bank accounts. A US official briefed on the crackdown told the New York Times that
the committee has even tried to get some of the people caught up in the sweep to
sign over large amounts of money in order to secure better treatment while
detained. (At least 17 people have required medical treatment due to abuse from

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1464

Senior Saudi Arabian prince Miteb bin Abdullah became the first senior figure to be
released from detainment in late November after agreeing to pay over $1 billion to
settle corruption allegations against him.

The Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry estimates that if the committee
attempted to retrieve all the revenue lost to corruption, it could amount to as much
as $800 billion.

“A key goal of the arrest campaign seems to be about replenishing state coffers,”
Lori Plotkin Boghardt, an Arab Gulf specialist and fellow at the Washington Institute
for Near East Policy, told me.

And Saudi officials haven’t been shy about trying to use the arrests to persuade
skeptical foreign investors that the country’s notoriously corrupt economy was
beginning to change.

“The old ways have ceased to be sustainable long ago and must be replaced,” Majid
al-Qasabi, the Saudi minister of commerce and investment, wrote in an op-
ed published in the Wall Street Journal on November 12. “The new way will offer a
predictable long-term approach and transparent business environment for

Anxiety over oil addiction also underlies a number of MBS’s other headline-grabbing
maneuvers in the past couple of years. Analysts say his moves to legalize driving for
women, relax a ban on musical concerts, and curtail the powers of religious
police can be traced back, at least in part, to his concern with making Saudi’s
economy more efficient, diverse, and attractive to foreign talent.

That means MBS is more than just a power-hungry upstart. He appears to have a
real commitment to shepherding Saudi Arabia’s economy into the modern era in
order to preempt the financial catastrophe that will accompany a continued decline
in oil prices. But that also means upending many of the basic tenets that have
governed Saudi life for decades. It’s a risky gamble, and the country’s future hangs
in the balance.

Saudi Arabia depends nearly entirely on oil sales. That’s a bad place to be.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1465

From a distance, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations like the United Arab Emirates
and Kuwait can seem economically invincible. Their vast oil reserves have created
rich societies whose elites are known for unfathomable displays of opulence. One
example: Saudi Arabia’s king never leaves home without his trusty golden escalator.

But relying on one commodity has made Saudi Arabia and its neighbors very
economically vulnerable. And while Saudi Arabia has always known that
it should diversify its economy, the pressure created by the plunge in oil prices in
recent years has forced it to finally start scrambling to do so.

The sharp drop in global oil prices began in 2014, largely driven by the boom in the
world’s supply of oil stemming from the shale revolution in the US. Saudi’s oil
exports have lost value quickly: Today, the price of a barrel of crude oil is
around half of what it was in early 2014.

In addition, breakthroughs in renewable energy technology and the expected

ubiquity of electric cars in coming years means that global demand for oil is likely to
decline in the not-too-distant future. Norway, for example, plans to ban the sale
of fossil fuel-burning cars by 2025, and the UK and France are starting bans in 2040.

So both from the supply side and the demand side, Saudi knows that oil has bleak
prospects and it has to do something about that. Saudi’s foreign reserves have

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1466

already fallen by more than a third since 2014, declining from $737 billion to $475
billion, and the country has been forced to freeze spending projects.

The government also knows that with less funds it is more susceptible to domestic
unrest. Saudi Arabia has long used generous social spending and subsidies on
utilities as a way to effectively buy off dissent against its autocratic style of
government, such as when it announced $100 billion in spending projects to
preempt Arab Spring-inspired protests in 2011.

In 2016, MBS unveiled his plan to ward off future ruin with a program called “Vision
2030.”It’s a grand proposal that involves diversifying the Saudi economy away from
oil to generate revenue from sectors like tech and entertainment services. The plan
includes huge projects like selling off a 5 percent share of its state-owned oil
producer Aramco, turning its neglected beaches into tourist destinations, and
investing in a $500 billion megacity where transportation is entirely automated.

“Within 20 years, we will be an economy or state that doesn’t depend mainly on

oil,” MBS told Bloomberg Businessweek in 2016.

Changing Saudi Arabia’s economy means changing its society

The major challenge that MBS faces in his quest to change Saudi Arabia’s economy
is figuring out how to navigate the obstacles of Saudi society and governance that
stand in the way. So far, his approach has been to remove them aggressively.

One example is Saudi Arabia’s announcement in September that women would be

able to drive legally beginning in 2018 — a major blow to the country’s conservative
clerical establishment. Analysts say it was money, not a sudden awakening to the
horrors of institutionalized patriarchy, that motivated the move by MBS and his

Hala Aldosari, a fellow at Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute, told the LA

Times that women in Saudi Arabia have been advocating for the ban to be lifted
since the 1990s. “The timing had less to do with social pressure and more to do with
the government recognizing that in order to accomplish its ambitious economic
vision they had to make gradual adjustments,” she said.

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With the right to drive, more women can officially join the workforce — today
only around 22 percent of Saudi women work. Saudi families won’t need to spend as
much money on drivers — many of whom are foreign and whose earnings are sent
out of the country — and will have more disposable income to spend on things like
shopping, which should boost the domestic economy. Allowing women to drive also
makes Saudi more attractive to high-skilled foreign workers and opens up the
possibility of expansion into new industries.

The corruption crackdown could backfire

MBS’s corruption crackdown is perhaps his most brazen attempt yet at removing
barriers to Saudi economic growth.

First, there are the assets MBS is seizing from scores of Saudi citizens, which could
be used to invest in underdeveloped sectors. “He’s working to take economic power
away from places where he can’t control the money and putting it into places where
he can control the money,” John Volle, a Middle East historian at Georgetown
University, told me. “It opens the door to give more resources to make the 2030
dream possible.”

Then there’s the narrative of a Saudi Arabia free from corruption that should attract
the attention of foreign investors. It’s not pure optics — corruption is a serious
problem in Saudi, and this could counteract it.

Economists and business analysts have pointed out all kinds of illicit and
questionable economic practices in Saudi Arabia, such as the way officials
routinely embezzle 10 to 25 percent of government contracts. The government also
uses red tape to shield businesses owned by many members of the royal family from
foreign competition.

MBS’s purge could bring an end to those kinds of practices and discourage them
from happening in the future. The fact that his move was motivated by a desire to
centralize power and generate money doesn’t necessarily mean that the effects on
corruption won’t be real. Consider, for example, how China really has seen a
reduction in corruption in the wake of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s draconian anti-
corruption campaign that most analysts also see as a power grab.

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MBS likely believes that foreign investors could be encouraged by his arrests, but
experts say the way he’s going about encouraging them could backfire.

Simon Henderson, director of the Gulf and Energy Policy Program at the
Washington Institute, told me he suspects a “mere fraction” of the assets that MBS
is seizing will make it into government coffers.

The legal process for transferring assets from detained individuals to the
government is unclear, especially if the assets are held abroad and thus in different
legal jurisdictions. (The US National Bureau of Economic Research estimates that
Saudis have around $300 billionstashed abroad in foreign tax havens.)

And many assets belonging to ultrawealthy Saudis aren’t in cash. They’re in

properties that are hard for the government to price and make money off

“What’s the value of a secondhand grand palace in Riyadh? If it’s available [for
sale] to foreigners, what are their chances of getting the title changed?” Henderson

He also points out that foreign investors could be spooked by the volatile and
arbitrary nature of the detainments. The fact that many of MBS’s captives have
experienced injuries that require medical treatment likely won’t give investors
confidence in the rule of law in Saudi.

Furthermore, since MBS used his corruption crackdown to single out rivals and
opponents, it’s unclear if his allies will clean up their act or assume they can act with

In a worst-case scenario, Saudi Arabia could be moving from an era of predictable

corruption to unpredictable corruption and arbitrary asset seizures. And investors
hate unpredictability.

It’ll take months and years to figure out how serious the prince’s initiative is. But
one thing is clear: MBS is not lacking in ambition."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1469

Saudi prince’s power play is more
than just a purge

Presenting another article with the courtesy of the following website:

"The night of November 5 was a long one in Riyadh. Saudi authorities began a
widespread crackdown aimed, on the one hand, against former economic
policymakers and business leaders and, on the other, against the chiefs of the Saudi
National Guard and Saudi Royal Navy. This had the look of a political purge – but it
is much bigger than that.

The first sign of how serious this was came on November 4 with the removal
of Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah, eldest son of the late King Abdullah and head of a
powerful fiefdom, the Saudi Arabian National Guard. Essentially a force of tribal
recruits from throughout Saudi Arabia, the guard’s structure still bears the mark of
King Abdullah, who oversaw it from its foundation in 1962 before passing it to
Mutaib in 2015.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1470

Then it was the turn of Saudi economic moguls, who have influenced financial
policymaking and its implementation for years. The most remarkable takedowns
were those of Prince Waleed bin Talal, one of the richest men in the world and a
nephew of King Salman; Ibrahim Assaf, former finance minister and father of Prince
Waleed’s daughter-in-law; Prince Turki bin Abdullah, the former governor of
Riyadh; and Adel Fakeih, minister for economy and planning.

Also taken into custody were Khaled al-Tuweijri, the extremely influential advisor to
King Abdullah and head of his royal court, and Amar al-Dabbagh, former head of
the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority. Business magnates were seized
too, among them Saleh Kamel, Walid al-Ibrahim, and Bakr bin Laden, owner of
the Saudi Bin Laden group.

Most of those arrested were prime figures in the political order under King
Abdullah, with Khaled al-Tuweijri, Mutaib, and Turki among the most powerful
members of the royal court. Ibrahim Assaf and Amar al-Dabbagh were vital to
economic policy. Adel Fakeih the minister of economy and planning and formerly of
Health and Labour had also remained the mayor of Jeddah for five years. The
notorious Jeddah floods in which scores died, occurred during his tenure.

In the world of money and communications, Walid al-Ibrahim was owner of the
Middle East Broadcasting Company and its subsidiary channels. Walid also launched
al-Arabiya News TV, in which Abdul Aziz Bin Fahd – also a nephew of Walid and the
youngest son of King Fahd – reportedly had major shares. Saleh Abdullah Kamel is
another prominent businessman, and the chairman of Dallah Albaraka Group.

Why now?

This shakeup is not just a consolidation of power by the crown prince, Mohammad
bin Salman, but an act of persecution against members of King Abdullah’s
policymaking circle. To properly move on from the Abdullah era, the leftovers of the
old order had to be scrapped, and suddenly their time was up. The removal of
Mutaib Bin Abdullah is merely a continuation of Mohammad bin Salman’s strategy
to bring the various royals’ security fiefdoms under his direct control. The removal
of former crown prince and interior minister Mohammad bin Nayef, King Salman’s
nephew, was only the first step.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1471
The Saudi government has framed the arrests as an anti-corruption drive and
touted them as proof it is prepared to act against even the kingdom’s richest and
most powerful figures. Even Prince Mutaib has been purportedly accused of graft in
the purchase of bulletproof vests. Mohammad Bin Salman has stuck to the anti-
corruption line in public, as have his lieutenants; in an interview with Bloomberg,
the crown prince’s advisor, Mohammad al-Sheikh, spoke of uncontrolled spending
during the oil boom of 2010-2014, with US$80-100 billion lost to inefficiency each

These financial habits and dealings led Saudi Arabia into a difficult situation, and at
the time, Mohammad bin Salman – then “only” the defence minister – was not
powerful enough to take on these influential royals and business elites. But once he
became crown prince in June 2017 and saw Mohammad bin Nayef dispatched, the
stage was set for a big political leap.

Bringing the state’s axe down on the Abdullah circle could fulfil an economic motive
and satisfy a PR objective, raising the crown prince’s profile with the Saudi
populace. And for now, Mohammad bin Salman has checked any attempts by the
Saudi elite to question his grand schemes of the Economic Transformation Plan and
Vision 2030. Having already detained religious dissenters, the crown prince has
secured the economic and business fronts in his strategy, and managed to reshape
his country’s security apparatuses. The way is clear, if all goes to plan, for him to
take the Saudi throne."

The real motives of Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman are as follows:

 Want the Kingdom after the death of his father - King Salman
 Want to accept Israel as decided with the USA and Israel if he wants to be
next King of Saudi Arabia.
 Control of Power in all impotant sectors.
 Need Money to continue War in Yemen, Syria and Lebanon.
 Need Money to pay USA to wage possible War against Iran in the near future.
 Wants to put Saudi Aramco - Saudi Arabian Oil Company in the Stocks

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1472

As we have seen the political and economic differences have emerged in the Royal
Saudi family as predicted by our Imam (AS). Now we can expect the fall of the Saudi
Royal family in the near future and the Kings of Saudi Arabia would come and go
quickly as also predicted by Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1473

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1474
385. Jerusalem -- New Capital of Israel --- Another
Prophecy fulfilled before the End Times

With the courtesy of the article from CNN, the declaration of Jerusalem as the New
Capital of Israel --- Another biblical prophecy fulfilled:

Diana Butler Bass (@dianabutlerbass) holds a Ph.D. in religious studies from Duke
University and is the author of 10 books on American religion and culture, including
"Grateful: The Transformative Power of Giving Thanks" (forthcoming, HarperOne:
April 2018). The views expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

(CNN)As I watched Donald Trump announce that the United States would recognize
Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move our embassy to that city, I could only think of
one thing: my high school youth group Bible study.

I know that sounds odd. Especially coming from a liberal Episcopalian like me. But
there you have it. The President makes a world-important declaration about global

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1475

politics, and an absurdly apocalyptic thought arises, "Jerusalem? The Last Days
must be at hand!"

When I was a teenager in the 1970s, I attended a "Bible church," a

nondenominational congregation that prided itself on a singular devotion to
scripture. We read the Bible all the time: in personal Bible study and evening Bible
classes. We listened to hourlong Sunday morning sermons. For us, the Bible was not
just a guide to piety. It also revealed God's plan for history. Through it, we learned
how God had worked in the past and what God would do in the future.

Central to that plan was Jerusalem, the city of peace, and the dwelling place of God.
It was special to the Jews because it was the home of Abraham and David. It was
special to us because it was where Jesus had died and risen. We believed that
ultimately, Christ would return to Jerusalem to rule as its king. We longed for this
outcome -- and we prayed that human history would help bring about this biblical

Jerusalem was our prophetic bellwether. God's plan hung on its fate. Whenever
Israel gained more political territory, whenever Israel extended its boundaries, it
was God's will, the end-times unfolding on the evening news. Jerusalem, as the
spiritual heart of Israel, mattered. Jerusalem was God's holy city, of the ancient
past, in its conflicted present, and for the biblical future.

For many conservative evangelicals, Jerusalem is not about politics. It is not about
peace plans or Palestinians or two-state solutions. It is about prophecy. About the
Bible. And, most certainly, it is about the end-times.

When I was young, our pastor insisted that Jerusalem had an important role to play
in these end-times events. When the Jews rejected Jesus as the messiah, he
explained, God chose the church to accomplish his mission. Soon this "church age"
would end with the rapture of true believers.

But God still loved the Jews, he told us, and wanted to redeem them. Thus, absent
the church, the Jews would experience a great religious rebirth and rebuild their
temple in Jerusalem. This would spark a series of cataclysmic events that would
culminate in the Battle of Armageddon, the last war of humanity. But it would also

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1476

cause the Jews to finally accept Jesus as their savior. After all this occurred, Jesus
would return in glory and God's kingdom -- a thousand-year reign of peace. And it
would begin in Jerusalem.

This theology -- a literal belief that all these things must happen before Jesus will
return to reign on Earth -- is called "dispensational pre-millennialism" and it is not
the quirky opinion of some isolated church. Although the majority of Christians do
not share these views, versions of dispensational pre-millennialism dominate
American evangelicalism.

It originated as a small movement in the 1840s, but by the 1970s, millions of

evangelical and fundamentalist churchgoers had embraced some form of it.
Dispensationalism was popularized in a best-selling book called "The Late, Great
Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey; and later, in the 1990s, it reached an even larger
audience through the "Left Behind" novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. The
theology spread via Bible camps and colleges, through theological seminaries and
revival meetings, in films and videos, by Sunday school materials, and in daily
devotional guides -- all teaching that the end of the world was near, and that
Jerusalem was the physical place where this apocalyptic drama would unfold.

If you know evangelicals, chances are very good that you know this theology,
whether you believe it or not. You cannot avoid it. And if you hear the President of
the United States say something about Jerusalem, you take notice. Especially when
that President won 81% of the white evangelical vote.

When the President issued his order, I was not the only person hearing echoes of
dispensationalism. Robert Jeffress, one of Trump's evangelical advisers, declared:
"Jerusalem has been the object of the affection of both Jews and Christians down
through history and the touchstone of prophecy."

Other evangelical pastors and teachers also praised the action as "biblical" and
likened it to a "fulfilled prophecy."

While that may sound benign (or perhaps nutty) to the theologically uninitiated,
they are referring to the "prophecy" of the conversion of the Jews, the second

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1477

coming of Jesus, the final judgment, and the end of the world -- the events referred
to as the biblical apocalypse.

I doubt that President Trump could explain dispensational pre-millennialism. I doubt

he knows the term. But his evangelical supporters know it. Some of his advisers are
probably whispering these prophecies in his ears. Trump might not really care how
they interpret the Bible, but he cares that white evangelicals continue to stand with
him. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is one way to affirm his commitment to
these evangelicals -- reminding them that he, Donald J. Trump, is pressing biblical
history forward to its conclusion and that he is God's man in the unfolding of these
last days.

I may not believe it -- anymore, at least. You may not believe it. Donald Trump
might not even truly believe it. But millions do. That matters. Not only for American
politics, of course. For the peace of Jerusalem. And for peace for the rest of us as

The real reason Trump declared

Jerusalem the capital of Israel
was because he feared losing his
evangelical voter base
There are those evangelicals who believe in the prophecy of the ‘End of Days’
foretelling Jewish control of all Jerusalem, a war of civilisations, and a choice of
Jews to either embrace Christianity or die in the wrath of God

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1478

"There are no fewer than 50 million evangelicals in America who, according to

research, are convinced of the literal truth of Biblical prophecy. A recent survey
found that 82 per cent of white evangelicals believe that God gave Israel to the
Jewish people; a conviction shared by just 40 per cent of American Jews. Among
these evangelicals there are those who believe in the prophecy of the “End of Days”
foretelling Jewish control of all Jerusalem, a war of civilisations, and a choice of
Jews to either embrace Christianity or die in the wrath of God.

The decision to move the embassy does not actually have much popular support
across the US population as a whole. A Brookings Institution survey found that it
has the backing of only 31 per cent. Polls have also repeatedly found that a large
majority of American Jews, who tend on average to have a better standard of
education than the rest of US population, and are liberal by tradition, oppose the

But Trump’s Jerusalem declaration has been widely and enthusiastically welcomed
by his religious base. Johnnie Moore, who acts as a spokesperson for the Trump’s
evangelical advisers stated: “The issue was second only to concerns about the
judiciary among the evangelical supporters. President Trump has yet again
demonstrated to his evangelical supporters that he will do what he says he will do.”

For Paula White, a “megachurch” pastor from Florida who is close to Trump: “once
again, President Trump has shown the world what I have always known, he is a
leader who is willing to do what is right however loud are the voices of the sceptics
and the critics. Evangelicals are ecstatic, for Israel is to us a sacred place and the
Jewish people are our dearest friends.”

There is also the money in this. Trump’s campaign has received substantial funding
from the Christian right and also hardline American Jewish promoters of Israel.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1479

They include Sheldon Adelson, the casino billionaire and Republican donor, who
had given $20m (£14.9m) to a PAC (political action committee) which supported
the Trump campaign and another $1.5m to the organisers of the Republican
convention. Adelson has been lobbying the President persistently on the embassy

Trump is not the only senior member of the administration to cultivate the Christian
right. Vice President Mike Pence, who could be seen on TV standing behind Trump
as the embassy announcement was made, with a reverent glow to his face, had
pressed for a move to Jerusalem. And backing also came from Nikki Haley, the
ambassador to the UN who tries her best to match Trump on hawkish rhetoric about
smiting America’s enemies. She avidly courted the evangelical vote while Governor
of South Carolina.

There were those in the administration who pointed out that the Jerusalem move
will inflame passions in the Middle East and the wider Muslim world; make a
settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians even more difficult; make it
harder to maintain coalitions against Islamist extremists and may put American
lives in danger.

They included Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defence Secretary James
Mattis. Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law who is leading the Israel/Palestine peace
initiative had apparently also urged caution initially. But Tillerson may soon be the
latest casualty in the Trump administration, to be replaced by the recently appointed
CIA director, Mike Pompeo, and Kushner is said to have changed his stance after
talks with Adelson.

The evangelists could always site God on their side. For Indiana pastor Paul Begley
the embassy move is the beginning of “End of Days”: “The Jewish People – I’ve
been there, I’m telling you – they believe when the Temple’s built, the Messiah will
be revealed to them. Jesus will be revealed to the Jewish people, and they will
embrace him.”

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Laurie Cardoza-Moore, “founder/president of Proclaiming Justice to The
Nations” wrote in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz: “Christians recognise the
Jews’ biblical connection through King David’s establishment of Jerusalem as
the capital of ancient Israel and the location for both the first and second
Temples. According to the prophets, Ezekiel, Isaiah and the Apostle John, all
Israel awaits the rebuilding of the Third Temple. President Donald Trump
may implement one of the most biblically historic initiatives of his presidency
by allowing the first step of the Jerusalem Embassy Act to go into effect. "

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386. Checking the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) with
the Process of Elimination

As we all know that according to the various Ahadith of Masoomeen that the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place on 10th Muharram, Friday in
Mecca and the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place on 23rd
Ramazan, Friday in Yemen. Second the Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) also
mentioned that the Year of Zahoor would be Odd year ending in any Number like, 1,
3, 5, 7 and 9.

And all the Shia Scholars agree that the Zahoor and Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) is
very near in the future. Even the other religions also agree that the Return of their
Messiah or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ according to the Christians faith is
also very near.

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Now if we analyze the next 12 years as our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam of
Allah, starting from 2019 AD till 2030 AD and see which year in the near future
fulfills all the 3 main Characteristics of Zahoor and Kharooj i.e. the Day should be
Friday on both 23rd Ramazan and 10th Muharram and the year should be Odd year.

Year 23rd Ramazan 10th Muharram

2019 AD 28th May (Tuesday) 9th Sept (Monday)

2020 AD 16th May (Saturday) 29th Aug (Saturday)

2021 AD 5th May (Wed) 18th Aug (Wed)

2022 AD 24th April (Sunday) 8th Aug (Monday)

202 3 AD 14th April (Friday) 28th July (Friday), 1445 Hijri

2024 AD 2nd April (Tuesday) 16th July (Tuesday)

2025 AD 23rd March (Sunday) 5th July (Saturday)

2026 AD 12th March (Thursday) 25th June (Thursday)

2027 AD 2nd March (Tuesday) 15th June (Tuesday)

2028 AD 19th Feb (Saturday) 3rd June (Saturday)

2029 AD 7th Feb (Wednesday) 23rd May (Wednesday)

2030 AD 27th Jan (Sunday) 13th May (Monday)

So we come up with only ONE year and i.e. 2023 AD in which both 23rd
Ramazan and 10th Muharram falls on Friday and the Year of the Zahoor
is also Odd year i.e. 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD.

Year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)................2023 AD/1445 Hijri

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387. Imam Mahdi (AS) would come with 45
Companions on His Zahoor ----- Hadith of Imam Jaffar
e Sadiq (AS)

Imam Mahdi (AS) would come with 45 Companions upon his Zahoor. Why 45?

The Abjad of 1st Prophet, Adam is also, "45"

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is expected in the Hijri year --- 14 45 Hijri

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388. The Prophecies by Daniel in the Book of Daniel
and mentioning of End Times after 2500 years

477 B.C.E + 2500 Years = 2023 AD...............End Times

The period of Prophet Daniel (AS) is approximately 2500 years ago. He asked from
the Angel, Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) about the End Times. Hazrat Jabraeel (AS)
mentioned the End Times would be 2500 years from the period of Hazrat Daniel

Hazrat Jabraeel (AS) who is the Angel specific to reveal and deliver the Holy
Messages from God told about the End Times social and religious conditions before
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and Hazrat Isa (AS).

That is why we see many Prophecies mentioned in the Book of Daniel in the Old
Testament which were mentioned by Prophet Daniel (AS).

The 2500 years period would be approximately around 2023 AD when the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) is expected.

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389. The Prophecies by Pluto known as Aflatoon
about the End of Ages

Plato known as Aflatoon in the Indo Subcontinent (428/427 – 348/347 BC) was
a philosopher in Classical Greece and the founder of the Academy in Athens, the
first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered the
most pivotal figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western
tradition. Unlike nearly all of his philosophical contemporaries, Plato's entire work
is believed to have survived intact for over 2,500 years.

In His Works, he mentioned that the End Times would be around 2500 years from
his period which was from 428 - 347 BC, which is approximately 2500 years from the
period in which we are living.

So he also indicated the approximate time for the End Times which matches our

Pluto's Indication of End Times.........................2500 years from his Period

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390. The 3-7 Days Fire in the East and the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) - Many Areas in Israel especially Haifa was on Fire for
more than 7 days in late November, 2016 AD -- in the Start of 7
years Tribulation

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391. Crash of Dollar, Economic Crisis and WW - 3

The following is the list of Scholars, Professors, Experts, etc in the field of Economy,
Current Affairs and Politics who are confirming the Economic Crisis in 2020 AD

 Gerald Celente ---- The publisher of Trends Journal Magazine

 Andy Hoffman
 James Wesley Rawles
 Dr. Jim Willie
 Harry Dent
 David Morgan
 Bix Wier
 Jim Rogers
 Gregory Mannarino
 Bill Holter
 Peter Schiff
 Max Keiser
 Berwick
 Ned Schmidt
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1498
 Lynette Zang
 Dr. Richard Wolff
 Paul Craig Roberts
 Bix Weir
 Bill Murphy
 Craig Hemke
 Ron Paul

They all agree that the whole World is heading towards a Major Economic and
Political Crisis in the coming years. One can go to Internet and see their reports and
analysis regarding the current Economic and Political situation in the World which
are clear signs of the Global melt down of the whole political and economic
structure in the World.

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392. The condition of women in the World before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

All people can witness the condition of women all around the globe. The Satanic
forces are using the women in all the evil ways. The nudity among the women is at
its peak in the world.

We don't need to elaborate on this topic. The women are totally in the trap of
Satanic forces and submitted their souls in their hands. It is a moto of New World
Order to use women in its interest and now you can see their role in the society.

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393. The Doomsday Clock and the possibility of
Armageddon on Earth

Since 1947, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists engages science leaders, policy
makers, and the interested public on the topics of nuclear risk, climate change, and
disruptive technologies. We do this through our award winning journal,
iconic Doomsday Clock, public-access website, and regular set of convenings. With
smart, vigorous prose, multimedia presentations, and information graphics,
the Bulletin puts issues and events into context and provides fact-based debates
and assessments. For more than 70 years, the Bulletin has bridged the technology
divide between scientific research, foreign policy, and public engagement.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1502

What is the Doomsday Clock? The Doomsday Clock is a design that warns the public
about how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own
making. It is a metaphor, a reminder of the perils we must address if we are to survive on
the planet.

When the Doomsday Clock was created in 1947, the greatest danger to humanity came from
nuclear weapons, in particular from the prospect that the United States and the Soviet
Union were headed for a nuclear arms race. The Bulletin considered possible catastrophic
disruptions from climate change in its hand
setting deliberations for the first time in 2007.


2018:: The failure of world leaders to address the largest threats to humanity’s future is
but that failure can be reversed. It is two minutes to midnight, but the Doomsday
Clock has ticked away from midnight in the past, and during the next year, the
th world can again
move it further from apocalypse. The warning the Science and Security Board now sends is clear,
the danger obvious and imminent. The opportunity to reduce the danger is equally clear. The
world has seen the threat posed by the misuse of iinformation
nformation technology and witnessed the
vulnerability of democracies to disinformation. But there is a flip side to the abuse of social
media. Leaders react when citizens insist they do so, and citizens around the world can use the
power of the internet to improve the long
term prospects of their children and grandchildren.
They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand action to reduce the
existential threat of nuclear war and unchecked climate change. They can seize the opportunity
to make
ke a safer and saner world. See the full statement from the Science and Security Board on
the 2018 time of the Doomsday Clock.

Now the humanity is only 2 min

utes to the Midnight that means that the world is
very near to the Armageddon situation in the coming years. Only few mistakes by
any major political player can draw the whole world to the catastrophic situation in
the world which would kill more humanity than one can imagine.

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394. The Last 7 years of Tribulation in the humanity
and the 7 Arabic Alphabets of First - 2 and Last - 2

The Last 7 years of Tribulation is a Biblical Prophecy and most of the scholars and
priest agree that the humanity had already entered into the 7 years of Tribulation
period since 2016 AD.

These last 7 years before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) are from 2nd September, 2016 AD till 28th July, 2023 AD

Last 7 Years of Tribulation ...................2nd Sept, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD

Last 360 Fridays....................2nd Sept, 2016 (Friday) till 28th July, 2023 (Friday)

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The Events of the Tribulation Period

(1) Revelation 4:1-2. John, a symbol of the church, is taken up to heaven.

(2) Daniel 9:27. The Antichrist signs a covenant for seven years with the nation of Israel. This is the
event that inaugurates the Tribulation period.
(3) Revelation 6:1-2. Christ opens the first of the seven-sealed scroll, and the rider on the white horse
(probably Antichrist) appears, using diplomacy and the promise of peace to establish his one-world
(4) Revelation 6:3-4. The second seal introduces a great world war.
(5) Revelation 6:5-6. The third seal begins the suffering of famine and inflation (the aftermath of
(6) Revelation 6:7-8. The fourth seal results, as do all wars, in death, but in this case it totals one-
fourth of the people and living creatures. By today’s population standards, that would amount to one-
and-a-half billion people.
(7) Revelation 6:9-11. This passage introduces the martyrdom of those who are converted under the
preaching of the 144,000 Jewish witnesses described in chapter 7. An innumerable number of people
receive Christ and are martyred by the government leader and harlot (the religious system described
in chapter 17), who gets her power from the Antichrist. Note that evangelism during this period is
back in the hands of the Jews. Since the church is absent, the 144,000 apostle-Paul-type believers will
make powerful evangelists.
(8) Revelation 6:12-17. This sixth seal exhibits the wrath of God poured out in the form of a mighty
earthquake, the like of which has never been experienced. It is so severe that people call on the rocks
to fall on them.
(9) Revelation 8:1-6. The seventh seal introduces the Seven Trumpet Judgments, ending the first
quarter of the Tribulation period and preparing for an even worse period called the “day of His
[God’s] wrath.”
(10) Revelation 8:7. The first trumpet judgment results in one-third of all trees and green grass being
burned up by hail, fire, and blood cast upon the earth.
(11) Revelation 8:8-9. The second trumpet sees a great mountain of sulfur falling into the sea and
destroying a third-part of the sea and all living creatures in it and a third of the shipping vessels.
Think of The Poseidon Adventure multiplied times one-third of all the world’s ships!
(12) Revelation 8:10-11. The third trumpet causes a great star (or meteor) called Wormword (or
“bitter”) to fall on the fountains of water and third of rivers to turn bitter, resulting in the deaths of

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(13) Revelation 8:12. The fourth trumpet results in one-third less sun, moonlight, and stars, extending
the darkness of night.
(14) Revelation 8:13. A special angel flies around the earth, warning that worse judgments are to
(15) Revelation 9:1-12. The fifth trumpet introduces hideous demon-like creatures such as scorpions
and locusts out of the bottomless pit. Not able to kill men, they torture them so badly that they “will
seek death and will not find it.”
(16) Revelation 9:13. The sixth trumpet introduces two hundred million horsemen (demon spirit-like
death angels), who kill one-third of the people. This will occur between the fortieth and forty-second
month of the first part of the Tribulation, which brings to 50 percent the population that is destroyed
by God before the midpoint of the Tribulation. These individuals have taken the mark of the Beast
and are considered incorrigibles. Since estimates of upwards of a quarter of those living at that time
still be saved under the preaching of the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7:9, it is possible that 75
percent of the population 25 percent by martyrdom) will have been destroyed during the first half of
the Tribulation period.
Now do you understand why I say that even a mid-Tribulation view of Christ’s coming for His
church would mean enormous suffering to millions of believers'

It seems much more reasonable, particularly in the light of His promises to save His church from the
“wrath to come,” that He would have His church from the “hour of trial which shall come upon the
whole world.” That would certainly be characteristic of our loving, merciful, forgiving heavenly
Father and Bridegroom. The saints who are martyred during the Tribulation are not part of the
church. They are defined in Revelation 7:14 as “the ones who come out of the Great Tribulation, and
[have] washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
(17) Revelation 11:3-14. The Two Witnesses prophesy 1,260 days—a ministry which, if taken
literally, would correspond with the forty-two months of judgments already described.
Obviously, these two witnesses are real people with miraculous powers like Moses and Elijah, here to
preach and witness during the entire first half of the Tribulation. It may be through their witness that
the 144,000 are saved and sent out preaching. As dreadful a time as this will be, God is faithful to
provide plenty of gospel preaching to the nations.

(18) Revelation 11:15. The seventh trumpet judgment introduces the awesome events described in
chapters 12-18 and the most severe set of judgments yet reported, the Vial Judgments.
(19) Revelation 17:1-18. Describes the destruction of the Babylonish, false religious system—the
great harlot—which will merge all the religions of the world during the first part of the Tribulation
(which will take place easily after the church is raptured). This system will be so powerful that it will

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dominate both the Antichrist (“the beast”) and the ten kings at that time. But because of their hatred
for the harlot, at the midpoint of the Tribulation, they will make war on her and kill her.
(20) Revelation 13:1-3. In the process of killing the harlot Mystery Babylon, the false religious
system, somehow the Antichrist is killed and gets “a deadly wound” that is healed. In chapter 12
Satan himself is cast out of heaven, where he has been “the accuser of our brethren,” and now he
enters Antichrist’s body and resurrects him to a new and even more vicious life.
(21) Revelation 13:4-10. Antichrist, now incarnated, will force the remaining people of the earth to
worship him, except those whose names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life (see 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10).
(22) Revelation 13:11-18. The False Prophet will replace the slain religious system, forcing people to
worship Antichrist and his image, or be killed. Everyone will be compelled to display a 666 mark in
order to hold a job and “buy and sell.”
Plainly, if the church were to go through the Tribulation, she would not survive it. And I find no
scriptural evidence that any believers will remain at the end of the Tribulation to be raptured, if that
event is post-Trib. Remember, the worst half of the Tribulation period, which our Lord termed the
Great Tribulation, has not yet begun! That last forty-two month period is covered by the Vial

(23) Revelation 16:1-2. The first vial causes giant sores on those who rejected Christ and instead
accepted the mark of the Beast, signifying their worship of him.
(24) Revelation 16:3. The second vial is poured out on the sea, turning it “to blood as of a dead man;
and every living creature in the sea died.”
(25) Revelation 16:4. The third vial turns the rivers and other sources of water to blood (an especially
just judgment because the people remaining had killed so many Tribulation saints).
(26) Revelation 16:8-9. The fourth vial will intensify the sun’s heat until ungodly men blaspheme the
name of God.
(27) Revelation 16:10-11. The fifth vial will cause darkness to cover the throne of Antichrist and his
entire kingdom. The sores will continue unrelentingly, producing such agony that men will gnaw
their tongues for pain and blaspheme God and refuse to repent.
(28) Revelation 16:13-16. The sixth vial sends lying demon spirits out to the kings of the whole
world to bring them down to “the battle of that great day of God Almighty,” more popularly known
as the Battle of Armageddon.
(29) Revelation 16:17-21. The seventh vial result sin a judgment of Almighty God that destroys the
entire world system and judges all unsaved men severely. But even though enormous hailstones fall,
the unregenerate still refuse to repent. This judgment is so devastating that it prepares the world for
the coming of Christ to set up His earthly kingdom.

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(30) Revelation 18:1-24. The destruction of commercial and governmental Babylon—the New World
Order for which man has yearned ever since his rebellion at Babylon—now occurs, possibly during
the seventh vial since it fits there (verse 19) just before earth’s final judgment. It will totally collapse
the Antichrist’s system and further pave the way for the best event of the Tribulation.
(31) Revelation 19:11-21. We finally witness the Glorious Appearing of Christ in Power and Great
Glory as King of kings and Lord of lords to set up His thousand-year reign on this earth.
Tim LaHaye, No Fear of the Storm, (Multnomah, Sisters, OR; 1992), pp. 51-57

The above contents are taken with the courtesy from the website:

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Now we also know that the Names of our 5 Panjetan are Muhammad, Ali, Fatima,
Hassan and Hussain

The Arabic Alphabets of First 2 Panjetan --- Muhammad + Ali = 7 Arabic Alphabets

The Abjad of "Muhammad + Ali" = 92 + 110 = 202.............The Abjad of name, "Rab"

Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) = 202 = Ali (110) + Wali (46) + Ilahi (46)

Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) = 202 = Ism (101) + Ism (101)

The Arabic Alphabets of Last 2 Panjetan .....Hassan + Hussain = 7 Arabic Alphabets

The Abjad of "Hassan + Hussain" = 118 + 128 = 246.........123 + 123 = 246

The Abjad of "Aal e Muhammad" = 123

So Hassan (118) + Hussain (128) = Aal e Muhammad (123) + Aal e Muhammad (123)

Hassan (118) + Hussain (128) = 246 ........... 110 (Ali) + 136 (Momin)

Hassan (118) + Hussain (128) = 246 ..............135 (Fatima) + 111 (Aala)

The total Arabic Alphabets of first 2 Panjetan and last 2 Panjetan are 14

The 7 years of Tribulation coincides with the 7 Arabic Alphabets of first 2 Panjetan
and last 2 Panjetan.

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Adding the Abjad of "Muhammad + Ali + Hassan + Hussain", we would get:

92 + 110 + 118 + 128 = 448

Now multiply the result - 448 with the Number - 3 and add the Abjad of "Ism", we
would get the year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

448 x 3 = 1344
1344 + 101 (Ism) = 1445......................1445 Hijri ............Zahoor Year

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395. Ashab e Kahf and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

The total 'Ashab e Kahf' were 7 people and 8th was their dog. They would come to
help Imam Mahdi (AS) upon His Zahoor. It was narrated in the Ahadith of
Masoomeen (AS) that the "Ashab e Kahf" are sleeping in their caves somewhere in
the land of Syria.

Surah e Kahf is the 18th Surah and it has 110 verses.

110 is the Number and the Abjad of Maula's name, "Ali"

18 is related to 18th Zil Hajj when the "Wilayat" of Maula Ali was declared in Ghadir
by the order of Allah.

Maula Hussain (AS) recited the verses of Surah e Kahf after His Shahdat from
Karbala to Syria.

So Ashab e Kahf are very important in the History of Islam.

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396. The Agenda - 21 of the New World Order and
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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As one can see from above pictures and photos that Agenda - 21 is the Evil plan of
the World Elite to eliminate population of the World in different stages.

What is Agenda - 21?

Depopulation for the New World Order by the Year - 2021 in the 21st Century

The World Elite operated by the Secret Societies and the World leaders want to
eliminate 4.5 billion people by the year - 2021 AD. They want to achieve their goals
in 3 stages and they are:

 Stage - 1 ----- World War - 3 in the Middle East from 2019 AD to

2021 AD to eliminate 1/3rd population of the world -------
Destruction of the World
 Stage - 2........Global Drought ...............Result of the World War
 Stage - 3..........Global Diseases................Result of the World War

In Stages - 2 and 3, further 1/3rd population would die because of Global Drought
and Global Diseases.

The World Population as of today is 7.6 Billion people. So elimination of 2/3rd

population from Destruction by World War - 3 and the global effects of the World
War in the form of Drought and Diseases would be the result and leaving behind 3
billion people by the year - 2022 AD

2/3rd Death of World Population by 2022 AD

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397. Dua e Ahad's Last Verse and the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD

This is a very special Dua for the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in which a Momin
makes a promise and commitment to His Imam Mahdi (AS) that he would follow
and help him upon His Zahoor and pray for His Zahoor.

The Last Verse of this Dua has to be repeated 3 times and the last verse is:

"Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman"

The Abjad of this last Verse is 607

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1519

As we have to repeat this verse 3 times at the end of the Dua. So the Abjad of this
verse repeated 3 times would become:

607 x 3 (Repeated) = 1821

Now what is the link between this Verse and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in
2023 AD.

We know that the Imam is the Rab of the World. Now if we add the Abjad of the
Arabic word, "Rab" after this Verse repeated 3 times, it would become:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Rab

1821 + Rab (202) = 2023............................2023 AD.............Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Also we know that Maula Ali (AS) once said that:

"I am Muhammad and Muhammad is me."

"I would be the Mahdi, who would appear in the End times."
So if we add the Abjad of "Muhammad (92) and Ali (110)" total 92 + 110 = 202, after
the Abjad of the last verse of Dua e Ahad which is repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Muhammad Ali

1821 + 92 + 110 = 2023..................2023 AD.....Zahoor of Mahdi

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Also Imam Mahdi (AS) is "Aal e Muhammad" and His names are "Hadi" and

Now if we add the Abjad of "Aal e Muhammad (123)" and "Hadi (20)" and "Mahdi
(59)" with the Abjad of the last verse of Dua e Ahad repeated 3 times, we would

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Aal e Muhammad Hadi O' Mahdi

1821 + 123 + 20 + 59 = 2023.................2023 AD...........Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Also one of the Laqab of Imam Mahdi is "Al Qaim (182)" and "Hadi (20)". Adding the
Abjad of "Al Qaim (182) and Hadi (20)" with the Abjad of the last verse of Dua e
Ahad repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Hadi Al Qaim

1821 + 20 + 182 = 2023......................2023 AD........Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Also if we add the Abjad of "Ali (110) Wali (46) Ilahi (46)" with the Abjad of the last
verse of Dua e Ahad repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Ali Wali e Ilahi

1821 + 110 + 46 + 46 = 2023..............2023 AD............Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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Also if we add the Abjad of the names, "Allah (66) and Momin (136)" with the Abjad
of the last verse of Dua e Ahad repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Momin Allah

1821 + 136 + 66 = 2023.........................2023 AD.........Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Also if we add the Abjad of the names, "Jalil (72) Awaal (27) Wali (46) Ilahi (46)"
with the Abjad of the last verse of Dua e Ahad repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Jalil e Awaal Wali e Ilahi

1821 + 73 + 37 + 46 + 46 = 2023....................2023 AD.........Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Also if we add the Abjad of the names, "Malik (91) Wahid (19) Wali (46) Ilahi (46)"
with the Abjad of the last verse of Dua e Ahad repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Malik e Wahid Wali Ilahi

1821 + 91 + 19 + 46 + 46 = 2023....................2023 AD.........Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

The One and Only Name of our Imam Mahdi (AS) which is prohibited in His Ghaibat
to pronounce is "Muhammad (92)". Now if we add the Abjad of the names, "Malik
(91) Wahid (19) Muhammad (92)" with the Abjad of the last verse of Dua e Ahad
repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Malik e Wahid Muhammad

1821 + 91 + 19 + 92 = 2023....................2023 AD.........Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1522

Now if we add the Abjad of the names, "Wali (46) Deen (64) Muhammad (92)" with
the Abjad of the last verse of Dua e Ahad repeated 3 times, we would get:

Al Ajal Al Ajal Ya Maulae Ya Sahib uz Zaman...Wali e Deen Muhammad

1821 + 46 + 64 + 92 = 2023....................2023 AD.........Zahoor of Mahdi (AS)

From the Above illustrations, we clearly notice that after the last Verse of Dua e
Ahad if we add different names of Imam Mahdi (AS), we come to the number - 2023
which is the Zahoor year of our Imam Mahdi (AS)..................2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1523

398. The Signs of Zahoor - 74 years before Zahoor e
Mahdi (AS) in 1445 Hijri on 10th Muharram

The First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri --

He remained in Ghaibat e Sughra for 74 years and went into Ghaibat e Kubra
on 10th Shawaal, 329 Hijri

Total period of Ghaibat e Sughra before Ghaibat e Kubra ........... 74 Years

If we take the same number of years before His Final and 2nd Zahoor on 10th
Muharram, 1445 Hijri --- Friday or 28th July, 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1524

Subtract 74 years from 1445 Hijri, we would come to the year, 1371 Hijri

1445 Hijri - 74 years = 1371 Hijri

10th Muharram, 1371 Hijri (Wednesday) was on 10th October,

1951 AD
As we know that the date and day when Imam Hussain (AS) was martyred in
Karbala was also 10th October, 680 AD (Wednesday) or 10th Muharram, 61 Hijri

10th Muharram, 61 Hijri .....................10th October, 680 AD (Wednesday)

And Imam Mahdi (AS) one's major goals is to take revenge of the innocent blood of
Imam Hussain (AS) and His Family from His enemies upon His Zahoor.

If we notice that since 1951 AD, just after the End of the World War 2 the Signs of
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) has speed up and all the regions and religions are
witnessing the Signs of End Times in their lives.

So from 10th Muharram, 61 Hijri till 10th Muharram, 1371 Hijri, there were 1310

10th Muharram, 1371 Hijri - 10th Muharram, 61 Hijri = 1310 years

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is also on 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1525

399. The Increased Conflict in the Sightings of Moon
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as predicted
by Maula Ali (AS)

Maula Ali (AS) once mentioned lots of Signs of the End Times and Signs before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) to Hazrat Kumail (RA). In one of His sayings, he

"There would be lot of conflict on the Sighting of Moon before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS)."

As all muslims notice in the last couple of years, we always conflict on the sighting
of Moon especially on 1st Shawaal i.e. Eid ul Fitr day after the end of Ramazan.

Our Imams have already gave the solution to this problem. According to one Hadith
of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that:

"Ramazan would always be 30 days."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1526

One of the Hadith of our Imams is mentioned below which specifically describes
how many days in which Islamic Month.

The following is the list of Islamic Months and the corresponding number of days in
that Islamic month. The number of days in normal Lunar years are 354 and the
number of days in the Leap Lunar year are 355 days with 1 more day in the last
month of Zil Hajj i.e. 30 days in the Lunar year.

6 Months are 30 days and 6 months are 29 days in normal Lunar year and 7 Months
are 30 days and 5 months are 29 days in Leap Lunar years.

 6 Islamic Months ------ 30 days (Normal Lunar Year)

 6 Islamic Months ------ 29 days (Normal Lunar Year)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1527

Islamic Month Number of Days
1st Month - Muharram 30 Days
2nd Month - Safar 29 Days

3rd Month - Rabi Al Awal 30 Days

4th Month - Rabi Us Sani 29 Days

5th Month - Jamadi Ul Awal 30 Days

6th Month - Jamadi Us Sani 29 Days

7th Month - Rajab 30 Days

8th Month - Shahban 29 Days

9th Month - Ramazan 30 Days

10th Month - Shawal 29 Days

11th Month - Ziqaad 30 Days

12th Mont - Zil Hajj 29 Days (Normal)/30 Days (Leap)

There is also a formula given by Imam Hassan Askari (AS) about the corelation of 1st
Islamic Month - Muharram (01 - Month) and the 10th Islamic Month - Shawal (10th
Month) that if the 1st Muharram is on Monday in your Lunar Horizon for
example in Canada, the 1st of Shawal of that Islamic year would also come
on Monday.
1st Muharram ----------------- If comes on Monday (In your Area)

1st Shawal--------------------- Also comes on Monday (In your Area)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1528

The total number of days from 1st Muharrm to 1st Shawal are 266 Days

266 Days = 38 weeks x 7 days

So there are 38 weeks between 1st Muharram to 1st Shawal in every year. That is
why whatever the day is on 1st Muharram that day would be on 1st Shawal.

The total number of Days in the Normal Lunar year are 354 days

354 = 59 x 6
Where 59 is the Abjad of Imam's name, "Mahdi"

And Number - 6 is the Number of Wilayat

The total number of Days in the Leap Lunar year would be 355 days

355 = 71 x 5

The Islamic calendar is purely lunar and consists of twelve alternating months of 30
and 29 days, with the final 29 day month extended to 30 days during leap

Leap years follow a 30 year cycle and occur in years 1, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16,
18, 21, 24, 26, and 29.
Days are considered to begin at sunset. The calendar begins on Friday, July 16th,
622 C.E. in the Julian calendar, Julian day 1948439.5, the day of Muhammad's flight
from Mecca to Medina, with sunset on the preceding day reckoned as the first day of
the first month of year 1 A.H.—“Anno Hegiræ”—the Arabic word for “separate” or
“go away”. The names for the days are just their numbers: Sunday is the first day and
Saturday the seventh; the week is considered to begin on Saturday.

Each cycle of 30 years thus contains 19 normal years of 354 days and 11 leap years of
355, so the average length of a year is therefore ((19 × 354) + (11 × 355)) / 30 =
354.365… days, with a mean length of month of 1/12 this figure, or 29.53055… days,
which closely approximates the mean synodic month (time from new Moon to next new
Moon) of 29.530588 days, with the calendar only slipping one day with respect to the
Moon every 2525 years. Since the calendar is fixed to the Moon, not the solar year, the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1529

months shift with respect to the seasons, with each month beginning about 11 days earlier
in each successive solar year.

To convert Hijri to Geogorian and from Gregorian to Hijri calender, one may consult the
following website:
In Western culture, the four principal phases of the Moon are new moon, first
quarter, full moon, and third quarter (also known as last quarter). These are the
instances when the Moon's ecliptic longitude and the Sun's ecliptic longitude differ by
0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, respectively. Each of these phases occur at slightly different
times when viewed from different points on Earth. During the intervals between
principal phases, the Moon's apparent shape is either crescent or gibbous. These
shapes, and the periods when the Moon shows them, are called the intermediate
phases and last one-quarter of a synodic month, or 7.38 days, on average. However,
their durations vary slightly because the Moon's orbit is rather elliptical, so the
satellite's orbital speed is not constant. The descriptor waxing is used for an
intermediate phase when the Moon's apparent shape is thickening, from new to full
moon, and waning when the shape is thinning.

The eight principal and intermediate phases are given the following names, in
sequential order:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1530

The Gregorian calendar month, which is 1 12 of a tropical year, is about 30.44
days, while the cycle of lunar phases (the Moon's synodic period) repeats
every 29.53 days on average. Therefore, the timing of the lunar phases shifts by
an average of almost one day for each successive month. A lunar year lasts about
354 days.

Different Phases of Moon during the Month - May, 2005

Each of the 4 lunar phases lasts approximately 7 days (~7.4 days), but varies slightly
due to lunar apogee and perigee.
The number of days counted from the time of the New Moon is the Moon's "age".
Each complete cycle of phases is called a "lunation".

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1531

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400. 3 Caliphs of Muslims before Hazrat Ali (AS) and 3
Caliphs of Muslims before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

The Most important Dates in the Life of Hazrat Ali (AS) are as follows:

Birth/Zahoor of Maula Ali (AS) in the Holy Kaaba ---- 13th Rajab, 22 years before
Hijrat of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or 28th September, 600 AD (Wednesday)

28th September, 600 AD --- Wednesday

Martyrdom/Ghaibat of Maula Ali (AS) in the Holy Mosque of Kufa --- 21st Ramazan,
40 Hijri or 28th January, 661 AD (Thursday)

28th January, 661 AD -- Thursday

Announcement of His Wilayat by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after the Hajj on the
occassion of Ghadir ---- 18th Zil Hajj, 10 Hijri ---- 16th March, 632 AD (Monday)

16th March, 632 AD --- Monday

First Day of Caliphate of Maula Ali after the death of 3rd Caliph, Usman was on:

18th Zil Hajj, 35 Hijri or 17th June, 656 AD ---- Friday

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1533

Total Islamic Months of Caliphate of Maula Ali ----- 57 Islamic Months

From --- 1st Day of Caliphate on 18th Zil Hajj, 35 Hijri till His martyrdom on 21st
Ramazan, 40 Hijri ............... 57 Islamic Months

57 = 19 x 3
19 is the Abjad of Allah's name, "Wahid"
The reverse number of 19 is 91. Adding both numbers, we would get:

19 + 91 = 110...................The Abjad of Maula's name, "Ali"

The Total duration of 3 Caliphs before the Caliphate of Maula Ali (AS) was 25 Islamic
years from 11th Hijri till end of 35 Hijri

25 Years of Caliphate of 3 Caliphs before Maula Ali

1st Caliph of Muslims -------------- Abu Bakar................ 2 years

2nd Caliph of Muslims.................Ummar....................10 years + 6 months

3rd Caliph of Muslims...................Usman...................12 years + 6 months

Now 25 years before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD, we see the same 3
names appearing as the Caliphs and Amir Ul Momineen of Muslims as:

 Mullah Ummar ----------------Known as Caliph and Amir Ul Momineen from

 Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi------------Proclaimed as Caliph of Muslim State and
Amir Ul Momineen from Iraq
 Usman ...............Would emerge as Suffiani from Syria 8 months before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1534

The Title of "Amir Ul Momineen" is only designated to Maula Ali (AS) and we can't
call other Imams with this special Title. But the enemies of Maula Ali (AS) and His
family are using this title to disrespect Maula Ali (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1535

The Last Suffiani - The Last Khawarij known as Usman would emerge 6
months from Syria before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

So there is similarity between the Caliphate of Maula Ali (AS) as 3 Caliphs came
before His Caliphate with the names, Abu Bakar, Umar and Usman 25 years.
Similarly the 3 Caliphs with the same names appeared exactly 25 years before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD.

 Mullah Umar appeared in 1998...................25 years before His Zahoor

 Abu Bakar Baghdadi appeared in 2014.............9 years before His Zahoor
 Usman would appear as Last Suffiani in early 2023 AD...... 6 Months in the
Islamic Month of Rajab before His Zahoor

Abu Bakar represents ..........................Pharoh

Umar represents...................................Hamaan

Usman represents..................................Qaroon

Pharoh represents Military Control, Hamaan represents Religious Control and

Qaroon represents Wealth Control.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1536

That is why the humanity faced 3 World Wars before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

 1st World War.............Between Pharohs (Kings)......1914 till 1918

 2nd World War............Between Hamaans (Ideologies)....1939 til 1945
 3rd World War............Between Qaroons (Capitalists).....2019 till 2023

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1537

401. The Rapture Index and the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ is very near
A website dubbed "The Rapture Index" that claims to monitor the "end of times" -- or the
second coming of Jesus -- is warning the general public to "fasten your seat belts" in the era
of the Trump administration.

"You could say the Rapture index is a Dow Jones Industrial Average of end time activity, but
I think it would be better if you viewed it as prophetic speedometer," Todd Stranberg, the
website's creator, told the Daily Mail.

Stranberg launched the site in 1987 to monitor catastrophic world events spanning typical
categories like satanism, terrorism and dramatic weather.

The online index highlights the major signs of the rapture listed in the bible, such as "earth
quakes" or "plagues," and scores them according to activity in the world. The numbers are
then added together to sum up the The Rapture Index total.

Stranberg says the Index total increased to 164 during the Gulf War, but also saw its lowest
on December 12 the same year at 58. Prior to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election October,
however, it peaked at its highest score of 189 since its creation -- and there hasn't been
indication that it will be dropping anytime soon, according to Stranberg.

"It seems like we are heading into the eye of a hurricane and I am fascinated with what's
going on with Donald Trump – both sides are whirling faster and faster," Stranberg said.

He says the higher the number, the faster the human civilization is moving towards "the
occurrence of pre-tribulation rapture."

However, Stranberg tells people his index is by no means "meant to predict the rapture." It
is, however, designed to measure events that he deems could serve as a precursor to the

But he cautions when the index reaches about 225, the apocalypse is believed to be upon

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1538

30 Major Signs of the Rapture

1. Satanism:
The Satanism is on the rise every year..

2. Unemployment:
The Unemployment figures are increasing in every country. People are loosing their jobs
every year at a rapid rate and that is why people are migrating to other countries or areas.

3. Inflation:
Slow economic growth is putting downward pressure on prices.

4. Crime Rates:
The crime rate is increasing in many cities of the world

5. The Economy:
The markets have dropped sharply in the past few years

6. Oil Supply/Price:
The production is set to rise but the prices of the oil is on the rise and the increase in

7. Financial Unrest:
The US stock market is about to hit 20,000 on the Dow but the Financial Unrest is seen
every where in US and around the world.

8. Drug Abuse:
Several states in US and Canada vote to legalize pot. And the Drug Abuse is rising every

9. Moral Standards:
Rampant immorality threatens the World future of Morality and Character.

10. Anti-Religious Sentiment:

Christians, Shias and Jews and other minorities in the world are being openly discriminated
and abused.

11. Crime Rate:

The murder rate in several World cities has risen.

12. Anti-Semitism:
There has been a increase in anti-Semitic activities in the world.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1539

13. Israel and Jerusalem:
Trump Administration announced that the United States now considers Jerusalem to be
Israel's capital.

14. Russia and China:

Russia is rebuilding its nuclear forces to counter NATO. China is playing active military role
in South China Sea and with North Korea issue.

15. Persia (Iran) and Israel Conflict:

The conflict of Israel and Iran is about to emerge at any time with full scale.

16. Nuclear Nations:

The Nuclear threat still persists and the Nuclear Nations are continually building their
arsenals of Nuclear warheads.

17. Global Turmoil:

The terror attacks in the whole world is on its rise every year and Global turmoil is

18. Arms Proliferation:

Putin, President of Russia withdrew from an agreement on the disposal of plutonium.

19. The Peace Process:

Unrest has put Israeli/Arab talks on hold.

20. Kings of the East:

China and Japan agree to directly trade their currencies. So the Kings of the East are
playing their own cards.

21. Mark of Beast:

The PRISM spying scandal and the popularity of the Tattoos on the bodies are rising every

22. Beast Government:

The foreign ministers of France and Germany are working on the blueprint of an EU

23. Volcanoes:
There has been several Volcanic eruptions around the world.

24. Earthquakes:
Earthquakes are also on the rise around the world. A huge quake hits Hawaii.

25. Wild Weather

The Wild Weather is seen all across the globe with global warming, melting of ice,
tornadoes, storms, etc.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1540

26. Famine:
There has been a increase of famines all around the world.

27. Drought:
Drought conditions have increased all over the world

28. Plagues:
Plagues of different forms like Ebola Virus, Mad Cow disease, SARS, AIDS, etc are on the
rise in the world

29. Food Supply:

The Food Supply chain is also broken in many countries and the countries are facing severe
food shortages like Venezula, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Afghanistan, etc

30. Floods:
The rise in Floods all over the world has increased due to ice melting, unusual rains, storms,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1541

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402. The Abjad of "Ali Wali Jali" and the total
Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
Ali Wali Jali ------- 199
The reverse number of 199 is 991. Adding both numbers, we would get:

199 + 991 = 1190

The total period of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be from 255 Hijri till 1445
Hijri and the number of years of Ghaibat would be:

1445 - 255 = 1190 years

Also the total Names of Allah (1) in the Holy Quran are 99

1 (Allah) -----99 (Names of Allah in Holy Quran)


The reverse number of 199 is 991

Adding both numbers would again give ----1190

255 Hijri (1st Zahoor) + 1190 = 1445 Hijri (2nd Zahoor)

1445 Hijri .................2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1543

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403. 14 Haroof e Muqateaad in the Holy Quran and
the Zahoor of 14th Masoom
The Abjad of the Arabic sentence containing all the 14 Haroof e Muqatead in the
Holy Quran is 693

The Arabic Sentence is :

"Sirat e Ali Haq Namsikhu"

As our Imam Mahdi is also 14th Masoom of Allah and this Zahoor is the 2nd Zahoor
of our Imam. 1st Zahoor of our Imam took place on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri i.e. on
29th July, 869 AD - Friday.

Now if we multiply 693 with Number - 2 and add the Abjad - 59 of His name,
"Mahdi", we would get the year of His Zahoor

(693 x 2) + 59 = 1445.............1445 Hijri.............Zahoor Year

(14th Masoom x 2nd Zahoor) + Mahdi (59) = 1445

14 x 2 = 28.........................28th July................Date of His Zahoor

693 - 583 (Abjad of 5 Panjetan) = 110.............All Panjetan are Ali

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1545

693 + 359 (Sirat e Mahdi) = 1052..........Abjad of 7 repeated

693 + 359 + (786/2) = 1445

693 + 583 (5 Panjetan) + 169 (Ya Ali Madad) = 1445

(11 x 169) + 164 (Abjad of 'Nuqta') = 2023

20 (Hadi) x 72 (Shuhada e Karbala) + 5 (5 Panjetan) = 1445

101 (Ism) x 20 (Hadi) + 3 (Allah + Muhammad + Ali) = 2023

2023 AD................2nd Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1546

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404. The Attack of Locusts on Grand Mosque, Kaaba,
Saudi Arabia before the Zahoor of Imam

It has been narrated in different Sayings of our Imams that Locusts would swarm
Holy Kaaba, Mecca before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

In recent years, the Grand Mosque, Mecca has been plagued by swarm of locusts.
On 11th January, 2019 again the Grand Mosque came under attack from Black
Locusts and the local authorities are struggling to clean up the mess.

The message of locust swarms as a form of divine punishment features in

all the Abrahamic traditions, which include Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The countries like Egypt and Israel had also come under attack from the swarm of
locusts in recent years.

It has been a clear message from the Almighty God that the humanity is living in
End Times and they should rectify their way of living before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS).

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405. Aamad e Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) --- Allah O

Imam Mahdi's Aamad meaning Arrival and Zahoor is for the salvation of the
humanity from the Evil and the Devil -- The Satanic forces in the world and the
name of Allah would only survive in His Divine Kingdom...Allah O Akbar

The Abjad of name, "Aamad" meaning Arrival is 45

Also the Abjad of "Zahoor" is 1111

The Abjad of Arabic words, "Allah O Akbar" is 289

The Abjad of the following Arabic words: "Aamad e Zahoor" + "Allah O Akbar" is

Aamad (45) e Zahoor (1111) + Allah O Akbar (289) ............1445

45 + 1111 + 289 = 1445...............1445 Hijri.............Zahoor Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1550

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1551
406. The Zionists Secret Plan to demolish Mosque Al Aqsa and
build 3rd Temple to haste the Arrival of their Messiah - Anti -

Present Photo of Mosque and Historical Places in Jerusalem

The Zionists have a secret and evil plan to demolish Mosque Al Aqsa and build
3rd Temple Mount on it. They have recently shifted their capital from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem in 2017 AD.

Now they have openly started mentioning their plan to build 3rd Temple Mount
on the Mosque Al Aqsa in public forums and Government meetings. Recently,
the US Ambassador David Friedman was given a photoshopped picture of
Temple Mount on Mosque Al Aqsa.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1552

Ambassador David Friedman holding a photoshopped picture of Temple Mount
and there is no Mosque Al Aqsa in the photo

Israeli institutions and organizations are reportedly awaiting the regime’s go-
ahead for the construction of a so-called “third temple” in place of al-Aqsa
Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in the Israeli-occupied Jerusalem al-Quds.

The Palestinian-run International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC)

independent news organization carried the report on Monday, citing Israeli
television channels.

Israeli Zionists claim they have the right to build a third temple in line with
“scriptural prophecies” to follow the tradition of the first and second ones built
in ancient times.

Back in June, 2016 AD, Israeli Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Uri
Ariel said “the first temple was destroyed in 586 BCE, the second temple in 70
CE,” adding that he wished to see a third one built.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1553

The Israeli media, IMEMC reported, alleged that the Israeli bodies favoring the
construction of the temple had received “wide political and popular support.”

“These organizations explained that they are ready to bring the equipment and
tools to start building the temple in the place of both the Dome of the Rock and
the al-Aqsa Mosque,” it added, citing Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency.

“They further stated that the total time needed to accomplish the building is
three years, according to their plans.”

The al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are situated in Haram al-Sharif or
Temple Mount in Jerusalem al-Quds, which was occupied by Israel in 1967.

The mosque is the third holiest site in Islam after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca and
Masjid al-Nabawi in Medina. The site is also holy to Christians and Jews.

In August 2015, Israel imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian

worshipers into the compound, which is under the administration of Jordan,
sparking a fresh wave of tensions with Palestinians. Over 230 Palestinians have
been killed by Israelis in recent months.

According to the agreement signed between the Tel Aviv regime and the
Jordanian government after Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem al-Quds in
1967, visits to the compound by Israelis are permitted, but non-Muslim worship
is prohibited.

Muslims consider the trespass into the al-Aqsa Mosque yard as part of an Israeli
Judaization campaign that targets the holy city of al-Quds and a provocation.

Over the past decades, Tel Aviv has been trying to change the demographic
makeup of Jerusalem al-Quds by constructing illegal settlements, destroying
historical sites and expelling the local Palestinian population.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1554

Temple Coin - 2017 - When Jerusalem was accepted as the Capital of Israel by
USA Govt in 2017

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1555

The Jews know that they are living in End Times and they are actively planning to
build 3rd Temple Mount where their Messiah or Anti - Christ can come and take
power of the world.

They would build the 3rd Temple Mount after the 3rd World War which is very
near on the political horizon of the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1556

407. The people of the world would become rich
and prosperous on the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

 The Abjad of Imam's name, "Al Mahdi" is 90

 Imam's first Zahoor took place on 255 Hijri.

Now if we add the Abjad of Allah's name, "Al Mughni" meaning The Enricher
is 1100.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1557

If we add the Abjad of Imam's name, "Al Mahdi" (31 + 59 = 90) with the year of
His Zahoor - 255 Hijri and add the Abjad of Allah's name, "Mughni" i.e. 1100, we
would get the year of His 2nd Zahoor, in which all people of the world become
rich and prosperous.

90 (Al Mahdi) + 255 (1st Zahoor) + 1100 (Mughni) = 1445 Hijri (2nd Zahoor)

1445 Hijri......................2nd Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1558

408. The total letters of Allah's Greatest name - Ism
e Azam are 73. The Number - 73 and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS)

It is narrated in the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad and the sayings of our Imams
that the total Arabic letters in the Greatest Name of Allah, known as Ism e Azam
are 73.

The Abjad of Allah's name, "Al Jalil" is also 73

As we know that the 73rd Arabic letter is hidden with Allah and our Imam Mahdi
(AS) is also hidden by Allah for centuries.

Our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam of Allah

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1559

Now if we multiply 73 with number - 12 and add the Abjad of His name, "Mahdi"
and then add the year of His 1st Zahoor in 255 Hijri, we would get the total
number of years of His Ghaibat from 255 Hijri till 1445 Hijri, i.e. 1190 years.

(73 x 12) + 59 + 255 = 1190......................1190 Years of Ghaibat of Mahdi

1445 Hijri (2nd Zahoor) - 255 Hijri (1st Zahoor) = 1190 year of Ghaibat

Total Year of Ghaibat e Imam ----------------1190 Years

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409. The Massive and Extensive Construction of Bunkers for the
coming Nuclear War by the Governments of the World and the
Preparation of the Elite + Millions of Coffins in Various US Cities

Imam Mahdi once said:

"Hide where ever you want from me and you would find me there before
you hide yourself."

It is very interesting that the construction of Bunkers by the Dajjal forces

before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and their destruction by the
hands of Imam Mahdi (AS) and His forces after His Zahoor is mentioned
in the Holy Quran in Chapter - 59 (Surah e Hashar), Verse - 2 as:
"It is He who expelled the ones who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture
from their homes at the first gathering (First Qiyamat i.e. Hashar). You did not think
they would leave, and they thought that their fortresses would protect them from
Allah ; but [the decree of] Allah came upon them from where they had not expected,
and He cast terror into their hearts [so] they destroyed their houses by their [own]
hands and the hands of the believers. So take warning, O people of vision."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1562

The Surah e Hashar - 59 also pertains to the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
as it indicates the First Qiyamat on Earth by the order of Allah and Imam
Mahdi (AS) would take revenge from the enemies of Allah and His

The fears of Nuclear War in the coming years are mounting. As a result, the super-
rich have contemplated going into hiding, with sales of luxury bunkers skyrocketing.
Texas based bunker builders Rising S have experienced a 400 percent rise in sales
following Trump’s election.

Custom made shelters aren’t cheap either — they range in price from the tens of
thousands to the tens of millions.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1563

Map of a Model - Bunker
The rambling, green hills of Fall River county located near the Black Hills in South
Dakota, is the location for a spectacular new underground survival community
featuring individual bunkers for 575 families and a total underworld population of
5,000. This is Vivos xPoint, and it is the world’s largest shelter escape.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1564

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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1566
410. The Sea of Galilee would dry before the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ and the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Sea of Galilee - North of Israel

It is mentioned in the narrations of Talmud and also from Islamic Narrations that
the Sea of Galilee in Israel would dry before the Coming of Massihah as per the
belief of Jews and the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS) as per the belief of Muslims.

The Sea of Galilee, Kinneret or Kinnereth,[ is a freshwater lake in Israel. It is

approximately 53 km (33 mi) in circumference, about 21 km (13 mi) long, and
13 km (8.1 mi) wide. Its area is 166.7 km2 (64.4 sq mi) at its fullest, and its
maximum depth is approximately 43 m (141 feet). At levels between 215 metres
(705 ft) and 209 metres (686 ft) below sea level, it is the lowest freshwater lake
on Earth and the second-lowest lake in the world (after the Dead Sea,
a saltwater lake). The lake is fed partly by underground springs although its main
source is the Jordan River which flows through it from north to south.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1567

The historically low water levels in the Sea of Galilee have been caused by
overuse, not climate change-induced drought, researchers from Ben-Gurion
University said in a study published this week.

Researchers from BGU’s Geomorphology and Fluvial Research Group said in the
September issue of an industry journal that agriculture and flow diversion were
the primary reasons for the steady diminishment of Israel’s major source of fresh

“Climatic factors alone are inadequate to explain the record shrinkage of the Sea
of Galilee,” Prof. Jonathan Laronne and Dr. Michael Wine wrote in their paper
published by the Science of the Total Environment.

“We found no decreasing trends in inflow from the headwaters of the Upper
Jordan River located primarily in Lebanon and northern Israel,” they said.

Rather, Laronne and Wine said the declining water levels in the upper Jordan
River corresponded to a period of expanded irrigation agriculture in which the
the rate of groundwater being pumped was doubled.

The researchers said that while an overall increase in temperature would cause
water to evaporate, leading to a decrease in water levels, the temperature
changes recorded in the Sea of Galilee were not significant enough to explain the
observed decrease in water levels.

The researchers said their results demonstrated that to rehabilitate the Sea of
Galilee, Israel must stop pumping fresh water from the lake and nearby streams.

According to the Israel Water Authority, the ongoing five-year drought has
plunged water tables to the lowest level in at least 98 years, since scientists first
began taking taking measurements in 1920.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1568

Northern Israel’s worst drought in a century left the country’s water tables with
a deficit of 2.5 billion cubic liters of water, compared to non-drought years.

That deficit is the equivalent of one million Olympic-size swimming pools, water
that would normally flow through Israel’s streams and underground water tables
toward the Sea of Galilee and other water sources.

In June, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced an emergency drought

recovery program in an effort to rehabilitate seven streams in northern Israel
that would see desalinated water flow directly to the Sea of Galilee.

The NIS 105 million ($30 million) plan aims to pump up to 100 million cubic
meters of desalinated water into the lake within four years.

The Sea of Galilee is currently at 214.2 meters (703 feet) below sea level, more
than half a meter below the danger zone of the lower red line, and just below
the even lower black line.

The black line is a dangerously low level that can create irreversible ecological
problems, including an increase in the water’s salinity and algae blooms that can
do permanent damage to the water quality, and flora and fauna.

Last year, the Water Authority had to pump 17,000 tons of salt out of the Sea of
Galilee to ensure that the lower water levels did not cause the water to get too

As we all are witnessing that the Sea of Galilee is drying up and it is one of the
Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Coming of Massihah of Jews as
mentioned in their religious book - Talmud.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1569

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411. The temperature of the Earth is rising because of heat
and Global Warming as told by Prophet (PBUH) before Zahoor

With the courtecy from the BBC - article

Climate change: World heading for warmest decade, says Met Office
By Matt McGrathEnvironment correspondent

The world is in the middle of what is likely to be the warmest 10 years since records
began in 1850, say scientists.

The Met Office is forecasting that temperatures for each of the next five years are
likely to be 1C or more above pre-industrial levels.

In the next five years there's also a chance we'll see a year in which the average
global temperature rise could be greater than 1.5C.

That's seen as a critical threshold for climate change.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1571

If the data matches the forecast, then the decade from 2014
2023 will be the
warmest in more than 150 years of record keeping.

Will the forecast temperature rises bust the Paris climate

The Met Office says that 2015 was the first year in which the global annual average
surface temperature reached 1C above the pre pre-industrial
industrial level, which is generally
taken to mean the temperatures between 1850 and 1900.

Each year since then, the global average has hovered close to or above the 1C mark.
Now, the Met Office says that trend is likely to continue or increase over the next
five years.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1572

"We've just made this year's forecasts and they go out to 2023 and what they
suggest is rapid warming globally," Prof Adam Scaife, head of long term forecasting
at the Met Office, told BBC News.

"By looking at individual years in that forecast we can now see for the first time,
there is a risk of a temporary, and I repeat temporary, exceedance of the all-
important 1.5C threshold level set out in the Paris climate agreement."
Last October, UN scientists published a special report on the long-term impacts of a
temperature rise of 1.5C.

They concluded that it would take a massive carbon cutting effort to keep the world
from tipping over the limit by 2030. The Met Office analysis now says there's a 10%
chance of this happening within the next five years.

"It's the first time the forecasts have shown a significant risk of exceedance - it is
only temporary. We are talking about individual years fluctuating above the 1.5
degree level," said Prof Scaife.

"But the fact that that can happen now due to a combination of general warming
and the fluctuations due to things like El Niño events in the next few years does
mean we are getting close to that threshold."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1573

How confident is the Met Office of its prediction?
The Met Office says it has a 90% confidence limit in the forecasts for the years

It says that from 2019 to 2023, we will see temperatures ranging from 1.03C to
1,57C above the 1850-1900 level, with enhanced warming over much of the globe,
especially over areas like the Arctic.

The research team says it is pretty certain in its predictions because of its past
experience. The team's previous forecast, made in 2013, predicted the rapid rate of
warming that's been observed over the past five years. It even predicted some of
the lesser known details such as the patch of cooling seen in the North Atlantic and
the cooler spots in the Southern Ocean.

If the observations over the next five years match the forecasts, then the decade
between 2014 and 2023 will be the warmest in more than 150 years of records.

What about other climate agencies?

The Met Office forecast comes as a number of agencies publish their full analysis of
temperature data from 2018, showing it to be the fourth warmest since records
began in 1850.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has published an analysis of five

major international datasets showing that the 20 warmest years on record have
been in the past 22.

"Temperatures are only part of the story. Extreme and high impact weather
affected many countries and millions of people, with devastating repercussions for
economies and ecosystems in 2018," said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas.

"Many of the extreme weather events are consistent with what we expect from a
changing climate. This is a reality we need to face up to. Greenhouse gas emission
reduction and climate adaptation measures should be a top global priority," he

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1574

Other researchers in the field said the new forecast for the next five years was in
line with expectations, given the record level of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere
in 2018.

"The forecast from the Met Office is, unfortunately, no surprise," said Dr Anna
Jones, an atmospheric chemist at the British Antarctic Survey.

"Temperatures averaged across the globe are at a record all-time high, and have
been for a number of years. They are driven predominantly by rising concentrations
of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, that result from our continued use of
fossil fuels.

"Until we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we can expect to see upward trends in
global averaged temperatures."

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told us 1400 years ago that the heat would rise all
over the world in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the
scientists are confirming this prophecy through the proofs of scientific data and
analysis of weather from the last 150 years that we are experiencing high heat.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1575

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1576
411. The brutal murder of 6 years old boy - Zakaria Al- Jaber
in Medina, Saudi Arabia as told by Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS)
1400 years ago and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is very
near after that incident

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1577

A six-year-old boy was reportedly brutally killed with broken glass as his mother
desperately tried to save him in Saudi Arabia on 31st January, 2019 on Thursday,
25 Jamadi Al Awal, 1440 Hijri.

Zakaria Al-Jaber was in a taxi with his mother on their way to the shrine of
Prophet Muhammad in Medina when the driver stopped the car and forced the
boy out.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1578

He dragged him to an area near a coffee shop in the Al-Tilal neighborhood,
before smashing a glass bottle.
The report said the taxi driver slit his throat with a shard of glass before stabbing
him repeatedly as both his mother and a nearby police officer attempted to stop
the brutal attack.

Shia Rights Watch, a group that defends the rights of minority Shia Muslims, also
said the boy was killed on Thursday in an act of sectarian violence, but claimed it was
a `beheading'.

The group said that an unknown man had asked the mother if she was Shia,
moments before the attack happened.

They said: 'The Saudi Shia community came together today in mourning and to show
solidarity with the parents.

'The community also reported this incident is a result of ongoing violations and lack
of protection by the Saudi authority toward its Shia population.'

Shia Rights Watch, whose headquarters are in Washington D.C., said the `beheading'
must be addressed ASAP.

They added: 'Shia Rights Watch, other human rights NGOs and activists have long
advocated for the rights of this minority through campians, UN and other entities.

'However the population still suffers because of the lack of international

commitment to end such violations.

'Beheading of a young child in such manner must be addressed ASAP.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1579

The brutal murder of the little boy is told by Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) 1400 years ago
in his saying quoted in Asool e Kafi, Vol - 1, Page - 337 as:

Imam Jafar Al Sadiq (AS) - 6th Holy Imam and 8th Holy Infallible said:
" O Zarara, a little boy will be killed in Madina Al Nabi"
Zarara asked: "O Master, is he the boy who will be killed by Army of
Imam replied: "No, Its the Army of Aali Bani Filan who will kill the kid,
they are egoistic and oppressed people, soon there time will be over. At
this time, Wait for the Arrival of Promised One, In Sha Allah."
(Source: Al Kafi - Volume - 1, Page - 337)

Also if we analyze the date of brutal murder of boy, this incident happenned on 25th
Jamadi Al Awal, 1440 Hijri. The Islamic month, Jamadi Al Awal is the 5th Islamic
month in Hijri Calender.

Date------ 25th Month.............5th (Jamadi Al Awal)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1580

If we write the date and the month as one number, we would get the following result

255................255 Hijri is the First Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS)

Also the Hijri year is 1440 Hijri. If we write the number - 1440 as, we would see the
following result:

1440 = 12 x 12 x 10
1440 = 12th Imam x 12th Imam x 10
Where 12 represents 12th Imam Mahdi and 10 is the "Ashra" of Makhlooq (Creation)
and 7 is the "Ashra" of Khaliq (Creator). So 12th Imam is coming for salvation of the
Makhlooq of Allah i.e. Almighty Creator.

As Imam Jaffar e Sadiq (AS) mentioned about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the
Hadith of the brutal murder of the boy in Medina, even the date and the day of the
incident is indicating the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the coming year --- 1445 Hijri.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1581

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412. Insects Are Dying En Masse, Risking 'Catastrophic'
Collapse Of Earth's Ecosystems -- An alarming sign before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

With the courtesy from Huffinton Post:

"The insect apocalypse is indeed upon us, according to the first global scientific
review of insect population decline.

There have been warning signs for years about plummeting insect populations
worldwide, but the extent of the potentially “catastrophic” crisis had not been
well-understood — until now.

The first global scientific review of insect population decline was published this
week in the journal Biological Conservation and the findings are “shocking,” its
authors said.

More than 40 percent of insect species are dwindling globally and a third of
species are endangered, concluded the peer-reviewed study, which analyzed 73
historical reports on insect population declines.

Chillingly, the total mass of insects is falling by 2.5 percent annually, the review’s
authors said. If the decline continues at this rate, insects could be wiped off the
face of the Earth within a century.

“It is very rapid. In 10 years you will have a quarter less, in 50 years only half left
and in 100 years you will have none,” study co-author Francisco Sánchez-Bayo,
an environmental biologist at the University of Sydney, Australia, told The

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1583

“If insect species losses cannot be halted, this will have catastrophic
consequences for both the planet’s ecosystems and for the survival of mankind,”
Sánchez-Bayo added.

Scientists have warned that a human-caused sixth mass extinction is now

underway on Earth. Vertebrate species, both on land and under the sea,
are threatened at a global scale because of human activities.

But according to the new review, the proportion of insects in decline is currently
twice as high as that of vertebrates and the insect extinction rate is eight times
faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles.

Insects play a profoundly important role in Earth’s ecosystems. They are a food
source for many animals, are critical pollinators and recycle nutrients back into
the soil.

In a November New York Times report about a possible “insect apocalypse,”

scientists were asked to imagine a world with no insects.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1584

They found “words like chaos, collapse, Armageddon,” the Times wrote. ”[One
entomologist] describes a flowerless world with silent forests, a world of dung
and old leaves and rotting carcasses accumulating in cities and roadsides, a
world of ‘collapse or decay and erosion and loss that would spread through

According to the new scientific review, habitat loss because of intensive

agriculture is the top driver of insect population declines. The heavy use of
pesticides, climate change and invasive species were also pinpointed as
significant causes.

“Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down
the path of extinction in a few decades,” the review’s co-authors wrote. “The
repercussions this will have for the planet’s ecosystems are catastrophic to say
the least.”

As one can understand the gravity from the issue discussed above regarding the
existence of humanity is in danger due to the catastrophic decline in Insects
population due to our dangerous activities on our planet.

As we have already crossed the limits set by Almighty Allah, so now the
interference from the God is necessary in the form of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) in 2023 AD. Insha Allah.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1585

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413. The Secret of "Aakir uz Zaman" meaning the End Times
and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Arabic word, "Aakir uz Zaman" means the End Times. As we know that one
of the famous Alqab (Names) of Imam Mahdi (AS) is also "Sahib Aakir uz Zaman"
because He would appear in the End Times along with Hazrat Isa (Jesus Christ).

We also know that His first Zahoor was in the year - 255 Hijri in Iraq. The time
when the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would take place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia is the
Secret of Allah and Masoomeen (AS).

The Arabic word, "Ser" meaning Secret is 260.

Now the Abjad of the Arabic words, "Aakir uz Zaman" is 930.

The Abjad of the Arabic words, "Ser Aakir uz Zaman" meaning the Secret of the
End times is 1190.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1587

Now if we add the Abjad of the Arabic words, "Ser e Aakir uz Zaman" with the
year of Imam's first Zahoor in 255 Hijri, we would get the year of His Second
Zahoor in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. How!

255 Hijri (1st Zahoor of Imam) + Ser e Aakir uz Zaman (1190) = 1445

1445..............................1445 Hijri......................Year of Imam's Final Zahoor

1445 Hijri ....................Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Also if we add the Abjad of 3 names, who are the biggest secrets, i.e. Fatima
(135), Mahdi (59) and Allah (66), We would get:

Fatima (135) + Mahdi (59) + Allah (66) = 260

Add the Abjad of these 3 names, i.e. 260 with the Abjad of "Aakir uz Zaman" i.e.
930, we would get: 260 + 930 = 1190

Add the result with the Hijri year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) i.e. 255 Hijri,
we would get the year of His Final Zahoor in 1445 Hijri as:

255 Hijri (1st Zahoor of Mahdi) + 1190 (260 + 930) = 1445

1445......................1445 Hijri................Year of Imam Mahdi Final Zahoor

1445 Hijri........................Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1445 Hijri ....................2023 AD..............Final Zahoor

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1588

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1589
414. The Fresh water would come into Dead Sea -- A Biblical
Prophecy comes true in recent years - The Old Testament

Fulfillment of the Dead Sea Prophecy Has Begun

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - 2016
(With the Courtesy of the website -

“And it shall come to pass in that day that living waters shall go out from
Yerushalayim: half of them toward the eastern sea and half of them
toward the western sea; in summer and in winter shall it be.”
Zechariah 14:8 (The Israel Bible™)

Almost ten times saltier than the ocean, nothing can live in the Dead Sea’s hypersaline
environment – Or so scientists thought until recently. Scientific research has proved the
existence of life at the bottom of the sea, but due to a unique set of circumstances, signs of
life have begun appearing on its very shores, precisely as it is written in the Book of

A young woman on a nature hike was shocked recently when she discovered freshwater
ponds with fish on the shores of the Dead Sea. Samantha Siegel, a Jewish woman living in
Jerusalem, often takes trips to the desert and the ancient body of water. On a recent visit,
she encountered an incongruous sight with powerful implications: a prophecy appearing
before her eyes that seemed to contradict the laws of nature.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1590

The Dead Sea is, as its name implies, dead. More than 400 meters below sea level, it is the
lowest point on dry land. No life can exist in its ultra-salty waters and its shores are coated
with a thick layer of salt that kills any plant.

Its inhospitality has been documented for centuries. A mosaic on the floor of a church in
Medeba, Jordan, showing a map for Byzantine pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land,
illustrates this. It features a picture of fish swimming down the Jordan River and then turning
around once they arrive at the waters of the Dead Sea.

The Bible, however, describes a very different picture of the region. Lot looked out on the
valley where the Dead Sea is now and saw an incredibly fertile and well-watered region.

And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was
well watered every where, before Hashem destroyed Sdom and Gomorrah,
like the garden of Hashem. Genesis 13:10 (The Israel Bible)

The Bible relates that the landscape changed when the fire and brimstone destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah turned the valley into a wasteland. Indeed, people who visit the
Dead Sea today would find it difficult to envision a garden in the arid region.

Even more perplexing are the Messianic prophecies that water will flow east from Jerusalem
into the Dead Sea, and these bitter waters will fill up with fish and the surrounding desert will
be teeming with life.

Then said he unto me: ‘These waters issue forth toward the eastern region and
shall go down into the Arabah; and when they shall enter into the sea into the
sea of the putrid waters the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass
that every living creature wherewith it swarmeth whithersoever the rivers
shall come shall live; and there shall be a very great multitude of fish; for
these waters are come thither that all things be healed and may live
whithersoever the river cometh. Ezekiel 47:8-9 (The Israel Bible)

The water level at the Dead Sea has been receding at the fantastic rate of up to one meter
every year. This is due to water being diverted from the Jordan River for agricultural
purposes and evaporation caused by the Dead Sea mineral works. The dropping water level
has led to sinkholes appearing on the shores of the Dead Sea. On a visit to the arid region,
Siegel discovered that many of these pools have been filling up with sweet fresh water, and
even more incredibly, fish.

The proof is undeniable. Siegel produced a video in which fish are clearly seen swimming
on the shores of the Dead Sea, and she films herself swimming in a large pool surrounded
by green plants.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1591

Fresh water at the Dead Sea is a clear example of how the prophets were able to see things
that remained hidden from scientists for thousands of years. In 2011, a team of researchers
from Ben Gurion University in the Negev sent divers to the floor of the Dead Sea. This
endeavor posed serious technical difficulties as the super-saline environment renders
regular scuba gear inoperable. It was the first time such a dive had ever been made, and
what they discovered was astounding.

The researchers discovered huge craters on the seafloor, 15 meters across and 20 meters
deep. Fresh water was flowing from these craters, which were carpeted with mats of
microorganisms, showing that the Dead sea was not entirely dead. The beginnings of the
prophecy are in place, waiting to spring forth.

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this Biblical prophecy appearing in plain sight is, as
Siegel stated in her video, “This is a big deal, and no one is really talking about it.”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1592

There is another article recently published in the same website and following is
the link and the contents of that article published in 2018:

Fish in the Dead Sea: A Prophetic Yet Endangered

Restoration of Life
By : Eliana Rudee October 4, 2018

And it shall come to pass that fishers shall stand by it from En-gedi even
unto En-eglaim; there shall be a place for the spreading of nets; their fish
shall be after their kinds as the fish of the Great Sea exceeding
many. Ezekiel 47:10 (The Israel Bible™)

For those who have visited the lowest point on the face of the earth, Ezekiel’s end-of-days
prophecy of the Dead Sea coming to life seems impossible, yet recently, scientists have
been shocked to discover that the sinkholes appearing around the sea are quickly filling up
with fish and other forms of life previously unseen in the inhospitable region.

Speeding atop the water, saltwater playfully splashing each smiling person on the boat,
each individual’s eyes are wide open despite the stinging salt. Nobody wants to miss a
second of the beautiful Israeli sunrise – the multisensory experience makes everyone feel
so alive that they begin to question why the body of water upon which they are riding can
possibly be called the ‘Dead Sea.’

Known as the Dead Sea in English because of its hypersaline environment (37% salinity –
almost ten times saltier than the ocean) and scarcity of aquatic life, Israeli
photojournalist Noam Bedein of the Dead Sea Revival Project says that the term Dead Sea
– “a political term used mostly by the Romans” – is a misnomer.

The Dead Sea is “anything but dead,” he said, calling it the “eighth wonder of the world.”

Bedein has witnessed fish in Dead Sea sinkholes, microorganisms, growing vegetation and
millions of visitors each year who come seeking life through the body of water’s high oxygen
levels and special minerals.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1593

Indeed, the existence of fish in the Dead Sea, a reality that seems to contradict the laws of
nature, has been explained by science and Biblical prophecy alike.

On the shores of the Dead Sea – more than 400 meters below sea level – are freshwater
sinkholes, created as a result of dropping water levels. These large sinkholes were
discovered in 2011, carpeted with microorganisms and on the sea’s shores – fish and algae.

“One hundred and sixty researchers and almost every university has something to say
about saving the Dead Sea,” said Jackie Ben Zaken, Dead Sea guide and expert on the
Dead Sea ecosystem. Sinkholes, he said, are caused by “fresh water running under the
ground, meeting the sediment layers and melting them.”

“As a result of these sinkholes, we see habitats with less than 1.5% salinity – water you
could drink – surrounded by salt water as well as minerals like bromium, magnesium, and
potassium,” he told Breaking Israel News.

But this is no scientific miracle, said Bedein – it’s Biblical prophecy coming to fruition.

“Coming to the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, you see prophecy coming true,” he

According to the Bible, the landscape changed with the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah, which turned the valley into a wasteland. The Bible also describes the area as
fertile and well-watered in its narrative of Lot looking out onto the valley where the Dead
Sea is now:

And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was
well watered everywhere, before Hashem destroyed Sdom and Gomorrah,
like the garden of Hashem. (Genesis 13:10)

Evidence of the Life in the Dead Sea

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1594

“A place that was once cursed in Biblical times, now you can come here to the Dead Sea,
explore the sinkholes and see fish where the water has receded – fulfilling prophecies from
Ezekiel who talked about the land flourishing and blooming when the Jews return,” said

Indeed, Biblical prophecy also holds that water will flow east from Jerusalem into the Dead
Sea, filling it up with fish and the surrounding desert with life:

“Then said he unto me: ‘These waters issue forth toward the eastern region
and shall go down into the Arabah; and when they shall enter into the sea into
the sea of the putrid waters the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to
pass that every living creature wherewith it swarmeth whithersoever the
rivers shall come shall live; and there shall be a very great multitude of fish;
for these waters are come thither that all things be healed and may live
whithersoever the river cometh.” (Ezekiel 47:8-9)

“The curse is over, and this place and its minerals are now bringing life to people around the
world,” he added.

Others who have witnessed life in the Dead Sea have similarly pointed to prophecy. In
2016, a Breaking Israel News story about signs of the Dead Sea coming to life went viral,
garnering more than a quarter million views. At the time, the presence of fish and other
wildlife in the brackish waters of the sinkholes surrounding the Dead Sea went largely
unnoticed by the scientific community. The phenomenon was brought to the public’s
attention by a remarkable young Jewish immigrant to Israel named Samantha Siegel who
visited the isolated location to meditate. Siegel is still connected to the site and continues to
see prophecy unfolding in the brackish waters surrounding the Dead Sea.

“I still go to the Dead Sea every week,” Siegel told Breaking Israel News. “It is the best thing
to keep me sane and connected to Hashem. It is a glimpse into another world. I went there
for Yom Kippur. If I was going to be praying all day, I wanted it to be there, where I could
see Hashem in front of my eyes.”

Siegel’s spirituality is rooted in nature and for her, the Dead Sea is the most powerful
example of God’s revelation.

“The Dead Sea is an opening into the earth,” she said. “It is like Momma Earth breaking
water before giving birth. It looks so harsh right now but that is just heaven being coated
with a little bit of hell. When Moshiach comes and the goodness of creation comes out, it will
be pure heaven. If you have the eyes to see it, you can see it happening already,” she said.

And yet, there exists a dual complexity of the Dead Sea: while the current state of the sea
with its salt chimneys (salt buildup formations around freshwater springs) and deposits

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(formed by pressurized crystallization of minerals – saturated acids – as
temperature changes) make for stunning photos and prophetic occurrences, its illusory
beauty is a result of the 600 Olympic pools worth of water that is emptied every day from the
sea – 750 million cubic inches per year – a reality that Noam calls an “environmental

“The next generation is not going to be able to enjoy the Dead Sea as we know it today –
over 1 billion people around the world are using the Dead Sea’s 24 minerals for their
therapeutic effects,” he told Breaking Israel News.

Over the past two years, Noam has been documenting Dead Sea’s changes and geological
phenomena. His sunrise Dead Sea boat tours of the northern part of the lowest point on
earth aim to educate guests about the changes the sea is undergoing as a result of water
diversion from the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) for agricultural purposes and
evaporation caused by the Dead Sea mineral works.

Also focused on the magnificent, prophetic and endangered Dead Sea – and the healing
that is necessary – Ben Zaken poses that many questions remain, such as how much and
which type of water can be added to the Dead Sea without ecological damage in order to
keep it as a life source for generations to come.

“The problem is not what evaporates, but what doesn’t enter,” said Ben Zaken. “To save the
Dead Sea we need to fill in the Sea of Galilee, the source of water that is already in a state
of ecological disaster. If we do nothing, we will have 80 years, until an ecological disaster –
a point of no return – where the sea drops, minerals will crystalize but not sink and oxygen
in the air will be blocked,” he maintained.

Efforts toward solutions include the ‘Red-Dead’ canal, a desalination pipeline from Aqaba,
Jordan and desalination plant in the Gulf of Eilat that would give water to Jordan – an idea
discussed as a part of peace agreements that was supposed to be actualized nine months
ago, but has yet to start because of political complications.

Noam Bedein of the Dead Sea Revival Project explains about the Sea's retreat

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“We need to fill in the Galilee to the upper level, open the dam, let water flow in the Jordan
River, which will fill the Dead Sea – without Jordan cutting off the supply. Lack of circulation
means fish will die in Galilee,” said Ben Zaken.

Additionally, posed Bedein, “Only 10% of what the Dead Sea actually needs is going to
come through this $10 billion project. The ultimate and natural solution is restoring the
historical flow: the Kinneret and the Jordan River. That will be our focus for the near future.”

Bedein is no novice in rising to the challenges facing the Jewish people in their Biblical
homeland. As director of the Sderot Media Center, Bedein has spent years speaking about
the experience of the southern Israeli community of Sderot that is under constant threat of
Hamas terrorism.

Now, he’s using the Dead Sea’s story, water treasures and beautiful complexities to inspire
the next generation about Israel, hoping that it may also be a solution toward restoring the
historical flow of the Dead Sea.

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415. The Arabs would compete in the construction of High
rise buildings in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) as told by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

It is narrated in different Ahadith of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that Arabs

would compete in the construction of High Rise buildings with each other in the End
Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

As we witness the construction of High Rise Skyscrapers in the Middle Eastern

countries especially Dubai, Jeddah, Doha, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, etc

The Burj Khalifa, known as the Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration in 2010, is
a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. With a total height of 829.8 m
(2,722 ft) and a roof height (excluding antenna) of 828 m (2,717 ft), the Burj Khalifa
has been the tallest structure and building in the world since its topping
out in 2009.

Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the Tallest structure and building in the world and in Middle
Eastern country owned by Arabs. This prophecy has also come true as told by our
beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Now see the competition among Arabs with
the recent construction of Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia which is due to open in
2020 AD.

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Burj Khalifa --- Tallest Building in the World till 2019

If we see Dubai just couple of years ago, we don't see lot of tall buildings in that city
which is now fill with lot of skyscrapers including the tallest structure in the world.

Dubai in 1980's and Dubai in 2019 AD

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Jeddah Tower - Saudi Arabia
Jeddah Tower previously known as Kingdom Tower and Mile-High Tower, is a
skyscraper on hold on the north side of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It is planned to be the
world's first 1 km (3,281 ft) high building, and the centrepiece and first phase of a
development and tourist attraction known as Jeddah Economic City.

Jeddah Tower Under Construction and After Construction by 2020 AD

No one can imagine 30 years ago that these Arab nations would be competing with
each other in building highest buildings in their cities. The prophecy of our Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) came true in recent years and so the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) comes closer as time passes by.

The Arabs usually build low height structures and used to live in camps. Now as the
wealth came in their hands, they changed the way of their living and adopt the
Western style of high rise buildings in their cities and towns.

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416. The increase in the demolition of early Islamic Heritage in
Saudi Arabia in the last 40 years before the Zahoor of Imam(AS)
in 2023 AD

The destruction of sites associated with early Islam is an ongoing phenomenon that
has occurred mainly in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia, particularly
around the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

The demolition has focused on mosques, burial sites, homes and historical locations
associated with the Islamic prophet Muhammad and many of the founding
personalities of early Islamic history. In Saudi Arabia, many of the demolitions have
officially been part of the continued expansion of the Masjid al-Haram at Mecca and
the Prophet's Mosque in Medina and their auxiliary service facilities in order to
accommodate the ever-increasing number of Muslims performing the Hajj

19th Century and demolition of Islamic heritage in Saudi Arabia

In 1801 and 1802, the Saudis under Abdul Aziz ibn Muhammad ibn Saud attacked
and captured the Shia holy cities of Karbala and Najaf in today's Iraq, massacred
parts of the Shia Muslim population and destroyed the tomb of Husayn ibn Ali, the
grandson of Muhammad and son of Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1603
In 1803 and 1804, the Saudis captured Mecca and Medina and destroyed historical
monuments and various holy Muslim sites and shrines, such as the shrine built over
the tomb of Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, and even intended to destroy
the grave of Muhammad himself as idolatrous, causing outrage throughout
the Muslim world.

In Mecca, the tombs of direct relations of Muhammad located at Jannatul

Mualla cemetery, including that of his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, were
demolished. The initial dismantling of the sites began in 1806 when
the Wahhabi army of the First Saudi State occupied Medina and systematically
levelled many of the structures at the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery.

This is the vast burial site adjacent the Prophet's Mosque (Al-Masjid al-Nabawi)
housing the remains of many of the members of Muhammad’s family,
close companions and central figures of early Islam.

The Ottoman Turks, practitioners themselves of more tolerant and at times mystical
strains of Islam, had erected elaborate mausoleums over the graves of Al-Baqi.
These were levelled in their entirety. Mosques across the city were also targeted
and an attempt was made to demolish Muhammad's tomb.

Widespread vocal criticism of this last action by Muslim communities as far away as
India, eventually led to abandoning any attempt on this site. Political claims made
against Turkish control of the region initiated the Ottoman–Saudi war (1811–1818)
in which the Saudi defeat forced Wahhabi tribesmen to retreat from the Hejaz back
into the interior.

Turkish forces reasserted control of the region and subsequently began extensive
rebuilding of sacred sites between 1848 and 1860, many of them done employing
the finest examples of Ottoman design and craftsmanship.

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20th Century and demolition of Islamic heritage in Saudi Arabia
On 21 April 1925 the mausoleums and domes at Al-Baqi in Medina were once again
levelled] and so were indicators of the exact location of the resting places of
Muhammad’s family members and descendants, as it remains to the present day.
Portions of the famed Qasida al-Burda, the 13th century ode written in praise of
Muhammad by Imam al-Busiri, inscribed over Muhammad's tomb were painted

Among specific sites targeted at this time were the graves of the Martyrs of
the Battle of Uhud, including the grave of the renowned Hamza ibn 'Abd al-
Muttalib, uncle of Muhammad and one of his most beloved supporters, the Mosque
of Fatimah Al Zahraa’, daughter of Mohammad, the Mosque of the Two Lighthouses
(Manaratayn) as well as the Qubbat Al-Thanaya, the cupola built as the burial place
of Mohammad’s incisor tooth, which was broken from a blow received during the
Battle of Uhud.

In Medina, the Mashrubat Umm Ibrahim, the home of Mohammad’s Coptic

Egyptian wife Mariah and birthplace of their son Ibrahim, as well as the adjacent
burial site of Hamida al-Barbariyya, mother of Musa al-Kadhim, were destroyed
during this time. The site was paved over and is today part of the massive marble
esplanade beside the Mosque.

The government-appointed permanent scholarly committee of Saudi Arabia has

ordered the demolition of such structures in a series of Islamic rulings noting
excessive veneration leading to shirk.

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After Destruction of Janat Al Baqi in Madina

21st Century and the demolition of Islamic heritage in Saudi Arabia

The twenty-first century has seen an increase in the demolition of Islamic sites in
Mecca and Medina by Saudi authorities, alongside expansion of luxury

The rapid influx of capitalist investment in Mecca and Medina leads many to
believe that money and economic growth are the ultimate reason for Saudi
authorities. Critics argue that this monetary focus works with Wahhabi
state policy that imposes a massive cultural and social deletion within the Holy
Cities, erasing any elements that encourage practices counter to the Wahhabi

According to The Independent, the House of Mawalid where Muhammad is said

to have been born is about to be replaced by a huge royal palace, as a part of a
multibillion-pound construction project in Mecca which has resulted in the
destruction of hundreds of historic monuments.

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List of few Islamic Sites destroyed in Saudi Arabia by Wahabbis
 The mosque at the grave of Sayyid al-Shuhada’ Hazrat Hamza (AS) ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib.
 The Mosque of Bibi Fatima Zahra (SA).
 The Mosque of al-Manaratain.
 Mosque and tomb of Sayyid Imam al-Uraidhi ibn Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq (AS), destroyed by
dynamite on August 13, 2002.
 Four mosques at the site of the Battle of the Trench in Medina
 The Mosque of Abu Rasheed.
 Hazrat Salman al-Farsi Mosque, in Medina.
 Raj'at ash-Shams Mosque, in Medina.

Cemeteries and tombs

 Jannat al-Baqi in Medina, leveled, still open access for men. Women are advised against
visiting cemeteries in Sunni Islam.
 Jannat al-Mu'alla, the ancient cemetery at Mecca.
 Grave of Hamida al-Barbariyya, the mother of Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS).
 Grave of Bibi Amina (AS) bint Wahb, Prophet's Muhammad’s mother, bulldozed in 1998.
 Graves of Banu Hashim in Mecca.
 Tombs of Hazrat Hamza (AS) and other casualties of the Battle of Uhud were demolished
at Mount Uhud.
 Tomb of Eve (AS) in Jeddah, sealed with concrete in 1975.
 Grave of the father of Muhammad, in Medina.

Historical religious sites

 The house of Mawlid where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is believed to have been born in 570.
Originally turned into a library, it now lies under a rundown building which was built 70 years
ago as a compromise after Wahhabi clerics called for it to be demolished.
 The house of Bibi Khadija (AS), Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) first wife. Muslims believe he
received some of the first revelations there. It was also where his
children Fatimah, Qasim and Ibrahim ibn Muhammad were born. After it was rediscovered
during the Haram extensions in 1989, it was covered over and it was made into a library.
 A Hilton hotel stands on the site of the house of Muslim’s first caliph, Abu Bakr
 House of Muhammed in Medina, where he lived after the migration from Mecca.
 Dar e Arqam, the first Islamic school where Prophet Muhammad preached Islam. It now lies
under the extension of the Masjid Alharam of Mecca.
 Qubbat’ al-Thanaya, the burial site of Prophet Muhammed's incisor that was broken in
the Battle of Uhud.
 Mashrubat Umm Ibrahim, built to mark the location of the house where Muhammad’s
son, Ibrahim, was born to Mariah.
 Dome which served as a canopy over the Well of Zamzam.
 Bayt al-Ahzan of Sayyida Fatima, in Medina.

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 House of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, in Medina.
 Mahhalla complex of Banu Hashim, in Mecca.
 House of Imam Ali (AS) where Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) were born.

If we notice that most of the Islamic heritage in Saudi Arabia has been destroyed in
the last 25 years and their speed of demolition increased as they are seeing that
their time is near and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is very near.

The Wahabbi regime of Saudi Arabia also secretly agreed to relocate the Grave of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to an unknown place and demolish the Green Tomb of
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which Allah would save inshaAllah.

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417. The Old Testament Prophecies - Book of Daniel about the
End Times and the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ

Pastor Roger Barrier's "Ask Roger" column regularly appears at Preach It, Teach It. Every
week at Crosswalk, Dr. Barrier puts nearly 40 years of experience in the pastorate to work
answering questions of doctrine or practice for laypeople, or giving advice on church
leadership issues. He wrote the following article and published on the website:

Old Testament Prophecies - Book of Daniel

The book of Daniel provides an overview of world events from the days of King
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon all the way to Christ's crucifixion, resurrection and subsequent
millennial reign. Daniel forms the framework for the book of Revelation and for the
understanding of biblical prophecy.

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Daniel's 70 "sevens" prophecy encompasses the chronological framework for the history of
the Jews from now until eternity. Again, the book of Revelation fits into this framework. It's
really impossible to understand what's going on in Revelation without understanding the
book of Daniel.

Daniel's generalized overview occurs in Daniel chapter 9. Daniel was reading the book of
Jeremiah when he realized that the 70 years of Jewish Babylonian captivity was coming to
an end. Daniel wondered what would happen next--exactly what many Christians today are
also wondering about our own times. Understanding these prophecies can help us
understand what God has revealed to us about His plan for the End of the Age.

Along with asking God to tell him what came next for Israel, Daniel spent time in
prayer, confessing the sins of Israel and pleading God's forgiveness for those sins.
Daniel's overview begins with Nebuchadnezzar's dream-vision in Daniel 2.

Prophecy 1 - Nebuchadnezzer's dream

Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of a huge multi-metallic man with a golden head, chest and arms
of bronze, belly and thighs of brass, and feet and toes made out of iron mixed with clay. He
then saw a mountain coming out of the sky which hit the man on the toes and feet. The
mountain crushed the man into powder, and the mountain grew to fill the earth.

Daniel explained to Nebuchadnezzar that the different metals represented different

kingdoms. Babylon was gold; Media-Persia was silver; Greece was bronze; and Rome was
iron. The iron mixed with clay represented a future conglomeration of loosely federated
governments united around one man whom Daniel identifies as the antichrist.

The nations were in chronological order from top to bottom. We see here the devolution of
human governments. The value of these kingdoms begins with gold and ends with iron.
Also, notice that the nations increase in power over time. Babylon was a terrible foe;
however, its wickedness and power were nothing to match the wickedness, strength, and
power of the Roman Empire.

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I suppose that the lesson here is that all governments degenerate over time and that God is
ultimately in control of each of them.

As explained in the book of Revelation, the 10 toes represent 10 nations, occupying the
area of the old Roman Empire. These nations will come together in the last days in an
attempt to destroy Israel and take over the world. The nations don't get along very well just
as iron doesn't mix well with clay. Revelation describes these nations, along with several
others, that will all be led in a loose coalition by the antichrist.

The mountain which destroyed the multi-metallic man is a picture of the resurrected Jesus
Christ at His Second Coming destroying the wickedness of the Gentile nations on earth. The
mountain which grew to fill the earth is a picture of the millennial reign of Christ on earth.

Prophecy 2 - 490 Years and the Reign of Jesus (Messianic Kingdom)

God sent the angel Gabriel to give Daniel an answer to his prayer concerning what God had
planned for Israel.

Gabriel shared that God had another program for Israel when the 70 years were concluded.
This plan was for 490 years. As you read the verses below you will see how the book of
Revelation fits into this passage.

Daniel 9:24 gives us an overview. Daniel 9:25-27 fills in the details.

Daniel 9:24 is the overview: Seventy "sevens" are decreed for your people and your holy
city to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in
everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy

Daniel 9:25 -27 gives the details: “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes
out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be
seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in
times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and
will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the
sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations
have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven. In the middle

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of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an
abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

Remarkably, this passage looks 560 years into the future to predict the very day when
Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, April 6, 30 A.D.

In Daniel 9:24 we learn three facts regarding God's plan for Israel.

1. First, God’s program for Israel extends for 70 "Sevens" (70 x 7 = 490 Sevens). "Seven" is the
Hebrew word "Heptad." This is a generic word which can mean seven of anything. It is similar to
our word, "Dozen" which can mean twelve of virtually anything: twelve bananas, twelve pencils,
twelve years. The context of this passage helps us to determine that here the word "Heptad" is
referring to seven years. One "Seven" equals 7 years. (70 X 7 years = 490 years.)

2. Second, this program applies to Israel. "Your people and your holy city."

3. Third, this program will continue until Christ establishes His Messianic Kingdom.
Gabriel shared six characteristics of the Messianic Kingdom of Christ's l000-year reign
on earth.

 To finish transgression: refers to Israel's national transgression of rejecting the Messiah. At the
Second Coming, transgression will be ended because they will accept Him as Savior.
 To put an end to sin: the national sin of Israel will end.
 To atone for wickedness: refers to the reconciliation for all in the Cross of Christ. At the Second
Coming Jew and Gentile alike will recognize and believe in the atoning work of Christ.
 To bring in everlasting righteousness: Christ's Kingdom is set up on earth for a millennium.
 To seal up vision and prophecy: After 70th week all prophetic announcement and visions will be
confirmed and fulfilled.
 To anoint the Most Holy: refers to the Millennial Temple which will function during that time.

God reassured Daniel that He still has a plan for Israel. After 490 years Israel will be
restored to their land and will prosper in a glorious future.

The first sixty-nine "sevens" (483 years) (Daniel 9:25) began at the issuing of a decree to
restore and rebuild Jerusalem. This decree is described in Nehemiah 1:1 and 2:5-8.
Historically, the "20th year of Artaxerxes" was 444 B.C. Using the Jewish calendar of 360
days per year and the fact that the prophecies began on the first day of the month, we know
for certain that this period began on March 4, 444 B.C.

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Prophecy 3 - Birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ

The 69 "sevens" are broken down into two phases: One seven and sixty-two "sevens."

1. Seven "sevens" tells of the time during which the temple was rebuilt. It took 49 years. Ezra and
Nehemiah both helped in the rebuilding and spoke often of the troubled times occurring during this

2. The 69 "sevens" concludes when the Anointed One, the Ruler comes." From 444 B.C. until the
coming of Christ on Palm Sunday is 483 years or 69 "sevens."

483 prophetic years (360 days adjusted to 365.25 days =5.25 days difference between
the Jewish calendar and our present-day calendar. 483 X 5.25 = 2535.75 days or
about 6 years and 11 months. Subtract adjustment... and...483 Jewish years from
March 4, 444 B.C. to Palm Sunday is April 6, 30 A.D. (see Robert Anderson's
book, The Coming Prince).

This is one way that Anna and Simeon knew that it was about time for the Messiah to
be born so that they could carry out their planned worship of Jesus as a baby.

To a believer in Christ, Daniel's 490 year prophecy is a tremendous confirmation of the

Word of God!

We live in a day in which the Word of God is under attack on every hand. Many mock it, and
thousands ignore it; yet, here is a tremendous confirmation for all of us to see this prophecy
fulfilled in absolute detail to the very day.
Of course, most of Israel was blinded to it all, as many are blinded to how God is working
today as well.

Several things occur between the end of the 69th seven at the beginning of the 70th (Daniel

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Prophecy 4 - Death of Jesus Christ

First, "the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing." This is one of the prophecies in the
Bible of the death of Jesus Christ.

"Cut off" describes his death. Isaiah 53:8 describes Jesus as "cut off from the land of the
living." Jesus mentioned often that he must go to Jerusalem and die (e.g. Matthew 16:21).

One of Holman Hunt's most famous paintings of Jesus hangs in the Birmingham City
Museum and Art Gallery, and is called "The Shadow of Death." Christ is pictured as a
young man in Joseph's workshop. The sun is setting. Christ stretches out his hands after a
hard day's work. At that moment, the artist catches Jesus' image. The shadow on the wall
shows a man with arms outstretched like He's dying on a cross.

Jesus Christ lived his entire life in the Shadow of the Cross. He came to die on that cross
for the sins of Israel and for the sins of the entire world. After 69 "sevens" - 483 years, Jesus
was "cut off".

Prophecies 5, 6, 7 - Jerusalem Destroyed, Antichrist, Church Age


"The People of the Ruler who will come" refers to the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem
and the Temple in 70 A.D.

More than three million Jews were killed. Masada occurred. When you are in Rome be sure
to see the huge arch of Titus standing at the entrance to the Roman forum which
commemorates Titus' his victory over Israel. Seeing the coming Holocaust,Jesus wept for
Jerusalem as described in Matthew 23.

"The Ruler who is to come" is the Antichrist. He's the little horn of Daniel 7:8 and the Beast
of Revelation l3.

A time gap occurs after the end of the sixty-ninth "seven" and before the beginning of the
seventieth "seven".

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At the Triumphal Entry of Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, 30 A.D., God's prophetic
time clock stopped. The hands stand poised at 69, indicating that there is still one seven-
year period left.

We have no indication giving insight into how long until the 70th "seven" commences. After
all, long gaps of forty years occurred between the crucifixion and the destruction. Today we
are in the gap, waiting for the last seven years to commence, but in His Word, God has
revealed much information concerning his plan for this "seven," so that we can understand
the times in which we live.

You can read more about the gap in Luke 4:18-21, as Christ quotes from Isaiah 61:12.

Prophecy 8 - Antichrist Rules

The Seventieth "Seven" (Daniel 9:27) begins when the antichrist makes a peace treaty with
the nation of Israel for seven years.

"He" is "The Ruler of People Who Will Come". The Romans came in 70 A.D. The antichrist
will be descended from them. "Many" refers to the Jews and the nation of Israel.

Daniel sketches the outline of 70th seven; Jesus roughs in the picture with the Olivet
Discourse; John fills in details with the Book of Revelation.

This is why we don't have to be baffled or surprised by what we see in Europe and the
Middle East. I believe that God is preparing to restart the clock. The teams are lined up and
the ball is about to be snapped.

Amazingly, Israel has never been assimilated into another nation. In 1948 Jews came
home from all over the world. Sociologically, this has never happened with any people.
When's the last time you saw a Babylonian walking around? They're all gone. But not the

We're told elsewhere that the Jews will accept the Peace Treaty with the Antichrist who
rules Europe because they are fearful of the threat of the "King of the North."

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When a Bible student sees Israel aligned with the West, and not the North or South or East,
he or she is not surprised! This is simply a sign of the times. The teams are lining up. We
may one day witness the Antichrist taking control of a ten-nation confederacy in Europe by
subduing three nations.

Incidentally, the Jews will mistake the Antichrist for their coming Messiah and the beginning
of peace for the initiation of the Millennium.

Notice that the Rapture does not restart God's prophetic clock. No one knows exactly when
the Rapture may occur. It could come at any moment.

Prophecy 9 - Antichrist Led by Satan - Abomination of Desolation

In the middle of the 70th "seven" (3 l/2 years, 42 months, l260 days) Satan falls from
Heaven and indwells the Antichrist (Revelation 12:912; 13:4).

Then, the Antichrist breaks the peace treaty and does two things:

1. He forbids the offering of sacrifices in the Temple (Daniel 9:27). This indicates that Israel will have
a Temple during this time.

2. He sets up the Abomination of Desolation on the altar in the Holy Place in the Temple.

The Abomination of Desolation is mentioned by Christ in Matthew 24:15-16. The

Abomination of Desolation as described in the Old Testament refers to anything which
desecrates the Temple of God. The Abomination of Desolation is a resurrected image of the
Antichrist that the Antichrist forces people to worship as God or face death (Revelation13).

Prophecy 10 - Great Tribulation

Jesus said that this is a sign for the godly to flee. The Antichrist will then launch the greatest
wave of Anti-Semitism that the world has ever seen.

Three and a half years of Great Tribulation will then begin as the Antichrist tries to wipe the
Jews off of the face of the earth. As the time of great tribulation comes to an end, Jesus
returns with the Armies of Heaven and defeats the Antichrist (Revelation 19).

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Prophecy 11 - Second Coming of Jesus

The Messianic Kingdom begins and the six characteristics of Daniel 9:24 will occur.
Baffled? Never, thanks to Daniel 9.

Today, we see the rise of Israel as a state, its alignment with the West, its possession of
Jerusalem, its plans to rebuild the Temple, soon to be deployed Iranian nuclear missiles,
and the beginnings of worldwide anti-Semitism: all of which are preparing the way for the
Beast. Watch closely the rise of the European Union.

We see it all as God preparing the scene for His program with Israel. We don't look for 70th
seven. We look for our deliverance (1 Thessalonians 1:10). We look for our blessed hope
(Titus 2:13).

Here is a good way to think about the Second Coming: "We plan as though Jesus isn't
coming for 1,000 years, but we live as if He is coming in the next 10 minutes." Israel's
immediate future is desperate, but she will repent and turn to God, trust in the blood of
Christ, and have a glorious future with the Lord. By the way, the same future is available to
all who apply the blood of Christ to themselves.

Susanna, I know that I answered a lot more than you asked, but hopefully this overview will
help you to make sense of Bible prophecy and how it applies to what is going on in the
world today, as well as to remind you that God is in control of our future, and has been since
the beginning of time.

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418. The Rise of Female Music Singers and Dancers becoming
famous all over the World in the End Times as told by Prophet

It has been narrated in different Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that young
female singers and dancers would emerge and become famous in all parts of the
world in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

As we witness in our era, we notice that there are more female singers and dancers
in the world who are becomig famous as compared to male singers as
Entertainment Industry gives female singers more fame and money.

Some of the most famous female singers and dancers in the World are as follows:

 Beyonce
 Mariah Carey
 Adele
 Kate Pery
 Christina Aguilera
 Taylor Swift
 Lady Gaga
 Alicia Keys
 Aretha Franklin

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 Whitney Houston
 Rihanna
 Madonna
 Britney Spears
 Celine Dion
 Pink
 Tina Turner
 Shakira
 Miley Cyrus
 Billie Holiday
 Amy Winehouse
 Demi Levota
 Jennifer Lopez
 Etta James
 Janis Joplin
 Ariana Grande
 Shania Twain
 Dolly Parton
 Gwen Stefani
 Donna Summer
 Selena Gomez
 Dianna Ross
 Kelly Clarkson
 Janet Jackson
 Annie Lennox
 Lana Del Rey
 Carrie Underwood
 Norah Jones
 Mari J Blige
 Toni Braxton
 Amy Lee
 Joni Mitchell
 Cyndi Lauper
 Dionne Warwick
 Barbara Streisand

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In the last 40 years, we see that the Main Stream Media (MSM) and Entertainment
Industry have been promoting more female singers and dancers all over the world
as women came easily into the trap of Satan and it was also told by our beloved
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that female young singers and dancers would become
famous all over the world.

Celebrities showing ONE EYE symbol of Dajjal

Our young generations have become a victim of these singers and their music all
over the world and listening music has become part of their lives. They can't live
without music on their ears.

Now even the modern research on music also indicates the bad effects of music on
our lives. One can see the reseach work on music on internet if he or she likes to see
the bad effects of music.

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419. The World Hum Organization is recording Strange Noises
around the Globe as we are living in the End Times

It has been reported by many people all over the world that they are hearing
mysterious humming noises in their areas.

Strange sounds in the sky, which some call “sky trumpets” or “sky quakes,” have
been reported from around the world in recent years. People in the United
States, Canada, Costa Rica, Russia, the Czech Republic, Australia, and other
places have been puzzled by what they describe as low frequency hums,
trumpets, or horns that seem to emanate from the top of the sky or from under
the earth.

Most of these sounds have never been heard before now, which makes the
phenomenon unnerving. These noises have a groaning quality overlaid with a
metallic, vibrating sound similar to that of musical instruments.

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In some instances, the sounds seem to include unintelligible voices.
Theories abound about these strange sounds and their origination. The main
explanations of the sky trumpets are either natural phenomena, manmade
sounds or spiritual activity.

Sky Trumpets—a natural explanation

Some say the sounds are the result of solar plasma interacting with the earth’s
magnetic field. Others theorize that the source of the sounds is the movement of
tectonic plates or a shift in the earth’s north magnetic pole.

If these “sky trumpets” or “sky quakes” or “acoustic gravity waves” are naturally
caused, then the question is, why weren’t the sounds being reported long before
March 2011?

Sky Trumpets—a spiritual Christian explanation in the End Times

And then there are those who attach a spiritual significance to the sky trumpets
and look for a spiritual origin. Some see the sounds as demonically generated,
believing that Satan’s forces are attempting to frighten and confuse people.
Others see the sky trumpets as divine in origin, believing them to be a warning
that we are living in the last days.

It is true that trumpets figure into several biblical events. When God gave the
Law on Mt. Sinai, His presence was accompanied by “a very loud trumpet blast,”
causing everyone in the camp to tremble
(Exodus 19:16).

It later intensified, and “the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder”
(verse 19). The rapture of the church will occur at a time when “the trumpet will
sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed”
(1 Corinthians 15:52).

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Jesus said that, at His second coming, “he will send his angels with a loud
trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds”
(Matthew 24:31).

Jesus also spoke of “fearful events and great signs from heaven”
(Luke 21:11).

And, during the tribulation, there are “seven angels who had the seven
trumpets” (Revelation 8:6).

Every time one of these angels blows a trumpet, a new judgment befalls the
earth (Revelation 8—9).

Those who look for a harbinger of the end times often refer to the sky trumpets
as “trumpets of the apocalypse.” However, we know that these sounds,
whatever they are, are not the “last trumpet” mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:52,
because the rapture has not yet occurred. We also know that the sounds cannot
be the seven trumpets of Revelation, because the tribulation is not yet upon us.

The most probable explanations for the “sky trumpets,” biblically, would be that
they are either natural or manmade. Whether these unidentified sounds are the
work of pranksters, the effect of changes to our planet’s magnetic field, or the
evidence of a sinister global plot, the fact remains that we just don’t know.

No one knows for sure what part, if any, “sky trumpets” will have in the end
times. We do know this: the days before the rapture will be characterized by
increasing wickedness (2 Timothy 3:1–4) and widespread false teaching
(1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:3; Jude 1:18).

After the rapture, the deception and wickedness will grow even worse
(2 Thessalonians 2:9–11). The only way to escape this confusion is to be born
again and live in hope of the imminent coming of Jesus Christ for the church.

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420. One Horn of Dajjal would emerge from the area -
Najd - Saudi Arabia in the End Times and the foot prints
of Dajjal One Eye Sign all across Saudi Arabia

It is narrated in the Authentic Ahadith book of Sunni Muslims, Al Bokhari that

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"O Allah! Bless our Sham (Syria) and our Yemen."

People from Najd area asked, "Our Najd as well."

The Prophet again said, "O Allah, Bless our Sham and Yemen."

The people from Najd again asked, "Our Najd as well."

On that the Prophet said, "There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and
from there come out the side of the head of Satan."
(Book - 17, Hadith - 147, Al Bukhari)

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The Satanic Evil Tower showing 2 Horns and 1 Eye in the Movie - The Lord of the Rings

The Kingdom Tower in the Capital City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia resembling the same Evil Tower

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Najd is a geographical central region of Saudi Arabia that alone accounts for
almost a third of the population of the country. Najd consists of modern
administrative regions of Riyadh, Al-Qassim, and Ha'il.

Najd is the Western part of Saudi Arabia, the Eastern part is known as Hijaz. The
Kings of Saudi Arabia are from the Najd - area of Saudi Arabia and if we see the
Kingdom Tower in Riyadh, the Capital city of Saudi Arabia in Najd, we would
clearly say that the Prophecy of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has been
fulfilled as the tallest building in the Capital, Riyadh is clearly showing the Horn
of Satan which is also depicted in the Hollywood Movie as the Satanic Evil Tower
showing ONE Eye.

All the Sunnis and the Shias agree that the Wahabbis Kingdom is doing the Evil
part in the Ummah since its inception. They have spent billions of dollars in wars
and spreading hatred and terrorism not only in the Muslim countries but also in
other parts of the world where they want to spread their Evil and Satanic

This Kingdom Tower was completed in the year - 2002 AD and 5th tallest tower
in Saudi Arabia.

Horn of Satan in Najd..................Prophecy Fulfilled in the year - 2002 AD - The

End Times

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Foot Prints of Dajjal - One Eye Sign all across Saudi Arabia

ONE - Eye of Dajjal - Signs all over in Saudi Police, Military and Government

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421. The birth of Red Heifer (Cow) after 2000 years on 28th
August, 2018 and the Sacrifice of this Red Heifer within 2 years
before 28th August, 2020 in their 3rd Temple Mount

With the courtesy from the following website, the following article is written

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz on September 5, 2018

"Many will be purified and purged and refined; the wicked will act wickedly and
none of the wicked will understand; but the knowledgeable will
understand. Daniel 12:10 (The Israel Bible™)

"Last Tuesday, the Temple Institute’s Red Heifer program was blessed with results; an entirely
red female calf was born, paving the way for re-establishing the Temple service and marking the
final stage of redemption.

Almost three years ago the Temple Institute inaugurated its Raise a Red Heifer in Israel
program. Due to laws restricting the importation of live cattle into Israel, the Temple Institute
imported frozen embryos of red angus, implanting them in Israeli domestic cows. The pregnant

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1632

cows were raised on cattle ranches in different locations throughout the country. The cows are
giving birth this summer with several calves already having been born.

One week after it’s birth, the newborn red heifer was certified by a board of rabbis as fulfilling all
the Biblical requirements. The rabbis emphasized that the heifer could, at any time, acquire a
blemish rendering it unsuitable. They will be inspecting the calf periodically to verify its

The red heifer was the main component in the Biblically mandated process of ritual purification
for impurity that results from proximity or contact with a dead body. Because the elements
needed for this ceremony have been lacking since the destruction of the Second Temple, all
Jews today are considered ritually impure, thereby preventing the return of the Temple service.

The red heifer is described in the Book of Numbers.

“This is the ritual law that Hashem has commanded: Instruct B’nei Yisrael to bring you a red cow
without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which no yoke has been laid. Numbers 19:2

Several heifers have been found in recent years that seemed to qualify but ultimately
were unsuited for the ritual. Earlier this month, two calves born in Israel to the Institute’s red
heifer program were deemed to be unsuitable for the performance of the mitzvah. One calf was
a bull while the second, a heifer, had a small patch of white hair which disqualified her.

The heifer, born from a natural birth, must be entirely red, with no more than two non-red hairs
on its body. It must also never have been used for any labor or have been impregnated. The
existence of such a heifer is considered a biological anomaly and very rare. Fortunately, the
ritual requires an infinitesimally small quantity of ashes. From the time of Moses, who personally
prepared the first heifer, until the destruction of the Temple, only nine red heifers were prepared.
Nonetheless, this was sufficient to maintain the ritual purity of the entire nation for almost 2,000

According to Jewish tradition, there will only be ten red heifers in human history with the tenth
heifer ushering in the Messianic era. Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides), the most
renowned medieval Jewish scholar known by the acronym Rambam, wrote in his explanation of
the mitzvah that “the tenth red heifer will be accomplished by the king, the Messiah; may he be
revealed speedily, Amen, May it be God’s will.”

Rabbi Chaim Richman, the International Director of the Temple Institute, commented on this on
the institute’s website.

“If there has been no red heifer for the past 2,000 years, perhaps it is because the time was not
right; Israel was far from being ready. But now… what could it mean for the times we live in, to
have the means for purification so close at hand? With the words of Maimonides in mind, we
cannot help but wonder and pray: If there are now red heifers… is ours the era that will need

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The laws pertaining to the mitzvah are myriad and considered by the sages to be the
archetypal chok,, an inexplicable Torah commandment accepted ssolelyolely on faith. Before entering
the land of Israel after the Exodus, the heifer was burned outside of the camp. In the days of the
Temple, the heifer was taken to the Mount of Olives across a causeway built specifically for this
purpose to ensure that there e was no inadvertent contact with areas along the way that may
have been contaminated by dead bodies.

Cedarwood, hyssop, and wool or yarn dyed scarlet are added to the fire, and the remaining
ashes are placed in a vessel containing spring water to purify a person who has become ritually
contaminated by contact with a corpse. Water from the vessel is sprinkled on the subject, using
a bunch of hyssop, on the third and seventh day of the purification process. The priest who
performs the ritual then becomes rit
ually unclean, and must then wash himself and his clothes in
running waters. He is deemed impure until evening.

No less stringent than the laws pertaining to the heifer are the laws pertaining to the site where
the heifer is burned. Almost 30 years ago, Rabbi Yonatan Adler, who is also an archaeologist,
performed an in-depth
depth study into the textual references to the site where the red heifer was
burned, publishing his results in in the Torah journal Techumin. His calculations, based on the
Holy of Holies being located where the Dome of the Rock stands today, led him to a spot where
Dominus Flevit, a Catholic Church built in 1955, now stands. Archaeological surveys discovered
unique characteristics of the site that corresponded to descriptions in the Talmud.

This Red Heifer (baby cow) was born on August 28th, 2018 AD after 2000 years
and fulfilling the Biblical Prophecy as it paved the way for the sacrifice to be
given on the 3rd Temple Mount which is planned to be built soon.

According to their beliefs, the Sacrifice of this Red Heifer should be done with in
2 years from its birth before 28th August, 2020 AD in the 3rd Temple Mount. So
the Construction of the 3rd Temple Mount of Jews has to be done before 28th
August, 2020 AD.

Sacrifice of the RED HEIFER in the 3rd Temple Mount.....On & Before 28th Aug, 2020 AD

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422. Ghazwa e Hind (Holy War between Sindh and Hind)
and the Prophecy of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

There is a misconception among the scholars of Islam that Ghazwa e Hind would
happen before the Arrival of Hazrat Esa and Imam Mahdi (AS). This Holy War was
predicted by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which will happen after the Arrival of
Hazrat Isa (AS) and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).
The Islamic definition of "Ghazwa" is the Holy War in which Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) should be present. As we know from the Hadith of our Prophet (PBUH) that
all 14 Masoomeen are "Muhammad". And Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) along with
Hazrat Ali (AS) would also come with Imam Mahdi (AS) on His Zahoor as mentioned
in the Ahadith and different Sayings of Imams (AS).

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Then the Holy War in the presence of our Imam Mahdi (AS) and Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) would be called as "Ghazwa" in which Hind - India would be
defeated by the forces of Sindh - Pakistan.
So 'Ghazwa e Hind' would be fought after the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the
Arrival of Hazrat Esa (AS) and not before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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423. The 10 Commandments of Illuminati and Free Masons in
the State of Georgia, USA and the planned destruction of
humanity by the Elite

The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert

County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the
structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of
the structure in four ancient language scripts.

The monument stands at an approximate elevation of 750 feet (230 m) above sea
level, about 90 miles (140 km) east of Atlanta, 45 miles (72 km) from Athens,
Georgia and 9 miles (14 km) north of the center of the city of Elberton.
The structure is sometimes referred to as an "American Stonehenge". The
monument is 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall, made from six granite slabs weighing
237,746 pounds (107,840 kg) in all.

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The anonymity of the guidestones' authors and their apparent advocacy
of population control, eugenics and internationalism, have made them a target for

Purposely placed in nature’s grasp, undisturbed by city life, this massive monument
has an alarming message to convey to the world. Although the message is a
beautiful ideal—tracing its roots back to the concept of a Utopia—it also entails
sinister prospects for the future of humanity .

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10 Commandments for the NEW WORLD ORDER

The message is considered as the new 10 commandments for an age governed by

reason. They read as follows:
1 – Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2 – Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3 – Unite humanity with a living new language.
4 – Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5 – Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6 – Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7 – Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8 – Balance personal rights with social duties.
9 – Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10 – Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature.

The Meaning of its Messages

Although the 10 “guides” are somewhat vague, they raise 5 main areas of interest:
1) Sustainable Development
2) New-Earth based Religion
3) World Government System
4) Eugenics or Transhumanism
5) Reducing the Population by 80-90%

A good example of controlling the population under the guise of safeguarding

nature was put forth in the Earth Charter, and the subsequent Earth Summit of
1992, which gave rise to Agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century.

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Coincidentally, one year after the Earth Summit, a book was published by a
premiere think tank, a non-governmental organization, called the Club of Rome. The
book is called “The First Global Revolution”, and on page 104, it states:
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us,
we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water
shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by
human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that
they can be overcome. …Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything
and it is unaware of its own limits. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy
is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead.”

So one can easily understand that the Elite no longer wants Democracy in the World
but want to implement ONE WORLD ORDER after the Great War in which 1/3rd
population would die and another 1/3rd would die from Drought and Diseases as
the result of that Great War by the year - 2021 AD --- The 21st year of the 21st

AGENDA 21 --------- To Kill 2/3rd Population by Great War and Diseases by 2021 AD

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424. The Army and Weapons of Satan, the Dajjal System - MSM,
Music Industry, Entertainment Industry, Banks, Stock Markets,
Power, Fame, Money, Casinos, etc and the End Times

As Hazrat Ali once mentioned that Dajjal is NOT a person but a SYSTEM which
would rule in the End Times.

The most popular weapons in the Army of Dajjal - The Satanic Forces are as follows:

1. Music Industry
2. Banking Industry
3. Stock Markets
4. Film Industry
5. Weapons Industry
6. Entertainment Industry

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1643

7. Sports Industry
8. Sex Trade - Prostitution
9. Drug Industry
10. Pharma Industry
11. Food Industry
12. Insurance Industry
13. War Industry
14. Fashion Industry, and so on

The Dajjal is the Master of Deception and Illusion. So the Dajjal System created a
Web of Deception and Illusion all over the World to trust its System and this System
would be prevailing in the World before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the
Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The System of Dajjal has total control over 3 - W and 3 - S:

The 3 Famous - W:

1. Wealth
2. Women
3. War

The 3 Famous - S:

1. Sports
2. Screen
3. Science

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425. The Deep State of Dajjal and the End Times

The Active Wings of the Deep State of Dajjal System are:

1.World Intelligence System - CIA

2. World Police System
3. Drugs Control System - FDA
4. FEMA - Camps
5. Global Military Industrial Complex - Wars and Occupation
6. International Secret Spying Agencies
7. Global Prison System
8. RFID - Chips -- The Mark of the Beast
9. Smart Phones - Data Control
10. Social Media -
11. Entertainment Industry - Mind Control
12. Central Banks and Stocks

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426. The Month of Rajab and the emergence of Suffiani and
Yamani in Middle East on the same day

It has been narrated in many Sayings of our Imams that the Kharooj of Suffiani and
the Kharooj of Yamani would take place on the same day in the month of Rajab - 6
months before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the month of Muharram.

It is also mentioned that a face would appear in the Sky in the month of Rajab and
there would be 24 rains in the same month of Rajab.

As the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is expected in the year - 2023 AD or 1445 Hijri on
28th July, 2023 or 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri. The month of Rajab preceding
Muharram would come on:

1st Rajab .....................23rd January, 2023 AD

23 - 1 - 23

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427. The relationship between Number - 72, the 8th Wonder of
Professor Albert Einstein and the Year of His Zahoor - 1445 Hijri
or 2023 AD

The famous Scientist of the 20th Century, Professor Albert Einstein called the The
Rule of Number 72 as the 8th Wonder of the World and the Most Powerful Force in
the World.

Albert Einstein said that compound interest was the “8th wonder of the world”.
He exclaimed that it is the most powerful force in the universe. And he has been
attributed to saying that the following formula was his greatest discovery.

What was it?

It is called The Rule of 72.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1651

Illustration of Rule of 72:

When you invest money at X amount of a percentage rate you divide it into the
number 72. Say you are earning 10% in a life insurance policy. If you take 72/10=
7.2. So if you invested $5,000 in an insurance investment policy it will become
$10,000 in 7.2 years. This equation works on every debt or investment (no matter
the amount) and no matter the interest rate. 72/X=Years until your money (or debt)
doubles. (X= interest rate).

Now as Shia Muslims, we also believe in 72 Shuhda e Karbala who were martyred in
the Battle of Karbala along with the family of Imam Hussain (AS).

Now we see how we can use this Number - 72 to reach the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) in the years - 2023 AD or Hijri year - 1445 Hijri.

1445 Hijri ----- Year of Zahoor

 We know that the Abjad of Imam's Name, "Hadi" is 20

 And also Imam Mahdi (AS) is the son of 5th Panjetan, Imam Hussain
 And there are 72 Shuhda e Karbala in the Battle of Karbala and
Imam Mahdi (AS) would take revenge of Karbala from the enemies
of Imam Hussain (AS)

(72 x 20) + 5 = 1445.............1445 Hijri............Year of Zahoor

[72 (Shuhda e Karbala) x 20 (Hadi)]+ 5 (Son of 5th Panjetan) = 1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1652

2023 AD ----- Year of Zahoor

 We know that 28th July, 2023 is coming on 10th Muharram, 1445

 And also July is the 7th Month and Imam Mahdi's Zahoor is
expected on 28th July, 2023 AD on Friday.

(72 x 28) + 7 = 2023.............2023 AD............Year of Zahoor

[72 x 28 (28th July, 2023)] + 7 (July - 7th Month) = 2023 AD

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428. The Super Modern Technology or Modern Magic of Satanic Dajjal
System - Transhumanism, Stem Cells, Genetic Engineering, Artificial
Intelligence, Creation of Human Organs, Solar Weapons, Weather
Modifications, 5G/6G Tech, Human Transplants, I AM, Biomechanics, etc
and the End Times

The Dajjal System has to control Science to control human population all over the
world. The Modern Scientific advancements in the Dajjal System is controlling the
minds and hearts of people all over the World.

Some of the modern scientific developments of Dajjal System to control the human
population are as follows:

 Transhumanism
 Human Organ Transplants
 5G/6G - Technology
 Solar Weapons
 Genetically Modified Crops - GMC
 Genetic Engineering
 Artifical Intelligence (AI)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1655
 Robotic Body Parts
 Weather Modifications - HAARP
 Biomechanics
 Smart Phones
 Drone Technology
 Mission to planet Mars
 Human Cloning
 Research in Teleportation

There are several other technologies in which the Dajjal System has made
tremendous advancement to control the human population of the world and all
these discoveries and inventions are leading to the claim of Dajjal as GOD of
the World on and after the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ.

In the past, the Evil used Magic to control the minds and hearts of people and now
Science has replaced Magic in controlling the behaviour, minds and hearts of

Modern Magic = Modern Science ................Great Weapon of Dajjal

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430. The Global Economic Meltdown with the Massive Global Debt
Baloon is bursting as the World is under the Global Debt of 250 Trillion
Dollars which includes US total debt of $22 Trillion Dollars. Total Black
out is coming soon in USA as predicted by magazine, The Economist
Magazine in its cover - Year - 2019. The Global Recession would start
from 2019 and would reach its Climax in 2021 AD.

Coming Economic 9/11................Year - 2019 - 2021

All the famous Economists, Investors, Trend Analysts like Warren Buffet, Alan
Greenspan, Gerald Celente, etc have predicted that the Global Economy is heading
towards major Debt Bubble, major Global Economic Collapse, Stock Market Crash,
Global Depression and World Recession by the end of year 2019 and getting its
climax in 2020 AD.

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The famous International Magazine on World Economy - The Economist published
total Black Cover showing 'The World in 2019' in total Black and then they changed
to another cover showing signs and symbols as shown above.

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With the courtesy of the following website, the following article is

2019 will mark exactly 10 years since end of the Global Financial Crisis in 2009. The
cracks have started to appear in the markets and fundamentals are not looking as
strong as they once were. In 2018, stock markets suffered their worst since 2008.
There are several warnings signs are showing red flags in the market - causing some
analysts to predict a 70% correction this year.

Warning Sign #1: The End of the Economic Boom

2018 was the most volatile year in the stock market since the recession, and
volatility can make stock market crises more likely. Yet, volatility is just one reason
the world's biggest hedge fund managers and leading economists are predicting a
2019 crash. Another reason
on is rising interest rates.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1660

Warning Sign #2: Rising US Interest Rates

The US economy firing on all cylinders, the Federal Reserve has increased interest
rates eight times since 2015. However, as the US nears full employment, there is
increased danger of rising inflation and consumer prices. Increasing interest rates is
a strategy to curb the rise of inflation - increasing the cost of credit and making
saving more attractive e strikes a balance between people spending and saving.
However, there are also dangers to this approach. History shows it can lead to
economic shrinkage, falling stock prices and stock market crashes. It's not surprising
that interest rate hikes have prec
eded over 10 economic recessions in the past 40

Warning Sign #3: Apple's 30% crash and China warning

For the first time in nearly 12 years Apple downgraded their sales outlook. In
a letter to investors, chief executive Tim Cook blamed the company's
compan sales problem
almost entirely on problems in China - which accounts for approximately 20% of
their overall revenue.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1661

Cook explains, "while we anticipated some challenges in key emerging markets, we
did not foresee the magnitude of the economic decelerat
ion, particularly in Greater
China". If China, is not growing then that poses a serious problem for the rest of the
world as most global trade is linked to the region.

Warnings Sign #4: US data missing expectations

Source: Bloomberg

For the first time in Donald Trump's presidency, both economic data and sentiment
indicators are missing analyst expecta
tions. US factory activity has dropped to a two
year low and has missed every estimate in Bloomberg surveys. According to Jeff
Carbone off Cornerstone Wealth, "the market is pricing in recession no matter
what. Now to what extent and when? That history has hasn't
n't been written yet."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1662

Expert Predictions: A 70% Stock Market Crash
Increased volatility and rising interest rates are leading investors and economists to
warn of an impending stock market crash. According to hedge fund manager Paul
Tudor Jones,

"We have the strongest economy in 40 years, at full employment. The mood is
euphoric. But it is unsustainable and comes with costs such as bubbles in stocks and

Scott Minerd, Chairman of Investments and Global Chief Investment Officer of

Guggenheim Partners has forecast a 40% retracement, while economist Ted
Bauman believes the market could fall by 70%.

Finally, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare

Advisor Jim Rickards has claimed that a 70% drop is the best
case scenario.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1663

430. The Driving Distance from Mecca, Saudi Arabia to Samarra,
Iraq is 2023 Kilometers

As we know that the First Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the Holy city
of Samarra, Iraq in 255 Hijri on Friday and His Final Zahoor would be in the
Holy City of Mecca, Saudi Arabia on 10th Muharram, Friday.

Mecca is located in Saudi Arabia with (21.4266,39.8256) coordinates

and Samarra' is located in Iraq with (34.1966,43.8739) coordinates.

If you want to go by car, the Approx. driving distance between the Holy
Kaaba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia and Holy Shrine in Samarra, Iraq is 2023 km.
Driving Distance between 2 Places of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi ..........2023 KM

Year of His Zahoor............................2023 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1664

The flying distance from Mecca to Samarra' is Approx. equal to 1445 km

Flying Distance between 2 Places of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi ..........1445 KM

Year of His Zahoor............................1445 Hijri

2023 Km
Samarra, Iraq Holy Kaaba, Mecca

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1665

431. No one knows the Hour and the Day of the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ but God.............Biblical Prophecy

In all Versions of Bible available today, the Chapter - Matthew - 24 and the Verse -
36 mentions that:

(Matthew - 24: 36)

With the courtesy of the following website, the following versions of the Bible
Verse is presented:

New International Version

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the

New Living Translation

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in
heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.

English Standard Version

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but
the Father only.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1666

Berean Study Bible
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the

Berean Literal Bible

But concerning that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of the heavens, nor the Son,
except the Father only.

New American Standard Bible

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father

King James Bible

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Christian Standard Bible

"Now concerning that day and hour no one knows--neither the angels of heaven nor the Son--except
the Father alone.

Contemporary English Version

No one knows the day or hour. The angels in heaven don't know, and the Son himself doesn't know.
Only the Father knows.

Good News Translation

"No one knows, however, when that day and hour will come--neither the angels in heaven nor the
Son; the Father alone knows.

Holman Christian Standard Bible

"Now concerning that day and hour no one knows--neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son--
except the Father only.

International Standard Version

"No one knows when that day or hour will come —not the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only
the Father,

NET Bible
"But as for that day and hour no one knows it--not even the angels in heaven--except the Father

New Heart English Bible

But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but my Father

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1667

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
But about that day and about that hour no one knows, not even the Angels of Heaven, but The
Father alone.

GOD'S WORD® Translation

"No one knows when that day or hour will come. Even the angels in heaven and the Son don't know.
Only the Father knows.

New American Standard 1977

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father

Jubilee Bible 2000

But of that day and hour no one knows, no, not even the angels of the heavens, but my Father only.

King James 2000 Bible

But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

American King James Version

But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

American Standard Version

But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the
Father only.

Douay-Rheims Bible
But of that day and hour no one knoweth, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone.

Darby Bible Translation

But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of the heavens, but [my] Father alone.

English Revised Version

But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the
Father only.

Webster's Bible Translation

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Weymouth New Testament

"But as to that day and the exact time no one knows--not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,
but the Father alone.

World English Bible

But no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1668

Young's Literal Translation
'And concerning that day and the hour no one hath known -- not even the messengers of the
heavens -- except my Father only;

This Verse from Bible clearly says that we could not know the Day and the Hour but
we can know the Year of His Second Coming from the signs given in the Bible. Let us
see the verses from the Bible mentioning the Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus
Christ. And most of the priests agree that we are living in the End Times and it is a
matter of few years that we would see the Return of Jesus Christ.

We can't know-------------Date and Hour

But we can know..............Year and Century through Signs

mentioned in Scriptures like Old Testament, Bible and Quran

And some Christian scholors even calculated using the Scripture Knowledge, the
year of His Second Coming as 2023 AD like Ian Gurney mentioned in his book,
'Casandra Prophecy'.

Verses from Bible --- Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Thessalonians 5:23

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be
preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
James 5:7

Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord The farmer waits for the precious
produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.
Thessalonians 5:1-3

Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. For
you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While
they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains
upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1669

Acts 1:9-11

And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received
Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two
men in white clothing stood beside them. They also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking
into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into
Acts 3:19

"Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing
may come from the presence of the Lord;
Hebrews 9:28

so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for
salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.
Thessalonians 1:10

and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us
from the wrath to come.
Philippians 4:5

Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near.
Revelation 22:12

"Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what
he has done.
Revelation 1:7

BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who
pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.
Matthew 24:42

"Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.
Corinthians 1:7

so that you are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Peter 3:4

and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues
just as it was from the beginning of creation."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1670

Luke 21:25

"There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity
at the roaring of the sea and the waves,
Philippians 3:20

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;
Titus 2:13

looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,
John 14:3

"If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am,
there you may be also.
Matthew 26:64

Jesus said to him, "You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you will see THE SON
Matthew 16:27

"For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and WILL THEN
Matthew 25:31

"But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His
glorious throne.
Mark 8:38

"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of
Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."
Peter 3:4

and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues
just as it was from the beginning of creation."
Revelation 16:15

"Behold, I am coming like a thief Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that
he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1671

Matthew 24:36

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father
Luke 12:40

"You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect."
Thessalonians 5:2

For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.
Revelation 3:3

'So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent Therefore if you do not
wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.
Matthew 16:27

"For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and WILL THEN
Jude 1:14-15

It was also about these men that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying,
"Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment upon all, and to
convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all
the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him."
Timothy 4:1

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the
dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom:
Corinthians 4:5

Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will
both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and
then each man's praise will come to him from God.
Matthew 25:31-32

"But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His
glorious throne. "All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one
another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1672

Mark 8:38

"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of
Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels."
Matthew 24:30

"And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will
mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with
power and great glory.
Revelation 1:7

BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even those who
pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.
Thessalonians 1:7-8

and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from
heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God
and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Luke 21:26

men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the
powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Thessalonians 4:16

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with
the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
Colossians 3:4

When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
Thessalonians 3:13
so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father at the
coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.
Thessalonians 5:23

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be
preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1673

Philippians 3:20-21

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;
who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the
exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.
Corinthians 1:7

so that you are not lacking in any gift, awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Corinthians 4:5

Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will
both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and
then each man's praise will come to him from God.
Timothy 6:14

that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus
Matthew 24:44

"For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not
think He will.
John 2:28

Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink
away from Him in shame at His coming.
Peter 5:4

And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.
Luke 19:13

"And he called ten of his slaves, and gave them ten minas and said to them, 'Do business with this
until I come back.'
Titus 2:13

looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,
Luke 12:37

"Blessed are those slaves whom the master will find on the alert when he comes; truly I say to you,
that he will gird himself to serve, and have them recline at the table, and will come up and wait on

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1674

John 3:2

Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be We know that
when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.
John 14:3

"If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am,
there you may be also.

So the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is very near in the Year - 2023 AD and as far as
the Day and the Hour is concerned, it is in the knowledge of Allah and Maula. But
Hazrat Isa (Jesus Christ) would come along with Imam Mahdi on His Zahoor.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1675

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432. ONE EYE OF DAJJAL showing by the Celebrities of the World
and the End Times

Most Popular - ONE EYE SYMBOL of Dajjal in NEW WORLD ORDER

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1677

The Celebrities of all the World - Music, Film, Drama, Radio, Television, Sports, etc
are showing ONE EYE Sign of Dajjal --- The Satanic System of ONE World Order who
would fight with Hazrat Esa (AS) and Imam Mahdi (AS) after their Arrival.


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1678

433. The Last Events and People before the Arrival of the Last
Savior - The Imam Mahdi (AS)

There are lot of books recently published on the topic - LAST events and people
before the Last Savior, which are indicating the End Times.

The Topics of the LAST are:

 The Last President

 The Last Pope
 The Last Pharaoh
 The Last of us
 The Last Days
 The Last World
 The Last War
 The Last Messiah
 The Last Savior
 The Last Crusades

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1679

Let us see the titles of these books:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1680

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1681
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Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1683
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1684
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1685
434. ONE WORLD RELIGION and the Attack on all Religions especially
Islam in the End Times

ONE WORLD RELIGION is another attack on all relgions by Satanic forces so that
people leave their religion and follow False Religion and False Prophets and Saints
and it is a clear sign that we living in the End Times.

The one-world religion described in Revelation 17:1–18 as “the great harlot” will be
part of the end-times scenario. The term harlot is used throughout the Old
Testament as a metaphor for false religion. The actual identity and makeup of the
religion has been debated for centuries and has resulted in a number of different
views among Bible commentators and theologians. There are convincing arguments
for the one world religion being Catholicism, Islam, the New Age movement, or
some form of religion not even invented yet, and an internet search will produce
many more possibilities and theories.

There is no doubt that some sort of one-world religion under the false prophet will
be a part of the end times, perhaps made up of a number of different religions,
sects, and isms that are around today.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1686

Revelation 17:1–18 gives us several characteristics of the one-world religion. The
false religion will dominate all the “peoples and multitudes and nations and
tongues” of the earth (Revelation 1b, 15), meaning that it will have universal
authority, no doubt given by the Antichrist, who rules the world at that time.

Verses 2–3 describe the harlot as committing adultery with the “kings of the earth,”
referring to the false religion’s influence among the world’s rulers and influential
people. The reference to being drunk with the wine of her adulteries may refer to
those who are drunk with the power they receive from worshiping the false god of
the false religion.

Satan frequently ensnares those whose lust for power drives them away from the
worship of the true and living God. The alliances forged by the false religion will
unite church and state as never before.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1687

Verse 6 describes the harlot as being “drunk with the blood of the saints” and the
blood of those who testify of Jesus. Whether they will be martyred at the hand of
the Antichrist or by being systematically starved, believers who are on the earth
during the tribulation will experience the wrath of the harlot and her power source,
the Antichrist. Those who oppose the worldwide religion will be killed, and those
who refuse to worship the Antichrist by accepting his mark will be unable to buy
and sell, thereby making survival very difficult (Revelation 13:16–17).

Eventually, the harlot will lose favor with the Antichrist, who will want to receive
the world’s worship for himself. He will not share the adoration of the world with
the prophets and priests of the false religion, no matter how obsequious or fawning
they may be. Once the Antichrist gains the world’s amazed attention by his
miraculous return from the dead (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14), he will turn on the false
religious system and destroy it, establishing himself as God. The deception, Jesus
tells us, will be so great that, if it were possible, even the elect would fall for it
(Matthew 24:24).

Pope Francis has openly promoted One World Religion for New One World Order.
Recently Saudi Arabia also agreed to open churches in the their country to promote

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1688

It is a very dangerous concept of Dajjal in which all people would loose their
identities and their religious beliefs when they join this concept and platform under
the leadership of ONE World Leader.

Under the guise of fighting extremism and interfaith brotherhood, the ONE WORLD
RELIGION is making its ground work to be lauched in full operation once they
announce NEW ONE WORLD ORDER after the Great 3rd World War.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1689

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1690
435. The End of most famous Movie series and the Drama series
in 2019 indicating the End Game Plan of the Elite before the
launch of the Final End Game in the World from 2020 till 2022 AD

If you notice that most of the famous Hollywood Movie series and the famous
Drama series are ending in the year - 2019 AD and they are showing their Final
Episodes as:

 Avengers -- The Endgame --- April 25th, 2019

 Game of Thrones -- The Final Season --- April 14th, 2019
 Star Wars: Episode IX - The Final Chapter --- Dec 20th, 2019
 Terminator - Dark Fate --- Nov 1st, 2019
 Masters of the Universe -- Dec 20th, 2019

These films and their titles are the clear indicator that Elite is planning to End the
Shows and Series of major Film and Drama series in 2019 before they hit their show
in the World of the End Game in the form of Wars and New World Order before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in 2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1691

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1692
436. The Earth is becoming Unsustainable & Unstable because of
Extreme Ice melting in the Arctic and Antarctic regions and the
serious danger of Oceans level Rise which has tripled over the
past 5 years reported by all major World Scientific Organizations

With the courtesy of the following website, the following article is reproduced and
the link of the article is:

The rate of sea level rise resulting from the melting of the Antarctic ice sheet has
tripled over the past five years, according to new research from a global team of
The study, published in Nature, finds that ice loss from Antarctica has caused sea
levels to rise by 7.6mm from 1992-2017, with two fifths of this increase occurring
since 2012.
At a press conference held in London, scientists said the results suggest that
Antarctica has become “one of the largest contributors to sea level rise”.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1693

A glaciologist not involved in the paper tells Carbon Brief that the findings show
“there now should be no doubt that Antarctica is losing ice due to regional climate
change, likely linked to global warming”.

Melting continent:
The new research was carried out by a team of scientists from the Ice Sheet Mass
Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE). The international group was established
in 2011 with the aim of creating a comprehensive view of how melting in world’s
polar regions could be contributing to sea level rise.

In its last assessment report, released in 2012, it found that ice melt in Antarctica
was causing global sea levels to rise by 0.2mm a year. (Over the past two decades,
global sea levels have risen around 3.2mm a year in total.)

However, the new analysis finds that Antarctic ice melt is now driving sea level rise
of 0.6mm a year – suggesting that the rate of melting has increased three-fold in
just five years.

The results show that Antarctic ice melt has become “one of the largest
contributors to sea level rise”, says Prof Andrew Shepherd, co-leader of IMBIE and
director of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Centre for Polar
Observation and Modelling based at the University of Leeds.

Speaking on the sidelines of a press conference held in London, he explains the

significance of the new findings to Carbon Brief.

Satellite sentinels

For the new study, the researchers combined data on ice cover and weight taken
from a range of satellites, including NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate
Experiment (GRACE) mission and the European Space Agency’s CryoSat mission.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1694

The team then used models to adjust the data to take into account physical
processes that might have influenced sea level changes – such ch as how the ground
beneath ice sheets responds to shrinking ice cover.
The resulting data reveals a “clear signal” showing an acceleration in the rate of
Antarctic ice sheet melt, says Dr Erik Ivins, co-leader
leader of IMBIE and a senior research
scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He tells Carbon Brief:

“We now have a signal that is large enough that those adjustments we have to
make are smaller than the signal that we’re seeing. So we’re very confident in the
net result – which is Antarctica see
ms to be losing ice mass, enough to cause about
0.6mm of sea level rise per year.”

Breaking ice

To understand why the rate of ice melt has accelerated, the researchers analysed
changes to ice cover in all three Antarctic ice sheets.

The diagram below showsows their locations: the Antarctic Peninsula (green), West
Antarctica (pink) and East Antarctica (blue). The numbers show the location of ice
sheet drainage basins.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1695

Diagram showing the location of the Antarctic Peninsula (green), the West Antarctic
ice sheet (pink) and the East Antarctic ice sheet (blue). Numbers show the location
of ice sheet drainage basins. Source: Shepherd et al. (2018)

The chart below shows the total amount of ice loss from Antarctica (purple) and in
each region, including West AntAntarctica
arctica (green), East Antarctica (yellow) and the
Antarctic Peninsula (red) from 1992
2017. Results from the current study are shown
against results from IMBIE’s last assessment in 2012 (dashed lines).

The amount of ice loss across Antarctica in total (purple), and in West Antarctica
(green), East Antarctica (yellow) and the Antarctic Peninsula (red). Results from the
current study are shown against results from IMBIE’s last assessment in 2012
(dashed lines). Shading shows the range of uncertainty.
rce: Shepherd et al. (2018)

The results show how, in the past decade, West Antarctica has experienced the
highest volume of ice loss.

The animation below shows changes in ice sheet thickness across West Antarctica,
with red showing reductions in thicknes
thickness and blue showing gains.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1696
The following chart indicates the extent to which each Antarctic region has
contributed to recent sea level rise. It shows that, over the past decade, ice loss
from West Antarctica contributed the most to sea level rise.

The reason that West Antarctica may be more vulnerable to melting than other
regions is because it is largely made up of “marine-based” glaciers, which sit on
land below sea level.

Where the face of a glacier meets the ocean, warm water can melt it from
underneath, gradually forcing back the “grounding line”, which is where the glacier
sits on the seabed.

Previous research suggests the global warming could be driving up ocean

temperatures and causing changes to ocean currents, which deliver warm water to
the sea surface.

Around 75% of the glaciers in West Antarctic ice sheet are marine-based, compared
to just 35% of glaciers in East Antarctica, according to the latest assessment
report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Warming oceans melting Antarctic ice shelves would accelerate

sea level rise

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1697

Icy forecast

Though the study did not seek to make future predictions about how Antarctic
melting could influence sea level rise, it does cause “concerns for the future”,
Shepherd says:

“The three-fold increase puts Antarctica now in the frame as one of the largest
contributors to sea level rise. The recent acceleration makes us have concerns
about the future.”
In the video below, Ivins explains that Antarctic melting could become a far larger
driver of sea level rise than melting from Greenland – which was once thought to be
the biggest driver of global sea level rise.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1698

The findings are “significant” because they encompass “new satellite missions and
advances in geophysical techniques and corrections”, says Dr Alison Banwell, a
glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center Group (NSIDC) at
the University of Colorado, Boulder, who was not involved in the research. She tells
Carbon Brief:

“There now should be no doubt that Antarctica is losing ice due to regional climate
change, likely linked to global warming. If these rates of sea level rise continue, they
will put low-lying cities like London and New York at severe risk of increased

The research is part of a special issue in Nature, which includes five papers
exploring Antarctica’s past, present and possible futures.

Are Arctic Sea Ice Melts Causing Sea Levels to Rise?

With the courtesy of the following website, the facts about the Arctic Sea
melting is produced:

Recent NASA photos showed the opening of the Northwest Passage and that a third
of the Arctic’s sea ice has melted in recent. Are sea levels already starting to rise
accordingly, and if so what effects is this having?

-- Dudley Robinson, Ireland

Researchers were astounded when, in the fall of 2007, they discovered that the
year-round ice pack in the Arctic Ocean had lost some 20 percent of its mass in just
two years, setting a new record low since satellite imagery began documenting the
terrain in 1978. Without action to stave off climate change, some scientists believe
that, at that rate, all of the year-round ice in the Arctic could be gone by as early as

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1699

This massive reduction has allowed an ice-free shipping lane to open through the
fabled Northwest Passage along northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland. While the
shipping industry—which now has easy northern access between the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans—may be cheering this “natural” development, scientists worry about
the impact of the resulting rise in sea levels around the world.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of leading

climate scientists, sea levels have risen some 3.1 millimeters per year since 1993.
And the United Nations Environment Program predicts that by 2010 some 80
percent of people will live within 62 miles of the coast, with about 40 percent living
within 37 miles of a coastline.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reports that low-lying island nations, especially in
equatorial regions, have been hardest hit by this phenomenon, and some are
threatened with total disappearance. Rising seas have already swallowed up two
uninhabited islands in the Central Pacific. On Samoa, thousands of residents have
moved to higher ground as shorelines have retreated by as much as 160 feet. And
islanders on Tuvalu are scrambling to find new homes as salt water intrusion has
made their groundwater undrinkable while increasingly strong hurricanes and
ocean swells have devastated shoreline structures.

WWF says that rising seas throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world
have inundated coastal ecosystems, decimating local plant and wildlife populations.
In Bangladesh and Thailand, coastal mangrove forests—important buffers against
storms and tidal waves—are giving way to ocean water.

Unfortunately, even if we curb global warming emissions today, these problems are
likely to get worse before they get better. According to marine geophysicist Robin
Bell of Columbia University’s Earth Institute, sea levels rise by about 1/16” for every
150 cubic miles of ice that melts off one of the poles.

“That may not sound like a lot, but consider the volume of ice now locked up in the
planet’s three greatest ice sheets,” she writes in a recent issue of Scientific
American. “If the West Antarctic ice sheet were to disappear, sea level would rise

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1700

almost 19 feet; the ice in the Greenland ice sheet could add 24 feet to that; and the
East Antarctic ice sheet could add yet another 170 feet to the level of the world’s
oceans: more than 213 feet in all.” Bell underscores the severity of the situation by
pointing out that the 150-foot tall Statue of Liberty could be completely submerged
within a matter of decades."

The facts from the above Scientific articles prove that the Earth is becoming
Unstable and Unsustainable due to extreme Ice Melting in both the Arctic and
Antarctic regions in the North and South Poles and the Oceans and Sea levels would
rise to extreme levels and destroy most coastal regions of the World in the next few
years. So the God's Intervention to save His Earth from this disaster is very Urgent
in the next few years because the World Organizations have already declared that
all the Ice would be melted by 2030 AD.

With the courtesy of the following article from the website to show the gravity of
Antarctica Ice melting:

Antarctica losing six times more ice mass annually now

than 40 years ago:

Antarctica experienced a sixfold increase in yearly ice mass loss between 1979 and
2017, according to a study published today in Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences. Glaciologists from the University of California, Irvine, NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory and the Netherlands' Utrecht University additionally found
that the accelerated melting caused global sea levels to rise more than half an inch
during that time.

"That's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak," said lead author Eric Rignot, Donald
Bren Professor and chair of Earth system science at UCI. "As the Antarctic ice sheet
continues to melt away, we expect multi-meter sea level rise from Antarctica in the
coming centuries."

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For this study, Rignot and his collaborators conducted what he called the longest-
ever assessment of remaining Antarctic ice mass. Spanning four decades, the
project was also geographically comprehensive; the research team examined 18
regions encompassing 176 basins, as well as surrounding islands.
Techniques used to estimate ice sheet balance included a comparison of snowfall
accumulation in interior basins with ice discharge by glaciers at their grounding
lines, where ice begins to float in the ocean and detach from the bed. Data was
derived from fairly high-resolution aerial photographs taken from a distance of
about 350 meters via NASA's Operation IceBridge; satellite radar interferometry
from multiple space agencies; and the ongoing Landsat satellite imagery series,
begun in the early 1970s.
The team was able to discern that between 1979 and 1990, Antarctica shed an
average of 40 gigatons of ice mass annually. (A gigaton is 1 billion tons.) From
2009 to 2017, about 252 gigatons per year were lost.
The pace of melting rose dramatically over the four-decade period. From 1979 to
2001, it was an average of 48 gigatons annually per decade. The rate jumped 280
percent to 134 gigatons for 2001 to 2017.
Rignot said that one of the key findings of the project is the contribution East
Antarctica has made to the total ice mass loss picture in recent decades.
"The Wilkes Land sector of East Antarctica has, overall, always been an important
participant in the mass loss, even as far back as the 1980s, as our research has
shown," he said. "This region is probably more sensitive to climate [change] than
has traditionally been assumed, and that's important to know, because it holds
even more ice than West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula together."
He added that the sectors losing the most ice mass are adjacent to warm ocean
"As climate warming and ozone depletion send more ocean heat toward those
sectors, they will continue to contribute to sea level rise from Antarctica in decades
to come," said Rignot, who's also a senior project scientist at JPL.

Antarctica is loosing around 250 Gigatons (A gigaton is 1 billion tons)

meaning 250 Billion Tons of Ice every year since 2009 AD.

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437. The Quran e Samit, Quran e Natiq and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Muhammad O Aal e Muhammad (PBUH) are Quran e Natiq (Speaking Quran) and
the Holy Quran is Quran e Samit (Silent Quran). The Silent Quran was revealed on
23rd Ramazan and the Quran e Natiq - Maula Ali's Shahdat or Ghaibat was on
21st Ramazan.

21st Ramazan + 23rd Ramazan = 44

1444................Kharooj of Imam Mahdi on 23rd Ramazan in

1444 Hijri
It is said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showed 4441 Miracles in His
life time. The reverse number of 1444

1444 Hijri..................4441 Miracles

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438. Imam Mahdi (AS) would give the Ark of Covenant (Tabut e
Sakina in the Holy Quran) to the Jews after His Zahoor from one
of the Mountains of Syria

Hebrews 9:4 states that the Ark contained "the golden pot that had manna, and
Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant."

Revelation 11:19 says the prophet saw God's temple in heaven opened, "and the
ark of his covenant was seen within his temple."

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The Ark of the Covenant also known as the Ark of the Testimony, is a gold-covered
wooden chest with lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the
two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. According to various texts within
the Hebrew Bible, it also contained Aaron's rod and a pot of manna.

The biblical account relates that, approximately one year after the Israelites' exodus
from Egypt, the Ark was created according to the pattern given to Moses by God
when the Israelites were encamped at the foot of biblical Mount Sinai. Thereafter,
the gold-plated acacia chest was carried by its staves while en route by
the Levites approximately 2,000 cubits (approximately 800 meters or 2,600 feet) in
advance of the people when on the march or before the Israelite army, the host of
fighting men.

When carried, the Ark was always hidden under a large veil made of skins and blue
cloth, always carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the priestsand the Levites
who carried it. God was said to have spoken with Moses "from between the
two cherubim" on the Ark's cover. When at rest the tabernacle was set up and the
holy Ark was placed in it under the veil of the covering, the staves of it crossing the
middle side bars to hold it up off the ground.

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Construction and description

According to the Book of Exodus, God instructed Moses on Mount Sinai during his
40-day stay upon the mountain within the thick cloud and darkness where God
was and he was shown the pattern for the tabernacle and furnishings of the Ark to
be made of shittim wood to house the Tablets of Stone. Moses
instructed Bezalel and Oholiab to construct the Ark. In Deuteronomy, however, the
Ark is said to have been built specifically by Moses himself without reference of
Bezalel or Oholiab.

The Book of Exodus gives detailed instructions on how the Ark is to be constructed.
It is to be 21⁄2 cubits in length, 11⁄2 in breadth, and 11⁄2 in height (approximately
131×79×79 cm or 52×31×31 in). Then it is to be gilded entirely with gold, and a
crown or molding of gold is to be put around it. Four rings of gold are to be attached
to its four corners, two on each side—and through these rings staves of shittim-
wood overlaid with gold for carrying the Ark are to be inserted; and these are not to
be removed. A golden lid, the kapporet(translated as "mercy seat" or "cover")
which is covered with 2 golden cherubim, is to be placed above the Ark. Missing
from the account are instructions concerning the thickness of the mercy seat and
details about the cherubim other than that the cover be beaten out the ends of the
Ark and that they form the space where God will appear. The Ark is finally to be
placed under the veil of the covering.

Mobile vanguard

The biblical account continues that, after its creation by Moses, the Ark was carried
by the Israelites during their 40 years of wandering in the desert. Whenever the
Israelites camped, the Ark was placed in a separate room in a sacred tent, called
the Tabernacle.
When the Israelites, led by Joshua toward the Promised Land, arrived at the banks
of the Jordan river, the Ark was carried in the lead preceding the people and was
the signal for their advance. During the crossing, the river grew dry as soon as the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1708

feet of the priests carrying the Ark touched its waters, and remained so until the
priests—with the Ark—left the river after the people had passed over. As
memorials, twelve stones were taken from the Jordan at the place where the
priests had stood.
In the Battle of Jericho, the Ark was carried round the city once a day for seven
days, preceded by the armed men and seven priests sounding seven trumpets of
rams' horns. On the seventh day, the seven priests sounding the seven trumpets of
rams' horns before the Ark compassed the city seven times and, with a great shout,
Jericho's wall fell down flat and the people took the city. After the defeat at Ai,
Joshua lamented before the Ark.

When Joshua read the Law to the people between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal,
they stood on each side of the Ark. We next hear of the Ark in Bethel where it was
being cared for by the priest Phineas the grandson of Aaron (where 'Bethel' is
translated 'the House of God' in the King James Version). According to this verse it
was consulted by the people of Israel when they were planning to attack the
Benjaminites at the battle of Gibeah. Later, however, the Ark was kept at Shiloh,
another religious centre some 16 km (10 mi) north of Bethel, at the time of the
prophet Samuel's apprenticeship, where it was cared for by Hophni and Phinehas,
two sons of Eli.

Capture by the Philistines

1728 illustration of the Ark at the erection of the Tabernacle and the sacred vessels, as in Exodus 40:17-19

A few years later the elders of Israel decided to take the Ark out onto the battlefield
to assist them against the Philistines, after being defeated at the battle of Eben-
Ezer. They were, however, heavily defeated with the loss of 30,000 men. The Ark
was captured by the Philistines and Hophni and Phinehas were killed. The news of
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1709
its capture was at once taken to Shiloh by a messenger "with his clothes rent, and
with earth upon his head." The old priest, Eli, fell dead when he heard it; and his
daughter-in-law, bearing a son at the time the news of the capture of the Ark was
received, named him Ichabod—explained as "The glory has departed Israel" in
reference to the loss of the Ark. The mother of the child Ichabod died at his birth.

The Philistines took the Ark to several places in their country, and at each place
misfortune befell them. At Ashdod it was placed in the temple of Dagon. The next
morning Dagon was found prostrate, bowed down, before it; and on being restored
to his place, he was on the following morning again found prostrate and broken.
The people of Ashdod were smitten with tumors; a plague of mice was sent over
the land. The affliction of boils was also visited upon the people of Gath and
of Ekron, whither the Ark was successively removed.

After the Ark had been among them for seven months, the Philistines, on the advice
of their diviners, returned it to the Israelites, accompanying its return with an
offering consisting of golden images of the tumors and mice wherewith they had
been afflicted. The Ark was set up in the field of Joshua the Beth-shemite, and the
Beth-shemites offered sacrifices and burnt offerings. Out of curiosity the men
of Beth-shemesh gazed at the Ark; and as a punishment, seventy of them (fifty
thousand and seventy in some translations) were smitten by the Lord. The
Bethshemites sent to Kirjath-jearim, or Baal-Judah, to have the Ark removed; and it
was taken to the house of Abinadab, whose son Eleazar was sanctified to keep it.
Kirjath-jearim remained the abode of the Ark for twenty years. Under Saul, the Ark
was with the army before he first met the Philistines, but the king was too
impatient to consult it before engaging in battle. In 1 Chronicles 13:3 it is stated that
the people were not accustomed to consulting the Ark in the days of Saul.

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In the Days of David
At the beginning of his reign over the United Monarchy, King David removed the
Ark from Kirjath-jearim amid great rejoicing. On the way to Zion, Uzzah, one of the
drivers of the cart that carried the Ark, put out his hand to steady the Ark, and was
struck dead by God for touching it. The place was subsequently named "Perez-
Uzzah", literally "Outburst Against Uzzah", as a result. David, in fear, carried the Ark
aside into the house of Obed-edom the Gittite, instead of carrying it on to Zion, and
there it stayed three months.

On hearing that God had blessed Obed-edom because of the presence of the Ark in
his house, David had the Ark brought to Zion by the Levites, while he himself,
"girded with a linen ephod ... danced before the Lord with all his might" and in the
sight of all the public gathered in Jerusalem—a performance that caused him to be
scornfully rebuked by his first wife, Saul's daughter Michal. In Zion, David put the
Ark in the tabernacle he had prepared for it, offered sacrifices, distributed food, and
blessed the people and his own household.

The Levites were appointed to minister before the Ark. David's plan of building a
temple for the Ark was stopped at the advice of God. The Ark was with the army
during the siege of Rabbah; and when David fled from Jerusalem at the time
of Absalom's conspiracy, the Ark was carried along with him until he
ordered Zadok the priest to return it to Jerusalem.

In Solomon's Temple

When Abiathar was dismissed from the priesthood by King Solomon for having
taken part in Adonijah's conspiracy against David, his life was spared because he
had formerly borne the Ark. Solomon worshipped before the Ark after his dream in
which God promised him wisdom.

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The Ark carried into the Temple from the early 15th century Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry

During the construction of Solomon's Temple, a special inner room, named Kodesh
Hakodashim (Eng. Holy of Holies), was prepared to receive and house the Ark; and
when the Temple was dedicated, the Ark—containing the original tablets of the Ten
Commandments—was placed therein. When the priests emerged from the holy
place after placing the Ark there, the Temple was filled with a cloud, "for the glory
of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord".

When Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter, he caused her to dwell in a house

outside Zion, as Zion was consecrated because of its containing the Ark. King Josiah
also had the Ark returned to the Temple, from which it appears to have been
removed by one of his predecessors (cf. 2 Chron. 33-34 and 2 Kings 21-23).

The Babylonian Conquest and aftermath

In 587 BC, the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple. There is no
record of what became of the Ark in the Books of Kings and Chronicles. An ancient
Greek version of the biblical third Book of Ezra, 1 Esdras, suggests that Babylonians
took away the vessels of the ark of God, but does not mention taking away the Ark:

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And they took all the holy vessels of the Lord, both great and small, with the vessels
of the ark of God, and the king's treasures, and carried them away into Babylon
In Rabbinic literature, the final disposition of the Ark is disputed. Some rabbis hold
that it must have been carried off to Babylon, while others hold that it must have
been hidden lest it be carried off into Babylon and never brought back.

A late 2nd-century rabbinic work known as the Tosefta states the opinions of these
rabbis that Josiah, the king of Judah, stored away the Ark, along with the jar
of manna, and a jar containing the holy anointing oil, the rod of Aaron which
budded and a chest given to Israel by the Philistines. This was said to have been
done in order to prevent their being carried off into Babylon as had already
happened to the other vessels. Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Shimon, in the same
rabbinic work, state that the Ark was, in fact, taken into Babylon. Rabbi Yehudah,
dissenting, says that the Ark was stored away in its own place, meaning,
somewhere on the Temple Mount.

References in Scriptures

The Ark is first mentioned in the Book of Exodus, and then numerous times
in Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, I Chronicles, II
Chronicles, Psalms and Jeremiah.

In the Book of Jeremiah, it is referenced by Jeremiah, who, speaking in the days

of Josiah, prophesied a future time, possibly the end of days, when the Ark will no
longer be talked about or be made again:

And it shall be that when you multiply and become fruitful in the land, in those
days—the word of the LORD—they will no longer say, 'The Ark of the Covenant of
the LORD' and it will not come to mind; they will not mention it, and will not recall
it, and it will not be used any more.

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Replica of the Ark of the Covenant in George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Rashi comments on this verse that "The entire people will be so imbued with the
spirit of sanctity that God's Presence will rest upon them collectively, as if the
congregation itself was the Ark of the Covenant."

Second Book of Maccabees

According to Second Maccabees, at the beginning of chapter 2:

The records show that it was the prophet Jeremiah who ... prompted by a divine
message ... gave orders that the Tent of Meeting and the ark should go with him.

Then he went away to the mountain from the top of which Moses saw God's
promised land. When he reached the mountain, Jeremiah found a cave-dwelling; he
carried the tent, the ark, and the incense-altar into it, then blocked up the entrance.
Some of his companions came to mark out the way, but were unable to find it.
When Jeremiah learnt of this he reprimanded them.

"The place shall remain unknown", he said, "until God finally gathers his people
together and shows mercy to them. The Lord will bring these things to light again,
and the glory of the Lord will appear with the cloud, as it was seen both in the time

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of Moses and when Solomon prayed that the shrine might be worthily

The "mountain from the top of which Moses saw God's promised land" would
be Mount Nebo, located in what is now Jordan.

New Testament

In the New Testament, the Ark is mentioned in the Letter to the Hebrews and
the Revelation to St. John. Hebrews 9:4states that the Ark contained "the golden
pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the
Revelation 11:19 says the prophet saw God's temple in heaven opened, "and the
ark of his covenant was seen within his temple."

Carrying the Ark of the Covenant: gilded bas-relief at Auch Cathedral

Catholic scholars connect this verse with the Woman of the

Apocalypse in Revelation 12:1, which immediately follows, and say that the Blessed
Virgin Mary is identified as the "Ark of the New Covenant." Carrying the saviour of
mankind within her, she herself became the Holy of Holies. This is the
interpretation given in the third century by Gregory Thaumaturgus, and in the
fourth century by Saint Ambrose, Saint Ephraem of Syria and Saint Augustine. The
Catholic Church teaches this in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: "Mary, in
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1715
whom the Lord himself has just made his dwelling, is the daughter of Zion in
person, the Ark of the Covenant, the place where the glory of the Lord dwells. She is
'the dwelling of God . . . with men"

In the Gospel of Luke, the author's accounts of the Annunciation and Visitation are
constructed using eight points of literary parallelism to compare Mary to the Ark.

Saint Athanasius, the bishop of Alexandria, is credited with writing about the
connections between the Ark and the Virgin Mary: "O noble Virgin, truly you are
greater than any other greatness. For who is your equal in greatness, O dwelling
place of God the Word? To whom among all creatures shall I compare you, O
Virgin? You are greater than them all O (Ark of the) Covenant, clothed with purity
instead of gold! You are the Ark in which is found the golden vessel containing the
true manna, that is, the flesh in which Divinity resides" (Homily of the Papyrus of

The Ark in Islamic sources - The Holy Quran - Tabut e Sakina

Chapter 2 (Sura 2) of the Quran (Verse 248), is believed to refer to the Ark:

And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, a sign of his kingship is that the chest
(tābūt) will come to you in which is assurance (sakīnatun) from your Lord and a
remnant of what the family of Moses (Mūsā) and the family of Aaron (Hārūn) had
left, carried by the angels. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers."

The Arabic word sakīna (variously translated "peace of reassurance" or "spirit of

tranquility") is related to the post-Biblical Hebrew shekhinah, meaning "dwelling or
presence of God".

The Islamic scholar Al Baidawi mentioned that the sakina could be Tawrat, the
Books of Moses. According to Al-Jalalan, the relics in the Ark were the fragments of
the two tablets, rods, robes, shoes, mitre of Moses and the vase of manna.

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Al-Tha'alibi, in Qisas Al-Anbiya (The Stories of the Prophets), has given an earlier
and later history of the Ark.

According to Uri Rubin the Ark of the Covenant has a religious basis in Islam, and
Islam gives it special significance.

Possible Locations of the Ark of the Covenant

There is a lot of confusion and conflict about the possible locations of the Ark of the
Covenant as no one is sure about the whereabouts of the precious Ark of the
Covenant of the Jews till today.

Some of the possible locations of the Ark of the Covenant according to different
sources are as follows:

 Mount Nebo
 Ethiopia
 Southern Africa
 Chartres Cathedral, France
 Rome
 United Kingdom
 Ireland
 Egypt

Actual Location of Tabut e Sakina - One of the Mountains of Syria

But Imam Mahdi (AS) would bring this Ark of Covenant from one of the Mountains
of Syria and read the Old Scripture of Jews in front of them in their Holy Language
and after seeing this Miracle of Imam Mahdi (AS), hundreds and thousands of Jews
would accept Islam on His Hands as narrated in the Sayings of our Imams regarding
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

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439. The 59th USA Elections and the 45th President of
America before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Last Elections in the USA History would be on 3rd Nov, 2020 AD

Last Elections in the USA History

3rd November, 2020 AD ………………….59 Elections in US History
So it would be interesting to note that after the 59th Elections in USA, 59th would
come i.e. Imam Mahdi (AS)

59th Elections + 45th President of USA - Trump............59 + 45 = 104

The Abjad of the Arabic word - 'Adal' - Justice is also ------ 104

The Abjad of “Mahdi” is also 59

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1719

59th Elections in USA History 2020 AD

59th (Mahdi) would come in the World 2023 AD

If we add 59 with Number - 45, we would get 104 and if we subtract 45 from 59,
we would get Number - 14, which represents 14th Masoom of Allah, Imam
Mahdi (AS)

59th Elections - 45th President of USA - Trump............59 - 45 = 14

The Number - 14 also represents 14th Masoom of Allah, Imam Mahdi

The Abjad of “Mahdi” is also 59

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1720

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441. The Abjad of Imam Mahdi's father - Hassan is 118 and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD

Keeping in view the following facts, then we can deduce the Year
of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

 The Abjad of Imam Mahdi's Father's Name, "Hassan" is 118

 The Abjad of name, "Mahdi" is 59.................. 59 + 59 = 118
 The Number - 59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said 17 sentences about Imam Mahdi
(AS) in His Last Sermon
 Imam Mahdi is the 12th and the Last Imam of Muslims

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1722

Keeping in view the above facts, we use the same numbers to reach the
year of His Zahoor in 2023 AD or 1445 Hijri.

(118 x 17) + 17 = 2023...........................2023 AD

(59 x 17) + (59 x 17) + (1 x 17) = 2023...................2023 AD

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the Year - 2023 AD

(118 x 12) + (12 + 17) = 1445...................1445 Hijri

(59 x 12) + (59 x 12) + (12 + 17) = 1445................1445 Hijri

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the Year - 1445 Hijri

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442. Some of the Books written on the End Times

The End Times

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1724

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443. The Predictions of Edzo Botjes in his recent article -
Predictions 2019 - 2023

With the courtesy of the following website, some of the contents of the article of Mr. Edzo
Botjes is presented here:
When in the glimmering between two years it is tradition predict the “near” future. Since
predicting only one year ahead is a bit boring, I am going to start with my yearly 5(+)-years

Predictions 2019-2023
My predictions will not be of the type “2019 will be the year of AI and Ethics” or “2019 will be
the year of autonomous cars”.

So here goes my list of predictions:

1. 2019 will be the year of a Mondial financial crisis larger than the 2008 financial crisis.
2. 2020 will be the year of the financial crisis combined with big social unrest aka in the
US and EU forced the resignation of leaders of government.
3. 2021 will be the year of financial, civil crisis and the start of World War 3.
4. 2021-2022 will be the rist of the new Gandhi or Martin Luther King. I will call this the
MLK 2.0
5. 2023 will be the year of the start of the new and global enlightenment.

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Prediction one
2019 will see a financial crisis that dwarves the 2008 crisis.

The arguments for this prediction are:

1. The pattern of high/low markets are usually 7 years apart

(Wikipedia, usfunds, usfunds, Twitter, The Guardian, CNBC, The Economist ). 2018 is a high
(bear) market (Wikipedia). we see that financials are selling all their assets (housing, stock)
in Q4 of 2018 due to the fact it is the end of the year, but also since it should be the end of
the bear market. Of course, trends are not that great of an indicator.
2. The Brexit is imminent in 2019. If there is a hard Brexit (so article 50 is effective without a
new agreement between EU and UK) then the UK will go bust (no food, no medicine, no
workers) and the EU will lose a lot of revenue and needs to re-route many of its supply-
chains (suppliers and buyers). Finding the new balance in EU and the down-go of the UK will
create a financial crisis. When there is a soft-Brexit then civil unrest will come and potential a
smaller movement to find a new balance. When there will be an “undo” of the article 50 then
the UK will have a civil uprising that will spread to the other EU countries, igniting the fuel
behind the national populism and movements like #gilets jaunes. Either way, things will get
3. Tradewar: The US is with Trump as president a large economical power that is
unpredictable in its movement. Many trade deals, trade tariffs, and even military actions are
unstable and unpredictable. The financial market tends not to like this unpredictability.
4. Some canaries in the coal mine are warning for the upcoming big crash. Like Nassim
Nicholas Taleb stating in a Bloomberg interview “The World Is More Fragile Today Than in

Or Willem Middelkoop with his timeline.

Prediction two
In 2020 the financial crisis will evolve into global civil unrest.

Where the current society is developing more and more from a hierarchical and dialogue
based society to a network society.

We as a people are connected everywhere via technology, social media, and ease of
transportation. The predicted global village is now a reality. This is the reason we as a
people do not trust the “elite” anymore since we can Google everything, or are in
a bubble with our tribe that sees the world differently.

The fast world widens gaps between people

The fast-moving world in terms of information and innovation widens the gap between the
people that can process these transformations and the people that can’t. To counter this
detachment people are looking for identity by selecting a common foe and/or by selecting a
tribe that provides an identity. This longing for a tribe is not a rational quest.
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The need for empathy over rationality
Daniel Pink has written the book “a whole new mind” on why the age of logic and rationality
is over and the right-brain (emotions, empathy, creativity) is the most important skill the
coming years. ( Book review on Medium, Interview of Daniel Pink by Operah)

The need for stories over rationality

On the Youtube channel of Wisecrack, there is also a nice explanation of the need for a
story that is not based on rational. This video is called “Kanye and The End of Reality –
Wisecrack Edition”

The need for tribes in a complex global village

The wisecrack video is easier to digest than the many books (for example Homo Deus, The
Pinch, stupid white man ) on this subject, or the many articles from “the economist”, “der
spiegel”, “de correspondent” etc. But the storyline is the same: the current world is complex
and volatile and that creates the need for people to unite and religion is not there anymore
to fulfill this role.

The network society circle creating a gap in societies.

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The flip-side of the same coin
It is my conclusion that extremism, populism, nationalism, burn-out and depression are the
negative sides of the coin of the current open, transparent, fast-moving, highly innovative
global village that is our world.

This dark side of the coin is also called VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex,
Ambiguous). VUCAcombined with the need for a tribe and a leader bring me to prediction 3.

Prediction three
2021 - there will be a third world war.
This is a more complex argumentation because WW3 would be the result of many

A tribe needs a leader and an enemy

The need for an identity that is provided by a tribe also asks for a big and common enemy
and a leader that unites against the enemy. Everywhere in the world (EU, US, Brazil,
Venezuela, etc), people are gathering enmass behind populism and nationalism.

Hate for others, blind following of a strong leader in a complex and unpredictable world are
ingredients for an accident blowing stuff up and pull us into a new world war.

When you listen to politic podcasts like “Talking Politics” (EN) or “Boekenstein & de Wijk”
(NL) you will recognize the analysis.

Most countries in the world are unstable (Venezuela, Brazil, Spain, Italy, France, USA,
Germany, Hungary, Russia, Iran, Turkey, etc).

Conflicts around Oil, Financial Markets, Climate etc are rising.

The world is a big unstable atom, a heap of dry grass waiting for a spark to ignite it all.

But not all is only dark.

Prediction four
In 2021-2022 the rise of MLK 2.0

Dark side & Light side

In everything, there is a dark side and a light side. So where there is a need for a strong
leader that units on emotion as a tribe of people, there is also room for a leader that
preaches love and enlightenment.

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“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only
love can do that.”

― Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

Summarizing the analysis of the dark side of the Network Society, and analysis of room for
the good.

This is where my hope is. We as a world will see a big crisis and a big war coming. And this
pendulum will create room for our next enlightenment, the question only is.. Who is going to
step up and direct the people of the whole world to our new future?

History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes. What we see is that various people that
have a story of hope get big traction. Obama, Piketty, Harari, and in every country there are
local versions of these preachers of hope. We only have to wait and see what event will
unite us as inhabitants of the global village we call earth.

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Summarizing the year 2019 - 2023:


Edzo Botjes is an Enterprise Engineer with more than 15+ years experience. His believe is
that Enterprise Engineering covers not only Enterprise Architecture but also the skills
needed to realistically implement innovation, governance and architecture. This implies that
Group Psychology, IT Security Architecture, Technology Innovation and Ethics are a few
topics that should be included into the developing strategy and architecture. Edzo is
currently working on a Blockchain Reference Architecture and separately active as Principal
Architect PKI.

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444. Is Jesus Christ Coming Back to Earth in XXXXIII (2023)?
- An Article by Robert Singer

"There are four stumbling blocks that have kept mankind and scholars from fully
understanding the book of Revelation and the date of the 1st and 2nd Coming of
the Messiah.

Believers and Biblical scholars spend their time interpreting and reinterpreting the
scriptures to convince themselves they either (a) get the blessings promised to
Israel or (b) will be raptured right before the tribulation.

1. The year of the 2nd Coming could not be verified until the latter half of the
twentieth century.

2. Christians incorrectly believe Mark 13, is a commandment by God that “no

one is allowed to know something that “even the angels in heaven don’t
know.” God told Daniel the year, not the day or the hour.

3. An “error” made over 1400 years ago.

An error made in the seventh century BC concerns an event that ranks as one of the
most important in the history Jews, Christians and Muslims:

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“The abomination of the desolation”.
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength,
and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that
maketh desolate Dan 11:31

James Hastings, M.A., D.D. in the seventh century published a dictionary of the
Bible that analyzes the different interpretations of Daniel 11:31. He concludes the
verse refers to “The setting up by Antiochus Epiphanies of a small idol/altar on the
altar of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem in 167 BC” and the Maccabean revolution.

Jesus contradicts this interpretation in the gospels, When ye therefore shall see the
abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy
place, (whoso readeth, let him understand). Mathew 24:15

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the
prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand). Mark
The two verses refer to a conversation between Jesus, Peter, James and Andrew on
the Mount of Olives. Before he mentions the abomination Jesus says the following
to his disciples admiring the grandeur of the temple.

Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone upon another,
that shall not be thrown down Mark 13:2

Here Jesus is prophesying an event that is to take place within the lifetime of the
disciples. August 29th in 70 A.D. (the exact same day the Babylonians burned down
Solomon’s temple 657 years earlier) the Roman army razed Herod’s Temple to the

As Jesus places the event of the abomination after the destruction of the temple in
70 A.D. and uses the words “when ye shall see” (Mark 13:14), he places the event in
the future.

It is impossible the abomination spoken of by Jesus could have taken place prior to
70 AD and therefore any exegesis that identifies the abomination, as 167 B.C. is the
“error” made over 1400 years ago.
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Jesus predicts the location of the abomination will be somewhere that is not only a
“holy place”, but also a place that under normal circumstances would be forbidden.

Within the Jewish faith the biblical term “holy place” can only mean The Holy
Temple in Jerusalem. After its destruction in 70 A.D. leaving only the Western or
Wailing Wall, the Holy Temple was never rebuilt. The ground where the Temple
stood, the Temple Mount, and the Wailing Wall is to the Jews “the most holy place”
in Jerusalem.

Construction begins on the Abomination of desolation in 688 A.D.

On the death of Abu Bakr, Omar ibn al Khattab, advisor to Mohammed became the
second caliph and ordered that a magnificent golden domed mosque, Islam’s third
holiest shrine, be built… directly over “the most holy place” in Jerusalem.

The Mosque of Omar, The Dome of the Rock is the correct identification of the
abomination of desolation.

Applying the date of 688 A.D. to Daniel

And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination
that maketh desolate set up, there shall be 1290 days. Daniel 12:11
Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days. 12:12
Biblical scholars acknowledge the words of Ezekiel who wrote 30 years before
Daniel. “I have appointed thee each day for a year”. Using each day for a year,
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination
that maketh desolate set up in 688 A.D., there shall be 1290 years. Daniel 12:11
Blessed is he that waiteth for the Messiah and cometh to the 1335 years or 2023.

Revelation Chapter 11, verse 2&3 confirms this date.

But the court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not; for it is
given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two
months (1279 days). And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they shall
prophesy a 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth. Revelation 11:2&3

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These two verses appear to be talking about the same time scale and the same
event. But only if we assume an average month is thirty days - then forty-two
months = 1260 days. An “average month” does not account for the extra day for a
leap year. Using the reckonings from the Julian calendar and the extra day, the
period of forty-two months is 1279 not 1260 days.

We also know verse 1 refers to the area outside the temple as being in the hands of
the Gentiles (non Jews) as well as the holy city of Jerusalem for 1279 years (“each
day for a year”.); and in verse 2 the two witnesses of God the Jewish people, the
Houses of Judah and Israel, will prophesy or preach for a similar 1260 years “clothed
in sackcloth”. Sackcloth is symbolic of regret, repentance and mourning.

What these two verses are saying is that the Jewish people will lose their place of
worship including the city of Jerusalem; it will be given over to non Jewish people
until the first few hours of the six-day war in 1967 (688 A.D. + 1279) when for the
first time since the capture of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple by Titus in
70 A.D. the Jewish people not only had their own state May 14th 1948 (688 A.D. +
1260) they once again controlled “the most holy place” in Jerusalem.

The prophet Daniel, the book of revelation and Paracelsus in the Twenty Ninth
figure of his prognostications confirms 2023.

How blessed shall be the hour, and the poverty, that will come and shall ordain
each one to its meadow, not far from the year XXXXIII.

Most of the prognostications of Paracelsus concern countries, institutions,

establishments and monarchies. Figure 29 seems to refer to the individual and in
particular to a state of change that each individual can reach. The date given at the
end is confusing since there is no such Roman numeral. Forty-three in Roman
numerals would be XLIII.

The fact that Paracelsus tells us this is a year is the clue to the correct interpretation
of the figure.

Could Jesus Christ be coming back to earth in XX (20) XX (20) III (3) XXXXIII or 2023?

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NOTE: Research for this article came from an out of print book by Ian Gurney,
the Cassandra Prophesy published in 1999.

Robert Singer:
Robert Singer is a retired information technology professional and an
environmental activist living in southern California. In 1995 he and his cousin Adam
D. Singer founded IPC The Hospitalist Company, Inc., where he served as chief
technology officer. Today the company manages more than 130 practice groups,
providing care in some 300 medical facilities in 18 states. Prior to that he was
president of Useful Software, a developer and publisher of business and consumer
software for the personal computing Industry. Robert also posts to
Robert can be reached at:

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445. The Coming World War 3 in 2021 - 2022 AD
WORLD WAR 3 IN 2021 - 2022 AD

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446. The Clash of Civilizations and the implementation of the
New World Order by Dajjal from 2021 - 2023 AD

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Bruce Warner's perspective about the Rapture in 2021 AD

According to the Scriptures the anti-Christ will be revealed by setting up the

abomination 1,290 days before the end of the 70th Week of Daniel which is 30 days
before Jesus appears to rapture His Church on the day Satan is cast down mid-week
1,260 days before the end of the 70th Week of Daniel.

The following Scriptures bear this out:

2 Thessalonians 2:3
"Let no one deceive you by any means; FOR THAT DAY (day of rapture) WILL NOT
COME UNLESS............the man of sin IS REVEALED, the son of perdition."

Daniel 12:11
"And from the time that........the abomination of desolation IS SET-UP there shall be
1,290 days."

Revelation 12:6 and 9-10 and 13 tell us that the rapture happens on the same day
Satan is cast down to earth mid-week 1,260 days before the end of the 70th week
of Daniel.

So you see, there are 30 days from the time the anti-Christ is revealed (1,290 days)
to the day of the rapture (1,260 )days before the end of the 70th Week.


There must be at least 1,290 days, or more, between the Spring Equinox in the year
the anti-Christ is revealed, which is also the year of the rapture, and the end of the
70th Week of Daniel on the New Moon of the Feast of Trumpets October 3, 2024 - 3
1/2 years later because of the following Scripture:

Matthew 24:20
"An pray that your flight may NOT BE IN WINTER or on the Sabbath."

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So you see, the revealing of the anti-Christ will happen 1,290 days before the end of
MARCH 20, the first day of Spring of that year, so that it will "NOT BE IN WINTER".
The year 2021 is the ONLY YEAR, for several years either way, that there are at least
1,290 days between the Spring Equinox and the end of the 70th Week of Daniel 3
1/2 years later on the New Moon of the Feast of Trumpets Tishri 1 / October 3,

HERE IS THE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS IN THE YEAR 2021 after the 70th Week of Daniel
begins on the New Moon of Feast of Trumpets Tishri 1 / September 20, 2017:

 March 20, 2021 is the Spring Equinox which is 1,293 days before the end of
the 70th Week of Daniel on the New Moon of Feast of Trumpets Tishri 1 /
October 3, 2024
 March 23, 2021 is the day, Nisan 10 / Day of Palms, the anti-Christ reveals
himself by setting up the abomination 1,290 days before the end of the 70th
Week of Daniel.
 April 21, 2021 sunset to April 22, sunset is 30 days later, which is the Day of
the rapture, mid-week, 1,260 days before the end of the 70th Week of Daniel.

According to the Scriptures, I firmly believe that this will be the YEAR 2021 scenario
of events we look forward to. I may be wrong, but I am not wrong yet! So mark
these dates on your calendar, AND WATCH!

According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus!

Bruce Warner, Scripturalist

Important Point to Note:

If we count the Alphabets in "THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS", we would come up to

23 Alphabets. The Number - 23 indicates towards the year 2023 in which the World
would reach the Climax of the Clash of Civilizations..................2023 AD

The Clash of Civilizations.............23 Alphabets.................20 23 AD

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447. There are 23 political and Economic Hot Spots out of 195
Countries in the World, which are leading towards the Final Clash
of Civilizations, Cultures, Economies, Religions and Regions from
2021 till 2023 AD

If we look around the World today, we would notice that there are basically 23
political and economic hot spots in the World which are the main forces behind the
coming Clash of Civilizations, Cultures, Economies, Religions and Regions from 2021
to 2023 AD.

1. USA - North America

2. Russia - Asia/Europe
3. China - Asia

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4. Britain - Europe
5. North Korea - Asia
6. Israel - Middle East - Asia
7. Iran - Middle East - Asia
8. Venezuela - South America
9. Syria - Middle East - Asia
10. France - Europe
11. Iraq - Middle East - Asia
12. India - South East Asia
13. Pakistan - South East Asia
14. Afghanistan - South Asia - Asia
15. Egypt - Africa
16. Turkey - Europe/Asia
17. Germany - Europe
18. Libya - Africa
19. Ukraine - Europe
20. Saudi Arabia - Middle East - Asia
21. Somalia- Africa
22. Yemen - Middle East - Asia
23. Sudan - Africa

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1. Crisis in USA - Debt Crisis, NWO and Foreign Wars

2. Crisis in Israel - War with Iran and Proxy wars in Middle East

3. Crisis in Iran - Proxy Wars in Syria, Yemen and Saudi Arabia

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4. Crisis in North Korea - Nuclear tensions with USA, South Korea and Japan

5. Crisis in Saudi Arabia - Proxy Wars in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen

6. Crisis in Syria - Civil War, ISIS, Tensions with Israel, USA and Europe

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7. Crisis in Egypt - Tensions with Iran, Economic tensions, Terrorism

8. Crisis in Venezuela - War with USA, Economic Crisis, Currency Crisis

9. Crisis in China - Trade and Political tensions with USA and Europe

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10. Crisis in Russia - Political tensions with USA and Europe

11. Crisis in Germany - Political and Economic tensions with Russia and Britain

12. Crisis in Pakistan - War with India, Political and Economic Crisis

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13. Crisis in India - War with Pakistan, Political and Economic Crisis

14. Crisis in Ukraine - Political and Economic tensions with Russia

15. Crisis in Britain - Brexit, Political and Economic tensions in UK with EU & Russia

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16. Crisis in France - Yellow Vest Movement, Economic and Political tensions

17. Crisis in Afghanistan - War in Afghanistan since 1979 till today, Taliban

18. Crisis in Turkey - War with USA and Europe, Political and Economic Crisis

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19. Crisis in Libya - War, Civil Unrest, Economic and Political tensions

20. Crisis in Somalia - Terroris, Political and Economic Crisis

21. Crisis in Sudan - Political and Economic Crisis

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22. Crisis in Iraq - Three (3) Wars in Iraq in the last 25 years, Economic Crisis

23. Crisis in Yemen - War with Saudi Arabia

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448. Some of the Books written on Imam Mahdi

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449. Allama Jaffar uz Zaman (Late) and his research books on
Imam Mahdi (AS)

Syed Jaffar uz Zaman wrote lot of books on the topic of Imam Mahdi (AS) especially
the Last Reformer of the World in English. His books are available from the
following website below:

Some of the titles of his books are as follows:

 Instizar e Wilayat e Asr

 Misbah ul Qiyafah
 Afkar al Muntazareen
 Wahdaniat e Mutliqa
 The Last Reformer of the World
 Tareeq Al Muntazareen
 Asma Al Hujjat
 Majalis Al Muntazareen
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1768
 Maadan Al Asmat
 Asrar Al Abdiat
 Irfan Hujjat
 Dua e Tajeel e Farj
 Dua e Ahad
 Deen e Nusrat

Shrine of Late Allama Syed Jaffar uz Zaman in Jaman Shah, Pakistan

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450. The Simpsons Cartoon Predictions about the coming World
War - 3 and Simpsons predicted the future 25 times correctly in
the past --- Illuminati Media Productions

“Wake up everyone! It's World War III!!”

―Homer Simpson

World War 3 is the 16th Simpsons short and originally aired on The Tracey
Ullman Show on November 22, 1987. Edwin Starr's 1970 hit "War" is playing
in the background during this short.

Homer wakes up everyone in the house while everyone else is asleep. He tells them
that it's World War 3 and that the bombs are dropping. Everyone frantically makes
it into the bomb shelter in 18 seconds. Homer says they would be dead meat if it
were a real war. His family starts shivering because they're cold. Homer wakes up
his family another time once they're sleeping, and says he means it. The rest of the
family is annoyed and go slowly down to the fallout shelter. Homer says that once
again, they're timing is off, to which they are angry. Homer wakes up his family a

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third time, and this time he says it's the end of the world. They quickly go into the
fallout shelter, and Homer tells them to go back into bed. Bart asks if they beat the
clock, and Homer says they were close and that the next drill is in 3 hours. Bart
decides to wake Homer up with a paper megaphone. He says that it's World War 3
and that this is not a test. Homer frantically rushes into the fallout shelter
where Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie trap him in. While Homer rushes in there,
Marge quickly closes the door, Lisa holds the it shut and Maggie puts a lock on it.
Marge says that they'll let Homer out in the morning.

This World War 3 Prediction was predicted in the year 1987 on 22n November. If
the World War 3 starts after 59th Presidential Elections in USA on 3rd November,
2020 AD, the years in between 2020 AD and 1987 AD are 33 years.

So World War 3 climax comes after 33 years of the release of this Simpsons Cartoon
in 1987. And most of the people know that 33rd is the Highest Degree in Free
Masons. General Albert Pike, Queen Elizabeth and most high ranking officials in
Free Masons are 33rd degree Masons.

1987 till 2020 ....................33 Years to reach the Climax of World War 3

True Predictions of Simpsons Cartoon in the past

 Rigged Voting Machines used in 2012 USA Elections
 Smart Watches
 Robotic Librarians
 Phones with Video
 Baby Translators
 First Generation IPod
 Greece Tanked Economy
 Autocorrect feature in computer softwares
 Victory of President Trump in 2016 Elections
 Higgs Boson Particle theory
 FIFA's Scandal and Germany's Win
 Edward Snowden

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The most famous prediction from the Simpsons show was that Donald Trump would
become president one day. This happened in the episode “Bart To The Future,”
which aired in 2000. However, the story takes place in 2030. In the episode, Lisa
actually becomes president, but she does have the line, “As you know, we’ve
inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump.”

So what exactly led to this crazy, accurate prediction? The writer, Dan Greaney told
Washington Post, “He seems like a ‘Simpsons’-esque figure — he fits right in there,
in an over-the-top way.” He continued, “But now that he’s running for president, I
see that in a much darker way. He seemed kind of lovable in the old days, in a
blowhard way.”

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451. The famous Shia Islamic book, "Bihar Al Anwar" and the
speech of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regarding the End Times

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452. The Century of the Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

We all know that the 1st Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the Islamic year - 255

 1st Zahoor ....................... 255 Hijri

We also know that the next expected Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in the Islamic
year - 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD.

 Final Zahoor....................................... 1445 Hijri

The year - 1445 Hijri is coming in 2023 AD. Now to see what is the relationship
between the numbers of His First Zahoor year - 255 Hijir and the Final Zahoor year
in 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD.

255 .......................1445
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1778
255 = (17 x 5) x 3
1445 = (17 x 5) x 17
The Only difference in the above equations is 3 and 17

Now if we add these two numbers, 17 and 3, we would get the century - 20

17 + 3 = 20.................................. 2023 AD
Now if we substract these two numbers, 17 and 3, we would get the century - 14

17 - 3 = 14.................................. 1445 Hijri

So the Final Zahoor of the Imam Mahdi (AS) is in the 15th Century Hijri or
21st Century AD as the above equations confirm the numbers of the

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453. The Islamic year of Imam's Kharooj 1444 Hijri would start
on 29th July, 2022 AD as 1st Muharram would come on 29th July,
2022 AD on Friday and the 1st Zahoor of Imam Mahdi was also
on 29th July, 869 AD on 15th Shahban, 255 Hijri

The Islamic year of the Kharooj of our Imam Mahdi (AS) would start on 29th July,
2022 AD ............... 1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri as His Kharooj would take place on
23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri.

29th July, 2022 AD.......................1st Muharram, 1444 Hijri

20 22 AD......................1444 Hijri
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11 x 2 = 22

11 x 4 = 44

22 + 44 = 66.............The Abjad of name of "Allah"

11 x 6 = 66

66....................... 6 + 6 = 12................12th Imam

Imam Mahdi is 12th Imam of Allah

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454. The Jesus Christ would return within 75 years from the time
when Israel becomes independent national country for Jews on
14th May, 1948 AD

Jesus Christ would return in 2023 i.e. after 75 years from 1948 AD, when Israel
becomes Nation for the Jews.

1948 + 75 years = 2023 AD.........2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

There are some verses from the Bible which shows the Importance of Number - 75

 because 75 years is within a lifetime (Ps. 90.10);

 because Abraham entered the promise land at 75 (Gen. 12.5);
 because "you know the summer is near" (Matt. 24.32) when the "fig
tree...branch is tender" (v.32);
 Ezekiel's prophecy on his side for 390 days takes us to exactly May, 1948
when Israel became a nation again;
 thus, you "know that it is near, even at the doors" (v.33).

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How to reach the Exact time of Tribulation?
 Each year there are from Feast of Trumpets 2,520 (Dan. 9.27, 12.7, Rev.
12.6) days to Tisha B'Av or 2,550 (Dan. 12.11) days to Day of Atonement;
 there are 2300 days (Dan. 8.14) from the day before Passover to Tisha B'Av
from 2017 to 2023;
 thus, we know the Tribulation starts on Feast of Trumpets Oct. 3, 2016.

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455. The Prophecies of different Religions and the Appearance
of Imam Mahdi and the Second Coming of the Jesus Christ

An Extract with the courtesy from the Website

A central tenet of the Muslim faith is the future coming of Imam Mahdi or the
Imam at the end of time. He is also known as Q'aim or the promised one. Though
the concept of Imam Mahdi is common to all branches of Islam, there is far more
emphasis and importance attributed to his coming, in the Shia sect as opposed
to the majority Sunni branch. It is in the Shia Islam that we find the most
heightened state of expectation for the imminent arrival of Imam Mahdi.

Though Shiites make up around 15% of total Muslim population Worldwide the
proportion is far higher in the Middle East where they make up over a third of

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the total. Two important countries where Shiites make up the majority are Iran
and Iraq.
It is an interesting but not widely known fact that the official head of state of
Iran is actually Iman Mahdi, or will be when he arrives. The most power
politicians in Iran are really temporary stand ins for Imam Mahdi. Ayotollah
literally means 'place holder'.

The current President of Iran, at the time of writing, Mahmoud Armhedhinajad is

a firm believer in the imminent arrival of Imam Mahdi. Almost everyone of his
major speeches make references to the Mahdi and has even said that he expects
his arrival within a matter of a few years. It is alleged that Armhedhinajad has
connections with the banned Hojjateah sect who believe that by doing things to
create more chaos in this World, and encouraging such actions, one can hasten
the coming of Iman Mahdi. The Hojjateah sect was banned and made illegal in
1983 by Ayotollah Khomeini for being too subversive, radical and dangerous.
They went underground and are believed, in what some Irans see as a silent
coup, to have infiltrated the Iranian government at the highest levels and so
form effectively a secret society working towards hastening the coming of the

In Iraq, among the Shiites, there is also a strong sense that the coming of Imam
Mahdi is imminent. A lot of Iraqis believe that '[The Americans] will not leave
until [Imam Mahdi] appears'. One of the biggest Shiite militias in Iraq, the so
called 'Mahdi Army' is waiting to be led by the Imam at the End of Time when he
announces himself. The acting head of the Mahdi Army, Moqtada Al Sadr has
said that, 'The Mahdi Army does not belong to me, but it is the base of [Imam
Mahdi]. All those who are in Iraq are [Imam Mahdi's] army.'

In the August of 2009, Iran's Khamenei called on Muslims around the world to
unite in response to the imminent arrival of the Mahdi. However the schism that
exists within Islam between the Sunni and Shiite sects is deep and this may not
happen. But what could quite possibly happen is a charismatic individual may be

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able to unite the Shiites of the World especially those located in the Middle East
to form a Shiite Superstate and create America and Israel's worst nightmare.

what follow are a selection of prophecies describing the role and attributes of
Imam Mahdi and also the conditions of the World around the time of his arrival.

The role and attributes of Imam Mahdi

"The Imam who will create a world state will make the ruling nations pay for
their crimes against society. He will bring succor to humanity. He will take out
the hidden wealth from the breast of the earth and will distribute it equitably
amongst the needy deserving. He will teach you simple living and high thinking.
He will make you understand that virtue is a state of character which is always a
mean between the two extremes, and which is based upon equity and justice. He
will revive the teaching of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet
after the world has ignored them as dead letters.... He will protect and defend
himself with resources of science and supreme knowledge. His control over these
resources will be complete. He will know how supreme they are and how
carefully they will have to be used. His mind will be free from desires of bringing
harm and injury to humanity. Such a knowledge to him will be like the property
which was wrongly possessed by others and for which he was waiting for the
permission to repossess and use. He, in the beginning, will be like a poor stranger
unknown and uncared for, and Islam then will be in the hopeless and helpless
plight of an exhausted camel who has laid down its head and is wagging its tail.
With such a start he will establish an empire of God in this world. He will be the
final demonstration and proof of God's merciful wish to acquaint man with the
right ways of life." - Islam. Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187

'The Apostle of Allah said, "Were there remaining but one day of the duration of
all time, God would send forth a man from the people of my house, who will fill
the earth with equity as it has been filled with oppression.' - Hadith of Abu

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The conditions of the World around the time of the coming of Imam Mahdi
'Society will be engulfed by ravaging wars, overflowing with havoc and
devastation. In the beginning the conquerers will feel very happy over their
success and booties gathered therein, but it will all have a very sad end. I warn
you of wars of the future; you have no idea of the enormity of evil which they
will carray.' - Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 141

'And when the Word is fullfilled against the unjust, We shall produce from the
earth a Beast to face them: he will speak to them, because that mankind did not
believe with assurance in Our signs.' - Quran 27.82

'The time is near in which nothing will remain of Islam but its name, and of the
Qur'an but its mere appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of
knowledge and worship; and the learned men will be the worst people under the
heavens; and contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon
themselves.' - Islam. Hadith.

'There is no prophet who has not warned his people about the one-eyed liar [the
Anti-Christ]. I tell you that he is one-eyed, but your Lord is not one-eyed. On his
forehead are the letters k, f, r (infidelity)... The Dajjal will come forth having with
him water and fire, and what mankind see as water will be fire which burns and
what they see as fire will be cold, sweet water. Any of you who live till that time
must fall into what they see as fire, for it is sweet, fresh water.' - Hadiths of
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The Prophecies Are Now

There exists a compelling interpretation of the Prophecies contained in all the

Worlds Great Religions that is totally convincing for the religiously minded and
also the secular rationalist alike. We are living in a time like no other and the
things which make the World, in which we live today, so special, unique and
unprecedented have an uncanny correspondence with a consensus of
predictions deriving from these Prophecies.

We are living in tumultuous times. A time of change and transition where we are
witnessing cultural and technological progress happening at dizzying speed. All
the while changes happening to the planet environmentally and political are
ushering in a world that will be very different from what we know today. And
not only is the pace of change frantic, the speed at which this global
transformation is taking place is actually accelerating. So what is happening in
the world? How can we understand this process that we are living through?
What's going to happen next and where is it all leading?

A key to understanding the world in which we live and what's happening on the
planet is the prophecies contained in all the World's great religions. prophecies
which talk about the future state of the world can be found in just about all of
the world's major faith traditions. When we read what these prophetic
scriptures have to say then we find recurrent themes and common narrative
threads. This would make sense if we take it as our starting point that all religion
is one (as is shown in a separate article on the unity of religion). That is, if the
World's religions are really worshipping the same God and asking after the same
truth, then by the same token all the different prophecies in the different
religions should all be coming from the same source. Therefore it may also
reasonably be supposed that all these different prophecies are really talking
about the same set of events and circumstances. Of course we should expect
some incompatibilities in the details of certain specific prophecies and not all
prophecies are necessarily valid. However the overall and general picture

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painted by all of them collectively should provide us with a coherent and
consistent picture that may have some meaningful relationship with the realities
of the world today. This of course assumes that the present age is special and
that the prophecies of the World's religions are referring to present times. Here I
will show unequivocally that this is indeed the case. It can be argued that we are
certainly living in a unique moment in history. I will show that the things that
make the World in which we live today so special, unique and unprecedented,
are exactly the general conditions of the planet collectively portrayed in the

This diagram is meant to show how the prophecies contained in the World's
different religions, fit together like different pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle.
This assumes that all the different prophecies are coming from the same source,
which naturally derives from the sensible belief that all the World's religions are
really worshipping the same God. And indeed all the different prophecies come
together to uncannily describe the special and unprecedented conditions of the
World in which we live today.

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Why it is that the prophecies are most definitely talking about present times?

Whenever it is proposed that the prophecies are finally about to be realized, a

very common reaction is for a lot of people to say that the prophecies can be
made to refer to any point in history. It will often be pointed out that indeed
throughout history many individuals and groups have committed themselves to
the firm belief that the end is finally nigh, only to have their expectations
disconfirmed. However, today we really are living in a time like no other. There
are conditions and circumstances in the world today which have never appeared
before at anytime in past history. Furthermore it is also the case that the things
which make the world in which we live in today so special, unique and
unprecedented are exactly those general conditions of the world which are
described by some of the prophecies contained in the World's great religions.
Examples of this will be given a little later. I believe it is these types of
prophecies that describe the special general conditions of the modern age which
are most interesting and useful.

I should also mention at this point that together with the kinds of prophecies
which describe the general conditions of the planet when the appointed hour
comes, there also exist a myriad number of rather specific prophecies. These
prophecies predict a variety of precise circumstances and well defined events
which have actually been realized in recent times. An example of this sort of
prophesy would be the one contained in Isaiah in the Old Testament which
predicts that when the time of the prophecies is upon us:

'In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the
remnant that is left of his people... He will raise a banner for the nations and
gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from
the four corners of the earth.' - Isaiah 11:11

This is an uncanny reference to the founding of the modern state of Israel just
after World War II. Also related to the kinds of prophecies so far discussed there
also exist predictions based on specific calendar dates and special numerical

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calculations. Many of these likewise suggest that the time of the final and
ultimate realization of the prophecies is around now. An example of this kind of
prediction is the expectation contained in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures
which tell of the coming of the next Buddha to be 2500 years after the last one
i.e. Siddhartha Guatama. Another example would be one which is much referred
to by new age types and some of the psychedelic crowd; this is the ancient
Mayan 2012 calendar prediction for the end times. Again like many other of
these types of calendar predictions, the suggestion is that in the present times,
we are approaching what is sometimes referred to as the end of time or else the
end of the age or cycle.

These very specific prophecies and calendar based predictions are interesting in
themselves, and support the case that the time of the great happening is about
now. However these kinds of prophecies are not the most interesting or
conclusive I believe. The prophecies which are more relevant to understanding
what is happening now and also more certain in their correspondence with the
present state of the planet, are those prophecies that describe the overall
conditions of the World when the end of the age is nearing. I will now focus our
attention to these prophecies which describe the special and unprecedented
general conditions of this world.

So what are these special and unique general conditions of the world in which
we live? Also what are these current and critical issues which are described by
and have a bearing on the unfolding of the prophecies? I'll list them here and will
then immediately elaborate upon them further..

1. The coming one world order, the process of globalization and the formation
of the so called Global village. Through modern communications technology
and advanced systems of transport and logistics, humanity is being brought
together like no other time before.

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2. The ongoing and unprecedented destruction of the world ecological system
and also the deleterious changes being wrought upon the environment. Like
no time before in recorded history there is now most definitely a planet to be
3. The universal decline of world religion, characterized by its falling away into
Secular Humanism and its degeneration into Religious Fundamentalism. This
is an unprecedented phenomenon brought about by an unprecedented
cause, i.e. the rise of Scientific Rationalism.
4. The state of humankind's knowledge of Universe and life on Earth. Not only is
this the age of information but also the incredibly rapid and accelerating pace
of the accumulation of knowledge that we have witnessed in recent history
has most certainly been unprecedented.

Globalization and the coming One World order

One of the most noticeable changes taking place in our world today and in
recent history, is this process called Globalization. Undeniably the world is
becoming one place and all the people on this planet are becoming integrated
into an all encompassing entity called variously the 'Global village' or the 'One
World Order'. Through the process of international trade, cultural exchange,
tourism, economic integration and political union, the human race is being
brought together on a scale and extent never before seen in the history of the
World. Also through the enabling technologies of the Internet, the jumbo jet and
other logistical and communications systems, the widely dispersed members of
the international human community are being brought much closer to one
another and the vast distances which separate us are being made less apparent.
The people of this world are living at a level of inter dependency and interaction
that is truly unprecedented. Never before in world history has there been
anything like the formation of this One World Order that we are witnessing

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So what has Globalization got to do with the prophecies? When reading some of
the prophecies we do find reference to the idea that at the end times, the
human race should have become somehow integrated and brought together into
some kind of global entity. So in the Nahjul Bhalaga which among shiite muslims
is one of most revered texts in Islam after the Koran, we find the passage...

"The Imam who will create a world state will make the ruling nations pay for
their crimes against society. He will bring succor to humanity. He will take out
the hidden wealth from the breast of the earth and will distribute it equitably
amongst the needy deserving." - Nah Balagha, Khutba 141

If we think about this passage then obviously until recent times the creation of a
world state would have been impossible. It is only today that we are on the
brink of this state of affairs being realized.

In the book of revelation in the New Testament, which gives the most vivid
symbolic descriptions of conditions and circumstances relating to the end times,
we find things being described happening on a global scale. So in the Book of
Revelation we find that the expression 'whole world' is used 4 times, the word
'world' is used 8 times and the word 'earth' is used around 60 times. So there is
no doubt that the prophecies as related in the christian scriptures are describing
events unfolding globally and all across the planet.

Also in the New Testament in the Gospels we find Jesus saying that just before
the coming of the end of the age...

'And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a
testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.' -Bible, Matthew 24:14

Again this process can only really be made manifest in present times and at no
other time in history. Indeed there are evangelical missionary groups in the
United States which are systematically trying to complete this process of the
propagation of the Christian Gospel. Today the Bible is being translated into the

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most obscure and uncommonly spoken languages, in order that evangelical
missionaries may be able to preach to the most isolated peoples and tribes of
this World, living in the remotest regions. They are doing this to make sure the
necessary conditions are in place so that the coming of the prophecies, they
believe, may be hastened.

If we examine the Hindu scriptures then the descriptions for the Kalki avatar, or
the next full manifestation of God on Earth, are of a World Avatar whose
influence and power will be global and not limited to any one country, continent
or culture. So we find this passage in the Hindu scriptures..

' When the Kali age is well-nigh past, the Lord will appear in his divine form
consisting of Sattva [ purity ] alone for protection of virtue. ', ' Vishnu will return
as [ Kalki ] the last Avatar, amid fire and flames he will travel across the globe.' -
The Srimad Bhagavata ( circa 1500 BCE )

Finally in the ancient Zoroastrian scriptures, concerning the end times, we find
prophecies for the long awaited Saoshyant. Again a world figure and global
agent of change is described. So we discover the following...

' He shall be the victorious Benefactor (Saoshyant) by name and World-

renovator [Astavat-ereta] by name. He is Benefactor because he will benefit the
entire physical world; he is World- renovator because he will establish the
physical living existence indestructible. He will oppose the evil of the progeny of
the biped and withstand the enmity produced by the faithful .' - Zoroastrianism-
Avesta, Farvardin Yast 13.129

So there is a close and meaningful relationship between the formation of this

global village that we are witnessing today and the prophecies of the Worlds
religions. This all makes perfect sense when we consider that one of the
processes that has been happening throughout human history and indeed
throughout the history of the evolution of life on Earth, has been this process of
things coming together. That is atoms have come together to make organic

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molecules which then have come together to form single cellular animals. In turn
these bacteria like life forms evolved into multi-cellular animals which through
the steady course of evolution, has given rise to life as we know it today.
Continuing this process, the complex life forms so formed have in turn organized
themselves into herds, shoals and colonies. When this process is applied to
human beings, then it has led initially to the formation of hunter gatherer tribes,
which over the course of time coalesced into primitive societies. And so on to
the formation of kingdoms, nation states, empires, trading blocks and other
unifying political entities. Seen within this context, the coming one world order
and the formation of the Global village is the natural conclusion of a process that
has been a feature of this planet since the beginning of life itself. Indeed it might
be considered the culmination of human history and the completion of the
purposeful process of the evolution of life on Earth.

We turn our attention now to the second of our special and unprecedented
general conditions of the World today.

Conflict, calamity and a planet in peril

Without a doubt we are living through some pretty turbulent and dangerous
times. Recent history has been characterized by some of the greatest conflicts
and wars known to mankind. From global warming, environmental destruction
and the depletion of the World's natural resources to the possibility of nuclear
annihilation, never before in recorded history has the planet and all the people
living on it, been in such a precarious state. There are various factors and trends
happening on this planet which threaten the future existence of civilization and
the human race itself. In another section of this website, I explore in more detail
the things which put the planet in peril. But here I will present a selection of
prophecies which describe just these perilous and disharmonious

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'When you hear of wars and rumours of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things
must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and
famines. These are the beginning of birth pains . [ Birth of the new age ]' -
Prophecy given by Jesus. NT Mark 13:7-8

Some commentary would probably be helpful here. Without a doubt all through
history there have been wars, natural disasters and also famine. However the
Second World War which took place in the 20th century is quite unprecedented.
Nothing like it has ever happened on the same scale, extent or level of
destruction. As for natural disasters, because the world is so populated it can be
argued that mankind is definitely more affected by phenomena such as
earthquakes like no time before. Sadly and worryingly it has been projected that
one of the effects of global warming will be adverse consequences for
agriculture, particularly in the Third World. This planet is set to bear witness to
famine of extreme severity and unprecedented extent, which will affect a large
proportion of humanity. Probably nothing that has happened before will
compare to this future scenario.

'Drought, famine, disease and war will sweep the world.. Nation will fight
nations, and the larger will devour the smaller. ' - The prophecy of Shambala (
Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )

In the above prophecy from Buddhism, again we find the themes of famine and
war but it is explicitly mentioned here that what is being talked about is its
occurrence on a global scale.

'And the path of the wind will be confused and agitated and all around will be
noise and uproar, and everywhere there will be conflagrations and fires will
blaze on all sides. ' - The Mahabharata ( circa 3000 BCE )

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In this prophecy from Hinduism we have mention of upset weather patterns. It is
predicted that as the planet gets warmer in the coming years, then indeed we
are certain to see an increase of severe storms and hurricanes. Already a mere 1
degree rise in sea temperatures has over the past fifty years produced a doubling
in the frequency of category 4 and 5 hurricanes, which are the most intense. Also
the number of really big weather disasters has increased four-fold compared to
the 1960s, according to a spokesman from GE Zurich which is one of the largest
reinsurance companies. Reinsurers being the firms that insure the insurance
companies. All this indicates that it is already the case that the weather has
become more violent and changeable in the past few decades. Referring back to
the passage, repeatedly this prophecy refers to fire and burning. This could be a
reference to the huge man made fires which have destroyed vast swathes of
tropical rainforest in Indonesia and Brazil. More ominously, the passage may be
hinting at the destructive fires that inevitably follow the detonation of nuclear

Furthermore the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, talks about the destroyers of
this Earth and the poisoning of the rivers and seas. This can be taken as a
reference to the ecological destruction and contamination of the environment
that we are witnessing happening on a global scale today. So we find the
following two passages...

'The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the
prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and
great - and for destroying those who destroy the earth." - Revelation 11:18
'A great star , blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on
the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters
turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.' -
Revelation 8:10

Interestingly Chernobyl, the name of the Soviet nuclear reactor ,which released
so much radioactive contamination when it went into melt down, means
wormwood in russian.

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So the perilous conditions of the present age have indeed been prophesied long
ago. What is happening to the planet and the environment are certain indicators
that the time of the prophecies is indeed now. This precarious state that
humankind finds itself in can be seen as the necessary preconditions for the
unfolding and realization of the prophecies. After all, you can't really have a
World saviour unless you have a planet that needs saving. It is said that
wherever there is chaos there is also opportunity. Seen in this light the problems
that the World faces today are really a transitional state, out of which something
better will emerge.

The universal decline of World religion and moral law

The third, unprecedented state of the world today is the universal decline in
world religion that we have been witnessing in recent history. This is an
unprecedented state of affairs brought about by an unprecedented cause. That
is the rise of Scientific Rationalism which has been accompanied by a
Materialistic philosophy and ideas such as Darwin's Theory of Evolution. This has
produced the falling away into Secular Humanism and the degeneration of
religion, into Religious Fundamentalism and New Age.

What the rise of Scientific Rationalism, supported by the dizzying technological

advancements of the past few hundred years, has done to religion is this. Where
religion once provided a foundation for morality, a view of mans place in the
grand scheme of things and intimations to the eternal; this is no longer the case
and instead we have a void created by the rejection of all those religious ideas
that people no longer find tenable. So what the rise of Scientific Rationalism has
done is to challenge and usurp religious truths once considered as certainties.
But at the same time science has not really been able to address humankind's
yearning for the transcendent and the spiritual; science hasn't really been able
to provide satisfying answers for questions such as 'Who am I? Why am I here?
What happens when I die? and, Is there a God?'. As so we have the postmodern
condition, a state characterized by doubt, uncertainty, meaninglessness and the
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relativity of values. It is this which is symptomatic of the worldwide decline of

At this point the reader might counter this view with examples from the Middle
East, the United states and perhaps parts of Latin America where it seems that
people are extremely religious and where regular Church or Mosque attendance
is high. I would agree with anybody who said that Religious Fundamentalism is
strong and is attracting large numbers of people to its fold. But in reality,
Religious Fundamentalism is the very anti-thesis of religion as laid out by its
founders. Where religion starts out with the ideas of progressiveness, tolerance,
peace and compassion enshrined within its original make up, in the hands of the
Fundamentalists of this world, religion is altered into something characterized by
a backward retrogression, intolerance, and a conditional compassion.

Sometimes Religious Fundamentalism will even gravitate towards a certain

tendency to hatred and war. So religious fundamentalism is really religion
corrupted and usurped by the baser human instincts. All too often, under the
guise of Religious Fundamentalism, religion has become subverted to the cause
of Nationalism and other political motivations. So Religious Fundamentalism is a
sort of retrogressive retreat motivated by a longing for moral certainties and a
sense of the sacred, in the face of an ongoing scientific and technological,
materialistic onslaught of the soul and the divine. However in the process a lot
of the original values of religion became lost.

Now, I don't deny that many people of this world still adhere to the outward
manifestations of religion, that is its rules, its rituals and regulations, without
being remotely Religious Fundamentalist in any way, shape or form. However,
even though people may be outwardly observant when we examine a lot of
modern religion closely we discover what is really behind a lot of modern
spirituality. Often it seems to be the case that modern religion is either dressed
up superstition or else a sort of glorified social club providing people with a
needed sense of community. Thus religion has become diluted and is very far
removed from its original objectives.

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What follows is a selection of prophetic passages from some of the main
religions of the World which speak of a decline in the true spirit of religion, and
also a state of moral degeneration that accompanies the end times or the final
days of the current cycle.

'People will no longer have any religion to which they can turn for solace or
liberation: the doctrines of materialism will overwhelm their minds and drive
them to struggle for their own selfish ends. The lust for power and wealth will
prevail over teachings of compassion and truth' - The prophecy of Shambala (
Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )

' Whenever there is a falling away from the true law [ religion ] and an upsurge
of unlawfulness, then I emit myself. I come into being age after age, to protect
the virtuous and to destroy evil-doers, to establish a firm basis for the true law. '
- Bhagavad Gita 4:7-8

'The time is near in which nothing will remain of Islam but its name, and of the
Qur'an but its mere appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of
knowledge and worship; and the learned men will be the worst people under the
heavens; and contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon
themselves. ' - Islam. Hadith.

'Before the coming of the Maitreya, the holy religion will decline. How will it
occur? After my decease, first will occur the five disappearances. And what are
the five disappearances? The disappearance of attainments, the disappearance
of the method, the disappearance of learning, the disappearance of symbols, the
disappearance of the relics. These are the five disappearances that are to occur. '
- Buddhism. Anagatavamsa

'Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened, and
the Moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from Heaven, and the
powers that are in Heaven shall be shaken .' - Jesus NT Mark 13:23-24. [ Some
explanation needed here. The Moon is to the Sun as religion is to God. As the

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Moon reflects the light of the Sun in the dark of the night, so religion is supposed
to reflect God's light. That the 'Sun be darkened and the Moon shall not give her
light' can be taken as a reference to the state of religion in the world today]

'Those who present themselves as saints are constantly engaged in preaching

false doctrines. Those who have apparently renounced the world are rich in
worldly possessions, and have become family men .'
The Srimad Bhagavata ( BEF 300 CE )

I also include here a prophecy from the Norse tradition to add a little variety...
' The age of evil has come to the world . Everyone steals and hoards great
wealth, and sensual sin rules the day. The end of the world is at hand - yet men
are hard and cruel, and listen not to the doom that is coming . No one heeds the
cries of his neighbour, or lifts a hand to save. ' - The Ragnarok ( Ancient Norse
prophecy, C 1000 CE )

We now move on to the fourth and last of our special overall conditions of the
present age.

The rapid advancement of human knowledge has set the

stage for a final revelation.

'If the truth can be told so as to be understood, then it will be believed' -

Terrence McKenna

There is something very special about present times that is not obvious to most
ordinary people. It is a process that is much less visible than the ongoing changes
wrought upon the environment and also one that is less easy to grasp than the
formation of the Global Village. What I am talking about here is the current state
of humankind's collective and accumulated knowledge in all areas and in
particular science. Since around the time of the Enlightenment onwards, the
systematic advancement of human knowledge has been rapidly increasing what
we know about ourselves, society, the Universe, life on Earth and also a myriad
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variety of other subjects. Indeed not only has this process been steady and
unabated, in recent times this ongoing increase in things that we know and
understand, has actually accelerated.

However, even though we are collecting more minute details about all the things
in the Universe that there are to know, at the same time progress on the really
big questions seems to have reached an impasse. These questions concern
matters such as the nature of existence, the puzzle of consciousness, the
beginning of the universe and the purpose of life. It is my belief that we are on
the verge of gaining definitive answers to all these questions. In the present age,
an ultimate understanding of the nature of God is finally within our grasp.

It is argued here that the pieces are in place for what is known as a paradigm
shift. This is where we have a fundamental change in our basic assumptions
which then allows us to understand things which were beyond our grasp when
the old assumptions were adhered to. An example of a paradigm shift would be
when people started to see the World as being round instead of flat. This new
assumption allowed people to understand why it was that only the masts of
distant ships would be visible when viewed with a powerful telescope. The
paradigm shift that is about to occur in the World today is one where spiritual
and mystical truths will finally make perfect sense to us. This fundamental
change in perspective will allow us to finally understand and have definitive
answers for the deepest questions about existence, such as 'Who am I?', 'Why
am I here?', 'What happens when I die?', 'Is there a God?' and 'What is my
relationship to God?'.

At the heart of this change of World view or paradigm shift is a revision of our
basic assumptions concerning the very nature of existence and reality itself.
Without going into too much detail here, what this change involves is a shift
from the dominant idea concerning existence, which is Materialism, to it's rival
called Idealism. Materialism, supposes that existence is physical and that the
basis of reality is matter. This is what we normally come to assume as ordinary
human beings and all throughout history this idea acted as a kind of default,

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much in the same way the flat Earth idea was something that most primitive
people came to believe. The alternative viewpoint Idealism, supposes that the
nature of existence is consciousness, that is, it is the view that it is our internal
subjective reality that is ultimately real. This idea is normally expressed together
with the collorary idea, that the physical universe and external reality, is
somehow illusory. Of the two competing ideas materialism and idealism,
idealism is certainly the most counter-intuitive. But though Materialism has
been the dominant philosophy throughout human history and throughout just
about all the World, at the same time the philosophical position of Idealism has
always had its adherents. But the problem for the supporters of Idealism has
always been that it has been impossible to argue convincingly how the idea
could work in practice. Nobody has been able to present a convincing and
compelling case in favour of Idealism or the idea that the nature of existence is
consciousness. It is asserted here and demonstrated elsewhere on this website,
that this state of affairs has changed. See the Nature of Reality section.

Finally a powerful and plausible case for Idealism can be made. It is also a vision
which brings together and unifies science, religion and philosophy. At the heart
of this new understanding is the provable idea that everyone is God. To put it
another way, we might say that the mystery of consciousness and mystery of the
nature of God are one and the same. Furthermore it is the demonstration of
Idealism as discussed already, that everything is consciousness, but also that
everything and all existence is one consciousness. That one consciousness is God
and it is also our true nature. So therein lies the proof of Idealism. We may prove
unequivocally that all existence is consciousness by experiencing the ultimate
mystical state and revelation of our real identity, that is to reawaken and return
to become God again. This proof of Idealism is also the falsification of
Materialism because the experience of being God is accompanied by our being
able to totally see through the illusion that there is a physical world 'out there'.
Indeed the state of being God is the realization that we are the generator of the
illusion of an external material universe and also the knowledge that we are the
Universe reflecting upon itself.

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So what has all this got to do with the prophecies? The answer has to do with
the notion of a 'Final Revelation'. The word Apocalypse given a literal translation
from greek to english, means 'the unveiling of the hidden thing'. So the
Apocalypse can be taken to mean revelation of some ultimate secret. This theme
is most elaborated upon in the Book of Revelation which is the last book of the
Bible. In this book a powerful motif called the 'Scroll with the seven seals' is
described. Through the course of the book the seven seals are opened one by
one and as each seal is broken events unfold upon the Earth. This is commonly
understood to be events spanning the course of human history. So as we
progress through history then progressively all the seals on the scroll are finally
removed and the great secret written upon the scroll is finally revealed. What is
this great hidden mystery if not the ultimate truth concerning the mystery of
God? That is, the idea that a person's real identity is God.

Religion can be seen as a cumulative process of progressive revelation. That is, as

we have advanced through human history, our understanding of God has been
steadily augmented and refined by the Prophets, Saints and a countless number
of assorted mystics. What is being suggested here is that this process has a point
of culmination and that this should occur at the time of the prophecies. It is the
Author's belief that the advanced state of human knowledge in science,
philosophy and religion, has set up the conditions for this final revealing of the
truth about God. That is, because it can be argued that the idea that everyone is
God can now be communicated in a coherent, compelling and convincing way,
this also means that the time of the Apocalypse or the 'unveiling' is upon us.

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Summary & Conclusion
We come now to the conclusion of our discussion concerning historical
conclusions and end times. So we live in a world that is quite special and unique.
There are things about our present age that are quite unprecedented. Among
these are the coming one World order, the perilous state of the Earth, the
universal decline of religion and the advanced state of human knowledge. I have
tried to present a case in which these features of the World in which we live
today, have been foretold and prophesied in the holy scriptures of the main
religions of the planet. So therefore, the present age is the time of the

Ultimately my view of the meaning of the prophecies is this. In the end what I
am saying is that the history of humankind and indeed the process the life on
Earth is a continuous, progressive and cumulative process. When we talk about
the evolution of life, refinement of human culture and the advance of science
and technology, then these are really different angles on the same planet wide
process. I believe that this process has points of culmination and meaningful
termination. What I mean by this is that all through the planet's long history
there have been special times when some critical point was arrived at.

These special moments in time mark the beginning of some dramatic phase
change or new order of things. Examples of these might be the first coming into
being of multi-cellular organisms, the appearance of the first land animals or the
beginning of human civilization. So in the same way, I believe that the coming
one world order and the final revelation of truth of God is a transition and phase
shift of awesome magnitude and historical consequence. So it is this that the
prophecies are really talking about. It so happens that these events are
accompanied by the perilous state of the World and spiritual malaise we find
ourselves in. But it may be considered that perhaps these are necessary
circumstances for a unified humanity to emerge and a state of affairs which is
conducive to a global spiritual reawakening. Anyway, this is the state of affairs
that we find ourselves in today in the World and it is also what has been
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prophesied long ago in the various spiritual traditions of the World. Therefore it
is reasonable to believe that the times we live in today are the times prophesied.

I have tried to present a view of the prophecies that is sensible and also one that
doesn't put people in a passive state of awaiting some kind of saviour to appear
or for the prophecies to happen of their own accord. What the view of the
prophecies that I have presented does is to give people a conceptual framework
or roadmap for understanding what is happening in the World. But at the same
time it is a perspective which allows people to be agents and protagonists in the
unfolding of the prophecies. It gives people a way of understanding the purpose
of human history and also perhaps a way for a person to find meaning in his or
her own life, in relation to the prophecies. We are living in a time like no other.
Theseare the latter days of the latter age and I believe that indeed it is the case
that the prophecies are now.

To read more purchase the book 'Quest' by Wai H. Tsang, from Amazon, Barnes
Noble or Ingram

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456. The Jewish Prophecies and Messianic Expectation

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website

The concept of the Messiah is central to Judaism. Also there exists in the World
today a state of expectation, and hope of the imminent arrival of the Jewish
World Saviour among many Jews, particularly members of the various Orthodox
Sects of Judaism. There are many reasons why some Jews believe that the time
of the coming of the Messiah is at hand. For instance, in the Midrash which are
Jewish spiritual writings and commentaries, it is described how when the
Messiah comes there will be a warming of the Earth. A seeming reference to the
phenomenon of Global Warming. Another reason is discussed in the following
The founding of the modern state of Israel and the coming of the Messiah
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The founding of the modern state of Isreal just after the Second World War has
also led some people to believe that the end times and therefore the coming of
the Messiah is at hand. Because this act of nation building seems to have
satisfied an interesting prophecy concerning the end times..

"In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the
remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper
Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands
of the sea. He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel;
he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the
earth." - Isaiah 11:11-12 NIV

The above prophecy is remarkable because it predicts three things and this is the
reason why. The prophecy predicts that the Jews or 'scattered people of Judah'
will be returned to the Holy Lands a second time. However the prophecy was
made during the first exile in Babylon which occurred at around 586BC. So firstly
the prophecy correctly predicted that the Jews would return to Palestine the
first time, which happen when King Cyrus invaded Babylon 539BC and looked
favourable on the Jews. Secondly the prophecy predicted the second exile which
occurred in 70AD after the defeat of the Jewish peoples by the Romans. Thirdly
and finally the prophecy also corrected predicted the second return from exile
which occurred with founding of the modern state of Isreal in 1948. So it seems,
in one important way,the stage has been set for the Messiah's arrival.

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Rebuilding the Temple of Soloman
An idea connected to the notion of the coming of the Messiah is the rebuilding
of the Temple of Soloman, which was destroyed by the Romans around 70AD.
This is a long held desire of many Jewish people around the World and for some
this is where the Messiah will preside once he emerges and announces himself,
or perhaps herself who knows. This process of rebuilding the temple is
complicated by the fact that it would involve the destruction of the third holiest
site in Islam, the Dome on the Rock and unless handled diplomatically, would
certainly precipitate much bad feeling and unrest. In a slightly provocative act, a
Right Wing Fundamentalist Jewish group laid a foundation stone in 1998 as the
first act in the process of rebuilding the temple.

Also in a Yeshiva, or Jewish Religious School, overlooking the Western Wall,

which are the only remains of the last temple, ancients texts are studied with
the aim of recreating the ancient rituals of the temple, including animal sacrifice.
Also young boys have already been selected to act as the High Priests of the
rebuilt temple, presumably with the role of enacting the ancient rituals and
serving the Messiah when he comes.

A selection of prophecies concerning the coming of Messiah, his role

and his attributes:

What follows in the rest of this webpage are a selection of passages from Jewish
scripture which gives us more information about the Messiah and what will be
happening when he arrives.

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Prophecies describing the Messiah

'For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon
his shoulder, and his name shall be called "Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Of the increase of his government and of
peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to
establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness, from this time
forth and for ever more. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.' - Old
Testatment, Isaiah 9.6-7

'And behold, the glory of the God of Isreal came from the way of the East: and
his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory.' -
Ezekiel 43.2

'Behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his
place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord.. And they who are far off shall
come and build in the temple of the Lord.' - Zechariah 6:12,15

'I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one
like a son of man. He came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.
And to him was given dominion and glory and kingdom, that all peoples, nations
and languages should serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which
shall not pass away. And his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.' - Bible -
Old Testament, Daniel 7.13-14

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Prophecies describing the state of the World when the Messiah comes

'For the windows of heaven are opened and the foundations of the earth
tremble. The earth is utterly broken, the earth is rent asunder, the earth is
violently shaken. The earth staggers like a drunken man, it sways like a hut; its
transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again. on that day
the Lord will punish the hosts of heaven, in heaven, and the kings of the earth on
the earth. They will be gathered together as prisoners in a pit; they will be shut
up in a prison, and after many days they will be punished. Then the moon will be
confounded, and the sun ashamed; for the Lord of hosts will reign on Mount Zion
and in Jerusalem and before its elders he will manifest his glory.' - Bible, Isaiah

'With the footprints [heralding] the Messiah, presumptions shall increase and
dearth reach its height; the vine shall yield its fruit but the wine shall be costly;
and the empire shall fall into heresy and there shall be none to utter reproof. The
academies shall be given to fornication, and.. the wisdom of the scribes shall
become insipid, and they that shun sin shall be deemed contemptible, and truth
shall nowhere be found. Children shall shame the elders, and the elders shall rise
up before the children. The face of this generation shall be [brazen] as the face of
a dog, and the son will notbe put to shame by his father. On whom can we stay
ourselves? On our Father in heaven.' - Mishnah, Sota 9.15

Ezekiel 36:11; 24 KJV - "And I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they
shall increase and bring fruit: and I will settle you after your old estates, and will
do better [unto you] than at your beginnings: and ye shall know that I [am] the
LORD.... For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all
countries, and will bring you into your own land."

"For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or
sacred stones, without ephod or idol. Afterward the Israelites will return and
seek the LORD their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the
LORD and to his blessings in the last days." - Hosea 3:4-5

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Prophecies describing the role and actions that will be performed by
the Messiah:

'For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they
shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any
more.' - Judaism and Christianity. Isaiah 2:2-4

'The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the
fear of the Lord.. With righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove the
equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his
mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And
righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his
reins.' - Bible - Isaiah 11:2-5

'I will tread them in my anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall
be spinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.' - Isaiah 63:3

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457. Christians Prophecies and the Second Coming of
the Jesus Christ

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website:

The idea of Christ's return to Earth or the second coming is something that is
mentioned a fair bit in the New Testament in the Bible. It is stressed again and
again that followers of the Way and good Christians should be ever vigilant and
prepared for his arrival, and it is also described how his coming may happen at
any time even when we least expect it. And so it is that in present times, many
Christians do expect the imminent arrival of Christ and his second coming.

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Prophecies in early Christianity

It seems that Christianity derives, at the outset, from it being a small Jewish
Apocalyptic sect with it's original founder preaching a strong message of the end
being imminent. And in the first few centuries of the early Christian church it
seems that there were many who lived in a state of expectation that the end
may soon be upon them. From these humble beginnings Christianity went on to
become the state religion of all Rome in the early 4th century under the emperor
Constantine. Around this time and later it seems that the idea of Christ's return
and the notion of the Apocalypse associated with the Second Coming, became
more downplayed and to a certain degree pushed into the background. This is
still the case with the Roman Catholic church today. One of the reasons why this
came about is probably that there were too many false alarms concerning the
end and Christ's imminent arrival during the time of the early church.

St Augustine's influence on the Prophecies

Another reason why the idea of Christ's Second coming and the prophecies
became de-emphasized has to do with the writings and thoughts of one man, St
Augustine of Hippo who came on the scene the latter 4th century. He is certainly
one of the most influential figures in early Christianity and the impact of his
ideas were immense. It was Augustine who formulated the doctrine of Original
Sin and more relevant to present discussion it was he who pushed for a more
symbolic interpretation of the prophecies, particularly those contained in the
Book of Revelation; the book most associated with Christian prophecies for the
end times. To Augustine the Book of Revelation didn't depict, even allegorically,
events that would unfold on Earth, but rather things that would take place in a
more spiritual or metaphysical realm. His interpretation gained the upper hand
and dominated Christian thinking about such matters. However the Reformation
in the 16th century changed this state of affairs.

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Prophecies with the coming of the Reformation

With the Reformation came the translation of the Bible from Latin into the
common Vernacular i.e. into plain English, German and French etc. Whereas up
to the time of the Reformation, only scholars and priests, versed in the
intricacies of Latin, could understand the Bible. With the coming of the
Reformation and the invention of the Gutenberg printing press, suddenly it
became possible for ordinary folk to read the Bible in their native language, in so
doing they were able to form their own impressions and make their own
interpretations. When it came to the prophecies contained in the Bible, many
people decided that they were indeed about the foretelling of actual events that
will be occurring on the Earth in the future. And to some in the not too distant
and quite immediate future. This gave rise to many new Apocalyptic Sects or
Millenarian movements eagerly awaiting, to them, the imminent return of the
Christ and his 1000 year reign over an earthly paradise. Ever since the
Reformation, people have repeatedly, over the course of time, interpreted the
Biblical prophecies as soon to happen events. This has had the effect of
stimulating states of feverish expectation in people located in various parts of
the World and living at various times.

John Nelson Darby and the imaginative doctrine called


In the 19th century a particularly inventive interpretation of the Biblical

Prophecies for the end times and the Second Coming of Christ emerged in
England. From the imagination of one John Nelson Darby, a member of a small
Christian sect called the Plymouth Bretheren, emerged a doctrine, concerning
the end times, called Dispensationalism. A detailed and complex description of
events, essential what it predicts is that Jesus will literally appear in the sky like
some giant man shaped aeroplane or airship. This will be the return of Christ and
with his return what will happen next is what's called the 'Rapture'. This is when
all the Faithful Believers in Christ or the 'Born Again' and Baptised in his name,

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will literally be lifted up into the air and taken in a magical protective bubble in a
process called the 'Rapture'. After this Jesus will rain fire upon the World and
'Scorch the Earth' destroying everyone still left on the planet. Then Jesus will
recreate the Earth anew and the true believers will descend down upon the
planet and re-populate a perfect World and a Heaven on Earth, living happily
ever after.

The doctrine of Dispensationalism, described above, would be a harmless fairy

tale if it wasn't for the fact that it is the most widely held belief, concerning the
end times, among Pentacostal and Evangelical Christian denominations around
the World today. How this came about is partly through the lecture tours that
John Nelson Darby made throughout the United States during his lifetime. As a
result of this, his doctrine came to be incorporated into the annotations of the
famous Scofield Study Bible which became a very popular text in the majority of
Fundamentalist seminaries or religious colleges in the US. And so the doctrine of
Dispensationalism and the Rapture spread far a wide and came to be believed a
great number of people. This is still the case today and through the zealous
evangelizing of the various Fundamentalist Christian groups, it is becoming
increasingly prevalent. There are reasons why the doctrine of Dispensationalism
has an inherent downside and can cause some negative attitudes in some of its

For instance, there is the case of a nuclear weapons factory in Colorado USA,
where most of the workers there were Fundamentalist Christians who actually
believed they were building the instruments that Jesus will one day be using to
'Scorch the Earth'. Of course it's sensible for any employer to find motivated and
diligent workers who believe that their paid labour is for something that serves a
higher purpose. The real problem emerges when the employer, in this case the
United States government, and the President at the very top of the chain of
command also believes in the imminent end of the World and the the Rapture.
This was particularly the case during the Reagan administration in the 1980s.

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Dispensationalism and its influence on U.S. Politics during the
Reagan years

During the time of the Reagan administration it was quite widely known that he
was a firm believer in the end times and also that the end was imminent. A Born
Again Christian Reagan firmly believed that the end was nigh and also that the
Soviet Union was Gog and Magog, or the dark powers decribed in the Book of
Revelation in the Bible. In an October 1983 interview Reagan told the Executive
Director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Thomas Dine, ""I turn
back to your prophets in the Old Testament and the signs foretelling
Armageddon, and I find myself wondering if we are the generation that is going
to see that come about. I don't know if you have noted any of those prophecies
lately, but, believe me, they describe the times we are going through." Also later
the same year he told two reporters from People Magazine, in a White House
interview, "There were times in the past when we thought the end of the world
was coming, but never anything like this."

It is believed that Reagan's views regarding the end times had an influence on
his policies. One former advisor suggested that the budget deficit got so big
during the Reagan years for the simple reason that he thought because the end
was imminent then it made sense to spend borrowed money without thinking
about having to pay it back. He was spending money like there was no tomorrow
because he thought there was no tomorrow. Also it has been suggested that his
1984 platform calling for the United States to keep building more and more
nuclear weapons so that the United States will "clearly prevail" in any US-Soviet
nuclear conflict, was influenced by Apocalyptic beliefs. More specifically the idea
promoted by Rev. Jerry Falwell, a supporter and influence on Reagon, who
taught that Armageddon in the Bible will be a nuclear war with the Soviet Union,
and that Born Again Christians World wide will be saved from all the damaging
effects of nuclear weapons through the Rapture, as described earlier. It is a
disturbing thought that Reagan was at the top of the chain of command of the
U.S. nuclear arsenal.

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But even worse, during the 80s, it wasn't just Reagan who was a Born Again
Dispensationalist who thought that the end was imminent. His defense
secretary, and second in command of the U.S. nuclear stockpile, Casper
Weinberger shared similar views. While he was in office he told students at
Harvard University, "I have read the Book of Revelation, and, yes, I believe the
world is going to end - by an act of God, I hope - and every day I think that time
is running out." Also there was James Watt, Reagan's Secretary for the Interior
who famously didn't care much for the environment. He said, “We will mine
more, drill more, cut more timber.” and also describing environmentalists, “A
left-wing cult dedicated to bringing down the type of government I believe in."

His most notorious remark came when testifying before the U.S. Congress, in
1981, he was asked whether it was important to preserve the environment for
future generations to which he replied, “I do not know how many future
generations we can count before the Lord returns.” This clearly shows how
certain fantastic beliefs concerning the end times and the Second Coming of
Christ can shape people's attitudes and behaviour concerning environmental and
ecological matters. And most alarming of all people in positions of great power.
The World has recently endured another Bible Bashing Born Again United States
President, George Bush Jnr. His track record on the environment has not been
good and may have been influenced either consciously or sub-consciously by his
religious views. And in the recent U.S. presidential elections the World was lucky
to have avoided another Born Again Dispensationalist Sarah Palin, getting into
the position of Vice President.

Dispensationalism is an inherently evil doctrine

So the doctrine of Dispensationalism, where Jesus literally appears in the sky and
those born again are lifted into a sort of protective bubble while the Earth is
destroyed and remade anew; is an example of how prophecies can be
completely misinterpreted to produce fantastic fairy tale scenarios. It also shows
how gullible and lacking in judgement people can be. If there was ever an idea or
doctrine that can rightfully be labelled evil then Dispensationalism is it, in that it
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has enormous potential to wreck havoc and death on an unimaginable scale,
together with immense pain and suffering. Those who seriously believe in
Dispensationalism have bought into a ghastly lie and one which causes people to
be unable or just plain unwilling to be part of the solution to the problem of
saving the planet. Furthermore it is an idea which can actually make people into
active agents happily and knowingly aiding in the very process of destroying the
very environmental and ecological substrates of this World upon which all
human life depends; on the mistaken and blind belief that Jesus will physically
save them and miraculously restore the living Earth for the Born Again, and for
them only. If Satan really was some sort of supernatural arch villain who spent
all his time thinking up ingenius ways to mislead people with the aim of causing
as much misery and suffering as possible then what better way of satisfying his
aims than to invent the doctrine of Dispensationalism?

Prophecies for the end times and Second Coming of Christ in

the Bible

We present some of the prophecies from the Bible concerning the end times and
the Second Coming of Christ. We believe that a sensible interpretation can be
made in relation to these prophecies which will have a good correspondence to
what will actually occur here on Earth in the next 10, 20 years or so. The
prophecies have been grouped in sensible categories.

Prophecies about the state of the World at the time of Christ's return

'When you hear of wars and rumours of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things
must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and
famines. These are the beginning of birth pains . [ Birth of the new age ]' -
Prophecy given by Jesus. NT Mark 13:7-8

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'Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened, and
the Moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from Heaven, and the
powers that are in Heaven shall be shaken.' - Jesus NT Mark 13:23-24. [ Some
explanation needed here. The Moon is to the Sun as religion is to God. As the
Moon reflects the light of the Sun in the dark of the night, so religion is supposed
to reflect God's light. That the 'Sun be darkened and the Moon shall not give her
light' can be taken as a reference to the state of religion in the world today. ]

'But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For
men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient
to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers,
profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit,
lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but
denying the power of it.' - Bible, 2 Timothy 3.1-5

'A great star , blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on
the springs of water - the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters
turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.' -
Revelation 8:10 - It is of interest that Chernobyl the name of the Soviet Nuclear
Reactor, which exploded in 1986, means Wormwood in russian.

'And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a
testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.' -Bible, Matthew 24:14

Many False Prophets around the time of the End

'And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate
one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And
because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall
endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.' - Matthew 24:10-13

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Jesus said - "Take heed that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my
name saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray.", "And many false
prophets will arise and lead many astray." - Matthew chapter 24

'Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come, unless the
rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of
perdition, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object
of worship .. The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with
all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception
for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be
saved. Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe
what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but
had pleasure in unrighteousness.' - Bible, 2 Thessalonians 2.3-12

Prophecies concerning the attributes and role of the Second Coming of Christ
'Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is
called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes
are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name
inscribed which no one knows but himselft. He is clad in a robe dipped in blood,
and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. And the armies of
heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, followed him on white horses.
From his mouth issues a sharp sword with which to smite the nations, and he will
rule them with a rod of iron; he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath
of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, King
of kings and Lord of lords.' - Revalation 19.11-16 [ In this passage a powerful
image is given of Christ's second coming ]

'For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth ever unto the West; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.' - Matthew 24:27

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Prophecies Concerning the Anti-Christ
'And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten
diadems upon its horns and a blasphemous name upon its heads. And the beast
that I saw was like a leopard, its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a
lion's mouth. And to it the Dragon gave his power and great authority. One of its
heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and
the whole earth followed the beast with wonder. Men worshipped the dragon,
for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshipped the beast
saying, "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?"

And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blaphemous words, and
it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months; it opened its mouth to
utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is,
those who dwell in heaven. Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to
conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and
tongue and nation, and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose
name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life
of the Lamb that was slain...

Also it caused all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,
to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell
unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.
This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the
beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.' - Bible,
Revelation 13.1-18

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The Final Battle between Good and Evil at the End of Time

'And I saw the beast, and the kings of the Earth, and their armies gathered
together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
And the Beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles
before him .. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with
brimstone.. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the
horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the [birds] were filled
with their flesh.' - Revelation 19:19-21

'And I saw an angel standing in the Sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds
flying in mid-air, "Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you
may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders,
and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great.". Then I saw the
beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war
against the rider on the horse [ Second coming of Christ ] and his army.' - Bible.
Revelation 20:17-19

The Last Judgement

'The kingdom of Heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and
gathered fish of every kind; when it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down
and sorted the good into vessels but threw away the bad. So it will be at the
close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the
righteous, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and
gnash their teeth.' - Bible, Matthew 13.47-50

'The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the
prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and
great - and for destroying those who destroy the earth." - Revelation 11:18

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Heaven on Earth and a New Jerusalem

'And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of
Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. And he carried me away
in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city..
descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God: and her light was
like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; and had
a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and
names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children
of Isreal.. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations.. And the city lieth four
square and the length was as large as the breadth.. the wall thereof, a hundred
and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the

And the buildings of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like
unto clear glass. And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with
all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper, the second,
sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; the fifth, sardonyx; the
sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the
tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelth, a amethyst. And the
twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the
street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.
And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb[Christ] are
the temple of it. And the city had no need of sun, neither of the moon, to shine in
it: for the glory of god did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the
nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the
Earth do bring their glory and honor into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut
at all by day: for there shall be no night there.' - Revelation 21:2,10-12,14-25

'They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the Sun light
on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall
feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters; and God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes.' - Revelation ( 81 - 96 CE )

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458. The Hindu Prophecies and the Incarnation of the Kalki
Avatar in the End Times

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website:

In the prophecies of the Hindu religion there also exists the notion of an awaited
one or Avatar, which is understood as a manifestation of God in bodily form.
When we also understand that the central truth behind all religion is the idea
that 'everyone is God' then the notion of the Avatar is in effect the equivalent to
any human being who in his or her behaviour and effect upon the World,
manifests the divine and transcendent on the earthly plane. So we may consider
an Avatar to be related to the concept of a prophet, saint or other person
considered to be extremely holy. So by the same token, the next Avatar in
Hinduism is equivalent to and of the same nature as the Messiah in Judaism,
Second Coming in Christianity and the Imam Mahdi in Islam etc.

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In Hinduism time is considered to the cyclical and each such cycle is ended and
the next cycle commences with the appearance of an Avatar. It is as if Avatars
act as punctuation marks demarcating the great cycles of time, separating one
cycle from the next. When we examine each cycle of the Hindu time scheme
then we discover that it is divided into four separate sub phases or 'Yugas', these
are in chronological order the Kitral Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali
Yuga. In the beginning of the cycle we have the age of purity and light i.e. the
Kitral Yuga. As we progress through that cycle then things become steadily less
pure and descend gradually into relative darkness. When we get to the final age,
the Kali Yuga then we arrive at a stage where things are in a pretty degenerate
state of morale and social decay.

This sets the stage for the coming of the Avatar, leading to the beginning of the
next cycle and a return once again to a happy and wholesome state of affairs.
Though there are different opinions on this matter, it is widely believed that in
present times we are living in the Kali Yuga and that the end of the current age
or cycle is imminent. Likewise it is also believed that the next Avatar Kalki, will
make his appearance on Earth in the not too distant future.

What follows are some prophecies concerning the coming of the Kalki Avatar,
grouped in two partitions. The first containing those prophecies relating to the
condition of the World at the time of the the Kalki's appearance and the second
concerns his attributes and the role he plays in the proceedings at the end of the

Prophecies concerning the state of the World when Kalki Avatar

makes his appearance:

'Whenever there is a falling away from the true law [ religion ] and an upsurge of
unlawfulness, then I emit myself. I come into being age after age, to protect the
virtuous and to destroy evil-doers, to establish a firm basis for the true law.' -
Bhagavad Gita 4:7-8

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'Those who present themselves as saints are constantly engaged in preaching
false doctrines. Those who have apparently renounced the world are rich in
worldly possessions, and have become family men.' - The Srimad Bhagavata ( BEF
300 CE )

'And the path of the wind will be confused and agitated and all around will be
noise and uproar, and everywhere there will be conflagrations and fires will
blaze on all sides. ' - The Mahabharata ( circa 3000 BCE )

'Wealth and piety will decrease day by day, until the world will be totally
depraved. then property alone will confer rank; wealth will be the only source of
devotion; passion will be the sole bond of union between the sexes; falsehood
will be the only means of success in litigation; and women will be objects merely
of sensual gratification. Earth will be venerated but for its mineral treasures; the
Brahminical thread will constitute a brahmin; external types will be the only
distinction of the several orders of life; dishonesty will be the universal means of
subsistence; weakness will be the cause of dependence; menace and
presumption will be substitued for learning; liberality will be devotion; simple
ablutions will be purification; mutual assent will be marraige; fine clothes will be
dignity; and water afar off will be esteemed a holy spring.

Amidst all castes he who is the strongest will reign over the principality, thus
vitiated by many faults. The people unable to bear the heavy burdens imposed
upon them by their avaricious sovereigns, will take refuge amongst the valleys of
the mountains, and will be glad to feed upon wild honey, herbs, roots, fruits,
flowers, and leaves: their only covering will be the bark of trees, and they will be
exposed to the cold and wind and sun and rain. NO man's life will exceed three
and twenty years. Thus in the Kali age shall decay constanlty proceed, until the
human race approaches its annihilation.' - Vishna Purana 4.24

'He will then reestablish righteousness upon Earth; and the minds of those who
live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as translucent as
crystal.' - Vishnu Purana IV:24,26-27

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'The learned pandits [Hindu theologians] for their part indulge in sexual
commerce with their wives like buffaloes. They are expert in breeding children
and are not at all clever in attaining Enlightenment.. the substance and depth of
things has disappeared everywhere.' - Srimad Bhagavata

'People in that era [Kali age] turn out to be greedy, immoral and merciless; they
freely enter into violence without cause and are unlucky and excessively
covetous.' - Srimad Bhagavata

'There are numerous quarrels between husband and wife.' - Srimad Bhagavata

'In the Kali age, men will be afflicted by old age, disease, and hunger, and from
sorrow there will arise depression, indifference, deep thought, enlightenment,
and virtuous behaviour. Then the age will change, deluding their minds like a
dream, by force of fate, and when the Golden Age begins, those left over from
the Kali age will be the progenitors of the Golden age ... Thus there is eternal
continuity from age to age.' - Hinduism. Linga Purana 1.40

'Already vexed by famine and heavy taxation, people will perish through
drought, excessive cold, storms, scorching sunshine, heavy rain, snowfall and
mutual conflict. In the age of Kali men will be tormented by hunger and thirst,
sickness and worry.' - Srimad Bhagavata

Prophecies concerning the attributes, role and actions of the Kalki Avatar
'Lord Vishnu [ appearing as Kalki ] adorned of the whole animate and inanimate
creation, and the soul of the universe, appears in this world of matter for
protecting the virtue of the righteous and wiping out the entire stock of their
karma and thereby liberating them. The Lord will appear under the name of
Kalki … riding a fleet horse … and capable of subdueing the wicked. The Lord of
the universe wielding … divine powers and possessed of endless virtues and
matchless splendor, he will traverse the globe on that swift horse and
exterminate with his sword the robbers [ those whose minds are devoted to
iniquity ] by the thens of millions.' - The Srimad Bhagavata ( circe 1500 BCE )

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'When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly
have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine
being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma, and who
is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend
upon the earth. He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent brahmin of
Sambhala village, endowed with the eight superhuman facilities. By his
irresistable might he will destroy all the barbarians and thieves, and all whose
minds are devoted to iniquity. He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth;
and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened,
and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of
that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a
race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, the Age of Purity. As it is said,
"When the Sun and Moon, and the luner asterism Tishya, and the planet Jupiter,
are in one mansion, the Krita age shall return." - Vishnu Purana 4.24

'Vishnu will return as Kalki, upon a white horse, as the last Avatar, amid fire and
flames.' - Hindu Puranas c 900 c.e.

'Vishnu will return … as [ Kalki ] the last Avatar, amid fire and flames … he will
travel across the globe …' - The Srimad Bhagavata ( circa 1500 BCE )

'When the Kali age.. is well-nigh past, the Lord will appear in His Divine form
consisting of Sattva[purity] alone for the protection of virtue. Lord Vishnu
adorned of the whole animate and inanimate creation, and the Soul of the
Universe, appears in this world of matter for protecting the virtue of the
righteous and wiping out the entire stock of their Karma and thereby liberating
them. the Lord will appear under the name of Kalki.. riding a fleet horse.. and
capable of subduing the wicked. the Lord of the Universe wielding.. divine
powers and possessed of endless virtues and matchless splendor, he will traverse
the globe on that swift horse and exterminate with his sword the robbers[those
whose minds are devoted to iniquity] by the tens of millions.' - Srimad Bhagavata

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459. Buddhist Prophecies and the Coming of Maitraya

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website:

'In the evil age to come, living beings will decrease in good qualities and increase
in utter ignorance, coveting gain and honors, developing their evil qualities, and
being far removed from deliverance.' - Lotus Sutra 13

'Before the coming of the Maitreya, the holy religion will decline. How will it
occur? After my decease, first will occur the five disapperances. And what are the
five disappearances? The disappearance of attainments, the disappearance of
the method, the disappearance of learning, the disappearance of symbols, the
disappearance of the relics. These are the five disappearances that are to occur.'
- Buddhism. Anagatavamsa

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'I am not the first Buddha [ awakened one ] who has come upon the Earth, nor
will I be the last. In due time another Buddha will rise in the world, a holy one, a
supreme enlightened one, endowed with auspicious wisdom embracing the
universe, an incomparable leader of men, a ruler of gods and mortals. He will
reveal to you the same eternal truths, which I have taught you. He will establish
his law [ Religion ], glorious in its origins, glorious at the climax and glorious at
the goal in the spirit and the letter. He will proclaim a righteous life wholly
perfect and pure, such as I now proclaim. His disciples will number many
thousands, while mine number many hundreds. He will be known as Maitreya.' -
Buddha Gautama

'The banner of Shambala shall encircle the central lands of the Blessed One.
Those who accept him shall rejoice, and those who deny him shall tremble. The
decriers shall be given over to justice and shall be forgotten. The warriors shall
march under the banner of Maitreya.'
- The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )

'Drought, famine, disease and war will sweep the world.. Nation will fight
nations, and the larger will devour the smaller. '
- The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )

'People will no longer have any religion to which they can turn for solace or
liberation: the doctrines of materialism will overwhelm their minds and drive
them to struggle for their own selfish ends. The lust for power and wealth will
prevail over teachings of compassion and truth'
- The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE )

'Thus have I heard: At one time the Buddha was staying near Kapilavatthu in the
Banyan monastery on the bank of the river Rohani. Then the venerable Sariputta
questioned the Lord about the future conquerer, "The Hero that shall follow you,
The Buddha - of what sort will he be? I want to hear of him in full. Let the
Visioned one describe him." When he heard the elder's speech the Lord spoke
thus, "I will tell you, Sariputta; listen to my speech. In this auspicious eon Three

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leaders there have been: Kakusandha, Konagamana, and the leader Kassapa
too. I am now the perfect Buddha; and there will be Maitreya too before this
same auspicious eon runs to the end of its years." '- Anagatavamsa

'In those days, brethren, there will arise in the World and Exalted One named
Metteya. He will be an Arahant, Fully Awakened, abounding in wisdom and
goodness, happy, with knowledge of the worlds, unsurpassed as a guide to
mortals willing to be led, a teacher of gods and men, an Exalted One, a Buddha,
even as I am now. He, by himself , will thoroughly know and see, as it were face
to face, this Universe, with its worlds of the spirits, its Brahmas and its Maras,
and its world of recluses and brahmins, of princes and peoples, even as I now, by
myself thoroughly know and see them. The Law, lovely in its origin, lovely in its
progress, lovely in its consummation, will he proclaim, both in the spirit and in
the letter; the higher life will he make known, in all its fulness and in all its
purity, even as I do now. He will be accompanied by a congregation of some
thousands of brethren, even as I am now accompanied by a congregation of
some hundreds of brethren.' - Digha Nikaya iii.76, Cakkavatti-Sihanada Sutanta

'Listen attentively with one heart. A man whose spirit shines brightly, a man
whose mind is completely unified, a man whose virtue excels everyone - such a
man will truly appear in this world. When he preaches precious laws, all the
people wil totally satisfied as if the thirsty drink sweet drops of rain from heaven.
And each and everyone will attain the path of liberation from struggles.' - Sutra
of the Great Accomplishment of the Maitreya

'There will come a time, brethren, when immoral courses of action will flourish
excessively; there will be no word for moral among humans - far less any moral
agent. Among such humans, homage and praise will be given to them who lack
filial and religious piety, and show no respect to the head of the clan; just as
today homage and praise are given to the filial minded, to the pious and to them
who respect the heads of their clans.

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Among such humans, there will be no such thoughts of reverence as are a bar to
intermarriage with mother, or mother's sister, or teacher's wife, of father's
sister-in-law. The world will fall into promiscuity, like goats and sheep, fowls and
swine, dogs and jackals.

Among such humans, keen mutual enmity will become the rule, keen ill will, keen
animosity, passionate thoughts even of killing, in a mother toward her child, in a
child toward its mother, in a father toward his child and a child toward its father,
in brother to brother, in brother to sister, in sister to brother. Just as a sportsman
feels toward game that he sees, so will they feel.' - Digha Nikaya iii.71-72,
Cakkavatti-Sihanada Suttanta

'[Before the coming of the Maitreya, the holy religion will decline.] How will it
occur? After my decease, first will occur the five disappearances. And what are
the five disappearances? The disappearance of the attainments, the
disappearance of the method, the disappearance of learning, the disappearance
of the symbols, the disappearance of the relics. These are the five
disappearances that are to occur.

The attainments: Only for a thousand years from the time the Blessed One
passes into Nirvana will the priests be able to acquire the analytical sciences.
Then as time goes on my disciples will attain only to never-returning, to once
returning, to conversion. As long as such exist the disappearance of the
attainments will not yet have occurred. But with the death of the last disciple
that has attained to conversion, the attainments will have disappeared. This, O
Shariputta, is the disappearance of the attainments.

Disappearance of the method: My disciples being unable to realize the

trances, the insights, the Paths and the Fruits, will keep only the four purities of
conduct. Then as time goes on they will keep only the commandments forbidding
the four deadly sins. As long as there are a hundred or a thousand priests who
keep the commandments forbidding the four deadly sins, the disappearance of
the method will not have occured. But when the last priest shall break the

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precepts, or shall die, the method will have disappeared. This, O Shariputta, is
the disappearance of the method.

Disappearance of learning: As long as the text of the Three Baskets, which is

the word of the Buddha, and as long as their commentaries are extant, the
disappearance of the learning will not have occured. But as time goes on there
will be irreligious kings of base extraction, and the courtiers and others in
authority will be irreligious, and then the country people throughout the
kingdom will be irreligious. On account of thier irreligion the god will not rain in
due season, and the crops do not flourish, those who are wont to give the
reliances to the congregation of the priests will be unable to do so any more. And
the priests, not receiving the reliances, will not teach the novices, and as time
goes on learning will disappear.. [And likewise with the disappearance of the
symbols and the relics.]' - Anagatavamsa

'The signs of these times are new and fantastical modes of dressing - traditional
styles forgotten.' - Padmasambhava

'The arrogant elevate profanity. The proletariat rules the kingdom; kings become
paupers; the butchers and murderers become leaders of men; unscrupulous self
seekers rise to high position.' - Padmasambhava

'Drunkards preach the path to Salvation.. Guileful imposters claim psychic

powers.. False doctrines are devised from the Buddha's Word and the teachers'
interpretations become self-vindications.. Ideas are established contrary to
traditions.' - Padmasamhbhava

'Famine, frost and hail govern many unproductive years.. release[ing] diseases,
horrible epidemics and plagues which spread like wildfire, striking men and
cattle.' - Padmasambhava

'No rain falls in season, but out of season; the valleys are flooded.' -

'Earthquakes bring sudden floods, while fire storms and tornadoes destroy
temples, stupas and cities in an instant.' - Padmasambhava
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460. Zoroastrian Prophecies for the Coming of the Saoshyant

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website:

Zoroastrianism, which is the original religion of Persia or what is now Iran, is

rich with many ideas concerning the end times and the coming of the chosen or
future deliverer. A hughly influential religion, it is believed that the Jewish idea
of the Messiah is derived from the earlier Zoroastrian notion of the Saoshyant.
Zoroastrian ideas for the end times seem to have made their way not only into
Judaism but also Christianity and Islam.

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Who is the Saoshyant?

Below is a prophecy for the Coming of the Saoshyant or Zoroastrian Messiah. Or

rather that the Messiah is the Jewish version of the Saoshyant as the
Zoroastrians had the idea of the future chosen one first..

'He shall be the victorious Benefactor (Saoshyant) by name and World-

renovator [Astavat-ereta] by name. He is Benefactor because he will benefit the
entire physical world; he is World- renovator because he will establish the
physical living existence indestructible. He will oppose the evil of the progeny of
the biped and withstand the enmity produced by the faithful.' - Zoroastrianism-
Avesta, Farvardin Yast 13.129

And he will achieve these ends the defeat of evil and the re-establishment of

'And then when retribution shall come for their offenses, Then, O Wise One, They
Kingdom shall be established by good thought. For those who in fullfillment,
deliver evil into the hands of Truth! And then may we be those who make life
renovated, O Lord, Immortals of the Wise One, And O Truth bring your alliance.
That to us your minds may gather where wisdom would be in dispute! Then
indeed shall occur the collapse of the growth of evil. Then they shall join the
promised reward: Blessed abode of Good Thought, Of the Wise One, and of
Right, they who earn in good reputation.' - Avesta, Yasna 30.8-10

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When will the Saoshyant come?

The next three passages from various sources of Zoroastrian scriptural wisdom
suggest that the Saoshyant arrive and emerge anytime now.

"Righteousness is so worthy and great and valuable, that in one place it is

revealed that Zarathushtra asked God: 'How much time remains until the time of
the making all things new and perfect, ... and the Future Body?' God said: '3,000
years'. Zarathushtra was afraid and said: 'A long time remains!' God said: 'Then
do not let this time seem long to you'" - Based on Pahlavi Rivayat, ch 25. based
on tr. of A.V. Williams, 1990

Though the exact date of Zoroaster is uncertain he is believed to have lived

probably between 1200BC and 1000BC which would mean that the above
passage refers to roughly the present time.

"When a thousand two hundred and some years have passed from the inception
of the religion of the Arabian [Most probably Islam and the Coming of
Muhammed] and the overthrow of the kingdom of Iran and the degradation of
the followers of My religion, a descendant of the Iranian kings will be raised up
as a Prophet." - ZOROASTER - Dinkird

Muhammad birth date was 570AD and the date of the first Hajj from which the
Muslim Calendar begins is 632AD so this would mean that the coming of the
Saoshyant is certainly due anytime.

"When the people of Iran will become wicked and do evils ... at that time a Man
shall rise up from the Arabs, through whose disciples they will lose the crown,
the throne, the land, and their religion, and be destroyed ... By the lapse of one
thousand years, after the establishment of the Arabic Religion, His followers will
have already spoiled their Faith so much by splitting up themselves into sects
that, were it to be presented to its Founder, He would not recognize the same.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1845

Thus shalt thou see the Iranians that they shall not listen to any Wise Man. Were
some one to say the Truth, they shall come out with weapons to fight with Him.
The worst among the evil deeds of Iranians is that they have killed the One Who,
though from amongst themselves, was the Sovereign Lord of all the Angelic
Attributes." - Dasàstìr-Asmànì' (The Book of Heavenly Commandments)

This passage is similar to the last though suggesting an earlier date for the
coming of the World Saviour. This would mean that the chosen one is due but a
little late.

Zoroastrian prophecies predict that an Asteroid will hit Earth

at the End of the Age:

This next passage from the Zoroastrian prophecies talks about the impact of a
Comet or some sort of Asteroid that impacts the planet and which will
precipitate the unfolding of other end times events.

"As Gochihr (a comet) falls in the celestial sphere from a moon-beam on to the
earth, the distress of the earth becomes such-like as that of a sheep when a wolf
falls upon it. Afterwards, the fire and halo melt the metal of Shahrewar, in the
hills and mountains, and it remains on this earth like a river. Then all men will
pass into that melted metal and will become pure; when one is righteous, then it
seems to him just as though he walks continually in warm milk; but when
wicked, then it seems to him in such manner as though, in the world, he walks
continually in melted metal.. Gochihr (the comet) burns the serpent in the
melted metal, and the stench and pollution which were in hell are burned in that
metal, and it (hell) becomes very pure. God sets the vault into which the evil
spirit fled, in that metal; he brings the land of hell back for the enlargement of
the world; the renovation arises in the universe by his will, and the world is
immortal for ever and everlasting." - The Bundahishn or Knowledge from the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1846

This scenario is similar to the one described in the 1997 book 'The Bible Code' by
Michael Drosnin. In it he describes how in 2012 an massive asteroid or comet
may hit the Earth. This frightening but seemingly improbable turn of events is
given some support from the most unlikely of places. In 2005 Nature Magazine
which is the most prestigious science journal in the World, published a paper
that came from one of the most respected research institutions in the United
State, the University of California in Berkeley. In it the authors, Richard Muller
and Robert Rhode described how they examined the 542 million year fossil
record. What they found was that like clockwork mass extinctions regularly
occurred on this planet at periodic intervals of between every 62 to 65 millions
years. During this time around 75 per cent of all the species living on the planet
will be wiped out in a sudden catastrophe. We know that the last mass
extinction, which wiped out the dinosaurs, occurred around 65 million years ago.
And we also know that this was caused by a massive asteroid strike that
impacted in the Yucatan peninsula creating the enormous 180km diameter
Chixulub crater. So all this has led scientists to believe that for some as yet
unknown reason, the Earth witnesses at one massive mass extinction causing
asteroid strike around every 65 millions years or so. By this reckoning there is
the real and alarming possibility that we are over due for one and that a very
large rock from outer space may impact the planet some time soon. This would
uncanny correspond with the Zoroastrian prediction.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1847

On the resurrection and future existence

All of CHAPTER 30 from The Bundahishn ("Creation"), or Knowledge from the

Zand: On the resurrection and future existence

For readers with a special interest in Zoroastrian prophecies for the end times I
include in the this article, the complete 30th chapter from the Bundahishn,
which provides a detailed description of events, including the comet strike
described earlier.

Translated by E. W. West, from Sacred Books of the East, volume 5, Oxford

University Press, 1897

1. On the nature of the resurrection and future existence it says in revelation,

that, whereas Mashye and Mashyane, who grew up from the earth, first fed
upon water, then plants, then milk, and then meat, men also, when their time of
death has come, first desist from eating meat, then milk, then from bread, till
when they shall die they always feed upon water.

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2. So, likewise, in the millennium of Hoshedarmah, the strength of appetite (az)
will thus diminish, when men will remain three days and nights in
superabundance (sirih) through one taste of consecrated food.

3. Then they will desist from meat food, and eat vegetables and milk;
afterwards, they abstain from milk food and abstain from vegetable food, and
are feeding on water; and for ten years before Soshyant comes they remain
without food, and do not die.

4. After Soshyant comes they prepare the raising of the dead, as it says, that
Zartosht asked of Ohrmazd thus: 'Whence does a body form again, which the
wind has carried and the water conveyed (vazhid)? and how does the
resurrection occur?'

5. Ohrmazd answered thus: 'When through me the sky arose from the substance
of the ruby, without columns, on the spiritual support of far-compassed light;
when through me the earth arose, which bore the material life, and there is no
maintainer of the worldly creation but it; when by me the sun and moon and
stars are conducted in the firmament (andarvai) of luminous bodies; when by me
corn was created so that, scattered about in the earth, it grew again and
returned with increase; when by me color of various kinds was created in plants;
when by me fire was created in plants and other things without combustion;
when by me a son was created and fashioned in the womb of a mother, and the
structure (pishak) severally of the skin, nails, blood, feet, eyes, ears, and other
things was produced; when by me legs were created for the water, so that it
flows away, and the cloud was created which carries the water of the world and
rains there where it has a purpose; when by me the air was created which
conveys in one's eyesight, through the strength of the wind, the lowermost
upwards according to its will, and one is not able to grasp it with the hand out-
stretched; each one of them, when created by me, was herein more difficult than
causing the resurrection, for it is an assistance to me in the resurrection that they
exist, but when they were formed it was not forming the future out of the past.

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6. Observe that when that which was not was then produced, why is it not
possible to produce again that which was? for at that time one will demand the
bone from the spirit of earth, the blood from the water, the hair from the plants,
and the life from fire, since they were delivered to them in the original creation.'

7. First, the bones of Gayomard are roused up, then those of Mashye and
Mashyane, then those of the rest of mankind; in the fifty-seven years of Soshyant
they prepare all the dead, and all men stand up; whoever is righteous and
whoever is wicked, every human creature, they rouse up from the spot where its
life departs.

8. Afterwards, when all material living beings assume again their bodies and
forms, then they assign (bara yehabund) them a single class.

9. Of the light accompanying (levatman) the sun, one half will be for Gayomard,
and one half will give enlightenment among the rest of men, so that the soul and
body will know that this is my father, and this is my mother, and this is my
brother, and this is my wife, and these are some other of my nearest relations.

10. Then is the assembly of the Sadvastaran, where all mankind will stand at this
time; in that assembly every one sees his own good deeds and his own evil
deeds; and then, in that assembly, a wicked man becomes as conspicuous as a
white sheep among those which are black.

11. In that assembly whatever righteous man was friend of a wicked one in the
world, and the wicked man complains of him who is righteous, thus: 'Why did he
not make me acquainted, when in the world, with the good deeds which he
practiced himself?' if he who is righteous did not inform him, then it is necessary
for him to suffer shame accordingly in that assembly.

12. Afterwards, they set the righteous man apart from the wicked; and then the
righteous is for heaven (garothman), and they cast the wicked back to hell.

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13. Three days and nights they inflict punishment bodily in hell, and then he
beholds bodily those three days' happiness in heaven.

14. As it says that, on the day when the righteous man is parted from the
wicked, the tears of every one, thereupon, run down unto his legs.

15. When, after they set apart a father from his consort (hambaz), a brother
from his brother, and a friend from his friend, they suffer, every one for his own
deeds, and weep, the righteous for the wicked, and the wicked about himself; for
there may be a father who is righteous and a son wicked, and there may be one
brother who is righteous and one wicked.

16. Those for whose peculiar deeds it is appointed, such as Dahak [Zohak] and
Frasiyav of Tur, and others of this sort, as those deserving death (marg-arjanan),
undergo a punishment no other men undergo; they call it 'the punishment of the
three nights.'

17. Among his producers of the renovation of the universe, those righteous men
of whom it is written that they are living, fifteen men and fifteen damsels, will
come to the assistance of Soshyant.

18. As Gochihr falls in the celestial sphere from a moon-beam on to the earth,
the distress of the earth becomes such-like as that of a sheep when a wolf falls
upon it.
19. Afterwards, the fire and halo melt the metal of Shahrewar, in the hills and
mountains, and it remains on this earth like a river.

20. Then all men will pass into that melted metal and will become pure; when
one is righteous, then it seems to him just as though he walks continually in
warm milk; but when wicked, then it seems to him in such manner as though, in
the world, he walks continually in melted metal.

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21. Afterwards, with the greatest affection, all men come together, father and
son and brother and friend ask one another thus: 'Where has it been these many
years, and what was the judgment upon thy soul? hast thou been righteous or

22. The first soul the body sees, it inquires of it with those words (guft).

23. All men become of one voice and administer loud praise to Ohrmazd and the

24. Ohrmazd completes his work at that time, and the creatures become so that
it is not necessary to make any effort about them; and among those by whom
the dead are prepared, it is not necessary that any effort be made.

25. Soshyant, with his assistants, performs a Yazishn ceremony in preparing the
dead, and they slaughter the ox Hadhayosh in that Yazishn; from the fat of that
ox and the white Haoma they prepare Hush, and give it to all men, and all men
become immortal for ever and everlasting.

26. This, too, it says, that whoever has been the size of a man, they restore him
then with an age of forty years; they who have been little when not dead, they
restore then with an age of fifteen years; and they give every one his wife, and
show him his children with the wife; so they act as now in the world, but there is
no begetting of children.

27. Afterwards, Soshyant and his assistants, by order of the creator Ohrmazd,
give every man the reward and recompense suitable to his deeds; this is even the
righteous existence (ait) where it is said that they convey him to paradise
(Wahisht), and the heaven (garothman) of Ohrmazd takes up the body (kerp) as
itself requires; with that assistance he continually advances for ever and

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1852

28. This, too, it says, that whoever has performed no worship (yasht), and has
ordered no getig-kharid, and has bestowed no clothes as a righteous gift, is
naked there; and he performs the worship (yasht) of Ohrmazd, and the heavenly
angels provide him the use of his clothing.

29. Afterwards, Ohrmazd seizes on the evil spirit! Vohuman on Akoman,

Ardwahisht on Andar, Shahrewar on Savar, Spandarmad on Taromat who is
Naunghas, Hordad and Amurdad on Tairev and Zairich, true-speaking on what is
evil-speaking, Srosh on Eshm.

30. Then two fiends remain at large, Ahriman and Az; Ohrmazd comes to the
world, himself the Zota and Srosh the Raspi, and holds the Kusti in his hand;
defeated by the Kusti formula the resources of the evil spirit and Az act most
impotently, and by the passage through which he rushed into the sky he runs
back to gloom and darkness.

31. Gochihr burns the serpent (mar) in the melted metal, and the stench and
pollution which were in hell are burned in that metal, and it (hell) becomes quite

32. He (Ohrmazd) sets the vault into which the evil spirit fled, in that metal; he
brings the land of hell back for the enlargement of the world; the renovation
arises in the universe by his will, and the world is immortal for ever and

33. This, too, it says, that this earth becomes an iceless, slopeless plain; even the
mountain, whose summit is the support of the Chinwad bridge, they keep down,
and it will not exist.

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461. Native American Prophecies about the End Times

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website:

Here are some Hopi native North American prophecies relating to the end times.
The first three were made famous by the cult 70s movie, Koyaanisqatsi. They
were shown right at the end.

"If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."

"Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the

"A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn
the land and boil the oceans."

Prophecies of White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1855
“He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet
now kept by the elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our
True White Brother.

“The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders
everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are

“This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like
Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs.
And men who struck their enemies with thunder.

“This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled
with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes —
the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies.”

“This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns,
will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes —
the coming of the white men’s cattle.”

“This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron.”

“This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider’s web.”

“This is the Sixth sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that
make pictures in the sun.”

“This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living
things dying because of it.”

“This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my
people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1856

“And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the
heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a
blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

“These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and
fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands — with those
who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke
and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not
far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many
of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and
live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to
rebuild. And soon — very soon afterward — Pahana will return. He shall bring
with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in
their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way
to the Emergence into the Fifth World.

“But White Feather shall not see it. I am old and dying. You — perhaps will see it.
In time, in time…”

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1857

Mohawk Prophecy of the Seventh Generation

According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation, seven generations after

contact with the Europeans the Onkwehonwe would see the day when the elm
trees would die. The prophecy said that strange animals would be born
deformed and without the proper limbs. Huge stone monsters would tear open
the face of the earth. The rivers would burn. The air would burn the eyes of man.
According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation the Onkwehonwe would
see the time when the birds would fall from the sky. The fish would die in the
water. And man would grow ashamed of the way that he had treated his Mother
and Provider, the Earth.

Finally, according to this prophecy, after seven generations of living in close

contact with the Europeans, the Onkwehonwe would rise up and demand that
their rights and stewardship over the Earth be respected and restored.

According to the wisdom of this prophecy, men and women would one day turn
to the Onkwehonwe for both guidance and direction. It is up to the present
generation of youth of the Kanienkehaka to provide leadership and example to
all who have failed. The children of the Kanienkehaka are the seventh

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462. Norse Prophecies and the End Times

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website:

The Norse Prophecies derive from the ancient myth of The Ragnarok which
translates, from old Norse to English, roughly as 'The Final Destiny of the Gods'
or 'Twilight of the Gods'. An important part of the Norse Mythological Canon,
the Ragnarok describes an epic battle at the end of time or World cycle, between
the Gods themselves and between men on the Earth. During the course of
events there are a number of various natural disasters, earthquakes and sea
surges over the dry land. Mountains topple, the air and the oceans are sprayed
with poison, fire and flame ravage the land and then the World is submerged in
water. At the end, the World Tree Yggdrasil is destroyed, the Gods Odin, Freya
Loki, Thor etc. are no more and all of humankind perishes also. So the World
cycle ends.

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However the end is also a new beginning for the Earth eventually re-emerges
from the submersion fertile and green. Also there are survivors, including two of
Thor's sons Móði and Magni also the Gods Baldr and Höðr. Likewise two
humans, Líf and Lífþrasir, have been saved from the destruction and they go on
to re-populate the Earth with their progeny. In this way another cycle begins and
life goes on.

Some people may counter that it is inappropriate to use an ancient Norse Myth
and present it as something prophetic and a foretelling of events in real life.
However I make the case in a separate article on this website where I show
that 'The Apocalypse and Prophecies can be seen as the expression of Mythic
archetypes'. It was the 4th century Roman historian Sallustius who wrote that,
"Myths are things that never happened but always are." This means that myths
a representations and allegorical descriptions of eternal archetypes that are
aspects of the divine. Though the fantastical aspects of mythology, i.e. fabulous
monsters, supernatural Godlike characters and magical objects, are fantasies
and things which are not a part of reality. Noneless the eternal archetypes to
which these facets or motifs of mythology refer are real in the sense that these
eternal archetypes manifest themselves in reality and find their expression in
aspects of our day to day lives.

Seen in this way, the Ragnarok can be mapped to real world events and the
process of history because both are the expressions of a transcendent archetype
which act as a Cosmic template from which the forms and processes of the
Universe and the World are stamped. So that all things existing are like
impressions of this template or image of God. And myths exist in order to
communicate something of the qualities of this divine image. This is what the
late great World renowned scholar of mythology, Joseph Campbell, described
myths as the 'Masks of God'.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1861

Anyway.. below are two passages from the Ragnarok which talk about some of
the conditions of the World towards the time of the end of the World Cycle.
' The age of evil has come to the world . Everyone steals and hoards great
wealth, and sensual sin rules the day. The end of the world is at hand - yet men
are hard and cruel, and listen not to the doom that is coming . No one heeds the
cries of his neighbour, or lifts a hand to save. ' - The Ragnarok ( Ancient Norse
prophecy, C 1000 CE )

'The warlike fall upon the peaceful, brothers kill brothers, and even children soil
one another's blood.' - The Ragnarok

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1862

463. The Prophecies of Nostradamus and the End Times

The following article is presented with the courtesy of the website:

Here are a selection of some of the prophecies of Nostradamus which are

believed to relate to matters of the end times and the final coming of the chosen

'In 1999 and seven months the great king of terror will come from the sky. He
will bring back to life the King of the Mongols. Before and after the God of war
reigns happily.' - c10 q72

'The year the great seventh number is accomplished. Appearing at the time of
the games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millenium, when the
dead will come out of their graves.' - c10 q74

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1863

'The man from the East will come out of his seat passing across the Apennines to
see France. He will fly thru the sky.' - c2 q29

'He will fly thru the sky, the rains and the snows and strike everyone with his
rod.' - c2 q2

'A man will be charged with destroying the temples and religions alterned by
fantasy. He will the rocks rather than the living. Ears filled with ornate
speeches.' - c1 q96

'Against the red ones religion will unite...' - c9 q51

'The rose upon the middle of the World scene... To speak the truth they will have
closed mouths. Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.' - c5 q96
'At the eve of another desolation when the perverted church is ato her most high
and sublime dignity... there will proceed one born from a branch long barren,
who will deliver the people of the World from a meek and voluntary slavery and
place them under the protection of Mars.' - Epistle to Henry II

'[He] will take Diana's day as his day of silent rest. He will travel far and wide in
his drive to infuriate, delivering a great people from subjection.' - c2 q28

'Libra will see the Western lands to govern, holding the rule over theskies and
the Earth. No one will see the forces of Asia destroyed until seven hold the
hierarchy in succession.' -c4 q50

'Long awaited he will never return. He will appear in Asia at home in Europe, one
issued from Great Hermes.' - c10 q75

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464. The Last 3 Verses of Chapter - 59 (Surah - Hashar) and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

The Surah e Hashar is 59th Surah of the Holy Quran and has 24 Verses.

The Arabic word, "Hashar" means Qiyamat e Sughra and it is related with Imam
Mahdi's Zahoor and the punishment of the Criminals by Imam Mahdi (AS) upon His

 Surah Number is 59
 The Abjad of the Imam's name, "Mahdi" is also 59

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1866

We also know that the total period of Imam Mahdi's Minor Occultation i.e. Ghaibat
e Sughra is 69 years from 260 Hijri till 329 Hijri

If we add the Number of Verses - 22, 23 and 24 of this Surah, we would get:

Verses - 22 + 23 + 24 = 69......................Total period of Ghaibat e Sughra

 The Abjad of Bibi Zainab's name is also 69

 The Abjad of Allah's name, "Hakim" meaning The Ruler is also 69

Now we also know that the 2/3rd humanity would die by 2022 AD, the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take place in 2023 AD and the Dajjal
and other enemies of Imam would be completely defeated in 2024 AD.

Very Important years for the whole humanity in the End Times.

2022 - 2023 - 2024

22 + 23 + 24 = 69
 The Number - 6 is the Number of "Wilayat e Ali"
 The Number - 9 is the Number of "Ismat e Fatima"
If we add the Number - 69 with the Surah Number - 59, we would get:

69 + 59 = 128...........The Abjad of Name, "Hussain"

69 (Zainab) + 59 (Mahdi) = 128 (Hussain )

69 (Hakim) + 59 (Mahdi) = 128 (Hussain )
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1867
Also if we count the Names of Allah in these 3 Verses, there are 17 names of Allah
are mentioned:

17 Names of Allah are mentioned in the Last 3 Verses of Surah e Hashar

 The Number - 59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics and the Abjad of
Imam's Name, "Mahdi" is also 59.
 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned Imam Mahdi's name 17 times in His
Last Sermon at Ghadir e Khum
 There are 17 Wajib Prayers in the whole day for muslims to pray

If we add the Number - 69 with the Number - 17, we would get the Number - 86

69 + 17 = 86.................... 8 + 6 = 14..............14th Masoom of Allah

The Name, "Allah" is mentioned 4 times in these 3 last Verses of Surah e Hashar and
the Name, "Hu" is mentioned 5 times in these 3 Verses.

 The Name, "Allah"................... 4 Times

 The Name, "Hu" ....................... 5 Times

If we add 5 + 4 = 9.................The Number of Bibi Fatima

If we multiply 5 x 4 = 20...............The Abjad of Imam's name, "Hadi"

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465. The Arrival of Imam Mahdi and Hazrat Esa in 2023 AD as
mentioned by a Sunni Scholar - Shaykh Rami Al Rifai in his
research work

With the courtesy of his following website, we are presenting some of the features
from his research work on the Arrival of Imam Mahdi (AS) and Hazrat Esa (AS) in
2023 AD

When Will We See Imam Mahdi (ra) and Isa (as)

“The angels said, ‘Mary, Allah gives you news of a Word from Him, whose name will
be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, who will be held in honor in this world and the
next, who will be one of those brought near to God.” (3:46)

“We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy
Spirit.” (2:87)

“There is not one of the People of the Book who will not believe in [Jesus] before his
death”. (4:159)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1870

The Prophet (pbuh) described the Masih Isa Ibn Marryam, ‘On the night of the Isra
wal Miraj, “I met Moses – he was a slim man with wavy hair, and looked like a man
from the Shanu’ah tribe. I also met Jesus – he was of medium height and of a red
complexion, as if he had just come out of the bath'” (Bukhari, Muslim)

The Prophet (saws) said, “Whilst I was asleep, I saw myself (in a dream) making
Tawaf around the Ka’bah. I saw a brown-skinned man, with straight hair, being
supported by two men, and with water dripping from his head. I said, ‘Who is this?’
They said, ‘The son of Mary’. I turned around and saw a fat, ruddy man, with curly
hair, who was blind in his right eye; his eye looked like a floating grape. I asked,
‘Who is this?’ They said, ‘The Dajjal’ The one who most resembles him is Ibn Qatan.”
Al-Zuhri explained: Ibn Qatan was a man from Khuza’ah who died during the
Jahiliyyah (before the coming of Islam). (Bukhari)

Imam Ibn Kathir said: “After the lesser signs of the Hour appear and increase,
mankind will have reached a stage of great suffering. Then the awaited Mahdi will
appear; he is the first of the greater, and clear, signs of the Hour. There will be no
doubt about his existence, but this will only be clear to the knowledgeable people.
The Mahdi will rule until the False Messiah (al-Masih al-Dajjal) appears who will
spread oppression and corruption. The only ones who will know him well and avoid
his evil will be those who have great knowledge and Iman (faith).

The false Messiah will remain for a while, destroying mankind completely, and the
earth will witness the greatest Fitnah (tribulation) in its history. Then the Messiah
Isa (a.s) will descend, bringing justice from heaven. He will kill the Dajjal (The Curse
Of Allah Upon Him), and there will be years of safety and security.”

Ibn Kathir said: The black flags that will come with Al-Mahdi, whose name is
Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah Al Ulwee (from the descendants of ‘Alee), Al-Faatimee
(from the descendants of Fatimah), and Al-Husanee (from the descendants of Al-
Hasan or Al-Husain). Allah will rectify him in a single night — meaning that He will
forgive him, guide him, make him understand, and make him wise, after not having
been of that description. Allah will provide him with help from the people of the
East, who will support him and establish his rule. Their flags will be black, a color
which carries with it dignity. The flag of the Messenger of Allah was black, and it

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1871

was called Al-lqaab. Khaalid ibn Waleed planted it in the ground in Ath-Thunayyah,
which is eastern Damascus. This is when he came from Iraq…Similarly, when the
Prophet, entered Makkah during its conquest, he wore a black helmet on his head;
and according to another narration he was wearing a black turban over his helmet.

Anas ibn Maalik said that he heard the Messenger of Allah ‘say, “We, the children of
‘Abdul-Muttalib, are the chiefs of the dwellers of Paradise, I, Hamzah (the prophets
Uncle), ‘Alee, Ja’far (one of the First to accept Islam), Al-Hasan, Al-Husain (his
grandchildren), and Al-Mahdi.” (Ibn Maajah)

Ali (r.a) said, “The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘The Mahdi is one of us, from among the
people of my household. In one night Allah will inspire him and prepare him to carry
out his task successfully.’” (Ahmad and ibn Majah.)

Narrated Umm Salamah, Ummul Mu’minin: The Prophet (saws) said: Disagreement
will occur at the death of a caliph and a man of the people of Medina will come
flying forth to Mecca. Some of the people of Mecca will come to him, bring him out
against his will and swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam.
An expeditionary force will then be sent against him from Syria but will be
swallowed up in the desert between Mecca and Medina. When the people see that,
the eminent saints (abdal) of Syria and the best people of Iraq will come to him and
swear allegiance to him between the Corner and the Maqam. Then there will arise a
man of Quraysh whose maternal uncles belong to Kalb (the ruling class of syria) and
(he will) send against them an expeditionary force which will be overcome by them,
and that is the expedition of Kalb. Disappointed will be the one who does not
receive the booty of Kalb. He will divide the property, and will govern the people by
the Sunnah of their Prophet (saws) and establish Islam on Earth. He will remain
seven years, then die, and the Muslims will pray over him. (Abu Dawud said:
Some transmitted from Hisham “nine years” and some “seven years”.

( Book 38, Hadith 8))

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1872

When the Army Sent from Syria is Swallowed up that will be the clear sign for the
rest of the World that this is the Mahdi (ra) of Allah. This will be the time when it
will become an obligation upon this Ummah to respond and go to Him because that
is when the Awliyah (Saints, literally Abdal in the hadith) and the best people of
Iraq will respond to him first, and they are the best of people, whoever comes latter
will be among the others of this Ummah, similar to how the best of Quraish
responded to the message of the prophet (saws) first then those lesser than them
responded later.

In terms of hadith literature as a whole, if we place all the Ahadith referring to the
Signs of the Hour on a timeline of events that will occur before the advent of the
Mahdi, and after His arrival in an order, we will see there are not many events still
expected to occur before Imam Mahdi (ra) arrives.

Abdullah ibn Amr said Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: The Dajjaal will
appear in my Ummah and he will stay (in the world) for forty — I cannot say
whether he meant forty days, forty months or forty years. Allah will then send Isa
(a.s), son of Mary, who will resemble Urwah ibn Masud. He (Isa (a.s) ) will chase him
and kill him. Then people will live for seven years, during which time there will be
no rancor between any two persons. After that Allah will send a cold wind from the
direction of Syria. None will survive on Earth, having a speck of good in him or faith
in him: he will die. Even if some among you were to enter the innermost part of the
mountain, this wind would reach that place also and cause your death. I heard
Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) as saying: Only the wicked people will survive
and they will be as careless as birds with the characteristics of beasts. They will
never appreciate good nor condemn evil. (Muslim, Book 40, No.7023)

He (Jesus) will slay the Dajjal and he will stay in the World for 40 years. Then, he
will die and the Muslims will perform the funeral prayer for him.”

(Abu Dawud and Musnad Ahmad)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1873

These ahadith give us the length of years for events to occur, we know Islam
has 1500 years on earth, if we take from the 1500 year lifespan the 40 years
that Isa (a.s) will be alive on earth, and the 7 years between his death and the time
Allah takes the life of every Muslim with the cool breeze we have 1500 – 40 – 7 =
1453 Hijri or 2031 AD approximately, that is when we can expect Isa (as) at the

We say approximately because later we will show how these numbers may change
by as much as a decade from this number, and no figure can be exact as closer
analysis of the subject would show there is room for interpretation in this
time range.
These calculations are more like a weather forecast of what is coming over the
horizon in an estimated period of time according to the Ahadith of Rasul Allah
(saws), sometimes the rain arrives as we expect it sometimes it is a little late.

Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree reported that the Prophet said, “In my nation there will be
the Mahdee. If his period is shortened, then (his rule is) for seven (years);
otherwise, it is for nine (years). My nation will enjoy blessings the likes of which it
had never previously heard of; the earth will give forth its fruits and none of it will
be stored away. Wealth in those days will be abundant. A man will stand and say,
‘O Mahdee, give me’ He will answer, ‘Take. (Ibn Maajah, Ibn Katheer in his al Bidaya
wa Nihaya)

We know from Ahadith the Mahdi and the Dajjaal will both be on Earth prior to Isa
(a.s). The Mahdi will rule the Muslims for 7, 8 or 9 years as different narrations state
so this only changes matters by a few years, but if there is variation in years when
the breeze will come as well as the length of the Mahdi’s time on earth and in other
related matters a few years here or there does add up. The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be
upon him) will come towards the end of the Mahdi’s time on earth and because Isa
(as) will return while Imam Mahdi (ra) is still alive the Dajjaal’s time doesn’t matter
and won’t change anything.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1874

If we calculate, 1500 – 40 (the life of Isa) – 7 (time left after Isa dies) – 9
(life of the Mahdi) = 1444 Hijra approximately. .............. {2023 AD}
Therefor 1444H – 1437H (present day) = 7 years from now is the soonest, He is
expected which is 2023 AD, or 9 years from now in 2025 AD, if we use 7 years in
the initial calculation instead of the 9.

Abu As-Sadeeq An-Naajee related that Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree said, “We feared that
there would be a Hadath (something new but objectionable) and so we asked the
Prophet, ” He said, “Indeed in my nation there is the Mahdi, and he will come out
and live for 5 or 7 or 9. A man will go to him and say, ‘O Mahdi, give me.’ He will
throw handfuls into the man’s garment, filling it with whatever the man is able to
carry.” (Hasan, At-Tirmidhee, Ibn Katheer in his al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

The 7 or 9 years are the most common numbers for the Mahdi’s time on earth, but
there is a chance it may be 5 years instead. If we use 5 years we have 1500 – 40 – 7
– 5 = 1448 Hijra therefor, 1448H – 1437 H = 11 years from now.

Therefore in total we have 7, 9 and 11 years from now based on the numbers
given to us by the Prophet (saws) or 2023, 2025 or 2027AD, the later we see him
the later we will see Isa (as).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1875

The Lifespan of Islam on Earth
In more than 15 Ahadith found in the Sahih of Imam Bukhari, Sunnan of Imam Abu
Dawwud, Jamii of Imam Tirmidhi and others, the prophet (saws) said Islam has a
specific lifespan on earth, these Ahadith state Allah gave Islam 1500 years then
after this He would establish the Hour, we are now in the year 1437 H of the Islamic
calendar, this book quotes these Ahadith and discusses them giving specific years
for when events are expected to occur as the prophet (saws) mentioned.

Because we can place all the ahadtih on a timeline we can place names and years
for when the events occur, which all leads to one question when will the end come.
For muslims there are two “ends” they are waiting for in life, the hour itself and the
end of Islam on earth before that time.

This book will present not just the ahadith that speak about the specific lifespan of
Islam, but the ahadith in which the prophet gave a timeline for events in years such
as Imam Mahdi (ra) ruling for 9 years or Isa (as) remaining on earth for 40 years
after He (saws) returns, this book will show that both types of Ahadith say the exact
same thing about how much time Islam has.

The exact year itself isn’t important, the numbers give us a time frame of
when these events are expected to occur, and any one of these factors listed above
or a combination of them could change the years given in the calculations, but they
are a fair estimation.

The Lifespan of Islam on Earth--------------- 1500 years

One can download his book, "The Syrian Uprising and the Signs of the
Hour" from his website:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1876

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1877
466. The 3 Essential Shia Faiths and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi
(AS) in 1445 Hijri

The Three (3) Essential Faith of Shia Muslims are:

1. Faith in "Ali Haq" ----- Wilayat e Ali

2. Faith in "Gham e Hussain" ------- Sorrow for Imam Hussain (AS)

3. Faith in "Mahdi" ----------- Wait for Imam Mahdi (AS)

 The Abjad of Arabic words, "Ali Haq" is 110 + 108 = 218

 The Abjad of Arabic words, "Gham e Hussain" is 1040 + 128 = 1168
 The Abjad of Arabic word, "Mahdi" is 59

If we add the Abjad of 3 Basic Faith of Shia Muslims, we would get the Year of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Ali Haq (218) + Gham e Hussain (1168) + Mahdi (59) = 1445

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1878

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467. The Abjad of Maula "Ali" and the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi
in 1444 Hijri and Establishment of Divine Kingdom in 2025 AD

 The Abjad of Maula's name, "Ali" is 110

 The Abjad of His another name, "Ahad" is 13

Imam Mahdi (AS) is 14th Masoom of Allah and all 14 Masoomeen are "Ali"

[Ali (110) x Ahad(13)] + 14 Masoomeen = 1444

(110 x 13) + 14 = 1444.........................1444 Hijri

1444 Hijri ......................Kharooj of Imam Mahdi on 23rd Ramazan

from Yemen - 104 days before His Final Zahoor on 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1880

The Wilayat of Maula Ali was announced on 18th Zil Hajj

 The Abjad of Arabic word, "Amad" meaning Arrival is also 45

[Ali's Wilayat (110) x Announcement on 18th Zil Hajj (18)] + 45 (Amad)

(110 x 18) + 45 = 2025

(110 x 18) + 45 = 2025................2025 AD

2025 AD.............Establishment of Divine Kingdom

The Batin or Reverse Number of 'Ali' (110) name is 'Hu" (011)

110 (Ali) ................... 011 (Hu)

 Allah's Name is also "Hu"....... 11
 The Abjad of Prophet's name, "Muhammad" is 92

92............9 + 2 = 11....................Hu
There are 3 Faiths in Shia Kalima, Belive in Allah, Believe in Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and Belive in Ali Wali. So multiply the Number - 011
three times and add the Abjad of Allah's name, "Jamah" i.e. 114

The Batin of "Hujjat" (411) is "Jamah" (114)

There are also 114 Surahs in the Holy Quran

[Allah - Hu (11) x Muhammad - Hu (11) x Ali - Hu (11)] + 114

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1881

(011 x 011 x 011) + 114 = 1445
(011 x 011 x 011) + 114 = 1445................1445 Hijri
1445 Hijri................Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1882

468. The Establishment of ONE Divine Kingdom in the World by
Imam Mahdi and His 313 Governors in 2025 AD

The Abjad of Imam's name, "Mahdi" is 59

If we multiply the numbers in 59 i.e. 5 and 9 twice, we would get the year of His
Divine Establishment.

Mahdi x Mahdi ................. (5 x 9) x (5 x 9)

(5 x 9) x (5 x 9) = 2025........................2025 AD

2025 AD.............The Establishment of the Divine Kingdom

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1883

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in 14 45 Hijri.
If we multiply the number of Year of His Zahoor, i.e. 45 twice, we would get the
Year of His Divine Establishment

45 x 45 = 2025........................2025 AD

2025 AD..............The Establishment of His Divine Kingdom

 The Abjad of Arabic word, "Adam" is 45

The Abjad of Arabic word, "Aamad" meaning Arrival is also 45

Imam Mahdi's Amad (45) is for the Salvation of Adam (45)

45 (Aamad) x 45 (Adam) = 2025 .......................2025 AD

2025 AD..............The Establishment of Mahdi's Divine Kingdom

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1884

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469. The Abjad of Arabic words, "Zaat" and "Wilayat"and the
Year of the Zahoor of Mahdi - 1445 Hijri

 The Abjad of Arabic word, "Zaat" is 408

 The Abjad of Arabic word, "Wilayat" is 447

The Abjad of Imam's Name, "Mahdi" is 59

And Imam Mahdi's Divine Kingdom is for all the Creation of Allah. The Ashra of
Aalameen i.e. Creation of Allah is 10.

If we multiply the Abjad of Mahdi - 59 with the Ashra of Creation of Allah i.e. 10, we
would get:

59 (Mahdi) x 10 (Ashra of the Creation of Allah) = 590

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1886
Now if we add the Abjad of "Zaat" of Imam and the Abjad of the 'Wilayat" of Imam
with 590, we would get the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

 Zaat (408) --- Meaning the Self of Imam Mahdi

 Wilayat (447) ----- Meaning the Powers of Imam Mahdi

Zaat e Imam (408) + Wilayat e Imam (447) + Imam Mahdi

for Aalameen - All Creations of Allah (59 x 10)

408 + 447 + 590 = 1445...............1445 Hijri

If we add the Abjad of 6 Names, we would also get 590:

Allah (66) + Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) + Fatima (135) + Hussain (128) +
Mahdi (59) = 590

Zaat (408) + Wilayat (447) of [Allah (66) + Muhammad (92) + Ali (110) +
Fatima (135) + Hussain (128) + Mahdi (59)] = 1445........1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1887

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470. The Abjad of Imam's father name - Hassan and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi in 1445 Hijri

The name of our 11th Imam and the father of Imam Mahdi (AS) is Imam
Hassan Askari (AS)

 The Abjad of name, "Hassan" is 118

We also know that Imam Mahdi is the 12th and the Last Imam

The Imam's real name is "Muhammad", whose Abjad is 92.

The Batin or Reverse Number of 92 is 29

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1889

If we Multiply the Abjad of name, "Hassan" - 118 with the Number of
12th Imam i.e. 12 and add the Batin of Name, "Muhammad" i.e. 29, we
would get the year of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

[Hassan (118) x 12th Imam Mahdi] + 29 (Batin of Muhammad)

(118 x 12) + 29 = 1445...........1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1890

471. The Rise and Increase in Fake Shias before the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the End Times

As we witness that so many differences among Shias of the world and most of the
Shias of Maula Ali are fighting with each other over many issues of faith and
politics. There are many causes of the differences among Shias of Maula Ali.

Our Masoomeen mentioned that:

"90 percent of the Shias before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi would become Murtid
(Kafir) and very few Shias would remain on the Wilayat of Maula Ali."

So now this prophecy has also come true that most of the Shias have become
'Muqasirs' i.e. they deny the powers and miracles of Maula Ali and Imams and with
the denial they would ultimately become 'Murtid' i.e. Kafir in the eyes of Imams.

90 % Shias.............................Munafiqeen and Muqasareen

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1891
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472. The Spiritual Number - 17 and the Zahoor &
Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Abjad of our Imam's Name, "Mahdi" is 59

 The Number - 59 is the 17th Prime Number

 There are also 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Prayers of Muslims

 Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned about Imam Mahdi (AS) 17 times
in His Last Hajj Sermon at Ghadeer e Khum on 18th Zil Hajj, 10th Hijri.

Now what is the link between the Number - 17 and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
in 1445 Hijri or 2023 AD or total Ghaibat of our Imam i.e. 1190 years from His 1st
Zahoor in 255 Hijri till 2nd and Final Zahoor in 1445 Hijri?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1893

17 x 5 x 3 = 255....................255 Hijri.................1st Zahoor

17 x 17 x 5 = 1445..................1445 Hijri.............2nd Zahoor

17 x 17 x 7 = 2023................2023 AD..........Final Zahoor

17 x 7 x 10 = 1190..................1190 Years........Total Ghaibat

From 255 Hijri till 1445 Hijri = 1190 years

59 is the 17th Prime Number in Mathematics

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned Imam Mahdi

17 times in His Last Hajj Sermon

The Sum of the Abjad of 5 Panjetan is 583 as Muhammad (92) + Ali (110)
+ Fatima (135) + Hassan (118) + Hussain (128) = 583

(17 x 17 x 2) + 5 (Panjetan) = 583

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1894

Maula Ali's Zahoor was in the year - 600 AD on 28th September in the
Holy Kaaba, Mecca.

If we add the sum of the Abjad of 5 Panjetan i.e. 583 with the Number -
17, we would get the Year of Zahoor of Maula Ali.

17 + 583 (Abjad of 5 Panjetan) = 600.........600 AD.....Zahoor of Ali

 The Abjad of Imam Mahdi's Father's Name, "Hassan" is 118

 The Abjad of name, "Mahdi" is 59...... 59 (Mahdi) + 59 (Mahdi) = 118
 Imam Mahdi is the 12th and the Last Imam of Muslims

Keeping in view the above facts, we use the same numbers to reach the
year of His Zahoor in 2023 AD or 1445 Hijri.

(17 x 118) + 17 = 2023...........................2023 AD

(17 x 59) + (17 x 59) + (17 x 1) = 2023...................2023 AD

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the Year - 2023 AD

(118 x 12) + (12 + 17) = 1445...................1445 Hijri

(59 x 12) + (59 x 12) + (12 + 17) = 1445................1445 Hijri

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in the Year - 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1895

The Surah Al Asra is the 17th Chapter of the Holy Quran and contains
111 Verses.

17th Surah + 111 Verses = 128............Abjad of name, "Hussain"

69 (Total Ghaibat e Sughra) + 59 (Mahdi) = 128

As Number - 59 is the 17th Prime Number. If we add the Abjad of Mahdi - 59 with
the Number - 17, we would get:

59 + 17 = 76 = 19 x 4
Where 19 is the Abjad of Allah's name, "Wahid" and 19 is also the Code of all
Holy Scriptures including the Holy Quran.

17 and Religions:
 According to Leon Kass, 17 has some significant meaning in the book of Genesis.

 According to Plutarch's Moralia, the Egyptians have a legend that the end of Osiris'
life came on the seventeenth of a month, on which day it is quite evident to the eye
that the period of the full moon is over. Now, because of this, the Pythagoreans call
this day "the Barrier," and utterly abominate this number. For the number
seventeen, coming in between the square sixteen and the oblong rectangle
eighteen, which, as it happens, are the only plane figures that have their perimeters
equal their areas, bars them off from each other and disjoins them, and breaks up
the epogdoon by its division into unequal intervals.

 In the Yasna of Zoroastrianism, seventeen chapters were written

by Zoroaster himself. These are the Gathas.

 The number of the raka'ahs that Muslims perform during Salat on a daily basis.

 The number of sura Al-Isra in the Quran.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1896

473. The Mystical Number - 23 and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS)

We know that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is in the year - 2023 AD

Throughout the history, number 23 was important to numerous religions including

Christianity and Islam.

According to Kabbalism and Hurufism, there are many ‘holy numbers’ in our life. The
number 23 is one of them.

In mathematics, twenty-three is the ninth prime number. It is also the fifth factorial
prime and the second Woodall prime.

No doubt, Einstein was the one who worked with the number as an Eisenstein
prime with no imaginary part and the real part having the form of 3n − 1. It was in the
center of his attention.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1897

There is also a link to Islam. The Qur'an was revealed in a total of 23 years to
Prophet Muhammed. Also, Muslims believe that the first verses of the Qur'an were
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad on the 23rd night of the 9th Islamic month,

According to the birthday paradox, in a group of 23 (or more) randomly chosen

people, the probability is more than 50% that some pair of them will have the same
birthday. A related coincidence is that 365 times the natural logarithm of 2, which is
approximately 252.999, is very close to the number of pairs of 23 items, 253.

Number twenty-three is also in our body and genes. Normal human sex cells have
23 chromosomes. Other human cells have 46 chromosomes, arranged in 23
pairs. The average human physical biorhythm is 23 days and the blood circulates
the body on average every 23 seconds.

In Christianity, Psalm 23, also known as the Shepherd Psalm, is possibly the most
quoted and best known Psalm. Psalms are also the 23rd book in the Douay–Rheims

The Cabalists affirm that a letter is missing in the Torah. That letter of the alphabet
does not appear at all in our "eon" and also is not used in the Torah. The primitive
divine alphabet and all the Torah also would base on a series of 23 letters, not 22.
Somehow it became invisible to us and will reappear only during a next terrestrial

Principia Discordia, the sacred text of Discordianism, holds that 23 is one of the
sacred numbers of Eris, goddess of discord.

Composer Alban Berg had a similar view when it comes to the number 23, using it to
structure several works either. Various suggestions have been made as to the reason
for this interest: that he took it from the Biorhythms theory of Wilhelm Fliess, in
which a 23-day time cycle is considered significant. Or just because he suffered
an asthma attack on 23rd of the month.

There are even two movies about number 23 called The Number 23. In 2007, Jim
Carrey characterized a man who becomes obsessed with the 23 enigma in the movie.
And the German production movie called 23 was also about a man who is obsessed
with the number.

According to Sun Tzu's original formulation, and Chinese remainder theorem, 23 is

the smallest positive solution. And the Chinese mathematician Tzu based his
theory on this in 3rd century AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1898

Now we see the Role of Number - 23 in the Zahoor and Ghaibat of our Imam
Mahdi (AS).

The total years of Ghaibat e Sughra of Imam Mahdi (AS) is 69 years from 260 Hijri till
329 Hijri

23 x 3 = 69............. 69 Years of Ghaibat e Sughra of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi is 12th Imam and the time from His Ghaibat e Kubra from 329 Hijri
till 1445 Hijri are 1116 years.

(23 x 48) + 12 (Indicate 12th Imam) = 1116.............1116 Years of Ghaibat e Kubra

The total number of Years from 942 AD - when Imam went into Ghaibat e Kubra till
His Final Zahoor in 2023 AD are 1081 years according to Gregorean Calender.

23 x 47 = 1081...........1081 Years of Ghaibat e Kubra from 942 AD till 2023 AD

Imam Mahdi's father's name is Imam Hassan (AS). The Abjad of name, "Hassan"is

Al-Mu’minūn meaning "The Believers" is the 23rd chapter (surah) of the Holy
Quran with 118 verses.

Surah Bani Israel is the 17th Chapter of the Holy Quran and contains 111 Verses.

Final Zahoor of Imam Mahdi ------------------- 20 23 AD

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1899
474. The Alien Forces of Satanic Dajjal in the form of
Jinns and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

With the courtesy of the following website, an excellent article is presented on the
topic of Jinn:

The Qur’an and Sunnah indicate that jinn exist, and that there is a purpose for their
existence in this life, which is to worship Allah Alone with no partner or associate.

Allah Almighty says:“And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans, except they
should worship Me (Alone).”(Adh-Dhariyat: 56)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1900

Scholars are in disagreement over the difference between jinn and demons. Some
of them say that the word jinn goes far to encompass the jinn as well as the
demons. The word also includes believing and unbelieving jinn.

Allah Almighty says,“And among us there are righteous folk and among us there
are far from that. We are sects having different rules.”(Al-Jinn: 11)

“And there are among us some who have surrendered (to Allah) and there are
among us some who are unjust. And whoso hath surrendered to Allah, such have
taken the right path purposefully.”(Al-Jinn: 14)

However, the word demon orshaytanis used to refer to the unbelieving ones among
the jinn.

Allah Almighty says,“…and the devil was ever an ingrate to his Lord.”(Al-Isra’: 27)

The world of the jinn is an independent and separate world with its own distinct
nature and features that are hidden from the world of humans. Jinns and humans
have things in common, such as the ability to understand and choose between good
and evil. The word jinn comes from the Arabic root meaning “hidden from sight”.

Allah Almighty says:“… Verily he (shaytan) and his soldiers from the jinn or his tribe
see you from where you cannot see them…”(Al-A`raf: 27)

Allah has told us in His Book the essence from which the jinn were created. He
says:“And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame o fire.”(Al-Hijr :

`A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) says that the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) said:“The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from
fire, and Adam was created from that which has been described to you.”(Reported
by Muslim)

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Types of Jinn
Allah has created different types of jinn. Among them are some who can take on
different forms such as dogs and snakes; some who are like flying winds with wings;
and some who can travel and rest.

Abu Tha`labah al-Khushni says that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
says:“The jinn are of three types: a type that has wings and they fly through the
air; a type that looks like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then
resumes its journey.”(Reported by At-Tahawi in Mushkil Al-’Athar)

The jinn and the sons of Adam

Every individual among the sons of Adam has a jinn who has been appointed to be
his constant companion (qarin). Ibn Mas`ud reports that the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) says: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) says:‘There is not one of you who does not have a jinn appointed to
be his constant companion.’They said, ‘And you too, O Messenger of Allah?’ He
said,‘Me too, but Allah has helped me and he has submitted, so that he only helps
me to do good.’” (Reported by Muslim)

Their powers
Allah has given jinn powers that he has not given to humans. Allah has told us
about some of their powers such as the ability to move and travel quickly. One of
the jinn guaranteed to Prophet Sulayman (Solomon, peace and blessings be upon
him) that he would bring the throne of the Queen of Yemen to Jerusalem in a
moment, faster than the time needed for someone to get up from where he was

Allah Almighty says:“A stalwart of the Jinn said: I will bring it thee before thou can't
rise from thy place. Lo! I verily am strong and trusty for such work. One with whom
was knowledge of the Scripture said: I will bring it thee before thy gaze returneth
unto thee. And when he saw it set in his presence, (Solomon said) This is of the
bounty of my Lord. That He may try me whether I give thanks or am ungrateful.
Whosoever giveth thanks he only giveth thanks for (the good of) his own soul: and
whosoever is ungrateful (is ungrateful only to his own soul’s hurt). For lo! My Lord
is Absolute in independence, Bountiful.”(An-Naml: 39-40)
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Different Types of Jinn

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The food and drink of jinn
Ibn Mas`ud reports that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says:“There
came to me an inviter on behalf of the Jinn and I went along with him and recited to
them the Qur’an.”He (the narrator) said: The Prophet then went along with us and
showed us their traces and traces of their embers.

The Jinn asked the Prophet about their provision and he said:“Every bone on which
the name of Allah is recited is your provision. The time it will fall in your hand it
would be covered with flesh, and (you can have) all the droppings as food for your
animals.”The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,“So do not
use (these things) for cleaning yourselves (after relieving oneself), for they are the
food and provision of your brothers (Jinn).”(Reported by Muslim)

The believing jinn may eat any bone on which the name of Allah has been
mentioned, because the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) did not
permit them to have anything on which Allah’s Name has not been mentioned –
those are for the unbelieving jinn.

The beasts of the jinn

According to the Hadith reported by Ibn Mas`ud, that we have quoted above, the
jinn asked the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) for provision, and he
said to them:“…and (you can have) all the droppings as food for your animals.”

The dwelling-places of the jinn

The jinn live where we do live on this earth. They are mostly to be found in ruins
and unclean places like bathrooms, dunghills, garbage dumps and graveyards.
Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us to take precautions
when entering such places, by reciting theadhkar(mentioning Allah’s Name)
prescribed by Islam.

One of these are reported by Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) who
says: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) entered the
toilet, he would say,‘Allahumma inni a`udhu bika min al-khubuthi wal-khaba’ith(O
Allah, I seek Refuge with You from all offensive and wicked things [evil deeds and
evil spirits]).’”

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Some jinns are Muslims and some are non-Muslims
Allah tells us that some of the jinn said“And there are among us some who have
surrendered (to Allah) and there are among us some who are unjust. And whoso
hath surrendered to Allah, such have taken the right path purposefully.”(Al-Jinn: 14)

Protection from harm of jinn

Because jinn can see us while we cannot see them, the Prophet (peace and
blessings be upon him) taught us many ways to protect ourselves from their harm.
They are seeking refuge of Allah from the accursedshaytan, reciting surat Al-Falaq
and suratAn-Nas, and reciting the words taught by Allah in the Qur’an.

Allah Almighty says,“And say: My Lord! I seek refuge in Thee from suggestions of
the evil ones. And I seek refuge in Thee, my Lord, lest they be present with me.”(Al-
Mu’minun: 97-98)

Saying Bismillah (in the Name of Allah) before entering one’s home, eating or
drinking, and having intercourse will keep Satan from entering the house or
partaking with a person in his food, drink and sexual activity.

Similarly, mentioning the name of Allah before entering the toilet or taking off
one’s clothes will prevent the jinn from seeing a person in a state of undress or
harming him.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of be upon him) says:“To put a barrier that will
prevent the jinn from seeing the`awrahof the sons of Adam, let any one of you say
‘Bismillah’ when entering the toilet.”(Reported by At-Tirmidhi)

Strength of faith and religion in general will also prevent jinn from harming a
person, so much so that if they were to fight, the one who has faith would win. Ibn
Mas`ud (may Allah be pleased with him) says: “A man from among the Companions
of Muhammad met a man from among the jinn. They wrestled, and the human
knocked down the jinn. The human said to him, ‘You look small and skinny to me,
and your forearms look like the front paws of a dog. Do all the jinn look like this, or
only you?’ He said, ‘No, by Allah, among them I am strong, but let us wrestle again,
and if you defeat me I will teach you something that will do you good.’ The human
said, ‘Fine.’ He said, ‘Recite (the verse):“Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive,
the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1905
whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that
intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them
and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge
save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never
weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.”(Al-Baqarah: 255)
The human said, ‘Fine.’ He said, ‘You will never recite this in your house but the
shaytan will come out of it like a donkey breaking wind, and he will never come
back in until the next morning.’” (Reported by Ad-Darami)

The Satan in the form of Dajjal would use the Evil Jinns in the form of Alien forces
against the forces of Hazrat Esa and Imam Mahdi (AS) after their Arrival and Zahoor.

With the courtesy of another website, the following article on the topic of Jinn and
thier involvement with the Satanic Dajjal forces are presented here:

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Existence of Jinn
The Jinn are beings created with free will, living on earth in a world parallel to
mankind. The Arabic word Jinn is from the verb ‘Janna’ which means to hide
or conceal. Thus, they are physically invisible from man as their description
suggests. This invisibility is one of the reasons why some people have denied
their existence. However, (as will be seen) the affect which the world of the
Jinn has upon our world, is enough to refute this modern denial of one of
God’s creation. The origins of the Jinn can be traced from the Quran and the
Sunnah. God says:

“Indeed We created man from dried clay of black smooth mud. And We
created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire” (Quran 15:26-27)

Thus the Jinn were created before man. As for their physical origin, then the
Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, has confirmed the
above verse when he said:

“The Angels were created from light and the Jinn from smokeless fire.”
(Saheeh Muslim)

It is this description of the Jinn which tells us so much about them. Because
they were created from fire, their nature has generally been fiery and thus their
relationship with man has been built upon this. Like humans, they too are
required to worship God and follow Islam. Their purpose in life is exactly the
same as ours, as God says:

“I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Quran 51:56)

Jinns can thus be Muslims or non-Muslims. However, due to their fiery nature
the majority of them are non-Muslims. All these non-Muslim Jinns form a part
of the army of the most famous Jinn, Satan. Consequently, these disbelieving
Jinns are also called devils. Jinns also become Muslims, as they did in the
time of the Prophet when a group of them were amazed by the recitation of the
Quran. God orders the Prophet to tell the people of this event:

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“Say (O’ Muhammed): It has been revealed to me that a group of Jinn listened
and said; ‘Indeed we have heard a marvelous Quran. It guides unto
righteousness so we have believed in it, and we will never make partners with
our lord’.”(Quran 72:1-2)

In many aspects of their world, the Jinn are very similar to us. They eat and
drink, they marry, have children and they die. The life span however, is far
greater then ours. Like us, they will also be subject to a Final Reckoning by
God the Most High. They will be present with mankind on the Day of Judgment
and will either go to Paradise or Hell.

Abilities of Jinn
That which clearly distinguishes the Jinn from mankind, are their powers and
abilities. God has given them these powers as a test for them. If they oppress
others with them, then they will be held accountable. By knowing of their
powers, we can often make sense of much of the mysteries which go on
around us. One of the powers of the Jinn, is that they are able to take on any
physical form they like. Thus, they can appear as humans, animals trees and
anything else. Thousands of people have sighted strange looking creatures all
over the world - and it seems more plausible all the sightings of such creatures
may have been Jinns parading in different forms.

The ability to possess and take over the minds and bodies of other creatures is
also a power which the Jinn have utilized greatly over the centuries. This
however, is something which has been prohibited to them as it is a great
oppression to possess another being. Human possession is something which
has always brought about great attention. But the true knowledge of this
subject is rare. Over the last 3 decades the subject of possession has become
very commercialized. During the 70’s, films such as The Exorcist and
Rosemary’s Baby were used to educate people about possession. However,
because such institutions (the film industry) were heavily influenced by
Christianity, knowledge of the subject was non-existent. Rather then educate
people about Jinn possession, films such as The Exorcist just tended to scare
the living daylights out of us!

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Only through Islam can we understand such a phenomena. We know as
Muslims, that Jinns possess people for many reasons. Sometimes it is
because the Jinn or its family has been hurt accidentally. It could be because
the Jinn has fallen in love with the person. However, most of the time
possession occurs because the Jinn is simply malicious and wicked. For this
reason we have been commanded to recite the Quran frequently in our houses
as the Prophet said:

“Indeed, Satan flees from the house in which Surah Al-Baqarah (the 2nd
chapter of the Quran) is recited.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

If a person does become possessed, then the name of God has to be used in
expelling the Jinn. If we look at the practice of the Prophet and his
companions, we find many invocations to exorcise the Jinn. All of them
invoke God to help the possessed person. How contrary this is to many
modern-day exorcists. Many exorcists, often invoke the names of others
besides God to exorcise the Jinn. When the Jinn does leave, these people
believe that their way was successful. However, this is a ploy of the Jinn, as it
knows that if it obeys the exorcist, then it has succeeded in making him
worship others besides God. The Jinn often returns when the exorcist leaves,
as it knows that nothing except the words of God can stop it from oppressing

It is not only humans which are possessed, but also animals, trees and other
objects. By doing this, the evil Jinn hope to make people worship others
besides God. The possession of idols is one way to do this. Not so long ago
the world-wide phenomenon of Hindu idols drinking milk, shocked the world.
From Bombay to London, Delhi to California, countless idols were lapping up
milk. Ganesh the elephant god, Hanuman the monkey god and even Shiva
lingam, the male private organ (!), all seemed to guzzle down the milk as if
there was no tomorrow! Unfortunately people were taken in by this and many
flocked to feed the Hindu gods. This feat was undoubtedly done by the Jinn as
a classic attempt to make people worship false gods.

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Occult Activities of the Jinn
Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the Jinn are the chief
component in occult activities. Voodoo, Black magic, Poltergeists, Witchcraft
and Mediums can all be explained through the world of the Jinn. Likewise, so
can the illusions and feats of magicians. Because the Jinn can traverse huge
distances over a matter of seconds, their value to magicians is great. In return
for helping them in their magic, the Jinns often ask the magicians to worship
them and Satan. Thus the magicians take the Jinn and Satan as lords besides
God. In our day, some of the feats performed by magicians and entertainers
are without doubt from the assistance of the Jinn. Making the Statue of Liberty
disappear, flying across the Grand Canyon and retrieving a ship from the
Bermuda Triangle, have all been done by the Jewish magician David
Copperfield. There is NO way that a man could do such things without the
assistance of the Jinn. It would not be surprising therefore, if David
Copperfield had sold his soul to Satan himself.

One of the most frequent activities associated with the Jinn, is fortune telling.
Before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, fortune-tellers and soothsayers
were wide spread. These people would use their associates from the Jinn to
find out about the future. The Jinns would go to the lowest heaven and listen
to the Angels conversing amongst themselves about events of the Future
which they heard from God. The Jinns would then inform the fortune-tellers.
This is why before the time of the Prophet many fortune-tellers were very
accurate in their predictions. However, upon the Prophet’s arrival the heavens
were guarded intensely by the Angels, and any Jinn who tried to listen was
attacked by meteors (shooting stars):

“And We have guarded it (the heavens) from every accursed devil, except one
who is able to snatch a hearing and he is pursued by a brightly burning flame.”
(Quran 15:17-18)

The Prophet also said: “They (the Jinn) would pass the information back down
until it reaches the lips of a magician or forrtune-teller Sometimes a meteor
would overtake them before they could pass it on. If they passed it on before
being struck, they would add to it a hundred lies” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari).

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Thus, it is clear from this as to how fortune-tellers get predictions of the future
sometimes right. It is also evident as to why they get so many wrong. Men
like Nostradamus are an example, as some of his predictions of the future
were correct whilst many were completely wrong. Unfortunately, the amount
of fortune telling which occurs amongst the Muslims is also increasing. By
visiting Muslim lands such as Morocco, one is able to see as to how much
inter Jinn-fortune-teller activity there really is. If you look up at the sky on a
clear night in Morocco, you will see the heavens ablaze with shooting stars! A
clear display of the devils being chased away from the heavens.

Fortune-tellers also operate through the Qareen. The Qareen is the Jinn
companion which is assigned to every human being. It is this Jinn which
whispers to our base desires and constantly tries to divert us from

The Prophet said: “Every one of you has been assigned a companion from the
Jinn. The companions asked: Even you O’ Messenger of God? And the
Prophet replied: Even me, except that God has helped me against him and he
has become a Muslim. Now he only tells me to do good” (Saheeh Muslim).

Because the Qareen is with a person all his life, it knows all that has happened
to the person from the cradle to the grave. By making contact with the Qareen,
the fortune-teller is thus able to make out that it is he who knows about the
person. He looks in his crystal ball or the palm of a person and proceeds to
amaze him with knowledge which no one else knows. The severity of going to
a fortune-teller is such that:

The Prophet said: “The prayer of one who approaches a fortune-teller and asks
him about anything, will not be accepted for forty days or nights” (Saheeh
Muslim) and: “Whosoever approaches a fortune-teller and believes in what he
says, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammed.”

The effects of the Jinn are not just limited to fortune-tellers. Other activities
such as oujia boards and seances, which are used to contact the dead, are
manipulated by the Jinn. ‘Are you there Charlie? Speak to us Charlie!!’ are
the sort of words spoken by anxious relatives (names are obviously different!)

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seeking to make contact with their loved ones. And it is when the Jinn starts
to talk and communicate as ‘Charlie’, that the people are truly fooled.

One of the biggest manipulations of the Jinn is through visions. Through

these visions the Jinns are more likely to lead people away from the worship of
God then any other way. When a person sees a vision in front of his eyes it is
something which is very hard to explain away. Only by having knowledge of
the world of the Jinn and conviction in God, can a person fight such a trial.
The countless numbers of visions of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary over the
centuries has been a popular choice for the devils. It almost seems as if
leading Christians astray is the most easiest trick for the Jinns! Not only are
Christians fooled by these visions, but often the Jinns possess and begin to
talk from their voices. To the Christians this is known as the tongues of the
Angels and thus a proof for their faith. However, the amount of unintelligible
nonsense and rubbish which is heard is a clear proof that this is in fact the
tongues of the devils! For other people, visions of their parents or relatives
are commonplace. By taking on the form of peoples parents, the Jinns can
convince people that the souls of dead people still mix with the people of the
earth. This is why so many people believe in ghosts.

The onslaught of satanic visions has also hit the Muslims. Many Muslims
claim to have seen visions of the Prophet Muhammed and even God! By doing
this, Satan is able to lead astray the weak Muslims. Through such visions,
Muslims are often told that the commands of Islam are not applicable to them.
The Jinns tell them that Prayer, Fasting, Hajj etc. are not obligatory for them. It
is a great deception and unfortunately one which has been very effective. The
extent of satanic visions still continues to this day. The recent death of Diana
Princess of Wales sparked off great love and adoration for this woman. In fact
the grief of the British people was such, that it was as if Diana was something
divine. No sooner had the mourning of Diana reached its peak, that visions of
her were already being seen at Hampton Court Palace! If these visions did
occur, the desire of Satan and his army of Jinn to capitalise on this event, was
evident. Such visions are clear attempts by Satan to lead mankind away from
the path of God.

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Protection from the Jinn
Because the Jinn can see us while we cannot see them, the Prophet
Muhammad taught us many ways to protect ourselves from their harm, such
as seeking refuge in Allah (God) from the accursed Satan, reciting chapters
113 and 114 of the Holy Quran, and reciting the words taught by God in the
Quran: “Say: ‘My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings
(suggestions) of Satan (devils). And I seek refuge with You, my Lord, lest they
may attend (or come near) me.’” (Quran 23:97-98)

Saying Bismillah (in the Name of Allah (God)) before entering one’s home,
before eating or drinking, and before having intercourse will also keep Satan
from entering the house or partaking with a person in his food, drink and
sexual activity. Similarly, mentioning the name of Allah before entering the
toilet or taking off one’s clothes will prevent the Jinn from seeing a person’s
private parts or harming him, as the Prophet said. Strength of faith and
religion in general will also prevent the Jinn from harming a person.

Reciting Al-Kursi verse in Arabic (Quran 2:255) provides also a strong

protection against the Jinn, as we learned from the story of Abu Hurairah (one
of Muhammad’s companions) with a devil.

Also the Prophet Muhammad said: “Do not make your houses like graves, for
Satan runs away from a house in which al-Baqarah chapter [chapter 2] is
recited.”(Narrated by Saheeh Muslim)

These Arabic verses and prophetic sayings were some examples of how a
Muslim would get protection from the Jinn. Islam teaches us how to deal with
all of God’s creation - and not just the Jinn. A true Muslim should not fear
Satan or the Jinn, because Islam taught us about them and how to get
protection from their harm.

The world of the Jinn is one which is both sinister and intriguing. By knowing
of this world we can explain many of the mysteries and issues which bother
us. By doing this we can avoid the extremes which the people have gone to;
nothing being more extreme then worshipping others besides God. By

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learning the monotheism of God, we defend ourselves from these hidden allies
of Satan:

“Indeed he (Satan) and his tribe watch you from a position where you cannot
see them.” (Quran 7:27)

Now we see in recent history, there are lot of movies and documentaries are
produced on Aliens and many story books and fiction books are written for
children and young generation so that they believe in Aliens in one form or
another. They may call them UFO's or Aliens from Space or other parts of the

The main purpose of the Satan is to make the people believe that Aliens exist
in the Universe and they would come to invade the Earth and take control of
our Planet.

In the End Days when Satanic Dajjal would emerge, he would use the forces of
Jinn as Aliens and try to control the World using their extra forces and powers
given to them by God.

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475. The Period of 'Rajaat' during and after the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

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476. The Surah Dukhan (Chapter - 44) and the
Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) in 1444 Hijri

The Arabic word, "Dukhan" meaning The Smoke

The Surah Dukhan is 44th Chapter of the Holy Quran and has 59 Verses.

We all know that the Abjad of the name of our Imam, "Mahdi" is 59
Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom of Allah

We also know that the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi (AS) would be in 1444 Hijri on 23rd
Ramazan, Friday.

Surah Dukhan............................44th Chapter

Kharooj of Imam Mahdi ....................... 14 44 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1937

Verses in the Surah Dukhan.................... 59 Verses

Abjad of "Mahdi".................................... 59

Now the year 2022 would be year when the World would see Nuclear War and in
Nuclear War, there would be Orange Smoke when Nuclear weapons would
be used. The 1444 Hijri year starts on 29th July, 2022 AD and the Surah's name is
Surah Dukhan meaning "Smoke".
So the World would see Big Smoke in 1444 Hijri or 2022 AD before Imam Mahdi
would come in 2023 AD

59........................... 5 + 9 = 14

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477. The Seven Repeated Verses mentioned in the Holy Quran
in the Sura – 15, verse – 87 and the Zahoor of Imam
“We have given you seven repeated Verses and the Holy Quran.”

If we add the numbers in the year – 2023, we see:

2023 ---- 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7 …… corresponds to the 7 repeated verses in the verse –

87 of the Sura – 15. Also the names of 14 masomeen are only 7, which are:

Names: Arabic letters in their names

1. Muhammad (PBUH) 4
2. Ali (AS) 3
3. Fatima (AS) 5
4. Hassan (AS) 3
5. Hussain (AS) 4
6. Jaffar (AS) 4
7. Musa (AS) 4

Total: 7 Names 27 Arabic letters in 7 Names

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Other Masomeen have the same repeated names from the above list of names.
Also the total Arabic letters in the seven repeated names of 14 Masomeen are 27
and Imam Mahdi also said: “There are 27 letters of Ilm (knowledge). The world
would be known to only 2 letters of Ilm (knowledge) upon my re – appearance and I
would expose the remaining 25 letters of Ilm (knowledge).”
Interestingly, the value of 1 degree in a perfect circle of 360 degrees is:
1/360 = 0.0027 77777777777………….

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478. The similarity between the Cracks in the Holy
Mosque of Kaaba and the Kufa Mosque and the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

When Maula Ali (AS) came into the Holy Kaaba on 13th Rajab, the Big Crack
appeared in the Wall of Holy Kaaba, Mecca which is still in that Wall.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 30 years of age when Maula Ali (AS) came into the
world. He waited next 10 years and when Maula Ali (AS) became 10 years old, then
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announced that the Religion of Islam to all the people
of Mecca at the age of 40 years
The time period from the Zahoor of Maula Ali (AS) till the Announcement of Islam
by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).................................. 10 years

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Now we also know that a big crack appeared on the night of 28th July, 2013 i.e.
19th Ramazan, 1434 Hijri in the Holy Mosque of Kufa, Iraq where Maula Ali (AS)
was martyred on 19th Ramazan, in 661 AD.

If the number of years from the Crack appeared in the Holy Mosque of Kufa, Iraq
would be the same as 10 years, then the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take
place on 28th July, 2023 AD

Exactly 10 years from the Crack in the Holy Mosque of Kufa, Iraq till the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi on 28th July, 2023 AD.

10 Years...........Crack in the Holy Mosque of Kaaba till the Announcement of Islam

by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)..............1st Muhammad (PBUH)

10 Years........ Crack in the Holy Mosque of Kufa, Iraq till the Announcement of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)..................... Last Muhammad (PBUH)

The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) is in the year ---- 28th July, 2023 AD

Crack in the Holy Mosque of Kufa, Iraq (28th July, 2013 AD)
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1942
Also if we subtract the Number of years from the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) in
2023 from the year of the Announcement of Islam in 611 AD (601+ 10 years)

 611 AD.........................Announcement of Islam by 1st Muhammad (PBUH)

 2023 AD......................Announcement of Zahoor by Last Muhammad (PBUH)

2023 AD - 611 AD= 1412 years

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Ghaibat" meaning Occultation is also 1412

Ghaibat .................... 1412..................Total Number of Years between

1st and the Last Announcement by 1st Muhammad and the Last One.

1412................. 14 (14th Masoom) 12 (12th Imam)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1943

479. The Year of Zahoor - 1445 Hijri and the
Relationship with the Abjad of the name of the
Mother of Imam Mahdi, Fatima (AS)

The Abjad of Imam Mahdi's mother name, "Fatima" is 135

As we know that Imam Mahdi (AS) would take the revenge of Bibi Fatima from her
enemies after His Zahoor in 1445 Hijri.

Now we see what is the relationship with the Year and Century of His Zahoor - 1445
Hijri with the Abjad of Bibi Fatima (AS) - 135

In the Year - 1445 Hijri, the Number - 14 represents the Century and the Number -
45 represents the Year of His Zahoor.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1944

The Number of Partitions of Number - 14 is 135. It means that Number - 14 can be
calculated in 135 ways if added in different ways as:

1 + 13 = 14
2 + 12 = 14
3 + 11 = 14
1 + 1 + 12 = 14
4 + 10 = 14.................etc

There are 135 different ways to add Number - 14.


Our Imam is the 14th Masoom of Allah and 135 is the Abjad of Bibi Fatima (AS)

Now there are 3 Notorious Enemies of Bibi Fatima (AS) in particular and Imam
Mahdi (AS) would take revenge from these 3 Notorious Enemies of Islam and
particularly Bibi Fatima (AS)

If we multiply the Year of His Zahoor i.e. 45 with the Number of the Enemies of Bibi
Fatima (AS), we would get the Number - 135 of Bibi Fatima

45 (Year of His Zahoor) x 3 (Enemies of Bibi Fatima) = 135

45 x 3 = 135...........Abjad of "Fatima"
14(Century)......45 (Year)....................135
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1945
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1946
480. The Magical Number - 1729 and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi in the Year - 2023 AD

1729 is the natural number following 1728 and preceding 1730. It is known as
the Hardy–Ramanujan number, after an anecdote of the British mathematician G.
H. Hardy when he visited Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan in hospital. He
related their conversation:

I remember once going to see him when he was ill at Putney. I had ridden in taxi cab
number 1729 and remarked that the number seemed to me rather a dull one, and
that I hoped it was not an unfavourable omen. "No," he replied, "it is a very
interesting number; it is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in
two different ways."

The two different ways are:

1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1947
The quotation is sometimes expressed using the term "positive cubes", since
allowing negative perfect cubes (the cube of a negative integer) gives the smallest
solution as 91 (which is a divisor of 1729):

91 = 63 + (−5)3 = 43 + 33
Masahiko Fujiwara showed that 1729 is one of four positive integers (with the
others being 81, 1458, and the trivial case 1) which, when its digits are added
together, produces a sum which, when multiplied by its reversal, yields the original

1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 19

19 × 91 = 1729
Now if we add the Abjad of the Arabic Words, "Rab e Muhammad" i.e. Rab (202) +
Muhammad (92)" with this Magical Number - 1729, we would get the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS). The Actual Name of our Imam is also "Muhammad"

1729 + Rab (202) e Muhammad (92) = 2023

1729 + 202 + 92 = 2023.........2023 AD

(19 x 91) + (101 + 101) + (46 + 46) = 2023
 The Abjad of Allah's name, "Wali" is 46
 The Abjad of Allah's name, "Ism" is 101
 The Abjad of Allah's name, "Wahid" is 19
 The Abjad of Allah's name, "Malik" is 91

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1948

481. We also know that the ‘Kuniyat’ of Imam Mahdi are 19.
Now we analyze the number – 19 with his re –appearance.

The Ulema gathered the Quranic Ayat about Imam Mahdi in the Holy Quran and
they agreed upon 1121 Ayat of Holy Quran discuss Imam Mahdi. If we analyze this
number, we would get:

1121 = 19 x 59
59………………..Abjad of “Mahdi”

19…..corresponds to 19 Kuniyat of Imam Mahdi.

Also the numerical or gematrical value of the Arabic name of Allah – ‘Wahid’ is also
19. And Imam Mahdi is the 14th Masoom of Allah who is Wahid – 19. There are 19
Arabic letters in Bismillah. There are 19 Arabic letters in the 5 names of Panjetan as:

Muhammad………………….. 4 Arabic letters

Ali…………………………………. 3 Arabic letters

Fatima……………………………5 Arabic letters

Hassan…………………………… 3 Arabic letters

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1949

Hussain…………………………. 4 Arabic letters

Total Arabic letters of 5 Names of “Panjetan” = 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 19

 Now the remaining 2 Names of 7 Constant names of 14 Masoomeen are:

Jaffar…………………………. 4 Arabic letters

Musa………………………… 4 Arabic letters

 Also we know that one of the names of Allah is “Ahad”, which consists of 3
Arabic letters.

Ahad………………………3 Arabic letters

Now if we place all the numbers of Arabic letters in the 7 constant names of 14
Masoomeen in the sequence by putting the 3 Arabic letters of “Ahad” and then
divide by 19, we would get:

Ahad – Muhammad – Ali – Fatima – Hassan – Hussain – Jaffar – Musa

3 4 3 5 3 4 4 4……………………34353444 = 19 x 1808076
Adding all the numbers in the Number – 34353444, we would get:

34353444………….. 3 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 30……………..30 Paras of the Holy


Also if we add the numbers of 1808076, we would get:

1808076…………1 + 8 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 6 = 30……………….30 Paras of the Holy Quran


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1950

482. The Lord Krishna's --- Reincarnation every
1000 years

Maula Ali (AS) said my name in Hindus is known as "Krishna"

The Shias know and they believe that Maula Ali helped all Prophets of Allah in
the spread of Islam and their teachings. Maula Ali (AS) also said that I would be
coming in the End Times and I would be "Mahdi"

We also know that the 'Nuqta' of Bismillah is also Maula Ali and the Abjad of
"Bismillah" is 786.

Abjad = 786

The Abjad of words, "Hari Krishna" is also 786

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1951
Krishna is a major deity in Hinduism. He is worshipped as the eighth avatar of the
god Vishnu and also as the supreme God in his own right. He is the god of
compassion, tenderness and love in Hinduism, and is one of the most popular and
widely revered among Indian divinities. Krishna's birthday is celebrated every year
by Hindus on Krishna Janmashtami according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar, which
falls in late August or early September of the Gregorian calendar. Krishna is usually
depicted with a flute in his hand.
The anecdotes and narratives of Krishna's life are generally titled as Krishna Leela.
He is a central character in the Mahabharata, the Bhagavata Purana and
the Bhagavad Gita, and is mentioned in many Hindu philosophical, theological,
and mythological texts. They portray him in various perspectives: a god-child, a
prankster, a model lover, a divine hero, and as the universal supreme being. His
iconography reflects these legends, and shows him in different stages of his life,
such as an infant eating butter, a young boy playing a flute, a young boy
with Radha or surrounded by women devotees, or a friendly charioteer giving
counsel to Arjuna.
The synonyms of Krishna have been traced to 1st millennium BCE literature. In
some sub-traditions, Krishna is worshipped as Svayam Bhagavan, and this is
sometimes referred to as Krishnaism. These sub-traditions arose in the context of
the medieval era Bhakti movement. Krishna-related literature has inspired
numerous performance arts such as Bharatnatyam, Kathakali, Kuchipudi, Odissi,
and Manipuri dance. He is a pan-Hindu god, but is particularly revered in some
locations such as Vrindavan in Uttar Pradesh, the Jagannatha aspect

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1952

in Odisha, Mayapur in West Bengal, Dwarka and Junagadh in Gujarat, in the form
of Vithoba in Pandharpur, Maharashtra, Nathdwara in Rajasthan, Udupi Krishna
in Karnataka and Guruvayur in Kerala. Since the 1960s, the worship of Krishna has
also spread to the Western world and to Africa, largely due to the work of
the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).
The name "Krishna" originates from the Sanskrit word Kṛṣṇa, which is primarily an
adjective meaning "black", "dark", or "dark blue". The waning moon is called
Krishna Paksha, relating to the adjective meaning "darkening". The name is also
interpreted sometimes as "All-Attractive".
As a name of Vishnu, Krishna is listed as the 57th name in the Vishnu Sahasranama.
Based on his name, Krishna is often depicted in idols as black- or blue-skinned.
Krishna is also known by various other names, epithets, and titlesthat reflect his
many associations and attributes. Among the most common names
are Mohan "enchanter"; Govinda" chief herdsman", Keev "prankster",
and Gopala "Protector of the 'Go'", which means "Soul".Some names for Krishna
hold regional importance; Jagannatha, found in Puri Hindu temple, is a popular
incarnation in Odisha state and nearby regions of eastern India.

The Hindus said so many times about Imam Hussain (AS) that if He would have
come to India, they would have started worshipping Him as their God. So it is not
strange that after seeing the Miracles of Lord Krishna who was basically Maula Ali
and listening His speeches, the Hindus started worshipping Him as their God.

The Lord Krishna says in Bhagwad Gita, "Whenever there is a decline in

righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, at that time I manifest myself on

Krishna says the following lines to Ganga Devi,when 3/4 th of Kali yuga is complete
and Adharma is at it’s peak, I shall take the Kalki Avatar to destroy Adharma. I will
establish 1000 years of Golden rule and start the next Satya Yuga.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1953

1. In kali yuga, God descends in two forms. One is unmanifest i.e avyakta.
Another is kalki bhagavan.
2. When adharma overrules dharma, God comes in the form of someone or
something to protect dharma. For a seriously ill patient, God comes in the
form of Doctor and gives life to him. And so on.
3. God really takes birth as human being with a mission (Kalki) at appropriate
4. Bhagavatam mentions many conditions at which Kalki takes birth. One of
those conditions is that life expectancy of human beings come down to
about 20 to 30 years.
5. As on now, life expectancy of human beings is above 70 years. When things
become worse and life expectancy comes down to about 30 years, at that
time, God reincarnates as Kalki. This is as told by Bhagavatam (12.2.11). For
all the conditions for Kalki to incarnate, read chapter 12.2 of Bhagavatam

Then is there any sign of Lord Kalki in the present bad age of Kali Yuga ?


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1954

483. The 1082 Ghaibat years of Imam Mahdi and
the Qiyamat e Sughra as mentioned as 'Saat' on
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) after 1082 years

Imam Mahdi's Ghaibat e Kubra started in 941 AD on 10th Shawal, 329

Hijri. More than 1000 years have passed of His Ghaibat.

10th Shawal, 329 Hijri = 7th July, 941 AD.....Ghaibat e Kubra starts

His Next Zahoor is in the year - 2023 AD on 28th July

2023 - 941 = 1082 years

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1955

The Significance of Number - 1082
 10 + 82 = 92..............The Abjad of name, "Muhammad"
 1 + 0 + 8 + 2 = 11.............The Abjad of name, "Hu"
 82......................The Abjad of Arabic word, "Imam"
 108...............The Abjad of Arabic word, "Haq"
 108 + 2 = 110................The Abjad of Arabic word, "Ali"

There are two Days of Judgement of Allah:

Qiyamat e Sughra or mentioned in Quran as “Saat” i.e The Hour – Zahoor of Mahdi

Qiyamat e Kubra ………….Day of Judgment

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Saat” meaning The Hour is 531

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1956

531 = 59 x 9..............The Abjad of name, “Mahdi” is also 59

The Abjad of Arabic word, “Qiyamat” meaning the Day of Judgment is 551

551 = 19 x 29…………..The Abjad of Allah’s name, “Wahid” is also 19

Now if we add the Abjad of these two most Important Days of Allah, i.e.

Saat (531) + Qiyamat (551) = 1082

Now divide the number – 1082 by 2 as these are two Days of Allah, the result would
1082/2 = 541 + 541

541………………….100th Prime Number

The reverse number of 541 is 145………………14 – Masoomeen and 5…Panjetan

541 + 145 = 686…….6 + 8 = 14 and 8 + 6 = 14……Days of 14 Masoomeen

The Ghaibat e Kubra of our Imam Mahdi (AS) started on 10th Shawaal, 329 Hijri i.e.
7th July, 941 AD.

Shawaal is the 10th Islamic Month. His Zahoor would also be on the 10th

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1957

If we analyze the dates of Zahoors of Imam Mahdi (AS), they also gave many hidden
meanings like:

 29th July................ First Zahoor on 29th July, 869 AD of our Imam Mahdi (AS)
 29th July.................Friday
 28th July.................Final Zahoor of our Imam Mahdi in 2023 AD
 28th July.................Friday

Now from 7th July, 941 AD till 7th July, 2023 AD, there are 1082 years.
 941 AD................. 9 + 4 + 1 = 14...............14th Masoom of Allah

In 1082 years, there are 812 years of 365 days and 270 years of 366 days.

Now we calculate the total number of His Days in Ghaibat e Kubra till His Zahoor on
28th July, 2023 AD.

From 7th July, 941 AD till 7th July, 2023 AD

1082 years = 812 years of 365 days + 270 years of 366 days
 812 Years x 365 days = 296,380 days
 270 Years x 366 days = 98,820 days

812 + 270 = 1082 Years = (296,380 + 98,820) = 395,200 days

Now from 7th July, 2023 AD till His Zahoor on 28th July, there are 22 more days. So
adding these 22 days into 395, 200 days, we would get:

395,200 + 22 = 395,222 ...............Total Days of Ghaibat e Kubra of Imam Mahdi

395,222 Days .....................Total Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1958

If we add the numbers of 395,222 individually, we would get the Year of Zahoor i.e.
2023 AD

395,222.................3 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 23................2023 AD


If we add the two numbers, we would get:

395,222...............39 + 52 +22 = 113

Also if we add the first 3 numbers with the last 3 numbers of 395,222, we would

395 + 222 = 617.............. 6 + 1 + 7 = 14................14th Masoom of Allah

The Abjad of His names, "Baqi" is also 113

113.................11 + 3 = 14 = 1 + 13

Our Imam is the 14th Masoom of Allah.

The last 3 numbers in 395,222 in His Ghaibat e Kubra are 222. The Abjad of
the name, "Haider" is also 222.

222........................Abajd of name, "Haider" is 222

222 = 111 + 111

The Abjad of Allah's name, "Aala" is also - 111

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1959

From 7th July, 941 AD till 14th April, 2023 AD
Now we also know that His Kharooj is on 14th April, 2023 AD i.e. 104 Days from
28th July, 2023 AD

If we substract 104 days from 395,222, we would get:

395,222 - 104 = 395,118 Days till His Kharooj on 14th April, 2023 AD

395,118 Days...................From His Ghaibat till His Kharooj from Ghaibat

 If we add the two numbers of 395, 118, we would get the following result:

395,118................ 39 + 51 + 18 = 108.............Abjad of name, "Haq".

The Abjad of name, "Haq" is 108

 The last 3 numbers in the Number - 395,118 are 118.The Abjad of Imam
Mahdi's father name, "Hassan" is also 118
 The middle two numbers in 395118 is 51. There are total 51 Rakats in total
Namaz during the day i.e. 17 Wajib Rakats in 5 Prayers and 34 Rakats in Nafal
 The last two numbers in 395118 is 18. The Villayat e Ali (AS) was announced
on 18th Zil Hajj. 18th is the Ghadir Day.
 The first two numbers in 395118 is 39. Adding these two numbers i.e. 3 + 9 =
12. And our Imam is the 12th Imam.
 If we add the first 3 numbers with the last 3 numbers of 395,118, we would

395 + 118 = 513............... 5 + 1 + 3 = 9.............Imam Mahdi (AS) is the 9th Son of

Imam Hussain (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1960

484. The Last Roman - Persian War and the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) after that War

Brief History of Roman - Persian Wars

The Roman–Persian Wars, also known as the Roman–Iranian Wars, were a series of
conflicts between states of the Greco-Roman world and two successive Iranian
empires: the Parthian and the Sasanian. Battles between the Parthian Empire and
the Roman Republic began in 54 BC; wars began under the late Republic, and
continued through the Roman (later Byzantine) and Sasanian empires.
Various vassal kingdoms and allied nomadic nations in the form of buffer
states and proxies also played a role. The wars were ended by the Arab Muslim
Conquests, which led to the fall of the Sasanian Empire and huge territorial losses
for the Byzantine Empire, shortly after the end of the last war between them.

Although warfare between the Romans and Persians continued over seven
centuries, the frontier, aside from shifts in the north, remained largely stable. A
game of tug of war ensued: towns, fortifications, and provinces were continually
sacked, captured, destroyed, and traded. Neither side had the logistical strength or

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1961

manpower to maintain such lengthy campaigns far from their borders, and thus
neither could advance too far without risking stretching its frontiers too thin. Both
sides did make conquests beyond the border, but in time the balance was almost
always restored. Although initially different in military tactics, the armies of both
sides gradually adopted from each other and by the second half of the 6th century
they were similar and evenly matched.

The expense of resources during the Roman–Persian Wars ultimately proved

catastrophic for both empires. The prolonged and escalating warfare of the 6th and
7th centuries left them exhausted and vulnerable in the face of the sudden
emergence and expansion of the Caliphate, whose forces invaded both empires
only a few years after the end of the last Roman–Persian war. Benefiting from their
weakened condition, the Arab Muslim armies swiftly conquered the entire Sasanian
Empire, and deprived the Eastern Roman Empire of its territories in the Levant, the
Caucasus, Egypt, and the rest of North Africa. Over the following centuries, more of
the Eastern Roman Empire came under Muslim rule.

Last and Final War between Roman Empire (West) and

Persian Empire (Iran)
As we are witnessing the rising tensions between USA and the Western forces
which represent the Roman Empire with Iran - The Persian Empire which has the
support of Russia and China for the last 40 years since the Iran Revolution in 1979.

Israel along with Saudi Arabia and UAE are also building military pressure against
Iran. USA has put Economic Sanctions on Iran since 2018 AD which Iran says that it
is a Economic War against them.

The USA is building Military in the Persian Gulf with the support of its allies. So the
region is heading towards the Final Encounter betwen the two empires again - The
Roman Empire (USA and the Western Countries) and the Persian Empire (Iran and
the support the World powers - Russia and China) in this War by 2021 - 2022 AD
before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in
2023 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1962

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1963
485. The Final Countdown in the World before the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi in 2023 AD

Let us Count to 3 ---- 3 years from 2020 to 2022 AD till the Zahoor in 2023

1. 2020 AD --- Last Election of the World Power - USA

2. 2021 AD --- Last Global Depression and Economic Collapse
3. 2022 AD --- Last World War and 2/3rd people would die

Then the

2023 AD --- Last Messiah and the Last Imam Return for the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1964

Now we know that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived for 63 years.
Similarly Hazrat Ali (AS) also lived for 63 years.
Quran mentioned about 7 repeated Verses. Muhammad and Aal e Muhammad

(PBUH) also have 7 repeated names in 14 Masoomeen.

The Number of Bibi Fatima (AS) is 9.

7 x 9 = 63
Now if we add the 3 years, 2020, 2021 and 2022, we would get the same
Number - 63.

20 + 21 + 22 = 63
Also Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"Every word of the Holy Quran has 70 Zahir meanings and 70 Batin meanings."

We know that the Holy Quran was revealed in the Arabic language and Arabic has
28 Alphabets.

If we multiply 28 Alphabets with the Number - 70 as all Alphabets of the Holy Quran
has 70 Zahir meanings and 70 Batin meanings, we would get:

28 Arabic Alphabets x 70 (Zahir/Batin) = 1960

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1965

Now if we add the Number - 63 with the Number - 1960, we would get the year of
the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as:

(28 x 70) + 63 = 2023.................... 2023 AD.......Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1966

486. Imam Mahdi (AS) resembles with 5 Prophets of Allah
and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1967

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1968
In Ahadith e Masoomeen, Imam Mahdi (AS) resembles with 5 Prophets of Allah

1. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2. Pophet Esa (AS)

3. Prophet Musa (AS)

4. Prophet Younas (AS)

5. Prophet Yousaf (AS)

Mahdi = (Muhammad + Esa + Musa + Younas + Yousaf)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1969

If we add the Abjad of the names of the 5 Prophets, we would get:

 Muhammad............92
 Esa.........................150
 Musa.....................116
 Younas...................126
 Yousaf....................156

92 + 150 + 116 + 126 + 156 = 640 = 64 x 10

Now if we add the Number - 640 with the Abjad of 5 Panjetan i.e. 583 (92
+ 110 + 135 + 118 + 128 = 583) with the Abjad of Maula Ali's name,
"Haider" - 222, we would get the year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
as 1445 Hijri

640 + 583 + 222 = 1445...........1445 Hijri...........Zahoor of Imam

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Deen" meaning Religion is also 64.

The reverse number or the Batin of the Number - 64 is 46, which is the Abjad of the
Arabic word, "Wali"

46 (Wali) + 64 (Deen) = 110.........Ali

Wali (46) Deen (64) = Ali (110)

Wali Deen = Ali

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1970
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1971
487. The sighting of foxes on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount
in August, 2019 triggers prophecy theories about third
Jewish temple before the Arrival of Messiah of Jews

With the courtesy of the website presenting the following article:

Prophecy watchers are on high alert after a group of foxes were spotted frollicking
on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, potentially auguring the long-prophesied
reconstruction of the Jewish Temple.

The foxes were spotted ahead of the Tisha B’av religious festival, which begins on
August 10 and commemorates the destruction of the two temples in Jerusalem,
first by the Babylonians and later by the Romans.

“One cannot refrain from crying at the site of the fulfilment of the prophecy of
‘foxes will walk on it’”said Shmuel Rabinowitz, rabbi of the Western Wall and holy
sites. He was referring to the Book Of Lamentations (5:18), a passage which tells the
story of the Babylonians’ destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem and a
prophecy that the site would one day be inhabited by foxes.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1972

Jewish people praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

This particular passage is, in turn, tied to a prophecy by the Prophet Zechariah as
explained in the Talmud (Makkot 24b) that the temple will one day be rebuilt.

“Until the prophecy of Uriah with regard to the destruction of the city was fulfilled, I
was afraid that the prophecy of Zechariah would not be fulfilled, as the two
prophecies are linked,” Tractate Makkot 24b reads.

The group of about a dozen foxes were seen in the southwestern area of the
Western Wall over the past few days. This is the only surviving section of the
Second Jewish Temple. The Book of Lamentations (5:18) is traditionally read during
the upcoming religious festival on the 9th day of the 9th Month of the Jews.

The Temple Mount is one of the holiest spots in Jerusalem and is a focal point for
the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths alike.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1973

Also mentioned in the Jerusalem Post as:

"As the Jewish world is counting the days to the ninth of Av (Tisha Be'Av), the date
on which Jews mourn the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem following its
destruction by the Romans, foxes have been spotted walking near the Western
Wall, a press release reported on Thursday.

It is written in the Book of Lamentations (5:18), which is read on Tisha Be'Av, that
Mount Zion – where the Temples stood – will be so desolate that “foxes will walk
upon it.” The understanding, according to the Talmud in the tractate Makkot (24b),
is that if the prophecies of destruction have been fulfilled, so will be the ones by the
prophet Zechariah about the Temple being rebuilt."

With the courtesy of the website, the following article is reproduced as:

"In a graphic materialization of the prophecy in Zechariah as explained in the

Talmud, foxes are now being seen playing at the Temple Mount.

It was reported in The Yeshiva World that visitors to the area have observed the
group of about a dozen foxes in the southwestern area of the Western Wall for the
last three days in the early hours of the day.

Wild foxes at the site of the destroyed Temple are described specifically in the
Jewish Talmud.

This Talmud, which was written 2,000 years ago as a sign that Jerusalem will be
rebuilt. This precise scenario was discussed in the Talmud (Makkot 24b). Rabban
Gamliel, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria, Rabbi Joshua and Rabbi Akiva went up to

When they reached the Temple Mount, they saw a fox emerging from the place of
the Holy of Holies.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1974

The others started weeping but Rabbi Akiva laughed. Rabbi Akiva asked the rabbis
why they cried and they explained that to see a wild animal in such a holy place, a
place which was forbidden to unfit men, was distressing. Rabbi Akiva noted that
this was precisely the reason he laughed. He explained that the fact that the
prophecy of Uriah related by the Prophet Micah had come to be was proof that the
prophecy of Zechariah would also come to be.

The Prophet Micah described the total destruction of Jerusalem.

Assuredly, because of you Tzion shall be plowed as a field, And Yerushalayim shall
become heaps of ruins, And the Har Habayit A shrine in the woods. Micah 3:12

The Prophet Zechariah described the return of Jerusalem to its days of glory.

Thus said the lord of Hosts: There shall yet be old men and women in the squares
of Yerushalayim, each with staff in hand because of their great age. And the
squares of the city shall be crowded with boys and girls playing in the
squares. Zechariah 4-5

As the focus of Jewish prayer and the site of the future Temple, the Temple Mount
has frequently been the scene of prophetic images.

In July 2018, a large segment from one of the stones of the Wall suddenly fell,
barely missing a woman.

Last year during the morning prayers of the last day Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), a
strange mist rose from the ground and covered the Dome of the Rock. Just a few
weeks earlier, a snake crawled out from between the ancient stones. At around the
same time, strange sinkholes appeared adjacent to the Shaar HaRachamim which
the Palestinians later turned into a mosque.

"Catch us the foxes, The little foxes That ruin the vineyards— For our vineyard is in
blossom." (Song of Songs 2:15)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1975

488. The Book of Daniel, Bible predicts the Second Coming
of the Jesus Christ and the End Times
The following article of Mr. Darren Jack is reproduced with the courtesy of the

1948, 1967, 1978

predicted in Book of Daniel!!
Simply, and clear as day!!
(The three most important years in Israel's modern history. And proof of the supernatural.)

Genesis 1:14 tells us that the lights in the sky are primarily for signs.
The "great sign" in Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation describes a celestial
alignment of the stars and planets in the sky. Verses 1 and 2 of this 2000 year old
prophecy were fulfilled on September 23, 2017. Astronomy software confirms that
this precise alignment occurs once in human history.

On November 13th, 2017 there was an exceedingly rare Jupiter Venus conjunction
with a closeness and brightness that was in the same league as the one in the year 2
BC. Which many believe was part of the Star of Bethlehem sign. This Jupiter Venus
conjunction on November 13th symbolized verse 5 of Revelation 12, which
describes the Rapture event - the disappearance of Jesus' faithful disciples, not
cultural Christians.

Through astonishing day count connections that could only have been procured by
God, these signs, and many more, in turn pointed to Hanukkah Day 8 and the
massively prophetic UN vote to condemn Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Through this
historic vote in the world's court, the world officially and formally condemned

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1976

God's word, and God. God will now officially and formally begin judgment on the

Since December 20th, 2017, God has provided a series of stunning prophetic signs
and clues that revealed His timing for the Rapture and the beginning of the End
Times period before Christ's return to rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years in
December 2024. Overwhelming evidence points to May 21st, 2019.

You need to read this website, but more importantly, you need to watch all of
my videos, parts 1 through 5, in the playlist on my YouTube channel
clearlywrittendotnet. You can watch these important videos parts 1 - 5 from the
menu at the top of this page.

If you are interested in learning about the numerous stunning signs God has been
pouring out over the last year and years, which have revealed His precise timing,
then you owe it to yourself to watch the other videos on my YouTube channel. Here
is an excellent video to get you started video .

Also, in the additional resources section on this website I have linked to a plethora
of AMAZING videos, on a wide range of subjects, from archaeology that proves the
Bible, and scientific evidence for the God of the Bible, to near death experiences
and the truth about alien abductions, to spiritual warfare and the truth behind New
Age spirituality and yoga. You must check out this additional resources page.

You are about to read the most astounding information you have ever

334 BCE + 2,300 years = 1967

(there is no year zero when passing from BCE to CE, so a year must be added when making
this calculation.)

1967 = second most important year in modern Israel’s history

How is this derived? It couldn't be more simple and straightforward...

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1977

Daniel chapter 8
Daniel receives a vision of the future in two parts. The first part is of the battle between the ram
and the goat, and the second part concerns disturbing events that will occur in the temple
sanctuary (The ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem).

After the vision, Archangel Gabriel interprets the vision for Daniel. He tells Daniel that “the ram
that you saw… these are the kings of Media and Persia”, and that “the goat is the king of
Greece” (Daniel 8:20-21). Gabriel also tells Daniel that the second part of his vision that
concerned the disturbing events in the temple sanctuary “will happen later in the time of wrath,
because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end" (Daniel 8:19).

Shortly after Alexander the Great came to power, he sought to conquer the Persians, and
remove their influence from Greece. His first momentous, and very important battle in this
conquest was the Battle of Granicus in 334 BCE.

In Jewish context, the significance of this battle and defeat of the Persians to the Greeks
marked the passing from Medo-Persian rule to Hellenistic rule over Israel and Judah.

Before explaining the addition of 2,300 years to 334 BCE, which equals 1967, it’s worth pointing
out a few of the many very interesting prophetic details in this prophecy. Because of these
amazing accuracies, secular scholars had previously been confused regarding the period the
book of Daniel was written. On my website,, in the Additional Resources
section, I have linked to an academic article regarding the recently published evidence derived
from the Dead Sea Scrolls that prove the Book of Daniel was not written in the second century
BCE as many scholars had previously hypothesized.

1) Daniel 8:5: “A male goat came from the west across the whole face of the earth, without
touching the ground.”. Alexander and the Greeks came from the west into Anatolia (present day
Turkey) to battle the Persians. Alexander's army was the first in history to rely on horse cavalry,
hence why the goat traveled "across the whole face of the earth, without touching the ground."

2) In the vision the goat representing Greece, defeats the ram representing Media-Persia, just
as Alexander defeated the Persians at Granicus. Daniel 8:7: “And the ram had no power to
stand before him [the goat], but he [the goat] cast him down to the ground and trampled on him
[the ram]”.

3) Daniel 8:21: “And the goat is the king of Greece. And the great horn between his eyes is the
first king [Alexander The Great]. As for the horn that was broken, in place of which four others
arose, four kingdoms shall arise from his nation, but not with his power.” Centuries after this was
written in the book of Daniel, upon Alexander the Great's death, his kingdom was divided into
four Hellenistic kingdoms that did not retain the first kingdom's power. Alexander's four generals
were each given a kingdom to rule.

4) In the vision Daniel sees that the ram “had two horns, and both horns were high, but one was
higher than the other, and the higher one came up last.” The ram is noted for having two horns
because they represented the two kings of the united Media and Persian Empires. These
empires united in 550 BCE when the dominant Persian empire defeated the Median Empire.
The reason one horn was higher than the other is because the two kings were not equal rulers,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1978

and the Persian Empire was more dominant. The reason the “higher” horn "came up last", was
because the Persian Empire was younger than the Median Empire.

5) Daniel 8:6: "It [the goat] came toward the ram with the two horns that had been standing
beside the river, and it ran at it with savage force." The Persians underestimated Alexander and
waited for the Greeks on the banks of the Granicus River, which disabled their best
weapon, their chariots. Upon arrival Alexander's generals advised him to stop and camp before
attacking, but Alexander rejected their advise and led his army straight into battle, charging
through the river "with savage force".

Regarding the second part of the vision that Gabriel says “will happen later in the time of wrath,
because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end” (Daniel 8:19). Daniel is given a
disturbing description of the ruler to arise during the time of wrath, and also a description of end
times events that will happen on the Jewish Temple. Gabriel is asked, "‘How long will it take for
the vision to be fulfilled – the vision concerning the daily sacrifice [a daily Temple ritual], the
rebellion that causes desolation [a reference to an end times event on the Temple], the
surrender of the sanctuary [the Temple] and the trampling underfoot of the Lord’s people?’"
(Daniel 8:13). To which Gabriel replies, "‘It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the
sanctuary will be restored to its rightful state.’" (Daniel 8:14). Also, the last thing Gabriel tells
Daniel at the end of this chapter is that "the vision of the evenings and the mornings that has
been told is true..." Therefore the point of this entire chapter is the significance of the evenings
and mornings, and the point of this description of this Battle of Granicus in such detail is for the
purpose of adding the 2,300 number to the date of this battle. "..[B]ut seal up the vision, for it
concerns the time of the distant future.” (Daniel 8:26). (Therefore, the understanding of the
vision is 'unsealed' now close to the time of the end.)

The widely understood day-for-a-year prophecy rule makes 2,300 days = 2,300 years.

(Numbers 14:34) "According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty
days, a year for each day, you shall bear your iniquity forty years".
(Ezekiel 4:5) "For I assign to you a number of days, 390 days, equal to the number of years."
(Ezekiel 4:6) "Forty days I assign you. A day for each year."

-334 + 2300 = 1967

(because there is no year zero the calculation requires the addition of 1)

To summarize, Daniel receives from Archangel Gabriel a clearly interpreted vision of the Battle
of Granicus in 334 BCE. In reference to the question of when the End Times events on the
Temple will take place, Archangel Gabriel tells Daniel to add 2,300 years, which gives us 1967.

1967 is the year that Jerusalem came under Jewish control for the first time since the time that
Daniel lived during the Babylonian Exile of the Jews! It is the second most important year in
Israel's modern history. It is the year of the 6 Day War, when East Jerusalem (the Old City, and
ancient capital) and the Temple Mount grounds were brought under Jewish control for the first
time in 19 centuries. Thus, bringing the Temple reconstruction closer at hand, when the
"sanctuary will be restored to its rightful state" (Daniel 8:14). Which will fulfill many other
prophecies concerning its reconstruction in the time of the end. For example, Ezekiel chapters

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1979

40 - 48, Zechariah 14:21, Daniel 12:11. Isaiah 2:2. The Jewish Temple is the holiest site in
Judaism, and the remains of the ancient Temple lie directly underneath the Dome of the Rock,
on the Temple Mount complex. Today Orthodox Jews pray at the remains of the Western Wall
of the ancient complex, and are looking forward to the day they can rebuild the Temple.

1967, the second most important year in modern Israel's history, clear as day, in the Bible! This
should have your attention, as it is indisputable evidence of the supernatural! Also getting 1967
in context of the Jewish Bible, is evidence that demonstrates that prophecy in the Bible is
divinely inspired! There is no other rational explanation. It is not possible to calculate the
odds of getting 1967 in the Jewish Bible, along with a prophetic description of the Temple in the
last days. Therefore, it cannot be a coincidence. Therefore, if rational reasoning is maintained,
one will be obliged to reconsider their worldview. 1967 is a number. Numbers are objective, and
are not subject to alternate interpretations. This is why Gabriel gives this number to us through
Daniel. If however, due to the implications for one's worldview; if one's preconceived biases
about this life and the world prevent clear, intellectually honest thinking, and you are one of
those that conclude this is convoluted to fit a preconceived agenda, or that this is numerology,
then you do not know what numerology is, and I strongly suggest you carefully read
this again. In fact, it is so simple and straightforward that a child can understand it. To think this
is convoluted is foolish, and is willful blindness. Our culture currently has an overwhelming
predisposition against the supernatural, and so I realize many people will not know what to think
yet regarding this information. However, it only gets more interesting...

1948 and 1978 in the Bible!

(As well as 2017 and 2023)

Daniel 12

688 + 1,290 years = 1978

688 + 1,335 years = 2023
Revelation 11 and Daniel 12

688 + 1,260 years = 1948

How are these derived? Again, it couldn't be more simple and straightforward...

Daniel chapter 12
First, Archangel Michael tells Daniel that concerning his vision about "the time of the end" in this
chapter, "none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand"
(12:10). "Many shall go to and fro" - a reference to our modern age of travel, "and knowledge
shall increase" - a reference to our information age, and our present ability to understand end
time prophecy. Michael says that the knowledge of the time of the end is "shut up,
and sealed until the time of the end" (verse 4, and emphasized again in verse 9). Therefore,
this knowledge is 'unsealed' in the time of the end. Which is why, if we are "wise" (and not
"wicked"), you and I are able to read and understand this - the significance of 1948, 1967, 1978.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1980
One reason it was sealed is because appreciating these dates was not possible prior to the 20th

Getting 688 CE:

In the 1967 prophecy, Gabriel gives 334 BCE as the starting year, from which to add the 2300
years. The 1948, 1978, and 2023 prophecies also have a starting year, from which to add their
numbers of years. These three prophecies use the same starting year - 688 CE. As we see from
Daniel chapter 8, and the 1967 prophecy, the Jewish Temple sanctuary is key. Likewise, in the
1948, 1978, and 2023 prophecy passages we also find references to the Jewish Temple
sanctuary, along with additional descriptions of disturbing future end time events regarding the
Temple - after it is rebuilt. These references and end days descriptions, tell us that the starting
year with which to add the numbers of years is somehow related to the Temple - in a negative

The Dome of The Rock, the third holiest site in Islam, began to be constructed in 688 CE. It
currently sits directly atop the ruins of the old Temple, on the Temple Mount grounds in
Jerusalem. And it is what currently prevents the Temple sanctuary from being rebuilt, and the
daily temple rituals from restarting. Which will then inaugurate the end days period. Therefore,
because the Dome of The Rock is preventing the end times period from starting, and is
preventing end times prophecy from being fulfilled, the year it began to be constructed is
extremely relevant. Prophecy scholars have wondered for a long time, from which year to start
adding the three numbers of years. It is now clear, and the proof is that the results couldn’t be
more profound.

Here are two verses with numbers of years given, along with disturbing references to the
Temple in the end times period. Daniel 12:6: “How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?"
Daniel 12:11: "The [end] time [when] the regular burnt offering is taken away, and the
abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days". Revelation 11:1-2: "Rise
and measure the temple of God and the altar,... but do not measure the outside temple, leave
that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample the holy city for 1,260 days".

Another 1,260 days: In reply to the question of how long will it be until the end times period in
Daniel 12:6, “How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?", Archangel Michael tells Daniel
it will be 1,260 days. Daniel 12:7: ”He raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and
swore by him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time... [until it]
comes to an end [and] all these things would be finished." In ancient Hebrew a time refers to 1
year; times = 2 years; half a time = 0.5 years. So 3.5 years. Until the 8th century BCE, all
ancient cultures used 360-day calendars (the reason the ellipse is divided into 360 degrees), so
3.5 years = 1,260 days. Another way we know that 3.5 years is 1,260 days is because in
parallel passages the same time period is referred to as being 42 months in Revelation 11:2,
and Revelation 13:5. 42 x 30 day months equals 1,260 days. In the books of Daniel and
Revelation there are a total of 7 passages that reference 1,260 days. Take note of this 1,260
number, as it is key later on in this writing as well.

688 + 1,260 years = 1948

688 + 1,290 years = 1978

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1981

1948, May 14th, is the year and day of the rebirth of Israel after 19 centuries. Fulfilling the
'myriad' of prophecies regarding a final regathering of the Jewish people and rebirth of Israel.
Including Isaiah's prophecy: "can a country be born in a day, can a nation be brought forth in a
moment?" (Isaiah 66:8). Israel was born in a day. It had its government, army, and police force
officially formed in one day. One day it was not a nation, then Britain left Palestine literally
overnight, and the next day it was recognized internationally as a nation. No nation ever came
into being in a day the way Israel did. The regathering and rebirth of Israel also fulfilled the
incredible Second Exodus prophecy of Jeremiah 16. Here are verses 14-21: “Therefore, behold,
the days are coming, declares the Lord, when it shall no longer be said, ‘As the Lord lives who
brought up the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt,’ but ‘As the Lord lives who brought up
the people of Israel out of the north country and out of all the countries where he had driven
them.’ For I will bring them back to their own land that I gave to their fathers." Also, Amos 9:15:
"'I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them',
says the Lord your God". Isaiah 11:11-12: "In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second
time to reclaim the remnant that is left of his people... He [the Lord] will raise a banner for the
nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the
four corners of the earth."... The "banner" raised "for the nations" reads: 'God Keeps His
Covenants'. Jewish people were assembled from over 100 countries, and the "four corners of
the earth" throughout the 20th century. To describe the fascinating full history of how all this
happened - including the 1948 war with the Arabs, that the Jews most certainly should have
lost, that had them cornered, and Britain aiding the Arabs - as being miraculous, is not at all
irrational. Not to mention the fact that Jewish people remained a distinct people throughout all
this time. No other ancient people remain as a people. Even the Hebrew language, which was
dead, has been brought back to life. "‘He who scattered Israel will gather him, and will keep him
as a shepherd keeps his flock'" (Jeremiah 31:10). “Therefore say to the Israelites, ‘This is what
the Sovereign Lord says: It is not for your sake, people of Israel, that I am going to do these
things, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where
you have gone. I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the
nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am
the Lord, declares the Sovereign Lord, when I am proved holy through you before their eyes.
For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back
into your own land.'" (Ezekiel 36:22-24)

There are many more prophecies like this that have been fulfilled, with accurate descriptions of
the final regathering in general. Yet there are also many detailed predictions, like for example
how centuries before the modern scientific breakthroughs that made it possible, the barren
desert that was the land in Israel would be turned into the modern agricultural miracle it is today
(Isaiah 35:1). Also, Micah 4:1: "In the last days the mountain of the Lord's temple will be
established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will
stream to it." Today, people are literally "streaming" to Jerusalem, the city "raised above the
hills". No other city is the religious focal point, to as many people, the way Jerusalem is today.

(On my website,, there is a link to a short video that illustrates another
truly astounding and exceedingly simple way the spring of 1948 (1948.4 to be precise) is
found. I highly recommend watching this short video! It is the first link in the Additional
Resources section.)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1982

1978 is the third most significant year in modern Jewish history, when Israel gave the Sinai
Peninsula to Egypt in exchange for peace as part of the Camp David Peace Accord. Thus
beginning the current 'land-for-peace process'.

To be clear, the abomination that causes desolation event Michael describes to Daniel did not
occur in 1978 (nor in 688), but will occur in the last days/end times. Neither did the last days
events on the temple described in the other passages happen in 1967, or 1948. They are all last
days events. This is a 3,500 year perspective, and these three most significant years in Israel's
modern history, given to Daniel and John, 2,700 and 1,900 years ago, are simply proofs for us.
They prove the prophecy, and point us to the general time leading up to the last days events
concerning the Temple. These three most important years in Israel's modern history
demonstrate that the general time leading up to the last days events concerning the Temple, is
naturally, the regathering of Jewish people to Israel.

688 + 1,335 years = 2023.

2023 - The last year given to Daniel is 2023. Given in the very last verses of the whole book
of Daniel - an intense prophetic book concerning the End Times, that comes before a new age
for our world. Archangel Michael tells Daniel, "go your way till the end, And you shall rest, and
then rise to receive your allotted place at the end of days" (Daniel 12:13). That day at the "end
of days", is "The Day of The Lord" - the climax of the appointed time of the end (Zechariah
chapter 14). "Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days." (Daniel 12:12). There is
no question that Michael is referring to The Day of The Lord here, with this revealing of the
number 1,335 to Daniel in the very last verses of the book. Getting 2023 from the 1,335 is
also confirmed logically by the fact that the other two numbers in Daniel 12 reveal the first and
third most important years in Israel's history.

688 + 1,335 years = 2023

For those that have limited knowledge regarding the Bible and the End Times I will explain later
on, what the Day of The Lord is, and how it is the climax of the "appointed time of the end", or
End Times.

It's very interesting that not only do we derive 1948 from the 1,260 in Daniel, but also from
Revelation. Revelation is the last book in the New Testament, and like Daniel, it also concerns
the time of the end. It is indisputable evidence that the book of Revelation was also divinely
inspired. Let me just explain that the odds of this are incalculable, and therefore it is impossible
that this is a coincidence. There simply is no other rational conclusion for getting 1948 from
Revelation; simply, clearly, and logically. I will explain the meaning of all of this in a minute.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1983
Why are these dates in the Bible? One third of the Bible is prophecy for the purpose of God
revealing and proving Himself. He also loves using numbers to communicate and demonstrate
Himself. As numbers are objective, and not subjective. There is no mistaking that only God
could have put these numbers in the Bible, that add up to 1967, 1948, and 1978. The three
most important years in modern Israel's history, that prove the theme of the Bible, which is the
prophetic restoration of Israel before the end of the age, and beginning of the new age.

2017 IS AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT YEAR for Israel, and the


The year 2017 is clear as day in the Bible. Also, I

will show clearly the precise date that is very
likely 'the' important day in 2017!!!
I will now describe 7 truly astonishing things. In the 7th one I will show how 2017 is very simply,
and straightforwardly found in the Bible. Showing how 2017 is found in the Bible, I guarantee
will be by far, the most interesting thing you have ever learned. After that, I will then show
which precise date in 2017 is very likely 'the' important day of this year. This date is also
found extremely clearly in the Bible. What is important about finding this date in the Bible is its
implications for the world. You will be shocked!

There are also links to more information on all of the following astounding things on my website,
in the Additional Resources section. Also, if you find this information interesting, please be sure
to pass the link to this site on to others!...

1. Nostradamus
If you don't know who Nostradamus is you must be new to Western culture. Five hundred years
ago this man wrote some six thousand predictions for the future in the form of quatrains. In the
following quatrain he very clearly describes the current pope. Nostradamus' prophecies don't at
all compare with the writings of Daniel, because Nostradamus' predictions are derived from a
method of divination, and also he often used cryptic wording, therefore many of his quatrains
seem either cloudy or nonsense. Although, Nostradamus did make a number of incredibly
accurate predictions. Including this remarkable one:

Century 6 - Quatrain 25 (1)

By March (2) will be thwarted the monarchy
Of the great fisherman (3) will be in ruinous trouble:
Young (4) black (5) red (6) will seize the hierarchy (7),
The producers will act on a day of drizzle (8)

1 - Nostradamus lived in the 16th century, and so Century 6 is the 21st century.
2 - Francis was elected Pope on March 13, 2013.
3 - The Monarchy of The Great Fisherman is the nickname of the Pope's rule.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1984

4 - This is perhaps debatable, but one could argue he is young compared to his two
predecessors, but more importantly many Catholics regard him as youthful, refreshing, and as
revitalizing for the Catholic Church.
5 - He is the first Jesuit to become Pope. He was a Provincial Superior of the Jesuits.
Nicknamed "blackrobes", Jesuits are known for their distinctive and identifiable black garb.
Leaders of this order receive from the media the derogatory nickname of "Black Pope".
6 - Red is the usual color of Cardinals' dress, and Francis was a Cardinal before becoming
7 - Hierarchy, word of Greek origin: Hierarchia ἱεραρχία, "rule of high priest", from ἱεράρχης
hierarkhes, "leader of sacred rites".
8 - The producers (cardinals) elected the new Pope on a drizzly rainy day (in March).

Besides Nostradamus' prediction being remarkable, and likely proof of the supernatural, what is
particularly interesting are the descriptive verbs he used for why this pope is of importance. He
says this pope "'thwarted' the monarchy of the Great Fisherman", and will "'seize' the
hierarchy". He says the monarchy of the great fisherman (the papacy and Catholic Church) will
be in "ruinous" trouble. When this prophecy is considered in conjunction with St. Malachy's well
known Prophecy of the Popes that predict this current pope is the last pope, it becomes even
much more interesting.

2. The Prophecies of the Popes - written by Saint Malachy

Written by Saint Malachy, a 12th-century Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland, The Prophecies of the
Popes is a series of 112 short, cryptic phrases in Latin which purport to predict every Roman
Catholic Pope since the 12th century. For example, Pope John Paul II was the 110th pope, and
was described as "Of the eclipse of the sun" (Bander 1969, p 95). The significance is found in
the occurrence of solar eclipses on the dates of John Paul II's birth (18 May, 1920) and funeral
(8 April, 2005). After John Paul II, the 111th of the 112 popes in the prophecy was described as
the “The glory of the olive”. Saint Malachy's Prophecies of the Popes is widely known,
and because the end of the Roman Catholic Church is predicted to come with the 112th pope,
before selecting the 111th pope the cardinals were instructed not to pick anyone that had
anything to do with an olive. Joseph Ratzinger was elected to replace John Paul II, and I guess
he didn't get the message, because afterward he took the name Benedict XVI. Saint Benedict
was a powerful man in the 6th century, who gave birth to the Benedictine order. The
Benedictine Order has been powerful in the Roman Catholic Church for many centuries, and it
has a symbol - the olive. Members of the order are called olivetans, and the leader of the order
is called "glory of the olive".

The prophecies conclude with a pope identified as the 112th and last pope. The last pope in the
prophecy is given more than a short epithet. This last pope is given a description of how
his pontificacy will allegedly coincide the destruction of the city of Rome. (The book of
Revelation also singles out Rome and describes its destruction in the end times.) According to
the Prophecies of the Popes, Pope Francis is the last pope. According to the Nostradamus
prophecy, we are told that the current Pope is not such a good guy, and "the Monarchy of The
Great Fisherman will be in ruinous trouble". Nostradamus' words, "ruinous trouble", are
interesting in light of Malachy's prophecy of Rome's destruction. In any case, it is interesting to
consider the reason why there might not be any more popes in the future, if The Day of The
Lord is soon.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1985

"Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe."
John 4:48

3. The Shemitah
The number 7 is the biblical number of completion, perfection, or specifically divine authorship.
Over 500 times in the Bible the number 7 is used to show the divine touch of God or divinity
upon something. (For interest sake, there are 7 colors in a rainbow; 7 notes in a musical scale;
7 levels in the periodic table of elements; 7 continents; 7 objects in our solar system that are
visible to the naked eye; 7 stars in the big dipper that point to the north star, used for navigation
for centuries; it is proven that 7 digits is the average limit of memory for most human beings,
thus our 7 digit phone numbers; 7 metals of antiquity on which civilization was based; and on
and on...)

The sabbath year (shemita Hebrew: ‫שמיטה‬, literally "release") also called the sabbatical year or
sheviit (Hebrew: ‫שביעית‬, literally "seventh") is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural
cycle mandated by the Torah for the Land of Israel. It is a year of rest or release. If
however, God's mandated rest and His commands were not observed, it turned into a year of
judgement, signifying fall or collapse. On the last day of this seven year cycle, all debts are
mandated to be wiped clean; effecting financial remission and nullification. This once every
seven years 'wipeout' day occurs on the last day of the Jewish calendar year, which is the 29th
day of the month of Elul. It is still observed in contemporary Orthodox Judaism.

September 17th, 2001, was the day that the stock market first re-opened after 9/11. This day
was also the exact last day of the 7 year shemitah cycle, Elul 29. The Dow had its biggest one
day loss in history in terms of points lost, and it equaled 7%.

September 29, 2008, was the following shemitah cycle's last day, or wipeout day. That morning,
for the first and only time in history, the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange strangely
did not ring at all. (I have a CNBC video clip of this on my website,, under
Additional Resources.) That day the stock market again had its biggest one day loss in
history, in terms of points lost. On this day the Dow lost exactly 777.7 points, and
another 7%.

***insert video

To be clear, the odds of this occurring, on back to back shemitah wipeout days, are incalculable
and therefore cannot be a coincidence. To conclude that this is a coincidence would be
seriously irrational, and would be the result of deeply entrenched bias on the subject of God's
existence. If in fact, these biggest in history one day losses on wipeout days -- Elul 29 in the 7
year shemitah cycle -- imply the touch of God, then it also implies God has the ability to
influence billions of trading transactions, and also that the timing of 9/11 was planned by God. It
would also mean that these are warning signs, or harbingers, for us. As the shemitah not only
signifies release (of financial debts), but also of fall or collapse. I will elaborate more on this a
little later, and I guarantee you will find it extremely interesting.

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I've now described the events on the last days of the shemitah cycle (Elul 29 wipeout days) of
2008, and 2001. I'm saving the descriptions of the extremely interesting, and significant events
that occurred in the shemitah years of 1994, and 1987 for just a bit later. However I'll briefly
mention here that 1987 saw the biggest one day stock market crash in history in terms of
percentage lost. In one day it lost 22% -- almost double that of the next biggest one day
percentage loss in 1929 of 12%. The infamous Black Monday in 1987 coincided with Elul 29 --
the wipeout day. Also, the shemitah year of 1973 was the 7th biggest bear market and
economic reversal in US history. This bear market was compounded by the 1973 oil crisis that
was the result of the Yom Kipur War in Israel. It was regarded as the first discrete event since
the Great Depression to have a persistent effect on the US economy.

If the fact that these crashes that coincide with shemitahs and their wipeout days, imply biblical
disfavor, then it's interesting that they got progressively worse over time, and parallel what some
would argue is the progressive decline of our culture post the 1960's Baby Boomer, counter
cultural revolution. Also, if the shemitah signifies collapse, was the collapsing of the World
Trade Center Twin Towers on 9/11 -- which occurred at the peak of the shemitah cycle in 2001 -
- in anyway a sign? I have more truly astounding things to show regarding 9/11 in a little bit.

What major, significant event took place on the last day of the shemitah cycle in 2015? It is one
key to understanding what is really going on in our world, and I will explain this in a minute as
well. First...

4. The Jubilee Year

The jubilee (Hebrew ‫ יובל‬yūḇāl) year is the year at the end of seven cycles of shemitah years. In
other words, a jubilee year occurs once every 49 years. It could be referred to as the 'super
shemitah'. According to Biblical regulations the jubilee year had a special impact on the
ownership and management of land in the Land of Israel. Jubilee deals largely with land,
property, and property rights; and returning to one's land and clan. This can be confirmed
on wikipedia, and also from the following passages:

Leviticus 25:8 “'You shall count seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, so that the
time of the seven weeks of years shall give you forty-nine years."

Leviticus 25:10 "And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the
land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, when each of you shall return to his
property and each of you shall return to his clan."

The book of Ezekiel speaks of the jubilee year during which property is returned to the original
owner (or their heirs).

In the Jewish calendar, 1917 - 1918 was a jubilee year. It began on September 4, 1917 in the
Gregorian calendar. In November of 1917 World War I ended, and Great Britain received the
mandate from the League of Nations to oversee the Palestine territory, after the defeat of the
Ottoman Empire. Also in November of 1917, the Balfour Declaration was written by British
Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour. Which, for the first time in 19 centuries, established
"a national home for the Jewish people". As a result of the Balfour Declaration, there has

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been a succession of major waves of Jewish people moving to Israel, with the first one being in

It is quite amazing that the historic Balfour Declaration occurred in a jubilee year! Given
that the biblical jubilee deals with land and property rights. As well as being the year for coming
home to one's original land (or their heirs), and their clan. Yet it becomes even more interesting
because the same pattern occurred the following jubilee year.

The jubilee year is also the first year of the following 49 year super shemitah cycle, so 48
additional years added to the 1917-1918 jubilee year, equals 1965-1966, which thus ended the
cycle. The following year, the fiftieth year, of 1966-1967 was the jubilee year. This was the
year of the 6-Day War, in which Israel regained possession of their ancient capital of East
Jerusalem - the Old City. Their ancient capital came into Jewish national possession for
the first time in 19 centuries. That this also occurred in a jubilee year is astonishing! The odds
that the ancient Jewish people survived as a people, when no other ancient people has
survived, and came back to Israel as promised, is one thing in itself. But for this to coincide with
a jubilee year, twice, makes the odds incalculable.

If this pattern were to continue it would mean that the Temple Mount would come under Jewish
control in the following jubilee year. As the pattern is demonstrating a three step process, to the
fulfillment of prophecy regarding the Jewish people's regathering to the land and Israel's
restoration. First, to the land in Israel (jubilee of 1917-1918). Second, to their ancient capital city
of Jerusalem (jubilee of 1966-1967). Third, to their Temple Mount grounds and the
reconsecration of their Temple (the jubilee of jubilee years 2016-2017?). The jubilee year after
1966-1967 is September 13, 2015 to October 3, 2016. However, the year of 2014-2015 was not
only the last year of a 49 year jubilee cycle, it was the exact last year of 70 jubilee cycles since
Joshua and Caleb entered the Promised Land for the first time. (This is supported by solid
archaeological evidence, and an article that documents this can be found on my website in the
additional resources section.) Thus, because 70 jubilees are completed for Israel, it is a jubilee
of jubilees, and it requires an extra jubilee year, October 4, 2016 - September 22, 2017. The
time of this writing is May, 2016. Currently, the Temple Mount complex grounds are controlled
by the Jerusalem Islamic Wafq, with custodianship to Jordan. Non-Muslims are only allowed
onto the grounds for one hour, twice a day; and Jews, including Israeli citizens, are not allowed
onto the grounds at all. All holy sites of other religions in Israel are open to everyone, all day

5. The Blood Moons

"Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." John 4:48

" those days... I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below....
The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and
glorious day of the Lord." Joel 2:30 and Acts 2:19

A total lunar eclipse, almost always produces an effect which makes the moon appear red. The
red color is caused by Rayleigh scattering of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere - the
same effect that causes sunsets to appear red. In astronomy, a tetrad is a set of four total lunar
eclipses within two years, with no intervening partial lunar eclipses. The lunar eclipses in a

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tetrad are called "blood moons", when all four lunar eclipses within the two years coincide with
Jewish holiday feast days.

A series of blood moons began on April 15, 2014, and ended on September 28, 2015. The ones
in the spring occurred on the Jewish Passovers, and the ones in the fall occurred on the Feasts
of Tabernacle. This was the ninth time in 2000 years that a tetrad coincided with Jewish Feast
holy days, and the next one will be more than 500 years from now. It is the first time in 2000
years that two of the blood moons occurred in a shemitah year. The last of these recent blood
moons was on September 28, 2015, and it was also a rarer "supermoon", when the moon is at
its closest to the Earth. This last of these blood moons was visible in Israel.

What is extremely interesting is that each of the previous 8 blood moons tetrads in history,
coincided with significant events that are related to the theme of this writing. Without going into
the history of each one though, the last two blood moons tetrads couldn't be more interesting.
There hadn't been a blood moons tetrad in almost 500 years by the time a blood moons
tetrad coincided with the Arab-Israeli War and the birth of Israel in 1948. Incredibly, the
following blood moons tetrad coincided with the 6-Day War and the ancient capital of
East Jerusalem coming into the possession of the Jewish nation in 1967.

Similar to the three-step pattern of prophecy fulfillment with the jubilee cycle, this blood moons
pattern indicates that this recent blood moons tetrad of 2014-2015 will coincide with the Jewish
Temple coming into possession of the Jewish nation. Similar to the jubilee pattern of land,
capital city, Temple Mount -- first the national birth in 1948, second the capital Jerusalem in
1967, third the Temple Mount in 2017? (The blood moons of 2014-2015 unmistakably point to a
particular date in 2017. I will explain this in a bit in this writing, and I promise you will be
amazed!). The 1948 blood moons, coincided with a war that Israel was forced into, and as result
the nation was born. The 1967 blood moons, also coincided with a war that Israel was forced
into, and as a result the ancient capital in Jerusalem came into their possession. Could Israel be
forced into a war that results in Israel controlling the Temple Mount this year?

I mentioned earlier that there was a significant event that occurred on the last day (wipeout day)
of the 7 year shemitah cycle in 2015. On this day, September 13, 2015 (Elul 29), Israeli Security
forces clashed with masked Arab youths on the Temple Mount. Intelligence information
gathered discovered a plan for an organized riot on the Temple Mount, with protesters
stockpiling rocks and firecrackers as well as a barricade at an entrance to the al-Aqsa mosque.
Pipe bombs were also confirmed to be discovered. The intention of the demonstrators was to
upset the movements of Jewish visitors in the compound ahead of the Rosh Hashanah holiday,
which is the Jewish New Year and the day after Elul 29. Arab youths were trying to create an
international uproar over the Temple Mount, which they succeeded in doing. Arab countries
decried the Israeli Security Forces incursion on the Temple Mount, and it was the beginning of
the current wave of terrorism in Israel. As a result, the Israeli Public Security Minister has begun
to question the current "status quo arrangement" regarding the Temple Mount. It's interesting to
consider whether these events will escalate into something bigger. Especially given that this
occurred on the day of the shemitah, and on the eve of the jubilee year, and in light of the three-
step jubilee and blood moons patterns, as well as 2017 being found in the Bible - which I will
show in a moment. (I highly recommend reading how 2017 is found in the Bible!!! -- #7 in this
writing -- It is the most interesting thing you will ever read.)

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(Update July, 2016 - as predicted, the violence on the Temple Mount is escalating. You can
read this important news article on my website,, in the Additional Resources

6. The Mystery of the 9th of Av


The official beginning of the Nazi "Final Solution" for the Jewish population was the
Ghettoization Policy in Poland. On August 2, 1941, Hinrich Lohse, the Reichskommisar
Ostland, formally introduced a draft of “temporary guidelines for treatment of the Jews.” Jews
were to be cleared from the countryside and concentrated in those sections of cities where the
predominate portion of the Jewish population already resided. “There ghettos were to be
created” and those Jews capable of work were to be put to forced labor as needed. This was
the first order in what became the "Final Solution" and the Holocaust.

August 2, 1941 was the 9th day of the month of Av in the Jewish calendar. It was the
beginning of one of the biggest calamities in Jewish history. In the following years the Jews
of Europe were rounded up, their possessions and identities taken away, and 2 out of 3 Jews In
Europe were killed.

A year later on July 22, 1942 began the secretive Nazi operation called Grossaktion or Gross-
Aktion Warsaw. During the Grossaktion Jews were terrorized in daily round-ups, marched
through the ghetto, and assembled at the Umschlagplatz station square for the so-called
"resettlement to the East" (Umsiedlung). From there, they were sent aboard overcrowded
Holocaust trains to the extermination camp in Treblinka. July 22, 1942 was the beginning of
the death camps and the Holocaust, and it was the 9th of Av in the Jewish calendar.


Germany entered WWI on August 1, 1914, when it declared war on Russia. Without getting into
great historic detail, WWI caused massive upheaval for European and Russian Jewry, and it
resulted in rising Anti-Semitism, and severe pogroms following the war. August 1 was the 9th
of Av in the Jewish calendar. WWI also led to WWII, and the Holocaust.


A golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe. Jews were
generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed. Jews
contributed to, and affected Spanish culture. Anti-Semitism had emerged by the time the
Kingdoms of Aragon and Castile came together with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella in
1469. The uniting of these kingdoms was seen as the unification of Spain, and under them the
peak phase of the Reconquista took place. Ferdinand and Isabella also helped to introduce the
Spanish Inquisition. The inquisition was largely against Jews who were pressured to convert to
Catholicism, but who were afterwards accused of still secretly practicing Judaism. They were
arrested, interrogated, tortured, and sometimes killed. Finally in 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella

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issued the Alhambra Decree, giving Jews in Spain four months to convert to Catholicism, flee
Spain, or be killed.

The date was set for July 31st, but it was extended a few days to August 2. On this day
multitudes of Jews filled the harbors of Spain and emigrated elsewhere in the Mediterranean. As
a result, many died in numerous ways, at sea and in different lands. The age of Spain as a great
homeland for the Jewish people was over. The expulsion is recorded as one the greatest
calamities of Jewish history in the last 2000 years, and Spanish Jewry never recovered. The
date of August 2, 1492, was also the 9th of Av in the Jewish calendar.

It's interesting to note that Christopher Columbus set sail for his discovery of the New World the
following day. The irony is that out of this tragedy, the next day was the beginning of the
greatest safe haven for Jews - the Americas. His very first entry in his diary recorded passing
ships with Jews fleeing Spain.

Here are some more interesting facts about Columbus: Scholars are now convinced that
Columbus was a Marranos - a Jew that feigned conversion, practicing Catholicism outwardly
while covertly practicing Judaism. I have a CNN article about this on my website,, in the Additional Resources section. Also, it is a misconception that Ferdinand
and Isabella financed his voyage. The loan for his voyage was advanced by Luis de Santangel,
chancellor of the Royal household, and Gabriel Sanchez, high treasurer of Aragon. Both were
born into Jewish Converso families. (Conversos were Jews that had converted.) Support also
came from Alfonso de la Caballeria vice-chancellor of Aragon and also of converso descent.
Scholars now know that Columbus was deeply religious, and like many Jews is his day, he was
passionate about liberating Jerusalem from the Muslims. The motivation for his expedition was
to find gold for the cause of liberating Jerusalem, and to find a safe haven for Jews. It's also
interesting that he was supposed to set sail on August 2, but postponed it a day out of
superstition, because it was the 9th of Av (by 1492 many other historical Jewish calamities had
already occurred on the 9th of Av).

Something else of interest coincided with this great calamity for Jews in 1492. The expulsion,
and the following calamity they faced in the lands they fled to, coincidentally coincided with one
of the rare blood moon tetrads in the last 2000 years. This particular blood moons tetrad is the
one I mentioned that came 500 years before the blood moons tetrad that coincided with the
1948 Arab-Israeli War. Like the blood moons pattern of 1948 and 1967, Columbus’s discovery
of what would ultimately become safe haven land for Jews, came about through tragedy after
the blood moons of 1492.

There are many examples of momentous calamities for Jews, mysteriously occurring on the 9th
of Av. I am only referencing a few of the major ones.


The same pattern that occurred in Spain occurred in France in 1306. There was a turning
against the Jews, and against those that had converted to Catholicism, but were suspected of
keeping Jewish customs. By the middle of 1306 the royal treasury of France was nearly
bankrupt. King Phillip the 'Fair", decided to banish the Jews and in the process take all of their
possessions and sell them at an auction and take the money for himself. The Jews were again
uprooted, and wrested from their possessions and property, in what is called The Great Exile of

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1306. The day the orders were carried out and the Jews were arrested was July 22, 1306
and it was the 9th of Av in the Jewish calendar.


The same pattern occurred in England. King Edward issued the Edict of Expulsion on July
18, 1290. Which was the 9th of Av. It was the first nationwide expulsion of Jews.

The Crusades

The First Crusade was called for by Pope Urban, in response to the request of the Byzantine
emperor. The goal was to drive back the Turks, and in the process take the Holy Land. The
knights and peasants of Western Europe marched to Jerusalem and massacred Muslims, Jews,
and other Christians. But it wasn't just in Jerusalem. The Jews were also massacred in Europe
by the crusading armies. In the first month alone 10,000 Jews were killed and Jewish
communities were destroyed. The First Crusade set a dangerous precedent -- the rise of
organized, popular, anti-Jewish uprisings. The official start date of the First Crusade was set
as August 15, 1096. Which was also the 9th of Av.

The Bar Kokhba revolt

The Bar Kokhba revolt was a rebellion of the Jews of the Roman province of Judea against the
Roman Empire. Led by Simon bar Kokhba, who the Jews took for the Messiah. On July 4, 135
CE the rebellion was eventually crushed with the destruction of the city of Betar, which was Bar
Kokhba's last fortress. Some scholars describe the event as genocide, and it is estimated that
100,00 to 500,000 Jews were killed. Many more died of hunger and disease, while those who
survived were sold into slavery. July 4, 135 CE was the 9th of Av.

The Bar Kokhba revolt enraged Roman emperor Hadrian, and he became determined to erase
Judaism from the province. Circumcision was forbidden, Judah province was renamed Syria
Palaestina (which is where we get Palestine and Palestinian from), and Jews were expelled
from the city. Until the 7th century Jews were prohibited from entering the city on penalty of
death, except for one day each year, during the holiday of Tisha B'Av - the 9th of Av. Jerusalem
was renamed Aelia Capitolina, named after the god Jupiter Capitolinus. Hadrian leveled the the
Temple Mount area and covered the remains of the old Jewish Temple. On top he constructed a
temple to Jupiter, which was later incorporated into the Dome of The Rock and Al Aqsa

What is the origin of the mystery of the 9th of Av? Where does it all begin?

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The First Temple
The First Temple (the focal point of Judaism) built by King Solomon, and the Kingdom of Judah
were destroyed by the Babylonians led by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BCE. The Judeans were
taken into Babylonian exile for 70 years. According to the Talmud in tractate Ta'anit, the
destruction of the First Temple began on the Ninth of Av and the Temple continued to
burn throughout the Tenth of Av.

The Second Temple

The Second Temple built by Ezra and Nehemiah, and later renovated by Herod, was
destroyed by the Romans in August 70 CE on the Ninth of Av. The people of Judea were
scattered, commencing the Jewish exile from the Holy Land to the "ends of the earth" that would
last 2000 years. It also marked the end of biblical Judaism, which was replaced with rabbinic
Judaism. Since then it is has been tradition on Passover to recite, "next year in Jerusalem".

The destruction of the First and Second Temples, and the aftermaths for the Jewish people,
rank with the Holocaust in terms of degree of calamity for the Jewish people.

There is a clear pattern here. The 9th of Av is a day of calamity for the Jewish people. But a
particular kind of calamity. The Jewish people are expelled from foreign lands throughout the
centuries, yet the tragedy and suffering all begins when they are expelled from their own land in
70 AD. It's as if, for 2000 years of history the Jewish people are reliving, and are being reminded
of the exile from their own land.

The following passages become very interesting, in light of the mystery of the Ninth of Av.

Leviticus 26

14 "If you don't obey me, and do not carry out all these commandments, if instead you reject my
statutes, if your soul abhors my ordinances, so that you will not carry out all my commandments,
and you break my covenant... 17 I will set my face against you so you'll be struck down before
your enemies. Those who hate you will rule over you and you will flee when no one is
pursuing... 25 I will bring upon you a sword which will execute vengeance for the covenant and
when you gather together in your cities I will send pestilence among you. You will be delivered
into your enemies’ hands .. 31 I will lay waste to your cities, I will make your sanctuaries
desolate. And I myself will devastate the land, so that your enemies who settle in it shall be
appalled at it. You however I will scatter among the nations, and I will set a sword after you, as
your land becomes desolate [it has been proven with cave stalactites that precipitation levels in
Israel dropped dramatically in the latter half of the first century CE, and began rising significantly
in the 20th century], and your cities become waste,.. 36 And as for those of you who are left, I
will bring weakness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies, and the sound of a driven leaf
will chase them... you will have no strength to stand before your enemies."

Deuteronomy 28 - Moses' admonition before entering Promised Land

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"All these things will come upon you, because you would not obey the Lord your God... 63
will be torn from your land, that you are now entering to take possession of. 64 And the Lord will
scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other. 65 And among those
nations you will find no rest. And there will be no resting place for the sole of your foot. For there
the Lord will give you a trembling heart, and failing eyes, and despairing soul. 66 Your life will
hang in doubt before you. You will be in fear night and day and have no assurance of your life.
67 In the morning you will say I wish it were evening, and in the evening you will say I wish it
were day because of the dread your heart will have."

This was written long before the destruction of Solomon's Temple. It all came true. It would
mean that Israel turned from God. But the biggest fulfillment of these passages of exile was not
in 586 BCE, because although Israel was exiled for 70 years in Babylon, that was nothing
compared to what happened in 70 CE. In 70 CE the Jewish people were not taken to Babylon
for 70 years, they were taken to the ends of earth for 2000 years. Whatever error or turning from
God that the Jewish people committed leading up to 70 CE had to have been bigger than in 586
BCE. Yet in 586 BCE they were worshiping false pagan gods and idols, and lifting up their
children on altars to kill them. So what error could have possibly been committed by the Jews in
the years leading up to 70 CE, that would warrant this punishment?! Did the Jews reject God
in a manner that was somehow greater, or more personal, than their rebellion in 586 BCE?. And
did anyone significant in the years leading up to 70 CE predict that the destruction of the
Temple and Jerusalem would come soon?

#7 (Part A). 2017

It is extremely interesting how 2017 is derived from the Bible, and it couldn't be more simple and
straightforward. To begin with, I need to introduce the most astounding "70 Weeks Prophecy" in
the 9th chapter of the book of Daniel.

Daniel chapter 9

The 70 Weeks Prophecy

"Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city". (Daniel 9:24)

In chapter 9, Daniel receives knowledge from Archangel Gabriel concerning 70 Weeks. Here is
verse 9:25: "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to
restore and build Jerusalem until an anointed one, a prince, there shall be 7 weeks and 62
weeks; the streets shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times."

In 597 BCE Jerusalem was destroyed and all the Jews in Judah, except a small number of poor
people on the land, were deported to Babylon for seventy years. In this passage Gabriel tells
Daniel that from the time of a command to rebuild Jerusalem, there will be 7 weeks and
62 weeks (69 weeks total) until an "anointed one, a prince". "From the going forth of the
command to restore and build Jerusalem... the streets shall be built again, and the wall", reveals
the starting point of the 70 weeks prophecy. The Bible presents four possible commands, or
decrees, that might fulfill this description. Three of the four speak of rebuilding the temple,
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instead of specifically "Jerusalem" the city and "the wall". Nehemiah 2:1-8, is the only one of the
four Bible passages that speaks of rebuilding the city and wall: King Artaxerxes made a written
decree giving Nehemiah permission, safe passage and supplies to return to Jerusalem and
rebuild the city and the walls in 445 BCE.

As with the previous prophecies, the day-for-a-year prophecy rule makes 70 weeks = 70 sets of
7 years. 490 years.

Besides the day-for-a-year prophecy rule, we can also know that 70 sets of 7 years is correct
because the ancient Hebrew word for weeks simply refers to a unit of 7. Genesis 29:15-28 is an
example of using the ancient Hebrew word (shabuwa') for both seven days and seven years in
the same context. Additionally, Leviticus 25:8 is an example of God issuing commands for
sabbatical years, which He treated as sets of seven years or 'weeks'. "And you shall count
seven sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years; and the time of the seven
sabbaths of years shall be to you forty-nine years." We can also know that 70 weeks was not
literal because is was simply not enough time to build the temple. Lastly, another clue is in
Daniel 10:2 when he referred to a period of three weeks, and to distinguish this from
the weeks referred to in the prior chapter he specifically called it "weeks of days".

Again, Daniel 9:25: "Know therefore and understand, from the going forth of the command to
restore and build Jerusalem until the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be 7
weeks and 62 weeks".

7 weeks of years = 49 years, to "rebuild the city and walls."

62 more weeks of years after the first 7 weeks of years (69 weeks of years total), "until the
coming of the anointed one, a prince."

(In Hebrew vocabulary, prince has more the idea of a "strong, mighty ruler", than "son of a king
and heir to the throne")

69 weeks of years (69 x 7) = 483 years. So, 483 years from the command until the coming of
the annointed one. This is simple and straightforward.

A prophetic year

Up until the 8th century BC all ancient civilizations all over the world used 360-day calendars. It
would have made sense for them to do so. Sir Isaac Newton stated "All nations, before the just
length of the solar year was known, would have reckoned months by the course of the moon,
and years by the return of winter and summer, spring and autumn, and in making calendars for
their festivals, they reckoned thirty days for a lunar month, and twelve lunar months to a year,
taking the nearest round numbers, whence came the division of the ecliptic into 360 degrees."
The 360 day calendar would have been used in Babylon at the timing of Daniel's writing.

We have examples of 30-day month calendars in the Bible. The Genesis account of the flood in
the days of Noah illustrated this 360-day year by recording the 150-day interval till the waters
abated from the Earth. The 150 days began on the seventeenth day of the second month, and
ended on the seventeenth day of the seventh month. (Genesis 7:11-24, 8:3-4). The book of

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Ester (1:4) indicates the same 360-day year by recording the six month long feast of Xerxes as
continuing exactly 180 days.

The biblical writers used the 360-day year in the historical and predictive parts of Scripture.
Daniel recorded that the time of the absolute power of the anti-messiah over the holy people will
last three-and-one-half years (7:25). John in the book of Revelation described the same three-
and-one-half year period (Revelation 13:5-7) as consisting of forty-two months of thirty days
each, totaling 1,260 days (Revelation 11:2-3; 12:6).

Therefore (69 x 7 weeks of years = 483 years) 483 years x 360 days = 173,880 days

Artaxerxes Longimanus ascended to the throne of the Medo-Persian empire in July 465 BCE
(Encyclopedia Britannica, 1990 ed.). The twentieth year of his reign began in July 446 BCE.
Nehemiah 2:1 tells us that the decree occurred in the twentieth year, approximately nine months
later in the month of Nisan (March/April 445 BCE on our calendar). By Hebrew tradition when
the day of the month is not specifically stated (as in Artaxerxes' decree), it is given to be the first
day of that month. Consequently, the very day of Artaxerxes' decree was the first day of the
Hebrew month of Nisan in 445 B.C. The first day of Nisan in 445 BCE corresponds to the 14th
day of March in our calendar. These dates were confirmed through astronomical calculations at
the British Royal Observatory and reported by Sir Robert Anderson (Robert Anderson, "The
Coming Prince", Kregel. Reprinted in 1984.).

Jesus started His ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius (Luke 3:1). Tiberius started his reign in 14
AD, so Jesus' ministry started in 29 AD. Jesus celebrated four Passovers during His ministry
(John 2:13; 5:1; 6:4; 19:14). One each in 29 AD, 30 AD, 31 AD, and His final one in 32 AD.

With the help of lunar charts, we can calculate the exact date of ancient Passovers, so we can
calculate the exact day of Jesus' 'Triumphal Entry' on Palm Sunday into Jerusalem as April 6,
32 AD.
From 445 BC to 32 AD there are 476 years on the Gregorian calendar (not 477 years, because
there is no year zero).

476 years x 365 days = 173,740 days

Adjusting for the difference between March 14th and April 6th adds 24 days.
Adjusting for leap years over a period 476 years adds 116 days.

The total number of days from March 14th, 445 BC to April 6th, 32 AD
173,740 days + 24 + 116 = 173,880

According to his calendar, Daniel told us there would be 173,880 days between the decree and
the arrival of Messiah the Prince!!! (69 x 7 years = 483 years. 483 x 360 days = 173,880 days).
Again, the odds of this being a coincidence are incalculable, and therefore impossible. Gabriel
gave Daniel the exact day of the crucifixion of Jesus ("an anointed one, a prince" -- the
Messiah). (The term "anointed one" is a common messianic reference in the Old Testament.)

Jesus said to the Jews of this day: If you had known, even you, especially IN THIS DAY, the
things that make for your peace! (Luke 19:42).

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During this final Passover He is depicted as presenting Himself openly as Zion's king. The so-
called Triumphal Entry recorded in each of the gospels and fulfilling Psalm 118:29 and
Zechariah 9:9: "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, your king comes to you, righteous and
victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." The fact that this
description matches Jesus' Triumphal Entry has compelled many Jewish scholars to confess
that Messiah has already come.

The 70th Week

So far we have 69 weeks out of the 70 weeks prophesied. Therefore the 70th week of seven
years remains. Israel has been miraculously restored after 2000 years of pause in its history,
which was described as being in between the 69th and 70th week in this 70 Weeks prophecy in
Daniel 9:26 ("desolations are decreed"). During these 2000 years God has chased the Jews
around the world for rejecting Him in 32 AD, as predicted and described in Leviticus 26 and
Deuteronomy 28. Being restored again, Israel is now in position for the resumption of the 70
Weeks prophecy, and the fulfillment of the events prophesied for the 70th week. The 70th week
is the End Times period, also called the Great Tribulation, and "Time of Jacob's Distress"
(Jeremiah 30:7). The End Times period is for the world, with focus on Israel, as the world seeks
its destruction, before their messiah saves them at the climax of this age, and the Jews mourn
for having rejected him (Zechariah 12).

As already explained, the Jewish year of 2014-2015 was a shemitah year - the last year of
God's 7 year cycle. It was also the last year of a jubilee cycle of 49 years (7 x 7 years). It was
also the last year of 70 jubilee cycles - jubilee of jubilees (70 x 49 years). After completing
the shemitah, jubilee, and jubilee of jubilees, the following year of 2015-2016 was the first year
of a new shemitah cycle of 7 years. For this reason, and many other reasons too numerous to
mention in this paragraph, it is clear that Daniel's 70th week will begin sometime in this new
shemitah cycle of 7 years. One obvious reason is that the last of the four years revealed in
Daniel, revealed in the very last verses of the book of Daniel, is 2023.

In a minute I will explain why 2017 is an extremely

important year, for Israel and the world. I will also
show on which precise day of this year is almost
certainly the start of the 70th week!!

Before we continue, it was verse 25 in Daniel chapter 9 that just explained the 69 weeks that
started from the "command" "until the coming of the anointed one, a prince". Now let's quickly
look at verse 9:24 - the prior verse. "Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your
holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, and to bring in
everlasting righteousness, to seal up both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy
place. 25 Know therefore and understand, from the going forth of the command to restore and
build Jerusalem until the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be 7 weeks and 62
weeks". (Dan 9:24).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 1997

Keep in mind that the book of Daniel was written in the 6th century BCE, yet this sounds like
Christianity. (The Dead Sea scrolls prove that the Old Testament was written before Christ.)

The "sealing up of both vision and prophet" in this 70 weeks prophecy implies a full revelation of
God where visions and prophets are no longer needed afterward. In other words, it refers to the
Day of The Lord. To "finish the transgression" and "bring in everlasting righteousness", literally
means to establish a new order on Earth. To "put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity"
forever, literally means to have a redeemed world. To atone means to make amends, or
reparation. Everlasting atonement for sin that "puts an end" to the separation that sin causes,
can only be accomplished one way: Through an act of God, on our behalf. "To anoint the most
holy place", taken simply, and literally, refers to a place - the most holy temple sanctuary, where
He will dwell on the Day of The Lord, and into the new age... Ezekiel 48:35: "And the name of
the city [Jerusalem] from that time on shall be, "THE LORD IS THERE" (the very last verse of
the important, prophetic book of Ezekiel). In short, Gabriel is telling Daniel that these
amazing things will happen within the course of the 70 weeks.

So, not only does the 173,880 days given to Daniel predict exactly the day of Jesus' Triumphal
Entry on Pam Sunday before His crucifixion, this prediction is in context of a description of an
anointed ruler that without doubt sounds like Christianity (given 700 years prior to Christianity).

Before I continue and explain the massive

importance that the 70th week has for us, and
also on which precise day in 2017 it very likely

let's quickly take a look at another amazing Old Testament

Here is another Old Testament prophecy that has incalculable odds of being fulfilled precisely. It
is beyond words how astounding this is!

Isaiah 53 'The Suffering Servant'.

I have highlighted some verses from this chapter of Isaiah that was written seven centuries
before Christ. Without first knowing that this was written by Isaiah, and that it comes from the
Old Testament, the average person reading this would very confidently assume this chapter is
talking about Jesus. Surveys have been conducted that show all those that read this, without
knowing first that it is was written by Isaiah in the 8th century BC, confidently say it
could only be speaking about Jesus. It certainly disproves the secular notion that Christianity
was invented during and after Jesus' day.

Verse 1: "Who has believed what we have heard? And to whom has the arm of the
Lord been revealed?"

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(The arm of the Lord is a common reference to the messiah in Old Testament prophecy.
Here you have a question being asked - who has "believed" what was said about the
messiah? This is Christianity.)

Verse 2 "For he grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground;
[A tender shoot, and Jesse's root out of dry ground, are also clear,
unmistakable references to the messiah, that recur throughout Old Testament prophecy.
Including Isaiah 11:1] he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no
beauty that we should desire him."

Verse 3 "He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted
with grief; ... he was despised and we esteemed him not."

Verse 4 "Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him
stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted." (This is Christianity.)

Verse 5 "But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for
our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with
his wounds we are healed." (There is only one man in history that fits this
description! This can only be speaking of Jesus!!)

Verse 6 "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned--every one--to his own
way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." (This is pure

Verse 7 "He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth [It was
recorded that Jesus was silent during his persecution.]; like a lamb that is led to the
slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth."
(Seven centuries later, Jesus is described as the Lamb of God.)

Verse 8 "By oppression and judgement he was taken away. …[In] his generation, who
considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the
transgression of my people?"

Verse 10 "Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief;
when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall
prolong his days;" (His offspring is a reference to his followers/church, and his days
being prolonged is a reference to the resurrection.)

Verse 11 "Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge
shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he
shall bear their iniquities." (God being satisfied out of anguish, through His
righteous servant, for the iniquities of many, IS Christianity.)

Verse 12 "...because he poured out himself to death and was numbered

with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many,
and makes intercession for the transgressors." (Baring the sin of many,

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and making intercession for these transgressors, is the essence of
Christianity. It was also recorded in the gospel that he was "numbered with
the transgressors", when he was crucified in between two robbers.)

Here are passages from Isaiah 52: (Scholars believe Isaiah 52 and 53 are actually one chapter.)

13 See, my servant will act wisely;

he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.
14 Just as there were many who were appalled at him—
his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being
and his form marred beyond human likeness —
15 so shall he startle many nations, [On the Day of The Lord]
and kings will shut their mouths because of him.
For what they were not told, they will see,
and what they have not heard, they will understand.

10 The Lord has bared his holy arm

before the eyes of all the nations,
and all the ends of the earth shall see
the salvation of our God.

There is only one man in history that could fit this description!

Most people are unaware that the Old Testament is littered with prophecies that could only have
been fulfilled by Jesus. A college professor of mathematics and science named Dr. Peter Stoner
wanted to determine what the odds were that any one human being throughout history could
fulfill 48 of the Messianic prophecies. So he had his students come up with very conservative
estimates, and then they ran the numbers. It was calculated at 1 in 1 trillion, trillion, trillion,
trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion.

Here are two more brief examples of these Old Testament prophecies.

Isaiah 9:1-2, 6-7 (7th century BC): 'For to Us a Child Is Born'

"In the future [God] will honor Galilee of the nations, by way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan--

The people walking in darkness

have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness
a light has dawned...
For to us a child is born
to us a son is given
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
there will be no end."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2000

Whoever this person is that is being spoken of in this 9th chapter of Isaiah, he is a man
from Galilee that is also called Mighty God, and Everlasting Father. There is only one
person from Galilee that is said to be both God and a man.

Psalm 22: 14-19 (1000 BC): "I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint:
my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a
potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of
death. For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed
me: they pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones: they look and
stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture."
(It was recorded that the soldiers that crucified him divided up his clothes and cast lots to
see what each would get.)

Another astounding Old Testament prophecy is Micah (8th century BC) chapter 5: 'The Ruler
to Be Born in Bethlehem'
Verse 2: "But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of
Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming
forth is from of old, from ancient days." (From ancient days is a common Old
Testament reference to God, and being uncreated.)
Verse 3: ..."when she who is in labor bears a son"

The rest of Micah chapter 5 speaks of the regathering of the people of Israel, and the ruler
being referred to as the shepherd securing his flock on the Day of The Lord and into the
Messianic Age.

Verse 3: "Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time... [that] the rest of his brothers
shall return to the people of Israel."
Verse 4: "And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the
majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall dwell securely, for then his
greatness will reach to the ends of the earth."
Verse 5: "And he shall be their peace."

Isaiah 48:16 (7th century BC). This verse clearly speaks of the Trinity, 7 centuries before
Jesus. The voice speaking belongs to a being that is uncreated, yet the voice says that the Lord
God sent him, and his Spirit.:

"Draw near to me, hear this:

from the beginning I have not spoken in secret,
from the time it came to be I have been there.
And now the Lord God has sent me, and his Spirit."

Proverbs 30:4 (700 B.C.): "Who hath ascended up into heaven or

descended? Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a
garment? Who hath established all the ends of the Earth? What is His name, and what
is His son's name, if thou canst tell?"

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2001

Psalm 2:11-12 (1000 B.C.): Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss
the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a
little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him . (The context of these verses
is Psalm 2. Which is a chapter describing the rulers of the nations getting together and
plotting to destroy Israel in the last days.)

Psalm 110:1 (1000 B.C.) "A Psalm of David. The LORD says to my Lord: 'Sit at My right
hand Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.'"

The following amazing passage in Zechariah illustrates how on the Day of The Lord, when
Jesus is finally revealed to the Jews in Jerusalem, Israel will be in great mourning for
their blindness and rejection of Him.

Zechariah 12:9-13 (518 B.C.) "And in that day [The Day of The Lord] I will set about to
destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. I will pour out on the house of
David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication,
so that they will look on
Me whom they have pierced ; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an
only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a
firstborn. On that day the weeping in Jerusalem will be as great as the weeping of Hadad
Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. The land will mourn, each clan by itself, with their wives
by themselves: the clan of the house of David and their wives, the clan of the house of
Nathan and their wives, the clan of the house of Levi and their wives, the clan of Shimei
and their wives, and all the rest of the clans and their wives".

The New Covenant, spoken of in Jeremiah 31:31-34 (526 BC - 586 BC), describes the
covenant Jesus brought.

“Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the
house of Israel and the house of Judah, that is notlike the covenant that I made with their
fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my
covenant that they broke… For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after
those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts."

Speaking of clear, amazing evidence for Jesus, here are a couple more brief, but fascinating,
extra-biblical examples. Most people have not taken the time to carefully evaluate the evidence
available, but instead have rested on our culture's overwhelming predisposition against the
supernatural. Many others that claim to hold "spiritual" beliefs have come to believe in a God
that is impersonal, panthiestic, or "transcendental". Yet the scientific evidence for
a personal creator being is voluminous. I will now briefly show some of the extra-biblical
scientific evidences for Jesus, and then briefly some of the incredible, scientific evidences for a
personal creator of the universe. Also, my website has some truly astounding information and
documentary videos on this, including more follow up sources to the evidences I will now briefly
show. In short though, given the evidence now available, it takes much more faith to believe
there is not a Creator and designer of the universe, that is a personal being, than it does to
believe there is.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2002

The Shroud of Turin in Italy.
If you don't know what the Shroud of Turin is, it is a large cloth that showed up in medieval
Europe, purporting to be the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in in his burial tomb.

In the late 19th century, shortly after the invention of photography, it was discovered that the
image on the cloth was a negative image. Prior to photography no one knew what a negative
image was. So if it was a medieval forgery, the question is why did the forger produce a
negative image?

Scientists were first allowed to examine the cloth in 1969. Initial examinations led to the
formation of an 11-member Turin Commission composed of scientists and advisers, and in 1977
the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) was born.

Their findings, based on a gamut of rigorous tests, were reported in 1981, stating:

"We can conclude for now that the Shroud image is that of a real human form [a corpse] of a
scourged, crucified man. It is not the product of an artist. The blood stains are composed of
hemoglobin and also give a positive test for serum albumin. The image is an ongoing mystery
and until further chemical studies are made, perhaps by this group of scientists, or perhaps by
some scientists in the future, the problem remains unsolved."

Most interesting is how scientists are still completely baffled as to how the image was made
(This is a fact). Scientists that have closely examined it and studied it, have determined that
there is no possible way any type of ink or ointment was applied to the cloth to produce the
image. Scientists have concluded that the most logical explanation for the image on the cloth is
that it was produced by intense light radiation, but they are unsure how this light radiation would
have occurred. They also know that the light source would have had to have been high
frequency short wavelength, but it could not have come from within the electromagnetic
spectrum as we know it.

Scientists also discovered pollen in the cloth from plants that only live in Israel, and have also
concluded that the cloth was made in India - far from medieval Europe.

The radiocarbon dating that took place in 1988 has since been discounted. It was later learned
that the shroud was patched up after a fire in 1532, and that the sample for radiocarbon dating
was taken from a fringe portion of the shroud where this patchwork was. This explains why the
scientists' results had a wide range for the dating of 1260 - 1390 AD. Normally, the dating result
should have produced a range of only a few years. The original sample taken from the fringe of
the shroud was cut into three pieces, and sent to three separate universities. Each university
had a different date, and thus the wide range. What's interesting is that the university that had
the piece closest to edge of the shroud, and therefore had the highest number of newly added
patchwork fibers, had the most recent date - 1390. Whereas the university that received the
piece closest to the center of the shroud, and therefore least number of added patchwork fibers,
had the earliest date of 1260. (Scientists have wanted to examine and carbon date the cloth
again, but the Catholic Church will not allow them to.)

I have links to articles on the Turin Shroud on my website,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2003

The Sudarium of Oviedo
The Sudarium of Oviedo in northern Spain, is said to be a cloth that was wrapped around
Jesus' face after the crucifixion, described in the gospel of John. The evidence for this cloth
being authentic is incredible. My website,, has more information, but here is an

Multiple scientific studies show the cloth is consistent with someone that was crucified. Blood
stains confirm the man wore a crown of thorns.

Pollen samples confirm the historical account of the cloth's passage from Jerusalem, through
North Africa, into northern Spain.

Residues of myrrh and aloe were discovered, confirming the gospels.

Anthropologically, the man had Jewish features.

The really fascinating evidence comes to light when the cloth is compared to the Shroud of
Turin. The blood type AB matches. The stain marks match up perfectly, including the thorn
marks on the nape of the neck. The frontal side of the sudarium shows 70 points of coincidence
with the shroud, and 50 points on the rear side.

The only possible conclusion is that the Oviedo Sudarium covered the same face as the Turin
Shroud. The history of the Oviedo cloth is well documented, and much more
straightforward than that of the Shroud. It was recorded as leaving Palestine before 614,
in order to avoid destruction when Jerusalem was conquered by King Chosroes II of
Persia. The rest of its journey is also well documented. Therefore the conclusions of this
for the dating of the Shroud need no further comment.

If you search for all the facts on the Shroud of Turin, you'll have to look beyond the religion of
atheism biased sites. There are a lot of sites though, and on my website I provide truthful links.

Can the New Testament documents be relied upon?

Yes! Contrary to popular belief, the evidence for the historical accuracy and reliability of the
gospels is overwhelming. For example, the mainstream secular idea that the "historical Jesus"
claimed to be someone different than what the gospels recorded, is false. Even the gospel's
most well known scholar critics confirm this. This is explained on my website, along with a
wealth of other reasons for why they are reliable. It is amazing, and I strongly encourage you to
check it out.

Yet, regarding the commonly held notion of a supposed "historical Jesus", and that for example
the resurrection was a legend that emerged long after his death, here is some evidence that
shows otherwise:

One of the greatest ancient historians that ever lived, A. N. Sherwin-White of Oxford, studied the
rate at which legend developed in the ancient world. He said that two generations is not enough

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2004

time for legend to develop and wipe out a solid core of historical truth. Paul's letter to Corinth
containing the creed that summarizes the essentials of Christianity, including the resurrection,
was written in 54 AD (22 years after Jesus' death), yet the letter also states the creed had
already been previously passed to them. In fact it was documented that Paul met with the
apostles in Jerusalem and received the creed in the sixth year after Jesus' death. One of the
great scholars in this area, historian James D. G. Dunn, says, "this tradition, we can be entirely
confident, was formulated within months of Jesus' death."

Josephus Flavius (born in Jerusalem 37 A.D.), the first century Jewish general, and excellent
historian wrote the following about Jesus in his Antiquities (18:63), while writing for the Romans:

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was
one who wrought surprising feats and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly.
He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. When Pilate, upon
hearing him accused by men of the highest standing among us, had condemned him to be
crucified, those who had in the first place come to love him did not cease. On the third day he
appeared to them restored to life. For the prophets of God had prophesied these and myriads of
other marvelous things about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still up
to now, not disappeared.

This above passage is known as the Testimonium Flavianum. The "Testimonium" is found in
every copy of Josephus in existence.

In Book 20 there is what could be called a passing reference to Jesus in a paragraph describing
the murder of Jesus' brother, James, at the hands of Ananus, the High Priest.

But the younger Ananus who, as we said, received the high priesthood, was of a bold
disposition and exceptionally daring; he followed the party of the Sadducees, who are severe in
judgment above all the Jews, as we have already shown. As therefore Ananus was of such a
disposition, he thought he had now a good opportunity, as Festus was now dead, and Albinus
was still on the road; so he assembled a council of judges, and brought before it the brother of
Jesus the so-called Christ, whose name was James, together with some others, and having
accused them as lawbreakers, he delivered them over to be stoned.

Near Death Experiences

In recent decades, advances in medicine and technology have led to a dramatic increase in the
number of people being brought back to life, after having been clinically dead. 1 in 25
Americans have had a near death experience (NDE). Studying NDEs has become a respected
field of science, and there are a number of books written by doctors and scientists on the
subject. Contrary to the mechanical materialist explanation, those that are having these
experiencing are not having hallucinations produced by some sort of unknown chemical reaction
in their dead brain. Interestingly, their experiences share a similar pattern. One of the more
interesting aspects, is that most often the experiencers are able to recount details in the
surrounding environment during the time that they were clinically dead. Details that they in no
way should have been able to know. They observe these details while being out of their bodies,
in the environment close to where they died.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2005

How are NDEs evidence of Christ? I will explain in a minute. It is extremely fascinating how it is
that those NDEs that do not have Judeo-Christian type experience, are nonetheless amazing
evidence for Christ. It is also extremely important to understand the reasons.

The 70th Week

The 70th week prophesied in Daniel chapter 9 is the seven years leading up to the Day of The
Lord. It is the End Times, or Great Tribulation, and also specifically referred to as Jacob's Hour
of Trouble in the Old Testament. It is the resumption of the 70 weeks that were prophesied, after
19 centuries of pause in Israel's history. The first 69 weeks of the prophecy were completed on
the exact day of Jesus' Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday before Passover in 32 AD.
Subsequently, after rejecting their messiah and their God, the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD,
and the Jews were chased all over the world for 2000 years, as prophesied in Leviticus and
Deuteronomy. However, the Lord keeps His promises. God's purpose and plan for Israel, his
promise to Abraham and the forefathers of Israel, has not been completed, and Israel is being
miraculously restored for this completion and the 70th week.

In the remainder of this writing I have a few more extremely fascinating subjects and evidences
to present. Much different than the topics presented already. They will build upon each other,
and become even more interesting as you read on. I will also explain the exact day that the
Great Tribulation/End Times almost certainly begins. Before I describe these amazing things, I
have a few extremely important paragraphs of commentary - the point of this writing. After
this commentary, I will briefly share the explanation on NDEs, as well as briefly share some
astounding, solid, scientific evidence for God as a personal being that will change your
worldview. I will then present a few incredible, shocking subjects that will build upon each other.
I guarantee that you will be amazed!

What is the big deal about believing in Jesus anyway??

I have many more incredible things and proofs to share!! You will be amazed. However one
more comment needs to be made here first. Philosophers use the terms postmodern and
nihilistic to describe our current Western culture. Multiculturalism, and liberal values have
incrementally compelled our culture to acquire an ethos of extreme egalitarianism, and
intolerance of intolerance. As a result, truth is no longer deemed a worthwhile pursuit. (In
actuality, it is essential). At worst, believing in a truth over others' truths, in a pluralistic world, is
derogatorily considered "absolutism" and an affront to our politically correct sensibilities. Yet the
fact still remains that there is a truth. Either one of the world's worldviews has the truth, or none
of them do.

In reaction to our pluralistic world that seems to necessitate this political correctness, a
worldview has evolved that says that all of the worldviews contain elements of the truth, or
contain authentic expressions of the truth. That everything is "interconnected", and that all paths
ultimately lead to the same goal. Yet this is in actuality an Eastern worldview, and a 'particular'
worldview in itself. It's origins were formed mostly from Eastern philosophy and ideas, and by a
variety of Western philosophers and intellectuals in the first half of the 20th century. Today, the
wide array of views within this worldview are collectively referred to as the New Age or New

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2006

Spirituality movement. Social historians refer to it as the Consciousness Revolution -- The
West's most recent religious awakening/revolution that took hold in the 1960's.

Yet, the fact remains that there can only be one truth, and basic understanding of religions and
philosophy makes it obvious that the differing worldviews fundamentally conflict. The fact that
there are differing worldviews in our world, does not mean that there is no truth, and neither
does it mean that all worldviews are somehow true. It also does not necessarily imply that the
truth in unknowable. In fact, the logical tree diagram breakdown of the question of whether one
of the worldviews is the truth and whether it is knowable, is quite simple and straightforward.
First, either there is a God /supernatural consciousness Creator, or there isn't. Second, if there
is a God, He is either a personal being, or an impersonal being. He cannot be both. The
monotheistic view and the pantheistic view fundamentally conflict. Either God is a personal
being Creator, outside of time and space, or the concept of God is altogether different and this
universal consciousness exists in everything and is everywhere. So, either the Abrahamic
religions' monotheistic view is true, or the Eastern religions' and New Age view is true. They
cannot both be true, as they are fundamentally different. If the truth is that there is a personal
being Creator outside of time and space, and He is directly concerned about the affairs of
mankind, then it would therefore be likely that He would want to let Himself be known, and
provide direct, universally understandable, clear guidance for His creation. Therefore, if God is a
personal being, and He has chosen to reveal Himself to the world, the question then is which of
the three monotheistic traditions is true.

How is Biblical Christianity unique?

All of the world's religions and philosophies have some form of method or way of reaching
and connecting with God and Heaven. Whether it be counter-balancing one's sins with a greater
amount of good deeds in order to get to heaven; in addition to unbiblical, superstitious ritual
activities -- as in the case of Islam, modern rabbinic Judaism, and Catholicism. Whether it is the
self-denying, but self-absorbed methods of reaching "self-realization" and "enlightenment" in
Eastern religious philosophies. Or whether it is the narcissistic pursuit of experience, power
(including healing power), and self-development/spiritual development in order to connect with
the "god within" or the "higher-self", within the New Age movement, and the occult religions.
(The irony in Eastern religions is that the supposed pursuit of losing the ego, in order to realize
one is God, is the most egoic pursuit; and would no doubt be the height of arrogancy in the eyes
of a personal being Creator.)

Biblical Christianity on the other hand, stands alone as the only worldview that recognizes and
concedes that we are all hopeless sinners, and that there is no possible way or method to get
to, or connect with God. That even our best deeds are filthy, and filled with vanity, in comparison
to a holy, pure, and righteous God. To believe there is something one can do or perform, or that
a certain amount of good deeds can outweigh one's sins, is the height of folly, arrogance,
and pride in the Biblical Christian worldview. In Biblical Christianity, pride is considered the
essence of all evil, and Biblical Christianity is the only worldview that requires this recognition,
and it's implied humility, and humbling. (An ethos of humility and is of course the antithesis of
today's self absorbed culture.) Yet the Biblical Christian worldview is the only worldview,
wherein because the individual cannot get to Heaven or reach God on one's own merit, God
thereby sacrificially comes down to the individual, and offers saving grace.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2007

In Old Testament prophecy, believing in Jesus is repeatedly described as the test. The "tested
stone", "The Cornerstone", and the "plumb-line of righteousness" (Isaiah ch. 28). Here is the
definition of what a plumb-line is from wikipedia: "A plumb bob or a plummet is a weight, usually
with a pointed tip on the bottom, that is suspended from a string and used as a vertical
reference line, or plumb-line. It is essentially the vertical equivalent of a 'water level'". The
reason Jesus is the straight and narrow test, or "the plumb-line of righteousness", is because
believing who He was and what He accomplished implies humility, humbling, and honest
recognition of who oneself truly is -- a depraved sinner, that even in their best state is filled with
vanity, and completely dependent on God's grace. The individual's lifetime is a test that
concerns the individual's response to this Truth of righteousness.

This world and life has been designed to challenge us, and seduce us. So that we may grow
through adversity, because without adversity there is no growth or learning. It has been
designed to test us, and it is designed for us to make a decision. Whether we will succumb to
the worries and pleasures of life and focus on the world, or instead focus on the eternal - God
and the promised coming kingdom of heaven. To determine whether we will choose to see
through and beyond this world of seeing is believing, and instead believe without seeing first.
God has masterfully designed this life to see who will choose Him, over themselves and the
world -- without first having God's full self-revelation. This life is His way of separating the goats
-- that go their own way, from the sheep -- that choose to follow the shepherd home. Once you
understand that this life is a test, everything else falls into place. You will understand for
example why God has only partially revealed Himself, progressively over time. The type of
evidence like the Turin Shroud as just an example, was never supposed to be blatantly obvious.
Therefore, it is no wonder that it won't be carbon dated again, correctly. It is for those with eyes
to see.

God desires us to seek Him, come to Him, and get to know Him as He truly is. Which is more
than just love and “oneness”. His other attributes include holy, just, and righteous. He desires a
relationship with us. Yet, in Biblical Christianity this is not truly possible until there is
reconciliation. Through the choosing and molding of a people, the Jews, as recorded in the
Bible, he has demonstrated that there is standard, and that sin and pride are what separates us
from a true relationship with Him. When two friends or family members have a falling out, the
only true way to restore the relationship is through reconciliation. The same is true for us and
God. In order to have a true relationship, we must reconcile our differences, which is sin and
pride. We do this by recognizing who we truly are, and repenting. This is the only way. People of
other faiths or worldviews may presume to have a close relationship with God, but in fact they
do not. Their presumption, based on whatever method or way their man made cultural tradition
claims, is in fact pride. God may still offer common grace to unrepentant individuals, but this is
not the same as saving grace. Neither is it a deep relationship. In order to have a right
relationship with God, one needs to know who God is, and who they are in relation to God. And
this understanding of who God truly is, and who we truly are, naturally produces genuine
repentance and a repentant lifestyle, if they are truly sorry and grateful.

There is also a powerful spiritual adversary that counterfeits and deceives many into thinking
they have a relationship with God (or Gaia, or "Universe"), when in reality they have been
purposefully deceived because they refused to believe the truth about who they really are.

In this life He desires us to truthfully love Him, and not the world (this life etc), of our own free
will. To recognize and confess our true nature, of our own free will. He seeks for us to lose our

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2008

pride and replace it with humility, without being forced to. He has desired to create a creature
that loves Him, yet love is not something that can be forced. This is why He has hidden
Himself, and progressively revealed Himself and the Truth, at appropriate moments in
human history. This is why once there is God's full self-revelation, whether upon death, or The
Day of The Lord, it is then too late for the individual. As this opportunity to choose to wake up
and love Him under one's own free will is lost. The repentance and humbling would then be
forced and not out of love... It is a beautiful design.

Why did Jesus say that He was the way, the truth, and the life? That He was the door and gate
for the sheep? That no one comes to the Father, but by and through Him? Jesus is the free gift
that God is offering to make reconciliation. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus, through His
infinite nature, experienced all the sins ever committed, in a moment. And then paid the price for
it all in one moment on the cross. Having experienced our lives entirely, and all our sins first
hand, and through knowing us better than we know ourselves, He is now able to perfectly
mediate on our behalf. Why did Jesus say that "whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood, will
have eternal life and I will raise that person on the last day"? And, "whoever feeds on my flesh
and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him"? (John 6:54-56). Why did He say, "in that day
you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you"? (John 14:20). God is too
pure, too holy, and too bright, for us to withstand His immediate presence on our own. We need
to be in Christ. Yet His design is such that He cannot force us to accept Him in us. We need to
invite Him in.
It is for good reason that Jesus said the path to salvation and the Kingdom of Heaven is narrow,
but that the road to destruction is wide. Most people willnot choose to love the truth, but instead
their lives, the world, their tribe, their cultural beliefs, and their own truth, false truth, and false s
progress". In short, "in the last days... men will be lovers of themselves" (2 Timothy 3:2). It is als
o for good reason that Jesus said “I am the way and
the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." "Make every effort to ent
er through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will try
to enter and will not be able." (Luke 13:24). Contrary to what New Age philosophers would like t
o think, Jesus was not saying he was an "enlightened
master trying to teach about the supposed God nature within ourselves. He said He was the ON
LY way. His political incorrectness would surely have
brought Him persecution in our time as well. Today He and His followers are increasingly being
persecuted through the legal system, and in many
countries many, many Christians are being murdered for their faith. Jesus specifically said he ca
me, not to unite people, but to divide people (the goats from the sheep). "Do you think that I
have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but division" (Luke 12:51). There is
nothing as divisive in our world as the Biblical Christian worldview, because of the effect of it
being contrary to people's pride and lusts. Just as nothing is as divisive in our world as the
existence of the tiny nation the size of New Jersey called Israel.

2 Peter 3:3-4 "You must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and
following their own evil desires. 'Where is the promise of His coming?' they will ask. 'Ever since
our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.'"

False Politics

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2009

If one stumbling block for you is a leftist political view regarding Israel, first be aware that the
conflict can only be truly understood from a spiritual perspective. Therefore there is a force that
is against the fulfillment of prophecy regarding Israel, and has been against Jews for 3500
years. Which is why for example, the thing that the demonically influenced Nazis are most
famous for - trying to exterminate the Jews - ultimately led to the creation of Israel. Also, in the
unfolding of God's plan, how things turn out are not necessarily how they ought to be. Another
spiritual plan at work here is the bringing back together, and ultimate reconciliation between
Isaac and his jealous, indignant brother Ishmael - Abraham's two sons, and the patriarch fathers
of Jews and Arabs. In the Bible and in the Quran, Jews descended from Isaac, and Arabs
descended from Ishmael. I have a very interesting video regarding this mystery of Isaac and
Ishmael on my website, in the additional resources.

Also, because of this spiritual force that is against Israel, there are lies and misinformation in the
left leaning media and left leaning academic world. Generally, all too often the problem with the
Left is they are more concerned with powerful vs weak, instead of wrong vs right and truth.
That's not to say by any means that Israel is by default always right, but the conflict and its
history is poorly understood by the left that has made it their pet project. Their dogmatic
ideology of powerful vs weak also makes their politics of emotions suitable for our modern age
of news sound bites. Furthermore, God does not care for our modern left leaning politically
correct sensibilities (not that Israel's right to exist as a Jewish nation is or should be politically
incorrect). God has a foreign policy, and it revolves around Israel: "I will bless those who bless
you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all nations on earth will be blessed through you"
(Genesis 12:3). God has the last word on this conflict. And it is a watershed issue with spiritual
roots, that is purposefully designed to divide people and nations. In the same way the question
of Jesus is designed to divide individuals -- the sheep from the goats. I recommend being very
cautious about which side of the issue you choose on these two questions…...

As an example of God's foreign policy, one of numerous examples, on June 3rd (this week that I
write this) the peak of the epic, destructive floods in Paris coincided with the exact day of the
French Peace Initiative talks (arrogantly held without Israel) in Paris. France initiated and hosted
the talks. Also, the day prior, John Kerry flew from the US to France for the talks. On that day
President Obama gave a graduation commencement speech at the Air Force Academy in
Colorado. Moments later a USAF Thunderbird jet crashed while participating in the ceremonial
flyover. The same day a Blue Angels jet crashed in Nashville. Crashes in the two elite,
symbolic, precision flight squads are extremely rare, yet they both happened on this same
day that Kerry flew to the cursed talks in Paris. The pilot in Nashville was from Colorado. Both
pilots were flying aircraft #6 in their squads. A coincidence? A sign of impending judgment?
Another example of a sign, and God's foreign policy in Genesis 12:3, was Katrina. First, the
odds of a hurricane of this magnitude hitting New Orleans so precisely as to cause maximum
destruction, was extremely low. What makes it tie into the Bible, and therefore communication
from God, is that the hurricane hit on the very same day of the forced Israeli Gaza strip pullout.
Thousands of Jews were forced to evacuate their homes and property, and Israel essentially
abandoned this territory. Which is the opposite of God's will if we understand prophecy. The US
had a major hand in pressuring Israel to withdraw, which is why it was cursed that same
day. Incidentally, the day Katrina hit, and Israel pulled out of Gaza, was the 9th of Av.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2010

Before briefly describing some scientific evidence for a personal being God, such as the
Anthropic Principle, The Signature in The Cell, The Omega Point Cosmology, The Rare Earth
Hypothesis, and why our planet was designed for discovery, I would like to also share what is a
personal interest of mine -- 9/11. You will find extremely fascinating. Also before these
incredible scientific evidences, I will share what I think is an extremely interesting insight
regarding near death experiences. Lastly, I will explain the 70th Week and why it is the End
Times period; and also the exact day this year that the 70th Week/Great Tribulation/End Times
very likely begins. This part will be the most interesting thing you have ever read, I guarantee it.

9/11 is a personal interest of mine. There are profound, good reasons to believe God allowed
9/11 to happen, when it happened. First, the root word for tower in Hebrew is the word for
arrogance. In this regard, I also believe that the sinking of the Titanic on its maiden voyage was
also allowed by God. The ocean liner of decadence and prestige was arrogantly billed as
"unsinkable". It is God's prerogative to remind those that will pay attention, that He is in control.
We are just children, mistakenly filled with prideful independence. Also, both of these events
serve as wake up calls. They are God's way of shaking us from our slumber regarding the truth
about God.

I recently visited the 9/11 museum, and one thing that really made an impression on me was a
particular photography art exhibit. All of the images in this exhibit were of people in New York
and New Jersey looking up, in horror and despair. I think this really captured God's intent with
this event. The entire world was fixated on this event, and was in despair on this day. Many
were metaphorically looking up for answers. The purpose of 9/11 was to wake those up that
would be woken up. It woke me up. The Great Tribulation and End Times period will serve the
same purpose of causing people to look up, but it will be on an unimaginable scale compared
to 9/11. (For one thing, the book of Revelation speaks of two asteroids hitting Earth, preceded
by the raining fiery debris that precedes the objects. And this is just the beginning.) The Great
Tribulation will be God's last ditch, desperate attempt to wake those up that will be woken up,
before it is too late. It is too late when full self-revelation comes on the Day of The Lord at the
climax of the Tribulation. Yet, at the same time, the tragedies that are coming, are an act of
God's love. He desperately wants to wake people up in time, and without a shaking most people
that are consumed with their secure comfortable lives and plans, will simply not wake
up and make sacrifices for Him.

God left us numerous clues and signs in the event as well, to remind us He is still in control. For
example, a perfectly proportioned giant cross made of steel beams, landed upright in the
flattened debris field. Today this famous cross is in the 9/11 museum. Also, in the debris was
found a Bible that was miraculously solidly fused with intense heat to a hunk of metal, without
having been burned up. It was opened to a particularly appropriate page that the world needed
at that moment. It was opened to the well known passage from the Sermon on the Mount in the
book of Matthew on Retaliation. (This passage applies to the individual's response to evil, not
the state's response to evil.) This Bible is also in the 9/11 museum. As illustrated already in this
writing, God loves to reveal Himself through numbers. On the day of 9/11, the New York State
Powerball lottery winning numbers were 911. Also the stock market on Wall Street was halted
for days, and the Dow Jones remained at 9605 during this time. The 6 and 5 make 11.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2011

What also is amazing and miraculous is "The Little Chapel that Stood". Mayor Rudolph W.
Giuliani called the survival of St. Paul’s one of the “miracles that help our faith to go on”, as it
stayed open around the clock serving the firefighters, police officers, and construction workers.
The chapel is located just steps from Ground Zero. On 9/11, all the other buildings in the area
were destroyed, and yet it somehow survived without a scratch. Not even a broken window.
Even the steeple remained intact. Only one tree fell – a nearly 100-year-old sycamore tree in
the church yard. And it ended up serving as the chapel’s savior. According to the Associated
Press, it was that tree that “prevented a huge steel beam from smashing the 235-year-old
church to splinters. Uprooted by the impact, the tree paid the ultimate price.” Today there is a
large bronze statue of the tree's roots where it once stood.

It's very interesting also that George Washington, immediately after being inaugurated as the
first president, led his vice-president and cabinet down the street from Federal Hall in
Manhattan, to this chapel at Ground Zero where he then consecrated the nation to God. He said
that if the nation ever turned away from God, it would lose its blessings, prosperity, and
protection. “We ought to be no less persuaded that propitious smiles from Heaven can never be
expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself
has ordained.” Could the destruction at Ground Zero, the location where the nation was
consecrated, be God's way of pointing to Washington’s chapel, and warning us? Could the
place of the dedication of the nation be the place of the warning?

Is the date 9/11 in itself a sign?

In every one year Bible, whether Catholic or Protestant, the daily reading for September 11
includes Isaiah 9:11. Every year these verses are read on 9/11.

Before the destruction of the First Temple in Judah, Israel in the north was temporarily invaded
by the Assyrians -- the ancient inventors of terrorism, and ancestors of the 9/11 attackers -- in a
bloody terrifying raid that had political motives, and included mass beheadings. It was terrorism.
In the Bible this is described as an event that God used to warn Israel with, but that the warning
went unheeded. After the raid Israel's leaders are described as responding to it with defiant
hubris. This is in chapter 9 of the book of Isaiah and it is titled Judgment on Arrogance. Isaiah
9:10 is the verse in which God quotes the leaders of Israel's hubristic response to the raid and
His warning.

8 The Lord sent a word against Jacob,

and it fell on Israel;
9 and all the people knew it—
but in pride and arrogance of heart they said:
10 “The bricks have fallen,
but we will build with dressed stones;
the sycamores have been cut down,
but we will put cedars in their place.”

The following verse, Isaiah 9:11, is God's response to Israel's hubris and ambition to rebuild,
without repentance. In verse 11, God declares that because Israel refused to turn from their
unbelief and sin, and come back to God, through repentance, He will follow through on His final
judgment on the nation. This final judgment came some years later with the invasion of Babylon,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2012

and the destruction of the Temple, and the survivors being taken captive to Babylon for 70

11 So the Lord raised adversaries against them,

and stirred up their enemies,
The Isaiah 9:10 effect, is the attempt of a nation to defy the calamity, defy God, and recover and
rebuild without repentance. This results in the coming of the second calamity, and the
destruction of the nation. This is the reading of the rest of Isaiah chapter 9. In ancient Israel the
warning was not heeded, and there was no humbling or repentance. Instead, Israel vowed to
recover and become stronger than before. As a result, Israel was destroyed. The pattern has
repeated itself in America. American civilization was given much light, blessings, and
responsibility because from its origins it feared God and was humble, and was concerned with
following His will, and its foundation was on the solid rock of God's word, as far back as the
Puritans. As with Israel, much blessing and knowledge was given, and in turn much was
expected from Israel and America. This is why Israel's judgment was fatal, and so will America's
be. When America turned from God into unbelief and apostasy, and in effect went to war with its
foundational bedrock, removing God from its government, culture, and schools, the Isaiah 9:11
warning came on 9/11 with the destruction of the building that embodied the soaring heights that
American civilization had attained. Yet the warning has been ignored. Instead, America has
raced even much further away from God in the last 16 years. This turning away from God has
recently climaxed with a significant and symbolic apostasy and national mocking of God, that
also symbolically involves the site of 9/11, which I will explain in a minute. In the OT God
demonstrates He is patient, and does not bring complete destruction on a nation of people until
their "cup of iniquity is full". As I will explain in a minute, symbolically, America's cup is now
full. Therefore, the 9:11 second judgment and destruction of the nation is soon.

There is another scripture from the September 11 daily reading in the one year Bible, that God
has paired with Isaiah 9:10-11. Here are some of the verses that are uncanny given the context
of 9/11.

Psalm 55:2-11

My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught

at the voice of the enemy...
for they bring down suffering on me and assail me in their anger.
My heart is in anguish within me;
the terrors of death surround me.
Fear and trembling have beset me;
horror has overwhelmed me.
...I see violence and strife in the city.
...Destructive forces are at work in the city

In verse 9 the word for violence in Hebrew also means "damage" and "destruction". This same
word in Arabic means Islamic "fanaticism" and "zeal". This word is "hamas". The Hamas
organization is linked to and born out of the same organization as Al Qaeda. "I see hamas and
strife in the city."

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2013

Regarding Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 9:11, there are 9 uncanny parallels between ancient
Israel and America. For example, in ancient Israel they replaced the clay bricks with "hewn
stones". In Hebrew the word for hewn is gazeet, which means cut or quarried. Coming back
stronger than before with big quarried stones to replace clay bricks is essentially an act of
defiance, when there is no humbling or repentance. Incredibly, America replicated
this sentiment of defiance soon after 9/11. A 20 ton rock was quarried from the nearby
Adirondack Mountains and brought to Ground Zero. There they had a ceremony to dedicate the
symbolic stone, and Governor Pataki amazingly pronounced that, "we the heirs of that
revolutionary spirit of defiance, lay this cornerstone". Not only is the hewn stone a direct parallel,
but also Governor Pataki's statement echoes Israel's leaders voicing their defiance in
verse 9:10.

It would be one thing to have one incredible parallel like the hewn stone, but again there are
9 such parallels. I will share three more here, and the rest you can watch a video of on my
website, under the Rabbi Jonathan Cahn section in the Additional Resources section. Another
parallel is the rebuilding of the fallen buildings, in defiance with their own power. Just as Israel
rebuilt its buildings, stronger than ever, America vowed to replace the World Trade Center Twin
Towers with an even higher tower, with many national leaders calling for it be the highest
building in the world. As it is, the new One World Tower is the tallest in the Western

Incidentally, there is a spiritual connection in calling it the One World Tower, as it is symbolic of
the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. In this story the people of the world came
together as one, and arrogantly tried to build a tower to Heaven using their own might and
technology. Genesis 11:9 read backwards is 9:11. Which creates an interesting connection with
another relevant passage within this context of arrogance toward God. Isaiah 26:19 "They turn
everything upside down. Which is more important, the potter or the clay? Can something you
have made say, 'You didn't make me'? Or can it say, 'You don't know what you are doing'?"
Interesting too is that a photographer had found a Bible buried in the rubble of Ground Zero.
Blown apart and charred with only one page showing, it read from Genesis 11:4, "Come let us
build for ourselves a tower".

The word for tower in Hebrew is from the root word for arrogance. Towers are monuments to
pride. In this most hubristic of ages, where man mistakenly believes he can master anything he
puts his mind to, yet the very solutions he works out become the bigger problems which he can
no longer encompass (the lesson of Genesis 11), all over the world a new breed of "super
tower" has emerged. If the inauguration of the Tribulation period occurs with the
prophesied worldwide earthquake, it could possibly bring down all of these towers at once.
Which would be appropriately symbolic.

Another uncanny parallel from Isaiah 9:10 is the sycamore trees. Psalm 78 also talks about God
striking down sycamore trees as a severe sign of national judgment. It just so happens that
around Ground Zero there was one little plot of land that had soil, and in it was a sycamore tree.
The tree that saved Washington's chapel. A sign of national judgment just happened to be at the
corner of Ground Zero. Amazingly, people turned this fallen sycamore tree into a national
symbol. A sign of judgment, and national uprooting became a national symbol of pride. Also
very interesting is that America's first stock market took place under a buttonwood tree, which is
a type of sycamore tree. This informal stock trading outside of 68 Wall Street was later
institutionalized in 1792 with the Buttonwood Agreement, and was named the New York Stock &

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2014

Exchange Board. To this day the NYSE's symbol is the sycamore tree. The tree that is the
symbol of Wall Street, which is the symbol of America's rise financially, was struck down in
judgment. Just as the World Trade Center towers, which symbolized America's global financial
preeminence, were struck down.

Israel vowed to replace the fallen sycamore trees with cedar trees. The precise Hebrew word for
the type of cedar tree in this verse is the "erez" tree, or what we call a pinachia tree. With what
kind of tree did they replace the fallen sycamore tree that saved the chapel? A pinachia tree --
the exact tree of the Scriptures. They then had a ceremony for this replacement pinachia tree
and incredibly named this sign of judgment the Tree of Hope. Of course no one knew what they
were doing, or had a hand in any of this Isaiah 9:10 fulfillment. In the Bible, cedar wood is a
symbol of strength and purity (Leviticus 14:49). The cedar tree is a rugged, robust tree that does
well even in harsh conditions. Yet the Tree of Hope did not prosper, and withered away. This
symbol of purity could not take root in symbolically poor soil. The prophetically significant
message here is that there is no hope in man's ways without God in the world, and only through
Christ is there hope. God’s blessings will not take root in a people that shun him. The tree was
finally unceremoniously uprooted and destroyed on Passover, April 14, 2014. This was the day
of the first blood moon lunar eclipse of the recent blood moons tetrad. A date, as I will later
show, that has massive symbolic significance. You need to keep reading!

Another uncanny parallel is the Isaiah 9:10 public pronouncement of the vow. For this Isaiah
9:10 harbinger fulfillment, it is the national leaders of the nation that must publicly pronounce the
defiant vow, in the capital city. However, what national leader is going to want to pronounce
judgment on America? On the third anniversary after 9/11, vice presidential candidate John
Edwards gave a speech in Washington. Without knowing what he was doing, he actually recited
Isaiah 9:10 -- an obscure passage that no one knows or ever quotes. Out of 30,000 inspiring
scriptures why did he choose this particular one? He didn't realize that he was quoting this
passage out of context, or that it is actually a passage about national judgement. But not only
that, he builds his whole speech around this passage. Without knowing for example that there
was an actual sycamore tree that was uprooted and replaced by a cedar tree. Another public
pronouncement of the vow was even more incredible. On the very morning after 9/11, America
was to give its formal response to the world regarding the calamity. Senate majority leader Tom
Daschle was appointed to represent the nation and give the speech. At the end of his speech,
he recites Isaiah 9:10, and by doing so he unknowingly links 9/11 to ancient Israel's national
judgement. Then he goes on to say, "That is what we, America will do. We will rebuild, we will
recover." On this day he has no idea that the sycamore tree will be found uprooted, and neither
is he aware of the other harbinger parallels that confirm 9/11 as a warning of national judgment.
Amazingly, both John Edwards and Tom Daschle fell into public shame and disgrace shortly
after their pronouncements, and Tom Daschle was not able to serve in Obama's administration.

Yet another public pronouncement of the Isaiah 9:10 defiant vow came after the second stage
of financial calamity and judgment on America in the autumn of 2008. After being elected on a
platform of "hope", in February 2009 President Obama gave his first State of The Union speech,
which was naturally a response to the financial crisis. The next day the major newspapers all
around the world ran the headline: "We Will Rebuild". If you had to summarize Isaiah 9:10, this
would be it. But what does this statement have to do with an economic speech? He also said,
"we will emerge stronger than before". Obama has yet to fall into public disgrace like Edwards
and Daschle. I personally believe that his disgrace will be on a much higher level than that of

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the senators', and will come at the end of the Tribulation. The explanation for this is beyond the
scope of this writing.

The final public pronouncement of the Isaiah 9:10 vow to rebuild came in 2012. The president of
the United States returned to Ground Zero, the site of the judgment warning, and ceremoniously
wrote a message on a steel beam that was hoisted and placed at the very top of the tower. In
other words, as symbolically close to God as it gets. On this beam Obama wrote: "We
remember, We rebuild, We come back stronger!". This time the pronouncement of the vow was
in the present tense, instead of the future tense, thus completing the act of defiance 11 years
after 9/11. There were 8 words in his pronouncement. In Hebrew, Isaiah 9:10 also has 8 words.
The middle word (the fourth word) in both Obama's pronouncement and Isaiah 9:10 in Hebrew
is the same -- rebuild.

This defiant pronouncement on the highest beam for God to see, was not the final symbolic
chapter in this Isaiah 9:10 Judgment on Arrogance. Although all of the harbingers and parallels
with defiant ancient Israel had been symbolically completed with the placement of this beam,
America needed to further symbolically mock God as well. America needed to symbolically end
its Christian heritage, and symbolically begin its prophesied persecution of believers. This came
on June 26th, 2015 with the Supreme Court's decision to legalize gay marriage. Every single
member of the 4 dissenting Supreme Court justices sounded an alarm in that ruling that
believers will be persecuted as a result of the ruling. America has officially decided to celebrate
what the Bible calls evil, and go its own way apart from God.

In the Bible, homosexuality is the symbolic sin of rebellion. Not only is homosexuality NOT just
another sin, it serves in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, as the primary symbol of end-
stage, extreme rebellion against God triggering the outpouring of His wrath on a people or
nation. From the homosexual culture preceding Noah's flood, to Sodom and Gomorrah, to the
Canaanites, to King Solomon, right through the NT, the Bible singles out homosexuality as the
symbolic sin and key marker of extreme rebellion before God's wrath.

(Incidentally, it is absurd propaganda that people are born with their sexual orientation. I have
two simple points for countering this. First, that would therefore mean that people are born
pedophiles and bestiophiles. Second, if homosexuality is genetic and not cultural, then why is it
that for example in Vietnam where it is culturally unaccepted there is virtually none, yet across
the border in Thailand where it is culturally accepted homosexuality is widespread. Or why is
that in America, among millennials homosexuality is now far more prevalent than it is among the
baby boomer generation, and is even less prevalent among the GI generation? The truth is that
although the human brain is a highly complex, malleable organ, and human sexuality is
adaptable, there is also a spirit of rebellion against God's created order in sexual perversion.
And the taboo of the sexual perversion, whether it be an affair, homosexuality, or something
else, is part of the excitement for those that indulge in it.)

There is an unseen spiritual aspect to everything, and it is no coincidence that the LGBT
movement uses the rainbow as their symbol. It is God's symbol of authority. It is His sign of
mercy and covenant in the face of judgment on the earth, revealed to Noah and his sons after
the flood. In Ezekiel the Lord's surrounding radiance is described as being a rainbow, and in
Revelation a rainbow emanates from His throne. Yet, in Revelation the symbolic image of the
Antichrist that John sees is revealed to be holding a rainbow in his hand. The Tribulation
Kingdom of the Antichrist will be defined by homosexuality and a New Age “religious pluralism”.

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In fact, the Antichrist spirit is here now, as attested to by Google's doodle winner for 2016/2017.
Not only is this image the perfect embodiment of the spirit of Antichrist, but Google will surely
play a key role in the Antichrist system, as it censors Christian "hate", and informs the
government of true bible believing Christian (not Catholic or liberal Christian) activity.
Here is perhaps a useful metaphor that I discovered while watching a documentary called the
Rise of Animals, by David Attenborough. I learned that in order for mammals to have their
young develop inside the mother's body, mammals required a solution to the issue of the
mother's DNA rejecting the offspring's DNA. The genius solution was the placenta. Without it,
the mother's body would reject the foreign cells of the offspring. The placenta works because
50% of the DNA of the placenta's tissues are from the mother, and 50% of the DNA is from the
offspring. I find this a fitting metaphor for how Jesus, who is both God and a man, is God's
genius solution so that we can be in His presence, and come to know Him personally.

It also must be mentioned that there is a spiritual law to the universe. This law is that there is a
price for sin. It cannot go unpunished. Hitler does not get off the hook. God would not be
righteous or just without this spiritual law of physics, and its enforcement. Also, one's sin is
multiplied, like a ripple in a pond, as those who one sins against, or potential for good that is
unfulfilled, in turn affect others as a result. Or in the case of sin against oneself, one’s potential
is not fulfilled, at a loss to oneself and others. Also, understanding properly what sin is, is
critical. It's more than the obvious. There are layers, under layers, of ego and vanity. It's not
possible for any of us to commit one act holy enough for God. Even our best deeds are tainted
with selfishness and ego. It should be made clear however that eternal hell is not biblical, but
"paying every last penny" for every sin is biblical. Once these sins are paid then there is a
"second death" for this individual, and they cease to exist (Revelation 21:8). God is offering you
a free gift, but you must be willing to receive it by overcoming one’s arrogant independence
(independence from God is the root of sin), and humbling yourself, and recognizing your sins
through asking for forgiveness.

I will share what I believe is perhaps a very useful insight and metaphor that came to me. Books
like Rare Earth, and Privileged Planet, demonstrate the most recent scientific thinking in
astrophysics. The Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the evolution of biological complexity
requires a host of fortuitous circumstances, that cumulatively are so improbable, that it is likely
Earth is the only planet in the entire universe with evolved, complex, intelligent life. (I discuss
this hypothesis more in the Scientific Evidence part of this writing.) If this is the case, and that
the creation of the vast lifeless universe was necessary in order for God to produce one Earth,
then therefore Earth is exceedingly special to God, and the rest of the planets are a necessary
byproduct. In this same way, in order for God to produce a creature with free will that would
choose to love Him, it was also therefore necessary for God to create creatures that would not
choose Him. It is like an immutable law of physics that cannot be changed. Creatures that don't
choose Him, and ultimately pay the price for their sin, are an unfortunate but necessary part of
creating a creature that chooses to love Him of their own free will. This answers the question of
how could a loving God create a creature He would punish. The answer is that it was
necessary, in order to achieve His desire to have a creature that loves Him of their own free will.

The entire world has now had a chance to hear the gospel, which God, in His grace, has
provided. (For those that think Christianity is a Western, or "white man's religion", Christianity is
for example exploding in China today, and there are over 30 million Christians in India.) Yet
even those that never heard the gospel, or lived before the gospel, and did not receive
this special revelation, are without excuse. The general revelation evidence for a Creator is all

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around us in the Creation, and the law has been written on our hearts. After birth, one's culture
certainly darkens the truth, and sin hardens the heart, but they still knew they sinned. And there
was still an opportunity for those that sought God and truth, to recognize one's true nature, and
God's true nature. Naturally though, those that were born into present day Protestant societies,
with relatively more light, revelation, and resources available, will be judged more harshly than
those in societies that had less light revealed.

God's full divine self-revelation is soon. The Day of The Lord and Judgment Day is very soon.
(You also could die at any moment). If you have been on the fence regarding the question of
Jesus, now is the time (ideally before the upcoming date in 2017 -- I will explain what I mean in
a minute) to get over your pride and make a decision. If these proofs have been intriguing, but
you feel you need more evidence, I implore you to continue looking into this diligently and
urgently. All questions have answers, and we live in the age of information. After these next few
paragraphs I will show and describe some incredible scientific proofs. As well, more detailed
explanations and additional links to other incredible sources and astounding evidences, on a
wide range of subjects - many not discussed here, are on on my website, in the Additional
Resources section. I can't recommend enough checking them out! One thing you can also
experiment with, is talking to Jesus. Sincerely ask Him to show Himself to you. Invite Him in.
Countless people have come to the Truth not by convincing their minds through intellectual
evidence like prophecy, but through supernatural experiences. Each individual will be presented
a way for them to come to the Truth, if they have the will. Also, be mindful of unconscious
spiritual resistance, rooted in a force that is trying to prevent you from recognizing and coming
to the truth. Many people are in spiritual bondage to a host of different things, and will simply not
want to change themselves, no matter how much light and truth is provided.

Although, in my opinion, getting 1948, 1967, and 1978 from the Bible is case closed, as far as
evidence. In my opinion, any other interpretation than the Bible and Bible prophecy being
divinely inspired, is not logical or rational. And neither is it rational to interpret Bible
prophecy through the lens of another worldview, like Islam or the New Age. That is
completely irrational as well, given that the prophecy concerns Israel, and the coming Messianic
Kingdom and “thousand years of peace” on Earth in the Messianic Age. It does not prove Islam,
nor is it an authentic expression of the truth that can be found among all religions. If your current
worldview leaves you not knowing what to think regarding these dates being found in the Bible,
and you have questions that still need to be answered, then in my opinion you should feel
obliged to use this rock solid prophetic proof of Biblical Christianity as a base, and work
backwards from there and find the necessary answers you need. As I have done. In my opinion
it should be the number one priority in your life right now! If for some reason you do not
understand that these dates are obvious and straightforward, and wish to believe they are
hokum, I have included many other indisputable evidences in this writing to back it up. There is
no denying that Israel was restored in jubilee years; there is no denying that ALL of the major
calamities in Jewish history occurred on the 9th ov Av. The Old Testament passages for
example are undeniably about Jesus. If you are/were an atheist, stay tuned for the incredible
scientific evidence in this writing.

The fact that 1948 is found in Revelation, the last book in the New Testament, and like Daniel
also concerns the time of the end, is very interesting. To say the least! It is indisputable
evidence that the book of Revelation was also divinely inspired! If you're not understanding this
yet, let me just explain that the odds of this are incalculable, and therefore it is impossible that
this is a coincidence. There simply is no other rational conclusion for getting 1948 from

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Revelation; simply, clearly, and logically; other than Messiah will be revealed to the world soon!
The book of Revelation is God's final revelation book, and it climaxes in the The Day of The
Lord, and Messiah's return and rule as King of Kings and Prince of Peace from the Temple. It is
the conclusion of the entire Bible. The Bible is a cohesive story, with a beginning and ending, of
essentially God's progressive divine self-revelation to the world. It had a starting point for this
revelation into the world - through the choosing of a meek people at the crossroads of the
ancient world. And it leads up to and points to this climactic conclusion of God's full
revelation to the world, and divine intervention in the world, at a moment when Israel and
humanity require it. From the beginning, God has setup His moment of full self-revelation and
divine intervention to be essentially 7 years from now, as He knew our time required it (not least
because of the technology for destruction humans have procured). However, I realize this is a
shock for many people that have a different worldview; as it was for myself as well at one point.
So for interest sake, let's look at a few more extra-biblical incredible things.

One last comment here. The End Times or Great Tribulation is going to be an extremely difficult
and terrible time for humanity. Yet, it is designed by God, and is an act of God's love. It is His
last ditch attempt to wake people up before it is too late. Those that would not be woken up
otherwise, because they are living their secure and comfortable lives. 9/11 was a miniature
wake up call, and it served to wake many people up, myself included. The End Times will be
many times the scale of 9/11. It is too late to wake up after the The Day of The Lord, and God's
full divine self-revelation. This is why the End Times/Great Tribulation/Jacob's Hour of Trouble
precedes it.

Another last comment here. God has placed an adversary in this world, in order to test us. 2
Thessalonians 2:9-12:

“The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs
and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they
refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong
delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned
who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Being in the world, but not of the world

The deception an individual receives has been customized according to the falsehood the
individual is following. The individual receives the deception they are asking for. For some, the
deception is false religion/spirituality in its many forms, and for others it is the pursuit of worldly
things. Anything placed ahead of God is a false idol, and for most people in our culture this often
comes in the form of pursuing a “good life”. This can include the pursuit of material wealth, but
also includes deriving one's meaning in life through an ethos of "living the good life", “living life
to the fullest”, “celebrating life”, or “getting the most out of life”. Pursuing worldly things, or a
"good life", as one's meaning in life can include education and career. Family can also be
placed ahead of God, as one's partner, or children, or grandchildren replace God as one's
meaning in life. Worldly pursuits are numerous, and can also include hobbies, traveling, the
pursuit of women, an extensive social circle, partying, being popular on social media, food,
alcohol, marijuana, fitness, health, entertainment, art, music, politics, the environment,
nationalism, etc, etc. All of these pursuits explain why the modern individual is way too

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busy to really, truly care about the meaning of life, or God, or the contents of this writing. And
why they have chosen to follow the crowd and its willful dismissal of the overwhelming
evidence for the supernatural, God, Jesus, and the Truth. They are making
their choice regarding the question of who they really are, and what is important. They have
been seduced by the world, and are easy prey for the Adversary. At the same time, the
evidence and revelation that has been provided in our time is voluminous, and this is why they
are without excuse, and are already condemned. Jesus said in John 15:25: "Whoever loves his
life will lose it, but whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

Other individuals pursue what can be called spirituality, but do not find the truth. Many find false
religion in one form or another, whether it is organized religion or new age spirituality. For
example a Muslim, or Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox, or Jew, or Hindu, or Buddhist, that follows
their faith, because they were born into it, is typically not following this faith after a rigorous
pursuit of the evidence, or religious comparative study. They are typically not interested in
the truth. They are simply following the faith of their tribe, and this tribalism therefore becomes
their worldly false idol, and they receive the deception they asked for.

Organized Religion and Catholicism

To illustrate this, please allow me to talk about Catholicism for a couple minutes before
continuing briefly with new age spirituality, and then other truly amazing things. Catholicism is
instructive of the bigger picture in general. Many Catholics for example, by following the false
man made Catholic system, have been led to believe that they are “in”, simply because they are
Catholic, and by being a “good” person. And because of the false Catholic system, they are
led to believe they don't need to seek understanding of the gospel, or even read the Bible, or be
"born again" as Jesus said. They have truly asked for their deception, because of their lack of
yearning for the truth, and their pride and presumtuousness. If I had more space I could explain
more in detail, but the corrupted, paganization of the gospels, that is the Catholic Church
system, is a prime example and expression of man made religion, and what man really is
without God. Also, found throughout Catholicism are prime examples of the Adversary’s
strategy of counterfeiting and inverting. No one believes an outright lie, so the father of
lies cleverly provides truth mixed in with lies, in order to corrupt the truth. "A little yeast leavens
the whole batch of dough" (1 Corinthians 5:6).

One major example of counterfeiting and inverting truth in Catholicism is prayer to/the worship
of Mary as co-intercessor, or "mediatrix". Catholics will say the unbiblical doctrine of Mary isn't
against the first commandment of idolatry, and that they are not worshiping Mary, but rather
they are "venerating" her, because they claim she too was sinless like Jesus. That when they
place their prayer "requests" with Mary, because she is the "Queen of Heaven" (which is man
made theology and not biblical), and mother of Jesus, God is more likely to grant their requests.
Exchanging the word worship with venerate, and claiming it is not the same thing is dishonest,
and to believe otherwise is to be deceived. Mary's supposed sinlessness isn't biblical, and the
reason why Jesus was sinless was because He is God - as a man. Sin is what separates man
from God, but God can't be separated from Himself, which is why Jesus is sinless. Not only
does making Mary sinless take away from who Jesus is, but it makes Mary part deity as well.
Which is why they pray to her to intercede for them. A tour through any museum with medieval
art will undeniably demonstrate Mary depicted as a deity, and much more important than the
baby Jesus figure that is often with Mary. In fact, Jesus is quite often a side note in the Catholic
religion. For example, the subtitle to the website Catholic Bible 101 is: "21st century Catholic

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Answers for Mary's Spiritual Warriors". Also, it seems that people have a natural inclination to
want to worship the female, and most pagan cultures had some version of a fertility goddess.
For example, Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Isis, Baal. Mary is simply an incarnation of this desire to
worship the female, and fertility.

A couple other examples in a long list of examples that are directly counter to biblical principles
are confessing sins to a priest or "father" instead of God; and belief in salvation
through works and not through faith alone. Which as I explained earlier, believing that doing
something merits good standing with God, is pride and sin - the antithesis of the required
humility that is naturally derived from recognizing the significance and sufficiency of Jesus -
because there is nothing one can 'do' to get to God. A belief in any works for salvation negates
a true humbling belief in the necessity of Christ, and therefore negates the individual's salvation.
An example of salvation through works is the Catholic requirement to take the wafer at mass
(transubstantiation), ordained prayers, and infant baptism, and among many things, including
what are called indulgences. Incredibly, a Catholic believes that they can receive forgiveness of
their sins through doing things the Pope says, like make a pilgrimage to a statue of Mary. Other
examples of Satan's counterfeiting and inverting of the gospel are having spiritual teachers and
calling them all fathers, when Jesus said to call no one your teacher or father; prayer to/the
worship of what the pope officially decides are "saints"; the office of pope/papacy itself; and
creating graven images. Although the second commandment instructs us not to create graven
images, the Catholic Church is awash with images of Christ, angels, supposed saints, and relics
- that Catholics pray to.

There are many more examples of deception that are contrary to biblical principles within
Catholicism, but one last major example is misinterpreting the gospel, and promoting what is
called the social gospel, or social justice gospel. Catholics are persuaded that engaging in
social reform and liberal left wing causes are a key to being a good Catholic, and therefore their
salvation. This stems from their unbiblical view of salvation through works, and not through faith
alone. They incorrectly interpret the passages in Matthew 25 on Judgment Day to support this.
Yet, rather than being judged by how we treat the poor, it is clear in these passages that Jesus
is referring to judgment according to how his messengers of the gospel have been treated.
What He calls his "brothers and sisters" in this passage are His true followers and messengers,
not the poor. Furthermore, Jesus didn't come to change the world, or reform institutions. He
came to bring light into a dark world, and to save souls. This Catholic social justice gospel will
undoubtedly be a catalyst for the world government order the pope would like to bring in, and
will bring in in the End Times. There is a spirit of Antichrist in the political left, and I have no
doubt the Catholic Church will play a major role for the Adversary and the Antichrist system in
the End Times. It is very clear from Daniel chapter 7 and 9, as well as Revelation chapter 13,
that the Pope is the Antichrist; and that from Revelation chapter 18 "Mystery Babylon" is the
Roman Catholic Church. (For Catholics and those interested, I have put up an article on my
website explaining why Matthew 25 Judgment Day does not infer a gospel of social justice.)

My personal thoughts regarding the Catholic Church, is that the Catholic system is exactly what
one might expect from the Deceiver. In a world that requires him to battle the gospel, it is
masterful deception to cunningly steer people away from the truth by using a counterfeit system
that is cloaked in the gospel. A wolf is sheep's clothing. It is clever because the lies corrupt the
truth, and prevent the gospel from being properly understood.

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Typically, any counterfeit system reinforces itself among its members through a special, 'new'
(man made) doctrine that outwardly differentiates themselves from other groups. It is the
hallmark of a cult. Some form of 'works' or method that is required for salvation, that
makes them superior to the rest - which is more pride, and another trap of the Deceiver's. In the
case of Catholics it is taking the wafer at mass. If one does not take it, they are not part of the
body of Christ and are not saved. In the case of Seventh Day Adventists, it is worshiping on
Saturdays instead of Sundays. In the case of Islam it is praying to Mecca 5 times a day. Again
though, in Biblical Christianity this is recognized as folly, and pride. It misses the mark. Which is
the definition of sin, and goal of the Deceiver, and why Jesus said the path to salvation is

The counterfeit system also requires a hierarchy to interpret the Bible for them. Elders that
discourage its adherents from thinking for themselves. This is not only the case with
Catholicism, but also with the other anti-biblical forms of Christianity, including Mormonism,
Jehovah's Witnesses, and Seventh Day Adventists. In this respect, Catholics justify their anti-
biblical principles with their belief that their church is the first, true church, whose leaders have
been entrusted by God with special man-made doctrinal authority. It took the invention of the
printing press, and people reading the Bible for themselves, for people to understood that the
Catholic Church system was in direct opposition to biblical principles. This led to the
Reformation. If only Catholics understood that the point of God revealing Himself to the world,
was to get man away from man made religion, and to know Him personally through true
repentance and a repentant lifestyle.

(Update: This weekend Pope Francis officially declared Mother Teresa a saint, after confirming t
he two required healing miracles Catholics have
arbitrarily determined are necessary for "sainthood". These healing miracles occurred after Tere
sa died, when women in India, and a woman in Brazil, prayed to Teresa for
miraculous healing through relics they had of hers. I don't doubt that miraculous healing
occurred, but was this healing due to prayers to Teresa in Heaven, or was it customized
deception because they worshiped false idols? How many Catholics will now be praying to
Teresa?) (Speaking of demonic deception within Catholicism, I believe there will be a powerful
demonic manifestation of Mary once the end times Tribulation period begins. Similar to other
demonic manifestations in history, like Guadalupe and Fatima. This will fool many into following
the Pope.)

The beliefs that Catholics hold regarding counter-balancing one’s sins, against a greater
number of good deeds, combined with superstitious rituals and traditions, is the same
deception that deceives Muslims, Jews, and many Eastern Orthodox. People also become
attached to the tribe they are born into, and their tradition's beliefs and customs, and their love
for their tribe and its traditions replaces love of the truth, and the truth about God. They are not
willing to seriously question whether the religion they were born into is the truth about God.
Which is why He detests these superstitious customs. Again, “they refused to love the truth and
so be saved.” In reality, these methods of reaching Heaven are arrogance and pride, and it is
partly rooted in their pride for their tribal affiliation. This arrogance and pride prevents them from
recognizing who they truly are - a hopeless, depraved sinner in need of God’s saving grace.
By choosing to believe their false beliefs, and practicing their superstitious rituals and customs,
they do not truly love God because they have not sought what he desires, which is a
relationship, through true reconciliation. They have not sought to learn about his nature, and
therefore their own true nature. Mostly, they are simply superstitious about their faith, which is

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why their faith is false, worldly, man made religion. (I highly recommend checking out the
resources and links in the additional resources section, on Catholicism, Judaism, and Islam.)

New Age Spirituality and Eastern Religion

The original sin, is the sin of independence. Trying to be like God, without God. The New
Ager’s pursuit of experience, power (including healing power), self-development, and false
divine knowledge is what brings them their deception. Even though these are so called spiritual
pursuits, New Agers are nonetheless driven by self interest and their ego, and what they pursue
are false idols. New Agers are typically not interested in truth, but rather what is “true for
themselves”, and what will benefit themselves or their “spiritual progression”. God really detests
false idolatrous worship and false spiritual practices and calls them abominations. He has
allowed these practices to be an invitation for “strong delusion” from adversarial spirits, that the
New Ager has invited into their life.

Many New Agers have “progressed” far enough to be in communication with their “spirit guides”,
which are in reality “by the activity of Satan”. Other newbies to the New Age are currently
entering it through the massively popular yoga trend. Without going into the subject deeply,
yoga is not exercise, it is a spiritual practice (from Hinduism). And every woman that does yoga
knows this, and keeps coming back for its spiritual benefits. They keep coming back, typically
for greater amounts of yoga, because it is an example of spiritual bondage, and it is similar to
drug addiction. They experience highs, and then lower lows, which causes them to need more
to feel good again. And the more into it they get, the more pronounced this cycle becomes. (I
have powerful, must watch, personal testimony videos on yoga on my website,, in the Additional Resources section.) The word yoga itself means to “yoke”
with the gods. The stretching poses that were designed to emulate the different gods; the
breathing exercises; and the OM chanting; are spiritual practices. They are designed to assist
the practitioner to let go and yield to spiritual forces - which they naively assume are benevolent.
There are tons of ways to "exercise", so why has this one become the sweeping craze in our
time? As of 2015 one study showed that 62% of American women are into yoga. If the Biblical
Christian worldview is true, it means that women in America are being spiritually primed to
accept and connect with the Antichrist. Which would be in line with prophecy for our time. (I
'highly' recommend checking out the section on Spiritual Warfare on this website. It is
exceedingly interesting.)

New Agers, Catholics, and the Emergent Church (a new, massive, liberal, and heretical
movement out of the Protestant line) have a lot in common, and in the Tribulation they will
ultimately come together in the new world religion that is emerging in the West. (Atheism will be
become patently untrue in the Tribulation, as the supernatural becomes obvious.) Together,
their new "enlightened" regime will severely persecute those that stand in the way of "peace".
Those that are not into “love and oneness”, but rather “fear and separation”. In other words the
politically incorrect remnant of people that still believe the Bible to be literally true. Jews will also
be persecuted, again.

On the night of June 26th, 2015, after the Supreme Court decision was made, the highest house
in the land, representing American government, was bathed in colors not of the American flag,
but of another flag representing what the Bible calls evil. That same night the top of the One
World Tower was also bathed in rainbow colors. Where the public vow of defiance resides

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symbolically closest to God, on top of the monument of defiance, at the site of judgment
warning, God was mocked. The judgment and destruction of the nation should be soon.

This day, June 26th, 2015, was a very interesting day in the Jewish calendar. It was the 9th day
of the month of Tammuz. A day that was commemorated with fasting in ancient Israel, as it is
the anniversary of the day that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon breached the wall of Old
Jerusalem and within 4 weeks Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, and the Jews taken
captive to Babylon. This US Supreme Court ruling symbolizes the enemy having now breached
the protective wall of America, and therefore America's destruction is soon.

Like Israel, the judgement will be commensurate with the amount of light, blessing, and
responsibility America was given. The same is true for the individual. Those Americans and
Westerners that have had all the access in the world to the Truth, and still ignored it, will be
judged more harshly on Judgment Day, compared with those in countries with little or no access
to the Truth.

Near Death Experiences (NDE) - proof of Christ

Modern medical technology today has resulted in a flood of NDEs being reported. Studying
them has also become a respected science. These near death experiencers are experiencing
the same patterns. The question is how does religion fit into these patterns?

The accounts of NDEs can be divided into two categories: Pleasant and unpleasant. The most
unpleasant experiences reported are various types of hellish experiences. I have links to
people’s incredible hellish NDE accounts on my website, in the Additional Resources section.
Not only do I think they are fascinating, I think they are important to know about and appreciate,
for a complete, clear worldview. It would be foolish to ignore them.

Believe it or not, all of the reports from non Western cultures are unpleasant. Does this count as
evidence for the Christian worldview? Of course it does.

The following are two examples of Indian NDE accounts from a NDE researchers’ site that
promotes reincarnation and a New Age philosophical worldview. To remain unbiased, I have
simply copied and pasted the first two NDE reports from their website, which are all quite
unpleasant to say the least. I have this link on my website,, under the
Additional Resources section, where you can read the other example NDEs they recorded.

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1. Vasudev Pandey's Near-Death Experience

Vasudev Pandey was interviewed in 1975 and again in 1976. He was born in 1921 and
had nearly died in his home of what he described as "paratyphoid disease" when he was
about 10 years old. Vasudev had been considered dead and his body had actually been
taken to the cremation ground. However, some indications of life aroused attention, and
Vasudev was removed to the hospital where doctors tried to revive him, using "injections,"
with eventual success. He remained unconscious for 3 days and then became able to
describe the following experience (as narrated to us in 1975):

Two persons caught me and took me with them. I felt tired after walking some distance;
they started to drag me. My feet became useless. There was a man sitting up. He looked
dreadful and was all black. He was not wearing any clothes. He said in a rage to the
attendants [who brought Vasudev there]:

"I had asked you to bring Vasudev the gardener. Our garden is drying up. You have
brought Vasudev the student."

When I regained consciousness, Vasudev the gardener was standing in front of me

[apparently in the crowd of family and servants who had gathered around the bed of the
ostensibly dead Vasudev]. He was hale and hearty. People started teasing him saying,
"Now it is your turn." He seemed to sleep well in the night, but the next morning he was

In reply to questions about details, Vasudev said that the "black man" had a club and used
foul language. Vasudev identified him as Yamraj, the Hindu god of the dead. He said that
he was "brought back" by the same two men who had taken him to Yamraj in the first
place. Vasudev's mother, who died before the time of the interview, was a pious woman
who read scriptures which included descriptions of Yamraj. Vasudev, even as a boy
before his near-death experience, was quite familiar with Yamraj.

2. Durga Jatav's Near-Death Experience

Durga Jatav, a man approximately 50 years old, was interviewed in November, 1979, and
again 3 months later. About 30 years before, he had been ill for several weeks, suffering
from what had been diagnosed as typhoid. When his body "became cold" for a couple of
hours, his family thought he had died. He revived, however, and on the third day following
this he told his family he had been taken to another place by 10 people. He tried to
escape, but they cut off his legs at the knees to prevent his escape. He was taken to a
place where there were tables and chairs and 40 or 50 people sitting. He recognized no
one. They looked at his "papers," saw that his name was not on their list, and said, "Why
have you brought him here? Take him back." To this Durga had replied, "How can I go
back? I don't have feet." He was then shown several pairs of legs, he recognized his own,
and they were somehow reattached. He was then sent back with the instructions not to
"stretch" (bend?) his knees so that they could mend. Durga's older sister, who was also
interviewed, corroborated his account of his apparent death and revival.

A few days after Durga revived, his sister and a neighbor noticed marks on Durga's knees
which had not been there before. These folds - or deep fissures - which appeared on his
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2025
skin in front of his knees were still visible in 1979. There was no bleeding or pain in his
knees other than the discomfort engendered by Durga following the "instructions" to keep
his knees in a fixed position. X-ray photographs we took in 1981 showed no abnormality
below the surface of the skin.
Durga had not heard of such experiences until his own near-death experience. He did not
see his physical body from some other position in space. He said afterward the
experience seemed like a dream; nevertheless, he claimed it strengthened his faith in

One informant for this case was the headman of the village where Durga lived who said at
the time of Durga's experience, another person by the same name had died in Agra about
30 km away; however, neither Durga nor his older sister were able to confirm this

The pattern of being taken away, by malevolent people or entities, is occurring all over the
world. Many accounts also go further than the initial stage of being taken away, into deeper
realms of hellish experience.

On the other hand, the pleasant experiences being reported in the West most often involve
meeting deceased family members who told them to go back, or say they came back because
of ties of love and duty with living persons, or say they were told it was not their time to die. This
is never the experience of Indian Hindu NDEs. These Western experiences also sometimes go
further into deeper realms of heavenly experience. Sometimes, people also experience angels,
and Jesus.

The last unique type of NDE account is extremely interesting. This last type is rare. They
are the unpleasant/pleasant experiences of some Westerners that describe an experience that
is in line with a New Age philosophical worldview. Typically these experiencers come back to
the world on a mission to spread their knowledge and wisdom. They come back to teach -- us
that are supposedly less enlightened -- about what life is really all about. One of the most
famous near death experiencers that has come back to teach us is Eben Alexander. A
neurosurgeon, and former atheist (before his NDE), turned New Age lecturer.

In his lecture about his NDE, he describes some very interesting things. Of note, his experience
starts off unpleasant. No Christian’s experience ever begins this way. After this initial unpleasant
period, he encounters an angel that imparts to him all the insights and wisdom to life. And just
like in the experiences of the other near death experiencers that have come back as wise New
Age teachers, the angel that gives the wisdom is female. This is actually a clue for discerning
Christians, because biblically all angels are male. Angels don’t sexually reproduce, so there is
no need for female angels.

What is most interesting of all is what Alexander says are the two most important things the
angel told him for us to know. First, “we have nothing to worry about”. This is essentially
because life is a classroom in which we get to come back again and continue our learning.
Second, “we can do no wrong”. And the reasoning for this is the same. As we can see, these
two pieces of wisdom are the exact opposite of biblical Truth.So, one of these worldviews
must be wrong. Either we need to be concerned about our eternity, and we can do wrong; or we
don’t need to worry, and we can do no wrong. The dichotomy couldn’t clearer. (This inversion of
the truth that is the handiwork of the adversary couldn't be clearer.)

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The other aspect of the New Age near death experiencer's message is that God is love, and all
we need it love. It is true that God is love, but he is also other things; including righteous, and
holy, and just. Any religion or philosophy that says all we need is love, is opposed to Biblical
Christianity. This includes present day liberal mainline denominations of Christianity.

In regards to this question of whether we have nothing to worry about, and we can do no wrong,
the New Age perspective views the Biblical Christian worldview as ancient, oppressive, and
unenlightened. Whereas the Biblical Christian perspective views the New Age perspective, as
immature, narcissistic, and naive. The New Age perspective doesn’t have a good explanation
for hellish or Christian NDEs, however the Christian perspective can certainly explain the New
Ager’s NDE. New Agers do not think there is evil. Usually the most they will admit to is that
some form of malevolent beings may exist. Which they claim to be able to avoid because they
think of themselves as wise and enlightened, or filled with light. Yet the Christian understands
that this arrogance is exactly why they are susceptible to evil deception, and the demonic
beings that appear to them as beings of light. In the Biblical Christian perspective, the New Ager
is essentially like a proud child, seeking independence from their parent, without any
accountability but to themself. As a result, they invite satanic deception into their lives.

This explanation for New Age NDEs, is really the underlying explanation to all false religion and
spiritual deception in our world. This illustration and example demonstrates what is called
spiritual warfare. The material world is simply the surface layer, or the visible tip of the iceberg.
There is a spiritual realm behind everything. I could write many pages on this subject, but I only
have space for this one topic of NDEs, to try to illustrate this understanding of spiritual warfare.
There are forces counterfeiting and inverting the truth, whose goal is to try and steer those
susceptible away from the truth and salvation. These forces are often extremely cunning, and
many times smarter than we are. God has placed deception and evil in the world to test us, and
see whether we will overcome it and see through it; or be weak, or foolish, or proud, or wicked,
and fall for the deception.

2 Thessalonians 2:11: “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe
what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had
pleasure in unrighteousness.”

When someone is involved in spiritual deception, they become bonded to it, and it is difficult for
them to see through it and leave it. It is spiritual bondage. Like a drug addict that can’t stop, so
too is the case with someone involved with a form of spiritual deception. Like drugs, they get a
high, but then later get a lower low, or a crash. Which, like drugs, causes them to come back for
a larger dose. With spiritual bondage, the high comes in the forms of increased inner peaceful
feelings, increased inner energy, increased knowledge, or increased psychic abilities. A few of
the more popular forms of this in our culture are yoga, horoscopes, astrology, any form of
divination - eg. tarot cards, any form of spiritual healing power, psychotropic drugs, and dancing
to hypnotic music for hours.

The intensity of this spiritual warfare battle will be increased dramatically during the End Times
Tribulation period. The supernatural will become so obvious that atheism will disappear
altogether. Susceptibility to satanic spiritual deception in our world today, has been rising
proportionately with our culture’s departure from Judeo-Christian values, and especially so in
these last years. Today, people are being primed for the arrival and acceptance of the

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Antichrist. As an example, I cited earlier the study showing the percentage of Americans that
are into yoga today. Again, I highly recommend watching the powerful testimony videos of a
yogi in the additional resources section. You will get an excellent idea of how demonic forces
incrementally lay claim on practitioners of yoga, and other false spiritual practices. As the West
further departs from the God of Israel, the more it receives judgement in the form of false
religion, and false politics. The West is being spiritually primed for the Antichrist’s arrival soon.
The followers of false religion and politics will feel connected to this leader, and will gladly follow

Other Scientific Evidences for a Creator that is a personal

In general, the amount of evidence for a Creator that is a personal being, and evidence for
Christ, is so great that it is embarrassing. Yet those that have not taken the time to look into it
are unaware. Most people have not carefully evaluated the evidence. Many have either rested
on our culture's overwhelming predisposition against the supernatural, or have preferred to
believe in an impersonal, transcendental, panthiestic God, that is not directly intervening in the
affairs of mankind. Atheists are truthfully not open to any evidence, because Atheism is a firm
fixed belief system, as dogmatic as any religion. This is why when one questions an atheist
what evidence for a monotheistic God would they require to be satisfied, they without exception
have no answer for this.

I have compiled on my website many explanations of some of the best evidences, and links to
some of the best resources; including some truly fascinating documentaries. No matter what
your worldview is, I'm confident you will be amazed. The following incredible explanations of
scientific evidences are brief, for the sake of space. In depth explanations, along with supporting
sources and videos are on my website. You need to check out my website!

The Signature in The Cell

The Signature in The Cell, is the name of the famous book by Dr. Stephen Meyer, who
received his PhD from University of Cambridge in philosophy of science. "The discovery of
information bearing properties of DNA and RNA is a fundamental challenge to all materialistic
theories of the origin of life. Neo-Darwinism and its associated theories of chemical evolution
and the like will not be able to survive the biology of the information age, the biology of the 21st
century." Scientists have discovered that DNA is essentially a software program, only more
complex than any ever devised. "The most fundamental question in biology today is "where did
information come from?" How did these complex software programs originate in the first single
cell organisms? Saying it arose from chemical processes is like saying that the information in a
newspaper arose from the physical and chemical processes of ink bonding to paper. Like all
information, is must come from intelligence. There is more proof of the designer within the cell
on my website.

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The Anthropic Principle is the Law of Human Existence.

It is well known that our existence in this universe depends on numerous cosmological
constants and parameters whose numerical values must fall within a very narrow range of
values. If even a single variable were off, even slightly, we would not exist. The extreme
improbability that so many variables would align so auspiciously in our favor merely by
chance has led some scientists and philosophers to propose instead that it was God who
providentially engineered the universe to suit our specific needs. This is the Anthropic
Principle: that the universe appears to have been fine-tuned for our existence.

Consider protons, for example. Protons are the positively charged subatomic particles
which (along with neutrons) form the nucleus of an atom (around which negatively
charged electrons orbit). Whether by providence or fortuitous luck (depending on your
perspective), protons just happen to be 1,836 times larger than electrons. If they were a
little bigger or a little smaller, we would not exist (because atoms could not form the
molecules we require). So how did protons end up being 1,836 times larger than
electrons? Why not 100 times larger or 100,000 times? Why not smaller? Of all the
possible variables, how did protons end up being just the right size? Was it luck or

Or how is it that protons carry a positive electrical charge equal to that of the negatively
charged electrons? If protons did not balance electrons and vice versa, we would not
exist. They are not comparable in size, yet they are perfectly balanced. Did nature just
stumble upon such a propitious relationship, or did God ordain it for our sakes?

Another illustration of the universe's fine tuning in order for life to exist is gravitational force.
Imagine a ruler in one inch increments, stretched across the entire universe, some 14 billion
light years long. The ruler represents the possible range for gravity. In other words the setting
for the strength of gravity could have been set anywhere along the length of the ruler, but it just
happens to be situated in exactly the right place so that life is possible. If you were to change
the force of gravity by moving the setting just one inch as compared to the entire width of the
universe, the effect on life would be catastrophic.

This dial setting doesn't only apply to gravitational force, it applies to all the known laws of

The list of these extremely finely tuned variables is quite lengthy. A more extensive list is on my
website. You will be amazed.

The Omega Point Cosmology

From wikipedia:

The Omega Point is a term [Frank J.] Tipler uses to describe a cosmological state in the
distant proper-time future of the universe that he maintains is required by the known
physical laws. According to this cosmology, it is required for the known laws of physics to
be mutually consistent that intelligent life take over all matter in the universe and

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eventually force its collapse. During that collapse, the computational capacity of the
universe diverges to infinity and environments emulated with that computational capacity
last for an infinite duration as the universe attains a solitary-point cosmological singularity.
This singularity is Tipler's Omega Point. With computational resources diverging to infinity,
Tipler states that a society far in the future would be able to resurrect the dead by
emulating all alternative universes of our universe from its start at the Big Bang. Tipler
identifies the Omega Point with God [especially the Judeo-Christian God], since, in his
view, the Omega Point has all the properties claimed for God.] Also the resurrection of the
dead at the end of time is a central idea in the Judeo-Christian view of God.]

His book is titled the Physics of Immortality. Interestingly, he points out the correct translation,
included in most Bibles' footnotes, for God's reply to Moses' question on top of Mount Sinai,
regarding God's name. Instead of "I Am, What I Am", the footnoted translation is, "I Will Be,
What I Will Be". In this case, God is alluding to His future tense, as Omega - the infinite
singularity at the end on time and space after the Big Crunch (the opposite of the Big Bang).
Also, Jesus often referred to the Kingdom of God in the future tense, as in the coming Kingdom
of God.

(This concept of the resurrection of the dead at the end of time, that Tipler claims is
evidenced from mathematical quantum physics, is not compatible with a worldview that
claims reincarnation. So how is that some people swear they have past life memories?
How is it that some young kids claim past lives? As I explained earlier, the answer is
"strong delusion", because of "refusal to love the truth". Even the most well known
reincarnation research scientist, Dr. Ian Stevenson - who admits to having a personal
bias toward Eastern spirituality - does not rule this hypothesis out. He claims that
spiritual deception could in fact be one conclusion of his research.)

Our world and universe seems to have been designed for our
scientific discovery
The rare things that life needs in a planetary environment, also setup the best conditions overall
for scientific discovery. Here are some examples of this correlation.

Earth's life sustaining - transparent atmosphere, that allows us to study the universe. It didn't
have to be this way. (Incidentally, almost half of all cosmologists believe in a personal being
Creator - due to studying their field.)

The sun is four hundred times further away from us than the moon, but it is also four hundred
times larger than the moon (secular scientists call this a "grand coincidence"). The Earth's
precise distance from the sun, the size of its moon and its home star, are factors that not only
control our planet's temperature, axial tilt, and the movement of its tides; they also ensure
perfect solar eclipses. Phenomena that have provided scientists with invaluable data about the
composition of stars and the properties of light.

The Earth is positioned in our galaxy in between two spiral arms, in a relatively small region
where life is possible. As a result, we enjoy an excellent platform for clear unimpeded views of
our galaxy and the rest of our cosmos.

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It seems God intentionally created a habitat for us, that allows us the find Him through the
creation that He has left behind. Our habitat is conducive for us to be able to do scientific
research, and again it didn't have to be that way.

Rare Earth Hypothesis

From wikipedia:

In planetary astronomy and astrobiology, the Rare Earth Hypothesis argues that the origin
of life and the evolution of biological complexity such as sexually reproducing, multicellular
organisms on Earth (and, subsequently, human intelligence) required an improbable
combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances. The hypothesis
argues that complex extraterrestrial life is a very improbable phenomenon and likely to be
extremely rare. The term "Rare Earth" originates from Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is
Uncommon in the Universe (2000), a book by Peter Ward, a geologist and paleontologist,
and Donald E. Brownlee, an astronomer and astrobiologist, both faculty members at the
University of Washington.

An alternative view point was argued by Carl Sagan and Frank Drake, among others. It
holds that Earth is a typical rocky planet in a typical planetary system, located in a non-
exceptional region of a common barred-spiral galaxy. Given the principle of mediocrity (in
the same vein as the Copernican principle), it is probable that the universe teems with
complex life. Ward and Brownlee argue to the contrary: that planets, planetary systems,
and galactic regions that are as friendly to complex life as are the Earth, the Solar System,
and our region of the Milky Way are extremely rare.

The Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the evolution of biological complexity requires a
host of fortuitous circumstances, such as a galactic habitable zone, a central star and
planetary system having the requisite character, the circumstellar habitable zone, a right
sized terrestrial planet, the advantage of a gas giant guardian like Jupiter and a large
natural satellite [our moon], conditions needed to ensure the planet has a magnetosphere
and plate tectonics, the chemistry of the lithosphere, atmosphere, and oceans, the role of
"evolutionary pumps" such as massive glaciation and rare bolide impacts, and whatever
led to the appearance of the eukaryote cell, sexual reproduction and the Cambrian
explosion of animal, plant, and fungi phyla. The evolution of human intelligence may have
required yet further events, which are extremely unlikely to have happened were it not for
the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago which saw the decline of
dinosaurs as the dominant terrestrial vertebrates.

In order for a small rocky planet to support complex life, Ward and Brownlee argue, the
values of several variables must fall within narrow ranges.

In fact, Ward and Brownlee go on to calculate that the required fortuitous circumstances,
suggest that it is very possible our Earth is the only planet in the universe that has been able to
evolve intelligent life. Richards and Gonzalez come to the same conclusion in their book, The
Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery.

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Is it egocentric to think that one will live in the "End Times"?
Not at all! Due to the population explosion, half of the total number of all the humans that have
ever lived, are alive today. If God had something momentous in store for humanity, now would
be a good time. In Scripture, the End Times is described as being an "overripe harvest of the
earth". Also, given the technological explosion that includes the technology for destruction, it
could be that divine intervention is required at this time. As well, postmodern and nihilistic
values have decayed our culture substantially within three generations. For numerous reasons
Western Civilization is paralleling the final days of Roman Civilization. The foundation that
propelled Western Civilization, especially Protestant countries (the success of Protestant
countries is in itself evidence for Christianity), has been removed. This civilization is out of gas,
running on fumes, and it is drifting toward the shock that will cause an overnight decline. And in
general, divine self-revelation and intervention at this time would solve a lot of problems in the

The precise date of the beginning of Jacob's hour of

trouble/The Great Tribulation/End Times...
Before I get to the precise day of this year, 2017, that is the beginning of the Great Tribulation, I
would like to very briefly present some truly amazing signs/proofs that show the Tribulation will
begin in this current 7 year shemitah cycle, and for 2017 being the year it begins. Again, this
new 7 year shemitah period started September 14, 2015, after the end of the last shemitah,
jubilee, and jubilee of jubilees. You will find this extremely fascinating!

Jesus said to him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will
never believe." John 4:48.

Holy Cow!! - The Mystery of The 7 Cows

In the autumn of 2014 the Associated Press (not a Christian news media outlet) sent forth an
image to America and the world of a cow with a number 7 on its head.

The biblical basis is when God warned Egypt of the coming 7 years of famine. In genesis the
pharaoh has a dream of two sets of 7 cows. The meaning is given to Joseph through God, and
he interprets the dream for him. Each cow represents a year. The first 7 cows represent 7 years
of prosperity for Egypt, and the second set of sickly cows, represent 7 years of coming famine.
The key cow is the last cow in the first set of 7 cows. This represents the last year of the 7 year
shemitah cycle that is described earlier in my writing. It also represents the turning point from
prosperity to famine.

On what day does the AP (secular press) release this uncanny image of this cow with the
number 7 on its head?! The very opening day of the last year of the 7 year shemitah cycle! The
Jewish New Year's Day, September 25, 2014. The biblical symbol of the 7th year is released to
the public on the first day of the shemitah year.

The cow was named Benjamin, which is linked to Joseph. The cow was born near Pittsburgh,
and so people saw this "weird" cow as an omen that number 7 Ben Roethlisberger would lead

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the Pittsburgh Steelers to a Super Bowl victory. Which is a picture of America currently - to miss
the sign and relate it to pleasure, entertainment, or sports. Just like missing the harbingers in

It gets more interesting. Upon learning of this cow, a farmer couple from Texas realized their
records showed that they had a calf born with a number 7 on its head on the same day,
September 25, 2014.

First, Deuteronomy 19:15, "one witness is not enough to convict anyone [in a matter of
judgement]." The two calves serve as two witnesses. Also, in pharaoh's dream there were 14
cows - two sets of 7. The calves are different types of cows; and one is male, the other is
female. Also if you look at the first cow's 7 it looks like a fancy type writer 7, which would parallel
the first 7 cows representing abundance. The second cow's 7 looks like a no frills dabbed
Passover (blood of lamb over doorway) 7. Which parallels the famine in the dream, and coming

The 7th cow represents the warning of turning from abundance to judgment for America, and
the timing coincides prophetically with this current 7 years shemitah cycle containing the
beginning of the Great Tribulation/End Times period.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
"Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let
them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years." Genesis 1:14

"Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." John 4:48

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 is another sure sign and proof that the Tribulation will commence
during this current 7 year shemitah cycle. Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was a comet that broke
apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of
an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects. This generated a large amount of coverage
in the popular media, and the comet was closely observed by astronomers worldwide. The
collision provided new information about Jupiter and highlighted its role in reducing space debris
in the inner Solar System.

On July 16, 1994 the first fragment hit Jupiter, and over the next six days, 21 distinct impacts
were observed, with the largest coming on July 18 at 07:33 UTC when fragment G struck
Jupiter. This impact created a giant dark spot over 12,000 km across, and was estimated to
have released an energy equivalent to 6,000,000 megatons of TNT (600 times the world's
nuclear arsenal). Two impacts 12 hours apart on July 19 created impact marks of similar size to
that caused by fragment G, and impacts continued until July 22, when fragment W struck the

Despite published predictions, astronomers had not expected to see the fireballs from the
impacts, and did not have any idea in advance how visible the other atmospheric effects of the
impacts would be from Earth. Observers soon saw a huge dark spot after the first impact. The
spot was visible even in very small telescopes, and was about 6,000 km (3,700 mi) (one Earth
radius) across.

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1994 was a shemitah year. July 16, 1994 was the also 9th day of Av in the Jewish
calendar -- the day of Jewish calamity in history. The comet hit in the 7th month, and lasted
7 days. If 21 distinct fragments and impacts symbolizes 21 years, or three shemitah cycles of 7
years, then this points to the shemitah year of 2014-2015. 2014-2015 is also the year of the
blood moons, eclipses, and importantly the event that occurred on the wipeout day and last day
of that year -- Elul 29/Sep 13, 2015 - also the last day of the jubilee, and jubilee of
jubilees. September 13, 2015 was the day of a solar eclipse and the Israeli Security Forces
incursion on the Temple Mount, which I will explain more about in a minute. This comet impact,
on the planet that has been known from ages-old as the King Planet, is just one more sign of
many that points to transition times, and the Tribulation beginning in this current shemitah cycle.
Also, the significance of this occurring on the 9th of Av implies calamity for Israel in this next 7
year shemitah cycle. Which is in line with biblical prophecy concerning 7 years of Tribulation for
Israel; which speaks about the world ganging up on Israel and Jews. Which is certainly also in
line with the direction of current world events regarding Israel and Jews.

Solar Eclipses
" those days...I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below... The
sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and
glorious day of the Lord." Joel 2:30 and Act 2:19

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars” Luke 21:25

It's worth reminding at this point that it's very interesting that the sun is 400 times larger than the
moon, and is also 400 times further away, ensuring perfect solar eclipses. Phenomena that
have provided scientists with invaluable data about the composition of stars and the properties
of light. Scientists call this the "Grand Coincidence."

Eclipse 1
First, Deuteronomy 19:15, "one witness is not enough to convict anyone [in a matter of
judgement]." The two calves serve as two witnesses. Also, in pharaoh's dream there were 14
cows - two sets of 7. The calves are different types of cows; and one is male, the other is
female. Also if you look at the first cow's 7 it looks like a fancy type writer 7, which would parallel
the first 7 cows representing abundance. The second cow's 7 looks like a no frills dabbed
Passover (blood of lamb over doorway) 7. Which parallels the famine in the dream, and coming

The 7th cow represents the warning of turning from abundance to judgment for America, and
the timing coincides prophetically with this current 7 years shemitah cycle containing the
beginning of the Great Tribulation/End Times period.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
"Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let
them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years." Genesis 1:14

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"Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe." John 4:48

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 is another sure sign and proof that the Tribulation will commence
during this current 7 year shemitah cycle. Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was a comet that broke
apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of
an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects. This generated a large amount of coverage
in the popular media, and the comet was closely observed by astronomers worldwide. The
collision provided new information about Jupiter and highlighted its role in reducing space debris
in the inner Solar System.

On July 16, 1994 the first fragment hit Jupiter, and over the next six days, 21 distinct impacts
were observed, with the largest coming on July 18 at 07:33 UTC when fragment G struck
Jupiter. This impact created a giant dark spot over 12,000 km across, and was estimated to
have released an energy equivalent to 6,000,000 megatons of TNT (600 times the world's
nuclear arsenal). Two impacts 12 hours apart on July 19 created impact marks of similar size to
that caused by fragment G, and impacts continued until July 22, when fragment W struck the

Despite published predictions, astronomers had not expected to see the fireballs from the
impacts, and did not have any idea in advance how visible the other atmospheric effects of the
impacts would be from Earth. Observers soon saw a huge dark spot after the first impact. The
spot was visible even in very small telescopes, and was about 6,000 km (3,700 mi) (one Earth
radius) across.

1994 was a shemitah year. July 16, 1994 was the also 9th day of Av in the Jewish
calendar -- the day of Jewish calamity in history. The comet hit in the 7th month, and lasted
7 days. If 21 distinct fragments and impacts symbolizes 21 years, or three shemitah cycles of 7
years, then this points to the shemitah year of 2014-2015. 2014-2015 is also the year of the
blood moons, eclipses, and importantly the event that occurred on the wipeout day and last day
of that year -- Elul 29/Sep 13, 2015 - also the last day of the jubilee, and jubilee of
jubilees. September 13, 2015 was the day of a solar eclipse and the Israeli Security Forces
incursion on the Temple Mount, which I will explain more about in a minute. This comet impact,
on the planet that has been known from ages-old as the King Planet, is just one more sign of
many that points to transition times, and the Tribulation beginning in this current shemitah cycle.
Also, the significance of this occurring on the 9th of Av implies calamity for Israel in this next 7
year shemitah cycle. Which is in line with biblical prophecy concerning 7 years of Tribulation for
Israel; which speaks about the world ganging up on Israel and Jews. Which is certainly also in
line with the direction of current world events regarding Israel and Jews.

Solar Eclipses
" those days...I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below... The
sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the coming of the great and
glorious day of the Lord." Joel 2:30 and Act 2:19

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars” Luke 21:25

It's worth reminding at this point that it's very interesting that the sun is 400 times larger than the
moon, and is also 400 times further away, ensuring perfect solar eclipses. Phenomena that

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have provided scientists with invaluable data about the composition of stars and the properties
of light. Scientists call this the "Grand Coincidence."

Eclipse 1

Besides the blood moons, another very interesting astronomical phenomenon occurred during
this last shemitah year of 2014--2015. The Spring (Vernal) Equinox is the exact moment when
day and night are the same length everywhere on the planet. This occurred on March 20, 2015
at 22:45 UT. On this day as well, a total solar eclipse peaked at 9:45 UT.

Also on March 20th at sundown was the first day of the Jewish ecclesiastical
astical year - the 1st day
of the month of Nissan, which is a holy day. Which is also the precise split, or halfway point, of
the Jewish calendar year. So not only did March 20th mark the exact split of day and night on
Earth, it also precisely split the Jewish shemitah year. It also occurred in between the blood
moons of 2014 and the blood moons of 2015, thereby splitting them.

What is perhaps most interesting, is the path that the shadow of the total solar eclipse traced on
the surface of the Earth. Its path exactly split the Old World from the New World. I have
watched a NASA computer simulated video of this, and it is uncanny how precise the splitting
on the map is! Also, the peak of the eclipse at 9:45 UT is the peak of the splitting on the map.
You have to view the video to see what I mean, and you can see it on my website,, in the Additional Resources section. Some eschatologists deduce that the
symbolic meaning of this geographical splitting infers that in this new shemitah cycle, there will
be a dramatic shifting of power from the New World, back to the Old World, which would be in
line with end times biblical prophecy, and the many signs of impending wrath and judgement
that have been given to America. Including 9/11, and the shemitah wipeout days of 1987, 2001,
and 2008. Another way in which this symbolic splitting is a divine warning is related to the
world's current attempt to split Israel. Which Bible prophecy predicts will happen in these last

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Eclipse 2

Although solar eclipses are not tied to lunar eclipses, a second solar eclipse occurred in the
shemitah year of 2015 - the second year of the blood moons tetrad that has lunar eclipses on
Jewish Feast days. Incredibly, it occurred on September 13, the wipeout day of the
shemitah - Elul 29, the last day of the 7 year shemitah cycle, and completion of the jubilee
and jubilee of jubilees. This was the day of the symbolic incursion on the Temple Mount by
Israeli Security Forces, and the beginning of the recent spate of terrorism in Israel. Also, it was
the eve before the new jubilee year of 2015-2016 and a symbolic sign of what is to come
regarding Jewish control of the Temple Mount. Also on this day, Germany closed its border with
Austria for the first time in the EU era (along with other EU countries closing their borders) due
to the migrant crisis. Which was a telling blow to the open travel border and the two decade long
Schengen system itself. It could likely be a sign of things to come for the EU. The shemitah day
is about collapse if in disfavor, and this could symbolically point to a collapse or splitting of the
current EU system soon. (Noteworthy, is that in this shemitah year both solar eclipses and both
blood moons lunar eclipses, occurred on important Jewish calendar days. Another
improbable coincidence.)

Eclipse 3

In the shemitah year of 1987, an annular solar eclipse (a total eclipse, but with a ring of light)
occurred on September 23. September 23, 1987 was the once every seven years day of the
shemitah, or the wipeout day - Elul 29 in the Jewish calendar. A few days later panic struck on
what became known as Black Monday, and the Dow had its biggest one day percentage loss in
history. It lost 22% in one day, which nearly doubled that of the next biggest one day percentage
loss in history of 12% that occurred in 1929. Recall also that the two biggest stock market
crashes in history in terms of points lost (2001, 2008) occurred precisely on shemitah wipeout

Eclipse 4

The Great American Eclipse

If you haven't heard yet, the coming total eclipse this year in America will be the most talked
about, most focused on by the media, and most watched, in history. Its path will cut across the
entire US from coast to coast, going through ten states, from Oregon the South Carolina,
effectively dividing America exactly in half. On a map, its path is uncanny. It will also be the first
total eclipse in US history to only touch US territory and no other country. Everyone in the US
will see at least a partial eclipse.

The date of this eclipse is very interesting. It occurs on August 21, 2017, and is Elul 1 in the
Jewish calendar. The beginning of the season of forgiveness and repentance, that climaxes 40
days later on the Day of Atonement. If the eclipse is a warning from the God of Israel to repent,
its date is perfectly timed. The eclipse could also be interpreted as a warning about dividing
land. Specifically the land of Israel. Joel 3:1-2 "For then, in those days and at that time, when I
restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to
the valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will enter into judgment with them there, on account of my
people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations. They
have divided my land..."

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Eclipse 5

The Second Great American Eclipse

What makes the Great American Eclipse in 2017 even more fascinating, is that another one
occurs 7 years later, on the Feast of Passover in 2024 (April 8). This time the eclipse goes from
south to north. Placing both eclipses' paths over the US on a map creates an X pattern. It's also
very interesting that the point on the map where they cross is coincidentally where the first
eclipse's peak is. It may also be where the second eclipse peaks as well, but I don't have this

Where the paths cross, and where the first eclipse peaks, happens to be at the very epicenter of
the New Madrid fault line earthquake zone. Many people claim to have had dreams of a future
where America is geographically divided (split) in two by an ocean inlet from the Gulf to the
Great Lakes along this fault line. If their dreams are prophetic, it could be judgement for dividing
Israel. And if so, and if like I am about to demonstrate in a minute, 2017 is the beginning of the
Tribulation, the timing of the second eclipse being 7 years after the first one would align with
Daniel's 70th week, of 7 years.

Eclipses 6, 7, 8, and 9

God's Partition Plan

“To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River
Euphrates." Genesis 15:18

Four total eclipses have, or will occur next to Israel. Here are their paths.

Not only is Israel in the middle of the area demarcated by their paths, but there is also a middle
point in their timing. The exact midpoint between the first and last of the four eclipses is
November 29, 2016. This is the exact date of the 69th anniversary of the passing of the United
Nations Partition Plan for Mandatory Palestine in 1947. Thus the beginning of the 70th year.
The autumn feasts of 2017 fall within this 70th year. Does the 70th week in Daniel begin the
70th year of this Partition Plan, in 2017? Which is not only 70 years from the UN plan to divide
the land, but 120 years from first Zionist Conference, 100 years from the Balfour Declaration for
a Jewish homeland, and 50 years from the 6-Day War and capture of East Jerusalem and the
Temple Mount.

The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which
recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29
November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181(II). The
resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special
International Regime for the city of Jerusalem. The Partition Plan, a four-part document
attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive
withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States
and Jerusalem. Part I of the Plan stipulated that the Mandate would be terminated as soon as
possible and the United Kingdom would withdraw no later than 1 August 1948. The new states
would come into existence two months after the withdrawal, but no later than 1 October 1948.
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The Plan sought to address the conflicting objectives and claims of two competing movements,
Palestinian nationalism and Jewish nationalism, or Zionism. The Plan was accepted by the
Jewish Agency for Palestine, despite its perceived limitations. Arab leaders and governments
rejected it and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division. Immediately
after adoption of the Resolution by the General Assembly, a civil war broke out and the plan
was not implemented. To this day most Arabs will not accept Jews in what they perceive as
Muslim land, or accept a tiny Jewish state, and the world is still trying to force a division of this
land and make Jerusalem an international city. Yet, God has the last word in the Middle East.

Jewish year 5777

It is interesting that in the Jewish calendar, the year 2017 is the year 5777. As described earlier,
the number 7 is God's number. It symbolizes the touch of God, of perfection, and of completion.
When writing out the year, Jews often leave out the 5, and simply write the last three numbers.
So it is year 777. The year of completion. In the Bible, the number 5 is the number of God's
grace. So the number 5777 is the completion of God's grace. If 2017 is the beginning of the
Great Tribulation, then it is the completion of the Church Age. I will explain this in a minute, but
this lines up with symbolism in the year 5777.

More symbolism is contained in the year 2017 through its significant milestone anniversaries. It
is the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, 120 years since the first Zionist
Conference, 100 years from the Balfour Declaration for a Jewish homeland, 70 years from the
UN Partition Plan, and 50 years from the 6-Day War and capture of East Jerusalem and the
Temple Mount.

2017 (Part B) - The Exact Day of the beginning of

the Tribulation/End Times

KEEP READING, as it is about to get extremely

interesting! More interesting as you read on!
Jewish Feasts
As we can see from the mystery of the 9th of Av, the restoration of Israel in jubilee years, and
the economic collapses on Elul 29 - the wipeout day, that God has a calendar. It is the Hebrew
calendar. The Jewish feasts are God's divine appointments in His calendar of redeeming grace
(Leviticus 23). The feasts are a type, which means they are symbolic, prophetic foreshadows.
God loves using types and symbols in revealing Himself, and the Bible is filled with them.

The seven holy feasts have prophetically foreshadowed things to come. Here are the three
'types' the symbolic feasts have foreshadowed:

Israel - corporately the Jews and their nation

Jesus - Jesus' time on earth

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Individual - an individual's path of redemption

In order to demonstrate this, let's look at the first four spring feasts, before looking at the other
three autumn feasts. These four spring feasts coincided with the exact days of important events
in Jesus' first coming and earthly ministry.

Feast of Passover - blood of lamb

Israel - the sign of blood of a lamb over Hebrews' house entrances, first dealing of God with the
Hebrews/Israel as a corpus, and deliverance from Egypt. Moses is the deliverer.

(Incidentally, Moses the deliverer is a type for Jesus the deliverer; Egypt is a type for the
world; the Jews' slavery is a type for a sinner's bondage to the world through sin; Pharaoh is a
type for Satan; the Holy Spirit passing over the Hebrews' houses with the blood of the sacrificed
lamb on the doorway and sparing their first born, is a type for the wrath of God passing over
those that have accepted the blood of Jesus and His sacrifice at Calvary.)

Messiah - our Passover lamb and deliverer. Jesus was crucified during a Passover festival, and
the world was delivered.
Individual - when a non-believer is first saved by recognizing Jesus and what was accomplished
on the cross. The individual's deliverance.

Feast of Unleavened Bread - transformational - the leaven in bread symbolizes sin

Israel - the Hebrews in the desert for 40 years is Israel in a womb of transformative
development, being taught by God, through Moses, and purged of sin. (The manna bread from
Heaven is a type for the spiritual food we receive when we learn about God, His will, and His
Messiah - Jesus, in the tomb during the days of this feast, before His resurrection and
transformation to His resurrection body.
Individual - after recognizing Jesus, and one's sinful nature, one naturally begins to purge
themselves of sin.

Feast of First Fruits - the first manifestations

Israel - Joshua and the Hebrews coming into the Promised Land, the birth of Israel.
Messiah - the first to be resurrected and overcome death, on the day of this feast. He is called
the firstborn.
Individual - the regenerating believer's life begins to show the first outward signs of change -
good fruit (Luke 6:43).

Feast of Pentecost - establishment - the Holy Spirit

Israel - the establishment of the Judges period and then the first kings. The establishment of
Messiah - Jesus' Church was established on the day of this feast when the Holy Spirit was
poured out on the disciples and 3,000 Jews responded to Peter's first sermon and proclamation
of the gospel.
Individual - the established redeemed individual begins receiving gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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These are the spring feasts, which symbolize Jesus' first appearance on earth as the humble

Given that these spring feasts are a type for Jesus' first earthly ministry, and the timing of these
feasts corresponded exactly to the day with the significant events of His first ministry, it is very
logical to assume that the timing of the autumn feasts will also correspond exactly with the
prophetic days of His Second Coming as King of Kings and ruler of nations. Therefore the
calendar days of the following three autumn feasts should coincide with the following Second
Coming events:

The Feast of Trumpets - The Rapture of the Church (true followers of Christ), before the

The Feast of Trumpets is also the beginning of the "Ten Days of Awe and Repentance" in the
Jewish calendar, which are a type for the Great Tribulation/End Times/Jacob's Hour of Trouble.
The Feast of Trumpets is also known as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Teruah (the awakening blast),
the Day of Shouting, the Day of the Resurrection, Coronation Day, and the Last Trump.

The Feast of Atonement - The Day of The Lord

The Feast of Tabernacles - The annual festival during the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, when
all the nations make pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem to tabernacle with the Lord

The Feast of Trumpets - The Rapture

1 Corinthians 51 Listen, I will tell you a mystery! We will not all die, but we will all be
changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet
will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For this
perishable body must put on imperishability, and this mortal body must put on immortality.

The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah) is the feast that marks the Jewish
calendar New Year. It is also the warning, and inauguration of the season of atonement and the
Ten Days of Awe and Repentance, that lead up to the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). It was
the time of the "Great Assembly" when Israel was gathered to the Temple to hear the king read
from the holy Torah, and 100 shofar blasts were sounded, with the last long blast named the
"last trump". The start of the new year, and the start of the feast, wasn't confirmed until the first
siting of the new moon sliver was visible by the two witnesses/priests, at the time of twilight
that was called the "twinkling of an eye" - the moment when the first three stars become visible
in the night sky after sunset. The feast/festival was allotted two calendar days, and the festival's
nickname was a Jewish idiom, "no one knows the day or the hour", because no one knew on
which day or hour of the two days that the first new moon sliver would be visible. For many
obvious reasons, the next prophetic event in God's redemption calendar should occur during a
future Feast of Trumpets. The Rapture of God's saints to Heaven, sparing them from the
ensuing Tribulation, which will be the beginning of the end times, is this next event.

The Great Assembly of the Israelites at the Temple on the Feast of Trumpets, is a type for the
"great assembly" at the throne in Heaven described in the NT as being at the time of the
Rapture. The Ten Days of Awe and Repentance is a type for the Tribulation. The inauguration

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of the Ten Days of Awe and Repentance is the The Feast of Trumpets, and is a type for the
beginning of the Tribulation/End Times; the warning of the shofar blasts on the Feast of
Trumpets symbolize the warning to those left behind that time is short before the Day of The
Lord (for which the Day of Atonement is a type). After which it will be too late to repent.

The Feast of Trumpets - Rosh Hashanah - is

September 21 - 23, 2017
The days in between the Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Atonement are called the Days of
Awe and Repentance. According to biblical prophecy, this is indeed an apt description for the
seven year Tribulation!

"For the Day of The Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and
upon everyone that is lifted up; he shall be brought low." (Isaiah 2:12)

As with everything, God has a purpose. The purpose of the Days of Awe and Repentance - The
Great Tribulation and the Hour of Jacob's Trouble - is to get mankind, and Israel, to wake up
and to repent. It is His last call, last chance, desperate attempt to wake up those that are still
asleep that will wake up before time runs out in this age of free choice. Before full divine self-
revelation on the Day of The Lord. In this way, His wrath is an act of love. Similar to how 9/11
was a day of awe that woke up many people. Like 9/11, people will be looking up, in awe,
except what will unfold will be many times more horrible, and worldwide.

Amos 5:18-20: Woe unto you that desire The Day of The Lord. To what end is it for you?
The Day of The Lord is darkness and not light. As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear
met him; or went into the house, and leaned up against the wall and a serpent bit him.
Shall not The Day of The Lord be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no
brightness in it?

The Rapture (Christianity's most preposterous, but true, belief)

We are told in Scripture that those already following Christ, will not need to endure the wrath. To
be a true follower of Christ means to be born again, a disciple, and to serve the Lord. It is not
enough to simply believe, as do nominal cultural "Christians". It means to be a faithful,
uncompromising overcomer of the world, and be living for the future heavenly Kingdom. To be
born again in a sense, means the death of the old self. It means to receive the regenerating,
transformative Holy Spirit; that engenders a new creature with new desires; that produces
outwardly visible "fruit". It means to walk with the Lord, constantly, and to know Him. This is all
scriptural, and the depth of all of this is learned when the individual begins to read the gospels
and the New Testament. The individual will also increasingly experience this, as they mature as
a disciple.

The ancient Jewish betrothal process symbolizes the Rapture of the Church (those in the body
of Christ) in many ways. Jesus referred to His Church as His Bride and referenced the
traditional Jewish betrothal process to describe the union of Himself and His Bride. In the
traditional Jewish betrothal process, after proposing, the bridegroom would leave the bride and
return to His father's house and prepare a room for His bride.

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John 14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my
Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that
I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come
again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.

The timing of the bridegroom's return for his bride would be left a surprise. The occasion of his
return was a loud celebration of joyous shouts and rams horns blowing, which is another reason
for knowing that the Feast of Trumpets is a type for the Rapture. Also, the bridegroom would
typically return at night, and so oil lamps were lit by the bride in waiting. This parallels the oil
lamps of the virgins in waiting in Jesus' Ten Virgins parable. After the bridegroom's return he
would then take her to the bridal chamber for the consummation of the marriage. This is a type
for the end the Church Age, when the raptured believers, and those that have died before, are
resurrected and changed into their immortal bodies. Afterward, the wedding banquet feast
would typically last seven days. This is a type for the Wedding Banquet in Heaven with those
that are raptured and resurrected. The seven days symbolize the seven years that the
Church will be hidden in their heavenly bridal chambers while the inhabitants of the earth
experience God's indignation. As described in the following Old Testament passage.

Isaiah 26:19-21:

But your dead will live, Lord;

their bodies will rise--
let those who dwell in the dust
wake up and shout for joy--
your dew is like dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.
Come my people, enter your chambers [reference to bridal chamber in ancient Jewish
bethrothal process]
and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until the wrath has passed by.
See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the Earth for their sins.
The Earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
the Earth will conceal its slain no longer.

The other two fall feasts are the Feast of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast
of Atonement should be the Day of The Lord. The Day of the Lord's Second Coming, along with
His saints that were raptured and resurrected before the Tribulation 7 years. This day will see
the destruction of Antichrist, and the nations that are gathered to destroy Israel. As well, it is the
day when the Jewish remnant "look upon Him whom they have pierced", repent for their sins,
and finally receive Him as their Messiah.

Zechariah 12:10: (520 BC) And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of
Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have
pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for
him as one grieves for a firstborn son. On that day the weeping in Jerusalem will be as
great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. The land will mourn, each

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clan by itself, with their wives by themselves: the clan of the house of David and their
wives, the clan of the house of Nathan and their wives, the clan of the house of Levi and
their wives, the clan of Shimei and their wives, and all the rest of the clans and their wives.

The Feast of Booths/Tabernacles symbolizes a time of renewed fellowship with God. The Feast
of Tabernacles shadows the time when He will once again "tabernacle" with His people as He
reigns over all the world - His kingdom - in the Messianic Age (Micah 4:1-7).

Zechariah 14:16-19: The survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will
go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival
of Tabernacles. If any of the peoples of the earth do not go up to Jerusalem to worship the
King, the Lord Almighty, they will have no rain. If the Egyptian people do not go up and
take part, they will have no rain. The Lord will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the
nations that do not go up to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles. This will be the
punishment of all the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.

The Star of Bethlehem

The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19:1-2

Recently, it has come to light that the Star of Bethlehem was an actual real astronomical event.
Why was it not known before? First, we couldn't have known what the stars in the ancient sky
looked like, until we discovered the math behind the movements of the solar system. The laws
and math that Johannes Kepler discovered in the 1600's are the same laws and math that
NASA uses today. NASA is able to launch a rocket and reach a celestial body because the
mathematics are precise, and the celestial movements are extremely regular, like a clock. Now,
with modern software, in an instant, we can view what the night sky looked like at any point in
history, and we can also animate the sky.

Is looking for signs in the heavens astrology?

Biblically, the practice of astrology is considered to be witchcraft. However, there is a distinction

between looking for signs in the stars, and thinking they run your life.

Job 9:9 [Job speaking] He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the
constellations of the south.

Job 38:31-32 [God speaking] “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion’s
belt? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons..."

Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings
out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great
power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.

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Psalm 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

David uses verb after verb to say that the stars communicate.

In the book of Romans, Paul is asking the rhetorical question, did the Jews know the messiah
had come. Romans 10:17-18 "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the
message is heard through the word of Christ. But I ask: Did they [the Jews] not hear? Of course
they did: "Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."" He
quotes David! He's saying his people, the Jews, knew because the stars told them.

Jesus - Luke 21:25 "There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars..."

The Magi (Three Wise Men) and the 9 clues in the book of Matthew

A lawyer named Robert Larson looked into the Star of Bethlehem mystery, and determined that
there are 9 clues contained within the gospel of Matthew, that should align with whatever the
star was. Without going into too much detail, I will cover some main points. Ancient historical
records from the library of Alexandria tell us the eastern school of magi in Babylon were the
protoscientists of their day. They were probably Jews, descended from Jews like Daniel that
stayed behind after the Babylonian captivity ended. The prophecy in the book of Daniel chapter
9 regarding the coming Messiah after the 173,880 days from Artaxerxes' decree in 445 BC, as
discussed earlier in this writing, had the Magi looking in the sky at this time for three things:
birth; Jewish nation; and kingship.

This theory of the Magi explains why they were excited to travel 700 miles and worship the
Jewish king. This also explains why Herod and everyone else were shocked and unaware of the
star/sign. Herod also asked for the exact timing of the star/sign, even though in those days there
was no light pollution, and people often slept outside on top of their roofs, under the stars. If it
were obvious, like a comet, everyone would have known about it. From Matthew we know that
Herod then directed the Magi to Bethlehem, because of the prophecy in the book of Micah
regarding the Messiah being born there. The one possibility for the star that the Magi saw, but
others missed, are the wandering stars. Planets - from the Greek to wander.

Might Jupiter, the star known as the "King Star" from ages old, be the Star of Bethlehem?
(Jupiter was known by the Jews as the planet of the Messiah.)


It turns out that in the autumn of 3 BC, the year the star/sign should have occurred (using a
correct dating of Herod's death in 1 BC, derived from copies of Flavius Josephus predating the
16th century), Jupiter's movements fulfilled all 9 required clues in Matthew. First, Jupiter,
the king planet, did a triple conjunction with the king star, Regulus, due to retrograde motion.

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Behavior that had the appearance of tracing out a halo or crown over Regulus, as Jupiter
passed by three times. An extremely rare occurrence. This is the kingship the Magi were
looking for.

Jewish nation

From Genesis 49:9-10 we are told that of the 12 tribes of Israel, the Messiah would come from
the tribe of Judah. We are also told the symbol for the tribe of Judah is the lion, and that the
Messiah would be like a lion. Regulus, the king star, is in the constellation of Leo the lion.
Jupiter's triple conjunction, and crowning of Regulus was in Leo. This is the Jewish nation sign
the Magi were looking for.


In Jewish culture life begins at conception. The crowning of the king sign, was the conception
sign. Nine months later, in June 2 BC, the two brightest stars in the sky, Jupiter and the woman
planet, Venus, conjoined. In this conjunction they stacked together and added to each other's
light to form the brightest star anyone had ever seen. Astronomers know it was the brightest
ever from the math - Kepler's math. From Babylon, this conjunction occurred in the western sky,
right over Jerusalem as the sun set. This was the birth sign the Magi were looking for.

The last clue in Matthew is that the star was in the south by the time the Magi got to Jerusalem.
Bethlehem is 5 miles south of Jerusalem. Sure enough, Jupiter was in the southern sky by
December 2 BC, and over Bethlehem as they looked south from Jerusalem. But how did it stop
over Bethlehem? Retrograde motion explains this. Amazingly, Jupiter stopped and reversed
course over Bethlehem on December 25th, 2 BC. December 25th was not the date of birth of
Jesus, but it quite likely was the date of the first Christmas.

The Revelation 12 Sign - A Great Sign in Heaven

Revelation 12:1-2 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant
and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.

No other sign in the Bible is called a "great sign". Signs are portents, and thus they symbolize
something. Obviously, this passage is filled symbolism, and is not be interpreted literally. Given
that there is mention of the moon, sun, and stars, this sign that appears in heaven is a sign that
appears in the night sky. Similar to the Star of Bethlehem, this sign must be some type
of alignment of the celestial bodies mentioned. What celestial alignment could explain this sign?
And what is its significance?

After the discovery of the Star of Bethlehem came out in 2007, this insight led others to look into
other heavenly signs described in the Bible. Using widely available astronomy software, what
has been discovered regarding this sign is truly astonishing! First, what does it mean?

Revelation 12:4-6 And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth,
so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a man child, one
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2046
who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and
to his throne, and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by
God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days.

Without getting into too much end time eschatological detail and scriptural references, we know
that the woman corporately represents Israel. We also know that the dragon corporately
represents the Antichrist's system that persecutes Israel in the last days. We know for example
that at the mid point of the Tribulation (1,260 days), many Christ believing Jews will flee
Jerusalem into the wilderness, probably to Petra. If the woman and dragon are symbols for
corporate bodies, therefore the "man child" is also a symbol for something corporate. Therefore
the man child doesn't only symbolize Christ, but also his body - The Church. Proper
understanding of Scripture also informs us that Christ will not be ruling "the nations with a rod of
iron" by Himself, but will be ruling with His body - The Church - in the Messianic Age.

"...her child was caught up to God and to his throne..."

The word used for "caught up" in the Greek manuscripts is harpazo. Harpazo does not mean
ascended, but rather it has an aggressive, violent meaning, more like to snatch away, or to yank
something out of something. When translating the Greek Septuagint into Latin, Saint Jerome
used the word rapio. From which we get the English word rapture. Also, in this passage, the
word harpazo is used in a rescue context. So, this passage is a Rapture passage. And this sign
is the Rapture sign! The understanding that this a Rapture sign is not new among theologians,
and it dates back centuries. What is recent, is the understanding of what the sign itself actually
is. So, if it is a sign in the night sky, when does it occur?

The Revelation 12 sign occurs this year... on the

Feast of Trumpets!!!

"...a woman clothed with the sun..."

The sign of Revelation 12 has many details that are common, but uncommon when all put
together. How uncommon? It appears only once in all of human history! Again, we know this
from Kepler's math and modern software. The woman is represented by Virgo--the virgin. The
first part of the sign is the woman clothed with the sun. This happens every year, but it narrows
the time down to one month around the autumnal equinox. She is clothed by the sun from mid-
September to early October. September 23, 2017 meets these requirements.

"...with the moon under her feet..."

The next requirement is that the moon must be under the feet of Virgo. With the sun in Virgo
and her feet to the east, the moon must be at new moon. The Hebrew Calendar is lunar and the
Feast of Trumpets (sunset September 21 to sunset September 23, 2017) is on the new moon.
The Feast of Trumpet's new moon aligning directly under Virgo's feet happens most years, as
long as the new moon did not occur too early or too late in relation to the equinox, which would
put the sun too high or low in Virgo. Astronomy software shows us that the moon will be directly
under Virgo's feet on September 23, 2017. The requirement of the moon and sun narrows it

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down to a few days of the year. The rest of the parts of the sign must then coincide with this
time if we are able to observe this sign.

"...and on her head a crown of twelve stars..."

On September 23, 2017 there are four planets in the vicinity that complete the sign and its
ultimate uniqueness. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter play their parts. Above the head of
Virgo is the constellation Leo. In Leo at this time there will be Mars, Venus, and Mercury. With
Leo being a constellation of nine principle stars, the three wandering stars make it twelve at this
time. Thus the crown of twelve stars on the head of the woman. For three planets to be in Leo at
this time with all of the other preconditions makes this extremely rare. Combined with the final
piece of the picture below is what makes this sign occur once in history.

"She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth... She
gave birth to a man child...."

The final piece of the sign is Jupiter. Jupiter was known by the Jews as the planet of the
Messiah. Jupiter goes through the constellation Virgo about every 12 years. What is special
about this time is the exceedingly rare retrograde action it does inside the womb of Virgo. The
lines connect the stars of Virgo to form a quadrangle - her abdomen/womb. Not only is it
amazing that this retrograde motion keeps Jupiter inside her womb, but it stays in her womb for
between 9 and 10 months (depending on which stars are connected to make the
abdomen/womb), which is a healthy human gestation period. Incredibly, Jupiter exits Virgo's
abdomen a few days before The Feast of Trumpets, which lends more evidence to this being
the birth sign. It is the birth of the matured Church into Heaven after 2000 years of gestation.

The Second Sign in Revelation 12

“Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads
and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. And his tail swept away a third of the
stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was
about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.” Revelation 12:3-4

By arguing that the first sign is clearly one shown in the heavens, that would mean this sign is
also to be seen in the night sky, and is not simply figurative language. Rising in the night
sky right after Virgo, is the constellation Draco. One of the 48 constellations listed by 2nd-
century astronomer Ptolemy, and one of the 88 modern constellations. Draco is Latin for

“...a great red dragon having seven heads…”

In Draco’s head four stars are visible, but three of those stars are binary, which results in seven
stars. The brightest star in the constellation is Ethanin, which in the Hebrew means “the long
serpent or dragon”. It is located in the head. Ethanin is a red giant star giving the definition of
red to the dragon.

“...and ten horns…”

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Above the head of Draco is the constellation Bootes. One of the 48 constellations listed by 2nd-
century astronomer Ptolemy, and one of the 88 modern constellations. Bootes is in the shape of
a horn, and it has 10 stars, which represent the ten horns in this signs.

“...and on his heads were seven diadems…”

Right next to Bootes, above the head of Draco, is the constellation Corona Borealis. One of the
48 constellations listed by 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and one of the 88 modern
constellations. Corona Borealis in Latin means "the northern crown.” Wikipedia’s definition for
diadem is “a jeweled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty”
“And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.”

The details of the sign described thus far exist in the heavens at any given time. This sign is
different from the Woman since there are no time markers such as the positioning of the sun,
moon, or planets. However, this sign is to be paired with the sign of the Woman, which does
place this at a specific time. As a sign in heaven, all it then needs is a meteor shower coming
from the Dragon–Draco.

There is a meteor shower called the Draconids that occurs every year on October 7-9th as the
earth passes through the orbit trail of Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner that has an orbital period of
6.6 years (EarthSky). The falling stars appear to come out of Draco and the showers of 1933
and 1946 were some of the biggest of last century. There were bursts in 2005, 2011, and 2012.

“And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she
gave birth he might devour her child.”

The position of Draco and its head is perfectly placed to appear to be waiting for the birth of the
man child sign in Revelation 12:2. Draco here represents the kingdom of the Antichrist
empowered by the dragon, the serpent of old--Satan.

UN Resolution 2334
If the Feast of Trumpets on September 23, 2017 is the birth of the Church, and Jupiter's pattern
inside the womb of Virgo represents this, then it becomes extremely interesting that exactly 9
months (human gestation period) before on December 23, 2016, UN Resolution 2334 passed,
condemning Israel's rights to their land, including their capital East Jerusalem. It was the first
such condemnation that was not vetoed by the United States. Barack Obama finally showed his
true colors on his way out, and orchestrated the resolution behind the scenes to be passed on
the eve of Christmas to reduce media attention.

The Great American Eclipse

It needs to be mentioned again here, that the Great American Eclipse will take place 30 days
before the Feast of Trumpets this year. Again, it is the beginning of the season of repentance. It
is a good place for God to position a warning.

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Blood Moons Tetrad of 2014 - 2015 points to Feast of
Trumpets 2017
“And I will show wonders in the heavens... The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon
to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes." (Joel 2:30-32)

What is the significance of these blood moons? If you recall, at the beginning of this writing I
said to take note of the number 1,260. This was after demonstrating that the year 1948, the year
Israel was born, is clearly in the Bible by adding 1,260 years to 688 AD, which is the year the
Dome of The Rock began to be constructed, and what is preventing the End Times from
starting. There are 7 passages in Daniel and Revelation containing 1,260. One of the
significances of this tetrad, is that the first one on April 15, 2014 comes exactly 1,260
days before the Feast of Trumpets on September 23, 2017! There are many more amazing
numerical relationships between the blood moons tetrads, and I have links to these on the my
website in the additional resources section.

The 153 Fish

"So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And
although there were so many, the net was not torn." (John 21:11)

John 21 is one of the richest passages in all of Scripture. Filled with symbolism, its theme is that
of redemption. In scripture fish symbolize believers. Four of the disciples were fishermen, and
Jesus told his disciples that they would be fishers of men. Jesus began his ministry in AD 28
and therefore began his efforts in fishing for men. After his time on earth, the twelve disciples
become the twelve apostles and were sent to spread the gospel. The apostles trained others
and those others have passed this understanding down to us. Jesus said that "this gospel of the
kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will
come." This time of preaching the gospel, and fishing of men, is the age of the Church, and
is also known as the age of the fish. The gospel has now gone around the world, and even
remote tribes deep in the Amazon have now heard it. Therefore, the end of the Church age is

As one of Jesus’ last and most mysterious miracles, this would seem to support the theme of
fishing for men until the time of the harvest of fish. Is the Feast of Trumpets 2017 the time of
that harvest?

What do the 153 fish symbolize?

Of all of the symbolism in this chapter, none has been as intriguing as to what the significance
of such a distinct number might be. Now we have a good answer. Jesus started His ministry in
28 AD. Him, plus his twelve disciples equals 13. From AD 28 until 2017 is 1989 years, which is
exactly 13 times 153 years. At such a large increment of 153, it is probably not a coincidence
that 2017 is such a direct hit. But not only does 2017 hit the increment of 153 years from AD 28,
it hits it at 13 increments, just like the number of disciples plus Jesus in the beginning.

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I mentioned earlier that 7 is God's number, indicating the touch of God, and completion. For
what it's worth, on Inauguration Day, Donald Trump was exactly 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days
old. On the day he was elected, Benjamin Netanyahu had been in office as prime minister of
Israel for exactly 7 years, 7 months, and 7 days. Speaking of Inauguration Day, during his
speech a very light rain shower came down. Just enough rain to get some of those seated
around him to get out their umbrellas. It stopped before his speech was over. Reverend Franklin
Graham spoke to the crowd shortly after and pointed out that "in the Bible, rain is a sign of
God's blessing." Speaking of Trump, it is interesting that Trump became president in the year of
the Rapture that occurs at the "last trump" (1 Corinthians 15:52).

Daniel's 70 Weeks Revisited

I wrote about this prophecy in Daniel chapter 9 earlier in this writing. Here is an extremely
interesting addition to this prophecy.

Daniel 9:24-25 “Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to
finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting
righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place. Know
and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
until the Messiah, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two
‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with a broad wall, but in times of trouble."

Again, "there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens" = 69 x 7 years = 483 years

March 14, 445 BC, Artaxerxes Longimanus issues the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and its walls.

Palm Sunday, April 6, 32 AD, Jesus presents Himself as the Prince at the Triumphal Entry.

March 14, 445 BC to Palm Sunday, April 6, 32 AD is 173,880 days = 483 x 360-day years = 69
x 7 years

Gabriel said to Daniel: "After the 62 weeks [plus prior 7 weeks = 69 weeks], Messiah shall be
cut off..."

1465 years after Jesus was crucified and Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in 70 AD,
in 1535 AD, Suleiman the Magnificent decreed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

Then in 1969 AD on Passover, the Knesset in Israel founded the JQDC to rebuild war torn

1535 AD to 1969 AD is 434 years... 62 x 7 years

49 years from 1969 is 2017... 7 x 7 years

1535 AD to 2017 AD is 483 years = 69 x 7 years

Therefore Daniel's 70th week of 7 years is 2017 to 2024.

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489. The World is entering the year Twenty Twenty (2020 AD)
with the Twenty Global issues leading the whole World towards
a Big War by 2021 - 2022 AD

The World is entering the year - 2020 AD with the 20 Global issues which would
lead the whole world into a Big War by 2021 - 2022 AD with the implementation of
the New World Order plan and Agenda 21 by the Elite of the World.

The list of the major 20 issues of 2020 AD are as follows:

1. The Trade Wars between USA and China and USA and Europe.
2. The Currency Wars between US Dollar, Euro and Yuan of China
3. The South China conflict and tensions between USA and China including Hong
Kong protests
4. USA rising tensions with Iran with more militay built up in the Persian Gulf
region in the Middle East.
5. The plans of the construction of the Third Temple of Jews in Jerusalem in the
coming years.
6. The Brexit Crisis leading England and Europe into Chaos and economic
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2052
7. The Recession in USA as predicted by 70 % of the US Economists in 2020 AD.
The US Dollar is also on the verge of collapse.
8. The Severe Climate changes especially Rise in temperatures, Floods, Melting
of Ice in the Arctic, Antarctic and the Greenland areas.
9. The rising Drought in the World due to shortages in food supply and water
crisis in most cities of the World.
10. Severe increasing Inequality between Rich and Poor in the World and riots in
the World. The growing political and economic Chaos in the World.
11. The rising illegal Immigration and mass influx of people in Europe, USA and
Canada from the poor countries of Middle East and Africa.
12. The rise of Right Wing Parties in the political arena of the Europe, Canada,
USA and the rest of the World.
13. USA - Russia tensions over Ukraine, Syria and Iran
14. India - Pakistan tensions over Kashmir and possible War in the future
15. North Korea tensions with South Korea, USA, and Japan.
16. USA and Russia Nuclear Weapons and Hypersonic Missiles development race
as USA pulls out from INF treaty in 2019 AD.
17. Tensions among Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE) with Iran and Turkey.
18. Massive Global Debt of more than 300 Trillion dollars. Growing Economic
problems in the world with weaking US Dollar, shaky investment markets,
low GDP growth, etc
19. The Israel - Iran tensions in the Middle East region including Israel tensions
with Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Syria.
20. The ongoing conflict and tensions in Syria, Libya, Turkey, Egypt, Afghanistan,
etc and the rise in terrorism by Terrorist organizations like ISIS, Taliban, etc

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490. The Closure of the Strait of Hormuz for the Ships as
predicted by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS) in the End Times

The Strait of Hormuz is a strait between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. It
provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is one of
the world's most strategically important choke points. On the north coast lies Iran,
and on the south coast the United Arab Emirates and Musandam,
an exclave of Oman. The strait is about 90 nautical miles (167 km) long, with a
width varying from about 52 nautical miles (96 km) to 21 nautical miles (39 km).

A third of the world’s liquefied natural gas and almost 25% of total global oil
consumption passes through the strait, making it a highly important strategic
location for international trade.

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One third of all oil traded by sea passes through the strait. Anything affecting it
ripples through global energy markets, raising the price of crude oil. That then
trickles down to consumers through what they pay for gasoline and other oil

Since President Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal,
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and others in Tehran have reinvigorated a long-
made threat that the Islamic Republic could close off the strait. Meanwhile, Gulf
officials say that a “sabotage” attack targeted oil tankers off the coast of Fujairah in
the United Arab Emirates. That’s a point where many ships travelling through the
strait stop.


U.S. forces routinely travel through the strait, despite sometimes-tense encounters
with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, a paramilitary force answerable only to Supreme
Leader Ali Khamenei. The USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier and its strike group
are expected to arrive after the White House deployed it there amid still-
unspecified threats from Iran. Given the tension, any incident between Iranian and
U.S. forces could escalate the situation leading towards a major World War.

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As USA has put Economic Sanctions on Iran and abolished the 2015 Nuclear deal
with Iran. The USA along with Britain and other Western countries are bringing their
military Naval ships in the Strait of Hormuz region to build up their Military forces
against Iran.

In response Iran got the military help from Russia and China and they are also
exerting their military presence and pressure.

There are lot of instances happenned in 2019 AD when Tanker Ships were attacked
and USA put blame on Iran for these terrorist attacks which Iran denied. The
Foreign Minister of Iran said that the Persian Gulf region would become a tender
box if any miscalculation happenned from any side.

As we are heading towards more tensions in that region and Israel along with Saudi
Arabia and UAE are helping each other to attack Iran in the coming years of 2021 -
2022 AD after the elections in USA.

It was also predicted by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that the Strait of Hormuz
region would be closed for the Ships in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) because of war in that region.

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491. The construction of Bathrooms and Washrooms near the
bedrooms and Kitchens inside the houses as predicted by Hazrat
Ali in the End Times and the Place of Satans in the Bathrooms

Hazrat Ali (AS) once said:

"In the End Times, the people would build bathroom in their homes near the bed
rooms and the kitchens."

If we see the construction of homes just 100 years ago around 1920 AD in the
World, we notice that people build the bath rooms and wash rooms away from
their houses in little far away places to control and manage the waste from them.

Now in the last 100 years, people start building the washrooms and bathrooms in
their houses near the bed rooms and kitchens.

This prophecy has also been fulfilled as told by our Maula Imam Ali (AS) 1400
hundred years ago.

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Old Washrooms constructed outside the residences in open lands

Modern Bathrooms next to bed rooms and Kitchens

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492. The Arabs would pray Idols before the Day of Judgement in
the End Days before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as predicted
by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

In the recent years, UAE allowed Hindus to open one of the biggest Hindu temples
in the city of Dubai. Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain gave highest awards to one of
the biggest enemies of Muslims i.e. the President of India - Mr. Moodi.

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493. The Fires in the Forests of the World especially Amazon
jungles, Siberia Jungles, California Forests, Canada Western
Forests, etc due to Global Warming and further pushing the
world towards the point of No return.

With the courtesy of the following website, the article is reproduced showing the
impact of Fires in Amazon:

According to Brazil's National Institute for Space Research, there have been around
100,000 wildfires in the entirety of the country so far this year—a 45 percent
increase on the same period last year. More than half of these fires (around 53,000)
have occurred in the Amazon biome—the highest number in this region since 2010.

Fire in the Amazon is used as a technique to clear land, usually for agriculture—the
biggest driver of deforestation in the Amazon, alongside mining and other forms of
land-grabbing. Farmers and other groups cut down vegetation and then wait for the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2064

dry season to ignite the fires. In this sense, humans are the main cause of fire in the
Amazon—although natural wildfires do sometimes occur.

According to the ESA, the loss of trees in the Amazon through deforestation is
concerning with regards to the global climate because of the role they play in acting
as a carbon sink.

"The Amazon is a carbon sink, which slows the rate of carbon dioxide build up in the
atmosphere, and thus climate warming," James Randerson from the University of
California, Irvine, told Newsweek.

"Deforestation and fire-driven forest degradation affect the carbon cycle in two
ways. First, there is a direct release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in the
conversion process. Second, the loss of forest reduces the ability of the forest as a
whole to absorb carbon. More forest fires in the Amazon will accelerate the buildup
of greenhouse gases and we will have higher levels of global warming," he said.

Ecologist and author Sandra Steingraber from Ithaca College said that around half of
the carbon dioxide that is pulled out of the atmosphere by the earth's biosphere on
land is sucked up by tropical forests. But in the face of deforestation, the Amazon,
at least, may be losing this ability

The European Space Agency (ESA) has said that forest fires in the Amazon could be
having an impact on global climate change as they release carbon dioxide into the
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2065
atmosphere. On Monday, the organization released satellite imagery which
provided new details of the impact of the blazes.

The data showed an increase in air pollution in the Brazilian Amazon as fires
ravaged the region in August, the Associated Press reported.

"The Amazon is a big carbon sink but its ability to scrub carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere is declining," she said. "This will contribute to climate chaos, turning
tropical forests from a global carbon sink to a global carbon source is perhaps the
most important consequence of destroying the Amazon."

Despite President Jair Bolsonaro announcing a 60-day ban on land clearing-fires last
month, blazes have continued to burn in the rainforest. Not only could these have
an impact on global warming through the release of carbon dioxide, but the fires
are also emitting several other pollutants into the air which can be damaging to
human health.

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The following article is reproduced with the courtesy of the following website:

Infographic: Western Wildfires and Climate Change

Rising temperatures are increasing wildfire risk throughout the Western U.S.

Panel 1: Wildfires and Wildfire Season

 The number of large wildfires — defined as those covering more than 1,000
acres — is increasing throughout the region. Over the past 12 years, every
state in the Western U.S. has experienced an increase in the average number
of large wildfires per year compared to the annual average from 1980 to

 Wildfire season is generally defined as the time period between the year’s
first and last large wildfires. This infographic highlights the length of the
wildfire season for the Western U.S. as a region. Local wildfire seasons vary
by location, but have almost universally become longer over the past 40

Panel 2: Rising Temperatures and Earlier Snowmelt

 Temperatures are increasing much faster in the Western U.S. than for the
planet as a whole. Since 1970, average annual temperatures in the Western
U.S. have increased by 1.9° F, about twice the pace of the global average

 Scientists are able to gauge the onset of spring snowmelt by evaluating

streamflow gauges throughout the Western U.S. Depending on location, the
onset of spring snowmelt is occurring 1-4 weeks earlier today than it did in
the late 1940s.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2068

Panel 3: Future Projections
 The projected increase in annual burn area varies depending on the type of
ecosystem. Higher temperatures are expected to affect certain ecosystems,
such as the Southern Rocky Mountain Steppe-Forest of central Colorado,
more than others, such as the semi-desert and desert of southern Arizona
and California. Every ecosystem type, however, is projected to experience an
increase in average annual burn area.

The following article is reproduced with the courtesy of the following website:

Is Global Warming Fueling Increased Wildfire Risks?

The effects of global warming on temperature, precipitation levels, and soil
moisture are turning many of our forests into kindling during wildfire season.

As the climate warms, moisture and precipitation levels are changing, with wet
areas becoming wetter and dry areas becoming drier.

Higher spring and summer temperatures and earlier spring snowmelt

typically cause soils to be drier for longer, increasing the likelihood of drought and a
longer wildfire season, particularly in the western United States.

These hot, dry conditions also increase the likelihood that wildfires will be more
intense and long-burning once they are started by lightning strikes or human error.

The costs of wildfires, in terms of risks to human life and health, property damage,
and state and federal dollars, are devastating, and they are only likely to increase
unless we better address the risks of wildfires and reduce our activities that lead to
further climate change.

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Wildfires are already on the rise
Wildfires in the western United States have been increasing in frequency and
duration since the mid-1980s. Between 1986 and 2003, wildfires occurred nearly
four times as often, burned more than six times the land area, and lasted almost
five times as long when compared to the period between 1970 and 1986.

Natural cycles, human activities like land-use change and fire exclusion, and human-
caused climate change can all influence the likelihood of wildfires. Many of the
areas that have seen increased wildfire activity, like Yosemite National Park and
the Northern Rockies, are protected from or relatively unaffected by human land-
use change, suggesting that climate change is a major factor driving the increase in
wildfires in these places.

Precipitation patterns, global warming, and wildfires

Though the current trend of increasing severe wildfire frequency in parts of the US
is projected to continue as the climate warms, droughts and wildfires are not
equally likely to occur every year.

Natural, cyclical weather occurrences such as El Niño events also affect the
likelihood of wildfires by affecting levels of precipitation and moisture and lead to
year-by-year variability in the potential for drought and wildfires regionally.

Nonetheless, because temperatures and precipitation levels are projected to alter

further over the course of the 21st century, the overall potential for wildfires in the
western United States is projected to increase.

As the world warms, we can expect more wildfires

US wildfire seasons—especially those in years with higher wildfire potential—are
projected to lengthen, with the Southwest’s season of fire potential lengthening
from seven months to all year long. Additionally, the likelihood that individual
wildfires become severe is expected to increase.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2070

Researchers project that moist, forested areas are the most likely to face greater
threats from wildfires as conditions in those areas become drier and hotter.

Surprisingly, some dry grasslands may be less at risk of catching fire because the
intense aridity is likely to prevent these grasses from growing at all, leaving these
areas so barren that they are likely to lack the fodder for wildfires to start and

A conflagration of costs
The economic costs of wildfires can be crippling. Data on total US property damage
from wildfires are hard to come by, but the costs are estimated to be on the level
of hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

In addition to property damage, wildfires cost states and the federal government
millions in fire-suppression management. The US Forest Service’s yearly fire-
suppression costs have exceeded $1 billion for 13 of the 18 years between 2000 and
2017. In 2015, these costs exceeded $2 billion, and in 2017 they totaled almost $3
billion. The risk to property owners is particularly acute in areas at the “wildland-
urban interface.” In California alone, this area includes more than 5 million
homes in coastal southern California, the Bay Area, and northeast of Sacramento.

The environmental and health costs of wildfires are also considerable. Not only do
wildfires threaten lives directly, but they have the potential to increase local air
pollution, exacerbating lung diseases and causing breathing difficulties even in
healthy individuals.

Additionally, a counterintuitive aspect of mountain forest wildfires is their ability to

increase flash flood risk. The loss of vegetation from wildfires and the inability of
burned soil to absorb moisture can cause flash floods in lower-lying areas when
rains do come in the days and months following fires, especially to the semi-arid

Greenhouse-gas emissions from human activities are raising global temperatures

and changing the climate, leading to a likely rise in wildfire severity and frequency.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2071

As we witness from the above articles published in the World Press that because of
Global Warming and humans contribution in the pollution and Carbon emissions for
the last 75 years lead to this catastrophic condition to the forests of the World
leading to more damage to Oxygen and more Global Warming and the collapse of
the Environment of the World.

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) predicted 1400 years ago that the Heat would rise
in the World before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as we are witnessing this
prophecy before our eyes all over the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2072

494. The Signs and Symbols of Egyptian - Pharoah's Kingdom is
all over the World by Dajjal - Why?

The Egyptian Pharoah's Kingdom - Signs and Symbols are used by the Elite and the
Rulers all over the World - Satanic Forces of Dajjal. There are so many dynasties
and Kingdoms which ruled the parts of the World but only Pharoah's Egptian Signs
and Symbols are the Main Choice of Dajjal. Why?

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2073

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2074
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2075
The Egyption Empire and its signs and symbols like Eye of Horus and the
Triangle of the Pyramid are every where used by Dajjal and His Forces.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2076

The Kings and Queens in the Western Coutries are the blood lines of the Pharoah's
who fled Egypt at the time of Moses and then slowly established their rule in
different parts of Europe particularly Britain, Denmark, France, etc

Now the Signs and Symbols of the Pharoah's Kingdom are showing every where in
the World especially USA, France and UK. They have established their rule again in
the World and have become the Modern Dajjal of the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2077

Modern Pyramid Structures in USA

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2078

495. The End Times Signs given by Bible before the Second
Coming of Jesus Christ

The following article is reproduced with the courtesy of the following website:

The Bible is filled with signs as to what the end times will look like. Some signs are
so specific we can’t miss them. For example, in Matthew 24:15-16 Jesus pointed out
one sure sign of the end times: “So when you see standing in the holy place 'the
abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel — let
the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains…”

Jesus expects His readers to understand the signs of the end. How will we know
what to look for? We study the Scriptures.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2079

First sign of the End Times
Daniel 7 describes this “abomination” and how to recognize it.

God told the prophet Daniel that when the end is near, many seemingly enigmatic
verses will become clear. Probably because as the events prophesied are
increasingly fulfilled, the more clear other signs will become.

As Daniel concluded his prophecy in chapter twelve, he asked God to let him in on
the timing of the end-time events. God deflected his request in verse four: “But
you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end…”
(Notice that when the end is near everything will become more clear).

Daniel then asked the two angels standing nearby, “How long will it be before these
astonishing things are fulfilled?”

An angel replied in verse seven, “It will be for a time, times, and half a time. When
the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be

The terms, "time, times and half a time" and the corresponding 3.5 years and 1260
days and 1290 days, are explained in the Book of Revelation.

Daniel confessed in verse eight that he still did not understand so once again He
asked the Lord, "My Lord, what will the outcome of all this be?"

God replied in verse nine, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up
and sealed until the time of the end…. None of the wicked will understand, but
those who are wise will understand."

So, rest assured that discerning spiritual men and women in the Body of Christ will
be able to read the signs—and will be happy to share what they see with you.
Notice I said, “spiritual men and women.” Jesus predicted that near the end of time
many false individuals will confuse many (this, of course, is another sign in itself).

But, don’t stop by depending on the insights of others. Do your own homework. Be
a biblical “self feeder” and check these things out for yourself.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2080

So that you won't have to go searching to get started, I've listed below the basic
prophetical books and passages in order to help make your study a little easier.

Scriptures that explain the signs and events of the End Times:
Psalms 2

 The Psalm of the battle of Armageddon: Nations rage; God laughs; and the
exaltation of Christ as Lord

The Book of Daniel

 An over view of God's dealing with human governments

 A time line of events from the days of Daniel, 598 B.C. to Palm Sunday, April
6, 30 A.D.

 An overview of the last seven years before the Second Coming known as the
Great Tribulation which begins with a peace treaty between Israel and a
confederation of European states and ends with the Battle of Armageddon
and the return of Christ

Ezekiel 37

 The prophecy of the return of Jews from all over the world to the land of
Israel to reestablish the nation of Israel (the dispersion occurred in 70 A.D.
and against all odds, the return took place in 1948 A.D.)

 The battle between Gog, from the land of the north (Magog), that is directly
north of Jerusalem (Russia??) and the nation of Israel. Gog, who is allied with
a number of African nations is soundly defeated. The battle probably occurs
before the time of Great Tribulation.

Zechariah 12:10-14

 The Israelites weep and repent when they see the nail-scarred hands of Christ
at the second coming.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2081

Matthew 24

 Known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus answers the Disciples' questions about
the end times and the future destruction of Israel.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

 A description of the rapture when Jesus comes "for His saints" and takes
them to Heaven.

 The swiftness and stealth of the Second Coming is detailed.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

 Beware of the coming Antichrist who is revealed when he sets up the

Abomination of Desolation.

 The Antichrist has deceptive tools to fool the world.

 When "that which restrains" (either the Holy Spirit or the church) is removed
from earth, the Lord's wrath is unleashed.

1 Peter 4:7-11

 An outline of how to behave during the last days

2 Peter 2

 A description of wicked men during the last days

 The Second Coming time table is right on schedule. God is not delaying.

 "The elements will be destroyed by fire."


 A picture of the destruction of ungodly men and women at the Second


Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2082

The Book of Revelation
 A three-fold picture of what man does to destroy mankind (7 Seals); what
Satan does to man (7 Trumpets); and what God does to mankind (7 Bowls of

 A description of the person and ministry of the Antichrist.

 The Battle of Armageddon

 The Great White Throne Judgment

 Tossing Satan into the Abyss of Hell

 The millennium and the new Heaven and Earth

In order to read the signs well and not be deceived, I recommend that you:

 carefully study the Bible passages referring to the end

 keep an eye on world events

 Listen to spiritual men and women who listen to God for their insights into
"the times of the end."

Finally, remember that Paul wrote in

: “But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2083

End Times Prophecy
Understanding the return of Jesus and end-time events starts in Daniel 9:24-27.

These verses form the skeleton for all prophecy. All other prophetical passages are
the meat on the skeleton. Revelation, Ezekiel, the Olivet Discourse, 1 & 2
Thessalonians are only understood with a foundational understanding of Daniel 9.

Without going into detailed explanations, trust me to give a simple overview.

God had a plan for Israel that lasted 70 years. We know these years as the
Babylonian Captivity. At the conclusion of the 70 years, God revealed to Daniel that
He had another program for Israel (Daniel 9:1-23) which would last 490 years and
culminate at the second coming of Christ.

God’s new plan for Israel began at the command of Artaerxes (444 B.C.) to restore
and to rebuild Jerusalem. The program would end 490 years later at the second
coming of Jesus Christ.

Let’s simplify: The time from the decree to restore Jerusalem until Jesus would
come is 483 years. Using Jewish prophetic years of 360 days per year this figures
out, incredibly, to April 6, 32 A.D. 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem,
Christ rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The 483 year period is over. There are
seven years left to complete the plan.

Jesus knew Daniel’s prophecy. He knew that this was the exact day he was to enter
Jerusalem. Unfortunately, He knew that the people failed to understand what was
happening. “If only you had known,” He said. And He wept over the city.

This is a tremendous confirmation of the Word of God! 483 years after the decree
to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, Jesus Christ road into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
on the back of a donkey.

End Times Timeline

Three events occur after the end of 483 years and before the beginning of the last
seven-year period.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2084

1. Jesus Was Crucified.
Daniel 9:26a: “After the 483 years, the Anointed One will be cut off and will have

Here is one of the clearest testimonies in the Bible of the death of Jesus Christ
(Isaiah 53:8 and Matthew 16:21).

2. The Temple And The City Of Jerusalem Was Destroyed.

Daniel 9:26b: “The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the
sanctuary. The end will come like a flood.”

The “Ruler who is to come" refers to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans
who were led by Titus in 70 A.D. Titus foreshadowed the Antichrist who would
eventually destroy the temple and then rule during the last seven-year-period
known as the Tribulation. He's the little horn of Daniel 7:8 and the Beast of Rev. 13.

3. Wars Will Continue Unabated Until The 70th “Seven” Commences.

Daniel 9:26c: “War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.”

There is a “time out” after the end of 483 years and before the beginning of the last
seven years. We are not in “time out” (Luke 4:18-21, Isaiah 61:1-2 and Hosea 3:4-5).

At the Triumphant Entry of Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, 30 AD, God's
prophetic time clock stopped. The hands are poised at 483, indicating that there is
still one "seven" to go.

Think of it like the time clock at the end of a football game. Time out is called with
ten seconds left. All the fans are anxiously waiting for final play. How long is
football game? 60 minutes. Not really. The time from start to finish is often three

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2085

How long is God's plan for Israel? 490 years. Not really.
4. The time period between the crucifixion of Jesus and his second coming is known
as the “Great Parenthesis” or, the “Church Age.”

At the conclusion of this period, the final-seven years will occur.

Signs of End Times

The 70th year events are described in Daniel 9:27

Daniel 9:27: “He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of
the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the
temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is
decreed is poured out on him."

1. The final seven years begin when the Antichrist makes a peace covenant with the
nation of Israel.

Three and one-half years into the final seven the Antichrist breaks the covenant. He
puts an end to sacrifices and offerings in the temple; and, indwelt by Satan
(Revelation 12:9, 12; 13:4), he sets up the Abomination of Desolation in the rebuilt
Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus says, “Get out of town fast the Holocaust is now

2. The Battle of Armageddon soon follows and the Antichrist is cast into a hellish
prison (Revelation 19:20).

Second Coming of Christ

The second coming of Christ is in two parts: the Rapture which occurs sometime
around the beginning of the last seven years and the Revelation which concludes at
the end of the seven years.

Note the following verses that reveal a Biblical paradox concerning Christ’s second
coming. In each case, the first verse describes the Rapture while the second verse
describes the Revelation.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2086

 1 Thessalonians 4:17: "...we will meet the Lord in the air."

 Zechariah 14:4-5: “His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives.”

 1 Thessalonians 5:2 and Revelation 16:15: “He will come in secret, as a ‘thief
in the night.’”

 Revelation 1:7: "Every eye will behold Him."

 Titus 2:13: “The return of Christ is a time of blessing and hope.”

 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9: “The return of Christ is a time of punishment and


 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and John 14:2-3: “He will come ‘for’ His saints.’”

 Zechariah 14:5; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Revelation 19:11-16: “He will come

‘with’ His saints.”

The only way to reconcile these verses is to understand that Christ's second coming
is in two stages:

The first stage occurs when Christ comes in the air, in secret, in great blessing and
hope, for His saints to remove them to Heaven. This is called the Rapture. Rapture
comes from a Latin word, Rapturo which means to catch away.

The Rapture is not without precedent Both Enoch (Genesis 5:24:Hebrews 11:5) and
Elijah (2 Kings 2:1 and 11) were raptured.

The second stage occurs at the end of the last seven-year period when Christ comes
to the ground, with every eye on Him, with His saints, to bring judgment and
punishment. This is called the Revelation.

Will Christians be here? That depends upon which scenario you choose.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2087

There are three major choices with a number of variation to consider as we attempt
to pinpoint when rapture will occur during the end times:

1. Pre-Tribulation is the view that the rapture will occur sometime before, or at the
beginning, of the final seven years. This is the view my wife espouses. She doesn’t
want to be anywhere near those last seven years.

God has rescued His people from great trouble in the past. He closed the door of
the ark and Noah and his family were saved from the flood.

He opened the Red Sea to make a way of escape for Israel when the Egyptians were
on them.

In Daniel 3, Daniel is absent from the fiery furnace. Some believe that by missing
the fire he is a pre-figure of the deliverance of Christians by the rapture.

Of course, there are numerous pictures in Revelation of Christians who are

undergoing suffering. Many suppose that these are people who missed the rapture
but received Christ afterwards. Or, on the other hand, Post-Tribulationists believe

2. Mid-Tribulation is the view that the rapture will occur in the middle of the seven
years when the Antichrist sets up the Abomination Of Desolation on the altar in the
Temple. Like pre-Tribulationists, mid-Tribulationists will not experience the horrors
of the last 3½ years described in Revelation.

I espouse the Mid-Tribulation (my wife is pre-tribulation!) position and expect to

figure out who the Antichrist is through the number of his name: 666. I want to see
the peace treaty; no matter what, I want out of here before the last 3½ years occur.

3. Post-Tribulationists believe that the rapture occurs after the seven-years, and
that, therefore, Christians will go through the horrors described in the book of
Revelation. There are verses that may support this interpretation, but I hope not. I
don’t want to be anywhere around that horrible time.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2088

How to Prepare for the End Times
1. Don’t be caught off guard. Live a pure and holy life. Prophecy is a call to holy
2. Be certain that you are a Christian: “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will
be saved.”
3. Plan as though He weren't coming for 1000 years; but live as if He were coming in
the next 10 minutes.
Editor's Note: Pastor Roger Barrier's "Ask Roger" column regularly appears
at Preach It, Teach It. Every week at Crosswalk, Dr. Barrier puts nearly 40 years of
experience in the pastorate to work answering questions of doctrine or practice for
laypeople, or giving advice on church leadership issues. Email him your questions

Dr. Roger Barrier recently retired as senior teaching pastor from Casas Church in
Tucson, Arizona. In addition to being an author and sought-after conference
speaker, Roger has mentored or taught thousands of pastors, missionaries, and
Christian leaders worldwide. Casas Church, where Roger served throughout his
thirty-five-year career, is a megachurch known for a well-integrated, multi-
generational ministry. The value of including new generations is deeply ingrained
throughout Casas to help the church move strongly right through the twenty-first
century and beyond. Dr. Barrier holds degrees from Baylor University, Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary, and Golden Gate Seminary in Greek, religion,
theology, and pastoral care. His popular book, Listening to the Voice of
God, published by Bethany House, is in its second printing and is available in Thai
and Portuguese. His latest work is, Got Guts? Get Godly! Pray the Prayer God
Guarantees to Answer, from Xulon Press. Roger can be found blogging at Preach It,
Teach It, the pastoral teaching site founded with his wife, Dr. Julie Barrier.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2089

496. The Global Recession is on the Horizon as massive Global
Debt Bubble of more than $250 Trillion US Dollars is about to
burst with the other worst Economic indicators that the World
would enter into Global Economic Disaster in 2021 AD

The Western Capitalism is falling and the massive Global Debt of $250 Trillion
dollars is about to burst. There are several Economic indicators which are indicating
that the World would be entering into the Worst Economic Collapse in 2021 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2090

Top Economic Indicators showing that the World is heading
towards Economic Collapse and Global Recession by 2021 AD
 Stock Market is in Turmoil
 Global Corporate Debt is very high
 Trade Wars between Big Economic powers are on its peak
 Global Economy is slowing
 Increasing Tariffs
 Unemployment Rates are increasing
 Trade Wars between Economic powers
 Cutting Imports and Exports
 Currency Wars
 Recession in Transportation
 Increasing Gold and Silver prices
 Decrease in Housing Sales
 Interest rates on 10-year Treasury bonds falling below those
on three-month bonds
 Fall in Manufacturing Sector
 Fall in Auto Sales
 Decline in Retail Sales
 Fall in Consumer Confidence
 Retail Apocalypse all over the World
 Negative Interest Rates in Europe
 Low GDP
 Political unrest in most countries of the World
 Increase in Inflation

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2091

 Less Demand for US Dollar
 US - China Trade Disputes
 Stagflation
 Increasing Defaults in payments of Mortgages of Houses,
Credit cards payments, etc
 Increasing Bankruptcies by Individuals and Corporations

The World would see the Big Economic Collapse in 2021 AD after the Election in USA
in November, 2020 AD. The Banks and Governments would hold the Economic
Collapse until the US Elections would finalize and then in early 2021 AD, the World
would see the Big Global Debt Bubble bursting and the World Powers would start a
World War in Middle East spreading to all parts of the World.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2092

497. The Hussain of our Times - Imam Mahdi (AS) is waiting
for His Zahoor to take the revenge of Imam Hussain (AS)

Picture drawn by a Rahib of Imam Hussain in Masjid e Hanana

Imam Hussain (AS) became the 3rd Imam after the Shahdat of Imam Hassan (AS).
Karbala is the battle of Haq (Right) and Batil (Wrong). This battle is fought by Imam
Hussain (AS) and His Companions in Karbala.

Similarly Imam Mahdi (AS) is the Hussain of our Times and He is also coming after
the 11th Imam, whose name is also "Hassan Askari".

The Arabic word, "Askari" means the Person having an Army. So Imam Mahdi (AS)
has been given an Army by Allah in the shape of Angels, Jinns and Momineen of
the Past and the Present who would help Imam Mahdi (AS) in the Final Battle
against the Dajjal and the Satan after His Zahoor.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2093

Imam Mahdi (AS) would also take revenge of the Blood of Imam Hussain (AS) and
His Companions who were martyred in the Battle of Karbala by the Army of

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2094

498. The Damascus would be become a Heap of Ruins and
Ashes and the Great War would start at the End of the Syrian
War as predicted by Maula Ali (AS)

Maula Ali (AS) predicted 1400 years ago that the Land of Syria would see conflicts
and Wars in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Great
War would erupt at the End of the Syrian Conflict when the opposite parties would
not reach to any success. The speech of Maula Ali (AS) is in the Book - "Bihar Al
Anwar" in the Chapters of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2095

The Syrian conflict and War started in March, 2011 AD and then the World
witnessed the Rise of ISIS in Syria, the US intervention in Syria, the attacks of Israel
in Syria, the attacks of Turkish forces in Syria, the entry of Iranian forces in Syria on
the invitation of the President Bashar Al Assad, the establishment of Russian bases
in Syria and Mediterranean Sea, the Military help of Chinese forces to Syrian
Government, the British and French Military help to rebels and help to Terrorist
groups in Syria by Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar.

Now we are entering in 2020 AD and the ISIS forces have been defeated by Syria
with the help of Iran, Russia and Hezbollah. The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia failed
to remove the President Bashar Al Assad till today as they removed Sadam
Hussain of Iraq and President Qadaffi of Libya after the US military interventions in
those countries.

As predicted by Maula Ali (AS) that no party would become get any success and at
the End of the Syrian Conflict, a Big War (3rd World War) would start in the Middle
East and at the End of that Great War, the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) would take

After the Elections in USA in November, 2020 AD, the World would enter into
Global Economic Collapse and then the Bankers and the World Elite would take
the World into a Big Global War known as 3rd World War in the Middle East.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2096

The tensions in Syria and the neighbouring countries like Israel, Iraq, Turkey,
Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iran are still there and Israel keep on attacking Syria,
Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine in recent months.

The Israel and Saudi Arabia now openly become political allies in the Middle East
region against Syria and Iran. Saudi Arabia bought Military equipment from Israel
and USA worth of Billions of Dollars in the past few years to be used against Iran,
Syria and Yemen.

As the prophecies of our Imams and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are folding in
front of our eyes, we are coming closer to see the Big War in the Middle East by
2021 - 2022 AD.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2097

499. The Relationship between 2 Journeys - Journey towards
Aarsh e Muallah by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Miraaj and
the Journey toward Karbala e Muallah by Imam Hussain (AS)
and the Journey of Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Journey of Miraaj by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Arash e Muallah

took place on 27th Rajab from the Holy City of Medina. The Holy Month of
Rajab is the 7th Islamic Month.

Journey of Miraaj by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

27th Day................ 7th Month (Rajab)

If we write the Numbers of the Day - 27th and the Number of the Month - 7th
as One Number, we would get:

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2098
The Journey to Karbala e Muallah by Imam Hussain (AS) took place on
28th Rajab also from the Holy city of Medina.
Journey to Karbala e Muallah by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

28th Day................. 7th Month (Rajab)

If we write the Numbers of the Day - 28th and the Number of the Month - 7th
as One Number, we would get:

Adding both Numbers, 277 and 287, we would get:

277 + 287 = 555 = 111 x 5

The Abjad of Allah's name, "Aala" is 111 and we know that

there are 5 Panjetan Pak in Masoomeen.

555 + 555 = 1110

The Arabic word, "Muallah" means the Highest Place where one can
meet Allah. So Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went to Miraaj to meet Allah
at "Aarsh e Muallah".

And if we want to meet Allah, we have to go to 'Karbala e Muallah" as

the Noor of Allah i.e. Imam Hussain (AS) is in Karbala.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2099

The Abjad of Arabic word, "Muallah" is 150

The Abjad of Arabic word, "Aarsh" is 570

The Abjad of Arabic words, "Aarsh e Muallah" is 570 + 150 = 720

720 = 12 (Imams) x 12 x 5 (Panjetan)

If we add the Abjad of "Aarsh e Muallah" i.e. 720 with 555, we would get:

720 + 555 = 1275

Now if we add the Abjad of Mahdi i.e. 59 and the Abjad of Allah's name, "Aala" i.e.
111 with 1275, we would get:

Mahdi (59) + Aala (111) + 1275 = 1445.........1445 Hijri.......Year of Zahoor

Also if we add the Abjad of name, "Allah" i.e. 66 with His another name, "Adal"
meaning Justice, i.e. 104 with the number - 1275, we would get the year of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) when Imam would deliver Allah's Adal on Earth.

Allah (66) + Adal (104) + 1275 = 1445............1445 Hijri..............Zahoor

Once Maula Ali (AS) said that "I am the Batin of Seen (Arabic Alphabet)
and the Raaz (Secret) of Seen."

The Abjad of Arabic Alphabet - Seen is 60.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2100

If we add the Abjad of Seen i.e. 60 with the Abjad of Maula's name, "Ali"
i.e. 110 and add with the Number - 1275, we would get the Year of the
Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) ---- 1445 Hijri.

Ali (110) + Seen (60) + 1275 = 1445........1445 Hijri.......Zahoor of Mahdi

Once Maula Ali (AS) said:

"That I am Muhammad and Muhammad is Me."

Then at another occassion, Maula Ali said:

"I am Hussain who would be martyred in the battle of Karbala."

Then at another time, Maula Ali said:

"I am Mahdi, who would appear in the End Times."

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said about Masoomeen that:

"Our First is Muhammad, Our Last is Muhammad, Our Middle is

Muhammad, We all are Muhammad."

Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran about all Masoomeen are 'Ali'

The Abjad of Maula's name, "Ali" is 110

Now in the light of the above Sayings, we see the name of 'Hussain' and
its hidden secret in Numbers.

 The Abjad of Allah's name, "Rab" is 202

 The Abjad of name, "Hussain" is 128
 The Abjad of name, "Muhammad" is 92
 The Abjad of name, "Zainab" is 69

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2101

 The Abjad of name, "Abbas" is 133
 The Abjad of name, "Mahdi" is 59
 The Abjad of name, "Hadi" is 20
 The Abjad of name, "Ahad" is 13

1. Adding the names, "Rab" - 202 and "Hussain" - 128, we would get:

Rab (202) + Hussain (128) = 330 = 110 x 3

110 (Ali) x 3
2. Adding the names, "Muhammad" - 92 and "Hussain" - 128, we
would get:

Muhammad (92) + Hussain (128) = 220 = 110 x 2

110 (Ali) x 2
3. Adding the names, "Muhammad" - 92, "Ali" - 110 and "Hussain" -
128, we would get:

Hussain (128) + Ali (110) + Muhammad (92) = 220 = 110 x 3

110 (Ali) x 3
4. Adding the names, "Abbas" - 133, "Zainab" - 69, and "Hussain" -
128, we would get:

Abbas (133) + Zainab (69) + Hussain (128) = 440 = 110 x 3

110 (Ali) x 3

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2102

5. Adding the names, "Abbas" - 133, "Zainab" - 69 and "Hussain" - 128,
we would get:

Abbas (133) + Hussain (128) + Zainab (69) = 330 = 110 x 3

110 (Ali) x 3
6. Adding the names, "Mahdi" - 59, "Hadi" - 20, "Ahad" - 20 and
"Hussain" - 128, we would get:

Mahdi (59) + Hadi (20) + Ahad (13) + Hussain (128) = 220 = 110 x 2

110 (Ali) x 2
7. Adding the names, "Abu Talib" -51, "Mahdi" - 59, "Muhammad" -
92 and "Hussain" - 128, we would get:

Abu Talib (51) + Mahdi (59) + Muhammad (92) + Hussain (128) =

330 = 110 x 3

110 (Ali) x 3

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2103

500. Another prophecy is being fulfilled that some people are
claiming that Mahdi would not come in recent years

Some people even in the Muslim World are saying these days that there is No
Mahdi and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had not mentioned about any Mahdi who
would appear in the End Times.

We don't want to mention the names of those Muslim Scholars but if you listen
Islamic programs, you would come across lot of these so called Muslim Scholars
who are rejecting the Basic Islamic Belief of Imam Mahdi (AS) which is accepted and
established for the last 1400 years in all the Muslim Sects irrespective of other
religious differences in understanding the Holy Quran and interpreting the Sunnah
of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

So this is another very strong sign of the Imam Mahdi's appearance and the time of
His Zahoor is also coming very near.

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501. The Mark of Beast - Satan would become common in the
End Times as predicted by Bible and our Imams before the
Second Coming of Jesus Christ

In recent years, we notice that Tattoos have become very popular in most Western
countries and the people of the other countries are blindly following the fashions of
the West.

So even in Muslim countries, the fashion of putting Tattoos on your body became a
popular fashion and modern trend.

The Bible mentions that the Mark of the Beast i.e. Satan would be on the bodies of
the people and even our Imams mentions about the Tattoos in their Sayings.

Tattoos are not the modern concept. The people in Africa and South America put
Tattoos on their bodies even centuries ago.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2105

In pre-Islamic culture, women used to tattoo other women as part of their make-up or as
part of religious rituals (un-Islamic), this was forbidden by the Prophet of Islam .

Tattoos are created from piercing body parts with needles while injecting colours other
than the natural skin colour. This would permanently decolour the skin.

Tattooing, these days, has become a fashion and is practised by both genders, Ahaidth
2-4, below forbid the tattooing for both genders. For more information on tattooing of
pictures of animals, living beings, strange creatures and signs, which are surely

The problem with tattooing Holy Names and/or Verses is that one cannot remove them
(the permanent tattoos) upon becoming ‘Najis’ (in the state of impurity), so it would imply
certain restrictions for its bearer which are difficult to comply with, as per several Ahadith,
see, for example the following Hadith:

Mohammed ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammed from al-Hussain ibn Sayd
from Hammad ibn Isa, who from Al-Hussain ibn Al-Mukhtar, who from Abu Basir, who has
said the following:

‘I once asked Abu Abd Allah, about the one who read from a copy of Al-Mushaf (the
Book) without having the Wuzu. The Imam replied: It is not harmful, but one must not
touch the Book in such condition.’

Also there are instructions regarding in removal of the finger rings, engraved with the Holy
names, in the state of impurity.

Below, we have translated three Ahadith, all the other Ahadith which convey the similar
meanings are given as:

‘Abu Abd Allah has said that the Messenger of Allahsaww has cursed tattooing
persons and those (women) who are tattooed, those who raise the price of a piece of
goods for sale without the intention to buy and those who agree to such act’.

And from Qatada who said, ‘When Ibleesla went down, Adam said: ‘O Lord! He has
been cursed. What is his knowledge?’ Allah replied: ‘ The magic’. He asked: ‘What
is his reading?’ Allah replied: ‘The poetry’. He asked: ‘What is his writing?’
Allah replied: ‘The Tatoos’. He asked: ‘What is his food?’ Allah replied: ‘ Every
corpse (dead) and on which the Name of Allah has not been mentioned’. He asked:
‘What is his drink?’ Allah replied: ‘Every intoxicant’. He asked: ‘Where is his
dwelling place?’ Allah replied: ‘The bath’. Heas asked: ‘Where is his sitting (place)?’
Allah replied: ‘The markets’. He asked: ‘What is his voice?’ Allah replied: ‘The
flute’. He asked: ‘What are his traps?’ Allah replied: ‘The women’.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2106

And from Ibn Abbas who said, ‘The Messenger of Allah said:

‘When Adamas descended, with knowledge and heas would also learn from the Books
and the Messengers, Ibleesla said to his Lordazwj the High, ‘O Lord, What were the
Books and the Messengers?’ He Said: ‘The Messengers were the Angels and the
Prophets (from Me), and the Books were the Torah, and the Evangel, and the
Psalms, and the Furqan’. He said, ‘And what is my book?’ Allah replied: ‘Your book
(writing) are the Tattoos, and your reading is the poetry, and your messengers
are the soothsayers, and your food is that on which Allah’s Name is not mentioned,
and your drink is every intoxicant, and your charity is the lie, and your house is the
(public) bath, and your entrapments are the women, and your Muezzin (Caller) is the
flute, and your mosque are the market places’.
It is written in Fiqh Al-Reza that Prophet Mohammed has cursed the one who creates
Tattoos by his hand."


Al-Kafi, vol, 5, H. 10193, Ch. 190,

Bihar ul Anwaar – Volume 60 – Hadeeth 172
Bihar ul Anwaar – Volume 60 – Hadeeth 173

The Satan or the Beast as called in the Bible or Lucifer wants people to mark
themselves and label them as His Mark on their bodies.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2107

Then the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) Chips came recently and the
Western Governments are putting this technology in the bodies of people to
identify them.

It is now mandatory in US Army and for the prisoners in USA and optional for
students and parents who wants to volunteer for this program. There are lot of
RFID chips developed recently which would be injected in the skin and remain there
as the Identification tool.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2108

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2109
RFID chip in the hand

Some people say that the Satan use - Number - 666 as the Mark of the Beast
and that is why 666 is widely used in Commerce and Shopping labels.

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502. The Establishment of Divine Kingdom by Imam Mahdi (AS)

All the Scholars of all religions are indicating that the humans are living in the End
Times and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Arrival of Imam Mahdi is very
near and may be in 2023 AD.

1. Paracelsus, who discovered Zinc and considered Father of Toxicology mentioned

in his writings in 1550 AD, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in 2023 AD.

2. Michel de Nostradamus, a French Physician and reputed seer mentioned in

1555AD in his famous book, Les Propheties, a collection of 942 poetic quartrains
that there would be a big War and Jesus would return to Earth after 2022 AD.

3. Ian Gurney, a famous Christian scholar mentioned in his book, Casandra

Prophecy published in 1999 AD that Jesus Christ would return in 2023 AD as per the
Interpretation of Bible Verses and Old Testament.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2112

4. The famous Saint Malachy mentioned in his writings in 1139 AD that the Jesus
Christ will return after 112th Pope after him. And current Pope Francis is the 112th
Pope and he is considered to be the Last Pope before Jesus Christ in Christianity.

5. Prince Handley in his book, Prophetic Calender for Israel and the Nations: The
Next Decade - Last Days News and Events through 2023 indicate the Coming of
Messiah in 2023 AD.

6. Wayne L Atchison mentioned in his research book, 120 Jubilees - Why 2023 may
be The End of Days mentioned that Adam's punishment would end in 2023 with the
Arrival of Jesus Christ.

7. The Hindu scholars mentioned in their research work in their website - that there is a Arrival 14 purest elements
and the Establishment of Divine Kingdom after 2023 AD.

8. The famous Muslim scholar of Palestine, Mr. Bassam Jarrar mentioned in his
book, The End of Israel in 2022 AD that Hazrat Esa (Jesus Christ) would return to
Earth after 2022 AD.

9. Mr. Bediuzzaman of Turkey indicated the Arrival of Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi
after 2022 AD.

10. The Christian scholars mentioned in their website, that

Jesus Christ would come in the year 2023AD.

11. Famous Muslim Saint, Hazrat Naimatullah Shah Wali mentioned in his writings
more than 850 years ago that there will be Big World War and then Hazrat Esa and
Imam Mahdi would arrive soon after that World War.

12. The famous documentary The Arrivals, available on the Youtube mentioned in
26th Episode that Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ may arrive in 2023 AD after the
World War and Global Drought.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2113

13. Christian Scholars interpreted the Old Testament, the Book of Daniel, Chapters
8 - 12 that Jesus Christ would return to Earth in 2023 AD.

14. More than 100 scholars and saints gathered in 1974 AD in Seoul, South Korea
and they concluded that the End Times Messiah would return to Earth after 2020
AD and the Divine Kingdom would be established by 2023 AD.

15. The Mayan scholars also indicate that there are 5 Eras and the humans have
entered into the Last and 5th Era on 21st Dec, 2012 AD and soon there would be all
peace and prosperity that will prevail through out this Last Era after 2023 AD.

16. Most of the Muslim scholars are also indicating that we are living in the End
Times and the Arrival of Imam Mahdi and Hazrat Esa is very near in the future.

17. The Jews have already planned to build their 3rd Temple Mount on the place of
Dome of the Rock after demolishing Mosque Al Aqsa fulfilling their prophecy for the
return of their Messiah (Anti Christ- Dajjal) in Jerusalem soon in coming years as
they also see the Return of their Messiah by 2021 - 2022 AD.

18. Most of the Signs of the Arrival of Hazrat Esa and Imam Mahdi have already
been fulfilled in the past and in recent years except few Signs as indicated in the
books of scholars which are hopefully to be seen in coming years.

As one can notice that most scholars of all religions agree that we live in End Times
before the Arrival of Hazrat Esa and Imam Mahdi. We all should pray that we would
remain on Right path and wait and prepare ourselves for the messengers of God
and His Commands.

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503. The Obesity would be rampant in all the Nations of the
World in the End Times

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mentioned 1400 years ago that the Obesity would be
rampant among the people in all the Nations in the End Times.

We don't see the problem of obesity among the people in all the Nations except in
few people all over the world just 50 years ago. Now this is a major health concern
of most people in all the Nations of the World. The Obesity is rampant in all the
Nations of the World these days fulfilling the Prophecy of our Prophet (PBUH)

The following facts are presented with the courtesy of the website:

 Obesity means having excess body fat. Adults 35 years of age and older with
a BMI greater than 30 are obese.

 Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration. It is a chronic medical disease

that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2115

associated cardiovascular disease such as heart disease, gallstones, and other
chronic illnesses.

 Obesity is a risk factor for a number of cancers.

 Obesity is difficult to treat and has a high relapse rate. Most people who lose
weight regain the weight within five years.

 Even though medications and diets can help, the treatment of obesity cannot
be a short-term "fix" but has to be a lifelong commitment to
proper diet habits, increased physical activity, and regular exercise.
 The goal of treatment should be to achieve and maintain a "healthier
weight," not necessarily an ideal weight.
 Even a modest weight loss of 5%-10% of initial weight and the long-term
maintenance of that weight loss can bring significant health benefits
by lowering blood pressure and lowering the risks of diabetes and heart
 The chances of long-term successful weight loss are enhanced if the doctor
works with a team of professionals, including dietitians, psychologists,
and exercise professionals.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2116

What is Obesity?
The definition of obesity varies depending on what one reads. In general,
overweight and obesity indicate a weight greater than what is healthy.
Obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excess amount of body fat. A
certain amount of body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation,
shock absorption, and other functions.

Body mass index best defines obesity. A person's height and weight
determines his or her body mass index. The body mass index (BMI) equals a
person's weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their height in meters (m)
squared (more information will be found later in the article). Since BMI
describes body weight relative to height, there is a strong correlation with
total body fat content in adults. An adult who has a BMI of 25-29.9 is
overweight, and an adult who has a BMI over 30 is obese. A person with a
BMI of 18.5-24.9 has a normal weight. A person is morbidly obese (extreme
obesity) if his or her BMI is over 40.

How common is obesity?

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Over two-
thirds of adults are overweight or obese, and one in three Americans is
obese. The prevalence of obesity in children has increased markedly. Obesity
has also been increasing rapidly throughout the world, and the incidence of
obesity nearly doubled from 1991 to 1998. In 2015, nearly 40% of adults were
obese in the U.S.

What are the health risks associated with obesity?

Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration; it is harmful to one's health as it
is a risk factor for many conditions. In the United States, roughly 112,000
deaths per year are directly related to obesity, and most of these deaths are
in patients with a BMI over 30. Patients with a BMI over 40 have a reduced
life expectancy. Obesity also increases the risk of developing a number of
chronic diseases, including the following:
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2117
 Insulin resistance. Insulin is necessary for the transport of blood glucose
(sugar) into the cells of muscle and fat (which the body uses for energy). By
transporting glucose into cells, insulin keeps the blood glucose levels in the
normal range. Insulin resistance (IR) is the condition whereby there is
diminished effectiveness of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) into cells.
Fat cells are more insulin resistant than muscle cells; therefore, one
important cause of insulin resistance is obesity. The pancreas initially
responds to insulin resistance by producing more insulin. As long as the
pancreas can produce enough insulin to overcome this resistance, blood
glucose levels remain normal. This insulin resistance state (characterized by
normal blood glucose levels and high insulin levels) can last for years. Once
the pancreas can no longer keep up with producing high levels of insulin,
blood glucose levels begin to rise, resulting in type 2 diabetes, thus insulin
resistance is a pre-diabetes condition.

 Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with the
degree and duration of obesity. Type 2 diabetes is associated with central
obesity; a person with central obesity has excess fat around his/her waist.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2118
 High blood pressure (hypertension). Hypertension is common among obese
adults. A Norwegian study showed that weight gain tended to increase blood
pressure in women more significantly than in men.
 High cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia)
 Stroke (cerebrovascular accident or CVA)
 Heart attack. A prospective study found that the risk of developing coronary
artery disease increased three to four times in women who had a BMI greater
than 29. A Finnish study showed that for every 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds)
increase in body weight, the risk of death from coronary artery
disease increased by 1%. In patients who have already had a heart attack,
obesity is associated with an increased likelihood of a second heart attack.
 Congestive heart failure
 Cancer. Obesity is a risk factor for cancer of the colon in men and
women, cancer of the rectum and prostate in men, and cancer of the
gallbladder and uterus in women. Obesity may also be associated with breast
cancer, particularly in postmenopausal women. Fat tissue is important in the
production of estrogen, and prolonged exposure to high levels of estrogen
increases the risk of breast cancer.

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Why people become Obese only in the last 50 years?
It is not a conspiracy that a question arises why the people in all the nations
become Obese in the last 50 years?

The political Elite in the World decided in 1970's to eliminate the extra
population of the World by different ways and the "Food Genocide" is one of
the most efficient ways to kill people through slow poisoning by making junk
foods popular, hotelling a new way of life and promoting GMC - Genetically
Modified Crops led by Monsontana Group all over the World.

Even the US Secretary of State, Mr. Henry Kissinger introduced the Population
Control program for 13 countries in 1975 by introducing lot of actions
including 2 Children program, Polio Vaccinations which weakens the
Fertilization process in the humans and making Food chains popular all over
the World which make junk food in abundance for the people to consume
and become obese.

This is a clear Sign of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second Coming
of the Jesus Christ when there is no value of life on the planet and the Elite of
the World wants to eliminate the majority of the people by Wars, Slow
poisoning by Junk Foods and Medicines, Drought and Spread of Diseases. The
Zionist Elite consider the people of the world as "Useless Eaters."

They have been working slowly but effectively on their Slow Poisoning
programs and people became victims all over the world. So it is a new disease
which became rampant because of love of eating Junk food of the
Multinational Restaurant Chains.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2121

504. The 7 Repeated Verses mentioned in the Holy Quran
are the 7 Constant and Repeated Names of Muhammad and
Aal e Muhammad (PBUH) and the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi

‫ = الﻌ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــال‬192 ‫ = ع ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬110

The Abjad of Maula's name, "Ali" is 110

The plural of the Arabic name, "Ali" is "Al -Aaleen" ---- 3 or more Ali's. All
14 Masoomeen are "Ali" on 'Arash e Ilahi" and All are "Muhammad" on
'Farsh e Ilahi".

As Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"Our First is Muhammad, Our Last is Muhammad, Our Middle is Muhammad

and We all are Muhammad."

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "Aleen" is 192

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2122
We also know that there are only 7 different names in 14 Masoomeen
and 7 are the repeated names.

1. Muhammad................... 4 Muhammad in 14 Masoomeen

2. Ali..................................4 Ali

3. Fatima...........................1 Fatima

4. Hassan...........................2 Hassan

5. Hussain..........................1 Hussain

6. Jaffar...............................1 Jaffar

7. Musa...............................1 Musa

Now if we multiply the Number - 7 as there are only 7 repeated

names in 14 Masoomeen with the Abjad of 'Aleen' i.e. 192 and add
the Abjad of Arabic word, "Ism" meaning Name, we would get the
Year of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

[7 (Repeated names of 14 Masoomeen) x 192 (Al- Aaleen)] + 101 (Ism) =


1445...........1445 Hijri .....Zahoor of Imam

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2123


The Abjad of Imam's name, "Mahdi" is 59

The Abjad of Allah's name, "Aala" is 111

If we add the Abjad of the names of Aala and Mahdi, we would get:

Aala (111) + Mahdi (59) = 170

If we multiply the Number - 170 with the 7 Repeated Names of Muhammad
and Aal e Muhammad (PBUH), we would get:

170 x 7 = 1190
1190..................Total Years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1445 Hijri - 255 Hijri = 1190 Years of Ghaibat of Imam

Now if we add the number of years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
i.e. 1190 with the year of His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we would
get the Year of His 2nd Zahoor as:

255 Hijri + 1190 (Total years of Ghaibat) = 1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri..................Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2124


The Abjad of the Arabic Word, " ‫ " مص ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬meaning the Person who is
worshipping the Prayer or the Place of Prayer is 170

‫ = مص ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬170
If we multiply the Number - 170 with the 7 Repeated Names of
Muhammad and Aal e Muhammad (PBUH), who are ‫( الصـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــلﻮت‬Prayer) of
Momin we would get:

170 x 7 = 1190
1190..................Total Years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
Now if we add the number of years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
i.e. 1190 with the year of His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we would
get the Year of His 2nd Zahoor as:

255 Hijri + 1190 (Total years of Ghaibat) = 1445 Hijri

1445 Hijri..................Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2125


The Abjad of Maula Ali's name, "Ali" is 110

Maula Ali (AS) once said that:

"I am the Batin of 'Seen' and the 'Raaz' of Seen."

'Seen" is the Arabic Alphabet --- ‫س‬

The Abjad of this Arabic Alphabet - ‫ س‬is 60

Adding both the Abjads of "Ali" and " ‫"س‬, we would get:

110 ( ‫ )عـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬+ 60 (‫ =)س‬170

If we multiply the Number - 170 with the 7 Repeated Names of
Muhammad and Aal e Muhammad (PBUH), who all are Ali ( ‫)ع ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬, we would

170 x 7 = 1190
1190..................Total Years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
Now if we add the number of years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
i.e. 1190 with the year of His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we would
get the Year of His 2nd Zahoor as:

255 Hijri + 1190 (Total years of Ghaibat) = 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2126


The Abjad of name, "Allah" is 66

The Abjad of Arabic Word, "Adal" meaning Justice is 104

And Allah will do His Justice on Earth after the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as
promised by Him.

Now if we add the Abjad of "Allah" i.e. 66 and the Abjad of "Adal" meaning
Justice - 104, we would get:

Allah (66) + Adal (104) = 170

If we multiply the Number - 170 with the 7 Repeated Names of
Muhammad and Aal e Muhammad (PBUH), Who would bring Allah's Adal on
Earth, we would get the total number of years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi
from 255 Hijri till 1445 Hijri as:

170 x 7 = 1190
1190..................Total Years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
Now if we add the number of years of Ghaibat of Imam Mahdi (AS)
i.e. 1190 with the year of His First Zahoor i.e. 255 Hijri, we would
get the Year of His 2nd Zahoor as:

255 Hijri + 1190 (Total years of Ghaibat) = 1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2127

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505. Let the Skyfall – This is the End

Skyfall was the 23 Movie of James Bond released on 14th November, 2012.
It’s famous song, “Let the Skyfall” was sung by Adele.

The song was recognized as the Best Song and the Best Singer nomination was
won by Adele in Oscar Awards, 2013.
The famous lyrics of the song are as follows in blue ink and italic style and
its interpretation in Red ink.

Lyrics of Skyfall – Song: Brief Interpretation:

This is the End End of the Modern World

Hold your breath and count to ten 2013 to 2023 – ten years
Feel the earth move and then World War 3
Hear my heart burst again Destruction of humanity

For this is the end End of World Systems

I’ve drowned and dreamed this moment To destroy Adam and Eve
So Overdue, I owe them Adam and Eve’s destruction
Swept away, I’m stolen Waiting for long time
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2129
Let the Skyfall, when it crumbles When World War 3 starts
We will stand stall New World Order
Or Face it all together No one would benefit

Skyfall is where we start Big War starts

A thousand miles and poles apart Middle East
When worlds collide and days are dark World War 3
You may have my number 666, 13, 6
You can take my name Satan, Devil, Demon
But you’ll never have my heart Heart - Destruction of all

Where you go I go I am always with humans

What you see I see Humans are never alone
I know I’ll never be without the security Humans are obeying me
Are you loving arms? Do Humans love WAR?

Keep me from harm Save me from Divinity

Put your hand in my hand Help me and Follow me
And we’ll stand tall ONE - Our New Empire - NWO

Let the Skyfall War, Drought, Diseases

We will stand tall ONE – New World Order
AT SKYFALL When World would Fall

It is a 23 James Bond movie and we know that the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is
also in 2023 AD.
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2130
Now the 24th Movie of the James Bond is releasing on 31st December, 2015
named, “Spectre”

‘Spectre’ means a ghost, phantom, appartition or a mental image of

something unpleasant.

So after the Skyfall of the Modern World, Spectre would emerge as an

unpleasant image of the world i.e. Destruction, Drought and Diseases in the
World would emerge after the Big War of the Worlds.
All prophecies are now clearly indicating the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS). We
just have to open our minds and souls and hear the messages of God,
prophets, Imams, prophecies, etc carefully and we would clearly understand
that we are in the last era before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2131

Latest Hollywood Movies indicating the End Times &

The latest Hollywood movies indicate the end time of our Modern World and
the coming of New World.

The following are some of the names of the Hollywood Movies as follows:

 World War Z
 Now you see me
 2012
 The Ender’s Game
 The Running Man
 The World’s End
 300
 Skyfall
 The Son of God
 Siege
 White House Down
 The Olympus has Fallen
 The Lord of the Ring
 The Son of God
 300 – The Rise of Empire
 Divergent
 The Terminator - Series
 Oz – The Great and Powerful
 Hunger Games
 Hunger Games – The Catching Fire

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 The Last Purge
 Insurgent
 X – Men – The Days of the Future Past and X – Men – Apocalypse
 Tomorrowland
 Spectre
 Left Behind
 Day after Tomorrow
 Geostorm
 Deep Impact
 Armageddon
 Panademic
 Asteriod
 San Andreas

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506. There would be Music in marriages and the men
and women would sit together before the Zahoor of
Imam Mahdi (AS) as predicted by our Imams

Our Imams predicted that in the End Times before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi, there would be Music in the Marriages of Muslims and the men and
women would sit together in those marriages and eat together.

If we see the culture in the Muslim countries just 50 years ago, the marriages
among the Muslims were mostly simple and there is no music in the

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Now in the recent years, people are arranging Music Concerts and Music
Functions in the Marriages. It is a common practice in all the Muslim
countries now to arrange Music functions in the Marriages.

The Muslim men and women are also sitting together and eating together
and there is no concept of 'Hijab' in these marriage functions these days.

So another prophecy of our Imams have also been fulfilled before the Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS) as the Zahoor of Imam is approaching near.

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507. The Muslims would be killed all over the world
because of their religion and Islam would be
humilated by Dajjal (Satanic) forces in the End Times

As all the Muslims in the world are witnessing "Islamophobia" all over the
World in the last 25 years. The Dajjal (Satanic) forces all over the World are
humilating the religion "Islam" by portraying that the roots of Terrorism is in
the concepts of Islam, which is absolutely incorrect and it is just an allegation
on Islam and Muslims.

There are lot of terminology used in the Main Stream Media run by Dajjal
forces like, "Islamic Terrorism", "Muslim Terrorist", "Islamic Radicals",
"Muslim Radicals", etc.

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There are more than 1.4 billion Muslims all over the World. There are 57
Independent Muslim Countries in the World out of 193 Member states of
UNO. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the World in the last 25 years
and Islam is the 2nd largest Religion with most followers after Christianity.

After 9/11 in New York, USA the religion Islam came under severe attack with
the premise that there is a problem with the religion Islam and its followers
and this religion is creating the Terrorists all over the World.

But if we see that the Dajjal (Satanic) forces suppressed and killed Muslims all
over the World in the name of "War on Terror" initiated by Israel, led by USA
and followed by Western Countries like UK, France, Germany and other
countries of the World like Australia, India and Myanmar, etc.

Attack of USA on Afghanistan (2001 till todate)

USA along with the support of Western Countries invaded Afghanistan in

2001 AD and killed hundreds of thousands of Afghanis since then. Then in
2003 AD, USA invaded Iraq and killed millions of Muslims in that country.
Then in 2006, Israel attacked Lebanon and killed hundreds of Muslims in
Lebanaon. Then in 2011 AD, UK and France with the support of USA and Israel

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attacked Libya and killed thousand of Libayans till todate and there is Civil
War in Libya since then. Then USA along with Israel, UK and France attacked
Syria since 2011 AD and helped in the creation of ISIS in Syria and defamed
Muslims that they want Caliphate under the leadership of ISIS.

Attack on Iraq by USA in 2003 AD

Millions of Muslims killed in Syria since 2011 AD and Civil War is still going in
Syria since then. Millions of Muslims were displaced from Iraq, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Libya and Syria and migrated to Europe and USA as they don't have
any choice to live in their own countries which were invaded illegally by USA,
Israel and Western Countries.

Attacks on Syria by USA till todate

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Attack on Libya by NATO forces led by France and UK

Then we see the total human disaster and catastrophe in Myanmar when the
Army and political leadership killed and raped hundreds of Muslims living in
that country and they were forced to migrate to Bangladesh because of Mass
Murder by the hands of Army and Police of Myanmar.

Killings of Rohinga Muslims by Myanmar Army

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Now we are witnessing another human catastrophe in Indian held Kashmir
where 80 million Muslims were held in Curfew and Hindu Radical leader, the
Prime Minister of India, Mr. Moody sent 9 Million armed forces to implement
Curfew and kill the Muslims all across Indian held Kashmir.

8 Million Armed forces are killing 90 Million Muslims in Indian Kashmir

The Indian Army arrested 15,000 young muslims from Kashmir and took them
to unknown places for interrogation. India already attacked Pakistan in Feb,
2019 and the Sub - Continent is heading towards another Big War.

Curfew and Protests are the New Norm in Indian Kashmir

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More than 70,000 Pakistani Muslims were killed in the War on Terror led by
USA in Afghanistan. The CIA created Taliban and Islamic Afghan forces against
Russia back in 1979 AD and then attacked the same Taliban forces in 2001 AD
when USA wanted to get rid of them and capture Afghanistan.

Terrorism in Pakistan funded by India, Israel and USA since 2001

Now USA and Israel are planning to attack Iran with the support of Saudi
Arabia and UAE. And that war in the Middle East would further see killings of
hundreds of Muslims across the region. The USA has already started
Economic Terrorism against Iran by different Economic Sanctions and not
allowing Iran to sell its oil in international markets. The inflation in Iran has
gone up and people are unable to buy food and medicines easily in Iran
because of USA sanctions on Iran.

Recently USA along with UK, France, Australia sent their Naval military
Warships to the Gulf Region along the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz to
monitor the Sea routes and control the supply of oil in that region and not
allowing Iran to sell its oil even to China and Russia, the allies of Iran against
USA and Western countries.

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USA Military in the Persian Gulf against Iran

Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar funded ISIS and Taliban and these countries are
helping Dajjal (Satanic) forces in the world to achieve their Satanic goals and
implement ONE World Order after the 3rd World War in 2022 AD. Saudi
Arabia along with UAE attacked Yemen with the support of USA military
equipment sold by Jewish Military Companies. Thousands of Yemenis have
been killed and millions are starving to death because of shortages of food
and medicines. Saudi Arabia and UAE are playing in the hands of Israel and
USA in promoting terrorism in the World through the promotion of
Wahabbism in the whole World which preaches Intolerance and Extremism
against other sects especially Shia Muslims and killing Christians in the name
of Islam as we witnessed ISIS, Daesh and Taliban groups funded by these
counties on the order of USA and Israel.

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Attacks on Yemeni Muslims since 2015

Even in Chinese Muslim province of Xinjiang, hundreds of thousand of

Uyghurs Muslims were either killed by Chinese Armed forces and their
children were taken forcefully to Chinese Government Schools and separated
from their families.

Chinese Military forces are killing Muslims in Xinjiang Province

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There are reports in the Media that thousands of Muslims houses and their
colonies were totally demolished and hundreds of thousands of Muslims
were either killed and kidnapped by Chinese forces in recent years.

Then we see the massacre and killings of Palestines Muslims for the last 70
years by Israel. Palestinian Muslims have lost all their land due to illegal
occupation by Israel and all the world is silent on the brutalities by Israeli
Military forces on Palestine Muslims.

Palestinian Muslims are killed by Israel since 1948

Then in recent years due to Wars in Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Iraq,
Syria, Libya, Palestine, Pakistan, etc, millions of muslims migrated to Europe,
USA, Canada and Australia to save their lives and their children.

The Right Wing Extremists who were opposed to the Muslim Migrants started
harrassing Muslims in Europe and USA by different ways. The Right Wing
White Extremist Political parties started winning in elections in their
respective countries and started making tough laws against the Muslim

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Migrant population who came to save their lives and their children due to the
Wars imposed by USA and the Western Countries.

Muslim Refugees are not Welcome in Europe and USA

The New Generation of Muslims are feeling ashamed to be called Muslims in

the Western Countries and they are leaving Islamic practices and adopting
the Western Culture so that they can easily live their lives without being
humiliated by other people of other religions.

Islam as a religion and Muslims as followers have become a victim of Dajjal

(Satanic) forces in the last 70 years. Islam has come under severe threat from
the Dajjal (Satanic) forces in the last few decades.

This is one of the Signs of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) and the Second
Coming of the Jesus Christ as people are loosing Faith as their religion is
under attack by the Main Stream Media, political leaders, social media, etc
and they can't live peacefully in their own countries as they are being invaded
by other countries. Imam Mahdi (AS) and Jesus Christ would come to rescue
the Faith of the Faithful people and restore peace in the World.

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508. The Arrival (Aamad) of Mazhar of Allah - Zahoor
of Imam Mahdi (AS)

The Abjad of the Arabic word, " ‫ " آمد‬meaning Arrival is 45

Our Imam Mahdi (AS) is the "‫ " مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬- Mazhar of Allah.

The Abjad of the Arabic word, "‫ " مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬is 1145

If we write the Arabic words, " ‫ " آمد مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬meaning the Arrival of Mazhar

The Abjad of the Arabic words, " ‫ " آمد مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬is 1190

"‫( " مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬1145) + " ‫( " آمد‬45) = 1190

The First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) was in the year - 255 Hijri. If we add the
Number - 1190 (" ‫ )" آمد مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬meaning the Arrival of Mazhar of Allah after
255 Hijri, we would get the Exact year of His Second Zahoor as:

255 Hijri (1st Zahoor) + " ‫( " آمد مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬1190) = 1445

1445...........1445 Hijri (Final Zahoor of Imam)

" ‫" آمد مﻈه ـ ـ ــﺮ‬........................1445 Hijri

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2147
509. The severe drinking water scarcity in major cities of
the World by 2025 AD as told by major World
Organizations and Half of the World would starve to death
as they struggle for Water...........The Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS) and Second Coming of Jesus Christ is Imminent

With the Courtesy from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Water scarcity is the lack of fresh water resources to meet water demand. It
affects every continent and was listed in 2019 by the World Economic
Forum as one of the largest global risks in terms of potential impact over the
next decade. It is manifested by partial or no satisfaction of expressed
demand, economic competition for water quantity or quality, disputes
between users, irreversible depletion of groundwater, and negative impacts

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2148

on the environment. Two-thirds of the global population i.e. 4 billion people
live under conditions of severe water scarcity at least 1 month of the
year. Half a billion people in the world face severe water scarcity all year
round. Half of the world’s largest cities experience water scarcity.

A mere 0.014% of all water on Earth is both fresh and easily accessible. Of the
remaining water, 97% is saline and a little less than 3% is hard to access.
Technically, there is a sufficient amount of freshwater on a global scale.
However, due to unequal distribution (exacerbated by climate change)
resulting in some very wet and some very dry geographic locations, plus a
sharp rise in global freshwater demand in recent decades driven by industry,
humanity is facing a water crisis. Demand is expected to outstrip supply by
40% in 2030, if current trends continue.

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2149

The essence of global water scarcity is the geographic and temporal mismatch
between freshwater demand and availability. The increasing world
population, improving living standards, changing consumption patterns, and
expansion of irrigated agriculture are the main driving forces for the rising
global demand for water. Climate change, such as altered weather-patterns
(including droughts or floods), deforestation, increased pollution, green
house gases, and wasteful use of water can cause insufficient supply.

At the global level and on an annual basis, enough freshwater is available to

meet such demand, but spatial and temporal variations of water demand and
availability are large, leading to (physical) water scarcity in several parts of
the world during specific times of the year. All causes of water scarcity are
related to human interference with the water cycle. Scarcity varies over time
as a result of natural hydrological variability, but varies even more so as a
function of prevailing economic policy, planning and management
approaches. Scarcity can be expected to intensify with most forms
of economic development, but, if correctly identified, many of its causes can
be predicted, avoided or mitigated.

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As we noticed from the facts and figures presented by the World
Organizations that half of the World population would be starving to death
due to lack of water and food by 2025 AD.

So the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS) as He is the 'Hujjat' and 'Caliph' of Allah -
The Almighty God is imminent to resolve the issue otherwise the whole
humanity would face the consequences of water shortages and would die
eventually due to drought and diseases brought by the scarcity of Water all
over the World.

The world is already facing numerous Global problems and this is another
crisis folding in front of our eyes. Our prayers are for our Imam so that Allah
would haste His Zahoor as early as possible.

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510. The Photos of Fear, Poverty, Hunger, War,
Drought, Crimes and the Humanity is waiting for
Imam Mahdi's Justice

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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
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Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about Imam Mahdi (AS)

1. The world will not come to pass until a man from among my family, whose name will be
my name, rules over the Arabs. (Tirmidhi Sahih, Vol. 9, P. 74; Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 5, P.
207; also narrated by Ali b. Abi Talib, Abu Sa'id, Umm Salma, Abu Hurayra)
2. Allah will bring out from concealment al-Mahdi from my family and just before the day of
Judgment; even if only one day were to remain in the life of the world, and he will spread
on this earth justice and equity and will eradicate tyranny and oppression.
(Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 1, P. 99)
3. Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my
family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initially was filled
with oppression. (Abu Dawood)
4. The promised Mahdi will be among my family. God will make the provisions for his
emergence within a single night. (Ibn Majah, Sahih, Vol. 2, P. 519)
5. The promised Mahdi will be among my progeny, among the descendants of Fatima.
(Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 2, P. 207; Ibn Majah, Sahih, Vol. 2, P. 519)
6. The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatima (the Prophet's daughter).
(Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2, Tradition No. 4086)
7. Al-Mahdi is one of us, the members of the household (Ahlul-Bayt).
(Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2, Tradition No. 4085)
8. Our Mahdi will have a broad forehead and a pointed (prominent) nose. He will fill the
earth with justice as it is filled with injustice and tyranny.
(Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 2, p. 208; Fusul al-muhimma, p. 275)
9. A group of my Ummah will fight for the truth until near the day of judgment when Jesus,
the son of Marry, will descend, and the leader of them will ask him to lead the prayer, but

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Jesus declines, saying: "No, Verily, among you Allah has made leaders for others and He
has bestowed his bounty upon them. (Sahih Muslim)
10. What will be your reaction when the son of Mary (Jesus) descends and your Imam is from
among yourselves? (Sahih Muslim, bab nuzul 'isa, Vol. 2; Sahih Bukhari, kitab bad' al-khalq
wa nuzul 'isa, Vol. 4)
11. What would be your situation if the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends upon you and your
Imam is from among you? (Bukhari, kitabul-Anbiya, Chapter Nuzul Isa bin Maryam)
12. The world will not come to an end until a man from my family (ahl al-bayt), who will be
called al-Mahdi, emerges to rule upon my community.
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 75; Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 1, P. 9)
13. Mahdi will be among my progeny, among the children of Fatima.
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 75)
14. The world will not come to an end until a man from the descendants of Hussain takes
charge of the affairs of the world and fills it with justice and equity as it is filled with
injustice and tyranny. (Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 66)

15. The earth will be filled with injustice and corruption. At that time, a man from among my
progeny will rise and rule and will fill the earth with justice and equity.
(Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad, Vol. 3, P. 27)
16. Listen to the good news about the Mahdi! He will rise at the time when people will be
faced with severe conflict and the earth will be hit by a violent quake. He will fill the earth
with justice and equity as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He will fill the hearts of his
followers with devotion and will spread justice everywhere.
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 74)
17. He will be among us. God will conclude His religion through him, just as He began it with
us. It will be through us that people will find refuge from sedition, just as it was through us

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2165

that they were saved from polytheism. Moreover, it will be through us that God will bring
their hearts together in brotherhood following the animosity sown by the sedition, just as
they were brought together in brotherhood in their religion after the animosity sown by
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 84; Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 7, P. 191; Majma` al-zawa'id by `Ali b.
Abi Bakr Haythami (Cairo edition), Vol. 7, P. 317)
18. The Mahdi from among my descendants, from my family, will rise at the End of Time,
while the heavens will pour rain and the earth will bring forth green grass for him. He will
fill the earth with justice and equity as it is filled with tyranny and injustice.
(Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 51, P. 74; Ithbat al-hudat, Vol. 7, P. 9)
19. Severe calamity from the direction of their ruler will befall my people during the Last Days.
It will be a calamity which, in severity, shall be unprecedented. It will be so violent that the
earth with injustice and corruption will shrivel for its inhabitants. The believers will not
find refuge from oppression. At that time God will send a man from my family to fill the
earth with justice and equity just as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. The dwellers of
the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him. The earth will bring forth all that
grows for him, and the heavens will pour down rains in abundance. From all the good that
God will bestow on the inhabitants of the earth, the dead will wish to come to life again.
(Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa'iq al-muharriqa, P. 161; Yanabi' al-mawadda, Vol. 2, P. 177)
20. People will pay allegiance to the Mahdi between rukn and maqam (in Mekkah).
(Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 64.)

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Sayings of the family and companions of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) about Imam Mahdi (AS)

1. At the time when Nafs al-Zakiyya is killed a caller from the heaven will say: 'Your
commander is so-and-so.' (announce Mahdi) Following it the Mahdi will emerge and fill
the earth with justice and equity. (Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 179)
2. Mahdi is a person behind whom Jesus will offer his prayers.
(Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 179)
3. One of the Prophet's companions told me that the Mahdi will not appear until that time
when Nafs al-Zakiyya will be killed. At that time he will take the command and will fill the
earth with justice and equity. (Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan, P. 171)
4. This affair about which you are waiting will not occur until among you some seek to
distance themselves from the others and curse each other.
(Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, Vol. 52, P. 211)
5. If Mahdi has indeed appeared while you are living close to the Prophet's period and while
his companions are living among you, then you are truly fortunate. However, that is not
the case. Mahdi will not appear until people are devoured by oppression and tyranny and
there is no one absent more beloved and more needed than him.
(Kitab al-hawi li al-fatawa, Vol. 2, P. 159)

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Sayings of Imam Mahdi

1. I am a remainder from Adam, a relic of Noah, a choice from Abraham and

elite of Mohammad (PBUT). (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.238)

2. Indeed, right is with us and in us, and nobody else say that but a liar and an

impostor. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.191)

3. Truly, the Exalted Allah is the one who created all forms and apportioned the

provision; because He is not a form nor is He embodied in a form; nothing can

be compared with him; and he is the All-hearing All-knowing. (Al-Ghayba, by

shaykh al-Toosy P. 178)

4. Verily, Allah is with us and we have no need to other than Him; right is with

us so we won’t be distressed by those who desist from helping us; we are the

willing tools of our Lord and people are our willing tools. (Al-Ghayba, by

shaykh al-Toosy P. 172)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2169
5. Knowledge is ours; do not care about the unbeliever’s unbelief. (Bihar al-

Anwar Ch.53, P.151)

6. If our devotees’ (may Allah give them success in obeying Him) hearts are

gathered on meeting their obligation, their good fortune of meeting us would

not have been delayed, and their joy of seeing us would have been expedited.

(Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.499)

7. I declare-unto Allah and His Messenger-that I am not accountable for whoso

claims that we know what is hidden (the divine secret), that we share with

Allah His rule, or places us in a rank other than that which Allah approved for

us. (Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.487)

8. The superiority of invocation and glorification of God subsequent to the

obligatory prayers, over the invocation subsequent to the supererogatory

prayers is like the superiority of the obligatory over the supererogatory

prayers. (Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.487)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2170

9. Nothing spites Satan like performing the prayer, so perform it and spite him!

(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.182)

10.Indeed, I am a safeguard to the inhabitants of earth as the stars are

safeguards to the inhabitants of heaven. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.78, P.380)

11.But Allah’s foreordainment could not be struggled with, His will could not be

refused and His (granting of) Success could not be preceded. (Bihar al-Anwar

Ch.53, P.191)

12.And as for the reason behind the occurrence of the (my) occultation, Allah

The Almighty said, ” Believers, do not ask questions about things which, if

made known to you would only pain you”. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.78, P.380)

13.Indeed, earth could not be without a hujja (a proof, a prophet or his vice),

either manifest or occult. (Kamaliddin by al-Sadooq Ch.2, P.115)

14.Whenever an authority disappears, another one appears; and if a star sets,

another one rises. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.185)

15.He is cursed (twice) he who delays performing the early morning prayer until

the stars disappear (the sun rises). (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.16)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2171

16.Allah shall provide for his needs he who needs Allah. (Bihar al-Anwar C.51,


17.Almighty Allah refuses but to perfect the truth and to make falsehoods vanish

and He is a witness over me in what I am saying. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53,


18.And as for the way of benefiting from me during my occultation, it is the

same as benefiting from the sun when it is beclouded; and I am a safeguard

to the inhabitants of earth as the stars are safeguards to the inhabitants of

heaven. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)

19.Increase praying for the expediting of my manifestation because indeed it is

your release from suffering. (Kamaliddin by al-Sadooq Ch.2, P.485)

20.If you ask for guidance, you shall have it; and if you pursue something, you

shall find it. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.339)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2172

21.No one is permitted to act independently regarding another’s possessions-

without his permission. (Wasa`il al-Shi`a Ch.17, P.309)

22.There is no kinship between Allah and anyone; whoso denies me, does not

belong to me. (Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 176)

23.I seek refuge in Allah from blindness after clearness, from error after

guidance and from the mortal sins and the deadly trials. (Bihar al-Anwar

Ch.53, P.190)

24.The outcome of Allah’s gracious handiwork shall be benign for them as long

as they avoid (committing) the prohibited sins. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.177)

25.I ask Allah to protect me (from the enemies), to be gracious to me and to

bring forth my rule. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.183)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2173
26.We are neither negligent of caring for you nor forgetful of you; and if it were

not for that, hardship would have befallen you and the enemies would have

massacred you, so fear God and support us. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.175)

27.And as for the recent occurrences, turn to the relaters of our Hadiths for they

are my proof upon you, and I am Allah’s proof upon them. (Bihar al-Anwar

Ch.53, P.181)

28.If you ask Almighty Allah for forgiveness, He will forgive you. (Bihar al-Anwar

Ch.51, P.329)

29.Allah did not create the creation in vain, nor did He leave them alone to no

purpose. (Al-Ghayba, by shaykh al-Toosy P. 174)

30.Let everyone of you do what ingratiates him with us and avoid what arises

our aversion and displeasure with him. (Al-Ihtijaj, by al-Tabrasy Ch.2, P.324)

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2174

 Allah, fulfill your promise to me, complete my rule for me, increase my

force and fill earth by me with justice and fairness. (Bihar al-Anwar

Ch.51, P.31)

31.I bear witness that there is no god but He-and the angels, and men possessed

of knowledge- upholding justice; there is no god but He the All-mighty, the

All-wise; the true religion with Allah is Islam. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.51, P.16)

32.I am Allah’s Remainder (representative) in His earth, and the avenger on his

enemies. (Tafseer Noor al-Thaqalayn Ch.2, P.392)

33.Our hearts are receptacles for Allah’s will, so that if He wills we comply.

(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.51)

34.Were it not for our desire to see you righteous and the mercy and pity we feel

for you, we would have been too occupied to address you. (Bihar al-Anwar

Ch.53, P.179)

35.I am al-Mahdi (the guided one), I am the imam of the time and I am the one

who fills it (earth) with justice just as it was filled with injustice and tyranny.

(Bihar al-Anwar Ch.52, P.2)

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36.The oppressors alleged that Al
lah’s proof is invalid, and if we were permitted

to speak out, the uncertainty would d

disappear. (Bihar al-Anwar
Anwar Ch.51, P.4)

37.We have comprehensive knowledge of your news, and not a thing of it

escapes us. (Bihar al--Anwar Ch.53, P.175)

38.The faith is Muhamma

d’s (his assignment), may Allah’s prayers and peace be

upon him and his household; and guidance is `Ali’s, the Commander of The

Believers, may peace be upon him, because it is meant for him and will

remain in his descendants until the Day of Resurrection. (Bihar al-Anwar


Ch.53, P.160)

39.And whoso oppresses us will be one of those who wrong us, and Allah’s curse

shall rest upon him because of the Almighty’s saying, ” Surely, Allah’s curse

shall rest upon the wrongdoers”. (Bihar al

Anwar Ch.53, P.182)

40.All my fathers and I are servants of Almighty Allah. (Bihar al

al--Anwar Ch.25)

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41.The prostration of gratitude is from among the most indispensable and most

necessary of the sunna practices (Prophetic Tradition). (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53,


42.If Allah permits us to speak, the truth would emerge and falsehood would

vanish and be pulled away from you. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.25, P.183)

43.And in the Prophet’s daughter, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him

and his household, there is a good example. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.180)

44.And as for the occurrence of the manifestation, it is up to Allah, and those

who appoint a moment lie. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.181)

45.So fear God and submit to us, refer the matter to us, because we are the ones

who execute Allah’s commands as we were the ones who received them; do

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not try to uncover what was concealed form you and make your intention to

love us according to the clear way. (Bihar al-Anwar Ch.53, P.179)

46.No manifestation but after Allah’s permission, and that will be after the

passing of a long term, the hardening of the hearts and the filling of earth

with tyranny. (alehtejaj Ch.2, P.478)

47.There will come to my devotees those who will claim seeing (me). Verily,

whosoever claims the seeing before the rising of al-Sofiany and the Cry, is a

liar and a forger; and there is no power except with Almighty Allah. (alehtejaj

Ch.2, P.478)

48.Keep prayers to Allah (SWT) for hastening the reappearance, hence it is your

49.Rest assured that no one has a special relationship with Allah (SWT).
Whoever denies me is not my (follower). The appearance of the Relief (al-
Faraj) depends solely upon Allah (SWT); therefore, those who propose a
certain time for it are liars. As to the benefit of my existence in Occultation

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(Ghaibat), it is like the benefit of the sun behind clouds where the eyes do not
see. Indeed, my existence is an amnesty for the people of the earth. Pray
much to Allah (SWT) to hasten the Relief, for therein also lays the release
from your sufferings.
50. Allah bestows upon us the success of obedience, the avoidance of

disobedience, sincerity and knowledge of the forbidden; and confer upon us

guidance and straightness. (Al-Misbah, by al-Kaf`amy P.281)

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Imam Mahdi and the Holy Quran

I) Surah Hud, Verse 8 (11:8)

“If We delay the Penalty for them for a definite term .”

It has been narrated from Imam Ali (a) that by the words "Ummat-e-
Madooda", the companions of Imam Mahdi (a) are being referred to, and they
are limited (or counted), and a little more than 310 (313).

They are sure to say "What keeps it back?"

The people would say by way of joking that what prevented Imam Mahdi (a)
from re-appearing and why is it delayed.

Ah! on the day it (actually) reaches them nothing will turn it away from them
and they will be completely encircled by that which they used to mock at!

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the "Ummat-e-Madooda"
will be the same in number as the Muslim army in Badr and they will gather
near Imam Mahdi (a) like the rain-clouds collect.

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02) Surah al-Ibrahim, Verse 5 (15:5)

“We sent Moses with Our Signs (and the command) "Bring out thy people from
the depths of darkness into light and teach them to remember the Days of

According to Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim, the Days of Allah are:

1) The Day of Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a)
2) The Day of Death
3) The Day of Judgement

The same has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) and Imam Jafar
Sadiq (a).

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03) Surah Bani Israel, Verses 4 to 8 (17:4-8)

"And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the scripture:"

According to Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim, that it was written in the scripture of Bani
Israel and was foretold to them

"Ye verily will work corruption in the earth twice, and ye will become great

Then the address is to the Muslims that you will spread corruption and dissent
twice in the earth and will break promises and try to usurp away what is not
yours (caliphate).

"So when the time for the first of the two came, We roused against you slaves
of Oursof great might who ravaged (your) country, and it was a threat
performed "

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The first instance of the two is the Battle of Jamal and the steadfast warriors
are those of the party of Imam Ali who dominated and defeated them.

"Then we gave you once again your turn against them, and We aided you with
wealth and children and made you more in soldiery, (Saying): If ye do good, ye
do good for your own souls, and if ye do evil, it is for them (in like manner). "

Then a second opportunity will be provided to you, (Bani Umayyads against

the Family of Muhammad) and they will be allowed an abundance of wealth
and numbers. Then if they do good, it will be better for them and if they do
evil (against Imam Husain and his imprisoned family), then you will reap its

"So, when the time for the second (of the judgments) came (We roused
against you others of Our slaves) to ravage you, and to enter the Temple even
as they entered it the first time, and to lay waste all that they conquered with
an utter wasting."

The second instance will be the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) who will
defeat you and will enter the Masjid (Ka'bah) with the same glory with which
they entered it before (i.e. Prophet Muhammad and his companions).

"It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, "
Here the address is to the Ale Muhammad (descendants of the Prophet) that
you will be helped against your enemies

"but if ye repeat (the crime) We shall repeat (the punishment)"

Here the address is to Bani Umayyads again that if they will repeat their
mischief (by siding with Sufyani), Our treatment (through the Imam Mahdi)
will also be repeated.

04) Surah Taha, Verse 113 (20:113)

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"...or that it may cause them to take heed" (Surah Taha, 20:113)

So that they may take heed and understand the clash between Imam Mahdi
(a) and Sufyani. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim)

05) Surah Anbiyaa, Verses 12 to 15 (21:12-15)

"And, when they felt Our might, behold them fleeing from it!"

That is, when the Umayyads will feel the power of the military force of Allah.
"(But it was said unto them): Flee not, but return to that (existence) which
emasculated you and to your dwellings, that ye may be questioned."
When Imam Mahdi will summon them, the Bani Umayyads will flee to Rome
but the Imam will find them and make them surrender their concealed

"They cried: Alas for us! Lo! we were wrongdoers. And that cry of theirs
ceased not tillWe made them as a field that is mown as ashes silent and
quenched. "

Although the words in this verse depict an event which has occurred in the
past, but actually it refers to the future. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim)

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06) Surah Anbiyaa, Verse 105 (21:105)

"And verity We have written in the Psalms, after the Reminder: My righteous
slaveswill inherit the earth "
i.e. the Imam Mahdi (a) and his companions.

07) Surah al-Hajj, Verse 39 (22:39)

“Sanction is given unto those who fight because they have been wronged; and
Allah is indeed Able to give them victory.”
It is commonly believed that this verse is for the Prophet Muhammad (s) when
the Quraysh forced him to leave Mecca, however it refers to the struggle of
Imam Mahdi (a), when he will set out to avenge the innocently shed blood of
Imam Husain (a).

08) Surah al-Hajj, Verse 60 (22:60)

"That (is so). And whoso hath retaliated with the like of that which he was

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made tosuffer and then hath (again) been wronged, Allah will succour him..."
(through his son, the Mahdi of the Prophet's House.)
09) Surah al-Hajj, Verse 41 (22:41)

"(They are) those who if We establish them in the land establish regular prayer
and give regular charity enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the
end (and decision) of (all) affairs."

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) that this verse is about
Ale Muhammad (descendants of the Prophet) and all the Holy Imams until
Imam Mahdi (a) and his companions, whom Allah, the Almighty, will grant
with government from the East to the West (over the entire face of the earth).
He, will establish His religion through them. He, through Imam Mahdi and his
companions, will destroy all innovations and evils, just as the evil-doers had
tried to destroy the truth. Then, there will not be any transgression or
oppression anywhere in the world. They, (the companions of Imam Mahdi)
will enjoin good to the people and forbid them from evils.

10) Surah ash-Shu'araa, Verse 4 (26:4)

"If (such) were Our Will, We could send down to them from the sky a Sign to
which they would bend their necks in humility."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that their (Umayyads) necks
will bend down in humility and the "Sign" is the call and announcement from
the heavens, which will proclaim the name of Imam al-Mahdi (a).

11) Surah an-Naml, Verse 62 (27:62)

"Is not He (best) who answereth the wronged one when he crieth unto Him
and removeth the evil, and hath made you viceroys (inheritors) of the earth?"

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this verse is about Imam

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Mahdi (a), who will be offer prayers at the place of Ibrahim (Ka'bah) in great
distress and Allah will bless him with peace and remove his obstacles, will
establish his rule throughout the world. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim)
The same has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a).

12) Surah al-Ankabut, Verse 10 (29:10)

"And if help comes (to thee) from thy Lord..."

That is, the Imam Mahdi (a).

"...they are sure to say "We have (always) been (Muslims) with you!" Does not
Allah know best all that is in the hearts of all Creation?"

13) Surah as-Shura, Verses 41 to 42 (42:41-42)

"And whoso defendeth himself after he hath suffered wrong for such, there is
no way(of blame) against them,..."
It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that the "one who
defends himself after being wrong" refers to the Imam Mahdi (a) and his
companions, who will struggle against the Umayyads, and the enemies of the
Ahle Bait.

"...The blame is only against those who oppress mankind, and wrongfully
rebel in the earth. For such there is a painful Penalty"

14) Surah al-Qamar, Verse 1 (54:1)

"The hour drew near..."

It has been reported that the hour of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi, draws
near. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim)

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15) Surah as-Saff, Verse 8 (61:8) and Surah Taghabun, Verse 8 (64:8)

"Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will
perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse."
It has been reported that Allah, the Almighty, will perfect His light to Imam
Mahdi (a) so that on his Reappearance, he will establish Islam (over all other
religions) such that none will be worshipped, except Allah, throughout the
world, and peace and justice will fill the earth, just as it would be filled with
tyranny and oppression, at that time.

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir, that even if you people
turn away from it (the light of Allah), Allah will perfect it.

It has also been narrated from the Imam that in the verse:

“Believe therefore in Allah and His Apostle and in the Light which We have
sent down.”(Surah Taghabun, 64:8)

The "Light" means, Imamat (Divine leadership of the Imams of Ahle Bait).

16) Surah as-Saff, Verse 13 (61:13)

“And another (favor will He bestow) which ye do love: help from Allah and a
speedy victory: so give the Glad Tidings to the Believers.”

That, is a victory in this world, through the Imam Mahdi (a).

17) Surah al-Jinn, Verse 24 (72:24)

"At length when they see (with their own eyes) that which they are

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That is, the victory of Imam Mahdi (a)

"...then will they know who it is that is weakest in (his) helper and least
important in point of numbers."

18) Surah Tariq, Verses 15 to 17 (86:15-17)

“As for them they are but plotting a scheme And I am planning a scheme
Therefore grant a delay to the unbelievers: Give respite to them gently (but
for a while).”

Then, when the Imam Mahdi (a) will re-appear, he will bring down all the
tyrants and oppressors in the world.

19) Surah al-Lail, Verses 1 to 2 (92:1-2)

"By the Night as it conceals (the light);"

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that here, the "Night"
refers to the dark elements, which conspired against Imam Ali (a) to deprive
him of his right, and he was told to adopt patience.

"By the Day as it appears in glory"

The "Day" refers to the Imam Mahdi (a), of the Ahle Bait, who will overcome
all tyrants and oppressors, on his reappearance. And these words of the Quran
are symbolic and the Prophet Muhammad (s) has conveyed it to us, (the
Imams) and nobody except us knows what they mean.

20) Surah al-Mulk, Verse 30 (67:30)

"Say: Have ye thought: If (all) your water were to disappear into the earth,

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who then could bring you gushing water?"
That is, if your Imam disappears from your sight, who can then bring his

It has been narrated from Imam Ali Raza (a) that the "water of the springs" is
the fountains of the knowledge of the Holy Imam.
It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that this verse refers to
the Imam Mahdi (a). Allah addresses the people that if your Imam temporarily
disappears, and you will not know his whereabouts, then who will guide you
to the injunctions of Allah and give you the news of the earth and the

Imam Musa Kazim (a) has narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that ask these
people if their Imam disappears, who can be his replacement.

21) Surah Tauba, Verse 33 (9:33)

"He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of
Truth,that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the
idolaters may be averse."

This verse refers particularly to Imam Mahdi (a). He is the one who will
establish firmly over all other religions and fill the earth with truth and justice,
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just as it will be filled with tyranny and oppression. (Tafseer Ali b. Ibrahim)

22) Surah al-Gashiya, Verses 1 to 4 (88:1-4)

"Has the story reached thee of the Overwhelming (Event)?"

It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that Imam Mahdi will prevail
over the people with his sword.

"On that day (many) faces will be downcast,..."

and their faces will be downcast because they will not have the strength to
prevent or stop Imam Mahdi (a).

"...toiling (labouring hard),..."

When asked what this (A_milatun) means, Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) said that they
went against the orders of the Holy Quran.


When asked the meaning, (of Na_sibah) the Imam said, that they turned away
from "Those vested with authority" (Sahiban-e-Amr) and chose others instead
of them.

"...scorched by burning fire"

When asked about this, (Tasla_na_ran hamiyah), the Imam replied that they
will burn, in the fire of war, during Imam Mahdi's reign and in Hell-fire, in the
Hereafter. (Thawab-ul-A'maal)

23) Surah al-Lail, Verses 1 to 2 (92:1-2)

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“The day that certain of the signs of thy Lord do come no good will it do to a
soul to believe in them then, If it believed not before….”

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the "Signs" are the Holy
Imams of the Prophet's Ahle Bait and that "the awaited sign" is the Imam
Mahdi (a). Those who will not believe in him and the earlier Imams of his
family, before his Qiyam (rising with the sword), and will believe in him, only
after seeing his sword, will not benefit from their belated belief.

24) Surah Takwir, Verses 15 to 16 (81:15-16)

"Oh, but I call to witness, the planets that recede, The stars which rise and

It has been reported that when Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) was asked
regarding the "star that hides" he replied that in 260 (a), an Imam will
disappear from the sight of people and he will re-appear like a glowing star in
25) Surah Baqara, Verses 1 to 3 (2:1-3)

"Alif Lam Mim, This is the Scripture whereof there is no doubt, a guidance unto
those who ward off (evil), Who believe in the unseen..."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that "muttaqin" means the
Shias of Ali (a) and "ghaib" (unseen) means the Imam Mahdi (a) and the proof
of this is the Quranic verse:

They say: "Why is not a Sign sent down to him (Muhammad) from his Lord?"
Say:"The Unseen belongeth only to Allah. Then wait ye: I too am waiting with

It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that "belief in the unseen" is

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belief in the Reappearance and revolution of Imam mahdi (a).

26) Surah Zariyat, Verse 22 (51:22)

“And in the heaven is your providence, and that which ye are promised;”

It has been reported that the "promised" event is the return of Imam Mahdi

27) Surah al-Hadid, Verse 17 (57:17)

"Know ye (all) that Allah giveth life to the earth after its death!"

It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that this verse hints to
the fact that Allah will restore the world (through Imam Mahdi) after it will
die, i.e. after the rule of tyranny and oppression, peace and justice will be
"We have made clear Our revelations for you, that ye may (learn and)

28) Surah Nur, Verse 55 (24:55)

"Allah hath promised such of you as believe and do good works that He will
surely make them (Khalifas) to succeed in the earth even as He caused those
who were before them to succeed others; ..."

It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this refers to the rule of
Imam Mahdi (a).

"...and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He hath
approved for them, a will give them in exchange safety after their fear. They
serve Me. They ascribe no thing as partner unto Me "

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29) Surah al-Qasas, Verse 5 (28:5)

"And We desired to show favor unto those who were oppressed in the earth,
and to make them leaders in faith (Imam) and to make them the inheritors"

It has been reported that when this verse was narrated in front of Imam Jafar
Sadiq (a), he said, "We (the Ahle Bait) are the oppressed ones, referred to, in
this verse."

It has also been narrated from Imam Ali (a) that the (oppressed) people
referred to, in this verse, are the Ale Muhammad (Family of Muhammad) and
with the Help of Allah, the Imam Mahdi (a) will humble their enemies.

See Imam Ali's saying, "This world will bend towards us...." (Nahjul Balagha,
Saying 203)

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30) Surah Sad, Verses 86 to 88 (38:86-88)

“Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): No reward do I ask of you for this

(Quran). This is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds. And ye shall
certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while.”
It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) about Imam Ali (a) that
he said about this verse, that people will "know the truth" when the Imam
Mahdi (a) will re-appear.

31) Surah al-Hadid, Verse 16 (57:16)

"...that they become not as those who received the Scripture of old but the
term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened, and many of
them are evil-livers."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this (the prolonged term)
refers to Imam Mahdi (a) (and his occultation).

32) Surah Al-e-Imran, Verse 140 (3:140)

"Such days (of varying fortunes) We give to men and men by turns..."

It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that from the times of Hazrat
Adam (a), two governments were formed: the Divine government and that of
the Iblis (Satan). The Satanic rule is widespread (in the present-day world) and
the Divine Government will be established by Imam Mahdi (during his days).

33) Surah Maida, Verse 3 (5:3)

"This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion"

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that the Umayyads and

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the evil-doers will give up all hope the day Imam Mahdi (a) will re-appear and
they will be disappointed by the establishment of Ale-Muhammad.

34) Surah Tauba, Verse 3 (9:3)

"And an announcement from Allah and His apostle to the people on the day of
the Great Pilgrimage that Allah and His apostle..."

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) and Imam Jafar Sadiq
(a) that the "day of the Great Pilgrimage" is the day of the Reappearance of
Imam Mahdi (a) and the " announcement" (Azan) is his invitation to the

35) Surah Tauba, Verse 36 (9:36)

"Fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together."
It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that when Imam Muhammad
Baqir (a) was asked about this verse, he said that the meaning of this verse
will be seen by the people at the time of the rising of Imam Mahdi (a), who
will establish the religion of Prophet Muhammad (s) to an extent that there
will be no idolater left.

36) Surah an-Nahl, Verses 45 to 46 (16:45-46)

“Are they who plan ill deeds then secure that Allah will not cause the earth to
swallow them, or that the Wrath will not come on them from directions they
know not? Or that He will not seize them in their going to and fro so that there
be no escape for them?”

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It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that the Prophet's
covenant passed on to Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (a) and after him, it is with
Imam Muhammad Baqir. Allah will do what He wishes, so you people stay
attached with them (the Imams of the Ahle Bait) till a man from them (Imam
Mahdi) will rise with 300 people, carrying the standard of Prophet
Muhammad (s) and will head towards Medina. When he will pass a desert, he
will say, 'This is the spot where a nation was swallowed by the earth', and this
verse is about them.

It has also been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that these were the
enemies of Allah, on whom stones rained and they were swallowed by the
37) Surah Muddaththir, Verse 8 (74:8)

"For when the trumpet shall sound..."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that there will be an Imam
from among us (Ahle Bait) who will be in occultation. And when Allah will
wish so, He will stir his heart and make him rise.

38) Surah Baqara, Verse 148 (2:148)

“So vie with one another in good works. Where so ever ye may be, Allah will
bring you all together.”

It has been reported from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this verse is about the
Imam Mahdi (a) and his companions, whom Allah, the Almighty, will gather all
together, at the same time.

39) Surah Rahman, Verse 41 (55:41)

"The guilty will be known by their marks"

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It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) as commentary of this verse,
that it refers to Imam Mahdi (a). Allah, the All-Knowing, knows the guilty and
the sinners, bu the Imam will recognize them by marks on their foreheads and
he and his companions will put them all to sword.

40) Surah Sajda, Verse 21 (32:21)

"And verily We will make them taste the lower punishment before the

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the "greater punishment"
is the sword of Imam Mahdi (a).

41) Surah al-Qalam, Verse 15 (68:15)

"That, when Our revelations are recited unto him, he saith: Mere fables of the
men of old."

That is, people will deny and refuse to acknowledge Imam Mahdi (a) and will
say that they do not recognize him as being from the progeny of Hazrat Fatima
Zehra (a), just as the idolaters refused to acknowledge Prophet Muhammad
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42) Surah Muddaththir, Verses 38 to 48 (74:34-48)

"Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its own deeds; Except the Companions
of the Right Hand. (They will be) In Gardens (of Delight);"

It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that by "As-hab-e-
Yameen" (Companions of the Right) means us (Imams) and our Shias.

"They will ask one another, and (ask) of the guilty: What hath brought you to
thisburning? They will answer: We were not of those who prayed,..."

That is, we were not among the Shias of Ali (a) and the Ahle Bait (a).

(Since the prayers are incomplete without the love of Muhammad (s) and Ale
Muhammad (s) in the hearts, and Durood on the lips)

"...nor did we feed the wretched. We used to wade (in vain dispute) with (all)
waders,And we used to deny the Day of Judgment,..."

The "Day" (Youm-e-Din) is the Day of the Mahdi (a).

"...till the inevitable came unto us."

That is, the Day of Imam Mahdi's Reappearance.

"The mediation of mediators will not avail them then."

That is, the Apostle of Allah will not mediate for them on the Day of

43) Surah Saff, Verse 9 (61:9)

"It is He Who has sent His Apostle with Guidance and the Religion of Truth that

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2200

he may proclaim it over all religions..."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that the interpretation (or
fulfillment) of this verse has not materialized yet. It refers to the time of
Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) and the idolaters and disbelievers will
despise it. He will struggle against them and destroy them.

In another report from Imam, it has been narrated that "Deen-e-Haq",

(Religion of Truth), means the Wilayat (authority) of Imam Ali (a), which has
been ordained by Allah and His Apostle. At the time of Imam Mahdi's rising,
the "Religion of Truth" will prevail over all other religions.

"...even though the idolaters may detest (it)."

That is, the Religion of Truth will prevail, even though the disbelievers will
dislike and detest it (Wilayat of Imam Ali).

In another report, Imam Ali (a) has been quoted as saying that at that time
(Imam Mahdi's Reappearance), there will not be any village or settlement,
where morning and evening, the Azan will not be called out.

It has been reported that complete peace will prevail throughout the world at
that time, the cross (sign of Christianity) will be destroyed, and no religion will
remain, except Islam. There will be no Jizya (as everyone will be in the folds of
Islam) and peace and justice will prevail throughout.

44) Surah al-Ma'arij, Verse 26 (70:26)

“And those who believe in the Day of Judgment.”

It has been narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that by the "Youm-e-
Din", the day of the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) is meant.

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45) Surah Bani Israel, Verse 81 (17:81)

And say: "Truth has arrived and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is bound to

It has been reported from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a) that when the Imam
Mahdi (a) will re-appear, Falsehood will finally perish and Truth will be re-

46) Surah Ha-Mim Sajda, Verse 53 (41:53)

"Soon We shall show them Our Signs on the horizons and within themselves..."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that Allah will show their
marred reflections in their selves and the skies will fall on them. In this way
they will witness the signs of Allah

"...until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth..."

The Imam said that "Truth" is the Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a) and this
will definitely be shown to the people from Allah.

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47) Surah Maryam, Verse 75 (19:75)

"Until when they see the (promised) warning of Allah (being fulfilled) either in
punishment or in (the approach of) the Hour,..."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this refers to the rising of
Imam Mahdi (a) and the "Hour" is that hour, and people will know then what
punishment they will get from Imam Mahdi (a).
"...they will at length realize who is worst in position..."

near Imam Mahdi (a)

"...and (who) weakest in forces!"

48) Surah Luqman, Verse 20 (31:20)

"...and has made His bounties flow to you in exceeding measure (both) seen
and unseen?"

It has been narrated from Imam Musa Kazim (a) that the "seen bounty" is the
present and available Imam and the "unseen bounty" is the absent Imam (in
occultation), who will be physically distant and concealed from the sight of
people and on his Reappearance, he will access all the treasures of the earth
and every distant, will be near for him.

49) Surah Shura, Verse 20 (42:20)

"Whoso desireth the harvest of the Hereafter,..."

It has been narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a) that this means the recognition
and acknowledgment of Imam Ali (a) and the Holy Imams (a).

"...We give him increase in its harvest. And Whoso desireth the harvest of the

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world, We give him thereof, and he hath no portion in the Hereafter."

That is, he will not have any share in the government of Truth, which will be
established by Imam Mahdi (a).

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Magical Table of Eight - 8
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1 234 x 8 + 4 = 9 876
12 345 x 8 + 5 = 98 765
123 456 x 8 + 6 = 987 654
1 234 567 x 8 + 7 = 9 876 543
12 345 678 x 8 + 8 = 98 765 432
123 456 789 x 8 + 9 = 987 654 321 (containing all numbers 1 – 9)

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Significance of Number – 23

As Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is in the Year 20 23 AD , we would now examine the

significance of Number – 23 in different fields of science and real life:

Mathematics and Number – 23

 23 (twenty-three) is the natural number following 22 and preceding 24.

 Twenty-three is the ninth prime number, the smallest odd prime that is not a
twin prime. Twenty-three is also the fifth factorial prime, the third Woodall
prime. It is an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the
form 3n − 1.
 The fifth Sophie Germain prime and the fourth safe prime, 23 is the next to
last member of the first Cunningham chain of the first kind to have five terms
(2, 5, 11, 23, 47). Since 14! + 1 is a multiple of 23 but 23 is not one more than
a multiple 14, 23 is a Pillai prime. 23 is the smallest odd prime to be a highly
cototient number, as the solution to x − φ(x) for the integers 95, 119, 143,

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2206

 Twenty-three is the aliquot sum of two integers; the discrete semi-primes 57
and 85 and is the base of the 23-aliquot tree.
 23 is the first prime P for which unique factorization of cyclotomic integers
based on the Pth root of unity breaks down.
 The sum of the first 23 primes is 874, which is divisible by 23, a property
shared by few other numbers.
 In the list of fortunate numbers, 23 occurs twice, since adding 23 to either the
fifth or eighth primorial gives a prime number (namely 2333 and 9699713).
 23 also has the distinction of being one of two integers that cannot be
expressed as the sum of fewer than 9 cubes of integers (the other is 239).
 23 is a Wedderburn–Etherington number. The code words in the perfect (non-
extended) binary Golay code are of size 23.
 According to the birthday paradox, in a group of 23 (or more) randomly
chosen people, the probability is more than 50% that some pair of them will
have the same birthday.
 There were 23 problems on David Hilbert's famous list of unsolved
mathematical problems, presented to the International Congress of
Mathematicians in Paris in 1900.
 In base 10, 23 is the second Smarandache–Wellin prime, as it is the
concatenation of the base 10 representations of the first two primes (2 and 3)
and is itself also prime. It is also a happy number in base 10. 23! is 23 digits
long in base 10. There are only three other numbers that have this property:
1, 22, and 24.
 The natural logarithms of all positive integers lower than 23 are known to
have binary BBP-type formulae.

Science and Number - 23

 The atomic number of vanadium.

 The atomic mass number of the stable isotope of sodium.
 Normal human sex cells have 23 chromosomes. Other human cells have 46
chromosomes, arranged in 23 pairs.

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 Scientific notation for the avogadro constant is written as
6.02214179(30)×10^23 mol-1

Religions and Number - 23

 Psalm 23, also known as the Shepherd Psalm, is possibly the most quoted and
best known Psalm. Psalms is also the 23rd book in the Douay–Rheims Bible.
 In Islam, the Qur'an was revealed in a total of 23 years to Muhammad.
 In Abhidharma, the number of anomalous generic types (of a possible 72) -
e.g., events are considered sui generis because they are not reducible to
either mind or matter — is 23.
 Principia Discordia, the sacred text of Discordianism, holds that 23 (along
with the discordian prime 5) is one of the sacred numbers of Eris, goddess of


23 Enigma
The 23 enigma refers to the belief that most incidents and events are directly
connected to the number 23, some modification of the number 23, or a number
related to the number 23.

Discordianism about 23
The Principia Discordia states that "All things happen in fives, or are divisible by
or are multiples of five, or are somehow directly or indirectly appropriate to 5"—
this is referred to as the Law of Fives. The 23 Enigma is regarded as a corollary of
this law. It can be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's The
Illuminatus! Trilogy (therein called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic
Trigger I: The Final Secret of the Illuminati (therein called "The Law of fives" and
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2208
"The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the Principia
Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered lucky, unlucky, sinister, strange, or
sacred to the goddess Eris or to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos.

As with most numerological claims, the enigma can be viewed as an example of

apophenia, selection bias, and confirmation bias. In interviews, Wilson
acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the enigma, implying that the real
value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the
mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

When you start looking for something you tend to find it. This wouldn't be like
Simon Newcomb, the great astronomer, who wrote a mathematical proof that
heavier than air flight was impossible and published it a day before the Wright
brothers took off. I'm talking about people who found a pattern in nature and
wrote several scientific articles and got it accepted by a large part of the
scientific community before it was generally agreed that there was no such
pattern, it was all just selective perception."
In the Illuminatus! Trilogy, he expresses the same view: that one can find a
numerological significance to anything, provided "sufficient cleverness."

Cultural References about Number – 23

 The 1998 German film 23, starring August Diehl as computer hacker Karl
Koch, tells the real-life story of computer hackers inspired by Wilson's
Illuminatus! Trilogy.
 The 2007 film The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey, is the story of a man who
becomes obsessed with the number 23 while reading a book of the same title
that seems to be about his life.
 Industrial music group Throbbing Gristle recounted in great detail the
meeting of Burroughs and Clark and the significance of the number 23 in the
ballad "The Old Man Smiled."


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23 fascinating facts about the number twenty-three
1. 23 is one of the most commonly cited prime numbers - a number that can
only be divided by itself and one. Twenty three is the smallest prime Number
that consists of consecutive digits. Primes have been described as the
"atoms" of mathematics - the building blocks of the world of numbers. An
American businessman has put up a US$1m (£500,000) prize for the first
mathematician to find a pattern in primes - a problem known as the Riemann

2. The number has been the subject of not one but Two films: the 1998 German
movie, 23, and The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey, released (naturally)
today. Each has a main character obsessed with the number.

3. John Forbes Nash, the Nobel Prize-winning economist who was the subject of
the film, A Beautiful Mind, starring Russell Crowe, was obsessed with 23. It
featured prominently in his battle with mental illness. His breakdown began
when he claimed that a photograph of Pope John XXIII on the cover of Life
magazine was in fact him, the proof being that 23 was his favourite number.
Nash published 23 scientific articles.

4. More freaky numerical coincidences: Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was

published in 1859 - 1+8+5+9 = 23. Two divided by three makes 0.666 recurring
(allegedly - actually it makes 0.6666666667). The Hiroshima bomb was
dropped at 8.15am - 8+15= 23.

5. 23rd ians are a group of people who subscribe to the mystical power of 23 and
see it in multiple combinations throughout daily life.

6. The Ancient Chinese believed numbers conveyed sexuality - evens for

feminine and odds for masculine. They considered prime numbers to be the

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2210

most masculine, conferring special status on 23 which is made up of two
consecutive prime numbers and the only even prime number - two.

7. In the disaster movie, Airport, the bomber has seat 23. The number of crosses
on Calvary at the end of the Monty Python film, The Life of Brian, is 23. In Die
Hard With A Vengeance, a train derails in subway station 23. The lead
characters in the Coen brothers' film The Big Lebowski always used Lane 23 at
the bowling alley. In the television series Lost, one of the combinations of six
numbers that haunt the characters and they have to input to a computer to
avoid an unknown fate is 23.
8. The terrorist attacks on America on 11 September 2001 have been held up as
one of the most portentous examples of the disturbing power of 23. The
figures in the date (9+11+2+0+0+1) add up to 23. The independent US
commission which investigated the attacks found the date had been chosen
randomly by the hijackers and had originally been planned for later in the
year. Alternative explanations for the date included the taking over of
Palestine by Britain in 1922 and the fact that 911 is the US emergency code.

9. Few hold 23 in more esteem than the followers of Discordianism, a self-

declared religion based on the premise that discord and chaos are the
building blocks of life. For Discordianists, 23 is the Holy Number and a tribute
to the goddess Eris, who surveys a world of chaos. The mantra invoked by
Discordianists for the Holy Number is "Invert The Pyramid". If you invert the
sentence one letter at a time - eg "dinvert the pyramid", "id invert the
pyram" etc - it takes 22 chants, finished by the line "The Pyramid Inverts" to
make 23. The last line is called "the final energy releaser". Discordianism is
described by some followers as "a joke disguised as a religion disguised as a

10. Sport stars have developed a particular affinity (and aversion) to 23. Michael
Jordan, the American basketball player, wore the number throughout his
career and inspired many copy cat fans of wardrobe vigintitriplicity. Best
known is former England captain David Beckham, who swapped his number
seven Manchester United jersey for number 23 when he joined Real Madrid.
Beckham, who said it was in deference to Jordan, is expected to continue
wearing 23 when he joins LA Galaxy this summer. But the number is not
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2211
always a harbinger of sporting good fortune. Manchester City have not
assigned the squad number 23 to any player since 2003 after the last
incumbent, Marc Vivien Foe, collapsed and died while playing for the
Cameroon on 26 June 2003. Marcus Trescothick, the England cricket players,
wears number 23 and was Australian bowler Shane Warne's 600th test
wicket. Warne also wears 23.

11. The Bible does not let 23 pass without conferring upon it some significance,
at least to students of the Book. Although the Old Testament is unspecific, it
is widely held that Adam and Eve had 23 daughters. The 23rd verse of the
first chapter of Genesis brings the act of creation to a close while the 23rd
chapter of the book of Genesis deals entirely with death, namely that of
Abraham's wife, Sarah. The most famous and most quoted of the Psalms is
number 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters."

12. Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the start of human life. The
nuclei of cells in human bodies have 46 chromosomes made out of 23 pairs.
Egg and sperm cells in humans have 23 chromosomes which fuse and divide
to create an embryo.
13. The most detailed account of the assassination of Julius Caesar, written by
Nicolaus of Damascus, claims numerous enemies stabbed the Roman
emperor 23 times. The wounds ranged from superficial to mortal.

14. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford upon Avon on 23 April 1564. He
died 52 years later on his birthday, 23 April 1616. Kurt Cobain, the god of
grunge, was born in 1967 and died in 1994 - 1+9+6+7= 23, 1+9+9+4 = 23.

15. In the science fantasy saga, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Luke
Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca sneak into detention block AA23 to
rescue Princess Leia. The rescue attempt is botched and Leia escapes only by
dodging Stormtroopers' laserfire. A police robot called 23 is included in Star
Wars director George Lucas' first film, THX 1138.

16. The Knights Templar, the order of soldier monks who eventually fell foul of
the Vatican and have been the subject of conspiracy theories about the Holy
Grail, had 23 Grand Masters.
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17. The first Morse code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from
the Bible passage Numbers 23:23. In telegraphers code 23 means "break the

18. The Birthday Paradox states that a group of 23 randomly-selected people is

the smallest number where there will be a probability higher than 50 per cent
that two people will share the same birthday.

19. The author William Burroughs was obsessed with 23. While living in Tangiers,
he met a Captain Clark who ran a ferry between Spain and Morocco. One day,
Clark told Burroughs that he had been doing the route for 23 years without
incident. Later that day, the ferry sank, killing the captain. While Burroughs
was thinking about the incident, a radio bulletin announced the crash of a
Flight 23 on the New York-Miami route. The pilot was another Captain Clark.
The events prompted an obsession which saw Burroughs record every
occurrence of the number 23 for the rest of his life.

20. The disbanded pop act KLF is one of several musical sources of 23-related
lore. The two men behind KLF - Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty - were once
known as the Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, which has 23 letters and comes
from the novels of Robert Anton Wilson, another 23 obsessive. A police car
used for the video of the KLF's number one, "Doctorin' The Tardis", had 23
painted on the roof, their final performance lasted 23 minutes and they
incinerated £1m on a remote Scottish island on 23 August 1994. Psychic TV,
another cult act, released 23 live albums on the 23rd day of 23 consecutive

21. "W" is the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet. It has two points down and three
points up. White supremacists use 23 to represent "W" as a mark of racial

22. "23 skidoo" is an American catchphrase from the early 20th century meaning
to make a sharp exit. It was used as the title of a poem by the occultist
Aleister Crowley, another 23 aficionado. But some believe its origins lie in
Charles Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, where the old woman counting the daily
victims of the guillotine calls "23" as the hero is beheaded in the last chapter.

23. The average human physical biorhythm is 23 days.

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Significance of Number – 45

As Imam Mahdi’s Zahoor is in the Year 14 45 Hijri , we would now examine the

significance of Number – 45 in different fields of science and real life:

Mathematics and Number – 45

 45 (forty-five) is the natural number following 44 and followed by 46.

 Forty-five is a triangular number, a hexagonal and 16-gonal number, a
Kaprekar number, and a Harshad number.
 45 is the sixth positive integer with a prime factorization of the form p2q, with
p and q being prime.
 33 is the aliquot sum of 45 and the aliquot sequence of 45
is (45, 33, 15, 9, 4, 3, 1, 0).
 Since the greatest prime factor of 452 + 1 = 2026 is 1013, which is clearly more
than 45 twice, 45 is a Størmer number.
 The sum of all the digits is 45 (casually the sum of both digits is 9)

0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45

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Science, Astronomy and Number - 45

 The atomic number of rhodium

 Messier object M45, a magnitude 1.4 open cluster in the constellation Taurus,
also known as the Pleiades
 The New General Catalogue object NGC 45, a magnitude 10.6 spiral galaxy in
the constellation Cetus
 The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began on −1436 March 30
and ended on −156 May 7. The duration of Saros series 45 was 1280.1 years,
and it contained 72 solar eclipses.
 The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series which began on −1369 August 19
and ended on 182 March. The duration of Saros series 45 was 1550.6 years,
and it contained 87 lunar eclipses.

Number – 45 in Other Fields

Forty-five may also refer to:

 In years of marriage, the sapphire wedding anniversary.

 A card game: Forty-five

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2216

 I-45 is the designation for a US interstate highway in Texas, connecting the
major cities of Dallas and Houston; it is also the shortest "primary" interstate
highway (one ending in 0 or 5)
 The '45 refers to the 1745 Jacobite Rising in Great Britain
 45 (book), a book of essays by record producer Bill Drummond, derived both
from the speed of a pop single and from his age when he finished writing it
 A football match consists of two periods of 45 minutes each.
 Guns or ammunition of .45 caliber. In the United States, "45" is often a
reference to one of two specific .45 caliber cartridges— the .45 Colt or the .45
 .45 (film), a 2006 motion picture.
 +45 is the telephone dialing code for Denmark
 Forty Five (Doctor Who audio) a Big Finish 2008 audio play made for the forty
fifth anniversary of the British science fiction television show Doctor Who.
 The number of the French department Loiret
 The Abjad of name “Adam” – the first Human is also 45

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Significance of Number – 59
59 (fifty-nine) is the natural number following 58 and preceding 60.

If we add the numbers – 58 and 60, we would get:

58 + 60 = 118 ………….Abjad of “Hassan” ----father of Imam Mahdi

59 in Mathematics

Fifty-nine is the 17th smallest prime number. The next is sixty-one, with which it comprises
a twin prime. 59 is an irregular prime, a safe prime and the 14th supersingular prime. It is
an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n − 1. Since 15! + 1 is
divisible by 59 but 59 is not one more than a multiple of 15, 59 is a Pillai prime.

It is also a highly cototient number.

There are 59 stellations of the icosahedron.

59 is one of the factors that divide the smallest composite Euclid number. In this case 59
divide the Euclid number 13# + 1 = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 + 1 = 59 * 509.

59 in other Fields

 The number corresponding to the last minute in a given hour, and the last second in a
given minute
 The designation of Interstate 59, a freeway that runs from Louisiana to Georgia
 The designation of US-59, a highway between Minnesota and Texas
 Approximately the number of days in two lunar months
 The Queensboro Bridge in New York City is also known as the 59th Street Bridge
 Central Park South is on 59th Street in New York City
 The number on a button commonly worn by feminist activists in the 1970s; this was based
on the claim that a woman earned 59 cents to an equally qualified man's dollar
 Art Project 59's '59 Seconds Video Festival at 59 Franklin Street, showed 59 videos to 59
different audiences, each 59 seconds long and incorporating the number 59

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2219

 In amateur radio, a perfect voice signal report
o Five Nine, an amateur radio magazine published in Japan
 The number of the French department Nord
 In the UK, the bingo nickname for 59 is 'The Brighton Line', after the London, Brighton &
South Coast Railway
 John Swartzwelder is popularly known for writing "59" episodes of The Simpsons cartoon
series, which is the most for any writer on the show
 The atomic number of praseodymium, a lanthanide

59 in Astronomy

 Messier object M59, a magnitude 11.5 galaxy in the constellation Virgo

 The New General Catalogue object NGC 59, a magnitude 12.4 spiral galaxy in the
constellation Cetus
 The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began in June, 1031 BC June and ended
in July, 249 AD. The duration of Saros series 59 was 1280.1 years, and it contained 72 solar
 The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series which began in March, 729 BC and ended in
May, 569 AD. The duration of Saros series 59 was 1298.1 years, and it contained 73 lunar

And with Him are the keys of the unseen treasures—none knows them but He; and He
knows what is in the land and the sea, and there falls not a leaf but He knows it, nor a
grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything green nor dry but (it is all) in a clear book.
(Al-An'am Surah, 59)

A regular icosahedron has 59 stellations

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Prayer for Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2221

Salawat on Imam Mahdi

“O Allah! Bless Mohammed and his household and bless the successor of Hasan and his
vicegerent and his inheritor, the one who will rise with Your command and the hidden me
in Your creation and the awaiter of Your permission.

O Allah, bless him and make near his distance, and carryout his promise and fulfill his
covenant and remove from him the veil of occultation and overwhelm the books of
tribulation by his reappearance and place awe before him and make the hearts steadfast
through him and wage wars through him and assist him with a forceful group of angels
and dominate him over all the enemies of Your religion and inspire him that there exist no
support for the enemy but that he demolishes it,

Nor any king but that he subdues him, Nor any king but that he drives him away...

Nor any transgressor but that he punishes him, Nor any tyrant but that he destroys him,

Nor any curtain but that he renders it. Nor any standard but that he reverses it.

Nor any authority but that he expends it. Nor any spear but that he breaks it.

Nor any repulsion but that he pierces it. Nor any army but that he disperses it.

Nor any pulpit but that he ignites it. Nor any sword but that he breaks it.

Nor any idol but that he crushes it . Nor any blood but that he spills it.

Nor any tyranny but that he ruins it, Nor any fort but that he demolishes it.

Nor any door but that he closes it. Nor any castle but that he wrecks it.

Nor any abode but that he explores it. Nor any land but that he seizes it.

Nor any mountain but that he sands it. Nor any treasures but that he extract it.

By Your mercy, O the most merciful of all those who show mercy.”

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Important Days in the Year – 2023 AD
 3rd Feb, 2023 AD (13th Rajab, 1444 Hijri- Friday)......…….Face on the Moon
 14th April, 2023 AD (23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri- Friday).......Voice from the Sky
 28th July, 2023 AD (10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri – Friday)………Awaited Day

All the Nations are Saying -------------2023 AD

First Zahoor Final Zahoor

15th Shahban, 255 Hijri 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri

- Friday - Friday

29th July, 869 AD 28th July, 2023 AD

Place: Samarra, Iraq Place: Mecca, Saudi Arabia

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Summary of the Prophecies of Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
and 12 Imams about the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

1. The ONE EYED – Dajjal would emerge…………..ONE WORLD ORDER as Dajjal with ONE ALL
2. Black Flags would emerge in Iran………………Iranian Revolution
3. Suffiani would emerge in Syria ………………..ISIS – Islamic State is Suffiani
4. Suffiani would kill thousands of people in Iraq and Syria……….Thousands killed in Iraq and
Syria by ISIS ---- Suffiani group
5. The Suffiani would be a Jew but he pretends himself as Muslim……….The Leader of ISIS is a
Jew named Sharon but he presents himself as Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi --- Muslim
6. The Last Ruler of Saudi Arabia would be Abdullah…………..King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
7. The Ruler of Jordan would be young man named Abdullah……….Prince Abdullah of Jordan
8. The last letter of the name of the Commander in chief of the army entering Iraq would be
‘Sheen’……………………Bush (Senior and Junior Bush) of USA
9. There would be construction of High rise buildings in Kufa and Baghdad……….High rise
apartment buildings and hotels in Kufa and Baghdad
10. There would be Eye of Satan – Antenna on the roof of those high rise buildings…..Antenna
11. A mirror would emerge and people of East can talk with people in West………..Mobile
12. The Iraq would be invaded and attacked from West……………1990 and 2003 Attacks on Iraq
13. The riots and protests in Bahrain ………………..Protests by Shias in Bahrain since 2012 AD
14. One third population of the world would die in Red Death i.e. War…………. 2020 AD
15. One third population of the world would die in White Death i.e. Drought and
Diseases……….2020 till 2023 AD
Imam Mahdi – The Last Savior Page 2226
16. Pakistan would be destroyed by India and India would be destroyed by China …… 2020 AD
17. There would be rise in Earthquakes and Floods in the world ………..World is witnessing this
18. A comet would emerge near the Earth and start of Strange Events after that…..15 th Feb,
2013…….A Comet appeared passed near the Earth and caused heavy destruction in Russia
19. A woman sitting on Donkey would attack Iran………..Hillary Clinton who is responsible for
the Wars in Middle East. She supported President Bush in 2003 AD when he attacked Iraq.
She supported Wars in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan as Secretary of State form 2008 till 2012
20. The Sins would rise all over the world ……………All are witnessing the rise of Sins all over
the World.
21. 3 Presidents of Iraq named as “Abduls” and then Saddam Hussain as “Azlam un Naas” ruler
of Iraq
22. Flying Iron Birds mentioned by Maula Ali
23. The last Pope mentioned by Christians as 112th Pope and the current Pope is 112th Pope
after the prophecy
24. Late AyatUllah of Iran – Hazrat Taqi Bahjat said--- The Zahoor of Imam is very Near
25. Most Scholars of Islam are predicting the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is very Near
26. Most Christian Scholars are also predicting the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is very Near
27. Old Testament – The Book of Daniel (Ch – 8 and 12) 2023 AD
28. Holy Books of God – The Old Testament and The New Testament 2023 AD
29. Saint Malachy in 1139 AD [Jesus Christ Coming after 112 Pope] 2023 AD
30. Famous - Nostradamus in 1555 AD [ 4 months before 2023] 2023 AD
31. Paracelsus in 1550 AD - who discovered Zinc 2023 AD
32. Ian Gurney in 1999 AD in his book “The Casandra Prophecy” 2023 AD
33. Naemat Shah Wali in 1175 AD [End of Times after 1998 AD] 2023 AD
34. The Year & Century is in the Abjad of the Name of Imam ---“Mahdi” 2023 AD
35. Prince Handley in his Book – Prophetic Calendar 2023 AD
36. Robert Singer in his research papers 2023 AD
37. Hindus Scholars [] 2023 AD
38. Jewish Scholars [Old Testament] 2023 AD
39. Christian Scholars in their books 2023 AD
40. Mayans Scholars in their prophecies 2023 AD
41. Signs and Prophecies in the World today 2023 AD
42. Current Situation of the World today 2023 AD
43. Listen SKYFALL Movie Lyrics – Just Count to Ten 2023 AD

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 Announcement of the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi by Hazrat Ali…..14 th April, 2023 AD
(23rd Ramadhan, Friday)
 Zahoor of Imam Mahdi ………………..28th July, 2023 AD (10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri, Friday)

 IMAM MAHDI – ZAHOOR ----------28TH JULY, 2023 AD

 28TH JULY, 2023 AD ……….10TH MUHARRAM, 1445 HIJRI

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