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m~ HH1I mta:rur (OJ">1


OMR Answer Sheet No.

11frawrr enT ~
f.ffr~1c!i '€I;~~

W!t:!: 90~ ~:100 Time: 9n Minutes Max. Mark: Inn

1. Writ~ all Nos. in English onlY.
1. m a:iq;~ if if I(,Hil
2. V~rifIy th~ 1~(111NO.as g.im1 in mll11ission card onthi"
2. '!IV'! ~ ~ '1"5I'f,"tf{ 3N'lT ~ ~ '1'T if ~ l11l:
question paper as \yell on the Ans\wr shcet. Write only
~if, ~~ I~ ~if~if ~icf;fu19:rl
one digit in onc blo~k.
3. Do not \\TilC anything c1s~ on the question paper, in \1(1
3. '!IV'! '1'T"tf{ 31'"'<1
~ '1~ I '!IV'!'1'T"tf{ ~ ~ ~ .
case mark .UlS\I'Cron the question papcr.
4. Tbcre ar~ 100 question in tbis papcr. All the qll~stion
4. ~ '!IV'!- '1'T if 100 '!IV'! % I "€>fr '!IV'! ~ %I~ arc compulso,!', Each question eaITies one mark.
'!IV'! Cf,j ~ a:iq;% I
5. There ar~ sheets, I()T' roug.h \Iork at the end 01' qucstion
5. '!IV'!- ~ if, am if 'l\'R ';j"1i3 <:'=f,-~ "%8;% I~ '!IV'!- '1'T
paper do not tear these nit' 1[(1111
the question paper.
it~1Q1 I
6. Serial Nos, ol'allth~ question arc written on the anS\\cr
6. ~ '1"5I'f, if ~ '!IV'! if, ~ ~ % Im~ she~t. ]n front 01' these the Serial Nns, A,B.C.n
m ",,'11fcrn ~ if, ~ A, B, C, D, -it ~ % I probable anslI'er arc gi\~n You haw to select the
anq ~ '!IV'! if, "€ir ~ if, ~ cWr im of.r .q, it
eOITeet answer and black in the circle arount it.

eR I
@ e @if (C "€ir~%I)
r:"al11ple 0 @ e@ (C is correct Ans,)
7. Mark answer on separate I\nslI'CJ' sheet giwn.
7. "3"W wrT it ~ llir "3"W-~ "tf{ it ~ oR I 8, Time for ~aeh question is short. keep time inl'llUr mimi
8. ~ '!IV'! if, fu<!:wp:r ~ % I wp:r Cf,j t7.fR m "3it do not was(~ it.
oq~'1"TJ"Cl]ii I 9. Handing O\er oCtheAns\ler Shed 10 the illl'igilal(lL is
9. crfta,n if, ~ f.rfra,N of.r~ '1"5I'f, tIT ~ %I compulsory .iller th~ e"amination,

SCERT 2017-18
The copyright of the contents of this booklet rests \Iith the SCERT and no pari or it should be used b~
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. ,

~~ifi 4 ~~~~, ~"f!it~ (Each question has 4 options, select the

appropriate option)
];f. 1. l:lfFi Rh (11)) I l"l 5(&:l l"lH ifi l:lfFi m ~ l:lfFi 0.1. An object of mass one kilogram is
lifted vertically of height one meter
l:ftv~: ~"3OR if fuim TIm~
then the amount of work done will
be -
(A) 9.8 '¥f (A) 9.8 J
(B) 1 '¥f (B) 1J
(C) 9.8:wf (C) 9.8 erg
(0) both 'a' and 'c'
(0) (A) cr (C) ~
Q. 2. A circuit as shown in fig the value
];f. 2. fu;;rif~~ ~if 5Q ~~
of current in 5Q resistance will be
~ crwihn"U CfiT m;; irrrr -

N -
1- 5Q
1- 5Q

~ ~

(A) 2A
(A) 2A
(6) zero
(6) ~
(C) -A
(C) ~A
7 (0) 1A
(0) 1A Q. 3. The velocity time graph of the
];f. 3. l:lfFi m m 7Tffiif Wr ~W:PJltfi w:r<nw particle in motion is parallel to time
, . ~ -::.~ ~
Cfi fll"lHI(1{ ~ oJ1l >1",10(10 Cfi«lT ~- axis shows

(A) m m ~&lfll"lH 7Tffi (A) Uniform motion of particle

(6) Particle is in rest
(B) m m fcHIl"liCl{"w
(C) Non uniform motion of particle
(C) m m 3ffiT.TR 7Tffi
(0) Accelerated motion of particle
(0) mm~7Tffi

NTSE-II - 1-
r •

~. 4. ~~~~in~3W~~ Q. 4. An artificial satellite is moving in a

Cfi8.1f if R~ in ~ in tWf[(:r.:ritrrin circular orbit around the earth with
~ irrnt tn=r
w ~if em-~ ~ a speed equal to the escape velocity
~ (' ~
tli'I6 it fcf;(r;ft ~ lIT 5" - from the earth of radius R.then what

is the height of the satellite above

2 the surface of the earth :

(8) R R
(C) 3R
(8) R

(0) ~it~-.m (C) 3R

~. 5. 1% ~i\tr~Rn:[l¥CfiT~if~ (0) None of these

fiflilCl1it~fi~r~nortl ~
Q. 5. An investigator team transmit an
12 ~if errrm mt<1 ir\ffiOTt~~ ultrasound signal to the sea bed.
~ if gqf.r crfr"ilTR 1 OOOm/s ir if ~ The signal is received back in 12
CfiT~t- second. If the speed of sound in
water is 1000 mls then the depth of
(A) 5 km
sea is
(8) 6km
(A) 5 km

(C) 600 m (8) 6 km

(0) 4000 m (C) 600 m

~.6. ~Cf,T~5"- (0) 4000 m

Q. 6. The unit of resistivity is :

(A) 3W:r
(A) Ohm
(8) 3W:rImn
(8) Ohm / meter
(C) 3W:rxmn
(C) Ohm x meter
(0) ~"fl'~-.m None of these

NTSE- \I -2-
Q. 7. The focal length of concave lense
is 25 cm. Then its power will be :

(A) 40
(A) 40

(B) - 4
(B) - 4

(C) - 40
(C) - 40

(0) All of these

(0) it"f1m

Q. 8. Toremove short sightedness in eye

-q. 8. ~ if f.:r.R: ~ ~ ~ q:;8 tt it-nIT which lens is used:
mnm:WT cPR ~-

(A) Cylindrical lens

(B) Bifocal lens

(C) ~ BB" (C) Convex lens

(0) 31cl'(WT BB" (0) Concave lens

TT 9 -A-r. ":rTTT ~ _,.l;;~ -rl-= ~ Q. 9. At what temperature the density of

,.. . Iq)~ \11'"1 en: YI~I q:rr~ -:H1!:.lq)(j1(lI"6-
water is maximum

(A) 4"C ~~en: (A) Below 4" C

(B) 4" C ~ 31ftm1en: (B) Above 4" C

(C) o"e (C) O"C

(0) 4/0 C (0) 4"C

IN~T;:-;:S~E~- '-;-1 ---------,f-s-.-----------

,--------_ ...•
", Q. 10. Three resistance each of 5Q are
>f. 10. (11"
~Imlct ~ 50
~.'" •.•. joined according to fig the resultant
en w:znK-~~ mrrr -

6" P q Q -:>
resistance between P and Q will be
5D R
p 50
p 50

(A) 100
3 (A) 100
3 3
(8) -0 (8) -0
10 10
(C) 15Q (C) 15Q
(D) None of these
(D) None of these
Q. 11. Fleming left hand rule is used to
>f. 11.~ in ~ m~inf~wr?nl1o~~- find
(A) ''dpllchl tl af,r ett fun ~ ~ if (A) Direction of magnetic field due to
WU~ current carrying conductor
(8) Direction of induced current
(8) mtr wu ett fun
(C) Direction of force on a current
(C) w ett fun ~ "'d,lOGlchltl af,r if carrying conductor in a magnatic field
mmmft~it (D) None of these
(D) ~ii~~ Q. 12. The speed of sound wave is
>f. 12. mf.:r~£t1if ett -mR~ itnr:g - maximum in
(A) f.rcffir if (A) Vaccum
(8) Air
(8) ~ii (C) Water
(C) l:fRtif (D) Steel

(D) ~if Q. 13. An electric generator converts

>f. 13.~~ qRClWdCfit<'l1:g- (A) Electric energy in to mechanical
(A) ~ ~"1rq:;r~ ~\l1lif (8) Mechanical energy into thermal
(8) ~ ~\l1Iq:;r~~if energy
(C) Mechanical energy into electric
(C) ~~q:;rfcrqo~ii energy
(D) Electric energy into chemical
(D) ~~q:;r{\fMf.:tCli~if energy

ffllllTj (Chemistry)

9~Cf,w;:l if; 4 fc1cf;(;q~lr..,-ir~!d'"lif tlir~ (Each question has 4 options, select the
appropriate option)
'" O. 14.The physical state of water at 298
"9".14. 298 K~LR\i1R&IT~~-TTt K temprature is :
(A) ~ (A) Gaseous
(B) Solid
(B) im
(C) Liquid
(C) S!;Cf
(0) Plasma
(0) ~ O. 15.The number of atoms in 469 of
1]. 15. 469 flWS(OjQ.qrw:rTUJaIT&IT~mm- sodium will be :

(A) 3.022x1023
(A) 3.022 x \023
(B) 6.022xl023
(B) 6.022 x \023
(C) 9.044x10
(C) 9.044 x 1023
(0) 12.044 x 1023
23 0.16. The atomic number of an element
(0) 12.044xl0
X is 19.The number of electrons in
"9".16. ~ X &ITrw:rTUJ~
ct"('q 19 t, ~ x+
its ion x+will be :
m .q $MeR;:T'"l'. &IT~ mm -
(A) 18
(A) 18
(B) 19
(B) 19
(C) 20
(C) 20
(0) 21
(0) 21 0.17. Two solutions A and B have pH
"9".17. ~~ A om B it pH 1=!R~: 2 Value 2 and 5 respectively their
om5~! ~~mm- natue will be :

(A) AomB~~ (A) A and B both acidic

(B) A~!B~ (B) A alkaline, B acidic

(C) B~,A~ (C) B alkaline, A acidic

(0) A3frrB~~ (0) A and B both alkaline


_~ •.•.
=i....-. __

Q. 18. Valency of Phosphate radical in

'g. 18. (NH ~)3P()~ if' tfiTf.q; c 'lBCfi Cfir
(NH~bP()~ is:
B4I'ilChi11~ -
(A) Four
(A) ~
(B) Two
(B) <tt
(C) One
(C) ~
(0) Three
(0) ({R
Q. 19.The element A, B, C and D have
'g. 19. "R('CTA, B, C ~ 0 ~
~ ~
atomic numbers 4, 12, 17 and 19
~: 4,12,17 3m 19-9-1 mqrCfiTCfiR respectively. Which pair of
m ~ tmR 31TCRfCfiT~ - elements belong to the same

(A) Birr C period:

~ (A) Band C
(B) A 3m B
(B) A and B
(C) A irr 0
(C) A and 0
(0) C irr 0
(0) C and 0
'g. 20. f;:p•.,fc'"tf@i1 if" ~ CfiR tIT {lftltolf.:tCh
Q. 20. Which one of the following reaction
is not possible :
(A) Ca+ H2'~O~~ C{lSO~+ H2
(A) Ca + H 2S0~~ CaSO~+ H 2

(B) CIl+ H2S()~~ CllSO~+ H2

(C) ZIl+ H2S0~ ~ ZIlS()~ + H2

(0) Mg+H2S0~ ~MgSO~ +H2 (0) Mg+H2S()~~MgSO~+H2

R Fc1ft@i111ti
,., . ':sn ~"'II'Iq") -g--
~ Q. 21. Which one of the following is a
~. 21.t=1 ftg@1I
covalent compound:
(A) NaO
(A) NaO
(B) A/03 (B) AIC13

(C) MgCl2

(0) CO~
(0) CO~

NTSE- II - 6.
T,T. 22. "QCh ~1$,$'Ii;flIJ"1 ~ "QCh 311lJ: if fs;:W..t Q. 22. A hydrocarbon having one double
~ 100 q:;rcf;:r mmuJ ~ o:lfl# ~1$$i\l'H bond has 100 carbon atoms in its
1W1f1JT3IT Ch1 w.sm irTI - molecule. The number of hydrogen
(A) 196 atoms in its molecule will be :

(8) 198 (A) 196

(C) 200 ~ (8) 198

T (C) 200
(0) 202
(0) 202
T,T. 23.
o:l'1I~-m6 -
Q. 23. The functional group present in
ethanol and methanoic acid is :
(A) - COOl-II - 011
(A) - CO()[{, - OR
(8) - OH, -COOH
(8) -OH, -COOH
(C) -l'][O, -COOH
(0) - 01-1, - CI10
(0) -OH, -C110
T,T. 24. ~$wrcnq:;r~~t- Q. 24. Main objective of smelting of ore
(A) ~ rE 3"lTc:ffil if,(j q:;r.:rr is:
(8) ~ cnT 3"lQi1f@ q:;r.:rr (A) To oxidise ore

(C) ClIGQ!(nC1 3"lztfoli~'icnT 6mT (8) To reduce ore

(0) m~ T,T1L(i q:;r.:rr (C) To remove volatile impurities

T,T. 2 5. ~ m l)fuPCfiolHT ~ ~ - (0) Alloy formation

Q. 25. Plaster of paris hardens by :
(A) el/ Clz 1J:CRf CFi{
(A) Losing OrC/z
(8) COz 3"lCl~GfEl(j CFi{
(8) Absorbing CO2
(C) llRT 3"l,w n fEl(j CFi{
(C) Absorbing water
(0) llRT 1J:CRf CFi{
(0) Releasing water
T,T. 26. ~~iRt~- Q. 26. Basic radical is :
(A) l'.l'1I~~I(j
(A) Positively Charged ion
(8) (8) Negatively charged ion
(C) (C) Neutral atom
(0) (0) None of the above

NTSE- II -7-
-ira: ~ (Biology)

~~ifi 4 ~~TJil"t ~'BtT~ (Each question has 4 options, select the

~ifl appropriate option)
-g. 27. R'"'1R1fuld ifif'cnT.::r~nr1?$~~ Q. 27. Which of the following group is a
cnr~-g ~ _ group of connective tissue -
(A) ~ :mnCfi'f (A) Bones and Blood
(6) ~ amWq:it lO{fftCtWl4i (6) Muscles of hand and heart
(C) IOlf«lbCh am i\{6:{\J\1 (C) Brain and Spinal chord
(0) (A) q (6) ~ (0) Both (A) and (B)
-g. 28. t114Ian"l am ~ if amrcn mm if 'qTW Q. 28.The nutritive element found in large
~ C!TRf ~ rna ~ _ amount in soyabean and pulses is
(A) qm (A) Fat
(6) cnrqf~ (6) Carbohydrate
~ (C) Miniral
(C) (s\1~'Jl
(0) 1itiR (0) Protein
Q.29.ln our body which organ is
-g. 29. ~mtt~fu;tf 3trTifiIDU~IOlIR41"&iT responsible for conversion of
0. ammonia in to urea
(A) ~ (A) Kidney
(6) ~ (6) Lungs
(C) "WFf (C) Liver
(0) Heart
(0) ~
-g. 30. ~ mm ~ if w-m -q)qun:Rr tR m"4: Q. 30.ln a food chain usually find the
"\ ~. following at the first trophic level
~\i1TO-g- -
(A) Producers
(A) 3('tlIa:Ch
(6) Primary consumer
(B) ~~
(C) Oecomposar
(C) 3l"QttcCh
(0) Secondary consumer
(0) f&ctl4Ch ~
Q. 31.lf in stomach hydrochloric acid is
-g. 31.~ ~ if ~1$41*,IRCh 3~-m
not produce which enzyme will not
""lW mrrr itcfir.nrr w@1rcr «({T'JI1$1Ol)cnr-t
(A) ptylin
(A) c14Ml"l
(6) Tripsin
(6) ~ (C) Pepsin
(C) itfQ:R (0) Chymotripsin
(0) ChI$IOlIP;fG84

- 8-
1l. 32. ~ fcPill.P;i'lOl'J11 ~ mil' i'.fiT ~~ Q. 32.11 a heterozygous tall plant is
,.. ~"' .,... ... '"

~J:j-101i:\-J-101\l""'i11GfR CW..Tq:; W9) m ~ Of crossed with homozygous dwarf

~"mRhinfuiim-.:t miT CfiT3RmG irTI plant the ration of dwarf plant in
'" progency will be
(A) 100 %
(A) 100 %
(B) 75%
(B) 75%
(C) 25% (C) 25%
(0) 50% (0) 50%
1). 33. Thl CfiT \ifq ~ w
tit mff t ~ c:rra: 6ii Q. 33. When we sleep at night and are bite
lffiR CfiTW ~ it tltt ~ m~ ~ lffiR by a mosquito we often try to kill
in w if rnCfiT1)(:Iffi'" Cfl&:g, ~ fu>m the mosquito. This action is
~. ...+-,.,. • controlled by :
CfiTAlI?lOI {i1\11 ~ -

(A) ~W)in~ (A) Pituitary gland

(B) ~(T9)f 101fu1&:h in ~ (8) Spinal Chord and brain
(C) Brain
(C) lOIP"i1&:h $~
(0) Pineal gland
(0) fQ..jlllc1m9.1 in ~
Q. 34.ln plants ovary develops into:
1l. 34. ~..ITii~ rnChmi1 ~m%"- (A) Seed
(A) ~ (B) Fruit
(B) T.OO (C) Flower
(C) ~ (0) Bud
(0) <fiBr Q. 35. A patient is generally advised to
~ ,\':" ...• ~
1l. 35. flIl41~ii:~ ~I'IICfiT m, ~, ~ 3m: consume more meat, lentils, milk
~mq:;r~~~~%"\ifqC{5 and eggs in diet when he suffers
~irm~- from:
(A) ~if (A) Scury
(B) "R
{CRiI('qiij (3'Hif4111 ~)
' (B) Anaemia
(C) Rickets
(C) ~ (~W1 if)
(0) Kwashiorkor
(0) ~3itrChr if
~ Fc R ,., ~' , ....!=\. .......t:\. Q. 36. Cellulosic cell wall is not present
1l. 36. Ak1 Mf(fl(j 11 ~ IQ'lWi flP3,MI\ii q'll tSl"11
in one of the following:
Cf)'I~IChi ~ ~ mm ~ %" :
(A) Bacteria
(A) ~ (B) Hydrilla
(B) gl$f1H1 (C) Cactus
(C) ~ (0) Mango
(0) 3w:T Q. 37. The thick stem of trees respire
1). 37. ~inmto.t~Cfl&t- through:
(A) ~C1Ifl'"lIH if (A) Trachea
(B) wif (B) Stomata
(C) ~if (C) Lenticel
(0) JIHlh~lif (0) Gills

NTSE- II -9 .

~. 38, RkiR1f@(1 if i! {j,4R1(1-;:rif t- Q. 38. Which of the following is

;:;=f1l('i ~ dJ g ,,0 I unmatched:
kingdom Example
(A) !>l'If"2fGl -
(A) Protista - Amoeba
(B) ~
(B) Fungai - Yeast
(C) Plantae - Cuscuta
(C) ~
(0) Monera - Euglena
Q. 39. The function of white blood cells
(0) liRu ~
of blood is:
~.39.mClIT~m &>IWI&l\:mq:;r~t-
(A) Oxygen transportation
(A) 341C14;II,l'Hq:;r qRC{g"1
c c v r::. (B) Carbon dioxide transportation
(B) ~-SW-34leml$g q:;r qf(Clg"1
(C) Transportation of nutrients
(C) m ~mq:;r qRClg"1
(0) Protection from germs
(0) ~:mi!~ Q. 40. Reticulate venation is not found in
~. 40. \i11fc1ChIa ct W Wfcl;:(;( Ifl "$B'ctl"qftnm if -;:rif
~ leaves of:
'4lm~6- (A) Onion
(A) ~ (B) Rose
(B) ~ (C) Radish
(C) ~ (0) Tulsi
(0) -wrm
~. 41 ~fui"ffritFRinmfi 'TOq:;r~ 264 Q. 41. The curved surface area of a cylinder
l:['P oW'~ 3mRR 924 m,3tm~ 2
is 264m and its volume is 924m
3. The
'&ffi1 oW' ~ -!; f"
q:;r ~ ~
: ratio of its diameter to its height will be :
(~3:7 (~7:3 (N 3:7 (~7:3
(C) 6: 7 (0) 7: 6 (C) 6: 7 (0) 7: 6
~. 42.~ 100 oW' 200 in ~ qft ~ Q. 42. Sum of odd numbers between 100 and
• ,. , .,,+.,.,. " 200 is :
~3ITCfiT (Oli1lLfw\ QIOI ~: (A) 7500 (B) 751
(A) 7500 (B) 751 (C) 2500 (0) 50
(C) 2500 (0) 50
Q. 43. If the sum of squares of zeros of
~. 43 ~ crf ~ f(x)=x -8x+k in ~ the quadratic polynomial
6Bf (~) 40 t m
inwilq:;r <:ftl\LflC1 f(x) = x2 -8x+k is 40. Then the
Ie q:;r l:lR' ~ : value of K will be .
(A) 6 (B) 24 (A) 6 (B) 24
(C) 12 (0) 10 (C) 12 (0) 10
~. 44 ~ ~ &lfilT qft q:;r ~ ~m Q. 44. Sides of two similiar triangles are
in a ratio 4 : 9 Areas of these
4: 9 t, ~&lfilTin ~q:;r ~
triangles will be in the ratio of :
imr: (A) 2: 3 (B) 4: 9
(A) 2: 3 (B) 4: 9 (C) 81:16 (0) 16:81
(C) 81: 16 (0) 16:81

NTSE.II - 10 -
lJ. 45.<m 6,7, x, 8, y, 14 cnp:nm 9 t, m~: Q. 45. If the mean of 6,7, x, 8. y, 14 is 9
(A) x+y=2\ (8) x-y=19
(A) x+y=21 (8) x-y=19
(C) x+)'=19 (0) x-y=21 (C) x+ y=19 (0) x- y=21
lJ. 46. <mfu:iWmWr&iT fllOl"I':f){OI Y = -x + 5 Q. 46. If the equation of a straight line
itm~mR 3fu: y ~1:RCFiGT3to::~ isy=-x+5 then its slope and
irrr: interception on y axis will be :
(A) 5,-1 (8) -1,5 (A) 5, -1 (8) -1, 9
(C) -1, -5 (0) 1, 5 .
(C) -1, -5 (0) 1, 5
Q. 47. Two dices are tll'fown together. The
lJ. 47.~mfrt%m~~~~ I ~-qmT1:R probability of getting the same
m 3Wi 31R" qft !;IIfllCh(1l wrr : number on both dices will be :

1 1 1 1
(A) (8) 3 (A) 2 (8) 3

1 1 1
(C) 6 (0) 12 (C) 6 (0) 12

lJ. 48. <mMRR~3WrCf~~tr 1~ Q. 48. A fraction becomes ~~ if 1 is added

~ "illC[f; ~~ m \i1'RITt ~ ma: 3Wr Cf to both numerator and denominator,
but if 5 is subtracted from both
6\~if 5 ~~"illRR im\i1'RIT:g numerator and denominator the
C[f; ft:R wrr :: fraction becomes ~The
fraction will

7 9 be:
(A) 9 (8) 7
7 9
(A) 9 (8) 7
8 7
(C) 7 (0) 8 8 7
(C) 7 (0) 8
lJ. 49. ma: 1/ + b = 12 om ab = 11 it, "illa -I? 2

Q. 49. If a + b = 12 and ab = 11, then the

(A) 100 (8) 144 value of a2 -I? will be :

(A) 100 (8) 144
(C) 120 (0) 121
(C) 120 (0) 121
"9'.50. ma: 1P Q
Q.50.lf 1P Q
7 8 6
7 8 6
~ Q ~l1R'irTr: then value of Q will be :
(A) 4 (8) 6 (A) 4 (8) 6
(C) 2 (0) 5 (C) 2 (0) 5

NTSE-II - 11 -

Q. 51. If in the following figure circle P(jR

1}. 51.~ f.n:;j fu?f if qm PQR ~ ABC
is incircle of the triangle ABC. The length
(fiT ~~iT BC etr~irrfr: of BC will be :

p c

(A) 7 CIll (8) 8 CIll (A) 7 CIII (8) 8 CIII

(C) 9 CIIl (0) 10 CIIl (C) 9 CIIl (0) 10 CIII

1}. 52. ~ x ~ CllklfclCfl ~ ~ t~ Q. 52. If x is a positive real number then

the value of
X II ]1I+h (hX ]h+C ( XC . ]C+II
_ X - X - =-r~

h C

II "fll ••• ' •..•
X" ]"+h (xh ]h+C (XC ]c+1I
b X -c x --;; will be :
(x x. x
(A) 0 (8) 1 (A) 0 (8) 1

(C) (x)1 (0) (X)"+/HC (C) (x)1 (0) (x)lI+h+c

1}. 53. <fr ~ ~fu .q' 0 qro q:)T cfi~ ~ Q. 53. In the given figure 0 is the centre
L.BAO = 35
o ~
3m L.BCO = 45
'6 <11 X
of circle. If L. BAO = 350 and L. nco = 4S

(fiT ll'R irTI :

then the value of X will be :

(A) 160 (8) 170

(A) 160 (8) 170
(C) 80 (0) 140
(C) 80 (0) 140
1}. fi CIIl "it <IT '3tl' Cflf
54. fcfim Cflf (fiT fcrCfluf 8
Q. 54. The diagonal of a square is sJz CIII .

Then the side of this square will be :

etr ~ etr mq irrfr :
(A) 813 CIII (8) 16 CIll
(A) 813 CIIl (8) 16 CIII
(C) 8 CIIl (0) 32 CIII
(C) 8 CIll (0) 32 CIII

NTSE-II - 12 -
Q. 55. The mean proportional is '24' and
1155. c{r -B~ ~T l:T~.:<.n~tmfT
24 t{tr
f\ r-. -'.......,,:, ~.• the third proprotional is 1536. Then
rli'{I£lHQlrll 1536 f;C! ~ f;:
c '" the numbers are:
(A) 6 Ttcf 98 (B) 6 Ttcf 96
(A) 6 and 98 (B) 6 and 96
(C) 36 Ttcf 98 (0) 36 Ttcf 96 (C) 36 and 98 (0) 36 and 96
" 2 •...•.... Q. 56.The product of the roots of equation
~.56.'8lOliCh{OI 3x --h-5==0 Qi 11m QiT
3x2-7x-5==0 will be:

5 -5 5 -5
(A) - (B) (A) 3 (B)
3 3

3 -3 3 -3
(C) 5 (0) 5 (C) 5 (0) 5

~.57.fcnffi~~1ft;:rrrc@m~ ;'~I$ Q. 57. If the shadow of vertical tower is

equal to its height at any moment.
if;~m, if~~~CFiT~.
, At that moment the angle of elevation
~: of the sun will be :
(A) 0° (B) 30° (A) 0° (B) 30°
(C) 45° (0) 90° (C) 45° (0) 90°
~. 58.~Mfu?p:iT)Tq AIJ am- BC c@~ Q. 58, In the given figure, what would be
LCOB, if the ratio of arc AB and
~ 3: 2 m, am- LAOB == 96° m,
if LCOB CFiTllR1Wrr: BC is 3: 2 and LAOB == 96° :

(A) 96° (B) 32°

(A) 96° (B) 32°
(C) 64° (0) 16°
(C) 64° (0) 16°
~. 59.~ 2A==3B am 4B==5C m, if A:C Q.59.lf 2A == 3B and 4B =5C Then A: C
will be :
(A) 15 : 8 (B) 8: 15
(A) 15: 8 (B) 8: 15 (C) 2: 5 (0) 5: 2
(C) 2: 5 (0) 5: 2 Q. 60.The number of axis of symmetry in
fc ,p.,.,,~ ,.
~. 60.CliSl4iill~ 1?I'j,"Il:T '84
fl:l rn 3la;T
..,+.:\. ••
till:1 ~ : scalene triangle is :
(A) 3 (B) 2
(A) 3 (B) 2
(C) 1 (0) 0
(C) 1 (0) 0

NTSE.II - 13 -

__ 1':-_ .••
BI~If\i1Ch ~ (Social Science)

~ ~~ 4fcrcnc;qf~:ir.Tir~,
~tltt~ (Each question has 4 options, select the

pi appropriate option)

'll'. 61. ~ Cffn:ifu ~ - a. 61. Treaty of versailles taken place on

(A) 28 ~tq 1919it (A) 28 June 1919

(B) 28 July 1924
(B) 28 ~~tq 1924 it
(C) 20 July 1915
(C) 20 \~,"II~
tq 1915 it
(0) 28 July 1917
(0) 28~tq1917it
." r
a. 62. When was the establishment of the
'll'.62. ~CfiT~~-
league of Nation:
(A) 1915
(A) 1915
(B) 1917
(B) 1917
(C) 1919 (C) 1919
(0) 1920 (0) 1920
'll'. 63. ~~ &It.(11lJ;- a.63. Axis countries are:
(A) ~,~,~ (A) Germany, Italy, Japan
(B) ~,~,~ (B) Germany, Russia, France

(C) ~I~'~ (C) Japan, Poland, America

(0) iR,~,~ (0) Spain, Austria, Italy

'll'.64. fj'I&l'li;,•.:d?fW.fi * 1881 it mTit it ~ a. 64. Which Journal was started by

Lokmanya Tilak in 1881 in Marathi
(A) fl:mn (A) Miraat
(B) Hindu
(B) ~
(C) ~m~ (C) Times of India

(0) imlfr (0) Kesari

'll'.65. tq1919CfiT~~wnfurm- a. 65.ln 1919 Indian Act was based on:

(A) ~ &ltli~Hftqli tR (A) On Simon Commission report

(B) ~ftqlitR (B) On Nehru report

(C) ~ ill4.'pOflH tR (C) On Montegue Chems ford

(0) 'fquin:rrR wnr tR (0) On Minto Marley ammendment

NTSE- II - 14 -
Q.66.ln the year 1962 did the wor
.\ . '\ between two countries is :
(A) m«f 3m:clll "Ii iW I
(A) India and 6angaladesh
(6) m«f 3fu"iiR
(6) India and China
~ ,,",'
(C) m«f3m:~ (C) India and Shrilanka
(D) m«f 3fu qlfq;R1H (0) India and Pakistan

1). 67.31fuwr~~Wc€rwm~ Q. 67. Who was the first lady President of

'" W~?.
31&ffi:TQiR the Indian National Congress?
(A) Dr. Annie 6isant
(A) if.~~
, ~ (6) Sarojani Naidu
(6) fHl\li.;1 ~
(C) Aruna Asaf Ali
(C) ~ 3rmtfi 3WIT
(D) Dr. Vijaylaxmi Pandit
(D) if. fc1\li 101H2;tIT ~ Q. 68.Shatkarni was first rular of which
1). 68. ~lictGflOn1)?Jl1 fcfifr ~ CfiT~ W ? dynasty:
(A) ~ (A) Chola
(6) Gupt
(6) :r:a
(C) Kushan
(C) ~
(D) Shatvahni
(D) '8Ict61 Ig.;1
Q. 69. During 7th century B.C. the new
1). 69. mwif ~ if ~ w:f CfiT-;:p.:rr~ ~ form Buddism was famous as :
w:r"ff jq@lct W -
o , "'"
(A) Mahayan

(A) l4gi1011'1 (6) Heenyan

1%"'1611'1 (C) Vajrayan

(D) Sahajyan
(C) C1\il1011'1
Q. 70.lmportent Principals of fascism
(D) flg\li1011"'1
1).70. Q'l1f71ClIa:CfiT~~ W- (A) Terror rule in the state
(A) ~if 3micnCfiT~ (6) To control the production and
(6) ~CfiT~ 3fufc1Rl4101 ifi~ exchange system of the state
-qr RlblOj (C) To equip the state for war

(C) ~m~ifi~ftmrqwrr (D) Extension of the state through

supremacy and victory
(D) ~c€rflJiiZlctj~~&m~

NTSE- II - 15 -
- ...
--------- .

lAo71. ~ c8 :d~lilWICh 9Fiifu fcM WrIT -qr Q. 71.The Industrial revolution of

~w- Germany was based on which

k, (A) ~cmsr
'" . (A) Cotton cloth
(8) ~
(8) Mineral
(C) Cflml(:{ (C) Computer
(0) u:rr:R~~ (0) Chemical and electricity

lAo 72. m fu~ClB,Qi{ii'Cf)q~ 3m~31T- Q. 72.When was Russia separted from

first world war
(A) tr.t 1914
(A) In 1914
(B) tr.t1917 (B) In 1917
(C) tr.t1918 (C) In 1918

(0) ~.1919 (0) In 1919

"\ "\ fu .....~ Q. 73.Largest and oldest industry of the
lAo73. "WCfiTm~cr!'l1 "'Ict14 'RI1lT'6-
country is :
(A) tftiR:~
(A) Cement industry
(B) "Cfl"Tl"rii ~
(B) Paper Industry
(C) l:lCtR~ (C) Jute Industry
(0) ~Cf"f3f~ (0) Cotton Industry
Q. 74.The trees with conical shaped
lAo 74. ~iCfClICflH'tRrITCfI"0C!2(T~miF; q;:fii
.••. ~. leaves founded in which type of
~ \iffif6"1
(A) ~ -tla;-lili-g-I{ q;:f
(A) Tropical Evergreen forest
(B) ~ CfI"0q;:f (B) Oecidous Forest
(C) ~q;:f (C) Coniferous Forest

(0) ~q;:f
(0) Tidal Forest
Q. 75.Which continent is from when
lAo75. %~m~t~'#'CfletT&r,l1cfl{
cancer line copricoun line and line
T&rcr ~ T&rlTiiffifr t -
'" '" of equator passed :
(A) 3i1f{R1<:l1 (A) Australia
(B) ~ (B) Asia

(C) ~ (C) Africa

(0) Europe
(0) ~

NTSE.II - 16 -
'9:.76. tr.1 2011 if '>1ffif CF.Tfc;jJ Ii'j,QI(i 940 tl Q. 76.The sex ratio in India was 940 in
~m~fcfi- 2011. This means that:

(A) f(;jl ii'j,QI(i q)q ~ (A) The sex ratio is low

(B) fM11i'j,QI\i 3llWE ~ (B) The sex ratio is high

(C) ~~ (C) The sex ratio is balanced

(0) ~ (;fi6T ~ \iTI Wf)(IT (0) Nothing can be said
'9:. 77. f;n:rm l:R cll$l~ ~ flq'Hsli~ ~ ~ Q. 77.The line joining places of equal
~ ';1 qm 'Cf%O' -g-~. ?• atmosphare pressure is turned

(A) ~m (A) Contour

(B) ~m1 " (B) Isolyet

(C) ~mrr (C) Isotherm

(0) w:rmfut; m (0) Isobar

'9:.78. ~ ~ .........:.-
"1,,\"1 3m ~l:1ctl
Q. 7a.Which of the following pairs of
Indian rivers and cities is not
trmifircnHmoo-~~ -
'" correctly matched:
(A) Ttm C11{10 Ifll
(A) Ganga - Varanasi
(B) ~ fu;Rt (B) Yamuna Delhi
(C) l na;ICI{) - '4'c.IT
(C) Godavari - Patna
(0) ~ \i1W?lg{ (D) Narmada Jabalpur
'9:. 79. ~~iFi~~ir.rr~- Q. 79.For the Production the wheat there

(A) ~~~ \i1MCllqiFi~~

should be:
(A) A cool & wet climate during its
~~ \i1MCllq~'Cf)T
growing period but not climate
w:r'lf during the ripening period
(B) ~ (1'1'q
~ q)q qorf (B) Sufficient heat but very little
(C) ~(1'1'q~~qorf
(C) Sufficient heat but heavy rainful
(0) ~ \i1MCliq~~31clfuit~ (D) Hot climate during the growing
~ \i1Mai~ ~ ~ 31clfu it period but cool climate during
'" the ripening period
'9:. 80. m~ir~~ qglfllll{ cnHir~- Q. aO.Which the following Ocean are
(A) ~ ~ 31CMiflch connected by Panama canal:
(A) Pecific and Atlantic
(B) 31cMiR:cti~ $ru:s~'1qglflill{
(B) Atlantic and Indian Ocean
(C) $ru$~'1qg@ll{ ~ ~ qglfllll{ (C) Indian Ocean and Pecific
(0) ~~~qgF(wl{ (0) Pecific and North Ocean

NTSE- II -17-
'l.:r. 81. ~CF.fcF.r.n:lra:~T~m-rrinfc;ro:~ Q. 81.Which country is Europ is famous
:g - from dairy Industry
, ,
(A) s,",GICfl (A) Denmark

(B) (B) Norway

(C) (C) Swedon

(D) (D) Switzerland

Q. 82.Sierra Nevada is the name of

(A) ~CF.f~ (A) An animal of America

(B) ~ii~~mRrfumft (B) A descase found in America

(C) ~ it "Q1m ~ qrc;rr"l:l1R (C) A fruit found in America

(D) ~iifu;n~ (D) A mountain found in Amarica

'l.:r. 83. '1fc'l:fi-ql.,::...... ~?

cp;rr 6" . Q. 83.what is Gulf Stream?

(A) mmt~CF.f~ (A) Fishing Center

(B) ~~ (B) Large Cannal

(C) TTlf~ (C) Warm Ocean Current

(D) ~ (D) Air Current

Q. 84.lfAravalli ranges were from East to
-g. 84. WR ~ QcfctGiC1\ ~ it ~ CfIT
3ffimm - (A) There would be no diferent at all
(B) Bangal would have been the dry
(A) ~3tR~
(B) WTwr11!E~ ~mm (C) The western Rajsthan would
never have been a desert
(C) "Q~~+:RCi~~mm (D) Uttarpradesh would have been
(D) <Ji"ctU.(~~1+:RCi~ mm a desert

-g. 85. ~



m~_ ••..

'l:Ill:(1'$ 'l.:rW1 ~
." ~,

cnR" ~ -
Q. 8S.Who was the first home minister of
Indiependent of India:
(A) Lal Bahadur Sharstri
(B) Sardar Swarn Singh
(C) (C) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(D) (D) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

NTSE. II - 18 -
lA. 86. ~ f.rt:!fuTif ~ ~ (1ITI P-lT- a. 86.How much time was spent in
constitution building?
(A) 3 o:tf 11 1=IT6 18 ft8
(A) 3 year 11 month 18 days
(8) 2 o:tf 11 1=IT6 18 ft8
(8) 2 year 11 month 18 days
(C) 4 o:tf 11 1=IT6 18 ft8 (C) 4 year 11 month 18 days
(0) 1 o:tf 11 1=IT6 18 ft8 (0) 1 year 11 month 18 days
Q. 87.What is the population percentage
lA. 87. 2001 c€t \i\'1JIOI'1lifi ~ 3'lj)flj+lct\ffifcf
of scheduled castes according to
cn1 \i\'1B{t.-'41 ~ ep:rrt ?
2001 cencus ?
(A) 13.2%
(A) 13.2%
(8) 21.2% (B) 21.2%
(C) 15.2% (C) 15.2%
(0) 16.2% (0) 16.2%
Q. 88.Woman have given 33% to 50%
lA. 88. mtRrm CfiT 33% ~ ~ 50% (f&)
reservation in which pealitical
~ {I\i\4f8Cfl'ffi.ww it m t -
(A) ~f.miT<;f
(A) Local body
(8) '4Olll5llfclClIG: (B) Language dispute
(C) ~ (C) Partiament
(0) 'lJTt1~ (0) Gram Panchayat
Q. 89.Was not the founder country of non-
lA. 89. ¥~ ~ &iT ~ ~ "1tf
w- alignment movement
(A) $Osi4 (A) Indonasia

(B) ft:mf (8) Mishra

(C) <g ih:<1Ifce

toll (C) Yugoslavia
(0) China
(0) ~
lA. 90. ~:m<i\1T"$ ~ it '4OlT{O
if ~ Q. 90,Management made by planning
cn1~~- commission in India
(A) fl41\i\ClI«l 31~ (A) Social Economy
(8) fi:lf~31~ (B) Mixed economy ,

." «l 31~,
(C) tt\l1iClI (C) Capitalism economy
'<lj , (0) Marxism economy ~
(0) 41Cf+lClil31~ I
Q. 91.Federallegislation is consituted by ~
lA. 91.• ~fuim?r f14C1Ch{~t- l\
{I &;; qf8 (A) President
(A) I
(B) Loksabha and Rajyasabha
(8) ~~~
~ (C) (A) and (8)
(C) (A) 3m (8)
(0) None of the above
(0) ~~~"1tf

NTSE- II - 19 -
~. 92. ~ ChT3nmfiTnrrn:r ~3TI - Q. 92. Right to information started for

(A) ~~cf,t1WTin~ (A) Demand for minimum wage

(B) <ljl~r~Tnir
'3\i'ITTrnfiB in ~ (B) Awarness about corruption
(G) ,~
lOIfCHIC'i ChT'i1H<:Ii1l n'~
l\'1<.i, (G) Information about muster role

(D) ~tImin~ (D) All of above

'l:T. 93. fucnrnChT ClIRtFCI<:Ii 3:r~~ m:g. - Q. 93.The actual meaning of development
comes from
(A) 31mir
(A) Income
(B) ~~ir (B) literacy rate
(G) ~~'B (G) Life average age
(D) -144*1tIm (D) above all
'l:T.94. F.G.1. ~ Rhfll'iI'B ~cf,t~cf,t Q. 94. F.C.1. Purchase the grains from
~~- farmars on:
(A) ~~m: (A) Local rate
(B) Wen~m: (B) Wholesale price
(G) 34(j{1ti;(14~ m: (G) Internation rate
(D) ';::!Fo.nm2R~m: (D) Minimum Support Price
'l:T.95. 201 6 in ~ 'J:ffiO ChT m;:rcr fcrc:lm:r Q. 95. What is India rank according to 2016
fi"1 <:Iii<:IifcnfI' m m: ~ - Human development Index:
(A) 129 (A) 129
(B) 136 (B) 136
(C) 131 (G) 131
(D) 130 (D) 130
'l:T.96. ~ 2005 fcno;t fi8 q:;n:r cf,t 71RUiT RoT Q. 96.NREGA 2005 Guarantees work for
~ ,. "\. ""' '\
how many day's (In Chhattisgarh
-g- (m 1=1'g@ifl'i~tI) -
in present) :
(A) 100fi8
(A) 100 days
(B) 150 fi8 (B) 150 days
(G) 120 fi8 (C) 120 days
(D) 90 fi8 (D) 90 days
'l:T.97. ';;:ft.l1J1.it (G.S.T.) ChT~"'il1=1' ~- Q. 97. Full form of G.S.T. is :

(A) W ~ tlfcfu ?:em (A) Goods & Service Tax

(B) ~ tlfcfu ?:em (B) Global Service Tax

(G) ~Wri$ (G) Global Stenderd Time
(D) ~ fu'fG'q ~<:FMlIil (D) Global System Technologies

NTSE. II - 20-
~. 98. 2011 Cfit IJ'1'""1'10 1'"11if. ~mJI'8Jiii Q. 98.According to the cencus 2011, The
" . Cfit
Qi'R 'Ji'4{"iMI W- total population in the Chhattisgarh is :
'" (A) 2,55,45,198
(A) 2,55,45,198
(B) 2,45,12,110 (B) 2,45,12,110

(C) 1,27,12,330 (C) 1,27,12,330

(0) 1,96,07,961 (0) 1,96,07,961

~. 99. ~~qICfl{OI Cfit ~ if 4t';(q'i0f ~ Q.99.lmportant role played in

R~~- globalization:
(A) ~(1{rlli::14 CflUlR4i
(A) Intenational Company
(B) . Multinational Company
(B) 6l~{1t{l4 CflUlR4i
(C) National Company
(C) ~ CflUlR4i
(0) Government Company
(0) mcnroCflUlR4i Q. 100. Which of the following central
1J. 100. m«fmqm'CflT~~~- banking institution in India
(A) <+m<fl<ntc~ (A) State Bank of India
(B) m«fr;r~~ (B) Central Bank of India
(C) ~mcnro~ (C) State Co-oprative Bank
(0) Reserve Bank of India
(0) mmftircf~

1l:fi ~ / Rough Work

NTSE-II - 21 -

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