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Tourism is a very vast, vibrant dynamic and growth oriented

industry. It is the set of all business activities which serves the needs

of tourist while they visit different places which is a way of tourism,

touring and travelling. Tourism is in fact a very broad industry.

Tourism industry therefore can be defined as the set of industries

which facilitate by providing infrastructure, products and services,

make possible travelling for different purposes and travelling that is

all about providing necessary means to assist tourist throughout their

trip. Nnonetheless, the contribution of the tourism industry vary and

depends mostly on the socioeconomic condition to the certain place

and its residence mostly on the tourism industry.creates of

employment opportunities.
As one of the biggest contributors to the global The Travel and

Tourism (T&T) industry directly contributes about 3.6% of the world’s

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and ,indirectly contributes about 10.3%

to it. As one of the biggest contributors to the global GDP, this

industry directly employs nearly 77 million people worldwide, which

comprises about 3% of the world’s total employmentt 2010.

Philippines is a growing country in the tourism industry, Philippines

is trying to create interest for tourist to develop destinations and

reduce more money in this era. Over the previous years, the statistic

tourism shows that incomes from tourism industry in Philippines have

improved the contribution in tourism industries was estimated at 5.3

million in 2019 higher than 0.9 percent compared to 5.2 million in the

previous year. Share of employment in tourism industries to total

employment in the country was recorded at 13.1 percent in 2019

Philippine tourism accounts (2018).

Santa Cruz officially the Municipality of Santa Cruz Davao Del

Sur, is a 1st class municipality in the province of Davao del

Sur, Philippines According to the 2015 census, it has a population of

90,987 people. The Municipality of Santa Cruz is part of Metropolitan


According to M Rhaman2018, Tourism industry contributes to the

socioeconomic condition has grown remarkably but, Philippine

tourism industry has to go far. Deficiencies of progress at political

turbulence are the main reasons for slow-moving progress, but this

research is to asses the extent contribution tourism industry to the

socioeconomic condition of Sta.Cruz Davao Del Sur.

Statement of the problem

The intent of this study is to determine the extent of contribution

of the Tourism industry to the socioeconomic condition of Santa Cruz,

Davao Del Sur A.Y. 2019-2020.

It specifically aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondent when grouped by:

1.1 Cultural Status and,

1.2 Social status

1.3 Economic status

2. What is the extent of contribution of the Tourism industry to

the socioeconomic condition of Sta.Cruz Davao Del Sur as

perceived by the residents when analyzed according to the profile


3. Is there a significant difference in the perceived extent of

contribution of the Tourism industry to the socioeconomic

condition of Santa Cruz when analyzed in terms of the profile


Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on the two theories popularized by Max

Weber, the Life chances and Three-component theory of stratification,

more widely known as Weberian stratification or the three class


The three-component theory of stratification was developed by

German sociologist Max Weber with class, status and power as distinct

ideal types. Weber develop a multidimensional approach to social

stratification that reflects the interplay among wealth, prestige and


The life chances is social science theory of the opportunities each

individual has to improve their quality of life. The concept , describing

how likely it is, given certain factors, that an individual’s life will turn

out a certain way. According to this theory , life chances are positively

correlated with one’s socioeconomic status,Max Weber (1920s).

This study of research includes the socioeconomic status that

affects the contribution of tourism industry of Sta. Cruz Davao Del

Sur, with the theory presented by Max Weber, the stratification theory

is made to be the best that explains why the tourism industry

contributes to the socioeconomic condition of the society and its


Tourism industry of Perceived
Sta.Cruz Extent of
To the


Fig.1 Conceptual Framework

The diagram states that the residents have different socio and

economic status when it comes to social, cultural, and economic

groups that will affect the contribution of tourism industry to the

socioeconomic condition of Sta.Cruz Davao Del Sur.

Scope and delimitation of the study

This study is focused on the contribution of tourism industry to the

socioeconomic condition of Sta.Cruz Davao Del Sur and its residence

during the A.Y. 2019-2020 and their social economic whether social,

cultural and economic status.

Significance of the study

The study on extent of contribution to the incoming young,

professional of tourism management and hospitality management

students and its businesses because the result of this study or

research is useful to understands the extent of contribution of tourism

industry to the socioeconomic condition of Sta.Cruz Davao Del Sur.

The incoming young professionals of tourism and hospitality industry

practitioners. This study is significant to the incoming professionals of

the hospitality industry to improve and or what action to take in

tapping this industry that serves best and to improve also their

The respondents. This study is significant to the residents ins Sta,Cruz

Davao Del Sur, because though this they will be better understands

base on their socioeconomic status that will enable the tourism

industry to contributes or provide better progress and development

to their society that would suit them best and through this study the

respondents may be able to know their importance to the society and

will they contribute to the tourism industry of their locality.

The researchers. This study is significant to the researchers in

improving their knowledge about this segment and to be a better

professionals in tourism and hospitality industries future.

The future researchers. This study is useful in improving the body of

knowledge about the particular segment,and to continue the research

cycle and this will serve a guide of spring board to other related

studies and researchers in the future.

Definition of terms

the set of industries which facilitate by providing infrastructure and

products and services and main travelling to place of leisure and
business interests.
Cultural status. Inequalities are defined as perceived or actual

differences in the treatment, public recognition or status of different

groups cultural norms practices,a symbols and customs.

Economic status. It is the status or classes of the residents whether

they are upper class, upper middle class, middle class, lower class on

their monthly generated income.

Extent of Contribution. The range of the tourist that they have

contributed to the tourism industry in Sta.Cruz Davao Del Sur.

Social Status. It is the person standing or importance in their

relation to other people with in a society.

Socioeconomic condition. Refers to the social and economic

condition of a persons, family, people group.

Socioeconomic status. Is the social standing or class of an

individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of

education, income and occupation.

Sta.Cruz, Davao Del Sur. Officially the municipality of Sta.Cruz, is

a first class municpality in the province of Davao Del Sur, Philippines.

Socio-Economic. It is a social science that studies how economy

activity affects and is shaped by social processes. In general, it

analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their

local or regional economy, or the global economy.

Tourism Industry. Define as the set of industries which facilitate by

providing infrastructure and products and services and makes

possible travelling for different purposes and travel to place of leisure

and business interest.

Sta. Cruz situates in the Northern part of Davao del Sur. Bounded by

Davao City on the north and south by the city of Digos. After

undergoing several political subdivisions, 27,960 hectares of land was

left representing 6.7% of the total land area of Davao del Sur. Forest

land comprises 60% and the rest includes the 8 coastal barangays in

the area.

The land area of Sta. Cruz per Board of Technical Survey and Maps is

27,960 hectares. However, based on the Field Appraisal and

Assessment Sheets (FAAS) and Tax Maps of the Municipal Assessor's

Office the total land area of the municipality is 28,759.7855 or about

7.31% of the province's area (393,401 hectares). This excludes the

Kapatagan contested area. Among the 18 barangays, Sibulan has the

biggest land area of 6,390.6581 hectares or 22.22% of the total land

area. Poblacion Zone III has the smallest area of 105.3148, only 0.37%

of the total

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