044 D Construction Electrical Safety

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RJ Oil Production Projects

Zero Harm - Only Safe Production


Electricity is one of the common energy used for industrial as well as the residential need. In both
cases electricity is a very essential energy, in the same time if you didn’t take appropriate precations
while managing it has the potential to seriously harm an individual including death.
To handle electricity safely, it is necessary to understand how it acts, how it can be
detected, what hazards it presents, and how these hazards can be controlled.

Common Electrical Hazards

■ Electrocution ■ Electrical Shock ■ Electrical Burn ■ Fire ■ Explosion
■ Fall from Height due to loss of muscular control.
Electricity is not possible to identify by our eyes or by our
sensory system therefore working with electricity or attempt to
cut, damage or theft any unknown electrical cable it can be

Control Measures
 All outdoor electrical equipments need rain and weather protection,
i.e. Diesel Generator, Distribution panel etc...
 All electrical cable shall be routed through at least 2m above
 Provide appropriate grounding for all electrical equipment and
ensure the resistance must not exceed 1ohm.
 Power tools supply shall be obtain from the approved DB fitted with
30mA ELCB.
 Use only industrial type ISI marked electrical appliances and
 Use only 3core double insulated cables & don’t use 2 core cables
 Only authorised and competent electrician shall perform repairs and
 Diesel Generators stack shall be extended and fitted with CCOE /
PESO approved spark arrestors.

 Competent electrician must conduct daily inspection, periodic
 After rain fall conduct systematic inspection to all electrical
equipment before use.
 Don’t perform any electrical activity at wet surface.
 Don’t use any damaged electrical power tools and don’t make any
unauthorised repair.
 Implement & follow Don’t use tag system for easy identification of
breakdown/defective equipment & tools.
 Follow LOTO system during maintenance.
 Don’t overload the electrical system, equipment, connections etc...
 Don’t make imbalance load in the circuit or system.
 Don’t provide unauthorised taping from any electrical connections.
Bulletin / 2019 May

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