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Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)

Enrolment No.: PGDDM1820012 Grade Card No.: 04360

Name: AKSHAY KUMAR SAHOO Date: 12-03-2019
Term-End Examination (PGDDM): December 2018 Month & Year of Admission (PGDDM): July 2018
Term-End Examination (DDM): June 2018 Month & Year of Admission (DDM): July 2017

Course Code Cr. Score Weightage Overall Score Status

*DDM-01 6 82 74 20.50 55.50 76.00 7.60 B+ SC
*DDM-02 6 89 72 22.25 54.00 76.25 7.63 B+ SC
*DDM-03 4 82 72 20.50 54.00 74.50 7.45 B+ SC
*DDM-04 4 89 72 22.25 54.00 76.25 7.63 B+ SC
*DDM-05 4 88 79 22.00 59.25 81.25 8.13 A SC
*DDM-06 4 91 89 22.75 66.75 89.50 8.95 A SC
*DDM-06P 4 # 90 # 90.00 90.00 9.00 A+ SC
DM-07 6 87 80 21.75 60.00 81.75 8.18 A SC
DM-08 6 87 78 21.75 58.50 80.25 8.03 A SC
DM-09 4 81 79 20.25 59.25 79.50 7.95 B+ SC
Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM) Successfully Completed
*Credit Transfer from DDM vide Enrollment Number: DDM-17-0002.
CGPA : 8.02 Letter Grade: A
Percentage: 80.53 Division: First Division with Distinction
Controller of Examination

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) (Si) = (Ci x Gi) / ci

where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and Gi is the grade point scored in the ith course.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) = (Ci x Si) / Ci
where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits in that semester
Evaluation Methodology:-
• Continuous Evaluation through assignment carries 25% weightage.
• Term-end Examination carries 75% weightage.
• Maximum Marks for Continuous Evaluation and Term-End Examination in each course are 100.
• Overall 40% marks is required to complete in each course in Continuous Evaluation and Term-end Examination

Abbreviations used: Cr. Credits, CET Continuous Evaluation Theory, CEP Continuous Evaluation Practical,TEE Term End
Examination, TEPE Term End Practical Examination, LG Letter Grade, PG Point Grade, SC Successfully Completed, NC Not
Completed, SGPA Semester Grade Point Average, CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average, # Not Applicable, ** Re-appear
Examination, $$ Re-submit Assignment, - Assignment not Received/Absent in Examination
Division Criteria Co-relates of the Letter Grade with Point Grade
80% or above First Division with Distinction O (Outstanding) : 10 C (Average) : 5
60% or above First Division A+ (Excellent) : 9 P (Pass) : 4
50% or above but below 60% Second Division A (Very Good) : 8 F (Fail) : 0
40% or above but below 50% Pass B+ (Good) : 7 Ab (Absent) : 0
Below 40% Fail B (Above Average) : 6
Course Titles:
DDM-01 - Introduction to Disaster Management DDM-02 - Geographical Information System and ICT in Disaster
DDM-03 - Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis DDM-04 - Disaster Preparedness and Response
DDM-05 - Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction DDM-06 - Reporting, Information and Documentation in Disasters
DDM-06P - Project DM-07 - E-Governance and Emerging technology in Disaster
DM-08 - Community Linkage in Disaster Management DM-09 - Case Studies in Disaster Management
Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur

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