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2363 © IWA Publishing 2013 Water Science & Technology | 67.

11 | 2013

Rethinking wastewater characterisation methods for

activated sludge systems – a position paper
Jean-Marc Choubert, Leiv Rieger, Andrew Shaw, John Copp,
Mathieu Spérandio, Kim Sørensen, Sabine Rönner-Holm,
Eberhard Morgenroth, Henryk Melcer and Sylvie Gillot

Jean-Marc Choubert (corresponding author)
Increasingly stringent effluent limits and an expanding scope of model system boundaries beyond
Irstea, UR MALY, 5 rue de la DOUA, CS70077,
activated sludge has led to new modelling objectives and consequently to new and often more 69626 VILLEURBANNE Cedex, France
detailed modelling concepts. Nearly three decades after the publication of Activated Sludge Model
Leiv Rieger
No1 (ASM1), the authors believe it is time to re-evaluate wastewater characterisation procedures and EnviroSim Associates Ltd,
McMaster Innovation Park,
targets. The present position paper gives a brief overview of state-of-the-art methods and discusses 175 Longwood Rd S, Suite 114A, Hamilton, Ontario,
L8P 0A1, Canada
newly developed measurement techniques on a conceptual level. Potential future paths are
Andrew Shaw
presented including on-line instrumentation, promising measuring techniques, and mathematical
Black & Veatch, 8400 Ward Parkway, Kansas City,
solutions to fractionation problems. This is accompanied by a discussion on standardisation needs to Missouri, 64114, USA

increase modelling efficiency in our industry. John Copp

Primodal, Inc., 122 Leland Street, Hamilton L8S
Key words | activated sludge, ASM, chemical oxygen demand fractionation, modelling, wastewater 3A4, Ontario, Canada
characterisation Mathieu Spérandio
Université de Toulouse; INSA,
UPS, INP; LISBP, 135 Avenue de Rangueil,
F-31077 Toulouse, France

Kim Sørensen
Dresdner Strasse 87-91,
1200 Vienna, Austria

Sabine Rönner-Holm
LimnoTec Abwasseranlagen GmbH,
Ravensberger Straße 41, 32312 Lübbecke,

Eberhard Morgenroth
ETH Zürich, Institute of Environmental Engineering,
8093 Zürich, Switzerland
Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science
and Technology, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland

Henryk Melcer
Brown & Caldwell, 701, Pike Street, Suite 1200,
Seattle 98101, WA, USA

Sylvie Gillot
Irstea, UR HBAN, 1 rue Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, CS
10030, F-92761 Antony Cedex, France


Wastewater characterisation has been an ongoing topic of (chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen and phosphorus)
research (Spanjers et al. ; Henze et al. ) and is still into model variables (different classes of biodegradability) is
a major challenge for model application in engineering prac- an important input to the model. Calibration of the model
tice (Copp et al. ; Phillips et al. ). Fractionating the parameters by adopting an incorrect fractionation of the
variables that are traditionally measured by practitioners wastewater composition may lead to compensation of the

doi: 10.2166/wst.2013.158

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fractionation errors by introducing errors in the parameter EXISTING WASTEWATER CHARACTERISATION

estimates (Rieger et al. ). Moreover, combined expertise METHODS
of modellers (Phillips et al. ) and sensitivity analysis
(Petersen et al. ) have shown profound effects of waste- In the Activated Sludge Model (ASM) framework (Henze
water characterisation on modelling outputs (Henze et al. et al. ), the influent COD of a wastewater is split into
): different fractions. For Activated Sludge Model No1
(ASM1), six fractions are considered (slowly biodegradable,
• Sludge production is influenced by the estimated inert readily biodegradable, inert soluble and inert particulate,
particulate COD. heterotrophic and autotrophic biomass). In ASM No2d
• Oxygen demand is influenced by the estimated total bio- (ASM2d), the readily biodegradable fraction was divided
degradable COD. into fermentable organic matter and fermentation products
• Anoxic denitrification rate and anaerobic phosphorus (volatile fatty acids, VFA); moreover, storage compounds in
release are influenced by the estimated readily biodegrad- biomass and an additional biomass were considered. In
able COD. ASM No3 (ASM3), similar fractions to ASM1 are considered
• Effluent COD is influenced by the estimated inert soluble with additional organics stored by heterotrophic biomass. In
COD. the literature, most of the fractionation methods are dedicated
to the differentiation between inert and biodegradable frac-
Although some milestone research has been published tions, readily or slowly biodegradable variables, initially
(STOWA: Roeleveld & van Loosdrecht ; WERF: defined for ASM1; however, most of the following protocols
Melcer et al. ; BIOMATH: Vanrolleghem et al. ), and statements are valid by extension for ASM2 and ASM3.
and a recent attempt at guidelines has been proposed (Lu This approach assumes the wastewater is devoid of biomass,
et al. ), there is a lack of standardisation. Gillot & has no inert endogenous products and includes inert soluble
Choubert () and Fall et al. () compared different material. Although not ideal or detailed enough to account
experimental COD fractionation approaches and found sig- for all constituents, these assumptions have proven to be effec-
nificant differences in the results. tive in the past and are linked to the model structures.
New measurement techniques allow for a more detailed Comparison of the most relevant protocols showed only
evaluation of the wastewater, but the techniques published slight methodological differences for the characterisation of
decades ago can provide significant insight into a particular the nitrogen and phosphorus fractions. However, for the
wastewater when performed properly and the results are ana- characterisation of the wastewater COD, there are different
lysed appropriately. In practice, questionable results are approaches. Table 1 presents the methods and concepts. The
commonplace due to a lack of standardisation and method following discussion briefly presents the limitations caused
complexity (Rieger et al. ). In this context, this paper by the differences between conceptual meaning and exper-
gives a brief overview of state-of-the-art methods for waste- imental results.
water characterisation and discusses gaps in research. It The existing methods of fractionating COD into the
presents recently developed measurement techniques on a different fractions of a given wastewater generally combined
conceptual level, and explains new insights into wastewater the determination of the total biodegradable COD fraction
characteristics and involved components. Potential future (CODtot,B) and the determination of the readily biodegrad-
paths are presented including on-line instrumentation, prom- able COD (noted SB).
ising measuring techniques, and mathematical solutions to Two types of biological assay have been proposed to
fractionation problems. This is accompanied by a discussion determine the total biodegradable COD fraction of a given
on standardisation needs to increase modelling efficiency in wastewater:
the wastewater treatment field. The paper focuses on waste-
water characterisation methods for activated sludge systems • Direct monitoring using the oxygen uptake versus time in
and does not intend to cover all aspects of wastewater charac- batch experiments. Various protocols exist, but typically
terisation. Links are made to membrane systems, biofilm methodologies include respirometry monitoring the
systems and anaerobic digestion processes as they can modification of the oxygen uptake rate for a few hours
either provide ideas for improving, or taking advantage of with a low substrate to biomass ratio (S/X ) (Spérandio
developments in, activated sludge wastewater characteris- et al. ; Vanrolleghem et al. ), ultimate bio-
ation methods. chemical oxygen demand (BOD) tests monitoring the

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Table 1 | Existing methods for wastewater COD fractionation

Conceptual meaning

Assessment of
biodegradable Assessment of readily
Experimental Targeted COD biodegradable Known limitations
protocol fractions (with respect to ASM1) References
Size of
Direct Indirect Biodegradability molecules

Short-term bioassay SB, XCB XOHO • • Difficulty to distinguish UCT method (Ekama
at high and low endogenous et al. ) ASM Task
S/X (batch, pilot) respiration from XCB Group (Henze et al.
degradation (end of ) Spanjers et al.
test). Systematic low (); Spérandio
value of CODtot,B et al. (); WERF
(short test length) protocol (Melcer
et al. )
10d bioassay at SB, XCB SU, XU,Inf • • Systematic low value of STOWA approach
high S/X CODtot,B (high S/X (Roeleveld & van
(batch) þ 0.1μm ratio) Loosdrecht )
filtration (ultimate BOD and
Long-term bioassay SU, XU,Inf • • SU attributed to WERF protocol (Melcer
at low S/X (pilot, wastewater, whereas et al. ) UCT
batch) part is produced by method (Ekama et al.
biomass ) Stricker et al.
(biodegradation test)
0.45μm filtration of SU • Suitable only if removal UCT method (Ekama
treated effluent of biodegradable et al. )
COD is complete
Coagulation / SB, SU • • Link between size of Mamais et al. ()
flocculation þ organic molecules
filtration and biodegradability
not always valid

Notation according to Corominas et al. (2010) ¼ SB: readily biodegradable COD; XCB: slowly biodegradable COD; SU: inert soluble COD; XU,Inf: inert particulate COD; XOHO: ordinary hetero-
trophic organisms.

total oxygen uptake for 10 days with a high S/X ratio (OUR and NUR, respectively) are recorded (Ekama
(Roeleveld & van Loosdrecht ), or monitoring the et al. ; Naidoo et al. ; Spanjers et al. ).
COD uptake versus time (total and soluble) for 30 days • Physical–chemical methods that assume a direct link
with a high S/X ratio (Lesouef et al. ; Orhon et al. between the size of organic molecules and their biodegrad-
; Stricker et al. ). ability. Filtrations with different pore sizes (Roeleveld &
• Indirect assessment of CODtot,B by determination of the van Loosdrecht ; Lu et al. ), and with or without
particulate unbiodegradable COD (XU,Inf ) of the waste- a flocculation step (Mamais et al. ) have been
water. This fraction is deduced by using a simulation proposed.
model to match experimental sludge production in a bio- • VFAs are typically measured directly using gas chromato-
reactor (Melcer et al. ). graphy method (Martin-Ruel et al. ).
Three distinct principles have been used to determine
COD fractions (and particularly readily biodegradable
the readily biodegradable COD (noted SB):
COD) are measured (or estimated) with batch experiments
• Bioassay tests that are based on respirometric characteris- and first used for plant model set-up. Although wastewater
ation methods where oxygen or nitrate utilisation rates characterisation is considered as part of the data collection

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step by the IWA Good Modelling Practice Task Group Even for apparently simple methods (e.g. physical–
(Rieger et al. ), there is a possibility to modify the obtained chemical separation), differences are obtained (e.g. due to
fractions during one of the three main steps that compose the differences in filter pore size 0.7, 0.45 or 0.1 μm according
calibration procedure. The latter starts with fixing the par- to Fall et al. ()). Coagulation/flocculation prior to fil-
ameters that represent hydrodynamics (number of tanks, tration reduces the importance of the filter pore size;
flow distribution), then continues with modifying the influent however, if not standardised or reported it may lead to
wastewater or recycle streams’ characteristics, and finishes further ambiguity in determining results.
with parameters’ estimation: settling parameters, aeration A change in model structure or the introduction of
parameters (oxygen mass transfer over time description) another state variable makes it necessary to adapt the exper-
and biokinetic parameters (stoichiometric, kinetic). Influent imental methods also. It is important to use a fractionation
wastewater characterisation and parameter assignment (also method that fits the model concepts. ASM1 is based on
called ‘calibration’ stricto sensu) are therefore related stages the biodegradability of the fractions, but for practical
when adjustments of the fractions are required (at least to reasons the profession has turned to physical–chemical
take into account measurement errors), for example modify- methods (Roeleveld & van Loosdrecht ). Thus, several
ing the inert particulate COD (i.e. XU,Inf) to match the concerns have been raised about the comparability of the
sludge production. To avoid this fine-tuning, the industry methods and how to link the physical–chemical methods
would have to develop methods to better represent the inert with the biodegradability of the different fractions.
particulate COD (i.e. XU,Inf). The obtained fractionation based on measurements is
sometimes adapted during model calibration to be consist-
ent with other data collected on the plants (Rieger et al.
ADAPTATION OF EXISTING METHODS ). During the calibration step, certain fractions can be
changed until simulation results match observed data; for
Changes to the influent fractions (i.e. percentage of total example, it is not unusual to modify the inert COD fraction
COD) are not uncommon under wet-weather conditions or to fit the simulated sludge production to the observed
due to temperature variations (Henze ). In plants with values. However, this indicates problems with the link
long hydraulic buffering capacity (like those applied in con- between what the modeller requires and what these exper-
ventional activated sludge, 6–24 h) it is often sufficient to imental procedures actually measure. As a result, the
separate the COD into biodegradable/unbiodegradable frac- value of expensive wastewater characterisation studies –
tions. However, with the migration to more stringent which are essential for good predictions – might be ques-
effluent requirements, and the development of short hydrau- tioned if the results cannot be applied in all cases, and
lic retention time (HRT) processes (few tens of minutes), this might be critical for the application of modelling in
assumption may need to be revisited. today’s engineering practice. Other sources of information
The following discussion briefly presents the limit- about plant behaviour are nevertheless always required
ations caused by the differences between conceptual and can minimise the probability of a deficient wastewater
meaning and experimental results, and suggests some characterisation.
Changing COD fractions for long sludge retention time
Impact of the experimental protocol on the processes
fractionation results
The plant type to which a wastewater is introduced deter-
Even with defined approaches, the experimental methods mines how the wastewater should be characterised. Haider
and resulting output still remain sensitive to practical inac- et al. () and Spérandio et al. () clearly identified a
curacies due to the complex ecosystem biology, the larger biodegradable fraction when the same wastewater
biodegradable fractions that depend on protocol length was subjected to a longer sludge age process. The definition
(few hours to a couple of days) and substrate to biomass of specific fractions can be process specific. For example,
ratio (Gillot & Choubert ), or physical limitations such material considered inert in a short sludge retention time
as filter pore size (Fall et al. ). The wide variety of poss- (SRT) system (e.g. those applied in conventional activated
ible experimental conditions in the methods further sludge) may not be inert in long SRT systems (e.g. membrane
complicates the interpretation of results. bioreactor (MBR), sludge reduction techniques, constructed

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wetlands). New model concepts that improve the understand- simulation results (Haider et al. ). Future research
ing and models incorporating hydrolysis are suggested below. needs to address the magnitude and the impact of the vari-
ations. However, in the short term, it would seem prudent
Changing COD fractions versus time to estimate the variations in the COD fractions using a time
series of total, filtered and flocculated-filtered COD, instead
Under dry-weather conditions, a basic assumption in today’s of using incorrectly measured SB and XCB values.
modelling practice is that influent fractions are stable over
time during a 24 h period (Henze ). However, it may
change with temperature (Henze ). Also in the case of NEW AND ALTERNATIVE METHODS
wet-weather treatment, significant changes in the fraction
of XU,Inf and XCB due to rain may have to be considered. The development of new treatment processes and the need
Improving the determination of the colloidal COD fraction to predict very low nutrient effluent concentrations requires
is important for a better prediction of sludge production model extensions and consequently adapted influent charac-
and optimisation studies (Petersen et al. ; Rönner- terisation methods. Still, models and fractionation methods
Holm et al. ). have to be complementary, and the model objective should
Variations in the estimated COD fractions through the be taken into consideration when selecting a fractionation
day are another potential concern as clearly shown in method. To meet this next challenge, and to meet the
Figures 1(a) and 1(b). These results were obtained with the needs of different modelling objectives, modellers will
STOWA protocol on 2 h composite samples (Barry et al. have to consider new measurements, experiments/pro-
; Morvannou ). One would expect more stable cedures, checks, data resolution and also model changes.
ratios but the measurements of lumped COD show that Table 2 provides expected adaptations of fractionation con-
the CODfiltered/CODtot ratio varied between 20 and 60% cepts published in the literature that are then explained in
(Figure 2(a)) and the SB fraction varied between 5 and 25% the subsequent paragraphs.
of the total COD over a period of a few hours (Figure 2(b))
(Hess ). Large variations in the COD fractions over Biomass determination
the course of a single day were also noted in Germany
(Hintermaier & Thiele ; Affeld ; Roog ). Most characterisation protocols assume that wastewater is
Assuming that the previous variations are not plant devoid of biomass (XOHO ≈ 0), including the related COD
specific and are not due to measurement artefacts, it is in XU,Inf and XCB. These assumptions have proven to be
clear that the plant behaviour may well vary throughout the effective in the past as it did not impact model predictions
day as a direct result of the variability in wastewater fractions. in activated sludge systems (Melcer et al. ) and the
The impact of these fraction variations is even more critical assumptions were linked to the model structure. However,
when modelling systems with HRTs of only a few tens of min- active heterotrophic biomass has been estimated to be up
utes (e.g. of A-stage of an A/B plant, moving-bed biofilm to 25% of the raw wastewater COD (Henze ; Spérandio
bioreactor (MBBR)), so it is reasoned that a higher temporal et al. ). Compensating for this assumption (i.e. consider-
resolution of the fractionation would then improve ing this COD to be slowly biodegradable XCB) may require

Figure 1 | Evolution of COD fractions (XU,Inf, XCB, SB, SU) versus time at two French wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs).

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be confounded by slow hydrolysis, or sludge that is not

adapted (unacclimatised) to the wastewater. Two sugges-
tions are made to improve the results: the first one is to
standardise the conditions that define when a respirometric
test enters the endogenous respiration phase (i.e. when all
substrate is consumed). Experience indicates that most of
the error is introduced because of the uncertainty in identi-
fying this transition.
The second option is to improve our understanding
of biomass development inside the bioreactors (e.g.
compliance to biomass growth and decay concepts used
to model OUR), and to develop ways to grow the biologi-
cal inoculums for seeding bioreactors, so that the results
are not dependent on the level of acclimation of the

New probes

On-line sensors for measuring COD, NH4, PO4, NOx and

total suspended solids (TSS) have shown the potential for
on-line analysis and control of biological systems. Newer
types of probes offer even more potential for collecting
more detailed wastewater characterisation data. The data
from on-line respirometer or UV-vis probes (with appropri-
ate correlations) allow for a continuous estimation of
Figure 2 | COD versus time at Morgenthal plant (Switzerland, 28 Nov.–8 Dec. 2000) (Hess
wastewater fractions. It is expected that significant strides
towards ensuring the quality of these data will have to be
that the yield coefficient be increased by approximately 10% made in the future. However, the benefits gained with
(Henze ). respect to parameter uncertainty and model predictive
This is observed when modelling systems operated at power have been shown by Cierkens et al. ().
high loading rates, or when modelling downstream of a pre-
liminary stage of biological treatment, as the influent Inorganic compounds
biomass should not be incorrectly assumed to be zero, other-
wise the behaviour of the models may have to be incorrectly The use of inorganic suspended solids (ISS) (Melcer et al.
altered (by changing parameters) to compensate. Thus a ; Ekama & Wentzel ) has improved the predictions
more systematic measurement of active biomass content in of sludge production in terms of suspended solids (total, TSS).
influents might reduce calibration efforts. Respirometry As the requirement for more detailed models increases, there
can be used for active biomass determination and it is still is a clear need for an improvement in the prediction of inor-
the recommended method for modelling application. Pro- ganics, and especially those involved in precipitation/
gress towards biomass determination is expected with the dissolution (sulphide, magnesium, calcium, iron, aluminium,
development of quantitative biomolecular techniques (e.g. phosphates and nitrogen). This requirement may include a
quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction) but until procedure to distinguish between different fractions of min-
now these methods have not demonstrated their superiority eral suspended solids in raw wastewater and in biological
for model validation or calibration. sludge (e.g. inert, bound to organic matter, etc.). There will
be a requirement for more detailed influent information
Standardisation of biological tests including pH, and salt/metal concentrations. It is also poss-
ible that the use of models for warm climate applications
Respirometric biological tests are subjected to uncertainty may require sulphur modelling, and the measurement of the
(Gatti et al. ), for example the endogenous state can different sulphur fractions (Sharma et al. ).

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Table 2 | Summary of published wastewater characterisation approaches

Expected evolution of wastewater

characterisation Examples/objectives References

Improved / new Measurement of biomass content of Active biomass determination Wentzel et al. ()
experimental wastewater (XOHO) instead of (wastewater, intermediate point Spérandio et al. ()
procedures lumping it in XCB and XU,Inf like between separate reactors)
Measurement of time-varying Fraction variations influence This paper
fractions of COD for specific modelling systems with short
operating conditions hydraulic residence times
Reduced uncertainties Standardisation or reporting of –
biological tests
Continuous estimation of WW New probes (on-line respirometers, Cierkens et al. ()
fractions. Set-up of correlations UV-vis probes with correlations)
with lumped parameters
Systematic use of inorganic TSS calculation/prediction of sludge Ekama et al. ()
suspended solids (ISS) and production using inert suspended
chemical compounds involved in solids and chemical compounds
dissolution/precipitation (e.g.
sulphide, Mg, Ca, Fe, Al)
Comprehensive data treatment, Mathematical estimation/ Grau et al. ()
including uncertainty of sampling, verification
lab-analysis, data reconciliation

New or extended model New state variables and fractions New variable of interest like Ni et al. ()
components/concepts greenhouse gas (GHG), Barret et al. ()
micropollutants, exo- Naessens et al. ()
polysaccharides (EPS), sulphur Sharma et al. ()
New process units: membrane Naessens et al. ()
bioreactor (MBR), moving-bed Barry et al. ()
biofilm bioreactor (MBBR), sludge
reduction tanks
New operating conditions: long Ménniti et al. ()
sludge retention time (SRT)/short Spérandio et al. ()
hydraulic retention time (HRT)
e.g. hydrolysis of particulate
undegradable endogenous
products (XU,E) and particulate
undegradable organics from the
influent (XU,inf ) at long SRT
Consider the biochemical forms Better hydrolysis description Sophonsiri and
(like lipids, proteins, sugars) and Morgenroth ()
also particle size
Very slowly biodegradable organic Low nitrogen effluent limits Pehlivanoglumantas-
nitrogen fraction (soluble) Refined Mantas & Sedlak ()
nitrogen fractionation
(Measurement of aminoacids and
new substances)

Mathematical estimation/verification biological reactors. Grau et al. () proposed a relationship

between the model component and the most common
With more and often contradictory data, new methods would analytical measurements in the wastewater, combining a
be helpful to facilitate data reconciliation in wastewater frac- priori knowledge of the expected wastewater composition
tionation analysis. Automated techniques based on statistical and experimental information. An optimisation algorithm
analyses could improve fractionation quality and conse- uses an extended list of non-redundant model components
quently reduce calibration needs of kinetic parameters in with definition of their elemental mass balance fractions in

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terms of C, H, N, O, P and charge. This approach might be then be obtained for denitrification or anaerobic phos-
applied more systematically to improve the estimation of phorus release (Drewnowski & Makinia ). Also, the
COD fractions. assumption that compounds of a certain class (colloidal or
particulate) are hydrolysed at an equal rate irrespective of
their source (i.e. centrate or influent) is potentially proble-
HOW MODEL EXTENSIONS INFLUENCE FUTURE matic for modelling. More detailed organic matter
WASTEWATER CHARACTERISATION characterisation becomes also relevant for wastewater
characterisation when wastewater contains industrial dis-
The need to account for other processes is obvious when charges, whereas it is probably not necessary for standard
dealing with the modelling of sulphur production (Sharma applications and objectives for domestic wastewater.
et al. ), modelling of the fate of micropollutants (Plósz Besides using substrate availability, a few protocols have
et al. ; Pomiès et al. ), modelling of MBR clogging been proposed to help with the calibration of hydrolysis at
(Naessens et al. ) or modelling the emission of green- macro-scale (Naidoo et al. ; Martin-Ruel et al. ).
house gas (Ni et al. ). Recently, papers reported that a deeper characterisation of
Future wastewater characterisation may need to account the organic matter should be considered to improve the
for new model components such as a very slowly biodegrad- hydrolysis prediction:
able COD fraction, detailed organic matter characterisation
(e.g. molecular level variables and/or particle size distri-
bution), or fractionation for nutrients. • Fractionating the influent at a molecular level (i.e. lipids,
proteins and carbohydrates) because hydrolysis rates are
Very slowly biodegradable COD fraction likely to be component specific. Indeed, systematic
measurements of these components may provide added
Recent analyses (e.g. Menniti et al. ; Spérandio et al. clarity (Gorini et al. ). The correlation between
) has demonstrated that hydrolysis of particulate unde- these components and the COD fractions is still insuffi-
gradable endogenous products (XU,E) and particulate ciently investigated. In comparison, those components
undegradable organics from the influent (XU,inf ) – using a were included in Anaerobic Digestion Model No 1
slow hydrolysis rate (Ramdani et al. ) – might be suitable (ADM1) for the prediction of gas production with
to deal with measured behaviour in long SRT systems such wasted sludge (Batstone et al. ; Henze et al. )
as processes operated under very low organic loading rate and were shown to be essential for the prediction of the
(AS or MBR plants designed with long time capacity). This behaviour of some micropollutants (Barret et al. ).
approach might also be introduced to model sludge • Particle size distribution, in association with a surface-
reduction where a portion of the inert particulate COD based kinetics, may lead to a better description of
might become biodegradable (e.g. Cannibal process, hydrolysis, assuming that particles breaking up into smal-
mycelium hydrolysing). A state variable for ‘very slowly bio- ler ones will allow for an increasing hydrolysis rate over
degradable matter’ might increase the range of applicable time (Dimock & Morgenroth ). The molecular
SRTs. However, a dedicated procedure is still needed to weight and the nature of chemical bonds may also pro-
accurately assess this fraction in the wastewater. vide information about the transformation pathways
(Sophonsiri & Morgenroth ).
Molecular level variables/particle size distribution

The hydrolysis rate is a function of the influent characteris- This elucidation not only gives a better understanding of
ation. Simulations of biological nutrient removal (BNR) hydrolysis but it also requires model extensions to accom-
plants with ASM1 suppose a conversion of XCB into SB, modate improved characterisation of wastewaters (e.g.
and use the instantaneous XCB/XOHO ratio in a bioreactor known phenomenon of soluble slowly biodegradable
to predict the hydrolysis rate (Henze et al. ). However, material exiting a primary clarifier (Ginestet et al. )).
in some cases, more detailed organic matter characteris- Also, in MBRs, a better characterisation of the colloidal frac-
ation (e.g. molecular level variables, particle size tion could improve prediction of fouling in membrane
distribution) will benefit description of hydrolysis phenom- bioreactors (Naessens et al. ), and it is useful to account
ena. More accurately predicted hydrolysis rates would for particle sizes.

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Fractionation for nutrients Some of these concepts are research focused, while others
are dedicated to engineering application.
Plants facing very low effluent nutrient limits (one tenth to
one hundredth milligram per litre, Neethling et al. (),
may need to consider several things including refined frac- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
tionation methods as well as model extensions. Nutrient
sources and fractionation becomes important (e.g. treating This paper was first presented at WWTmod2012 and the
return liquors from digesters) and the modelling of munici- fruitful discussions are kindly acknowledged.
pal wastewaters containing some industrial discharges
with unbiodegradable nitrogen may become significant.
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First received 13 June 2012; accepted in revised form 8 February 2013

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