Signals: - ,./ Leitot, LTL N: Ii.x (R) : (@-3'uq) ) (E-Tu (t-2) ) )

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ECN-203: Signals & SYstems
Thtorial Sheet 4
Autumn Semester r0tq

1. Find the Fourier fransform of the following signals: (ETE' Spring 2014)

. x\t):t
,.\ leitot, ltl<n ii.x(r) :*{@-3'uQ))*(e-tu(t-2))}
o, Vl>n
2. Consider the signal

( t, t<-|
xG\:{ r+1, -\<t<*
I z, ,;+
properties of the Fourier transform to
use the Fourier transform pair for the rectangular pulse and the
find a closed-form expression for X(7co)'

3. Consider the Fouier transform pair

,-vl *9, l.+a2
of te-ltl
(a) Use the appropriate Fourier ffansform properties to flnd the Fourier transform
(b) use the result from part (a), along with the duality property, to determine the Fourier transform
. 4. (a) Let.r[iz] beadiscrere-timesignaiwithFourierTransfom X@i.dl,whichisillustratedinFig'1'
the Fourier transform of wl't'l : xln]pln)' for each of the following
signals p[n]:
i. plr) : cos(Itn) *. pl"): sin(rcnl2) v' plnl: IL-* \ln - akl

n. pl"l:cos(nnl2) iv. pln): IL-- 6ln-zk)

(b) Suppose that rhe signal wlnl ofpan (a) is applied as the input to an LTI system with unit sample

hlnl=sin(!-n12) '

Determine the output y[n] for each of the choices of plnl in part (a).

5. Consider the signal

x(r): :
(a) Determine s(r) such that x(t) : (#)s(t)
. (b) Use rhe multiplication properry of the Fourier transform to argue that X(jal) is periodic' Specify
X(ic,t) over one Period.
6. LetX(ja) denote the Fourier transform of the signal x(r) in Fig.2.

(a) Find tx(ja) (e) Evaluate /lJ lx(jot)12 da

(b) FindXU0) (D Sketch the inverse Fourier transform of
(c) Find |jlx(ia) aa ee{x(i.UD)}
(d) Evaluare /lJx(;ar) ei20) cLe)

Note: You should perform all the calculations without explicitly evaluating X(ia).
7 . Let.r(r) be a real signat with Fourier transform X(ja).Suppose we are given the (ETE 2013)
following facts:

i. ltle-Vl {L ar1x11a1y ii' ;r(r) = 0 for r < 0'


8. Given the fact that (ETE, Spring 2014)

r-r FT
- 1- a"
at"t <' >
1"*{dTA, lol <I,

use duality to determine the Fourier series coefftcients of the following continuous-time signal with
period T : l'.

- 5- 4cos(2ttt)

9. Let (ETE, Sp.iog 2014)

' \1tn/
\ Itn /
where * denotes convolution and lcrl"| ( z. Determine a stricter constraint on 0)c which enstues that

ylnl: |/ sn*n\2
\1tn/ I

10. A signal is bandlimited to 12Glz. The band between 10 and 12WIz has been so comrpted by excessive
noise that the information in this band is nonrecoverable. Determine the minimum sampling rate for this
signal so that the uncomrpted portion of the band can be recovered. If we were to fllter out the comrpted
sprectrum prior to sampling, what would be the minimum sampling rate? (ETE, Spring 2014)

11. The sysrem shown in Fig.3 is used for scrambling/descrambling audio signals. The output z(r) is the
scrambled version of the input m(r). The input signal m(t) is bandlimited with 0),, : 20,000n rad f s.
The ideal lowpass filters LPF 1 and LPF 2have cut-off frequencies 40,0002r and20,000n radf s, rc-
(a) Find the spectra of the signals x(t), y(t), and z(t) when o4 : 20,000tr.
(b) Repeat (i) when crb:30,0002.
(c) Show whether or not we can descramble z(r) to recover m(t) for the above values of crlq.
(ETE, Spring 2014)
12. Evaluate the following integral: (ETE, Autumn 2014)

1* ----;-d.r.

T3, Let x(t) be a signal whose Fourier transform is X(7o) : 6(ar)+ 6(co - ft) + 6(ar - 5) and let h(t) :
u(t) - u(t -2). (ETE, Autumn 2014)
(a) Is r(r) periodic?
(b) Is x(t) x h(t) periodic?

74. Figure 4 is a scheme to transmit rwo signals m1(t) and m2(t) simultaneously on the same channel (with-
out causing spectral interference). Such a scheme, which transmits more than one signal. is known as
multiplexing. The signal at point b is the multiplexed signal, which now modulates a carrier of frequency
20,000 radlsec. The modulated signal at point c is now transmitted over the channel.
i. Sketch the spectra at points a, b, and c.
ii. Design a receiver to recover signals m1(t) and m2(t) ftomthe modulated signal at point c.
(ETE, Aunrmn Z0I4)

15. A sequence has the discrete-time Fourier transform (ETE, Autumn 2014)

a ezj@
(I - o e-i')
where 0<a<I.

Determine [!oX1el'7cos2(al)dar f2tr,:usingthe DTFT of the sequence a" u.ln).

16. Consider the signal xlnl:6[n + 2] + 6ln+ 1] + 26ln) - 6[n - 1] - 51" -2). Let the Fourier transform
of this signal be written in the rectangular form as XQial : ,q(a) + jB(a). Find the signal ylnl cone-
sponding to the ffansform Y @l\ : [f(ar) +A(a)eia1.
(ETE. Autumn 2014) .'

I7. Let X@ial denote the FT of the signal x[n] plotted in Fig.5. Evaluate the fotlowing without explicitiy
calculating X@ia1.

@) I!*lx(ei@)12 da
(a) X(ejo; (e) yl"l Ps lszi' x (ei')\
(b) lx(et(')) (d) f:ftx(etaSei3@ da

(ETE, Autumn 2014)

1 8. A signal x(r) whose spectrum X (jco) , as shown in the figure, is sampled at a rate of. 20 Hz. Sketch the

spectrum of the sampled signal. Can we reconstruct.r(r) from these samples? (ETE, Autumn 2014)
Figure Q

Figure I

2 cos(ust)

Figure 4

Figure 5

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