Organizational Development & Change Management

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Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh/India

‘Mid-Term’ Examination/Trimester-II, PGDM Academic Batch 2018-2020

Name of the Course: Organizational Development & Change
Course Code:

Maximum Marks: 20 (Twenty Only) Time: 01 Hrs. (60 Minutes)


NOTE:-Attempt any FOUR out of SIX [4X5= 20]

1. What is Change Management ? Why is change an integral part of organizational

2. How can training becoming effective through e – learning?
3. What is Force Field Analysis Method? Explain
4. In an organization there is lot attrition due to employee dissatisfaction? How do we use
Force Field Analysis to conduct an intervention in an organization?
5. Discuss the role of HRM functions in implementing change in organizations?
6. In an organization you have been asked as a part of the Change Leadership to increase
sensitivity towards environmental issues within the organization. Discuss the initiatives
you would address.

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