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Notes 1.1 e. From 20 min.

to 380,000 years – the universe

Origins of the Universe and Solar System continued cooling and photons separated from
matter. These photons could travel freely and are
Non-scientific Thought detected today as cosmic background radiation.
• Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods and myths f. After 380,000 years – the universe continued to
which narrate that the world arose from an infinite sea at cool down, matter collected into nebulae (clouds)
the first rising of the sun. giving rise to stars
• The monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and g. After 100 million years – galaxies would form,
Islam claim that a supreme being created the universe, through nucleosynthesis in stars, C and heavier
including man and other living organisms. elements were produced
Steady State Theory h. At about 9.8 billion years – the solar system was
- proposed by Hoyle and colleagues in 1940 formed. From 9.8 billion years to present , the
- believed that the universe has always been and universe became dark-energy dominated and it
will always be the same undergoes accelerating expansion
- it was based on the idea that the universe is
uniform in space and has unchanging time Solar System
- new matter is created as the universe expands - located in the Milky Way galaxy – a huge disc- and
thereby maintaining its density spiral-shaped aggregation of about at least 100
Big bang Theory billion stars and other bodies
- event that happened about 13.8 billion years ago
- it postulates that the universe started from a hot, Origins of the Solar system
dense state, a singularity, that has undergone Nebular Theory
inflation - In the 1700s Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel
- this idea started in 1927 when Georges Lemaitre Kant, and Pierre-Simon Laplace independently
suggested an expanding universe that began from thought of a rotating gaseous cloud that cools and
a single primordial particle and named his idea contracts in the middle to form the sun and the
“hypothesis of a primeval atom” or “Cosmic Egg” rest into a disc that become the planets

 Edwin Hubble Encounter Hypothesis

o Hubble’s Law – “redshift distance law of - states that the sun encountered a rogue star. Upon
galaxies”, light undergoes redshifts if the the encounter, hot gas was removed from both
source is moving away from the observer. stars due to their gravitational interaction. The hot
Light waves are stretched and wavelength gas then accumulated and formed the planets
becomes larger and appears to be reddish. where the rogue star, being less dense, formed the
o Hubble’s constant – calculation that other outer planets and the sun formed the inner planets
galaxies are moving away from the milky way
at a speed directly proportional to their Protoplanet Hypothesis
distance from it - suggests that a large cloud of gas and dust rotated
Evolution of the Universe according to the Big Bang slowly. Then, either because of its own gravity or
Theory by the explosion of a star, the cloud gas and dust
a. Time zero (13.8 billion years ago) – the universe began to collapse decreasing the size of the cloud
was a hot, dense particle containing all matter and of gas and dust resulting to an increase rotation.
energy The compression made the interior so hot creating
b. From 10-43 to 10-32 second – it underwent very H fusion and thus creating the Sun. Surrounding
rapid and exponential inflation the Sun was a great plate-like disk containing
c. From 10-32 until the 10th second – conditions whirlpools or eddies that shrank into compact
allowed the existence of only fundamental masses forming the protoplanets that later
particles (quarks),and subatomic particles (hadrons become planets and moons.
and leptons).
d. From 10 sec. to 20 min. – quarks, hadrons and
leptons fused to create protons, neutrons and
atomic nuclei, forming H, He and Li by
nucleosythesis. At the 20th minute, sufficient
cooling did not allow further nucleosynthesis.

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