CVD Atlas 20 Personal Choices

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20 Personal choises and actions CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK

20 Prevention: personal choices Eat fruit and cereals

Percentage reduction in risk
with each daily increment of 10 g of dietary fibre
ing s
12 g ke from
per d
and actions reported 2004

all coronary events

3 g p
ay to
reduc r day woul
e s d
“No matter how far you have gone
30% one-t trokes by
on the wrong road, turn back.” hird
coron a
Turkish proverb coronary deaths 27% ary h nd
25% disea eart
Good control of blood pressure, one-q e by
Personal choices in lifestyles and behaviour uarte
blood cholesterol and blood sugar 16%
levels, and other cardiovascular 1 Take moderate physical activity for a total 14%
risk factors is the key to reducing of 30 minutes on most days of the week. 10%
risks of heart disease and stroke. 2 Avoid tobacco use and exposure to
Personal behaviour and lifestyle environmental smoke; make plans to quit if
choices can make a big difference you already smoke. Fibre intake
to the risk of coronary heart The k
e total dietary fibre cereal fruit
3 Choose a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and weigh ys to
disease and stroke. It is estimated potassium, and avoid saturated fats and are t t loss
that having a high-risk lifestyle o tak
less e i
calorie-dense meals. energ n
may account for 82% of coronary y A,
expen n you e US
events in women. Here, we 4 Maintain a normal body weight; if you
d, a In th at twice
are overweight, lose weight by exerc nd to le e ar Burni
identify personal choices that can ise. peop uch sug n
throu g calories
increasing physical activity and m s gh ph
lower individual risk for heart as fat a activ ysica
disease and stroke. The choices reducing calorie intake. and ended. it
impor y is as
mm tant
apply to young people and adults 5 Reduce stress at home and at work. reco watch
alike. you e what

Personal actions for safeguarding cardiovascular health Young people

1 Discuss all questions with your health care provider. 1 Actions and choices for children and
since 000 less ow
2 Have regular check-ups from your health care provider. adolescents with cardiovascular disease, or
p a n ,
d with , w ith l six
risk factors, should be discussed with a In Ja , the “10 s set a pa r e le l e
Peop are up t to
3 Have your blood pressure and levels of blood sugar and 0 s a Com ive peop tive
paediatrician or health care provider. 19 roject” h ercise
7 act ely ac e s s i k e ly
cholesterol checked. P e x tive fitn more l
Step nal dai or stepsl y erat s
2 Choose a diet containing a variety of fruits,
t mod ighly ac 20% time velop
4 Follow your health care provider’s
vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, fish, natio To moni verage h
and ls have ively
a de and
instructions regarding physical For p go a l . h ae ay id u a pect b etes ood
w legumes, poultry, and lean meat. l k ed, t mily tod rs. indiv 27% res stroke d i a bl
high ssure.
activity, nutrition, weight iabet ith w a a
press es, blood 3 There is no need to restrict fat intake in f te and r risk of ath.
nese ome pre
management, and any medications r
ure c
ontro Japa hree ped lowe troke de
l children under two years of age. st
you have been prescribed. vascu s cardio-
lar d own or s
5 Know the signs and symptoms signi e 4 For children over
more ficantly two years and
of heart attack and stroke and t
contr han close
remember that both conditions o l of adolescents,
sugar blood limit foods high The benefits of stopping smoking
are medical emergencies. .
in saturated fats
6 Know your blood pressure and Time since last cigarette Effect
(to less than
cholesterol level, and keep them
Talk 10% of daily 20 minutes Blood pressure and pulse rate drop to normal.
at the recommended levels to yo
healt ur calorie intake),
through lifestyle changes and provi h care 1 day Probability of heart attack begins to decrease.
der cholesterol (to less
by taking any prescribed takin before
drugs g a than 300 mg per 3 months Circulation improves.
medication. , inc ny day), and Healt
aspir ludin livin 1 year Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker.
7 Lower your total fat and i n g g
preve , t o trans-fatty acids.
saturated fat intake in nt must
disea heart 5 Increase physical activity, and b egin 5 to 15 years later Risk of stroke is reduced to that of people who have never smoked.
accordance with your health strok and child in
avoid tobacco use or exposure to h
care provider’s instructions. e . and y ood 15 years later Risk of coronary heart disease is similar to that of people who have
environmental tobacco smoke. outh.
never smoked, and the overall risk of death almost the same, especially
62 if the smoker quits before illness develops. 63

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