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STUDENTS : linda mosquera 130004019

laura humoa
angelica mantilla
Cristian valencia
Strengthen the skills acquired in previous semesters related to Sexual and
Reproductive Health.
Develop guidance workshop and upload it to the platform in the time required.

1. As for the functions of the various reproductive organs, complete the following
table below.



2. What is the purpose of gametogenesis?

3. The chromosomes in females sex are distributed as follows:

(#)_______ Autosomes and (#) ______ sex chromosomes

4. Describe the features and functions:

Amniotic fluid Placenta


5. Semen or seminal fluid is composed of synthesized secretions by
A. Seminal vesicles.
B. Prostate.
C. Bulbourethral glands.
D. All of the above.

6. What are the ovarian hormones produced by the follicle Graff and yellow body
A. Progesterone and gonadotropin.
B. Estrogen and progesterone.
C. Gonadotropin and follicle stimulating hormone.
D. Estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone.

7. The only direct connection between the fetus and any structure, is the umbilical
cord. Which of the following components contain?
A. An artery and a vein
B. Two arteries and a vein
C. A vein and Wharton jelly
D. Two veins and a Wharton artery

8. What is the role of the epididymis?

A. Sperm formation.
B. Secretion of part of the seminal fluid.
C. Testosterone ejaculation during coition.
D. Storage of sperm.
D. Sperm storage.
The epididymis has the function of receiving and storing sperm produced by the
testicles. The epididymis is divided into three parts:

The head: receives the sperm from the testicles to store them.
The body: is where sperm maturation occurs.
The tail: the mature sperm accumulate in the tail of the epididymis, waiting to be
thrown next to the sperm or phagocytes.

9. Progesterone is produced in the ovary: through the body luteo, during the phase
of the menstrual cycle: lutea phase of the uterus, prepares the uterus if an embryo
is implanted, causes the endometrium to thicken and accumulate fluid and nutrients
to feed a possible embryo

10. Providing nutrients to support sperm metabolism, it is a function of fluid secreted


Sertoli cells provide them with nutrients (amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins
and minerals), in addition to secreting specific factors necessary for their survival
and development.

11. Describe the ovarian cycle. :

The process of formation of the ovules, the ovogenesis develops inside the follicles
of the ovary before the birth of the female being, in the proliferation phase the germ
cells multiply by mitosis and originate ovogonias cells of 46 chromosomes.
During the phase of growth, ovogonias increase in size, transform into first-order
oocytes, surround themselves with follicular cells and give rise to primordial follicles
that paralyze their activity,
These primary oocytes remain preserved without activity until the woman reaches
puberty and restarts in the process; the oocytes are first divided by meiosis and
become cells with 26 chromosomes releasing a polar corpuscle.

In the next division, the oocyte releases another corpuscle and the ovule is
transformed. This is when the follicle breaks and the ovum leaves the ovary.

Ovulation Process stimulated by the sharp increase in LH, consists in the rupture of
the follicular wall and the discharge of the oocyte, which restarts the meiotic division.
The differentiation of teak and granulosa cells to luteal cells also occurs.

Luteogenesis It implies a morphological change of the cells and a remodeling in the

enzymatic systems involved in steroidogenesis that allows the synthesis and
secretion of progesterone. There is a local angiogenesis process due to the great
Metabolic demand of these cells and the disappearance of the basement membrane,
which leads to vascular invasion of the granulose. Unless embryonic signals appear
in the maternal circulation, a regressive process begins between the 8th and 10th
after postovulation, which leads to a decrease in the amount of circulating cells and
hormones, which ultimately leads to menstruation.

12. Describe the uterine or hemorrhage cycle:

If implantation does not occur, no There is hGC, the body wrestling is not sustained
for a long time and decreases the E2 and the Progesterone. This decrease induces
a increase in FSH that begins to recruit follicles for the next cycle w Mention appears
because progesterone levels drop to those required to maintain the secretory


1. Brainly
2. Celula sertoli
3. MANUAL MSD Versión para público
4. Centro de Reproducción Humana y Planificación Familiar DR. CESAR LUIS
5. Miguel hermandes, universitas

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