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Doc No.


TCO GTS-144 .

Transformer Bay Blast Walls .

Reference Docs:

Design for Ultimate Blast Pressure of 50kPa. Bay is open on one side plus top.

Critical walls will be the wing walls, supported on bottom and one side only.
Analyse by Yield Line analysis to check required ultimate moment resistance required

Assume unit displacement δ at D
a caused by Blast Pressure P on wall.
4m e Displacement at e = δ/2 δ

Displ at A and C = 0

B b 5.1m C Assume Moment capacity same in both directions

External Work Done = P x Area x Avg deflection (ie defln of centroid)

= 50 x a x b x δ/3
= 340 δ
Internal Work Done = Mu x ∑(L x θ)
Where L = Length of "hinge" with Mu
θ = Angular rotation of hinge
Side a, θ = δ/5.1
Side b, θ = δ/4
For BD take components of rotation in both directions; ie total is same as for a + b sides

Internal Work Done = 2(θa x b + θb x a) x δ x Mu

Internal Work Done = 4.12 δMu

Mu = 83 kNm
d = 280mm As = 826 mm²/m

This is very course lower bound estimate. Effects at corner ignored

Use T20 @ 200mm EW

As = 1570 mm²/m

Designed: J Barnston Date: 09/09/2010

Checked: (Name) Sheet 1 of 1

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