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CAP786: Data Analytics Using R - Laboratory

CA#2 Date: 12-Sep-19 Max. Marks: 25 Time: 45 Mins

1. WAP in r to print table of a number ‘n’, where ‘n’ is taken as input from
user, in the following format:
2 x 2 = 4…..
2. For ‘WHO’ dataset answer the following questions:
(a) Find the number of countries in each region and average literacyRate
of each Region. Store your results in a data frame ‘RegionDetails’
having following column names:
Region No of Countries Average LiteracyRate

(b) Identify the country having maximum life expectancy. To which

region that country belongs?
(c) Compare the performance of India w.r.t her Region in terms of

[10 ,5,5]

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