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Table of Contents
Lab Overview - HOL-1822-01-NET - VMware NSX Cloud - Secure Native Workloads in
AWS .................................................................................................................................. 2
Lab Guidance .......................................................................................................... 3
Module 1 - Introduction to the AWS Console (15 minutes) .............................................. 10
Introduction........................................................................................................... 11
Solution Overview and Lab Validation ................................................................... 12
Overview of Amazon Web Services and NSX solution components....................... 17
Amazon Web Services Management Console access ............................................ 19
Review of Amazon Web Services inventory........................................................... 23
Conclusion............................................................................................................. 30
Module 2 - Verify Application Functionality (15 minutes) ................................................ 31
Introduction........................................................................................................... 32
Review security policies ........................................................................................ 33
WordPress application validation .......................................................................... 41
Perform port scan of the application environment ................................................ 48
Conclusion............................................................................................................. 53
Module 3 - Introduction to NSX Management Components (30 minutes) ....................... 54
Introduction........................................................................................................... 55
Perform log in to NSX Cloud Services Manager ..................................................... 56
Review configured AWS account and inventory .................................................... 60
Perform log in to NSX Manager ............................................................................. 67
Review NSX Manager User Interface ..................................................................... 70
Conclusion............................................................................................................. 77
Module 4 - Securing Applications with NSX (60 minutes)................................................ 78
Introduction........................................................................................................... 79
Deploy NSX Cloud Gateway in Amazon Web Services........................................... 81
Create Logical Groupings and Firewall Policies...................................................... 91
Applying Tags to the Application Instances ......................................................... 123
Installation of NSX Agent .................................................................................... 133
Validate NSX Deployment ................................................................................... 145
Validation of WordPress application functionality ................................................ 158
Perform security scan of application environment .............................................. 163
Quarantine Policy ................................................................................................ 167
Traffic Visibility .................................................................................................... 181
Conclusion........................................................................................................... 189

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 1

Lab Overview -
HOL-1822-01-NET -
VMware NSX Cloud -
Secure Native Workloads
in AWS

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 2

Lab Guidance
Note: It will take more than 120 minutes to complete this lab. You should
expect to only finish 2-3 of the modules during your time. The modules are
independent of each other so you can start at the beginning of any module
and proceed from there. You can use the Table of Contents to access any
module of your choosing.

The Table of Contents can be accessed in the upper right-hand corner of the
Lab Manual.

VMware NSX Cloud provides customers the ability to abstract and manage Networking
and Security policies in Public Cloud environments such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Through a scenario of an application deployed in AWS with minimal security, we will

explore how VMware NSX Cloud provides the capability of bringing an existing AWS
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) under NSX management and micro-segmentation to native
EC2 instances running in AWS.

Lab Module List:

• Module 1 - Introduction to the AWS Console (15 minutes) (Basic) In this

module we will log in to the AWS console and view the inventory of resources that
have been created.
• Module 2 - Verify Application Functionality (15 minutes) (Basic) In this
module we will review the configured application environment, verify application
functionality, and review configured security policies and posture.
• Module 3 - Introduction to NSX Management Components (30 minutes)
(Basic) In this module we will explore the NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services
Manager capabilities and configuration.
• Module 4 - Securing Applications with NSX (60 minutes) (Advanced) In this
module we will configure and validate the installation of NSX in the AWS
environment to secure the WordPress application.

Lab Captains:

• Brian Heili, Staff Systems Engineer, USA

• Puneet Chawla, Solutions Architect, USA

This lab manual can be downloaded from the Hands-on Labs Document site found here:

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 3

This lab may be available in other languages. To set your language preference and have
a localized manual deployed with your lab, you may utilize this document to help guide
you through the process:


This session may contain product features that are currently under

This session/overview of the new technology represents no commitment from

VMware to deliver these features in any generally available product.

Features are subject to change, and must not be included in contracts,

purchase orders, or sales agreements of any kind.

Technical feasibility and market demand will effect final delivery.

Pricing and packaging for any new technologies or features discussed or

presented have not been determined.

• “These features are representative of feature areas under development. Feature

commitments are subject to change, and must not be included in contracts,
purchase orders, or sales agreements of any kind. Technical feasibility and market
demand will affect final delivery.”

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 4

Location of the Main Console

1. The area in the RED box contains the Main Console. The Lab Manual is on the tab
to the Right of the Main Console.
2. A particular lab may have additional consoles found on separate tabs in the upper
left. You will be directed to open another specific console if needed.
3. Your lab starts with 90 minutes on the timer. The lab can not be saved. All your
work must be done during the lab session. But you can click the EXTEND to
increase your time. If you are at a VMware event, you can extend your lab time
twice, for up to 30 minutes. Each click gives you an additional 15 minutes.
Outside of VMware events, you can extend your lab time up to 9 hours and 30
minutes. Each click gives you an additional hour.

Alternate Methods of Keyboard Data Entry

During this module, you will input text into the Main Console. Besides directly typing it
in, there are two very helpful methods of entering data which make it easier to enter
complex data.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 5

Click and Drag Lab Manual Content Into Console Active


You can also click and drag text and Command Line Interface (CLI) commands directly
from the Lab Manual into the active window in the Main Console.

Accessing the Online International Keyboard

You can also use the Online International Keyboard found in the Main Console.

1. Click on the Keyboard Icon found on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 6

Click once in active console window

In this example, you will use the Online Keyboard to enter the "@" sign used in email
addresses. The "@" sign is Shift-2 on US keyboard layouts.

1. Click once in the active console window.

2. Click on the Shift key.

Click on the @ key

1. Click on the "@ key".

Notice the @ sign entered in the active console window.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 7

Activation Prompt or Watermark

When you first start your lab, you may notice a watermark on the desktop indicating
that Windows is not activated.

One of the major benefits of virtualization is that virtual machines can be moved and
run on any platform. The Hands-on Labs utilizes this benefit and we are able to run the
labs out of multiple datacenters. However, these datacenters may not have identical
processors, which triggers a Microsoft activation check through the Internet.

Rest assured, VMware and the Hands-on Labs are in full compliance with Microsoft
licensing requirements. The lab that you are using is a self-contained pod and does not
have full access to the Internet, which is required for Windows to verify the activation.
Without full access to the Internet, this automated process fails and you see this

This cosmetic issue has no effect on your lab.

Look at the lower right portion of the screen

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 8

Please check to see that your lab is finished all the startup routines and is ready for you
to start. If you see anything other than "Ready", please wait a few minutes. If after 5
minutes your lab has not changed to "Ready", please ask for assistance.

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Module 1 - Introduction to
the AWS Console (15

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 10

The NSX management and control plane components, as well as a 2-tier WordPress
application have been provisioned in Amazon Web Services. We will examine the
component inventory.

This Module contains the following lessons:

• Lab Overview and Validation

• Overview of Amazon Web Services and NSX solution components
• Amazon Web Services Management Console access
• Review of Amazon Web Services inventory

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 11

Solution Overview and Lab Validation

This lab includes many pre-configured items that are necessary for future lessons. We
will examine a brief overview of the configured solution and review the functionality of
the configured lab environment.

The configurations that will be reviewed include:

• Lab topology
• Lab provisioning status
• Address and account information

Solution Overview

As companies move workloads to public cloud providers they require a way to extend
their SDDC network and security policies into these environments, while allowing native
workloads to run. VMware NSX Cloud provides companies with the ability to extend
enterprise security, compliance and governance.

NSX provides solutions for the top Networking and Security challenges companies face
in public cloud environments:

• Inconsistent Network & Security Policies: NSX provides consistent

constructs and policies across public clouds, using one UI and API entry point.
• Security Policies are Cloud Specific: Each cloud provider supports their own
unique requirements for policy definition that can be static and do not span
virtual environments, regions, or across clouds. NSX supports dynamic security
policies based on VM attributes, which can also span environments, regions, and
public clouds.
• Lack of Traffic Visibility: NSX provides traffic visibility using widely adopted
technologies such as syslog, IPFIX, port mirroring, etc. Additional NSX tools such
as Traceflow continue to work in public cloud environments.
• Operational Tools and Processes: Existing tools and processes that just work
with NSX can be leveraged across different public clouds, providing operational

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 12

Solution Components

The solution consists of the following components, each of which will be explored in
upcoming lessons:

• Central Management Plane - NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services Manager
• Central Control Plane - NSX Controllers
• Cloud Gateway - NSX Cloud Gateway
• Data Plane - NSX Agent installed in each AWS EC2 instance
• Public Cloud Infrastructure - Amazon Web Services public cloud infrastructure
and hypervisor

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Lab Topology

The picture depicts the environment that is provisioned and used during the lessons of
this lab. The environment explores the scenario of a developer deploying a 2-tier
WordPress application in Amazon Web Services (AWS), including the use of native AWS
capabilities such as Elastic Load Balancer to provide load balancing between a pair of
web servers. The application deployment lacks security policies that match the
company corporate standards, and it will be necessary to use NSX to apply consistent
policies to the application environment.

The deployment of VMware NSX Cloud requires one Management VPC and one or more
Compute VPCs. The NSX Central Management Plane (NSX Manager and Cloud Services

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 14

Manager) and Central Control Plane (NSX Controller) components have been pre-

Lab provisioning status page

The AWS portion of the lab provisioning is currently completing. A webpage has been
provided that displays the status of the lab resources that are being provisioned on AWS
as part of this lab startup.

NOTE: The resources provisioned in Amazon Web Services are accessible only from the
Main Console of the HOL environment.

The lab provisioning can be expected to take 10-15 minutes.

Open Google Chrome

1. Click on the Chrome Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar.

Account Information Homepage

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 15

The Chrome homepage has been set to the Account Information and lab provisioning
status page.

1. Type the Email Address you used to sign up for the lab.
2. Type VMware1! for the Password.
3. Click Login.

Lab Provisioning Complete

The AWS Account Information page will display when the provisioning process is
complete. This process can take 10 - 15 minutes. We will refer back to this page
frequently in the lab modules.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 16

Overview of Amazon Web Services and

NSX solution components
We will review the Amazon Web Services and NSX components that have been
configured in the lab environment.

Management VPC

In the Management VPC in AWS, the following components have been configured:

AWS Services

• Internet Gateway
• Management subnet
• Route Table
• VPC Peering with Compute VPC
• AWS Security Groups

NSX Components

• NSX Manager instance

• NSX Cloud Services Manager instance
• NSX Controller instance

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 17

Compute VPC

In the Compute VPC in AWS, the following components have been configured:

AWS Services

• Internet Gateway
• Uplink subnet
• Management subnet
• Downlink subnet
• Route Table
• VPC Peering with Management VPC
• AWS Security Groups

2-tier WordPress application components

• nmap-01a instance
• wordpress-web-01a instance
• wordpress-web-02a instance
• wordpress-db-01a instance
• Elastic Load Balancer for web instances

The NSX Cloud Gateway depicted will be deployed as part of the lab exercises.

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Amazon Web Services Management

Console access
All application and NSX component instances for this lab are running in Amazon Web
Services. Throughout this lab it will be necessary to access the AWS management
console to verify inventory and configurations. This lesson will establish access to the
AWS management console.

Accessing AWS Management Console

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

Locate the AWS Management Console URL

1. Click the Console URL to open a new browser tab and connect to the AWS
Management Console.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 19

Log in to the AWS Console

1. Type vmware_hol_user for the AWS Management User Name.

2. Type or copy the Password from the Account Information page.
3. Click the Sign In button.

AWS Management Console

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 20

The AWS management console page will appear.

Zoom Browser

To improve readability of the various screens in this lab, it is recommended that you
adjust the Zoom setting in Google Chrome to at least 90%.

1. Click the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner of the browser for the drop
down menu.
2. Click '-' next to Zoom to adjust the setting to 90%.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 21

Select Region

Verify that the console is viewing North California region resources. If a different region
is selected the lab resources will not be displayed.

1. Click the Region Name to the left of Support in the upper right.
2. Select US West (N. California).

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 22

Review of Amazon Web Services

In this lesson we will review the Amazon Web Services and NSX components that are
part of the solution:

• Virtual Private Clouds

• Peering Connections
• AWS Security Groups
• EC2 Instances (WordPress application and NSX components)
• AWS Elastic Load Balancer

Please Note: Some AWS inventory screens may show delete, terminated,
detached, etc entries that differ from the screenshots. These are items from
the previous lab deployment that have been removed, but not yet cleared
from, the AWS UI.

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Review Configured Virtual Private Clouds

1. Click Services in the upper left corner of the AWS management console.
2. Click VPC under Network & Content Delivery.

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Click Your VPCs

1. Click Your VPCs under VPC Dashboard on the left.

Review Configured VPCs

There are multiple VPCs configured in this AWS Region. In particular, there is a
Management VPC for management and control plane components, and a Compute VPC
where the application instances are deployed. The VPC IDs will be different for each lab

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 25

Click Peering Connections

1. Click on Peering Connections under VPC Dashboard on the left.

Review Configured Peering Connection

There is an active VPC peering connection between the Management and Compute
VPCs, allowing traffic to flow between VPCs.

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Click Security Groups

1. Click on Security Groups on the left under Security.

Review Configured Security Groups

There are Security Groups configured for the Management and Compute VPCs to allow
EC2 instances to communicate.

Click EC2

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 27

1. Click Services in the upper left corner of the AWS console.

2. Click EC2 under Compute.

Click Instances

1. Click Instances under EC2 Dashboard on the left.

Review NSX EC2 Instances

There are three EC2 instances running that comprise the NSX solution:

• nsxmgr-01a: NSX Manager

• nsxc-01a: NSX Central Control Plane
• nsxcsm-01a: NSX Cloud Service Manager

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Review WordPress Application EC2 Instances

There are four EC2 instances running that comprise the 2-tier WordPress application
plus an instance running nmap for security scans later in the lab.

• WordPress Web Servers (2)

• MySQL Database Server
• Nmap Security Scanner

View the Configured Load Balancer

1. Click Load Balancers under Load Balancing on the left. You may need to scroll

Web Load Balancer

As part of the application deployment, the developer has created a load balancer for the
web-tier instances. We will see this load balancer in action during application
functionality verification.

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This completes Module 1. We have reviewed the components of the solution that are
deployed in Amazon Web Services, successfully logged in to the AWS management
console, and reviewed the AWS inventory.

Congratulations, you've finished Module 1

Proceed to Module 2 for validation the application functionality. You may also proceed to
any other module of interest.

• Module 1 - Introduction to the AWS Console (15 minutes) (Basic) In this

module we will log in to the AWS console and view the inventory of resources that
have been created.
• Module 2 - Verify Application Functionality (15 minutes) (Basic) In this
module we will review the configured application environment, verify application
functionality, and review configured security policies and posture.
• Module 3 - Introduction to NSX Management Components (30 minutes)
(Basic) In this module we will explore the NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services
Manager capabilities and configuration.
• Module 4 - Securing Applications with NSX (60 minutes) (Advanced) In this
module we will configure and validate the installation of NSX in the AWS
environment to secure the WordPress application.

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Module 2 - Verify
Application Functionality
(15 minutes)

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 31

In the lab scenario, a 2-tier WordPress application has been deployed by an application
developer in to Amazon Web Services. An additional instance has been deployed in AWS
to simulate a possible hacker attempting to scan the application instances for

This Module contains the following lessons:

• Review security policies

• WordPress application validation
• Perform port scan of the application environment

Application Diagram

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 32

Review security policies

We will look at the security policies that were applied to the WordPress application when
the developer deployed it. Since NSX has not been deployed, the security policies that
are applied are what have been configured in Amazon Web Services.

Open Google Chrome

1. Click on the Chrome Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar.

Account Information Homepage

The Chrome homepage has been set to the Account Information and lab provisioning
status page. If you've completed the previous lesson you can click on the account
information tab that is open and proceed to the next step.

1. Type the Email Address you used to sign up for the lab.
2. Type VMware1! for the Password.
3. Click Login.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 33

Lab Provisioning Complete

The AWS Account Information page will display when the provisioning process is
complete. This process can take 10 - 15 minutes. We will refer back to this page
frequently in the lab modules.

Locate the AWS Management Console URL

1. Click the Console URL to open a new browser tab and connect to the AWS
Management Console.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 34

Log in to the AWS Console

1. Type vmware_hol_user for the AWS Management User Name.

2. Type or copy the Password from the Account Information Page.
3. Click the Sign In button.

Zoom Browser

To improve readability of the various screens in this lab, it is recommended that you
adjust the Zoom setting in Google Chrome to at least 90%.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 35

1. Click the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner of the browser for the drop
down menu.
2. Click '-' next to Zoom to adjust the setting to 90%.

Select Region

Verify that the console is viewing North California region resources.

1. Click the Region Name to the left of Support in the upper right.
2. Select US West (N. California).

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 36

Navigate to EC2 Dashboard

1. Click Services in the upper left corner of the AWS console.

2. Click EC2 under Compute.

Navigate to the Deployed Instances

1. Click Instances under EC2 Dashboard on the left.

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Select the wordpress-web-01a Instance

1. Select the wordpress-web-01a instance.

Open the Inbound Rules

1. Click view inbound rules at the bottom of the screen in the Description tab for
that instance. This instance has been configured with an AWS Security Group for
the Compute-VPC.

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Review the Configured AWS Security Policies

A list of policies that apply to this instance is displayed. Web and SSH traffic are allowed
from the HOL Main Console (Source IP ranges may vary). All traffic between application
instances is allowed within the AWS VPC environment.

Select the wordpress-db-01a Instance

1. Select the wordpress-db-01a instance. Make sure wordpress-web-01a is not

also selected.

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Open the Inbound Rules

1. Click view inbound rules at the bottom of the screen in the Description tab for
that instance. This instance has also been configured with an AWS Security Group
for the Compute-VPC.

Review the Configured AWS Security Policies

A list of policies that apply to this instance is displayed. Like the wordpress-web-01a
instance, Web and SSH traffic are allowed from the HOL Main Console (Source IP ranges
may vary). All traffic between application instances is allowed within the AWS VPC

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 40

WordPress application validation

A 2-tier WordPress application has been deployed by a developer in Amazon Web
Services. NSX will be used to secure this application in upcoming lessons. We will
validate the pre-NSX functionality of the application.

Accessing AWS Management Console

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

Locate the WordPress Application Information

1. Click on the WordPress Application Elastic Load Balancer DNS Name link to
open a new browser tab and connect to the WordPress application.

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Verify WordPress Application is Functioning

Verify that the WordPress application is functioning. The IP address of the server
presenting the page is noted. You can refresh the browser a few times to see the Server
IP address change to the other web server ( and

Note: Scrolling down in the browser will display the blog posts depicted in the screen

Open Account Information Page

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another and click on the Account Info bookmark.

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Locate Web Server Information

1. Locate the Wordpress-web-01a Instance Public IP Address that will be used

to log in to the instance.

Open PuTTY in the Main Console

1. Click on the PuTTY Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 43

Type the IP Address for the wordpress-web-01a Instance

1. Type the IP Address of the wordpress-web-01a instance from the Account

Information Page.
2. Click Open.

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Verify Connection

The first time connecting to the instance will result in a confirmation window to verify
the connection.

1. Click Yes.

Test Connectivity to wordpress-web-02a Instance

1. Type the following command to test the connectivity between the wordpress-
web-01a and wordpress-web-02a instances:

ping -c 5

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 45

Instance is Reachable

The pings are successful since the AWS security policy is allowing all traffic between

Test Connectivity to wordpress-db-01a Instance

1. Type the following command to test the connectivity between the wordpress-
web-01a and wordpress-db-01a instances:

ping -c 5

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 46

Instance is Reachable

The pings are successful since the AWS security policy is allowing all traffic between

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Perform port scan of the application

To simulate a potential hacker, an Ubuntu Linux instance has been configured with
nmap to perform a port scan of the application environment in Amazon Web Services.
We will scan the IP subnet where the application instances are deployed and review the
open ports.

Nmap Instance Log In

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

Locate the nmap-01a Information

1. Locate the nmap-01 instance Public IP Address that will be used to log in to
the nmap port scanner instance.

Open PuTTY

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 48

1. Click on the PuTTY Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar. If the previous
PuTTY session is still open, click on the PuTTY Icon in the upper left corner of
that window and select New Session.

Enter the IP Address of the nmap-01a Instance

1. Type the IP Address of the nmap-01a instance from the Account Information
2. Click Open.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 49

Verify Connection

The first time connecting to the instance will result in a confirmation window to verify
the connection.

1. Click Yes.

Run nmap Scan of the Application IP Subnet Range

1. Type the following command to start the nmap scan:

nmap -F -Pn -T5 --open

To speed up the scan time and reduce clutter, the nmap scanner is using the following

• -F to perform a fast scan for fewer ports

• -Pn to turn off ping checks
• -T5 to turn on the fastest timing template
• --open to only display open or possibly open ports
• to only scan a small range of IP addresses

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Scan Results of the Web Tier

The wordpress-web-01a and wordpress-web-02a instances at and have ports 80 and 22 open.

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Scan Results of the DB Tier

The wordpress-db-01a instance at has ports 80, 3306 and 22 open. As a
database instance, we don't want to have port 80 open, and we only want port 3306
open to the web instances.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 52

This completes Module 2. We have validated that the developer's WordPress application
is functioning within AWS, including the load balancer. Through the review of the
security policies that were applied in AWS we discovered the application is exposed to
the Internet and potentially malicious attacks. Lastly, we used a common security
scanner to validate the open ports and discovered a port on the database server that
shouldn't be open.

Congratulations, you've finished Module 2

Proceed to Module 3 for an Introduction to the NSX Management Components. You may
also proceed to any other module of interest.

• Module 1 - Introduction to the AWS Console (15 minutes) (Basic) In this

module we will log in to the AWS console and view the inventory of resources that
have been created.
• Module 2 - Verify Application Functionality (15 minutes) (Basic) In this
module we will review the configured application environment, verify application
functionality, and review configured security policies and posture.
• Module 3 - Introduction to NSX Management Components (30 minutes)
(Basic) In this module we will explore the NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services
Manager capabilities and configuration.
• Module 4 - Securing Applications with NSX (60 minutes) (Advanced) In this
module we will configure and validate the installation of NSX in the AWS
environment to secure the WordPress application.

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Module 3 - Introduction to
NSX Management
Components (30 minutes)

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 54

As part of the VMware NSX Cloud solution, separate instances are deployed in Amazon
Web Services to support the Management and Operations User Interface for the
solution. These instances are:

• NSX Cloud Services Manager

• NSX Manager

NSX Cloud Services Manager manages the complete lifecycle of deployed NSX
components in AWS and provides a unified view between NSX Manager and the AWS
inventory. Other functions of NSX Cloud Services Manager include:

• NSX Cloud Gateway deployment and upgrades

• NSX Agent upgrades via the NSX Cloud Gateway
• Backup/Restore

NSX Manager provides the graphical user interface (GUI) and the REST APIs for creating,
configuring, and monitoring NSX components such as the NSX controllers and logical
switches. NSX Manager is the management plane for the NSX eco-system. It provides an
aggregated view and is the centralized network management component of NSX. It
provides a method for monitoring and troubleshooting workloads attached to virtual
networks created by NSX. It provides configuration and orchestration of:

• Logical networking components - logical switching and routing

• Networking and Edge services
• Security services and distributed firewall

This Module contains the following lessons:

• Perform log in to NSX Cloud Services Manager

• Review configured AWS account and inventory
• Perform log in to NSX Manager
• Review NSX Manager User Interface

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 55

Perform log in to NSX Cloud Services

One function of the NSX Cloud Services Manager is to provide a unified view of the
inventory between NSX and Amazon Web Services. In this lesson we will log in to the
NSX Cloud Services Manager.

Open Google Chrome

1. Click on the Chrome Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar.

Account Information Homepage

The Chrome homepage has been set to the Account Information and lab provisioning
status page. If you've completed the previous lesson you can click on the account
information tab that is open and proceed to the next step.

1. Type the Email Address you used to sign up for the lab.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 56

2. Type VMware1! for the Password.

3. Click Login.

Lab Provisioning Complete

The AWS Account Information page will display when the provisioning process is
complete. This process can take 10 - 15 minutes. We will refer back to this page
frequently in the lab modules.

NSX Cloud Services Manager Account Information

1. Click on the NSX Cloud Services Manager DNS Name link to open a new
browser tab and connect to the NSX Cloud Services Manager console.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 57

Certificate Validation

The hands-on lab environments are built on-demand, so the certificates are not yet
trusted. In a production deployment, a trusted certificate would be generated and used
to secure connectivity. To continue the log in process:

1. Click Advanced.
2. Click Proceed link.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 58

Log in to NSX Cloud Services Manager

1. Type admin for the Username.

2. Type VMware1! for the Password.
3. Click Log In.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 59

Review configured AWS account and

NSX Cloud Service Manager provides a unified view of NSX and AWS inventory. We will
review the inventory reported by NSX Cloud Service Manager and compare it to the AWS

Zoom Browser

To improve readability of the various screens in this lab, it is recommended that you
adjust the Zoom setting in Google Chrome to at least 90%.

1. Click the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner of the browser for the drop
down menu.
2. Click '-' next to Zoom to adjust the setting to 90%.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 60

CSM Configuration and Inventory

1. Click Cross-Cloud.

Review AWS Account Information

The AWS account information has been configured in Cloud Services Manager. This
information will be different for each lab pod.

Review Number of Configured VPCs

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 61

There are 2 VPCs configured in this AWS account.

Review Number of Configured Instances

There are 7 instances running in this AWS account.

Click VPCs

1. Click VPCs.

Narrow down the view of VPCs

1. Select us-west-1 from the Region pull down menu to narrow down the view of

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 62

Review VPCs

These are the two VPCs we saw in the AWS inventory in previous lessons.

• Compute-VPC
• Management-VPC

Management VPC Deployment Indication

The Management VPC includes an icon that shows NSX management components are
installed in this VPC.

Management VPC Instances

1. Click Instances in the Management-VPC.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 63

Compare Management VPC Instances to AWS Inventory

The NSX components that were reported in the AWS inventory are listed.

Click VPCs

1. Click VPCS at the top of the screen to go back to the list of VPCs.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 64

Confirm VPC is not Managed by NSX

The Compute VPC reports a Status of "NSX Managed - No." Later in this lab we will
deploy NSX components in this VPC to manage the running AWS EC2 instances.

Click Instances

1. Click Instances in the Compute-VPC.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 65

Confirm Instances are not Managed by NSX

The AWS EC2 instances for the 2-tier WordPress application that were reported in the
AWS inventory are listed. The NSX State circle is not green because NSX components
have not been deployed.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 66

Perform log in to NSX Manager

As the centralized management plane for the solution, we will be using NSX Manager to
configure security policies for our WordPress application, as well as to validate the
successful deployment of NSX in Amazon Web Services. In this lesson we will log in to
NSX Manager.

Accessing NSX Manager

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another and click on the Account Info bookmark.

NSX Manager Account Information

1. Click on the NSX Manager DNS Name link to open a new browser tab and
connect to the NSX Manager console.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 67

Certificate Validation

The hands-on lab environments are built on-demand, so the certificates are not yet
trusted. In a production deployment, a trusted certificate would be generated and used
to secure connectivity. To continue the log in process:

1. Click Advanced.
2. Click Proceed link.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 68

Log in to NSX Manager

1. Type admin for the Username.

2. Type VMware1! for the Password.
3. Click Log In.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 69

Review NSX Manager User Interface

In preparation for the deployment of NSX in Amazon Web Services to manage our
application, we will walk through several of the NSX Manager User Interface screens to
view the current configuration of the lab environment, validate that the NSX
management infrastructure is functional, and get familiar with the new HTML5 interface.

Click Dashboard

1. Click Dashboard.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 70

Management Cluster Status is Up

The status of the Management Cluster (NSX Manager) is reported. The Manager
Connection reports as Up.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 71

Controller Cluster Status is Up

Scrolling down below the Management Cluster status, we see the the status of the
Controller Cluster (NSX Manager) is reported as Up.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 72

Click Fabric

1. Click Fabric on the left.

Review Fabric Status

As a fresh deployment of NSX, the Fabric inventory will be empty.

1. Click each of the options at the top of the screen, starting with Hosts and ending
with Transport Nodes, to validate that each is empty.

We will return to this inventory in upcoming lessons to validate that the NSX deployment
is operational.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 73

Click Inventory

1. Click Inventory on the left.

Review Configured Grouping Objects

This section will include the grouping objects that simplify the creation of security
policies in NSX.

1. Click each of the options at the top of the screen, starting with Groups and
ending with MAC Sets, to validate that each are empty.

In upcoming lessons we will return here to create dynamic grouping objects for the
application security policies.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 74

Click Firewall

1. Click Firewall on the left.

Review Default Firewall Policy Configured

The default NSX firewall policy has been deployed. We will return to this screen in an
upcoming lesson to configure the application security policies.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 75

Click Switching

1. Click Switching on the left.

Confirm Logical Switch Inventory is Empty

No Logical Switches have been created. We will create a new logical switch in an
upcoming lesson to attach our application instances.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 76

This completes Module 3. We have logged into the NSX Cloud Services Manager (CSM)
that is deployed in Amazon Web Services. The NSX CSM acts as the operations user
interface for the VMware NSX Cloud solution. We also reviewed the AWS inventory from
within NSX CSM. We have also logged into the NSX Manager that is deployed in Amazon
Web Services. We reviewed the inventory of NSX objects to confirm only the defaults are
present and to get familiarity with the new HTML5 interface.

Congratulations, you've finished Module 3

Proceed to Module 4 to secure the application environment with NSX. You may also
proceed to any other module of interest.

• Module 1 - Introduction to the AWS Console (15 minutes) (Basic) In this

module we will log in to the AWS console and view the inventory of resources that
have been created.
• Module 2 - Verify Application Functionality (15 minutes) (Basic) In this
module we will review the configured application environment, verify application
functionality, and review configured security policies and posture.
• Module 3 - Introduction to NSX Management Components (30 minutes)
(Basic) In this module we will explore the NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services
Manager capabilities and configuration.
• Module 4 - Securing Applications with NSX (60 minutes) (Advanced) In this
module we will configure and validate the installation of NSX in the AWS
environment to secure the WordPress application.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 77

Module 4 - Securing
Applications with NSX (60

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 78

Securing the WordPress application in Amazon Web Services (AWS) requires security
policies for the instances that will be NSX managed. NSX provides a distributed firewall
with logical grouping capabilities to simplify configuration and provide consistency.

After the Central Management Plane (NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services Manager)
and Central Control Plane (NSX Controllers) have been deployed in the Management
VPC, the following steps are required to secure instances in AWS:

1. An NSX Cloud Gateway is deployed in each Compute VPC with instances to be

managed by NSX.
2. A Cloud Administrator will create Logical Networks and Security Policies using the
NSX Manager UI or APIs.
3. A Cloud Administrator will generate a set of tags in NSX Cloud Services Manager.
4. A Developer will apply the tags to their instances in AWS for consumption of NSX
policies at the time of instance creation.
5. The NSX Agent is installed on each AWS instance to be managed by NSX.

This Module contains the following lessons that will result in the securing of the
WordPress application:

• Deploy NSX Cloud Gateway in Amazon Web Services

• Create Logical Groupings and Firewall Policies
• Applying Tags to the Application Instances
• Installation of NSX Agent
• Validate NSX Deployment
• Validation of WordPress Application Functionality
• Perform Security Scan of Application Environment
• Quarantine Policy
• Traffic Visibility

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 79

Required Security Policies

The WordPress application requires the following security policies:

• Allow HTTP (80) from the Internet to the Web instances.

• Allow MySQL (3306) from the Web instances to the DB instance.
• Allow SSH (22) from the Internet to all instances for management.
• Block everything else.

The nmap instance is outside the scope of the security policies, and is provided as a tool
to assess the security posture of the application in this lab.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 80

Deploy NSX Cloud Gateway in Amazon

Web Services
NSX needs to be deployed to provide security policies for the application instances in
Amazon Web Services. The first step is to deploy the NSX Cloud Gateway in the
Compute VPC where the application instances are deployed.

As an Edge Transport Node in NSX, the NSX Cloud Gateway provides the following
services in each VPC it is deployed:

• Proxy (local) control plane for NSX Agents

• Stateful services such as NAT and Edge Firewall
• Host and push NSX Agent software
• Polls Amazon Web Services Tags

Open Google Chrome

1. Click on the Chrome Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 81

Account Information Homepage

The Chrome homepage has been set to the Account Information and lab provisioning
status page. If you've completed the previous lesson you can click on the account
information tab that is open and proceed to the next step.

1. Type the Email Address you used to sign up for the lab.
2. Type VMware1! for the Password.
3. Click Login.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 82

Lab Provisioning Complete

The AWS Account Information page will display when the provisioning process is
complete. This process can take 10 - 15 minutes. We will refer back to this page
frequently in the lab modules.

NSX Cloud Services Manager Account Information

1. Click on the NSX Cloud Services Manager DNS Name link to open a new
browser tab and connect to the NSX Cloud Services Manager console.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 83

Certificate Validation

The hands-on lab environments are built on-demand, so the certificates are not yet
trusted. In a production deployment, a trusted certificate would be generated and used
to secure connectivity. To continue the log in process:

1. Click Advanced.
2. Click Proceed link.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 84

Log in to NSX Cloud Services Manager

1. Type admin for the Username.

2. Type VMware1! for the Password.
3. Click Log In.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 85

Zoom Browser

To improve readability of the various screens in this lab, it is recommended that you
adjust the Zoom setting in Google Chrome to at least 90%.

1. Click the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner of the browser for the drop
down menu.
2. Click '-' next to Zoom to adjust the setting to 90%.

CSM Configuration and Inventory

1. Click Cross-Cloud.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 86

Click VPCs

1. Click VPCs to return to the view of Management-VPC and Compute-VPC.

Narrow down the view of VPCs

1. Select us-west-1 from the Region pull down menu to narrow down the view of

Click Actions Pull-Down Menu

1. Click Actions in the Compute-VPC box.

2. Click Deploy NSX Cloud Gateway.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 87

Provide NSX Cloud Gateway Configuration Settings

1. Select Private IP.

2. Click PEM File and select nsx-management.
3. Disable Quarantine Policy.
4. Click Next.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 88

Configure High Availability Settings

The NSX Cloud Gateway supports a High Availability (HA) deployment model. To reduce
the amount of time it takes to complete the lab, we will not configure HA.

1. Uncheck the Enable HA for NSX Cloud Gateway box.

2. Select your Availability Zone. Note: If the wrong availability zone is selected,
the subnet menus for steps 3-5 will be empty.
3. Select nsx-uplink-subnet for the Uplink Subnet.
4. Select nsx-downlink-subnet for the Downlink Subnet.
5. Select nsx-compute-mgmt-subnet for the Management Subnet.
6. Click Deploy.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 89

NSX Cloud Gateway Begins Deployment

The deployment process begins for this VPC. It can take approximately 5 minutes
to complete. The deployment progress screen will report on the actions being
completed in the process.

Deployment of the NSX Cloud Gateway provides the local control plane for NSX policies
in our VPC, as well as an installation location for the NSX Agents that will be deployed in
an upcoming lesson.

Continue to the next lesson to configure logical groupings and firewall policies while the
NSX Cloud Gateway deployment completes. We will then return to NSX Cloud Services
Manager to verify completion.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 90

Create Logical Groupings and Firewall

NSX is able to leverage contextual information about workloads to create dynamic
policy groups. This provides a greatly simplified operational model for security policy
management. In this lesson we will create several dynamic security groups to simplify
policy management.

Accessing NSX Manager

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another and click on the Account Info bookmark.

NSX Manager Account Information

1. Click on the NSX Manager DNS Name link to open a new browser tab and
connect to the NSX Manager console.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 91

Certificate Validation

The hands-on lab environments are built on-demand, so the certificates are not yet
trusted. In a production deployment, a trusted certificate would be generated and used
to secure connectivity. To continue the log in process:

1. Click Advanced.
2. Click Proceed link.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 92

Log in to NSX Manager

1. Type admin for the Username.

2. Type VMware1! for the Password.
3. Click Log In.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 93

Click Groups in the Inventory Menu

1. Click Inventory.
2. Click Groups.

Create Web Group

1. Click Groups at the top of the screen.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 94

2. Click Add.

Group Name is Web

1. Type Web for the group Name.

2. Click Membership Criteria.

Click Criteria

1. Click Criteria.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 95

Membership Criteria Based on VM Named Web

1. Select Virtual Machine.

2. Select Name.
3. Select Contains.
4. Type web.
5. Click Save.

Create DB Group

1. Click Add.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 96

Group Name is DB

1. Type DB for the group Name.

2. Click Membership Criteria.

Click Criteria

1. Click Criteria.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 97

Membership Criteria Based on VM Named DB

1. Select Virtual Machine.

2. Select Name.
3. Select Contains.
4. Type db.
5. Click Save.

Create App Isolation Group

1. Click Add.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 98

Group Name is Wordpress-app

1. Type Wordpress-app for the group Name.

2. Click Membership Criteria.

Click Criteria

1. Click Criteria.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 99

All VMs Containing Wordpress Will Be Members

1. Select Virtual Machine.

2. Select Name.
3. Select Contains.
4. Type wordpress.
5. Click Save.

Review Created NSGroups

The three NSGroups have been successfully created.

These will be used in the firewall policies that we will create next.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 100


Click Firewall

1. Click Firewall on the left side.

Select Default Layer3 Section

1. Click Default Layer3 Section if it isn't already selected (outlined with a blue

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 101


Add a new section above

1. Click Add Section.

2. Click Add Section Above.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 102


Section name will be wordpress-app

1. Type Wordpress-App for Section Name.

2. Select NSGroup in the dropdown for the Applied To Type.
3. Select the Wordpress-app group created previously.
4. Click the Right Arrow to add to the Selected box.
5. Click Save.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 103


Click on newly created section

Now we have a firewall section for our WordPress Application.

1. Click the Wordpress-App Section and make sure it is highlighted with a blue

Add a new rule below

1. Click Add Rule.

2. Click Add Rule Below.

Hover the mouse pointer over name and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Name.

2. Click the Pencil.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 104


Rule name is Any to Web

1. Type Any to Web for the Rule Name.

2. Click Ok.

Hover the mouse pointer over destinations and click the


1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Destinations.

2. Click the Pencil.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 105


Select the Web group as the destination

1. Select NSGroup from the pulldown menu.

2. Select the Web group.
3. Click the Right Arrow to move it to the Selected box.
4. Click OK.

Hover the mouse pointer over services and click the pencil

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 106


1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Services.

2. Click the Pencil.

Select the HTTP service

1. Type http.
2. Select HTTP.
3. Click the Right Arrow to move it to the Selected box.
4. Click OK.

Add a new rule below

1. Click Add Rule.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 107


2. Click Add Rule Below.

Hover the mouse pointer over name and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Name.

2. Click the Pencil.

Rule name is Web to DB

1. Type Web to DB for the Rule Name.

2. Click Ok.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 108


Hover the mouse pointer over sources and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Sources.

2. Click the Pencil.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 109


Select the Web group as the source

1. Select NSGroup from the pulldown menu.

2. Select the Web group.
3. Click the Right Arrow to move it to the Selected box.
4. Click OK.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 110


Hover the mouse pointer over destinations and click the


1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Destinations.

2. Click the Pencil.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 111


Select the DB group as the destination

1. Select NSGroup from the pulldown menu.

2. Select the DB group.
3. Click the Right Arrow to move it to the Selected box.
4. Click OK.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 112


Hover the mouse pointer over services and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Services.

2. Click the Pencil.

Select the MySQL service

1. Type MYSQL.
2. Select MySQL.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 113


3. Click the Right Arrow to move it to the Selected box.

4. Click OK.

Add another rule below

1. Click Add Rule.

2. Click Add Rule Below.

Hover the mouse pointer over name and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Name.

2. Click the Pencil.

Group name is Allow SSH

1. Type Allow SSH for the Rule Name.

2. Click Ok.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 114


Hover the mouse pointer over destinations and click the


1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Destinations.

2. Click the Pencil.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 115


Select the wordpress-app group as the destination

1. Select NSGroup from the pulldown menu.

2. Select the Wordpress-app group.
3. Click the Right Arrow to move it to the Selected box.
4. Click OK.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 116


Hover the mouse pointer over services and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Services.

2. Click the Pencil.

Select the SSH service

1. Type SSH.
2. Select SSH.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 117


3. Click the Right Arrow to move it to the Selected box.

4. Click OK.

Add another rule below

1. Click Add Rule.

2. Click Add Rule Below.

Hover the mouse pointer over name and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Name.

2. Click the Pencil.

Rule name is Deny All

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 118


1. Type Deny All for the Rule Name.

2. Click Ok.

Hover the mouse pointer over action and click the pencil

1. Move the mouse pointer to the blank area under Action.

2. Click the Pencil.

Select the option to drop the traffic

1. Select Drop from the Action drop down menu.

2. Click OK.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 119


Click Save

1. Click Save. Note: You may need to scroll back up to the top.

Save the section

1. Click Save.

Review the configured policies

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 120


The security policies for the WordPress application have been created. We are allowing
HTTP traffic from the internet to our Web servers, MySQL (port 3306) traffic from the
Web servers to the DB server, and SSH traffic to all of our servers. Everything else is
denied (dropped).

We leveraged the NSGroups that we created earlier to simplify the source, destination,
and firewall section configuration.

Next we will return to NSX Cloud Services Manager to check on the deployment progress
of our NSX Cloud Gateway.

Return to NSX Cloud Services Manager

1. Select the NSX Cloud Services Manager browser tab in Google Chrome that
was opened previously. Note: The order of browser tabs may differ if you have
completed previous Modules.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 121


NSX Cloud Gateway Deployment is Completed

1. Click Finish when deployment is complete.

Compute-VPC is NSX Managed

The Compute-VPC now reports as NSX Managed with a Cloud Gateway deployed.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 122


Applying Tags to the Application

NSX-specific Amazon Web Services Tags are used to indicate where the EC2 instance's
network interface should be logically "attached" in NSX. During attachment, security
policies are pushed. Prior to enabling the NSX Agent on the WordPress application
instances in AWS, we will configure the Tag on their network interfaces.

Accessing AWS Management Console

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

Locate the AWS Management Console URL

1. Click the Console URL to open a new browser tab and connect to the AWS
Management Console.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 123


Log in to the AWS Console

1. Type vmware_hol_user for the AWS Management User Name.

2. Type or copy the Password from the Account Information Page.
3. Click the Sign In button.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 124


Select Region

Verify that the console is viewing North California region resources.

1. Click the Region Name to the left of Support in the upper right.
2. Select US West (N. California).

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 125


Navigate to EC2 Instances

1. Click Services in the upper left corner of the AWS console.

2. Click EC2 under Compute.

Click Instances

1. Click Instances in the menu on the left.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 126


Widen the Name Column

1. Move the mouse over the column divider and then click and drag right to expand
the Name column.

Select the first WordPress Web instance

1. Select wordpress-web-01a.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 127


Click the Tags tab for this instance

1. Click the Tags tab below the list of EC2 instances.

2. Click Add/Edit Tags.

Click Create Tag

1. Click Create Tag.

2. Type nsx:network under Key.
3. Type default under Value.
4. Click Save.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 128


Click Instances

1. Click Instances in the menu on the left.

Select the second WordPress Web instance

1. Select wordpress-web-02a.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 129


Click the Tags tab for this instance

1. Click the Tags tab below the list of EC2 instances.

2. Click Add/Edit Tags.

Click Create Tag

1. Click Create Tag.

2. Type nsx:network under Key.
3. Type default under Value.
4. Click Save.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 130


Click Instances

1. Click Instances in the menu on the left.

Select the WordPress DB instance

1. Select wordpress-db-01a.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 131


Click the Tags tab for this instance

1. Click the Tags tab below the list of EC2 instances.

2. Click Add/Edit Tags.

Click Create Tag

1. Click Create Tag.

2. Type nsx:network under Key.
3. Type default under Value.
4. Click Save.


We have applied the NSX-specific AWS Tag to the WordPress application instances. Once
the NSX Agent is deployed, this tag will "attach" the instances to the default NSX Logical
Switch that was created during the NSX Cloud Gateway deployment. Security policies
will also be applied to these instances.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 132


Installation of NSX Agent

To continue the process of securing the WordPress Application instances, the NSX Agent
must be deployed on each of the instances. The NSX Agent provides the data plane
functions within each Amazon Web Services instance where it is installed. This includes:

• Distributed firewall enforcement engine

• Tunnel endpoint for overlay networking

A best practice would be to include the agent in the "gold master" images that are used
in an organization's Amazon Web Services environment. The NSX Agent can also be
installed in existing deployed, or brownfield, instances.

The NSX Agent will be deployed on each of the WordPress application instances via a

Install on First Web Instance

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

Locate Instance Information

1. Locate the Wordpress-web-01a Instance Public IP address that will be used

to log in to the instance.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 133


Open PuTTY

1. Click on the PuTTY Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar. If the
wordpress-web-01a PuTTY session ( is still open, select that window
from the task bar and skip ahead to Enable the NSX Agent.

Type the IP Address of wordpress-web-01

1. Type the IP Address of the wordpress-web-01a instance from the Account

Information Page.
2. Click Open.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 134


Verify Connection

The first time connecting to the instance will result in a confirmation window to verify
the connection.

1. Click Yes.

Install the NSX Agent

1. Type the following command to start the NSX Agent installation script:


HOL-1822-01-NET Page 135


NSX Agent has been installed

The NSX Agent installation can take 3-5 minutes to complete. Once installation
is complete, the NSX Agent starts and reports a status of OK.

Install on Second Web Instance

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 136


Locate Instance Information

1. Locate the Wordpress-web-02a Instance Public IP address that will be used

to log in to the instance.

Open PuTTY

1. Switch to the PuTTY window and click on the PuTTY Icon in the upper left of the
open PuTTY session.
2. Select New Session.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 137


Type the IP address of wordpress-web-02a

1. Type the IP Address of the wordpress-web-02a instance from the Account

Information Page.
2. Click Open.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 138


Verify Connection

The first time connecting to the instance will result in a confirmation window to verify
the connection.

1. Click Yes.

Install the NSX Agent

1. Type the following command to start the NSX Agent installation script:


HOL-1822-01-NET Page 139


NSX Agent has been installed

The NSX Agent installation can take 3-5 minutes to complete. Once installation
is complete, the NSX Agent starts and reports a status of OK.

Install on DB Instance

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 140


Locate Instance Information

1. Locate the Wordpress-db-01a Instance Public IP address that will be used to

log in to the instance.

Open PuTTY

1. Switch to the PuTTY window and click on the PuTTY Icon in the upper left of the
open PuTTY session.
2. Select New Session.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 141


Type the IP address of wordpress-db-01a

1. Type the IP Address of the wordpress-db-01a instance from the Account

Information Page.
2. Click Open.

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 142


Verify Connection

The first time connecting to the instance will result in a confirmation window to verify
the connection.

1. Click Yes.

Install the NSX Agent

1. Type the following command to start the NSX Agent installation script:


HOL-1822-01-NET Page 143


NSX Agent has been installed

The NSX Agent installation can take 3-5 minutes to complete. Once installation
is complete, the NSX Agent starts and reports a status of OK..

HOL-1822-01-NET Page 144


Validate NSX Deployment

Following the deployment of the NSX components in the Compute-VPC, we will walk
through the NSX configuration in NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services Manager to
verify operation.

Log in to NSX Manager

Select the NSX Manager browser tab in Google Chrome that was opened previously. If
this browser tab has been closed open a new browser tab using the NSX Manager URL
from the Account Information browser tab.

Note: If the page has timed out enter admin for the username and VMware1! for the
password and click Log In to continue.

1. Click on the NSX Manager DNS Name link to open a new browser tab and
connect to the NSX Manager console.

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Click Fabric

1. Click Fabric on the left.

Click Edges

1. Click Edges at the top.

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A Newly Created Edge Node

A new Edge node has been created.

Note: You may need to refresh the browser if nothing is displayed.

Click Edge Clusters

1. Click Edge Clusters at the top.

A Newly Created Edge Cluster

A new Edge Cluster has been created.

Note: You may need to refresh the browser if nothing is displayed.

Click Transport Nodes

1. Click Transport Nodes at the top.

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A Newly Created Transport Node

A new Transport Node has been created (the newly deployed Cloud Gateway).

Note: You may need to refresh the browser if nothing is displayed.

Click Switching

1. Click Switching on the left.

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Click Switches

1. Click Switches at the top.

Switch Inventory Changes

Two Logical Switches are created, and there are 4 Logical Ports on the Default Logical

Note: You may need to refresh the browser if nothing is displayed.

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Click Groups under Inventory

1. Click Inventory.
2. Click Groups.

Click the Wordpress-app NSGroup

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1. Click Wordpress-app.

Group membership

The Wordpress-app group has 3 Virtual Machines as effective members.

1. Click 3 next to Virtual Machine.

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The WordPress instances are listed as members

The WordPress application instances are all present as effective members of this group
(criteria was VM name contains 'wordpress').

Open AWS Management Console

Select the AWS Console tab in Chrome that was opened previously. If this browser tab
has been closed open a new browser tab using the AWS Console URL link from the
Account Information browser tab, vmware_hol_user for the User Name and type or
copy the password from the Account Information Page.

Note: If the AWS Console page has timed out enter vmware_hol_user for the User
Name and VMware1!! for the Password to continue.

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Navigate to EC2 Dashboard in AWS Console

1. Click Services in the upper left corner of the AWS console.

2. Click EC2 under Compute.

Click Instances

1. Click Instances under EC2 Dashboard on the left.

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New Instance for NSX Cloud Gateway

A new EC2 Instance has been created for the NSX Cloud Gateway.

Click Security Groups

1. Click on Security Groups on the left under Network & Security.

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NSX Cloud Gateway Security Groups in AWS

Several new AWS Security Groups were created for application instances and to control
traffic in/out of the NSX Cloud Gateway.

Log in to NSX Cloud Services Manager

Select the NSX Cloud Services Manager browser tab in Google Chrome that was opened
previously. If this browser tab has been closed open a new browser tab using the NSX
Cloud Services Manager URL from the Account Information browser tab.

Note: If the page has timed out enter admin for the username and VMware1! for the
password and click Log In to continue.

CSM Configuration and Inventory

1. Click the VPC-AWS Console tab.

2. Click Accounts at the top of the screen.

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Refresh the AWS account information

1. Click Actions.
2. Click Resync Account.

This will take 20-60 seconds to complete.

Click VPCs

1. Click VPCs.

Narrow down the view of VPCs

1. Select us-west-1 from the Region pull down menu to narrow down the view of

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Click Instances

1. Click Instances in the Compute-VPC.

WordPress instances are managed by NSX

1. Our Wordpress application instances report as managed by NSX.

2. The nmap-01 instance did not receive an AWS Tag or an NSX Agent install.

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Validation of WordPress application

Prior to NSX deployment, the 2-tier WordPress application running in Amazon Web
Services was left wide open to the Internet and several unneeded ports were exposed as
potential attack surfaces. This lesson will revisit the application functionality and test
basic connectivity.

Account Information

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another and click on the Account Info bookmark.

Locate the WordPress Application Information

1. Click on the WordPress Application Elastic Load Balancer DNS Name link to
open a new browser tab and connect to the WordPress application.

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Refresh WordPress site to validate functionality

Verify that the WordPress application is functioning. The IP address of the server
presenting the page is noted.

1. Refresh the browser a few times to see the Server IP address change to the
other web server ( and

Open Account Information Page

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another and click on the Account Info bookmark.

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Locate Web Server Information

1. Locate the Wordpress-web-01a Instance Public IP address that will be used

to log in to the instance.

Open PuTTY

1. Click on the PuTTY Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar. If the previous
PuTTY session is still open, click on the PuTTY Icon in the upper left corner of
that window and select New Session.

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Type the IP Address of wordpress-web-01a

1. Type the IP Address of the wordpress-web-01a instance.

2. Click Open.

Test connectivity to wordpress-web-02a

1. Type the following command to test the connectivity between the wordpress-
web-01a and wordpress-web-02a instances:

ping -c 5

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Instance is not reachable via ICMP

The pings are unsuccessful. This matches the security policy we configured in NSX.

Test connectivity to wordpress-db-01a

1. Type the following command to test the connectivity between the wordpress-
web-01a and wordpress-db-01a instances:

ping -c 5

Instance is not reachable via ICMP

The pings are unsuccessful. This matches the security policy we configured in NSX.

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Perform security scan of application

We will revisit the Ubuntu Linux instance with nmap to perform a port scan of the
application environment in Amazon Web Services. We will scan the IP subnet where the
application instances are deployed and review the open ports following the deployment
of NSX in the environment to ensure the unneeded ports are closed.

Nmap Instance Log In

1. Click on the Account Information tab that was previously opened. If this tab
was closed open another tab and click on the Account Info bookmark.

Locate the nmap-01a Information

1. Locate the nmap-01a Public IP Address that will be used to log in to the nmap
port scanner instance.

Open PuTTY

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1. Click on the PuTTY Icon on the Windows Quick Launch Task Bar. If the previous
PuTTY session is still open, click on the PuTTY Icon in the upper left corner of
that window and select New Session.

Type the IP Address of nmap-01a

1. Type the IP Address of the nmap-01a instance from the Account Information
2. Click Open.

Run nmap scan

1. Type the following command to start the nmap scan:

nmap -F -Pn -T5 --open

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To speed up the scan time and reduce clutter, the nmap scanner is using the following

• -F to perform a fast scan for fewer ports

• -Pn to turn off ping checks
• -T5 to turn on the fastest timing template
• --open to only display open or possibly open ports
• to only scan a small range of IP addresses

Web instance results

The wordpress-web-01a and wordpress-web-02a instances at and have ports 80 and 22 open, as expected with the configured NSX security

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DB Instance results

Based on the configured NSX security policies, the wordpress-db-01a instance at only reports port 22 as being open to the nmap instance.

Note: Leave the nmap-01a PuTTY session open for the next lesson.

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Quarantine Policy
NSX Cloud provides the capability to detect and quarantine rogue instances in a VPC.
For example, if a person with malicious intent forcibly stops the NSX Agent on an NSX
managed instance, the compromised instance will be quarantined using the default
Security Group in Amazon Web Services (AWS). NSX Cloud uses AWS Security Groups in
conjunction with the VPC’s Quarantine Policy. During the deployment of the NSX Cloud
Gateway in a previous lesson, NSX Cloud created additional Security Groups in AWS and
modified the default Security Group to limit access. You can enable or disable
Quarantine Policy on a per-VPC basis.

We'll be demonstrating this feature by turning on the Quarantine policy and observing
the EC2 instance Security Group changes in the AWS management console. We will also
observe that the EC2 instance without the NSX Agent loses connectivity.

When Quarantine Policy is enabled:

• Un-managed instances are assigned the default Security Group and are
quarantined. The default Security Group limits the outbound traffic and stops all
inbound traffic.
• Un-managed instances can become NSX-Managed VMs when you install the NSX
Agent on the instance and tag them in AWS with nsx:network. In the default
scenario, NSX will assign the vm-overlay-sg or vm-underlay-sg Security Groups to
allow appropriate inbound/outbound traffic.
• An NSX-Managed instance can still be assigned the default Security Group and be
quarantined if a threat is detected on the instance, for example, if the NSX Agent
is stopped on the instance. This lesson will demonstrate this behavior.
• Any manual changes to the Security Groups will be reverted to the NSX-
determined Security Group within 120 seconds.
• An instance can be moved out of quarantine by assigning vm-override-sg as the
only Security Group for the instance. NSX Cloud does not auto-change the vm-
override-sg Security Group and allows SSH and RDP access to the instance.
Removing the vm-override-sg Security Group will again cause the instance
Security Group(s) to revert to the NSX-Managed Security Group(s).

Open AWS Management Console

Select the AWS Console tab in Chrome that was opened previously. If this browser tab
has been closed open a new browser tab using the AWS Console URL link from the
Account Information browser tab, vmware_hol_user for the User Name and type or
copy the Password from the Account Information Page. Enter this same
information if the console has timed out.

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Navigate to EC2 Dashboard in AWS Console

1. Click Services in the upper left corner of the AWS console.

2. Click EC2 under Compute.

Click Instances

1. Click Instances under EC2 Dashboard on the left.

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Select the wordpress-web-01a Instance

1. Select the wordpress-web-01a instance.

Open the Inbound Rules

1. Click view inbound rules at the bottom of the screen in the Description tab for
that instance. This instance has been configured with an AWS Security Group for
the Compute-VPC.

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Review the Configured AWS Security Policies

A list of policies that apply to this instance is displayed. Web and SSH traffic are allowed
from the HOL Main Console (Source IP ranges may vary). All traffic between application
instances is allowed within the AWS VPC environment.

Select the nmap-01a Instance

1. Select the nmap-01a instance.

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Open the Inbound Rules

1. Click view inbound rules at the bottom of the screen in the Description tab for
that instance. This instance has been configured with an AWS Security Group for
the Compute-VPC.

Review the Configured AWS Security Policies

A list of policies that apply to this instance is displayed. Web and SSH traffic are allowed
from the HOL Main Console (Source IP ranges may vary). All traffic between application
instances is allowed within the AWS VPC environment.

Note: The nmap-01a instance currently has SSH (port 22) allowed inbound.
Later in this lesson we will observe a Security Group change as a result of
Quarantine Policy which will remove SSH access to this instance.

Log in to NSX Cloud Services Manager

Select the NSX Cloud Services Manager browser tab in Google Chrome that was opened
previously. If this browser tab has been closed open a new browser tab using the NSX
Cloud Services Manager URL from the Account Information browser tab.

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Note: If the page has timed out enter admin for the username and VMware1! for the
password and click Log In to continue.

Zoom Browser

The next few steps to enable Quarantine Policy perform better with the browser zoom
set to 100% to improve readability. It is recommended that you adjust the Zoom setting
in Google Chrome back to 100%. Note: You'll be prompted to change the zoom
setting back to 90% following the Quarantine Policy setting steps.

1. Click the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner of the browser for the drop
down menu.
2. Click '+' next to Zoom to adjust the setting to 100%.

CSM Configuration and Inventory

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1. Click the VPC-AWS Console tab.

2. Click VPCS at the top of the screen.

Edit Quarantine

1. Click Actions in the Compute-VPC.

2. Click Edit Quarantine.

Turn on Quarantine

1. Click Default Quarantine slider to On.

2. Click Save.

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Zoom Browser

To improve readability of the various screens in this lab, it is recommended that you
adjust the Zoom setting in Google Chrome to at least 90%.

1. Click the Three Dots in the upper right hand corner of the browser for the drop
down menu.
2. Click '-' next to Zoom to adjust the setting to 90%.

Open AWS Management Console

Select the AWS Console tab in Chrome that was opened previously. If this browser tab
has been closed open a new browser tab using the AWS Console URL link from the
Account Information browser tab, vmware_hol_user for the User Name and type or
copy the Password from the Account Information Page. Enter this same
information if the console has timed out.

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Navigate to EC2 Dashboard in AWS Console

1. Click Services in the upper left corner of the AWS console.

2. Click EC2 under Compute.

Click Instances

1. Click Instances under EC2 Dashboard on the left.

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Select the wordpress-web-01a Instance

1. Select the wordpress-web-01a instance.

Open the Inbound Rules

1. Click view inbound rules at the bottom of the screen in the Description tab for
that instance. This instance has been changed to the vm-underlay-sg AWS
Security Group for the Compute-VPC.

Review the Configured AWS Security Policies

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A list of policies that apply to this instance is displayed. Turning on Quarantine moves all
instances that are NSX Managed to the vm-underlay-sg Security Group. This Security
Group allows all traffic to the instance from the AWS network, but NSX Cloud is enforcing
security policy to each instances as was configured earlier in the lesson.

Select the nmap-01a Instance

1. Select the nmap-01a instance.

Open the Inbound Rules

Since this instance does not have the NSX Agent installed, the quarantine policy has
moved the instance to the default AWS Security Group for the Compute-VPC. Now we'll
look closer at the default Security Group changes.

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Click Security Groups

1. Click on Security Groups on the left under Network & Security.

Select the Compute VPC Default Security Group

1. Select the DEFAULT-nsx-compute-security-group security group.

Click Inbound

1. Click the Inbound tab to view the inbound rules. The only rule is allowing all
traffic within the same (default) security group. This blocks our SSH connection.
In a production environment a bastion or jump host would be needed in the same
security group to restore access to quarantined instances.

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Click Outbound

1. Click the Outbound tab to view the outbound rules. The rules are setup to allow
communication to the NSX Cloud Gateway so the instance could install the NSX

Verify nmap-01a SSH connection is lost

The PuTTY window for nmap-01a will now be unresponsive and an connection error
message may appear.

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Refresh WordPress site to validate functionality

Verify that the WordPress application is functioning. The IP address of the server
presenting the page is noted.

1. Click the tab with the Wordpress application. If the tab was closed, re-open by
selecting the link the the Account Info page.
2. Refresh the browser a few times to verify the application is still functioning.

Turning on the Quarantine Policy in the Compute-VPC has successfully quarantined the
instance that was not properly managed by NSX, without impacting the Wordpress

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Traffic Visibility
NSX provides additional operational tools to give visibility into the traffic occurring in an
application environment running in Amazon Web Services. We will look at some of the
traffic statistic aggregation features of NSX.

Log in to NSX Manager

Select the NSX Manager browser tab in Google Chrome that was opened previously. If
this browser tab has been closed open a new browser tab using the NSX Manager URL
from the Account Information browser tab.

Note: If the page has timed out enter admin for the username and VMware1! for the
password and click Log In to continue.

Click Firewall

1. Click Firewall on the left side.

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Firewall Statistics

1. The Stats column displays the packets, bytes and number of sessions for each

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Click Switching

1. Click Switching.

Click Logical Ports for Default Switch

1. Click 4 under Logical Ports.

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Click on a Logical Port

Here we see the 3 WordPress application instances that we enabled NSX for security,
plus the uplink port.

1. Click the first Logical Port listed with "Cloud" prefix

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Click Monitor

Additional information about this port is available.

1. Click Monitor.

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Port Statistics

NSX provides traffic statistics for this WordPress application instance.

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Click Begin Tracking

1. Click Begin Tracking to start the switch port statistic tracking feature (it opens a
new browser tab).

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Track Switch Port Statistics

NSX provides near-real time statistic tracking for this switch port. You can switch over to
the WordPress website broswer tab and refresh the page a few times to generate traffic
and then review this page.

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This completes Module 4, and the Hands-On Lab. The WordPress application that was
deployed in Amazon Web Services has been successfully secured by installing NSX
components in Amazon Web Services and applying consistent security policies to the
application instances.

Congratulations, you've finished Module 4 and the Hands-

On Lab!

Follow the instructions at the end of this lesson to end the lab. You may also proceed to
any other module of interest.

• Module 1 - Introduction to the AWS Console (15 minutes) (Basic) In this

module we will log in to the AWS console and view the inventory of resources that
have been created.
• Module 2 - Verify Application Functionality (15 minutes) (Basic) In this
module we will review the configured application environment, verify application
functionality, and review configured security policies and posture.
• Module 3 - Introduction to NSX Management Components (30 minutes)
(Basic) In this module we will explore the NSX Manager and NSX Cloud Services
Manager capabilities and configuration.
• Module 4 - Securing Applications with NSX (60 minutes) (Advanced) In this
module we will configure and validate the installation of NSX in the AWS
environment to secure the WordPress application.

How to End Lab

To end your lab click on the END button.

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Thank you for participating in the VMware Hands-on Labs. Be sure to visit to continue your lab experience online.

Lab SKU: HOL-1822-01-NET

Version: 20180412-122736

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