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Unit 3: AIDS

Background Information
1981 26 cases of Kaposi Sarcoma (Vascular
Tumour) AIDS cases reported in USA

1983 HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus) isolated; first AIDS case
reported in Central Africa; Haiti

1985 HIV antibody test available.

First AIDS cases reported in SE Asia

1987(Jan) WHO sets up global programme on AIDS

1987(June) National AIDS Control Programme in Mauritius.

Causative Agent
AIDS is caused by HIV virus. It is a retrovirus, which has the ability to change its
genetic material (RNA) into human genetic material (DNA) through the use of an

Modes of Transmission
1. Sexual Intercourse (70 – 80% patterns)
Unprotected Anal or Vaginal Intercourse with an infected

2. Contact with Infected Blood (3 – 5%)

– Blood
– Blood Products (e.g. Red blood cells, platelets, etc.)
Tissue Transplant/ Bone grafts/ Organ
Semen contaminated: HIV

Dr R Bholah, MIE

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3. Intravenous Drug Users (5 – 10%)
– Sharing of infected needles and syringes when injecting

4. Needle Stick Injuries

5. Perinatal Transmission (10 – 20%)

– Infected mother to foetus before, during and after birth
(occasionally during breast feeding)

Incubation Period
It is not known and may be 10 – 15 years, but recent evidence suggest that the
average incubation period for people who develop AIDS is 2 – 5 years.

Clinical Manifestation (Signs & Symptoms)

Stage 1
Major signs
– Weight loss (>10% in adult)
– Fever (>38o) > 1 month
– Diarrhoea > 1 month

Accompanied by: Malaise

Night sweats
Joint pains/ muscle pains/rash
– (Other infection: Oral thrush)

Stage 2
– Early infection
– Asymptomatic (last for month to years)

Stage 3
– Infection
– Minor infection Oral thrush, Dermatitis…etc.
Stage 4
– Severe HIV disease
– Development of opportunitistic infection/ pulmonary infections

Dr R Bholah, MIE

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ELISA (Enzyme linked immune)

WESTERN BLOT (Immune blot)

Protecting oneself against infection by avoiding intimate sexual contact…Fidelity
Practice ‘safe sex’
– e.g. use of condoms (properly used) decrease HIV
Avoid using or sharing infected needles/ syringes
People with HIV accepting the responsibility never to place another person at
Role of Health care institutions e.g. AIDS unit/ counselling.
Ongoing research and educational programme on AIDS AND HIV
Mass Education
Screening of specimens from donors
– (e.g blood Semens, Tissues, Organs)
Development of medical/ social support

Zidovucline or AZT

Dr R Bholah, MIE

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