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Create a white cross

2. Solve white corners using ​R’ D’ R D

R’ D’ R D….

Once if white is facing right

Three times if facing down
Amd five times when facing forward

3. Flip cube over and solve second layer

If a piece is in the right place but oriented wrong, do the right algorithm twice.
4. Create a yellow cross using ​F R U R’ U’ F’

If yellow face is a dot: 3 times

If yellow face is an “L”: 2 times

If yellow face is a line: 1 time

(Rotate whole cube 180 degrees after each repetition)

5. ​Swap yellow edges

Use ​R U R’ U R U2 R’ U ​to swap yellow edges perpendicular to each other. Use

it twice, rotating 180 degrees between each time, to swap edges on opposite
sides. {​(R U R' U R U2 R' U) y2 (R U R' U R U2 R' U)}

Perpendicular edges Opposite edges

(use once) (Use twice)

6. Position yellow corners

Orient the cube so a correctly positioned corner piece is

facing you, then use ​U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L ​to cycle the other
corners. (If none of the pieces are positioned correctly, use
the algorithm on a random corner to put it in the correct
7. Orient yellow corners

Hold the cube so the piece you want to orient is in the front-top-right corner, then
use ​R’ D’ R D​, repeating 2-4 times until that piece is oriented correctly. Once
complete, rotate the top layer to orient another corner piece and repeat. Repeat
the whole process until the cube is solved.

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