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// PCR B1, L1

你 ni3 you (sing.)

好 hao3 good, well
古波 gu3bo1 Gubo (a personal name)
帕兰卡 pa4lan2ka3 [帕蘭卡] Palanka (a personal name)
// PCR B1, L2
吗 ma [嗎] (an interrogative particle)
我 wo3 I, me
很 hen3 very
呢 ne (a modal particle), (question particle)
也 ye3 also, too
// PCR B1, L3
忙 mang2 busy
不 bu4 not
哥哥 ge1ge elder brother
他 ta1 he, him
弟弟 di4di younger brother
他们 ta1men [他們] they, them
都 dou1 all
// PCR B1, L4
这 zhe4 [這] this
是 shi4 to be
朋友 peng2you friend
爸爸 ba4ba father
妈妈 ma1ma [媽媽] mother
你们 ni3men [你們] you (pl.)
// PCR B1, L5
大夫 dai4fu doctor
的 de (structual particle), (possessive particle), of
车 che1 [車] vehicle
那 na4 that
她 ta1 she, her
书 shu1 [書] book
报 bao4 [報] newspaper
纸 zhi3 [紙] paper
尺 chi3 ruler
笔 bi3 [筆] pen, pencil, writing brush
// PCR B1, L6
哪 na3 which
国 guo2 [國] country, state
人 ren2 person
谁 shei2 [誰] who
我们 wo3men [我們] we, us
老师 lao3shi1 [老師] teacher
汉语 han4yu3 [漢語] Chinese (spoken language)
中国 zhong1guo2 [中國] China
德国 de2guo2 [德國] Germany
法国 fa3guo2 [法國] France
美国 mei3guo2 [美國] the United States of America
马里 ma3li3 [馬里] Mali
日本 ri4ben3 Japan
// PCR B1, L7
什么 shen2me [什麼] what
地图 di4tu2 [地圖] map
看 kan4 to see, to look, to have a look, to read, to watch
请 qing3 [請] please
北京 bei3jing1 Beijing
上海 shang4hai3 Shanghai
长江 chang2jiang1 [長江] the Changjiang (Yangtze) River
黄河 huang2he2 [黃河] the Huanghe (Yellow) River
长城 chang2cheng2 [長城] the Great Wall
世界 shi4jie4 world
欧洲 ou1zhou1 [歐洲] Europe
非洲 fei1zhou1 Africa
大洋周 da4yang2zhou1 Oceania
南美洲 nan2mei3zhou1 South America
// PCR B1, L8
请 qing3 [請] please (do sth)
喝 he1 to drink
茶 cha2 tea
您 nin2 you (formal)
进 jin4 [進] to enter, to come in
欢迎 huan1ying2 [歡迎] to welcome
谢谢 xie4xie [謝謝] to thank
客气 ke4qi [客氣] polite, courteous
吸烟 xi1yan1 [吸煙] to smoke
王 wang2 a surname, Wang (proper name)
咖啡 ka1fei1 coffee
啤酒 pi2jiu3 beer
牛奶 niu2nai3 milk
先生 xian1sheng Mr., sir, gentleman
太太 tai4tai Mrs., Madame
// PCR B1, L9
贵姓 gui4xing4 [貴姓] what's your name?, May I ask your name?
请问 qing3wen4 [請問] May I ask...
问 wen4 [問] to ask
留学生 liu2xue2sheng1 [留學生] a student who studies abroad
姓 xing4 (one's) surname is, surname
叫 jiao4 to call, to be called
外语 wai4yu3 [外語] foreign language
学院 xue2yuan4 [學院] college, institute
学生 xue2sheng [學生] student
学习 xue2xi2 [學習] to study, to learn
学 xue2 [學] to study, to learn
丁云 ding1yun2 [丁雲] Ding Yun (a personal name)
小姐 xiao3jie miss
女士 nü3shi4 a polite form of address to a woman, lady, madam
同志 tong2zhi4 comrade
朝鲜 chao2xian3 [朝鮮] Korea
英国 ying1guo2 [英國] Britain
// PCR B1, L10
零 ling2 zero, 0
一 yi1 one, 1
二 er4 two, 2
三 san1 three, 3
四 si4 four, 4
五 wu3 five, 5
在 zai4 to be a (a place), in, at
坐 zuo4 to sit, to take a seat
哪儿 na3r [哪兒] where
宿舍 su4she4 dormitory
住 zhu4 to live
多少 duo1shao how many, how much, what
号 hao4 [號] number
层 ceng2 [層] storey (a measure word), story (of a building)
医院 yi1yuan4 [醫院] hospital
厕所 ce4suo3 [廁所] toilet, latrine, lavatory, W.C.
这儿 zher4 [這兒] here
那儿 na4r [那兒] there
// PCR B1, L11
还 huan2 [還] to return
画报 hua4bao4 [畫報] pictorial, magazine
词典 ci2dian3 [詞典] dictionary
现在 xian4zai4 [現在] now, nowadays
用 yong4 to use, to make use of
一下儿 yi2xia4r [一下兒] a little while, a little bit
再见 zai4jian4 [再見] to say good-bye, to bid farewell to
六 liu4 six, 6
七 qi1 seven, 7
八 ba1 eight, 8
九 jiu3 nine, 9
十 shi2 ten, 10
杂志 za2zhi4 [雜志] magazine
电话 dian4hua4 [電話] telephone, phone call
本子 ben3zi note-book, exercise-book
雨伞 yu3san3 [雨傘] umbrella
// PCR B1, L12
女 nü3 female
先生 xian1sheng Mr., sir, gentleman
认识 ren4shi [認識] to know, to be familiar with, to recognize
英语 ying1yu3 [英語] English (language)
法语 fa3yu3 [法語] French (language)
常 chang2 often
去 qu4 to go
他们 ta1men [他們] they
// PCR B1, L13
名字 ming2zi (a person's) name
喂 wei4 (an interjection) hello, hey
啊 a1 (an interjection), oh, ah
商店 shang1dian4 shop, store
买 mai3 [買] to buy
笔 bi3 [筆] pen, pencil, writing brush
纸 zhi3 [紙] paper
来 lai2 [來] to come
介绍 jie4shao4 [介紹] to introduce
男 nan2 male
对 dui4 [對] right, correct (answer)
了 le (modal particle), (modal partical intenstifying preceding clause)
和 he2 and, with
说 shuo1 [說] to speak, to say
古波 gu3bo1 Gubo (a personal name)
中国 zhong1guo2 [中國] China
帕兰卡 pa4lan2ka3 [帕蘭卡] Palanka (a personal name)
丁云 ding1yun2 [丁雲] Ding Yun (a personal name)
英国 ying1guo2 [英國] Britain
法国 fa3guo2 [法國] France
本子 ben3zi note-book, exercise-book
邮局 you2ju2 [郵局] post office
邮票 you2piao4 [郵票] stamp
教授 jiao4shou4 professor
// PCR B1, L14
作 zuo4 to do
工作 gong1zuo4 to work, work, job
想 xiang3 to want, to think, to miss
家 jia1 family, home, house
有 you3 to have, there be
没 mei2 [沒] not, no, have not
妹妹 mei4mei younger sister
姐姐 jie3jie older sister
银行 yin2hang2 [銀行] bank
爱人 ai4ren [愛人] husband, wife
书店 shu1dian4 [書店] bookstore
孩子 hai2zi child
给 gei3 [給] to, for, to give
写 xie3 [寫] to write
信 xin4 letter
告诉 gao4su [告訴] to tell
职员 zhi2yuan2 [職員] office worker, staff member
工程师 gong1cheng2shi1 [工程師] engineer
经理 jing1li3 [經理] manager, director
公司 gong1si1 company
// PCR B1, L15
中文 zhong1wen2 Chinese (written language)
系 xi4 department, faculty
个 ge4 [個] (a measure word)
几 ji3 [幾] how many, how much, several
教 jiao1 to teach
语法 yu3fa3 [語法] grammar
汉字 han4zi4 [漢字] Chinese character
字 zi4 character
还 hai2 [還] else, in addition, still
口语 kou3yu3 [口語] spoken language
不敢当 bu4gan3dang1 [不敢當] I don't really deserve it, you flatter me
互相 hu4xiang1 each other, mutually, mutual
新 xin1 new
阅览室 yue4lan3shi4 [閱覽室] reading room
杂志 za2zhi4 [雜志] magazine
报 bao4 [報] newspaper
本 ben3 (a measure word)
图书馆 tu2shu1guan3 [圖書館] library
那儿 na4r [那兒] there
王 wang2 a surname, Wang (proper name)
班 ban1 class, squad
教室 jiao4shi4 classroom
实验室 shi2yan4shi4 [實驗室] laboratory
借 jie4 to borrow, to lend
生词 sheng1ci2 [生詞] new word
// PCR B1, L16
条 tiao2 [條] (a measure word for ribbon)
裙子 qun2zi skirt
两 liang3 [兩] two
张 zhang1 [張] (a measure word), piece
票 piao4 ticket
京剧 jing1ju4 [京劇] Beijing opera
晚上 wan3shang evening
太 tai4 too, too much
从 cong2 [從] from
找 zhao3 to look for, to call on (a person)
这儿 zher4 [這兒] here
旧 jiu4 [舊] old
穿 chuan1 to put on, to wear
件 jian4 (a measure word for things & clothes)
衬衫 chen4shan1 [襯衫] shirt, blouse
绿 lü4 [綠] green
大 da4 big
白 bai2 white
蓝 lan2 [藍] blue
上衣 shang4yi1 upper outer garment, jacket
裤子 ku4zi [褲子] trousers
大衣 da4yi1 overcoat, topcoat
黑 hei1 black
剧场 ju4chang3 [劇場] theatre, theater
座位 zuo4wei4 seat
// PCR B1, L17
点 dian3 [點] (a measure word), o'clock
食堂 shi2tang2 dining-hall
差 cha4 to lack, to be short of
分 fen1 (a measure word), minute
刻 ke4 (a measure word), quarter (of an hour)
上课 shang4ke4 [上課] to attend (a class), to teach (in a class)
课 ke4 [課] class, lesson
下课 xia4ke4 [下課] class is over, class is dismissed
以后 yi3hou4 [以後] later on, in the future
事儿 shi4r [事兒] business, thing
回 hui2 to return, to go back
跟 gen1 with, to follow
一起 yi4qi3 together
电影 dian4ying3 [電影] film, movie
咖啡馆 ka1fei1guan3 [咖啡館] cafe
咖啡 ka1fei1 coffee
半 ban4 half
啊 a1 (a modal particle), ah
等 deng3 to wait
走 zou3 to walk
路 lu4 road, way
上班 shang4ban1 to go to work
下班 xia4ban1 to come or go off work
电影院 dian4ying3yuan4 [電影院] cinema
表 biao3 [錶] a watch
钟 zhong1 [鐘] clock, bell
以前 yi3qian2 before, in the past, ago
// PCR B1, L18
天 tian1 day
每 mei3 every, each
起床 qi3chuang2 to get up
起 qi3 to get up, to rise
床 chuang2 bed
上午 shang4wu3 morning
吃 chi1 to eat
饭 fan4 [飯] meal, cooked rice, food
多 duo1 many, much, a lot of
下午 xia4wu3 afternoon
休息 xiu1xi to rest, to take a rest
有时候 you3shi2hou [有時候] sometimes
时候 shi2hou [時候] time
问题 wen4ti2 [問題] question, problem
睡觉 shui4jiao4 [睡覺] to go to bed, to sleep
北京 bei3jing1 Beijing
// PCR B1, L19
要 yao4 to want, to be going to, must
服务员 fu2wu4yuan2 [服務員] waiter, waitress, attendant
杯 bei1 (a measure word), cup
小姐 xiao3jie miss, young lady
喜欢 xi3huan [喜歡] to like, to be fond of
花茶 hua1cha2 scented tea
红茶 hong2cha2 [紅茶] black tea
红 hong2 [紅] red
还是 hai2shi4 [還是] or
桔子水 ju2zishui3 orangeade, orange juice
桔子 ju2zi orange
水 shui3 water
瓶 ping2 (a measure word), bottle
啤酒 pi2jiu3 beer
听 ting1 [聽] to listen
民歌 min2ge1 folk song
古典 gu3dian3 classical
音乐 yin1yue4 [音樂] music
现代 xian4dai4 [現代] modern
唱 chang4 to sing
歌儿 ger1 [歌兒] song
让 rang4 [讓] to let, to ask
别 bie2 [別] don't, do not
枝 zhi1 (a measure word), branch
苹果 ping2guo3 [蘋果] apple
香蕉 xiang1jiao1 banana
葡萄 pu2tao grape
唱片 chang4pian4 gramophone record, (vinyl) record, LP
绿茶 lü4cha2 [綠茶] green tea
// PCR B1, L20
月 yue4 month
日 ri4 date (written language), day of the month
生日 sheng1ri4 birthday
今天 jin1tian1 today
班 ban1 class, squad
辅导 fu3dao3 [輔導] to coach, to tutor, to give advise (in study)
号 hao4 [號] date (spoken language), day of a month
空儿 kong4r [空兒] spare time, free time
今年 jin1nian2 this year
岁 sui4 [歲] (a measure word), year (age), years old
祝贺 zhu4he4 [祝賀] to congratulate, congratulation
舞会 wu3hui4 [舞會] dance, ball, party
参加 can1jia1 [參加] to take part in, to attend
同学 tong2xue2 [同學] classmate, schoolmate
一定 yi1ding4 surely, certainly, certain, given, particular
有意思 you3yi4si interesting
星期 xing1qi1 week
星期日 xing1qi1ri4 Sunday
知道 zhi1dao to know
地址 di4zhi3 address
年 nian2 year
去年 qu4nian2 last year
明年 ming2nian2 next year
音乐会 yin1yue4hui4 [音樂會] concert
结婚 jie2hun1 [結婚] to get married
对不起 dui4buqi3 [對不起] (I'm) sorry, forgive me
约会 yue1hui4 [約會] appointment
没关系 mei2guan1xi [沒關係] it doesn't matter
谈 tan2 [談] to talk, to chat
// PCR B1, L21
束 shu4 (a measure word), bunch
花儿 hua1r [花兒] flower
真 zhen1 real, true, genuine
好看 hao3kan4 good-looking
祝 zhu4 to wish, to express good wishes
送 song4 to give as a present, to give
非常 fei1chang2 extremely
感谢 gan3xie4 [感謝] to thank
高兴 gao1xing4 [高興] glad, happy, delighted
太太 tai4tai Mrs., Madame
年轻 nian2qing1 [年輕] young
多 duo1 how
跳舞 tiao4wu3 to dance
姑娘 gu1niang girl
吧 ba (a modal particle indicating polite suggestion), ...right?, ...OK?
漂亮 piao4liang pretty, beautiful
更 geng4 even, still
象 xiang4 to be like, to resemble, to take after
开 kai1 [開] open
门 men2 [門] door
布朗 bu4lang3 (a personal name), English surname, Brown
日本 ri4ben3 Japan
辆 liang4 [輛] (a measure word for vehicles)
干净 gan1jing [乾凈] clean, neat
新年 xin1nian2 New Year
岁数 sui4shu [歲數] age (number of years old)
礼物 li3wu4 [禮物] present, gift
照片 zhao4pian4 photograph, picture
儿子 er2zi [兒子] son
女儿 nü3er2 [女兒] daughter
// PCR B1, L22
后边 hou4bian1 [後邊] back, at the back of, behind
小 xiao3 little, small
花园 hua1yuan2 [花園] garden
房子 fang2zi house
客厅 ke4ting1 [客廳] drawing room (room for arriving guests), parlour
旁边 pang2bian1 [旁邊] side, lateral
书房 shu1fang2 [書房] study (room)
椅子 yi3zi chair
少 shao3 few
桌子 zhuo1zi table
上边 shang4bian [上邊] top, on, over, above
总是 zong3shi4 [總是] always
总 zong3 [總] always
整理 zheng3li3 to put in order, to straighten up, to arrange
厨房 chu2fang2 [廚房] kitchen
对面 dui4mian4 [對面] opposite
帮助 bang1zhu4 [幫助] to help
帮 bang1 [幫] to help
餐厅 can1ting1 [餐廳] dining-hall
左边 zuo3bian1 [左邊] left
里边 li3bian1 [裡邊] inside
房间 fang2jian1 [房間] room
卧室 wo4shi4 [臥室] bedroom
洗澡间 xi3zao3jian1 [洗澡間] bathroom
洗澡 xi3zao3 to take a bath
怎么样 zen3meyang4 [怎麼樣] how, how is it that...?
外边 wai4bian1 [外邊] outside
下边 xia4bian1 [下邊] bottom, below, under
前边 qian2bian1 [前邊] front, in front of, before
右边 you4bian1 [右邊] right
中间 zhong1jian1 [中間] middle
窗户 chuang1hu [窗戶] window
套 tao4 (a measure word, a set of something)
把 ba3 (a measure word)
// PCR B1, L23
正在 zheng4zai4 (an adverb indicating an action in progress), while (doing)
电视 dian4shi4 [電視] television, TV
接 jie1 to answer (the telephone), lift off
电话 dian4hua4 [電話] telephone call, telephone
没有 mei2you3 [沒有] not, no, haven't
复习 fu4xi2 [複習] to review
课文 ke4wen2 [課文] text
新闻 xin1wen2 [新聞] news
友好 you3hao3 friendly
代表团 dai4biao3tuan2 [代表團] delegation
代表 dai4biao3 delegate, representative
参观 can1guan1 [參觀] to visit (place or thing other than a person), to pay a
工厂 gong1chang3 [工廠] factory
工人 gong1ren2 worker
访问 fang3wen4 [訪問] to visit (thing, place or person), to call on
照片 zhao4pian4 photograph, photo, picture
打电话 da3dian4hua4 [打電話] to make (a telephone call)
明天 ming2tian1 tomorrow
城 cheng2 city, town
外边 wai4bian1 [外邊] outside
玩儿 wan2r [玩兒] to play, to have fun with
出发 chu1fa1 [出發] to start out, to set off
开车 kai1che1 [開車] to drive a car
接人 jie1ren2 to meet a person
总机 zong3ji1 [總機] central exchange, telephone exchange, switchboard
分机 fen1ji1 [分機] extension, (telephone) extension
占线 zhan4xian4 [占線] the line is busy (engaged), the number is engaged
打错了 da3cuo4le [打錯了] (you have dialed the) wrong number
号码 hao4ma3 [號碼] number
人民日报 ren2min2ri4bao4 [人民日報] "the People's Daily"
// PCR B1, L24
点心 dian3xin1 [點心] light refreshments, pastry
农村 nong2cun1 [農村] countryside, rural areas
农民 nong2min2 [農民] peasant
火车 huo3che1 [火車] train
锻炼 duan4lian4 [鍛煉] to do physical training
回答 hui2da2 to reply, to answer
些 xie1 (a measure word), some
难 nan2 [難] difficult
生词 sheng1ci2 [生詞] new word
词 ci2 [詞] word
念 nian4 to read aloud
练习 lian4xi2 [練習] exercise, to practise
认真 ren4zhen1 [認真] conscientious, serious, in earnest
懂 dong3 to understand
安娜 an1na4 Anna (personal name)
王书文 wang2shu1wen2 [王書文] Wang Shuwen (personal name)
// PCR B1, L25
得 de (a structural particle), (a sentence particle used after a verb to show
晚 wan3 late, evening
停 ting2 to stop, to come to a stop
河 he2 river
游泳 you2yong3 to swim
准备 zhun3bei4 [準備] to prepare
钓 diao4 [釣] to fish with a hook and bait
鱼 yu2 [魚] fish
汤 tang1 [湯] soup
位 wei4 (measure word for persons)
快 kuai4 fast
哪里 na3li [哪裡] it is nothing
慢 man4 slow
教练 jiao4lian4 [教練] coach, (athlete's) coach
不错 bu2cuo4 [不錯] correct, right, not bad, pretty good
面包 mian4bao1 [麵包] bread
火腿 huo3tui3 ham
一点儿 yi1dian3r [一點兒] a little, a bit
奶酪 nai3lao4 cheese
再 zai4 again, once more, a second time
矿泉水 kuang4quan2shui3 [礦泉水] mineral water
清楚 qing1chu clear, distinct
流利 liu2li4 fluent
整齐 zheng3qi2 [整齊] tidy
菜 cai4 dish, vegetable
饺子 jiao3zi [餃子] Chinese dumpling
鸡蛋 ji1dan4 [雞蛋] hen's egg
牛奶 niu2nai3 (cow's milk), milk
比较 bi3jiao4 [比較] comparatively, to compare
// PCR B1, L26
研究 yan2jiu1 to research
文学 wen2xue2 [文學] literature
早 zao3 early
谈 tan2 [談] to talk
会 hui4 [會] can, to know how to
当 dang1 [當] to serve as, to act as
翻译 fan1yi4 [翻譯] interpreter, translator, to interpret, to translate
能 neng2 can, to be able
加深 jia1shen1 to deepen
人民 ren2min2 people
了解 liao3jie3 to understand, to know
有名 you3ming2 famous, well-known
作家 zuo4jia1 writer, author
或者 huo4zhe3 or, possibly, maybe, perhaps
就 jiu4 at once, right away
应该 ying1gai1 [應該] should, ought to
俩 lia3 [倆] (a numeral-measure word) two, both
可以 ke3yi3 may, can
理想 li3xiang3 ideal
可是 ke3shi4 but, however
容易 rong2yi4 easy
有志者事竟成 you3zhi4zhe3shi4jing4cheng2 where there is a will, there is a way
成语 cheng2yu3 [成語] proverb, idiom
鲁迅 lu3xun4 [魯迅] Lu Xun
郭沫若 guo1mo4ruo4 Guo Moruo
歌剧 ge1ju4 [歌劇] opera
小说 xiao3shuo1 [小說] novel
诗歌 shi1ge1 [詩歌] poem
画 hua4 [畫] to paint, to draw
画儿 hua4r [畫兒] painting, drawing, picture
晚饭 wan3fan4 [晚飯] supper
进来 jin4lai2 [進來] to come in, to enter
// PCR B1, L27
开始 kai1shi3 [開始] to begin, to start
大使馆 da4shi3guan3 [大使館] embassy
大使 da4shi3 ambassador
招待会 zhao1dai4hui4 [招待會] reception
酒 jiu3 wine, spirit
尝 chang2 [嘗] to taste
茅台酒 mao2tai2jiu3 Maotai (a Chinese strong drink)
为 wei4 [為] for, to
健康 jian4kang1 health
干杯 gan1bei1 [乾杯] to drink a toast, propose a toast, here's to
友谊 you3yi4 [友誼] friendship
葡萄酒 pu2tao2jiu3 grape wine
葡萄 pu2tao grape
菜 cai4 dish, vegetable
筷子 kuai4zi chopsticks
试 shi4 [試] to try
文化 wen2hua4 culture
参赞 can1zan4 [參贊] counsellor, diplomatic officer, attache
夫人 fu1ren lady, madame, Mrs.
又 you4 again
大家 da4jia1 all, everybody
到 dao4 to go, to arrive, to reach
楼 lou2 [樓] storied building, floor
李 li3 (a surname) Li
白兰地 bai2lan2di4 [白蘭地] brandy
香槟酒 xiang1bin1jiu3 [香檳酒] champagne
武官 wu3guan1 military attache
一秘 yi2mi4 first secretary
病 bing4 to fall ill, illness, disease
小学生 xiao3xue2sheng1 [小學生] pupil, schoolboy, schoolgirl
// PCR B1, L28
足球 zu2qiu2 football
球 qiu2 ball
赛 sai4 [賽] to compete, competition, match
昨天 zuo2tian1 yesterday
办 ban4 [辦] to do, to handle, to attend to, to tackle
签证 qian1zheng4 [簽證] visa
午饭 wu3fan4 [午飯] lunch
队 dui4 [隊] team, line
赢 ying2 [贏] to win, to beat
输 shu1 [輸] to lose
比 bi3 (a preposition showing comparison), than, to (in a score), "-er than"
裁判 cai2pan4 referee, umpire, act as referee, to judge
公平 gong1ping2 fair
踢 ti1 to kick
气人 qi4ren2 [氣人] to get someone angry, to get someone annoyed
行李 xing2li luggage
箱子 xiang1zi suitcase
顶 ding3 [頂] (a measure word use with "hat")
帽子 mao4zi hat, cap
双 shuang1 [雙] (a measure word), pair
冰鞋 bing1xie2 skating boots, skates
鞋 xie2 shoes
冬天 dong1tian1 winter
滑冰 hua2bing1 to skate, skating
早饭 zao3fan4 [早飯] breakfast
体育场 ti3yu4chang3 [體育場] stadium
公园 gong1yuan2 [公園] park, a public park
乒乓球 ping1pang1qiu2 table tennis
运动 yun4dong4 [運動] sports, to sport
网球 wang3qiu2 [網球] badminton
篮球 lan2qiu2 [籃球] basketball
排球 pai2qiu2 volleyball
滑雪 hua2xue3 to ski, skiing
// PCR B1, L29
飞机 fei1ji1 [飛機] aeroplane, plane, aircraft
要 yao4 will, to be going to
起飞 qi3fei1 [起飛] to take off
机场 ji1chang3 [機場] airport
分别 fen1bie2 [分別] to part, to separate
愿意 yuan4yi4 [願意] to be willing (to do something)
离开 li2kai1 [離開] to leave, to depart
见面 jian4mian4 [見面] to meet each other, to see each other
见 jian4 [見] to meet, to see
所以 suo3yi3 so, therefore, as a result
进步 jin4bu4 [進步] progress, advance, to progress, to make progress
努力 nu3li4 hard-working, studious
照相 zhao4xiang4 take a picture, to have one's photo taken
站 zhan4 to stand
紧 jin3 [緊] close, tight, taut
上 shang4 to get on, to get into, to board
注意 zhu4yi4 to pay attention to
身体 shen1ti3 [身體] body, health
放心 fang4xin1 to set one's mind at rest, to be at ease, to rest assured
忘 wang4 to forget
难过 nan2guo4 [難過] sad
明年 ming2nian2 next year
夏天 xia4tian1 summer
秋天 qiu1tian1 autumn
一路平安 yi2lu4pin2gan1 to have a pleasant journey, to have a good trip, bon
汽车 qi4che1 [汽車] car, automobile
船 chuan2 ship
叫 jiao4 to hire, to call (a taxi etc.)
送行 song4xing2 to see someone off
旅行 lü3xing2 to travel, to tour
中国民航 zhong1guo2min2hang2 [中國民航] General Administration of Civil
Aviation of China (CAAC)
// PCR B1, L30
笑 xiao4 to laugh, to smile
心 xin1 heart, mind
送 song4 to see (or walk) someone home, to see (someone) off
女儿 nü3er2 [女兒] daughter
去年 qu4nian2 last year
国家 guo2jia1 [國家] country, state
东西 dong1xi [東西] thing
哭 ku1 to cry, to weep
离 li2 [離] from, to leave
远 yuan3 [遠] far, distant
热情 re4qing2 [熱情] cordial, enthusiastic
过 guo4 [過] to live, to get along
自己 zi4ji3 self, (reflexive pronoun)

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