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// PCR B3, L1

岸 an4 bank (of river, ocean, etc.), shore, coast

宝库 bao3ku4 [寶庫] treasure-house
…部 bu4 part, section
长江 chang2jiang1 [長江] Changjiang River, Yangtze River
成都 cheng2du1 Chengdu (city)
城市 cheng2shi4 city, town
重庆 chong2qing4 [重慶] Chongqing (city)
传说 chuan2shuo1 [傳說] it is said, they say, legend, tradition
到处 dao4chu4 [到處] in all places, everywhere
打算 da3suan4 to plan, to intend, to calculate, plan, intention, calculation
东部 dong1bu4 [東部] the east, the eastern part
度(假) du4(jia4) to spend (e.g. holidays), to pass
…方 fang1 direction (e.g. the east, the front, etc.)
夫妇 fu1fu4 [夫婦] husband and wife
改变 gai3bian4 [改變] to change, to alter
歌剧 ge1ju4 [歌劇] opera
古代 gu3dai4 ancient times
桂林 gui4lin2 Guilin (city)
古迹 gu3ji1 [古跡] places of historic interest, historical sites
古老 gu3lao3 ancient, age-old
杭州 hang2zhou1 Hangzhou (city)
会议 hui4yi4 [會議] meeting, conference
江 jiang1 river
结合 jie2he2 [結合] to combine, to link, to integrate
计划 ji4hua4 [計劃] plan, project, program, to plan, to map out
景色 jing3se4 scenery, scene, landscape
旅游 lü3you2 to tour
旅游者 lü3you2zhe3 tourist, traveler, visitor
美丽 mei3li4 [美麗] beautiful
面积 mian4ji1 [面積] area
名胜 ming2sheng4 [名勝] a place famous for its scenery or historical relics, scenic
迷人 mi2ren2 fascinating, enchanting
南方 nan2fang1 south, the southern part of the country, the South
然后 ran2hou4 [然後] then, after that, afterwards
三峡 san1xia2 [三峽] The Three Changjiang River Gorges, The Three Gorges
深 shen1 deep, profound
神话 shen2hua4 [神話] fairy tale, mythology, myth
书法 shu1fa3 [書法] calligraphy, penmanship
说服 shuo1fu2 [說服] to persuade, to convince, to talk sb. over
苏州 su1zhou1 [蘇州] Suzhou (city)
太湖 tai4hu2 Tai hu Lake, a big lake by Wuxi City
太平洋 tai4ping2yang2 the Pacific Ocean
提前 ti2qian2 to shift to an earlier date, to bring forward
往常 wang3chang2 habitually in the past, as one used to do formerly
文明 wen2ming2 civilized, civilization, culture
文物 wen2wu4 cultural relic, historical relic
无锡 wu2xi1 [無錫] Wuxi (city), in Jiangsu Province
西安 xi1an1 Xi'an (city), the capital city of Shaanxi Province
新疆 xin1jiang1 Xinjiang (Uygur Autonomous Region)
欣赏 xin1shang3 [欣賞] to appreciate, to enjoy, to admire
学术 xue2shu4 [學術] learning, science
一直 yi4zhi2 continuously, always, from the beginning of ... up to ...
游览 you2lan3 [游覽] to go sight-seeing, to tour, to visit
原来 yuan2lai2 [原來] original, former, originally, formerly, at first
者 zhe3 (suffix, referring to a person as "er" in "reader", etc.)
争论 zheng1lun4 [爭論] to argue, to debate, to contend, argument, contention
中华人民共和国zhong1hua2ren2min2gong4he2guo2 [中華人民共和國] The People's Republic
of China
主意 zhu3yi plan, idea, decision
// PCR B3, L2
傍晚 bang4wan3 toward evening, (at) nightfall, (at) dusk
北京饭店 bei3jing1fan4dian4 [北京飯店] Beijing Hotel
不住 bu2zhu4 repeatedly, continuously, constantly
从…起 cong2_qi3 [從…起] to start off with
地毯 di4tan3 carpet, rug
地下水 di4xia4shui3 groundwater
方法 fang1fa3 way, method
干燥 gan1zao4 [乾燥] dry, arid
瓜 gua1 melon
灌溉 guan4gai4 to irrigate
哈密瓜 ha1mi4gua1 Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)
婚礼 hun1li3 [婚禮] wedding ceremony, wedding
火焰山 huo3yan4shan1 the Mountain of Flames
见闻 jian4wen2 [見聞] what one sees and hears, knowledge, information
节目 jie2mu4 [節目] program, item (on a program)
结束 jie2shu4 [結束] to end, to finish, to conclude, to close
举行 ju3xing2 [舉行] to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)
可 ke3 (for emphasis)
块 kuai4 [塊] (a measure word, for cloth, cake, soap)
棉花 mian2hua cotton
农田 nong2tian2 [農田] farmland, cultivated land
陪 pei2 to accompany, to keep someone company
盆地 pen2di4 basin, depression
葡萄干儿 pu2taogan1(r) [葡萄乾兒] raisin
祈祷 qi2dao3 [祈禱] to pray, to say one's prayers
清真 qing1zhen1 Islamic, Muslim
清真寺 qing1zhen1si4 mosque
亲戚 qin1qi [親戚] relative
却 que4 [卻] but, yet, however, while
人们 ren2men [人們] people
沙漠 sha1mo4 desert
食品 shi2pin3 foodstuff, food, provisions
熟 shu2 ripe
寺 si4 temple
四面八方 si4mian4ba1fang1 in all directions, all around, far and near
抬 tai2 to lift, to raise, (of two or more persons) to carry
甜 tian2 sweet
吐鲁番 tu3lu3fan1 [吐魯番] the Turfan Basin, in Xinjiang Province
维吾尔族 wei2wu2er3zu2 [維吾爾族] the Uygur (Uighur) nationality, living in
闻名 wen2ming2 [聞名] well-known, famous, renowned
兴趣 xing4qu4 [興趣] interest
新郎 xin1lang2 bridegroom
新娘 xin1niang2 bride
西游记 xi1you2ji4 [西游記] Pilgrimage to the West, Journey to the West
宴会 yan4hui4 [宴會] banquet, feast, dinner party
一边…一边… yi4bian1_yi4bian1_ [一邊…一邊…] at the same time, simultaneously
引 yin3 to lead, to divert (water)
迎接 ying2jie1 to meet, to welcome, to greet
引起 yin3qi3 to give rise to, to lead to, to cause, to arouse
由 you2 by, to, leave it (to sb.)
早上 zao3shang4 (early) morning
招待 zhao1dai4 to receive (guests), to entertain
周围 zhou1wei2 [周圍] surroundings, environment
抓饭 zhua1fan4 [抓飯] a kind of food popular among believers in Islam
族 zu2 race, nationality
// PCR B3, L3
…面 _mian4 surface, top, face
哎呀 ai1ya1 ah, my God
坝 ba4 [壩] dam, dyke, embankment
奔腾 ben1teng2 [奔騰] (of waves) to surge forward, to roll on in waves
不禁 bu4jin1 can't help (doing something), can't refrain from
插 cha1 to interpose, to insert
冲 chong1 [衝] to charge, to rush, to dash
处 chu4 [處] place
出现 chu1xian4 [出現] to appear, to arise, to emerge
挡 dang3 [擋] to block, to get in the way of
导航 dao3hang2 [導航] navigation
大禹 da4yu3 Da Yu, name of an ancient hero who successfully controlled floods
顶 ding3 [頂] top, peak
感叹 gan3tan4 [感嘆] to sigh with feeling
葛洲坝 ge3zhou1ba4 [葛洲壩] name of a place, Gezhouba Dam on the Changjiang River, in
工程 gong1cheng2 engineering, project
关于 guan1yu2 [關於] about, on, with regard to, concerning
航行 hang2xing2 to sail, to fly
河流 he2liu2 river
甲板 jia3ban3 deck (of a boat, etc.)
江面 jiang1mian4 the surface of the river
艰苦 jian1ku3 [艱苦] difficult, hard, arduous
经过 jing1guo4 [經過] to pass, to go through, process, course
金黄 jin1huang2 [金黃] golden yellow, golden
仅仅 jin3jin3 [僅僅] only, merely, barely
久 jiu3 (of duration) long, for a long time
可惜 ke3xi1 it is a pity, what a pity, (it's) too bad
来不及 lai2buji2 [來不及] there's not enough time (to do sth.), it's too late (to
do sth.)
来往 lai2wang3 [來往] to come and go
老天爷 lao3tian1ye3 [老天爺] God, Heavens
里 li3 li, a Chinese unit of length = ½ kilometer
亮 liang4 bright, light
前进 qian2jin4 [前進] to go forward, to forge ahead, to advance
峭壁 qiao4bi4 cliff, steep, precipice
奇特 qi2te4 peculiar, queer, strange
日夜 ri4ye4 day and night, around the clock
扇 shan4 (a measure word for doors, windows, etc.)
山峰 shan1feng1 mountain peak
神女 shen2nü3 goddess
神女峰 shen2nü3feng1 name of a peak by Changjiang Three Gorges
涂 tu2 [塗] to smear, to apply (paint)
推 tui1 to push, to shove
突然 tu1ran2 sudden, abrupt, unexpected
万县 wan4xian4 [萬縣] Wanxian County, in Sichuan Province
未来 wei4lai2 [未來] future, tomorrow
危险 wei1xian3 [危險] dangerous
巫山 wu1shan1 Mt. Wu, on the Changjiang River by the Three Gorges
巫峡 wu1xia2 [巫峽] Wuxia Gorge, in the Changjiang River Three Gorges
享受 xiang3shou4 to enjoy, enjoyment, indulgence
现实 xian4shi2 [現實] reality, actuality, real, actual
信号 xin4hao4 [信號] signal
信号台 xin4hao4tai2 [信號臺] signal station
西王母 xi1wang2mu3 name of a goddess
眼看 yan3kan4 soon, in a moment
夜 ye4 night
遗憾 yi2han4 [遺憾] regret, pity, sorry
一下子 yi2xia4zi in a short while, all at once, all of a sudden
越来越… yue4lai2yue4_ [越來越…] more and more
糟糕 zao1gao1 too bad, how terrible, what bad luck
窄 zhai3 narrow
着 zhao2 [著] (having the meaning of "attaining or reaching")
这里 zhe4li3 [這裡] here
治 zhi4 to control, to harness (a river)
撞 zhuang4 to run into, to bump against
壮丽 zhuang4li4 [壯麗] majestic, magnificent, glorious
// PCR B3, L4
…分之… _fen1zhi1_ (indicating a fraction)
被子 bei4zi quilt
不同 bu4tong2 not alike, different, distinct
产值 chan3zhi2 [產值] value of output, output value
吃惊 chi1jing1 [吃驚] to be startled, to be shocked, to be amazed
出口 chu1kou3 to export, exit
道理 dao4li3 reason, argument, sense
地 di4 place, the earth, soil, land
儿媳 er2xi2 [兒媳] daughter-in-law
繁忙 fan2mang2 busy, bustling
发音 fa1yin1 [發音] to pronounce
风格 feng1ge2 [風格] style
改口 gai3kou3 to correct oneself, to withdraw or modify one's previous remark
港口 gang3kou3 port, harbor
各地 ge4di4 in all parts of (a country)
工业 gong1ye4 [工業] industry
关系 guan1xi [關係] relation, relationship, to concern, to affect, to have to
do with
虹桥机场 hong2qiao2ji1chang3 [虹橋機場] Hongqiao Airport (in Shanghai)
黄浦江 huang2pu3jiang1 [黃浦江] Huangpu River (in Shanghai)
货轮 huo4lun2 [貨輪] freighter, cargo ship
降落 jiang4luo4 to descend, to land
见证 jian4zheng4 [見證] witness, testimony
简直 jian3zhi2 [簡直] simply, at all
结婚 jie2hun1 [結婚] to marry, to get married
惊 jing1 [驚] to start, to be frightened, to be scared
锦江饭店 jin3jiang1fan4dian4 [錦江飯店] Jinjiang Hotel
贸易 mao4yi4 [貿易] trade
码头 ma3tou2 [碼頭] wharf, dock
南京路 nan2jing1lu4 Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai
宁愿 ning4yuan4 [寧願] would rather, better
破 po4 to break, to split, broken, damaged, worn out
破产 po4chan3 [破產] to go bankrupt, to become impoverished
普通 pu3tong1 ordinary, common
普通话 pu3tong1hua4 [普通話] putonghua, Mandarin Chinese, common speech of the
Chinese language
确实 que4shi2 [確實] true, reliable, really, indeed
热闹 re4nao [熱鬧] bustling with noise and excitement, lively
如果 ru2guo3 if, in case
散步 san4bu4 to take a walk, to go for a walk
商品 shang1pin3 commodity, goods
商业 shang1ye4 [商業] commerce, trade
身世 shen1shi4 one's life experience, one's lot
失去 shi1qu4 to lose
试样 shi4yang4 [試樣] style, type, model
受 shou4 to stand, to bear, to endure
寺庙 si4miao4 [寺廟] temple, monastery, shrine
孙女 sun1nü3 [孫女] granddaughter
特别 te4bie2 [特別] special, particular, unusual
特产 te4chan3 [特產] special local product, (regional) specialty
同 tong2 same, alike, similar, with
通道 tong1dao4 thoroughfare, passage
退休金 tui4xiu1jin1 retirement pay, pension
外 wai4 foreign, external
外滩 wai4tan1 [外灘] Waitan (the Bund), in Shanghai
完全 wan2quan2 complete, whole, totally, entirely
误会 wu4hui4 [誤會] to misunderstand, to mistake, misunderstanding
吴淞口 wu2song1kou3 [吳淞口] (name of a place)
无所谓 wu2suo3wei4 [無所謂] to be indifferent, not to matter
嫌 xian2 to dislike
绣 xiu4 [繡] to embroider
绣花 xiu4hua1 [繡花] to embroider, to do embroidery
阴 yin1 [陰] (of weather) overcast
印象 yin4xiang4 impression
有趣 you3qu4 interesting, ausing, fascinating
占 zhan4 to occupy, to constitute, to make up, to account
中心 zhong1xin1 center, heart, core
专 zhuan1 [專] for a particular person, occasion, purpose, focused on one
thing, special
总 zong3 [總] total, overall
// PCR B3, L5
白蛇传 bai2she2zhuan4 [白蛇傳] Tale of the White Snake, Madam White Snake
白素贞 bai2su4zhen1 [白素貞] (name of a person) Bai Suzhen, from Madam White
报仇 bao4chou2 [報仇] to revenge oneself, to avenge
本领 ben3ling3 [本領] skill
变 bian4 [變] to change, to become different
变成 bian4cheng2 [變成] to change into, to turn into, to become
不过 bu2guo4 [不過] but, however
拆散 chai1san4 to break up (a marriage, family, etc.)
场 chang3 [場] a level open space, (a measure word, used for sport or
除非 chu2fei1 only if, only when
打败 da3bai4 [打敗] to defeat, to beat, to suffer a defeat, to be defeated
道 dao4 to say, to speak, to talk
倒 dao3 to fall, to topple, to collapse
断桥 duan4qiao2 [斷橋] the Broken Bridge (at West Lake)
端午节 duan1wu3jie2 [端午節] The Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th
lunar month)
对 dui4 [對] couple, pair, to be opposite, to oppose, to face
躲 duo3 to hide (oneself)
法海 fa4hai3 name of a Buddhist monk, Fahai, from Madam White Snake
发誓 fa1shi4 [發誓] to vow, to pledge, to swear
夫妻 fu1qi1 man and wife
抚养 fu3yang3 [撫養] to foster, to bring up, to raise
抚养成人 fu3yang3cheng2ren2 [撫養成人] to bring up (a child)
感情 gan3qing2 feeling, emotion, affection
害 hai4 to do harm to, to cause trouble to, harm, evil, calamity
害怕 hai4pa4 to be afraid, to be scared
恨 hen4 to hate
和尚 he2shang Buddhist monk
怀疑 huai2yi2 [懷疑] to doubt, to suspect, doubt, suspicion
昏 hun1 to faint, to lose consciousness
忽然 hu1ran2 suddenly, all of a sudden
接着 jie1zhe [接著] to follow, to carry on, then, after that
金 jin1 gold
金钵 jin1bo1 [金缽] (gold) alms bowl (of a Buddhist monk)
金山寺 jin1shan1si4 Jinshan Temple, where Fahai lives (from Madam White Snake)
救 jiu4 to save, to rescue
肯定 ken3ding4 to be sure, to be certain, sure, certain, definite
昆仑山 kun1lun2shan1 [昆侖山] Mt. Kunlun
雷峰塔 lei2feng1ta3 Leifeng Pagoda, by West Lake until it was destroyed (also
from Madam White Snake)
练 lian4 [練] to practice, to train, to perfect (one's skill)
连忙 lian2mang2 [連忙] promptly, at once
抛 pao1 [拋] to throw, to toss, to fling
骗 pian4 [騙] to deceive, to fool
拼命 pin1ming4 to be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work, etc.)
气 qi4 [氣] to make sb. angry, to get angry, to be enraged
妻子 qi1zi wife
劝 quan4 [勸] to try to persuade, to advise
人间 ren2jian1 [人間] man's world, the world
善良 shan4liang2 good and honest, kind-hearted
蛇 she2 snake, serpent
声 sheng1 [聲] sound, voice, (a measure word, used for sounds)
生 sheng1 to give birth to (a child)
生气 sheng1qi4 [生氣] to get angry, to be enraged, to take offense
逃 tao2 to run away, to flee
天堂 tian1tang2 paradise, heaven
团圆 tuan2yuan2 [團圓] to have a reunion
仙草 xian1cao3 a kind of plant used as a medicinal herb in ancient times
相信 xiang1xin4 to believe in, to accept sth. as true
羡慕 xian4mu4 to admire, to envy
小青 xiao3qing1 name of a person, Xiaoqing, from Madam White Snake
西湖 xi1hu2 the West Lake, in Hangzhou
醒 xing3 to wake up, to be awake
幸福 xing4fu2 happy
雄黄 xiong2huang2 [雄黃] realgar, red orpiment
许仙 xu3xian1 [許仙] name of a person, Xu Xian, from Madam White Snake
压 ya1 [壓] to press, to push down, to keep under (control)
也许 ye3xu3 [也許] perhaps, maybe
遇到 yu4dao4 to meet, to run into, to come across
在…下 zai4_xia4 under, beneath
赞美 zan4mei3 [贊美] to praise, to eulogize
战 zhan4 [戰] to fight, fight, war, battle
丈夫 zhang4fu husband
镇江 zhen4jiang1 [鎮江] Zhenjiang (city), in Jiangsu province
只好 zhi3hao3 to have to, to be forced to
// PCR B3, L6
唉 ai4 alas, oh dear
辈 bei4 [輩] generation
表妹 biao3mei4 female cousin with a different surname
表兄 biao3xiong1 male cousin with a different surname (older than oneself)
病人 bing4ren2 patient, invalid (noun)
待 dai4 to treat, to deal with
当初 dang1chu1 [當初] at that time, originally
当然 dang1ran2 [當然] only natural, as it should be, certainly, of course,
without doubt
倒 dao4 to pour, to tip
对象 dui4xiang4 [對象] boy- or girl-friend
防 fang2 to defend, to prevent
丰衣足食 feng1yi1zu2shi2 [豐衣足食] have ample food and clothing, be well-fed
and well-clothed
隔 ge2 to separate, to stand or lie between
哥儿 ger1 [哥兒] brothers, boys
公公 gong1gong husband's father, father-in-law
贡献 gong4xian4 [貢獻] to contribute, to dedicate, to devote, contribution
顾 gu4 [顧] to attend to
孤独 gu1du2 [孤獨] lonely, solitary
归 gui1 [歸] to go back, to return
欢乐 huan1le4 [歡樂] happy, joyous, gay
家常 jia1chang2 the daily life of a family
教育 jiao4yu4 to educate, to teach, education
家庭 jia1ting2 family, household
家务 jia1wu4 [家務] household duties, housework
开玩笑 kai1wan2xiao4 [開玩笑] to play a joke, to make fun of, to joke
口 kou3 mouth, (a measure word, for people or persons in a family)
啦 la (an auxiliary word performing the grammatical functions of mood)
拉 la1 to pull
老 lao3 (a prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating
the order of birth of the children in a family to indicate affection or
老二 lao3er4 the second child or brother (or sister)
老伴儿 lao3ban4(r) [老伴兒] (of an old married couple) husband or wife
老两口 lao3liang3kou3(r) [老兩口] an old married couple
老人 lao3ren2 old people, the aged
喽 lou [嘍] an auxiliary word
明白 ming2bai clear, obvious, to understand, to realize
女婿 nü3xu son-in-law
盼 pan4 to hope for, to long for, to expect
平常 ping2chang2 ordinary, common, usually, ordinarily
婆家 po2jia husband's family
婆婆 po2po husband's mother, mother-in-law
前年 qian2nian2 the year before last
亲 qin1 [親] deer, intimate
亲家 qing4jia [親家] parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law, relatives
by marriage
日子 ri4zi day, date
上班 shang4ban1 to go to work, to be on duty, to start work
水果 shui3guo3 fruit
外孙女 wai4sun1nü3 [外孫女] daughter's daughter, granddaughter
玩笑 wan2xiao4 joke, jest
喂 wei4 to feed
下班 xia4ban1 to come or go off work
闲 xian2 [閑] to stay idle, to be unoccupied, not busy
孝敬 xiao4jing4 to respect, to give presents (to one's elders or superiors)
兄 xiong1 elder brother
养 yang3 [養] to bring sb. up, to raise (pig, etc.)
养儿防老 yang3er2fang2lao3 [養兒防老] (of parents) to bring up children for the
purpose of being looked after in old age
姨 yi2 one's mother's sister, aunt
依靠 yi1kao4 to rely on, to depend on
一切 yi2qie4 all, every, everything
幼儿园 you4er2yuan2 [幼兒園] kindergarten, nursery school
圆 yuan2 [圓] round, circular, spherical, (of the moon) full
月饼 yue4bing3 [月餅] moon cake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival)
长 zhang3 [長] to grow, to develop
照顾 zhao4gu4 [照顧] to look after, to care for, to attend to
中秋节 zhong1qiu1jie2 [中秋節] the Mid-Autumn Festival
// PCR B3, L7
爱情 ai4qing2 [愛情] love (between man and woman)
白天 bai2tian1 daytime, day
办事处 ban4shi4chu4 [辦事處] office, agency
备课 bei4ke4 [備課] (of a teacher) to prepare lessons
毕业 bi4ye4 [畢業] to graduate
补 bu3 [補] to mend, to make up for
惭愧 can2kui4 [慚愧] (to be) ashamed
厂 chang3 [廠] factory, works
吵 chao3 to quarrel, to make a noise, noisy
吵架 chao3jia4 to quarrel, to have a row
从来 cong2lai2 [從來] always, at all times, along
当 dang1 [當] just at (a time or place), on the spot
得 dei3 to need to, to have to do sth.
得意 de2yi4 (be) proud of oneself, pleased with oneself, complacent
低 di1 to lower (one's head), to let droop, to hange down, low
地位 di4wei4 position, place, status
发 fa1 [發] to send out, to show (one's feeling)
法院 fa3yuan4 court of justice, law
附近 fu4jin4 nearby, neighboring
感到 gan3dao4 to feel, to sense
管 guan3 to manage, to be in charge of, to look after
和好 he2hao3 to become reconciled
怀孕 huai2yun4 [懷孕] to be pregnant
婚 hun1 marriage
家长 jia1zhang3 [家長] the parent or guardian of a child
解决 jie3jue2 [解決] to solve, to resolve, to settle
竟 jing4 unexpectedly, actually, to go so far as to
经验 jing1yan4 [經驗] experience
技术 ji4shu4 [技術] technology, technique, skill
技术员 ji4shu4yuan2 [技術員] technician
决心 jue2xin1 [決心] determination, resolution, to be determined, to be
resolved, to make up one's mind
开会 kai1hui4 [開會] to hold or attend a meeting
看 kan1 to look after, to take care of
困难 kun4nan [困難] difficult, difficulty
老张 lao3zhang1 [老張] (informal name for a man whose surname is Zhang)
恋爱 lian4ai4 [戀愛] to have a love affair, to be in love, to love
联系 lian2xi4 [聯繫] to integrate, to link, to get in touch with, contact,
李华 li3hua2 [李華] (name of a person)
离婚 li2hun1 [離婚] to divorce, to be divorced from (one's wife or husband)
领导 ling3dao3 [領導] leadership, leader, to lead
刘大姐 liu2da4jie3 [劉大姐] (formal name for a woman whose surname is Liu)
米 mi3 rice
描写 miao2xie3 [描寫] to describe, to portray
男子汉 nan2zi3han4 [男子漢] man (i.e. manly, masculine)
脾气 pi2qi4 [脾氣] temperament, disposition, temper
热心 re4xin1 [熱心] enthusiastic, ardent, warmhearted
水泡 shui3pao4 bubble, blister
孙明英 sun1ming2ying1 [孫明英] (name of a person)
锁 suo3 [鎖] to lock up, to lock
态度 tai4du [態度] manner, bearing, attitude, approach
烫 tang4 [燙] to scald, to burn
痛苦 tong4ku3 painful
王林 wang2lin2 (name of a person)
戏 xi4 [戲] drama, play, show
向 xiang4 to, towards
香 xiang1 fragrant, (of food) savory, appetizing
详细 xiang2xi4 [詳細] detailed, minute
小学 xiao3xue2 [小學] primary school
戏剧 xi4ju4 [戲劇] drama, play, theater
系列片 xi4lie4pian1 film series
喜糖 xi3tang2 sweet given on a happy occasion (esp. wedding)
修理 xiu1li3 to repair, to overhaul, to fix
修理厂 xiu1li3chang3 [修理廠] repair shop
优秀 you1xiu4 [優秀] outstanding, excellent
由余 you2yu2 [由余*由於] owing to, thanks to, as a result of
脏 zang1 [髒] dirty, filthy
直 zhi2 straight, vertical, frank, directly, straightly
支持 zhi1chi2 to support, to back, to stand by
只是 zhi3shi4 merely, simply, only, but
尊重 zun1zhong4 to respect, to esteem
作业 zuo4ye4 [作業] school assignment, work, task, operation
// PCR B3, L8
板 ban3 board, plank, plate
辈子 bei4(zi) [輩子] all ones's life, lifetime
被褥 bei4ru4 bedding, bedclothes
比如 bi3ru2 for example, for instance
菜地 cai4di4 vegetable field
朝 chao2 facing, towards
称赞 cheng1zan4 [稱贊] to praise, to acclaim, to commend
当做 dang4zuo4 [當做] to treat as, to regard as, to look upon as
端 duan1 to hold something level with both hands, to carry
队长 dui4zhang3 [隊長] team leader
擀 gan3 to roll (dough, etc.)
告别 gao4bie2 [告別] to leave, to bid farewell to, to say good-bye to
公社 gong1she4 commune
狗 gou3 dog
锅 guo1 [鍋] pot, pan, boiler
果园 guo3yuan2 [果園] orchard
黄 huang2 [黃] yellow (color)
花生 hua1sheng1 peanut, groundnut
回 hui2 (a measure word for matters or actions) a time
和 huo4 to mix, to blend
简单 jian3dan1 [簡單] simple, uncomplicated
建议 jian4yi4 [建議] to propose, to suggest, to recommend, proposal, suggestion,
郊区 jiao1qu1 [郊區] suburban district, outskirts, suburbs
开(饭馆) kai1(fan4guan3) [開(飯館)] to set up (a restaurant), to run
炕 kang4 kang, a heatable brick bed
乐趣 le4qu4 [樂趣] delight, pleasure, joy
凉 liang2 [涼] cool, cold
满 man3 [滿] full, filled, packed
米饭 mi3fan4 [米飯] (cooked) rice
蜜桃 mi4tao2 honey peach, juicy peach
奶牛 nai3niu2 milk cow, dairy cow
奶牛场 nai3niu2chang3 [奶牛場] dairy farm
内 nei4 [內] inner, within, inside
盘 pan2 [盤] tray, plate, dishes, (a measure word used for dishes of food or
coils of wire)
皮儿 pi2(r) [皮兒] (dough, etc.)wrappers, cover
其实 qi2shi2 [其實] actually, that is not the case, in fact
取暖 qu3nuan3 to warm oneself (by a fire, etc.)
人家 ren2jia1 other people
人民公社 ren2min2gong1she4 people's commune
肉 rou4 meat
褥子 ru4zi cotton-padded mattress
生产队 sheng1chan3dui4 [生產隊] production team
生火 sheng1huo3 to make a fire, to light a fire
石板 shi2ban3 slab, flagstone
台子 tai2zi [檯子] table, desk
桃儿 tao2r [桃兒] peach
田大娘 tian2da4niang2 (formal name for an older woman whose surname is Tian)
握手 wo4shou3 to shake hands
咸 xian2 [鹹] salted, salty
馅儿 xian4(r) [餡兒] stuffing, filling
小华 xiao3hua2 [小華] (name of a person)
学问 xue2wen4 [學問] learning, knowledge
盐 yan2 [鹽] salt
油 you2 oil
整个 zheng3ge4 [整個] whole, entire
正好 zheng4hao3 just (in time), just right, just enough, to happen to, to chance
煮 zhu3 to cook, to boil
砖 zhuan1 [磚] brick
做客 zuo4ke4 to be a guest or visitor
作料 zuo2liao condiments, seasoning
// PCR B3, L9
办法 ban4fa3 [辦法] way, means, measure
包 bao1 bundle, packet
表现 biao3xian4 [表現] to show, to display
表扬 biao3yang2 [表揚] to praise, to commend
伯父 bo2fu4 father's elder brother, (polite form of address for a man who is
about the age of one's father)
伯母 bo2mu3 wife of father's elder brother, aunt, (polite form of address for
a woman who is about the age of one's mother)
不安 bu4an1 uneasy, disturbed, restless
错误 cuo4wu4 [錯誤] mistake
道歉 dao4qian4 to apologize, to make an apology
定 ding4 to decide, to fix, to set
发生 fa1sheng1 [發生] to happen, to occur, to take place
发现 fa1xian4 [發現] to find, to discover
分配 fen1pei4 to assign, to distribute, to allot
改正 gai3zheng4 to correct, to amend, to put right
工读学校 gong1du2xue2xiao4 [工讀學校] the reformatory, reform school
工资 gong1zi1 [工資] wages, pay
规则 gui1ze2 [規則] rule, regulation
好感 hao3gan3 good opinion, favorable impression
交通 jiao1tong1 traffic, communications
戒指 jie4zhi (finger) ring
警察 jing3cha2 police, policeman, policewoman
进行 jin4xing2 [進行] to carry on, to carry out, to conduct
看法 kan4fa3 way of looking at a thing, view
考虑 kao3lü4 [考慮] to think over, to consider
愣 leng4 to look distracted, to stare blankly, distracted, stupefied, blank
脸 lian3 [臉] face
聊 liao2 to chat, to have a chat
矛盾 mao2dun4 contradictory, contradiction
拿主意 na2zhu3yi to make a decision, to make up one's mind
怕羞 pa4xiu1 coy, shy, bashful
偏 pian1 inclined to one side, slanting
偏偏 pian1pian1 (indicates that something turns out contrary to expectations)
砌 qi4 to build by laying bricks or stones
巧 qiao3 opportunely, coincidentally, as it happens
慎重 shen4zhong4 cautious, careful, prudent
使 shi3 to make, to cause, to enable
事情 shi4qing affair, matter, thing, business
试探 shi4tan4 [試探] to sound out, to probe, to feel out
失足 shi1zu2 to take a wrong step in life
替 ti4 to take the place of, to replace, for, on behalf of
通红 tong1hong2 [通紅] very red, red through and through
偷 tou1 to steal, to pilfer
推辞 tui1ci2 [推辭] to decline (an appointment, invitation, etc.)
挖 wa1 to dig, to excavate
喜 xi3 to be fond of, to like, to be happy, to feel pleased, happiness,
小伙子 xiao3huo3zi lad, young fellow, youngster
议论 yi4lun4 [議論] to comment, to talk about, to discuss, discussion
原谅 yuan2liang4 [原諒] to excuse, to forgive, to pardon
约会 yue1hui4 [約會] appointment, engagement
整(天) zheng3(tian1) the whole (day), all
终于 zhong1yu2 [終於] at last, in the end, finally
转 zhuan3 [轉] to turn, to shift, to change
转身 zhuan3shen1 [轉身] (of a person) to turn round, to face about
主动 zhu3dong4 [主動] (to take the) initiative
主要 zhu3yao4 main, principal, major
组 zu3 [組] group
// PCR B3, L10
…迷 _mi2 fan, enthusiast
爱好 ai4hao4 [愛好] to like, to be fond of, to be keen on, interest, hobby
爱好者 ai4hao4zhe3 [愛好者] lover (of art,sport, etc.), fan
不论 bu2lun4 [不論] no matter (what, who, how, etc.), whether ... or ...,
regardless of
不行 bu4xing2 to be no good at, not be capable
传统 chuan2tong3 [傳統] tradition
打不过 da3buguo4 [打不過] not to be able to beat or defeat sb., to be no match for
对手 dui4shou3 [對手] opponent, adversary, match
放出 fang4chu1 to let off, to give out
复杂 fu4za2 [複雜] complicated, complex
肝 gan1 liver
感(兴趣) gan3(xing4qu4) [感(興趣)] to feel, to take (or have) an interest in
肝炎 gan1yan2 hepatitis
个子 ge4zi [個子] height, stature, build
冠军 guan4jun1 [冠軍] champion
滑雪 hua2xue3 to ski, skiing
恢复 hui1fu4 [恢復] to recover, to regain
胡子 hu2zi [鬍子] beard, mustache or whiskers
减 jian3 [減] to reduce, to decrease
坚持 jian1chi2 [堅持] to persist in, to uphold, to insist in
减肥 jian3fei2 [減肥] to lose weight
加上 jia1shang4 to put in, to add, plus
加油 jia1you2 to make an extra effort, to cheer sb. on
激烈 ji1lie4 intense, acute
锦标 jin3biao1 [錦標] prize, title
锦标赛 jin3biao1sai4 [錦標賽] championship contest, championships
局 ju2 (a measure word used for games) set or round
举 ju3 [舉] to lift, to hold up, to cite, to enumerate
居民 ju1min2 resident, inhabitant
裤子 ku4(zi) [褲子] trousers, pants
例子 li4zi example, instance
旅馆 lü3guan3 [旅館] hotel
男人 nan2ren2 man (i.e. male)
胖 pang4 fat, plump
胖子 pang4zi fat person, fatty
跑步 pao3bu4 to run
平 ping2 flat, level, equal, to make the same score, to tie, to draw
评 ping2 [評] to judge, to choose (by public appraisal)
乒乓球 ping1pang1qiu2 ping-pong, table tennis
乒乓球台 ping1pang1qiu2tai2 [乒乓球臺] table-tennis table
起…作用 qi3_zuo4yong4 to play the role of ...
气功 qi4gong1 [氣功] qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises
球台 qiu2tai2 [球檯] table (for games using balls)
球网 qiu2wang3 [球網] net (for ball games)
区 qu1 [區] area, district
入迷 ru4mi2 to be fascinated, to be enchanted
弱 ruo4 weak, feeble
身 shen1 (a measure word used for clothes) suit
树林 shu4lin2 [樹林] woods, grove
太极剑 tai4ji2jian4 [太極劍] a kind of traditional Chinese sword-play
条件 tiao2jian4 [條件] condition, factor
体操 ti3cao1 [體操] gymnastics
体育 ti3yu4 [體育] physical culture, physical training, sports
武术 wu3shu4 [武術] wushu, martial arts such as shadow-boxing, swordplay, etc.
项目 xiang4mu4 [項目] item
先进 xian1jin4 [先進] advanced
行 xing2 all right, capable, competent
亚军 ya4jun1 [亞軍] second place (in a sports contest), runner-up
业余 ye4yu2 [業餘] spare time, amateur
以 yi3 by, with
义务 yi4wu4 [義務] volunteer, voluntary, duty, obligation
优美 you1mei3 [優美] graceful, fine
治疗 zhi4liao2 [治療] to treat, to cure
钟 zhong1 [鐘] clock, time as measured in hours and minutes
作用 zuo4yong4 effect, to play a role
足球迷 zu2qiu2mi2 football fan
// PCR B3, L11
包括 bao1kuo4 to include, to consist of, to comprise
编 bian1 [編] to edit, to compile, to compose
表演 biao3yan3 to perform, to act, to play
搏斗 bo2dou4 [搏鬥] to wrestle, to fight, to struggle
布景 bu4jing3 (stage) set
曾经 ceng2jing1 [曾經] (an adverb indicating sth. happened in the past
产生 chan3sheng1 [產生] to produce, to engender
出 chu1 (a measure word for dramas, plays, or operas)
创立 chuang4li4 [創立] to found, to originate
大多数 da4duo1shu4 [大多數] great majority
大师 da4shi1 [大師] great master, master
灯光 deng1guang1 [燈光] (stage) lighting, light
动作 dong4zuo4 [動作] movement, motion, action
独立 du2li4 [獨立] to be independent, to stand alone
多数 duo1shu4 [多數] majority
父母 fu4mu3 father and mother, parents
服装 fu2zhuang1 [服裝] dress, clothing, costume
改编 gai3bian1 [改編] to adapt, to rearrange, to revise
贵妃醉酒 gui4fei1zui4jiu3 [貴妃醉酒] The Drunken Beauty
故乡 gu4xiang1 [故鄉] native place, hometown
化装 hua4zhuang1 [化裝] (of actors) to make up, to disguise oneself
化妆 hua4zhuang1 [化妝] to put on make-up
教材 jiao4cai2 teaching material
教学 jiao4xue2 [教學] teaching and studying
紧张 jin3zhang1 [緊張] intense, strained, tense
剧 ju4 [劇] drama, play, show
夸张 kua1zhang1 [誇張] to exaggerate, to overstate
脸谱 lian3pu3 [臉譜] types of facial makeup in operas
罗密欧与朱丽叶luo2mi4ou1yu3zhu1li4ye4 [羅密歐與朱麗葉] Romeo and Juliet
马鞭 ma3bian1 [馬鞭] horsewhip
梅兰芳 mei2lan2fang1 [梅蘭芳] name of a very famous Beijing Opera artist
梅派 mei2pai4 the Mei Lanfang School
美术 mei3shu4 [美術] the fine arts, art
明代 ming2dai4 the Ming Dynasty
民族 min2zu2 nation, nationality
内容 nei4rong2 [內容] content, substance
年代 nian2dai4 a decade of a century
农奴 nong2nu2 [農奴] serf
派 pai4 group, school, faction
情节 qing2jie2 [情節] plot
三岔口 san1cha4kou3 At The Crossroads, the name of a famous opera, story from
Shui Hu Zhuan
上海戏剧学院 shang4hai3xi4ju4xue2yuan4 [上海戲劇學院] Shanghai Theatrical
莎士比亚 sha1shi4bi3ya4 [莎士比亞] Shakespeare
实践 shi2jian4 [實踐] to practice, to put into practice
手法 shou3fa3 skill, technique
收集 shou1ji2 to collect, to gather
水浒传 shui3hu3zhuan4 [水滸傳] Water Margin
水平 shui3ping2 level, standard
特点 te4dian3 [特點] characteristic, distinguishing, feature
特色 te4se4 characteristic, distinguishing feature or quality
体现 ti3xian4 [體現] to embody, to reflect, to give expression to
通过 tong1guo4 [通過] to pass through, by means of, by way of, through
武打 wu3da3 acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance
舞蹈 wu3dao3 dance
舞剧 wu3ju4 [舞劇] dance drama, ballet
武松 wu3song1 Wusong, name of a person, a hero in Shui Hu Zhuan
舞台 wu3tai2 [舞臺] stage
想象 xiang3xiang4 to imagine, to fancy
习惯 xi2guan4 [習慣] habit, custom, usual practice
性格 xing4ge2 nature, disposition, temperament
形式 xing2shi4 form, shape
演员 yan3yuan2 [演員] actor or actress, performer
藏文 zang4wen2 Tibetan language
藏语 zang4yu3 [藏語] Tibetan language
藏族 zang4zu2 Tibetan Nationality
战士 zhan4shi4 [戰士] fighter, soldier
真实 zhen1shi2 [真實] true, real
专家 zhuan1jia1 [專家] expert, specialist
主角 zhu3jue2(r) leading role, lead
准确 zhun3que4 [準確] accurate, exact, precise
桌别林 zhuo1bie2lin2 [桌別林] (Charlie) Chaplin
资料 zi1liao4 [資料] data, material
综合 zong1he2 [綜合] to synthesize, to sum up
综合性 zong1he2xing4 [綜合性] synthesis
// PCR B3, L12
哎哟 ai1you1 [哎喲] hey, ow, ouch
按 an4 to press, to push down, according to, in the light of
拔 ba2 to pull out, to pull up
表情 biao3qing2 (facial) expression
不断 bu2duan4 [不斷] unceasingly, continuously
苍白 cang1bai2 [蒼白] pale, wan
传 chuan2 [傳] to transmit (heat), to conduct (electricity), to pass on, to
创造 chuang4zao4 [創造] to create, to bring about, to produce
创造性 chuang4zao4xing4 [創造性] creativeness, creativity
触电 chu4dian4 [觸電] to get an electric shock
刀口 dao1kou3 cut, incision
电流 dian4liu2 [電流] electric current
洞 dong4 hole
肚子 du4zi belly, abdomen
缝 feng2 [縫] to sew, to stitch
风趣 feng1qu4 [風趣] humor, wit, humorous, witty
扶 fu2 to support with hand, to help sb. up
感觉 gan3jue2 [感覺] to feel, to become aware of, feeling, sense, perception
股 gu3 (a measure word, e.g. use with electric current)
果然 guo3ran2 really, as expected
华佗 hua4tuo2 [華佗] name of a famous doctor in old times, Hua Tuo
昏迷 hun1mi2 to lose consciousness, to be in a coma
家属 jia1shu3 [家屬] family member, (family) dependent
解开 jie3kai1 [解開] to untie, to undo
开刀 kai1dao1 [開刀] to perform or have an operation, to operate on or to be
operated on
溃烂 kui4lan4 [潰爛] to fester, to ulcerate
阑尾 lan2wei3 [闌尾] appendix (in human body)
阑尾炎 lan2wei3yan2 [闌尾炎] appendicitis
脸色 lian3se4 [臉色] complexion, look
疗法 liao2fa3 [療法] therapy, treatment
麻 ma2 (to have) pins and needles, tingling
脉 mai4 [脈] pulse
麻药 ma2yao4 [麻藥] anesthetic
麻醉 ma2zui4 to anesthetize
门诊室 men2zhen3shi4 [門診室] clinic, outpatient department (or consulting room)
摸 mo1 to feel (one's pulse), to touch
配 pei4 to make up (a prescription)
切 qie1 to cut, to slice
亲身 qin1shen1 [親身] personal, oneself
穷 qiong2 [窮] poor
确诊 que4zhen3 [確診] to make a definite diagnosis
神奇 shen2qi2 magical mystical, miraculous
室 shi4 room
使用 shi3yong4 to use, to employ, to apply
手术 shou3shu4 [手術] surgical operation, operation
酸 suan1 sour
体验 ti3yan4 [體驗] to experience
胃 wei4 stomach
胃炎 wei4yan2 gastritis
线 xian4 [線] thread, string
幸运 xing4yun4 [幸運] lucky, fortunate
需要 xu1yao4 to need, to want, to demand, needs
牙 ya2 tooth
医生 yi1sheng1 [醫生] doctor
医学 yi1xue2 [醫學] medical science, medicine
医学家 yi1xue2jia1 [醫學家] medical scientist
晕 yun1 [暈] dizzy, giddy, faint
于是 yu2shi4 [於是] thereupon, as a result, consequently
扎 za1 to tie, to bind
扎 zha1 to prick, to run or stick (a needle, etc.) into
胀 zhang4 [脹] to swell, to be bloated
扎针 zha1zhen1 [扎針] to give or have an acupuncture treatment
正直 zheng4zhi2 honest, upright
针灸 zhen1jiu3 [針灸] acupuncture and moxibustion, to give or have acupuncture
and moxibustion
止 zhi3 to stop
止痛 zhi3tong4 to relieve pain, to stop pain
止痛法 zhi3tong4fa3 method of relieving pain
仔细 zi3xi4 [仔細] careful, attentive
// PCR B3, L13
…之间 _zhi1jian1 […之間] between, among
矮小 ai3xiao3 short and small, short and slight in figure
巴黎 ba1li2 Paris
保守 bao3shou3 conservative, to guard, to keep
北京艺术学院 bei3jing1yi4shu4xue2yuan4 [北京藝術學院] Beijing Academy of Fine Arts
奔 ben1 to run quickly
并 bing4 [並] and
并且 bing4qie3 [並且] and, besides, moreover
逼真 bi1zhen1 lifelike, true to life
博物馆 bo2wu4guan3 [博物館] museum
创作 chuang4zuo4 [創作] to create, to produce, to write, creative work, creation
传神 chuan2shen2 [傳神] vivid, lifelike
哒 da1 [噠] clatter (of horses' hoofs)
当时 dang1shi2 [當時] then, at that time
典范 dian3fan4 [典範] model, example
富于 fu4yu2 [富於] to be full of, to be rich in
复制 fu4zhi4 [複製] to duplicate, to reproduce, to make a copy of
复制品 fu4zhi4pin3 [複製品] reproduction
阁楼 ge2lou2 [閣樓] garret, loft
攻击 gong1ji1 [攻擊] to attack, to accuse, to charge
观察 guan1cha2 [觀察] to observe, to watch, to survey
骨骼 gu3ge2 skeleton
后人 hou4ren2 [後人] later generation
绘画 hui4hua4 [繪畫] drawing, painting
教室 jiao4shi4 classroom
教授 jiao4shou4 professor
继承 ji4cheng2 [繼承] to inherit, to carry on
基础 ji1chu3 [基礎] foundation, base
敬重 jing4zhong4 to respect deeply, to revere, to esteem
技巧 ji4qiao3 skill, technique
肌肉 ji1rou4 muscle, flesh
拒绝 ju4jue2 [拒絕] to refuse, to decline
刻苦 ke4ku3 hardworking, assiduous
鲁佛尔宫 lu3fu2er3gong1 [魯佛爾宮] the Louvre
卢浮宫 lu2fu2gong1 [盧浮宮] the Louvre
漫画 man4hua4 [漫畫] caricature, cartoon
满意 man3yi4 [滿意] to be satisfied, to be pleased, satisfied, pleased
美术馆 mei3shu4guan3 [美術館] art gallery
民间 min2jian1 [民間] among the people, popular, folk
弄 nong4 to do, to manage, to handle
仍 reng2 still, yet
仍然 reng2ran2 still, yet
如饥似渴 ru2ji1si4ke3 [如飢似渴] thirsting or hungering for sth.
擅长 shan4chang2 [擅長] to be good at, to be expert in
深厚 shen1hou4 deep, profound
世纪 shi4ji4 [世紀] century
瘦弱 shou4ruo4 thin and weak
熟练 shu2lian4 [熟練] practiced, proficient
思想 si1xiang3 thinking, thought, idea
速写 su4xie3 [速寫] sketch
讨论 tao3lun4 [討論] to discuss, to talk over
啼 ti2 hoof
跳跃 tiao4yue4 [跳躍] to jump, to leap, to bound
同意 tong2yi4 to agree, to consent, to approve
推动 tui1dong4 [推動] to push forward, to promote
胃病 wei4bing4 stomach trouble
向往 xiang4wang3 to yearn for, to look forward to
吸取 xi1qu3 to absorb, to draw, to assimilate
徐悲鸿 xu2bei1hong2 [徐悲鴻] name of a famous painter, Xu Beihong
移 yi2 to move, to remove, to shift
移动 yi2dong4 [移動] to move, to shift
引导 yin3dao3 [引導] to guide, to lead
影响 ying3xiang3 [影響] influence, to effect, to influence
营养 ying2yang3 [營養] nutrition, nourishment
一生 yi4sheng1 all one's life, throughout one's life
油画 you2hua4 [油畫] oil painting
原因 yuan2yin1 cause, reason
院长 yuan4zhang3 [院長] president (of a university, etc.)
早期 zao3qi1 early stage, early phase
// PCR B3, L14
按照 an4zhao4 according to, in the light of
碑 bei1 an upright stone tablet, stele
碑林 bei1lin2 the Forest of Steles (in Xi'an)
碑文 bei1wen2 an inscription on a tablet
部 bu4 a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.
才华 cai2hua2 [才華] literary or artistic talent
成就 cheng2jiu4 achievement, accomplishment
池子 chi2zi pond
传播 chuan2bo1 [傳播] to disseminate, to propagate, to spread
大概 da4gai4 roughly, probably, rough, approximate, about
读 du2 [讀] to read, to study
杜米 du4mi3 (name of a person)
读书人 du2shu1ren2 [讀書人] a scholar, an intellectual
发表 fa1biao3 [發表] to publish, to issue
分 fen1 (a unit of length = 1/3 centimeter)
分开 fen1kai1 [分開] to separate, to part
钢琴 gang1qin2 [鋼琴] piano
工夫 gong1fu work, labor, effort
行 hang2 row, line
厚 hou4 thick (for flat things)
既…又… ji4_you4_ both ... and ..., ... as well as ...
基督教 ji1du1jiao4 Christianity, the Christian religion
经典 jing1dian3 [經典] classics, scriptures
精神 jing1shen2 vigor, vitality, drive
集邮 ji2you2 [集郵] stamp collecting, philately
集中 ji2zhong1 to concentrate, to centralize, to focus, centralized,
刻 ke4 to carve, to engrave, to cut
可见 ke3jian4 [可見] it is thus clear (evident, obvious) that
历代 li4dai4 [歷代] successive dynasties, past dynasties
另 ling4 other, another, separate, separately
临写 lin2xie3 [臨寫] to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)
埋头 man2tou [埋頭] steamed bun, steamed bread
墨 mo4 China ink, ink stick
墨汁 mo4zhi1 prepared Chinese ink
木版 mu4ban3 plank, board
耐心 nai4xin1 patient (adjective)
内心 nei4xin1 [內心] heart, innermost being
批评 pi1ping2 [批評] to criticize, criticism
入 ru4 to enter
入木三分 ru4mu4san1fen1 written in a forceful hand, penetrating, profound
上学 shang4xue2 [上學] to go to school, to attend school
深刻 shen1ke4 profound, deep, deepgoing
摄影 she4ying3 [攝影] to take a photograph
石刻 shi2ke4 stone inscription, carved stone
十三经 shi2san1jing1 [十三經] the Thirteen Confucian Classics
手迹 shou3ji1 [手跡] someone's original handwriting or painting
水池 shui3chi2 pond, pool
书圣 shu1sheng4 [書聖] a great calligraphy master
弹 tan2 [彈] to play (a stringed musical instrument with fingers)
唐代 tang2dai4 the Tang Dynasty
天才 tian1cai2 talent, gift, genius
透 tou4 to penetrate, thorough, penetrating
王羲之 wang2xi1zhi1 name of a person, a famous calligrapher
喜爱 xi3ai4 [喜愛] to like, to love, to be fond of
下工夫 xia4gong1fu to put in time and energy, to concentrate one's efforts
形容 xing2rong2 to describe
叙利亚 xu4li4ya4 [敘利亞] Syria
叙利亚文 xu4li4ya4wen2 [敘利亞文] Syriac (language)
颜体 yan2ti3 [顏體] Yan Style (in Chinese calligraphy)
颜真卿 yan2zhen1qing1 [顏真卿] name of a person, Yan Zhenqing, a famous
有关 you3guan1 [有關] to have something to do with, to relate to, to concern,
with regards to
有力 you3li4 powerful, forceful, vigorous
蘸 zhan4 to dip in (ink, sauce, etc.)
展出 zhan3chu1 to put on display, to be on show
展览 zhan3lan3 [展覽] to put on display, to exhibit, exhibition, show
展览会 zhan3lan3hui4 [展覽會] exhibition
中学 zhong1xue2 [中學] middle school
重要 zhong4yao4 important, significant, major
著名 zhu4ming2 famous, celebrated, well-known
主张 zhu3zhang1 [主張] to advocate, to stand for, view, position, stand,
字帖 zi4tie4 copybook (for calligraphy)
嘴 zui3 mouth
// PCR B3, L15
版 ban3 page of a newspaper
报道 bao4dao4 [報道] to report (news), news, report
报导 bao4dao3 [報導] to report (news), news, report
报社 bao4she4 [報社] newspaper office
报纸 bao4zhi3 [報紙] newspaper
北京台 bei3jing1tai2 [北京臺] Radio Beijing, Beijing Television Station
北京周报 bei3jing1zhou1bao4 [北京周報] Beijing Review
编辑 bian1ji2 [編輯] to edit, to compile, editor, compiler
表示 biao3shi4 to show, to express, to indicate, indication
标题 biao1ti2 [標題] title, headline
播 bo1 to broadcast
出版 chu1ban3 to publish, to come off the press
达到 da2dao4 [達到] to achieve, to attain, to reach
登 deng1 to publish, to issue, to record
递 di4 [遞] to hand over, to pass, to give
电报 dian4(bao4) [電報] telegram, cable
电台 dian4tai2 [電臺] radio (or broadcasting) station
嘟 du1 toot, honk
读者 du2zhe3 [讀者] reader
读者来信 du2zhe3lai2xin4 [讀者來信] Reader's Letters
翻 fan1 to turn over
方面 fang1mian4 respect, aspect, field, side
份 fen4 (a measure word for gifts, copies of a newspaper)
副刊 fu4kan1 supplement
改进 gai3jin4 [改進] to improve, to make better
刚才 gang1cai2 [剛才] just now, a moment ago
广告 guang3gao4 [廣告] advertisement
光明日报 guang1ming2ri4bao4 [光明日報] Guangming Daily
国际见闻 guo2ji4jian4wen2 [國際見聞] International Background Knowledge
红楼梦 hong2lou2meng4 [紅樓夢] A Dream of Red Mansions
汇报 hui4bao4 [彙報] to report, to give an account of, report
夹 jia1 [夾] to press from both sides, to place in between
肩膀 jian1bang3 shoulder
简短 jian3duan3 [簡短] brief
简明 jian3ming2 [簡明] simple and clear, concise
接受 jie1shou4 to accept
积极 ji1ji2 [積極] active, energetic, vigorous
经济 jing1ji4 [經濟] economy
及时 ji2shi2 [及時] in time, promptly, without delay
开幕 kai1mu4 [開幕] to open, to inaugurate
科学 ke1xue2 [科學] science, scientific knowledge, scientific
拉美 la1mei3 Latin America
篮球 lan2qiu2 [籃球] basketball
类 lei4 [類] kind, type, category
满足 man3zu2 [滿足] to satisfy, to meet (the needs of)
马上 ma3shang4 [馬上] at once, immediately, right away
农历 nong2li4 [農曆] the traditional Chinese calendar, the lunar calendar
农业 nong2ye4 [農業] agriculture, farming
拍 pai1 to clap, to pat, to beat
排球 pai2qiu2 volleyball
期 qi1 a period of time, phase, stage, (used for issue of a periodical,
courses of study)
前往 qian2wang3 to go to, to leave for
其他 qi2ta1 other
全面 quan2mian4 overall, all-round
人民日报 ren2min2ri4bao4 [人民日報] Renmin Ribao (People's Daily)
少数 shao3shu4 [少數] small number, few, minority
少数民族 shao3shu4min2zu2 [少數民族] minority nationality, national minority
社论 she4lun4 [社論] editorial
实况 shi2kuang4 [實況] what is actually happening
收音机 shou1yin1ji1 [收音機] radio
说明 shuo1ming2 [說明] to explain, to illustrate, explanation, directions, caption
台 tai2 [臺] (broadcasting) station
谈论 tan2lun4 [談論] to discuss, to talk about
听众 ting1zhong4 [聽眾] audience, listeners
体育之窗 ti3yu4zhi1chuang1 [體育之窗] Window on Sports
通讯 tong1xun4 [通訊] communication
晚报 wan3bao4 [晚報] evening paper
文艺 wen2yi4 [文藝] literature and art
西欧 xi1ou1 [西歐] Western Europe
响 xiang3 [響] to make a sound, to sound, to ring, (a measure word for
笑话 xiao4hua4 [笑話] joke, jest
笑林 xiao4lin2 Humor, Jokes
消息 xiao1xi news, information
新华社 xin1hua2she4 [新華社] Xinhua News Agency
阅读 yue4du2 [閱讀] to read
摘要 zhai1yao4 summary, abstract
展开 zhan3kai1 [展開] to unfold, to carry out, to be in full swing
照 zhao4 according to, in accordance with
中国日报 zhong1guo2ri4bao4 [中國日報] China Daily
周刊 zhou1kan1 weekly publication, weekly
转播 zhuan3bo1 [轉播] to relay (a radio or TV broadcast)
专栏 zhuan1lan2 [專欄] special column

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