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Pablo Picasso Paragraph #4: Blue and Rose

Picasso’s paintings changed
when one of his friends died. He felt
sad and alone, and no one would buy
Paragraph #1: Early Life
his paintings. He started painting
Pablo Picasso was born in
with lots of blue, and his subjects
Malaga, Spain in 1881. He could draw
looked lonely and sad. This was called
before he could talk. His first words
Picasso’s Blue Period. Then, Picasso
were, “Piz! Piz!” which is short for the
fell in love and he started using
Spanish word, “lapiz,” for “pencil.”
happier colors and happier subjects in
his paintings. This was called his
Rose Period.

Paragraph #2: His Father

Picasso’s father was an art
teacher. He loved the way Pablo drew,
Paragraph #5: Cubism
and he encouraged Pablo to draw
Picasso and his friend,
throughout his life. He gave Pablo all
Georges Braque started painting in a
of his own paints and brushes.
completely different way. They
started painting with only a few
colors and broke up the pictures into
cubes and geometric shapes.
Together, they developed the style of
Paragraph #3: Beginning Paintings
Cubism and made this style famous.
Picasso’s painting style
Picasso and Braque saw each other
changed over his life more than any
every day and even went on vacations
other great artist. First, Picasso
painted things as they looked. Later,
when he was 19 and went to Paris, he
painted like many Impressionists.

Paragraph #6: Sculpture

Later in his life, Picasso
began making sculptures. He made
and decorated plates, vases, and pots.
He made 2,000 pieces of pottery in
just one year!

©I.D.E.A.S. for Teaching 2013 Level 2

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