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 Proiectarea unitatilor de invatare- clasa a Xa B, 2 h/ sapt, L2

Upstream Upper- Intermediate

Detalieri de continuturi Competente specifice Activitati de invatare Resurse Evaluare Timp
Crossing Barriers 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.3,3.1, - communication; language; gestures Manualul Observare 1h
Communication; 3.2,3.3, 4.3 - means/ways of communication; types Caietul de sistematica 1h
language; gestures of languages; gestures & feelings; exercitii
Vocabulary: means/ways say/tell/speak/talk; fixed phrases & Dictionarul
of communication; types phrasal verbs related to communication CD palyer
of languages; gestures & - articles; determiners; too/enough;
feelings partitives; countable/ uncountable nouns 1h
Multilingual internet - expressing preferences; comparing 1h
Theatre for the Deaf /contrasting; making suggestions; 1h
responding positively/negatively; 1h
making assumptions; saying goodbye
- writing informal, semi-formal and
formal letters Culture Clip; Theatre for 1h
the Deaf
Moods and Feelings 1.2, 1.3, 1.5,2.2, - Moods and emotions; physical Manualul Observare 1h
Moods and emotions; 2.3,3.1,3.2,3.3 sensations; expressing feelings; extreme Caietul de sistematica 1h
physical sensations; adjectives; similes exercitii
expressing feelings; - Present Simple & Present Continuous; Dictionarul 1h
extreme adjectives; Stative Verbs; Used to – Be/Get used to CD palyer
similes; phrasal verbs; - word formation: forming adjectives 1h
prepositions Function: asking about and expressing 1h
Jane Austen – Sense & feelings; exclamations; indirect 1h
Sensibility questions
- writing transactional letters (requesting
information; making complaints) 1h
- Literature: Jane Austen – Sense &
Sensibility 1h
Making a Living 1.2, - work/jobs; earning a living; money Manualul Observare 1h
Work/jobs; earning a 1.3,2.2,2.3,3.1,3.2,4.3,4.1 matters Caietul de sistematica 1h
living; money matters - job skills and qualities; forms of exercitii
Idioms/phrasal verbs money; confused words; Dictionarul
related to money; - idioms/phrasal verbs related to money; CD palyer
prepositions Structure: prepositions Structure: -ing form or
-ing form or infinitive; infinitive; reported speech; introductory 1h
reported speech; verbs 1h
introductory verbs - word formation: forming negative 1h
adjectives 1h
- expressing and asking for opinions;
agreeing/disagreeing; 1h
positively/negatively; demanding and
giving explanations; asking for and 1h
giving advice
- writing reports and letters of
Make Yourself at Home 1.2, 1.3,2.2,2.3,3.1,3.2 - dwellings; household Manualul Observare 1h
HOME items,Vocabulary: types of houses; Caietul de sistematica 1h
Dwellings; household rooms/areas of a house; appliances and exercitii
items Vocabulary: types furniture Dictionarul
of houses - idioms and fixed phrases with ‘home’; CD palyer
Literature Corner: phrasal verbs; prepositions
Charles Dickens – - Present Perfect; Present Perfect 1h
“Great Expectations” Continuous;word formation: adjective 1h
endings 1h
- expressing wishes; making a 1h
complaint; avoiding giving a direct
answer; making 1h
expressing the result of suggestions
(letters, articles) 1h
- Literature Corner: Charles Dickens –
“Great Expectations”, reading
Modern Living 1.2, 1.3,2.2,2.3,3.1,3.3 - holidays; travelling Vocabulary: getting 1h
Holidays; travelling around; holiday objects; signs; travel; 1h
Writing narratives describing holiday
Literature Corner: - experiences; phrasal verbs and fixed
William Somerset phrases related to travel; idioms;
Maugham – “The Moon prepositions
and Sixpence - modal verbs; word formation: 1h
derivatives 1h
- Function: interrupting; encouraging; 1h
persuading/agreeing/disagreeing; 1h
complaining; criticising; apologizing;
asking for opinion; complimenting; 1h
- writing narratives
- Literature Corner: William Somerset 1h
Maugham – “The Moon and Sixpence”

1.2, 1.3, 1.5,2.2,3.1,4.3

Going Places - key words: words travelling 1h
Vocabulary: holidays -listening to a conversation 1h
and travelling -reading and reading comprehension: 1h
Travel and travelers Guilt- free Holidays
Holiday objects and - holiday objects, experiences and signs Manualul Observare 1h
souvenirs - prepositions, idioms, fixed phrases Caietul de sistematica 1h
Holiday experiences -listening: opinions about traveling and exercitii 1h
Types of roads buying souvenirs Dictionarul
-The Moon and Sixpence by Somerset CD palyer
Maugham, text analysis 1h
-modal verbs and modal concepts
-past tenses
- writing: narrative compositions 1h
1.2, 1.3, 2.2,3.1,4.3 \
History - key words: famous people from world 1h
Famous people history and their description 1h
War and Peace - reading comprehension: History Manualul Observare 1h
Control and Power Lessons Caietul de sistematica
News and Mysteries of -language focus: war and peace, taking exercitii 1h
history control, words often confused Dictionarul 1h
Protest - collocations and idioms, prepositions CD palyer 1h
- listening: a history student talking
about major events in history
- discussion: narrating personal 1h
-reading: culture clip- Amelia Earhart,
the first female pilot 1h
- grammar: past forms
- word formation: verbs
-writing: narratives, part 2
1.2, 1.3, 1.5,2.2,3.1,3.3
Learning Lessons - describing teachers with their qualities Manualul Observare 1h
Education system - reading a text about The Cyber School Caietul de sistematica
Places in a school and reading comprehension exercitii 1h
Types of school - vocabulary: education, places in a Dictionarul
Exams and qualifications school, exams and qualifications CD palyer 1h
- collocations and idioms and words
often confused 1h
- listening: five people talking about
exams and studying abroad
- reading: Tom Brown’s Schooldays, text 1h
- the passive
- word formation : The Work of a 1h
- writing: an opinion letter
- error correction
1.2, 1.3, 1.5,2.2,2.3,3.1
Planet Issues - key words: environmental problems Manualul Observare 1h
The environment - reading: The Antarctic: Key to Planet Caietul de sistematica
Environmental problems Earth exercitii
Seeds and plants - vocabulary: green issues Dictionarul
Animals - collocations, idioms, fixed expressions CD palyer
Food and drink - talking about environmental problems 1h
- listening: radio programmes about
environmental problems and solutions
- reading: Save our Seeds 1h
- grammar: future forms
-Cloze: For birds, For people, Forever
- writing reviews 1h
-register of the language
1.2, 1.3, 1.5,2.2,2.3,3.1,
The Cycle of Life 3.2,3.3 - lead- in: stages of life Manualul Observare 1h
Stages of life - reading: Living for a Century, reading Caietul de sistematica
Health comprehension and vocabulary practice exercitii
Healthy eating - vocabulary: healthy lifestyle Dictionarul 1h
Eating habits - collocations and commonly confused CD palyer
words 1h
- listening: people talking about how
various aspects of our lifestyle will
change in the next 50 years
- reading: Little Women by Louisa May
- grammar: defining and non-defining 1h
- word formation
- interpreting rubrics
- summary writing and self-assessment

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