Closing The Divide

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Adrian Dutcher

Devices to Close the Divide

There are Schools that are going 1:1, sending their students home with personal

devices to do their work in school and at home. By giving them devices teachers had

found that their students were more likely to take notes and make documents to share

with others as well as send emails to their teachers when they had questions. The

devices improved the students capability to finish assignments on time and gave them a

device that they could use to do the research they need.

Schools are also trying to create software that can be usable on the students

phones after they realized that a majority of their students had a phone but not a

computer to do their work. By making the websites and other necessary resources

available on a mobile device, the students have easier access to their work. It has been

helpful in ensuring that no matter what device a student has at home that they can still

access their work and continue to learn at a steady rate.


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