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Miss Kye' s

1st Gr ade Cl assr oom

Sept ember 2019
H el l opar en t san d st u den t s! Please r emember t hat you have
Wear eof f t o a access t o t heir
gr eat st ar t an d online homewor k
cl assi s goi n gw el l . and gr ades, by
T h i sm on t hw e w i l l simply dow nloading
t he apps I spoke
be goi n gover 10
about dur ing our
n ew si gh t w or ds,as
confer ence. I am
w el l as ou r dai l y
excit ed about t he
i n t er act iveappson r est of t he year, and please don't
t h ei r assi gn edi Pads. hesit at e t o r each out t o me!

At - Home Pr act ice

- Practicereadingandusingour sight wordseachnight (seewordsbelow)
- Spend20minutespracticingCommonCoremathskillsonSplashmath.
- Asyouread20minuteseachnight, searchfor -ioand-oywords.

Si gh t Words
Please r et ur n your child's
1. about back t o school for ms by
2. bef ore Sept ember 6t h.
3. ev ery
4. goi ng 9/2: No School (Labor Day)
5. h i gh 9/18: Scholast ic Book Fair
6. oth er 9/27: Ice cr eam par t y
7. ri gh t * Dur ing t he last week of
8. th an t his mont h we w ill t ake t he
9. w ri te STAR Reading and Mat h
Test .

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