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RCFA - Root Cause Failure Analysis

Análise Estruturada de Causa Raiz


Languages: Portuguese, Spanish or English
Open Price: Make Contact (Up to 10 places available) “ IN HOC SIGNO VINCES “
In-Company Price: Make Contact (Up to 20 Person)
Length: 40 hours (5 Days)

WHY CONSULTORIA LTDA – Avenida Raja Gabaglia, 1001/602A – CEP 30.380-403 Luxemburgo – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brasil
Tel: (31) 2514-0924 / (31) 98878-8008 Vivo / (31) 98332-8900 Claro – CNPJ: 27.220.587/0001-09 IE: Isento IM: 1.017.819/001-X

Management Dilemmas


o Why the things fail?

o How much a failure cost?
o How many failures will occur next year?
o How many spare parts will you need next year to supply the warranty?
o How can you more quickly solve the problem caused by a failure?
o What could you have done to avoid failures?


✓ You need to know the causes of failures!

✓ You need to know the probability of occurrence of failures!
✓ You need to know the consequences of failures!
✓ You need to know the behavior of failures!
✓ You need to know how to conduct a financial analysis of the failure!
✓ You need to know how to implement effective action plans!

Do not you know how to do it?

has the answer!

RCFA – Root Cause Failure Analysis 2


RCFA Training Description

RCFA training, Root Cause Failure Analysis training provides the concepts needed to effectively perform industrial
troubleshooting investigations. RCFA Training covers the methodology to perform Root Cause Failure Analysis, Failure
Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Life Data Analysis (LDA) and other hot topics
currently in many engineering areas.

RCFA Training also includes detailed design and troubleshooting guidelines, investigating techniques for system
failures, which are needed to perform problems found in most production facilities. Root cause failure analysis helps
you to identify what, how and why something happened, thus preventing recurrence. Root causes can be controlled
by management and allow for generation of recommendations.

Root Cause Failure Analysis is a powerful tool you can uses to focus on the source of the equipment failure to prevent
future failures.

Learn the techniques and methods on why an event occurred and the keys to developing effective recommendations,
data collection, charting, root cause identification and recommendation generation and implementation.

By end of this training, you will be able to:

• Identify common manufacturing errors and deviations
• Identify the origin of a problem, determine what happened, why it happened and figure out what to do to reduce
the likelihood that it will happen again
• Compare common root cause analysis tools and methods such as cause tree diagrams, why-why, fault tree
analysis, failure modes and effect analysis and other methods
• Use Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) techniques (DFMEA and PFMEA)
• Learn when and how to use Fault tree analysis (FTA) as a top down, deductive failure analysis
• Learn when to use cause and effect Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram
• Gain insight on basic types of causes: physical, human and organizational causes
• Describe how to prioritize failure events to analyze, preserve failure data, and order a failure analysis
• Describe systems failure analysis methods and techniques
• Develop and implement effective and efficient root cause failure analysis programs
• Assess how to make RCFA a structured, team based, analytical approach
• Understand fundamental problem solving processes
• Examine the basic concept of problem solving, and how to facilitate an effective investigation
• Gain fundamental problem solving processes and techniques for effective investigation
• Gain working knowledge of many modern methods and techniques
• Gain real world skills on effective methods for critical thinking, creative solutions and corrective actions
• Assess the personal strength you need to perform incident investigation, charting and reporting
• Use data collection, cause tree charting, root cause identification and recommendation generation and action
plan implementation

RCFA – Root Cause Failure Analysis 3


Who Should Attend

Engineers, Technician, analysts, Production supervisors,

production lead personnel, quality engineers,
manufacturing engineers, maintenance engineers,
manufacturing managers, contract administrators,
procurement personnel, procurement specialists, project
managers, project engineers, design engineers and
program managers should attend this training.

Objectives Outline

Root Cause Failure Analysis

• General Analysis Techniques

• What is Root Cause Failure Analysis?
• Root Cause Failure Analysis Techniques
• Root cause failure analysis methodology
• Safety-related and Regulatory compliance issues
• Process performance
• System and component considerations
• Structured Root Cause Analysis techniques
• Problem identification and Problem description
• Kind of Failure identification
• Root Cause analysis
• Determine Root Cause
• What are the types of causes?
• Determine causes of event
• Solution development
• Practical Problem Solving
• Tools for Root Cause Analysis
• Right tool and method
• Methods to define and verify root causes
• Tools for developing practical solutions
• Techniques for implementing corrective action Assessment and assignment matrix
• Risk evaluation and Analysis
• Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) techniques
• Fault tree analysis (FTA) as a top down, deductive failure analysis
• Effect Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagram
• 5 Whys Technique
• Life Data Analysis (LDA) Technique
• Financial Analysis for the Action Plan
• Effectiveness measurement using Key Process Indicators (KPI)
• Preventing Recurrences

RCFA – Root Cause Failure Analysis 4


Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)

• FMEA Definition and Standards

• Design and Process FMEA
• FMEA Implementation Prerequisites and Strategy
• Roadmap for Analysis
• How to Ordering the ideal analysis team
• Analyze the data: Introducing the hierarchy tree
• Identification of Function, Failure, Effects and Failure Modes
• Generating FTA from FMEA
• FMEA Data Mining
• Failure cause evaluation and statistics
• Measuring Risk (RPN)
• Prioritizing Actions (SO Matrix and Pareto Chart)
• FMEA Success Factors
• FMEA Detail Level
• FMEA Facilitation and Skills
• Generic and Specific FMEAs
• FMEA for Suppliers
• Decision making Matrix
• FMEA and PDCA Cycle
• FMEA Risk recalculation and Revisions

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

• Binary System and Boolean Algebra

• Logic Gates and Operators
• FTA Development
• FTA Building Blocks
• FTA Rules and Conventions
• FTA Events and Basic Logic Gates
• Classical FTA (Qualitative) and Quantitative FTA (Static and Dynamic)
• Calculating FTA
• FTA Software Tools
• Document and review results
• Making Troubleshooting Manuals

Life Data Analysis (LDA)

• LDA Goals
• What is Reliability Engineer
• Reliability versus Cost Analysis
• Failure Rate Behavior and Bathtube chart
• LDA Data Mining
• Modeling Reliability Data
• Statistical Distributions
• Exponential, Normal, Lognormal and Weibull Distribution
• Estimation Methods (Linear Regression and MLE)
• Confidence Limits

RCFA – Root Cause Failure Analysis 5


Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

• What is RCA
• RCA Preliminary Steps
• RCA Flow Chart
• Cause Tree
• Main Event/Problem, Facts and Hypotheses
• Cause categories (Physical, Human or Organizational)
• Facts Prioritization
• Hypotheses Validation
• Finding Root Causes
• 3 Questions Criteria
• RCA Steps
• Classroom Practical Case

RCFA – Financial Analysis

• Failure Cost
• Financial Math
• Compound and Simple Capitalization
• Cash Flow (Simple and Discounted)
• Financial Equivalence
• Interest and Interest Rate
• Economic Evaluation Indexes (Pay Back, NPV, IRR, EAV, EAC and ROI)

RCFA – Implementing the Action Plan

• Action Plans (5W2H e 8 Disciplines)

• Defining Plan Scope
• Dividing Plan into Tasks (WBS and OBS)
• Sequencing the Tasks and Estimate Task Duration
• Developing Task Scheduling
• Managing the Plan Scope, Time and Cost.

Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) Process

• RCFA as a simple, yet disciplined process

• Why did it happen?
• Could it have been avoided?
• How can it be prevented in the future?
• Investigate, rectify and eliminate failures
• Preserving Failure Data
• Ordering the Analysis
• Analyzing the Data
• Communicating Findings & Recommendations
• Tracking for Success Stating the Failure Event Stating the Failure Modes Hypothesizing
• Verifying and Validating Hypotheses
• Determining Underlying Causes (Physical, Human and Latent)

RCFA – Root Cause Failure Analysis 6


Corrective Action Plan Process

• Corrective action definitions

• Corrective action order of precedence (Pareto Analysis)
• Advantages and disadvantages of design modifications, process modifications, procedural modifications,
requirements relaxation, screening, and other potential corrective actions
• Evaluating corrective action effectiveness. Inspection caveats
• Corrective Action Requirements.
• Material review, disposition, and corrective action

Conducting a Cost-Effective Root Cause Failure Analysis

• Nominate a Root Cause Failure Analysis facilitator

• Choose a Root Cause Failure Analysis team leader
• Choose the process expert on conducting a root cause analysis
• The content matter expert pertaining to the event
• Develop a root cause analysis reporting
• Contributory Factor
• Corrective Action
• Person(s) Responsible
• Action Due Date Measurement Technique
• Establishing a Value Criterion
• Pick a Cause
• Make the root cause analysis
o Completeness
o Comparability
o Cost-effectiveness
o Growth potential
o Practice Description
o Opportunities for Impact
• Evidence for Effectiveness of the Practice
• Potential for Harm
• Costs and Implementation
• Automating Root-cause Analysis
• Requirements for Analyzing Failure Modes and Their Effects

Strategies and Solutions for Root Cause Analysis

• Process is the key

• Tools and techniques are essentials
• Technique and tools to develop and implement effective and efficient Root Cause Analysis programs
• Tools and techniques to identify design and manufacturing errors
• Tools and techniques to trouble shooting
• Addressing the challenges of t Root Cause Analysis investigations
• Tools and techniques for identifying common Root Causes and implementing corrective actions
• Design, Manufacturing and Maintenance Investigations techniques
• Managing corrective action and preventive action plans

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