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Local Food from South Sulawesi

If you take a walk to Sulsel, what food will you look for, of course good food from Makassar,
right? The article is Makassar is the capital of the province of South Sulawesi. very reasonable
if the food in this province is dominated by typical Makassar food

There are some typical Sulawesi foods that are very well known and I think it's very tasty,
namely, coto makassar, banana ijo, and pallumara.

Coto makassar is food made from innards and beef. the ingredients are boiled in water used
to wash rice with ground peanuts. After that, there are additional other spices that make this
coto makassar taste even more delicious. This soupy food is most delicious to eat with ketupat
or buras

Banana banana is a typical food from South Sulawesi which has become a complement to
breaking the fast in the month of Ramadan. This food is made from the main ingredient of
banana wrapped in green flour mixture. how to cook it by steaming in a pan. The mixture is
made from flour, water, and green coloring made from a mixture of water with pandan leaves.

Besides that, the typical Sulawesi foods that I mentioned above are many more foods that
must be tried if the roads to South Sulawesi

Kurnia Hasti

Economics development

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