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Causes of the French Revolution

What do you think causes Revolutions? List some below:

Causes for Revolutions:

- _____________ ?
- Who has the power to do what?
- ______________ ?
- Who can do what? Who is ___________ in society?
- _______________?
- Who has the __________ ? Who does not?

France in the late 1700’s: Define these terms

Enlightenment Seven Years War

King Louis 16th Population Growth

Out of the factors we discussed, what do you think caused the
French Revolution?

DEFINE The Three Estates

First Estate Second Estate Third Estate

DRAW The Three Estates

First Estate Second Estate Third Estate

Who had the most to gain from the French Revolution? Why?

Estates General: Fill in the blanks below

King Louis 16th needed ____________ _______________

Best way is to _________ taxes
Everyone meets for the Estates General
Each estate has 1 vote _______________
_______ and ___________ Estate vote to raise taxes on the
_________ Estate.
Third Estate disagrees and are locked out of the discussion
Third Estate responds by meeting in a Tennis Court and vow to
create a Constitution to end their suffering. Also known as the
“________ ________ _________”

3…2…1 Activity. Turn and share your thoughts with a

partner. Write down what you and your partner discuss.

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