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Errata Sheet

Chemical Process Safety, Fundamentals with Applications, 3rd ed., 2011

D. A. Crowl and J. F. Louvar
First printing May 2011
July 2, 2012

Page 8 Example 1-1. A more realistic number of work days is 250 instead of 300. The
solution is then:
Deaths per person per year = (8 hour/day)x(250 days/yr)x(2 deaths/108hrs)
= 4.00 x 10-5
Page 33 Problem 1-8. The airline statistic should be 4 deaths in 1,000,000 miles.
Page 40 Last sentence in last full paragraph. Carbon monoxide should be carbon dioxide.
Page 88 First paragraph under Evaluating Worker Exposures to Dusts. 0.5 Fm should be
5.0 Fm (two places).
Page 123 Variable list at top of page. Shaft work should have units of (force length/time),
not (force length).
Page 153 Table 4-4. Update values in table:
0.00727 in second row should be 0.00762
Bottom row should be “0.988 0.00113 0.768”
Equation provided at bottom of table for sonic pressure drop ratio is incorrect. It
should be
 P1  P2  / P1   A  B ln K  C / K 0.5
Instead of
 P1  P2  / P1   A  B  ln K   C / K 0.5

Page 157 Table 4-5. Equation provided at bottom of table for sonic pressure drop ratio is
incorrect. It should be
 P1  P2  / P1   A  B ln K  C / K 0.5
Instead of
 P1  P2  / P1   A  B  ln K   C / K 0.5

Page 233 Equation (5-65) should be (5-78).

Page 243 Probit equation in problem 5-30 should be
Y  17.1  1.69 ln   C 2.75T 
Page 392 Table 8-7. Units under “Adiabatic reaction tracking limits.” Units should be
“K/min” rather than “k/min”.
Page 402 Figure 8-5. Label on x-axis is partially cut-off at bottom.
Page 403 Figure 8-6. X-axis label should be “Dimensionless Time,  ” – remove extra
Page 409 Equations 8-28 and 8-29 are correct as written. However, the units are a bit
confusing since the concentration is included with the LHS of the equation. A
simpler approach is to include the concentration with k (To ) . This way the ln
terms only have units of inverse time. Begin by replacing the equation directly
above equation (8-28) and equation (8-28) with
 dx / dt   k T C n1 exp  Bx 
 o o  
1  x   1  Bx 

  dx / dt    Bx 
ln  n 
 ln  k To  Con 1      (8-28)
 1  x    1  Bx 
Page 409-410 Replace sentence at bottom of page 409 and continuing onto page 410
Replace from “Since dx = dt/(TF – To)..” to just before Equation (8-31) with:
“Since x = (T – To)/(TF – To) and Bx/(1 + Bx) = (T - To)/T then

ln 
 dT / dt  
 ln  k To  Con 1    T  To  / T
n 
 TF  To  TF  T  
1 n

And for a first-order reaction, n = 1 and Equation (8-29) becomes

 dT / dt 
ln    ln  k To     T  To  / T (8-30)
 TF  T 
The procedure for determining the overall reaction order n, using either
Equation 8-28, 8-29 or 8-30, is as follows. The onset and final temperatures, and
the dimensionless adiabatic temperature rise B, are already known from Example
8-3. First, the overall reaction order is guessed. First-order (n =1) is a good place
to start. Then the left-hand side of either Equation 8-28, 8-29, or 8-30 is plotted
vs Bx/(1 + Bx) or (T - To)/T . …” and continue with existing current text until end
of last sentence in paragraph, “… provides an estimate of k (To )Con 1 or k(To) if the
reaction is first order.”
Page 410 Replace entire sentence just before Equation 8-31: with “Equation 8-30 can be
reduced even further to a more traditional form: “
Page 410 Second line after Equation 8-31. “-lnA” should be “ln(A)”.
 Bx 
Page 410 Example 8-4. Last line on page.   should be T  To  / T
 1  Bx 
Page 411 y-axis label: To should be T, without the subscript.
x-axis label: Bx / (1  Bx) should be Bx / (1  Bx)  T  To  / T
Page 412 Table caption should be
“Summary of Calorimeter Analysis: Methanol + Acetic Anhydride”
Instead of
“Summary of Calorimeter Analysis: Ethanol + Acetic Anhydride”
Page 420 Problem 8-9. “with respect to ,” should be “with respect to τ”
Page 420 Problem 8-16b: “Equation 8-32” should be “Equation 8-31”.
Page 433 Figure 9-3 “(% of Set MAWP)” should be “(% of MAWP)”
Page 480 Figure 10-9: Horizontal log scales are incorrect. Should have one log cycle per
Page 657 Upper heat of combustion for carbon disulfide should be -1104.2 kJ/mol, the same
as the lower heat of combustion since there is no hydrogen.
Page 690 PEL for hydrogen sulfide should be 10 ppm.
Back cover: 2nd and 3rd line from bottom of 2nd paragraph at top. “..content on safely
management, …” should be “.. content on safety management, …”

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