Using Texts in Science Education

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to be inconsistent with the text? Relatively little

REVIEW psycholinguistic research has been conducted to
answer these questions, but findings on text

Using Texts in Science Education: comprehension provide insights into processes

and mechanisms involved in learning from text.

Cognitive Processes and Attention Allocation

and Inference Generation
Knowledge Representation Reading as a landscape of activations. The
situation model depends on the identification of
meaningful relations between text elements and
Paul van den Broek1,2 between those elements and background knowl-
edge. The processes by which readers identify
Texts form a powerful tool in teaching concepts and principles in science. How do readers relations, or fail to identify important relations,
extract information from a text, and what are the limitations in this process? Central to are captured by psychological models such as
comprehension of and learning from a text is the construction of a coherent mental representation the Landscape Model (5, 8). These models have
that integrates the textual information and relevant background knowledge. This representation been developed primarily in the context of
engenders learning if it expands the reader’s existing knowledge base or if it corrects narrative reading (fiction and storytelling) but
misconceptions in this knowledge base. The Landscape Model captures the reading process and have been found to apply to science (informa-
the influences of reader characteristics (such as working-memory capacity, reading goal, prior tional and factual) texts as well (9–11). The
knowledge, and inferential skills) and text characteristics (such as content/structure of presented Landscape Model identifies the reading process
information, processing demands, and textual cues). The model suggests factors that can as a balancing act between the reader’s limited
optimize—or jeopardize—learning science from text. attention or working memory and the need for
coherence. At any point during reading, the reader
exts support the acquisition of scientific background knowledge becomes the object of can only attend to a subset of all the elements in

T knowledge. Schools, colleges, and univer-

sities depend on texts for their science
instruction. The use of texts is not simply a mat-
change. How are the reader’s existing knowl-
edge structures updated to incorporate new
concepts? How are they modified when found
a text or all the relevant background knowledge
(2). As the reader proceeds through the text, the
contents of working memory are continually
ter of convenience: The subject matter usually is
so abstract that detailed verbal descriptions—
possibly supplemented by illustrations, videos, young
demonstrations, and so on—are indispensable. married
Given the importance of texts in science edu- freed
cation, how is it that people learn science from sword
killed Activation
text, and how can such learning be optimized? fire
scorched 5
armor 4
Comprehension and Learning Concepts lifedeath 3
fought 1
The processing of texts in the context of learn- hurriedafter
ing requires both comprehension and learning— love
the incorporation of comprehended information wantfree
in the reader’s background knowledge. Inves- princess
tigations of text processing have focused pre- kidnapping
dominantly on the comprehension component. appeared
Most theoretical models of comprehension agree country
that comprehension entails the construction by unfamiliar
the reader of a coherent mental representation forest
that captures the intended meaning of the text horse
(1–6). In a successful representation, the indi- knight
vidual elements in the text (e.g., concepts and
facts about the concepts) are connected to each
other by meaningful relations. The reader re-
cruits relevant background knowledge into the 2
representation as well. Together, the elements 4
and relations create a “situation model,” an in- 6
terpreted description of the information in the Sentences
text (7). For comprehension, the reader’s back- 12
ground knowledge supports the process of inter-
preting and representing the text. For learning, Fig. 1. Computer simulation of hypothetical activations during reading of a narrative text about a
knight, a princess, and a dragon. The simulation displays the activation (vertical dimension) of text and
Department of Education and Child Studies, University of background-knowledge elements (“concepts”) over the course of reading (sentences 1 to 13). Concepts
Leiden, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden, Netherlands.
E-mail: 2Center for Cog- that are activated simultaneously are connected in the memory representation, with the strength of the
nitive Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN resulting relation a function of the degree of activation of each concept. [Based on (5), used with
55455, USA. permission] SCIENCE VOL 328 23 APRIL 2010 453

Science, Language, and Literacy
refreshed, with some elements remaining the reading situation, a reader’s standards depend on chronological relations in a history text or spa-
focus of attention and others being replaced by knowledge of standards in general, the reading tial relations in a geometry book) or if the
new ones. As reading progresses, the landscape goals, and the type of text. Different types of reader’s interests focus on those relations [for
of activations of individual concepts fluctuates text may depend on different types of relations example, a homebuyer and a burglar identify
(Fig. 1). (for example, some types of relations may be different relations when reading a description of
Establishing coherence. The exact nature of more central to narrative than to informational a house (19)].
the landscape of fluctuating activations has im- texts and vice versa). Relations may be “signaled” by the text. In
portant consequences for the establishment of Although many types of relations can exist the example, the implicit causality conveyed by
coherence because a direct relation between two in a text, two types of relations crucial for just the verb “contributed” directs the reader toward
elements is most likely to be detected if the two detecting a particular semantic rela-
elements are simultaneously in the focus of at- tion; similar functions can be per-
tention of the reader and unlikely to be detected formed by other means such as
if the elements are not simultaneously activated. the use connectives (for instance,
The limits imposed by working memory capac- “thus”). The example also illus-
ity and the importance of simultaneous activa- trates that the identification of a
tion for inferring relations make the reader’s relation often requires background
allocation of attention of prime importance for knowledge. The text indicates that
comprehension. Relations between elements a causal relation exists, but without
presented far apart in the text may not be de- background knowledge (for in-
tected effectively, and the reader’s misconcep- stance, the clouds caused by the
tions may impede comprehension because they explosion may lead to a drop in
may support incorrect relations. temperature) the exact nature of
Text and reader characteristics. The alloca- the relation will elude the reader.
tion of attention is influenced by characteristics Indeed, having or recruiting the
of both text and reader. Demands on attention wrong background knowledge
are affected by such text characteristics as or- (for instance, that the explosion
ganization, verbal complexity, and the linguistic killed by direct impact) may inter-
markers or typographical prompts that cue up fere with proper comprehension.
relations. The optimal format of texts depends Recruiting incorrect information can
on the properties of the audience. For example, interfere with detection of relations.
readers with relevant background knowledge Texts that offer relations sep-
or good reading skills remember more from a arated by paragraphs or pages or
somewhat incoherent text than from a very co- Fig. 2. Cognitive processes during reading can be investigated that require coordination of multiple
herent text, whereas readers with little background by eye-tracking devices. [Photo courtesy of S. Carlson, University pieces of information, features com-
knowledge or poor reading skills show the op- of Minnesota] mon to informational texts, are
posite pattern (9, 12). particularly challenging for readers.
The reader’s attention is influenced by the about any reading situation are referential and As a reader progresses through a text, a
availability of working memory and of relevant causal/logical relations (17, 18). Referential landscape of activations unfolds. In successful
background knowledge (12). Motivational factors relations provide connections of identity, relating comprehension, relations are detected between
such as the goal for reading the text (9) and skill entities (e.g., persons, objects, concepts) across coactivated concepts, leading to the gradual
factors such as reading and reasoning strategies sentences, whereas causal/logical relations indi- emergence of a mental representation of the
(13) also determine what attention the reader cate how facts and events described in one text, relevant background knowledge, and their
can bring to bear on the text. These strategies sentence cause or lead to facts and events in semantic relations. Most texts outpace most
and skills enable the reader to control attentional another sentence. Consider, for example, the readers’ attentional resources. Readers with ef-
focus, to determine what types of relations exist following pair of sentences: fective and efficient strategies for selective al-
between activated elements, and to decide wheth- The explosion caused by the giant meteor location of attention are more likely to identify the
er further analysis is needed before further was enormous. relations that matter, and texts that offer helpful
reading. Readers bring individual differences to It contributed to the extinction of many guideposts optimize their ability to engender
reading, differences that can be measured in eye species. comprehension.
movements, speeded responses to probes, or In the second sentence, the pro-
think-aloud protocols that can predict infer- noun “it” refers to “explosion” in the
ence generation (14, 15) (Fig. 2). first sentence, establishing referential
Standards of coherence. The tension between coherence. The event described in the
limited attentional resources and the need for second sentence, the extinction of spe-
coherence is negotiated by the reader’s stan- cies, is (at least partly) caused by the
dards of coherence, which reflect the reader’s fact described in the first sentence, the
understanding of what sorts of relations are explosion and its aftermath.
needed to comprehend the text (9). These stan- Referential and causal/logical rela-
dards influence when and with what strategies tions such as these are common in most
the reader will try to establish coherence (16). texts. Other types of relations may also
Strategies invoked might be to reactivate in- be recognized if the text makes them
formation from earlier text, to slow down, or to particularly salient or they are uniquely
search background knowledge. In a particular important to the topic (for example,

454 23 APRIL 2010 VOL 328 SCIENCE

Learning Science from Text strategy is to present the correct information and guide by which to judge whether or not learning
The processes involved in comprehending while assume the reader will adjust any misconcep- occurred as intended by the author.
reading a text have direct bearing on the reader’s tions. Unfortunately, misconceptions are resil- Using nontextual materials to supplement
learning from the text. Both when reading a text ient to this kind of strategy. Instead, conceptual texts. Science texts are often supplemented by
and when learning, informational elements and change is most likely when the correct and the nontextual materials such as figures, diagrams,
their relations are incorporated in a representa- incorrect information are pre- movies, or hands-on experience.
tion of the text (in the case of comprehension) sented conjointly and identi- Sometimes such materials are
and of background knowledge (in the case of fied as such (11, 23). used to draw the reader into the
learning). Learning from text may text or to lessen the formidabil-
Expanding the reader’s knowledge. One form entail both expansion and ity of a dense page of text. At
of learning from text is the addition of new in- modification of the reader’s other times, they are used to
formation to a reader’s background knowledge. knowledge base (Fig. 3). The support directly the expansion
The “new information” may be informational processing of a particular text and modification of the reader’s
elements (facts, events, or concepts) or may be by a particular reader is the re- knowledge—often interrupt-
new relations between elements that the reader sult of an interaction between ing the processing of the text.
already knew. The design of science texts affects text and reader properties. No To support learning, supple-
the likelihood that new concepts or relations can text is perfect for all readers. mental materials and activities
be added to the reader’s background knowledge. Coherent versus correct must increase the likelihood of
Texts that promote effective attention allocation representations. The estab- simultaneous activation of the
support learning. Relations are more easily de- lishment of coherence is a to-be-related information, there-
tected if the to-be-connected information is necessary step toward learning by supporting the establishment
presented close together in the text, which may from a text. However, coherence—the perception of important relations. When used judiciously,
entail repeating previously stated information that the text “hangs together” and is consistent supplemental materials and activities can greatly
(20). Relation construction can be facilitated by with one’s background knowledge—does not en- assist science learning. However, materials and
linguistic and other markers. In the case of ref- sure that correct learning will take place, because activities that are more of a distraction than an
erential relations, for example, consistent use of it is possible for a reader to create an internally enhancement will exact a cost on comprehen-
the same terms (rather than synonyms) for the coherent representation that nevertheless is an in- sion. This is likely to occur, for example, when
same concepts and unambiguous use of pro- accurate representation of the facts (22). the simultaneous processing of information from
nouns can assist the reader. For causal/logical Examples from the history of science are multiple input channels increases cognitive load
relations, the use of connectives such as “thus,” heliocentrism and electrical current as the flow or when the nontextual information is irrelevant
“as a result of,” and so on facilitates relation of charged particles. Thus, the student’s assess- to the meaning of the text, as may happen when
identification. Text signals such as headers, ment of understanding serves as an unreliable pictures are included solely to increase the attrac-
underlining, italics, and so on likewise direct tiveness of the text.
attention (21). Finally, the use of straightforward Seductive details. Another frequently used
grammar and familiar vocabulary can minimize method to increase a reader’s motivation to read
the amount of attention that the reader needs to 2 24 the science text at hand is to provide an anecdote
divert from learning. designed to elicit the personal interest of the
These aspects of the design of a science 4 5 reader in the topic of the text. As with the use of
text must be balanced by the purpose of the nontextual materials, such anecdotes may indeed
text and the practical constraints of the pub- 3 attain the desired goal of increasing motivation,
lication medium. For example, if the purpose but they pose a risk if precious attentional re-
is to expand a reader’s knowledge of various sources flow to processing the motivating infor-
nomenclatures for brain regions or gene types, 6 8 mation and away from the conceptually central
then referential simplification may be counter- information (24, 25), a phenomenon known as the
productive. With regard to practical constraints, 9 “seductive detail” effect. This undesired effect can
where space is at a premium (as in many sci- 10 be diminished by limiting and demarcating
entific journals), repetition of concepts to fa- 11 12 anecdotes.
cilitate relation identification may be a limited Learning science from texts, learning reading
option. In such cases, one must rely on the 13 16 from science texts. The emphasis in this article
motivation and prior knowledge of the readers is on the transmittal of knowledge from science
to allow them to handle the increased process- 18 texts to the reader. Concurrently, the act of read-
ing demands. ing contributes to the development of reading
Modifying the reader’s knowledge. A com- 20 19 17 comprehension skills. The attention allocation
mon, albeit less obvious, form of learning from and inferential skills that skilled readers em-
text entails the modification of existing knowl- ploy during reading are enhanced by exposure
edge. A reader’s misconceptions are especially 23 21 22 to texts that vary in structure, difficulty, and con-
problematic. Not only do new elements and tent area. Science texts differ greatly from nar-
relations need to be added to the reader’s knowl- ratives in their demands on working memory
edge base but conceptual change also needs to Fig. 3. Learning from text. Expansion and mod- management, comprehension strategies, and
take place. Existing elements and relations need ification of a hypothetical reader’s knowledge the use of background knowledge. Thus, prac-
to be removed or adjusted (22). Modification of structure. Represented are correct prior knowl- tice with science and narrative texts broadens
existing knowledge is often more difficult than edge (black), newly acquired knowledge (blue), the cognitive “toolbox” that a reader can bring
acquisition of new knowledge (11, 23). One and corrected misconceptions (red). to any text. SCIENCE VOL 328 23 APRIL 2010 455

Science, Language, and Literacy
Unresolved Issues 7. W. Kintsch, Comprehension: A Paradigm for Cognition. 17. P. W. van den Broek, in Handbook of Psycholinguistics,
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1998). M. A. Gernsbacher, Ed. (Academic Press, London, 1994),
Investigation of cognitive processes during read- 8. The Landscape Model (computational implementation pp. 539–588.
ing has provided important insights into con- available at 18. J. A. León, G. E. Peñalba, in The Psychology of Science
ditions that promote or hinder the acquisition of 9. T. Linderholm et al., Cogn. Instr. 18, 525 (2000). Text Comprehension, J. Otero, J. A. León, A. C. Graesser,
new knowledge from science texts. However, 10. P. W. van den Broek, S. Virtue, M. Everson, Y. Tzeng, Eds. (Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 2002), pp. 155–178.
Y. Sung, in The Psychology of Science Text Comprehension, 19. J. W. Pichert, R. C. Anderson, J. Educ. Psychol. 69, 309
many unresolved issues remain. One such issue J. Otero, J. Leon, A. C. Graesser, Eds. (Erlbaum, (1977).
is that mere coactivation of elements in working Mahwah, NJ, 2002), pp. 131–154. 20. R. F. Lorch Jr., J. Exp. Psychol. Learn. Mem. Cogn. 19,
memory cannot fully account for the learning of 11. P. W. van den Broek, P. Kendeou, Appl. Cogn. Psychol. 1071 (1993).
all scientific concepts, many of which are chains 22, 335 (2008). 21. J. Hyönä, R. F. Lorch, Learn. Instr. 14, 131
12. D. S. McNamara, E. Kintsch, N. B. Songer, W. Kintsch, (2004).
of conceptual relations too long or complex to Cogn. Instr. 14, 1 (1996). 22. S. Vosniadou, in Intentional Conceptual Change,
reside in working memory under the best of cir- 13. P. W. van den Broek, M. J. White, P. Kendeou, S. Carlson, G. M. Sinatra, P. R. Printrich, Eds. (Lawrence Erlbaum,
cumstances. It seems likely that direct relations in Beyond Decoding: The Behavioral and Biological Mahwah, NJ, 2003), pp. 377–406.
between a few concepts accumulate into clusters Foundations of Reading Comprehension, R. Wagner, 23. P. Kendeou, P. W. van den Broek, Mem. Cognit. 35, 1567
C. Schatschneider, C. Phythian-Sence, Eds. (Guilford, (2007).
of knowledge characterized by conceptual prox-
New York, 2009), pp. 107–123. 24. G. Schraw, J. Educ. Psychol. 90, 3 (1998).
imity. A second issue concerns the conditions 14. D. N. Rapp, P. W. van den Broek, K. L. McMaster, 25. R. F. Lorch Jr., E. P. Lorch, M. A. Klusewitz, Contemp.
that determine whether textual information over- P. Kendeou, C. A. Espin, Sci. Stud. Read. 11, 289 (2007). Educ. Psychol. 20, 51 (1995).
rides a misconception that the reader holds. 15. K. Cain, J. Oakhill, in Children’s Comprehension Problems 26. S. R. Goldman, G. L. Bisanz, in The Psychology of Science
What does it take for a single text to modify a in Oral and Written Language: A Cognitive Perspective, Text Comprehension, J. Otero, J. A. León, A. C. Graesser,
K. Cain, J. Oakhill, Eds. (Guilford, New York, 2007), Eds. (L Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 2002), pp. 19–50.
reader’s prior knowledge? A third issue con- pp. 41–76. 27. I thank P. Kendeou, R. F. Lorch Jr., and two anonymous
cerns the variety of types of texts. As noted, 16. J. Dunlosky, K. A. Rawson, D. J. Hacker, in The Psychology reviewers for their thoughtful comments.
much reading research has been executed in the of Science Text Comprehension, J. Otero, J. A. León,
realm of narrative texts, less with informational A. C. Graesser, Eds. (Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ,
2002), pp. 255–280. 10.1126/science.1182594
texts (26). It is likely that the essential toolbox
of cognitive processes (working memory ca-
pacity, comprehension strategies, and standards REVIEW
of coherence) applies to all types of text, but the
specific implementation may vary as a function
of text type. Supporting Students in Developing
Using Texts to Teach Science
Texts are frequent and powerful tools for con- Literacy in Science
veying scientific facts, principles, and explana- Joseph S. Krajcik1,2*† and LeeAnn M. Sutherland1*
tions. To be effective, however, science texts
need to be designed to optimize the likelihood Reading, writing, and oral communication are critical literacy practices for participation in a
that learning will occur. Central to comprehen- global society. In the context of science inquiry, literacy practices support learners by enabling
sion of and learning from science texts is the them to grapple with ideas, share their thoughts, enrich understanding, and solve problems. Here
identification of relations among the elements we suggest five instructional and curricular features that can support students in developing
in the text and between these elements and the literacy in the context of science: (i) linking new ideas to prior knowledge and experiences, (ii)
reader’s prior knowledge, processes that occur anchoring learning in questions that are meaningful in the lives of students, (iii) connecting
while reading. Optimally designed science texts multiple representations, (iv) providing opportunities for students to use science ideas, and (v)
direct the reader’s landscape of activations dur- supporting students’ engagement with the discourses of science. These five features will
ing reading in such a way that elements that promote students’ ability to read, write, and communicate about science so that they can
should be connected do indeed get connected. engage in inquiry throughout their lives.
When that happens, science texts are among the
most effective tools we have available to teach ystematic investigation of meaningful ques- in decision-making that is personal or that af-
science, to expand readers’ knowledge of scien-
tific topics, and to correct misconceptions. S tions about natural phenomena and the
development of evidence-based explana-
tions form the foundations of science inquiry (1, 2).
fects others in a global community. In addition,
the Standards state that scientific literacy re-
quires the ability to critique the quality of evi-
References and Notes In classrooms that emphasize such inquiry, funda- dence or validity of conclusions about science
1. A. C. Graesser, M. Singer, T. Trabasso, Psychol. Rev. 101, mental literacy practices such as reading, writing, in various media, including newspapers, mag-
371 (1994). and oral discourse are essential to developing azines, television, and the Internet. The Amer-
2. W. Kintsch, Psychol. Rev. 95, 163 (1988).
an understanding of the core ideas of science. ican Association for the Advancement of Science
3. E. J. O’Brien, J. L. Myers, in Narrative Comprehension,
Causality, and Coherence: Essays in Honor of Tom Trabasso, The National Science Education Standards stresses the importance of scientific literacy for
S. R. Goldman, A. C. Graesser, P. W. van den Broek, Eds. (1) define scientific literacy as the understanding citizens’ ability to participate with others in a
(Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 1999), pp. 35–53. of science content and scientific practices and global society (3). Underlying all of these def-
4. T. Trabasso, T. Secco, P. W. van den Broek, in Learning and the ability to use that knowledge to participate initions is the understanding that students must
Comprehension of Text, H. Mandl, N. L. Stein, T. Trabasso,
Eds. (Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 1984), pp. 83–111.
read, write, and communicate effectively to make
5. P. W. van den Broek, M. Young, Y. Tzeng, T. Linderholm, School of Education, University of Michigan, 610 East decisions as informed citizens and engage in
in The Construction of Mental Representations During University Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1259, USA. 2Ewha the critical thinking that active science learning
Reading, H. van Oostendorp, S. R. Goldman, Eds. Womans University, Institute for Global Science, Technology
and Society Education, Seoul, South Korea. requires. We have selected five aspects from the
(Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ, 1999), pp. 71–98.
6. R. A. Zwaan, D. N. Rapp, in Handbook of *These authors contributed equally to this work.
many features of literacy that are important to
Psycholinguistics, M. A. Gernsbacher, M. J. Traxler, Eds. †To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: embed in inquiry science: (i) linking new ideas
(Elsevier, San Diego, CA, 2006), pp. 725–764. to prior knowledge and experiences, (ii) anchor-

456 23 APRIL 2010 VOL 328 SCIENCE

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