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History of Universitas Airlangga

The establishment of Universitas Airlangga in 1954, hereinafter referred to UNAIR,

cannot be separated from the long journey of higher education in Indonesia. The
forerunner of this university was "Dokter Djawa School" (Javanese Medical School),
founded in Batavia in 1851.

In the course of history, the institution was reorganized into School Tot Opleiding van
Indische Artsen (STOVIA) in 1902. Eleven years later, based on the Government
Decision "Besluit van de Gouverneur van Nederlandsch Indie" No. 4211 dated May 8,
1913, a medical school called Nederlandsch Indische Artsen School (NIAS) was
established in Surabaya. Located on Jl. Kedungdoro 38 Surabaya. NIAS was
inaugurated on July 1, 1913, while its education activity began on July 15, 1913. By
1928, School Tot Opleiding van Indische Tandartsen (STOVIT) was established as a
school for dentistry.

In the Japanese colonial period, both STOVIA in Jakarta and NIAS in Surabaya were
closed in 1942, and then merged into "Ika Dai Gaku". After the end of Japanese colonial
period in 1945, the Indonesian government took over and changed its name to
Perguruan Tinggi Kedokteran RI. However, during the Dutch aggression, the college
was closed and in 1948 was replaced with Faculteit der Geneeskunde Surabaya Branch
as a branch of the Faculty of Medicine Universitet Indonesia.

Only then based on Government Regulation No. 57 of 1954 on the establishment of the
University of Airlangga per November 1, 1954, the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Institute in Surabaya is separated from the "mother" of Universitet Indonesia. Then on
10 November 1954, President Dr. Ir. Soekarno formalized the establishment of
Universitas Airlangga as the third State University (PTN) in Indonesia after the
University of Indonesia and Gadjah Mada University.

When Universitas Airlangga was established, it had five faculties, Faculty of Medicine,
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Law (as the branch of FH UGM), Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education (FKIP) located in Malang and Faculty of Letters located in
Denpasar, Bali. From those five faculties, two faculties had run even before the World
War I. They are Faculty of Medicine originated from NIAS in 1913 and Faculty of Dental
Medicine originated from STOVIT in 1928.

The university was named after Airlangga because Airlangga, which means "the
Preserver", was a very famous king in the 11th century. He was a wise and competent
king who was able to unite the territories in eastern Indonesia.

As time went by, FKIP in Malang developed itself and became Teacher Training and
Education Institute (IKIP) Malang and now currently called Universitas Negeri Malang
(UM). Faculty of Letters in Denpasar also separated from UNAIR and established itself
into Universitas Udayana.

Since then, Universitas Airlangga has been developing by establishing new faculties.
Faculty of Economics and Business (1961) was originated from Surabaya Economy
University. It is currently called Faculty of Economics and Business. Faculty of Pharmacy
(1964). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (1972) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
(1977), Faculty of Mathematics and Science (1982) which is currently called Faculty of
Science and Technology, Post-graduate Faculty (1982) and it was renamed as Post-
graduate Program and currently called Postgraduate School. Non-Degree Health
Program (1984), but it was disbanded and integrated to Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of
Dental Medicine and Faculty of Public Health which was established in 1993.

Faculty of Psychology (1993), Faculty of Letters (1998) and from 2008 it was renamed as
the Faculty of Humanities. Faculty of Nursing (2008) was developed from Nursing Study
Program in the Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (2008) was
developed from Aquaculture Study Program in the Faculty of Veterinary Science. Faculty
of Vocational Studies was established in 2014, developed from vocational studies
(Diploma) managed by each related faculties.

Universitas Airlangga gained the status of State Universities (PTN) State-owned Legal
Entity (BHMN) based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 30 Year 2006 on the
Establishment of Universitas Airlangga as State-owned Legal Entity (BHMN). Then based
on the Higher Education Act No. 12 of 2012 UNAIR is one of seven PTN-BHMN which
was entitled to the statutes as State University acting as Legal Entity (PTN-BH).
Furthermore, statutes of Universitas Airlangga itself was based on the Indonesian
Government Regulation Number 30 Year 2014 concerning the Statutes of Universitas

List of Rectors of Universitas Airlangga:

1. Prof. Mr. A.G. Pringgodigdo [1954-1961]

2. Prof. Dr. Moh. Toha. [1961-1965]
3. Col. CKH. Chasan Durjat, SH. [1965-1966]
4. Prof. Dr. Dr. Eri Sudewo. [1966-1974]
5. Prof. Dr. Kwari Setjadibrata. [1974-1975]
6. Prof. Abdul Gani, SH., MS. [1976-1980]
7. Prof. Dr. dr. Marsetio Donosepoetro. [1980-1984]
8. Prof. Dr. Soedarso Djojonegoro. [1984-1993]
9. Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Rahino S. [1993-1997]
10. Prof. Dr. H. Soedarto, DTM&H., Ph.D. 1997-2001]
11. Prof. Dr. Med. Dr. H. Puruhito. [2001-2006]
12. Prof. Dr. H. Fasich, Apt. [2006-2015]
13. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., Mt., Ak., CMA [2015-present]

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