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Student Lesson Plan:Khadeejah Griffin

EDU 202
Special Education Laws
Roster #08

Lesson Plan: Special Education Laws

Objectives:​ To teach and convey the Special Education Laws:

Mainstreaming,IDEA,Inclusion, and PL 94-142 as it pertains to
individuals who have special needs or someone who knows an
individual who has it. The goal would be to display special education
laws through an amount of research that allows an individual to
expand their knowledge on it. Rather than just a brief explanation on
the laws, we will try to connect ourselves with those who have special
education (putting ourselves in their shoes).

Handout sheet with the definitions/ background information on all the
special education laws, video titled, “Dear Teacher-Heartfelt Advice for
Teachers from Students”(to be used with Activity). Activity: Identifying
your Special Needs.

● Start out with the background information on the Special
Education Laws. Ask the class do they know anyone who has
special needs?
● State objective: What are the Special Education Laws? How
are they applied to a student? What do we think of the term
“special education”?
Powerpoint Presentation:
Slide 1:What does special education mean? ​Special Education are programs and
instruction for children with physical, emotional,mental, or learning disabilities or gifted
students who need special educational services to achieve at their ability level.
Example: ADHD, G.A.T.E,Down Syndrome etc.Special Education gives each and every child
the opportunity to practice in classrooms across the nation.

Slide 2: What is Inclusion? ​Florida State University definition of Inclusion in the terms of
education means that students with disabilities in chronologically age-appropriate general
education classes in their home schools and receive instruction in accordance with their
individualized education plan (IEP) within the context of the core curriculum and general class
activities.In other words, Inclusion is an effort to make sure students with disabilities go to
school along with their friends and neighbors while also receiving the special designed
education and instruction they need to achieve high standards and succeed as learners.

Slide 3: What is Mainstreaming? ​Florida States definition of ​Mainstreaming was designed

to place a student with special needs into a mainstream classroom. In other words,
Mainstreaming is an education process that allows special education students to be moved out
of special education self-contained classrooms and places them into a regular classroom with
other students.

Slide 4: Mainstreaming Vs. Inclusion:​ ​The difference between Mainstreaming and

Inclusion is that students who are mainstreamed need to be able to handle the adjustments to
a regular classroom on their own, with little or no support at all. While inclusion also allows a
student to be in a regular classroom setting, the student seems to have more support adjusting
to the general education that is being taught and the environment that they have been placed

Slide 5:​ Controversial Issues over Mainstreaming students: ​While there are individuals in
society who do believe students with special needs should be mainstreamed, some do not.
Students ​SHOULD​ be mainstreamed: Society NEEDS to see the talents of all it’s
citizens!Students should ​NOT ​be mainstreamed:When students with special needs are
mainstreamed, students without disabilities suffer. What do you think? Should special needs
students be mainstreamed?
Slide 6: What is law PL 94-142? ​ ​In 1975, Public Law 94-142, was enacted by the United
States Congress which was the Education for ALL Handicapped Children Act, which established
the right of all students with disabilities to a “free and appropriate public education.”

Four Purposes of P.L. 94-142

● “to assure that all children with disabilities have available to them … a free appropriate
public education which emphasizes special education and related services designed to
meet their unique needs
● to assure that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents … are protected
● to assist States and localities to provide for the education of all children with disabilities
● to assess and assure the effectiveness of efforts to educate all children with disabilities”

Slide 7: What did the PL 94-142 do?​The law supported more than 1 million children with
disabilities who had been excluded entirely from the education system. The law also supported
children with disabilities who had had only limited access to the education system and were
therefore denied an appropriate education. This group contained more than half of all the
children living in the United States in the early 1970’s.

Slide 8:What is IDEA? ​Public Law 94-142 Law was replaced and expanded in 1991 by the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which extends coverage to all disabled learners
between the ages of 3 and 21, including individuals with autism and traumatic brain injuries.
The IDEA was then extended again in 2004 that demanded that only a high qualified teacher
can work with special need learners. There are 6 fundamental provisions included in the IDEA:
1. Zero Reject and a Free Appropriate Education
2. Parental Participation
3. Nondiscriminatory education
4. Least-restrictive environment
5. Procedural due-process
6. Individualized education program (IEP)

Slide 9:Special Education impacts the funding of schools and the subjects being
taught.​Special Education impacts the funding of schools and the subject being taught. In order
for a special education student to receive the proper education, the school must fund a teacher
who can help that child meet the criteria he/she needs to meet. Finding the right staff impacts
the students success.
Slide 10: Characteristics of Special Education.(Real-World Examples) ​ I​n order for
a special education teacher to be the best they can possibly be, he/she must be
● Creativity
● Dedicated
● Patient
● Organization
● Highly Intuitive
● Detail-oriented
● Adaptability

Slide 11:Activity slide! (Watch video) here is the link to the


Slide 12: Special Education Law quiz:

1. What is Inclusion?
2. What are the 6 fundamental provisions included in the IDEA?
3. What is the difference between Mainstreaming and Inclusion?
4. How many children did the PL-94-142 law support?
5. What are some examples of Special Education?

Closure: Therefore, Special Education Laws are needed.

Every child should be entitled to further their education. Every individual
has a talent regardless if we as humans tend to think of others as being
“different”. We are all different in our own ways, but each of us wants to
learn, that is the main goal! Without PL-94-142 and IDEA, students with
special needs would not be allowed to go to public school or receive public
education. Mainstreaming and inclusion also allows a special education
student to be able to adjust to a regular classroom environment which
allows that students communication to develop.
How effective do you think these special education laws are?

Evaluation: Special Education Law Quiz. Pertains 5 questions that were

answered in the lecture, the student may use the study sheet handed out at
the beginning of class to assist them in taking the quiz. This quiz is timed,
it should only take 5-7 minutes for the student to complete it.

The goal would be to display special education laws through an amount of research that
allows an individual to expand their knowledge on it. Rather than just a brief explanation
on the laws, we will try to connect ourselves with those who have special education
(putting ourselves in their shoes). Understanding what a special education child had to
go through in order to further their education allows each student to learn more about
the history behind special education.

Youtube, Google Slides, Florida State University Special Education Article,Thirty five Years of Progress
Educating Children With disabilities Through IDEA article.

Student Assessment
Scoring Rubric for Special Education Law Quiz

0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points

Student shows Student has a Student has Students Student uses Students
no complete lack of limited understanding logical thinking understanding
understanding. understanding understanding of concept is to arrive at of concept is
of concept. of the concept. evident. conclusion. clearly evident.
Student Student shows
attempts to thinking skills
show thinking to arrive at
skills. conclusion.

​ repare​ after the lesson and post-observation conference

Lesson Extension/Follow-up
Review the lesson again and express to the class that a 3-5 page essay will have to be written and typed on the
controversial issues over mainstreaming a child in the 21st century.

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