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Title proposal requirements :)

Mejo ganito ung contents and detailed requirements to prove that the proposed ideas are thesis-
worthy hehe

1. About What ung thesis?

- Describe nyo ung nature or concept ng thesis stating kung anon ung COVERED AREA OF
INTEREST, WHAT it can do and WHAT is it for (objective)
- Specific application nya to WHOM (because of social class, age, gender differences, etc need kasi
natin maging specific para sa scope and delimitation para sa chapter 1 later)
- Specific application nya to WHERE (because of location, atmospheric condition, institution
differences, etc need kasi natin maging specific para sa scope and delimitation para sa chapter 1 later) o

2. Ano ung problem na gustong isolve?

- State ung specific na PROBLEM
- Briefly discuss ung nature ng problem
- Ano ung nag CAUSE, and
- Ano ung EFFECT pag nag arise ung ganung problem.

3. Statistical data to prove na problem nga un

- Recorded DATA from reliable sources (government agencies and institutions specializing on tha topic
at hand) to prove ung claim natin sa problem
- Recorded DATA should show the numbers (percentages, values etc) that points to the degree of the
nature of the problem
- Data should pinpoint the numbers na sinabi mismo sa PROBLEM, data ng CAUSE and data ng
EFFECTS para majustify natin ung claim sa problem preferably specifically dun sa mismong WHERE
and WHOM ng number 1 dito
- and secondary data showing indirectly the number of affected to emphasize ung scope ng affected sa

- Note that research articles and news articles are not considered sources ng data, pero ung kinuhanan
nila ung ang need natin
- Note Ung sources per article ng Statistical data paste the link after each article dito in APA Format pa

4. Ano ung proposed solution?

- Describe ung concept ng electronic solution by explaining the process to resolve the problem and its
cause na sinabi sa number 2
- Mention the electronic concepts, technologies to be utilized in solving the problem.
Dapat dito may future vision na kayo sa magiging conceptual layout ng system natin, for example:

- Kaya pag nadiscuss nyo ung concept parang eto na ung ineexplain nyo dito sa number 4 hehe
- Saka gagawa din talaga kayo nitong layout na toh para sa Title Defense.

5. Ano difference ng proposed solution sa MGA existing devices, products, or previous thesis
- Magresearch tayo ng articles from reliable sources to determine kung ano ung features and
capabilities ng mga similar existing devices or solutions sa market
- Find similar products sa market or similar systems, enumerate their features
- Find similar previous thesis, enumerate their features
- better if TABULATED sila side by side with our own proposal para mas kita ung comparison per
capabilities or features
- Note that Enhancements focuses on the functionality, accuracy, reliability or the main function and
objective ng device or system.

6. Reference / Sources (APA Format)

- List ng sources ng articles ng Statistical data and sa articles ng similar products (paste the link after each
article din sa number 3)
- list ng sources ng similar previous thesis or studies (paste the link after each article din sa number 5)

Meron generator ng APA Format try nyo dito online:

Send it as a Word File per topic where name ng topic ung name ng file, for review and comments and
suggestions :) thanks

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