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3 Outbound sales call script examples you don’t want to miss out on

1. Outbound sales call script examples: The urgent promotion

“Good afternoon, my name is John Smith from XYZ solutions. With whom am I
speaking?” (Announces self and affiliation, takes control of the conversation.)

“This is Susan, Mary Roberts’ assistant.”

“Hi Susan, I need to speak to Ms. Roberts. Is there any chance she’s available?”
(Uses names to make it personal. Asks permission.)

“What is this in regards to?”

“It’s about a special promotion I believe will interest her. Can Ms. Roberts spare
a few minutes to chat with me?” (Doesn’t pitch the gatekeeper. Repeats need.)

“She’s on another call at the moment. Would you like her voicemail?”

“Do you expect her to be free any time soon? I can hold.” (Gently persists,
compels gatekeeper to at least check availability.)

“I’m not sure, I can put you through to her voicemail.”

“It would be better to speak with her directly. I’m not sure how long this
promotion will last, and I don’t want her to miss out. I don’t mind holding for five
or ten minutes.” (Creates urgency, continues to compel gatekeeper.)

“Let me see if she’ll be off soon.”

Mr. Smith gets past the gatekeeper by creating a scenario in which there really
isn’t much else the gatekeeper can do without outright blocking him. This
doesn’t guarantee he’ll get to talk to Ms. Roberts, but he’s overcome the first

2. Outbound sales call script examples: The colleague connect

“Hi, may I speak to Mary Roberts, please?” (Addresses by name first to

demonstrate acquaintance.)

“May I ask who’s calling?”

“My name is John Smith from XYZ Solutions. And with whom am I speaking?”
(Announces self, takes control of conversation.)

“This is Susan, Ms. Roberts’ assistant.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Susan. I recently worked with Ms. Roberts’ colleague,
Monica Bowman, and thought she might be interested in the same offer I
presented to her. Would you mind putting me through?” (Establishes a
connection and announces need. Addresses gatekeeper by name for a
personal touch.)

“May I ask what this is in regards to?”

“I’m running a promotion I believe will help boost your company’s revenue by
nearly triple. Does Ms. Roberts have ten minutes to hear more?”

“I’ll see if she’s available, please hold.”

The conversation is brief because Mr. Smith has already established a

connection, making him more important than a random salesperson. Just make
sure if you use this script that you actually have a connection—dishonesty may
come back to bite you!

3. Outbound sales call script examples: The voicemail concession

“Good morning, Susan. My name is John Smith with XYZ Solutions. May I please
speak to Mary Roberts?” (Personalized, direct, and succinct.)

“May I ask what this is about?”

“I’ve got a special offer that can help to boost sales for everyone on your team.
Can Ms. Roberts spare a few minutes to hear the details?” (Announces agenda
without pitching gatekeeper.)

“She’s unavailable at the moment. Would you like her voicemail?”

“It would be better for me to speak with her in person so I can answer any
questions she may have. I can hold if she’s willing to chat for a few minutes.”
(Establishes parameters, creates opportunity for gatekeeper to check with Ms.

“She’s not in the office right now, unfortunately.”

“Ah, too bad. Is there a direct number where I can reach her later?” (Attempts
to bypass gatekeeper for a call-back.)

“No, all of Ms. Roberts’ calls come through this line.”

“Understood. Would you mind if I called back sometime this afternoon or

tomorrow?” (Asks permission.)

“Sure, that would be fine.”

“Great, I’ll try again later. Susan, would you mind doing me just one favor?
Would you kindly let Ms. Roberts know to expect my call?” (Ensures connection
is made even if Ms. Roberts doesn’t get the voicemail.)

“Yes, Mr. Smith, I will give her the message.”

“Thank you so much, Susan. You’ve been a huge help.” (Expresses gratitude,
compliments gatekeeper.)

Sometimes, a voicemail is the best you’re going to get. What’s important is that
you’ve tried all other avenues, and if they’ve failed, make sure to find a way to
get your name in front of Ms. Roberts. Don’t assume she’ll check her voicemail—
we all know she probably won’t!

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