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Always check the ingredient list in the label

1. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) causes

tooth decay, obesity, and metabolic syndrome
For Adults: Risk of Diabetes & Heart Problems

2. GMO (Genetically Modified Foods - Fruits & Vegetables) Seek products

that are specifically labeled as non-GMO or GMO-free. About 75% of processed foods at the
grocery store contain these ingredients.This includes foods like soda, cookies, bread, and

3. SOY - Avoid Soy based products for boy babies since it has phytoestrogens which increases
Estrogen levels in the body. Avoid this for boys as it creates hormonal imbalances.

4. Artificial Sweeteners - Not safe for Kids Artificial sweeteners are used in many diet foods
and beverages to enhance sweetness while reducing calorie content. Common types of
artificial sweeteners include aspartame, sucralose, saccharin and acesulfame potassium.

5. Sodium Benzoate. Sodium benzoate is a preservative often added to carbonated drinks and
acidic foods like salad dressings, pickles, fruit juices and condiments. For example, one study
found that combining sodium benzoate with artificial food coloring increased hyperactivity in 3-
year-old children. Another study showed that a higher intake of beverages containing sodium
benzoate was associated with more symptoms of ADHD in 475 college students. When
combined with vitamin C, sodium benzoate can also be converted into a benzene, a compound
that may be associated with cancer development. Carbonated beverages contain the highest
concentration of benzene, and diet or sugar-free beverages are even more prone to benzene
6. Trans Fat - It can be found in many types of processed foods like baked goods, margarine,
microwave popcorn and biscuits. Risk of Type II Diabetes & Heart Disease. Trans fat present in
processed cooking oils. Use olive oil or Coconut oil to avoid trans fat.
Protein - 7.4 g , Fat - 24g , Sugar - 25 g


Fat, Sugar & Starch

Sugar / Fat / Starch on its own is not a problem but sugar that’s nicely combined with fat and/or
starches that’s the problem. It’s those ‘sugar combination foods’ that are the real culprits - things
like doughnuts, shortbread, muffins and muesli bars. This combination increases risk of obesity &

Proteins With Starch:

Why is potato chips with fried chicken considered an unhealthy meal? Not only because it has
trans fats but also because the digestive procedure for these two nutrients is different. Proteins are
digested in the stomach whereas the digestion of starch takes place primarily in the small intestine.
So as the proteins get digested they hold back the starch in the stomach making the food toxic.

Sugar With Proteins:

Are you one of those who round off your meal of chicken steak with a juicy dessert? Then you
must be prone to gastric problems. Sugar acts on the protein digesting enzymes and makes their
action sluggish which means food takes a long time to get digested and there are chances of
indigestion taking place. Also causes inflammation of blood vessels.

Cereal or oatmeal with milk and orange juice.

Acids in orange juice or any acid fruits destroy the enzyme that is responsible for digesting
starches present in cereal. Also, acidic fruits or juices can curdle milk and turn it into a heavy
mucus-forming substance. To keep your breakfast healthy, try having fruit or orange juice 30 min
before the oatmeal.

Bananas and milk.

Ayurveda lists this combination as one of the heaviest and toxin-forming. It is said to create
heaviness in the body and slow down the mind. If you are a fan of milk-based banana smoothies
make sure that banana is very ripe and add cardamom and nutmeg to stimulate digestion.
Yogurt with fruit.

Ayurveda and food combining theory, don’t advise mixing any sour fruits with dairy as it can
diminish digestive fire, change the intestinal flora, produce toxins and cause sinus congestion,
cold, cough and allergies. Ayurveda suggests avoiding congestive and digestive fire dampening
foods like cold yogurt mixed with fruits.

However, if you can’t resist the temptation of a yogurt parfait, there are ways to make it more
digestion friendly. First of all, go for a room temperature natural unflavored yogurt. Secondly, mix
a little bit of honey, cinnamon, and raisins instead of sour berries.

Starchy Food With Fruits:

Why does mom tell you to have fruits at least half an hour after having a meal? It is because fruits
are quick to get digested but starch which our meal invariably contains (rice, potatoes, etc) takes
along tome to digest. So this food combination makes the fruits stay in the stomach for a long time
and ferment.

Milk With Citrus Fruits or Vegetables:

Milk is on its own a difficult food product to digest. Some people also have lactose intolerance or
lack of the enzyme to digest the lactose protein of milk. Now whats happens when you squeeze a
lemon into milk, it coagulates due to acidity. The same thing happens inside the stomach and the
acidity causes heat burns and gas.

Limes and cough medicine.

You may have heard not to drink grapefruit juice with some prescriptions, including cholesterol-
lowering statins. But limes, pomelos, and Seville oranges—although not the more-common navel
and Valencia varieties—also may block an enzyme that breaks down statins and other drugs,
including the cough suppressant dextromethorphan. Because the medication then builds up in your
bloodstream, the risk for side effects increases.

With dextromethorphan, this includes hallucinations and sleepiness; in statins, you may sustain
severe muscle damage. These fruits’ effects can linger for a day or longer, so it’s best to avoid
them and their juices altogether while taking these drugs. And if you’re a citrus fiend? Check in with
your pharmacist about potential drug interactions, Gullickson recommends.

Mint With Aerated Drinks:

It is believed that peppermint must never be had along with aerated drinks because it leads to a
fatal toxic food combination in the stomach. Cyanide can be formed by the combination of these
two eatables if it is mixed in the right proportions. Now what the exact proportion is that is not
known but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

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