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Aquaculture 60 (2011) 43–50

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a q u a - o n l i n e

Pathological study of oysters Crassostrea gigas from culture and C. rhizophorae from
natural stock of Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil
Rachel Costa Sabry a,⁎, Patrícia Mirella da Silva b, Tereza Cristina Vasconcelos Gesteira a,
Vitor de Almeida Pontinha c, Aimê Rachel Magenta Magalhães c
Instituto de Ciências do Mar, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Av. da Abolição, 3507, Meireles, CEP: 60165-081, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Departamento de Biologia Molecular, Cidade Universitária — Campus I. CEP, 58059-900, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Aquicultura, Núcleo de Estudos em Patologia Aquícola, Rodovia Admar Gonzaga, 1346, Itacorubi, CEP 88040-900, Florianópolis,
SC, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper gives an account of the pathogens found in the cultivated Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas and in
Received 15 April 2011 the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from natural populations of two sites, Sambaqui (27° 29′18″S,
Received in revised form 31 July 2011 48° 32′1″W) and Ribeirão da Ilha (27° 42′51″S, 48° 34′6″W), Santa Catarina Island, Brazil. Oysters were
Accepted 4 August 2011
collected in March 2008 and April 2009, 150 per site, year and condition (rocky shore and culture). For
Available online 10 August 2011
pathological study, the techniques used were: macroscopic examination, histology and tissue culture in fluid
thioglycollate medium specific for Perkinsus. The results showed the presence of the polychaete Polydora sp.
Oysters with high prevalence (up to 100%) in C. gigas; gametic hypertrophy in C. rhizophorae from Ribeirão da Ilha and
Oyster farming in C. gigas from Sambaqui and Ribeirão da Ilha with low prevalence (3.3%); rickettsia-type bacteria, with
Pathogens greater prevalence in C. gigas (30%) than in C. rhizophorae, causing alteration in the epithelium of the stomach.
Histopathology It was not detected the presence of Perkinsus in any oyster sample analyzed of any site. Ciliates of genus
Trichodina were observed among gill lamellae, digestive tubules, and adhered to the gills of oysters from
Ribeirão da Ilha, with higher prevalence in C. rhizophorae (50%) and without causing injury. Protozoa
Sphenophrya-type was found in the gills of C. gigas and C. rhizophorae, with higher prevalence in C. gigas from
Sambaqui (70%), not causing changes in the gills. Protozoa of the genus Ancistrocoma were detected in the
digestive tubules of C. gigas (36.7%) and C. rhizophorae (40%) from Sambaqui at low intensity and without
causing apparent damage. Steinhausia-type microsporidians were observed in the cytoplasm of oocytes of
C. rhizophorae and C. gigas with prevalences up to 33.3%. The intensity of infection in the animals was low,
with only one oyster presenting more than 50 oocytes infected. The sporocysts of the pathogen caused
alteration in the normal structure of the oocytes cytoplasm. Protozoa of genus Nematopsis were observed in
the connective tissue of the gills and mantle with high prevalence (100%) in C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui,
without host defense response. The observed metazoan were: turbellarians Urastoma-type, metacestode of
genus Tylocephalum and copepods possibly of genus Pseudomiycola, all in low prevalence. None of the
pathological occurrences found seems to cause significant damage in oysters, once they were found at low
intensities. However, due to the great socioeconomic importance that the shellfish represent to the State of
Santa Catarina, it's necessary to keep monitoring the health status of these populations.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) and scallop
Nodipecten nodosus (Bivalvia: Pectinidae), which is already being
The State of Santa Catarina is the biggest Brazilian producer of grown commercially in the state. However, studies on diseases of
shellfish, contributing with 95% of national production, represented these bivalves are scarce when compared to other parts of the world,
by the culture of the brown mussel Perna perna (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), where pathologies that affect shellfish commercially harvested are
well known (Bower et al., 1994). Only in last years, researches on the
health of marine bivalves from the Brazilian coast have been
⁎ Corresponding author at: Universidade Federal do Ceará, Instituto de Ciências do intensified (Boehs and Magalhães, 2004; Boehs et al., 2009; da Silva
Mar, Av. Abolição, 3207, Meireles, CEP: 60165-081, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Tel.: + 55 85 et al., 2002; Sabry and Magalhães, 2005; Sabry et al., 2007; Suárez–
3366 7009.
E-mail addresses: rachelsabry@yahoo.com.br (R.C. Sabry),
Morales et al., 2010) due primarily to the expansion of the cultures.
mirella_dasilva@hotmail.com (P.M. da Silva), gesteira@ufc.br (T.C.V. Gesteira), The summer mass mortality of Japanese oyster (C. gigas) cultured
rachel@cca.ufsc.br (A.R.M. Magalhães). in Santa Catarina was first-time registered in December 1987. In the

0044-8486/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
44 R.C. Sabry et al. / Aquaculture 60 (2011) 43–50

summer of 89/90s summer mortality reached 89.5% (Silveira, 1997). the mangrove oyster C. rhizophorae from cliffs next to cultures in
The phenomenon was associated to stress caused by the breeding Santa Catarina Island, SC, Brazil.
season, high water temperatures and perhaps by the presence of
bacteria of the genus Nocardia (Silveira, 1997). Bacteria, like viruses, 2. Materials and methods
when at high intensities can cause mortality in shellfish (Gulka et al.,
1983; Paillard, 2004; Renault and Novoa, 2004; Villalba et al., 1999), 2.1. Sampling of oysters
but they not cause mortality at low intensities (Carballal et al., 2001;
Cremonte et al., 2005). Samples of the mangrove oyster C. rhizophorae (n = 600) and of
Protozoa are important pathogens and can cause mortality in the Japanese oyster C. gigas (n = 600) were collected at two sites of
several species of shellfish in worldwide. With respect to protozoa, the Santa Catarina Island, in Sambaqui (North Bay, 27° 29′18″S, 48°
Nematopsis spp. (Apicomplexa: Porosporidae) use marine bivalves as 32′12″ W) and Ribeirão da Ilha (South Bay, 27° 42′51 ″ S, 48° 34′6 ″
intermediate hosts (Azevedo and Cachola, 1992; Carballal et al., W). Samples were collected in March 2008 and April 2009. In each
2001), but there is controversy regarding to its pathogenicity month 150 oysters were collected from each species and site. Oysters
(Lauckner, 1983). Nematopsis sp. was described in oysters C. gigas C. rhizophorae were removed from the rocky shore, located in the
and Crassostrea rhizophorae grown in Ponta do Sambaqui Beach, Santa intertidal zone, far 70 and 200 m from the culture of oysters C. gigas at
Catarina Island, Brazil (Sabry and Magalhães, 2005). Trichodina Sambaqui and Ribeirão da Ilha, respectively. Specimens of C. gigas
(Ciliophora: Trichodinidae) can cause destruction of gill filaments were collected from culture lanterns hanging at Sambaqui in long-
and compromise weight gain of the animals (Bower et al., 1994; lines belonging to the Laboratory of Culture of Mollusks, Federal
Figueras and Villalba, 1988). Trichodina sp. was observed in University of Santa Catarina, and from Ribeirão da Ilha, belonging to a
C. rhizophorae (Sabry and Magalhães, 2005) and in Anomalocardia shellfish farmer. The oysters had market size, corresponding to a
brasiliana (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from Santa Catarina Island (Boehs and cultivation time of 9–12 months. The oysters were measured (shell
Magalhães, 2004), but without causing serious damage to the host. height according to Galtsoff, 1964), and opened for macroscopic
Recently, for oysters of this region were recorded protozoa of the observation of the shell and internal organs (mantle, gills, gonad and
genera Sphenophrya, Ancistrocoma (Ciliophora) and Steinhausia digestive gland), in order to verify the occurrence of pathological
(Microspora) (Pontinha, 2009; da Silva et al., 2010). Sphenophrya changes. All animals collected at each point (n = 150) were submitted
can cause cellular hypertrophy in the host and form tumors called individually to cultivation technique in Ray's Fluid Thioglycollate
xenoma (Boehs et al., 2009; Winstead et al., 2004). However, there are Medium (RFTM), item 2.2, and 30 individuals were randomly selected
no reports of mortality associated to infection by this pathogen for histopathological analysis, item 2.3.
(Bower et al., 1994; Lauckner, 1983; Winstead et al., 2004). The temperature and salinity of sea water were measured at each
Ancistrocoma infection also has not been associated to pathologies site and date of collection using a thermometer and refractometer,
(Bower et al., 1994). In the case of parasitism by Steinhausia respectively. The water temperature in Sambaqui was 24 °C in 2008 and
(microsporidian that infects the cytoplasm of oocytes), it is observed 2009 and in Ribeirão da Ilha, 22 and 26 °C for the years 2008 and 2009,
inflammatory or immunological reaction by the host, characterized by respectively. The salinity was 32‰ (2008) and 35‰ (2009) in Sambaqui
intense infiltration of hemocytes (Green et al., 2008). Steinhausia has and 26‰ (2008) and 34‰ (2009) in Ribeirão da Ilha (Table 1).
already been detected in populations of Cerastoderma edule (Bivalvia:
Cardiidae) from Galicia coast, Spain, without significant pathologic 2.2. Incubation of tissues in Ray's Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (RFTM)
damage in infected animals (Carballal et al., 2001).
Metazoan of genus Tylocephalum (Cestoda: Tetragonocephalidae) Two demibranch and the rectum of each animal were incubated in
were observed in low prevalence and intensity of infestation in thioglycollate liquid medium for 7 days in darkness and at room
C. gigas (Sabry and Magalhães, 2005) and in A. brasiliana from Santa temperature (±28 °C). After the incubation period, tissues were
Catarina Island (Boehs and Magalhães, 2004). The turbellarian collected, macerated on a slide and stained with Lugol solution,
Urastoma cyprinae was recorded in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis according to the method described by Ray (1954). The preparation
from the Black Sea (Murina and Solonchenko, 1991) and Spain was observed under an optical microscope to verify the presence of
(Robledo et al., 1994) and in Mytilus edulis from Portugal (dos Santos Perkinsus hypnospores, which are spherical and its walls stains blue or
and Coimbra, 1995) causing severe alterations in the gills. Polychaetes bluish black.
of the genus Polydora (Polychaeta: Spionidae) are commonly found in
the Japanese oyster C. gigas (da Silva et al., 2010; Ibbotson, 2002; 2.3. Histological preparations
Pontinha, 2009; Sabry and Magalhães, 2005) and in other bivalves
such as the mussel P. perna (da Costa, 2007) and the cockle From each oyster (n = 30 per site, specie and year), a cross section
A. brasiliana (Boehs and Magalhães, 2004) from Santa Catarina Island. of the animal was removed, it being sampled several organs,
Among the copepods, Pseudomyicola spinosus (Copepoda: Myicolidae) including: gills, gonad and digestive gland. The tissues were fixed in
is commonly found in marine bivalves (Cáceres-Martínez et al., 2005; Davidson's solution (Shaw and Battle, 1957) for 24 h, dehydrated in a
Ho and Kim, 1991) and when at low prevalence and intensity does not graded series of alcohol up to 100%, cleared in xylene and
cause pathologies (Bower et al., 1994). In Brazil, histopathological impregnated in histological paraffin at 60 °C. Cuts of 5 μm thickness
analysis in the mussel P. perna cultured in Santa Catarina, revealed were made and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Howard et al.,
that the presence of copepods of genus Monstrilla caused changes in 2004). The sections were analyzed under optical microscope. The
the structure of the mantle edge with intense hemocytic infiltration prevalence of pathogens was calculated as being the number of
(Suárez–Morales et al., 2010). None of the pathogens listed above parasitized animals over the total number of oysters collected in each
is notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). collection point (Bush et al., 1997).
Currently, according to this organization, notifiable pathogens for
shellfish are the protozoa Haplosporidia: Bonamia ostreae and 3. Results
B. exitiosa; Paramyxea: Marteilia refringens; Perkinsozoa: Perkinsus
marinus and P. Olseni; bacteria Xenohaliotis californiensis and Herpes- 3.1. Biometry
type virus which affects abalones. Considering the socioeconomic
importance of bivalves for the State of Santa Catarina, this paper gives The biometry of oysters C. rhizophorae (rocky shore) and C. gigas
a report of the pathogens found in the cultured oyster C. gigas and in (culture) from Sambaqui and Ribeirão da Ilha aimed to verify the size
R.C. Sabry et al. / Aquaculture 60 (2011) 43–50 45

of animals that would be submitted to pathological analysis, without, However, none of the histopathological changes found in this study
however, make comparisons on the growth of animals in the two presented risk to the health of oysters.
sampled sites and not aimed to relate the size of the animals with the
presence or absence of parasitism. The mean heights (mm) of oysters 3.4.1. Hypertrophy of the gametes
in 2008 and 2009 are shown in Table 1. In the male gonadal follicles of both oysters species were found
hypertrophied cells with a diameter ranging from 15 to 36 μm. These
3.2. Macroscopic analysis cells presented an acidophilic content and a basophilic peripheral
region (Fig. 1A). Only three oysters showed such pathology: one
Macroscopic observations did not reveal the presence of pustules or oyster C. rhizophorae from Ribeirão da Ilha, collected in 2009, one
abscesses in any organs examined in both species. The prevalent oyster C. gigas from Ribeirão da Ilha, collected in 2008 and another
macroscopical change was the parasitism by the polychaete of genus from Sambaqui in 2009, resulting in a low prevalence (3.3%) (Table 1).
Polydora in the valves of oysters. The infestation by Polydora was
characterized by the presence of horizontal and vertical tubes. 3.4.2. Rickettsia-type bacteria
Eventually the tubes drilled the tissue reaching the digestive gland. It Rickettsia-type bacteria were seen in C. rhizophorae and C. gigas from
was also observed bubbles covered by layers of conchioline occupying a Sambaqui and Ribeirão da Ilha in 2008 and 2009. The bacteria formed
representative part of the inner region of the animal valves. intracytoplasmic colonies of basophilic character and size ranging from
The highest prevalences of Polydora in C. rhizophorae were observed in 7 to 30 μm in epithelial cells of digestive tubules (Fig. 1B). In the most of
the collections of 2008 in Sambaqui (81.3%) and Ribeirão da Ilha (67.3%) the investigated oysters the intensity of infection was low (1–5
(Table 1). With respect to C. gigas, the prevalence reached maximum colonies). In just one oyster C. rhizophorae were also observed five
values (100%) in both study sites and in the two sampling years (Table 1). colonies of these bacteria in the stomach epithelium, causing changes in
epithelial cell cytoplasm (Fig. 1C). The higher prevalence of the bacteria
was 30% in C. gigas from Ribeirão da Ilha, in 2009 (Table 1).
3.3. Incubation of tissues in ray's Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (RFTM)
3.4.3. Protozoa
For both species of oysters investigated for the presence of
Ciliates of genus Trichodina were observed adhered to the gill
Perkinsus by the RFTM method, all results were negative, i.e., there
lamellae and free in the lumen of digestive tubules of C. rhizophorae
was no presence of this protozoan. The technique of cultivation of
and C. gigas, from Ribeirão da Ilha (Fig. 1D and E). In the gills, it was
tissues in liquid thioglycollate (RFTM) was effective for the detection
observed until 4 ciliates/histological section and in digestive tubules
of the protozoan Nematopsis. Although Nematopsis had not been
more than 5 per oyster. Trichodina appeared disk-shaped and with an
stained by Lugol, it performed quite refractional and was easily
evidently basophilic nucleus (Fig. 1D). In the gills, these ciliates had
observed among cells of the gills of oysters in a 20x objective.
sizes ranging from 12 to 47 μm and in digestive tubules, 10 to 20 μm.
Nematopsis prevalence by RFTM in C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui was
At the ends of the pathogens were observed structures (hooks) used
high and ranged from 90 to 96% (Table 1).
to anchorage in the host (Fig. 1E). The highest prevalence in C. gigas
was 13.3% in 2008. In C. rhizophorae, these ciliates were only observed
3.4. Histopathological analysis in 2009 in Ribeirão da Ilha, with high prevalence (50%) (Table 1).
Another ciliate, Sphenophrya sp. was seen at the base of gill filaments
Histological analysis showed: hypertrophy of the male gametes, (Fig. 1F). The ciliate had an oval or round shape, containing a basophilic
presence of rickettsia-type bacteria and protozoa of the genera Trichodina, macronucleus, a cytoplasm with character eosinophilic and size ranging
Sphenophrya, Ancistrocoma, Steinhausia and Nematopsis. Among the from 9 to 17 μm. The highest prevalence of Sphenophrya was observed in
metazoan were observed the turbellarian Urastoma, the cestode Tyloce- C. gigas from Sambaqui in 2009 (70%) and the lowest (6.7%) in
phalum and a copepod possibly of genus Pseudomiycola (Table 1). C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui in 2008 (Table 1). In general, the intensity

Table 1
Prevalence (%) of pathogens and pathological changes in the oysters Crassostrea gigas (G) and C. rhizophorae (R) at two points of the Santa Catarina Island, Sambaqui (SAM) and
Ribeirão da Ilha (RIB) in March–April, 2008 and 2009. Macroscopic analysis (MA, N = 150), incubation of tissues in Ray's Fluid thioglycollate Medium (RFTM, N = 150) and
histological cuts (HC, N = 30). It's also showed the average height of the oysters (mm) and standard deviation (SD).

Pathogens and 2008 2009

pathological change


Height (mm) ± SD

96.7 ± 14.3 55.3 ± 10.3 84.2 ± 15.8 49.6 ± 6.4 98.1 ± 10 59.6 ± 5.1 104.9 ± 12 58.2 ± 5.4

T. 24 °C; Sal. 32‰ T. 22 °C; Sal. 26‰ T. 24 °C; Sal. 35‰ T. 26 °C; Sal. 34‰

Gamet hypertrophy – – 3.3 – 3.3 – – 3.3

Rickettsia-type bacteria 16.7 10.0 6.7 13.3 10.0 13.3 30.0 10.0
Trichodina sp. – – 13.3 – – – 3.3 50.0
Sphenophrya sp. 46.7 6.7 20.0 26.7 70.0 33.3 13.3 46.7
Ancistrocoma sp. 36.6 6,7 36.7 10.0 – 40.0 6.7 23.3
Steinhausia sp. 26.7 16.7 – 23.3 16.7 33.3 3.3 30.0
Nematopsis sp. (HC) – 96.6 23.3 – 100 – 50.0
Nematopsis sp.(RFTM) 4.7 90.0 1.3 35.3 – 96.0 – 88.0
Polydora sp. (MA) 100 81.3 100 67.3 100 18.7 100 22.7
Urastoma sp. – 6.7 6.7 – – 3.3 – 6.7
Tylocephalum sp. 3.3 – – – 3.3 – – –
Copepod – – – 3,3 – – – –
46 R.C. Sabry et al. / Aquaculture 60 (2011) 43–50

Fig. 1. Pathological changes and pathogens detected in tissues of Crassostrea gigas and C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui and Ribeirão da Ilha (Santa Catarina Island, Brazil) in March–
April, 2008 and 2009. (A) Hypertrophied cells in the wall of male follicle (arrow); (B) Colony of Rickettsia-type bacteria (arrow) in the cytoplasm of digestive tubule epithelial cell;
(C) Colonies of Rickettsia-type bacteria in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of the stomach; (D) Trichodina sp. (arrow) in the gill filaments, showing evident nucleus; (E) Detail of
fastening structures (arrow) of Trichodina; (F) Ciliated Sphenophrya sp. (arrow) in contact with the gills. Bar = 20 μm.

was low with the exception of only three animals (C. rhizophorae from The oocysts Nematopsis densely basophilic had sizes ranging from
Sambaqui) which presented each one more than 250 ciliates in the whole 8 to 14 μm, hyaline wall and were found 1 to 4 oocysts/phagocyte.
examined gill/histological cut. No change was detected in the gills neither The found prevalences after observation of histological sections
host reactions. were high in C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui (96.6% in 2008 and 100%
Ciliates of the genus Ancistrocoma were observed in the lumen of in 2009). In C. gigas, this pathogen was not detected in any of the
digestive tubules. The ciliates showed an oval shape, with basophilic studied locations. Despite the high prevalences of Nematopsis sp. in
nucleus and eosinophilic cytoplasm (Fig. 2A), with sizes ranging from C. rhizophorae, it was not observed host response. The intensity of
12 to 26 μm. The highest prevalences were observed in C. rhizophorae infection was low, with few oocysts/histological section.
from Sambaqui in 2009 (40%) and in C. gigas from Sambaqui (36.7%)
and Ribeirão da Ilha (36.7%) in 2008. The intensity of this ciliate was 3.4.4. Metazoan
low, with a maximum of 4 ciliates/histological section. Turbellarians of the genus Urastoma were found close to the gills of the
Steinhausia microsporidian was detected in the cytoplasm of oyster C. gigas from Ribeirão da Ilha, and C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui
oocytes of the oysters (Fig. 2B). The vacuoles containing the pathogen and Ribeirão da Ilha. They presented sizes ranging from 162.5 to 245 μm
cells sometimes occupied a representative portion of the cytoplasm. (Fig. 2D). The highest observed prevalence was 6.7% (Table 1). The
The highest prevalences of these protozoa were observed in 2009, in intensity of infestation was low, having been registered at the most two
C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui (33.3%) and Ribeirão da Ilha (30%). The turbellarians/oyster and without causing apparent damage in the gills.
intensity of infection in the most animals ranged from 1 to 35 infected Larvae of cestodes of the genus Tylocephalum were recorded only
oocytes/histological section. However, in one oyster C. gigas from in the Japanese oysters from Sambaqui with a prevalence of 3.3% in
Sambaqui, it was observed more than 50 oocytes containing the collections from March to April of the years 2008 and 2009. The larvae
spores of the pathogen, without host defense response. were encapsulated by several layers of flattened cells. Besides the
Protozoa of the genus Nematopsis were observed infecting the encapsulation reaction, it was not observed other change in the host
connective tissue of various organs such as gills and mantle (Fig. 2C). tissue (Fig. 2E). A copepod, possibly of the genus Pseudomiycola, was
R.C. Sabry et al. / Aquaculture 60 (2011) 43–50 47

Fig. 2. Pathogens observed in tissues of Crassostrea gigas and C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui and Ribeirão da Ilha (Santa Catarina Island, Brazil) in March–April, 2008 and 2009.
(A) Ancistrocoma sp. (arrow) in the lumen of a digestive tubule; (B) Vacuole with parasitic spores of Steinhausia sp. (arrow) in the cytoplasm of an oocyte; (C) Oocysts of Nematopsis
sp. in the digestive gland; (D) Urastoma sp. among gill filaments; (E) Tylocephalum sp. in connective tissue around digestive tubules. (F) Copepod (arrow) causing disruption of the
wall of a digestive tubule. See details of the appendages (arrow). Bar = 20 μm (Figs. A, B, C); Bar = 50 μm (Figs. D, and F).

detected in the lumen of a secondary digestive tubule of the oyster C. rhizophorae collected in 2009 showed prevalence of Polydora below
C. rhizophorae from Ribeirão da Ilha (Fig. 2F). This parasite had a size of than those found in the Japanese oysters C. gigas in the same period.
900 μm and caused the rupture of the wall of this tubule. This might suggest that C. rhizophorae were more resistant to attack of
polychaetes. However, for the year 2008 in both places (Sambaqui and
4. Discussion Ribeirão da Ilha), the prevalences of Polydora in C. rhizophorae were
high, deserving so constant monitoring to better understanding about
The present study registered several pathogens with different the susceptibility of C. rhizophorae to the attack of these polychaetes.
prevalences and intensities in the two species of studied oysters. However, The results obtained by the technique of tissue culture in
none of these organisms represented risk to the populations of oysters. thioglycollate medium for diagnosis of Perkinsus showed that the
The polychaete of genus Polydora has been present with high oysters from natural beds as well as the cultured Japanese oysters
prevalence (100%) in C. gigas from the two studied sites. However, are not affected by this pathogen. Studies in populations of mollusks
producers did not report mortalities during the periods of collection, from Santa Catarina Island, using this specific technique for diagnosis
showing that, despite its high prevalence, the possible damages do not of protozoa of the genus Perkinsus are recent. The first researches
lead to oyster death. For the same sites, it has already been docu- with RFTM were performed in 2008 by da Silva et al. (2010), for
mented similar prevalences (Ibbotson, 2002; Sabry and Magalhães, C. rhizophorae and A. brasiliana, which also obtained negative results.
2005) of this polychaete. Infestations by Polydora sp. are common in In Brazil, only one study with C. rhizophorae in Bahia State refers to the
bivalves from several parts of the world and seem to be the biggest use of this technique and also not detected Perkinsus sp. in the analyzed
cause of loss for the producer, since the horizontal and vertical tubes oysters (Nascimento et al., 1986). In the soft-clam (Tagelus plebeius)
of dark color and mud bubbles in the shell influence negatively from Pontal da Daniela Beach, SC, it was also not detected the presence
the market value of the mollusks. In the present study, the oyster of Perkinsus sp. when this technique was used (da Silva et al., 2009).
48 R.C. Sabry et al. / Aquaculture 60 (2011) 43–50

The hypertrophies of male gametes observed in oysters C. rhizophorae but the intensity was generally low and any inflammatory response
(Ribeirão da Ilha) and in C. gigas (Ribeirão da Ilha and Sambaqui) were was observed in affected oysters. Ciliates of this genus are found in
possibly caused by a virus. The presence of hypertrophied nucleus with a great variety of species of bivalves, being able to cause hypertrophy
granules intensely basophilic in the cell periphery, suggests viruses of the cell and its nucleus (xenoma) (Bower et al., 1994). In
presence of the families Papillomaviridae and Polyomarviridae that C. rhizophorae from Todos os Santos Bay, Salvador, Bahia State (BA),
cause the disease known as Viral Gametocytic Hypertrophy (VGH), Sphenophrya was observed without causing any damage (Nascimento
(Bower et al., 1994). This disease was recorded in bivalve mollusks, et al., 1986). However, for the same species of oyster collected in
including oysters C. gigas and C. rhizophorae (Bower et al., 1994). The first Camamu Bay, BA, it was observed the formation of xenoma (Boehs
report of this disease was made by Farley (1976). Since then, this disease et al., 2009) and the authors concluded that this pathological effect
has been documented in several mollusks (Choi et al., 2004; Garcia et al., was associated to the presence of this ciliated. In the mussel Dreissena
2006; Meyers et al., 2009; Winstead et al., 2004). The prevalence of polymorpha (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) highly infected by Sphenophrya
gametocytic hypertrophy detected in oysters of the present study was dreissenae, was observed hyperplasia, cell hypertrophy and epitheli-
low and were not observed hemocytes infiltrations or tissue damage, um vacuolization (Laruelle et al., 1999).
besides alterations of the infected gamete. In C. gigas from South Korea, Ancistrocoma sp. is other ciliate that was observed in oysters of the
the prevalences of VGH ranged from 3.3 to 7.1%, the intensity of infection present study in low intensity and caused no damages or host defense
was low, not being detected defense responses of the host (Choi et al., responses. Nascimento et al. (1986), also reported no damage in
2004). In C. gigas studied in France, the prevalence of VGH was low (3.3 to C. rhizophorae from Bahia affected by Ancistrocoma sp.
13.3%) as well the intensity of infection. The authors observed lesions in Steinhausia sp. was observed in oocytes of C. gigas and of
the gonads of some animals, but with no hemocytic reaction and without C. rhizophorae in both locations. The presence of the sporocysts with
lethal effects on oysters (Garcia et al., 2006). pathogen spores caused damage to the normal structure of the
In the present study, colonies of Rikettsia-type bacteria were cytoplasm of oocytes, but it was not observed defense cells close to the
observed in epithelia of digestive tubules, and only in one oyster infected oocytes. In M. galloprovincialis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) infected
C. rhizophorae it was detected in the epithelium of the stomach. Despite with Steinhausia, it was not also observed infiltration of hemocytes
the found prevalences have been up to 30%, there was no considerable (Robledo et al., 1994). Instead, the cockle C. edule infected by
damage in animals. In cockles C. edule from Spain, the infection by Steinhausia-type microsporidia showed a light hemocytic response
Rikettsia-type bacteria colonies were of low intensity and there was not without, however, causing significant pathologic damage to the host
observed response of the host to infection (Carballal et al., 2001), (Carballal et al., 2001). Oysters Saccostrea glomerata from Australia,
opposite to what was reported in oysters C. gigas from the Atlantic coast infected with this microsporidian, showed a complete reabsorption of
of France, when a severe infection caused lesions and changes in the the oocytes with infection of germinal epithelium and high hemocytes
normal gill structure (Renault and Cochennec, 1994). Rikettsia-type infiltration (Green et al., 2008). The prevalences of Steinhausia
bacteria caused intense infections and severe damage in epithelial cells observed in the present work was considered high (up 33.3%) when
of gill, digestive gland and mantle of the oyster Crassostrea ariakensis compared to 6.6% detected in Mytella guyanensis from Amazon
from the Guangdong Province, China (Sun and Wu, 2004). However, the River (Matos et al., 2005), 9% for C. gigas (Pontinha, 2009) and 7.5%
harm caused by these bacteria in host cells seem to differ among for A. brasiliana in Santa Catarina (da Silva et al., 2010). However, the
mollusks (Boehs et al., 2010; Cremonte et al., 2005; da Silva et al., 2005; highest prevalence found in this study was similar to that recorded
Green et al., 2008; Villalba et al., 1999; Wu and Pan, 2000). in Brachidontes solisianus from Santa Catarina (37.5%) (Pontinha et al.,
Ciliates are organisms that inhabit the paleal cavity of bivalves 2010).
without causing harm to the host (McGladdery and Bower, 2001). Gregarines of genus Nematopsis were detected in 100% of the
In the present study, the prevalence of the ciliate Trichodina in oysters C. rhizophorae from Sambaqui. However, it was not observed
C. rhizophorae was high (50%) but lower than that observed in the defense response of the oysters. The protozoan Nematopsis uses
scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus (100%) from Patagonia, Argentina, bivalves as intermediate host and completes its life cycle in marine
(Cremonte et al., 2005). The highest prevalence of Trichodina observed arthropods (Lauckner, 1983; McGladdery et al., 2006). The higher
only in oysters from natural stocks of Ribeirão da Ilha, possibly may prevalence of Nematopsis in oysters from the rocky shore could be
be related to the high concentration of organic matter and, in con- related to the closer proximity of crustaceans in the shores. On the
sequence, inadequate water quality conditions (Akşit et al., 2008). The other hand, the lower prevalence of this pathogen would be
occurrence of Trichodina seems to be greater in hosts of polluted associated to a small amount of these animals in the cultivation
areas, it being therefore, a pathogen biological indicator of pollution lanterns. Boehs et al. (2010) found higher prevalences of Nematopsis
(Lauckner, 1983). In addition, the fact of Trichodina has been observed in M. guyanensis collected in mangrove areas when compared to those
in a larger amount free in the digestive tubules of investigated oysters, found in A. brasiliana, and reported that the abundance of crustaceans
could indicate a high amount of this protozoan in the environment, in the estuary could have contributed to the differences in the found
in the collection day. Ciliates of genus Trichodina occur worldwide in prevalences. High prevalences of Nematopsis in scallops A. tehuelchus
several bivalves mollusks (Boehs and Magalhães, 2004; Bossaïd et al., in Argentina (100%) did not induce host defense reactions (Cremonte
1999; Carballal et al., 2001; Cremonte et al., 2005). However, the et al., 2005). In C. rhizophorae from Jaguaribe River, Ceará State,
pathogenicity of Trichodina is controversial (Bower et al., 1994). High defense reactions were observed as evidenced by the infiltration of
infections by Trichodina sp. were associated to erosions in the gills of hemocytes (Sabry et al., 2007). High intensities of infection by
Crassostrea angulata from France and were responsible for malfunc- Nematopsis sp. also caused changes in the morphology of the gills
tion of this organ (Lauckner, 1983). In the scallop A. tehuelchus and mantle of M. guyanensis from the estuarine region of Cachoeira
from natural northeastern stocks of Patagonia, Argentina (Cremonte River, BA (Pinto and Boehs, 2008). In the cockle A. brasiliana from the
et al., 2005) and in the cockle C. edule from the coast of Galicia, same estuary, it was not observed tissue damage or infiltration of
Spain (Carballal et al., 2001), Trichodina also not caused damages hemocytes in infected animals (Boehs et al., 2010). Nematopsis sp.
or responses of the hosts. However, in C. gigas very infected by was associated to complete destruction of gills cells and mortality in
Trichodina, it was detected inflammatory response and alterations in the cockle C. edule from the south region of Portugal (Azevedo
the gill epithelium (Bossaïd et al., 1999). and Cachola, 1992). In these cockles from Spain, the presence of
Ciliates of genus Sphenophrya were found in the gills of C. gigas Nematopsis caused mild lesions in the gill filaments and induced a
and C. rhizophorae in both studied locations. Sometimes the detected light hemocytic response without, however, causing mortality
prevalences were high, reaching up to 70% in C. gigas from Sambaqui, (Carballal et al., 2001). It is noteworthy that in the present study
R.C. Sabry et al. / Aquaculture 60 (2011) 43–50 49

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