Journal of Thermal Biology: S.M. Ahmad, F.A. Shah, F.A. Bhat, J.I.A. Bhat, M.H. Balkhi

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Journal of Thermal Biology 36 (2011) 492–497

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Journal of Thermal Biology

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Thermal adaptability and disease association in common carp

(Cyprinus carpio communis) acclimated to different (four) temperatures
S.M. Ahmad a,n, F.A. Shah a, F.A. Bhat a, J.I.A. Bhat b, M.H. Balkhi a
Faculty of Fisheries, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology—Kashmir, Shuhama, Srinagar 19006, India
Division of Environmental Sciences, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology—Kashmir, Shalimar, Srinagar 19006, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present study was designed to investigate the effect of temperature (20 1C, 24 1C, 28 1C and 32 1C)
Received 6 June 2011 on the heamato–biochemical and histological alterations of Cyprinus carpio communis. Increase in the
Accepted 30 August 2011 temperature showed significant decrease in the serum protein, while a reduced level of blood glucose at
Available online 8 September 2011
high temperature of 32 1C was observed leading to hypoglycemic conditions in the experimental fishes.
Keywords: A significant correlation (P o 0.01) was observed between cholesterol (Cho) and triglycerides (TG) for
Temperature different temperature treatments. Elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) at high temperatures was a good
Acclimation indicator of gill osmoregulatory failure. A variation of 86.40% and 38.33%, respectively, was noticed in
Biochemistry alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) at 32 1C over minimum experi-
mental temperature of 20 1C. The increase in red blood cell (RBC) and Heamoglobin (Hb) concentration
Poikilo-anisocytic anemia
is associated with the decrease of mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular
Parasitic infection hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), could be the reason for observed poikilo-anisocytosis. Histological
Cyprinus carpio communis studies of different organs of experimental fishes showed accumulation of MMC’s (melanomacrophagic
centers) and atrophy of the interrenal tissue on exposure to various levels of temperature. These
changes were related to severity of thermal stress, being most marked when high temperature was
prolonged during acclimatization. Some fishes were found infested by protozoan parasite at elevated
temperature of 32 1C. Increased levels of certain biochemical and haemotological parameters studied
were strongly correlated with disease in the Cyprinus carpio communis species.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction viewed as an environmental factor, which evokes multiple effects

on animals (Magnuson et al., 1997).
Physiological processes in fish are often carried out in a harsh A long-term change in temperature causes fishes to display
aquatic environment, and fish face conditions and challenges that acclimatory responses, which may include enzymatic changes to
do not exist for terrestrial animals. The maintenance of internal mitigate the effect of temperature on metabolism (Hazel and
homeostatic equilibrium is essential for the normal functioning of Prosser, 1974). Temperature is one of the important abiotic
the animal and in case of any disturbance the fish will try to factors, which influences biochemical reactions and therefore
establish a new equilibrium. Any environmental disturbance can has significant impact on the physiology and biochemistry of
be considered a potential source of stress, as it prompts a number exothermic organisms (Woiwode and Adelman, 1991; Jobling,
of responses in the animal to deal with the physiological changes 1996; Person-Le Ruyet et al., 2004). Temperature beyond opti-
triggered by exterior changes. However, the harmful effects of mum limits of a particular species adversely affects the health of
many of these stress-induced factors on the physiological condi- aquatic animals due to metabolic stress (Smith, 1989) hence
tion significantly increases with even a moderate change in stress increases susceptibility to diseases that have suppressive effects
factors, such as a shift of a few degrees in water temperature or a on growth, reproduction and immune capacity. Temperature of
reduction by a few mg per liter of dissolved oxygen (Pickering, aquatic environment is important for ensuring survival, distribu-
1993; Wedemeyer, 1997). Temperature affects virtually all bio- tion and normal metabolism of fish, failure to adapt to tempera-
chemical and physiological activities of an animal. It should be ture fluctuations is generally ascribed to the inability of fish to
respond physiologically with resultant mortality, which is related
to changes in the metabolic pathways (Forghally et al., 1973).
According to Donaldson (1981) the physiological responses
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 9906402583; fax: þ 91194 2262214. can be detected in fish and in other vertebrates in the form of
E-mail address: (S.M. Ahmad). changes in hormonal or substrate concentrations in the plasma or

0306-4565/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.M. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 36 (2011) 492–497 493

alterations in erythrocyte parameters, such as cell volume or temperatures. Individual animals were anaesthetized before
enzyme activities. Measurement of serum biochemical para- sampling with clove oil (150 ml/L) in water. Once the fish
meters can be especially useful to help identify general health lost equilibrium, the blood samples were drawn by cardiac
status of animals, and is advocated to provide early warning of puncture, the 25-gage needle of disposable syringes were passed
potentially damaging changes in stressed organism (Folmar, through the posterior wall of the branchial chamber directly into
1993; Jacobson-Kram and Keller, 2001). Hematological values the lumen of the bulbus arteriosus. The ammonium salt of
of fishes can be affected by environmental and biological heparin, used in combination with ethylenediaminetetraacetic
factors such as age, weight, sex, food, bacteria, parasites and acid (di-sodium EDTA) was found adequate to prevent
water quality parameters including water temperature, salinity, coagulation.
oxygen, availability and pH (Steinhagen et al., 1990 and Haider,
1973). 2.1.2. Blood analysis
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio communis) has been one of the For the serum biochemical analysis, blood samples were
oldest domesticated species of fish for food, dwells well in middle prepared using the method described by Bernet et al. (2001) with
to lower reaches of rivers and shallow confined waters. Best slight modification. Blood was allowed to coagulate at room
growth is obtained at water temperature of 23–30 1C. The fish can temperature for 2 h. Serum was obtained by centrifugation of
survive cold winter periods, salinity up to about 5%, pH (6.5–9.0), blood samples at 1500  g (for 10 min at 4 1C) and then stored at
low oxygen concentration (0.3–0.5 mg/1) as well as super satura-  80 1C for several weeks until analysis. The concentration of
tion (Flajšhans and Hulata, 2006). However, due to ongoing global glucose, total protein, cholesterol, triglyceride, blood urea nitro-
warming conditions about one-fifth of all freshwater fishes are gen (BUN), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate amino-
considered to be endangered (Heywood, 1995). transferase (AST) were measured by using a Semi-automatic
Kashmir is the north most part of India and lies in north blood chemistry analyzer (model—ERBA CHEM—PRO.) and test
western part of greater Himalayas and is well known coldwater kits from Accurex Biomedical Ltd. Immediately after sampling,
fisheries sector of the country. It is the temperate region where the red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), mean
the air temperature fluctuates from 8 to 351C. Common carp corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH),
(C. c. communis) is one of the major pond-culture fish of this region mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white
with high commercial value in domestic market. It is highly preferred blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes and granulocytes were deter-
fish of this region owing to its high nutritive value. Being commer- mined with the help of Automated Hematology Analyzer Hema
cially important and amenable to aquaculture, it is important to have Screen—18 (Hopitex Diagnostics, Italy).
knowledge of the acclimatory response of C. c. communis to thermal
stress and this experiment is expected to provide better know-how 2.2. Histology
for its aquacultural practices.
After 30 days of exposure, six fishes from the experimental and
control groups were euthanized with overdose of MS222 and then
2. Materials and methods the second gill arch, liver, spleen, trunk kidney and head kidney
were carefully removed and preserved in 10% neutral-buffered
Fish samples were purchased from commercial fish ponds and formalin (NBF) for 48 h. Organs were rinsed in 4 changes of 70%
were acclimatized in the laboratory for a week at 20 71 1C.
ethanol (ETOH), and stored in 70% ETOH until further processing.
Healthy fishes (6/aquarium) with a mean weight and length of They were dehydrated in isopropanol, cleared in xylene, infil-
20375 g and 1973 cm, respectively, were subjected to experi-
trated in paraffin and sectioned at a thickness of 5 mm. Sections
mental conditions. Fishes were stocked at 20 1C (control), 24 1C, were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined with a
28 1C and 32 1C for a period of one month in 24 tanks (200 L
light microscope. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and
capacity), six replicates to each treatment. Acclimation procedure eosin (Luna, 1968), and examined with a light microscope.
followed in this experiment was based on Manush et al. (2004).
Temperature in each treatment was maintained using tempera-
2.3. Data analysis
ture controller fitted with sensors (Selectron process controls Pvt.
Ltd., Mumbai, India). Dissolved oxygen concentration was main-
Data was analyzed using one way analysis of variance
tained at 670.5 mgl  1 by continuous aeration. Rearing experi-
(ANOVA) as described by Gomez and Gomez (1984) and Tukeys’s
ments tanks were placed in an indoor experimental area and the
multiple range test was carried out for post hoc comparison of
light source was naturally enhanced with fluorescent light. Fishes
means (Po0.05), if they were significantly different.
were fed once in a day with practical diet (35% crude protein).
Each day, dead fish (if occurred) was removed and in each tank
half of the water volume was renewed every day with filtered 3. Results
water to assure water quality. The daily removal of water helped
in maintaining the alkaline side of neutrality ranging from 7.5 to 3.1. Haemato–biochemical profile
8.00. Similarly the nitrate—nitrogen of water tanks remained in
normal range between 480 mg and 720 mg (APHA, 1998). The Data pertaining to biochemical and hematological parameters
supplemental aeration was also provided to maintain dissolved of C. c. communis at 20 1C (control), 24 1C (T24), 28 1C (T28) and
oxygen levels near saturation levels. The dissolved oxygen was 32 1C (T32) are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The result based on
measured by Winkler’s Modified method (APHA, 1998) and was biochemical parameters showed that with the increase in tem-
maintained above 6 mgl  1. perature the blood glucose of the experimental fishes increased
from 84.8375.4 mg% (20 1C) to 97.14 73.1 mg% (28 1C) and
2.1. Sample collection and analysis decreased to 59 76.6 mg% at 32 1C. The decline in the concentra-
tion of total serum protein at elevated acclimation temperatures
2.1.1. Sampling was observed. The mean total serum protein concentration
Heamato–biochemical parameters were assessed after a (1.1670.26 g/dl) at the highest temperature employed (33 1C),
period of one month rearing experimental fishes at these is 66.47% lower than that of the lowest temperature group (20 1C,
494 S.M. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 36 (2011) 492–497

Table 1
Effect of acclimation temperatures on biochemical parameters in the Cyprinus carpio communis (mean 7S.E).

Temperature 20 1C (Control) 24 1C 28 1C 32 1C

Glucose (mg%) 84.83 7 2.24c 88.76 7 1.81c 97.14 7 1.28b 59.66 7 2.57a
Protein (gram/dl) 3.46 7 0.16c 3.137 0.17c 2.48 7 0.16b 1.167 0.49a
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 142.877 5.88c 144.537 2.66c 167.287 3.40b 194.50 7 5.09a
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 108.50 7 1.52c 112.227 2.34c 125.927 3.15b 149.677 2.74a
Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 1.11 7 0.01d 1.387 0c 2.14 7 0.05b 2.987 0.15a
Alanine amino transferase (ALT, mkat l  1) 0.147 0.05c 0.157 0.09c 0.357 0.18b 1.037 0.25a
Aspartate amino transferase (AST, mkat l  1) 1.93 7 0.09b 1.987 0.17b 2.34 7 0.44b 3.137 0.67a

*Different superscripts (a, b, c, d) within the row differ significantly (P o 0.05).

Means were compared using ANOVA and Tukeys’s multiple range test for post hoc comparison.

Table 2
Effect of acclimation temperatures on heamtological parameters in the Cyprinus carpio communis (mean7 S.E).

Temperature 20 1C (Control) 24 1C 28 1C 32 1C

WBC (  103/mm3) 26.31 7 0.99b c

26.98 7 1.02c 23.63 7 0.58b 16.71 7 1.15a
Lymphocytes (  103/mm3) 41.12 7 0.90d 38.56 7 0.75c 33.56 7 1.02b 25.12 7 0.70a
Granulocytes (  103/mm3) 0.54 7 0.02c 0.51 7 0.16c 0.367 0.14b 0.237 0.08a
RBC (  106/mm3) 1.32 7 0.03b 1.35 7 0.05b 1.61 7 0.05a 1.777 0.04a
HCT (%) 26.65 7 0.15c 27.04 7 0.39c 30.67 7 0.60b 34.71 7 0.17a
Hb (g/dl) 4.37 7 0.14b 5.83 7 0.20a 6.057 0.16a 6.087 0.10a
MCV (fl) 198.767 1.54a 175.437 2.13c 188.547 2.50b 201.77 7 1.43a
MCH (Pg) 43.67 7 1.21a 42.88 7 1.82a 42.16 7 0.90a 39.62 7 1.60a
MCHC (gdl  1) 24.16 7 0.60c 22.73 7 0.76bc 21.44 7 0.79b 19.32 7 0.53a

*Different superscripts (a, b, c, d) within the row differ significantly (P o 0.05).

Means were compared using ANOVA and Tukeys’s multiple range test for post hoc comparison.

Fig. 1. Peripheral blood film from C. c. communis at high temperature (32 oC) for a period of 1 month revealing poiklo-anisocytic, hypochromic RBC’s, (a)  40 and
(b)  100 (Giemsa stain).

3.4670.11 g/dl). Except 20 1C and 24 1C a significant decrease of BUN was found throughout all the temperature treatments. The
(Po0.05) existed among different temperature treatments for difference between the lowest (BUN, 20 1C; 1.11 70.41 mg/d) and
protein levels. Unlike serum protein the concentrations of both highest blood urea nitrogen (BUN, 32 1C; 2.98 71.43 mg/d) was
these enzymes (ALT and AST) used in this study increased with 62.75%.
the increase in temperature. The concentration of ALT at tem- The hematological data of C. c. communis (Table 2), showed
perature 32 1C increased 8–9 times (0.14 70.01 mkat l  1 to decrease in leukocytes (WBC) with the rise in acclimation
1.0370.03 mkat l  1), while as the concentration of AST increased temperature. A decrease of 36.48% was noticed at 32 1C over an
2–3 times (1.9370.09 mkat l  1 to 3.13 70.67 mkat l  1) over the ambient temperature of 20 1C. The lymphocytes and granulocyte
control. A significant increase at the 0.05 level of probability was number of the experimental animals decreased significantly
found for both the enzymes at 28 1C and 32 1C temperature. As (Po 0.05) with the rise in temperature. The peripheral blood film
might be anticipated, cholesterol varies in the same fashion as of thermally stressed fishes revealed poikilo-anisocytosis and
triglycerides. The highest values for both these parameters were hypochromia (Fig. 1). This type of anemia was only found at
observed at 32 1C. A significant correlation (Po0.01) was protracted exposure of fishes at 32 1C. The results of the study
observed between cholesterol and triglycerides for different upon Hb, RBC and Hct are evident in Table 2, showed a common
temperature treatments. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentra- trend of increase with respect to the increase in temperature.
tions at higher temperature exposure exhibited higher values Although the highest mean Hb level was that encountered at
than those of the control group. The significant increase (P o0.05) 32 1C (6.08 70.46 g/dl), this was not greatly different from that of
S.M. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 36 (2011) 492–497 495

28 1C (6.05 70.88 g/dl) group. The RBCs at 32 1C (1.7770.05  temperature C. c. communis got stress, which affected all bio-
106/mm3) were 25.42% higher than lowest value recorded (RBC chemical and physiological activities. High stress conditions were
20 1C¼1.32 70.05  106/mm3). Effect of increasing temperature observed at a temperature of 32 1C. At this temperature the fish
on Hct showed significant difference at 0.05 level of probability showed less appetite for feed, irregular behavior of swimming
between different groups. Values derived for MCV showed wide and always gulped for air. However, the adaptive capability of
variation with the rise in temperature. Compared to 24 1C and C. c. communis enabled it to survive through stressful temperature
28 1C, the variation of only 1.51% was observed between 20 1C conditions.
(198.7675.99) and 32 1C (201.77 719.95). The values for both Measurement of serum biochemical parameters gave general
MCH and MCHC tend to decline at higher acclimation tempera- health status, and provided early warnings of damaged changes in
tures. The value for MCH at 20 1C ¼43.67 72.26 showed 99.21% stressed fishes. The results depicted in Table 1 showed increase in
and 98.49% similarity with 24 1C¼42.88 72.47 and 28 1C¼ the blood glucose up to 28 1C, a sharp decrease was noticed at
42.16 71.72, while as 9.2% variation was observed with 32 1C¼ 32 1C. A prolonged exposure of high temperature of 32 1C showed
39.62 76.68. The level of variation between different values of negative effect on blood glucose of C. c. communis. Blood glucose
MCHC however, ranged from 5.91% to 20%. does not show significant correlation with other biochemical
parameters studied. The highest blood glucose level at low
3.2. Histological examination of fish tissues temperatures is indicative of retarded carbohydrate metabolism,
and is also an index of sub-lethal stress (Smith et al., 1976;
No specific histological alterations were found in the organs of Connors et al., 1978; Best et al., 2001). Further decreased serum
the fishes exposed to control (20), 24, and 28 1C. Most of the glucose concentrations could be the result of undernourishment
histopathological manifestations were marked after the pro- as well as impaired hormonal control. A continuous decrease in
longed exposure of 32 1C. In the present study, exposure of carp total serum protein with increase in temperature was observed in
to thermal stress resulted interrenal cell hypertrophy and mela- our studies. As shown in results 66.47% decrease of total serum
nomacrophage centers were scattered throughout kidney and protein was observed at 32 1C over the control temperature of
spleen. The kidney of the fish often showed vacuolar degeneration 20 1C. Decreased concentrations of serum protein are common in
of tubular epithelium associated with lysis and loss of tubular many disease status and may result from impaired synthesis
structure. In some cases organization of necrosed tubules was (liver disease), reduced absorption or protein loss (Bernet et al.,
observed (Fig. 2). Trunk kidney of fish showed enlarged sinusoids 2001). As reported by Walsh et al. (2003) the liver is the primary
and decreased amount of hematopoietic tissue. Vacuolar change organ for urea production and gills appearing to be the main
was the only lesion observed in liver. Gills revealed separation of organ of excretion. A significant effect of temperature on BUN was
epithelium from lamellae, lamellar fusion and swelling of the
epithelial cells. Further histopathological examination of their
gills revealed that the fishes were seen infected with protozoan
parasite, which was identified as Trichodina (Fig. 3). The highest
infestation of the parasite was seen in the branchial cavity.
The parasitic infection was associated with excessive mucus
production, which resulted in respiratory problems. Due to this
problem the fish piped most of the time on the surface of the
water tank followed by rhythmic flashing and bouts of fringed

4. Discussion

Temperature beyond optimum limits for a particular species,

adversely affects the health of aquatic animals due to metabolic
stress hence increases susceptibility to diseases that have sup-
pressive effects on growth, reproduction and immune capacity Fig. 3. Gill photomicrography of C. c. communis revealing presence of Trichodina and
(Cnaani, 2006). Our results clearly showed that with increase in degenerative changes in lamellae at 321C for a period of one month (bar¼ 100 mm).

Fig. 2. Histology section of trunk and portion of head kidney from thermally stressed C. c. communis at 32 oC for a period of 1 month revealing (a) aggregation of
melanomacrophagic centers (MMC’s, H and E, bar ¼200 mm) (b) hypertrophy of renal tubules following thermal stress (bar¼ 100 mm).
496 S.M. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 36 (2011) 492–497

found throughout all the treatments. Except for blood glucose, and hypochromic RBCs. These results clearly indicate stress and
BUN showed significant correlation with all other biochemical undernourishment (due to stopping of feeding in elevated tem-
parameters studied. Mensinger et al., 2005 reported that diseased peratures) leading to anisocytic hypochromic anemia of experi-
fish showed significantly elevated BUN levels prior to dying, likely mental animals at highest temperature. This further suggests that
due to osmoregulatory failure. In our studies a variation of 28% in C. c. communis has an adaptive ability upto certain limit of
BUN was observed between 28 1C and 32 1C is an indicator of gill temperature. Alteration of hemoglobin leads to loss of hemoglo-
osmoregulatory problems. The elevated BUN is more likely bin solubility, resulting in structural damage to erythrocytes and
associated with gill or liver disease and probably not indicative it can subsequently cause rapid lyses of the erythrocytes (Bloom
of renal disease (Mensinger et al., 2005). Osmoregulatory failure and Brandt, 2001; Everse and Hsia, 1997). As shown in Table 2,
has often been demonstrated to be an important contributor to the results obtained for MCV are temperature-independent as it
death in fish (Wood et al., 2003). tends to stabilize at high temperatures. This also shows thermal
Increased concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides with adaptabity of experimental fishes to varied temperature condi-
the rise in water temperature was observed in our study. This tions. The values of MCV, MCH and MCHC of the present study
indicates disorders of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and correspond to the results of Adeyemo et al. (2003) and Zarejabad
especially liver disease. The results suggest that the cells are able et al. (2009).
to adjust membrane fluidity by varying the concentration of In present study the organs examined showed marked
cholesterol. These results are compatible with the concept of changes, which correlate well with the haemato–biochemical
homeoviscous adaption: that fish strive to maintain an optimal observation. Kidney (Bucher and Hofer, 1993), liver (ICES, 1997)
level of membrane fluidity and when grown at different tem- and Gills (Poleksic and Mitrovic-Tutundzic, 1994) have been
perature will alter lipid composition in order to maintain this considered as suitable organs for histological examination in
level. These results are consistent with that of Robertson and order to determine the effect of stress. The histopathological
Hazel, 1995. Further, increased serum cholesterol concentrations results of kidney showed vacuolar degeneration of tubular
can result from damage of liver or nephritic syndrome (Yamawaki epithelium, loss of tubular structure and necrosis of the renal
et al., 1986; Seyit et al., 2000). Bernet et al., 2001, however tubules. The present results are in agreement with those observed
reported that high concentrations of triglycerides may occur with in Labeo rohita (Hamilton) acclimated to various temperatures
nephritic syndrome or glycogen storage disease. Among the most (Dash et al., 2011). The liver plays a key role in the metabolism
sensitive and widely used liver enzymes are the aminotrans- and biochemical transformations, which inevitably reflects on its
ferases. They include alanine aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT) and integrity by creating lesions and other histopathological altera-
aspartate aminotransferase (AST or SGOT). These enzymes are tions of the liver parenchyma or the bile duct (Roberts, 1978). We
normally contained within liver cells. The increased level of these found vacuolar change was the only lesion observed in liver. As
enzymes in blood at high temperature in our study may be due to discussed above the increase in aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
liver injury or hepatic metabolism hyperactivity of the experi- and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) may be due to hepatic
mental animals. The increased SGOT and SGPT values in fishes pathological alterations of thermally stress fishes. Increased AST
reveal enzymes exporting from liver into bloodstream (Yang and and ALT activities have been associated with hepatic pathology in
Chen, 2003; Perez-Rostro et al., 2004). According to Chen et al., fishes (Casillas et al., 1983). High temperatures can injure gills,
2004 increased level of SGOT and SGPT in Tilapia is associated thus reducing the oxygen consumption and disrupting the
with hepatic injury, acute injuries in trunk kidney, bacterial osmoregulatory function of fish (Ghate and Mulherkar, 1979;
infection and myocardial infarction. Barcellos et al., 2003 sug- Saravana Bhavan and Geraldine, 2000). The present results
gested that acute stress condition of Rhamdia quelen Quoy and showed degenerative changes of gills. These results are in con-
Gaimard Pimelodidae resulted in increased SGOT and SGPT due to gruence with the findings of earlier workers (Sunitha and Sahai,
hyper liver metabolism. 1983; Roy and Munshi, 1991; Saravana Bhavan and Geraldine,
Hematological profiles have often been used as stress indica- 2000; Dash et al., 2011).
tors (Dobšikova et al., 2009). Major shifts in the haemogram are The observation of parasitic infestation of gills in present study
found in fish exposed to acute or chronic stress. The statistical indicated the increased susceptibility of the thermally stressed
analysis showed non-significant increase of RBC and Hb with the fishes to such infections. Stress has been recognized as one of the
increase in acclimation temperature. These results are in agree- important factors favouring parasitic infestation in fishes
ment with those found by Zarejabad et al. (2009) who studied the (Mcintyre, 1996). The pathological alterations observed in the
effects of rearing temperature on hematological and biochemical gills of affected fishes may be ascribed partly to high parasitic
parameters of great sturgeon and Carine Luı́sa et al. (2004) who load. The heavy load of parasite in branchial cavity associated
studied the effect of different temperature regimes on metabolic with excess mucus production may be one of the factors causing
and blood parameters of silver catfish. Naidu et al. (1989) osmoregulatory disturbance. Fish with severe gill infections of
reported that due to stress, fish tried to cope with adverse trichodina will have respiratory and osmoregulatory difficulty
conditions by enhancing their respiratory capabilities through and may ‘‘pipe’’ as well as ‘‘flash’’ if there is cutaneous involve-
evaluated RBC and Hb synthesis. Our results also showed sig- ment (
nificant increase in Hct concentration over the control. In stressed sites.htm).
fish an increase in RBC, hemoglobin and hematocrit concentration In summary, knowledge of the hematological and biochemical
is often observed (Svobodova et al., 1994). Elevated hemoglobin values is important tool that can be used as an effective and
and hematocrit increase the oxygen carrying capacity of blood, sensitive index to monitor physiological and pathological changes
and thus the oxygen supply to major organs, in response to higher in a particular fish. Further, this study also supports the fact
metabolic demand is the manifestation of stress (Ruane et al., that fishes have a remarkable resilience to altered temperature
1999). However, prolonged exposure of stress may pose a great especially with a prolonged time course and physiological
threat to their survival. The other hematological parameters changes during acclimation, which may help common carp of
affected by temperature fluctuations include MCH and MCHC. cold waters to accommodate climatic change. However, the study
The results showed drop in MCH and MCHC is associated with the indicated the upper thermal limit as 32 1C for common carp as
decrease in RBC and Hb. While examining the peripheral blood they couldn’t survive hotter conditions (above 32 1C) for more
film after period of one month at 32 1C revealed poikilo-anisocytic than a few hours.
S.M. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Thermal Biology 36 (2011) 492–497 497

Acknowledgments ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea). 1997. Special Meeting on
the Use of Liver Pathology of Flatfish for Monitoring Biological Effects of
Contaminants. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen.
We greatly appreciate all the help and support provided by Jacobson-Kram, D., Keller, K.A., 2001. Toxicology Testing Handbook. Marcel
Dr. M.H Balkhi, Dean Faculty of Fisheries SKUAST-K, Shalimar. The Dekker, New York.
help of Dr. Masood Saleem Mir, for some valuable suggestions Jobling, M., 1996. Temperature and growth: modulation of growth rate via
temperature. In: Wood, C.M., McDonald, D.G. (Eds.), Global warning: implica-
regarding histopathology is greatly acknowledged. We also thank tion for freshwater and marine fish, Society for Experimental Biology, Seminar
an anonymous reviewer for very helpful comments. This work is Series 61, Cambridge University Press, pp. 225–253.
the part of RCM, supported by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Luna, L.G., 1968. Manual of Histologic Staining Methods of the Armed Forces Institute
of Pathology. Blakiston Division, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Agricultural sciences and Technology of Kashmir, India. Magnuson, J.J., Crowder, L.B., Medwick, P.A., 1997. Temperature as ecological
resource. Am. Zool 19, 331–343.
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