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SPARKCHARTS Coen Pe es NOUNS [Sinocior Pavel Singur Prat DE sce these ruber of sates aN thymus edna Singur Tc This downloadable POF copyright © 2004 by SparkNotes LLC. To dec anon. cop the entre of te sve ADJECTIVES meaning ood is eaher Bort bana or Barun HME noah host once he Wt and cond eect [iy stecne voce nasa sania sigur 8. menial acts (ois ar Os a as, (DERIEENII ccs Feminine neuter Bie 68 TE | hajectnes ofthe enaings feces cis ces) Se ee ERRREBEITIY ccctne reining nector EER sec chem tree Comparative edjectves decine the two erang ong ees we aed dogo Same aecives have apr comouaie mations mar, gate Wom mays “a.m eu ener om supe Adjectives of one ending Linoleic) (Ca a FEI hn ee 1+ esnt pares dois aig cne ons Sena Re Re poe ea ADVERBS kot fed am it nd sean eso eect: eg. . Objective: cupidvs pectnize (desirous of money) Predicate (genitive of characteristic): Ducis bont est auctBrtate ddcere. (tis the mark of a good leader to lead with authority.) Description (quality) ibonus rarissimae sapientioe (a tribune of very rare wisdom) Indefinite value: Omnés onus aostimémus assis. (Let Us consider everyone to be worth one penny.) |. With verbs of accusing and condemning: domnatus longilabéri (condemned to long iabor) |. With expressions of remembering and forgetting: ‘memo longaeiniriae (mindful ofa ng: standin hurt) 4J. Fullness and Want: men pauper aquae a river poor inwater ie. doy) . Indrect abject: Augustus pléb panem et cress dobat (Augustus used to give bread and games to the peor With certoin intransitive verbs: ets piocére (io please the gods) . Possession: the possessor isin the dative (+ the ver to be). Erin pectnia est (He has no money) With ‘compound verbs: many verbs compounded with such prefixes as ade, onte-, circum-, con-, ins, inter-, ob-, post-, prae-, pré=, sub-, super= govern a dative. Caesor praserat his legidnibus. (Caesar was in ‘command of these legions.) Ethical: Quinta formosa est muti (Quinta beautiful to many in the eyes/opinion of many.) Purpose: Copios mist ouxliéréginae. (He sent troops as an aid tothe queen.) Direct object Carmen compdnit (Hes compasin@ sore) Cognote accusative: cirect object is very closely related to the verb. vivere eam vitam (to ve that life) Double accusative: some verbs take two accusatves. Linguam hominum docébi volucrés. (He will teach birds the language of man.) Respect (Greek accusative: the accusative Is used as, the object of a verb that looks passive, but which is actually the equivalent of the Greek middle. menfem pressus (overwhelmed in (with respect to his) mind) Subject of infinitive: (uss mé verire quom primum He ordered me to come as soon as possible.) Duration of time and extent of space: Duds horas dorm. (slept fortwo hours.) Exclamation: th accusative is sometimes used in ‘exclamations. Me miserum! (wretched me!) L_ Adverbial: Nihil hoc med réfer. (ris 15 in no way important to me) With certain prepositions: oc, por irons inter post ina, opud, coir, super. Place to which: Ad ialiam navigont. (They are sang totaly) . Place into which: Manis curunt in oppidum. (Bands (fmen are rushing into town ‘A. Meons: used without preposition. Ign ferque grunt. (hey conquered by means offre and sword) 8. Personal agent: used witna person preceded by d or {band a passive verb. Doctus es 6 sapiontissimis. (You were taught by the wisest.) With certain deponent verbs: dio, t0 use fr, 0 enjoy, fungor, to perform; potior to gain possession Of véscor, to eat. Sanguine vésciur dio. (He feeds on back blood.) ‘Comparison: f quamisnot use, then the ablative is. $0) condidior Ind est. (The sun i brighter than the moon) Cause oF reason: et eligi Vet because (out of a) Respect (specification): Fortis erat anim6. (He was ‘strong in sii.) . Attendant circumstances: Adversis omnibus venit (He came under unfavorable omens, ‘Absolute: Co2sore duce. civitls volet (with Caesar {a leader (under Caesar's leadership), the state fares welt) ‘Accompaniment: with preposition cum, Veniunt cum ‘amials. They are coming with friends) Place in which: with preposition, except for names of small isiands, towns and cities, and with domus and Ts. Vinumin ces est (The wine sn the cellar) Place from which: with preposition, except for names of smalislands, towns, and cities. Festinavimus ab ign (we hastened away from the fire) .. Place out of which: Pepvierunt infrfectorés ex paid (They drove te murderers out ofthe country) Manner: ifthe noun is not modified by an acjective, the use of cumis required; fits, cumis optional. Cum studio pages (ou fougine with zea.) Separation: the ablative govemed by some verbs expressing separation or lack; the prepositions a/ab, &/ex, oF dB are sometimes Used in addition to the ablative, Mé iberd miserum hoc meta. (Free wretched ime from this fear) Origin: Clara gente naius sum. (1 was born ofa famous tineage.) ‘Names of small islands, towns, and cities, and the words cdomus and rs use the locative to express place where (cecal that other nouns use In+ ablative) ‘A. For nouns of the first and second declension, the locative singular is identical to the genitive singular: in the plural, to the ablative plural. Sum Rémae. (1am in ome) 'B. For nouns of the third declension, the lacative ends in ether -e or -Tin the singular, in ibus in the plural Carthagine/“ sunt. They are in Carthoge) °. GRAMMATICAL CONSTRUCTIONS ‘an indirect statement is an indirect report of what has been sad, thought, felt etc The subject becomes accusa tive andthe verb infinitive Direct: Formdsaest (She Is beautiful) Indirect: Cénfter ilar formésam esse (| admit that she is beautiful) ‘A. Future more vivid: future indicative in both the prota sis andthe apodosis. 3. Future less vivid: present subjunctive in both the pro- tasis and the apodosis Present contrary to fact: imperfect subjunctive in both the protasis and the apodosis D. Past contrary to fact: pluperfect subjunctive in both the protasis and the apodosis, ‘A. Temporal: uss the indicative describes the precise te of ‘an action. Cum hoc vil is. (When | saw this, !aughed) Circumstantial: uses tne subjunctive in secondary sequence and the indicate in primary sequence: Gescribes the general circumstances in which an action ‘occured. Cum belléhobéret,cormina composuit when fhe was feeling wel, he wrote poetry) Causal: uses the subjunctive; explains the cause behind an action, Guae cum ita essent, mé ut cavérem proemonébat (Since things were that way, fe warned ‘me to beware.) Concessive: uses the subjunctive; describes seem. ing adversity. Cum videatur, nihil amen sécarum est (Although it seems wel til nothing is safe) fhis downloadable POF copyright © 2004 by SparkNotes LLC. DES {An indirect question is a subordinate clause which reports ‘question indirectly, The main verb is a verb of speech, or indicates mental activity or perception. The verb of the subordinate clause isin the subjunctive and follows the sequence of tenses: ‘Group _ Main Verb Primary ‘Subordinate Subjunctive Pres. (contemporaneous or subse: {quent action); Perec prior action) Pres oF Historical Past fonses Imp. (contemporaneous or subso- {uont acon); Puper. (prior action) ‘A. With indicative: the antecedent is specific. Eg0 hoc quod intelleg®, iOdicés, sic confirm. (This which Understand, judges, 1am proving) Characteristic: with subjunctive; the antecedent is, indefinite, imerrogative, oF neg: how understood what sort of matter the woman hed bbeon carrying on.) C. Purpose: The relative pronoun has a clear antecedent in the main clause which is not the subject of the main verb. Custédés ad ports ponent qui prohibeant ‘quemquam égredi urbe. (They will place guards at the gates to keep anyone from leaving the city) ud (by which) introduces @ purpose clause which contains a comparative. Qué magis, 6 léctor, débés igndscere, sf quid erstum est, mihi. (By which you may forgive me more, reader, anything was astray...) Subordinate clause introduced by ut (positive) or né (negative), and whose verb must be subjunctive and adher- ing tothe rules of sequence of tenses. Abif ante ldcem. ut m8 omnins il n8 viderent (eft before dawn so that those ‘men might not see meat ail) Subordinate clause introduced by ut (postive) or nén (negative), and whose verb must be subjunctive and adher- ing to the rules of sequence of tenses. RErum obscoritas facit ut nn inellegdtur rad. (The opacity of the matter ‘makes it so that his speech is not understood.) Sea) ‘Subordinate clause introduced by Ut (positive) orn (nega- tive), and whose vero must be subjunctive and adhering to the rules of sequence of tenses. Apolé mihi imperat ut ego irocul6s exGram. (Apollo orders me to burn his eves.) ‘Subordinate clause dependent on a main verb that denotes {apprehension that something may be the case (né) or not the case (uf. The subordinate verb must be subjunctive {and adhere tothe rules of sequence of tenses. Timébam né quid mai fortina malietur (was afraid that fortune might engineer something bad.) ‘A Jussive and hortatory: the present or perfect subjunc- fs used to express command in the third person and exhortation in the frst. The negative is indicated by ne. Ne si igtur sl né [Ona né stelle, quoniam nihil {esse potest nist quod atigimus out vidimus. (Le there be therefore no sun, no moon, no stars, since nothing can exist except that which we have touched or seen.) 3. Potential: the subjunctive may be used independentiy to express possiblity. For present potentaty, the present or perfect subjunctive is used, for past poten: ity the imperfect subjunctive is used Aliqus hoc dict. Someone may say this) ‘Aqui hoc diceret. ‘Someone might have said this) Deliberative: tne present, imperfect, or perfect sub- Junctive Is used in questions of uncertainty, anger, or Impossibility. Quid faciam? (wnat am 1 t0.40?) D. Optative: 1. the present subjunctive (alone or with utinam or Lp may express a wish that can be fulfiled in the future. Utinam revocés animum pauisper ab ta! wish that you would bring your heart back from its anger fora ite while!) the imperfect subjunctive may express a wish inca- able of being fulfilled in the present. Uinam mior lessés! Would that you were more gente!) the pluperfect subjunctive may express a wish incapable of having been fulfilled inthe past. Utnam x vObrs Onus fussem! (Would that /nad Deen ane of yours!) SPARKCHARTS™ Latin Gre ww Taran ano) SPARKCHARTS iter: Heid Thor Sofie Edo Sor Design: Dan ©.

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