Spoken Presentation Enhancers

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 How well do you know your point of view presentation to deliver it to an audience?
- Committing it to memory/using cue cards for prompts is a part of meeting criteria well.
- NB:// CUE CARDS should not be cut up paragraphs, they should be dot points that prompt you
about what you intend to say at that time in your presentation. You can also include points to
remind you to refer to a video or picture or to perform an action.

 Enhancements – how will you capture audience attention:

- Tone of voice
- Costume
- Props
- PowerPoint/Prezi/Glogster or other visual tool
- Visuals
- Video
- Posters
- Use of whiteboard
- Audience interaction – questions/show of hands/guided imagining, other?
- Demonstrations
Tip: It is worth looking up famous or interesting people delivering speeches/presentations/talk
shows/monologues to give you some inspiration depending on the form you are choosing to present in.
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