Trading Plan Template

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EOTPRO Trading Plan Template

(Risk Profile ZERO Example)

Financial Goal

 It is paramount that you have set attainable goals in place. Be sure to start small and
work from there. For instance you may want to start with the goal of being profitable
weekly (regardless of the $$) and then have a set $ figure. If your goals are not attainable
it is a recipe for failure. After you have reached your goal select a new one – again
attainable from where you are to where you want to go.

To Start

I Want to Make: $ 12,000.00 per year

$ 1000.00 per month

$ 250.00 per week

My Account Size: $ 5000.00

I am willing to Risk: $150.00 or 12 ticks (MAX Per Trade)

Selecting a Market

Before any other study can be done and before you flail around from market to market trying to
trade all of them... study each market and CHOOSE 1. Your chances of success are higher if you
stick to one market and become intimate with how it moves during all market conditions. If you
continuously change from one market to another you will not be able to create a disciplined and
consistent plan as each market has its own nuances that must be learned individually. There is
nothing saying you can't expand to another market once you are trading your Primary Choice
successfully. RP Zero is currently available on 9 distinct markets and will expand to other
markets in the future. Be sure to choose a market based on when you can trade. If you can only
trade in the evening for instance you want to choose an overseas market that will actually have
volume opposed to a US Market that is slow due to lack of volume.
I will trade the following market(s):

ES (once proficient I will add FESX & CL)

Selecting a Timeframe
This lesson will take some time to implement. In my opinion, one should take a week or two of
watching their distinct market in several timeframes to assist in their end selection.

The obvious choice is long term versus short term intra-day trading. For instance do you want to
trade a 10minute chart? Does your personality prefer a scalping method or do you like to see
your efforts payoff in the bigger picture trending days? Do you have patience or a lack of it? All
of your personality traits will determine what form of trading is best suited to you as a person.
IMO one's personality must play a factor in their trading style and trading plan. Trading truly is
all about you and the earlier you realize this, I believe the higher your chance of success.

Now most charting software today offers more than only intra-day minute charts. There are Tick,
Volume, Range, Daily, and Weekly to name a few. It is imperative that you know what style is
best suited to you and the tools you choose in order to have the highest probability outcome.

The only way you will decide which timeframe and style of charting is best suited is by watching
your chosen market, researching back in time with several timeframes, and understanding your
own personality, level of patience, and maximum risk.

If you are choosing a timeframe based on someone else’s methodology please be sure to watch it
and learn how it moves so you have the highest probability of success in its execution.

 Please note that if you are choosing to trade NCEP then the 9 markets have
predetermined timeframes that must be used. Choose the market that best suits your
personal goals.

I will trade the following timeframe(s):

To Start: 4-Range Bar on the ES Market with 7 Range Shelly’s volume confirm

Once proficient: 4-Range Bar on the FESX with 7 Range Shelly’s volume confirm

Third Market: 6-Range Bar on CL (Oil) with 10 Range Shelly’s volume confirm

Selecting a Trading Style

I have selected the EOTPRO Risk Profile 0 Trade. I am choosing this specific setup due to its
higher probability and less risk opportunity. I would rather extend patience and take fewer trades
that have a higher percentage of success then more trades that require more discretion and lower
probability of success.

I will use the following approach:

Short-term and longer term trend following signals with EOTID/TA and Gvalu.

The underlying assumption/idea is:

Having the EOTID & EOTTA with Gvalu confirm the trade with Bill’s Arrows NCEP triggers a
higher probability lower risk entry signal then the Arrows without confirmation. Using the small,
medium, and large trend indicator in EOTID/TA along with volume and price action will ensure
I have the highest chance to be in the direction of the market opposed to trading against it. On
large trend days with Gvalu plots I will have a strong opportunity to take advantage of the runs.

Selecting the indicators for your Trading Plan

Your STOP LOSS is the most important aspect of your trading plan. This is because your STOP
will ensure that if you have done everything else wrong in the selection of a specific trade it will
get you safely out of the market and preserve your capital so that you live to trade again. Even
trades that have all the right signals can turn against you prior to you safely exiting with profit
and by enabling your STOP you guarantee that you won't decimate your account by second
guessing what you think is going to happen. Remember – we don’t know what is going to
happen and there is no place in trading to project what you think.

A STOP LOSS, pretty much will end up being what you can handle as a personal loss in an
individual trade. The maximum amount you are willing to lose on the bet so to speak. The only
problem with just entering a trade and placing a specific $ amount is the fact that the market runs
on cycles and will fluctuate up and down. By utilizing indicator tools such as the Plot Cycle you
have a higher area of resistance/support that the market would have to break through in order to
stop you out. This allows you to have the room you need to have the trade setup work in your
favour but also ensures against risking too much. If you have a specific $ figure in mind then by
ensuring you only enter if the signal is given with your $ figure and the Plot cycle working
together will add probability to the outcome. Of course if you have a decent stop where price
would have to go significantly against you then it would not be necessary to have the Plot Cycle
as a secondary tool.

The Plot Cycle or $ amount stop plots your maximum entry price so if your entry price is within
the parameters you may enter... if it isn't then you wait for your next opportunity. This will keep
you from chasing a trade that has already gone too far in the direction limiting your opportunity
to share in the move.
Your Entry would be the next chronological order of tools required in creating your trading
plan. Your stop loss in place preserving your capital investment and now you want to ensure that
the information you have via the tools you have chosen is going to enter you into the market with
the highest probability of success for profit and not be a false signal.

Now before you start with your tools, you must start with a fresh canvass so to speak, a blank
page. A chart with the market you chose in the time frame you wish to trade. From here you pick
and choose individual indicators, one at a time, and research them individually for how they
signal in the market. The best way to ensure you have a good signal setup is by having
everything else off your charts. Plot cycles and plot cycle stops though used for a visual on your
STOP LOSS will also assist in your visual for market entry. So start by adding this to your chart
and then watch them with your entry indicator one at a time.

There are multiple options available for ENTRY Indicators and it is up to you to decide which is
visually pleasing and accurate to your personal market and the timeframe chosen. EOTPRO
offers original entry options including several varieties of stochastic indicators, volume
indicators and high probability arrow indicators with as many as 14 individual EOTPRO
indicators having to set up as programmed to signal. The newest Entry signals from EOTPRO
have been created with cycles, volume, and other mathematical, geometric, and fibonacci ideas
intricate into several different easy to read signals. Each indicator has specific inputs created by
EOTPRO’s traders and programmer’s based on their ideas and knowledge of the market. If you
have chosen different timeframes then you will have to play with the inputs to have them work
specific to your plan.

It is imperative that one plays around with the settings as well as research and watch them live
for duration of time. This is to confirm they are offering high probability signals based on the
specific market, timeframe, rules and Stop Loss chosen by the individual.

The third aspect of your trade is more discretionary and it is the management of your trade.
You need to have reasons to take your profit and or lower your stop in intra-day trading. The last
thing you want to see happen is a great trade suddenly reverse only to watch your winner become
a loser. However, you also do not want your emotions to dictate the outcome of your trade so
you want to use tools that will share what is happening in the market at the time to help you
execute your trade accordingly.

One way to lower your stop on a trending trade is by moving your stop as the plot cycles form.

If you are in a trade and you notice that your indicators are starting to show a potential
directional change, this too can be worked into your trading plan in order to execute your exit.
For instance if you are short the market and you notice volume is getting extremely strong and
price appears to be making a double bottom with EOTTA high and GValu plotting all these
different indicators showing a possible end to the down move may be reason enough to exit the
trade. Yes, the market may fall some more, but generally when there are multiple indications that
the trade you are in will change direction it may be a safer bet to get out with your profit.
Having good tools to exit your trade is just as important as your entry. There are several possible
ways to exit once you are in including a set profit target, utilizing a specific or combination of
indicator tools designed for exits (such as Gvalu, EOTTA, EOTID, FIBEXT EOT ... etc) or a
moving stop are some examples. Whichever you choose, you must research each individual
option to conclude in your own mind that the exit plan chosen suits your individual style,
personality, and meets your personal goals set.

Trade Management may be as simple as a change in CMA or VWAP broken, or obvious

directional changes in Volume and Price action.

I will use the following approach:

Stop = Maximum of 12 ticks

Entry = Risk Profile Zero (RP0)

Money Management = Trend indicator with Volume and Price Action

The underlying assumption/idea is:

Utilizing a maximum stop of 12 ticks will allow me to enter a trade without missing a trade if
Price has vast volatility and therefore quick movement away from the Plot Cycle. If the Plot
Cycle is within my stop parameters it will reduce the full stop by allowing me to use this area of
support and resistance formed by the market. Having the EOTID & EOTTA with Gvalu confirm
the trade with Bill’s Arrows NCEP triggers a higher probability lower risk entry signals then the
Arrows without confirmation. Using the small, medium, and large trend indicator in EOTID/TA
along with volume and price action will ensure I don’t allow a winner turn into a loser. On large
trend days with small pullbacks using the Plot Cycles as a point to move my stop up allows me
the opportunity to lock in profit as the market is moving without taking myself out too soon.

Entry Signals

Long Entry: NCEP Bill’s Arrows RP0 Cyan with EOT confirm

Short Entry: NCEP Bill’s Arrows RP0 Cyan with EOT confirm

Exit Signals

Stop Loss: Maximum of 12 ticks on the ES market and FESX market, CL (Oil)
To be Determined. Plot Cycle will be used if less than Maximum risk.

Profit Target: I will allow the Market to determine my Profit based on the EOT short

And long term trend at the time of the trade. _____________________

Other Rules

I will use Shelly’s Volume 7 Range as confirmation to exit if it appears to give me a warning

That the trade is done. I will also use Price Action and EOTID/TA and Gvalu to exit the trade

If it is showing that the move is over whether I have a significant profit or am still at the break-
even level.

Well I have taken you from choosing your market to selecting your Indicator tools. Now that you
have had a few weeks of playing around with the market of your choice, different time frames,
and have selected your preferred tools for Entry, management, and exiting it is time to put some
effort and time into your trading. Hard Work is necessary in this step.


Research is paramount to confirming that your previous choices are good ones. It is a time
consuming aspect of trading but in the end, if you do your research with due diligence, this will
give you the confidence to go forward with your selection in tools, market, and timeframe. Going
back in time to see how your trade setups performed and how you would have reacted to the
signal is important in creating discipline and consistency in your execution going forward.

This is mandatory whether you have selected your own unique trading plan or whether you are
following another’s methodology. This is because if you don’t personally trust the setup and
signals you will allow your emotions to rule your trade. The only way to trust in the trading plan
is to confirm its validity in your own mind and this is done by back testing.

With Ninja Replay back testing and researching has been made easy. One can research their
tools, market, and timeframe. This will offer some ideas for your own manual trading research.

Choose a random calendar day in the past. I would suggest going over a minimum of 90 trading
days randomly picked month to month. This way you will have a nice variety of days throughout
the year with diverse market conditions spread out over time. It is imperative that your research
keeps the fundamentals the same. Regardless of your personal time preference ensure that during
your research, back and forward testing, you maintain consistency. For instance, if you choose a
4 Range chart with 7 Range Shelly’ volume confirm then for each select test day you research
maintain a 4 Range chart with 7 Range Shelly’s volume confirm. This will ensure that the
indicators selected will be consistent with the information given time after time. I have found on
Volume Bars for example that the indicators react differently based on 1000 bars back, or 500
bars back. In order to generate consistency forward, your research backwards must be equivalent.

If you choose not to use Ninja Replay and want to manually go bar to bar then turn off your
LEADING EXIT INDICATORS. The reason you want to do this prior to your research is that
you don't want indicators that could predetermine the outcome of your signal choices. In some
cases the plot cycle may not have been established at the time of the signal so therefore you don't
want to see it there during research. Any Indicator that could have you select a signal because of
forward viewing results will tamper with the truth of the trade and will take away from your true
winning %. It is important that your back testing is as real as you can create it for the highest
probability results to your work. Good or bad, you want the truth of your trading plan selection
not wishy-washy results. When you are done going through each signal, one tick at a time, insert
your Exit Indicators and Plot Cycles and go back over all the trades you took based on the arrows
you have entered on your chart and see how well you did. Win or Lose, doing this research is
paramount to creating confidence in your choice of market, timeframe, and tools. Without the
confidence in your selection... it will be impossible to execute your trades with discipline and
consistency. a perfect example of what

can happen if you don’t remove leading indicators such as the plot cycle.

This is why Ninja Replay is such a valuable tool because it is replaying the live market as it
happened and you can’t see anything forward – so use it to your advantage in establishing your
trading plan prior to placing real money on the table.

Now that you are comfortable with your Market, Timeframe, Selected Tools and Research... it is
time for you to


You have completed ample Research from past market data with diversified trading conditions
over different timeframes in the market and you now want to put your trading plan to the test
live. It is imperative that you are comfortable with how you were choosing your signals in
research so that your forward testing maintains the same level of consistency in your trade
selection. So I highly suggest being completely sure with your past testing and how you were
selecting everything from your entry to your exit so that when you FORWARD TEST you will
do so with discipline.

Set up your simulated matrix the same as you will have it when trading live. Have your hard-stop
in place and target in place if you are going to have one. Everything must emulate your live
trading as close to reality as you can so that when you are ready to trade real you are able to
maintain the same consistency and execution that you were trading with simulator.

I would also suggest reading two psychological trading books prior to “real” trading.
Per Ruth Barrons Roosvelt, “Trading is not just a system or method, not just money management
and good risk control. Trading depends on the trader and is only as good as the trader who
utilizes a method and money management risk control. Trading requires mind over markets,
quick action, clear thinking, and an unclouded intent to win.” Reading her book Exceptional
Trading, the Mind Game will assist you in having your mind and emotions on the right track
prior to trading your real money. Another book and author, Trading in the Zone by Mark
Douglas or any other trading book that has great reference to the psychological effects you will
encounter when trading real money would be an asset to read. By doing this you will have the
correct mindset from the get-go and this will help you in your transition from Simulator to Real.

I highly recommend having a plan in place for your forward testing. For example start with one
contract and continue forward testing your plan with discipline and consistency until you earn a
second and third contract all the way to 5. Another option is to start with 1 contract and continue
trading ONLY 1 contract for a minimum of 3 months. This may sound harsh, but truly if you can
not muster the discipline in a simulated account and trade your plan consistently there is no way
that you will be able to do it in a live account. Once you add the psychological components of
trading your real money you will make mistakes that you normally wouldn't make if you were
trading simulator. Therefore the more practice you have at disciplined execution the more
confidence your trading plan will in still which will counter any emotions due to the track record
you have established over time.

Rome was not built in a day. Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists... all these professions take years of
study and practicum before they prove themselves capable of having what it takes to work in
their chosen field. Is trading any different? If you create a proper trading plan and if you tackle
this career as a profession and business you will have far more success in longevity than by
walking in and believing you can hit the button and not lose your Ass.

Trading is a numbers game. It is your job to create your rules and FOLLOW them.
Unfortunately, from the time we were very little we believed rules should be broken... which is
probably why, even though the rules of trading are one's own, it is very easy to find yourself
breaking them. Just a reaction ingrained from childhood that we didn't want to be TOLD what to
do. Following this one added piece of knowledge could prove your success.

Once you are secure in your Forward Testing. Once you have established through simulated
trading that your Research performed is truly viable it is time to move on to...


This is a monumental step in your trading career. Like a Lawyer who has just finished years of
study and time on practicum now ready to try their first case, your first day hitting the button live
will bring about the same butterfly affect in your stomach. Excitement, mixed with a little
anxiety, pride because after all your hard work you are finally getting to the real MEAT of the
job... yes, your mind will be filled with emotions and happiness that your hard work is now
going to pay off.
My recommendation is to start slow. Trade 1 contract. Regardless if you have a $2000.00
account to start or $100,000.00 account - TRADE 1 CONTRACT to start. Earn your second
contract from the market.

If you cannot earn money with 1 contract... you will not make money with 2. It is as simple as
that. Even if it takes you 3 months of trading going up and down before you earn your 2nd
contract, once you get there the Magic of Quantified Objective will prevail and once you start
adding contracts you will be well on your way.

I also highly suggest that if you earn a contract and then suffer a trading loss that you take off the
contract until you earn it back. This way you are only risking Market money and your own
personal capital is still yours. When you have earned 5 or 10 contracts, cash out. That's right...
the market is now paying you. Start over at 1 contract and re-earn your way all over again. This
will ensure that you don't go too large as to create FEAR as well you ensure that the Market is
paying you. This is your ultimate goal, to draw a paycheque from the market and by cashing out
once you have reached a specific goal this will ensure that you are drawing the money out of the
market, limiting your risk.

Be prepared to establish Goals in your trading. I highly suggest creating Goals that are attainable.
If your goals are NOT attainable it will prove your demise. If you have anything in your trading
plan that takes you psychologically into failure it will be impossible to succeed. Remember:





It is detrimental for your overall happiness to LOVE what you are doing. Having a Passion for
Trading will ensure you follow through with all the steps to ensuring your overall future
success. If you don't enjoy it... find out what you truly love and follow your heart.

If you are finding that now that you are trading live you are not finding the same success you had
during simulation, stop and go over each and every trade that you took. Did they meet your
rules? Did you change your execution? Were they legitimate trades? If they were legitimate
trades, does your plan need to be looked at again... or were these true losses. As trading is a
numbers game, you know in your mind that you will lose a % of trades... Unfortunately you don't
know which trades will be losses only that a certain % will be. This is where faith that you did
your research and forward practice correctly comes in.
Knowing when to Review...

You have been trading your plan live for a few weeks now and doing very well thank you.
Suddenly, one day, you wake up and you do everything wrong. In a matter of a morning you
wipe out 1/2 of the profits that you have earned since turning on your trading live. Now, you are
sitting there stunned- could you really have done this? What do you do now? Do you take the
next trade? The indecision alone could cost you and it seems that now your mind is questioning
everything and fear has set in. So... what do you do?

Shut down your live account. Obviously there is a severe mental and emotional issue happening
with your trading and continuing when you are in such a state it is best to shut it all down, and
walk away for the day.

After you have had some time to clear your mind and calm yourself down. Go back to your
charts and start the day over. Go through one tick at a time until you reach each and every trade
that you took, win or lose, and ask yourself ...

1) "Did this Trade meet my criteria?" YES - Good /NO - WHY?

2) "Were the stops too big?" NO - Good /YES - WHY?
3) "Was I trading on emotion?" NO - Good /YES - WHY?
4) "Did I overtrade?" NO - Good /YES - WHY?
5) "Was there outside influence against my trade?" (Sudden News, etc...)

If you Answered incorrectly on just one of these questions then you have to ask yourself WHY?

With exception to number 5 because sometimes there will be a news event that you just aren't
aware of or prepared for and it is anyone's guess how the market will react... chalk this scenario
up to the cost of doing business in trading. Remember you will have losing trades and in these
situations it is 50/50 as to which direction sudden news will carry the market.

Until you know the answers to what you may have done incorrectly... I would not trade live.
Re-open your simulator account and get back to re-establishing your discipline and the consistent
execution of your trading plan. Even if you take a week to get back to your disciplined execution
take that time. This will re-build the confidence that you need for long term success.

Now, if all the trades did meet your criteria, then pat yourself on the back and remind yourself
that trading is a numbers game. You will have losing trades and unfortunately you do not know
when the losers will happen. This is the cost of doing business. Like any other business you will
have, it comes with expenses and having losing trades is the cost of trading professionally.
Remember in discretionary trading you want to take the time to establish your trading plan, find
your appropriate tools, research & forward test your plan, and then slowly one contract at a time
build your account live.
This learning process may take 2-3 months before you are trading live.

Start at the beginning and learning your way through, step by step, will increase your overall
probability for long term success in this career.
Just as a Doctor doesn't start in the operating room, but has to do his due diligence in learning
from the beginning... so do you have to put in the appropriate time in setting yourself up for

If you believe that Trading is easy and does not require work then you are deluding yourself. If
you think you can open an account and hit the button then you are deluding yourself. If you
believe that you will be able to pay your day to day expenses without doing due diligence... you
are deluding yourself. If you think you can Trade without designing a plan then you will LOSE

Yes, Trading can be very rewarding. But as in any profession that you are serious about having
true success in, you do have to do your time. To ensure your highest probability of success give
yourself every opportunity at the start.

As an EOTPRO Member, remember we are here to help. If you need some help going over your
plan, viewing your research, help in any way... please email us. We can’t help if we don’t know
you need it.

Let’s Recap:

Selecting a Market:

ES (once proficient I will add FESX & CL)

Selecting a Timeframe

To Start: 4-Range Bar on the ES Market with 7 Range Shelly’s volume confirm

Once proficient: 4-Range Bar on the FESX with 7 Range Shelly’s volume confirm

Third Market: 6-Range Bar on CL (Oil) with 10 Range Shelly’s volume confirm
Selecting the indicators for your Trading Plan

Entry Signals

Long Entry: NCEP Bill’s Arrows RP0 Cyan with EOT confirm

Short Entry: NCEP Bill’s Arrows RP0 Cyan with EOT confirm

Exit Signals

Stop Loss: Maximum of 12 ticks on the ES market and FESX market, CL (Oil)

To be Determined. Plot Cycle will be used if less than Maximum risk.

Profit Target: I will allow the Market to determine my Profit based on the EOT short

And long term trend at the time of the trade. _____________________

Other Rules

I will use Shelly’s Volume 7 Range as confirmation to exit if it appears to give me a warning

That the trade is done. I will also use Price Action, Alla’s Average and EOTID/TA and Gvalu to
exit the trade

If it is showing that the move is over whether I have a significant profit or am still at the break-
even level.


Using Ninja Replay


Use Ninja simulator and the live market.


I will start slow with 1 contract. I will earn my second contract from the Market.

Knowing when to Review:

If I find myself suddenly hit with a losing streak which weakens my confidence I will
immediately stop trading live and review my trades. Once I have confirmed if the trades are
legitimate I will continue from there. Either I will resume trading with continued confidence or I
will start simulating to rebuild my confidence.


It is always good to establish your expectations and keep record so that your goals are met and
you continue to proceed forward with your trading. Here is an example:

(After 40 Trades)
# of Trades per Day

Winning Percentage

Average Winning Trade

Average Losing Trade

Total Profit

Average Profit per Trade

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