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M s.

Pr esley 's Class

As the end of of pizza party for
the year our kids. parents
approaches we are invited to
have several attend field day
activities coming and the award
up. We will be ceremonies and
having field day, testing, award donating snacks
ceremonies, and an end of the to the parties are encouraged.

Rem in der s Not e f r om t h e t each er ...

Test in g: May 1st - May
This year I have enjoyed have have laughed and
having each and every one cried. We have had good
Year book For m s: May of your kids in my days and bad days. I hope
15th classroom. It has been my every single one of them
Field Day: May 18th privilege to watch your the best in the future and i
babies grow and see their hope you all have an
Aw ar d Cer em on ies:
faces light up as they learn amazing summer vacation!
May 20th
to love to learn. As a class
En d of t h e year par t y: -Ms. Presley
we have laughed and we
May 25th
Last day of sch ool:
May 31st

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