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Journal of Environmental Management 236 (2019) 380–387

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Research article

Basic and procedural requirements for energy potential from biogas of T

sewage treatment plants
Miguel E.M. Udaeta, Guilherme A. de S. Medeiros, Vinícius O. da Silva∗, Luiz C.R. Galvão
GEPEA/EPUSP – Energy Group of the Department of Energy and Electrical Automation Engineering of the Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo, Av. Professor
Luciano Gualberto, Travessa 3, n° 158, Prédio da Engenharia Elétrica, São Paulo, Brazil


Keywords: The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential for electricity generation in the State of São Paulo (SP)
Biogas from the sewage treatment. A sewage treatment plant (STP) with domain in the production of biogas from
Power generation wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is the basis for this case study. The basic premise is that the very generation
Sewage treatment of electricity in STPs is advantageous for companies in the sanitation sector in Brazil, resulting in cost reductions
of the treatment process. Gains at the end of the process are found in two levels, namely: (i) economic, by
Distributed generation
generating 165% of electricity from biogas burning in relation to the expend; (ii) energy, by adding a new
sustainable and storable energy source equivalent to 4% of natural gas offered in the State of SP and 0,5% of
electricity produced from biogas burning in relation to electricity consumption. In conclusion, the potential of
electricity production linked to the biogas at STPs is capable of supply its domestic demand and export the
surplus to other segments of the state and national economy.

1. Introduction population, which makes it difficult to offer collection services and final
disposal of sewage. According to IBGE, 70.4% of Brazilian munici-
The growth of the urban population implies a 40% increase in the palities had less than twenty thousand inhabitants in 2010, which
demand for municipal services of water and sewage by 2030 (Liu et al., emphasizes the need to expand the attendance of these services for the
2012). Currently, about 73% of urban households in developing population residing in more dispersed households (Biasotto, 2010;
countries have access to piped water and 68% have access to sanitation, IBGE, 2011). Overall, most of these residues produced in households
While in developed countries the coverage of these services is universal are biodegradable (Righi et al., 2013) and can be used for bioenergy,
(UNICEF, 2018). The growing Brazilian urbanization, which began in such as biological methods applied to wastewater treatment plants
the 1960s when the urban population surpassed the rural population, (WWTP), which convert a part (∼50%) of wastewater pollution into
and in the last six decades changed the way of life (IBGE, 2011; IBGE, sludge, which can be used to produce biogas to generate and cover a
2018), being inevitable the increase of the production of waste and substantial part of the energy consumption of a WWTP (Jenicek et al.,
urban sewage (Chiu et al., 2015). As a result, increased 30% the pro- 2012).
duction of urban waste in last decade, totalized more than 218 thou- Biogas can be produced in Sewage Treatment Plants (STP) (IHU,
sand tonnes per day (ABRELPE, 2003; ABRELPE, 2015). In this context, 2014). The sewage contains carbonaceous components would need to
to manage properly the solid waste through basic sanitation has been a be removed as pollutants, as by traditional anaerobic digestion (AD)
major challenge to the public authority (Figueiredo, 2012) and, at the (Zhou et al., 2013), which has the capacity of energy recovery by
same time, produce electricity. conversion of volatile solids into biogas, reduction of odors, elimination
Among national services of basic sanitation, sewage system is the of pathogens and reduction of mass of solids (Anjum et al., 2018). The
one with the lowest municipal coverage. According to results of the use of biogas in STPs attracts interest, as it is a low-cost fuel for power.
National Sanitation Plan (PLANSAB) carried out in 2008, 2495 muni- Its composition depends on the raw material and AD conditions, but
cipalities (44.8% of Brazilian municipalities) did not have a sewer this fuel is mainly a gas mixture rich in CH4 (55–60%) and CO2
network. The absence of sewer network affected, mainly, municipalities (38–40%), with traces of differents gases (H2S, NH3, H2, N2, O2, CO),
with less than 50 thousand inhabitants, population stratum that has and volatile organic compounds (VOC), all of them are contaminants
many municipalities predominantly rural and with dispersed (Chen et al., 2015; Joppert et al., 2018). About CH4, which is one of

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.E.M. Udaeta), (G.A. de S. Medeiros), (V.O. da Silva).
Received 31 August 2018; Received in revised form 26 December 2018; Accepted 28 December 2018
0301-4797/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.E.M. Udaeta et al. Journal of Environmental Management 236 (2019) 380–387

those responsible for the greenhouse gas (GHG) effect, with global from SP were defined: (i) quantify biomethane generation; (ii) calculate
warming potential twenty four higher than CO2 (IPCC, 2006). In the available energy; and (iii) estimate the reduction in energy consump-
case of WWTP systems, the organic matter used in AD to produce Biogas tion with the use of biogas.
is the sludge. The sludge is a solid product generated in WWTP and
STPs, along with coarse solids, sand and foam, representing the largest 2. Biogas around the world
share among them and being the substrate, which should receive
greater importance in relation to its treatment, called treatment of solid 2.1. Use of biogas
phase, also including its fine array (Coelho et al., 2006).
In view of the great Brazilian deficiency, related to the municipal The use of biogas presents application versatility besides being a
service of treatment of water and sewage. The growth of the sanitation renewable energy resource, since CH4 can be used for fossil fuel re-
system in Brazil is inevitable, along with high energy costs that com- placement both in heat and electricity generation and as vehicular fuel
panies have with sewage treatment, makes reuse of liquid waste in- (Weiland, 2010; Chen et al., 2015; Joppert et al., 2018; Paolini et al.,
creasingly in vogue in the Brazilian scenario. This scenario is not unique 2018). The use of biogas has been growing in several regions of the
to Brazil, since there are more stringent legislation and increased world (IEA, 2010; Neamt et al., 2012; Jenicek et al., 2013; Sadecka
WWTP ans STP in several in developing countries (Tyagi et al., 2014; et al., 2013; Halaby et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2019), showing benefits of
Lippert et al., 2018), which arise to deal with the large annual volume the application of heat and electricity combined generation systems
of waste produced, such as in China that are generated annually over 50 (Jende et al., 2015; Scarlat et al., 2018). In USA, biogas capture occurs
billion tons of sewage slude (Chen et al., 2019) and 170 million tonnes in several ways, with the use of cattle manure or in landfills (USEPA,
of municipal solid waste with an increase of 8–10% per year (Xin-Gang 2017). In several large WWTP, the biogas produced is used for elec-
et al., 2016). However, this growth is also present in developed coun- tricity generation (IRENA, 2016).
tries, such as the European Union area, which will have an expected Most of the biogas in European Union is used as fuel for electricity
increase of 30% between 2015 and 2020, only from sewage slude, that generation, cogeneration and residential heating. The leading countries
actually is generated 10 millions tons per year of sewage slude and in biogas production in EU are Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and
more than 2.5 billion tons of waste per year (Kelessidis and Stasinakis, Czech Republic (IRENA, 2016). Biogas contribution for national con-
2012; Eurostat, 2017). sumption of natural gas (NG) is very diversified in about 4%, average,
About energy consumption in STP and WWT, the electricity cost are but it reached 12% in Germany, followed by Czech Republic with 9.5%
between 5 and 30% of total operational costs. In development countries (Appunn, 2016; Eurostat, 2017), countries with great NG participation
is higher and can go up to 40%, in which often contribute unsustainable in its electrical matrix (BP, 2018).
operate of some utilities (Liu et al., 2012). In developing countries, biogas is produced mainly in small do-
China annually consumes the equivalent to the energy consumption mestic digesters for cooking or even lighting, unlike other developed
of developed countries in 1990 in the same sector (Zhang et al., 2017). countries, which also have large scale power plants for the purpose of
However, Chinese consumption decreased from 0.29 to 0.27 kWh/m³ electricity generation and biogas heating (IEA, 2010; Rakitijaona,
(Tao and Chengwen, 2012), higher than the Japanese consumption of 2013). Several programs to stimulate biogas production were devel-
0.26 kWh/m³ and the US of 0.20 kWh/m³, but lower than in countries oped for the creation of biogas domestic systems, providing an alter-
such as Netherlands (0.36 kWh/m³), Spain (0.53 kWh/m³), Singapore native fuel for cooking and reducing firewood consumption as well as
(0.56 kWh/m³), United Kingdom (0.62 kWh/m³) and Germany deforestation.
(0.64 kWh/m³) (GWRC, 2011). There is a study that shows that it is In this area, Asia countries stand out (China, Thailand, India, Nepal,
possible to reduce the spanish consumption by 0.332 and 0.171 kWh/ Vietnam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan) (Virendra and Vijay,
m³ for small and medium plants, if they operate with the same effi- 2010). Nepal has one of the largest biogas programs in the world, with
ciencies as the large plants, avoiding emission of 116 and 62 g of CO2/ more than 330,000 biogas domestic power plants installed by Biogas
m3, repectively (Hernández-Sancho et al., 2011). Another evaluation Support Program and fuel supply for cooking purposes (REN21 2015).
suggests that there is a viable energy saving potential of 5–25% (Brandt In India, the National Biogas and Manure Management Program pro-
et al., 2010), its saves 34–168 TWh/y in the sector (Liu et al., 2012). On motes the construction of family size biogas plants for cooking fuel
the other hand, energy consumption varies with the type of technology production and organic manure (MNRE, 2015). In Vietnam, the Biogas
used. A large facilities (about 380,000 m3/day) in the USA are: (i) Program for Animal Breeding Sector started in 2003 with the purpose of
0.177 kWh/m3 with treated for trickling filter; (ii) 0.272 kWh/m3 for developing twenty biogas commercial power plants (Rakitijaona,
activated sludge; (iii) 0.314 kWh/m3 for advanced treatment; and (iv) 2013). In Bangladesh, the National Biogas and Manure Program was
0.412 kWh/m3 for advanced treatment with nitrification (Liu et al., inaugurated in 2006 for rural areas and outside the electricity dis-
2012). tribution network, mainly to generate cooking gas. In China, the
In Brazil, the treatment, collection and/or distribution of water and Medium and Long-term Development Plan for Renewable Energy sti-
sewage segment represents 2.6% of electricity consumption of all mulated the development of modern biogas plants for power generation
country and within the public sector this consumption represents 30.8% purposes. Besides that, Macau (China) has published a document en-
or 10.4 TWh.y−1 (MME, 2007; MME, 2011), annual emissions of about titled “Environmental Protection Planning of Macau (2010–2020)”, one
0.33 million tons of CO2-equivalent GHG (mt CO2e) (Ferreira et al., of the main focuses on planning a sustainable food waste treatment and
2017). This is one of the reasons why National Energy Efficiency Plan introducing technologies and strategies for the reutilization of sewage
(PNEE 2010–2030) elected the sanitation sector as one of its priority sludge. Currently, sewage sludge and food waste are combusted to-
areas (MME, 2011). Beyond that, the energy and health sector benefit gether with municipal solid waste (MSW) with electricity generated
due to distributed generation offer because the independence of fossil during the incineration process (Chiu et al., 2015).
energy source occurs and promotes economy in the sewage treatment In Africa, the Biogas Partnership Program was designed to develop
process, which increases the viability of basic sanitation services im- national biogas programs in five African countries (Burkina Faso,
plementation. However, the desired result depends on the location, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) for the construction of do-
design and operation of the utilities (Zhou et al., 2013). mestic digesters to provide access to electricity (ABPP, 2017).
Study proposition consists of evaluating the potential for electricity In Latin America, several small biogas plants linked to domestic and
generation of biogas from domestic STP in the State of São Paulo (SP) agricultural waste were installed and provided to rural families, in
through up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB). To reach the addition to plants using biogas extracted from several landfills (Vögeli
proposed general objective, the following specific objectives for STPs et al., 2014). The Biodigesters for Latin America and the Caribbean

M.E.M. Udaeta et al. Journal of Environmental Management 236 (2019) 380–387

Network (RedBioLAC) promotes small biodigesters development in

Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. Large scale
biogas plants were built to use effluents of palm oil plants and big farms
in Colombia, Honduras and Argentina (Virendra and Vijay, 2010). In
Brazil, the biogas participation in the electrical matrix is still not very
expressive, totaling only 0.08% (EPE, 2018). Currently, there are 126
biogas power plants, with 119 MW of installed capacity, which is pro-
duced 1.373 Nm³/day by different substrates (Coelho, 2017). Among
the agricultural waste, the vinasse (residue from ethanol production)
utilization stands out for biogas production (Ruffato-Ferreira et al.,
2017; SEM, 2018). Another way that has been applied is the use of
swine manure from livestock activities for biogas production (Meyer
et al., 2017).
Ways of using biogas depend on, among other things, gas con-
centration that composes it. Through burning, methane is used for
power generation, which makes it the biogas element that has the
Fig. 2. Biodigester structure (ICLEI, 2010).
highest added value. This way, the higher the concentration of me-
thane, the higher the added value of biogas (Machado, 2016). When the
concentration of methane exceeds 95%, biogas is now called bio- origin. The biogas produced after being purified is burnt in flares or
methane. Purified biogas not only helps in reduction in GHG emissions used in cogenerate groups, thus producing electrical energy and
but also has other environmental benefits (Sahota et al., 2018), such as thermal energy. In Fig. 2, it is possible to verify biodigester basic
capturing potential CH4 emissions or producing energy that substitutes structures.
fossil fuels (Venkatesh and Elmi, 2013). In Fig. 1 it is possible to see the There are several types of digesters, the most used are: (i) Marine;
ways of using biogas in function of concentration of methane. (ii) Indian; (iii) Chinese; and (iv) AFBR/UASB (França Junior 2008;
ICLEI, 2010). They will be described below:

2.2. Biogas production in STPs (i) Marine biodigester: It is a horizontal model and it has the width
larger than the depth, its sun exposure area is large, therefore the
Biogas production in water and landfill treatment plants is ex- biogas production is higher. Its dome is made of malleable plastic,
panding in several countries, linked for use as vehicle and injected into as PVC, which inflates with the gas production, like a balloon. It
NG grid (Scarlat et al., 2018), which impacted the global installed ca- can be built buried or not. The load box is made of masonry.
pacity of a biogas electricity plant from just over 2.5 GW in 2000 to Therefore, it can be wider, avoiding clogging. The dome can be
16 GW in 2016, driven mainly by European installations representing removed, which helps in cleaning. The disadvantage of this model
more than 60% (IRENA, 2016). The energy in sewage there can po- is the cost of the dome (Gaspar, 2003; França Junior 2008; ICLEI,
tentially be 1.7 kWh/m3 (Zhou et al., 2013). To increase biogas pro- 2010);
duction, a pretreatment to improve AD is important, such as the dis- (ii) Chinese biodigester: Built in masonry, single piece model.
integration of sludge to improve digestibility, which leads to an Developed in China, where properties were small, and, because of
increase in biogas generation of 19–32% (Hephzibah et al., 2016). that, this model is buried to takes up little space. This model has
Others alternatives include thermophilic operation and co-digestion cheaper cost compared to the others, since the dome is made in
with other organic wastes (Bravo and Ferrer, 2011) or just by con- masonry. It also suffers little temperature variation (Gaspar, 2003;
trolling the temperature of the AD (Gao et al., 2015). Frigo et al., 2015)
One of the systems for obtaining biogas most known and used in (iii) Indian biodigester: Its dome is usually made of iron or fiber and it
urban plants is the sewage treatment that uses biodigesters. A biodi- moves up and down according to biogas production. In this type of
gester is a reactor in which the chemical reactions have biological biodigester, the fermentation process happens faster because it
utilizes ground temperature, which is slightly variable, favoring
bacteria action. It takes up little space and its construction can be
underground. Besides that, it exempts the use of reinforcements as
concrete beams. If the dome is made of iron, it is necessary to paint
it with antioxidant. Because it is a biodigester that is underground,
care must be taken to avoid infiltration in the water table. There
are biodigesters made of concrete, or metal, covered with fenced
canvas, which must have two ways out with two valves, in which
organic remnants are dumped (Gaspar, 2003; Frigo et al., 2015);
(iv) AFBR/UASB biodigester: systems of STP that operates with
Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor (AFBR), also known as Up-flow
Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB), are very used for ef-
fluent treatments, treating it biologically and based on organic
matter stabilization process. AFBR is a compact unit basically
consisting of one vertical flow tank with sedimentation and AD
overlapping chambers that do not require any type of com-
plementary energy (França Junior 2008; ICLEI, 2010).

Biodigesters use is very common in several countries (Venkatesh

and Elmi, 2013). In Europe have been widely used as an effective
technology to treat effluents and organic, urban and industrial waste,
Fig. 1. Biogas use (Machado, 2016). and to enable energy use of generated biogas (Eurostat, 2015). In

M.E.M. Udaeta et al. Journal of Environmental Management 236 (2019) 380–387

Germany, electricity produced from biogas is sold at much more at-

Total cost/electricity produced

tractive prices than those paid for energy from non-renewable sources
(ICLEI, 2010). Usually, in these developed countries, the biogas gen-
erated in STPs and in landfills is used for electricity production, process
heat or building heating, vehicular fuel, among other uses (Venkatesh
and Elmi, 2013). When the weather is cold, biogas is used even for the
biodigesters internal heating, aiming to provide ideal temperatures for

microorganisms' activity.

In Brazil, biodigesters use is small and restricted to few applications
compared to other countries (ICLEI, 2010). In Petrópolis, for example, a

biodigester was built to treat sewage generated, approximately, by 500
inhabitants, where generated biogas is used to nourish the stove in the

Investment/installed power
house of a local resident. Other examples of biogas use from urban solid
waste are Bandeirante landfill plant, located in SP, with 20 MW of in-
stalled capacity and potential to generate 170 GWh/y, enough elec-
tricity to supply a city of 400 thousand inhabitants (CETESB, 2004;

Figueiredo, 2011). Other examples of thermoelectric landfill plants are:
Termoverde with 29.5 MW, São João with 24.64 MW, Estre with

5.7 MW, Tecipar with 4.3 MW, Ambient with 1.5 MW and Energ-Biog of

30 kW of installed power in State of SP (SEM, 2016); Nova Iguaçu


landfill, in Rio de Janeiro, first of the world to receive UN's permission

to sell carbon credits to the Dutch government. In the STPs, studies
carried out by SABESP in Barueri STP in partnership with CENBIO and

Electrical Efficiency
by COPASA in Arrudas STP stand out.

2.3. Technologies for energy use of biogas Comparing technologies to biogas uses (Costa, 2006; ICLEI, 2010; Costa, 2011; MAM, 2011; PEI, 2013; Capstone, 2018; MAM, 2018).


Biogas energy conversion is only possible if we resort to several (%)
technologies developed for this purpose. Biogas energy conversion is
understood as a process that turns chemical energy contained in its
Exhaust Temperature

molecules into mechanical energy through a process of controlled

combustion (Costa, 2011). This mechanical energy activates a gen-
erator that converts it to electricity and the combustion gases are used
to provide heat, this system is named combined heat and power (CHP),


see Fig. S5a in the supplementary material, and if a thermally driven


chiller is coupled to the system, it will be named combined cooling,

heating and power (CCHP), see Fig. S5b in the supplementary material
(Chen et al., 2016). Some of the main equipment used in plants for
Average emissions

energy use of biogas are turbines, micro-turbines and engines as high-

lighted below (França Junior 2008):
< 250

(i) Gas turbines: Gas turbines are thermal equipment that perform the

energy conversion of a fuel into power. The main feature of this

equipment is the production of exhaust gases in high volume and
NOx emissions

high temperature, see Table 1, which makes it very suitable for

complementary energy uses of interest, improving thermal effi-
ciency of the set;


(ii) Gas micro-turbines: The term “micro-turbine” refers to a small size

Income (%)

and weight system consisting basically in: compressor, combustion

chamber, turbine and electrical generator with power less than


1.000 kW. It can be readily combined in multiples to meet specific

load requirements. Besides that, their lower combustion tempera-
Potential (MW)

ture results in lower NOx emissions, see Table 1;

(iii) Internal combustion engines (gas engine): Alternative engines, also


called internal combustion engines, can be used in some cogen-

eration systems in the tertiary sector and in small industries/
companies to meet the proposed objectives. By the other hand,
these engines also have applications in systems of emergency
Small and medium size gas

power production and in isolated locations. In general, their use is

Available technologies

more recommended in situations in which the thermal needs are

not so significant or when energy consumption suffers variation
over the time, see Table 1.

Gas engine

The three models can be seen in Fig. S6 of the supplementary ma-

Table 1

terial. Gas engines have more efficiency while gas turbines have more
global efficiency of power and heat conversion (Costa, 2011). However,

M.E.M. Udaeta et al. Journal of Environmental Management 236 (2019) 380–387

the technology that emits less NOx and, therefore, has less environ- EFj = MCFj × B0 (3)
mental impact is the micro-turbine (ICLEI, 2010; Capstone, 2018). A
Where MCFj is the methane correction factor for every type of sewage
systematic analysis of the WWTP and STP shows that the use of internal
treatment; and B0 is the maximum capacity of CH4 production (kg of
combustion engines (gas engine) technology to generate power and
CH4 per kg of BOD). If specific data of the country is not available, a
heat is more usual, because the technology presents the lowest cost of
default value of B0, 0,6 kg of CH4 per kg of BOD, can be used. Table S2
investment and operation in relation to the installed power and the
of Supplementary Materials includes MCF values according to (IPCC,
energy produced (ICLEI, 2010; Bravo and Ferrer, 2011; Sadecka et al.,
2006). The total quantity of degradable organic material in residual
2012; Coelho, 2017). On the other hand, the application of micro-tur-
waters (TOW) is a function of human population and BOD generation
bines for electricity and heat generation appears on a reduced scale
per capita. It is expressed in terms of BOD (kg.year−1).
(Pöschl et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2017). In the case of gas turbines, they
are not used, they require large volumes of gas and have great power, TOW = 10−3 × 365 × BOD × Pop (4)
and their use is linked to the direct use of NG. Therefore, in terms of
Where TOW is the total organic waste in residual waters in the in-
degree of application maturity has a small and medium size gas tur-
ventory year, kg BOD per year; Pop is the region population (IBGE,
bine < micro-turbine < gas engine.
2018); and BOD is calculated in Equation (1). Three most used sewage
treatments in SABESP are: Optional Pond, Anaerobic Pond and Anae-
3. Methods
robic Reactor (AFBR). For each case, there is a form of calculating S as
shown by Equation (5) for BOD removal (van Haandel and Lettinga,
3.1. Study site delimitation
The Brazilian region that presents a huge potential for biogas gen- S = TOW × Θ−0.68 (5)
eration is the state of SP, consisting of 645 municipalities, a population
Where S is the organic component removed from sludge per year (kg
of 45.3 million inhabitants (IBGE, 2018), in which 39.5 million are
BOD/year); and Ɵ is the hydraulic mean of the retention time, hours,
served by sewage collection service and 17 STP (Galvão Junior et al.
being 8 h the hydraulic retention time in AFBRs.
2015). Besides that, the state presents the best regional and national
indexes, see Table 2, but still insufficient when compared to OECD
3.3. Conversion of biogas into electricity
countries indexes (WB, 2018).
The study was based on features of Barueri STP, the largest in Latin
From Equation (6) we can convert CH4 values (kg/year) into CH4Q
America and that serves 65% of metropolitan region of SP. The treat-
ment operation of this STP occurs through AFBR/UASB reactors and
Activated Sludge with a mixture completed with diffused air. Currently, CH4 [kg /year ]
CH4 [m3/ year ] =
part of the biogas produced in the STP is burned in a boiler and the δCH4 (6)
generated CO2 from CH4 is injected in the biodigesters (Costa, 2006).
Where δCH4 is the CH4 density (kg/m3). Obtaining the biogas flow (m³/
Biogas composition in Barueri STP is presented in Table S1 of Supple-
year), where Qbiogas is given by Equation (7).
mentary Materials.
QBiogas =
3.2. Calculating the CH4 flow CCH4 (7)

According to (Sperling and Chernicharo, 2005), there is a relation Where CCH4 is the mean volumetric concentration of CH4 in biogas,
between sewage production per capita and the monthly income, see Fig. according to Table S1. By having the value of the total amount of biogas
S1 of Suplementary Materials. The sewage quantification in a liquid estimated, it is possible to calculate electricity generation (E. E.)
body can be made indirectly from Equation (1) using the BOD para- through biogas burning as fuel in equipments of power generation. For
meter. It represents the amount of oxygen required to stabilize, from a that, Equation (8) is used.
biochemical process, the organic matter. E . E . =QBiogas x PCIBiogas x ŋgenerator x 0.000278 (8)
BOD = [32. 9 + 1. 25 × NMS] (1)
Where PCIBiogas is the lower calorific value of biogas (kJ.m−³), based on
Where NMS is a number of minimum salaries per capita (IBGE, 2018). Table S1; ŋgenerator is the electronic income of conversion technology
The total emission of kg of CH4 per year can be estimated from Equation (%); and 0.000278 is the conversion factor of kJ for kWh. According to
(2) (IPCC, 2006). (Costa, 2006), electric conversion efficiency ŋ has a medium value of
CH 4 = [(TOW − S) × EF]j (2)
Where TOW is a total organic waste in residual waters per year, kg of 4. Discussion and systematization of results
BOD per year; S is the organic component removed as sludge per year,
kg of BOD per year; and EFj is the emission factor, kg of CH4 per kg of 4.1. Methane and energy production
Emission factor (EFj) for residual waters treatment is a function of CH4 volume produced in all STPs of the State of SP, assuming AFBR
the maximum potential of CH4 produced (B0) and the methane cor- treatment, was of 267.8 MMm³/year, value 3% lower than estimated by
rection factor (MCFj), exemplified in Equation (3) (IPCC, 2006). RCGI (2017) for the same area. Its volume to 4% of NG supply of the

Table 2
Comparing SP with other regions (Galvão Junior et al. 2015).
Local Urban population served with treated Urban population served with Volume of generated residential Volume of collected residential sewage
water network sewage network sewage that is treated that is treated

State of SP 98.8% 89.2% 56.3% 77.0%

Southeast region 97.2% 71.6% 45.2% 71.0%
Brazil 87.6% 46.1% 42.0% 78.0%

M.E.M. Udaeta et al. Journal of Environmental Management 236 (2019) 380–387

Table 3 strategic resource for the energy system of SP and bringing flexibility
NG supply in SP and biomethane volume produced by STPs. and security for the system through diversification of the state electrical
NG annual supply of the CH4 volume produced by STPs Participation (%) matrix and replacement of NG and electricity of other federation states.
State of SP (MMm3/year) of the State of SP (MMm3/year) There are also environmental gains with the reduction of CH4 and sa-
nitary emissions, because it generates incentives for basic sanitation
7128.45 267.8 4.0
and sewage treatment expansion in the State of SP.

Table 4
Energy generated by STPs and consumption of SP (SEM, 2018).
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de
Electricity annual production Electricity annual Participation (%) Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES). To
from biogas burning (GWh) consumption (GWh)
CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
762.8 145,000 0.5 Tecnológico) for the scholarship. To students of the class “PEA5765 –
Tópicos Avançados em Sistemas Energéticos para um Desenvolvimento
Table 5
STPs energy consumption (Galvão Junior et al. 2015). Appendix A. Supplementary data
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