Polytechnic University of The Philippines

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Chapter 1


Information technology nowadays is going to develop more applications that will make

life easier for the human beings so that some problems that we encountered in our daily lives

are being solved by such applications and programs that have been developed.

The automated systems were really rising and have extreme demand in our society

so that’s the reason why IT businesses are in demand. It reduces effort, minimizing time and

gave us quick results over the short period of time not like the manual systems. Computer

technology usually use in different aspects because it helps a lot of terms on their service.

In our time the manual systems are switching into computer base and automated

systems because it is giving efficient and easiest way of doing activities and spend less of

time in daily lives. This application exceeds even in some institutions and the finest example

is a Hospital Queue and Patient Record Management System.

Project Context

The project Hospital Queue and Patient Record Management System deals with

management of queues and records of patients to all Department section where patients are

provided medical consultations and other allied services. Currently the staffs at the counter

are using manual system and it is done just by calling the name on the counter unfortunately

the customer or the patients missed the call, and there are times that counter needs to call

the name of the patients many times and that will bring inconvenience to the customer and

also to the personnel in charged. The system is using a monitor to display the current queue

and it helps the customer not to miss their number so they can easily proceed to their

designated counter produced by the Queue system.

Hospital Queue and Patient Record Management System also concerned the process

of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting relevant information to support the Hospital

in managing the data of the patients. The system controls all the records and information to

eliminate poor management results and give the Hospital efficient and reliable recording

management system.

Purpose and Description

The proponents analyze the findings in system evaluation to improve and apply the

suggestions of the respondents to the proposed system.

Purpose. A computer has a wide range of used, in each and every aspect of human

life. Computer has become very important nowadays because it is very much accurate, fast

and can accomplish many tasks easily. Otherwise to complete those tasks manually much

more time is required. It can do very big calculations in just a fraction of a second. Moreover,

it can store huge amount of data in it. We also get information on different aspects using

internet on computer. Related to this, the researchers aimed to help the Patients and Staff to

have a system that will help them manage task faster and less time-consuming way.

Description. The theoretical framework shows Input-Process-Output of the proposed

system. The existing system is a manually operated; it covers a manual process of the

transaction, such as falling in line and wait for the counter announces your turn to have your

transactions and the hospital staff will record the patient data manually after the transaction.

The proposed system, manual process of the queue and record management will be

improved, it helps to organize, improved the transactions in the hospital and lessen the

consumed time in waiting.

The proponents analyze the findings in system evaluation to improve and apply the

suggestions of the respondents to the proposed system. In the system design stage, the
proponents formulate a systems interface and layout. In system development stage it includes

coding and testing of a system and the output is Hospital Queue and Patient Record

Management System and that will be evaluated by the respondents.


Hospital institutions have been using a manual recording and queue management for

the past many years. Due to increase number of patients and customers in the hospital the

staffs have difficulty in organizing and maintaining the transactions.

General Objective. To design, develop, and deliver a software solution that will

manage the daily recording and queuing process in the hospital.

Specific Objectives. The following are the specific objectives that the system must


1. To understand how the existing (present) system operates;

2. To determine the problems encountered in the existing (present) system;

3. To develop a software application that would be:

a. build a reliable hospital queue management in every day transaction

b. build a system that can receive input generated

c. automatically output in an easy way

d. build a set up configuration for the user

e. Give an opportunity for the staffs to reduce the time spends.

f. provide a database that can handle lots of information

4. To determine whether the proposed project technically, operationally,

scheduled and economically feasible to implement; and

5. To endow with an implementation plan for the proposed software/ system.

Scope and Limitations

Hospital is currently using manual system and it is the same system that they are using

for the past many years. This section presents the scope and the limitations of the project.

Scope. The proposed system will focus on managing queues inside the hospital

wherein it can help the staff easily facilitate without confusing. The proposed system will have

its own control navigation where the admin can call and transfer patient to another transaction

or service. The system provides monitor display and audio-visual means for directing the

customers and a thermal printer for printing the customer transaction number.

It also has a systematic recording management process where the assigned staff has

the authority to record, delete and process data of the patients. The system also supports the

online monitoring and historical data analysis and statistics related of the customers

Limitations. Furthermore, the system is not responsible for records of payments and

billing transactions, there is an existing system that they are currently using for management

of records. The user must keep a separate information backup data that the system only uses

for Microsoft access and cannot support operating system like Linux and Mac OS. The system

also does not support the voice prom that record voice and play auto to call customers number

and a Kiosk based queues.

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