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St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 

Weekly Literacy Planner  
At St Mary of the Cross the expectation is two hours of Literacy a day 

Homeroom:   Term:​ ​ 1​ 2 ​ 3​ 4  Week:​ 1 2 3 4 ​ ​5 6​ 7 8 ​9 10 ​ 11  Dates:​ 12 / 08 / 2019 to 16 / 8 / 2019 

Content Description (Victorian Curriculum)  Vocabulary/Common Language/Definition 

Reading  Alphabetical Order- ​the order of the letters  

Understand concepts about print and screen, including how books, film and simple digital texts work, and know some features of  Concept About Prints 
print, including directionality (VCELA142)   - left to right   
  -return sweep   
Replicate the rhythms and sound patterns in stories, rhymes, songs and poems from a range of cultures (VCELT172)   --spaces between words   
  -top to bottom   
  -front cover - 
Recognise all upper- and lower-case letters and the most common sound that each letter represents (VCELA146)    -back cover   
Identify rhyming words, alliteration patterns, syllables and some sounds (phonemes) in spoken words (VCELA168)  -illustrations   
Understand that spoken sounds and words can be written and know how to write some high-frequency words and other familiar  -letters   
words including their name   -capital letter   
Visualisation  Visualisation- ​Read Read the sentences 
Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (VCELY153)   Imagine Make a picture in your mind of what you are reading 
  Describe Describe your picture 
EALD CURRICULUM  Evaluate Is this what you have read about 
THRASS​- Focus on the phonemes on the THRASS chart and to focus on the 44 phonemes   
Syllables​ A​ unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound   
St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
Week Five ​ Daily Flashcard word relating to the Mioow words     
Phonemes from the THRASS chart  
Reading Groups (20 mins each) ​Each lesson begins with displaying the learning intentions 
Shared Reading (10-15 mins) ​Each lesson begins with displaying the learning intentions 
  Teacher Group One  Teacher Group Two 
  Session 1  Session 2  Session 3  Session 4  Session 5 
Mon  Tue  Wed  Thurs  Fri  Mon  Text: Level 0-1  Running Records 
  Reading Strategy​: 1-1 correspondence of words/  High Frequency Words 
Text  Big Book  Big Book  Big Book  Big Book  Visualisation   Date  hf words 
Learning  We are learning  We are learning  We are learning  We are learning  We are learning  Students: 
Intention  how to make  how to solve  how to retell a  how to identify high  how to make an  ● Nate 
predictions about a  unknown words by  connected story  frequency words  image in our mind,  ● Mackenzie 
story.  using pictures.   draw a picture and  ● Adhel 
We are learning  looking at the  and then clap out 
how to do a picture  picture and looking  the syllables using  then answer a  ● Alanie 
walk by looking at  at the first letter  the THRASS chart   question   ● Isabella G 
the pictures,  and then the next  ● Elizabeth  
Tues  VIT- see action plan  Running Records 
Date  Reading Strategy:  High Frequency Words 
Possible Foci-​ ​Prediction, phonic and word knowledge, concepts about print, high frequency words, comprehension, reading 
strategies, grammar, punctuation, genre, text characteristics, fiction and nonfiction, fluency, expression  
● A 
● B 
Independent Reading Activities (40 mins)  ● C 
Group One to Four Rotational Groups Mon-Thur ​Refer to task board   ● D 
● E 
Word Work   Activity: Secret CVC words  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box 
  Learning Intention: ​We are learning identify the    Wed  VIT- see action plan  Running Records 
initial sound of a picture to make a secret rhyming  Date  Reading Strategy:  High Frequency Words 
word  Focus   
Work on  Activity: Silly sentences with nouns, verbs and  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box  ● A 
Writing  adjectives    ● B 
Learning Intention:​ We are learning to create a silly  ● C 
sentence with nouns, verbs and adjectives  ● D 
● E 
Fine  Activity: L Blends  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box 
Motor/Spelli Learning Intention: ​We are learning to match the    Thurs  VIT- see action plan  Running Records 
ng  pictures to the correct l blend sister  Date  Reading Strategy:  High Frequency Words 
Listening to  Activity: Listening post  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box  Students: 
Reading  Learning Intention: ​We are learning to track words    ● A 
with our eyes and fingers   ● B 
  ● C 
● D 
Whole Class  PD Day  ● E 
  Fri   PD Day   
  Reading Strategies:​Guided Reading, Language Experience, Read To, Shared Reading, Small Group, Reciprocal Reading Literature C
Students Working With Intervention Teachers/Learning Support Officers 
Required Activities: ​Phonics and word knowledge, reading, responding to literature, comprehension, grammar, punctuation, 
examining literature, THRASS, listening to text     Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 

St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
Week Six ​Daily Flashcard word relating to the Mioow words     
Phonemes from the THRASS chart  
Reading Groups (20 mins each)​Each lesson begins with displaying the learning intentions 
Shared Reading (10-15 mins) ​Each lesson begins with displaying the learning intentions 
  Teacher Group One  Teacher Group Two 
  Session 1  Session 2  Session 3  Session 4  Session 5 
Mon  Tue  Wed  Thurs  Fri  Mon  Text: Level 0-1  Running Records 
  Reading Strategy​: 1-1 correspondence/ hf words  High Frequency Words 
Text  Big Book  Big Book  Big Book  Big Book  School Closure  Date  Focus 
Learning  We are learning  We are learning  We are learning  We are learning    ● Nate 
Intention  how to make  how to solve  how to retell a  how to identify high  ● Mackenzie 
predictions about a  unknown words by  connected story  frequency words  ● Adhel 
story.  using pictures.  
We are learning  looking at the  and then clap out  ● Alanie 
how to do a picture  picture and looking  the syllables using  ● Isabella G 
walk by looking at  at the first letter  the THRASS chart   ● Elizabeth  
the pictures,  and then the next 
letters.   Tues  VIT- see action plan  Running Records 
Date  Reading Strategy:  High Frequency Words 
Possible Foci-​ ​Prediction, phonic and word knowledge, concepts about print, high frequency words, comprehension, reading 
● A 
strategies, grammar, punctuation, genre, text characteristics, fiction and nonfiction, fluency, expression  
● B 
● C 
Independent Reading Activities (40 mins)  ● D 
Group One to Four Rotational Groups Mon-Frir ​Refer to task board   ● E  

Word  Activity: Secret CVC words  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box  Wed  VIT- see action plan  Running Records 
Work   Learning Intention: ​We are learning identify the initial  Date  Reading Strategy:  High Frequency Words 
  sound of a picture to make a secret rhyming word  Focus   
Work on  Activity: Silly sentences with nouns, verbs and  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box  ● A 
Writing  adjectives  ● B 
Learning Intention:​ We are learning to create a silly  ● C 
sentence with nouns, verbs and adjectives  ● D 
● E  
Fine  Activity: L Blends  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box 
Motor/Spe Learning Intention: ​We are learning to match the  Thurs  VIT- see action plan  Running Records 
lling  pictures to the correct l blend sister  Date  Reading Strategy:  High Frequency Words 
Listening  Activity: Listening post  Silent Reading/ Literacy Box  Students: 
to Reading  Learning Intention: ​We are learning to track words  ● A 
with our eyes and fingers   ● B 
  ● C 
● D 
Whole  Whole class reversals of b and d  ● E  
Friday   Fri   Running Records  Running Records 
Date  High Frequency Words  High Frequency Words 
Required Activities: ​Phonics and word knowledge, reading, responding to literature, comprehension, grammar, punctuation,  Students  
examining literature, THRASS, listening to text    
Reading Strategies:​Guided Reading, Language Experience, Read To, Shared Reading, Small Group, Reciprocal Reading Literature C
Students Working With Intervention Teachers/Learning Support Officers 

  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 

St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
Weekly Writing Planner  

Learning Community:    Week:​ 1 2 3 4 ​ ​5 6​ 7 8 ​9 10 ​ 11  Dates:​ 12 / 08 / 2019 to 16 / 8 / 2019 


Learning Intentions ​These must be visible to students and shared with parents  Success Criteria ​These must be visible to students and shared with parents 

Writing   Writing  
We are learning how to write a recount.  I can draw a picture to match my sentence. 
We are learning to write a sentence with the words that we are learning.  I can start at the left hand side. 
We are learning how to sequence events  I can write the word the 
We are learning how to write the high frequency words that we are learning  I can write the word is 
I can write the word in 
We are learning how to use five star writing to help us with our writing   I can copy words from the THRASS chart  
  I can write the word and.  
We are learning how to write procedures.  I am learning how to use five star writing  
We are learning that procedures have instructions   
We are learning that procedures have a set of equipment and instructions.  Grammar 
We are learning that procedure start with a verb.   I can write a sentence using a who. 
We are learning that adjectives describe the size, colour and shape.   I can write a sentence with the who and what doing. 
  I can write a sentence with a who, what doing and what 
Grammar  I can write a sentence with a who, what doing, what and where. 
We are learning how to write sentences using ​who(orange), what doing(yellow) what (green) and where(blue)   I can identify a verb and put it in a sentence. 
  I can use adjectives to describe the size,, shape and colour. 
  I can   
We are learning to write the letter Uu  Handwriting  
I can use the correct starting point when writing the letter Uu 
I can use the correct starting point when writing the letter Vv 
We are learning to write the letter Vv  I am forming my letters using a consistent shape, size and slope. 
I am holding my pencil correctly. 
I can sit quietly without speaking and complete my handwriting.   

Content Description (Victorian Curriculum)  Vocabulary/Common Language/Definition 

Create short texts to explore, record and report ideas and events using familiar words and beginning writing knowledge  Full stop- at the end of a sentence. 
(VCELY160)    Finger spaces 
Recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas (VCELA143)  Words 
  Capital letters- found at the start of the sentence 
Recognise that texts are made up of words and groups of words that make meaning    
  Five Star Writing 
Understand that punctuation is a feature of written text different from letters and recognise how capital letters are used for  Blue- Capital letter to start my sentence. 
names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences (VCELA156)  Green -Punctuation to end my sentence. 
  Pink-Use finger spaces. 
Understand that spoken sounds and words can be written and know how to write some high-frequency words and other familiar  Yellow-Use neat handwriting. 
words including their name (VCELA157) Prep    Red-My sentence makes sense. 
Understand that sounds in English are represented by upper- and lower-case letters that can be written using learned letter 
formation patterns for each case (VCELY162)  
Participate in shared editing of students’ own texts for meaning, spelling, capital letters and full stops (VCELY161) 
St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
Week Five 

  Mini lesson  Whole Class Focus  Independent Learning  Focus Groups  Share time, Tchr Summary & 
(Date/  A short sharp task relating  Modelled or Shared  Students work through the stages of the writing process :​ planning, composing, editing and  List any student who works with the teacher in a  Feedback 
sessions)  to grammar, punctuation  construction of a genre for  publishing​. Students may work individually, in pairs or in small groups.   Focus Group using one of the following  Students articulate what they 
and vocabulary  what students do in the  Teacher works with Focus Groups during this time.   strategies:  have learnt and share their 
development.  independent aspect eg  ● language experience;  composed texts. 
  planning, composing,  (20 mins) 
● interactive writing;  (10 min) 
(8-10 min)  editing and publishing.   ● small group; 
(15 mins)  ● guided writing; 
● modelled/shared writing; and 
Task Description  Enabling Prompt  Extension Prompt  ● conferencing.  

Session 1:  Kung Fu Panda  Each lesson begins with  Students are to plan their writing by  Chart with the words  Write another sentence  Roving around the space and making sure that  Have a few students to read 
Monday     learning intention  drawing a picture of a ​………  brainstormed    all students know what to do  their sentences aloud.  
   Revising the different          Focus students- ​choose five students to work   
Date    punctuation marks​ U  Write on butchers paper   Teacher to take the students step by step  THRASS chart   Students who cannot write  with   Students reading their work 
Draw a picture of an event  how to ​write (students are to be writing    sentences independently  1  1. 
that occurred on the  independently in their books)  Have the words it is a  after trying it first will copy  2  2. 
weekend    and on flashcards on a  the sentence underneath  3  3. 
  On the weekend l …….  chart or ring which  the teachers sentence.    4  4. 
Develop the vocabulary    students can access it     5  5. 
around the concept(write  On Saturday         
these words onto the    Students can use the  Have students use time   
white board)  On Sunday   words that were  words   
    brainstormed on the  First 
Write about the weekend    white board  Then 
Model to students how to  Teacher to articulate where to start, finger  Have students use  Can you add your opinion 
write a sentence step by  spaces and the direction of the letters.   time words 
step   First 
On the weekend (who),  Finally  
(where) (with who or how) 
Finally​ E
​ xtension add your 
I really loved going to the 

Session 2  Explain to students what  Each lesson begins with  Students are given an outline of a letter  Template of the letter  Students can use question  Roving around the space and making sure that  Have a few students to read 
Tuesday  an adjective is.  learning intention      marks at the end of each  all students know what to do  their sentences aloud.  
      Dear_________________  A list of questions that  statements   Focus students- ​choose five students to work   
Introduce the concept of  Ask students what would    you can ask?  with   Students reading their work 
adjective according to  you see on a letter?   _______________________________    1  1. 
size  Brainstorm the ideas.    Sentence starters  2  2. 
    _______________________________    3  3. 
Brainstorm different words  Explain the purpose of a    What is your  4  4. 
to describe sixe  letter ( it is to tell or ask  From  favourite?  5  5. 
Big small, tiny huge,  information)         
humongous, miniature etc     Students write a letter   Do you like?   
  Start to write words and       
Students are given a  sentences starters related    I like 
picture on a card and they  to vocabulary and  After writing a letter to someone in the  I have 
have to use one of the  sentence starters on the  class students sit down and read their   
words to describe the  VCOP wall  letter, so the other students can answer 
picture from a word on the  Write on butchers paper  the questions. 
VCOP wall.    Then swap roles  
Teacher to model how to 
write a letter to a friend 
Dear/To…… , (comma) 
- Information 
St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
- Questions 
From ​first name and 

Session 3:  Revisit words from the  Revisit previous lesson  Students are given an outline of a letter  Template of the letter  Students can use question  Roving around the space and making sure that  Have a few students to read 
Wednesday    VCOP wall relating to  and write a letter to      marks at the end of each  all students know what to do  their sentences aloud.  
  adjective(size)  another person in the  Dear_________________  A list of questions that  statements   Focus students- ​choose five students to work   
Date    class to ask for specific    you can ask?  with   Students reading their work 
Students are given a  information  _______________________________    1  1. 
different picture and they      Sentence starters  2  2. 
have to use an adjective to  Dear/To…… , (comma)  _______________________________    3  3. 
describe the picture and  - Information    What is your  4  4. 
put it in a sentence.  - Questions  From  favourite?  5  5. 
From ​first name and       
surname   Students write a letter   Do you like?   
I like   
I have   

Session 4:  Revisit words from the  Continue with letter  Students choice someone that they would  Template of the letter  Students can use question  Roving around the space and making sure that  Have a few students to read 
Thursday  VCOP wall relating to  writing  like to write to and write their letters     marks at the end of each  all students know what to do  their sentences aloud.  
Date  adjective(size)    A list of questions that  statements   Focus students- ​choose five students to work   
  Teacher models the  you can ask?  with   Students reading their work 
Students are given a  layout the letter     1  1. 
different picture and they    Sentence starters  2  2. 
have to use an adjective to  Dear/To…… , (comma)    3  3. 
describe the picture and  - Information  What is your  4  4. 
put it in a sentence.  - Questions  favourite?  5  5. 
  From ​first name and     
Extension students have to  surname   Do you like?   
use a colour and size     
adjective to describe the  I like   
picture  I have   
ie) the tiny pink pig lives on  \ 
the farm  

Session 5:  School Closure              


Week Six  

  Mini lesson  Whole Class Focus  Independent Learning  Focus Groups  Share time, Tchr Summary & 
(Date/  A short sharp task relating  Modelled or Shared  Students work through the stages of the writing process :​ planning, composing, editing and  List any student who works with the teacher in a  Feedback 
sessions)  to grammar, punctuation  construction of a genre for  publishing​. Students may work individually, in pairs or in small groups.   Focus Group using one of the following  Students articulate what they 
and vocabulary  what students do in the  Teacher works with Focus Groups during this time.   strategies:  have learnt and share their 
development.  independent aspect eg  ● language experience;  composed texts. 
  planning, composing,  (20 mins) 
● interactive writing;  (10 min) 
(8-10 min)  editing and publishing.   ● small group; 
(15 mins)  ● guided writing; 
● modelled/shared writing; and 
● conferencing.  

Session 1:  KUng Fu Punctuation   Each lesson begins with  Students are to plan their writing by  Chart with the words  Write another sentence  Roving around the space and making sure that  Have a few students to read 
Monday  learning intention  drawing a picture of a ​……...  brainstormed    all students know what to do  their sentence aloud.  
Date    Teacher to take the students step by step      Focus students- ​choose five students to work   
Write on butchers paper   how to ​write (students are to be writing  THRASS chart   Use time words  with   Students reading their work 
Draw a picture of a  independently in their books)      1  1. 
---------      2  2. 
St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
Develop the vocabulary  On the weekend l   Have the words it is a    3  3. 
around the concept    and on flashcards on a    4  4. 
  Teacher to articulate where to start, finger  chart or ring which  Have students use the  5  5. 
On the weekend l   spaces and the direction of the letters.  students can access it   matrix to tick of the 5 star   
Model to students how to  Introduce 5 star Writing to the students   Have students use     
write sentences step by  Blue- Capital letter to start my sentence.  high frequency words 
step   Green -Punctuation to end my sentence.   
  Pink-Use finger spaces. 
  Yellow-Use neat handwriting. 
Red-My sentence makes sense.  

Session 2:  Revisit the concept of  Read the story of the Little  Students need to put the pictures in order    Illustrate the list with a  Roving around the space and making sure that  Have a few students to read 
Tuesday  adjectives  Red Hen.  according to the story to demonstrate that  picture beside each word   all students know what to do  their sentence aloud.  
Date      a procedure had a sequence.   Focus students- ​choose five students to work   
This time focus on shape  Ask students what to think  with   Students reading their work 
  about what the Little Red  1  1. 
Brainstorm words related  Hen needed   2  2. 
to shape     3  3. 
round, square, circula​r   Provide students with the  4  4. 
  visual of the story  5  5. 
Students have to find  (Sparklebox) and put them     
something in the room and  in order.      
then use adjectives to     
describe it  
Up level it use colour, size, 

Session 3:  Students find an object in  Revisit the story of the  Students assist the teacher to make bread        Have a few students to read 
Wednesday  the room and they have to  Little Red Hen  reinforcing the verbs to develop language  their sentence aloud.  
Date  describe it to their group.   Audio   and understanding - Pour  Students reading their work 
ogrammes/b03g6twg  - Mix  1. 
  - Stir etc   2. 
Ask students if l was going  Add these words onto the VCOP wall  3. 
to make bread what    4. 
would I need  Make the bread to re-inforce words  5. 
Introduce the concept of   
the genre   
Title- How to make bread. 
What to do 

Session 4:    Ask students to predict  Students are then given pictures of         
Thursday  what you would need to  making fairy bread that they need to 
Date  make fairy bread  sequence with a partner. 
Making Fairy Bread  Bring students together and discuss the 
  order of the procedure. 
  Students make fairy bread with a teacher 
What to do  or LS0  
Brainstorm responses  While this is happening, students have to 
from the students   put the pictures in order in their writing 

Session 5:  Revisit words from the  Creative Writing  Students plan their writing using a picture  Letter        
Friday   VCOP wall relating to  and then they can choose a genre or topic  Recount 
Date  adjective(size)  they would like to write about.  Card 
St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
  Students choose a topic or  Lisy  
Students are given a  genre that they would like 
different picture and they  to write in 
have to use an adjective to 
describe the picture and 
put it in a sentence. 
Extension students have to 
use a colour and size 
adjective to describe the 
ie) the tiny pink pig lives on 
the farm  



  Whole Class Focus  Independent Learning 

Date:  Each lesson begins with learning intention  Students to complete a worksheet where they have to trace the words  
  Letter Uu   
- Focus on sitting position   
- Fingers positioned correct distance from the tip of the pencil ( left to right)   
- Use appropriate pressure   
- Paper/book positioned correctly   

Date:  Each lesson begins with learning intention  Students will listen to the CD and follow the instructions  
  The THRASS listening to the formations and focus on the sound that the letter l can make 
The Letter Getter (Sunshine online) Uu 

Date:    Students rotational activities 

Fine Motor - Tracing and Construction    
Make something with the letter U -  

  Whole Class Focus  Independent Learning 

Date:  Each lesson begins with learning intention  Students to complete a worksheet where they have to trace the words  
  Letter Vv   
- Focus on sitting position   
- Fingers positioned correct distance from the tip of the pencil ( left to right)   
- Use appropriate pressure   
- Paper/book positioned correctly   

Date:  Each lesson begins with learning intention  Students will listen to the CD and follow the instructions  
  The THRASS listening to the formations and focus on the sound that the letter l can make 
The Letter Getter (Sunshine online) Vv 

Date:    Students rotational activities 

Fine Motor - Tracing and Construction    
Make something with the letter Vv - vegetables (Initial sounds Art and Craft)  
St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School 
SPELLING - Week Five 

Spelling   Whole Class Focus  Independent Learning 

Date:   Daily flashcard work golden, red, blue and green words   Students to sit with homegroup teacher or Learning Support Officer to read these words and then write them on a white 
Day  Students need to be able to read them and write them with automaticity  boards 
Letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds using the THRASS chart    
Have students sound them out and write them    

Monday,  Introduce the R blends   

Wednesday,  ● Watch Jack Hartman video , introduce as R cousins, dr, cr, pr, br,fr, gr, tr, gr  
Friday  ● Go through the sounds each blend makes 
● Brainstorm words that begin with the blend 
● Look through books to find an r blend 

Date:   Focus- Segmenting into sounds    

Day  Focus on segmenting words into individual sounds  
Phoneme focus brainstorm words and make anchor charts   
w a x as in wax  
Blend sounds associated with letters when reading consonant-vowel-consonant words  
Find some words that rhyme fax, wax, tax, beeswax,  
SPELLING - ​Week Six 

Spelling   Whole Class Focus  Independent Learning 

  Daily flashcard work golden, red, blue and green words   Students to sit with homegroup teacher or Learning Support Officer to read these words and then write them on a white 
Date:   Students need to be able to read them and write them with automaticity  boards 
Letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds using the THRASS chart    
Have students sound them out and write them    
R blends 
● Go through the sounds each blend makes 
● Brainstorm words that begin with the blend 
● Look through books to find an r blend 

Date:   Focus- Segmenting into sounds    

Day  Focus on segmenting words into individual sounds  
Phoneme focus brainstorm words and make anchor charts   
v e t as in vet  
Blend sounds associated with letters when reading consonant-vowel-consonant words     
Find some words that rhyme vet, met, pet, wet, set,  

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