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FANGORN the Third Age, much of Middle-earth is however, many other powers within Middle-earth, lurking within the forests and vales and avoiding the wars and conflicts of other realms. Within the (Of these ancient lands, Fangorn is by far the oldest boughs of this great forest dwell the Ents, the tree-shepherds of Middle amongst, a fact that has often led t themselves, The Ents have lived in Middle-earth since the the world and once walked among the trees of all the great ah. The Ents often resemble the very tees the live rm to be confused with the dawn forests Howews, in the dwindling years of the Third Age, they are few in number and reside only within Fangor. The Ents give little thought to the world beyond their boundaries, not bothering themselves with the affairs of the other races in Middle-ewsth and they grow sleepy with the weight of millennia The forest itself has become unruly, the Ents themselves being 00 few in number now 0 manage all of the ines under their ARMY COMPOSITION This army may include: Treebeard and Ents so some become wild and lash out at those thar Fangorn’s many paths. There have been no m lost wande Enuing fa ‘a terribly long time, ¢ enturies ago. In fact, dhe Entwives were lost since the Entwives w 1 many Ents cannot even remember what they Initially refusing to join in the cause for good during the War of The Ring, the treachery of Saruman eventually ran too ints 1o ignore. Huge swathes of the forest had been ripped upto fuel the forges of Isengard, with Saruman's army caring neither fo the great history of those that dwell inthe forest, nor the lived of those that still dwelt there. This heinous act was enough wo spur the Ents into action, and drove them to fury. Rousing th slumbering tree-shepherds from their sleep, Treebeard, greatest of the Ents, leads the Onodsim from the depths of Fangorn Forest and together they head towards battle against the forces of Isengard. In search of vengeance for those he had known since nut and acorn, Theebeard and the Ents march to what could potentially be their doom, in-an attempt to release the River sen and wash away the filth of Saruman forever. ARMY BONUS “Don't be Hasty!” ~ Ent models from this army list gain the Fearless speci rule. Additionally, Ent models are fected by any Magical Powers or special completely una rules that would prevent them from moving or mov them against their will (the only exception is that the will sill ake the hit from a Sorcerous Blast, but will suffer no further effects). Additionally, Ent models are ‘completely unaffected by the Nature's Wrath and Weath of Bruinen Magical Powers. TREEBEARD . ENT|MONSTER, INFANTRY, HERO ~ HERO OF LEGEND Greatest of the eerie tat wc eet ee BW yw WARGEAR pow and Branches. HEROIC ACTIONS + Heroic Strike + Heroic Strength + Heroic Defence OPTIONS Merry & Pippin.. 10 points If this option is taken, both Merry ‘Pippin wil ide into battle pon Treebeard: TMeY will use their profiles from the Fellowship army list (see page 10), but Sere caiag ing from the Fangom army list forall inten and purposes. Although this will not give Treebeard the Cavalry keyword, Merry & Pippin count a8 Passengers upon Siecbeard with the exception that enemy shooune ‘or attacks tayo target them. Whilst upon Treebeard, Merry & Pippin Shay sfilluse their Throw Stones special rule, using their own i venge even if Teecbeard has moved his 2% without suffering the -1 penalty for moving and shooting, Should they dismount, Merry & Pippin mY re-mount Thesbeard by moving into base contact with im Merry & Pippin ‘ancient race of Ents, Treebeard is immensely old and has pot the word. Since the loss of the Entwives, Teebe re the g oe Sarees Fangorn Fi teal concerning f , Treebeard has cared litte for the go op” sf with shepherding those under his care, Should a threat cor ne to Fangor, i creo ll anda ieee eae n, Treebeard wit! undoubtedly unleash hi h i SPECIAL RULES Berean Sues Woodland Creature. oe Bludgeon ERRSSIEERREA - Enis are not adverse to picking tp ther enemies and using them to bludgeon others shat threaten them. Select one enemy model in the Fight to be picked up by the tnt and become the bludgeon. f the model is a Cavalry model, the riders picked up and immediately dismounted ‘This model cannot be a Monster. select another mode in the Fight forthe Ent to hit with he bludgeon. Both the target andthe bludgeon sue one sre path it the ages slain, the Bnt may another target and repeat te process agin This AY OS done oe either the Ent fais to stay a target or ete hhoose Should the bludgeon fare no more eligible targets (0.4 knocked Prone. Note that the Ent may ssurvive, they will be ieep using the bludgeon even jf the bludgeon is slain. repeatedly 1 ; WARRIORS OF FANGORN 120 POINTS ENT... ENT, MONSTER, INFANTRY, WARRIOR The Enis are the great tree-shepherds of Middle-earth, having roamed the frets ofthe world for uncountable years. Alhoush in the la years ofthe Third Age they area scarce sigh, the Ents are no less formidable. They are easly capable of wearing down fortifications and fzard Saruman found to his dismay when the Ents marched upon Isengard. bludgeon EMENEIPSZEN - Ents are no up their enemies and using them to bludgeon others that threaten breaking apart rock and stone, something the Ws My F S DAWC se to picking Pj e 6 3 3 6 them. WARGEAR Roots and Branches Select one enemy model in the Fight to be picked up by the Ent and become the bludgeon. If the model is a Cavalry model, the rider is picked up and immediately dismounted SPECIAL RULES This model cannot be a Monster. Terror, Throw Stones (range 18", Strength 10), Woodland Creature. Select another model in the Fight for the Ent to hit with the bludgeon. Both the target and the bludgeon suffer one Strength 8 hit. If the target is slain, the Ent may pick another target and repeat the process again. This may be done repeatedly until either the Ent fails to slay a target, or here are no more eligible targets to choose. Should the bludgeo" survive, they will be knocked Prone. Note that the Ent ms keep using the bludgeon even if the bludgeon is slain.

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