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Planning for Quality and Productivity

1. Enumerate and describe, with examples, which critical components of total quality

management did Nissan use in its operations.

- Nissan motors uses the following critical components of total quality management on its


• Division of task/ Management Division- in order to be organize, nissan divide its management

in to sub-division where every division focuses only to their specific task.. Just what is stated

nissan have 4 sub-division the first one is design team who is task for the design making, second

is the engineering team for making the parts of every vehicle a real one, third the manufacturing

team where every parts is made and the finished parts is being assemble and for coming up into

the finished product, last is the sales and marketing where the finished product where being

marketed is the job of the sales and marketing , they are responsible for making buyers /

exporting the cars.

- Siting of Location - Nissan motors consider different factors in choosing a best location for

their their company specially for the manufacturing of their products. They sited the labors

available in the place , it is important to site a place where knowledgeable labors are present for

them to have the best worker. Another thing the location is accessible through land and water, its

a big factor in exporting their products in other other places and other part of the world.In

addition its a good thing that the place where the nisaan is located supports their business and

provide them an incentives for having their people a job.

- Production - in terms on production, they segregate the task per shop. They , the nissan motors

educate their employee to the production process itself. They also imform their employees about

their "improvement culture" that should all the employee must apply.

2. Research on Nissan’s vision and mission. How did they incorporate these in the company? 2

 VISION: Enriching people lives, building trust with our employees , costumers ,

dealers , partners , shareholders and the world at large.

 MISSION: To provide unique and innovative automotive products and

services that deliver superior measurable values to all stakeholders in

alliance with Renault.

They, the nissan motors well incorporate their vision and mission to their company. From the

enrichment of the lives of their employee customers and shareholders up to providing the value

of their products.

‘3. What are the core values that can be seen in Nissan total quality management ?

 Commitment and Continuous Improvement- the Nissan motors having their improvement

culture are open for improvement in creating their product and on their process itself.

 Accountability at all levels- the Nissan motors made themselves an accountable one from

the location and their just in time technology.

 Teamwork through trust and passion- the Nissan motors made them employee realizes

their importance in the process and from being a company member.

4. Describe the just in time management to ensure the quality in its products.

- The just in time technology of Nissan motors help them in order to be accountable

enough for themselves and to their customer.They make sure that the orders, the

production and all the things must be done on time or before time. For examples in

ordering parts of the vehicle if they call for orders and schedule a time it must be deliver

on that given time.

5. Based on the case , how does Nissan define quality?

- Based on the case, Quality means that in order to insure that you must give value on your

doing and to come up with a valuable product.


BSA- 201-A

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