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Kalilangan, Bukidnon
S.Y 2019-2020
Name: ___________________________________ Date:________Score: MUSIC-
Year&Section:_______________ ARTS-
Direction: HEALTH-
1. Read each question very carefully.
2. Multiple Choices-Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. A multi-movement work for an instrumental soloist and orchestra .
a. rondo b. symphony c. concerto d. sonata
2. A section of the sonata allegro form where the theme is introduced .
a. recapitulation b. exposition c. theme and variation d. development
3. __________________ is the general texture of the Classical music.
a. homophonic b. monophonic c. heterophonic d. polyphonic
4. It usually implies heroic or tragic drama that employs mythological characteristics.
a. opera b. classical opera c. opera seria d. opera buffa
5. Which of the following is NOT a work of Franz Joseph Haydn?
a. The Clock b. The Military c. Fidelio d. Surprise Symphony
6. What section of the sonata allegro that repeats the theme as they emerged in the exposition.
a. recapitulation b. exposition c. theme and variation d. development
7. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. The Magic Flute b. The Marriage of Figaro c. Missa Solemnis d. Don Giovanni
8. Who was the composer that lived his life in poverty, died young and buried in an unknown grave due to
mismanaged finances?
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven b. Franz Joseph Haydn
c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. None
9. What age was Mozart recognized as an exceptional pianist?
a. five b. six c. seven d. eight
10.The opera entitled “Don Giovanni” is one of the many famous works of?
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven b. Franz Joseph Haydn c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. none
11. Is a multi-movement work for orchestra?
a. rondo b. symphony c. concerto d. sonata
12. The term which refers to an Italian opera is the________________________.
a. opera b. classical opera c. opera seria d. opera buffa
13. A________________ is a multi movement work for solo instrument.
a. rondo b. symphony c. concerto d. sonata
14. This term is applied to a variety of works for a solo instrument such as keyboard or violin.
a. sinfonia b. sonare c. alberti bass d. cantata
15. It is a special type of broken chord accompaniment.
a. cantata b. alberti bass c. sinfonia d. sonare
1. The most common subject of this period is human philosophy.
a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Sculpture d. Classical
2. The art during this period reflects the tensions of the age.
a. renaissance b. Baroque c. Architecture d. Classical
3. Which among the following is not an artist of the renaissance period?
a. Da Vinci b. Michelangelo c. Bernini d. Rafael
4. A type of artwork from the Renaissance period which was characterized by its symmetry and balance.
a. painting b. sculptures c. architecture d. Dancing
5. A cathedral built in the renaissance period.
a. St. Peters basilica
b. making of the Sistine Chapel
c. designing of the Piazza San Pietro
d. None
6. It was the first known free standing nude statue sculptured by Donatello.
a. David b. Gattamelata c. St. George d. St. Peters Basilica
7. It is regarded as one of the world’s most reproduced religious picture.
a. Monna Lisa b. Adoration of the Magi c. Last Supper d. Mona
8. The artist that was popularized in the 21st century by a novel and a movie.
a. Da Vinci b. Michelangelo c. Raphael d. Rubens
9. It is known to be Raphael’s last painting.
a. The Sistine Madonna b. The school of Athens c. The transfiguration d. Monna Lisa
10. He was an Italian artist and the first Baroque artist.
a. Bernini b. Rubens c. Rembrandt d. Leonardo
11. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Caravaggio b. Bernini c. Rubens d. Donatello
12. Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he formed the traditional trinity of great masters of
that period.
a. Rubens b. Donatello c. Raphael d. Caravaggio
13. He was the last in the list of the dazzling universal geniuses.
a. Da Vinci b. Caravaggio c. Bernini d. Rubens
14. He was the greatest Baroque sculptor and architect.
a. Velasquez b. Rembrandt c. Bernini d. Da Vinci
15. One of his famous works is the “Conversion of St. Paul”.
a. Caravaggio b. Velasquez c. Rembrandt d. Bernini
1. Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other people
in a certain formal or semi-formal occasion?
a. ballroom dances b. festival dances c. character d. dance etiquette
2. What is the general term referring to the DOs and DON’Ts in social dancing?
a. behaviour b. character c. dance demeanour d. dance etiquette
3. Which of the following is an example of modern standard dances?
a. cha-cha-cha b. jive c. rumba d. waltz
4. Which of the following is the attire appropriate for males in modern standard dances?
a. black/white shirt b. black/white long sleeves c. black/white sweat shirt d. coat and tie
5. Social dancing can prevent some diseases, caused by sedentary lifestyle, if regularly performed. Which
of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. diabetes b. lung cancer c. obesity d. weight gain
6. Which of the following best describes social dances?
a. Social dances are for pairs
b. Social dances can be competed
c. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and fitness
d. Social dances are dances that entertain people in attendance to a social function
7. What outfit must the female dancers of Latin dances wear?
a. conservative outfit b. Sexy outfit c. Dinner dresses d. Long gown
8. How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and well being?
a. They help make one physically engaged and active preventing lifestyle diseases.
b. They cure lifestyle diseases.
c. They help prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases.
d. They develop one’s talent in dancing.
9. “It takes two to Tango.”What does this quote mean?
a. A Tango requires two individuals to dance.
b. One cannot exist without the other.
c. It takes two to make any endeavour work.
10. In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed in such training?
a. Leadership b. Obedience c. Respect d. all
11. Which of the following refers to the communal dances performed in social gatherings in any given space?
a. Dancesport b. Social Dances c. Latin Dances d. Standard Dances
12. The country where RUMBA originated.
a. Spain b. USA c. Brazil d. Cuba
13. It is where JIVE/BOOGIE originated.
a. Spain b. USA c. Brazil d. Austria
14. The country where TANGO originated.
a. Vienna b. Argentina c. USA d. Spain
15. The country where cha-cha-cha originated.
a. Cuba b. Vienna c. USA d. Spain
1. Who among the Grade 9 students are good first aiders?
Student A who tells his brother the severity of the injury
Student B who comforts his classmate while treating his fracture
Student C who stays calm while treating his wound on the finger
Student D who performs the proper procedure in giving first aid to poisoning
a. Students A and B only c. Students A, B and C only
b. Students B and C only d. Students B, C and D only
2. Why is it important to follow proper techniques and procedures in giving first aid?
a. It may lead to further harm
b. It can replace a nurse or a doctor
c. It can alleviate pain and save lives
d. It gives initial treatment to an injured person
3. To whom can you apply your knowledge and skills in first aid?
a. oneself b. family c. community d. all
4. When do we use primary survey on the victim?
a. When the victim is conscious
b. When the victim is unconscious
c. During the survey of the scene
d. After the victim has regained his consciousness
5. To which situation can this saying “Prevention is better than cure” be applied?
I. Person A who practices safety consciousness at all times.
II. Person B who performs proper first aid to an injury.
III. Person C who proceeds to primary survey of the victims upon seeing that the scene is not safe.
IV. Person D who keeps things at home and in school in order.
6. Which of the following best describes a first aider?
a. A good first aider is calm, resourceful and ready to rescue during emergencies.
b. A good first aider equips himself with proper knowledge and skills in order to give proper first
aid during emergency situations.
c. A good first aider thinks first before acting in an emergency situation.
d. A good first aider is proud of himself that he has more knowledge and skills than the others.
7. What is being used to reduce swelling and relieve pain, especially used for sprains and strains.
a. dressing b. Cold compress c. Hot compress d. Bandage
8. Which of the following is used for wounds on top and back of the head, chest, back, hand, and foot, and as
arm sling?
a. triangular bandage b. Open phase bandaging c. Cravat phase bandaging d. bandaging
9. Injuries happen at any time. What should we do to prevent unintentional injuries?
a. We must reduce the risk of accidents.
b. We must practice safety measures at all times.
c. We must equip ourselves with proper knowledge and skills in first aid
d. All of the above
10. When a first aider does not alarm a victim, what characteristic does he/she show?
a. resourceful b. Tactfulness c. Observant d. resourcefulness
11. What is used to stop bleeding and provide support for immobilization of a fracture?
a. dressing b. Bandage c. Hot compress d. Cold compress
12. What open wound is caused by nails, needles and other pointed objects?
a. fracture b. Puncture c. Wound d. Laceration
13. Which is used to transport an unconscious victim who should not be lifted due to serious injuries?
a. blanket drag b. Hammock carry c. Chair carry d. Lover’s carry
14. Which of the following is NOT an objective of first aid?
a. To intensify suffering b. To prolong life
c. To prevent added injury c. None
15. Which of the following is a piece of sterile cloth used to cover a wound?
a. dressing b. Bandage c. Hot compress d. Compression
Good luck and God Bless☺

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