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1. O Executive Summary
Katipunan Pharmacy is on their 11th year in serving
Marketing strategy is required to their business to
not just the local people of Katipunan bout also
enhance their methods in providing a better results
those consumers from nearest municipalities.
and be top of all competitors.
Serving a good quality of product in the lowest price.
Katipunan Pharmacy is not just offered prescription 2.1 Market Summary
medication but also school supplies and other
health related products and services. The Katipunan Pharmacy possessed useful
information about their market that they want to
Katipunan Pharmacy is the first pharmacy in serve. They used this information for a better
Katipunan which reach longest time in service and understanding on how to deal with their market
still counting, this gives them an edge on gaining and how they are going to serve them a good
trust than their competitors. service that only Katipunan Pharmacy can.
Katipunan Pharmacy ensure the quality of products Target Market
and services offered by providing good customer

The Katipunan Pharmacy years in service shows

10% 10%
that this business is always in trends. Medicine is
one of necessities of human, the reason why 20%
Katipunan Pharmacy boost the profitability. The
continuous efforts of management will bring the
business into success. 30%

2.0 Situation Analysis

Katipunan Pharmacy its 11th year in operation. The 15-19 yrs. old 20-29 yrs. old
products and services offered are well provided and
accepted by the consumers. By growing, the 30-44 yrs. old 45-54 yrs.old
pharmacy business competitors arise also that
55 yrs. Old and above
makes their profit stumbled.

Pie shows the percentage of each market assumed profit


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The table 2.1 shows predicted percentage of Katipunan Pharmacy providing a quality products
market growth in each potential customers. and services that relevant to the needs and wants
According to the PSA more than 50% of the of their consumers. Katipunan Pharmacy uses their
consumers are consuming product through good customer relation into good service that
pharmacy. We just assumed that 50% of the total brings them into profitable firm. Katipunan
population in Katipunan in each potential customer Pharmacy seeks to fulfill the following benefits that
in the year when the marketing plan is not yet in act. are important to their customers.
Every year the numbers of the potential consumers
 Accessibility- Katipunan Pharmacy is located
grow by their predicted percenrage.
near their core customers that makes their
2.1.1 Market Demographics products and services ease to acquire through
their conveniently-located store.
The profile for the Katipunan Pharmacy customer
consist of the following demographic, and behavior  Customer service- the pharmacy offers a
factors: reliable information on reading doctors
prescribed medication. They serve a good
Demographic customer relation by accommodating each
well. They ensure that they bring satisfaction
According to PSA:
to their customer.
 Pharmacy has an equal ratio between
 Pricing- the product offered by pharmacy is
male and female.
not just ensure to have a good quality but in a
 A total of 50% of general papulation of the
lowest price for the customers can easily
target market went to pharmacies acquire.
 Ages 15-19 are rarely go to pharmacy,
2.1.3 Market Trends
almost half of them are minors that not
Customer views about pharmacy nowadays is not
capable to buy prescribe medicine, mostly just providing good quality of medicine or any
ages 20-44 are the one who go to health related products but also offered different
kind of products like cosmetics products. The
pharmacy. Those who are in the age of 45-
Katipunan Pharmacy should adopt the changes on
54, most of them are always stay in home how consumers their business and what is trends
and not the one who buy the product. The nowadays. This is the indicators that their market
will be wide and they will consider additional target
age 55 and above are the one who needs market not just for those who are capable to buy
the product but most of them are have no prescribe medicine but also for the additional
strength to go to pharmacy, their decision acquire products and services. Most of its
target market uses social media, Katipunan
making of choosing where to buy is not
Pharmacy should adopt this trends in order to
whit theme. increase the growth of its profit. Online
shopping also trends in a pharmaceutical
Behavior Factors
business that’s why Katipunan pharmacy
 Users who are tired in going to the city. should consider together in building a social
 Users who have close relation to the media account to be more relevant to the
personnel or the business itself. consumers.
 Users that build loyalty to the business.
 Users who are in more relevant and less 2.1.4 Market Growth
priced medicine and other offered product.
The stable profit of Katipunan Pharmacy is the
 Users who heard good things about the
indicators of continuous customer satisfaction.
business from other consumers.
Because of increasing needs of health related
2.1.2 Market Needs products, the competitors also begun to arise.
Those consumers that not yet build loyalty has a
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possibility of change their buying behaviors and culture of the Filipino, considering in rural place like
acquire the product of Katipunan Pharmacy. Katipunan who have strong bond in beliefs of the
old ones that they can be cure without taking any
2.2 SWOT Analysis medicine made from science. This can create big
treats to the pharmacy, but because of the good
The following SWOT analysis captures the key
reputation and good customer relation the
strengths and weaknesses within the business
business it still surviving and continue providing
and describes the opportunities and threats good quality of product and services.
facing Katipunan Pharmacy.
2.4 Product Offering
2.2.1 Strength
Katipunan Pharmacy is offering the following
 Katipunan Pharmacy already stablish a product:
customer loyalty because of being the first
pharmacy in Katipunan who operate a long  The first product is prescription
time. medication both generic and name brand
 The pharmacy gain trust from their  The second product offered are personal
consumers because of providing them hygiene products
reliable services and relevant price.  The third product offered is school
 Katipunan Pharmacy not only known by supplies. This product is rarely seen in any
their service but also known to have a pharmacies that makes them different.
good proprietor that being a good public  They also offered Beverage and frozen
official. This brings a good reputation to foods that mostly seen in other pharmacy.
the business.  In creating a marketing strategy, Pharmacy
also need to adopt the trends in their
2.2.2 Weaknesses business today like acquiring cosmetic
 Lack of managerial skills
 Personnel lack of experience and 2.5 Keys to Success
knowledge about the business
The key to success are:
2.2.3 Opportunity
 Adopt trends
 Capability to start establishing a branch  Maintaining good customer relation
 Adopt 24/7 service  Maintaining relevant price in the product
 Growing demand of medicine in the offered
market  Maintaining good quality of product and
2.2.4 Threats
2.6 Critical Issues
 Personnel compensation
 Growing competitors The critical issues are for Katipunan Pharmacy to:
 Government regulation
 Expand and stablish branches to wider it
 Low consumer’s income
market area.
 Growing consumer’s belief about fate
 adopt 24/7 in service to acquire additional
consumers especially those have work in
2.3 Competition day time
 ensure personnel right compensation to
Katipunan Pharmacy is on the run of growing its motivate them at work
market but there are lot of competitors to consider  acquire additional knowledge on
who also growing and bring treats to the business. managing a business and its function
There is only one direct competitor in Katipunan,
but there are also indirect competitors like fate
healers who directly affect the business. The strong

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consume medicine in pharmacy and this will
3.0 Marketing Strategy increase by promoting good quality of products and
Katipunan Pharmacy marketing strategy is to focus services. Katipunan Pharmacy product targeting the
in providing quality of product and services in more growing number of old ones and those who needs
relevant price, by this action their loyal customer maintenance for their health. By continuing the
will stay and can attract more potential customers good and accessible service this will give a good
by word of mouth from those who consume their progress and increase of number of target market
product and services. All products are useful to all in the next three years.
of the different segment this is a high indicator that
3.5 Positioning
it has a big chance of success by maintaining their
good customer relation. According to the Katipunan Pharmacy will position itself as the
Philippine Statistic Authority 50.1% of the leading pharmacy in Katipunan and to the extent of
household went to pharmacies this information is other geographical target. Katipunan Pharmacy is
shows that more than a half of a total segment are providing a good quality of product and services to
acquiring medicine in pharmacy that needs to give its core costumer. The Katipunan Pharmacy
a better service like extending the time of service continuous effort of adopting change in the market
and making it 24/7 open for everyone to acquire in can take it to success. This will achieve by adopting
the pharmacy and not to the other competitor. The the change and trends propose by the marketing
Pharmacy also needs to develop and engage online strategy.
strategy like creating social media and adopt and
accept online orders in order to serve those almost 3.6 Strategies
half of household who don’t want spending their
To be the leading pharmacy in Katipunan, the need
times going in a pharmacy.
to focus on making more realizable plan that can
3.1 Mission help it happen. This will achieve by continuous
effort of the management and creating a good plan
Katipunan Pharmacy mission is to provide for the innovation and adaptation of trends in the
customers a good quality of goods and services and business. Giving the best and what is good for both
be more accessible to everyone. Maintaining a the business and consumers will give a possible
strong relation to customers and be more relevant result.
and give the best and reasonable price.
The pharmacy can use social media to reach their
3.2 Marketing Objectives target market whenever they may be. It helps a lot
to evaluate customer’s satisfaction and it can easily
 to maintain positive feedbacks from the serve the consumer in their concerns. This also can
consumers use as a tools of advertising products offered that
 to expand its market area helps the consumer knows more and what benefits
 to achieve increase of growth rate in sales they can get in consuming the products.
 to deliver good and relevant services
 to forecast possible treats and benefits 3.7 Marketing Program
3.3 Financial Objectives Katipunan Pharmacy marketing program is
comprised of the following approaches to pricing,
 to increase profit margin distribution, advertising, and promotion, and
 to stablish stability of increase in sales customer service.
 to be more profitable
 Pricing. this will base on a per-product
3.4 Target Market retail price or not exceed to the price given
to the government regulation.
Health is very important nowadays and medicine is  Distribution. direct-to-customer will be
one of the necessities of human. According to use in this approach.
Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA), 29,035 total
 Advertising and Promotion. The
target market of Katipunan Pharmacy in the age of
pharmacy will use the social media by
15 and above. More than 50% of it target market
making their own page in spreading
4|P a g e
awareness about their product’s offered. growth and then you can get the sales forecast after
This is a wide range of advertising that the implementation of the plan.
helps a lot to promote their product in a
Ex. 15-44 yrs. old have 5% average market growth
wider area.
and have 60% total profit share
 Customer Service. The pharmacy will train
their personnel on dealing customer and Computation;
reading prescribe medicine and develop
their skill on how to deal in different P900,000 x 60% = 540,000 x 5% =27,000
customer behavior.
P540,000 + P27,000 =P567,000(total sales)
3.8 Marketing Research P567,000 x 5% + P567,000 = next year growth
Katipunan Pharmacy is located less accessible than The direct cost of sale is the cost of goods sold. To
their main competitors, but this is not a hindrance get the DCS, you need to deduct the possible profit
for their business to be more profitable. Katipunan to the total sales.
Pharmacy earn the customer loyalty not just
because of their good quality of products and DOH provides the markup price for all health
services but also because of their popularity and related products. Only 5% to 10% allowed with
strong reputation in serving the local consumers. accordance to the law. In this case we assumed that
They build their name for over 11 years in operation all the products of katipunan Pharmacy has 10%
that gives it an edge to their competitors. It markup price, that 10% markup is the one we use
provides their consumers a lot of variety of as a profit.
products that their main competitors can offer. The
Pharmacy is not just building the name of its own
profit = total sales x 10%
but also for the people of Katipunan as it brings the
DCS = profit – total sales
name of municipality.

4.0 Financials
This section will offer the financial over view of
Katipunan Pharmacy related to marketing activities.
Katipunan Pharmacy will address sales forecast,
expense forecast, and indicate how these activities
link to the marketing strategy.

4.1 Sales Forecast

This sales forecast shows the Katipunan Pharmacy
estimating sales in the future to help them for the
decision making. There are lot of groups in Table 2.1,
as you can see instead in listing it all, we comprised
them and make it two groups to make it more
relevant to the reader.

Annual Sales Forecast

Sales forecast is important to identify the profit
margin and see how the plan affects the margin.

To calculate sales forecast, assuming that the

pharmacy sales have 75,000 pesos per month or
900,000 a year, get the total sales contribution of
each target market to the total annual sales. After
getting their total sales contribution add the
additional percentage from their forecasted market
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4.2 Expense Forecast

The expense forecast helps the management of Katipunan Pharmacy to establish a good information
for a better implementation of the marketing plan. This will be the guide for the management in step
by step process in implementing plan.

Katipuna Pharmacy should identify which should be done first and what would be the proponent of each
proposed plan with the corresponding budget.

We assumed that that advertising campaign cost P2,500 including the promotion and advertising the
vacancy needed for the proposal.

Other plan doesn’t need to have a budget because it only cost effort by the management.

Marketing Expense Budget

In implementation of the plan you need to come up with the budget for the realization of the plan.

By reading this marketing expense budget table, the management can have a views on how can the plan
affects the profit of the business.

The lower the percent of sale the better as shown in the table. The contribution margin shows the sales
deducted all the expense including the cost of goods sold. The contribution margin/sales percentage is
the percentage of what is the contribution of the expenses to the sale.

Percent of sales =TS and ME /TS (table 4.1) x 100 CM/sales = CM/TS (table 4.1) x 100

Contribution margin= TS (table 4.1) –cost of sales (table 4.1) –TS and ME

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5.0 Controls
 Forecast possible budget and expenses
The marketing plan will be the guide of Katipunan
before come up with the plan to avoid
Pharmacy management to stablish more efficient
waste of time and effort.
and effective services towards their core customer.
The following areas will be monitored to measure

 Revenue: monthly and annual

 Expense: monthly and annual
 New time of service development
 New-hired personnel

5.1 Implementation
In order to accomplish each of indicated programs
in the milestones (Table 4.2), the management
should allocate budget and should be on time as
indicated individually. Approved by:
5.2 Marketing Organization
The manager will be responsible for all activities
regarding marketing programs. The Head
Pharmacies/Owner will serve as guide of the flow in Proprietor

5.3 Contingency Planning

Difficulties and Risk

 Insufficient resources
 Lack of knowledge in marketing
 Already-stablished competitors
 Changes in environment
 Consumers buying behavior


 Come up with contingency fund

 Do further research regarding on
marketing activities
 Innovate and continuous update on trends
 Maintain good services

Worst-case risks

 Determining that the business cannot

support changes. To realize all the plan for
the future the firm must come up or
prepare a budget. This is the worst case
because even if the business stablished
plan to come up with a solution in every
difficulties and risk if the organization has
no budget the plan will be nothing.

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