CFD Modelling of Dust Dispersion in A Room-And-Pillar Mining Area

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230 Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 59, Nos.

2/3/4, 2016

CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar

mining area

Yoginder Paul Chugh*

Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering,
Southern Illinois University Carbondale,
1230 Lincoln Drive, Engineering Building,
IL 62901, USA
*Corresponding author

Vijaya Kumar Kollipara

Vogt Power International,
13551 Triton Park Blvd., Suite 2000,
Louisville KY 40223, USA

Abstract: This paper presents dust dispersion characteristics in a room-and-pillar

mining face area using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling and
tracking of dust particles without sprays operating. CFD use was validated with
a published exponential decay behaviour experimental data. Simulations were
conducted for two continuous miner cuts; each involving box and slab cuts.
Particle size distribution (PSD) of in-mine dust samples collected from
continuous miner wet-scrubbers was used for simulations. The dust particles
ranged from 0.5–44 µm. Data analyses were focused on PSD and dust particle
tracks in different vertical and horizontal planes downwind of the cutting face.
The coarser particles (~> 5 µm) settled quickly under gravity, while the finer
particles (~< 1 µm) stayed suspended and travelled long distances. Dust
concentration varied from roof to floor with finer particles near the top and
coarser particles near the bottom. The results were used as a validation for the
concepts underlying the Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC)
innovative spray system. Additional improvements were also identified for dust

Keywords: CFD modelling; coal dust control; particle size; dust concentration;
SIUC innovative spray system.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Chugh, Y.P. and

Kollipara, V.K. (2016) ‘CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar
mining area’, Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 59, Nos. 2/3/4,

Biographical notes: Yoginder Paul Chugh is currently working as a Professor

in Mining Engineering and Mineral Resources Department at the Southern
Illinois University, Carbondale. He specialises in rock mechanics and strata
control, production engineering in coal mines, mine subsidence and coal dust
control. He received his PhD from Pennsylvania State University in 1971.

Copyright © 2016 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 231

Vijaya Kumar Kollipara received his PhD from Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale in 2015. He has five years of experience on application of CFD in
mine dust control. He is currently working as a CFD engineer.

This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled

‘CFD modeling of dust dispersion in mine airways’ presented at United States
Mine Ventilation Symposium, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, 13–16 June 2010.

1 Problem definition, goals and objectives, and solution approach

Coal and quartz dust control is a major issue in underground coal mines. Prolonged
exposure to excessive respirable-size coal and silica dusts can lead to coal workers
pneumoconiosis (CWP) and silicosis. Over the last six decades, US Bureau of Mines
(USBM), National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Dust Control
Generic Center of NIOSH, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), and other
industry and academic institutions have performed research to control dust and to reduce
workers’ exposure to dust. However, NIOSHs Coal Workers’ X-Ray Surveillance
Program (CWXSP) data from 1970–2009 indicates (National Institute of Occupation
Safety and Hazard, 2011) an upward trend in the prevalence of CWP and progressive
massive fibrosis (PMF which is – a complex form of CWP) since 2000. MSHA dust
database analysis (Joy, 2012) for the period 1995–2008 concluded that the current quartz
dust control exposure standard does not ensure safe exposure level to the mining
personnel all the time and recommended separate standards for coal and quartz dust
concentrations. A study by Epidemic Intelligence Service Program, Center for Disease
Control and Prevention (Laney et al., 2012) suggested that there was an increase in CWP
among US coal miners that is associated with exposure to excessive amounts of
respirable crystalline silica.
Mine Safety and Health Administration (2014) passed the new dust regulation
reducing the respirable dust concentration limit from 2.0 mg/m3 to 1.5 mg/m3, and free
silica from 100 micrograms to 75 micrograms. These standards will present challenges
for several coal companies and negatively impact production and productivity. Therefore,
there is need to modify the current engineering controls and develop new concepts for
dust control to assist coal companies to meet new standards. Toward this goal, this
research focuses on studying coal dust dispersion characteristics in underground mines.
The overall goal is to develop recommendations that will help protect coal miners’
health through reduced exposure to coal and quartz dusts. This is achieved through
appropriate design and development of engineering controls, which requires scientific
understanding of coal dust properties and dust dispersion characteristics under ambient
flow conditions. The specific research objectives include:
1 perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of dust dispersion away from
the face
2 analyse and compare the PSD and dust particle tracks data between box-cut and
slab-cut operations for two different CM cuts
232 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

3 use the above data for the development and analysis of the engineering controls for
coal and quartz dusts.
Dust dispersion in the face area is influenced by the airflow distribution and this is
particularly true for the respirable dust (< 10 µm). Dust particles can remain airborne and
travel long distances with airflow. Basic understanding of dust dispersion, particle
trajectories and settlement characteristics in coal mines are not well understood.
Therefore, an understanding of the dust dispersion in the face area is required to design
engineering controls that will wet the dust, and monitor and control the air quality that
can recirculate to worker locations.

2 Scientific discussions

2.1 Continuous and discrete phase modelling in CFD

Solution to the dust control problem requires a consideration of both fluid flow and
discrete particles flow. Continuous phase considers fluid flow only, whereas discrete
phase analyses solid dust particles and/or water droplets dispersed in fluid (air) flow. In
general, the continuous flow field is analysed first followed by injection of large numbers
of particles and analysis of the particle movement trajectories in the defined domain.
Particle motion trajectories are analysed from time integration of Newton’s second law,
in which all relevant forces can be incorporated. The solver calculates the continuous and
discrete phases alternatively until both phases have converged and are in a state of
equilibrium. However, an important assumption made in this study is that discrete phase
has no influence on the continuous phase.
Fluid flow is represented mathematically by Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches. In
the former, fluid flow is treated as a continuum and properties are monitored at a location
fixed in space and time. In the latter approach, fluid flow is treated as discrete and
properties are monitored at a location moving in space and time. In two phase flow, the
continuous phase is always treated by the Eulerian approach solving Navier-Stokes and
energy equations, whereas the discrete phase is treated by either Lagrangian or an
Eulerian approach. The Lagrangian approach is used when the volume fraction of the
discrete phase is small (ANSYS FLUENT recommends it to be < 10%). Coal dust
particles were tracked by the Lagrangian approach. Thus, Eulerian-Lagrangian approach
(ANSYS Inc., 2014) was used in this study.
Particles once injected at the inlet can exit the computational domain with or without
interacting at physical boundary. To determine the particle fate at the boundary, FLUENT
software provides the following boundary conditions (ANSYS Inc., 2014):
1 Reflect: particle rebounds off the boundary back into the domain.
2 Escape: particle is terminated from the computational domain.
3 Trap: same as the escape condition but the mass enters the adjacent cell when the
particle changes its phase to vapour (e.g., evaporation and combustion).
As particle phase change is irrelevant in the current study and particle re-bounce was
assumed to be negligible, so escape boundary condition is more appropriate choice for
this study.
CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 233

2.2 Particle motion theory

The trajectory of a particle is predicted by integrating the balance of forces acting on it
which is based on Newton’s second law. The momentum equation (ANSYS Inc., 2014) is
written as:

du p g x ( ρ − ρp )
= FD ( u − u p ) + + Fx (1)
dt ρp

up particle velocity (m/s)

u fluid velocity (m/s)
FD(u – up) drag force per unit particle mass (m/s2)
ρ fluid density (kg/m3)
ρp particle density (kg/m3)
gx acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
Fx additional acceleration term (m/s2).
Equation (1) states that the inertia of the particle is equal to the sum of the forces acting
on each particle. The first two terms on the right hand side of the equation are drag and
gravitational forces. The last term (Fx) is an additional force term, where FLUENT allows
the user to include additional forces such as virtual mass, pressure gradient, Brownian,
lift and thermo-phoretic. Here dust particles are assumed to be spherical and thus drag
force is assumed to follow spherical drag law below (Fox et al., 2004).
18 μ CD Re
FD = (2)
ρ p d ρ2 24

μ molecular viscosity of fluid (kg/sec. m)

CD drag coefficient
Re Reynolds number
ρp particle density (kg/m3)
dp particle diameter (μm).
Virtual mass and pressure gradient forces are neglected as these forces are important
when the ratio of fluid density and particle density is greater than 0.1 (ANSYS Inc., 2014;
Ren et al., 2014). In this study, the ratio is only 8.04e-04. Thermo-phoretic forces are also
neglected since the fluid temperature is a constant. Brownian forces are also neglected for
the same reason. They are significant in laminar conditions and for ultra-fine (< 0.1 µm)
particles (Hinds, 1999), but the minimum size of the particles simulated in this study is
0.5 microns. Therefore, based on the above argument and previously published studies on
dust dispersion (Toraño et al., 2011; Ren et al., 2014), it was hypothesised that only
gravitational force, drag and lift are significant here. Dispersion of particles is highly
dependent on airflow patterns and turbulence eddies generated within the domain. So, the
dispersion of particles caused by the turbulence of continuous flow was modelled using a
234 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

‘Stochastic Random Walk’ (ANSYS Inc., 2014) model. This model includes the effect of
instantaneous turbulence velocity fluctuations on the particle trajectories using stochastic

3 Southern Illinois University Carbondale developed spray system for

continuous miners

In the current spray systems, the major problems are interaction among different spray
cones, associated loss of energy (pressure loss), and inappropriate spatial location of
sprays. Collectively, all these problems create ineffective hydraulic curtains to wet and
control the dust. The Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) developed spray
system overcomes these disadvantages through improved spacing between sprays, spray
angles, and spatial distribution of sprays shown in Figure 1 (Chugh et al., 2015). Each of
the developed spray concepts are briefly discussed below.
Figure 1 SIUC innovative spray system (see online version for colours)

Cutter boom (CB) sprays are located about 0.15 m behind and on the top of the cutting
drum. These wet the dust generated near the source-where the cutting bits come in
contact with the face. Second line of defence (SLD) sprays, a new concept, are located
about 0.05 m above the current location and direct the spray at an angle of 40 degrees
upward towards the face to wet the dust that escapes the conventional CB sprays. These
sprays are designed to increase the dust capture efficiency near the source. Side cutter
boom (SCB) sprays are located on both sides of the cutting head to wet the dust escaping
from the sides of the cutting drum with the sprays towards the face. Bit ring (BR) sprays
are located on both sides of the cutting head to wet the dust between the cutting boom
head and collection pan with the spray direction towards the floor.
CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 235

The third line of defence (TLD) sprays are located 5 m behind the cutting drum and
on the top and side of the CM chassis. They create a hydraulic curtain over the central
part of the CM chassis to control the un-wetted dust that escapes near the face and
scrubber suction inlets and the dust which requires additional wetting. The purposes of
TLD sprays are:
1 carry the sprays mist with the fresh incoming air from the end of the line curtain
(LC) towards the cutting face
2 create an additional line of defence for wetting the dust particles
3 increase the contact time between water droplets and dust particles.
Coal dust wettability tests show that increased (Chugh et al., 2015) contact time increases
the wetting of dust particles. The fourth line of defence (FLD) sprays are located on the
back end of the CM to shield the dust that escapes toward the haulage unit operator
(HUO) and their primary purpose is to protect the HUO.

Figure 2 Plan view of a room-and-pillar mine (see online version for colours)

Note: CMO – continuous miner operator, HUO – haulage unit operator.

4 Description of CFD model development

A typical 2D physical model (blowing type ventilation system) with LC and

scrubber-integrated CM beyond the last open cross-cut (LOXC) is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3 shows the CM cuts simulated in this study. Table 1 describes each model and
distance between the cutting face and the LOXC (DLOXC). Based on the width of the
entry, box-cut is made on the right side of the entry and slab cut is made left and parallel
to the box-cut mining the remaining width of the entry. The distance between the end of
LC and back end of the CM (DEB) is maintained constant at 1.52 m. The entry height in
Illinois basin coal mines range from 1.82–4.27 m. Width (W) and height (H) of the entry
are kept constant at 6 m and 2.43 m, respectively. The ratio W/H is critical for airflow
236 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

distribution in the face area and future studies are being planned to simulate W/H ratio in
the range 1.42–3.3. DLC1 (distance between the end of the LC and adjacent coal rib in an
entry) is fixed at 1.2 m and DLC2 (distance between start of the LC and adjacent coal rib
in LOXC) is fixed at 1.52 m.
Figure 3 2D layout of different simulated models (top view) (see online version for colours)
CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 237

Mine layouts and CM specifications modelled were physically realistic. The length,
height and width of the CM are 10.7 m, 1.52 m and 3.5 m, respectively. Figure 4 shows
the 3D view of the CM constructed in ANSYS Design Modeler along with dimensions.
The diameter of the drum is 1.37 m and is assumed to be in the horizontal position. The
scrubber has five suction inlets (two on scrubber side, one in centre of CM and other two
are on operator side) and one discharge outlet. The scrubber exhaust discharges at an
angle of ~45 degree towards the return (plane parallel to the floor).
Table 1 Description of simulated models

Model 1 DLOXC = 3 m, Straight initial box cut

Model 2A DLOXC = 6 m, Straight deep slab cut (scrubber off)
Model 2B DLOXC = 6 m, Straight deep slab cut (scrubber on)
Model 3 DLOXC = 9 m, Straight deep box cut
Model 4 DLOXC = 9 m, Straight deep slab cut
Model 5 DLOXC = 15.24 m, Straight deepest box cut
Model 6 DLOXC = 15.24 m, Straight deepest slab cut
Model 7 DLOXC = 24.4 m, Straight deepest box cut
Model 8 DLOXC = 24.4m, Straight deepest slab cut
Model 9 DLOXC = 12 m, Cross-cut right mined straight box cut
Model 10 DLOXC = 12 m, Cross-cut right mined straight slab cut
Model 11 DLOXC = 15.24 m, Cross-cut right hole through box cut
Model 12 DLOXC = 15.24 m, Cross-cut right hole through slab cut
Model 13 DLOXC = 12 m, Cross-cut left mined straight box cut
Model 14 DLOXC = 12 m, Cross-cut left mined straight slab cut
Model 15 Same as model 5, CM drum rotating @ 60 rpm
Model 16 Same as model 5, CM drum rotating @ 60 rpm and ram car

Figure 4 3D modelled CM – isometric, plan and side views (see online version for colours)
238 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

4.1 Boundary conditions

For the continuous phase, each model was run twice. In the first run, mass flow rate of
13.7 kg/sec was specified at the intake and zero static pressure at the return. In the second
run, pressure (static and total) values calculated from the converged first run were defined
as the new boundary conditions. This approach was used to analyse the variations in
intake and LC air volume and pressure distribution in the face area due to the CM
scrubber operation. Fan boundary condition was specified at the scrubber exhaust. Air
properties including mass density (1.26 kg/m3), atmospheric pressure 104.2 MPa, and
viscosity (1.82 × 10–5 kg/m-s) were used corresponding to mining depth of 244 m.
Surface roughness of 0.07 m was specified for roof, floor and coal walls and 0.03 m for
the CM.
Once continues phase is converged, dust particles of concentration 250 mg/m3 are
released from the cutting face similar to the dust generation during the CM cutting
process. There is no definite concentration value that can be used since it is highly varied
by factors such as by cut-type, cut volume, scrubber on/off time and mine ventilation
conditions. However, value of 250 mg/m3 was calculated based on the coal volume
mined (Alam, 2006). PSD of injected in-mine dust was based on analysis of dust samples
collected from several CM wet-scrubbers. The particle sizes ranged 0.5–44 µm. The
above range was normalised to the respirable range (< 10 µm) since that is important for
the engineering controls (Figure 5). Escape boundary condition was used for walls.

Figure 5 Particle size distribution used for discrete phase (see online version for colours)

Note: Boundary condition – dust recovered from CM scrubber.

4.2 Assumptions
The following assumptions were made during continuous phase analysis:
1 steady state conditions
2 uniform and single component (normal) inlet velocity
3 no slip and shear conditions at the roof, floor and side walls
CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 239

4 no temperature gradient
5 incompressible flow
6 CM is a simple assemblage of blocks
7 DLC1 and DLC2 are constants
8 CM cutting drum is in horizontal position and is not rotating.
Discrete phase modelling assumptions included:
1 steady dust injection rate at the face
2 dust particles are spherical
3 no particle-particle interaction
4 no electrical and thermo-phoretic forces
5 uniform particle injection at the cutting face
6 no dust deposition on side and roof walls
7 no re-suspension of particles into air-stream
8 no influence of discrete phase on continuous phase
9 CM cutting drum is in horizontal position and not rotating
10 no ram car present.

4.3 Solution and data analysis methodologies

The 3D steady-state, double precision, pressure-based solver with segregated
approach was used. Realisable k-ε viscous turbulence model with standard wall functions
was used for closure of the Reynolds-stress terms. For accuracy, second order upwind
discretisation was used for all variables with SIMPLEC for pressure-velocity coupling.
Convergence residuals were set to 1 × 10–4 for all parameters. Once the continuous phase
converged, dust particles were introduced into the computation domain. Since it was
assumed that discrete phase has no influence on continuous phase, the convergence of
continuous phase was also considered valid for discrete phase (ANSYS Inc., 2014).
Analyses were primarily focused on PSD of dust at a spatial location and dust particles
tracks. PSD of dust data was plotted at different vertical and horizontal planes downwind
or a way from the cutting face. This data would help to improve design and strategic
locations of engineering controls.

5 Application of CFD validation using dust dispersion studies

The CFD results were first compared with field experimental data of Bhaskar (1987). The
study performed dust dispersion experiments at the Lake Lynn Laboratory of the USBM.
A straight rectangular drift of cross-section 2.1 m × 5.5 m × 507 m (Figure 6) was used to
keep the flow conditions simple with no disturbances. The objective of their experiments
was to measure the dust concentration in the airway and dust deposition on the floor
240 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

along the length of the drift. Six experiments were performed with pulverised dusts from
two different coals [semi anthracite (SA) and bituminous (B)] for three different air flow
velocities (0.838 m/sec, 1.585 m/sec, 1.838 m/sec).

Figure 6 A schematic of airway showing dust measurement points (see online version
for colours)

Source: Bhaskar (1987)

For each experiment, dust was injected at one end of the drift. Dust concentration and
deposition were sampled along the centre of the airway at 10 to 13 locations, each about
30 m apart. However, cross-sectional sampling (with 12 grid points) was performed at
three locations only. Care was taken to ensure isokinetic sampling. Dust was sampled
gravimetrically with nucleo-pore filters and constant-volume flow pumps. Dust was
injected into the drift by a fluidised bed-type trickle duster that released dust from four
points across the face cross-section. Total dust concentration, respirable dust
concentration and dust deposition data were plotted as a function of airway distance.
Input air velocity, dust concentration and physical properties of dust used are given in
Table 2 with particle size distribution shown in Figure 7.
Table 2 Coal dust characteristics

Velocity Input concentration Coal Mass density

(m/sec) (mg/m3) type (kg/m3)
1 0.83 276.56 SA 1,567
2 0.83 265.79 B 1,400
3 1.85 148.00 SA 1,567
4 1.85 166.80 B 1,400
5 1.53 191.15 SA 1,567
6 1.53 139.98 B 1,400
Source: Bhaskar (1987)
CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 241

Figure 7 PSD of semi-anthracite (SA) and bituminous (B) coal (see online version for colours)

Particle size distribution


Percent Passing

80 SA
60 B


100 10 1 0.1
Particle size (mm) - Log scale

Source: Bhaskar (1987)

Model validation studies were performed for all experiments and are plotted in Figures 8
to 13. Overall, CFD results are in reasonable agreement with the field data.
1. CFD results show that dust concentration of particles decreased exponentially along
the length of the drift. The decay rate is high within 46 m of the injection point
indicating rapid fallout of coarser particles, which represent a major portion of the
dust concentration mass. Beyond this dust concentration further decreased
exponentially up to about 240 m distance.
2 Beyond 240 m of drift length, dust concentration continued to decline in the CFD
model and the mathematical model developed by Bhaskar (1987). However, it was
relatively constant in the field experiments.
3 The sharp drop in the concentration at the first measurement point in all experiments
is attributed to:
a air velocity was not uniform until the second measuring point
b some amount of dust dropped at the dust release point before becoming airborne
c dust was injected at the inlet face at only four locations which are symmetrical
in both horizontal and vertical directions.
4 In the CFD and mathematical models, dust was injected uniformly from all cells at
the face. Therefore, sudden drop in dust concentration would not be observed.
5 For experiments 4 and 6, CFD under-predicted the experimental data by about
10%–30% after 140 m. However, overall results are in reasonable agreement.
6 For each experiment, an exponential decay function was developed based on the
CFD data. The dust concentration values were normalised with respect to the
maximum value injected at the face. The generalised dust concentration equation has
the following general form.
Cn = A e− Bd (3)

242 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

Cn is the normalised duct concentration

d is the distance travelled by dust particles from the point of injection
B coefficient ranges 0.006 to 0.008 with the average value of 0.0066
A coefficient ranges 81.5–91.44 with the average of average 87.2.
Using the average values of A and B, equation (3) is written as below
Cn = 87.2 e−0.0066d (4)
The regression coefficient (R-squared) value for all experiments was greater than
0.98. The coefficients A and B are more dependent on air velocity than particle
specific gravity.
7 Therefore, the input data and forces on particles used in CFD seem appropriate. The
analysis can be further improved by including the effects of collision, re-suspension
and moisture content. It was concluded that CFD modelling can be used to study dust
dispersion characteristics in room-and-pillar mining layouts.

Figure 8 Validation of CFD modelling (see online version for colours)

Note: Results – experiment 1

Figure 9 Validation of CFD modelling (see online version for colours)

Note: Results – experiment 2.

CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 243

Figure 10 Validation of CFD modelling (see online version for colours)

Note: Results – experiment 3.

Figure 11 Validation of CFD modelling (see online version for colours)

Note: Results – experiment 4.

Figure 12 Validation of CFD modelling (see online version for colours)

Note: Results – experiment 5.

244 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

Figure 13 Validation of CFD modelling (see online version for colours)

Figure 14 Particle tracks plan and-isometric-views (model 3) (see online version for colours)

6 Results and discussion

Dust Particle Tracks-Model 3 (DLOXC = 9 m, Straight Deep Box Cut): Figure 14 shows
dust particles tracks with spheres of different colours referring to particle diameter. Data
shows majority of the dust particles follow airflow patterns and are being sucked in by
the scrubber or floating around the CM. Coarser particles settle out by gravity and fine
particles remain suspended in the air. However, a small portion of fine particles settle
faster than coarser particles depending upon adverse turbulent conditions in the
face area. A few particles remain suspended in the recirculation (RC) zones that increase
their residence times. Thus, persons exposed in RC zones can be exposed to
higher-than-average exposure. For example, RC in Zone 8 can expose the HUO to high
dust concentration. SIU developed sprays system has attempted to mitigate this through
addition of FLD sprays that are spatially oriented to direct dust away from the HUO. In
Zone 5, dust particles travel back to the face area. This is controlled in the SIU developed
sprays through TLD sprays, which are placed 4.9 m behind the cutting drum and 1.0 to
1.5 m behind the scrubber suction inlets. Similarly, fine dust particles near the roof level
around the cutting drum are controlled by SLD sprays. The designed sprays system is
CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 245

strategically (Chugh et al., 2015) placed on the CM chassis to control the dust at different
locations downstream of the cutting face. The dust particles depicted in this research
provide a reasonable validation for the correctness of location of different sprays and
lines of defence for dust control in the SIUC designed spray system (Chugh et al., 2015).
• Dust particle tracks-model 5 (DLOXC = 15.24 m, Straight deepest box cut):
Particles tracks for Model 5 are shown in Figure 15(a). The scrubber exhaust
phenomenon or SEP (scrubber pulling back its own discharged air back into the face
area) is clearly depicted here. SEP occurs primarily due to scrubber discharge angle
and its location with respect to entry sides. Dust particles from the scrubber exhaust
are being carried all the way back to the face area (see Zone 8) increasing the dust
concentration levels there. The presence of TLD and FLD sprays (SIU designed
sprays system) can control the dust particles moving back towards the face area.
• Dust particle tracks-model 6 (DLOXC = 15.24 m, Straight deepest slab cut):
Figure 15(b) shows that the dust particles around the face are being pulled in by the
scrubber suction inlets. However, the scrubber exhaust creates a large RC Zone
exposing the HUO to high dust concentration. Some of the dust particles seem to roll
back towards the continuous miner operator (CMO). The roll-back may become
more important once the sprays on the top of the CM are operating. However, TLD
spays located 4.5 m behind the cutting drum may help control these dust particles
being rolled back towards the CMO.
• Dust particle tracks-model 7 (DLOXC = 24.4 m, Straight deepest box cut):
Figure 16(a) shows absence of SEP in this model. Airflow is streamlined at all
locations expect at the RC zones created by the scrubber exhaust. As compared to the
other models, the presence of SLD, TLD and FLD sprays tend to control these
particles within the face area and increase the potential to wet them before they
escape toward the last open crosscut.
• Dust particle tracks-model 16 (same as model 5, CM drum rotating @ 60 rpm and
ram car): Here the cutting drum is rotating and ram car is in LOXC with particle
tracks shown in Figure 16(b). Due to the ram car presence, there is considerable
change in airflow distribution and dust dispersion. The rotation of the cutting drum
creates extra turbulence near the face and it is controlled by SLD sprays which are
oriented at higher angles behind the chassis sprays. FLD sprays in this scenario are
particularly helpful as most of the dust particles are passing around the ram car.
• PSD of coal dust away from the face: The number of particles in different vertical
planes (parallel to the face) away from the face to the return location for model 3 is
shown in Figure 17 and similar trends were found for all models simulated. The PSD
curve tends to flatten out as particles travel away from the face indicating the
dropping out of particles due to gravitational forces. However, at a few locations (for
example at 12.1 m away from the face) the number of particles is more than the
number of particles injected. It is a clear indication of RC zones, where particles
rotate at the same location increasing particle numbers. Similarly, PSD data were
also plotted at several horizontal (parallel to floor) planes and the results are shown
in Figure 18 for Model 3. Data shows that fine particles tend to stay suspended near
the roof while the coarser particles settle down due to gravity. The SIU spray system
has also been designed for high mining areas (Chugh et al., 2015) where sprays are
246 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

oriented at higher angles and operate at higher pressures to wet the dust particles
suspended along the roof level. These newly developed spray system concepts are
flexible and can be modified based on mine specific conditions.
• Scrubber inlet suction efficiency: Scrubber inlet suction efficiency is still an
unknown and subject to debate. An attempt was made to calculate the amount of
respirable dust sucked in by the scrubber for the simulated models without turning on
water sprays. The data was calculated as the percent of the injected dust
concentration at the face sucked in by the scrubber. In model 3, about 6% of the dust
is sucked in by the scrubber and this is slightly increased for models 5 (6.9%) and 7
(8.8%). However, the scrubber sucks in a large amount of dust (17%-Model 6) for
slab-cut operation as compared to the box-cut operation (6%-Model 5). The above
simulation may not relate to physical situation since the dust concentration out of the
box-cut is lower than in the slab-cut mining because the dust is confined and gets
wetted much better before it comes out of the box-cut. Drum rotation does not have
significant influence on scrubber inlet suction efficiency. It should be noted that
these observations could change once water sprays on the CM are turned on.
Figure 15 Particle tracks – plan view, (a) model 5 (b) model 6 (see online version for colours)

(a) (b)

Figure 16 Particle tracks – plan view, (a) model 7 (b) model 16 (see online version for colours)

(a) (b)
CFD modelling of dust dispersion in a room-and-pillar mining area 247

Figure 17 PSD at different vertical planes away from the face (model 3) (see online version
for colours)

Figure 18 PSD at different horizontal planes above the floor (model 3) (see online version
for colours)

7 Concluding remarks

The specific objectives include:

1 perform CFD analysis of dust dispersion away from the face
2 analyse PSD and dust particle tracks data between box-cut and slab-cut operations
for two different CM cuts
3 develop and analyse the engineering controls for dust control.
248 Y.P. Chugh and V.K. Kollipara

The study results indicate the following.

1 CFD modelling of dust dispersion away from the face area has been reasonably
validated and can be a good foundation for future studies. Dust dispersion
concentration follows an exponential decay curve similar to that found in field
experimental studies.
2 PSD data clearly show that coarser particles settle quickly by gravity while finer
particles stay suspended and travel over long distances.
3 Layering of dust particles occurs from roof to the floor with finer particles at the top
and coarser particles at the bottom.
4 Particle tracking data is very helpful to identify RC and SEP zones, develop data on
scrubber efficiency, and to identify needs for engineering controls.
5 Dust particle tracks developed in this research provide a good validation for the
concepts underlying the SIU innovative spray system. These data also identify
changes needed for strategically distributing the sprays on the CM.
6 The concepts and locations of SLD, TLD and FLD sprays are justified based on the
dust particle tracking data.
7 Studies on the effects of operating sprays on the CM to understand dust dispersion
characteristics are needed. The interaction between water droplets and dust particles
also requires further study.

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