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ECG Patterns

R-R interval  Heart Rate

P-R interval  (Beginning of P wave and beginning of QRS complex)  Time for
excitation of SA node  AV node  Bundle of his  R&L Bundle Branch 
 Normal (3-5 small squares)
 Shortened P-R Interval  Atria depolarized near AV node or
abnormally fast conduction from atria to ventricles
QRS Complex  Time for ventricles excitation (3 small squares)
 Widened QRS complex  conduction abnormality

Small Complexes  Pericardial Effusion

Tall R wave  LVH

12 Lead ECGs
6 Standard Leads
Lead I II VL  Lateral surface of the heart
Lead III VF  Inferior surface
Lead VR  Right Atrium

6 V Leads
V1 V2  Right ventricle
V3 V4  Interventricular Septum & Anterior wall of left ventricle
V5 V6  Anterior wall and lateral walls of left ventricle

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