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Mob: +93 332 397 8899
Skype: kamranwfp

July 16, 2019

Dear Madam / Sir,

Re: Vacancy Announcement M&E Officer

Dear Madam / Sir,

I would like to be considered for the position mentioned above advertised on With 18 years’
plus experience in progressively responsible roles in programme planning, management,
implementation and monitoring, and having an academic background in Rural Development I have the
requisite knowledge to be an asset to your esteemed organization.

For Seven years (Nov 2008-Jul 2015), I have served The United Nations World Food Programme in the
capacity of Provincial Focal Point for Livelihoods and Disaster Risk Reduction/ Management
components. I have been handling a number of tasks ranging from, programme development planning,
monitoring, implementation, coordination, capacity building of staff, partners’ identification and
selection, representing WFP at clusters and working groups, to handling three large emergencies. 2011
onwards I performed as provincial focal point (activity in charge) for the implementation of livelihood
component using food, cash and vouchers and transfer modalities.

During 2010 flood emergencies I worked as programme focal person at Sukkur for running a huge relief
operation in partnership with the local, national and international NGOs. While in 2011 rain floods
performed as programme focal person for southern districts of the Sindh Province. Similarly, during
2012 worked a focal person for relief operation in Jacobabad, Kashmore and Shikarpur districts.

Apart from relief and early recovery operations, I have worked as Nutrition and Health focal person for
Sindh province (November 2008 to December 2010) with an additional responsibility of managing and
implementing WFP/ FAO joint EU food facility project in the food insecure districts of upper and lower

While working with LASOONA – Society for Human and Natural Resource Development, a Swat Based
National NGO I did manage several projects as Team Leader/ Project Manager and performed the
responsibilities of Program Manager Monitoring and Evaluation with main major tasks to support the
M&E unit and develop project proposals and concept notes for donor agencies. Lesion with donor
agencies and representation of organization at different forums were some other tasks I accomplished
during that tenure.

Currently I am serving a national NGO, HUJRA in the capacity of Programme Advisor, responsible for
supporting and capacitating MEAL, R&D and implementation units. My major tasks include the
development of departmental and staff ToRs, support R&D unit in developing project proposals,
identifying and mapping donor agencies, provide technical support to implementation unit in projects/
programme implementation and reporting including organization annual reports, assistance M&E unit in
developing a functional monitoring, evaluation and reporting system, coordinate with donor agencies on
provincial and national level to build productive linkages and good working relationships, explore
funding opportunities and project organization at various forums, build capacity of the staff in relevant
disciplines including logical frame work approach (LFA), proposal writing, foods security, livelihoods,
disaster risk reduction (DRR), result based management (RBM), assessment and baseline surveys etc,
take lead in reviewing and refining policy and strategic documents projecting organization, and annual
planning as well as to develop long term plan for organizational sustainability.

I have also served The Worldwide Fund for Nature Pakistan for five years in the capacity of
"Conservation Officer". During this tenure I was mainly responsible for efficient and timely
implementation of different biodiversity conservation projects including Northern Areas Conservancy
Project (NACP), Mountain Areas Conservation Project and Kurambar Valley project. Writing abstracts of
the activities undertaken, generate monthly and quarterly progress reports, coordinate with relevant
stakeholders, developing conservation plan, managing field offices in Astore, Aliabad (Hunza) and Immit
(Ghizer) were some other major tasks I performed.

Here are some glimpses of my professional work.

Activity In Charge Livelihoods (Cash for Work/ Food for Work) – Planning and Orientation.
Being provincial level activity in charge of Cash for Work and Food for work components, remained
active part of the Early Recovery (ER) planning; conducted and facilitated meetings with different
provincial ministries, Provincial Disaster Management Authority, Relief Department, Sindh Irrigation and
Drainage Authority etc. for response strategy formulation. Conducted orientation sessions for national
and international non-governmental organizations on ER strategy and proposed interventions for
developing project proposals. Conducted preliminary reviews of Cash for Work (CFW) and Food for
Work (FFW) proposals and budgets submitted by different I/NGOs and presented cases to the Pre
Project Review Committee (PPRC) for provincial level review and endorsement. Based on Country Office
annual plan, prepared biannual and monthly operational plans for CFW/ FFW projects and share with
M&E unit. On behalf of WFP co-chaired provincial level Food Security cluster and Cash Working Group
meeting on regular basis.

Focal Person for Nutrition and Health Interventions

As focal person for Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and Promoting Safe
Motherhood interventions in Sindh, kept close liaison with Project Implementation Unit Department of
Health, UNICEF, implementing partners and WFP Country office for planning, implementation and
resource allocations. Kept regular contact with Country Office for getting updates oil shipments for
Health interventions, Wheat Soya Blend (WSB), Acha Mum, Wawa Mum. Performed joint monitoring
and verification visits with UNICEF and Health Department to assess effectiveness of the interventions
and get beneficiaries feedback. Conducted health facilities verification exercise for availability of
equipment and facilitated a number of donor/ management missions to field. Conducted visits of CP’s
stores to check commodities movement records and quality of commodities and report infestation cases
to WFP logistics.
Training and Reviews
Conducted annual and mid-term reviews of Promoting Safe Motherhood, Food for Work and Cash for
Work component to assess the progress, efficiency and effectiveness of the interventions implemented.
Conducted training/ orientation sessions for Cooperating Partners (CP) on WFP Early Recovery response
strategy, implementation modalities and reporting protocols. Organized consultative workshops to
revise work norms for early recovery rehabilitation interventions in the context of Sindh province.

Coordination with CPs and WFP Support Units

Participated in fortnightly coordination meeting with partners to review progress, operational issues and
challenges faced by partners. Kept close liaison with logistics to ensure timely delivery of food
commodities to partners, address issues related to pipeline breaks and commodities near to expiry.
Coordinated with finance and NGO coordination unit for timely processing of FLAs, addendums and
payment requests etc. Regularly informed M&E unit on distributions/ disbursement and provided
updates for monthly narrative reports. Led evaluation team in carrying out performance assessment of
Cash / Food for work partners on periodic basis.

Review partners’ financial and progress reports

Reviewed and verified partners' activity plans, monthly and terminal narrative reports, Commodity Call
Forward, Distribution Plans, Monthly Food / Cash Distribution Reports (MDRs/ MCDRs) and invoices for
Food/Cash for Work, Promoting Safe Motherhood, CMAM, Vouchers Programmes. Reconciled invoices
with waybill summary, MDRs and daily distribution/ disbursement figures.

Acting Head of Sindh Programme

In the absence of Head of Programme, performed his duties to oversee WFP operations in Northern and
Southern Sindh. Reviewed and signed staff appraisals for the year 2011, participated in Head of Units
meetings , signedaround 700 Monthly Distribution Reports (MDRs) and invoices in 2011 and 2012.

Cluster Meetings
Co-chaired a number of provincial/hub level sectoraland thematic working groups and Food Security
Cluster (FSC) meetings on behalf of WFP. Represented WFP Sindh in a Shelter, Health and Nutrition
Clusters and a attended a number of provincial level consultative meetings.

Programme Development Manager and Team Leader

Worked as Team Leader and Programme Development Manager for four (4) years with a National NGO
“LASOONA” and implemented four (4) livelihoods/ rehabilitation projects. Developed around 15
proposals out which 6 were funded by the donor agencies.


 Announced as outstanding programme staff for the year 2011 and 2012 by WFP Provincial
Office Karachi.
 Received appreciation certification form “LASOONA” as beast team leader for the year 2006 and
considered as outstanding performer among theProgram Assistants in 2010 and 2011 by WFP
Chief Provincial Officer Sindh (See appraisal attached).

Yours faithfully,
Mohammad Kamran
Skype: kamranwfp

Cell: +92 332 3978899

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