Statement-Response: GPP 1 Unit 19: Key Point 55

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GPP 1 Unit 19 : Key Point 55

- I like ... .
- (Yes,) I like ..., too/as well.

- I don't like ... .

- (No,) I don't like it, either.
Meat pork
fruit lamb
vegetables cabbage
fish apples
chicken bananas
beef French fries
wine coffee
tea beer

GPP 1 Unit 30 : Key Point 90

- It’s ...!
- Oh no! I won’t be able to ... this afternoon.
rain / play golf cloudy / go to the beach
snow / go for a walk freezing / work in the garden
foggy / go climbing

GPP 2 Unit 25 : Key Point 73

Have students note down five interests they have. Look at someone's list and
choose an item. I like sports. Look enquiringly at the student to elicit the response:
SO DO I So do I.
- I like/enjoy … .
- So do I.

- Jean enjoys … .
- So does (Jacques).
Live go dancing
work play tennis
study go on vacation
Ask students to think of five things they don't like doing. Repeat the procedure
NEITHER DO I above to elicit: Neither do I. Establish that this means you agree with the
- I don't like/enjoy –ing.
- Neither do I.
have a … go to …
work in … believe in …
study … use …
want to … spend time ….
hope to … get to work by ...

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GPP 2 Unit 11 : Key Point 32

- Can you remember ... ?
DON'T WORRY - I'm afraid not.
THAT'S NO PROBLEM - Don't worry. / That's no problem.

your credit card number your PIN code

the expiry/expiration date when you last used the card
your mother's maiden name where you put the card

APP 1 Unit 5 : Key Point 13
NICE TO MEET YOU What's your name? (My name's … . Nice to meet you.)

- Hello. My name's … .
- Nice to meet you, … . I'm … .
- Nice to meet you, … .
Demonstrate an alternative formal greeting.
HOW DO YOU DO? Good morning. I'm … . How do you do? (How do you do? My name's … .)

Introduce two students to each other, using full names.

THIS IS … . …, this is … from (Microsoft).

- …, this is … from (Microsoft) in (Chicago).

- How do you do, ... ? Nice to meet you, … .
- How do you do, ... ? Nice to meet you, … .

Use RS4B to give students new identities. Make the situation more realistic by
having students actually come into the room and then be introduced.


APP 2 Unit 10 : Key Point 30 – DVD Scene 13

SHOULD(N’T) - I have a problem. (I'm very tired).
- I think you should/shouldn't ... .

If appropriate, introduce
- I don’t think you should … . as another option for “you shouldn’t.”

tired lost important contract

not enough money have to lay off 50 workers
too much work have to close one branch of company
don't like boss

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APP 1 Unit 5 : Key Point 13
Business cards Resource Sheet 4B

Laura Mappa Steve White
Wolf Microtech

Bob King Sandra Fen

Carter Canon

Pierre Leffe Tim Bell

Dixon Lex River

Sarah Kelly Tom Bossman

Baron SmileCom

Dick Dole Anna Pik

Flex Products Vertech

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