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Emirates Interview & Assessment Guide Emirates Pilots Assessment in Dubai After your online application successfully past the screening, you will be invited for the Emirates Pilot Assessment in Dubai. The assessment process for direct entry captains and first officers is the same, except the “Simulator LOFT Screening’ after day 3 (Stage 2) which is only required for direct entry captains. In the beginning all applicants will be split up into groups of three or four people. The main reason is the order in which you will go to the simulator. Day 1 (Stage 1) + Welcome briefing with information about Emirates + Simulator briefing and screening + Advanced Compass Test * 30 Multiple-Choice ATPL-Questions At the end of the day, all candidates will be notified if they have successfully past the “First Stage” of the assessment. Day 2 + Psychometric tests + HR-briefing about terms and conditions of working for Emirates and the process of joining the company Day 3 (Stage 2) + Assessment centre exercises + Personal interview At the end of the day, all candidates will be notified if they have successfully past the “Second Stage” of the assessment. Day 4 (Stage 3) * Applicants will undergo a pre-arranged medical appointment at the Emirates Clinic and City Hospital. Day 1 (Stage 1) - Emirates Simulator Screening Example SIM-Session (Time 20-30 Minutes): 1. Take off — Rwy 12L Visual right hand pattern up to 2.500 ft AGL NO AP/FD/AT MAP MODE on ND 45 sec from threshold 12L tum base Configure A/C and tum final Landing 2. Take off —- Rwy 12L ENG Failure at V1 NO AP, but you will have AT Clean Up ATC, ECAM actions, Checklist, FORDEC, Briefing Coming back for LDG — Radar will be US Intercept SHJ-VOR Radial 295 outbound and call established Radar vectors ILS 12L At minimum — no contact — go around As the go around is established - End of screening Use CRM. Use your PNF and use your company SOP’s In the pre-briefing they will suggest pitch and power settings. During the first pattem try feeling the simulator. Attitude and speed for climb, level flight and descend as well as thrust and trim settings. You will have crosswinds during the whole session. Remember your HDG on final. This will help you for your ILS. To use the MCP the PNF will set what ever you ask for. (HDG, IAS, ALT, VOR/LOC, APP and VS). On your ILS you will have FD in APP-Mode. AP will only be available in level flight. The PNF will also provide you with V1, V2, VAPP and VREF speeds. You can handover controls to the PNF if the A/C is trimmed properly. Call airspeed, HDG and attitude during handover. Briefings: Departure Briefing Emergency Briefing Approach Briefing Single-Engine Landing and Go-Around Briefing You can use the ABCD-Check: A: ATC clearance B: Brief your action plan C: Checklist - (Before T/O Checks) D: Departure - Confirm clear for T/O For the Go-Around: At “Minimum” — RWY not insight - Command “Go- Around” Push TOGA button ” Call “Go-Around Thrust — Flaps . At positive climb — Call “Gear Up” At 400 ft — Call “HD G-Mode” At 1000 ft - Call “Flaps Zero Speed” — “LVL CHANGE-Mode” At Flaps Zero Speed — Call “Flaps — Zero” and “After T/O Checklist” Important: For all briefings during flight hand over the controls to your PNF !!! Don't forget FORDEC during your Emergency Don't forget to run the normal checklists Don't forget to inform the Cabin-Crew Good Luck !!! 4.6 kg of a special variety of fruits are 23 eures. How much kilograms do you get for 18 euros? Answer: a Apply 160 + 178 + 26 = ? Day 1 (Stage 1) - Advanced Compass Test Series Pilot Aptitude - Mathematics Test (24 exercises in 20 minutes) Mathematics Test is all about brief aviation-related calculations and estimation tasks. Speed, distances and time are the variables a pilot has to take into consideration with nearly every decision he makes. Perform quick and accurate calculations or considerate estimations to approach a series of mathematical problems. (See pictures above) NEW DATA Et Prat) oo) 189289 Det zr) CETL ANSWER SCREEN Pilot Aptitude - Memory Test Memory Test assesses short-term memory and tolerance for stress. A 'New Data Box’ briefly introduces sequences of altitude, speed, heading and radio information. Test takers have to reproduce the readings into an ‘Answer Screen’ shortly after. (See picture above) 2 Ans Pilot Aptitude - Orientation Test Orientation Test addresses spatial orientation skills, stress tolerance and capacity for sustained attentiveness ina multiple-choice approach. A static grid shows several aircraft in different attitudes and headings around a center beacon. A relative bearing indicator (RBI), an artificial horizon and a compass provide flight information that applies to one of the aircraft shown in the grid. Orientation Test requires its takers to find and name the aircraft in the grid the instruments relate to. (See picture above) NEW INFORMATION AUTOPILOT SETTINGS rrr reo Tr Pere Speed or) Pilot Aptitude - Task Management Test Task Management Test is an approach to test whether applicants are prepared to deal with multiple tasks simultaneously and still efficiently. Task Management Test compiles two concurrent tasks. The primary task requires test takers to enter incoming new information into an autopilot interface. The coeval secondary task is to respond to (cancel) visual alert signals that will surface at random intervals. (See picture above) Pilot Aptitude - Multiple Control Test Mutiple Control Test assesses information management strategies and coordinative capacities. Presented with a basic cockpit instrument panel test takers are asked to adjust attitude, airspeed and yaw angle simultaneously and continuously to maintain a given trajectory and target values. (See picture above) Psychometrics - Diagrammatic Series Diagrammatic Series is a logical reasoning test that requires its takers to recognize a continuation scheme in a series of symbols. Diagrammatic Series task is to continue a given series of symbols maintaining the logical continuation scheme applied to it. (See picture above) 868080 Colca - OGmop a 6 Psychometrics - Diagramming Diagramming is a logical reasoning test. Objective of Diagramming is to apply commands that indicate changes in symbol columns and deduce the resulting column arrangement. You are presented with a reference column that compiles a set of symbols in vertical arrangement. Each symbol is assigned to an operator that indicates either a change inthe respective symbol or a change in the arrangement of symbols within the column. Right hand of reference column you are presented with a set of multiple-choice columns. (See picture above) For your preparation we recommend: ToPilots GmbH - Airline Preparation The ToPilots GmbH provides a complete assessment training to prepare for your Emirates selection including the SkyTest® Preparation Software SkyTest® Preparation Software SkyTest® Preparation Software for Middle East Carrier Screenings is a comprehensive software preparation suite for pilot screenings hosted by Middle East and pan-Asian airlines. The software features 18 comprehensive training modules to prepare applicants for aptitude and psychometric tests they will be asked to take at the screening sites Emerging market carriers and Middle East airlines in particular are growing their fleets fast and report strong demands for experienced air crews and motivated fight students. The airlines offer attractive career prospects but will only consider applicants who meet their high employment requirements and qualification profiles. Aptitude screening methods and psychometric tasks candidates will face in the assessment-centers of emerging market and Middle East airlines are similar to the admission tests used at esteemed flight schools, which have shown to be among the most complex in the global aviation industry and require a sound preparation. Day 1 (Stage 1) - ATPL- Questions Questions asked during the interview and on the ATPL-Quiz (30 multiple choice questions): To deepen and refresh your aviation knowledge we recommend reading the following books: + A.C.E.—The Technical Pilot Interview - ISBN-10: 0071396098 + Pilots Reference Guide - ISBN: 3-00-016686-6 + Handling The Big Jet - ISBN-10: 0903083019 Here are some question examples: Question: A deep stall is often a characteristic of what type of aircraft? Ansver: Deep stall is a dangerous condition that affects certain aircraft designs, notably a T-tail configuration. In these designs, the turbulent wake of a stalled main wing blanks the horizontal stabilizer, rendering the elevators ineffective and preventing the aircraft from recovering from the stall. Question: A direct entry to a holding pattem is made from? Ansver- Sector 3 Question: A forward or aft C o Gis more efficient? Ansver: Aft, because this reduces tail plane force which reduces aerodynamic drag. Question: A Katabatic wind is one which side? Ansver: Itis a local valley wind that flows down the side ofa hill. Question: A question relating to the C of G and the center of pressure? Ansver: A rearward C of Gis the best therefore the Centre of Pressure must be forard of the C of G Question: A sea breeze is a wind that? Ansver: Occurs during the daytime, usually between midday and afternoon on hot sunny days, when the land heats up quicker than the sea. Question: According to the rule even / odd, flying in the direction 220 degrees, what is the minimum flight level flying in RVSM airspace? Ansver: FL 300 Question: An anabatic wind is one which? Ansver: Blows up a steep slope or mountainside. It is also known as an upslope flow These winds typically occur during the daytime in calm sunny veather. Question: Anti Ice fluid properties? Question: Are standard holding with left or right turns? Ansver: Right Question: ASDA = TORA + what? Ansver- Stopway Question: At night, the minimum required exterior lighting for an aircraft in flight is? Ansver: An unobstructed red and green light. An unobstructed white light. An airplane in flight or operating on the maneuvering area of a land aerodrome shall display, in addition to the navigation lights, an anti-collision light consisting of a flashing red light. Question: At what levels can windshear occur? Ansver: All levels i.e.: LowLevel Mid Level & High Level Question: AT what point do you use Anti Ice / De-Ice protection? Ansver- 10 to -40°C SAT Question: Besides using the scale, where can you measure distance on a Jeppesen chart? Ansver: You can use the lines of longitude. Question: Buy ballots law states that? Ansver- Buys ballot's lawis if you stand wth your back to the wind in the northem hemisphere, the low pressure (temperature) will be on your left. N. B. In the Southern Hemisphere the lowtemp/press will be on your right. Question: Calculate density altitude for the following field XXXX temperature XXXX etc. Question: Can an increase in clearway increase MTOM? Ansver- Yes Question: CG location in relation to center of pressure? Question: Clearway will increase/decrease MTOM, and increase/decrease V1? Ansver: A cleamey at the end of the RWY will increase your RTOW in the same vey as if there was an obstacle close to the RWY one would have to reduce RTOW/A cleamey will have no effect on V1. Question: Define the two major types or Drag. Ansver- Profile and induced drag, which equals total drag Question: DME range at FL350 is approximately: Ansver: 5x G/S = ROD required for a 3 degree slope. Question: During the day the ionosphere is lower that at night therefore a lower frequency is required to travel the same distance at night? Question: During what months would you expect fog in Dubai? Ansver: In the winter months from November to April. Question: Effect of ice on stall speed? Ansver: Ice accumulated on aircraft surface will contribute to more weight and drag, which will increase stall speed. Question: Effect of weight on stall speed? Ansver- Weight increases so does the stall speed. Question: ETOPS certification is based on? Ansver: An operator is granted permission to operate a twin-engine aircraft type on flights, which the aircraft is more than 60 minutes away from a suitable aerodrome in the event that the aircraft suffers an engine failure. Reliability is vital wth ETOPS flights; operators wshing to benefit from this extended range with their more economical tuo- engine aircraft have to showthe regulating authorities they have sufficient and proven resources to monitor and maintain their ETOPS fleet. They have to have approved airframes, systems and power plants and operate on approved routes using specified adequate aerodrome. Question: Explain speed stability. Ansver: It's the behavior of the speed after a disturbance at a fixed pover setting Question: For a 2 engine aircraft what are the retum airfield requirements i.e.: How far do you require and adequate A/D to be? Answer: The airport must be within 60 min SE airspeed unless the company has ETOPS Approval. Question: Fora CAT1 Approach what are the minima? Ansver: 200’ & 550’RVR Question: For a given speed, how does your rate of descent vary with weight? Ansver: An increase in veight will increase your rate of descent and vice versa. Question: For planning purposes, normal diversion fuel must be calculated? Ansver: At Long Range Cruise. Question: For the same engine, what is the difference between NI and thrust when the engine is taken from a sea level field to a hot and high airfield? Ansver: N71 and thrust decrease. Question: High bypass turbofan engines are uses on commercial aircraft because...? Ansver: The overall noise signature of advance turbofan engines with highly loaded wde chord fan blades is significantly less than previous older technology engines. Ansver: Fences, vortex generators Question: How does a forward center of gravity affect the stall speed? Ansver- A center of gravity forward of the center of pressure wil cause a higher stall speed Question: How does a negative pressure relief valve work? Question: How does INS/IRS find true north? Ansver: Itis aligned to true north by its gyroscopes. Question: How does temperature affect the LSS? Ansver: As temperature decreases, the local speed of sound (LSS) decreases Question: How does Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption vary with an increase in altitude? Ansver: Decreases, so the TSFC is "lower’ at higher altitudes" Question: How far must the takeoff alternate aerodrome be? Ansver: A 1-hour flight at cruising speed wth one engine operative Question: How high is the screen height for a jet aircraft? Ansver: Screen height for a jet aircraft in dry conditions 35ft Question: How is RVR reported? Ansver: Reported at up to 3 points on the runvey, at the touch down point, at the mid point, at the stop end. Question: How is wind shear detected? Ansver: Windshear is detected by identifying a difference in wind direction and speed or temperature betueen tuo places, or identifying certain weather phenomenon, e.g., cumulonimbus clouds, that give rise to possible windshear conditions from weather reports. Question: How is your rate of descent varying with weight? Question: How many % to be considered a contaminated runway? Ansver: 25% Question: How much runway do you have left (in Meters) when RWY centerline lights turn solid red? Ansver: 1.000 ft. (305 m) Question: How would you deal with a fire on a cabin seat? Ansver: Use BCF to extinguish the flame, and water to stop smoldering. Question: Ice has formed in the upper and lower levels of the wing, what can we expect to happen? Ansver: Increase the stall speed and maneuverability of the airplane decreases. Question: Ansver: Respect the local procedures established for each country Question: If we have a RA in flight, what should you as pilot do? Ansver- Followavoidance maneuver and inform ATC Question: If when flying at 39000' you found the Static outside air temperature to be -47.5°, the deviation from the International Standard Atmosphere would be? Ansver: ItsA+9 (-56.5 compared to -47.5 = 9 degrees varmen Question: If you lengthen the clearway, what will that do to V1? Ansver- Decrease Question: If you're flying and we know we're going to get into an area of turbulence, what we do? Ansver: Secure the cabin, set turbulence penetration speed and keep the attitude. Question: If your static port gets clogged with ice on descent, your altimeter will? Ansver: Overread Question: IFR and RVSM flight levels? Ansver- * 0°-179° Magnetic Track - odd numbers * 180°-359° Magnetic Track - even numbers Vertical Separation: 1000 ft. up to FL290 2000 ft. above FL290 in non-RVSM airspace and only 1000 ft. in RVSM airspace in all levels. Question: In a jet engine compressor section? Ansver: The compressor, which rotates at very high speed, adds o the airflow, at the same time squeezing it into a smaller space, thereby increasing and temperature Question: In takeoff performance, the first segment of the climb is? Ansver: The segment of takeoff, climb from screen height to gear up. An airplane must be able to climb without ground effect at a speed of V2 airborne and in this configuration, wthout landing gear retraction, achieve a gross gradient of climb, which is positive for two-engine airplanes. Sequence of takeoff speeds? Ansver: V1,Vr,Vmca,V2 Question: Stopway increases ASDA/TORA/TODA ? Ansver- A stopway will increase ASDA because you have more rv to accelerate and then stop. It will have no effect on TORA. It will increase TODA. Question: Stopway increases ASDA/TORA/TODA? Ansver: ASDA Question: Taxiway lightning consists of? Answer: Taxiway lights consist of green center line lights, blue at the edges lights. Question: TCAS works on/uses? Ansver- TCAS interrogates the SSR transponders of nearby aircraft to plot their positions and relative velocities. With this information, the TCAS computer can determine if a potential collision risk exists and if so, provide visual and aural warning as vell as command actions on howto avoid the collision. This is done all with vertical commands only. Question: The center of Lift moves? Ansver: The distribution of pressure and center of pressure point will be further forvard the higher the angle of attack and further aft the lover the angle of attack. Question: The effect of extending flaps is to? Ansver: The runway lights, how many meters remain until SOLID red from the White and red? Ansver 600 meters Question: The transponder code for radio failure is? Ansver: 7600 Question: The transponder setting for hijacking is? Ansver- 7500 Question: Three ingredients are needed for the formation of a perfect cumulonimbus cloud? Ansver- + Plenty of moisture + A mass of warm unstable air. + A source of energy to lift the warm, moist air mass rapidly upward. Question: Tire temperature prior to T/0 depends on what factors? Ansver- Outside air temperature, Aircraft weight, Taxi time, Amount of braking. Question: Two aircraft are approaching head on tum, which way do you turn to avoid a crash? Ansver- To the right Question: Unbalanced runway performance limitations require that with one engine failed at V1, the aircraft can be brought to a stop? Ansver-

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